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expensive 是三个音节的单词,比较级和最高级都是在该词前加 more 和most。


more expensive most expensive


expensive英[ɪkˈspensɪv] 美[ɪkˈspɛnsɪv]adj. 昂贵的,花钱多的; 豪华的;[例句]Wine"s so expensive in this country葡萄酒在这个国家非常昂贵。比较级:more expensive 最高级:most expensive

英雄联盟中,为什么双杀称为double kill,三杀为trible kill.五是penta k


penta kill什么意思


They all look fresh and are not expenaive 的fresh是什么意思

他们看起来很新鲜 也不贵。fresh这里是新鲜的意思。


我也会出现这样的情况,你可以先手动设置一下本机IP,看是否能连接到192.168.1.1,如果不行的话就有可能是OPENWRT假死了,需要重启了。可以看到Luci-Lua Configuration Interface说明可以刷到登录界面的部分信息了,用IE打开试试


pen up 英[pen ʌp] 美[pɛn ʌp] [词典] 围来,关进围栏(指牲畜等);


pencil铅笔双语对照词典结果:pencil[英][ˈpensl][美][ˈpɛnsəl]n.铅笔,彩色铅笔; 笔状物; 画风,画法; [物]光线锥; vt.用铅笔写; 用画笔画; 第三人称单数:pencils过去分词:pencilled复数:pencils现在进行时:pencilling过去式:pencilled以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Forget growth marks scratched in pencil on the kitchen wall. 厨房墙壁上用铅笔画下的身高标记已经成为历史。




pencil的意思是铅笔。pencil的意思是铅笔;笔状物;用铅笔写;用眉笔涂。pencil的复数是pencils。音标是美:/ˈpensl/;英:/ˈpensl/。pencil造句1、Please tell me when the meeting date is pencilled in.暂定了开会日期请告诉我。2、He pencilled a rabbit.他用铅笔画了一只兔子。3、He had written her a note in pencil.他用铅笔给她写了个便条。4、Just a little reminder:please bring a pencil tomorrow.只是一个小提示:请明天带支铅笔。5、I picked up my pencil off the floor.我把铅笔从地板上捡了起来。6、I wore a pencil skirt.我穿了一条铅笔裙。7、She scribbled a note in pencil.她用铅笔草草写了张便条。






pen意思是钢笔。一、读音:英 [pen],美 [pen]    二、意思:n. 钢笔;笔;写作;围栏;雌天鹅v. 写;把…关在圈中三、例句:The pen slips out of my fingers.钢笔从我指缝中滑下去了。词义辨析:pen,jot,write:这组词都有“写”的意思。其区别在于: pen指“用钢笔写”,暗含“用心写”的意味,jot指匆匆写下,用什么笔写并不限制,其后常接down,write的含义最广泛,是日常用语,与前两个词相比,显得更大方、庄重,多指“写信”。例如:He jotted her address down on his newspaper.他在报纸上草草记下了她的地址。The children are learning to write.孩子们正在学写字。

penalty spot是什么意思?


claim expense是什么意思

claim expense英 [kleim iksˈpens] 美 [klem ɪkˈspɛns] 词典[财]理赔费双语例句 1Control contract changing, reduce claim expense; 控制合同变更,减少索赔费用;2[ ( e) administrative claims and expenses and claims which are entitled to priority will be paid in full except to the extent that the holder of the claim or expense agrees to different treatment;] and [(e)程序管理费和享有优先权的债权将获全额偿付,除非该债权持有人或费用支出人同意不同的待遇;]

claim expense是什么意思



pencil sharpener,卷笔刀


磨vt. 削尖;磨快;使敏捷;加重vi. 尖锐;变锋利锐化






毛毛虫的英文是caterpillar。英 ["kætəpɪlə]  美 ["kætɚpɪlɚ] n. [无脊椎] 毛虫;履带车短语:1、Crazy Caterpillar 疯狂毛毛虫2、caterpillar tread 履带 ; 履带式车辆在其上行进的环形链带3、Caterpillar drive 履带驱动 ; 履带传动 ; 链轨驱动 ; 履带传动装置4、caterpillar bulldozer 履带式开土机 ; 履带式推土机 ; 推土机5、caterpillar loader 履带式装载机 ; 翻译 ; 覆带式装载机扩展资料近义词:1、palmerworm英 ["pɑːmə,wɜːm]  美 ["pɑmɚ,wɝm] n. 毛虫例句:And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. 我打发到你们中间的大军队,就是蝗虫,蝻子,蚂蚱,剪虫,那些年所吃的,我要补还你们。2、eruca英 [i"ru:kə] n. 毛虫例句:Histological studies of somatic embryogenesis in Eruca sativa mill. 芸芥体细胞胚胎发生的组织细胞学研究。

independent campus什么意思



你好!spending在词语中是非谓语,动名词形式。regret doing后悔干了什么。

麦吉尔大学申请状态“reviewed-decision pending”是什么意思?


state spending was high,( resulting) in a budget deficit. 请问resulting这里是什么用法?

Tax was low and state spending was high,resulting in a budget deficit.动名词做伴随状语,Tax was low and state spending was high,which results in a budget deficit.

feer的同义词 prepare的名词 catch的过去式 open的名词 study的



g g

亚瑟·叔本华(Arthur Schopenhauer)

叔本华(Arthur Schopenhauer)是德国哲学家。他以1818年的作品《意志和代表世界》而闻名,该作品将现象世界描述为盲目的和永不满足的本体意志的产物。 “Talent hits a target no one else can hit. Genius hits a target no one else can see.” “Compassion is the basis of morality.” “A man can be himself only so long as he is alone; and if he does not love solitude, he will not love freedom; for it is only when he is alone that he is really free.” “Mostly it is loss which teaches us about the worth of things.” “The assumption that animals are without rights and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality.” “Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.” “Happiness consists in frequent repetition of pleasure” “The person who writes for fools is always sure of a large audience.” “It is difficult to find happiness within oneself, but it is impossible to find it anywhere else.” “They tell us that Suicide is the greatest piece of Cowardice... That Suicide is wrong; when it is quite obvious that there is nothing in this world to which every man has a more unassailable title than to his own life and person.” “Every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud, adopts as a last resource pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and happy to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority.” “One should use common words to say uncommon things” “Compassion for animals is intimately associated with goodness of character, and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man.” “When we read, another person thinks for us: we merely repeat his mental process. In learning to write, the pupil goes over with his pen what the teacher has outlined in pencil: so in reading; the greater part of the work of thought is already done for us. This is why it relieves us to take up a book after being occupied with our own thoughts. And in reading, the mind is, in fact, only the playground of another"s thoughts. So it comes about that if anyone spends almost the whole day in reading, and by way of relaxation devotes the intervals to some thoughtless pastime, he gradually loses the capacity for thinking; just as the man who always rides, at last forgets how to walk. This is the case with many learned persons: they have read themselves stupid.” “Der Mensch kann tun was er will; er kann aber nicht wollen was er will. “The art of not reading is a very important one. It consists in not taking an interest in whatever may be engaging the attention of the general public at any particular time. When some political or ecclesiastical pamphlet, or novel, or poem is making a great commotion, you should remember that he who writes for fools always finds a large public. A precondition for reading good books is not reading bad ones: for life is short.” “Life is a constant process of dying.” “We forfeit three-fourths of ourselves in order to be like other people.” “A sense of humour is the only divine quality of man” “We will gradually become indifferent to what goes on in the minds of other people when we acquire a knowledge of the superficial nature of their thoughts, the narrowness of their views and of the number of their errors. Whoever attaches a lot of value to the opinions of others pays them too much honor.” “A high degree of intellect tends to make a man unsocial.” “Treat a work of art like a prince: let it speak to you first.” “Great men are like eagles, and build their nest on some lofty solitude” “So the problem is not so much to see what nobody has yet seen, as to think what nobody has yet thought concerning that which everybody sees.”

dependency adoption是什么意思

dependency adoption从属收养dependency[英][dɪˈpendənsi][美][dɪˈpendənsi]n.属国,属地; 从属,从属物; 复数:dependenciesadoption[英][əˈdɒpʃn][美][əˈdɑ:pʃn]n.采用,收养; 复数:adoptions


1. string应该是小写s。2. 请手动把那个xml文件复制到其他更简单的路径下,起个更简单的名字,比如D:datahfa.xml,然后再在程序里用绝对路径调用之。

谁来翻译一下"open nuts with my beak"?


Cascada Independence Day的歌词

Well Papa go to bed now it"s getting late 爸爸上床休息 现在已经很晚了Nothing we can say is gonna change anything now 现在 已经无法通过对话再改变什么I"ll be leaving in the morning from St. Mary"s Gate 我明早要从圣玛丽门离开 We wouldn"t change this thing even if we could somehow 我们无法改变这些 尽管我们也许可以Cause the darkness of this house has got the best of us 因为这房间的黑暗把我们最好的带走了There"s a darkness in this town that"s got us too 这座城市的黑暗也正这样抓住我们But they can"t touch me now 但他们现在无法碰到我And you can"t touch me now 你现在也无法碰到我They ain"t gonna do to me 他们不能对待我What I watched them do to you 像我曾看见他们对待你一样So say goodbye it"s Independence Day 那么说再见 这是独立日It"s Independence Day 这是独立日All down the line 已经无法挽回Just say goodbye it"s Independence Day 就说再见 这是独立日It"s Independence Day this time 这次 是独立日Now I don"t know what it always was with us 现在我不知道我们以前一直怎样渡过We chose the words, and yeah, we drew the lines 我们选择语言,我们划定规范There was just no way this house could hold the two of us 这所房子根本无法关住我们两个I guess that we were just too much of the same kind 我想我们实在太相像Well say goodbye it"s Independence Day 哦 说再见 这是独立日It"s Independence Day all boys must run away 这是独立日 所有男孩必须出逃So say goodbye it"s Independence Day 所以 说再见 这是独立日All men must make their way come Independence Day 在独立日 所有人必须找到自己的路Now the rooms are all empty down at Frankie"s joint 现在所有房子都空无一人直到弗兰克的小酒馆And the highway she"s deserted clear down to Breaker"s Point公路上也没有人There"s a lot of people leaving town now 现在 很多人离开城镇Leaving their friends, their homes 离开他们的朋友 他们的家At night they walk that dark and dusty highway all alone 夜晚他们孤独地走在黑暗灰蒙蒙的路上Well Papa go to bed now it"s getting late 爸爸上床休息 现在已经很晚了Nothing we can say can change anything now 现在 已经无法通过对话再改变什么Because there"s just different people coming down here now 因为 这里有不同的人来到and they see things in different ways 他们看待事情有不同的角度And soon everything we"ve known will just be swept away 很快我们知道的所有都将被抹去So say goodbye it"s Independence Day 那么 说再见 这是独立日Papa now I know the things you wanted that you could not say 爸爸现在我知道你想要的却不能说出口But won"t you just say goodbye it"s Independence Day 但你为什么不说再见 这是独立日I swear I never meant to take those things away 我发誓 我永远不想把这些带走 此翻译来自:

Cascada - Independence Day翻译

你知道当一个童话般的烧伤疼吗?  爱是一个难民  Ain钬檛那个荒谬绝伦的吗?  你知道这是什么感受  当突然而梦想慢慢消失灰  这是我的独立日  她说she钬檇不能再爱了  因为他打破了她的心  而现在she钬檚责备他  但是他告诉她,从一开始  那他们有什么很特别  但它ain钬檛很喜欢  虽然他给她一切  她一直没有他的心  但that钬檚她的需要  所以她what钬檚撕裂开来吗?  钬楥ause爱你好


pendulum-quadruped.摆,钟摆; 摇摆不定的事态(或局面)网 络钟摆;摆;灵摆;振动体双语例句1. In education, the pendulum has swung back to traditional teaching methods. 教育界又恢复了传统教学法。来自《权威词典》2. The ball which hung the roof is compound pendulum. 悬挂在墙上的钟来回摆动.来自《简明英汉词典》3. Finally, GMTI performance of two typical systems, Cartwheel and Pendulum, is analyzed through computer simulation. 最后, 对CartWheel和Pendulum两种典型系统构形进行了GMTI性能仿真分析.

should spend more time on studying and adopting


OpenLDAP 密码策略(转载)

OpenLDAP默认是没有密码检查策略的,123456这也得密码也能接受,这显然是管理员不希望看到的。 参考地址: 导入密码策略schema 假如没有cn=module{0}的话,参考地址:,需要添加:因为需要在OpenLdap中添加组的功能,所以需要添加memberOf功能,步骤如下 在/etc/openldap目录下新建文件memberof_load_configure.ldif。授权:chown -R ldap:ldap memberof_load_configure.ldif 内容如下: dn: cn=module{0},cn=config objectClass: olcModuleList cn: module{0} olcModulepath: /usr/lib64/openldap olcModuleload: {0} dn: olcOverlay={0}memberof,olcDatabase={2}hdb,cn=config objectClass: olcMemberOf objectClass: olcOverlayConfig objectClass: olcConfig objectClass: top olcOverlay: {0}memberof 说明:上面的参数请根据实际情况修改(比如32的系统的话olcModulepath为/usr/lib/openldap) dn: cn=module{0},cn=config 如果/etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn=config目录下已经存在cn=module{0}.ldif 文件的话,你就需要修改 module后面的数字了 dn: olcOverlay={0}memberof,olcDatabase={2}bdb,cn=config 这行中 如果上述目录中没有olcDatabase={2}bdb.ldif文件就把 olcDatabase={2}bdb改成olcDatabase={2}hdb 之后执行命令ldapadd -Q -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f memberof_load_configure.ldif。 注:配置双主的则两台都要加载mod_ppolicy.ldif这个以后在执行后面的命令 加载模块,因为已经添加过syncprov模块了,所以只要追加ppolicy模块就可以了 指定默认策略dn名 参考地址: 创建组:cat

Administrative Expense是啥意思啊?

行政费用 法律名词

administrative penalty是什么意思


Administrative Expense是什么意思?

意思 是 行政开支

administrative expenses是什么意思

administrative expenses行政费用双语对照词典结果:administrative expenses管理费; 例句:1.GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES General and administrative expenses comprised mainly rentals, depreciation and staff costs.

administrative expenses是什么意思

administrative expenses 管理费不明白可以追问我,满意的话请点击【采纳】

administrative expenses是什么意思





refund-pending-appeal退款未决上诉appeal[英][əˈpi:l][美][əˈpil]n.上诉; 呼吁; [体育]诉请; (迫切的)要求(帮助、同情等)恳求; vi.(迫切)要求; 有吸引力; 求助(于); 提请注意; vt.将…移交上级法院审理; 第三人称单数:appeals过去分词:appealed复数:appeals现在进行时:appealing过去式:appealed1.Mr. rajaratnam"s lawyer plans an appeal. 拉贾拉特南的律师打算上诉。

兄弟打印机出现Bck Cover Open Close the Back Cover网上的甚么方法都试了还是不行


Pending Assisted Offers

楼主是在www.afternic.com购买域名吧?Assisted Offers是他们提供的一项服务,可以帮助买家联系域名所有者并议价Pending Assisted Offers是当你提出一个Offer后,Afternic还没有受理,如果受理了应该会变成:“Assisted Offers Made”

英语recipents of awards怎么翻译?

recipient of awards获奖者

The Carpenters Yesterday once more中文歌词?

When I was young I"d listen to the radio 年轻的我愿意听那收音机 Waitin" for my fav"rite songs 守候我最爱的歌 When they played I"d sing along 乐声响起我就唱 It made me smile 笑颜也绽放 Those were such happy times and not so long ago快乐的时光总是不能更久长 How I wondered where they"d gone 美好感觉随风飞扬 But they"re back again 熟悉的旋律 Just like a long lost friend 就象好朋友 All the songs I love so well 重逢时眼泪满眶 Ev"ry sha-la-la-la ev"ry wo-ho-wo-ho still shines每段旋律都在我心头回响,象阳光 Ev"ry shing-a-ling-a-ling 每一次的照耀 That they"re startin" to sing so fine 让我伴随音乐 喜悦 When they get to the part 当歌中的爱情 Where he"s breaking her heart 又到伤心之处 It can really make me cry just like before 我依然会泪满眶,和从前一样 It"s yesterday once more Lookin" back on how it was in years gone by 回首往事,只觉岁月悠悠梦 And the good times that I had 当年那美好时光 Makes today seem rather sad so much has changed 更珍贵更该珍藏,却云烟过往 It was songs of love that I would sing to them 那些吟咏爱情动听的歌曲 And I"d memorize each word 在记忆中更清晰 Those old melodies 古老的旋律 Still sound so good to me 还是那么美好 As they melt the years away 我曾动情高声唱 Ev"ry sha-la-la-la ev"ry wo-ho-wo-ho still shines每段旋律都在我的心头回响,象阳光 Ev"ry shing-a-ling-a-ling 每一次的照耀 That they"re startin" to sing so fine 让我伴随音乐 喜悦 All my best memories 最美好的记忆 Come back clearly to me 依然那么清晰 Some can even make me cry just like before 总还会击痛心房,和从前一样 It"s yesterday once more Ev"ry sha-la-la-la ev"ry wo-ho-wo-ho still shines每段旋律都在我心头回响,象阳光 Ev"ry shing-a-ling-a-ling 每一次的照耀 That they"re startin" to sing so fine 让我伴随音乐喜悦满意请采纳

Her aunt knows little about the Carpenters,doesn"t she?

Her aunt knows little about the Carpenters, does she?little在句子中带有否定意义,因此后面的反义疑问句应该不加否定。

求the carpenters唱的baby,it"s you的歌词

baby it"s you 歌手:the carpenters 专辑:close to you It"s not the way you smileThat touches my heartIt"s not the way you kissThat tears me apartMany, many nights go byI sit aloneAt home i cryOver youWhat can i doCan"t help myself"cause baby it"s youYou should hear what they say about youThey say you"ve neverNever, never been trueOh! oh! oh!Doesn"t matter what they sayI"m gonna love you any old wayWhat can i doWhen it"s trueDon"t want nobody"cause baby it"s youMany, many, many nights go byI sit aloneAt home i cryOver youWhat can i doCan"t help myself"cause baby it"s you

英文歌carpenters only yesterday的歌词翻译

After long enough of being alone独自一人已经太久Everyone must face their share of loneliness那份寂寞总得承受In my own time nobody knew在我的孤单岁月里The pain I was goin" thru我经受的苦痛And waitin" was all my heart could do心之所能,唯有等候Hope was all I had until you came在你没来的时候,希望是我全部所有Maybe you can"t see how much you mean to me或许你不会知道,你对我有多大意义You were breaking the night你是冲破暗夜的黎明The promise of morning light是的诺言Filling the world sur-rounding me充满了我的四周When I hold you, , feels like maybe当我拥抱你的时候,Things will be all right就感到一切都会更好Baby, baby, your love"s made me free as a song,你的爱让我如一首Singin" forever,永远唱响的歌一样自由only when I was sad and I was lonely就在昨天,当我孤独,当我悲伤的时候You showed me the way to leave the past and all it"s tears behind me你为我指路,让我远离过去,不再泪流Tomorrow may be even brighter than today明天会比今天更加明亮Since I threw sadness away Only 因为就在昨天,我把悲伤扔到了身后I have found my home here in your arms在你的怀抱里我找到了家Nowhere else on earth I"d really rather be世上再没有其它的地方我愿停留Life waits for us share it with me生活等待我们分享The best is about to be最好的一切就会来临And so much is left for us to see如此广阔的世界 我们一起欣赏遨游

the carpenters的《Superstar》 歌词

歌曲名:Superstar歌手:the carpenters专辑:Carpenters - 40-40(Disc1)Long ago and oh so far awayI fell in love with you before the second showYour guitar, it sounds so sweet and clearBut you"re not really hereIt"s just the radioDon"t you remember you told me you loved me babyYou said you"d be coming back this way again babyBaby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby,I love you I really doLoneliness is a such a sad affairAnd I can hardly wait to be with you againWhat to say to make you come againCome back to me againAnd play your sad guitarDon"t you remember you told me you loved me babyYou said you"d be coming back this way again babyBaby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby,I love you I really doDon"t you remember you told me you loved me babyYou said you"d be coming back this way again babyBaby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby,I love you I really doThe End

carpenters-rainy days and monday歌词中文意思


Carpenters 还有人活着吗


求Carpenters 经典歌曲十首!


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卡朋特The Carpenters汉语是什么意思?总得有个说法吧


求carpenters《I Need to be in love》 和《goodbye to love》的同步中文歌词翻译


The Carpenters- Yesterday One More 昨日重现 的歌词

YESTERDAY ONCE MORE 昨日重现 Words & Music by Richard Carpenter and John Bettis词曲:理查德.卡朋特/约翰.贝迪斯 When I was young 在我年轻时 I"d listen to the radio 我喜欢听收音机 Waiting for my favorite songs 等待我最喜爱的歌 When they played I"d sing along 当他们演奏时我会跟着唱 It made me smile 令我笑容满面 Those were such happy times 那段多么快乐的时光 And not so long ago 并不遥远 How I wondered where they"d gone 我是多么想知道它们去了哪儿 But they"re back again 但是它们又回来了 Just like a long-lost friend 像一位久未谋面的朋友 All the songs I loved so well 那些歌我依旧喜欢 Every Sha-la-la-la 每一声 Every Wo-o-wo-o 每一声 Still shines 仍然闪亮 Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 每一声 That they"re starting to sing 当他们开始唱时 So fine 如此欢畅 When they get to the part 当他们唱到 Where he"s breaking her heart 他让她伤心的那一段时 It can really make me cry 真的令我哭了 Just like before 一如往昔 It"s yesterday once more 这是昨日的重现 (Shoobie do lang lang) 无比惆怅 (Shoobie do lang lang) 无比惆怅 Looking back on how it was in years gone by 回首过去的几年 And the good times that I had 我曾有过的欢乐时光 Makes today seem rather sad 今天似乎更加悲伤 So much has changed 一切都变了 It was songs of love that I would sing to them 这就是那些跟着唱过的旧情歌 And I memorize each word 我记住的每个字眼 Those old melodies 那些古老旋律 Still sound so good to me 对我仍然那么动听 As they melt the years away 可以把岁月融化 Every Sha-la-la-la 每一声 Every Wo-o-wo-o 每一声 Still shines 仍然闪亮 Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 每一声 That they"re starting to sing 当他们开始唱时 So fine 如此欢畅 All my best memories 我所有的美好回忆 Come back clearly to me 清晰地浮现 Some can even make me cry 有些令我哭了 Just like before 一如往昔 It"s yesterday once more 这是昨日的重现 (Shoobie do lang lang) 无比惆怅 (Shoobie do lang lang) 无比惆怅 Every Sha-la-la-la 每一声 Every Wo-o-wo-o 每一声 Still shines 仍然闪亮 Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 每一声 That they"re starting to sing 当他们开始唱时 So fine 如此欢畅 Every Sha-la-la-la 每一声 Every Wo-o-wo-o 每一声 Still shines 仍然闪亮 Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 每一声 That they"re starting to sing 当他们开始唱时 So fine 如此欢畅记得采纳啊

歌手The Carpenters 演唱的《THE RAINBOW CONNECTION》翻译

Why are there so many songs about rainbows 为什麼世上有那麼多关於彩虹的歌 What"s on the other side 彩虹的另一边有些什麼 Rainbows are visions, they"re only illusions 彩虹都是假象,它们只是幻象 And rainbows have nothing to hide 彩虹里面什麼都没有躲藏 So we"ve been told and some choose to believe it 人家都这样告诉我们,而有些人愿意这样相信 I know they"re wrong, wait and see 我知道他们错了,你等著瞧 Someday we"ll find it, the rainbow connection 总有一天我们会找到它,那彩虹的列车 The lovers, the dreamers and me 恋人们、梦想家和我 Who said that every wish would be heard and answered 谁说每个愿望都会被听见、被实现 When wished on the morning star 只要你向晨星许愿 Somebody thought of that 有人想到这个说法 And someone believed it 也有人相信他们 And look what it"s done so far 可是这想法又怎样呢 What"s so amazing that keeps us star gazing 什麼事如此奇妙,让我们不断凝望星星 What do we think we might see 我们以为我们可能会看到什麼呢 Someday we"ll find it, the rainbow connection 总有一天我们会找到它,那彩虹的列车 The lovers, the dreamers and me 恋人们、梦想家和我 Have you been half asleep 你可曾半睡半醒 And have you heard voices 你可曾听见奇妙的声音 I"ve heard them calling my name 我曾听见它们呼唤著我的名字 Are these the sweet sounds that called the young sailors 这些是否就是那曾经呼唤著年轻水手们的声音 I think they"re one and the same 我想它们是完全相同的 I"ve heard it too many times to ignore it 我已经听过太多次,再不能不理会它 There"s something that I"m supposed to be 有些事情是我注定了该去做的 Someday we"ll find it, the rainbow connection 总有一天我们会找到它,那彩虹的列车 The lovers, the dreamers and me 恋人们、梦想家和我

Carpenters的《Aurora》 歌词

歌曲名:Aurora歌手:Carpenters专辑:Horizon「Aurora(Prelude)」作词∶光村龙哉作曲∶光村龙哉歌∶NICO Touches the Wallsゆっくりと时间をかけて 揺れるゆりかごに乗って旅に出よう瞬いた星の数だけ 大きくなる梦をいつまでも见よう夜明けに飞び立て 悲しいことはもう闇に消え梦を见よう 梦を叶えようこの星空は 呜呼 辉いて今 君だけを照らした谛めなんか照らすはずがない遥かなオーロラを越えたら何となく繋がった爱も 幸せだと思えれば それがいい今はまだ叶わなくても 三秒後その手にあるかもしれないよこの星空は 呜呼 辉いて今 君だけを照らした谛めなんか照らすはずがない遥かなオーロラを越えたらオーロラを越えたら【 おわり 】

Carpenters的《Eve》 歌词

歌曲名:Eve歌手:Carpenters专辑:Reflectionsもしも愿い言ひとつ叶うならば 君に出会えますようにそして何度も梦に见た大きな未来が 続きますように『爱の言霊』主题曲徳山秀典eveこの角を曲がった先に不安はいつもあるけど行こう何も恐れず君とニ人はで街路铳をくぐり抜ける足音は少し早めて行こう何も恐れず 君の世界へ何をして生きようか?何をしようか?梦の中じゃもっと上手に君と过ごしたよもしも愿い言ひとつ叶うならば 君に出会えますようにそして何度も梦に见た大きな未来が 続きますように消せない明日出せない手纸 溢れる思いはポッケに诘め行こう何も恐れず 君の街まで何をして生きようか?何をしようか?梦の中じゃ もっと上手に君と过ごしたよもしも愿い言ひとつ叶うならば君に出会えますようにそして何度も梦に见た大きな未来が続きますようにもしも愿い言ひとつ叶うならば想い届きますようにそして绝対损じゃない、そうさ最高な未来が 始まりますように樱并木くぐり抜けるべダルは强く积み込んで抜かすことなんて出来ない 君の背中へもしも愿い言ひとつ叶うならば君に出会えますようにそして何度も梦に见た大きな未来が続きますようにもしも愿い言ひとつ叶うならば君に出会えますようにそして何度も梦に见た大きな未来が続きますようにもしも愿い言ひとつ叶うならば想い届きますようにそして绝対损じゃない、そうさ最高な未来は LALALA

Carpenters 的 Top of the world的歌词,谢谢

有一首是BrandyTop of the Worldby N/ASome people say that I"m not the same girlThey say I think that I am in my own worldWhat makes them think that I have changedA little dough cannot erase my problemsMe like you I have to try to solve themYes everything is quite the sameI"m just trying to be meDoing what I got to doSome people think that I"mJust sittin" on top of the worldI"m just trying to be meProving what I got to proveSome people think that I"mJust sittin" on top of the worldI wonder why it"s often saidThat my life"s a fairy tale andEverything is so rightI wish that you could know the truthMy life is real, so please don"t get it twistedProblems the same and got to be dealt withThese are the things I wish you knewAlways in someone"s eye, so many questions whyHow is it to be down with me, with meAfraid to express myself always me and someone elseI need to be free but it"s not that easyDon"t understand why peoplethink I don"t have friendsWho knew me back whenThis was my dream nothing has changedI still do the same things还有一首是CarpentersEnd Of The Worldby Arthur Keat e Sylvia DeeWhy does the sun go on shining?Why does the sea rush to shore?Don"t they know it"s the end of the world"Cause you don"t love me anymore?Why do the birds go on singing?Why do the stars glow above?Don"t they know it"s the end of the worldIt ended when I lost your love.I wake up in the morning and I wonderWhy everything"s the same as it was.I can"t understand, no I can"t understandHow life goes on the way it doesWhy does my heart go on beating?Why do these eyes of mine cry?Don"t they know it"s the end of the world?It ended when you said goodbyeDon"t they know it"s the end of the world?It ended when you said goodbye.

Carpenters的《Now》 歌词

歌曲名:Now歌手:Carpenters专辑:Voice Of The HeartDef Leppard - NowI wanna know you betterLet"s spend some time togetherI wanna be what"s on your mindLook in my eyes, they"re callingI need your love to fall inIf you could just give me a signI can"t get over babyI can"t get over nowI can"t get over this feeling I feelNow, right nowIf the fire inside youFeels like I feel nowRight nowDeep inside of meDeep inside of meI"m tired of make believin"I"m lost and barely breathingI"m on the ceiling, help me down, yeah, yeahSo stop my heart from achingI"ll be the risk you"re takingAnd I won"t rest until you"re mine, ohI wanna show you babyI wanna show you nowI wanna tell ya this feeling I feelNow, right nowIf the fire inside youFeels like I feel nowRight nowIf it"s love you"re cravingIt"s a love worth savingCan"t get over this feeling I feel now, yeahNow, right nowLet the fire inside youBurn like I doNow, right nowIf there"s a love you"re cravingIt"s a love worth savingDeep inside of meDeep inside, deep inside of meDeep inside, deep inside of meDeep inside of meDeep inside

Carpenters的《Superstar》 歌词

歌曲名:Superstar歌手:Carpenters专辑:Yesterday Once More: Greatest Hits 1969-1983SuperstarLong ago and oh so far awayI fell in love with you before the second showYour guitar, it sounds so sweet and clearBut you"re not really hereIt"s just the radioDon"t you remember you told me you loved me babyYou said you"d be coming back this way again babyBaby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby,I love you I really doLoneliness is a such a sad affairAnd I can hardly wait to be with you againWhat to say to make you come againCome back to me againAnd play your sad guitarThe End

Carpenters的《Superstar》 歌词

歌曲名:Superstar歌手:Carpenters专辑:CarpentersSuperstarCarpentersLong ago and oh so far awayI fell in love with you before the second showYour guitar, it sounds so sweet and clearBut you"re not really hereIt"s just the radioDon"t you remember you told me you loved me babyYou said you"d be coming back this way again babyBaby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby,I love you I really doLoneliness is a such a sad affairAnd I can hardly wait to be with you againWhat to say to make you come againCome back to me againAnd play your sad guitarDon"t you remember you told me you loved me babyYou said you"d be coming back this way again babyBaby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby,I love you I really doDon"t you remember you told me you loved me babyYou said you"d be coming back this way again babyBaby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby,I love you I really do

Superstar的歌词及其翻译,原唱 Carpenters(卡朋特)


Carpenters的《Superstar》 歌词

歌曲名:Superstar歌手:Carpenters专辑:Twenty-Two Hits Of The CarpentersSuperstarLong ago and oh so far awayI fell in love with you before the second showYour guitar, it sounds so sweet and clearBut you"re not really hereIt"s just the radioDon"t you remember you told me you loved me babyYou said you"d be coming back this way again babyBaby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby,I love you I really doLoneliness is a such a sad affairAnd I can hardly wait to be with you againWhat to say to make you come againCome back to me againAnd play your sad guitarThe End

Carpenters的《Saturday》 歌词

歌曲名:Saturday歌手:Carpenters专辑:The CarpentersSaturdayCarpentersSaturdaybegan just the same as other daysBut ended up different in many waysLove is in my world since SaturdayMornin" came but somehow it didn"t seem the sameThe sadness of Friday had somehow changedTo the happy sounds of Saturday Saturday,ever-loving SaturdayI whistle to bluebirdsI tried to tell them how you brought me sunshineMy head"s filled with new wordsThat sing to the sounds of happy day after FridayCome and see the flowers of love she gave to meThe touches of laughter and harmonyTo the happy sounds of Saturday Saturday,ever-loving SaturdayMy head"s full of new wordsSing to the sounds of theday after Friday Day after Friday Repeatthe flowers of love she gave to meThe touches of laughter and harmonyTo the happy sounds of Saturday Saturday,ever-loving SaturdaySaturday, Saturday,ever-loving Saturday

卡朋特兄妹(The carpenters)歌曲Yesterday Once More的翻译

When I was young 当我小的时候 I"d listen to the radio 我聆听收音机 Waitin" for my favorite songs 等待着心爱的歌曲 When they played I"d sing along 合着旋律清唱 It made me smile. 笑容满面 Those were such happy times 那是多么幸福的时光 And not so long ago 并不遥远 How I wondered where they"d gone 可我却不知道它们到哪去了 But they"re back again 但它们又回来了 Just like a long lost friend 像久无音信的朋友 All the songs I loved so well. 所有我那么爱过的歌曲 Every Sha-la-la-la 每一个Sha-la-la-la Every Wo-o-wo-o 每一个Wo-o-wo-o Still shines 依然闪亮 Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 他们开始唱的 That they"re startin" to sing"s 每一个shing-a-ling-a-ling So fine. 如此悦耳 When they get to the part 当他们唱到 Where he"s breakin" her heart 他让她伤心的那一段 It can really make me cry 真的让我哭泣 Just like before 像从前一样 It"s yesterday once more. 昔日又重来 Lookin" back on how it was 回首过去的 In years gone by 那些时光 And the good times that I had 我曾有过的欢乐 Makes today seem rather sad 使今天更加伤感 So much has changed. 太多的改变 It was songs of love that 只有那些跟着唱过的 I would sing to then 旧情歌 And I"d memorize each word 我还记得每一个字 Those old melodies 那些旧旋律 Still sound so good to me 仍然那么动听 As they melt the years away. 可以把岁月融化 Every Sha-la-la-la 每一个Sha-la-la-la Every Wo-o-wo-o 每一个Wo-o-wo-o Still shines 依然闪亮 Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 他们开始唱的 That they"re startin" to sing"s 每一个shing-a-ling-a-ling So fine. 如此悦耳 All my best memories 所有我最美好的回忆 Come back clearly to me 清晰地浮现眼前 Some can even make me cry. 有些甚至让我泪流满面 Just like before 就像从前一样 It"s yesterday once more. 昔日又重来


You"re The OneEv"ry night, ev"ry day You"re the one I always dream of Ev"ry line of your face Is sketched so plain inside my heart You"ve grown so deep inside of me You"re everything I feel and see And you"re the one, you"re the one I love All my life, all my love I can feel when you"re beside me All that"s right, all that"s wrong Suddenly becomes so clear My heart has overtaken me With feelings you awake in me And you"re the one, you"re the one I love Only you could move me enough to believe in love one more time All I need to know for tomorrow is that you"re mine Mine for a lifetime If our friends all around Find it hard to understand us You and I understand the other one so very well And that"s what I"ve been looking for So I keep coming back for more "Cause you"re the one, you"re the one I love You"re the one, you"re the one I love

Carpenters的《Saturday》 歌词

歌曲名:Saturday歌手:Carpenters专辑:CarpentersSaturdayCarpentersSaturdaybegan just the same as other daysBut ended up different in many waysLove is in my world since SaturdayMornin" came but somehow it didn"t seem the sameThe sadness of Friday had somehow changedTo the happy sounds of Saturday Saturday,ever-loving SaturdayI whistle to bluebirdsI tried to tell them how you brought me sunshineMy head"s filled with new wordsThat sing to the sounds of happy day after FridayCome and see the flowers of love she gave to meThe touches of laughter and harmonyTo the happy sounds of Saturday Saturday,ever-loving SaturdayMy head"s full of new wordsSing to the sounds of theday after Friday Day after Friday Repeatthe flowers of love she gave to meThe touches of laughter and harmonyTo the happy sounds of Saturday Saturday,ever-loving SaturdaySaturday, Saturday,ever-loving Saturday

谁知道Carpenters的那首close to you的创作背景?


Carpenters的《Sing》 歌词

歌曲名:Sing歌手:Carpenters专辑:The CarpentersSingCarpentersSing, sing a songSing out loudSing out strongSing of good things not badSing of happy not sad.Sing, sing a songMake it simple to lastYour whole life longDon"t worry that it"s notGood enough for anyoneElse to hearJust sing, sing a song.Sing, sing a songLet the world sing alongSing of love there could beSing for you and for me.Sing, sing a songMake it simple to lastYour whole life longDon"t worry that it"s notGood enough for anyoneElse to hearJust sing, sing a song.Just sing, sing a song.

Yesterday Once More Carpenters 这句英文什么意思。


Carpenters的《Sing》 歌词

歌曲名:Sing歌手:Carpenters专辑:Yesterday Once More-Greatest Hits 1969-1983SingCarpentersSing, sing a songSing out loudSing out strongSing of good things not badSing of happy not sad.Sing, sing a songMake it simple to lastYour whole life longDon"t worry that it"s notGood enough for anyoneElse to hearJust sing, sing a song.Sing, sing a songLet the world sing alongSing of love there could beSing for you and for me.Sing, sing a songMake it simple to lastYour whole life longDon"t worry that it"s notGood enough for anyoneElse to hearJust sing, sing a song.Just sing, sing a song.

Carpenters的《One Love》 歌词

歌曲名:One Love歌手:Carpenters专辑:Carpenters Perform CarpenterONE LOVE歌词by岚の某小夕伝えたくて 伝わらなくて时には素直になれずに泣いた季节を越えた仆らは今とても辉いてるよそれぞれ描く幸せの形は重なり今大きな爱になるずっと二人で生きてゆこう百年先も爱を誓うよ君は仆のすべてさ信じている ただ信じてる同じ时を刻む人へどんな君も どんな仆でも一つ一つが爱しい君がいれば 何もいらないきっと幸せにするから雨の中で君を待ってたやさしさの意味さえ知らずすれ违いに伤ついた夜それでもここまで来たんだかけがえのない出会いは奇迹をつないでく思い出重なり合う始まりの歌 名に响いてどんな时も支えてくれた笑い泣いた仲间へ心込めてただ一つだけ送る言叶は ありがとう百年先も爱を誓うよ君は仆のすべてさ爱している ただ爱してる同じ明日约束しよう世界中にただ一人だけ仆は君を选んだ君といればどんな未来もずっと辉いているからla............

Carpenters的《Someday》 歌词

歌名:Someday演唱:Carpenters词曲:John Bettis & Richard Carpenter所属专辑:Ticket to Ride发行时间:1969-10-09发行公司:A&M英文歌词:Someday rested from hours of sleepingWe"ll stay safely behind what we"re keepingYou"ll seem warmer than I had remembered youLying so close I"ll be able to feel you breatheI could never leaveOne day when I am able to love youI"ll come back from wherever I"ve been toI"ll see you looking the same as you always haveLovely so lovely I"ll cling to the love you giveSo I"ll start to liveSomeday is comingIf I believe itSomeday always brings the good life you knewEver back to youHow I need youSomeday all I can give you is somedaySomeday all I can offer is somedayPlease say that you"ll be waiting when someday comesPromise me this and a kiss to keep what you areAlways close to meHow I need youSomeday all I can give you is somedaySomeday all I can offer is somedayPlease say that you"ll be waiting when someday comesPromise me this and a kiss to keep what you areAlways close to me someday

Carpenters的《Sing》 歌词

歌曲名:Sing歌手:Carpenters专辑:Interpretations: A Carpenters 25Th Anniversary AlbumSingCarpentersSing, sing a songSing out loudSing out strongSing of good things not badSing of happy not sad.Sing, sing a songMake it simple to lastYour whole life longDon"t worry that it"s notGood enough for anyoneElse to hearJust sing, sing a song.Sing, sing a songLet the world sing alongSing of love there could beSing for you and for me.Sing, sing a songMake it simple to lastYour whole life longDon"t worry that it"s notGood enough for anyoneElse to hearJust sing, sing a song.Just sing, sing a song.
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