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to 啊


过去式为:“planned”。 要双写。

Planned visited traveled played 哪个ed的发音不同?

你好 visited /id/的发音与其他的不同,其他的是/d/.






planned adj. 计划了的,根据计划的

英语关于时态的问题,为什么45题中是had planned不是planned,二者区别在哪里

had planned是过去完成式,planned尽是完成式而已





plan的过去式 有些说planed 有些说planned应该是什么上海9A的书上有吗?

如果是plan“计划”,那我就只看到过,过去式是planned 过去分词planned 现在分词planning 第三人称单数plans 名词planner .不过另外一个单词plane“刨”,的 过去式planed 过去分词planed 现在分词planing 第三人称单数planes 名词planeness .两个词倒是挺像的哦,以前还没注意呢,不知道你是不是也弄混了?

第三题为什么要用planned 而不是plans

因为英语把this evening看作是过去式。所以动词plan要用过去式。


planned中的ed发音/d/, wanted中的ed发音/id/, 所以不一样。

planned 还是planed?



只有planned,如下plannedKK: []DJ: []a.1. 根据计划的;有计划的planningKK: []DJ: []n.1. 制订计划2. 城市规划,土地规划










分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: planned是形容词 计划好的,有计划的 a planned economy 计划经济 plan+ to do 计划去做... eg. my family doesn"t like my plan to live by mysife.plan + doing on/to do 打算做某事 eg. you should plan on staying/to stay overnight here? plan+for[on]名 拟定...的计划 eg. you should plan carefully in advance.


plant(同义词) vegetable precious(同义词)valuable dirty water (同义词)waste water 或:polluted water turn off(反义词组)turn on shop assistant(复数)shop assistants lorry(复数) lorries






plant 当动词用时是"种植",在一般现在时里,只有主语是第三人称单数(he,she,it)时,它需要加s,其它人称都不需要变化。如:He plants trees every spring. ( 他每年春天种树。)We plant trees every spring. ( 我们每年春天种树。)


plant第三人称单数: plants 复数: plants 现在分词: planting 过去式: planted 过去分词: planted 英 [plɑnt] 美 [plnt] n.植物;发电厂;工厂;(工业用的)大型机器,设备 v.栽种;种植;播种;在(某处)栽种;立稳;竖立;安放 扩展资料   Plants draw minerals and other nutrients from the soil.   植物从土壤中吸取矿物质和其他养分。   The warm climate favours many types of tropical plants.   温暖的气候对多种热带植物生长有利。   Can plants obtain adequate nourishment from such poor soil?   土壤这样贫瘠,植物能获得足够的养分吗?

plant 与 grow 的区别

grow强调过程 plant强调动作 plant 的主语是人发出的 grow是植物本身的生长 概念不同 1.plant着重指“种植”这一行为。 How many trees have you planted this year? 你们今年植了多少棵树? Have you planted any trees yet? 你种树了吗? 2.grow着重指种植以后的栽培、管理过程。 The farmer grows wheat in this field. 那位农民在这块田里种植的是小麦。 He grew some flowers in the garden. 他在花园里种了花。 {注意}: 某人plant之后树是死是活不一定管,但某人grow a tree则包括培育管理,使其生长的过程。


Plant = 植物的总称,包括:1、Flowering Plants = 显花植物类 2、Algae = 藻类3、Mosese = 苔藓类4、Ferns = 蕨类5、Conifers = 柏松类Plant 对应的是 Plantae = 植物界 Vegetation = 植被,是指:1、一个地区的植物的通称;2、覆盖于地面的植物;3、不涉及具体的生活形态、结构、空间分布和地理特征;4、它是类似于花卉(Flora)的名词,但比花卉具有更广泛的含义;5、与它最接近的词汇是“Plant Community”(植物群落)。大致区别就是如此,细而言之, 可以写一本大部头的著作。





plant什么意思 plant的短语搭配

1、plant作名词的时候意思是:工厂、车间、植物、设备、庄稼。作及物动词的时候意思是:种植、培养、栽培、安置。作不及物动词有时候意思是:种植。 2、短语搭配 vascular plant维管植物 ; 管植物 ; 导管植物 ; 具维管束植物 Plant Cell植物细胞 ; 动物细胞 ; 生物 ; 水稻叶片卷曲基因鉴定 plant protection[植保]植物保护 ;[植保]植物保护学 ; 工厂保护 ; 植保








plant的中文是植物,发电厂,工厂,(工业用的)大型机器,设备,赃物品,坐探,栽种,种植。一、plant的英语释义1、a living organism lacking the power of locomotio.缺乏运动能力的生物体。2、buildings for carrying on industrial labor.进行工业劳动的建筑物。二、plant的双语例句1、Water the plant regularly, never letting the soil dry out.经常给植物浇水,别让土壤干透了。2、Firm the soil around the plant.把植物周围的土弄紧实。3、The company has been investing in new plant and equipment.这家公司一直在投资购置新机器和设备。4、All plants need light and water.一切植物都需要阳光和水。5、These plants need heat and humidity to grow well.这些植物在高温潮湿的环境中才能生长得旺盛。


plant有名词和动词两种用法,其释义为植物、草木、设备、工厂、庄稼等。(1)当plant作名词时基本意思为“植物”,一般指比树木小的植物。这时,plant为可数名词。当plant作为“工厂、车间”时 ,也为可数名词。原指生产某种固定产品的工厂,现多指重工业工厂。plant可统指一切设备、机器、工具等,作单数名词。(2)当plant作动词时plant用作动词时,意思为“种植、栽、播种”,因其有将嫩芽连根从一处挖出,再将其根部入另一个地方,由此引申出“将某物安放在某处”或“建立”之意。plant用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。(3)plant的变形现在分词为 planting;过去式 为planted;过去分词 为planted;复数为 plants;第三人称单数为 plants。有关plant固定搭配如下:(1)annual plant:一年生植物(2)plant hormone:植物激素(3)Plant Pathology:植物病理学;植物病理;动物病理学(4)nuclear power plant:核电站;核电厂;核能发电厂;核动力装置(5)herbaceous plant:草本植物




  plant作为一个名词它的意思是植物,发电厂,工厂,大型机器,设备的意思。作为一个动词,它就是栽种,种植,播种,在某处栽种,竖立,安放的意思。   例句展示,这里有一家发电站,Thereisapowerplanthere。


plant用a。plant作名词时,是可数名词,所以可以接a。plant用作动词时意思是“种植,栽,播种”,指将种子埋入地下使其生根发芽,或将幼嫩的植物连根从一处挖出,然后再将其根部埋入另一个地方。引申可指“将某物安放在某处”或“建立”。plant按照发音,首字母的是辅音,则用a。plant双语例句1、This plant is a vigorous grower.这种植物生长起来茂盛茁壮。2、The plant exudes a sticky fluid.这种植物分泌出一种黏液。3、The plant naturalizes well in grass.这棵植物适应了环境,在草中生长得很好。4、The plant can be propagated from seed.这种植物可由种子繁殖。5、This plant blooms between May and June.这种植物在五六月间开花。

plant是什么意思 解释plant一词的含义?

Plant在英文中还可以指设备。设备是指用于实现某种功能或者完成某项任务的机器、工具、仪器等。设备的种类非常丰富,可以是飞机、汽车、电脑等,也可以是医疗设备、实验室设备等。设备的使用需要遵循一定的操作规程和安全标准,以保证设备的正常运行和使用者的安全。1. 植物综上所述,Plant一词的含义非常广泛,既可以指植物,也可以指工厂或者设备。这些含义都与生产、制造、生命等方面有关。Plant在英文中最常见的含义就是植物。植物是指那些可以自主合成有机物质的生物体,包括了种子植物、蕨类植物、苔藓植物等。植物是地球上生命的基础,它们可以吸收太阳能、二氧化碳和水,通过光合作用合成有机物质,同时还能释放出氧气,为地球上的生物提供了最为基本的能量来源和氧气。Plant在英文中还可以指工厂。工厂是指生产商品或提供服务的设施,可以是化工厂、钢铁厂、汽车厂等。工厂的生产活动涉及到人员、设备、原材料等多个方面,需要科学、精细的管理和生产流程控制,才能保证产品的质量和生产效率。


plant用a。plant作名词时,是可数名词,所以可以接a。Foreign direct investment refers to establishment of a plant or distribution net-work abroad.海外直接投资指在国外建厂或建立销售网络。plant用作动词时意思是“种植,栽,播种”,指将种子埋入地下使其生根发芽,或将幼嫩的植物连根从一处挖出,然后再将其根部埋入另一个地方。引申可指“将某物安放在某处”或“建立”。词义辨析:plant, crop这两个词都可表示“植物”。其区别是:crop主要指栽培的“作物”; 而plant则既可指栽培的“作物”,也可指野生的“植物”。例如:The farmers plant crops in the spring.农民在春季种庄稼。Trees, grass, flowers, vegetables and fruit are plants.树、草、花、菜、果都是植物。


  1、plant作名词的时候意思是:工厂、车间、植物、设备、庄稼。作及物动词的时候意思是:种植、培养、栽培、安置。作不及物动词有时候意思是:种植。   2、短语搭配   vascular plant维管植物 ; 管植物 ; 导管植物 ; 具维管束植物   Plant Cell植物细胞 ; 动物细胞 ; 生物 ; 水稻叶片卷曲基因鉴定   plant protection[植保]植物保护 ;[植保]植物保护学 ; 工厂保护 ; 植保




does the plane often fly under the bridge什么意思?


___the plane often___(fly)under the bridge?用所给动词的

does/did fly

___the plane often___(fly)under the bridge?用所给动词适




he knew that his plan was approved中approval是什么成分?





Uplander LT Entertainer AWDUplander LT EntertainerUplander BaseUplander LSUplander LT

arrange和 plan区别


团队或群体激励计划(team or group incentive plan)

【答案】:团队或群体奖励计划(team or group incentive plans)是根据团队的绩效来向雇员提供薪资奖励的计划。

新加坡有卖thursday plantation 茶树油暗疮治疗啫喱


求大神指点:Thursday plantation星期四农庄茶树去痘凝胶膏这款产品值得买吗?

觉得值啊, 天丶猫CW大丶药丶房 上面才差不多一百块。

Thursday Plantation是哪里的品牌呢,价位高吗?

一一要买的话天猫的那个CW旗见店是,可 以 省钱

有谁用过Thursday Plantation 茶树金缕梅爽肤水的吗?


使用 Thursday plantation 星期四农庄 茶树祛痘凝胶膏+芦荟胶修复膏,痘痘好了但会不会留下痘印呀?

不会的,之前脸上长了好多痘痘,也怕留痘印,后来到CW澳洲大药房买这两个产品, 真的好的,高兴

求指点:Thursday plantation星期四农庄茶树去痘凝胶膏在伤口感染的时候也可以使用吗


Thursday plantation星期四农庄天然芦荟胶是怎么使用的?可以说的详细点吗?

其 实 挺 简 单 的 , 一 般 都 是 1 . 使 用 前 先 洁 面 2 . 在 需 要 涂 抹 处 抹 上 适 量 产 品 3 . 轻 拍 按 摩 到 皮 肤 完 全 吸 收 现 在 天 猫 C h e m i s t W a r e h o u s e 海 外 旗 舰 店 就 可 以 买 到 正 品

thursday plantation是什么牌子?星期四农庄是什么牌子档次?

thursday plantation星期四农庄是澳洲一个非常有名的品牌,品牌就诞生于某个星期四的下午,主要是以植物为主的产品。下面为大家介绍这个品牌thursday plantation是什么牌子 1976年某个星期四,诞生了Thursday Plantation(星期四农庄),来自茶树油的原产地-澳洲新南威尔省,茶树油产品系列一直是澳洲、美国、英国及加拿大销量冠军。星期四农庄提供一系列独特的保健和美容产品,来自大自然的纯植物精油的力量来恢复皮肤,缓解皮肤擦伤,使皮肤变得健康、容光焕发。产品成分不包括合成的羟基苯甲酸酯、SLS、SLES或刺激性洗涤剂,无动物试验,以高标准制造产品。星期四农庄是什么牌子 星期四庄园ThursdayPlantation是来自澳洲的品牌。1976年某个星期四,他们种下第一棵茶树。从此,他们的品牌便定名“ThursdayPlantation”。ThursdayPlantation来自茶树油的原产地-澳洲新南威尔省,首创种植茶树以煶炼茶树油的做法。ThursdayPlantation最全面的茶树油产品系列,一直是澳洲、美国、英国及加拿大销量冠军。来自茶树油的原产地-澳洲新南威尔省,质量更有保证。杀菌能力比澳洲指定杀菌标准高出至少20%。100%全天然,不含药性,减少引致皮肤敏感。天然杀菌、抗菌、防止暗疮蔓延。 鼎鼎大名的美容教主牛尔老师的书里曾介绍,星期四农庄的起源也是来自于一个传奇性的故事:1978年的时候,星期四农庄的创始人Christopher Dean在一次非洲旅行时,脚趾甲受到莫名的感染,在很多次医生都束手无策的情况下,茶树精油竟然治愈了他脚趾甲的严重感染问题。于是Christopher就和他的妻子开始了他们的茶树精油事业,直到今天。Thursday Plantation茶树精油的销售历史已竟超过了30年,而他们也被澳洲政府的TGA部门(治疗用品管理部门)认定为最有治疗等级的品牌,并通过了ISO9001标准。 神奇的茶树精油具有再生和舒缓的效果,具有收敛、消炎、滋润的疗效,可使切伤、创伤、瘀青或湿疹、蚊虫叮咬、皮炎及青春痘等早日愈合。其中对于治疗青春痘(痤疮、粉刺)等有着极其有效的作用,这是由于茶树精油对青春痘的爆发密切相关的三种菌体(痤疮丙酸杆菌、表面葡萄球菌、金黄色葡萄球菌)有特别的抑制活性,而且茶树精油有着很强的渗透性和伤口愈合能力,因此在治疗青春痘(痤疮、粉刺)备受推崇!星期四农庄怎么样 试客背景 我的皮肤属于偏油性的,而且经常长痘痘,还有一些小痘印,一到夏天就容易出油,脱妆。 皮肤比较薄,比较容易过敏,夏天晒多太阳还容易起红疹。 期待了一个多月,终于收到了试用品,包装很赞哦,剥开一层层的神秘外衣,白花花的皂体出现在眼前,闻了一下,散发这淡淡的茶树精油的味道。试用过程与体验 下班回家,迫不及待准备尝试,一起准备就绪,拿出白色的皂皂,加水轻轻搓揉,马上就有很多泡泡出来,白色细腻的泡泡充满了我整个手心。 把泡泡均匀地涂抹在脸色,轻轻按摩,凉凉的,很舒服,我的大油田瞬间清爽了起来,我都有点舍不得把它冲掉了。 一分钟后,用水冲洗干净,噔噔噔噔.......... 水水的,很清爽,一点也不紧绷,感觉皮肤白了好多有木有?!试用心得 这款茶树精油洗脸皂去油效果真的不错,用它洗完脸之后皮肤很清爽,而且还很补水,不紧绷!后面还尝试了几次用来洗澡,因为本人背部有长小痘痘,几次下了,感觉痘痘明显减少了。所以碰到这么好的试用品,真心要赞一个哦!!!!

grow produce plant区别

三个词中意思相对接近的是grow 和plant。这两个词都有种植的意思,但侧重点不尽相同,Grow侧重生长,成长,可以是植物,动物,或其他事物(如企业,野心等),指得是由小到大的整个过程。Plant的种植主要是指栽种,是一个动作,起始点,种棉花,种辣椒,种瓜种豆。Produce的意思是生产,可以是工业上的,农业上的,或雌性生育等。具体使用要看语境。

my plan for a dragon boat festival...

My plan for the Dragon Boat Festival我端午节的计划On the Dragon Boat Festival, I will be staying in town to celebrate it with my family. 端午节那天,我会待在城里和家人一起庆祝。I will help my mum to make Zongzi, and watch dragon boat competition through the live TV channels. 我会帮妈妈包粽子,和在电视直播上看划龙舟比赛。After that we will have a family dinner together to eat the Zongzi.然后我们会有一个家庭晚宴一起吃粽子

Property, Plant, andEquipment (PP&E)是什么意思啊?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  房产、厂房及设备Property,Plant,andEquipment(PP&E) (又称“厂房资产”、“营运资产”或“固定资产”。)     资产负债表中对企业营运中所用固定资产的类别之一。房产、厂房及设备项目通常按购置成本进行分类和报告,其累计折旧或损耗单独列示  马上就要2015年下半年CMA资格考试了,在这里祝大家好好考试,每个人都超常发挥,取得好成绩!  希望我的回答能帮助您解决问题,如您满意,请采纳为最佳答案哟。  再次感谢您的提问,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

we are planning a day out next week. they plan to have a fashion show next week.同样意思,为什么

意思是肯定不同的了,前面句子只说计划,没说什么计划。后句用plan to ,应该要看环境了

Explanation 歌词

歌曲名:Explanation歌手:Train专辑:For Me, It"S YouWhat"s your explanation"Cause everybody got oneWhat"s your expectationI know you got some of those tooAre you one to fly with the creatures that always burn up in the flameOr are you one to sing with the creatures that make up the rules to the gameI wont get hung up, strung up on the reasons whyIf you knew me better, baby you would change your mindAnd leave it all behindWhat"s your explanationWhat"s your favorite color, your signYour basic sense of style and date of birthWho"s gonna win your heart and when your heart"s been wonAnd when your hearts been won is it still your daddy firstAre you one to dance to the rhythm or break till the pain shakes looseOr are you one to cryOh, but you stay dry all night longI wont hung up, strung up on the reasons whyIf I knew you better, maybe I could change your mindIf you knew me better, maybe you will change your mindAnd leave it all behindWhat"s your explanationAre you one to fly with the creatures that always burn up in the flameOr are you one to sing with the creatures that make up the rules to the gameWhat"s your explanationWhat"s your explanationWhat"s your explanation"Cause everybody got one"Cause everybody got oneEverybody got one

General Manager和Plant Manager有什么区别吗?

General Manager职位要比Plant Manager高,General Manager是公司总经理,Plant Manager是工厂部经理,但有的时候也可以是同一个人。



my may day plans的英语作文?

May Day is coming. I will have five days off.I plan to do some exercise in the morning everyday.After sports,I will do some reading.In the afternoon ,I will play computer games with my friends.And I anymore going to help my parents to do some chores.In the evening ,I plan to do my homework until bed time.

求outer space-we are the plantes歌词

We Are the PlanetsSTORYBOT 1We can see the whole Solar System from here.STORYBOT 2I think we can hear it from here too.ALL PLANETS (CHORUS)We are the planets of the Solar SystemDifferent sizes for every oneThe music never endsWe are such good friendsAnd we all orbit the sunSUNHere comes the Sun rapping first on this track, from the beginningI"m the center of the solar system, planets be spinningAround me, so hot, I"m roasting, ya see?Now I pass the mic to the planet closest to meMERCURYMercury! The smallest planet, small as Earth"s moon (MOON: "Yo!")I get super hot and cold and I spin very slowVENUSI"m Venus! I"ve got mountains and volcanoes that sprayI"m the same size as Earth but spin the opposite wayEARTHYeah, I"m Earth, I"m the home to every boy and girl(Sung by Stars) Such a beautiful, beautiful worldMARSI"m Mars, the red planet, I"ve got deserts and iceAnd I"ve got two moons - nice - that"s like one moon, twice!JUPITERI"m Jupiter! the biggest planet, I"m humungous, gargantuanI spin the fastest, rap the fastest, plus I"m handsome, BAM SON!SATURNOh please, I"m Saturn, check out my beautiful ringsMade up of billions of rocks, dust, and other thingsURANUSI"m Uranus, I say that with pride, okay, I liedI"m embarrassed "cause I"m the only planet lying on its side(Uranus lies on its side and the mic flies to Neptune)NEPTUNEI"m Neptune, I"m cold, dark, windy and mysteriousI"m very stormy, so bring an umbrella - I"m seriousALL PLANETS (CHORUS)We"re the planets in the Solar SystemDifferent sizes for every oneThe music never endsWe are such good friendsAnd we all orbit the sunSTORYBOT 1Well, we are done exploring the Solar System.STORYBOT 2I am thirsty. Let"s explore the rest of the Milky Way Galaxy.

初三60字英语作文 my new life plan

My plan of the new termThe new term is coming,and I"m planning to make some plans to insure my improvement on every subject.My plans are as follows.First of all,I should prepare lessons because it is the most important step to study every subject well.Secondly,what I should do is to listen to teacher carefully.Besides,taking notes carefully is also necessary in order to review.Then I should do my homework in time and pay attention to it.At last,I must have a strong will to finish my plan or I will achieve nothing!

The plane has d_____ behind a cloud.

disappeared 消失

Thomas Godoj 《Plan A》 It’s Beautiful 的歌词 在线等!~


what are you career plans ,if any?(不是翻译!)


DIET PLAN – Ketogenic Strict – Recommended foods and meals – Lifesum guide

Lose weight and feel fresh and alert throughout the day. The Ketogenic Diet is high in fat and low in carbs. When you get rid of the carbs your body will use its fat stores for energy – this is called entering into ‘ketosis". According to what your goal is, you can choose different levels of the diet. The more carbs you get rid of the better effect the diet has (that is, the faster the weight loss goes). There are three different levels of the diets in our app, easy – medium – strict.On the strict plan you aim to eat 20 grams of carbs per day. As long as you are below 50 grams of carbs per day you shall have an easy path into ketosis. Throw out everything that"s carb-heavy and full of sugar e.g. sweets & pastries, fruit, root vegetables, rice & pasta.If you follow the ratings in the app you will see that all food items that contain <4 gram of carb/100 gram item get a high score. The more carbs the lower score. At the same time you"ll focus on getting enough dietary fiber, micronutrients and minerals to keep up the good health. It is therefore important to eat vegetables like tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, mushrooms and radishes for example. The fat quality is also important so build up your meals with fatty fish, oils, nuts and avocado.Most importantly, make sure to keep track of the carbs you eat; the diet will work fine as long as you are in ketosis and don"t eat too many calories. Find your favourite foods rich in high-quality fats. In the app you"ll find heaps of recipes to help you out. Don"t cut down on the fat. Don"t give in to your sugar cravings, they will pass in a few days. Prepare for some side effects, you will get more information about them inside the app along the journey.Following a ketogenic strict lifestyle with only 5-10E% carbs per day can be difficult in the long run, if this is something you experience we recommend you to try any of the other ketogenic plans in our app. Recommended foods: Fatty fish (i.e. salmon, trout, tuna, mackerel) Tofu Poultry (i.e. chicken, turkey) Eggs (i.e. boiled, scrambled) Oils (i.e. olive, rapeseed, sesame) Vegetables (i.e. kale, spinach, broccoli, avocado, mushrooms, tomatoes, cauliflower, radishes, zucchini, lettuce, asparagus, aubergine, celery) Berries (i.e. raspberries) Recommended in moderation: Full-fat dairy products (i.e. full fat yoghurt, cream, crème fraiche, full fat cottage cheese) Cheese Meat (i.e. pork, bison, beef) Coconut milk Nuts & seeds (depending on the content of carbs – read the label!) Tips! Read the food labels to avoid foods with sugar, unhealthy fats and artificial additives. Drizzle some extra virgin olive oil on top of your salad or vegetables to enrich your meal with some healthy fat! Prepare your food from scratch! By doing this you know the exact ingredients of your meal and you can avoid sugar, artificial additives and unhealthy fats. Check out the Keto recipes in the app for meal suggestions and inspiration! It"s important to note that some foods and meals can end up with higher or lower score due to different nutritional information. If you"re ever unsure, double check that all nutrition values are correct and if you find any errors you can always either edit the item yourself or report it. We do our absolute best to verify the accuracy of the nutrition information. Although, we cannot guarantee its accuracy.If you are having any medical conditions or suffers from conditions like eating disorders you may not use Lifesum. In that case, always consult a doctor first.To read more about the health benefits from ketogenic lifestyle and see what we base the plan on, please see

英语句子:"let,s plant them.No,not me"这句话中"No,not me"怎


each one of us shares this planet with seven原文及翻译?


英语visual explanations as the go怎么翻译?

visual explanations as the go视觉解释准备就绪


PACKING LIST,一般报关资料里有这个,给货代代理报关,CONTAINER LOAD是做集装箱门到门拖车司机在装好货后让工厂签字会留一份底单.

plan b one step 好吗

plan b one step 意思是b计划,一步plan是计划的意思step是步的意思应该是不错的

刚考的2023英语四级作文有career planning seminar 吗,我搜的答案没有,慌?

假如有的话,自己先准备下:Career Planning SeminarLast weekend, I attended a career planning seminar organized by my university. The seminar was very informative and helpful in guiding students like me to make informed decisions about our future careers.The seminar started with a keynote speech by a successful entrepreneur who shared his own career journey and the lessons he learned along the way. He emphasized the importance of following your passion and taking risks to achieve success. His words were inspiring and gave me a lot to think about.After the keynote speech, there were several breakout sessions covering different industries such as finance, technology, healthcare, and marketing. Each session featured professionals from those industries who provided insights into the skills and qualifications required for various roles within their fields. They also gave advice on how to network and gain experience in these industries.One session that stood out to me was the panel discussion on entrepreneurship. The panelists included successful entrepreneurs who shared their experiences starting and growing their businesses. They talked about the challenges they faced and how they overcame them. It was eye-opening to hear about the realities of entrepreneurship and the hard work required to succeed.Overall, the career planning seminar was an invaluable experience. It gave me a better understanding of the different career paths available and the skills and qualities needed to excel in those fields. It also inspired me to think more deeply about my own passions and goals and how I can pursue them in my future career.职业规划研讨会上个周末,我参加了由我的大学组织的一次职业规划研讨会。这次研讨会非常有启发性,对像我这样的学生在未来职业方向上做出明智决策非常有帮助。研讨会以一位成功的企业家的主题演讲开始,他分享了自己的职业历程以及沿途学到的经验。他强调了追随自己的热情和冒险去实现成功的重要性。他的话激励人心,给我带来了很多思考。在主题演讲之后,有几个小组会议涵盖了不同的行业,如金融、技术、医疗保健和市场营销。每个小组会议都邀请了来自这些行业的专业人士,他们提供了关于不同角色所需的技能和资格的见解。他们还就如何建立人脉关系和在这些行业中积累经验提供了建议。其中一个让我印象深刻的小组讨论是有关创业的。讨论小组包括成功的企业家,他们分享了自己创业和发展业务的经验。他们谈到了他们面临的挑战以及如何克服它们。听到创业的现实和所需的努力真的很有启发性。总的来说,这次职业规划研讨会是一次非常宝贵的经历。它让我更好地了解了不同的职业道路以及在这些领域中取得成功所需的技能和素质。它也激励我更深入地思考自己的热情和目标,以及如何在未来的职业生涯中追求它们。

Ships & Planes 歌词

歌曲名:Ships & Planes歌手:Jackie Boyz专辑:欧美12月最新单曲Jackie Boyz - Ships & PlanesMaxRNB - Your First R&B Sourcei can"t delay my love to youi see that now i was a foolgoing AWOL on meonly one that love me babyi shoulda been more understandinginstead of leavin you all into himand now im sewing it upno giving uppicking up your heart where i left itill keep on searching (how keep on searching)wont stop ill keep on looking (how keep on looking)i need reinforcement (i need reinforcement)cuz i cant do this by myselfif you can hear me then helpi got to call the cavalrycuz im gonna need a lot of ships n planesits gonna take more than just mecuz im gonna need a lot of ships n planesto bring you home (back to me) home home x 4love that feeling straightawayyou layed your life down selfishly for mei know i did u wrongim sorry babyjust know that i wont give upill keep on searchingwont stop ill keep on lookingi need reinforcementcuz i cant do this by myselfif you can hear me then helpi got to call the cavalrycuz im gonna need a lot of ships n planesits going to take more than just mecuz im gonna need a lot of ships n planesto bring you home home home x 4im calling coast guard,the marines, the airforce, the navyi got to get to youno matter how long that it takeswith me is where u belongi got to call the cavalrycuz im gonna need a lot of ships n planesits gonna to take more than just mecuz im gonna need a lot of ships n planesto bring you (back to me) home home home x 4(fade out)MaxRNB - Your First R&B Source
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