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enough to句型的用法 该结构的基本形式为“形容词或副词+enough to+动词原形”,其意为“足够地…可以…” 例: He is old enough to take care of himself. 他大了,能照顾自己了。 Will you be kind enough to shut the door? 可否劳驾把门关上? 扩展资料   若enough前出现否定词,则不仅否定了enough,而且也否定其后的`不定式。   例:   He was not strong enough to do the work. 他不够强壮,不能做这工作。   He is not strong enough to lift the box. 他力气不够大提不起这个箱子。   另外,该句型有时可与so [such]…that结构转换。   例:   He is rich enough to buy a plane. 他很有钱,可以买一架飞机。   →He is so rich that he can buy a plane. 他很有钱,可以买一架飞机。   有时该句型也可与too…to句型转换。   例:   He is too young to go to school. 他太小,还不能上学。   →He is not old enough to go to school. 他还不够大,还不能上学。

