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当然可以带拉,不要以为英国的lecturer就是讲师,在美国,这个就算是ASSISTANT PROFESSOR了,就是李开复当的那个“副教授”。“副教授”是可以带博士生的。而高级讲师(senior lecturer)相当于associate professor,算是“高级副教授”吧。

give a trial lecture是什么意思

give a trial lecture作试用报告.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!





mentor session和lecture区别

都有课程的意思,但是使用时有各自的差异。lecture 是 大课 很多人一起上 一般是老师在二个小时的时间内把高强度的所有知识全部过一遍session 是 一个小个 像小的章节 基于lecture上课的内容 伴有练习更详细的讲解 和拓展 class size 相比lecture要小很多course 在英国 多指专业知识的意思 他们不用major 你读什么专业? 翻译为 what"s the course you are studying in?


speech是指正式的演讲lecture是讲座 上课的意思talk是谈话 若作演讲义则是非正式的人数不多的小型谈话的意思


法语lecture 音标/lktyr/












可以。speech是演讲,比如deliver a speech发表演讲。lecture是讲座(学术性),演讲。比如:She gave them a chastening lecture.她给他们做了一次令他们对自己的行为感到内疚的演讲。


新托福听力的Lecture,也就是学术讲座部分,有不同的展开形式。有的Lecture通篇都是教授的独角戏,有的Lecture中加入了学生和教授的互动环节,加入讨论的形式,有的互动少,有的互动多。互动多的Lecture听起来如同课堂讨论,结构近似对话。总的说来,Lecture的形式有独白,互动及互动+独白三种展开形式,而后者最多,占六成以上。进而,我们可以把Lecture肢解为独白和互动两块来应对。互动部分,即师生互动相对简单,无非是下列两种情况:1. 教授请学生回答问题,如让学生举例或阐述概念等等【例1】Prof. Ultrasound is used by many animals that detect, and some of them send out, very high frequency sounds. So what"s a good example? Yes, Carol?CarolWell bets. Since they are all blind,…教授要学生举一个使用Ultrasound的动物的例子【例2】Prof.So, what do you think another example of displacement activity might be?教授要学生再举一个展示displacement activity的例子【例3】Prof.Now we can"t really talk about fairy tales without first talking about folk tales because there"s a strong connection between these two genres, these two types of stories. In fact, many fairy tales started out as folk tales. So, what"s a folk tale? How would you characterize them? Jeff?JeffWell, they are…教授要学生解释folk tale 的含义【例4】Prof.Now, from your reading, what do you know about Paris, about the art world of Paris during the late 19th century?教授要学生回答从阅读材料中得出的相关信息2. 学生提问教授解答:学生在听课过程中对教授讲述的知识点不能完全理解或者有疑问或者想进一步了解时对教授提问【例1】Stu…Um but could you maybe like clarify what the difference is?Prof.Of course, that"s a fair question…【例2】StuBut how"s that proof that the Sahara used to be a lot wetter? I mean…Prof.Okay…【分析】上述情况都是我们学生在平常课堂中非常熟悉的场景,因此非常容易理解。遇到互动时,除了要认真听,尽量听懂提问和回答更要注意语气语调和分析隐含义,尤其是当教授评价学生的观点或回答时,提高警惕,此处常出重听题。教授的评价多为学生的观点或回答片面或错误,通常都是委婉指出的,不打击学生的积极性。比如”well, in this area probably. But are we typical?”,”又如”that"s really a good suggestion, Karl. But that"s called…”但偶尔也出现过不留情面的,如曾经的一道考题中,教授的反馈是 ”Hmm? Oh, uh… I"m sorry but no. It has nothing to do with that.” 重听题的题干很可能是 why does the professor say this?正确答案如to indicate that the student"s answer is wrong.独白部分,也就是教授一个人在讲述要点,听上去类似学术文章当中的段落。这些独白部分的段落有一定的结构特征。常见的段落结构有下面几种:1. 阐述要点型:这种类型的段落非常接近严谨有逻辑的学术文章段落,结构是提出要点——解释要点中的术语——举例展开 ——概括要点(时有时无),讲述较具体的段落,在举例展开中可能不止一个例子,可能使用一些手法使表述更清晰,如比较或对比手法。这种类型的段落在新托福听力中很常见,具有一定的代表意义,同学们应该熟悉这种结构的套路,有助于考试时更好理解行文思路和主旨。【例1】Another thing that distinguishes a real language is a property we call discreteness. In other words, messages are built up of smaller parts—sentences out of words, words out of individual sounds, etc. Now, maybe you could say that the prairie dog"s message is built from smaller parts, like say for example our prairie dog spots a predator, a big coyote approaching rapidly, so the prairie dog makes a call that means coyote, then one that means large and then another one to indicate its speed. But do you really suppose it makes any difference what order these calls come in? No. but the discrete units that make up language can be put together in different ways. Those smaller parts can be used to form an infinite number of messages including messages that are completely novel, that have never been expressed before. For example, we can differentiate between “a large coyote move fast” and, say um, ”move the large coyote fast”, or “move fast large coyote”, and I truly doubt whether anyone has ever uttered either of these sentences before. Human language is productive, an open-ended communication system, whereas no other communication system has this property.【例2】And another feature of language that"s not displayed by any form of animal communication is what we call displacement. That is, language is abstract enough that we can talk about things that aren"t present here and now. Things like”my friends Joes is not in the room,” or ”it will probably rain next Thursday.” Prairie dogs may be able to tell you about a hawk that"s circling overhead right now, but they"d never show any inclination to describe the one they saw last week.此lecture的主要内容是把动物的交流系统区别于语言的几个特征。【例1】中,段落首句即提出要点,指出另一个特征是动物交流缺少语言所具有的一种叫discreteness的属性,discreteness这个词是个学术生词,很多同学比较陌生,但不用担心,教授一定会解释这个词的含义,接下来的句型是典型的解释句型,”in other words,…”大家这个句子要听明白。段落接下来就举例证明,”For example”,先举prairie dog遇到coyote发出的叫声的例子,后举人类语言的例子,最后总结概括,人类语言具有这种属性,而其他交流系统都没有,与首句分论点呼应。【例2】中也是段落首句提出要点,解释要点中的学术生词displacement,典型句型”that is…”,然后举例,”things like...”同学们注意,上述例子里提到的几个特征,是听的重点应该记下来,如果遇到生词,建议记下来首几字母,然后听后面的解释。真实考试中有时候是解释这个词的意思,有时候是用一个大家熟悉的词做该生词的同位语。都可以帮你理解这个词的含义。考试时对这几个特征考细节题,问你有哪些特征,可能是双选或三选。对于段落中的例子也是可能的考点,可能问你例子的作用,后者可以推断出什么。2. 现象解释型:教授提出现象,进行解释。常用设问形式提出对该现象产生的不理解,然后阐述原因。结构是陈述现象——提出疑问——解释原因(或列举若干解释理论)【例1】Now, the older lakes,… As for the recent lakes..Another difference…Why these difference? Well, there are some ideas about that…【例2】Most of rocks move … but some, and this is interesting, move ….Um…how can that be? how about …? …对于这种结构,同学们要关注的三点:1.设问句可能考重听,问教授这样说的时候暗示了什么 “what does the professor imply when he says this? ”2.解释的原因可能考细节题 why / what reason is …?3.解释理论的正确性或可靠度。曾经真题中考过教授对解释理论的态度。“what is the professor"s attitude toward the experiments ?”以上2种结构是学术文章中段落展开的典型代表。希望同学们能熟悉掌握,考试时能快速反应和预测,争取听力考试的主动权。Be an active listener!


lecture的用法和搭配如下:lecture可以用作名词lecture主要指教育性或学术性“演讲”,引申可指“冗长的训斥或谴责”。lecture是可数名词,其后接介词on或 about ,意为“关于?的演讲”“就?做演讲”“因?训斥或谴责某人”。lecture作“讲演,讲课”解时,是不及物动词。说“讲授某课程”时常与介词on连用,说“在某地讲演”时常与介词at〔in〕连用。lecture用作名词的用法例句She ran over her notes before giving the lecture.她讲课前把讲稿匆匆看了一遍。His lecture covered various aspects of language.他的讲课涉及到语言诸方面的问题。They could not follow the lecture.他们听不懂这次演讲。


可以到“www.iciba.com" 去查阅一下就知道啦。那里头很详细的,有解释,有例句。自己看看。


lecture主要指教育性或学术性“演讲”,引申可指“冗长的训斥或谴责”。lecture搭配的介词Thelectureisveryimportantforusto是listento。听“演讲lecture”用的是listen,因为是不及物动词,所以要加介词to(listento是固定搭配)ThedoctorgivesmethisbiglectureonAIDS—yadayadayada.医生给我上了这一堂艾滋病的大课——如此这般,如此这般。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com


演讲 演说


  lecture有讲课;演讲;训话等意思,那么你知道lecture的用法吗?下面我为大家带来有关lecture的用法和 短语 例句,供大家参考学习!    lecture的用法:   lecture的用法1:lecture主要指 教育 性或学术性“演讲”,引申可指“冗长的训斥或谴责”。   lecture的用法2:lecture是可数名词,其后接介词on或 about ,意为“关于u2026的演讲”“就u2026做演讲”“因u2026训斥或谴责某人”。   lecture的用法3:lecture作“讲演,讲课”解时,是不及物动词。说“讲授某课程”时常与介词on连用,说“在某地讲演”时常与介词at〔in〕连用。   lecture的用法4:lecture也可用作及物动词,意思是“向u2026讲演,给u2026讲课”,接名词或代词作宾语。   lecture的用法5:lecture还可作“责备”“教训”“训斥”解,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。“因u2026而受到训斥”可说lecture sb for n./v -ing。    lecture的常用短语:   用作动词 (v.)   lecture about〔on〕 (v.+prep.)   lecture at (v.+prep.)   lecture for (v.+prep.)    lecture的用法例句:   1. Chuck would lecture me, telling me to get a haircut.   查克就会数落我,让我去理一下发。   2. Within this lecture I cannot pretend to deal adequately with dreams.   在这一次讲座中,我不敢自诩能对梦境作透彻的分析。   3. Our captain gave us a stern lecture on safety.   船长就安全问题严厉地训斥了我们一顿。   4. We picked up our conference materials and filed into the lecture hall.   我们领了会议材料后鱼贯进入讲演厅。   5. In his lecture Riemann covered an enormous variety of topics.   里曼的演讲涵盖了各种各样的主题。   6. His lecture was so pedantic and uninteresting.   他的讲座学究气太浓,没意思。   7. His lecture was illustrated with slides taken during the expedition.   他在讲演中使用了探险时拍摄到的幻灯片。   8. His lecture was readily intelligible to all the students.   他的讲课学生们都能轻松地听懂。   9. She recast her lecture as a radio talk.   她把讲稿修改成了一篇广播讲话。   10. Attendance at Professor Smith"s lecture fell off sharply that evening.   那晚去听史密斯教授讲演的人显著减少了.   11. He gave the child a lecture on the importance of punctuality.   他教训孩子们严守时间的重要性.   12. I take it as a pleasure to attend your lecture.   我很愿意听你讲课.   13. In his lecture on geology, he touched on the subject of climate.   他在关于地质学的 报告 中, 也涉及气候问题.   14. Will you help me to hand out the materials for the lecture?   你可以帮我分发演讲材料 吗 ?   15. Don"t lecture at me. I don"t have to do what you say!   别教训我, 我可不是非听你的不可.




lecture是可数名词,其后接介词on或 about ,意为“关于…的演讲”“因…训斥或谴责某人”。lecture作“讲演,讲课”解时,是不及物动词。说“讲授某课程”时常与介词on连用,说“在某地讲演”时常与介词at(in)连用。常用短语:lecture about(v.+prep.)。 lecture的用法例句 1. Chuck would lecture me, telling me to get a haircut. 查克就会数落我,让我去理一下发。 2. Within this lecture I cannot pretend to deal adequately with dreams. 在这一次讲座中,我不敢自诩能对梦境作透彻的分析。 3. Our captain gave us a stern lecture on safety. 船长就安全问题严厉地训斥了我们一顿。 4. We picked up our conference materials and filed into the lecture hall. 我们领了会议材料后鱼贯进入讲演厅。 5. In his lecture Riemann covered an enormous variety of topics. 里曼的演讲涵盖了各种各样的主题。


楼上那个比较复杂,我来给你精简一下。lecture主要有名词和动词两个词意。做名词时,有讲座、讲课、教训之意思。如Doctor David is having a lecture.作动词时,为开讲座,讲课,训斥等。开讲座就是sb lecture sth.训斥某人就比如The teacher lectures me.老师批评了我。这就是它的主要用法。


n. 演讲;训斥,教训 vi. 作演讲 vt. 给…作演讲;教训(通常是长篇大论的 望采纳,谢谢。


give a lecture to sb


lecture是:讲课。lecture 核心词汇 英 ["lektu0283u0259(r)]     美 ["lektu0283u0259r]    n. 讲课;演讲;训话。v. 训斥;讲课;教导。They could not follow the lecture.他们听不懂这次演讲。He wrote down the outline of his lecture.他写下演讲的提纲。语法:lecture主要指教育性或学术性“演讲”,引申可指“冗长的训斥或谴责”。lecture是可数名词,其后接介词on或 about ,意为“关于…的演讲”“就…做演讲”“因…训斥或谴责某人”。lecture作“讲演,讲课”解时,是不及物动词。说“讲授某课程”时常与介词on连用,说“在某地讲演”时常与介词at〔in〕连用。

lecture的翻译 lecture是什么意思

1、lecture,英 [?lekt??(r)] 美 [?lekt??r] n.演讲;(通常指大学里的)讲座;讲课;(冗长的)教训;谴责。2、The lecture dragged on and my mind wandered. 演讲没完没了的,我心不在焉了。3、In his lecture Riemann covered an enormous variety of topics. 里曼的演讲涵盖了各种各样的主题。



lectures 后跟什么介词

lectures 后可以跟on, about


  了解托福听力lecture的出题点,抓住题目的脉络,对于提升托福听力的成绩是非常重要的,那么下面就会的我来看看托福听力lecture的5大出题点。    1.托福听力lecture第一个出题点——主旨   Lecture共6道题,第一题,绝大部分情况都是考main idea 和main purpose,那么lecture开篇的时候,作者可以选择开门见山,直截了当进入主题,那听到以下的句子,就是重点信息,如:Today, we aregoing to talk about … 或者Now, we will be focusing on …,说法可以有很多种,其中关键的信号词就是:now,today,this time/period。这种是最容易找到main idea的,但作者也可以在开篇的时候很委婉,先复习一下上几次课学到的内容再进入今天的主题,如: Last time, wehave talked about…but …或者so far we"ve been talking about…这些就属于简单了解一下的内容,不需要记笔记,紧接着的内容才是重点。    2.托福听力lecture第二个出题点——细节   需要考生注意听专有名词和它的定义。在lecture中经常会有很多专有名词,人名、动物、生物学上的一个现象或者是一个学科,随之对这个定义进行解释。这时候一定会有一道细节题,考察考生是否理解了这个定义,或者对于专有名字的特点是否都记全。这里需要注意的信号:电脑屏幕上出现的生词,或是教授自问自答, 或是师生互动,教授对学生进行提问从而引出答案。TPO中有篇关于microclimate的,开篇就在电脑屏幕上显示keystone species,细节题考的就是keystone species的定义。因此,专有名词的定义就是听力中必须抓住的信息点。比较常见的几种说法如下what I meanby…is…/…is referred to/…isnamed/known/called,这是信号词,考生需要了解考点在哪里,思路才不会被多余的信息扰乱。    3.托福听力lecture第三个出题点——目的   lecture中,教授常常先提出一观点,然后进行论证,这时候教授就会举一个例子。听lecture的时候,听到“for example”,”for instance”, “takethe case of…”, “like”, “say”, 就需要用明显的“eg”标记下来,注意这个考点。而一般所出题目就是作者提这个例子的目的是什么。我们来看一个具体的例子。TPO 17中Milankovitchhypothesis中有一句: “a lot of people think of earth"s orbit around the sun as beingperfectly circular, as smooth and as regular as, say, the way that hands moveon a well-made watch, but it just doesn"t work that way”. 题目出的就是:why does theprofessor compare earth"s movement to a watch, 那这里很明显,就是为指出人们的错误观念做了一个类比。    4.托福听力lecture第四个出题点——并列信息   这里一般会出一个多选题。文中往往会有一些信号词,如:a huge number offactors; there are variables; and; another; also; as well as; and then…这些信号词的存在都暗示了多选题。看一个具体的例子:But the rockpaintings aren"t the only evidence. Beneath the Sahara are huge aquifer, and …er…andthen …there is fossilized pollen. 并列的信息点够多,完全可以出一个多选题。    5.托福听力lecture第五个出题点——重要或敏感词汇   这里可以考细节题,也可以考重听题,包含了作者的态度等等。这些“重要”词汇比较明显的:“important” , “breakthrough”, “unfair”, “significant”…看个具体例子:文中提到这样一句话”And talk about important discovery in linguistics,this was certainly one of them”. 考题为:what does the professor saywas an important discovery in linguistics?


  大家都知道,托福听力考试中有两个部分:conversation对话部分和lecture讲座部分。其中lecture部分反映的是美国大学课堂的真实场景,内容通常为教授独自进行学术知识讲解,或者以及师生共同进行学术探讨。由于这种讲座的内容均为学术知识的讲解,所以其中涉及的学术领域是各种各样的,所以在lecture部分中会有很多的生词,相关背景知识也是比较复杂的。那么考生应该如何应对托福听力的lecture部分呢?我在这里为大家带来了4个备考方法,希望对大家攻克托福听力lecture部分有帮助。   1、对于托福听力lecture部分,关键的部分是开头,所以考生要集中精力去听文章的开头部分。因为在每篇lecture的开始之前都会对整篇讲座内容作一下简短的开篇介绍的,一般会是这样的开头的:Listen to part of the lecture in X class, the professor is talking about Y. 这里的X——学科名称,以及Y——主要内容,这里相当于给讲座的内容指出了一个大的方向。待讲座正式开始后,考生要注意听和讲座的主题,根据西方人的习惯,一开教授都会在课程的开始时开门见山的点明主题的。所以要掌握讲座的主题,就要从这里就要认真听了。   2、如果在开头部分,考生把握住了讲座的主题之后,那么接下来考生要就集中精力抓住各个段落中的关键词和讲座的核心概念,考生可以对可能听到的内容进行合理的预测。比如说有一篇讲座介绍的是火山的相关知识,那么考生就可以迅速预测接下来可能会听到有关火山的分类、不同类别的火山的不同喷发时间、所在地点以及危害性等等。如果考生在听的过程中这样带有主动性的去听,会对理解讲座文章内容有很大的帮助的。当然,想要有这种主动预测的能力,那么你平时备考时就要多听、多总结、多积累的基础之上的,如果平时练习的时候没有到位的话,那么你肯定不能抓住这些关键信息的。   3、托福听力lecture讲座部分的篇幅比较长,一般考生在应对托福听力时都会进行记笔记,特别是在讲座部分考生要抓住要点记笔记。记笔记的能力也是托福听力考试中必须具备的能力。一篇lecture部分差不多有5分钟左右,其中包含的信息量是很大的,在后面的题目中就有考察一些细节信息的题目,故而考生必须要拥有边听边记笔记的能力才能从容的应对后面的题目。在笔记也是有一定的技巧的,把握文章的一细节信息点是非常重要的,比如说时间、名词、举例等等。考生平时练习时就要练出对于重要细节信息点的熟悉、敏感度,这样才能快速的记录。   4、由于讲座的内容学术性较强,那么在讲座中会出现很多生词,所以大家在听的时候要利用上下文章 来猜测生词词义,对于猜词义,一般在阅读考试中较为常见,但是在听力中如果你遇到了生词,这个方法也是可行了,这就要求考生要集中精力的去听了。   对于lecture部分的题材广泛、内容也多样并有一定的学术性,因此不可避免的会碰到生僻词汇。对于这些生词考生要做好充分的心理准备,切忌为了一个生词而苦思冥想,而耽误听后面的听力内容,这样就得不偿失了。在讲座中的大部分生词一般在后面都有跟这个词相关的解释,即便当时考生没有听懂这个记号,只要考生听到后面的解释时,那么对于考生对整篇文章的理解是不会造成任何影响的。即便没有听到后面的解释,那么还可以根据上下文猜测出词汇的意思。如果考生实在是猜不出来也不要紧张,个别的词汇对于理解来说构成的障碍也并不是很大。整个托福考试的词汇要求是很大的,无论是托福考试的哪个科目都必须要掌握大量的词汇。掌握足够量的词汇量对于托福听力考试来说是十分必要的。


course [ku0252:s]course n. 过程, 经过, 进程, 方针, 路线, 跑道, 课程, 一道菜v. 追猎, 急行, 运行, 流动学业course 1 1 / ku0254u02d0s; kors/ n [sing] forward movement in time (时间的)进程, 过程: In the course of (ie During) my long life I"ve known many changes. 我在漫长的一生中饱经沧桑. * the course of history 历史的进程 * I didn"t sleep once during the entire course of the journey. 我在整个旅程中没有睡过一次觉. [C] (a) direction or route followed by a ship or an aircraft or by a river, boundary line, etc (船只或飞行器的)航向, 航线; (河流、 界线等的)走向, 所经之路: The plane was on/off course, ie following/not following the right course. 飞机航向正确[偏离航向]. * The course of the ship was due north. 这条船的航行方向是正北. * The captain set a course for (ie towards) New York. 船长定好航向驶向纽约. lecture ["lektu0283u04d9]lecture n. 演讲, 讲稿, 谴责, 教训vt. 演讲, 训诫, 说教vi. 讲演 lecture / u02c8lektu0283u0259(r); ˋlu025bktu0283u025a/ n ~ (to sb) (on sth) talk giving information about a subject to an audience or a class, often as part of a teaching programme 演讲; 讲课: give/deliver/read a lecture 讲课[上课/讲学] * a course of lectures on Greek philosophy 希腊哲学系列讲演 * [attrib 作定语] a lecture tour 巡回讲演. long reproach or scolding 冗长的训斥或谴责: The policeman let me off with a lecture about speeding. 那警察给我讲了一大顿注意车速的道理之后才让我走. * give sb a lecture, ie scold sb 训斥某人.> lecture v 1 [I, Ipr] ~ (on sth) give a lecture or series of lectures 作演讲; 讲课: Professor Jones is not lecturing this term. 琼斯教授这学期没课. * He is lecturing on Russian literature. 他正讲俄罗斯文学. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (for/about sth) scold or warn sb (about sth) (就某事)斥责或告诫某人: Do stop lecturing me! 别教训我了! * lecture one"s children for being untidy/about the virtues of tidiness 训斥子女不讲整洁[训示子女注意整洁的美德]. lecturer / u02c8lektu0283u0259ru0259(r); ˋlu025bktu0283u0259ru025a/ n person who gives lectures, esp at a college or university 讲师.lectureship n post of lecturer (the lowest teaching grade at a British college or university) 讲师的职位.








lecturen. 演讲;讲稿;教训; vt. 演讲;训诫; vi. 讲课;讲演做不及物动词时的例句:Professor Li lectured in our school yesterday.李教授昨天在我们学校做了一次演讲。不及物动词后面不接宾语。



lecture sb. on sth. 是什么意思





lecture主要指教育性或学术性“演讲”,引申可指“冗长的训斥或谴责”。lecture搭配的介词Thelectureisveryimportantforusto是listento。听“演讲lecture”用的是listen,因为是不及物动词,所以要加介词to(listento是固定搭配)ThedoctorgivesmethisbiglectureonAIDS—yadayadayada.医生给我上了这一堂艾滋病的大课——如此这般,如此这般。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com


选B:listen to 听“演讲lecture”用的是listen,因为是不及物动词,所以要加介词to(listen to 是固定搭配)


  lecture英 [u02c8lektu0283u0259(r)] 美 [u02c8lu025bktu0283u025a]  n.演讲; 训斥,教训;  vi.作演讲;  vt.给…作演讲; 教训; (通常是长篇大论的)  [例句]The lecture was a bit over their heads.  这演讲过于深奥了一点,他们不能理解。  [其他]第三人称单数:lectures 复数:lectures 现在分词:lecturing 过去式:lectured 过去分词:lectured 形近词: picture vectura lectual




lecture主要指教育性或学术性“演讲”,引申可指“冗长的训斥或谴责”。 lecture是可数名词,其后接介词on或about ,意为“关于…的演讲”“因…训斥或谴责某人”。 扩展资料   lecture作“讲演,讲课”解时,是不及物动词。说“讲授某课程”时常与介词on连用,说“在某地讲演”时常与介词at〔in〕连用。   lecture也可用作及物动词,意思是“向…讲演,给…讲课”,接名词或代词作宾语。l   ecture还可作“责备”“教训”“训斥”解,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。“因…而受到训斥”可说lecture sb for n./v -ing。



lecture是什么意思 lecture的翻译

1、lecture,英 [u02c8lektu0283u0259(r)] 美 [u02c8lektu0283u0259r] n.演讲;(通常指大学里的)讲座;讲课;(冗长的)教训;谴责。 2、The lecture dragged on and my mind wandered. 演讲没完没了的,我心不在焉了。 3、In his lecture Riemann covered an enormous variety of topics. 里曼的演讲涵盖了各种各样的主题。


lecture是:讲课。lecture 核心词汇 英 ["lektu0283u0259(r)]     美 ["lektu0283u0259r]    n. 讲课;演讲;训话。v. 训斥;讲课;教导。They could not follow the lecture.他们听不懂这次演讲。He wrote down the outline of his lecture.他写下演讲的提纲。语法:lecture主要指教育性或学术性“演讲”,引申可指“冗长的训斥或谴责”。lecture是可数名词,其后接介词on或 about ,意为“关于?的演讲”“就?做演讲”“因?训斥或谴责某人”。lecture作“讲演,讲课”解时,是不及物动词。说“讲授某课程”时常与介词on连用,说“在某地讲演”时常与介词at〔in〕连用。




我 们, 给的,做的, 来的,给的。

teacher, lecturer, instructor这三个词有什么区别?


Lecture 11 检测与分割

我们之前都是图像分类的任务,最后一个全连接层得到所有分类的得分。现在我们来研究计算机视觉的其他任务,比如语义分割、图像分类与定位、目标检测、实例分割等。 在 语义分割 任务中,输入一张图片,希望输出能对图像的每个像素做出分类,判断这个像素是属于物体或者背景,不再像之前那样整张图片都是一个类。语义分割不会区分实例,只关心像素,所以如果图中有两头牛,会把两块像素都归为牛,不会分开每一头,以后会讲到 实例分割 (Instance Segmentation)可以区分实例。 实现语义分割的一个想法是 滑动窗口 ,即将图像分成一个个的小块,然后使用CNN网络计算小块的中心元素属于哪个分类。这样做的一个问题是,需要为每个像素计算一次,很多运算都是重复的,实际上没人会这么做。 另一个想法是 全卷积 ( Fully Convolutional),将网络的所有层都设计成卷积层,这样就能实现一次对图像的所有像素进行预测。比如使用3x3的卷积层然后使用零填充保持输入输出的空间尺寸,最终得到一个CxHxW的特征图,其中C是像素分类的数量,这样的一个特征图就一次计算了所有像素的分类得分。然后使用交叉熵损失、取平均、反向传播等操作进行训练。由于要为每个像素设置标签,这样的数据集花费是非常昂贵的。这里的数据集需要先确定图像属于哪个类别,比如猫,然后对图像的像素点设置类别。实际应用中,如果一直保持空间尺寸的话计算量会很庞大,所以不能设置这种结构。 使用全卷积网络的一种好的形式是在网络内部使用 降采样 (downsampling)然后使用 升采样 (upsampling),只在最初的几个卷积层保持尺寸,然后降采样比如池化或跨进卷积(strided convolution)来降低尺寸,进行一系列卷积后升采样到原来的尺寸。之所以需要去池化是因为池化减少了像素值,降低了图像的清晰度,丢失了图像空间结构,不知道这些像素原来在哪里,所以也就不明确边界应该在什么位置,所以需要进行去池化得到这些空间信息。 然后问题是如何进行升采样呢? 在一维中可能会表现的更清晰:滤波器被输入加权后直接放到输出中,输出的步长为2,下一个位置要平移两个像素,重叠的部分直接相加。最后为了使输出是输入的两倍,需要裁掉一个像素。 之所以称作转置卷积,可以通过矩阵乘法来解释,以一个一维的输入为例 a = [a, b, c, d],现在做 3x1 的卷积,卷积核为 [x, y, z],步长1填充1,此时的卷积可以看作是卷积核组成的一个大的矩阵 X 与输入 a 做乘法,如下图左边所示。(图上应为xyz,书写错误。)卷积核在输入 a 上滑动对应元素相乘后相加得到输出的过程,完全等价于卷积核组成的大矩阵与输入 a 的乘法。然后将 X 转置与 a 相乘,即转置卷积,结果就是一个正常的卷积,改变的只是填充规则。 现在如果步长为2,情况就不一样了。左边的卷积仍然可以看作是乘法,而右侧的转置卷积就变成用输入加权后的卷积核在输出上的叠加。 综上,语义分割任务的实现方法如下图所示: 此外, 多视角3D重建 ( Multi-view 3D Reconstruction)也使用了降采样和升采样的方法。 定位 ( Localization)往往是与 分类 (Classificatio)结合在一起的,如果图片分类是一只猫,同时我们也想知道猫在这张图片的什么位置,要用一个框给框起来。这与 目标检测 (Object Detection)是不同的,定位是一旦图像已经归为哪一类,比如猫,这样我们就会有一个明确的目标去寻找,找出它的边界即可。而目标检测是要检测出图像上存在的物体。 定位可以复用分类的方法,比如AlexNet。如下图所示,最后一个全连接层,除了得到1000个类别的得分,还会得到一个长为4的向量,表示目标的位置。这样最后就有两个损失,一个是正确分类的Softmax损失,另一个是正确位置的L2损失,L1、L2等损失也称作 回归损失 (Regression Loss)。最后将两个损失通过某些超参数加权得到总损失,和之前的超参数不同的是,以前的超参数改变是为了减小损失,而这里的加权超参数直接会改变损失值的表达式,损失变大变小都有可能。使用总损失求梯度。这里使用的网络是使用ImageNet 预训练过的模型,进行迁移学习。 目标检测任务是这样的:我们有几个感兴趣的类别,比如猫狗鱼等等,现在输入一张图像,图像上有几个物体事先是不知道的,当我们我们感兴趣的物体在图像上出现时,我们希望模型能自动标记出目标物体的位置,并判断出具体的分类。这实际上是很有挑战的任务,也是计算机视觉中很核心的任务,对此的研究已经经历了很多年,也有非常多的方法。 与定位最大的区别是,我们不知道图上会有多少对象。比如图像上只有一只猫,我们最终的输出只有一个位置四个数字;有两只狗一只猫,会输出3个位置12个数字;那么有一群鸭子呢?数量就很多了。所以目标检测问题不能看作定位中的回归问题。 另一个想法是把目标检测问题看作分类问题。类似语义分割的想法,将图像分成一个个的小块,让每一个小块通过卷积网络判断这块是背景?是猫?是狗?可以这么想,但是这个小块该怎么获得呢?不同的物体可能会有不同的大小、位置以及长宽比,这将是无数的情况,如果都要进行卷积,那么计算量是非常大的。 实际上,更实用的方法是 候选区域 (Region Proposals )方法。 选择性搜索 (Selective Search )方法就是在目标对象周围设定2000个形状大小位置不一的候选区域,目标物体在候选区域的可能性还是比较大的。然后对这些区域卷积,找到目标物体,虽然大多数区域都是无用的。与寻找几乎个区域比起来,这种方法要高效的多。此外,这不是深度学习的方法,是机器学习算法。 R-CNN 就是基于这种观点提出的。首先对输入图片使用区域备选算法,获取2000个感兴趣的区域(Regions of interest, roi),由于这些区域大小不一,所以需要处理成同样的尺寸才能通过CNN,之后使用SVM对区域进行分类。可以使用线性回归损失来校正包围框,比如虽然这个框选中的物体是一个缺少头部的狗,就需要对包围框进行校正。总之,这是一个多损失网络。 R-CNN的问题是计算消耗大、磁盘占用多、运行速度慢,即使测试时也要30秒测试一张图片,因为有2000个区域。解决方法时使用 快速R-CNN (Fast R-CNN ),不在原始图像生成备选区域,而是先整张图片通过卷积网络得到特征图,然后在特征图上使用备选区域算法得到感兴趣的区域在特征图的映射,之后使用 Rol Pool将所有区域变成同样尺寸。然后一方面使用softmax损失进行分类,一方面使用回归损失比如L1平滑损失校正包围框,总损失是两部分的和,然后反向传播进行训练。 如下图所示,效果还是很明显的。但是快速R-CNN也有一个问题是运行时间被区域备选方案限制。 解决方案是 更快的R-CNN (Faster R-CNN)。这种方法的改进是与其使用固定的算法得到备选区域,不如让网络自己学习自己的备选区域应该是什么。如下图所示,前面仍然是通过卷积网络获得特征图,然后通过一个 备选区域网络 (Region Proposal Network,RPN),该网络会做两件事,一是计算分类损失,选择的区域是目标还是不是目标;二是校正包围框。得到备选区域后接下来的步骤就和快速R-CNN一致了,也是得到最后的分类得分和校正包围框。训练的过程会综合这四个损失,最终效果很好。 Mask R-CNN是在Faster R-CNN基础上改进而来,是2017年发布的方法。首先将整张图像通过卷积网络和候选框生成网络,得到候选特征在特征图上的映射再调整尺寸,到这里和Faster R-CNN都是相同的;现在不仅是得到分类得分和校正包围框,还要增加一个分支通过卷积网络对每一个候选框预测一个分割区域模板。这个新增的分支就是一个在候选框中进行的微型语义分割任务。这样上下两个分支的任务就很明确了——上面的分支需要计算分类得分确定候选框中的目标属于哪个分类以及通过对候选框坐标的回归来预测边界框的坐标;下面的分支基本类似一个微型语义分割网络,会对候选框中的每个像素进行分类,判断每个像素是否属于候选框的中目标。 Mask R-CNN综合了上面讲的很多方法,最终的效果也是非常好的。比如下图最左边,不仅框出了每个物体还分割了像素,即使很远地方的人也被清晰的分割出来了。 此外,Mask R-CNN也可以识别动作,方法是在上面分支中增加一个关节坐标损失,这样就能同时进行分类、检测、动作识别、语义分割。此外,基于Faster R-CNN,运行速度也是非常快的。下图展示的效果是很令人惊讶的,可以同时识别出图上有多少人,分割出他们的像素区域,并且会标示他们的动作姿势。 使用前馈模型。 YOLO 即 “You Only Look Once” 和 SSD 即 “Single-Shot MultiBox Detector”,这两个模型是在同一时期提出的(2016),它们不会使用候选框分别进行处理,而是尝试将其作为回归问题,通过一个大的卷积网络,一次完成所有预测。给定输入图像,分成网格状比如7x7,然后在每个小单元中心处使用 B 个基本的边界框,比如高的、宽的、正方形的,这样总共有 7x7xB个基本框。现在想对每个网格单元的所有基本边界框预测目标物体,首先要预测每个基本边界框偏移来确定边界框和真实物体的位置差值,使用5个值(dx, dy, dh, dw, confidence)来表示偏差;然后预测每个网格单元里目标的 C 个分类(包括背景)得分,这样每个网格单元都会得到一个分类得分,即目标所属类别。最终的输出就是一个三维的张量:7x7x(5*B+C)。 TensorFlow Detection API(Faster RCNN, SSD, RFCN, Mask R-CNN): 点击这里 二维平面的目标检测只需确定 [x, y, w, h],3D的定位框需要确定的坐标为 [x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw],简化后可以不需要 roll 和 pitch。比2D目标检测要复杂的多。


美式读音:u02c8lektu0283u0259r英式读音:u02c8lektu0283u0259r过去式:lectured过去分词:lectured现在分词:lecturing第三人称单数:lectures复数:lectures例句:1、My father lectured me because of my naughtiness.父亲因为我的顽皮训斥了我。2、The professor is lecturing on the podium.教授正在讲台上讲课。3、I have a history lecture tomorrow.我明天有一节历史课。4、We went to a lecture by Professor Eric.我们去听了埃里克教授的讲座。

UNSW最后一学期挂科怎么办, 平时成绩不错,但是期末不够,总分能到及格线,能找lecture或者学校要求过么



虽然不知道你容易的定义是什么,不用我可以用简短的几句话来分别结束下,我们学校这4种类型的课。 Lecture: 通常是一个教授在前面讲,几十,几百个学生在后面听,通常会在一个可以容纳上百人的Lecture theatre里。这种课一般多是以听为主,教授也很少会提问,这种课主要是为了传达知识要点,一般多为不记名式,也就是来不来上课也没人管,但也有记名式的,这种课应该和国内的差不多。 Tutorial: 通常是紧接着Lecture的下一个学习程序,主要由一个Tutor,带一般不多于20个人小班,对Lecture里教授讲的东西进行系统学习和小组讨论,课上同学也可以对Lecture里或平时作业上的任何问题向Tutor提问,这种课大多数都强制学生发言,讨论,或做练习,一般也会要求做一些课前的预习和作业。 Lab: 简单来说就是在电脑室上的一种tutorial,和普通的Tutorial不同的地方就是,需要用到电脑,一般是用到某个程序,其他的和tutorial没区别,通常也会提问,讨论,分组,练习等等。 Workshop: 简单来说就是一种以做练习或动手作业为主的tutorial, 比如engineering 多有workshop,其他地方也于普通tutorial类似。 所以,如果要说轻松肯定是lecture比较轻松,但如果lecture不认真听,或不认真做笔记,tutorial讨论的时候,通常会发现没话可说。tutorial,lab, workshop 大同小异,具体看学什么专业的,或是自己不擅长什么,所以很难说哪个更容易。 全是自己写的,希望对你有帮助。

请问Tutorial fellow, associat tutor, tutor, reader, Lecturer 具体是什么,有什么区别,那个可以代研究

Doctor- 医生, 博士professor - 教授associate tutor - 助教tutor- 家庭教师reader- 读者lecturer - 专门讲课的人,但不批作业研究生- graduate student

美国大学上课的时候可以喝水么? lecture和tutorial分别都可以么?


lecture 和tutorial的区别

lecture n.演讲; 讲课tutorial [n.导师的个别指导

写篇作文lectures and Discussion

With the development of society, some new form of Education has continually appeared in our study。Different student like different form of Education,and now the following is two main points. Firstly,Some students are in favour of lecture Teaching,maybe they lJust like to accept it but not change it.Secondly,Some students prefer discussion Teaching.In all ,above to all I like the scond viewpoint.In university education, teaching can be conducted in different forms. Two very popular ways of teaching are lecture and discussion. Normally in lecture, more students can be accommodated in one lecture room. However,individual care is seriously compromised. Hence, many students do not have lecture as it lacks lecture-student interaction. In contrast, discussion can solve the problem of passive listening that happens so often in lecuture rooms. In dicussion section, there is always a discussion leader, who leads the discussion. Less students participate in discussion than in lecture so that everyone can voice their opinions on the topic. Ideas can be exchanged and improved though discussion section. Thus, discusion facilitates active learning. Nonetheless, in many universities, lecutre is still the main way to conduct lessons.This is because discussion requires large amount of capital input which cannot fit the current situation in china. Thus, in my opinion, a combination of some lectures and some discussion would be a wonderful way of learning provided that there is enough education resources.不好意思我这也是借鉴的···(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

求:托福 TPO口语第16套Question4参考答案 Question: Using the example from the lecture, explain w

1、题目关键词: example, social loafing, people"s behavior2、答题要领: (1)Briefly state the main idea of the reading passage. (2)Concentrating on the lecture given by the professor. When orally summarizing the lecture, test takers are supposed to include the main points and some key examples as well. 3、阅读材料要点: (1) When people work in a group,not everyone is as motivated as others in performing a task since not everyone is held responsible. (2) the result is that someone is not working as hard as when he works alone and his work is closely measured.This phenomenon is called social loafing. 4、听力材料要点: (1)2 groups of people were asked to peel potatoes. One group was told that number of potatoes will be recorded by individuals while another group was told that only the total number of potatoes peeled will be recorded. (2)researchers then compared the number of potatoes peeled by these two different groups and found that the group told that only the total number would be recorded peeled distinctively less potatoes than the other group. 5、模板: (1) In this set of materials, the reading passage is (the title of the reading passage) and the listening material is a lecture by a professor on the same topic. 当然,如果你觉得你的听力材料的理解率很高也不用谈及阅读材料中的内容。只是第一段说起来实在太easy了。 (2) In the reading passage, the university made an announcement that...本段可以省略,但是前提是你对于听力材料理解率很高,不会时间未到却无话可说了。 (3) In the lecture, the professor...不但要包括主要的观点而且最重要的是要包括教授举出的例子。



lecture notes in computer science 是期刊还是会议

“lecture notes in computer science“既不是期刊论文,也不是会议论文。而是Springer公司出版的一套系列丛书,并包含两个子系列:Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) 和 Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (LNBI)。自1973年至今,两个子系列已经出版单册图书9042卷。

lecture notes in computer science 是期刊还是会议

这个问题我回答至少五次了。“lecture notes in computer science”既不是期刊,也不是会议,而是一套丛书,Springer公司出版的。自1973年至今已经出版了8000多卷,是计算机科学专业的经典著作。下面是该书的详细信息:Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceDescriptionThe series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),including its subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (LNBI),has established itself as a medium for the publication of new developments in computer science and information technology research and teaching - quickly,informally,and at a high level.The cornerstone of LNCS"s editorial policy is its unwavering commitment to report the latest results from all areas of computer science and information technology research,development,and education.LNCS has always enjoyed close cooperation with the computer science R & D community,with numerous renowned academics,and with prestigious institutes and learned societies.Our mission is to serve this community by providing a most valuable publication service.LNCS commenced publication in 1973 and quite rapidly attracted attention,not least because of its thus far unprecedented publication turnaround times.The 1980s and 1990s witnessed a substantial growth in the series,particularly in terms of volumes published.In the late 1990s we developed a systematic approach to providing LNCS in a full-text electronic version,in parallel to the printed books.Another new feature introduced in the late 1990s was the conceptualization of a couple of color-cover sublines.Still,original research results reported in proceedings and postproceedings remain the core of LNCS.

lecture notes in computer science 是期刊还是会议

“lecture notes in computer science”既不是期刊,也不是会议,而是一套丛书。自1973年至今已经出版了8000多卷,是计算机科学专业的经典著作。下面是该书的详细信息:Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceDescriptionThe series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),including its subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (LNBI),has established itself as a medium for the publication of new developments in computer science and information technology research and teaching - quickly,informally,and at a high level.The cornerstone of LNCS"s editorial policy is its unwavering commitment to report the latest results from all areas of computer science and information technology research,development,and education.LNCS has always enjoyed close cooperation with the computer science R & D community,with numerous renowned academics,and with prestigious institutes and learned societies.Our mission is to serve this community by providing a most valuable publication service.LNCS commenced publication in 1973 and quite rapidly attracted attention,not least because of its thus far unprecedented publication turnaround times.The 1980s and 1990s witnessed a substantial growth in the series,particularly in terms of volumes published.In the late 1990s we developed a systematic approach to providing LNCS in a full-text electronic version,in parallel to the printed books.Another new feature introduced in the late 1990s was the conceptualization of a couple of color-cover sublines.Still,original research results reported in proceedings and postproceedings remain the core of LNCS.

the lecture is to be delivered为什么加be

表被动, 而且这里确实需要用被动

4.4.2 Lecture Population in the United States听力原文

等我听完给你,O(∩_∩)O~是老师留的作业吧,周四交?O(∩_∩)O~ 先传一部分,有的感觉听不出来Today we are going to talk about population in the US. According to the most recent government census, the population is 281 421 906 people. Now, this represents an increase of almost 33million people since 1990 census. A population of over 281million makes the US the third most populous country in the whole world. And you probably know the People"s Republic of China is the most populous country of the world. But do you know which is the second most populous? Well if you thought India, you were right. The forth, the fifth and sixth most populous countries are Indonesia, Brazil and Pakistan. Now, let"s get back to the US. Let"s look at the total US population figure of 281million and that is three ways. The first way is about race and origin, the second is about geography distribution or about where people live and the third way is about age and sex of the population.First of all, let"s take a look at the population by race and origin. The latest US census reports 75.1% of the population is white, 12.3% is black, 3% are of Asian origin, 1% is native american, 2.4% of the population is a mixture of two or more races and 5.5% are as of some other race. Let"s make sure your figure is right. OK? White 75.1%, black 12.3%, Asian 3%, native American 1%, a mixture of two or more races 2.4% and some of other races 5.5%. Hispanics whose origin lies Spanish spesking countries, so they are already included in the above figures. It is important to know the hispanics make up 12.5% of present US population, however. Finally, the census tells us that 31million people in the US were born in other country, of the 31million form the largest part, 27.67% are from Mexico. The next largest group from the Philippies, the number four 3%.Another way of looking population is about geography distribution. Do you have any idea which states are the five most populous in the US? Well, I help you out of there. The five most populous and population figures are California with almost 24 milliion, New York with 21 million, Texas with 19 million and Florida with 16 million, and---.Do you get almost figures down? Well, if not I"ll give you a chance later to check your figures. Well, let"s move on. All told overhead ------明天再听,希望能够打完字。手好酸------

英文作文 lectures and discussions

   There are two main styles of teaching in university nowadays which are Lectures and Disccusions. A lecture consists of usually one lecturer and a large group of students. The lecturer can make use of various multi media tools such as projector which projects the image on his computer to a large screen. Students in lecture very seldom gets chance to speak to the lecturer personally or ask questions during lesson. Lecture maximises the efficiency of the limited number of teachers in the university, as more students are taught on the same time. Discussions are made up of one or more teacher with a small group of students, and there are many opportunities for students to communicate with the teacher personally or in a small group, and this will greatly help the students in understanding various issues of the topics/ Even though lecture allows the school to maximise the efficiency of teachers and resources, but i still prefer discussions as a way of teaching. This is because lecture makes students become very passive learners and many time they could not understand certain problems on their own, but discussions can relieve the worries of the students as many problems can be solved during the period. So on my perspective as a student, I prefer discussions.(*^__^*) 嘻嘻~希望帮到你哦~!

英语作文A lecture on English around the word

As everyone knows,english is very important today.It has been used everywhere in the world.It has become the most common language on internet and for international trade. If we can speak english well,we will have more chance to succeed.because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn english has increased at a high speed. i love english,it gives me a colorful dream.i hope i can travel around the world one day. with my good english, i can make friends with many people from different contries.i can see many places of great intrests.i dream that i can go to london,because it is the birth place of english. i also want to use my good english to introduce our great places to the english spoken people,i hope that they can love our country like us. i know, rome was not built in a day. i believe that after continuous hard study, one day i can speak english very well. i am sure that i will realize my dream one day! thank you!

托福听力TPO3 lecture3 中的 this art is anything but primitive. 是什么意思?

你好这位同学,知道英语牛人团为你权威解析这道托福听力题。这道题目之前也有同学问过的,看来是块绊脚石哈。不用着急,我们来看看听力原文的语境:But I"m gonna show you some slides in a few minutes and I think you will agree with me that this art is 【anything but primitive.】 They are masterpieces. And they look so real, so alive that it"s very hard to imagine that they are so very old.我们先来讲讲你关注的那个部分。 -- is anything = 什么都是、什么品质都有 -- but = 除了 -- primitive = 原始、粗糙的所以你问的这个部分是在说:this art你要怎么怎么形容都行,可就是不能说它原始、不能说它粗糙。托福的听力题目,你要记住,不可能说你错过了一个单词primitive就做不出来了。看看这道题目:What is the professor"s opinion about the art at the Chauvet cave?答案你肯定知道了,应该是A - It is extremely well done.虽然听懂了这个anything but primitive的考生可以把A选出来,可是错过了这三个单词的话,你也还是能做对的啊。看看原文中的masterpieces, real, alive, hard to imagine they are very old……你不觉得这个说话人在想尽办法赞美这个艺术品吗?细节虽然重要,但是这种考察说话人态度类的托福题目,你可以从语境、语气等多方面来把握的,没有必要抓住一两个单词不放哈~当然,习题做完以后,你看看原文来学习一下,是很不错的学习态度,赞一个!希望我的回答对你有帮助,祝你考出好成绩 :-)

Last month, our English Department invited a local radio star to _____ a public lecture on...


跪求tpo13 lecture2的译文 就是海狸的那个,求求各位大神了,回答好了给加悬赏

TPO 13 Lecture 2 EcologyProfessor:So, continuing our discussion of ecological systems--- whole systems. The main thing to keep in mind here is the interrelationships. The species in the system err…. and even the landscape itself, they are interdependent. Let"s take what you"ve read for this weekend and see if we can apply this interdependence idea. Mike?Student:Well, um…, how about beavers--- ecosystems with beavers in waterways.Professor:Good, good, go on.  Student:Like, well, you can see how it"s so important, cause if you go back before European settled in north America, like before the 1600s, back when native Americans were the only people living here, well, back then there were a lot of beavers, but later on, after Europeans…Professor:OK, wait, I see where you are heading with this, but before we go into how European settlement affected the ecosystem, tell me this--- what kind of environment do beavers live in? Think about what it was like before the Europeans settlers came, we"ll come back to where you were headed.  Student:OK, well, beavers live near streams and rivers and they block up the streams and rivers with like logs and sticks and mud. You know, they build dams that really slow down the flow of the stream. So then the water backs up, and creates like a pond that floods the nearby land.  Professor:And that creates wetlands. OK, tell me more.Student:Well with wetlands, it"s like there is more standing water, more Stillwater around, and that water is a lot cleaner than swiftly flowing water, because the dirt and settlement and stuff has the chance to sink to the bottom.Professor:More important for our discussion, wetland areas support a lot more variety of life than swiftly flowing water. For example, there are more varieties of fish or insects, lots of frog spices, and then species that rely on those species start to live near the wetlands too.Student:Yes, like birds and mammals that eat the fish and insects, and you can get trees and plants that begin to grow near the standing water, that can"t grow near the running water. Oh, and there"s something about wetland, and ground water too.Professor:OK, good. Wetlands have a big affect on ground water, the amount of water below the surface of the land. Think of wetlands as, Umm, like a giant sponge,the earth soaks up a lot of this water that"s continually flooding the surface,which increases the amount of water below. So where is there a wetland, you get a lot of ground water, and ground water happens to be a big source of our own drinking water today.All right… So, back to the beavers, what if the beavers weren"t there?Student:You just have a regular running stream, because there is no dam, so the ecosystem would be completely different, there would be fewer wetlands.Professor:Exactly, so, now let"s go back to where you were headed before, Mike. You mentioned the change that occurred after Europeans came to North America.Student:Yeah, well, there used to be beavers all over the place, something like 200 million beavers, just in the continental United States. But when Europeans came, they started hunting the beavers for their fur, because beaver fur is really warm, and it was really popular for ** hats in Europe. So the beavers were hunted a lot, overhunted, they are almost extinct by the 1800s, so… that meant fewer wetlands, less standing water.  Professor:And what does that mean for the ecosystem? Kate?Student:Well if there is less standing water than the ecosystem can support its many species, because a lot of insects and fish and frogs can"t live in running water,and then the birds and animals that eat them, lose their foods supply.Professor:Precisely, so the beaver in this ecosystem is what we call a keystone species.The term keystone kind of explains itself. In architecture, a keystone in an archway or doorway is the stone that holds the whole thing together, and keeps it from collapsing. Well, that"s what a keystone species does in an ecosystem. It"s the critical species that keeps the system going. Now, beaver populations are on the rise again, but there is something to think about.Consider humans as part of these ecosystems, you"ve probably heard about water shortages or restrictions on how much water you can use, especially in the summer time, in recent years. And remember what I said about groundwater; imagine if we still have all those beavers around, all those wetlands. What would our water supply be like then?1 What is the class mainly discussing? A How beavers select the ecosystem where they live ?B How ecosystem differ form on another ?C The impact of human activities on an ecosystem D The role of one species in an ecosystem2 Why does the professor interrupt the student when he first mentions European settlement in North America? A She had already mentioned that point. B She thinks the information he gave is unrelated to the topic. C She prefers to present the information in the lecture in a specific order. D She questions the accuracy of his point.3 What does the professor say about still water and swiftly flowing water? A Beavers cannot adapt to living near swiftly flowing water. B Still water and swiftly flowing water support similar ecosystems. C Still water supports more life than swiftly flowing water. D Wetland areas include large quantities of swiftly flowing water. 4 According to the professor, what was the impact of the extensive hunting of beavers in North America? A It led to a decrease in the number of wetlands. B It led to a decrease in the number of swiftly flowing streams. C It led to an increase in the number of other animal species in the wetlands. D It led to an increase in the amount of groundwater.

teacher, lecturer, instructor这三个词有什么区别?

teacher 层次较为低的老师lecturer 高水准的instructor 指导老师



exposure;phenomenon;lecture 这英语怎么读?


 短文改错Dear Mrs.Smith,My first week at college is over!No lecture this morning so I

答案:1.what--how 2.anything--everything3.find--found4.second--the second5.friend--friends6.on--with7.warmly--warm8.to stop--stop9.mine--my10.for--so附含有错误的原文:Dear Mrs.Smith, My first week at college is over! No lectures this morning so I think I"d email you and let you know what things are going. I"m glad to say that anything has worked out fine in the dorm. I remember asking for a room as far away from the lifts as possible and they find me a comfortable one on second floor. There are two girls from my course here and I plan to make friend with them so that we can help each other on the course work. Everyone else seems very nice and warmly here. Well, I had better to stop now. I"m going to attend mine first lesson this afternoon, for I"ve got some preparation to make, Keep in touch. Best, Carol


这种不好找 顶多只有文章Referred to as "ethnic melting pot" of the United States is a typical immigrant country, the immigration history dates back to 1620 at the earliest. Nearly 400 years, the united nation has become a mixture composed of more than 100 national and even stands in New York "the statue of liberty" and "immigrants" from France in 1886 to the United States. Immigrants with their own dreams, travelled to the ideal land, in the United States has set off a few times in the history of immigration. It is no exaggeration to say, it is immigrants contributed to the United States, is the development of the immigration and changed America.Attract immigrants once America"s most important diplomatic missionAt the beginning of the founding of the people in the United States in the United States population of only 3.9 million. In addition to about 760000 black, the rest were almost all white, for the most part and from Western Europe. For fear of the Napoleonic wars in Europe and the domestic employment environment, at the beginning of the founding of the United States government on immigration policy, has formulated some restrictions on immigration policy. Between 1796 and 1815 European immigrants to the United States, on average, only about 3000 people a year.Napoleon after the war, European regain peace. With a large number of military retired, Europe"s increasingly serious unemployment, increasing the number of people immigrate to the United States. At this time, the United States is also due to the need of domestic construction, change the limit immigrants policy. In 1848 after the European revolution, immigrated to the United States is the wave of a wave height. For 1820 years from 1820 to 1920, some 33.5 million immigrants were accepted in the United States, form lasts one hundred years of immigration in the United States.American historian called it "the great human migration movement first immigrants orgasm occurred from 1820 to 1820, the total number of immigrants during 5 million. Immigrants mainly from Western Europe and northern Europe, of which about 2 million Irish, German, about 1.7 million, there are a large number of sold to African slaves in the United States. At the same time, there are a few in the immigration from Asia, mainly to Chinese American gold rush.The second immigration boom from 1861 to 1861, about 5 million immigrants arrived in the United States. After the civil war, the United States ushered in the peak of industrialization, the demand for labor. In order to attract European immigrants to the United States, in 1864, President Lincoln to lobby congress passed "encourages foreign immigration act. Secretary of state seward and made a proclamation to diplomats from the United States in Europe, asked them to attract immigrants from Europe as one of the most important diplomatic mission. In order to recruit skilled workers to work in the United States from Europe, some enterprise groups to Europe recruiting. Them in many European newspaper advertising, printing brochures, with European settlers in desire to depict the tempting prospects. Some companies also for willing to immigrate to the United States of Europe provide the necessary money.The third climax from 1881 to 1881, immigration soared to 23.5 million. Immigration peak is 1907 to 1907. In this stage, the U.S. government legislation for many times, European immigrants, reject Asian immigrants. From north-western Europe countries such as Britain, Germany, Sweden "old immigrants" growth is limited, but from Italy, Russia and other countries in southeast Europe "new immigrants" is growing rapidly.Three times after the immigration, the United States in 1920 the total population of more than 100 million for the first time. From 1820 to 1920 in 1820, that the number of immigrants in the population growth in the number of more than 20%.The fate of the immigrants changed AmericaThese three times in the history of American immigration not only has had a profound influence on the formation of American national character, and makes the United States to rise quickly in a short span of more than one hundred years, replaced Britain as the world"s largest economic power, and lays the foundation for later to become the world"s superpower. Can say immigrants made us strong.In immigration, the United States enjoy privileges, no need for education and training from Europe get tens of thousands of skilled workers. According to statistics, 1871-1892, immigrants from Western Europe and northern Europe, about 23% are skilled workers, they brought in iron and steel, textile and other industrial technology, become the important technical force of the industrial revolution in the United States.Was the 7th President of the United States Jackson, known as the "father" of American manufacturing after Samuel Slater immigrated to the United States, with its steal the secret of Britain"s textile industry, in the United States successfully copied out of the high efficient cotton spinning machine, and established the cotton mills, sounded the horn of the industrial revolution. The father of the telephone inventor Alexander Bell and telegraph Samuel Morse, and others are immigrants or descendants of immigrants. In addition, the Asian countries such as China, Japan and the Philippines immigration has brought agriculture and gardening technology, Italian immigrants in the gas, electricity, water and other municipal construction technology.In these immigrants, 85% of people aged between 14 and 44, and in the majority with man. When young, these immigrants to the United States of cotton textile industry, mining, construction provides the Labour force. In the eastern U.S. state of tunnels and railway engineering, Irish, German, Italian and the northern europeans. In the early changed American politics and society face "westward movement", the role of the China labor also is significant.In the railway construction as the center, the China labor expense, with blood and life in extremely harsh difficult conditions, successfully completed the construction of the western Pacific railroad across the United States. Today, along the railway in California can also see a Chinese metal plaque inscription, saying "California, north and south. Chinese spirit, flesh with work ". As advocates of recruiting workers Ryan crocker said: "the railway can finish, largely due to poor and despised the Chinese working class -- thanks to their loyal and hardworking." It later became a famous "word history" in the history of immigration to the United States.Immigrants in the American civil war to save the union, contributed to the abolition of slavery. Europe after the 1848 revolution, a large number of rich German immigrants came to the United States military experience, these are known as "1848 person of German immigrants," there are a lot of people became a republican and Lincoln"s elite. They helped organize the federal troops, defend republican system. One of the most famous is Carl schulz major general. He moved to the United States in 1852 after the defeat of the revolution in Germany, active in the anti-slavery movement. In 1861 he was appointed the U.S. ambassador to the minister to Spain. After the civil war broke out, he volunteered to led the troops in battle, in order to encourage support Lincoln German immigrants, he has to travel between states speech, total travel nearly 40000 km.Cause of exclusion against the current wave of migrantsIn more than 100 years of immigration, immigration had been in one way or the other. As for the U.S. government, its immigration policy is not static. From 1815 to 1882, the United States government shall practise a system of completely free immigration. But starting in 1882, great changes have taken place in the U.S. immigration policy. Restrictions and excluding immigration law introduced one by one. The regulation of which is strange, like an idiot and milquetoast bans entry. After 1920, the United States over the age of free immigration thoroughly, introduced a quota of restrictive immigration policies.Because in the contradiction of employment, religious and ethnic problems, the United States during 1880-1920 to xenophobia development. Chinese, Japanese, jews, italians and hungarians became the local workers and north-western Europe immigration is wanton rejection and the object of persecution. What"s more, in May 1882, congress passed a specifically forbid south China university of technology into the Chinese exclusion act of beauty, the bill was abolished until 61 years later. During this period, by the locals and the north-western Europe first immigrants of protestant "American patriots alliance", "the alliance" and other exclusive organization arises at the historic moment. Among them, the biggest impact of the first of the American association of protection, established in 1887, the association flames everywhere, the political corruption of American society during this period, municipal construction lag, rising crime rates and people"s living standards drop is attributed to the arrival of the new immigrants.After the second world war, with the rationalization of the American public attitude toward immigrants, the contribution of immigrants to the United States gradually acknowledged by most americans. As labor secretary Elaine chao said: "thanks to the contribution of immigrants to the United States. Huge waves of immigrants to the United States has brought the rich cultural heritage, also provided the impetus to the development of the United States."

Professor Lu made a lecture concerning how to prevent teenagers from smoking.为什么用 concerning

concerning 作介词 prep. 关于;就…而言相当于Professor Lu made a lecture about how to prevent teenagers from smoking

高级英语第9课 Mark Twain那课为什么“as writer and lecturer”和“as reporter”不加冠词a

打错了。要的 as a reporter又或者它 是作 连词,当……时候

she is due to deliver a lecture on genetic engineering



是an ecology class这个吧。。。professor说:So, continuing our discussion of ecological systems:whole systems.The main thing to keep in mind here is the interrelationships. The species in the system and even the landscape itself, they r interdependent. Let"s take what u"ve read for this weekend and see if we can apply this interdependence idea. Mike?Mike 说:well... how about beavers--ecosystems with beavers in waterways.pro说:很好,继续。Mike: Like, well, u can see how it"s so important, cause if u go back before European settled in north America, like before the 1600s, back when native Americans were the only people living there, well, back then there were a lot of beavers, but later on, after Europeans...pro: OK,等等,I see where u r heading with this, but before we go into how European settlement affected the ecosystem, tell me this-- what kind of environment do beavers live in? Think about what it was like before the Europeans settelers came, we"ll come back to where u were headed.一个女生: OK, well, beavers live near streams and rivers and they block up the streams and rivers with like logs and sticks and mud. U know, they built dams that really slow down the flow of the stream. So then the water backs up, and creates like a pond that floods the nearby land.pro: And that creates wetlands. OK, tell me more.女生:well with wetlands, it"s like there is more standing water, more stillwater around, and that water is a lot cleaner than swiftly flowing water, because the dirt and settlement and stuff has the chance to sink to the bottom.(湿地,积水,静水,比流动的水干净)pro: more important for our discussion, wetland areas support a lot more variety of life than swiftly flowing water. e.g. there r more varieties of fish or insects, lots of frog spices, and then species that rely on those species start to live near the wetlands too.girl: yes, like birds and mammals that eat the fish and insects, and u can get trees and plants that begin to grow near the standing water, that can"t grow near the running water. Oh, and there"s sth. about wetland, and ground water too.pro: OK, good. wetlands have a big affect on ground water, the amount of water below the surface of the land. Think of wetlands as, um...., like a giant sponge, the earth soaks up a lot of this water that"s continully flooding the surface, which increases the amount of water below. So there"s a wetland, u get a lot of ground water, and ground water happens to be a big source of our own drinking water today. back to the beavers, what if the beavers weren"t there?Mike又开始说了:u just have a regular running stream, because there"s no dam, so the ecosystem would be completely different, there would be fewer wetlands.Professor: Exactly, so, now let"s go back to where u were headed before, Mike. u mentioned the change that occured after Europeans came to North America.Mike: Yeah, well, there used to be beavers all over the place, something like 200 million beavers, just in the continental US. But when Eurepeans came, they started hunting the beavers for their fur, because beaver fur is really warm, and it was really popular for making hats in Europe. So the beavers were hunted a lot, overhunted, they r almost extinct by the 1800s, so.... that meant fewer wetlands, less standing water.pr: and what does that mean for the ecosystem? Kate?Kate应该就是上面的女生(我只有音频了):precisely, so the beaver in this ecosystem is what we call a keystone species. The term keystone kind of explains itself. In architecture, a keystone in an archway or doorway is the stone that holds the whole thing together, and keeps it from collapsing. well, that"s what a keystone species does in an ecosystem. It"s the critical species that keeps the system going. now, beaver populations are on the rise again, but there"s sth. to think about- consider humans as part of these ecosystems.u"ve probably heard about water shortage or restreictions on how much water u can use, especially in the summer time, in recent years. and remember what I said about groundwater, imagine if we still have all those beavers around, all those wetlands. What would our water supply be like then?大致就是一个prefessor让同学回去看了关于生态系统内部关系的文章。然后讨论。然后Mike就讲到beaver了,他像从欧洲人入住之后来讲。教授希望先讲一下beaver在欧洲人来之前的居住环境。然后是一个女生讲了。说beaver居住,block的河流,然后wetland出现,就意味着地下水。professor顺便补充,wetland对于物种多样性很重要。Mike 讲,北美人来了之后为盈利捕杀河狸,导致河狸数目减少,湿地减少。Kate说时下河狸数量又在增加,但是我们考虑生态系统,还要考虑到人类的因素。河狸的生活习性可以去查一下,多看看这些,对听力也有帮助的。 行为习性:夜间活动,白天很少出洞,善游泳和潜水,不冬眠。河狸一个独特的本领是垒坝,河狸百度百科:凡是河狸栖息或是栖息过的地方,都有一片池塘、湖泊或沼泽。河狸总是孜孜不倦地用树枝、石块和软泥垒成堤坝,以阻挡溪流的去路,小则汇合为池塘,大则可成为面积达数公顷的湖泊。河狸具有改造自己栖息环境的能力。当进入新的栖息地或栖息地水位下降时,河狸会用树枝、泥巴等筑坝蓄水,以保护洞口位于水下,防止天敌侵扰。河狸有时为了将岸上筑坝用的建筑材料搬运至截流坝里,不惜开挖长达百米的运河。河狸在陆地上行动缓慢而笨拙,不远离水边活动。其自卫能力很弱,胆小,喜欢安静的环境,一遇惊吓和危险即跳入水中,并用尾有力拍打水面,以警告同类。

adjunct lecturer是什么意思

adjunct lecturer客座讲师例句:Tsau-ying tsao: adjunct lecturer, department of elementary education,national taipei teachers college. 曹翠英:国立台北师范学院初等教育学系兼任讲师。.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

botany ;eventual;secure; lecture 这英语用谐音怎么读??

不呕(连读读快点)特泥,一玩戳,sei Q儿,来可缺儿 就这样吧U0001f602U0001f602 还是建议听听原声发音哦U0001f602