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Perseverance suggests praiseworthy and enduring patience Perseverance 表明值得赞扬的、坚持到底的耐性(褒义):“Great works are performed,not by strength,but perseverance” (Samuel Johnson).“伟大的作品不是靠力量而是靠毅力来完成的” (塞缪米·约翰逊).insistence 中性名词 n.坚持;强调;竭力主张;坚决要求[U][(+on/upon)][+that]We resent your insistence that the debt (should) be paid at once.我们对你执意让人立即偿还债款的要求感到气恼.the government"s insistence on a price freeze 政府坚持冻结物价

表示坚持不懈为什么用persistance 和perseverance 而不是insistance

instance 负面的意思

一篇材料英语作文题目perseverance and success

It take a lot to achieve success,for ezample,madam juli had took thousands experiments finaly found the factor, aidisen had tried 1600 materials invented the lamp . these facts told us if you do songthing with perseverance,you will success at last .你都没有写什么要求啊,所以随便写了几句

Perseverance is a kind of quality and that is _______ it takes to do anything well.为何不选D呢?请

Perseverance is a kind of quality and that is _______ it takes to do anything well.A. what B. that C. which D. why选项是A.因为在and这个并列句中that用作主语,what=the thing which/that,what既要充当系动词is的表语又要充当takes的宾语,所以选what。

patience and perseverance是什么意思

patience and perseverance 耐心和毅力;耐心与坚忍;耐心与毅力例句筛选1.Patience and perseverance are required in emancipation from bad habits.摆脱坏习惯需要耐心和毅力。2.Practice, patience and perseverance. And you have to enjoy losing face.练习、耐心和恒心。而且你要热爱丢脸。

英语作文“perseverance and success”

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all." - Dale CarnegieI"ll venture to say that perseverance is one of the most valuable qualities you have to obtain success in any field. And the really great thing about perseverance is that you don"t need a university degree, or any complex training to make use if this tool. You HAVE the requirements to reach success using this tool.Perseverance rarely does not result in success. No matter in what area you have goals, if you keep "keep on trying" as Mr Carnegie suggests you will reach success.In reality, perseverance is something you were born with. Learning to walk, to talk, to write required perseverance. And the result was success.It"s worthwhile to consider that you can be active, but not move forward. When you don"t move forward, you will not reach success. Think back to when you learned to ride a bicycle. For most of us, it took more than one attempt to get the hang of it, but we persevered, and that resulted in success, in that we could ride the bicycle.The key in developing perseverance means taking small steps, resulting in small achievements, ultimately resulting in success with your objective. Think of building a jigsaw puzzle, one piece is added at a time, and eventually you have the finished picture.Perseverance often means learning something new, in order to reach your ultimate goal, which is great. Why? Investing in your knowledge is never a waste - you may be able to utilize your new skills and knowledge to enable you to advance in some new area.If you want to make more sales, you get out and see more prospects, one at a time.Perseverance will not be without setbacks. The key is to learn from the setback, then continue forward. Do not dwell on it. Take the lesson, and move forward, and on to success.As Mr Carnegie said, "people who have kept on trying" - that is the key to achieving success in any area you want.




Once upon a time, there was a foolish old man who lived near two enormous mountains. Determined to create a better living environment for future generations, he began to remove the mountains, one shovel at a time. Many people laughed at him, thinking it was an impossible task. But the old man remained steadfast in his determination, working tirelessly day after day. Eventually, the gods were moved by his perseverance and determination and decided to help him. They sent down mighty gods who carried away the mountains, fulfilling the old man"s dream. This story teaches us the power of perseverance and determination in overcoming seemingly impossible obstacles.

关于坚持 On Perseverance的英语作文

 Behind every great achievement in anyone"s life lies perseverance. We see this in every human endeavour. Outstanding sportsmen spend all their time practising. Their endurance is beyond imagination.   The same is true of businessmen who build up fortunes. What we usually see are their achievements, but once we go behind the scenes we will find that they have put in a lot of continual steady efforts. We all have read of great musicians, writers and inventors who have created or discovered breakthroughs in human achievement. Invariably they have said that they owe all their success to perseverance. As to college students, quite a big number of then, have become successful language learners through perseverance, however, a certain group of then, just stop half way and their previous efforts turn out to be fruitless.全文参考英语写作文网:




perseverance有【四】个音节英 [pu025cu02d0su026a"vu026au0259r(u0259)ns] 美 [,pu025dsu0259"vu026aru0259ns]一个单词里一个元音就表示一个音节,这里有四个元音,所以就有四个音节。如果我的回答对你有帮助,请及时采纳,谢谢!


Perseverance火星探测器发射升空,其任务是寻找火星上潜在的可居住环境的迹象。Perseverance在承接美国此前的火星探测任务(检测火星上的水、有机物等)的同时,它也将搜寻火星上生命存在或曾经存在的证据,并将储存样本,等待搭乘未来的火星探测器返回地球。 为了实现这些目标,“Perseverance”配备了许多创新技术,以确保发射成功,在火星恶劣的气候下生存,并在2021年初登陆火星后顺利开展寻找生命迹象的艰苦工作。 1. IT WILL CARRY A TINY HELICOPTER 如果没有“朋友”的帮助,Perseverance是不可能登上火星的。根据IEEE的一篇Spectrum文章表示,火星车的腹部首次携带了火星直升机。如果一切按计划进行,它将成为第一架在另一个星球上进行动力飞行的飞机。 鉴于恶劣的气候和稀薄的空气,在火星上驾驶无人机将是一个挑战。在地球上简单的阵风届时都可能会成为问题,因为大气密度比地球低了1%。这也意味着人类将首次实现飞行器在其他星球的受控飞行。 文章称:“虽然如 汽车 尺寸的Perseverance的质量为1025公斤,但无人机只有1.8公斤,机身只有一盒纸巾大小。Ingenuity公司打造的双碳纤维转子相互重叠,以大约2400转/分的速度向相反方向旋转,速度是地球上大多数直升机旋翼速度的五倍。由于速度非常快,转子的外缘将接近超音速,可能会产生冲击波和湍流,使无人机几乎无法稳定。” 2. IT WILL BE AUTONOMOUS 不仅Ingenuity具有自主性,Perseverance也将同样可以利用我们在地球上使用的自动驾驶 汽车 的相同技术。 据美国宇航局称:“工程师们赋予了Perseverance比其他任何一款火星车更多的自动驾驶智能,使它能够在一天的运行中覆盖更多的地面,而不必等待地球上的工程师发出指令。”根据任务的长度计算,这种快速的速度可以帮助完成更多的科学任务。快速穿越能力将帮助航天器更有效地 探索 月球、火星和其他天体。” Perseverance的高级自主性是可能实现的,因为其两台计算机上搭载了一系列传感器和机器学习算法,可以帮助它穿越最崎岖的地形。 3. LASERS ARE LOOKING FOR LIFE 地质学家十分关注Perseverance。为了寻找微生物及各种生命迹象,它还搭载了一台1064nm的远程激光诱导击穿光谱(LIBS)和光谱仪来检测岩石和土壤。 据美国宇航局称:“超级摄像机(SuperCam)可以在20英尺(约7米)外发射激光,这将帮助研究Perseverance甚至比铅笔尖还小的岩石目标。” 激光之所以有帮助,是因为它能清除灰尘,并帮助获取更清晰的目标视野,从而获得更精确的数据。 4. IT HAS A TURRET ARM TO DRILL 另一种方法是,Perseverance利用其7英尺长的机械臂收集样本和数据。就像人类有活动关节的手臂一样,Perseverance也能够使用工具,从而“在岩石中提取岩芯,拍摄显微图像,分析火星岩石和土壤的元素组成和矿物组成”。 这只手,或称其为“turret”,能够携带科学相机,甚至包含了一个特殊的传感器,以防止机器人错误接触表面,减少损坏的机会。 5. IT WILL BE BROADCASTED Perseverance就是要把火星“带到你身边”。飞船和机器人将配备23个摄像头,这比 历史 上任何一次星际飞行任务都要多。一旦2021年初火星上的Perseverance返回降落,这些相机将帮助工程师和研究人员了解到那未知世界的景观。原始和处理的图像将可以在任务网站进行查看。

近义词辨析 perseverance 和 persistence

perseverance 意思是“毅力, 忍耐, 不屈不挠”,强调有信心做成某事;persistence意思是“坚持, 毅力”,重在固执地坚持到底。如:Although he"s less talented, he won by sheer dogged persistence. You need perseverance to win in politics and I doubt if he can go the distance.

persistence perseverance区别


请问persistence 同perseverance有咩分别?

Persistence 只是说一件事在不断的发生,没有一个人怎样的费劳力、心机或精神,而通常所需的时间较短。例如,有个上门推销员每天都敲你们,结果在第四天你帮他买了产品,你可以算是被他的persistence屈服了。又或,你打电话给朋友一直都接驳不到,但到你打第十次的时候终于成功了,那你可以说是你的persistence令你驳得到线。 Perseverance 的时间较长,也要付上劳力或段练。例如,一个运动员每天三时便起床去跑步,过了两年的时间,由无名的一个成为体育巨星,你可说是他的perseverance去令他得到现今的地位。 From Yahoo Dictionary : Persistence = 1. 坚持;固执 The old man"s persistence annoyed me. 那个老人的固执使我恼火。 2. 持续;持久 The persistence of the heavy rain hampered the flow of traffic. 持续的大雨阻碍了交通运行。 Perseverance = 1. 坚持不懈;坚忍不拔[U] By perseverance the crippled boy learned how to swim. 那个跛足的男孩通过不屈不挠的努力学会了游泳。 基本上两个字系同义字Synonym 不过 Perseverance多用作不屈不挠 意志坚强 努力不懈 有positive d o既意思. Persistence就中性d 解持久; 甚至好似yahoo第一个解释o既例子 有负面意思 解固执. 参考: yahoo dictionary myself




perseverance是一个英语名词,它的含义是毅力,韧性,不屈不挠的精神。perseverance的一般用法:1、perseverance指的是一种锲而不舍的精神,是不可数名词。2、短语:perseverance at sth 在某方面坚持不懈;perseverance in doing sth 坚持不懈做某事。双语例句1、A great example of perseverance and what it takes。是毅力和毅力必备条件的一个好例子。2、But education,perseverance,and practice will pay off。但是教育,坚持和实践有益于习惯的打破。3、perseverance is sure to lead to success。坚持不懈必定会走向成功。4、perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results。力在效果上有时能同天才相比。5、To succeed,you must ultivate excellence and perseverance。欲成大器者,必须培养卓越意识和坚韧精神。6、they might be more willing to offer career help,because your less famous schooldenotes that,like them,you are also full of energy and perseverance。他们可能更愿意提供职业帮助,因为你的学校不那么出名,但能表明你也像他们一样,充满活力和毅力。


n. 坚持不懈;不屈不挠n. 耐性;毅力


perseverance[英][u02ccpu025c:su026au02c8vu026au0259ru0259ns][美][u02ccpu025c:rsu0259u02c8vu026aru0259ns]n.毅力 ; 韧性; 不屈不挠的精神; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Perseverance is very important in achieving happiness. 坚持不懈是成就幸福的重要因素。


perseverance 英[u02ccpu025c:su026au02c8vu026au0259ru0259ns] 美[u02ccpu025c:rsu0259u02c8vu026aru0259ns] n. 毅力; 韧性; 不屈不挠的精神; [例句]My perseverance was getting me somewhere.我锲而不舍,总算有了一些进展。