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penalty原来就是有罪的意思,然后在法律领域解释为罚款。fine和penalty相似,但是更侧重指代的是罚款时候的那个钱,所以是罚金。此外,fine也有pay the fine的用法,指的就是付罚金。如果是翻译的话,要看你做什么翻译的。如果是学生作业,大可不必纠结。如果是法律文献的话,还是注意一点比较妥当。谢谢

entropic penalty如何翻译


Penalty Interest什么意思



NON-END/PENALTY APPLS 不得签转/处罚事项20K意思是20公斤,等于40斤

record of penalty charges是什么意思

record of penalty charges罚款记录双语例句 1.The fees and penalty charges ballooned. 花费和罚款费用一路激增。2.In addition, the thesis lists 68 death penalty charges prescribed in present "Criminal Law", which is extremely important in the analysis of death penalty issue. 此外本文列举出我国现行刑法规定最新的68个死刑罪名,填补了当前我国死刑问题研究的一个空白。

gap opening penalty 是什么意思

Gap opening penalty:空格罚分设置,增加一个空格就罚相应的分值,增加这一分值会降低空格出现的频率。一般扣5-10分

non Compliance Penalty 在合同中的条款,怎样翻译更精确


The law carries a penalty of up to three years in prison.


帮忙修改这句英语的语法错误:The penalty for him running the red


without penalty是什么意思

without penalty没有处罚请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

thermodynamic penalty是什么意思

thermodynamic penalty adj.热力学的,使用热动力的例句:1. To maintain clarity and simplicity, we leave all thermodynamic considerations aside.为了作到简单明白, 我们暂不考虑热力学问题.2. This quantity is identical to the negative of the thermodynamic pressure.这个量等于热动力压力的负值.3. The tephigram is a thermodynamic particularly suitable for representing atmospheric processes.温熵图是一种热力学图,特别适合于描述大气过程.

penalty area 18 yord bx是什么意思?

你好!penalty area 18 yord bx禁区18码bx


其含义为:1、NON-END:不得签转  各航空公司不得签转的定义有所区别:  中国国际航空公司 签转变更规定:正常票不限制,60折(含)以上第一次均可免费更改,80折至95折第二次更改收票面价5%手续费,60折至75折第二次更改收10%手续费,60折以下不得改签。   中国东方航空 签转变更规定:正常票不限制,80折以上舱位可以变更一次,80折以下必须升舱至80折(含)以上舱位,且须到东航办理。 2、NON-RER:不得改变航程,不能变更飞机始发地和终点地。3、PENALTY APPLS:适用罚则指的适用机票16项罚则。



penalty,punishment 有什么区别?

penalty多是依据规定进行的罚款行为.例如--The penalty for spitting is US$10.随地吐痰罚款十美金。punishment就是对某种行为的处罚,不一定是罚款.例如--My punishment for littering was several hours of picking up trash.我因乱扔杂物而受到的处罚是捡几小时垃圾。


名词讲时都有罚款的意思,penalty更侧重不好的后果 fine n. 罚款, 罚金 penalty n. 处罚, 刑罚, 罚款, 罚球, 报应, 不利结果, 妨碍





penalty shoot-out是什么意思

你好!penalty shoot out点球出局

abaqus中penalty为0与 frictionless区别




penalty shootout是什么意思


shot the penalty是什么意思?

shot the penalty射点球您好,答题不易如有帮助请采纳,谢谢!

请高人解释英语penalty 和sanction的不同~ rt 可是sanction也有制裁的意思啊

一个是惩罚,一个是批准 sanction(迫使某国服从国际法的)处罚措施,制裁.penalty更具有一般意义:1.punishment for breaking a law,rule or contract刑罚; 处罚; 惩罚,如there is a penalty for late delivery(有延...

我需要帮忙..英翻中,谢谢. 1 Delayed Delivery and Penalty:2)Arbitration:3Additional Clause


i certify under penalty ofu3002u3002u3002u3002

i certify under penalty of perjury that all information provided above in items 1though 9 was completed before i signed this form and is ture and correct.我保证根据伪证处罚法,所有上述资料在项目完成之前,虽然我签署这种形式,是自然和正确的

penalty of perjury是什么意思

penalty of perjury 伪证罪 例句筛选1.hereby irrevocably confirm and warrant under penalty of perjury.特此在伪证罪的惩罚下,不可撤消地证实与保证;2.We declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.我们宣誓没有触犯伪证罪条款,上述所有内容都属实。

penalty date是什么意思


liquidated damages和penalty的区别

liquidated damages 误期损害penalty 罚金如果工程推迟交工,误期损害都是业主遭受的理智的预估损失。罚金是为了惩罚承包商且额度远超过业主估计的损失额度。



写一篇题目是should the death penalty be abolished?

Should the death penalty be abolished?Death penalty is the ultimate punishment in countries where such a sentence is available. Nowadays the penalty, which has existed for nearly 2000 years in human history, has become a controversy. Should it be retained as deterrence, or should it be abandoned as brutality? Diversities occur: in a world where more than half of the countries have not carried out death sentence for a decade, more than 2000 prisoners are executed each year in other countries. However, after considering the benefits and defects of death penalty, governments should realize that the sentence should be abolished, as more civilized methods have already taken the role of death penalty.Death penalty"s role as an ultimate prevention of crimes can be carried out by other punishments such as life sentence. Death penalty is a passive way of prevention; it subjects the prisoner to endless darkness where the prisoner is deprived of any chance of rehabilitation. On the other hand, through other sentences the prisoner may finally realize the brutality of the crime. Death sentences are extremely expensive to carry out, for example, a lethal injection costs well over 100,000 US dollars, and special facilities have to be set up for death by firing squad.Death penalty exposes the flaws in the judicial system. There are many cases throughout the history that the innocence of civilians is proved after the execution. Death penalty cannot guarantee fairness as the judicial system may turn down a lawsuit even after the sentence is carried out. Other sentences such as life sentence allows for a complete reexamination of a case, giving chances for possible overrules.Death penalty is the ultimate denial of human dignity and respect. Every person has the equal right to live and make mistakes. By issuing death sentences countries refuse to consider prisoners as human beings. Death penalty also stands against the basic idea among all nations that life should be cherished; it is an act of murder.Death penalties should be abolished because it is outdated, defected and it denies basic human rights. Governments should realize the fact as the human beings are marching towards a more civilized society.

botany; penalty; pirate 这英语用谐音怎么读?
