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你说的是polymer journal 吧,那个期刊绝不是nature的子刊,只是挂在nature出版集团下边,由nature出版集团负责发行。它是由日本人主办的高分子领域期刊,大概相当于中国的高分子学报,影响因子当然低了。




锂聚合物电池(Li-polymer,又称高分子锂电池):具有能量密度高、更小型化、超薄化、轻量化,以及高安全性和低成本等多种明显优势,是一种新型电池。在形状上,锂聚合物电池具有超薄化特征,可以配合各种产品的需要,制作成任何形状与容量的电池。该类电池可以达到的最小厚度可达0.5mm。相对于锂离子电池,锂聚合物电池的特点如下: 1. 无电池漏液问题,其电池内部不含液态电解液,使用胶态的固体。 2. 可制成薄型电池:以3.6V400mAh的容量,其厚度可薄至0.5mm。 3. 电池可设计成多种形状。 4. 电池可弯曲变形:高分子电池最大可弯曲900左右。 5. 可制成单颗高电压:液态电解质的电池仅能以数颗电池串联得到高电压,高分子电池。 6. 由于本身无液体,可在单颗内做成多层组合来达到高电压。 7. 容量将比同样大小的锂离子电池高出一倍。

polymer 杂志的网址是什么【高人请帮忙】


polymer-metal hybrid什么意思

polymer-metal hybrid 高分子金属复合hybrid 英[u02c8hau026abru026ad] 美[u02c8hau026abru026ad] n. 杂种; 杂交生成的生物体; 混合物; 混合词; adj. 混合的; 杂种的; [例句]All these brightly coloured hybrids are so lovely in the garden.花园里所有这些色彩鲜艳的杂交花真美丽。[其他] 复数:hybrids

专业名词解释 polymer-rich phase什么意思


我想知道 "dry polymer"的准确中文意思


Polymer concrete是什么材料





On The Wings of A Butterflyby Christine McClimYour friendship is special Like the flowers that bloom Or when a butterfly emerges From within its cocoon... You remind me of that butterfly Loving and free Bright and colorful For the world to see... We will share sunshine and rainbows; Sometimes the rain and the snow; We"ll stand together through it While the cold winds blow... When the time is right We won"t stop to ask "Why?" Our friendship will take flight On the wings of a butterfly ... 参考: 100-poems/poems/friendship/ Pome: Me friend you friend everybody friend. You Play me play everybody play. me Like you you like me everybody like. We friends they friends everybody friends! You remind me of that butterfly Loving and free Bright and colorful For the world to see... Warning T.K.Lay!You know what happened if you delete with deliberate insults now! Friendly with the couple.(English Poem) An Attempt To Response:- We had no quarrel-not even one A close good friend we stand As supportive supporter you"ve done Loving on our sociable land. (--) (--) (--) (--) (---) (---) Warm weling we chat and attend Getting to know your fame Of the couple at corridor end A neighbourly name.. 2012-04-18 08:52:42 补充: How dare you to "delete" me from yourpoem!On friendly terms--Higher than the treasure hoards Is the ladies" choice Sweeter than the chat-up of birds Is the friendly loving voice.--Wele *** iles on 5 faces not sad As the 5 butterfly of spring Let the romantic 5 be glad With TVB *** ile they bring. 参考: google website google website

polymer journal 是哪个国家的

  日本的Polymer Journal (PJ) 【出版者】 Society of Polymer Science, Japan【语种】 English 【内容简介】 First Published in 1970, English, Published Monthly(every 15th of the month) Polymer Journal (PJ) has been international high quality journal published monthly in English by SPSJ since 1970. PJ presents you up-to-date results of scientific research and new information in all the fields of polymer science. PJ includes Regular Articles, Notes, and Short Communications. Review Articles and Invited Papers are occasionally accepted on invitation. PJ covers the whole range of polymer science: Polymer Syntheses and Reactions, Polymer Structures, Physical Properties of Polymers, Functional Polymers, Biopolymers, and Polymer Engineering.

li-polymer Battery电池是锂电池还是锂聚合物电池

li-锂离子polymer 聚合物Battery电池锂聚合物电池

简述化学高分子(指用高分子化学手段聚合得到的chemical polymer)与蛋白质分子的本质区别



BA是丙烯酸丁酯结构式为H2C=CHCOOCH2CH2CH2CH3。一般用作有机合成中间体、粘合剂、乳化剂、涂料EVA:乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物。有不同牌号的,可以根据用途选择。VA:你这个VA,应该不是聚合物,有很多缩写都是VA,比如乙烯醇vinyl alcohol

polymer material是什么意思

聚合材料polymer: n. 【化学】聚合体,聚合物,多聚物。 material: adj. 物质的例:High strength polymer materials for making space cable制造太空缆的高强度聚合物材料








polymer n.聚合体




polymer意思:聚合物; 多聚体;双语例句The nature of the polymer is currently a trade secret.这一聚合物的性质目前是个商业机密。The invention relates to a cationic polymer dehydrator for sludge.本发明涉及一种用于污泥脱水的阳离子型聚合物脱水剂The videodisc is made of liquid crystal polymers.影碟是由液晶聚合物制成的。polymer 双语例句1. polymer的意思1. Effect of salinity, sodium silicate, mixed alkaline, promoters and polymer on dynamic interfacial tension were studied.考察盐、碱、助剂、聚合物对表面活性剂的动态界面张力的影响。2. The current experimental results show that the content of leached alumino-siliceous residue distilled from the kalisalt was the primary effective factor on the mechanical properties of the products.High performance mineral polymer can be prepared while the content of sodium silicate in the alkaline liquid and the standard sand in the solid materials are both kept around 70%.结果表明:干燥的提钾滤渣在粉体物料中的比例对制品的力学性能影响最大;硅酸钠水玻璃在液相中的比例约为70%,且标准砂占固相的比例为70%左右时,可制得力学性能良好的矿物聚合材料。3. Mineral polymer was prepared using fly ash, one of the industrial solid wastes, andmetakaolinite, standardized sand, sodium silicate and alkaline solution in this study.本项研究利用工业固体废弃物之一粉煤灰,配以变高岭石、标准砂、硅酸钠水玻璃和氢氧化钠溶液制备得到矿物聚合材料制品。


是英文:聚合物 的意思,具体要看哪种聚合物


upset心烦的 苦恼的disappointed失望的 沮丧的

android 向服务器post多个文件的时候,服务器报异常

struts 用的是fileupload 这个组件默认的文件上传表单最大值是2M,超过了会抛出异常如果是struts的话,要配置一下文件上传的最大值在struts.xml中加入 <constant name="struts.multipart.maxSize" value="10485760"/> 10MB

altium report_drc.xsl does not exist怎么解决


altium report_drc.xsl does not exist怎么解决 ,templates文件夹下明明存在该文件啊~protel09的

我用Altium Designer画完PCB电气检查时出现altium report_drc.xsl does not exist,可我看了一下安装的Templates里面有report_drc.xsl 是怎么回事啊

国际贸易英语中的transpotation 和shipment 有何区别?

transportation是运输,笼统的概念,shipment是装运,一般是指装船运输的术语,像time of shipment就是装运时间。

国际贸易英语中的transpotation 和shipment 有何区别?

分类: 商业/理财 >> 贸易 解析: shipment有两种意思: 1、作为不可数名词,意为“putting of goods”,是装船这个动作的动名词形态;例如,Your goods are ready for shipment. 2、作为可数名次,意为“quantity of goods shipped”,指所装运之货量;例如,How many regular shipments do you have every year? 而transportaion只能做不可数名词,意为“transporting or being transported",指运送、运输,有被动的意味。但在国际贸易中它一般泛指“运输”,包括陆运、空运、海运;而“shipment”就只指装船这种运输方式。另外,抛开国际贸易,transportaion还有“放逐、流刑”之义,例如“The criminal was sentenced to transportaion for life(那罪犯被判终身放逐)”. 以上部分引自《牛津现代高级英汉双解词典》


across from

Shipment only refers to transportation by ships.

Shipment only refers to transportation by ships. A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:B

ponent作为词根的意思 像在opponent component 中

ponent 西方的opponent[u0259"pu0259u028anu0259nt]n. 对手;反对者;敌手adj. 对立的;敌对的component[ku0259m"pu0259u028anu0259nt]adj. 组成的,构成的希望可以帮助到您

ponent作为词根的意思 像在opponent component 中

ponent 西方的 opponent[u0259"pu0259u028anu0259nt] n.对手;反对者;敌手 adj.对立的;敌对的 component[ku0259m"pu0259u028anu0259nt] adj.组成的,构成的 希望可以帮助到您

opponent 的反义词,好象是直接在形式上变化的那种


opponent rival competitor三者有什么区别? 有把握者回答,其他免进,

opponent 在争论、辩论、战争、对抗,政治中持相反意见的人 competitor比赛或竞赛中的其他竞争者 rival大范畴的竞争,行业竞争,国家竞争.

opponent s

opponent的意思是对手。Opponent,英文单词,名词、形容词,作名词时意为“对手;反对者;敌手”,作形容词时意为“对立的;敌对的”。短语搭配:Political opponent政敌 ; 政治上的敌人 ; 他的政敌 ; 政治对手Alien Opponent影片原名 ; 外星人对手silence opponent压制反对Opponent Modeling对手建模Russian opponent俄罗斯对手Choose Opponent选择对手快速游戏Opponent party对方当事人opponent model对手模型opponent court对区双语例句:1、Who is your opponent?你们的对手是谁?2、Because he decides who wins or loses not my opponent.因为他决定谁胜利,谁失败,而不是我的对手。3、He skirmished with his opponent .他跟他的对手发生小冲突。

opponent的词根是什么? 是否还有其他派生词?


If you have a exporter that ships to China I can get it to them at the US border. 怎么翻译



opponent : op-,相对,对着的,-pon,放置,词源同pose,component.即对着放的,引申词义反对者,对手。1. 【谐音】阿婆难她 阿婆难她的对手了。 ->对手、敌手、对抗者 2. opponent:(op反+pon+ent→反着放→对立的)3. opponent : op-,相对,对着的,-pon,放置,词源同pose,component.即对着放的,引申词义反对者,对手。opponentn.1.对手,敌手,对抗者,敌对者,反对者2.【解剖学】对向肌adj.1.对立的,对抗的,反对的,敌对的2.(位置上)对面的,相对的3.【解剖学】对向肌的,对抗肌的


Opponent,英文单词,名词、形容词,作名词时意为“对手;反对者;敌手”,作形容词时意为“对立的;敌对的”。短语搭配Political opponent政敌 ; 政治上的敌人 ; 他的政敌 ; 政治对手Alien Opponent影片原名 ; 外星人对手silence opponent压制反对Opponent Modeling对手建模Russian opponent俄罗斯对手Choose Opponent选择对手快速游戏Opponent party对方当事人opponent model对手模型opponent court对区双语例句Who is your opponent?你们的对手是谁?Because he decides who wins or loses not my opponent.因为他决定谁胜利,谁失败,而不是我的对手。He skirmished with his opponent .他跟他的对手发生小冲突。


opponent n. 对手,竞争者;反对者,阻止者;adj. 对立的,敌对的oppositeadj. 完全相反的,截然不同的;例句:1.The boxer jabbed at his opponent.拳击手向对手猛击。2.The fascination of the game lies in trying to guess what your opponent is thinking.这个游戏的魅力就在于要努力去猜对手在想什么。





defeat opponent是什么意思

击败对手 如有疑问,请追问;如满意,请及时采纳,谢谢,祝开心^_^!..............

有一个和opponent很像的单词 意思是部分





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不是,是be 过去分词形式,had 在此仅为表过去完成时的标志,是被动要在been 后还有动词的被动语态.

Abandoned Pools的《the remedy》 歌词

歌曲名:the remedy歌手:Abandoned Pools专辑:humanisticI could useA shotYour novacaineMy soul"s a fuseBlows away your nameThen you can be the remedyAnd I can be the enemyAnd he can go and live as nothingThey you can be the wanna beAnd I can be the remedyAnd he can go to hell for all I careSay this world is not so shallowWhen you can"t beg steal or borrowSave your breath your soul is hollowAnd it"s all too much to swallowTake this souvenirThey can"t deny you were hereThis scar always thereTo medicate your fearhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14138617



matlab addpow=zeros(1,10)是什么语句

赋值语句,将addpow变成 一行十列的向量,每个元素都是零


PDT就是Product DevelopmentTeam(产品开发团队),基本特点是其成员来自各职能部门,如市场、开发、制造、采购、财务、客户服务等,并且每个职能部门在PDT中只能有一个人,他代表相应的职能部门,在自己的职能部门他又代表PDT。PDT是一个虚拟的组织,它不属于任何职能部门,是直接对产品开发负责的组织。PDT在概念形成时成立,在产品成功发布后解散。PDT的职责是开发出建议的产品,他们在概念和计划阶段制定项目计划,在以后各阶段管理项目.

wide swimming pools are usually divided into什么?


There are two big swimming pools here中的谓语是哪个?

有人认为是there are 。其实是are 。

Abandoned Pools的《Rabble》 歌词

歌曲:Rabble乐队:Abondoned poolsYou"re sitting next to meThe leaves are on the groundMy heart is in your handsThe ticking of the clockThe siren on the streetMy heart is in your handsBut all I ever wantedAll I ever really neededWas just for you to hear meJust for you to really know meAll I wanted was you to hear meAnd all I needed was you to know meMiles and miles of smilesPromising the worldIt"s getting dark down hereWe could use a little helpWe could use a little sparkIts getting dark down hereBut all I ever wantedAll I ever really neededWas just for you to hear meJust for you to really know meAll I wanted was you to hear meAnd all I needed was you to know meYou"re sitting next to meThe leaves are on the groundMy heart is in your handsBut all I ever wantedAll I ever really neededWas just for you to hear meJust for you to really know meAll I wanted was you to hear meAnd all I needed was you to know meBut all I ever wantedAll I ever really neededWas just for you to hear meJust for you to really know meAll I wanted was you to hear meAnd all I needed was you to know mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1522785

Cost Pools是什么意思啊?

Cost Pools成本库、成本池。

如何往IIS 7.5的Application Pools中添加ASP NET v4.0

选择应用程序池,然后右键,高级设置,找到fw版本 ,将值设置成4.0 即可。

新标准英语教材rock pool什么意思

rock pool 英[rɔk pu:l] 美[rɑk pul] n. (海边岩石间的) 潮水潭; [例句]When the tide ebbs it"s a rock pool inhabited by crustaceans.退潮时,它便成为甲壳动物居住的岩石区潮水潭。[其他] 复数:rock pools Rock Pool,Cyril Connolly写的,出版与1936年的一本小说

有谁知道abandoned pools?

  Abandoned Pools  Indie / Alternative / Rock  For singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist Tommy Walter, the name of his musical alter ego, Abandoned Pools, once more seems to fit his situation like a well-worn glove. On Humanistic, his 2001 debut, it referred to his leaving behind a seemingly carefree upbringing in the L.A. suburb of Westlake Village to pursue a career in rock, which led him to become one of the founding members of the eels after studying French horn and composition at USC and then University of the Pacific.  That dream had its roots in Walter"s childhood love of pop and rock music, beginning with the Star Wars soundtrack and Prince, then growing to include "80s U. K. new wave bands, indie guitar rock and cutting-edge electronics, all of them apparent on Humanistic as well as his brand-new Universal Records EP, The Reverb EP.  That first album went on to sell almost 100k, thanks to the Modern Rock hit, “The Remedy” and tours with the likes of Remy Zero, Garbage, Lenny Kravitz, Billy Corgan, and A Perfect Circle, but after the demise of his label, Walter found himself back where he started. It took the dissolution of an intense romance for him to throw himself back into his music, once again recording demos in his home studio.  Produced by Gareth Jones (Depeche Mode, Interpol, Clinic, Erasure and Einstürzende Neubauten) and mixed by Ken Andrews (Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Failure, Year of the Rabbit), the new five-song EP serves as a preview for Abandoned Pools" upcoming full-length album, Armed to the Teeth, once again showcasing Walter"s ability to combine the macro and the micro, contrasting his despair with the world situation and his own personal heartbreak.  Featuring holdover drummer Bryan Head and guitarist Sean Woolstenhulme, the band"s songs include “Armed to the Teeth,” about “the way people wield their power by how they consume and spend their money,” whose slashing guitars and dance rhythms evoke the likes of U2 and Joy Division. “Sooner or Later” suggests a world on the edge of destruction, its layers of sound easing towards apocalypse with lyrics like “I"ve got my finger/On trigger.” Walter takes a crunching, grunge-rock approach to his cover of Bjork"s “Army of Me,” while “The Catalyst” (“I wish I could say something beautiful/To make you fall in love again”) and the Coldplay jangle of “Waiting to Panic” (“I"m thinking/My head is exploding”) both deal with the regret in the aftermath of a relationship gone awry.  “On that first record, people said they could hear the influences,” says Walter. “But this time, I think there"s a little bit of bravado in there. I wrote what I felt like writing. Things were happening in my life, and I just had to write about them. That"s how I dealt with it. I had to just dive right in.” When Walter isn"t blaming himself for letting things unravel, he"s taking on the hypocrisy and fear in a post-9/11 universe. “This is such an aggressive world,” he says of Armed to the Teeth. “There"s a very militaristic attitude in our country right now. You can"t walk down the street without getting run over by somebody in an SUV. It"s very mean-spirited and I just don"t get that.”  Wiser from his first brush with the music industry merry-go-round, Walter is sure he"s “armed to the teeth” for another opportunity. “You sort of get caught up in yourself and how important you think everything is,” he says of lessons learned. “I"m a much calmer person now. I feel much better about this record than I did the first one. I know it"s good; I don"t care what other people think. If it does well, that would be nice, but it"s not the most important thing to me.”  Walter also expresses confidence in his band, drummer Head and guitarist Woolstenhulme, who"ll be going out on tour with him, and have played with him for several years. Woolstenhulme, a fellow music conservatory grad who has toured with both Lifehouse and The Jimmy Chamberlin Complex while counting iconoclasts Bill Frisell and Thelonious Monk among his favorites, was drawn to Walter"s compositional ambition. “This is definitely a band.  What"s great about playing with Abandoned Pools is how it allows me to use a wide palette of sounds,” he says. “The music can be as offensive or as pretty as you want. It covers the entire spectrum of rock. The possibilities are endless. There"s a meaning and purpose to it, as well as a system behind it… which makes it more of a challenge to play.” Drummer Head, who joined Tommy in Abandoned Pools as part of his first touring band, is also a classically trained musician who has played with Geffen Records band Black Lab and EMI act Ross Golan & Molehead. “It"s difficult music, not the kind you get tired of playing night after night,” he says.  “I"m a better performer and singer now,” says Walter about his own development. “I"m really looking forward to playing live and promoting this album. I"m just going to go out there and say, ‘Here are some songs about love and loss." And I"m sure people can relate.”  Happily, Tommy Walter"s loss represents a musical gain for Abandoned Pools fans.  专辑:  Humanistic (2001)  1. The Remedy  2. Mercy Kiss  3. Start Over  4. Monster  5. Blood  6. Suburban Muse  7. Sunny Day  8. L.V.B.D.  9. Ruin Your Life  10. Never  11. Seed  12. Flouresein  Armed To The Teeth (2005)  1. Lethal Killers  2. Rabble  3. The Catalyst  4. Tighter Noose  5. Waiting To Panic  6. Hunting (The Universe Breaks My Heart)  7. Armed To The Teeth  8. Sooner Or Later  9. Sailing Seas  10. Renegade  11. Maybe Then Someday  12. Goodbye Song  13. Lucky / Bonus Track on iTunes  其它歌曲:  9 Billion  Clone High (Extended Version)  Get Over It / from "The Remedy" Single  Red Flag

rock pools


请问"singapore pools"是什么意思????


poy- sian是什么?

poy-sian是泰国的一款鼻通,可以通鼻提神醒脑。1、POY-SIAN一般指泰国八仙筒,被公认为泰国闻起来最舒服的一款鼻通。夏季防暑神器。夏季人手必备一支,一头是鼻通可以通鼻提神醒脑,一头是药油可以驱蚊止痒蚊虫叮咬止痒!夏天防暑,冬天防流感,一年四季都合适用的宝贝。感冒了,也可以用来通通鼻子。2、【功效】:提神醒脑 学生 瞌睡;熬夜提神;头晕昏眩;防晕车、晕船;缓解头晕;鼻炎、通鼻塞;防中暑、防感冒、防蚊驱虫、止氧消肿。3、【用法】:拧开一头可嗅吸,旋开另一头可滴液擦抹。4、八仙筒曾经在娱乐节目中大放异彩。

pools and fluxes怎么解释

pools 英[pu:lz] 美[pu:lz] n. (前面与the连用) 足球场; 水池( pool的名词复数 ); (统称) 备用人员; (液体等的) 一滩; 共同储金; v. 集中…共同使用,共用( pool的第三人称单数 ); fluxes n. 通量; 连续的改变( flux的名词复数 ); 不稳定的状态; 不停的变化; [例句]In general, fluxes and forces may have different tensorial characters.一般说来,力和通量可以具有不同的张量特征标。[其他] 原型: flux


pool 英[pu:l] 美[pul] n. 水池; 石油层; (液体等的) 一滩; 共同储金; vi. 使形成池塘或水洼; 淤积; 合伙经营; 采(煤等); [例句]During winter, many people swim and the pool is crowded.冬季来游泳的人很多,泳池人满为患。[其他] 第三人称单数:pools 复数:pools 现在分词:pooling 过去式:pooled过去分词:pooled




用poy-sian没有什么危害。这个被公认为泰国闻起来最舒服的一款鼻通。 泰国八仙筒POY-SIAN薄荷香筒鼻通。夏季防暑神器!夏季人手必备一支,一头是鼻通可以通鼻提神醒脑,一头是药油可以驱蚊止痒蚊虫叮咬止痒!夏天防暑,冬天防流感感冒了,也可以用来通通鼻子哦!这个东西其实和国内的风油精差不太多 只是气味什么的会更好一点 偏向于薄荷类的。所以使用它不会有什么危害。poy-sian的功效:提神醒脑 学生 瞌睡;熬夜提神;头晕昏眩;防晕车、晕船;缓解头晕;鼻炎、通鼻塞;防中暑、防感冒、防蚊驱虫、止氧消肿。poy-sian的用法:拧开一头可嗅吸,旋开另一头可滴液擦抹

无边际游泳池的Infinity pools


poy-sian是什么东西 poy sian用法 poy-sian是什么

poy-sian是泰国的一款鼻通,可以通鼻提神醒脑。1、POY-SIAN一般指泰国八仙筒,被公认为泰国闻起来最舒服的一款鼻通。夏季防暑神器。夏季人手必备一支,一头是鼻通可以通鼻提神醒脑,一头是药油可以驱蚊止痒蚊虫叮咬止痒!夏天防暑,冬天防流感,一年四季都合适用的宝贝。感冒了,也可以用来通通鼻子。2、【功效】:提神醒脑 学生 瞌睡;熬夜提神;头晕昏眩;防晕车、晕船;缓解头晕;鼻炎、通鼻塞;防中暑、防感冒、防蚊驱虫、止氧消肿。3、【用法】:拧开一头可嗅吸,旋开另一头可滴液擦抹。4、八仙筒曾经在娱乐节目中大放异彩。

myrtha pools 是什么


Pools of Light是什么意思


wading pool中文翻译

Suction fittings for use in swimming pools , wading pools , spas , hot tubs , and whirlpool bathtub apppances 游泳池浅水池矿泉池热水浴缸和涡流浴缸设备用抽水配件 Suction fittings for use in swimming pools , wading pools , spas , hot tubs , and whirlpool bathtub apppances 游泳池,浅水池,温水泳池,保温浴盆和涡流式浴缸用吸水配件 Content abstract : it " s hot , so maisy and tallulah get out the wading pool . but wait , it has a leak ! what will they do 内容简介:太热了,梅西和塔卢拉找到了一个塑料泳池,但是上面却有一个洞,他们该怎么办呢? Manufactured safety vacuum release systems for residential and mercial swimming pools , spa , hot tub , and wading pool suction systems 住宅和商用游泳池健康中心热浴盆和浅水池吸入系统用人造安全真空排放系统 Manufactured safety vacuum release systems for residential and mercial swimming pool , spas , hot tub and wading pool suction systems 住宅区和商业区游泳池健康中心热浴盆和浅水池水抽吸系统的人造安全真空排放系统 Willy , a tortoise , belonging to kelpe , walks past the family dog sunday , aug . 21 , 2006 , in ridgeville , s . c . after a month on the lam , the 40 - pound tortoise with a 2 - foot - wide , gold - colored shell is back in the wading pool at his owner " s home 图中,维力正在与主人家的宠物狗一起玩耍。在经历一个月的在外流浪之后,这只重大40磅长著2英尺宽的金色壳乌龟终于回到了主人家的浅水池里。 No longer just rectanglar blue holes surrounded by concrere aprons , today " s pools e in myriad shapes and sizes - from square wading pools , long lap pools , round spas , and teardrop - shaped jet pools to elaborate naturapstic pools plete with boulders , vanishing edges , waterfalls , and lush landscaping 而今的泳池也不仅仅局限在圆形的蓝色设计了,更多的形状随之出现,即便是泳池的边缘也被设计的极为精巧与美观。





我安装好VMware了,怎么没有安装VMware pools?

直接顶部点,加载虚拟光驱动,VMWARE TOOLS ,加载成功,虚拟机光驱运行TOOLS。。。。

poy- sian是什么牌子?

poy-sian是泰国的一款鼻通,可以通鼻提神醒脑。1、POY-SIAN一般指泰国八仙筒,被公认为泰国闻起来最舒服的一款鼻通。夏季防暑神器。夏季人手必备一支,一头是鼻通可以通鼻提神醒脑,一头是药油可以驱蚊止痒蚊虫叮咬止痒!夏天防暑,冬天防流感,一年四季都合适用的宝贝。感冒了,也可以用来通通鼻子。2、【功效】:提神醒脑 学生 瞌睡;熬夜提神;头晕昏眩;防晕车、晕船;缓解头晕;鼻炎、通鼻塞;防中暑、防感冒、防蚊驱虫、止氧消肿。3、【用法】:拧开一头可嗅吸,旋开另一头可滴液擦抹。4、八仙筒曾经在娱乐节目中大放异彩。

无边际游泳池的endless pools

中文也译为:无边际泳池,原义为游不到尽头的游泳池,就是通过特殊的水力推动装置,形成定向的水流,游泳者通过逆流在泳池中游泳,以此来达到游泳运动的目的,与跑步机类似,因为水流的推动作用,游泳者游不到泳池的边,所以叫无边际泳池。 在有限的空间内让静止的池水定向层式流动,使游泳者逆向层流游动,和跑步机的原理类似。由于游泳是一种“有氧运动”,常期进行“有氧运动”可以大大提高人体的各项机能,使人体生理指标达到平衡,身体更加强健,体型更加匀称。无边际泳池的水流速度即为游泳者的游速,水流速度的可调范围为2~210米/分钟(奥运会自由泳1500米纪录保持者为103.3米/分钟,一般人约为75-85米/分钟),即游泳者可在15-20分钟内完成1.5公里不转向的游泳距离。 无边际泳池采用层流推进器推进水的流动,并可以自由地进行水流动力的调节,让您感觉是在真正的无边际空间游泳!无边际泳池水流系统包括层流推进装置和水循环系统,层流推进装置每分钟最大能产生约17立方米的水流,即相当于在一分钟之内把整个无边际泳池的水进行了完全循环与流动。安装在无边际泳池下部的强力出水口与超大回水口,保证了整个无边际泳池水流的正常循环流动,并且使池中的水流能够平稳中带着力度,在无边际泳池中游泳时仿佛是在很深的水域中一直向前游动,还不用担心会遇到任何的旋涡或是巨浪等危险。

poy- sian是什么?

poy-sian是泰国的一款鼻通,可以通鼻提神醒脑。1、POY-SIAN一般指泰国八仙筒,被公认为泰国闻起来最舒服的一款鼻通。夏季防暑神器。夏季人手必备一支,一头是鼻通可以通鼻提神醒脑,一头是药油可以驱蚊止痒蚊虫叮咬止痒!夏天防暑,冬天防流感,一年四季都合适用的宝贝。感冒了,也可以用来通通鼻子。2、【功效】:提神醒脑 学生 瞌睡;熬夜提神;头晕昏眩;防晕车、晕船;缓解头晕;鼻炎、通鼻塞;防中暑、防感冒、防蚊驱虫、止氧消肿。3、【用法】:拧开一头可嗅吸,旋开另一头可滴液擦抹。4、八仙筒曾经在娱乐节目中大放异彩。

英文vernal pools应该翻译成什么比较合适呢?


RNA pools 是什么意思

RNA 库,带有某种特征的RNA的集合吧。


pool 是可数名词。例:There are three swimming pools in this community.The battle field was noticeable with pools of blood everywhere.

poy- sian是什么东西?

poy-sian是泰国的一款鼻通,可以通鼻提神醒脑。1、POY-SIAN一般指泰国八仙筒,被公认为泰国闻起来最舒服的一款鼻通。夏季防暑神器。夏季人手必备一支,一头是鼻通可以通鼻提神醒脑,一头是药油可以驱蚊止痒蚊虫叮咬止痒!夏天防暑,冬天防流感,一年四季都合适用的宝贝。感冒了,也可以用来通通鼻子。2、【功效】:提神醒脑 学生 瞌睡;熬夜提神;头晕昏眩;防晕车、晕船;缓解头晕;鼻炎、通鼻塞;防中暑、防感冒、防蚊驱虫、止氧消肿。3、【用法】:拧开一头可嗅吸,旋开另一头可滴液擦抹。4、八仙筒曾经在娱乐节目中大放异彩。
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