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public distrust of scientists是什么意思

公众对科学家的不信任;我找了一下,这是原文,2005六级考试阅读理解。 Public distrust of scientists stems in part from the blurring of boundaries between science and technology, between discovery and manufacture. Most government, perhaps all governments, justify public expenditure on scientific research in terms of the economic benefits the scientific enterprise ha brought in the past and will bring in the future. Politicians remind their voters of the splendid machines ‘our scientists" have invented, the new drugs to relieve old ailments (病痛), and the new surgical equipment and techniques by which previously intractable (难治疗的) conditions may now be treated and lives saved. At the same time, the politicians demand of scientists that they tailor their research to ‘economics needs", that they award a higher priority to research proposals that are ‘near the market" and can be translated into the greatest return on investment in the shortest time. Dependent, as they are, on politicians for much of their funding, scientists have little choice but to comply. Like the rest of us, they are members of a society that rates the creation of wealth as the greatest possible good.Many have reservations, but keep them to themselves in what they perceive as a climate hostile to the pursuit of understanding for its own sake and the idea of an inquiring, creative spirit.

public distrust of scientists是什么意思


Her constant lying led me to distrust everything she said. | 她总撤谎, 我完全不相信她的话了.

lead to 的用法导致的意思


《Distrust That Particular Flavor》(William Gibson)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1rosSkbX9aij7wukQ1baFSQ 密码:no0v书名:Distrust That Particular Flavor作者:William Gibson出版社:Viking出版年份:2012-2-2页数:256内容简介:"Distrust That Particular Flavor" - an acclaimed nonfiction collection by William Gibson, author of "Neuromancer". "The future"s already here: it"s just not evenly distributed". William Gibson was writing fiction when he predicted the internet. And as his stories bled into reality so he became one of the first to report on the real-world consequences of cyberspace"s growth and development. Now, with the dust settling on the first internet revolution, comes Gibson"s first collection of non-fiction - essays from the technological and cultural frontiers of this new world. Covering a variety of subjects, they include: Metrophagy - the Art and Science of Digesting Great Cities; an account of obsession in "the world"s attic" - eBay; reasons why "The Net is a Waste of Time"; Singapore as "Disneyland with the Death Penalty"; and, a primer on Japan, our default setting for the future. These and many other pieces, collected for the first time in "Distrust that Particular Flavour", are studded with revealing autobiographical fragments and map the development of Gibson"s acute perceptions about modern life. Readers of Neal Stephenson, Ray Bradbury and Iain M. Banks will love this book. "Gibson is a prophet and a satirist, a black comedian and an astounding architect of cool. He"s also responsible for much of the world we live in". ("Spectator"). "Part-detective story, part-cultural snapshot ...all bound by Gibson"s pin-sharp prose". ("Arena"). In an earlier story he had invented the term "cyberspace"; a concept he developed in the novel, creating an iconography for the Information Age long before the invention of the Internet. The book won three major literary prizes. He has since written nine further novels including "Count Zero"; "Mona Lisa Overdrive"; "The Difference Engine"; "Virtual Light"; "Idoru"; "All Tomorrow"s Parties"; "Pattern Recognition"; "Spook Country" and most recently "Zero History".

Initial Distrust 歌词

歌曲名:Initial Distrust歌手:Total Chaos专辑:Pledge Of Defiancenot going to fight, because you want me to.not going to lie, just because you do.not going to die in a war for you.not going to trust what you say or die!won"t ask you questions, because you"ll lie.not going to answer when you ask me why.I think you"re lame, you think you"re sly.I won"t feel sorry for you when you die.Total Chaossick of the lies, sick of the spiesand working nine to five just to die.sick of the lies, the ones I despise.waiting - opportunity never arrives.initial distrust - the system"s corrupt.you"re buried alive beneath your own lie.Initial distrust - the system will bust.you"ll be left to die in yoru lies.initial distrust - a system that sucks.pathetic greed in your daily lifeInitial distrust - civilize us?from turning to dust!not going to say what you want to hear.not going to change,because you think I"m weird.not going to live in a world of fear.not going to quit, going to persevere.not going to listen to what you say.not going to play games, the ones you play.not paying taxes to profit you.not going to do anything for you.sick of the lies, what is the price?even money corrodes distortingwhat"s valued in life.http://music.baidu.com/song/14219799

Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.

名词 尘土的意思


self表示自己,dis是否定前缀,trust是信任,连起来就是 不信任自己的意思

怀疑distrust怪物怎么打 游戏怪物打法解析

贪婪洞窟金怪:1、有能力就打 冲层或者刷最高等级的层数就没必要打2、血药浪费的太多3、金怪能出的东西运气好箱子也能出4、但是金怪比普通怪厉害不止一倍5、比如你现在卡在60层。50层金怪就不一定要打了

Distrust can be contagious. But, so can trust.


怀疑distrust怎么玩 游戏玩法技巧介绍



Distrust 不信任disbelieve 怀疑宗教里对不信自己教的人的一种称呼叫Disbeliever





mistrust与distrust 的区别

mistrust 带有怀疑感的不信任。 distrust 完全不信任。

关于distrust 的词组和句子,要翻译哦

名词疑惑,不相信;不信任,猜疑。 have a distrust of sb. 不信任某人。 His policy earned him the distrust of the Athenians. 他的政策受到了雅典人的猜疑。及物动词不信任,怀疑。 distrust one"s friend 对朋友起疑心。-ful 形容词不信任的,疑心重的 (of); 可疑的 (A distrustful dog is the best watchdog. 疑心重的狗是最好的看门狗)。-fully 副词


一、详细释义:n.不信任,怀疑,猜疑例句:This analysis is permeated with a deep-seated skepticism and distrust in human reason.这种分析对人类理性的力量充满着根深蒂固的怀疑和不信任。例句:Distrust of individual power made the Venetians depend on committees and councils.对个人权力的不信任使威尼斯人要依靠各种委员会与议会。v.不信任,怀疑,猜疑例句:I don"t have any particular reason to distrust them.我没有任何特别的理由怀疑他们。例句:We distrust that man.我们不信任那个人。二、词义辨析:doubt,supicion,distrust,uncertainty这些名词均有“怀疑”之意。doubt指对事物的真、假有怀疑。supicion语气较强,指对某人做某事的目的、意图有怀疑,或认为某人做错事,但无确凿证据而产生怀疑。distrust一般用词,泛指对某人某事不信任而感到怀疑。uncertainty侧重指对某事或选择等需作决定时的迟疑不决。三、词义辨析:doubt,suspect,distrust这些动词均含“怀疑”之意。doubt普通用词,多指因证据不足或仅凭证据还不能肯定而产生怀疑,多含否定意味。suspect指猜疑、疑心,肯定意味较多。distrust指疑惑、猜疑,不信任。四、参考例句:We distrust that man.我们不信任那个人。He has an inherent distrust of foreigners.他天生对外国人不信任。Distrust is the mother of safety.怀疑是安全之本(轻信易出危险)。I don"t have any particular reason to distrust them.我没有任何特别的理由怀疑他们。Her constant lies led me to distrust everything she said.她总撒谎,我完全不相信她说的话了。His distrust of reporters was particularly acute on this story.他在这则报道上对记者的怀疑特别厉害。An excessive pressure will only lead to distrust and resentment.压力过大只会导致彼此的不信任甚至是厌恶。On the one hand I admire his gifts, but on the other I distrust his judgment.一方面我羡慕他的才华,而另一方面我却怀疑他的判断力。This analysis is permeated with a deep-seated skepticism and distrust in human reason.这种分析对人类理性的力量充满着根深蒂固的怀疑和不信任。Distrust of individual power made the Venetians depend on committees and councils.对个人权力的不信任使威尼斯人要依靠各种委员会与议会。

