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Booglie Wooglie Piggy

Booglie Wooglie Piggy 是一首爵士风格的歌曲。爵士的主要特点是节奏感强。这首歌的作者是 Alton Glenn Miller,是一位美国摇摆年代的爵士大乐团乐手、作曲人和乐队领袖。他是 1939 年至 1943 年间最畅销的录音艺人,曾经领导过一支十分著名的大乐团。 This little piggy went to market 这只小猪去了市场 This little piggy stayed home 那只小猪待在家里 But this little piggy was a booglie wooglie piggy 但还有一只小猪是一只舞动的小猪 And he boogie-woogied all the way home 他一路蹦蹦跳跳地回了家


是roger杀的 他用杠杆让一个石头掉下来了把piggy压死了 海螺也碎了

求Booglie Wooglie Piggy歌词翻译和three little fishes歌词!

歌曲:Booglie Wooglie Piggy歌手:Doris Day所属专辑:Complete Recordings with Les Brown歌词:this little piggy went to market这只小猪去了市场this little piggy stay home这只小猪呆在家里but this little piggy was a booglis wooglie piggy但这只小猪是一个booglis wooglie小猪and he boogie woogie all the way home他布吉伍吉回家的路上this little piggy had roast beef这只小猪有烤牛肉this little piggy had none这只小猪没有but this little piggy was a booglie wooglie piggy and he boogie woogie all the way home但这只小猪是一个booglie wooglie小猪他布吉伍吉回家的路上歌曲名:Three Little Fishes歌手名:Kay Kyser专辑名:The Very Best Of歌词:Down in the meadow in a little bitty poolSwam three little fishies and a mama fishie too"Swim" said the mama fishie, "Swim if you can"And they swam and they swam all over the damBoop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!And they swam and they swam all over the dam"Stop" said the mama fishie, "or you will get lost"The three little fishies didn't wanna be bossedThe three little fishies went off on a spreeAnd they swam and they swam right out to the seaBoop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!And they swam and they swam right out to the sea"Whee!" yelled the little fishies, "Here's a lot of funWe'll swim in the sea till the day is done"They swam and they swam, and it was a larkTill all of a sudden they saw a shark!Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!Till all of a sudden they saw a shark!"Help!" cried the little fishies, "Gee! look at all the whales!"And quick as they could, they turned on their tailsAnd back to the pool in the meadow they swamAnd they swam and they swam back over the damBoop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!And they swam and they swam back over the dam




首先我们来看下pig和piggy的大致意思:pig:词性为名词,Pig is a large domesticated mammal with a rounded snout, stout body, and cloven hooves, kept for its meat, leather, etc.piggy:词性为形容词/名词,Piggy, as an adjective, means resembling or characteristic of a piglet; as a noun, it refers to a young pig.通过下面的表格我们了解下pig和piggy的含义、发音和用法接下来让我们看下pig和piggy的用法区别:1.词性:pig是名词,而piggy可以作为形容词或名词例子:- This pig is fat.(这只pig很胖。)- She likes playing with piggy.(她喜欢玩piggy。)2.含义:pig指的是猪本身,而piggy更侧重于形容像小猪一样的或指代小猪例子:- We have a pig as a pet.(我家养了一只pig。)- The little girl hugged a cute piggy toy.(小女孩抱着一个可爱的piggy玩具。)3.发音:pig的发音为[pɪɡ],而piggy的发音为[ˈpɪɡi]例子:- The word pig is pronounced as "p" and "ig" quickly.(这个词p和ig的发音很快。)- In piggy, both "g" and "y" should be pronounced clearly.(在piggy中,g和y都要分别清晰地发音。)4.用法简介:pig常用于指代真实的猪,而piggy则更常用于形容像小猪一样的或作为指代小猪的名词例子:- I decided to have a pig as a pet.(我决定要养一只pig作为宠物。)- The children love their piggy toys.(小朋友们喜欢玩具piggy。)


首先我们来看下pig和piggy的大致意思:pig:词性为名词,Pig is a large domesticated mammal with a rounded snout, stout body, and cloven hooves, kept for its meat, leather, etc.piggy:词性为形容词/名词,Piggy, as an adjective, means resembling or characteristic of a piglet; as a noun, it refers to a young pig.通过下面的表格我们了解下pig和piggy的含义、发音和用法接下来让我们看下pig和piggy的用法区别:1.词性:pig是名词,而piggy可以作为形容词或名词例子:- This pig is fat.(这只pig很胖。)- She likes playing with piggy.(她喜欢玩piggy。)2.含义:pig指的是猪本身,而piggy更侧重于形容像小猪一样的或指代小猪例子:- We have a pig as a pet.(我家养了一只pig。)- The little girl hugged a cute piggy toy.(小女孩抱着一个可爱的piggy玩具。)3.发音:pig的发音为[pɪɡ],而piggy的发音为[ˈpɪɡi]例子:- The word pig is pronounced as "p" and "ig" quickly.(这个词p和ig的发音很快。)- In piggy, both "g" and "y" should be pronounced clearly.(在piggy中,g和y都要分别清晰地发音。)4.用法简介:pig常用于指代真实的猪,而piggy则更常用于形容像小猪一样的或作为指代小猪的名词例子:- I decided to have a pig as a pet.(我决定要养一只pig作为宠物。)- The children love their piggy toys.(小朋友们喜欢玩具piggy。)


首先我们来看下pig和piggy的大致意思:pig:词性为名词,Pig is a large domesticated mammal with a rounded snout, stout body, and cloven hooves, kept for its meat, leather, etc.piggy:词性为形容词/名词,Piggy, as an adjective, means resembling or characteristic of a piglet; as a noun, it refers to a young pig.通过下面的表格我们了解下pig和piggy的含义、发音和用法接下来让我们看下pig和piggy的用法区别:1.词性:pig是名词,而piggy可以作为形容词或名词例子:- This pig is fat.(这只pig很胖。)- She likes playing with piggy.(她喜欢玩piggy。)2.含义:pig指的是猪本身,而piggy更侧重于形容像小猪一样的或指代小猪例子:- We have a pig as a pet.(我家养了一只pig。)- The little girl hugged a cute piggy toy.(小女孩抱着一个可爱的piggy玩具。)3.发音:pig的发音为[pɪɡ],而piggy的发音为[ˈpɪɡi]例子:- The word pig is pronounced as "p" and "ig" quickly.(这个词p和ig的发音很快。)- In piggy, both "g" and "y" should be pronounced clearly.(在piggy中,g和y都要分别清晰地发音。)4.用法简介:pig常用于指代真实的猪,而piggy则更常用于形容像小猪一样的或作为指代小猪的名词例子:- I decided to have a pig as a pet.(我决定要养一只pig作为宠物。)- The children love their piggy toys.(小朋友们喜欢玩具piggy。)








1、piggy,可以翻译为小猪,也可以翻译成形容词像小猪似的。2、This little piggy ate ice cream.这只小猪吃了冰淇淋。3、youre so close to the piggy.你如此的靠近小猪。

piggy什么意思中文 piggy中文是什么意思

1、piggy,可以翻译为小猪,也可以翻译成形容词像小猪似的。 2、This little piggy ate ice cream.这只小猪吃了冰淇淋。 3、youre so close to the piggy.你如此的靠近小猪。



小猪佩奇可以叫可以叫piggy page吗?

是Peppa Pig


酷狗,网易云。耳喃piggy在酷狗音乐和网易云音乐上都是可以免费听的。歌曲名《耳喃》,由 PIggy 演唱,收录于《耳喃》专辑中,《耳喃》下载,《耳喃》在线试听,更多耳喃相关歌曲推荐,尽在网易云音乐。

piggy eyes





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在恋爱关系中,每一对恋人的相处方式都是不同的,而且每个人的性格不同,在恋爱关系中表现出来的感觉也是不同的,在对另一半的称呼上,就可以感受到一些不同。有的男生喜欢称呼女生一些比较暧昧的名称,而有的则是中规中距的称呼,那么,叫女生piggy是什么意思,男生叫女生猪猪是什么意思?叫女生piggy是小猪的意思,是一种恋人之间的称呼。在恋爱关系中,如果男生称呼女生为piggy,不用担心,这是一种宠溺的称呼,翻译过来就是小猪的意思,男生称呼女生为小猪,并不是说女生就是猪,而是说女生可爱的意思,是恋人之间比较亲昵的称呼。 男生叫女生猪猪是喜爱的意思。猪猪这种叠字称呼,通常是在关系比较亲密的朋友或者恋人之间才会使用的,表示的是对被称呼人的一种喜爱,有宠爱的意思。如果一个男生突然对一个女生叫猪猪,那么这个男生多半是暗恋这个女生,女生在听到这种称呼时,大部分是无法拒绝的。 在相爱的两个人之间,不同的称呼也反应了两人的感情关系如何,亲昵而宠溺的称呼就是两人关系亲密的一种表现。




piggy,可以翻译为小猪,也可以翻译成形容词像小猪似的。昵称是一个汉语词汇,读音为nìchēng,是指现实生活中俗称的小名,能表示亲近和喜爱。通常使用在日常生活的非正式场合。基本概念昵称,网络中昵称是您在使用聊天室,聊天软件等时所显示的名字。每个会员都能为自己起个性化的超酷昵称,会员的昵称是可以互相重复的。编写方法昵称可用繁体,简体,数字,符号,等等进行编写。网络中最流行的就是QQ昵称相对一个昵称一个帐号。想要编写出个性的昵称,当然少不了在昵称里加入特殊符号,特殊符号最好最快的编辑方法是使用智能ABC,选定输入法后,按住V +数字上的数字键,相对V+一个字母,每个栏里显示的符号都不同。除最流行的QQ昵称外还有网名(各大网站留言时所用的名称) 小名(外号)。产生原因究其产生机理,可略得结论如下:① 网站过客,目的很简单,却不得不注册名字,因此起名匆匆随意,不做思索。② 马甲或者拍子专用,喜阴不喜光,此类名字乃上乘之选,最是好用。③ 起名较难,想来想去没合意的,只好拼音或字母缩写或英文或Q号电话号之类便于自己记忆的又有些节奏的网名。④ 特定的事件,深深的留念,几个英文,点点数字,表现出无尽的回忆。平淡是真,沉默是金,最简单的往往是最有效的,是对此类名字的。以上内容参考:百度百科——昵称




这两个词的区别我懂,"pig"是比较客观的词,用来描述真实存在的猪。"piggy"则带有一种亲昵和可爱的感觉,常用于表示对小猪的喜爱或表达温暖的感情。给大家简单总结了两个词的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~~接下来让我们看下pig和piggy的其他区别:1. 词性不同:"pig"是独立的名词,表示成年的猪。"piggy"是"pig"的昵称或可爱的变体形式。例句:- The farmer raises pigs on his farm.(农场主在他的农场上养猪。)- Look at that cute little piggy!(看那只可爱的小猪!)2. 客观程度不同:"pig"是比较客观的词,用来描述真实存在的猪。"piggy"则带有一种亲昵和可爱的感觉,常用于表示对小猪的喜爱或表达温暖的感情。例句:- The pig is eating its food.(猪在吃食物。)- Mom, can we keep this pretty piggy as a pet?(妈妈,我们能把这只漂亮的小猪养成宠物吗?)3. 表示大小不同:"pig"通常指成年的猪,尺寸相对较大。"piggy"则可以指小型或幼年的猪,尺寸相对较小。例句:- The farmer has a big, fat pig on his farm.(农场主在他的农场上养了一头又大又肥的猪。)- Look at those adorable piggy piglets!(看那些可爱的小小猪仔!)4. 使用方式不同:"pig"通常用来指代猪作为一个整体的动物。"piggy"可以用来指代猪的不同部位或特定的猪。例句:- Leonardo"s farm has many pigs.(莱昂纳多的农场有很多头猪。)- Can you please pass me the piggy"s tail? I need to cook it.(你能帮我递一下猪尾巴吗?我要煮它。)5. 情感色彩不同:"pig"通常没有特殊的情感色彩,只是简单地指代猪。"piggy"可以呈现积极的情感,引发喜爱、关心或喜悦等感受。例句:- We saw some pigs on our farm visit today.(今天我们农场参观时看到了几只猪。)- The kids were delighted to meet the little piggies at the petting zoo.(孩子们在触摸动物园见到小小猪仔时非常开心。)








这两个词的区别我懂,"pig"是比较客观的词,用来描述真实存在的猪。"piggy"则带有一种亲昵和可爱的感觉,常用于表示对小猪的喜爱或表达温暖的感情。给大家简单总结了两个词的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~~接下来让我们看下pig和piggy的其他区别:1. 词性不同:"pig"是独立的名词,表示成年的猪。"piggy"是"pig"的昵称或可爱的变体形式。例句:- The farmer raises pigs on his farm.(农场主在他的农场上养猪。)- Look at that cute little piggy!(看那只可爱的小猪!)2. 客观程度不同:"pig"是比较客观的词,用来描述真实存在的猪。"piggy"则带有一种亲昵和可爱的感觉,常用于表示对小猪的喜爱或表达温暖的感情。例句:- The pig is eating its food.(猪在吃食物。)- Mom, can we keep this pretty piggy as a pet?(妈妈,我们能把这只漂亮的小猪养成宠物吗?)3. 表示大小不同:"pig"通常指成年的猪,尺寸相对较大。"piggy"则可以指小型或幼年的猪,尺寸相对较小。例句:- The farmer has a big, fat pig on his farm.(农场主在他的农场上养了一头又大又肥的猪。)- Look at those adorable piggy piglets!(看那些可爱的小小猪仔!)4. 使用方式不同:"pig"通常用来指代猪作为一个整体的动物。"piggy"可以用来指代猪的不同部位或特定的猪。例句:- Leonardo"s farm has many pigs.(莱昂纳多的农场有很多头猪。)- Can you please pass me the piggy"s tail? I need to cook it.(你能帮我递一下猪尾巴吗?我要煮它。)5. 情感色彩不同:"pig"通常没有特殊的情感色彩,只是简单地指代猪。"piggy"可以呈现积极的情感,引发喜爱、关心或喜悦等感受。例句:- We saw some pigs on our farm visit today.(今天我们农场参观时看到了几只猪。)- The kids were delighted to meet the little piggies at the petting zoo.(孩子们在触摸动物园见到小小猪仔时非常开心。)


这两个词的区别我懂,"pig"是比较客观的词,用来描述真实存在的猪。"piggy"则带有一种亲昵和可爱的感觉,常用于表示对小猪的喜爱或表达温暖的感情。给大家简单总结了两个词的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~~接下来让我们看下pig和piggy的其他区别:1. 词性不同:"pig"是独立的名词,表示成年的猪。"piggy"是"pig"的昵称或可爱的变体形式。例句:- The farmer raises pigs on his farm.(农场主在他的农场上养猪。)- Look at that cute little piggy!(看那只可爱的小猪!)2. 客观程度不同:"pig"是比较客观的词,用来描述真实存在的猪。"piggy"则带有一种亲昵和可爱的感觉,常用于表示对小猪的喜爱或表达温暖的感情。例句:- The pig is eating its food.(猪在吃食物。)- Mom, can we keep this pretty piggy as a pet?(妈妈,我们能把这只漂亮的小猪养成宠物吗?)3. 表示大小不同:"pig"通常指成年的猪,尺寸相对较大。"piggy"则可以指小型或幼年的猪,尺寸相对较小。例句:- The farmer has a big, fat pig on his farm.(农场主在他的农场上养了一头又大又肥的猪。)- Look at those adorable piggy piglets!(看那些可爱的小小猪仔!)4. 使用方式不同:"pig"通常用来指代猪作为一个整体的动物。"piggy"可以用来指代猪的不同部位或特定的猪。例句:- Leonardo"s farm has many pigs.(莱昂纳多的农场有很多头猪。)- Can you please pass me the piggy"s tail? I need to cook it.(你能帮我递一下猪尾巴吗?我要煮它。)5. 情感色彩不同:"pig"通常没有特殊的情感色彩,只是简单地指代猪。"piggy"可以呈现积极的情感,引发喜爱、关心或喜悦等感受。例句:- We saw some pigs on our farm visit today.(今天我们农场参观时看到了几只猪。)- The kids were delighted to meet the little piggies at the petting zoo.(孩子们在触摸动物园见到小小猪仔时非常开心。)


这两个词的区别我懂,"pig"是比较客观的词,用来描述真实存在的猪。"piggy"则带有一种亲昵和可爱的感觉,常用于表示对小猪的喜爱或表达温暖的感情。给大家简单总结了两个词的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~~接下来让我们看下pig和piggy的其他区别:1. 词性不同:"pig"是独立的名词,表示成年的猪。"piggy"是"pig"的昵称或可爱的变体形式。例句:- The farmer raises pigs on his farm.(农场主在他的农场上养猪。)- Look at that cute little piggy!(看那只可爱的小猪!)2. 客观程度不同:"pig"是比较客观的词,用来描述真实存在的猪。"piggy"则带有一种亲昵和可爱的感觉,常用于表示对小猪的喜爱或表达温暖的感情。例句:- The pig is eating its food.(猪在吃食物。)- Mom, can we keep this pretty piggy as a pet?(妈妈,我们能把这只漂亮的小猪养成宠物吗?)3. 表示大小不同:"pig"通常指成年的猪,尺寸相对较大。"piggy"则可以指小型或幼年的猪,尺寸相对较小。例句:- The farmer has a big, fat pig on his farm.(农场主在他的农场上养了一头又大又肥的猪。)- Look at those adorable piggy piglets!(看那些可爱的小小猪仔!)4. 使用方式不同:"pig"通常用来指代猪作为一个整体的动物。"piggy"可以用来指代猪的不同部位或特定的猪。例句:- Leonardo"s farm has many pigs.(莱昂纳多的农场有很多头猪。)- Can you please pass me the piggy"s tail? I need to cook it.(你能帮我递一下猪尾巴吗?我要煮它。)5. 情感色彩不同:"pig"通常没有特殊的情感色彩,只是简单地指代猪。"piggy"可以呈现积极的情感,引发喜爱、关心或喜悦等感受。例句:- We saw some pigs on our farm visit today.(今天我们农场参观时看到了几只猪。)- The kids were delighted to meet the little piggies at the petting zoo.(孩子们在触摸动物园见到小小猪仔时非常开心。)


这两个词的区别我懂,"pig"是比较客观的词,用来描述真实存在的猪。"piggy"则带有一种亲昵和可爱的感觉,常用于表示对小猪的喜爱或表达温暖的感情。给大家简单总结了两个词的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~~接下来让我们看下pig和piggy的其他区别:1. 词性不同:"pig"是独立的名词,表示成年的猪。"piggy"是"pig"的昵称或可爱的变体形式。例句:- The farmer raises pigs on his farm.(农场主在他的农场上养猪。)- Look at that cute little piggy!(看那只可爱的小猪!)2. 客观程度不同:"pig"是比较客观的词,用来描述真实存在的猪。"piggy"则带有一种亲昵和可爱的感觉,常用于表示对小猪的喜爱或表达温暖的感情。例句:- The pig is eating its food.(猪在吃食物。)- Mom, can we keep this pretty piggy as a pet?(妈妈,我们能把这只漂亮的小猪养成宠物吗?)3. 表示大小不同:"pig"通常指成年的猪,尺寸相对较大。"piggy"则可以指小型或幼年的猪,尺寸相对较小。例句:- The farmer has a big, fat pig on his farm.(农场主在他的农场上养了一头又大又肥的猪。)- Look at those adorable piggy piglets!(看那些可爱的小小猪仔!)4. 使用方式不同:"pig"通常用来指代猪作为一个整体的动物。"piggy"可以用来指代猪的不同部位或特定的猪。例句:- Leonardo"s farm has many pigs.(莱昂纳多的农场有很多头猪。)- Can you please pass me the piggy"s tail? I need to cook it.(你能帮我递一下猪尾巴吗?我要煮它。)5. 情感色彩不同:"pig"通常没有特殊的情感色彩,只是简单地指代猪。"piggy"可以呈现积极的情感,引发喜爱、关心或喜悦等感受。例句:- We saw some pigs on our farm visit today.(今天我们农场参观时看到了几只猪。)- The kids were delighted to meet the little piggies at the petting zoo.(孩子们在触摸动物园见到小小猪仔时非常开心。)

Piggy Bank (Produced By Needlz) 歌词

歌曲名:Piggy Bank (Produced By Needlz)歌手:50 Cent专辑:The MassacrePiggy BankClickity clank clickity clankThe money goes into my piggy bankClickity clank clickity clankThe money goes into my piggy bankI"ll get atcha, my knife cuts ya skinI"ll get atcha, blow shots at ya manI"ll get atcha, Tupac don"t pretendI"ll get atcha, I"ll put that to an endThat shit is old, don"t be screamin" get at me dawgHave you runnin" for ya life when I match ya boyI get to wavin" that semi, like its legalA lil nigga hurt his arm lettin" off that eagleYou know me, black on black bentley, big ol" black nineI"ll clap your monkey ass, get black on black crimeBig ol" chrome rims, gleem you know why I shineC"mon man, you know how I shineI"m in the hood, in the drop, Teflon vinyl topGot a hundred guns, a hundred clips, why I don"t hear no shotsThat fat nigga thought Lean Back was "In Da Club"My shit sold 11 mill, his shit was a dudJada don"t fuck with me if you wanna eatCause I"ll do your lil ass like Jay did Mobb DeepYeah homie, in New York, niggas like your vocalsBut that s only in New York, dawg your ass is localClickity clank clickity clankThe money goes into my piggy bankClickity clank clickity clankThe money goes into my piggy bankYeah yeah, get more money, more moneyYeah yeah yeah, get more money, more moneyYeah yeah yeah, get more money, more moneyYeah yeah yeah, get more money, more money, YeahBanks shit sells, Buck shit sells, Game shit sellsI"m rich as hell, Shyne poppin" off his mouth from a cellHe don"t want it with me, he in PCI can have a nigga run up on him with a shankFor just a few pennies out my piggy bankYayo, bring the condoms, I"m in room 203Freak bitch look like Kim before the surgeoryIts an emergency, a Michael Jackson seeLooked at a picture and said she looks like meKelis said her milkshake brings all the boys to the yardThen Nas went and tattooed the bitch on his armI mean that way out in Cali, niggas know you cuzFirst thing they say about you, is you a sucker for loveThis is chess, not checkers, these are warning shotsAfter your next move I"ll give you what I got (Yeah!!)Clickity clank clickity clankThe money goes into my piggy bankClickity clank clickity clankThe money goes into my piggy bankYeah yeah, get more money, more moneyYeah yeah yeah, get more money, more moneyYeah yeah yeah, get more money, more moneyYeah yeah yeah, get more money, more moneyYeahI"ll get atcha, I"ll punch out your grillI"ll get atcha, let off that blue stealI"ll get atcha, nigga I"m for realI"ll get atcha, you"ll get your ass killedYeahYeahHahahahaYa"ll niggas gotta do somethin" now manAll that shoot "em up shit ya"ll be talkin"You gotta do somethin" babyI mean, I mean c"mon man everybody"s listenin"nigga everybody"s listenin"HahahahaI know you ain"t gon" just let 50 do you like thatI mean damn rep your hood nigganigga you hard right?Pop offYayo get mobs niggas on the phoneAnd tell the niggas I said grip upniggas got a green light on these monkiesHahahahahttp://music.baidu.com/song/1171528


piggy英 [u02c8pu026agi] 美 [u02c8pu026aɡi]n.小猪==========句子应该是【Oh!What a dirty piggy!】【瞧,小猪多脏啊!】


piggy怎么读:英[u02c8pu026aɡi],美[u02c8pu026aɡi]。一、基本释义piggy:英["pu026agu026a]美["pu026aɡi]:释义:n.小猪,adj.贪心的。复数:piggies;比较级:piggier或more piggy;最高级:piggiest或most piggy。二、pig和piggy的其他区别1、词性不同①pig是独立的名词,表示成年的猪。The farmer raises pigs on his farm.农场主在他的农场上养猪。②piggy是pig的昵称或可爱的变体形式。Look at that cute little piggy!看那只可爱的小猪!2、客观程度不同①pig是比较客观的词,用来描述真实存在的猪。The pig is eating its food.猪在吃食物。②piggy则带有一种亲昵和可爱的感觉,常用于表示对小猪的喜爱或表达温暖的感情。Mom, can we keep this pretty piggy as a pet?妈妈,我们能把这只漂亮的小猪养成宠物吗?3、表示大小不同①pig通常指成年的猪,尺寸相对较大。The farmer has a big, fat pig on his farm.农场主在他的农场上养了一头又大又肥的猪。②piggy则可以指小型或幼年的猪,尺寸相对较小。Look at those adorable piggy piglets!看那些可爱的小小猪仔!4、使用方式不同①pig通常用来指代猪作为一个整体的动物。Leonardo"s farm has many pigs.莱昂纳多的农场有很多头猪。②piggy可以用来指代猪的不同部位或特定的猪。Can you please pass me the piggy"s tail?I need to cook it.你能帮我递一下猪尾巴吗?我要煮它。

Piggy Bank (Clean) 歌词

歌曲名:Piggy Bank (Clean)歌手:50 Cent专辑:Piggy BankPiggy BankClickity clank clickity clankThe money goes into my piggy bankClickity clank clickity clankThe money goes into my piggy bankI"ll get atcha, my knife cuts ya skinI"ll get atcha, blow shots at ya manI"ll get atcha, Tupac don"t pretendI"ll get atcha, I"ll put that to an endThat shit is old, don"t be screamin" get at me dawgHave you runnin" for ya life when I match ya boyI get to wavin" that semi, like its legalA lil nigga hurt his arm lettin" off that eagleYou know me, black on black bentley, big ol" black nineI"ll clap your monkey ass, get black on black crimeBig ol" chrome rims, gleem you know why I shineC"mon man, you know how I shineI"m in the hood, in the drop, Teflon vinyl topGot a hundred guns, a hundred clips, why I don"t hear no shotsThat fat nigga thought Lean Back was "In Da Club"My shit sold 11 mill, his shit was a dudJada don"t fuck with me if you wanna eatCause I"ll do your lil ass like Jay did Mobb DeepYeah homie, in New York, niggas like your vocalsBut that s only in New York, dawg your ass is localClickity clank clickity clankThe money goes into my piggy bankClickity clank clickity clankThe money goes into my piggy bankYeah yeah, get more money, more moneyYeah yeah yeah, get more money, more moneyYeah yeah yeah, get more money, more moneyYeah yeah yeah, get more money, more money, YeahBanks shit sells, Buck shit sells, Game shit sellsI"m rich as hell, Shyne poppin" off his mouth from a cellHe don"t want it with me, he in PCI can have a nigga run up on him with a shankFor just a few pennies out my piggy bankYayo, bring the condoms, I"m in room 203Freak bitch look like Kim before the surgeoryIts an emergency, a Michael Jackson seeLooked at a picture and said she looks like meKelis said her milkshake brings all the boys to the yardThen Nas went and tattooed the bitch on his armI mean that way out in Cali, niggas know you cuzFirst thing they say about you, is you a sucker for loveThis is chess, not checkers, these are warning shotsAfter your next move I"ll give you what I got (Yeah!!)Clickity clank clickity clankThe money goes into my piggy bankClickity clank clickity clankThe money goes into my piggy bankYeah yeah, get more money, more moneyYeah yeah yeah, get more money, more moneyYeah yeah yeah, get more money, more moneyYeah yeah yeah, get more money, more moneyYeahI"ll get atcha, I"ll punch out your grillI"ll get atcha, let off that blue stealI"ll get atcha, nigga I"m for realI"ll get atcha, you"ll get your ass killedYeahYeahHahahahaYa"ll niggas gotta do somethin" now manAll that shoot "em up shit ya"ll be talkin"You gotta do somethin" babyI mean, I mean c"mon man everybody"s listenin"nigga everybody"s listenin"HahahahaI know you ain"t gon" just let 50 do you like thatI mean damn rep your hood nigganigga you hard right?Pop offYayo get mobs niggas on the phoneAnd tell the niggas I said grip upniggas got a green light on these monkiesHahahahahttp://music.baidu.com/song/1171505

Piggyback Marketing是什么

应该是piggybank marketing...piggybank就是小猪存钱罐,Piggybank Marketing就是指投资数额比较小的市场营销。




英文释义:1. link to or take advantage of (an existing system or body of work).2. use existing work or an existing product as a basis or support.可以理解为利用现有系统实现一些附带的功能。中文释义:捎带的意思。piggy-back是个很形象的词,字面意思是猪背在背上,可以理解干某事时顺便干了另一件事。这个词通常用于计算机技术,表示不增加额外信令,而是利用现有信令,在其之上附加了新的控制功能。例如AMR技术里的CMR请求,就是附加在speech frame里的。英文描述如下:Since in most sessions speech is sent in both directions between thetwo ends, the mode requests from the decoder at one end to theencoder at the other end are piggy-backed over the speech frames inthe reverse direction. In other words, there is no out-of-bandsignaling needed for sending CMRs.


piggyback 本意为:背负式运载,在网络用语中常与攻击连用。如piggyback attack,意译为背驼攻击、寄生术攻击,是社交工程之一。piggyback attack主要针对访问控制,采取盗用个人验证信息的方法破坏信息安全策略。



求Booglie Wooglie Piggy歌词翻译和three little fishes歌词!
