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《Valder fields》的英文歌词加中文翻译,谢谢!

I was found on the ground by the fountain at Valder Fields and was almost dry.   人们在valder fields的喷泉旁发现了几乎快被太阳晒干的我 (也有人理解为是喷泉几乎干涸)   Lying in the sun after I had tried   我曾经尽力地想翻过喷泉的边墙却没有勇气,只能躺在地上。   Lying in the sun by the side   和阳光肩并肩地躺在一起   We all agreed that the council should end at three hours over time.   我们曾经达成协议,议会将在3小时后结束   Shoelaces were tied at the traffic lights,   在交通灯前我系好鞋带(也有人理解为鞋带被系在了交通灯上)   i was running late.   却还是迟到了   (i )could apply for another one I guess.   我想我能够申请加入另一个公司的   If department stores are best.   如果百货商店是最好的   They said there would be delays, only temporary pay   但是那里总会有拖欠,而且只有暂时的薪水   She was found on the ground in a gown made at Valder Fields and was sound asleep   (on the)stairs above the door to the man who cried when he said that he loved his life.   人们发现身穿 在valder fields定做的晚礼服 的她躺在门外的台阶上 对着一个说到他热爱他的生活就会哭的男人 沉沉地睡着。   We had agreed that the council should take his keys to the bedroom door   我们已经达成协议,在会议上拿走了他房门的钥匙。   (In )case he slept outside and was found in two days   In Valder Fields with a mountain view.   所以他只能露宿在外,并且在两天后被人发现和valder fields的山景睡在一起。   另外一种翻译   I was found on the ground by the fountain at Valder Fields and was almost dry.   在我几乎快要渴死的时候,被人们在Valder Fields泉的边上发现。   Lying in the sun after I had tried   在我试图努力喝到泉水的时候,还是昏倒在太阳地里。   Lying in the sun by the side   在喷泉旁边,我昏倒在太阳地里。   (……插叙)   We had agreed that the council should end at three hours over time.   回想那时,我同意我们的争论将在3小时内结束。   Shoelaces were tied at the traffic lights,   而事实真的是在交通路口我的鞋带松脱了。   i was running late.   所以在约会的时候我迟到了。   i could apply for another one I guess.   我想那个时候我应该说个更好的理由。   If department stores are best.   是否百货商店会更好些呢?   They said there would be delays, only temporary pay   比如百货店里的店员说没有零钱找零,所以要等时间就迟到了。   (music)   She was found on the ground in a gown made at Valder Fields and was sound asleep on the stairs above the door to the man who cried when he said that he loved his life.   等我赶到发现她的时候,她已经穿着睡衣在别的男人家睡着了。那个能够在说爱她一生的时候哭泣的男人。   We had agreed that the council should take his keys to the bedroom door   我们曾经赌注如果我输了,作为赌注她就可以拿通往那个人卧室的钥匙……   (In )case he slept outside and was found in two days   (回忆结束)   如果那时的我在昏倒后两天内被发现该有多好。   In Valder Fields with a mountain view.   现在Valder Fields崇山峻岭的景色依然未改变。   另一版本歌词(来自KuGou音乐)   I was found on the ground by the fountain about   我被发现时 就躺在一股泉水旁   a fields of a summer stride   那是一片充满夏日气息的土地   lying in the sun after I had tried   当我感到些许疲倦时   lying in the sun by the side   就这样躺在阳光下,小路旁   we all agreed that the council would end up   我们都认为议会应该趁早解散   three hours over time   再有三个小时的存在都嫌多   shoe laces were tied at the traffic lights   鞋带为信号灯所左右   I was running late, could apply   我起跑的有些晚   for a not her one I guess   或许已追赶不上她的步伐   after parking stores are best   毕竟做足准备才是最好的   they said that there would be delays   他们说这或许有些迟了啊   on the temporary pay   毕竟这付出显得过于短暂   for another one i guessed   另外,我猜   after parking stores at best   停车后,百货公司在最佳   they said that there would be delays on the temporary pay   他们说,会有延误,对临时支付   She was found on the ground in a gown in a fountain   她被发现在地面上,在袍子在喷泉   filled by the summer.   填补夏季。




valder fieldsWhen I was a little bitty babyMy mama done rock me in the cradleIn them old cotton fields back homeIt was back in LouisianaJust about a mile from TexarkanaIn them old cotton fields back homeLet me tell you now well got me in a fixI caught a nail in my tire doing lickitey splitsI had to walk a long long way to townCame upon a nice old man well he had a hat onWait a minute mister can you give me some directionsI gonna want to be right off for homeDon"t care if them cotton balls get rottenWhen I got you baby, who needs cottonIn them old cotton fields back homeBrother only one thing more that"s gonna warm youA summer"s day out in CaliforniaIt"s gonna be those cotton fields back homeIt was back in LouisianaJust about a mile from TexarkanaGive me them cotton fields(It was back in Louisiana)Let me hear it for the cotton fields(Just about a mile from Texarkana)You know that there"s just no place like homeWell boy it sure feels good to breathe the air back homeYou shoulda seen their faces when they seen how I grownIn them old cotton fields back home翻译:Valder Fields(我觉得是个地名)我在Valder Fields的泉水池旁的地上躺着这里的空气好干燥尝试过后,我沐浴在阳光中静静的躺在阳光下我们都觉得那会议要推迟3个小时才能结束鞋带被系在了红绿灯上所以我跑得迟了,我可以申请的我想是为另一个人如果有百货商店就好了他们说会耽搁时间的,只好暂时付上钱我想是为另一个人如果有百货商店就好了他们说会耽搁时间的,只好暂时付上钱她穿着睡衣拥向Valder Fields感觉是那么的安祥有一人坐在门外的楼梯上哭着说,他很享受他的生活我们都觉得那会议组会拿走他卧室的钥匙 如果万一他要在门外徘徊两天后在Valder Fields,一片山色美景中看到了他

valder fields是什么意思?

  valder fields  天籁之音;山间田野  瓦尔德原野;瓦尔德田野;瓦尔德的田野;山间田野

valder fields歌词 valder fields歌简介

1、歌词: I was found on the ground by the fountain at valder fields and was almost dry 人们在仙境之桥的喷泉旁发现了几乎快被太阳晒干的我 Lying in the sun after I had tried 在尝试无果后躺在烈日之下 Lying in the sun by the side 和阳光肩并肩地躺在一起 We had agreed that the council would end at three hours over-time 我们曾经达成协议,议会将在3小时后结束 Shoelaces were tied at the traffic lights, 在交通灯前我系好鞋带 I was running late. 却还是迟到了 (I) could apply for another one I guess. 我想我能够申请加入另一个公司的 If department stores are best. 如果百货商店是最好的 They said there would be delays, only temporary pay 但是那里总会有拖欠,而且只有暂时的薪水 She was found on the ground in a gown made at Valder Fields and was sound asleep (on the) stairs above the door to the man who cried when he said that he loved his life. 人们发现身穿 在仙境之桥定做的晚礼服 的她躺在门外的台阶上 对着一个说到他热爱他的生活就会哭的男人 沉沉地睡着。 We had agreed that the council (should) take his keys to the bedroom door 我们已经达成协议,在会议上拿走了他房门的钥匙。 (In )case he slept outside and was found in two days in Valder Fields (with) a mountain view. 所以他只能露宿在外,并且在两天后被人发现和仙境之桥的山景睡在一起。 (后面的HE就是开始的提到的那个人) 2、Valder Fields 是Tamas Wells最有名的歌曲,在该曲目中,弦、钢琴、软和的人声,营造出温暖的气氛。其中,Valder是一个地名,这首歌曲收录于专辑A Plea En Vendredi 中。该曲目是Tamas Wells在缅甸北部进行一个社会卫生艾滋病毒/艾滋病的教育项目写成的。

valder fields的歌词翻译是什么

不好意思 我没听过这首歌

求valder fields的中英文歌词

Valder Fields 中英文歌词 创作背景Valder FieldsTamas WellsI was found on the ground by the fountain at Valder Fields And was almost dry lying in the sun after I had tried lying in the sun by the side we had agreed that the council would end at three hours over-time shoelaces were tied at the traffic lights I was running late (I) could apply for another one I guess If department stores are best they said (that) there would be delays only temporary pay for another one I guess if department stores are best they said (that) there would be delays only temporary pay she was found on the ground in a gown made at Valder Fields and was sound asleep (on the) stairs out the door to the man who cried when he said that he loved his life we had agreed that the council should take his keys to the bedroom door (in) case he slept outside and was found in two days in Valder Fields (with a) mountain view 中文翻译: by肌肉黄 Valder Fields(我觉得是个地名) 我在Valder Fields的泉水池旁的地上躺着 这里的空气好干燥 尝试过后,我沐浴在阳光中 静静的躺在阳光下 我们都觉得那会议要推迟3个小时才能结束 鞋带被系在了红绿灯上 所以我跑得迟了,我可以申请的 我想是为另一个人 如果有百货商店就好了 他们说会耽搁时间的,只好暂时付上钱 我想是为另一个人 如果有百货商店就好了 他们说会耽搁时间的,只好暂时付上钱 她穿着睡衣拥向Valder Fields 感觉是那么的安祥 有一人坐在门外的楼梯上哭着说,他很享受他的生活 我们都觉得那会议组会拿走他卧室的钥匙 如果万一他要在门外徘徊 两天后在Valder Fields,一片山色美景中看到了他 Valder Fields是Tamas Wells在缅甸北部的一个雨季里写成的,当Tamas正致力于一个社会卫生艾滋病毒/艾滋病的教育项目。他说,这首歌是一种意识流的歌,暗示在生活的责任(遵守时间,申请职位)与一种迈克.罗尼格(澳大利亚漫画家 Michael Leunig) 式的生活计划(在温泉边温暖的泥土上睡觉)之间的压力。Tamas建议说不要因为负担太重或没有负担而使自己扭曲了事实。

求类似《valder fields》的歌曲

我推荐这首:Our House 歌手:Crosby. Still. Nash & Young千万别找错了另一个歌手的同名歌曲哦!

caldera costa rica 这个是哥斯达黎加哪个港口啊

卡尔德拉港(Puerto Caldera,哥斯达黎加)。



ian somerhalder和nina为什么分手

其实他俩分手实际上不是感情问题。因为俩人之间没有不和,没有第三者插足,也没有吵架。Ian(1978年12月8日) 奔四了,年龄到了,想结婚安定下来,但Nina(1989年1月9日)还小,想发展事业,不想这么早就结婚。于是俩人和平分手,还是朋友。

好听点的英文歌,像valder fields一类的。


Valder fields的歌词,求正确的中英文歌词。

I was found on the ground by the fountain(我被发现时 就躺在一股泉水旁)about a fields of a summer stride(那是一片充满夏日气息的土地) lying in the sun after I had tried(当我感到些许疲倦时) lying in the sun by the side(便躺在阳光下,小路旁) We had agreed that the council would end up(我们都认为议会应该趁早解散) three hours over time(再有三个小时的存在都嫌多) shoe laces were tied at the traffic lights(鞋带为信号灯所左右) I was running late I could apply(所以我跑得迟了,我可以申请的) for another one I guessed(我想是为另一个人) after parking stores at best(毕竟做足准备才是最好的) They said there would be delays(他们说这或许有些迟了啊) only temporary pay(毕竟这付出显得过于短暂) nusic For another one I guess(我想是为另一个人) after parking stores at best(毕竟做足准备才是最好的) They said there would be delays(他们说这或许有些迟了啊) only temporary pay(毕竟这付出显得过于短暂) She was found on the ground in a gown(她穿着长袍躺在那里) in a fountainfilled by the summer asleep(睡在这片夏日田野里) staring at the concrete,trying not to cry(看看这景象 试着不去哭泣) when he said that he loved his life(他说他很享受这样的生活) susic We had agreed that the council(我们都觉得那会议组会) should take his keys to the bedroom door(拿走他卧室的钥匙) incase she stepped outside(如果万一他要在门外徘徊) and was found in two days(两天后在发现) in valder fields with a mountain view(他在一片山色美景中) END

有谁懂英文的,< valder field>请告知这首英文叫什么名

valder是地方名:瓦尔德。valder fields就是“瓦尔德原野”的意思。中文歌词:I was found on the ground by the fountain about我被发现时 就躺在一股泉水旁a fields of a summer stride那是一片充满夏日气息的土地lying in the sun after I had tried当我感到些许疲倦时lying in the sun by the side就这样躺在阳光下,小路旁we all agreed that the council would end up我们都认为议会应该趁早解散three hours over time再有三个小时的存在都嫌多shoe laces were tied at the traffic lights鞋带为信号灯所左右I was running late, could apply我起跑的有些晚for a not her one I guess或许已追赶不上她的步伐after parking stores are best毕竟做足准备才是最好的they said that there would be delays他们说这或许有些迟了啊on the temporary pay毕竟这付出显得过于短暂

有没有什么类似valder fields这样安的英文歌?要男生唱的。

<with him > babyface

valder 英文是什么意思


valder fields- tamas wells的MP3链接地址,有用的百度MP3很多,可以自己下载

valder friends歌词


valder fields好不好听




valder fields拼音版歌词!!!!


Valder Fields 瓦尔德田野I was found on the ground by the fountain at Valder Fields 我被发现躺在瓦尔德田野的泉水边And was almost dry 身上基本上干了 lying in the sun after I had tried努力尝试之后我躺在阳光下 lying in the sun by the side 阳光下的泉水边 we had agreed that the council would end at three hours over-time我们都认为会议将会在三小时后结束shoelaces were tied at the traffic lights我被阻在红绿灯前I was running late 跑过去之后还是晚了 (I) could apply for another one I guess我猜想我是不是该申请另外一份工作If department stores are best 百货公司是否会是最好的 they said (that) there would be delays他们告诉我我的申请将会被推迟 only temporary pay而且只有临时的薪水 for another one I guess if department stores are best they said (that) there would be delays only temporary pay she was found on the ground in a gown made at Valder Fields and was sound asleep她被发现时正在熟睡,瓦尔德田野是她的睡衣(on the) stairs out the door 靠近阶梯的门内 to the man who cried一个人在哭泣 when he said that he loved his life他说他如此热爱自己的生命 we had agreed that the council should take his keys to the bedroom door我们都认为委员会的人应该拿走他卧室的钥匙(in) case he step outside这样他就不会走出门外and was found in two days in Valder Fields (with a) mountain view 而在两天之后被我们发现孤单一人处于瓦尔德田野的景色之中。

求valder fieldss的歌词儿

I was found on the ground by the fountain at Valder Fields and was almost dry. 人们在valder fields的喷泉旁发现了几乎快被太阳晒干的我 (也有人理解为是喷泉几乎干涸) Lying in the sun after I had tried 我曾经尽力地想翻过喷泉的边墙却没有勇气,只能躺在地上。 Lying in the sun by the side 和阳光肩并肩地躺在一起 We all agreed that the council should end at three hours over time. 我们曾经达成协议,议会将在3小时后结束 Shoelaces were tied at the traffic lights, 在交通灯前我系好鞋带(也有人理解为鞋带被系在了交通灯上) i was running late. 却还是迟到了 i could apply for another one I guess. 我想我能够申请加入另一个公司的 If department stores are best. 如果百货商店是最好的 They said there would be delays, only temporary pay 但是那里总会有拖欠,而且只有暂时的薪水 She was found on the ground in a gown made at Valder Fields and was sound asleep on the stairs above the door to the man who cried when he said that he loved his life. 人们发现身穿 在valder fields定做的晚礼服 的她躺在门外的台阶上 对着一个说到他热爱他的生活就会哭的男人 沉沉地睡着。 We had agreed that the council should take his keys to the bedroom door 我们已经达成协议,在会议上拿走了他房门的钥匙。 (In )case he slept outside and was found in two days In Valder Fields with a mountain view. 所以他只能露宿在外,并且在两天后被人发现和valder fields的山景睡在一起。 另外一种翻译 I was found on the ground by the fountain at Valder Fields and was almost dry. 在我几乎快要渴死的时候,被人们在Valder Fields泉的边上发现。 Lying in the sun after I had tried 在我试图努力喝到泉水的时候,还是昏倒在太阳地里。 Lying in the sun by the side 在喷泉旁边,我昏倒在太阳地里。 (……插叙) We had agreed that the council should end at three hours over time. 回想那时,我同意我们的争论将在3小时内结束。 Shoelaces were tied at the traffic lights, 而事实真的是在交通路口我的鞋带松脱了。 i was running late. 所以在约会的时候我迟到了。 i could apply for another one I guess. 我想那个时候我应该说个更好的理由。 If department stores are best. 是否百货商店会更好些呢? They said there would be delays, only temporary pay 比如百货店里的店员说没有零钱找零,所以要等时间就迟到了。 (music) She was found on the ground in a gown made at Valder Fields and was sound asleep on the stairs above the door to the man who cried when he said that he loved his life. 等我赶到发现她的时候,她已经穿着睡衣在别的男人家睡着了。那个能够在说爱她一生的时候哭泣的男人。 We had agreed that the council should take his keys to the bedroom door 我们曾经赌注如果我输了,作为赌注她就可以拿通往那个人卧室的钥匙…… (In )case he slept outside and was found in two days (回忆结束) 如果那时的我在昏倒后两天内被发现该有多好。 In Valder Fields with a mountain view. 现在Valder Fields崇山峻岭的景色依然未改变。 另一版本歌词(来自KuGou音乐) I was found on the ground by the fountain about 我被发现时 就躺在一股泉水旁 a fields of a summer stride 那是一片充满夏日气息的土地 lying in the sun after I had tried 当我感到些许疲倦时 lying in the sun by the side 就这样躺在阳光下,小路旁 we all agreed that the council would end up 我们都认为议会应该趁早解散 three hours over time 再有三个小时的存在都嫌多 shoe laces were tied at the traffic lights 鞋带为信号灯所左右 I was running late, could apply 我起跑的有些晚 for a not her one I guess 或许已追赶不上她的步伐 after parking stores are best 毕竟做足准备才是最好的 they said that there would be delays 他们说这或许有些迟了啊 on the temporary pay 毕竟这付出显得过于短暂 for another one i guessed 另外,我猜 after parking stores at best 停车后,百货公司在最佳 they said that there would be delays on the temporary pay 他们说,会有延误,对临时支付 She was found on the ground in a gown in a fountain 她被发现在地面上,在袍子在喷泉 filled by the summer. 填补夏季。

tamas wells-valder fields 这首歌的歌词

Valder Fields 歌词 I was found on the ground by the fountain about a fields of a summer stride lying in the sun after i had tried lying in the sun by the side we all agreed that the council would end up three hours over time shoe laces were tied at the traffic lights i was running late, could apply for anther one i guess after parking stores are best they said that there would be delays on the temporary pay for another one i guessed after parking stores at best they said that there would be delays on the temporary pay She was found on the ground in a gown in a fountain filled by the summer. 我是在地面发现的喷泉  一个夏天的一个领域迈进  躺在太阳后我已经试过了  躺在太阳旁边  我们都同意国务院将最后三个小时    鞋带系在红绿灯处  我迟到了,可以申请  我猜想花药  停车后商店是最好的    他们说会有延迟    在临时支付    我猜对另一个    商店在停车后最好  他们说会有延迟的临时支付    她被发现在地面上的一件长袍在一个喷泉    由这个夏天。

求音乐:valder fields 的中文意思

Valder Fields 前者是地名,在缅甸某山区。后者在英语里是土地,田野的意思我在Valder Fields的泉水池旁的地上躺着 这里的空气好干燥 尝试过后,我沐浴在阳光中 静静的躺在阳光下 我们都觉得那会议要推迟3个小时才能结束 鞋带被系在了红绿灯上 所以我跑得迟了,我可以申请的 我想是为另一个人 如果有百货商店就好了 他们说会耽搁时间的,只好暂时付上钱 我想是为另一个人 如果有百货商店就好了 他们说会耽搁时间的,只好暂时付上钱 她穿着睡衣拥向Valder Fields 感觉是那么的安祥 有一人坐在门外的楼梯上哭着说,他很享受他的生活 我们都觉得那会议组会拿走他卧室的钥匙 如果万一他要在门外徘徊 两天后在Valder Fields,一片山色美景中看到了他



valder field这首歌表达了什么意思?

Valder Fields出自Tamas Wells发行于2006年3月的专辑A Plea en Vendredi布里斯班当地的Time Off Magazine对此专辑的评价只有一个词——StunningStunning…4.5/5 stars Time Off Magazine Brisbane这首听上去似乎平淡简单的歌,充满了春天气息的温馨,如同泉水般流淌而Tamas Wells轻柔却又不失浑厚的嗓音,有着阳光的味道听这首歌让我想起那些无忧无虑的校园时光,想起骑着单车张开双臂自由自在的感觉,想起那些背着旅行包四处游荡的日子来吧,一起听听这带着流行味道的民谣,听听这纯净美好的歌曲。Valder Fields Tamas Wells I was found on the ground by the fountainabout a field of a summer stridelying in the sun after I had triedlying in the sun by the sidewe all agreed that the council wouldend up three hours over-timeshoelaces were tied at the traffic lightsI was running late, could applyfor another one, I guessafter parking stores are bestthey said that there would be delayson the temporary payfor another one I guessedafter parking stores at bestthey said that there would be delayson the temporary payshe was found on the ground in a gownlaying by the field of the summer asleepstaring at the concrete, trying not to crywhen somebody left his lifeshe would never sleep in a gownso she takes his keys to the bedroom doortakes a step outside, by the fountain2 gazing at the field, what a view 瓦尔德田野 译我躺在一泓泉水旁边带着夏日气息的土地尝试后我躺在阳光里躺在阳光下的路边我们都认为这会议将会超时三小时红绿灯前我的鞋带打了结我跑得有些晚了我猜只能等待下一班停下来后情况还不错他们说临时支付会有些延迟她穿着长袍躺在那里睡在这片夏日田野里看看这景象 试着不去哭泣即使有人从他生命中离去她将不再穿长袍睡去她取走了他卧室的钥匙走出门去 躺在泉水边看看这田野 多么美好附:(以下均为转载)Artist: Tamas WellsAlbum: A Plea en VendrediRelease Date: March 21, 2006Label: PopboomerangStyles: Singer/Songwriter,Indie PopTrack Listings1. From Prying Plans into the Fire 2. Valder Fields 3. Vendredi (Waiting Where You Can"t See) 4. Lichen and Bees (The Fever of Small Tiwn Ventures) 5. Yes, Virginia, There Is a Ruling Class 6. Opportunity Fair 7. Valour 8. Telemarketer Resignation 9. I"m Sorry That the Kitchen Is on Fire 10. Melon Street Book Club 11. Open the Blinds


约定守望的麦田.这是公认的最好的中文翻译.字面翻译是山间田野另外.楼上说Valder Fields是一个虚构的地名是不正确的.它只是山间田野的意思."约定守望的麦田."这个比较有意境一点.Valder Fields是Tamas Wells在缅甸北部的一个雨季里写成的,当时Tamas正致力于一个社会卫生艾滋病毒/艾滋病的教育项目。他说,这首歌是一种意识流的歌,暗示在生活的责任(遵守时间,申请职位)与一种迈克.罗尼格(澳大利亚漫画家 Michael Leunig) 式的生活计划(在温泉边温暖的泥土上睡觉)之间的压力。Tamas建议说不要因为负担太重或没有负担而使自己扭曲了事实.看下歌词你就会明白的.我在Valder Fields的泉水池旁的地上躺着 这里的空气好干燥 尝试过后,我沐浴在阳光中 静静的躺在阳光下 我们都觉得那会议要推迟3个小时才能结束 鞋带被系在了红绿灯上 于是我跑输了,但我会努力的 我想是为另一个人 如果有百货商店就好了 他们说会耽搁时间的,只好暂时付上钱 我想是为另一个人 如果有百货商店就好了 他们说会耽搁时间的,只好暂时付上钱 她穿着睡衣拥向Valder Fields 感觉是那么的安祥 有一人坐在门外的楼梯上哭着说,他很享受他的生活 我们都觉得那会议组会拿走他卧室的钥匙 如果万一他要在门外徘徊 两天后在Valder Fields,一片山色美景中看到了他


I was found on the ground by the fountain about 我被发现时 就躺在一股泉水旁 a fields of a summer stride 那是一片充满夏日气息的土地 lying in the sun after I had tried 当我感到些许疲倦时 lying in the sun by the side 就这样躺在阳光下,小路旁 we all agreed that the council would end up 我们都认为议会应该趁早解散 three hours over time 再有三个小时的存在都嫌多 shoe laces were tied at the traffic lights 鞋带为信号灯所左右 I was running late, could apply 我起跑的有些晚 for a not her one I guess 或许已追赶不上她的步伐 after parking stores are best 毕竟做足准备才是最好的 they said that there would be delays 他们说这或许有些迟了啊 on the temporary pay 毕竟这付出显得过于短暂

valder fields的中文意思?

I was found on the ground by the fountain about 我被发现时 就躺在一股泉水旁 a fields of a summer stride 那是一片充满夏日气息的土地 lying in the sun after I had tried 当我感到些许疲倦时 lying in the sun by the side 就这样躺在阳光下,小路旁 we all agreed that the council would end up 我们都认为议会应该趁早解散 three hours over time 再有三个小时的存在都嫌多 shoe laces were tied at the traffic lights 鞋带为信号灯所左右 I was running late, could apply 我起跑的有些晚 for a not her one I guess 或许已追赶不上她的步伐 after parking stores are best 毕竟做足准备才是最好的 they said that there would be delays 他们说这或许有些迟了啊 on the temporary pay 毕竟这付出显得过于短暂

valder fields 这首歌唱的是什么意思? 我怎么怎么听都不知道呢? 我知道歌词是什么意思 但还是不明白

Valder是一个地名。 这首歌曲收录于专辑<A Plea En Vendredi>中。 Valder Fields是Tamas Wells在缅甸北部的一个雨季里写成的,当时Tamas正致力于一个社会卫生艾滋病毒/艾滋病的教育项目。他说,这首歌是一种意识流的歌,暗示在生活的责任(遵守时间,申请职位)与一种迈克.罗尼格(澳大利亚漫画家 Michael Leunig) 式的生活计划(在温泉边温暖的泥土上睡觉)之间的压力。Tamas建议说不要因为负担太重或没有负担而使自己扭曲了事实。 很轻快的乡村节奏

求 谭杰希 valder fields 歌词 谢谢哦

valder fieldsi was found on the ground by the fountain about a fields of a summer stridelying in the sun after i had triedlying in the sun by the sidewe all agreed that the council would end up three hours over time shoe laces were tied at the traffic lightsi was running late, could applyfor anther one i guessafter parking stores are bestthey said that there would be delayson the temporary payfor another one i guessed after parking stores at bestthey said that there would be delays on the temporary payshe was found on the ground in a gown in a fountainfilled by the summer asleep.staring at the concrete,trying not to cry when somebody left hers life we had agreed by the gown so she takes his keys to the bedroom doortakes a step outside ,by the fountaingazing at the field,what a view

valder fields 的钢琴谱或简谱

3455655655657 71766533 3432111165 34321111765 5565565565771766533 3432111165 3432111765 1765345 1765432 1765345 3214432 3455655655657 71766533 3432111165 3432111765 43 刚顺便听了一下 就写给你好了 可能有不准的地方 就是这样了

英文歌 valder fietds 翻译 有什么意义 背景是什么

Valder Fields I was found on the ground by the fountain at Valder Fields And was almost dry lying in the sun after I had tried lying in the sun by the side we had agreed that the council would end at three hours over-time shoelaces were tied at the traffic lights I was running late (I) could apply for another one I guess If department stores are best they said (that) there would be delays only temporary pay for another one I guess if department stores are best they said (that) there would be delays only temporary pay she was found on the ground in a gown made at Valder Fields and was sound asleep (on the) stairs out the door to the man who cried when he said that he loved his life we had agreed that the council should take his keys to the bedroom door (in) case slept(此处连读)outside and was found in two days in Valder Fields (with a) mountain view 中文翻译: Valder Fields(我觉得是个地名) 我在Valder Fields的泉水池旁的地上躺着 这里的空气好干燥 尝试过后,我沐浴在阳光中 静静的躺在阳光下 我们都觉得那会议要推迟3个小时才能结束 鞋带被系在了红绿灯上 所以我跑得迟了,我可以申请的 我想是为另一个人 如果有百货商店就好了 他们说会耽搁时间的,只好暂时付上钱 我想是为另一个人 如果有百货商店就好了 他们说会耽搁时间的,只好暂时付上钱 她穿着睡衣拥向Valder Fields 感觉是那么的安祥 有一人坐在门外的楼梯上哭着说,他很享受他的生活 我们都觉得那会议组会拿走他卧室的钥匙 如果万一他要在门外徘徊 两天后在Valder Fields,一片山色美景中看到了他

求《Valder Fields》这首歌的中英文歌词,带英文音标。

I was found on the ground by the fountain at Valder Fields我被发现时 就躺在一股泉水旁 a fields of a summer stride 那是一片充满夏日气息的土地 lying in the sun after I had tried 当我感到些许疲倦时 lying in the sun by the side 就这样躺在阳光下,小路旁 we all agreed that the council would end up 我们都认为议会应该趁早解散 three hours over time 再有三个小时的存在都嫌多 shoe laces were tied at the traffic lights 鞋带为信号灯所左右 I was running late, could apply 我起跑的有些晚 for a not her one I guess 或许已追赶不上她的步伐 after parking stores are best 毕竟做足准备才是最好的 they said that there would be delays 他们说这或许有些迟了啊 on the temporary pay 毕竟这付出显得过于短暂

Valder Firlds的歌词

I was found on the ground by the fountain at Valder Fields and was almost dry. 人们在valder fields的喷泉旁发现了几乎快被太阳晒干的我 (也有人理解为是喷泉几乎干涸) Lying in the sun after I had tried我曾经尽力地想翻过喷泉的边墙却没有勇气,只能躺在地上。Lying in the sun by the side   和阳光肩并肩地躺在一起   We all agreed that the council should end at three hours over time.   我们曾经达成协议,议会将在3小时后结束   Shoelaces were tied at the traffic lights,   我的鞋带好似被系在交通灯上一样   I was running late.   虽然跑,但还是迟到了   (I)could apply for another one I guess.   我想我能够申请加入另一个公司的   If department stores are best.   如果百货商店是最好的   They said there would be delays, only temporary pay   但是那里总会有拖欠,而且只有暂时的薪水   She was found on the ground in a gown made at Valder Fields and was sound asleep   (on the)stairs above the door to the man who cried when he said that he loved his life.   人们发现身穿 在valder fields定做的晚礼服 的她躺在门外的台阶上 对着一个说到他热爱他的生活就会哭的男人 沉沉地睡着。   We had agreed that the council should take his keys to the bedroom door   我们已经达成协议,在会议上拿走了他房门的钥匙。   (In )case he slept outside and was found in two   days In Valder Fields with a mountain view.   所以他只能露宿在外,并且在两天后被人发现和valder fields的山景睡在一起。

valder fields的创作背景

Valder Fields是Tamas Wells在缅甸北部的一个雨季里写成的,当时Tamas正致力于一个社会卫生艾滋病毒/艾滋病的教育项目。他说,这首歌是一种意识流的歌,暗示在生活的责任(遵守时间,申请职位)与一种迈克.罗尼格(澳大利亚漫画家 Michael Leunig) 式的生活计划(在温泉边温暖的泥土上睡觉)之间的压力。Tamas建议说不要因为负担太重或没有负担而使自己扭曲了事实。

valder fields的中文歌词

I was found on the ground by the fountain about  我被发现时 就躺在一股泉水旁    a fields of a summer stride    那是一片充满夏日气息的土地    lying in the sun after I had tried    当我感到些许疲倦时    lying in the sun by the side    就这样躺在阳光下,小路旁    we all agreed that the council would end up    我们都认为议会应该趁早解散    three hours over time    再有三个小时的存在都嫌多    shoe laces were tied at the traffic lights    鞋带为信号灯所左右    I was running late, could apply    我起跑的有些晚    for another one one I guess    另外,我猜    after parking stores are best    毕竟做足准备才是最好的    they said that there would be delays    他们说这或许有些迟了啊    on the temporary pay    毕竟这付出显得过于短暂    for another one i guessed    另外,我猜    after parking stores at best    停车后,百货公司在最佳    they said that there would be delays on the temporary pay    他们说,会有延误,对临时支付    She was found on the ground in a gown in a fountain    她被发现在地面上,在袍子在喷泉    filled by the summer.    填补夏季。

valder fields的中文名字是什么?

歌名:valder fields所属专辑:A Plea En Vendredi作词:Tamas Wells作曲:Tamas Wells歌手:Tamas Wells歌词:I was found on the ground by the fountain about a fields of summer stride.  人们在仙境之桥的喷泉旁发现了几乎快被太阳晒干的我Lying in the sun after I had tried在尝试无果后躺在烈日之下Lying in the sun by the side和阳光肩并肩地躺在一起We had agreed that the council would end at three hours over-time我们曾经达成协议,议会将在3小时后结束Shoelaces were tied at the traffic lights,在交通灯前我系好鞋带I was running late.却还是迟到了(I) could apply for another one I guess.我想我能够申请加入另一个公司的If department stores are best.如果百货商店是最好的They said there would be delays, only temporary pay但是那里总会有拖欠,而且只有暂时的薪水She was found on the ground in a gown made at Valder Fields and was sound asleep (on the) stairs above the door to the man who cried when he said that he loved his life.人们发现身穿 在仙境之桥定做的晚礼服 的她躺在门外的台阶上 对着一个说到他热爱他的生活就会哭的男人 沉沉地睡着。We had agreed that the council should take his keys to the bedroom door我们已经达成协议,在会议上拿走了他房门的钥匙。(In )case he slept outside and was found in two days In Valder Fields with a mountain view.所以他只能露宿在外,并且在两天后被人发现和仙境之桥的山景睡在一起。valder fields是Tamas Wells最有名的歌曲,在该曲目中,弦、钢琴、软和的人声,营造出温暖的气氛。其中,Valder是一个地名,这首歌曲收录于专辑《A Plea En Vendredi》中。

Tamas Wells--《valder field》中文翻译

I was found on the ground by the fountain about 我被发现时 就躺在一股泉水旁 a fields of a summer stride 那是一片充满夏日气息的土地 lying in the sun after I had tried 当我感到些许疲倦时 lying in the sun by the side 就这样躺在阳光下,小路旁 we all agreed that the council would end up 我们都认为议会应该趁早解散 three hours over time 再有三个小时的存在都嫌多 shoe laces were tied at the traffic lights 鞋带为信号灯所左右 I was running late, could apply 我起跑的有些晚 for a not her one I guess 或许已追赶不上她的步伐 after parking stores are best 毕竟做足准备才是最好的 they said that there would be delays 他们说这或许有些迟了啊 on the temporary pay 毕竟这付出显得过于短暂

valder fields 是什么时候的作品

Valder Fields出自Tamas Wells发行于2006年3月的专辑A Plea en Vendredi 布里斯班当地的Time Off Magazine对此专辑的评价只有一个词——Stunning 这首听上去似乎平淡简单的歌,充满了春天气息的温馨,如同泉水般流淌 而Tamas Wells轻柔却又不失浑厚的嗓音,有着阳光的味道

Tamas Well的valder fields中文歌词

歌曲:Valder Fields作曲:Tamas Wells作词:Tamas Wells歌手:Tamas Wells所属专辑:A Plea en Vendredi中英文歌词对照:I was found on the ground by the fountain at valder偷偷地躺在Valder Fields的喷泉旁,还是被找到了fields and was almost dry这时的我差点被烤焦了lying in the sun after I had tried每当努力过後,我都喜欢躲在一边lying in the sun by the side静静地躺在阳光中We had agreed that the council would end at可惜我们一致认为那个会议three hours over time至少还有三个小时才能结束shoelaces were tied at the traffic lights鞋带受交通灯被交通灯约束I was running late I could apply所以即使我全力以赴了,还是跑得不快For another one I guess或许还有另外一个原因吧If department stores are best那就是最好做足准备They said there would be delays and他们告诉我会议暂时延期了only temporary pay只有临时工资For another one I guess或许还有另外一个原因吧If department stores are best如果百货商场是最好的They said there would be delays and他们告诉我会议暂时延期了only temporary pay只有临时工资She was found on the ground in a gown made at valder看到她的时候,她穿着Valder Fields当地的睡衣fields and was sound asleep听起来睡着了on the stairs outside the door to the man who cried坐在门外的楼梯的男人在大声地说when he said that he loved his life他很热爱他的生活We had agreed that the council should take his我们都觉得会议组应该派人keys to the bedroom door把他的钥匙带去卧室incase she stepped outside and was found in two两天之後,我们又看到那个女孩days in valder fields with a mountain view看到她在valder fields 的山色美景中漫步

valder fields-Tamas Wells歌词中文意思

■中文翻译■: I was found on the ground by the fountain at Valder Fields and was almost dry. 人们在valder fields的喷泉旁发现了几乎快被太阳晒干的我 (也有人理解为是喷泉几乎干涸) Lying in the sun after I had tried (to climb over the wall of the fountainside.) 我曾经尽力地想翻过喷泉的边墙却没有勇气,只能躺在地上。 Lying in the sun by the side 和阳光肩并肩地躺在一起 We had agreed that the council should end at three hours over time. 我们曾经达成协议,议会将在3小时后结束 Shoelaces were tied at the traffic lights, 在交通灯前我系好鞋带(也有人理解为鞋带被系在了交通灯上) i was running late. 却还是迟到了 i could apply for another one I guess. 我想我能够申请加入另一个公司的 If department stores are best. 如果百货商店是最好的 They said there would be delays, only temporary pay 但是那里总会有拖欠,而且只有暂时的薪水 She was found on the ground in a gown made at Valder Fields and was sound asleep on the stairs above the door to the man who cried when he said that he loved his life. 人们发现身穿 在valder fields定做的晚礼服 的她躺在门外的台阶上 对着一个说到他热爱他的生活就会哭的男人 沉沉地睡着。 We had agreed that the council should take his keys to the bedroom door 我们已经达成协议,在会议上拿走了他房门的钥匙。 (In )case he slept outside and was found in two days In Valder Fields with a mountain view. 所以他只能露宿在外,并且在两天后被人发现和valder fields的山景睡在一起。

翻译,求歌《Valder fields》英文介绍,或者可以百度里的资料帮忙翻译一下,用于英语课上演讲

Valder Fields是Tamas Wells在缅甸北部的一个雨季里写成的,当时Tamas正致力于一个社会卫生艾滋病毒/艾滋病的教育项目。他说,这首歌是一种意识流的歌,暗示在生活的责任(遵守时间,申请职位)与一种迈克.罗尼格(澳大利亚漫画家 Michael Leunig) 式的生活计划(在温泉边温暖的泥土上睡觉)之间的压力。Tamas建议说不要因Valder Fields是Tamas Wells在缅甸北部的一个雨季里写成的,当时Tamas正致力于一个社会卫生艾滋病毒/艾滋病的教育项目。他说,这首歌是一种意识流的歌,暗示在生活的责任(遵守时间,申请职位)与一种迈克.罗尼格(澳大利亚漫画家 Michael Leunig) 式的生活计划(在温泉边温暖的泥土上睡觉)之间的压力。Tamas建议说不要因为负担太重或没有负担而使自己扭曲了事实为负担太重或没有负担而使自己扭曲了事实

valder fields歌词

如果你的英文好,不妨听听看,这是对照修改的[ti:Valder Fields][ar:Tamas Wells][al:a plea en vendredi][by:summer] [00:00.01]Tamas Wells - Valder Fields[00:00.20][00:00.60]By: summer[00:01.40][00:01.52]I was found on the ground by the fountain(我被发现时 就躺在一股泉水旁)[00:06.03]at Valder Fields And was almost dry(在瓦尔德田野 精疲力尽)[00:09.54]lying in the sun after I had tried(当我拼尽全力后)[00:13.52]lying in the sun by the side(便躺在阳光下,小路旁)[00:20.51]We had agreed that the council would end up(我们都认为会议会结束)[00:25.50]three hours over time(在三个小时以后)[00:28.20]shoe laces were tied at the traffic lights(在信号灯前系好鞋带)[00:32.23]I was running late I could apply(却还是迟到了 我想可以申请)[00:38.30]for another one I guessed(另一个职位)[00:42.50]If department stores are best(如果是百货商店就最好了)[00:46.53]They said there would be delays(他们说经常需要加班)[00:50.50]only temporary pay(而且只能付临时工资)[00:54.57]music[01:33.50]For another one I guess(我想可以得到另一份工作)[01:38.30]If department stores are best(如果是百货商店就最好了)[01:42.47]They said there would be delays(据说经下班通常会很迟)[01:46.60]only temporary pay(而且只能付临时工资)[01:52.55]She was found on the ground in a gown(她穿着在瓦尔德田野定制的长袍) [01:55.30]made at Valder Fields and was sound asleep(躺在那里 沉沉入睡)[02:00.78]on the stairs above the door to the man who cried(正对门的台阶上坐着一个流泪的男人) [02:04.50]when he said that he loved his life(当他说自己很爱这样的生活)[02:09.50]music[02:11.54]We had agreed that the council(我们在会议上决定)[02:14.50]should take his keys to the bedroom door(拿走他卧室的钥匙)[02:18.54]case he slept outside(使他不得不在门外徘徊)[02:22.00]and was found in two days(而两天后发现)[02:24.50]in valder fields with a mountain view(他融化在瓦尔德田野的美景里)[02:29.50][02:31.00]END

valder fields什么意思?


valder field这首歌表达了什么意思?

Valder Fields出自Tamas Wells发行于2006年3月的专辑A Plea en Vendredi 布里斯班当地的Time Off Magazine对此专辑的评价只有一个词——Stunning Stunning…4.5/5 stars Time Off Magazine Brisbane 这首听上去似乎平淡简单的歌,充满了春天气息的温馨,如同泉水般流淌 而Tamas Wells轻柔却又不失浑厚的嗓音,有着阳光的味道 听这首歌让我想起那些无忧无虑的校园时光,想起骑着单车张开双臂自由自在的感觉,想起那些背着旅行包四处游荡的日子 来吧,一起听听这带着流行味道的民谣,听听这纯净美好的歌曲. Valder Fields Tamas Wells I was found on the ground by the fountain about a field of a summer stride lying in the sun after I had tried lying in the sun by the side we all agreed that the council would end up three hours over-time shoelaces were tied at the traffic lights I was running late,could apply for another one,I guess after parking stores are best they said that there would be delays on the temporary pay for another one I guessed after parking stores at best they said that there would be delays on the temporary pay she was found on the ground in a gown laying by the field of the summer asleep staring at the concrete,trying not to cry when somebody left his life she would never sleep in a gown so she takes his keys to the bedroom door takes a step outside,by the fountain 2 gazing at the field,what a view 瓦尔德田野 译 我躺在一泓泉水旁边 带着夏日气息的土地 尝试后我躺在阳光里 躺在阳光下的路边 我们都认为这会议 将会超时三小时 红绿灯前我的鞋带打了结 我跑得有些晚了 我猜只能等待下一班 停下来后情况还不错 他们说临时支付会有些延迟 她穿着长袍躺在那里 睡在这片夏日田野里 看看这景象 试着不去哭泣 即使有人从他生命中离去 她将不再穿长袍睡去 她取走了他卧室的钥匙 走出门去 躺在泉水边 看看这田野 多么美好 附:(以下均为转载) Artist:Tamas Wells Album:A Plea en Vendredi Release Date:March 21,2006 Label:Popboomerang Styles:Singer/Songwriter,Indie Pop Track Listings 1.From Prying Plans into the Fire 2.Valder Fields 3.Vendredi (Waiting Where You Can"t See) 4.Lichen and Bees (The Fever of Small Tiwn Ventures) 5.Yes,Virginia,There Is a Ruling Class 6.Opportunity Fair 7.Valour 8.Telemarketer Resignation 9.I"m Sorry That the Kitchen Is on Fire 10.Melon Street Book Club 11.Open the Blinds

Valder Fields这首歌的中心思想是什么?讲的什么意思?

轻快、含着些忧伤的吟唱。将人们带入那片人们自己心中含藏已久的田野。主旋律就仿佛是现实中不可跨越的责任,然而反复的和声却是在人们心中永远不会遗逝的对自己理想的执着,仿佛主旋律是一直跟从着和声,而和声带领的主旋律。 就像人在现实中一直是在为不可实现的梦想而奋斗。 纵然无法实现,但只要有那一颗奋斗的心,生命就会精彩,就如旋律一般轻快明朗。 可能初听这首歌,被社会压得喘不过气来的人们,会黯然落泪,但正因共鸣产生,逐渐由一种哭诉,演变成一种理解。一种劝解, 让人们淡然面对现实的残酷。 或许 Valder fields 根本不存在, 但人们心中的那片田野却是一直存在的,从而成为了人们的追求。这首歌也正因向所有对现实失望的人给予鼓励而让听过的人爱上了这位“知己”。------由汗水和泪水编织的天籁。歌曲开场没有前奏音乐,歌手直接用人声起唱,曲风清新,节奏欢快,从一开始就透露出一种浪漫的气息,让人不知不觉融入歌曲的旋律之中。每当听到清脆的吉他声伴随着明快的钢琴声,就像细雨一样滴进心田,让人想起从前那无忧无虑的时光。典型的意识流歌词,描述的是一个个零散的片段,如同梦中呓语般缺乏逻辑,翻译成中文更为突兀。

valder fields歌曲的背景是什么?越详细越好.


valder fields翻译成中文是?


Valder Fields 是什么意思?

嗯 我下到这张专集了 哈哈 好听

valder field歌词

and was found in two days in Valder Fields (with a) mountain view 而在两天之后被我们发现孤单一人处于瓦尔德田野的景色之中。 Tamas Wells -

valder fields什么意思

valder fields天籁之音;山间田野; valder fields是Tamas Wells最有名的歌曲,在该曲目中,弦、钢琴、软和的人声,营造出温暖的气氛。其中,Valder是一个地名,这首歌曲收录于专辑《A Plea En Vendredi》中。该曲目是Tamas Wells在缅甸北部进行一个社会卫生艾滋病毒/艾滋病的教育项目写成的。

valder fields是什么歌?

歌名:valder fields所属专辑:A Plea En Vendredi作词:Tamas Wells作曲:Tamas Wells歌手:Tamas Wells歌词:I was found on the ground by the fountain about a fields of summer stride.  人们在仙境之桥的喷泉旁发现了几乎快被太阳晒干的我Lying in the sun after I had tried在尝试无果后躺在烈日之下Lying in the sun by the side和阳光肩并肩地躺在一起We had agreed that the council would end at three hours over-time我们曾经达成协议,议会将在3小时后结束Shoelaces were tied at the traffic lights,在交通灯前我系好鞋带I was running late.却还是迟到了(I) could apply for another one I guess.我想我能够申请加入另一个公司的If department stores are best.如果百货商店是最好的They said there would be delays, only temporary pay但是那里总会有拖欠,而且只有暂时的薪水She was found on the ground in a gown made at Valder Fields and was sound asleep (on the) stairs above the door to the man who cried when he said that he loved his life.人们发现身穿 在仙境之桥定做的晚礼服 的她躺在门外的台阶上 对着一个说到他热爱他的生活就会哭的男人 沉沉地睡着。We had agreed that the council should take his keys to the bedroom door我们已经达成协议,在会议上拿走了他房门的钥匙。(In )case he slept outside and was found in two days In Valder Fields with a mountain view.所以他只能露宿在外,并且在两天后被人发现和仙境之桥的山景睡在一起。valder fields是Tamas Wells最有名的歌曲,在该曲目中,弦、钢琴、软和的人声,营造出温暖的气氛。其中,Valder是一个地名,这首歌曲收录于专辑《A Plea En Vendredi》中。

valder fields音译歌词

valder fields 歌手:tamas wells I was found on the ground by the fountain about a fields of a summer stride lying in the sun after I had tried lying in the sun by the side we all agreed that the council would end up three hours over time shoe laces were tied at the traffic lights I was running late, could apply for a not her one I guess after parking stores are best they said that there would be delays on the temporary pay. 这样的?

求valder fields 无损音质下载链接


valder fieldss是什么意思?

天籁之音;山间田野;valder fields(Tamas Wells演唱名曲)1.相关词条:Tamas well-valder fields澳洲经典男生valder fields-Tamas Wells简约之美valder fields-tamas wells会有落泪的冲动2.Valder Fields是Tamas Wells在缅甸北部的一个雨季里写成的,当时Tamas正致力于一个社会卫生艾滋病毒/艾滋病的教育项目。他说,这首歌是一种意识流的歌,暗示在生活的责任(遵守时间,申请职位)与一种迈克.罗尼格(澳大利亚漫画家 Michael Leunig) 式的生活计划(在温泉边温暖的泥土上睡觉)之间的压力。Tamas建议说不要因为负担太重或没有负担而使自己扭曲了事实。

Tamas Well的valder fields中文歌词

IwasfoundonthegroundbythefountainatValderFieldsandwasalmostdry.人们在valderfields的喷泉旁发现了几乎快被太阳晒干的我(也有人理解为是喷泉几乎干涸)LyinginthesunafterIhadtried我曾经尽力地想翻过喷泉的边墙却没有勇气,只能躺在地上。Lyinginthesunbytheside和阳光肩并肩地躺在一起Weallagreedthatthecouncilshouldendatthreehoursovertime.我们曾经达成协议,议会将在3小时后结束hoelacesweretiedatthetrafficlights,我的鞋带好似被系在交通灯上一样Iwasrunninglate.虽然跑,但还是迟到了(I)couldapplyforanotheroneIguess.我想我能够申请加入另一个公司的Ifdepartmentstoresarebest.如果百货商店是最好的Theysaidtherewouldbedelays,onlytemporarypay但是那里总会有拖欠,而且只有暂时的薪水ShewasfoundonthegroundinagownmadeatValderFieldsandwassoundasleep  (onthe)stairsabovethedoortothemanwhocriedwhenhesaidthathelovedhislife.人们发现身穿在valderfields定做的晚礼服的她躺在门外的台阶上对着一个说到他热爱他的生活就会哭的男人沉沉地睡着。Wehadagreedthatthecouncilshouldtakehiskeystothebedroomdoor我们已经达成协议,在会议上拿走了他房门的钥匙。(In)casehesleptoutsideandwasfoundintwo  daysInValderFieldswithamountainview.所以他只能露宿在外,并且在两天后被人发现和valderfields的山景睡在一起。

关于valder field这首歌

主要是这首歌采用了卡农的调式现在很多的流行歌曲也都是类似的走向!这是Lz会觉得这首歌似曾相识的原因之一;其二呢,整首歌节奏比较轻快,主唱tamas声线柔和,也会令人产生似曾相识的感觉!推荐一下同样轻快的lenka的《the show》希望是楼主同样喜欢!

valder fields这首歌以及作者Tamas Wells谁能介绍下?

valder fields是Tamas Wells的主打歌曲..

valder fieldss是什么意思

一首歌中文歌词:I was found on the ground by the fountain about 我被发现时 就躺在一股泉水旁 a fields of a summer stride 那是一片充满夏日气息的土地 lying in the sun after I had tried 当我感到些许疲倦时 lying in the sun by the side 就这样躺在阳光下,小路旁 we all agreed that the council would end up 我们都认为议会应该趁早解散 three hours over time 再有三个小时的存在都嫌多 shoe laces were tied at the traffic lights 鞋带为信号灯所左右 I was running late, could apply 我起跑的有些晚 for a not her one I guess 或许已追赶不上她的步伐 after parking stores are best 毕竟做足准备才是最好的 they said that there would be delays 他们说这或许有些迟了啊 on the temporary pay 毕竟这付出显得过于短暂创作背景  Valder Fields是Tamas Wells在缅甸北部的一个雨季里写成的,当时Tamas正致力于一个社会卫生艾滋病毒/艾滋病的教育项目。他说,这首歌是一种意识流的歌,暗示在生活的责任(遵守时间,申请职位)与一种迈克.罗尼格(澳大利亚漫画家 Michael Leunig) 式的生活计划(在温泉边温暖的泥土上睡觉)之间的压力。Tamas建议说不要因为负担太重或没有负担而使自己扭曲了事实。

valder fields中文歌词

I was found on the ground by the fountain about 我被发现时 就躺在一股泉水旁 a fields of a summer stride 那是一片充满夏日气息的土地 lying in the sun after I had tried 当我感到些许疲倦时 lying in the sun by the side 就这样躺在阳光下,小路旁 we all agreed that the council would end up 我们都认为议会应该趁早解散 three hours over time 再有三个小时的存在都嫌多 shoe laces were tied at the traffic lights 鞋带为信号灯所左右 I was running late, could apply 我起跑的有些晚 for a not her one I guess 或许已追赶不上她的步伐 after parking stores are best 毕竟做足准备才是最好的 they said that there would be delays 他们说这或许有些迟了啊 on the temporary pay 毕竟这付出显得过于短暂for another one i guessed 另外,我猜after parking stores at best停车后,百货公司在最佳 they said that there would be delays on the temporary pay 他们说,会有延误,对临时支付She was found on the ground in a gown in a fountain 她被发现在地面上,在袍子在喷泉filled by the summer. 填补夏季。如果帮助到你,请采纳,3Q!

valder fields的介绍

valder fields,最原始是有国外歌手Tamas Wells为缅甸北部进行一个社会卫生艾滋病毒/艾滋病的教育项目写成的。2013年12月24日被王舟改编翻唱,收录在专辑《valder fields》中,最开始被网友调侃,后得到网友热烈追捧。

valder field的歌词

I was found on the ground by the fountain at valder fields and was almost drylying in the sun after I had tried lying in the sun by the sideWe had agreed that the council would end at three hours over timeshoelaces were tied at the traffic lightsI was running late I could applyFor another one I guess If department stores are best They said there would be delays and only temporary payFor another one I guessIf department stores are best They said there would be delays and only temporary payShe was found on the ground in a gown made at valder fields and was sound asleep on the stairs outside the door to the man who criedwhen he said that he loved his lifeWe had agreed that the council should take his keys to the bedroom door incase she stepped outside and was found in two days in valder fields with a mountain view

valder fields 的歌词。


谁帮我翻译下【Valder Fields】 的歌词

Valder Fields 自由之地我在Valder Fields的泉水池旁的地上躺着 这里的空气好干燥 尝试过后,我沐浴在阳光中 静静的躺在阳光下 我们都觉得那会议要推迟3个小时才能结束 鞋带被系在了红绿灯上 于是我跑输了,但我会努力的 我想是为另一个人 如果有百货商店就好了 他们说会耽搁时间的,只好暂时付上钱 我想是为另一个人 如果有百货商店就好了 他们说会耽搁时间的,只好暂时付上钱 她穿着睡衣拥向Valder Fields 感觉是那么的安祥 有一人坐在门外的楼梯上哭着说,他很享受他的生活 我们都觉得那会议组会拿走他卧室的钥匙 如果万一他要在门外徘徊 两天后在Valder Fields,一片山色美景中看到了他I was found on the ground by the fountain about 我被发现时 就躺在一股泉水旁 a fields of a summer stride 那是一片充满夏日气息的土地 lying in the sun after I had tried 当我感到些许疲倦时 lying in the sun by the side 就这样躺在阳光下,小路旁 we all agreed that the council would end up 我们都认为议会应该趁早解散 three hours over time 再有三个小时的存在都嫌多 shoe laces were tied at the traffic lights 鞋带为信号灯所左右 I was running late, could apply 我起跑的有些晚 for a not her one I guess 或许已追赶不上她的步伐 after parking stores are best 毕竟做足准备才是最好的 they said that there would be delays 他们说这或许有些迟了啊 on the temporary pay 毕竟这付出显得过于短暂

Valder fields用中文怎么唱?

I was found on the ground by the fountain about 哎 窝兹 放的 昂 泽(the实在没法用汉语表示)格入昂的 拜 泽 方腾 额抱特 (阿)(这里是连音)a fields of a summer stride 啊 非要兹 哦附 额 萨么 斯拽得lying in the sun after I had tried 莱茵 音 泽 桑 阿弗特 艾 嗨的 踹的lying in the sun by the side 莱茵 音 泽 桑 拜 泽 赛德we all agreed that the council would end up 为 奥 额格瑞德 杂特 泽 康叟 屋的 艾恩的 阿扑three hours over time 斯瑞 阿屋而斯 欧屋而 泰亩shoe laces were tied at the traffic lights 属 累塞斯 乌尔 泰德 艾特 泽 戳艾非可 赖此I was running late, could apply 艾 窝兹 软拧 雷特, 库德 额扑来for a not her one I guess 发哦 额 闹特 喝 万 艾 盖斯after parking stores are best 阿福特 怕客音 死到而斯 阿 拜斯特they said that there would be delays 泽诶 赛德 扎特 贼而 唔得 比 地累斯on the temporary pay 啊昂 泽 探颇若蕊 配 。。累死我了,孩子,好好学英语啊。。

我想要Tomas Wells的「valder fields」这首歌的中文翻译.

was found on the ground by the fountain about 我被发现时 就躺在一股泉水旁 a fields of a summer stride 那是一片充满夏日气息的土地 lying in the sun after I had tried 当我感到些许疲倦时 lying in the sun by the side 就这样躺在阳光下,小路旁 we all agreed that the council would end up 我们都认为议会应该趁早解散 three hours over time 再有三个小时的存在都嫌多 shoe laces were tied at the traffic lights 鞋带为信号灯所左右 I was running late, could apply 我起跑的有些晚 for a not her one I guess 或许已追赶不上她的步伐 after parking stores are best 毕竟做足准备才是最好的 they said that there would be delays 他们说这或许有些迟了啊 on the temporary pay 毕竟这付出显得过于短暂

求Valder fields的歌词

正确的歌词版本如下:  I was found on the ground by the fountain  醒来时,我发现自己正躺在一泓泉水边  about a fields of a summer stride  周围的田野弥漫着夏日香气  lying in the sun after i had tried lying in the sun by the side  我沐浴在小路边的阳光下  we all agreed that the council would end up three hours over time  我们都认为当时那个会议将长达3个多小时  shoe laces were tied at the traffic lights  在红绿灯前我系紧了鞋带,整装待发  i was running late,  我起跑得有些晚  could apply for anther one i guess  我想可以再等下一次起跑  after parking stores are best  停下之后,就是要做好准备  they said that there would be delays on the temporary pay  他们说这一时的付出也已经太晚了  she was found on the ground in a gown  她醒来时发现自己穿着长袍  laying by the field of the summer asleep  睡在这片夏日田野里  staring at the concrete, trying not to cry  怅然望着这片土地,努力不让自己哭泣  when somebody left his life  即使有人从他生命中离去  she would never sleep in a gown  她将不再穿长袍入睡  so she takes his keys to the bedroom door  她拿走了他卧室的钥匙  takes a step outside, by the fountain  朝那个泉水边走去  gazing at the field, what a view  望着这片田野 依旧是那么美

valder fields歌词翻译

Valder Fields(我觉得是个地名) 我在Valder Fields的泉水池旁的地上躺着 这里的空气好干燥 尝试过后,我沐浴在阳光中 静静的躺在阳光下 我们都觉得那会议要推迟3个小时才能结束 鞋带被系在了红绿灯上 所以我跑得迟了,我可以申请的 我想是为另一个人 如果有百货商店就好了 他们说会耽搁时间的,只好暂时付上钱 我想是为另一个人 如果有百货商店就好了 他们说会耽搁时间的,只好暂时付上钱 她穿着睡衣拥向Valder Fields 感觉是那么的安祥 有一人坐在门外的楼梯上哭着说,他很享受他的生活 我们都觉得那会议组会拿走他卧室的钥匙 如果万一他要在门外徘徊 两天后在Valder Fields,一片山色美景中看到了他你的串号我已经记下,采纳后我会帮你制作

《valder fields》翻譯中文

歌词:(附加时间轴) [00:01.65]I was found on the ground by the fountain at Valder Fields [00:07.18]And was almost dry [00:10.17]Lying in the sun after I had tried [00:14.18]Lying in the sun by the side [00:21.43]We had agreed that the council would end up three hours over-time [00:28.56]Shoelaces were tied at the traffic lights [00:32.40]I was running late [00:34.64](I) could apply [00:39.02]for another one I guess [00:43.11]If department stores are best [00:47.40]they said (that) there would be delays [00:51.38]only temporary pay [00:56.56] [01:34.32]For another one I guess [01:38.40]If department stores are best [01:42.45]They said (that) there would be delays [01:46.43]Only temporary pay [01:51.79]She was found on the ground in a gown made at Valder Fields [01:58.84]and was sound asleep [02:00.96](on the) stairs about your door to the man who cried [02:05.17]When he said that he loved his life [02:11.28]We had agreed that the council should take his keys to the bedroom door [02:19.49](in) case he slept outside and was found in two.. [02:23.35]days in Valder Fields (with a) mountain view 中文翻译: Valder Fields(地名) 我在Valder Fields的泉水池旁的地上躺着 这里的空气好干燥 尝试过后,我沐浴在阳光中 静静的躺在阳光下 我们都觉得那会议要推迟3个小时才能结束 鞋带被系在了红绿灯上 所以我跑得迟了,我可以申请的 我想是为另一个人 如果有百货商店就好了 他们说会耽搁时间的,只好暂时付上钱 我想是为另一个人 如果有百货商店就好了 他们说会耽搁时间的,只好暂时付上钱 她穿着睡衣拥向Valder Fields 感觉是那么的安祥 有一人坐在门外的楼梯上哭着说,他很享受他的生活 我们都觉得那会议组会拿走他卧室的钥匙 如果万一他要在门外徘徊 两天后在Valder Fields,一片山色美景中看到了他

valder fields的中文歌词

Valder Fields(我觉得是个地名) 我在Valder Fields的泉水池旁的地上躺着 这里的空气好干燥 尝试过后,我沐浴在阳光中 静静的躺在阳光下 我们都觉得那会议要推迟3个小时才能结束 鞋带被系在了红绿灯上 所以我跑得迟了,我可以申请的 我想是为另一个人 如果有百货商店就好了 他们说会耽搁时间的,只好暂时付上钱 我想是为另一个人 如果有百货商店就好了 他们说会耽搁时间的,只好暂时付上钱 她穿着睡衣拥向Valder Fields 感觉是那么的安祥 有一人坐在门外的楼梯上哭着说,他很享受他的生活 我们都觉得那会议组会拿走他卧室的钥匙 如果万一他要在门外徘徊 两天后在Valder Fields,一片山色美景中看到了他

valder fields 的中文歌词

求《valder field 》的歌词,很小清新的一首歌~

是valder fields 吧,感受相同啊,很喜欢。。。I was found on the ground by the fountain about a fields of a summer stridelying in the sun after I had triedlying in the sun by the sidewe all agreed that the council would end up three hours over timeshoe laces were tied at the traffic lightsI was running late could applyfor anther one I guessafter parking stores are bestthey said that there would be delayson the temporary pay选自Tamas Wells(团名&主唱)的专集《A Plea en Vendredi》这支来自澳洲墨尔本的indie-pop乐团从澳大利亚开始了自己的音乐事业美丽的山水音乐 带着感情的歌曲旋律和高超的演唱技巧 让人体会这一份充满春天气息的温馨for another one I guessedafter parking stores at bestthey said that there would be delays on the temporary payShe was found on the ground in a gown in a fountainfilled by the summer asleepstaring at the concrete trying not to crywhen somebody left hers lifewe had agreed by the gownso she takes his keys to the bedroom doortakes a step outside by the fountaingazing at the field what a view

valder fields及歌词是什么意思?

valder 是一个缅甸的地名,所以全名就是“valder的田野”歌词翻译如下 61 I was found on the ground by the fountain at valder fields  我被发现时,正偷偷地躺在valder fields的泉水旁  61 and was almost dry   但太阳晒得我身上几乎是干的  61 lying in the sun after I had tried  工作劳累之后,我躺在阳光下偷懒  61 lying in the sun by the side  躺在远离尘世的阳光下   61 We had agreed that the council would end at three hours over time   我们都认为议会会超过三个小时  61 shoelaces were tied at the traffic lights  在路上遇到交通堵塞了   61 I was running late I could apply for another one I guessed  我想我快迟到了,但可以准备寻找另外一份工作   61 If department stores are best  如果百货公司这份工作是最好的   61 They said there would be delays  同事们说会议要延迟了   61 and only temporary pay  却只能拿到临时薪水   music ……  61 For another one I guess  也许换一个工作也不错吧   61 If department stores are best  如果百货公司这份工作是最好的  61 They said there would be delays  同事们说会议要延迟了  61 and only temporary pay  却只能拿到临时薪水   61 She was found on the ground in a gown made at valder fields   她被发现在一片田野里,穿着valder fields当地的长袍  61 and was sound asleep on the stairs outside the door to the man who cried  她在静静地听著那个坐在门外台阶的男人在大声地说  61 when he said that he loved his life  他很热爱他的生活  61 We had agreed that the council  我们都觉得那会议组会   61 should take his keys to the bedroom door  应该把他带到卧室去   61 incase she stepped outside  以防她又在外面游荡   61 and was found in two days  两天后又发现   61 in valder fields with a mountain view  她正陶醉在valder fields的山色美景中

Valder Fields 是什么意思、


valder fiels的歌词

I was found on the ground by the fountain 被你发现时我就躺在一眼泉水旁 about a field of a summer stride 那是一片充满夏日气息的土地 lying in the sun after i had tried 当我感到些许疲倦时 lying in the sun by the side 便躺在阳光下,小路旁 we all agreed that the council would 我们都认为议会应该趁早解散 end up three hours over-time 再有三个小时的存在都嫌多 shoelaces were tied at the traffic lights 鞋带为信号灯所左右 i was running late, could apply 我起跑的有些晚 for another one, i guess 或许已追赶不上她的步伐 after parking stores are best 毕竟做足准备才是最好的 they said that there would be delays 他们说这或许有些迟了啊 on the temporary pay 毕竟这付出显得过于短暂 she was found on the ground in a gown 她被发现时正穿着睡袍 laying by the field of the summer asleep 躺在一片仲夏夜中 staring at the concrete, trying not to cry 仰望着苍穹,她不哭泣 when somebody left his life 哪怕至爱从此离去 she would never sleep in a gown 她将不再合衣入睡 so she takes his keys to the bedroom door 她拿着他的钥匙开启卧室的门 takes a step outside, by the fountain 向外一步步走去,注视着那一片曾经的泉眼 gazing at the field, what a view 恍若隔世

valder fields的歌手介绍

Tamas Wells,是一支来自澳洲墨尔本的indie-pop乐团,成立于2000年初,目前已发行5张专辑,曲风清新、平缓而又优美。Tamas Wells既是团名也是其中主唱的名字,这支来自澳洲墨尔本的indie-pop乐团最早成立于2000年初,当时只有Owen Gray (bass, harmonica)及Ben Castle(violin)两名成员,发行的第一张EPHello Jealousy是张带点政治意味的民谣唱片,创作灵感来自当年的“第三世界国家债务解除运动”,第二年鼓手Nathan Collins的加入带入了新的创作元素,而接下来紧密的巡回演出,也为Tamas Wells在当地乐界积累了不少人气。2002年3月和8月分别发行了两张广受好评的EP(Cigarettes, a Tie and a Free Magazine及Stitch In Time),Ben中途退出,接着加入了Tamas和Anthony。知名制作人Tim Whitten(曾制作过Gersey, Art of Fighting, Gaslight Radio)在听过Stitch in Time 之后颇为欣赏,邀请他们来悉尼的Megaphon studios共同录制新唱片,2004年第一张专辑A Mark On The Pane曾被评为当年最美的唱片之一。尽管Tamas Wells十岁那年没能通过AMEB一级钢琴考试,却是从那时起真正喜爱上音乐,当被人提及他那“毫不做作的天使般的嗓音”时,他说那是一天喝八升水的成果。听着Tamas Wells总是容易想起那些骑着单车四处游荡无忧无虑的校园时光,如此纯净美好的声音。音乐风格:以小清新为主题,让人感到一股春意拂面而来,让人温暖,舒适,他们的歌曲会让人慢慢沉睡(尤其是Valder Fields)。轻松明朗的曲风,美妙至极,让人如同站在天堂上慢慢享受着时光…………一座仙境之桥。所有成员及其在乐团中负责的部分:Owen Gray(bass, harmonica) - 欧文·格雷(贝斯,口琴)Ben Castle(violin) - 本·卡索(小提琴) [后中途退出]Nathan Collins(drumm) - 内森·柯林斯(鼓)Tamas Wells(vocal,guitar) -塔马斯·韦尔斯(主唱,吉他) [后加入]Anthony Francis(keyboard) - 安东尼·弗朗西斯(键盘) [后加入]

valder fields这首歌怎么翻译?

中文翻译: Valder Fields(地名) 我在Valder Fields的泉水池旁的地上躺着 这里的空气好干燥 尝试过后,我沐浴在阳光中 静静的躺在阳光下 我们都觉得那会议要推迟3个小时才能结束 鞋带被系在了红绿灯上 所以我跑得迟了,我可以申请的 我想是为另一个人 如果有百货商店就好了 他们说会耽搁时间的,只好暂时付上钱 我想是为另一个人 如果有百货商店就好了 他们说会耽搁时间的,只好暂时付上钱 她穿着睡衣拥向Valder Fields 感觉是那么的安祥 有一人坐在门外的楼梯上哭着说,他很享受他的生活 我们都觉得那会议组会拿走他卧室的钥匙 如果万一他要在门外徘徊 两天后在Valder Fields,一片山色美景中看到了他 Valder Fields是Tamas Wells在缅甸北部的一个雨季里写成的,当时Tamas正致力于一个社会卫生艾滋病毒/艾滋病的教育项目。他说,这首歌是一种意识流的歌,暗示在生活的责任(遵守时间,申请职位)与一种迈克.罗尼格(澳大利亚漫画家 Michael Leunig) 式的生活计划(在温泉边温暖的泥土上睡觉)之间的压力。Tamas建议说不要因为负担太重或没有负担而使自己扭曲了事实。

求《Valder Fields》这首歌的中英文歌词,带英文音标。

I was found on the ground by the fountain at Valder Fields我被发现时 就躺在一股泉水旁 a fields of a summer stride 那是一片充满夏日气息的土地 lying in the sun after I had tried 当我感到些许疲倦时 lying in the sun by the side 就这样躺在阳光下,小路旁 we all agreed that the council would end up 我们都认为议会应该趁早解散 three hours over time 再有三个小时的存在都嫌多 shoe laces were tied at the traffic lights 鞋带为信号灯所左右 I was running late, could apply 我起跑的有些晚 for a not her one I guess 或许已追赶不上她的步伐 after parking stores are best 毕竟做足准备才是最好的 they said that there would be delays 他们说这或许有些迟了啊 on the temporary pay 毕竟这付出显得过于短暂
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