barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-07 12:46:56



KK: []

DJ: []


1. 游戏,娱乐,消遣[U][C]

He spends all his time in sport and play.


2. 运动,体育竞技活动[C][U]

I think football is an exciting sport.


3. 【英】运动会[P]

The school sports will be held next month.


4. 玩笑,戏谑;嘲弄对象,笑柄;玩物[U]

She spoke half in sport, half in earnest.


5. 【口】有体育道德的人,经得起输的人;讨人欢喜的人[C]

Is he a good sport when he plays cards?


6. 【口】花花公子;爱打赌的人;赌徒[C]

7. 【英】【口】【罕】(用作称呼)朋友;老兄

8. 【生】突变;变种;芽变[C]


1. 【口】炫耀;夸示

sport one"s wealth


2. 【生】突变为;芽变出


1. 游戏,玩耍,寻欢作乐

The children are sporting on the lawn.


2. 参加运动

3. 开玩笑,嘲弄[(+with)]

4. 【生】突变;芽变


1. (常作sports)运动的,适用于运动的[B]


KK: []

DJ: []


1. 游戏;运动;游戏(或运动)器具[C]

Football is a game which interests me a lot.


Let"s have a game of cards.


2. 竞赛;运动会[P][G]

The First East Asian Games were held in Shanghai in 1993.


3. (比赛等的)一局,一场[C]

He won two games out of three.


4. 比赛得分情况 [U]

The game is 5 to 3.


5. 玩笑;计策,花招[C]

We saw through his game.


6. 猎物(可指兽、鸟、鱼等)[U]

A good hunter always has game on the table.



1. 勇敢的;好斗的

The little boy was game enough to swim across the river.


2. 狩猎的;猎物的[Z]

Game laws protect wild life.


3. 情愿的,对...有意的[Z][F][(+for)][+to-v]

She is game for any risk.



1. 赌博



sport 娱乐;游戏;运动;(复)运动会

game 游戏;运动;娱乐;(体育、棋类等的)比赛 (复)运动会





the game是什么游戏

2023-07-07 05:10:361


【原 片 名】The Game【中 文 名】游戏(中)/致命的游戏(台)/心理游戏(港)/致命游戏/生日游戏(其他)【出品年代】1997【国 家】美国【类 别】悬念/惊栗【导 演】大卫 芬奇 (David Fincher)【主 演】迈克尔 道格拉斯 (Michael Douglas) ...... Nicholas Van Orton肖恩 佩恩 (Sean Penn) ...... Conrad Van Orton黛博拉 昂格尔 (Deborah Unger) ...... Christine詹姆斯 里伯霍恩 (James Rebhorn) ...... Jim Feingold彼得 多纳特 (Peter Donat) ...... Samuel Sutherland卡罗尔 贝克 (Carroll Baker) ...... IlsaAnna Katerina ...... Elizabeth阿尔明 米勒-斯塔尔 (Armin Mueller-Stahl) ...... Anson BaerCharles Martinet ...... Nicholas" FatherScott Hunter McGuire ...... Young NicholasFlorentine Mocanu ...... Nicholas" MotherElizabeth Dennehy ...... Maria卡罗琳 巴克利 (Caroline Barclay) ...... MaggieDaniel Schorr ...... HimselfJohn Aprea ...... Power Executive[img]h【内容简介】  尼可拉斯范欧顿(Michael Douglas迈克道格拉斯饰)是一个事业有成的银行家。虽然有家财万贯,然而他的婚姻破裂让他一直过着循规蹈矩的生活,整日的自暴自弃。但是他的生活因为弟弟Conrad(西恩潘)送的一份生日礼物,而变的紧张惊险。这个由弟弟帮他在一个名为“消费者休闲服务公司”报名,并为哥哥量身订做的不知名游戏,游戏刚刚开始时哥哥感觉还有趣,但渐渐的他发现这个游戏是他的弟弟和公司和起来,要致自己于死地。于是哥哥整日的怀疑周围的人,使自己生活在苦恼中,但事情的发展是变化的如此的快,游戏的最终目的不是获胜,而是不让自己输掉性命,这部影片的最大的挑战是在真实与虚幻之间的游移……迅雷下载rtsp://
2023-07-07 05:10:432

the game 中文歌词是什么?

It s time to play the game游戏游戏的时间Time to play the game!游戏游戏的时间!Ha, ha, ha, ha, haHa, ha, ha哈哈哈哈It s all about the game, and how you play it全是关于比赛, 关键是你怎么乐在其中All about control, and if you can take it全是关于掌控, 关键是你能否得到它All about your debt, and if you can pay it全是关于你的亏欠, 关键是如果你能埋单It s all about pain, and who s gonna make it...全是关于痛苦, 关键是谁导致的...I am the game, you don t wanna play me regal008我是比赛主宰, 你不要想跟我比I am control, no way you can change me 一切在我的控制中, 你无法将我改变I am have heavy debts, no way you can pay me我有很多的债, 你没有办法还得清I am the pain, and I know you can t take me我是疼痛, 并且我认为你能拿我怎样Look over your shoulder, ready to run你的肩膀上看, 准备好了跑Like a good little bitch, from a smoking gun象一条好的小母狗一样, 从一枝冒烟的枪下逃窜I am the game, and I make the rules我是比赛的主宰, 而且是我定规则So move on out, and you can die like a fool在外面上这样移动, 并且你会死的象一个笨蛋一样Try and figure out what the move"s gonna be试一试并且计算出下一步会有什么动作Come on over sucker, why don t you ask me?吸吮者上过来, 为什么穿上你问我那的内裤?Don t you forget there s a price you can pay你忘记死在那里那的 你能付的价格Cuz I am the game and I want to play我是游戏并且我想要玩It s time to play the game...它游戏游戏的时间Ha, ha, ha, ha哈哈哈哈Time to play the game!游戏游戏的时间It s all about the game, and how you play it它关于比赛的所有, 并且你怎么游戏它It s all about control, and if you can take it它关于控制的所有, 并且如果你能拿它It s all about your debt, and if you can pay it它关于你的债的所有, 并且如果你能付它It s all about the pain, and who s gonna make it...它关于疼痛的所有, 并且去做它的...I am the game, you don t wanna play me我是比赛, 你不要想演我I am control, there s no way you can change me我控制, 你能改变我那的没有方法I am your debts, and know you can t pay me我有沉重的债, 你能付给我那的没有方法I am your pain, and I know you can t take me我是疼痛, 并且我认为你能拿我怎样Play the game, you re gonna be the same游戏游戏, 你回答去一样You re gonna change your name, you re gonna die in flames你回答去改变你的名字, 你回答去在火焰死Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha哈哈哈哈哈Time to play the game!游戏游戏的时间!It s time to play the game...它游戏游戏的时间...It s time to play the game...它游戏游戏的时间...It s time to play the game...它游戏游戏的时间...Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha哈哈哈哈Time to play the game!游戏开始Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha哈哈哈哈
2023-07-07 05:11:221


2023-07-07 05:11:3510


2023-07-07 05:12:101


“游戏”的英文是“game”。它的英式读法是[ɡe_m];美式读法是[ɡe_m]。“游戏”作名词意思有游戏;运动会;比赛;一场比赛;比赛得分;猎物;花招。作动词意思是赌博。作形容词意思有勇敢的;乐意的。游戏的短语搭配:Game Change:规则改变;游戏改变;迎接变革;New Game:新游戏;开始新游戏;是开始新游戏;新建;Electronic Game:电子游戏;电子游戏机;电动玩具;ultimatum game:最后通牒赛局;最后通牒博弈;最后通牒游戏;最后通牒博弈实验;stochastic game:随机博弈;[数]随机对策;机遇性赛局;随机赛局;home game:主场比赛;主场;主场角逐;主场竞赛;browser game:网页游戏;器游戏;浏览器游戏;game semantics:博弈语义;stealth game:隐蔽类游戏。
2023-07-07 05:12:256


2023-07-07 05:12:491


2023-07-07 05:13:277


Join the game,
2023-07-07 05:13:513


2023-07-07 05:14:007


2023-07-07 05:14:242


  你知道游戏结束的英文怎么说吗?下面我就来告诉你。   游戏结束   游戏结束的英文释义:   <名>game over   网 络game over;The Game Is Over;endgame;END GAME   游戏结束的英文例句:   很多Kinect游戏在你玩游戏的时候会拍下视讯,游戏结束之后会将其回放。   Many Kinect games capture videos of you as you play games and then play them back for you at the end.   这次游戏结束后您将暂时无法启动新游戏。   You will not be able to start a new game for a while once this one ends.   要赢得游戏,在游戏结束时您所扮演的统治者必须有最高的得分。   To win a match, you must be the ruler who has the highest score at the end of the match.   要赢得游戏,在游戏结束时您所扮演的统治者必须有最高的得分。   To win a match, you must be the ruler who has the highest score at the end of the match.   他知道我们喜欢这首歌和这游戏,经常在游戏结束后拿出曼陀林。   He knew we enjoyed the song and the program and would often get out the mandolin after the program was over.   分给每个游戏者一些虚拟的游戏代币,在游戏结束时它们可以被兑换成相应数目的金钱。   Each player was given a number of virtual tokens, redeemable for money at the end of the game.   游戏伊始,每个玩家都分得一定数量的代币,在游戏结束时可以兑换成现金带走。   Each player was given a number of virtual tokens* , redeemable * for money at the end of the game.   如果游戏在苏珊的优势在于,什么是数字时代的游戏预计将在迪尤斯绑在游戏结束?   If the game is at Susan"s advantage, what is the expected number of times the game will be tied at Deuce before the game ends?   被正和你开战的国家联合统治,不再导致游戏结束。   You can no longer end up in a personal union with someone you are at war with.   游戏结束只得了零分。   There were only goose eggs at the end of the game.   1. The objective is to have the lowest score when the game ends. 其目标是得分最低时游戏结束并胜出.   2. There were only goose eggs at the end of the game. 游戏结束只得了零分.   3. When you die, your CD is popped out, Game Over! 到你死的时候, 你这张碟片就被弹出了磁碟, 游戏结束!   4. Fixed Zombies continuing to spawn when the game is over. 修正了小僵尸在游戏结束后还不断被召唤出来.   5. The story ends with the night the game ended. 故事在晚上的游戏结束后谢幕了.   6. Added Victory Animations for units at the end of the game. 在游戏结束后增加新的胜利情节.   7. After the game you can score and make an asses *** ent fortune - Oh! 游戏结束后还能为你的分数进行评估做出占卜哦!   8. Shut up the box, the game is over. 把盒子关紧, 游戏结束了.   9. Game ended. Please restart next round. 游戏结束.请重新开始下一回合.   10. Game is finished when all cells are occupied. 游戏结束时,所有细胞都被占领.   11. Odds of survival in 10 years: Game over. 10年记忆体在的可能性: 游戏结束.   12. Hit the edge of wall, and the snake itself the game is over. 撞到边缘、墙壁 、 和蛇本身,游戏结束.   13. After the game, the defender found his target. A real newbie, first day and they talked. 游戏结束后, 守方玩家找到了刚刚那位进攻者. 一位今天第一次打漆弹的新手.   14. His team escorted him off the court, the clock ticked down and the game wasover. 他的研究小组护送他离开法庭,略微下降, 时钟,游戏结束了.   15. At thethe puzzle session the participants were asked to make a snapdecision about the products. 在智力游戏结束后,参与者被要求对他们所要购买的产品快速做出决定.   16. Doubtless many others will join in when the games are over and tact allows. 游戏结束后无疑更多其他的媒体也会掺合进来,如果官方允许的话.   17. Just take your time to tie your shoes, or finish up your play. 慢慢系你的鞋带, 把你的游戏结束了再说.   18. In this process does not allow out - of - bounds snakeheads or physicalencounter, the end of the game. 在此过程中不允许蛇头出界或碰到身体, 否则游戏结束.   19. If the box under the figures, said that around eight box the total number ofmines. 如果方块下出现数字, 则表示在其周围的八个方块 *** 有多少颗地雷.如果方块下有地雷,则提示游戏结束.   20. Improved EndGame Scoreboard and Observer Scoreboard presentation andcontent total gold row ing in near future 改进了游戏结束时候记分牌和记分牌中买眼的外观和内容 不久的将来会新增总金额
2023-07-07 05:14:321

game是什么意思 翻译

game是游戏的意思。game作为名词是游戏、比赛、猎物、野味的意思。作为形容词是勇敢的。作为不及物动词是赌博的意思。Game作为人名是指(英)盖姆、(法)加姆、(西)加梅。相关例句:These students are addicted to gaming and have no intention of learning这些学生沉迷于玩电子游戏,无心学习。
2023-07-07 05:14:401

pin the tail on the donkey是什么游戏?

2023-07-07 05:15:116


2023-07-07 05:15:3213


问题一:还是游戏重要 用英语怎么说 这得看语境,不同的语境可以不通的回答。 如果对方说学习重要,你如果想反驳说“还是游戏重要”,你可以像电影里一样,很拽的丢下一句“Or game”,(汉语的意思是:不,是游戏) 或者是你想郑重的表达意见说“还是游戏重要”,那你就可以说:“Or the game is important ”。 问题二:游戏用英语怎么说 名词 游戏 是 game 动词 游戏 游玩 是play 问题三:做游戏用英语怎么说 play games 望采纳 问题四:游戏现在开始用英文怎么说 5分 Game is beginning now! 问题五:游戏攻略的英文怎么说 游戏攻略 Walkthrough 游戏攻略 Walkthrough 问题六:玩游戏对我来说很容易用英语怎么说 玩游戏对我来说很容易 It"s easy for me to play games. 玩游戏对我来说很容易 It"s easy for me to play games. 问题七:游戏开始 用英文怎么写? Game start 望采纳 问题八:在你心里游戏永远比我重要 用英语怎么讲 I顶 your heart, game is alway more important than me. 问题九:你为什么玩游戏玩的这么好 用英语怎么说 你为什么玩游戏玩的这么好的英文翻译_百度翻译 你为什么玩游戏玩的这么好 Why do you play the game play so well 问题十:这个游戏有趣吗?用英语怎么说 (Is )the(game )interesting?
2023-07-07 05:16:311


2023-07-07 05:16:504


2023-07-07 05:16:571

Is the game popuular in China 什么意思?

2023-07-07 05:17:053


游戏; 比赛,竞争两个意思,game娱乐性的是
2023-07-07 05:17:165

enjoy game 什么意思??!~

2023-07-07 05:17:325

初中英语作文:一场足球赛-A Football Game

June 10th Sunday Fine    Yesterday was the ninth day of the World Cup. There was a football match between China and Brazil. We know Brazilian Team is the top one of the world. Though the players of the Chinese Team tried their best, they still lost the game. The result of the game was 4:0. I think they did better than the first game.I believe they can learn a lot from Brazilian Team. I hope the team of China will be a strong team one day. 6月10日 星期日 睛 昨天是世界杯赛的第九天。中国队对巴西队。我们都知道巴西队是世界上的足球队。虽然中国队队员竭尽了全力,但是还是输了。比赛结果四比零。我觉得中国队表现比第一场要好多了。我相信,他们能从巴西队那里学到很多东西。 我希望中国足球队终有一天成为强队。 June 10th Sunday Fine Yesterday evening the team of China played against the team of Brazil. The game started at 7: 30. It was an exciting game.Brazilian Team is the best one in the world. Everyone in the team of China tried his best, but the team of Brazil was too strong.Chinese Team couldn"t stop them. They kicked four goals, and our team lost the game. We hope the players in Chinese Team can make great progress, and it will be a strong team one day. 6月10日 星期日 睛 昨天晚上,中国足球对迎战巴西足球队。比赛在7:30开始。那是一场令人激动的比赛。巴西队是世界上的足球队,中国队的每个队员都尽了努力,但是巴西队太强大了。中国队根本抵御不住他们的进攻,最终以零比四输了这场比赛。 我们希望中国足球队队员能取得较大的进步,将来能成为一个强队。
2023-07-07 05:17:511

I got the news that he won the game这句话写的对吗?

2023-07-07 05:18:003


2019. 6. 26. 英语课堂游戏一、Simon says 西蒙说 操作流程: (1)游戏规则与Listen and do 听指令做动作差不多,不同的是教师在发出指令前可以说“Simon says”,则学生做此动作,指令前没有说“Simon says”,则学生不做此此动作; (2)如教师说“touch your nose”,而学生做摸鼻子的动作,就算错了。 英文案例示范 Good morning! Boys and girls! Nice to meet you again!boys and girls,before the you want to play a game?I know you like it,do you still rememember the game”simon says”yes?wonderful,let"splay it now Boys and girls,Listen to me carefully! Simon says:“touch your eyes” Simon says:“touch your nose” Simon says:“touch your pencil box “touch your ears”Haha somebody moves,remember you shouldn"t do anything when I don"t say simon says,are you clear?ok ,let"s play it again,/wow,this time everybody did a good job! 二、high and low voice大小声操作流程: (1)教师大声读单词或句型,学生就小声读(2)教师小声读单词或句型,学生就大声读(3)注意:教师尽量要多小声读,这样才能让学生大声读出来英文案例示范:boys and girls,now let"s play a high and low voice game!If I read this word/sentence in high voice ,you should read it in low voice ,and if I read it in low voice ,you should read it in high voice .now are you ready?what would you like?(师小声).... 一、Magic box 魔术盒子操作流程: (1)将准备复习或学习的物体装入魔术盒子中;(2)请学生伸手进盒子摸一摸,然后用英语说出来;(3)或者教师公布猜测范围,让学生猜猜盒子里有什么东西,然后自己伸进盒子摸,判断自己是否正确。(4)游戏举例:学习水果、文具等同类单词之后,课前复习可采用这游戏,既直观,又富有情趣。英文案例示范: Boys and girls,here is a magic box ,and there are many delicious food in the box.Now would you want to open the box and see what"s in it?Remember when you take it out,please say its English name,ok?Now are you clear?great!who want to come here and have a try?oh,tom,you please!二、Guessing Game 猜一猜操作流程: (1)分别呈现图片,让学生熟悉、并齐读。(2)教师把藏起一张单词图片,让学生猜藏起的图片是哪个英语单词;(3)游戏举例:学习文具单词后,此游戏帮助学生高频率、大面积巩固所学新知识。英文案例示范: dear class,now please look at the word card and read it loudly,ok?pencil.ruler.eraser....wonderful, boys and girls,now i will hide a word card secretly behind my back,can you guess which word is behind my back?lucy,can you guess?ruler.tom,what"s your answer?pencil.what about you,jack?eraser. wow ,you three have diffrent answers,now let"s see who got it.dangdangdang,it"s pencil!Tom,you got it.congratulations.a star for you四、What"s missing? 哪一张卡片不见了?操作流程: (1)展示多张图片,让学生依次熟读;(2)学生闭上眼睛,教师拿走卡片中的一张。(3)学生睁开眼睛,让学生迅速反应,-Whatu201fs missing?-…is missing.英文案例示范 Now let"s read these words together,window,chair,table,picture..... ok ,boys and girls,let"s play the game"what"s missing?ok?did you still remember the game?yes?wonderful! now let"s play it.Everbody close your eyes ,please,let me see whose eyes are still open,ok i have taked away a word card and then can you guess which word is missing ,andy,can you have a try?三、Listen and do 听指令做动作操作流程: (1)这个游戏可训练学生听祈使句迅速反映的能力。(2)教师可迅速说出一些祈使句,如:Touch your nose (ear,mouth,eye).Put up your hands. Close your eyes.等;(3)学生听到后做动作,最快、最准地获胜。可以用来发出指令的词句还有:Touch your book (your pen ,the desk ). 等。英文案例示范:boys and girls ,now let"s play a game"listen and do"you should listen to my order carefully and then do the action as quickly as possible,let"s see who wil react quickly and correctly!now listen to my order,please,touch your nose,touch your eyes,close your eyes,put your hands up....
2023-07-07 05:18:091


夕阳之下我吸收日月精气是由Round_2作词作曲的《Kill The Game》,完整歌词:来点儿纯正的味儿,1966座头市偶尔也有坏习惯,我爱拿生命做投掷漫步在夕阳之下,我吸收日月精气擦枪走火请小心,我踏马更爱冷兵器用嘴巴代替刀和剑,摸爬滚打到今天说了半天都不动手是你火候太欠缺了uh一招一式学吧uh,回家路上瘸了uh妙语连珠就像杀入禁区的勒布朗就让你看着办,案,我像是惯犯月黑风高夜让你都不敢抬头往上看盼,望着被我掌控的比赛快点结束这一切都是被我掌舵的即兴节目而我的samurai,style,你根本学不来你只能看着所有的人都在对我爱戴排斥着你,看眼神呆滞的你埋进了被子里,恨自己,无能为力改变这格局我就站你面前别装看不见杀掉比赛看我完美抛物线我就站你面前别装看不见我右拳打破了天化身为龙来猜猜这拳打在你的脸上有多痛u dont want be alone但我能干掉你整个团队都废了跪着你可不要睡着我会爬上你的窗台看着你成为你的梦魇在你最美丽的梦境把你痛痛痛痛痛痛扁hello **丝逃生出口找不到你是真的很想逃但你根本逃不掉like bless like bless our leason was a bless我的punch like泰森能不能answer my questionwhat u gonna do what u gonna gonna do son来当着我俩面说你比round2强uh ha把你的一切都带走像是艾斯打怪兽离开了该死的ghetto但我今天不想出门所以不用害怕我一个人在家乖乖的学插花我就站你面前别装看不见杀掉比赛看我完美抛物线我就站你面前别装看不见kill the game kill the game kill the game kill the game我就站你面前别装看不见杀掉比赛看我完美抛物线我就站你面前别装看不见kill the game kill the game kill the game kill the game我就站你面前别装看不见杀掉比赛看我完美抛物线我就站你面前别装看不见kill the game kill the game kill the game kill the game我就站你面前别装看不见杀掉比赛看我完美抛物线我就站你面前别装看不见歌手简介:来自南京的Round_2所属厂牌Free-Out成员分别有贰万和早安,作为国内说唱圈最好的双人组合之一,round-2近年来都是以组合的形式出现在各种舞台上,包括去年在《中国新说唱》上也同样如此。但今年在《说唱听我的》他们却来了一个“拆分”,兄弟两个人分成两组选手参加比赛。
2023-07-07 05:18:151

play the game为什么加the

game作为可数名词不可以零冠词以单数形式出现。play只有在和球类运动连用表示玩这类运动的时候才会有play (/) sth的情况。这个就属于一个固定用法。
2023-07-07 05:18:331

游戏开始 是 Game begin 。他们说不准确?

2023-07-07 05:18:557


2023-07-07 05:19:136


xbox360游戏的最新相关信息《海岛大亨5》今夏登陆PC和XBOX360 海量截图【12】
2023-07-07 05:19:513


2023-07-07 05:20:006

游戏用户研究(3):游戏体验量表(the GEQ)

本篇包括对GEQ和其3个模块的简介、题目以及GEQ的应用案例。游戏体验量表由3个模块构成:核心量表、游戏后体验量表和社会存在感量表。GEQ为玩家提供一系列状态描述的语句,然后由通过玩家自评其在游戏过程中(/玩过以后)的感受与这些语句的相符程度,即玩家从0(完全不同意)到4(完全同意)的五个选项中评估对每道题目内容的认同程度。量表中题目对应的维度不同,通过计算每个维度的平均得分可以进行不同游戏/版本在不同维度上的体验差异。 如其名称一样,是GEQ三个量表中最核心的内容。从7个维度对玩家的游戏体验进行测量:沉浸感、流畅感、能力、积极情绪、挑战性、消极情绪和不安/烦躁感。原始的每个维度有5道正式题目和1道备用的题目进行测量,因此最初的GEQ核心量表有42道题。在量表的英文修订版去由于影响力不足去除了部分题目,剩余33道题,即下表中的翻译内容。 题目分布:沉浸感维度包括题目3, 12, 18, 19, 27和30;流畅感维度包括题目5, 13, 25, 28和31;能力维度包括题目2, 10, 15, 17和21;积极情绪包括题目1, 4, 6, 14和 20;挑战性包括题目11, 23, 26, 32和33;消极情绪包括题目7, 8, 9,和16;不安/烦躁感包括题目22, 24和 29。(注意我是因为懒所以没有翻译42道题的版本,如果是首次翻译应用应该选择那个版本的进行量表编译。) 即简短版的核心量表,也被成为iGEQ。GEQ的编制者针对“长时间游戏体验过程中连续的、重复的评估”额外精简化的量表,通常用于评估玩家游戏体验随时间发生的变化(也就是说你可以每隔半小时就让被试做一次)。In Game版本的核心量表同样包含7个维度,但每个维度只有2到题目。 题目分布:沉浸感维度包括题目1和4;流畅感维度包括题目5和10;能力维度包括题目2和9;积极情绪包括题目11和 14;挑战性包括题目12和13;消极情绪包括题目3和7;不安/烦躁感包括题目6和 8。 这一量表测量的是玩家在停止游戏之后的感受和体验,用于了解游戏可能带来的其它效果。原版和英文版均有17个题目,从四个维度进行测量:积极情绪(题1, 5, 7, 8, 12, 16)、消极情绪(题2, 4, 6, 11, 14, 15)、疲惫感(题10, 13)和回归现实(题3, 9, and 17)。 这一量表用于测量游戏中玩家与其他玩家/游戏角色交互过程的心理和行为参与程度(注意应用这一部分的时候,你可能会需要更改一下量表的介绍)。 共17个题目,分别从三个维度进行测量:同理心(题1, 4, 8, 9, 10, 13)、消极情绪(题7, 11, 12, 16, 17)和行为参与度(2, 3, 5, 6, 14, 15)。 很多文章和资料都对GEQ有着较高的评价。但我确实没有找到GEQ在商业领域中的应用,所以这里分享其编制者在文章中的一些发现: 1. 对同一游戏而言,玩得频率高的玩家在各个维度上的评分也相对更好(颜色由深至浅代表游戏频率的降低)。 2. 编制者比较了不同游戏类型之间的差异。如图:动作冒险游戏具有最高的沉浸感,解谜类游戏最容易带给玩家消极情绪。 1. GEQ在应用时存在的局限在于:如果没有足够时间完成游戏操作,则很难对其中的一些题目进行准确的评价; 2. 如前文所言,GEQ在翻译成其它语言(如英语)之后,各个题目的效力可能会发生变化,所以推荐使用In-Game的核心量表; 3. 我接触过的大多数用户体验量表中,同一维度的题目都是放在一起的。但明显可看到GEQ的题目排布非常分散,我在原文中并没有找到原因,有兴趣的朋友可以找机会对比一下题目顺序是否会改变测试结果。 Ijsselsteijn, W. W., De, Y. Y. K., & Poels, K. K. (2013). The game experience questionnaire.
2023-07-07 05:20:151


The Game Awards(简称:TGA)将迎来2022年度的颁奖典礼,TGA是有着“游戏界奥斯卡”的美名,是可以让各家游戏大厂抢破头的梦幻奖项,这些奖项有年度最佳游戏、年度最佳手游、年度最佳电竞游戏等十几种奖项。TGA(The Game Awards)是由加拿大籍著名游戏媒体人杰夫·吉斯利主办并主持的电子游戏奖项,以表彰过去一年里发售的优秀游戏。其中的“年度最佳游戏”奖项被视为游戏业界中最为重要的荣誉之一,该奖项也被喻为游戏界的“奥斯卡”。据之前报道,TGA 2022颁奖典礼定档美国东部时间12月8日下午七点半,按北京时间也就是今天举行,目前各大奖项均已揭晓。游戏奖项说明:提名之初就被寄予厚望的《艾尔登法环》此次收获满满,除了获得最佳年度游戏奖,还获得了最佳角色扮演游戏、最佳游戏指导及最佳艺术指导三个奖项。《战神:诸神黄昏》也获得了最佳动作/冒险游戏、最佳叙事游戏、最佳无障碍创新、最佳游戏音乐/配乐、最佳音效设计五个奖项。目前BiliBili与TGA官网均已公布具体获奖名单。年度最佳游戏是TGA的重头戏,去年的最佳游戏是《双人成行》,今年初《艾尔登法环》引爆了上半年的游戏圈,而下半年《战神:诸神黄昏》横空出世,战神和老头环成为一台二人转。在最佳手游的奖项中,所有入围游戏都有国产机构参与研发或发行,《原神》、《幻塔》、《暗黑破坏神:不朽》、《Apex英雄手游》、《Marvel Snap》这5款游戏入围,目前获奖呼声最高的是《原神》。
2023-07-07 05:20:211


问题一:玩法翻译成英文怎么说某某东西有N种玩法,这个玩法翻 修饰可数:a(good/large/many/great)number of/numbers of;many(注:a great many=a number of) 修饰不可数:much;a (great) deal of(+ 名词)(a great deal后加形容词);a bit of(+名词)(a bit后加形容词);(an)(large)amount of/amounts of 可数不可数皆可(谓语动词随修饰的名词):a (large)quantity of/quantities of(注:quantities of是个例外。无论其修饰可数不可数,谓语动词一律用复数);a lot of/lots of;plenty of;masses of;a pile of/piles of 这个是我高中三年完完全全自己总结的,很不错吧。 问题二:游戏规则用英语怎么讲?急!!!!!!!!!!!1 游戏规则 = rule(s) of the game 问题三:游戏玩法 用英语怎么说 Methods of Playing GamesWays of Playing Games 问题四:英语翻译游戏规则 Diushou Juan game.(丢手绢的游戏) First , the children in a circle and sat down. One of the children stood up , holding a handkerchief and began the children behind , ran around the ring . Squatting children began to sing throw , throw , Diushou Juan , children"s gently behind him ...... we do not tell . A child must be placed behind a handkerchief child B , and then quickly return to their original position. If children B found himself behind a handkerchief , then he must pick up the handkerchief to catch kids A, B be such victory is a failure if there is no catch A , then B to jump for us to sing a song or a dance. Find cards(找卡片) I"ve got a lot of animal cards. If I say cat , you want to quickly find the painted kitten card within 5 seconds. We countdown together . Finally found the card to see who the most, who is the winner . Loser to winner to perform a program together , singing or dancing. 问题五:抢凳子游戏规则用英语怎么介绍 1. 于是,各组组员们开始忙活了,大家开始抢凳子了。 One team is ordered to put all chairs near the door; 2. 教师拿四把椅子,请四位同学上台,教师说出游戏规则,并发出指令,四位同学抢凳子。 Now, Let"s play a game. I will call four students. Who can try and put up your hands. 问题六:猜歌名游戏规则用英语怎么说 10分 guess the song name game 问题七:抢凳子游戏规则用英语怎么介绍 Game rules: 1, props: Chair (dining chair); music amplifier (the referee to solve their own) 2, the game the way: start the game first chairs round (according to the number of minus one calculation, namely 6 pendulum 5), then each team personnel outside the stool surrounded by a circle, the referee playing music participants along a circular clockwise or counterclockwise running (note not to jump the queue, the mand of the referee). 3, when the music pauses, participants to quickly grab a chair to sit down, did not grab the chair of the contestants to be eliminated, and then e up with a chair, followed by *** ogy, selected the final winner. 问题八:英语游戏规则翻译(汉译英) Plays one: goes ahead and guesses here to have a seal box, needs an audience to e up with the hand traces, and describes is any thing, but he cannot look, lets the following audience guess correctly is anything, and expresses with English, responds the audience has mystical gift ~ plays two: tran *** its the please 10 audiences to e on stage joyfully divides into two groups, the back to the large screen, looks at on screen"s phrase by the director, (only then director may see) then with the body language performance for the next person, arrives at the last person in turn, then says the answer, looked that which group obtains the answer most quickly! 问题九:玩法翻译成英文怎么说某某东西有N种玩法,这个玩法 玩法 [名] the way of playing sth.; trifle/toy with the law; take laws and regulations lightly; [例句]上面的视频剪辑展示了可乐这一有趣的玩法。 The video clip above shows a great example of this fun use for coke. 问题十:谁是卧底游戏规则用英语怎么说 The presence of 7 people 5 people get a words of the same, 2 got another words associated with the left. Each wheel can say only one sentence to describe yourself get word (can"t say the words), and not let undercover found, but also to the patriots in the dark. Each wheel description is pleted, 7 people voted for suspected the man undercover, the person with the most number of votes out, as many as two words, pending (it is retained). If undercover last round (whether one or two), undercover win, otherwise, big troops to victory., direct translation on the line
2023-07-07 05:20:371


I like to play Counter-Strike because it is an exciting shooting game. 我喜欢玩CS,因为它是一款激动人心的射击游戏。 Counter-Strike is designed by VALVE Corporation. 它是由VALVE公司设计的。 AK-47 is a kind of guns which I love best in the game, because it is a really powerful gun in an affordable price for $2500. AK-47是一种我在游戏中最喜欢的枪,因为它既威力强大,又有一个较便宜的价格,2500美元(如果你喜欢的是其他的枪,用枪的型号替换“AK-47”即可)。 我才上初三,能力有限,所以只能写这么多了。
2023-07-07 05:20:486

game 是什么东西

2023-07-07 05:21:068


Good boy-GD&TAEYANGStronger(What Doesn"t Kill You)
2023-07-07 05:21:224


The game is easy.这个游戏很容易。同义句是The game isn"t difficult.这个游戏不难。
2023-07-07 05:22:142

the game是什么意识。。

the game是什么意识------(游戏)娱乐的世界。虚拟的过程
2023-07-07 05:22:211

玩游戏应该是play the game还是play game?具体解释一下。

2023-07-07 05:22:291


2023-07-07 05:22:444


2023-07-07 05:22:525


2023-07-07 05:23:095

Beyond the Game的歌词及中文翻译

go beyond... 超越 go beyond the game... 超越游戏 you and I, we have met before to the magic of the moment in cyber space. 你和我,我们以前就已经在CS里的梦幻时刻见过面 driven by a passion to win playing heart to heart, face to face 用激情面对面,心对心.赢得比赛 the challenge of the live time stands before us now 现在 实况转播时间的挑战就在我们面前 beyond the game 超越游戏 through the portal into cyber space 穿过入口进入CS we have come to decide our fate, we are here to celebrate 我们已经进入并能决定我们的命运,我们在此庆祝 beyond the game.... 超越游戏 beyond the game... 超越游戏 at last, the moments at hand, all we need is to believe the cane? 最后,时间在手中,我们都要相信这滕条吗? we will make our stand beyond the game 我们会让自己站在游戏前面 beyond the game... 超越游戏 the world cyber games 世界的CS游戏 let time to hear the spirit is right. 让时间听到精神是对的 we connect now in a powerful way 我们可以以一个有活力的方式联合 we celebrate our diversity around the world with the passion to play 我们庆祝我们的在世界的激情表演的多样性 the planet will be watching, the message will be heard 因为星星将被看到,信息将被世界听到
2023-07-07 05:23:242

假设hunt for the doctor 是我最喜欢的电脑游戏 以my favourite computer game 为题 的作文

这是我刚写的,分享给你: One of my favorite computer games is called "Hunt for the doctor". It is an educational game which has ten levels. The main character is called Watson, who is 40 years old. Its goal is to find clues that will lead him to the evil doctor, arrest him and put him in prison. The area of study is about knowledge of Geography and math. The game is set in a small village in Europe. The game was designed by Jim Brown and it was produced by Mystery Games. It is very popular and widely sold in Europe, Singapore and Australia.希望能帮到你,请采纳,谢谢!如有不明白的,欢迎随时提问!祝学习进步,天天开心!
2023-07-07 05:23:311


Get A Mental Ease得到精神上的放松
2023-07-07 05:23:5110


2023-07-07 05:24:148


一个是运动一个是游戏啊! sport KK:[] DJ:[] n.,娱乐,消遣[U][C] He spends all his time in sport and play. 他把全部时间化在消遣和游玩上. 2.运动,体育竞技活动[C][U] I think football is an exciting sport. 我认为足球是一种 *** 的运动. 3.【英】运动会[P] The school sports will be held next month. 校运会将于下月举行. 4.玩笑,戏谑;嘲弄对象,笑柄;玩物[U] She spoke half in sport,half in earnest. 她半开玩笑半认真地说. 5.【口】有体育道德的人,经得起输的人;讨人欢喜的人[C] Is he a good sport when he plays cards? 他玩牌时经得起输吗? 6.【口】 *** ;爱打赌的人;赌徒[C] 7.【英】【口】【罕】(用作称呼)朋友;老兄 8.【生】突变;变种;芽变[C] vt. 1.【口】炫耀;夸示 sport one"s wealth 夸耀财富 2.【生】突变为;芽变出 vi.,玩耍,寻欢作乐 The children are sporting on the lawn. 孩子们在草坪上玩耍. 2.参加运动 3.开玩笑,嘲弄[(+with)] 4.【生】突变;芽变 a. 1.(常作sports)运动的,适用于运动的[B] game KK:[] DJ:[] n.;运动;游戏(或运动)器具[C] Football is a game which interests me a lot. 足球是我感兴趣的运动. Let"s have a game of cards. 我们玩牌吧. 2.竞赛;运动会[P][G] The First East Asian Games were held in Shanghai in 1993. 第一届东亚运动会于一九九三年在上海举行. 3.(比赛等的)一局,一场[C] He won two games out of three. 他在三局比赛中胜了两局. 4.比赛得分情况 [U] The game is 5 to 3. 比分是五比三. 5.玩笑;计策,花招[C] We saw through his game. 我们看穿了他的鬼把戏. 6.猎物(可指兽、鸟、鱼等)[U] A good hunter always has game on the table. 好猎手的餐桌上总是不缺野味的. a. 1.勇敢的;好斗的 The little boy was game enough to swim across the river. 这小男孩胆子大,敢于游过河去. 2.狩猎的;猎物的[Z] Game laws protect wild life. 狩猎法保护野生动物. 3.情愿的,对...有意的[Z][F][(+for)][+to-v] She is game for any risk. 她情愿冒任何风险. vi. 1.赌博 百度词典,1,sport专门指运动 game一般指游戏,也可以指运动,2,sport与game之间的区别是什么? 要的是语法上的区别 请传多些 越多越好!
2023-07-07 05:24:521

tied the game 什么意思

2023-07-07 05:25:003

kill the game是什么意思

kill the game杀死游戏
2023-07-07 05:25:081


2023-07-07 05:25:182