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I POD里的文件Contacts是什么意思?


mariposa 能算是西班牙语名字吗


米其林轮胎 PILOT SPORT 3 ST AO 245/45R18 和米其林轮胎 245/45R18 PRIMACY3 ST主要区别?哪个更安静?


我的oppo r15s puss开不了机了怎么办?刷机也开不了,怎么办?


求助,在商务谈判中negotiation power的正确翻译是什么

negotiation power谈判力

杀死NAND Flash,替代DRAM;3D Xpoint有这个能力吗




paste portrait from clipboard什么意思


it is possible that是什么从句

这是一个格形式主语从句,真正的主语在后面。举例说明:It is possible that you can make the world more beautiful!真正的主语就是that之后你可以使世界变得更美好。

可以帮我解决一个火狐的问题么,关于security pop-up的

这段js不兼容火狐,高手帮我个忙吧,多谢了! <script> function hideAll(...代码改了一下。 注意div的ID。 ...var obj = document.getElementById(...

Once Upon a Time in America,美国往事观后感900字

"American history" outstanding also now narrative style *** art, poetic use of chaxu perfectly embodied in this film. In the process of growth and dry noodles brothers, young, middle-aged, young and old age are callous decay overlapped together, the life dream and variation, loss and return in the front in the exhibition at the moment the audience goes, let us in the shuttle time of seeing self, like kate. The background of the American past is the emergence of various social problems caused by the rapid development of the American post-war era, and the instinct of people"s survival to challenge all kinds of limitations: family, friendship, love, betrayal and belief and so on. It seems a record of the abbreviations of life in the big cities of the United States in the 20-60 years. The story begins with the memory of the noodle. The story is always in beeen the noodles and Max entanglement, with many flashbacks and flashbacks, staggered time. First, through the hole in the wall of a pair of eyes flashed back to the distant 1921, dates back to childhood to youth noodles life experience: fascination with the girl next door; for little brother revenge and suffering from prison; a group of poor children to play practical joke in water; rob the jewelry store when the face of Carol"s violence...... 35 years, acpanied by guilt and remorse, but understanding: the past is Nanke dream of noodles. Who won? There seems to be no winner in a game of life. The music in the film, flute blowing slowly, mournful, slightly nostalgic sentiment. Starting from an unanswered phone, the hero began to look back on his life. It can be said that the noodles recall has always been guilt, regret, sore wound. Occupy the center of the scene is the memory of noodles, 35 years ago because of his mistakes or "betrayal" and his friend, the noodles gang boss Max". However, in the 35 years after him, a letter from the "past" letters but recalled him to New York, let him see the cover up the veil, this veil almost deceived his life. Even if the "Bailey minister" Max. He also refuses to admit that The case is entirely cleared., the scene 35 years ago is an elaborate good game, in front of the old friend is he took everything, including the beloved girl Deborah enemies. At the end of the film, the old noodles had returned to 35 years ago opiumparlours, he was lying in bed, quietly waiting for the answer the phone, but the phone has no sound, so he deal with the lens, a *** ile, just understand everything of remorse and pain but he always have good based on fantasy, but the reality is far more than the previous remorse ruthless. His dream was *** ashed, including the wounds and pains derived from his dream, and it was taken away from the reality. Kors has some kind of worship and fear, handsome noodles, emotion Shigeyoshi, reckless impulse, is the kind of man not bad woman does not love the protagonist, but like Deborah for his accurate cognition, "you"re just a done punk", Max played for the noodles into trouble, in after the "cause" development, tries to get Max to his noodles to him gradually but the worship of worship, with the continuous expansion of Max ambitions gradually turned into fear, always want to escape the noodles is unable to truly escape. Max is opposite the envy and control, there is no doubt that Max love noodles, because he has the ideal self to find the noodles in the body, but the projection of this ideal also brings jealousy in the noodles with Deborah or any other woman relationship, Max"s ambiguous attitude will this man jealousy beeen the performance of the obscure and clearly, so that Max and Carol and Deborah"s emotional deformity is more like a jealous after revenge, because Max would neither Aikaluo didn"t love Deborah, but just jealous as the shadow follows the form control. Black social life, bootlegging, stolen diamonds...... Everything needs wisdom, devotion, courage and cooperation. Don"t look down on it. Any practice has its advantages and reasons. Is there no harm to other people in our office building? Is it brewing in his pany? Our work is just right? Can we get or repair the influence of oneself and around to others and his side? Can we think about the back of it when we look at the front of the matter? Character is destiny, life experiences and outes of noodles and Max also but is the natural character after stream of ists and turns, the great film let us thrilling after sigh with emotion, and leave the infinite mind, like the end of the film the mysterious *** ile on the face of the noodles.

请问扬州或南京哪里有卖原装进口的Ipod touch的呢?谢谢!!!

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应该是Read It Later 不是的话用排除法,每次禁用一半扩展,排除出来 Adblock Plus Adblock plus pop-up addon 是火狐浏览器弹出窗口阻止插件。

It’s a cooking pot.” 句中动名词“cooking”是作什么成分?




英语作文.a school club poster 求作文

How to Make a School Club Flyer?The least expensive way to create a school club flyer is using your favorite word processing program. One-page flyers are easy to create and are perfect for announcing a club event. Making the headline visible from a short distance, as well as printing on bright colored paper will help draw attention. Consider adding one image to create a mood. The club flyer must include location, cost, contact information, date, time, and whether the club meeting is for a fundraiser, member drive or party.Things You"ll Need:Open a new word document and set the page margins to a minimum of 1/2-inch. Do not set the page for a bleed, as most printers cannot print to the paper edge.Create a short, catchy headline and place in the top center of the page. Include strong words such as "extra", "discover" or "free" to attract attention. Use a bold, heavy font about 54 point in size.Write details of the school club event from the perspective of the reader using "you" and "your." Use an easy to read font, such as Times. Keep your sentences short and succinct. Place the information under the headline.Use bullet points to highlight the location, date, time and cost of the school club event. Include a telephone number or contact information using a large, bold font.Use one large graphic for the purpose of the event. Place the image at the bottom right or left, allowing the copy to flow around the graphic, if necessary.Tips & Warnings Use legally obtained clip art or photos. Keep the design simple and to the point. Organize your content using borders, boxes, or areas of contrast. Proofread all information before printing. Use shades of gray or a border to add interest. Avoid using big words or providing too much information. Avoid using too many images. Do not use more than two typefaces. Avoid using the words "us", "I", "we" or "our."




很多时候,出于安全考虑我们的接口并不希望对外公开。这个时候就需要使用授权(Authorization)机制 授权过程验证您是否具有访问服务器所需数据的权限。 当您发送请求时,您通常必须包含参数,以确保请求具有访问和返回所需数据的权限。 Postman提供授权类型,可以轻松地在Postman本地应用程序中处理身份验证协议。 Postman支持的授权协议类型如下: Basic auth 基本身份验证是一种比较简单的授权类型,需要经过验证的用户名和密码才能访问数据资源。这就需要我们输入用户名和对应的密码。 案例:请求URL如下,授权账号为: https://postman-echo.com/basic-auth { } Digest Auth Digest auth是一个简单的认证机制,最初是为HTTP协议开发的,因此也常叫做HTTP摘要。其身份验证机制非常简单,它采用哈希加密方法,以避免用明文传输用户的口令。摘要认证就是核实参与通信的两方都知道双方共享的一个口令。 当server想要查证用户的身份,它产生一个摘要盘问(digest challenge),并发送给用户。典型的摘要盘问例如以下: Digest realm="iptel.org", qop="auth,auth-int", nonce="dcd98b7102dd2f0e8b11d0f600bfb0c093", opaque="", algorithm=MD5 这里包含了一组参数,也要发送给用户。用户使用这些参数,来产生正确的摘要回答,并发送给server。摘要盘问中的各个参数,其意义以下: realm(领域):领域参数是强制的,在全部的盘问中都必须有。它是目的是鉴别SIP消息中的机密。在SIP实际应用中,它通常设置为SIP代理server所负责的域名。 nonce(现时):这是由server规定的数据字符串,在server每次产生一个摘要盘问时,这个参数都是不一样的(与前面所产生的不会雷同)。“现时”一般是由一些数据通过md5杂凑运算构造的。 这种数据通常包含时间标识和server的机密短语。这确保每一个“现时”都有一个有限的生命期(也就是过了一些时间后会失效,并且以后再也不会使用),并且是独一无二的 (即不论什么其他的server都不能产生一个同样的“现时”)。 algorithm(算法):这是用来计算的算法。当前仅仅支持MD5算法。 qop(保护的质量):这个参数规定server支持哪种保护方案。client能够从列表中选择一个。值 auth表示仅仅进行身份查验, auth-int表示进行查验外,另一些完整性保护。须要看更具体的描写叙述,请参阅RFC2617。 案例 : 请求URL: https://postman-echo.com/digest-auth 摘要配置信息如下:用户名密码和上面basic auth一样 Digest username="postman", realm="Users", nonce="ni1LiL0O37PRRhofWdCLmwFsnEtH1lew", uri="/digest-auth", response="254679099562cf07df9b6f5d8d15db44", opaque="" 执行请求结果如下: { } OAuth 1.0 OAuth(开放授权)是一个开放标准,允许用户让第三方应用访问该用户在某一网站上存储的私密的资源(如照片,视频,联系人列表),而无需将用户名和密码提供给第三方应用。 扩展资料: 案例 请求URL如下:请求方式为GET,Add authorization data to设置为:Request Headers https://postman-echo.com/oauth1 参数配置为: 发送请求结果如下: { } 如果Consumer Secret错误则返回如下结果: { } 扩展资料: 各个授权协议文档 Hawk Authentication Hawk Auth是一个HTTP认证方案,使用MAC(Message Authentication Code,消息认证码算法)算法,它提供了对请求进行部分加密验证的认证HTTP请求的方法。hawk方案要求提供一个共享对称密匙在服务器与客户端之间,通常这个共享的凭证在初始TLS(安全传输层协议)保护阶段建立的,或者是从客户端和服务器都可用的其他一些共享机密信息中获得的。 案例 请求URL如下: https://postman-echo.com/auth/hawk 密钥信息如下: 执行结果: { } 如果将key改为其他任意的字符则返回如下结果: { }

polyester glass flber 是什么材料


How am I supposed to you heart

http://www.13520.org/play/0/8587/87635.htmJOMO - Break Your Heart(伤碎你的心)Like a seasoned sailor 像被日晒风吹的水手 Watching from the shore 远远望着海岸线 I saw you arriving 我看到了那归航上岸的人 And I thought once more 正是我梦中设定的情人 This could be the moment 这一刻 I"ve been waiting for 我苦苦等候了许久 This could be good fortune 也许是吉兆 Walking through my door 他推开门走了进来 First we need a meeting 首先我们需要相遇 Accidental touch 突然而至的邂逅 Something with no meaning 无意义的举止和寒暄 That could mean so much 背后也许就有深意 Isotropic passion 惺惺相惜的气场 Tension by degree 感受到能量的张力 Culminant release and 穿越子午线的爱恋 You belong to me 你是我的命中注定 Tell me 告诉我 How am I supposed to break your heart 我怎会想到伤碎了你的心When you"re running away from me? 是什么让你竟然决定离我而去 I kiss you, then you fall apart 我亲吻着你,看着你的身影在我怀里破碎 How am I supposed to break your heart 我怎么会想到竟然伤碎了你的心When you"re running away from me? 到底为什么弃我而去 All it takes is patience 也许需要更多耐心 Timing is the key 时间会解决一切 Notice that I ask you 我会问你 What you"d like from me 你到底想要什么 These are bonds of pleasure 这都是当时的欢愉欠下的债 You won"t even mind 你甚至都没有想到 You"ll be mine to treasure 我有多么珍惜你 "til the end of time 想一直陪你到世界的尽头 Tell me 告诉我 How am I supposed to break your heart 我怎会想到伤碎了你的心When you"re running away from me? 是什么让你竟然决定离我而去 Tell me 告诉我 I"ve come to do my part 我想努力扮演好自己的角色 How am I supposed to break your heart 我怎会想到伤碎了你的心When you"re running away from me? 是什么让你竟然决定离我而去 I"ve come to do my part 我想努力扮演好自己的角色 I kiss you, then you fall apart 我亲吻着你,看着你的身影在我怀里破碎 How am I supposed to break your heart 我怎么会想到竟然伤碎了你的心When you"re running away from me? 到底为什么弃我而去 Like a shapely genie 像婀娜的妖精 Set free from the glass 从玻璃瓶里被释放 It"s my turn to tell you 现在轮到我来告诉你 That you"re home at last 到家了,亲爱的Tell me 告诉我 How am I supposed to break your heart 我怎会想到伤碎了你的心When you"re running away from me? 是什么让你竟然决定离我而去 Tell me 告诉我 How am I supposed to break your heart 我怎会想到伤碎了你的心When you"re running away from me? 是什么让你竟然决定离我而去 Tell me 告诉我 How am I supposed to break your heart 我怎会想到伤碎了你的心When you"re running away from me? 是什么让你竟然决定离我而去 Tell me 告诉我 How am I supposed to break your heart 我怎会想到伤碎了你的心When you"re running away from me? 是什么让你竟然决定离我而去 Tell me 告诉我 How am I supposed to break your heart 我怎会想到伤碎了你的心

Countries tend to specialize in the production and export of those goods and services


请问assume ,suppose ,guess ,imagine有什么区别,请帮忙辨析一下,谢谢

suppose - 应该去做些什么 assume- 你估计些什么 两个词有时候可以用在同一个地方,但是词本身用的意思不同,而且很多时候用的也不一样..给你几个例子 suppose- she suppose to be the party tonight assume- she assume that she will be the party tonight 第一句就是说她应该,按照常规她应该去聚会 第二句就变成她估计她会去 当用ASSUME时给做决定的人更多更大的空间..而第一种有更多责任感包含在里面


assume多用作假设,即本来不成立的presume虽然也想象,但是更多用于说话者主观的臆测,大胆的创想suppose则比较常见,指的是通过现有的证据材料,推测,推理presuppose就不同了,指的是“预示”“预告”的意思,多用事物作主语We cannot presume theexistence of life on other planets.我们不能推定其他行星上没有生物。I assumed that he wouldnot come to attend the funeral.我猜想他不会来参加葬礼。Supposehe is absent, what shall we do?假设缺席了,我们该怎么办?


assume多用作假设,即本来不成立的 presume虽然也想象,但是更多用于说话者主观的臆测,大胆的创想 suppose则比较常见,指的是通过现有的证据材料,推测,推理 presuppose就不同了,指的是“预示”“预告”的意思,多用事物作主语


  恩,那是新疆很著名的一个街舞团体,就叫DSP!  dsp舞团个人简介及舞团历史  舞团成立于2000年12月23日,前身为新疆大学ice cream组合.组合在刚成立时  只是用一些简单hiphop动作来进行表演,经过三年的发展已经发展成一个于oldschool,  newschool为一身的,综合性的hiphop团体.现在舞团有团员11名,dsp组合成员5名.  1.斯坎旦(alex)  综合能力最全面的一个舞者,对hiphop文化有很深的了解,非常的underground.前ice cream成员.  旺韩老师的poping高徒之一,个性鲜明buggypoper.除了poping还擅长locking,breaking,house,shake,  hiphop等等.也是全国名列前某的freestyle(街头篮球)表演者之一.非常难得的hiphop天才.  2.图尔洪江(risen)  擅长locking,hiphop.在上海念书的同时常年在旺韩老师手下学习hiphop.在今年上海baleno街舞大赛中  获得第三名,雪碧杯街舞大赛获得第二名.是第一个在内地大赛中领队获得成绩的新疆人.是dsp的骄傲,  也是新疆人的骄傲.  3.伊夏(jomo)  非常有天赋的newschool舞者,拥有很好的形象,不过更为出重的是他对新事物的理解能力,和接受能力.  擅长hiphop,house,shake,poping.是那种在舞台上让人绝对放心的舞者.希望以后做事更认真一点.  4.阿里木(allen)  典型的lockingdancer,具备locking所需要的所有条件,对音乐有独特的见解.表现的舞蹈充满活力预激情.  唯一的缺点就是非常的懒,希望不要浪费自己的天赋.  5.阿伊努尔(moon)  有一年半的舞龄,虽不会经常在公众场合露面,不过risen出色的locking,hiphop已经被她完整的掌握,  相信在上大学之后可以为dsp出更多的力.  6.茹斯坛木(ross)  表现欲望超强的oldschooldancer,喜欢breaking.不过最难  得就是的涂鸦.通过的涂鸦它表现自己对hiphop文化的了解.  7.迪力(dili)  富有很强的表现力的hiphopdancer,15岁就开始和哥哥(普开)一起跳舞.前ice cream主力队员.  是新疆最好的女舞者,凭自己的努力她现在已经在上海外国语大学念书,并且在tnt crew进行培训.  相信不久我们就会在玄武堂的表演中看到她的  8.阿了卡姆(alkam)  综合能力强,hiphop是它的专场,台上总是表现得很成熟,换句话说,我们没见过他跳错动作  现在是天津nankai大学的高才生,已经在天津有了自己的hiphop学习班.  9.阿里亚(Aaliyah)  乐感非常好的hiphopdancer,有很好的表现能力,因为以前学过国标所以jazz hiphop是她的拿手好戏.  也是dsp的第一夫人:)  10.凯撒尔 (Kaysar)  最近新加入的一名成员,是以locking 为主的hiphop dancer. 有很大的潜力,相信不久的将来会有很大进步。  11.怕尔哈提 (parry)  也是不久前加入的新成员,以poping为主的dancer.很刻苦。  12.队长 普开(tony)  一个为hiphop放弃工作的无业游民,整天在家无所事事,发发此类的无聊贴子.




suppose - 应该去做些什么 assume- 你估计些什么 suppose- she suppose to be the party tonight assume- she assume that she will be the party tonight 第一句就是说她应该,按照常规她应该去聚会 第二句就变成她估计她会去

Go the post office, and turn left at the first crossing.

句意:过了邮局,在第一个十字路口向左拐。 A. go through穿过;经受;仔细检查;通过; B. go across穿过,横过; C. go past路过,经过;D. go about干(某事),着手做;四处走动; 旅行,传播,流传,流行。结合句意和语境可知选C。

Android system recovery volume up/down to move highlight power button to select



Currently,many people come to realise that interpersonal communication plays an indispensible role in our society. It is a well known fact that everyone need to communicate with each other,including students,teachers as well as business men.In the course of communication,scientist will find a good way to solve a problem which we are faced with.And it is the communicating that helps peoples" ideas be shared. In conlusion,it always benificial for people to have interpersonal communictaion,which is of great importance.


正确拼写是disappointed形容词,失望的例如It made me feel disappointed.它使我感到失望。

.The directors appointed John manager中John manager怎么是主谓关系呢,



disappointed有4个音节,音节划分为 di -sap-poin-ted。 disappointed 失望的常见释义 英[?d?spnt?d] 跟读 美[?d?spnt?d] adj.失望的;沮丧的;失意的; v.使失望;使破灭;使落空; 词典 disappoint的过去分词和过去式; 变形 原型disappoint比较级more disappointed最高级most disappointed

请问His being appoinyed as的句子结构是什么呀? beappointed as

这是动名词复合结构,his 是动名词的逻辑主语,意思是 “他被委派为(或指定为)”。

英语At the appointed hour怎么翻译?

您好,很高兴为您回答At the appointed hour意思是:在指定的时间 或译为 在约定的时间同义At the appointed time希望采纳,谢谢


appointed 有含命令的意思 designated比较口语化 ie:Please contact with your designated forwarder .


【 #英语资源# 导语】appoint有任命;委派;指定;约定等意思,同时appoint的用法也有很多,现在跟着 一起来学习appoint的用法和短语例句吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】appoint的用法   appoint的用法1:appoint的基本义是“确定,指定,约定”。可以指定某一时间或地点做某事; 可以指定某人担任某职务; 也可以指派某人做某事; 还可以把物品放在指定的地方。   appoint的用法2:appoint是及物动词,其后可接名词或代词作宾语,也可以接由动词不定式短语、“as/to be+ n. ”充当补足语的复合宾语, as和to be常可省略。appoint作“命令”(正式用语)解时还可接that从句,不过有些陈旧。   appoint的用法3:appoint的过去分词appointed常用作定语或表语,表示“陈设”。   appoint的用法4:appoint常可用于被动结构。 【篇二】appoint的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   appoint for (v.+prep.)   appoint to (v.+prep.)   appoint相关词汇辨析   appoint,designate,assign,name,nominate   这些动词均有“任命,委派”之意。   appoint 通常指不经过选择的官方委任。   designate 书面用语,侧重当权者或机构的选拔或任命,有时含强行指定的意味。   assign 常指给一群人或个人分配、分派、指派或委派任务。   name 普通用词,着重任命的结果,而不是过程。   nominate 通常指为某一公职选择候选人,并将其提交给有决定权的人作最后决定。 【篇三】appoint的用法例句   Who shall we appoint as chairperson? 我们委派谁担任主席呢?   In consideration of your extensive experience in the field, we are glad to appointyou as our agent. 考虑到你们在这一业务范围的丰富经验,我们很高兴指定你们为我们的代理。   Tyler wanted to put these men out and appoint men who would support him. Butif he did this immediately, it would split the party. 泰勒想把这些人赶出去,并任命支持他的人进入内阁,但如果他立即这么做的话,将会引起党内的分裂。   We must appoint a new teacher at once to the mountain school. 我们必须立即委派一名新教师到那山村小学去。   We will increase our turnover if you appoint us as your sole agent. 如果你方指定我们作为代理,我们将增加我们的销售量。   At home, one early test of his willingness to reunite his country will be whether hewill appoint any Democrats to his new cabinet. 在国内,有一个关于布什是否愿意重新团结整个国家的先期测验,那就是他是否会任命民主党人加盟他的新内阁。   The leaders of the House and Senate appoint the commissioners. 委员会的委员由众议院和参议院的领导人任命。   We must appoint a new teacher soon. 我们必须尽快委派一个新教师。   One possible, and highly speculative, scenario is that on his deathbed, the kingcould skip his son and appoint the princess or one of his grandchildren. 一个可能的,高度推测的剧本是,国王会越过儿子,直接指定公主或某一位孙子成为自己死后的继承人。   Be careful whom you appoint to the position of manager. 你该当心你所任命的那个经理。   We want to create a spell where we appoint English coaches and Fabio can help us enormously to bridge that gap and help that transition. 我们想要建立一个咒语那些任命的本土教练和卡佩罗可以程度上的弥补这一差距,有助于这些转变。   Unless you increase the turnover we can hardly appoint you our sole agent. 除非你方增加营业额,我们无法指定你方为我们的代理。   This started to change when the right to appoint our rulers moved from the walletto the ballot. 当把指定给统治者的权力从他们的钱袋里转移到投票箱的时候,情况就发生了变化。   I welcome the decision of the Board to appoint Paul Wolfowitz as the nextPresident of the World Bank Group. 我欢迎执董会任命保罗.沃尔福威茨担任世界银行集团下任行长的决定。   Unlike the head of the Office of Legal Counsel, the White House counsel is notconfirmed by the Senate — which means that the president can appointwhomever he likes. 白宫的法律顾问和法律事务厅的主管不同,前者不是由参议院任命的,这意味着总统可以任命任何他喜欢的人选。

第二段这里when 后面为什么可以直接跟过去分词appointed ? 不应该是But when


appointed time与set up a time区别?

appointed time 约定时间set up a time 设定时间这两个短语都是表示某个时间点,‘约定时间"是双方都确定的时间,而‘设定时间"是自己单独可以确定的时间。请采纳哟!

英语语法问题 appoint 和appointment的短语 和用法 谢谢

appoint 委任,任命,派appoint sb. to a positionappointment of sb toa positionappointment by sb. to a positionThe company"s president has appointed his son to be manager of the sales departmentThe ambassador from Canada has been appointed chairman of the UN Security Council. The appointment is for one year.The appointment of one of our classmates to the school"s supervisory board is a positive development.

appointed day中文翻译

He gave his faith that he would e on the appointed day . 他保证他会在约定的日子来。 The o appointed days ran out, three days and nights ran out, and stephen blackpool did not e, and remained unheard of . 原来讲的两天已经过去了,三天三夜也过去了,而斯梯芬布拉克普儿还是没有回来,依然渺无消息。 571 appointed day unified exchange pensation fund notice 证券及期货条例第571章指定日期-联交所赔偿基金公告 571 appointed day futures exchange pensation fund notice 证券及期货条例第571章指定日期-期交所赔偿基金公告 Factories and industrial undertakings ordinance cap . 59 appointed day under section 6ba notice 工厂及工业经营条例第59章第6ba 17条所指的指定日期公告 On the appointed day herod , wearing his royal robes , sat on his throne and depvered a pubpc address to the people 21希律在所定的日子,穿上朝服,坐在位上,对他们讲论一番。 On an appointed day herod , having put on his royal apparel , took his seat on the rostrum and began depvering an address to them 徒12 : 21希律在所定的日子、穿上朝服、坐在位上、对他们讲论一番。 And on an appointed day herod arrayed himself in royal clothing and sat on the judgment seat ; and he depvered a pubpc address to them 21希律在所定的日子,穿上朝服,坐在审判台上,对他们讲论一番。 This plan angered the saint that on the appointed day , july 15 , he sent rains , and it continued raining for the next 40 days 这个迁坟计划惹火了这位圣徒。在指定迁坟的7月15日那天,他降下雨来,一下就是40天。 The o appointed days ran out , three days and nights ran out , and stephen blackpool did not e , and remained unheard of 原来讲的两天已经过去了,三天三夜也过去了,而斯梯芬?布拉克普儿还是没有回来,依然渺无消息。 Acts 12 : 21 and on an appointed day herod arrayed himself in royal clothing and sat on the judgment seat ; and he depvered a pubpc address to them 徒十二21希律在所定的日子,穿上朝服,坐在审判台上,对他们讲论一番。 At the appointed day hundreds of car enthusiasts from all over the nation gather at a motel on the east coast starts to the west coast across the unit . . 参赛者求胜心切,各出奇谋,引起连串 *** 有趣的事件。毕雷诺士本可夺冠,但临冲线之际. At the appointed day hundreds of car enthusiasts from all over the nation gather at a motel on the east coast starts to the west coast across the united states , that is " the cannonball is on ! 香港及荷里活众星云集,为的是参加一场横跨美国的炮弹飞车大赛。参赛者求胜心切,各出奇谋,引起连串 *** 有趣的事件。 Typically , o or more such people bent on suicide will make contact via a website , get together on an appointed day and end their pves with exhaust or charcoal - stove fumes while parked in a deserted spot , perhaps facing mount fuji 一般情况下,两个以上决意要这样自杀的人会通过某个网站达成协定,再按约定时间会面,最后在荒郊野外(可能正对著富士山)一起吸入毒气自杀。 Personal data disclosed on or after the appointed day to a third party are materially inaccurate having regard to the purpose ( including any directly related purpose ) for which the data are or are to be used by the third party , and 在指定日当日或之后向第三者披露的个人资料,在顾及该等资料被使用于或会被使用于的目的(包括任何直接有关的目的)下,在要项上是不准确的;及


失望满意 satisfied




都可以第三人称单数: appoints 现在分词: appointing 过去式: appointed 过去分词: appointed 形近词: diapoint penpoint midpoint repoint outpoint 例句 It made sense to appoint a banker to this job. 指派一位银行家做这份工作是明智之举。 The commission appointed a special investigator to conduct its own inquiry. 委员会委派了一个特别调查员自行调查。 The Prime Minister has appointed a civilian as defence minister. 首相已委任一位平民为国防部长。 Do they appoint him secretary?


appointed的意思为adj.指定的,约定的;v.任命;委任;安排,确定(时间、地点),读音为英[u0259u02c8pu0254u026antu026ad];美[u0259u02c8pu0254u026antu026ad]。appointed的同义词为spokesman。短语搭配appointed store:指定 ; 指定商店 ; 特约商店 ; 商店。appointed trustee:委任的受托人。Appointed Letter:在美营运计划。appointed examiner:委任检验师。Appointed photographer:指定摄影师。newly appointed:被新任命的 ; 初任。appointed edges:指定边的。appointed staff:委任职员。the appointed:被任命的人 ; 指定。双语例句1、The longtime federal judge was appointed by president ronald reagan.这位任职已久的联邦法官是由前总统罗纳德里根所任命。2、The nlrb is an autonomous body , but its board members are appointed by the president.美国劳资关系委员会是一个自治的机构,但是它的董事会成员却是被主席任命的。3、On the appointed night a big crowd showed up.到了约定的那天晚上,来了一大群人。4、The coupmakers failed because the interim government of bureaucrats and retired soldiers they appointed did a rotten job.政变者的失败是因为他们指定的临时政府的官僚主义者和退役士兵做了一件恶劣的工作。5、Mr chen even appointed the current prosecutor-general.现任检察总长还是陈水扁任命的。

its too late to apologize是什么歌、

应该是one republic

“It is too late to apologize”这是哪首歌里面的?

Apologize。介绍:所有歌曲都是由歌词和曲谱相结合的一种艺术形式,也是一种表现形式。词曲一一对应。歌曲的创作一般有两种方式:一是先有文辞后据以谱写乐章,一曲专为一词而作,只为一词所用;二是先曲后词,依声填词。一人独唱,多人齐唱,多人多声部重唱、对唱、联唱、领唱、齐唱或合唱。拓展:《Apologize》是OneRepublic演唱的一首歌曲,Ryan Tedder做词,收录在OneRepublic 于2007年发行的英文专辑《Dreaming Out Loud》中。歌词:I"m holding on your ropeGot me ten feet off the groundAnd I"m hearing what you sayBut I just can"t make a soundYou tell me that you need meThen you go and cut me down but waitYou tell me that you"re sorryDidn"t think I"d turn around ,and sayThat it"s too late to apologizeIt"s too lateI said it"s too late to apologizeIt"s too lateI"d take another chance take a fallTake a shot for youAnd I need you like a heart needs a beatBut it"s nothing new yeah yeahI loved you with a fire red, now it"s turning blueand you say "Sorry" like the angelHeaven let me think was youBut I"m afraid...It"s too late to apologizeIt"s too lateI said it"s too late to apologizeIt"s too lateIt"s too late to apologizeIt"s too lateI said it"s too late to apologizeIt"s too lateI said it"s too late to apologize yeahI said it"s too late to apologize yeahI"m holding on your ropeGot me ten feet off the ground

求歌名 歌词its Too late Too late 不是apologize

[ti:Dont Say Its Too Late][ar:Westlife][al:World Of Our Own][by:mtvzz.com][00:00.00]Westlife--Don"t say it"s too late[00:05.84]Edited by [00:07.70]www.mtvzz.com[00:20.77]It doesn"t take much to learn[00:25.28]when the bridges that you burn[00:28.22]Leave you stranded feeling alone[00:34.96]It doesn"t take much to cry[00:37.79]when you"re living in a lie[00:40.61]And deceiving that someone who cares[00:46.59]If I could turn back the time[00:51.25]I would put you first in my life[00:57.34]And I would risk it all for you[01:02.20]to prove my love is true[01:07.14]I"ll build a wall around my heart[01:08.81]that would only break a part for you[01:11.74]Can change the way I feel[01:14.58]so tell me what"s the deal[01:19.32]Don"t say[01:20.45]Don"t say it"s too late[01:25.62]And now[01:27.33]The hills are getting hard to climb[01:30.25]I"m runnin" out of time[01:36.55]My decisions are pending on you[01:42.36]And I will accept the blame[01:45.57]for burnin" out the flame[01:49.37]Hoping the story will twist once again[01:54.91]If I could turn back the time[02:00.04]I would put you first in my life[02:05.94]And I would risk it all for you[02:10.14]to prove my love is true[02:14.94]I"ll build a wall around my heart[02:16.71]that would only break a part for you[02:19.64]Can change the way I feel[02:22.81]so tell me what"s the deal[02:26.94]Don"t say[02:28.74]Don"t say it"s too late[02:44.29]Now I"m[02:46.43]Layin" it all on the line[02:53.38]For you[03:23.57][02:57.02]And I would risk it all for you[03:26.30][03:01.69]to prove my love is true[03:30.76][03:06.18]I"ll build a wall around my heart[03:32.25][03:07.80]that would only break a part for you[03:35.03][03:10.47]Can change the way I feel[03:38.06][03:13.73]so tell me what"s the deal[03:59.74][03:42.33][03:17.02]Don"t say[04:00.65][03:43.67][03:19.47]Don"t say it"s too late

the following components are required to run 怎么解决


it is too late to apologize

It"s too late to apologize 太雷,不解释。

it is too late to apologize

It"s too late to apologize 太雷,不解释。

“EA SPORTS,真的GAME”是什么意思?



sport 娱乐;游戏;运动;(复)运动会game 游戏;运动;娱乐;(体育、棋类等的)比赛 (复)运动会我们说大型运动会用的是game。很高兴为你解答,祝你每天都开心:)望采纳,谢谢!

EA sports 什么game?

it"s in the game

Not until the game had begun _________ at the spo

Not until 引导的句子要使用部分倒装句,所以首先排除D,选项A是过去完成式、由题意可知他到达操场是在游戏开始之后所以不是过去的过去。故而排除,选项C would have done 本应该做了某事与句中意思不符合所以排除、只有B是过去时符合原句时态。




一个是运动一个是游戏啊!!!!sportKK: []DJ: []n.1. 游戏,娱乐,消遣[U][C]He spends all his time in sport and play.他把全部时间化在消遣和游玩上。2. 运动,体育竞技活动[C][U]I think football is an exciting sport.我认为足球是一种刺激的运动。3. 【英】运动会[P]The school sports will be held next month.校运会将于下月举行。4. 玩笑,戏谑;嘲弄对象,笑柄;玩物[U]She spoke half in sport, half in earnest.她半开玩笑半认真地说。5. 【口】有体育道德的人,经得起输的人;讨人欢喜的人[C]Is he a good sport when he plays cards?他玩牌时经得起输吗?6. 【口】花花公子;爱打赌的人;赌徒[C]7. 【英】【口】【罕】(用作称呼)朋友;老兄8. 【生】突变;变种;芽变[C]vt.1. 【口】炫耀;夸示sport one"s wealth夸耀财富2. 【生】突变为;芽变出vi.1. 游戏,玩耍,寻欢作乐The children are sporting on the lawn.孩子们在草坪上玩耍。2. 参加运动3. 开玩笑,嘲弄[(+with)]4. 【生】突变;芽变a.1. (常作sports)运动的,适用于运动的[B]gameKK: []DJ: []n.1. 游戏;运动;游戏(或运动)器具[C]Football is a game which interests me a lot.足球是我感兴趣的运动。Let"s have a game of cards.我们玩牌吧。2. 竞赛;运动会[P][G]The First East Asian Games were held in Shanghai in 1993.第一届东亚运动会于一九九三年在上海举行。3. (比赛等的)一局,一场[C]He won two games out of three.他在三局比赛中胜了两局。4. 比赛得分情况 [U]The game is 5 to 3.比分是五比三。5. 玩笑;计策,花招[C]We saw through his game.我们看穿了他的鬼把戏。6. 猎物(可指兽、鸟、鱼等)[U]A good hunter always has game on the table.好猎手的餐桌上总是不缺野味的。a.1. 勇敢的;好斗的The little boy was game enough to swim across the river.这小男孩胆子大,敢于游过河去。2. 狩猎的;猎物的[Z]Game laws protect wild life.狩猎法保护野生动物。3. 情愿的,对...有意的[Z][F][(+for)][+to-v]She is game for any risk.她情愿冒任何风险。vi.1. 赌博百度词典




police officer是对普通警察的称呼,包括所有的执法人员,特别是巡警。detective是警探,主要负责侦破案件,是一些警局的侦探类警察,也可以叫做police。agent是联邦探员,主要是指在联邦执法机构的探员,如美国联邦调查局(FBI),美国国家安全局(NSA)等。sheriff是一些县郡的治安官,是民众选择的,每几年会有选举。还有很多的其他称呼,如Marshal,专指美国法警。在很多机构中,如NCIS(美国海军罪案调查处),还有军人,就直接称呼军衔。


  detective是侦探、警探、探员。  police具体到人,是警察。还可以指警方、警察部门、治安。  agent是特工。比如CIA、FBI的特工。  sheriff是治安官。还可以用来表示州长。  上数四者的区别,从涵盖范围来说,police最大。sheriff、detective、agent都是警察的一种。  其中sheriff特指针对治安的官员。agent是特工,也是警察的一种。一般警察局的警察,不会用sheriff这个称谓,而是agent.  


一个是运动一个是游戏啊! sport KK:[] DJ:[] n. 1.游戏,娱乐,消遣[U][C] He spends all his time in sport and play. 他把全部时间化在消遣和游玩上. 2.运动,体育竞技活动[C][U] I think football is an exciting sport. 我认为足球是一种 *** 的运动. 3.【英】运动会[P] The school sports will be held next month. 校运会将于下月举行. 4.玩笑,戏谑;嘲弄对象,笑柄;玩物[U] She spoke half in sport,half in earnest. 她半开玩笑半认真地说. 5.【口】有体育道德的人,经得起输的人;讨人欢喜的人[C] Is he a good sport when he plays cards? 他玩牌时经得起输吗? 6.【口】 *** ;爱打赌的人;赌徒[C] 7.【英】【口】【罕】(用作称呼)朋友;老兄 8.【生】突变;变种;芽变[C] vt. 1.【口】炫耀;夸示 sport one"s wealth 夸耀财富 2.【生】突变为;芽变出 vi. 1.游戏,玩耍,寻欢作乐 The children are sporting on the lawn. 孩子们在草坪上玩耍. 2.参加运动 3.开玩笑,嘲弄[(+with)] 4.【生】突变;芽变 a. 1.(常作sports)运动的,适用于运动的[B] game KK:[] DJ:[] n. 1.游戏;运动;游戏(或运动)器具[C] Football is a game which interests me a lot. 足球是我感兴趣的运动. Let"s have a game of cards. 我们玩牌吧. 2.竞赛;运动会[P][G] The First East Asian Games were held in Shanghai in 1993. 第一届东亚运动会于一九九三年在上海举行. 3.(比赛等的)一局,一场[C] He won two games out of three. 他在三局比赛中胜了两局. 4.比赛得分情况 [U] The game is 5 to 3. 比分是五比三. 5.玩笑;计策,花招[C] We saw through his game. 我们看穿了他的鬼把戏. 6.猎物(可指兽、鸟、鱼等)[U] A good hunter always has game on the table. 好猎手的餐桌上总是不缺野味的. a. 1.勇敢的;好斗的 The little boy was game enough to swim across the river. 这小男孩胆子大,敢于游过河去. 2.狩猎的;猎物的[Z] Game laws protect wild life. 狩猎法保护野生动物. 3.情愿的,对...有意的[Z][F][(+for)][+to-v] She is game for any risk. 她情愿冒任何风险. vi. 1.赌博 百度词典,1,sport专门指运动 game一般指游戏,也可以指运动,2,sport与game之间的区别是什么? 要的是语法上的区别 请传多些 越多越好!

Is the game popuular in China 什么意思?



如果您使用的OPPO手机里在浙学APP无法播放视,建议您按照以下方法尝试:1、桌面应用,可长按桌面「应用图标 > 点击“应用信息(详情)” > 存储占用 > 清除数据」。2、若非桌面应用,进入手机「设置 > (应用) >应用管理 > 应用列表 > 点击右上角“:” > 显示系统进程 > 找到对应软件 > 存储占用」,点击“清除数据”即可。温馨提示:清理软件的数据,需要重新登录,并且软件中的本地信息会被清除,如果有重要资料,记得提前备份好哦。本回答适用于OPPO所有机型。

java中import java.util.Scanner是个什么东东?

public class TestScanner { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in); //声明对象Scanner,用于下面s.nextLine(); System.out.println("请输入字符串:"); while (true) { String line = s.nextLine(); //接受你输入的内容并复制给line对象 if (line.equals("exit")) break; //如果输入的内容是exit就会停止运行了 System.out.println(">>>" + line); //控制台打印变量为line的值 } }


js 时间日期控件 可以选择时间的控件//------------------ 样式定义 ---------------------------////功能按钮同样样式var s_tiannet_turn_base = "height:16px;font-size:9pt;color:white;border:0 solid #CCCCCC;cursor:hand;background-color:#2650A6;";//翻年、月等的按钮var s_tiannet_turn = "width:28px;" + s_tiannet_turn_base;//关闭、清空等按钮样式var s_tiannet_turn2 = "width:22px;" + s_tiannet_turn_base;//年选择下拉框var s_tiannet_select = "width:64px;display:none;";//月、时、分选择下拉框var s_tiannet_select2 = "width:46px;display:none;";//日期选择控件体的样式var s_tiannet_body = "width:150;background-color:#2650A6;display:none;z-index:9998;position:absolute;" + "border-left:1 solid #CCCCCC;border-top:1 solid #CCCCCC;border-right:1 solid #999999;border-bottom:1 solid #999999;";//显示日的td的样式var s_tiannet_day = "width:21px;height:20px;background-color:#D8F0FC;font-size:10pt;";//字体样式var s_tiannet_font = "color:#FFCC00;font-size:9pt;cursor:hand;";//链接的样式


如果您使用的OPPO手机里在浙学APP无法播放视,建议您按照以下方法尝试:1、桌面应用,可长按桌面「应用图标 > 点击“应用信息(详情)” > 存储占用 > 清除数据」。2、若非桌面应用,进入手机「设置 > (应用) >应用管理 > 应用列表 > 点击右上角“:” > 显示系统进程 > 找到对应软件 > 存储占用」,点击“清除数据”即可。温馨提示:清理软件的数据,需要重新登录,并且软件中的本地信息会被清除,如果有重要资料,记得提前备份好哦。本回答适用于OPPO所有机型。

我买的港行ipod后面写的Assembled in China,难道是大陆行货?


people were assembled at the airport为什么要were?

因为people 是集体名词常以复数出现。were 是are的过去式people were assembled at the airport


用作名词时, scar一般指伤痕、有损外观的地方或精神上的创伤, 还可以指断崖、峭壁; spot一般指斑点、污点, 还可以指地点,场所; sore一般指 (皮肤的)痛处、伤处;所以一般才表达伤疤时普遍使用 scar

2010 第37界全美音乐奖上 Taylor Swift 为什么唱back to december 中还唱了apologize中的几句?


python中 >>>from math import sprt 为什么执行不了



sqrt(64)=8第二个字母是 q 不是 p



我用的是小票打印机SPRT POS76II,设计出来的纸张是76*100可打印出来的长度不是100,这是为什么?




millipore超滤管 可以用普通离心机吗


感恩节英语作文200字:The power of love

Love is the parents is the world"s largest love, is in their minds share of family support them, let them come in the heart of the disaster sons and daughters. Kitagawa, May 14, 2008, the parents who struggle with death more than 40 hours after the three-year-old girl Song Xin Yi finally rescued, rescue workers to feed her milk. Her parents live in the time, desperate to protect the fragile body of her, until both passing away, also maintained that posture. Parents touched by the love of God, let the children saved, small Xinyi Zaitianzhiling parents can comfort! 爱的力量 父母之爱莫过于是世界上的爱,是他们心中的那份亲情支撑着他们,让他们在灾难来临时心系儿女。 北川,2008年5月14日,在父母身下与死神抗争四十多小时后,三岁的小女孩宋欣宜终于获救,救援人员喂她喝牛奶。她的父母在活着的时候,以脆弱的 身躯拼死保护着她,直到双双逝去,还保持着那种姿势。父母的爱感动了上天,让孩子得救了,小欣宜父母的在天之灵可以安慰了!

胶体金方法中,millipore 135mm应该如何让保存?是用铝箔袋密封常温保存,还是冷藏保存?


millipore 超滤管区别

1、装量:0.5ML 4ML 15ML2、截留分子量3K 10K 30K 50K 100K

millipore一次性针头滤器0.22 能过滤细菌吗

问:最近要做一些培养基,有一些糖类需要过滤除菌,但不知道怎么操作,还需要什么辅助设备?你只要有滤膜和配套的过滤器就可以了,一般在超净工作台上进行。滤膜用0.22微米或0.45微米两种规格,指的是滤膜的孔径大小吧。一般0.22就够了!如果溶液的量比较大,超过500ml,可以采用已灭菌的抽滤瓶,预先垫好0.22um 的滤膜。抽滤瓶灭菌前要检查封口用纱布或棉花堵牢,使用时,不用在无菌室中进行,只要保证收集瓶无菌状态就可以。抽滤后,过滤好的溶液在无菌条件下倒进已灭菌的空试剂瓶中。如果用小量的溶液过滤,无菌室内用一次性器和一次性0.22um滤膜(millipore或pall都有卖)就可以。 看过滤的量,如果量小,用器加滤器、0.22微米滤膜过滤,滤器加上滤膜后盖紧,稍旋松,饭盒密封100度蒸馏水煮沸30分钟灭菌,用来承接无菌糖水的瓶需高压。用时在无菌操作台上操作,并先旋紧滤器,注意滤器外流下去的哪怕一滴也会造成染菌;过滤应该是费力的,如果感觉很轻松,则滤膜已破。0.45微米的滤膜一般用于两次过滤的第一次,以防止0.22堵塞。器,若能高压更好些。如果量大,正压可用蠕动泵接皮管接不锈钢滤器大张滤膜,这些都是要高压的。负压可用抽滤。
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