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是。 “no zuo no die”意思是“不作不死”。通常来告诫那些常常“作妖”,行为出格的朋友。“no zuo no die” 早就就被成功录入美国在线俚语词典Urban Dictionary(城市词典)中了,


no zuo no die:不作死就不会死。No zuo no die网络流行语,意为没事找事,结果倒霉,广泛流行于各大社区、论坛甚至主流媒体,被编入美国网络俚语词典。No:英语,“不”;zuo:拼音,“作”;die:英语,“死”拓展资料不作死就不会死此种说法最早来源于江浙一代的通泰方言,此地的百姓对于别人胡搅蛮缠、惹是生非的行为称为作死,念法为zuō sǐ。作,通泰方言及吴方言意为:无端生事,没事找事犯。


中式英语,正确是no job no die字面解析“不做不死”,起源于90年代中期广东,后面一句who job who die“谁做谁死”,是很负面。意思指工作中“不做就不会犯错,谁做谁背锅”。人只要工作总会犯错,工作做了却被人指责挑毛病负责任受处分,不工作的人却没过失受表彰。面对这极具讽刺现象,当时广东90年代刚出来工作的人借鉴了时下港式英语创作出来的情绪发泄英语,讽刺当时职场中盛行的不良风气。后来这中式英语流行甚广,那些所谓的语言专家说是粤语“不作死不会死”纯粹是乱说,当时流行开的这种中式英语很多,懂粤语,了解当时港式文化就知道含义,都是很直白的字面意思。


这种词都是人体感觉相关的, 你一定要用温度来衡量么,那就没什么意义了 这些都是相对的 比如说,你发烧39°,大夫摸你的头,如果他手的温度本来就很高,那他觉得很温暖,如果他手温正常,那他觉得hot,这些都是相对的.不需要温度来衡量

求翻译一段话。 饺子(Jiaozi)是人们在中国新年及北方常年吃的主要食物之一。饺子的发音听起来与

Dumplings) is one of the main food of people in the Chinese New Year and the perennial eat. Dumpling sounds and the first notes of a similar name, so eat dumplings is thought to bring luck. Many famil

Mozart 莫扎特 -《安魂曲》(Requiem K.626)Celibidache, Munchner Philharmoniker是用什么语言唱的、??



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Umberto Tozzi的《Gloria》 歌词

歌曲名:Gloria歌手:Umberto Tozzi专辑:Seine Groessten Erfolge -Ti Amo「Gloria」作词

求假面骑士w AtoZ盖亚记忆体字母图片。全部就好

AAccel速度JJoker王牌SSkull骷髅 BBird鸟KKey钥匙TTrigger扳机 CCyclone疾风LLuna月神UUnicorn独角兽 DDummy虚拟MMetal合金VViolence暴力 EEternal永恒NNasca纳斯卡WWeather天气 FFang獠牙OOcean海洋XXtreme极限 GGene遗传因子PPuppeteer操偶师YYesterday昨日 HHeat炽热QQueen王后ZZone区域 IIceage冰河时代RRocket火箭极限为Extreme其中还未在TV中登场的有K,Q,R,U这个记忆体。 TV版现已完结,剩余记忆体将会在剧场版中全部出现。 望lz采纳 你是要w的还是Dopant的还是其他骑士的 干部的要不要

结合电影frozen写一篇英语对话true love,其中需要运用电影里的单词,短语,句子

冰雪奇缘经典台词 1.your power will only grow.你的魔力只会越来越强大 There is beauty in it...它会带来幸福 But also great danger.也会带来灾难 You must learn to control it.一定要学会掌控你的魔力 Fear will be your enemy.记住,恐惧是你的敌人 2.Open those gates so I may unlock your secrets打开大门,让我揭开你的秘密 and exploit your riches.榨干你的财富 3.But it"s only for today.u266a但是只有在今天 It"s only for today! It"s agony to wait.u266a-只有在今天! -跟痛苦说再见 4.Are you okay? - I"ve never been better.你还好吗? -我好得很呢! This is so nice.我今天好开心 I wish it could be like this all the time.真希望永远都能像今天一样 Me too...我也希望... 5.I"ve been searching my whole life to find my own place. 我也用我的一生寻找新天地 6.Why? Why do you shut me out?!不 为什么?为什么要把我拒之门外? Why do you shut the world out?!为什么要把自己和整个世界隔绝?! What are you so afraid of?!你到底在害怕什么? 7.It"s time to see what I can do,u266a现在开始放下一切 To test the limits and Break through.u266a挑战我的突破和极限 No right, No wrong, No rules for me...u266a没有规则,没有界限 I"m free!u266a自由的天地! 8.Please don"t shut me out again.u266a请别再把我拒之门外 Please don"t slam the door.u266a别再关上门 You don"t have to keep your distance anymore.u266a你不必和我保持距离 Cause for the first time in forever,u266a这是我生命里第一次 I finally understand.u266a终于懂你心 For the first time in forever, We can fix this hand in hand.u266a 这是我们两人第一次 姐妹同心渡难关 9.We can face this thing together...u266a我们一起携手面对.. 10.But only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart.但解救冰封的心,只能靠一个发自真爱的行动 11.Don"t let them in don"t let them seeu266a-别让人知道 别让人发现 I"m getting what I"m dreaming of.u266a多年梦想终实现 Be the good girl you always have to be.u266a-做个好女孩,就像你的从前 12.I"ll bring her back, And I"ll make this right.我会带她回来 把一切恢复原样 13.I don"t want you getting hurt.我不能让你受伤 She"s my sister,她是我的姐姐 She would never hurt me.她永远不会伤害我 14.Do you understand?懂我的意思吗? So how exactly are you planning to stop this weather? 你有什么具体的计划来结束这个冬天吗? 15.he whole thing will be fixed!u266a问题全部解决了 We aren"t saying you can change him.u266a我不是要你改变他 Cause people don"t really change.u266a人的天性改不掉 We"re only saying that love"s a force.u266a我只是说爱的力量 That"s powerful and strange.u266a强大又奇妙 People make bad choices if they"reu266a压力 恐惧 疯狂 mad or scared or stressed.u266a会冲昏你的头脑 But throw a little love their way...u266a当你让爱情生效

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KOZO KEIKAKU ENGINEERING INC;构造计画研究所商标总申请量1件其中已成功注册0件,有1件正在申请中,无效注册0件,0件在售中。经八戒知识产权统计,KOZO KEIKAKU ENGINEERING INC;构造计画研究所还可以注册以下商标分类:第1类(化学制剂、肥料)第2类(颜料油漆、染料、防腐制品)第3类(日化用品、洗护、香料)第4类(能源、燃料、油脂)第5类(药品、卫生用品、营养品)第6类(金属制品、金属建材、金属材料)第7类(机械设备、马达、传动)第8类(手动器具(小型)、餐具、冷兵器)第9类(科学仪器、电子产品、安防设备)第10类(医疗器械、医疗用品、成人用品)第11类(照明洁具、冷热设备、消毒净化)第12类(运输工具、运载工具零部件)第13类(军火、烟火、个人防护喷雾)第14类(珠宝、贵金属、钟表)第15类(乐器、乐器辅助用品及配件)第16类(纸品、办公用品、文具教具)第17类(橡胶制品、绝缘隔热隔音材料)第18类(箱包、皮革皮具、伞具)第19类(非金属建筑材料)第20类(家具、家具部件、软垫)第21类(厨房器具、家用器皿、洗护用具)第22类(绳缆、遮蓬、袋子)第23类(纱、线、丝)第24类(纺织品、床上用品、毛巾)第25类(服装、鞋帽、袜子手套)第26类(饰品、假发、纽扣拉链)第27类(地毯、席垫、墙纸)第28类(玩具、体育健身器材、钓具)第29类(熟食、肉蛋奶、食用油)第30类(面点、调味品、饮品)第31类(生鲜、动植物、饲料种子)第32类(啤酒、不含酒精的饮料)第33类(酒、含酒精饮料)第34类(烟草、烟具)第35类(广告、商业管理、市场营销)第36类(金融事务、不动产管理、典当担保)第37类(建筑、室内装修、维修维护)第38类(电信、通讯服务)第39类(运输仓储、能源分配、旅行服务)第40类(材料加工、印刷、污物处理)第41类(教育培训、文体活动、娱乐服务)第43类(餐饮住宿、养老托儿、动物食宿)第44类(医疗、美容、园艺)第45类(安保法律、婚礼家政、社会服务)



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求norther的Frozen Angel的歌词 中文翻译

  I used to be in love with you  You are the only one that I loved mentally  truely and deeply  I used to trust you with all my heart  blindly and surely  I thought that we can always be  together  I thought that we"ll always have each  other  I pray。。。  Pray for these all the time  But those simple wishes never come  true  Why you hurt me so deep  Why you make me weep  Can"t you see how much you mean to me  Can"t you feel that I loved you so much  You said that you"ll never betray me  You promised that you"ll always protect me  My beloved,  Why you lie to me  How can I live without you……  Endless tears are falling  Cold as frozen sea  If angel really exisit  Even they will cry for me  I"m sad and tired  I can"t feel anymore  But when I close my eyes  You are still there,smiling。。。  翻译:  (我曾经爱过你)  (你是我心中唯一所爱)  (真实并且深刻)  (我曾经全心信任你)  (盲目并且坚定)  (我曾以为我们可以永远在一起)  (我曾以为我们可以拥有彼此)  (我祈祷)  (不停的祈祷)  (可简单的愿望却从未实现)  (为什么伤我如此的深)  (为什么让我流泪)  (难道你不懂你对我有多重要)  (难道你感觉不到我深爱着你)  (你说过决不背叛我)  (你说过永远都保护我)  (我的爱)  (可是为什么要欺骗我)  (失去你我要如何活下去)  (无尽的泪流下)  (冷的如结冰的海)  (如果真的有天使的存在)  (那么它们也会为我落泪吧)  (我悲伤而且累了)  (我无法再去感觉任何事情)  (可是当我闭上眼睛)  (你仍然在,微笑着)


bam good prk fine thim mv ,后面的不知道

http://www.aipai.com/c10/OzY_IykiKmgnai4s.html 知道的说下。。。

The Day You Went Away -- M2M

http://www.aipai.com/c10/OzY3ISArJGgnai4v.html这个视频里的哥到底叫什么 怎么找不到

掘江由衣 ――Coloring 望采纳

http://www.aipai.com/c10/OzY2IScmK2gnai8o.html#comment_area2 这个开场的歌是什么

i want my tears back -- nightwishhttp://www.tudou.com/programs/view/eWtsxycfpP4 试听




CozySteps是美国的品牌。它是业界公认的舒适鞋履专家,还拥有历史悠久的高档皮革生产线。它优选高品质皮料,还秉承“舒适、简约、自由、科技”的设计理念,这也为全球消费者提供舒适、精致的品质鞋履。1994年,它在美国加州成立,不过它最先采用的是用手工工艺制作的传统澳洲羊皮靴。它旗下产品包括:生活休闲系列、正装休闲系列、运动休闲系列、雪地靴系列、以及皮包、服饰配饰系列等。COZY STEPS在设计鞋款时,最先注重舒适。它不仅采用高品质动物皮革,还采用全球先进的一体成型制鞋工艺,这可以让鞋面与鞋底无缝融合,瞬间合脚,舒适非凡。2009年,COZY STEPS进入中国市场,还创建了独一无二的“C+O+Z”舒适鞋履生产制造工艺体系。它把最时尚的设计理念带入中国,并根据亚洲人的脚部特征与文化背景在设计中附加了多元的亚洲元素,而“FEEL,FREE自有感受”这句广告语也在亚洲市场得到了更好的诠释。不仅如此,OZY STEPS还率先自我革新。2015年,它将“舒适的都市”设计理念融入店铺形象设计中,并最终确立了以黄、黑、白三色为品牌主色,这也打造了舒适而极具现代感的视觉销售系统。






CozySteps是美国的品牌。它是业界公认的舒适鞋履专家,还拥有历史悠久的高档皮革生产线。它优选高品质皮料,还秉承“舒适、简约、自由、科技”的设计理念,这也为全球消费者提供舒适、精致的品质鞋履。1994年,它在美国加州成立,不过它最先采用的是用手工工艺制作的传统澳洲羊皮靴。它旗下产品包括:生活休闲系列、正装休闲系列、运动休闲系列、雪地靴系列、以及皮包、服饰配饰系列等。COZY STEPS在设计鞋款时,最先注重舒适。它不仅采用高品质动物皮革,还采用全球先进的一体成型制鞋工艺,这可以让鞋面与鞋底无缝融合,瞬间合脚,舒适非凡。2009年,COZY STEPS进入中国市场,还创建了独一无二的“C+O+Z”舒适鞋履生产制造工艺体系。它把最时尚的设计理念带入中国,并根据亚洲人的脚部特征与文化背景在设计中附加了多元的亚洲元素,而“FEEL,FREE自有感受”这句广告语也在亚洲市场得到了更好的诠释。不仅如此,OZY STEPS还率先自我革新。2015年,它将“舒适的都市”设计理念融入店铺形象设计中,并最终确立了以黄、黑、白三色为品牌主色,这也打造了舒适而极具现代感的视觉销售系统。




这道题的关键在于二倍体I+P-O+Z+Y+/I-P+O+Z+,一条染色体上是I与P结合、OZY结合,另一条上是POZ结合,I是分开的。看懂了这个,这题就解决了。当乳糖存在的情况下,会启动乳糖操纵子,但是由于一条链上I与P结合,所以此链上的表达被阻遏了,因此只会产生Z半乳糖苷酶,不产生Y透性酶。乳糖不存在时,根本不会启动乳糖操纵子,因此这道题只能选A。 不知道你理解了没?不理解可以问我哦~^.^


organise 英["u0254:gu0259nau026az] 美["u0254:gu0259nau026az] vt. 组织; 安排; 筹备; [例句]We can organise car rental from Chicago O"Hare Airport.我们可以安排提供从芝加哥奥黑尔机场出发的租车服务。





ozy is in the possession of you

ozy is in the possession of you 全部释义和例句>> Ozy在你身possession 英[pu0259u02c8zeu0283n]美[pu0259u02c8zu025bu0283u0259n]n. 有,所有,拥有; 领地; 财产,所有权,占有物,所有物; 持有违禁物;[例句]Those documents are now in the possession of the Guardian那些文件目前在《卫报》手里。[其他] 复数:possessions

谁知道这样的错误信息怎么处理? 网页错误详细信息 用户代理: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Window


Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; QQDownload 1.7)


求V+OSTERproject音乐剧【Music Wizard of OZ】歌词及罗马音 感激不尽; ;

Music Wizard of OZMusic Wizard of OZ(奥兹国的音乐魔法师)作词:OSTER projectu30fbYip Harburg(エンディングテーマ「Somewhere over the rainbow」部分)作曲:OSTER projectu30fbHarold Arlen(エンディングテーマ「Somewhere over the rainbow」部分)编曲:OSTER project呗:初音ミクAppendu30fbKAITO V3u30fb巡音ルカu30fb镜音リンAppendu30fb镜音レンAppendu30fbGUMI V3u30fbMEIKO


《The Wonderful Wizard of Oz》(L. Frank Baum)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ieE6Jzx80RPquAYFNRq8Xw 密码:br6z书名:The Wonderful Wizard of Oz作者:L. Frank Baum豆瓣评分:9.0出版社:Signet Classics出版年份:2006-10-3页数:240内容简介:在线阅读本书Book DescriptionEveryone"s favorite farm girl finds herself on a strange odyssey with three new friends in this trip down Memory Lane, via the Yellow Brick Road. Repackaged and revised reissue.Book Dimensionlength: (cm)17.8 width:(cm)10.8作者简介:弗兰克·鲍姆(1856-1919),美国著名作家,“美国童话之父”。《绿野仙踪》是他的代表作。



《Rinkitinkin Oz》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Rinkitink in Oz》(L. Frank Baum)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1VHInCsbiV3Z3_khmfVKRKw 提取码: 7fbj书名:Rinkitink in Oz作者:L. Frank Baum出版社:HarperCollins出版年份:1998-04-24页数:352内容简介:Meet Rinkitink--a kindhearted king who"s as fat and jolly as old Saint Nick himself! When the jovial monarch sails for a visit to the island kingdom of Pingaree, he and his talking goat, Bilbil, are welcomed with open arms. Before long, Rinkitink"s lighthearted ways and merry songs endear him to the king and queen of Pingaree, as well as to their son, Prince Inga.</P>But when the peaceful isle is invaded by fierce warriors, everyone from the rulers to the smallest child is taken off in chains. Only Prince Inga, Rinkitink, and Bilbil escape the conquerors. And so the three friends set out--aided by the magical Pearls of Pingaree--to rescue the prince"s people.</P>Their perilous quest takes them across the vast Nonestic Ocean to the terrible islands of Regos and Coregos to the dark underground domains of the Nome King. Victories are followed by setbacks, which are in turn followed by strokes of good fortune. Just when it seems our friends have met their match in the clever Nome King, Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz arrive to lend a hand.</P>First published in 1916, this handsome new edition of a much-loved classic features all twelve of John R. Neill"s original color plates as well as his nearly one hundred black-and-white drawings.</P>Thrilling tale of adventure from a master storyteller, Rinkitink in Oz is sure to enjoyed by Oz fans far and wide and by all who delight in tales of enchantment and adventure.</P>When the king and queen are kidnapped and their country enslaved, it"s up to the handsome young prince and his friends to save the day. But to defeat such foes as the Chuggenmugger-a beast so ferocious it devours dragons-even the prince must receive help from Dorothy, the Wizard, and their Oz companions. With all twelve of the original full-color plates, this handsome new edition of a beloved classic is sure to be enjoyed by all.


《The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz》(L. , Frank , L. Baum)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/13gT6qW5bzlUO-cdtgnEYxQ 提取码:yczy书名:The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz作者:L. , Frank , L. Baum豆瓣评分:8.4出版社:1st World Library - Literary Society出版年份:2005-05-15页数:180内容简介:Folklore, legends, myths and fairy tales have followed childhood through the ages, for every healthy youngster has a wholesome and instinctive love for stories fantastic, marvelous and manifestly unreal. The winged fairies of Grimm and Andersen have brought more happiness to childish hearts than all other human creations. Yet the old time fairy tale, having served for generations, may now be classed as "historical" in the children"s library; for the time has come for a series of newer "wonder tales" in which the stereotyped genie, dwarf and fairy are eliminated, together with all the horrible and blood-curdling incidents devised by their authors to point a fearsome moral to each tale. Modern education includes morality; therefore the modern child seeks only entertainment in its wonder tales and gladly dispenses with all disagreeable incident.作者简介:弗兰克·鲍姆(1856-1919),美国著名作家,“美国童话之父”。《绿野仙踪》是他的代表作。

《The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz》(L. , Frank , L. Baum)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1MHVZekxjDjKOrwe-dqv3kw 提取码: duvq书名:The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz作者:L. , Frank , L. Baum豆瓣评分:8.4出版社:1st World Library - Literary Society出版年份:2005-05-15页数:180内容简介:Folklore, legends, myths and fairy tales have followed childhood through the ages, for every healthy youngster has a wholesome and instinctive love for stories fantastic, marvelous and manifestly unreal. The winged fairies of Grimm and Andersen have brought more happiness to childish hearts than all other human creations. Yet the old time fairy tale, having served for generations, may now be classed as "historical" in the children"s library; for the time has come for a series of newer "wonder tales" in which the stereotyped genie, dwarf and fairy are eliminated, together with all the horrible and blood-curdling incidents devised by their authors to point a fearsome moral to each tale. Modern education includes morality; therefore the modern child seeks only entertainment in its wonder tales and gladly dispenses with all disagreeable incident.作者简介:弗兰克·鲍姆(1856-1919),美国著名作家,“美国童话之父”。《绿野仙踪》是他的代表作。


wizard of oz绿野仙踪百科释义《Wizard of Oz》是2011-年出版的图书,作者是Baum, L. Frank。例句:1.How can you seriously overlook the tin man from the wizard of oz? 你们怎么居然漏掉了《绿野仙踪》里的铁皮人(tin man)?

电影wizard of oz的英文简介,比如导演演员的英文名

绿野仙踪 Wizard of Oz (1925) 导 演: ( Larry Semon ) 主 演: ( Larry Semon) ( Dorothy Dwan) ( Mary Carr) ( Charles Murray) ( Bryant Washburn) ( Virginia Pearson) 上 映: 1925年04月13日 地 区: 美国 颜 色: 黑白 声 音: 无声(Silent) 时 长: 83 分钟 类 型: 喜剧 家庭 奇幻 冒险 剧情介绍:根据同名童话改编的经典儿童音乐电影。小女孩桃乐丝因为与收养她的婶婶顶嘴,独自外出,结果被龙卷风刮到一个鲜花盛开的小人国。在仙女和人们的帮助下,她沿着黄砖路到绿水晶城去找大魔法师寻找回家的办法。路上,她遇见了稻草人、锡皮人和胆小的狮子。稻草人想找魔法师要头脑、锡皮人想要一颗心、胆小的狮子想要胆,于是他们结伴而行。一路上他们战胜了女巫婆的阻挠,终于来到水晶城。但他们发现法力无边的魔法师不过是一个同样被龙卷风刮来的魔术师,根本没有什么法力。正当他们失望的时候,魔术师却用意想不到的方法使他们一一实现了愿望。桃乐丝终于回到了婶婶和叔叔们身边。英文剧情介绍:A Toymaker tells a bizarre story about how the Land of Oz was ruled by Prince Kynd, but he was overthrown by Prime Minister Kruel. Dorothy learns from Aunt Em that fat, cruel Uncle Henry is not her uncle, and gives her a note due on her eighteenth birthday, which reveals she is actually Princess Dorothea of Oz, and is supposed to marry Prince Kynd. She, Uncle Henry , and two farmhands are swept to Oz by a tornado. Snowball, a black farmhand soon joins them after a lightning bolt chases him into the sky. They land in Oz, where the farmhands try to avoid capture. Semon becomes a scarecrow, Hardy briefly disguises himself as a Tin Woodman, and Snowball is given a Lion suit by the Wizard, which he uses to scare the Pumperdink guards.

L.FRANK BAUM哒英文简介及the wizard of oz哒写作背景````

(L.Frank Baum) writer, "Green Wild Immortal Trace" the author,a creation peach happy silk jiao, the work has "Small Wood Person","Timid Lion And Scarecrow".绿野仙踪 主演: 弗兰克·摩根 雷·伯格 裘蒂·迦伦 导演: 维克托·弗莱明 地区: 美国 配音/语种: 英语 发行时间 1939 电影简介: 根据同名童话改编的经典儿童音乐电影。小女孩桃乐丝因为与收养她的婶婶顶嘴,独自外出,结果被龙卷风刮到一个鲜花盛开的小人国。在仙女和人们的帮助下,她沿着黄砖路到绿水晶城去找大魔法师寻找回家的办法。路上,她遇见了稻草人、锡皮人和胆小的狮子。稻草人想找魔法师要头脑、锡皮人想要一颗心、胆小的狮子想要胆,于是他们结伴而行。一路上他们战胜了女巫婆的阻挠,终于来到水晶城。但他们发现法力无边的魔法师不过是一个同样被龙卷风刮来的魔术师,根本没有什么法力。正当他们失望的时候,魔术师却用意想不到的方法使他们一一实现了愿望。桃乐丝终于回到了婶婶和叔叔们身边。 本片由《飘》Gone with the Wind (1939)的导演制作, 情节动人,旋律优美,意义深远。其主题曲“彩虹曲”(Over the Rainbow)多年来传唱不休。在第12届奥斯卡颁奖典礼中,这部电影获得了最佳原创音乐和最佳歌曲奖。《绿野仙踪》在开始时是黑白片,在小女孩进入梦境后变成了彩色画面,并配上“飞越彩虹”(Over the Rainbow)的音乐,让许多人留下童年璀璨的回忆。这首由哈罗德.阿伦(Harold Arlen)作曲的歌曲融合了流行音乐和美洲黑人音乐的风格,在片中由朱迪.加兰演唱,曾在排行榜首位达七周之久。此后还多次被人翻唱,被誉为最成功的电影歌曲之一。1990年3月举行的第62届奥斯卡颁奖典上,当著名歌星黛安娜.罗丝(Diana Ross)上台演唱这首半个世纪以前诞生的电影歌曲时,台下所有来宾——白发苍苍的老艺术家和初出茅庐的新秀们竟同声高唱,场面极为感人。而近六十年后,吴宇森在他导演的动作巨片《变脸》之中再次引用这首经典歌曲,则使这首长青曲获得不少新一代的歌迷。 1939年,《绿野仙踪》差一点击败《乱世佳人》成为奥斯卡最佳影片奖得主,尽管它仅仅是一部童话歌舞片。即使是在六十多年后的二十一世纪,它仍是公认的最佳儿童影片。影片讲述农家女多罗西误入迷幻仙境,为了寻找归家的路,她在铁皮人、稻草人和懦弱狮子陪伴下,战胜种种艰难险阻,终于回到了简陋但却温暖的家里。全片极富想像力和活力,随处都是神奇有趣的童话角色和欢快的歌舞场面(不知道《千与千寻》的情节安排是否从中获得过灵感?),是一部老少咸宜的轻松作品。由该片主演著名童星朱蒂·迦伦(Judy Garland)演唱的主题歌《跨越彩虹》曾获奥斯卡 标签: 电影 影视 奇幻 多罗西

the wonderful wizard of oz中的oz是什么意思?


咩系wizard of oz

The Wizard of Oz is a 1939 American musical-fantasy film mainly directed by Victor Fleming and based on the 1900 children"s novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum.[1] The film features Judy Garland as Dorothy Gale, Ray Bolger as the Scarecrow, Jack Haley as the Tin Man, Bert Lahr as the Cowardly Lion, Billie Burke as Glinda the Good Witch of the North, Margaret Hamilton as the Wicked Witch of the West, and Frank Man as the Wizard. The film follows schoolgirl Dorothy Gale who lives on a Kas farm with her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry, but dreams of a better place "somewhere over the rainbow." After being struck unconscious during a tornado by a piece of broken window, Dorothy dreams that she, her dog Toto, and the farmhouse are trported to the magical Land of Oz. There, the Good Witch of the North Glinda advises Dorothy to follow the yellow brick road to Emerald City and meet the Wizard of Oz, who can return her to Kas. During her journey, she meets a Scarecrow, Tin Man and a Cowardly Lion, who join her, hoping to receive what they lack themselves (a brain, a heart, and courage, respectively), all of this is done while also trying to avoid the many plots of the Wicked Witch of the West, in her attempt to get the ruby slippers that Dorothy received from the squashed Wicked Witch of the East. Initially, The Wizard of Oz was not considered a mercial success in relation to its enormous budget, although it made a *** all profit and received largely favorable reviews. What impact it had upon release was reportedly responsible for the release of o other fantasy films in Technicolor the following year - The Blue Bird and The Thief of Bagdad. The songs from The Wizard of Oz became widely popular, with "Over the Rainbow" receiving the Academy Award for Best Original Song, and the film itself garnering several Academy Award nominations, including Best Picture.,参考: en. *** /wiki/The_Wizard_of_Oz_(1939_film),wizard of oz 姐系 绿野仙踪牙 系一个故事黎嫁 《绿野仙踪》是美国的一系列童话故事,环绕奥兹国的历史,由《奥兹国的魔法师》开始。有时它亦专指《奥兹国的魔法师》这本书。有人以「奥兹国童话」、「奥兹系列」等名称来称呼这系列的故事。 首14本由《奥兹国的魔法师》的原作者李曼·法兰克·鲍姆写,在他逝世后,Ruth Plumly Thompson继续这系列的故事,再连同其他作家的七本,视为这个经典故事的原版故事,合称「Famous Forty」。 除了这40多本之外,其他作家亦有写作有关奥兹国的故事,如前苏联作家亚历山大·M·沃尔科夫。 在台湾,这系列故事的译本主要来自水牛出版社。,绿野仙踪 有桃乐丝(DOROTHY)、稻草人(SCARECROW)、 锡铁人(TIN MAN)同狮子,参考: solar-i/oz/,

为什么绿野仙踪叫The Wizard of Oz?

先猜想Oz的意思:1.Oz是巫师的名字 2.An unreal, magical, often bizarre place:一不真实的、神奇的、经常是稀奇古怪的地方:源自奇妙之地 Oz,弗兰克·巴姆所创作的 绿野仙踪和其它小说3.是绿野仙踪作者虚构的一个奇幻世界的名字4.奥兹国 就是桃乐丝被龙卷风刮去的那个地方 所以 The Wizard of Oz的意思是"奥兹国的男巫师"而中文名字叫"绿野仙踪"大概是按故事的内容翻译并不是按愿标题直译的也可能 旧式章回小说有一部就叫《绿野仙踪》,是修仙鬼怪类的,清代李百川著。The Wizard of Oz译为绿野仙踪,是考虑到奇幻童话式的的剧情与这本小说相似,同时也更为中国读者熟悉。

绿野仙踪/The Wizard of Oz英文名中的Oz是什么意思

An unreal, magical, often bizarre place:一不真实的、神奇的、经常是稀奇古怪的地方:源自奇妙之地 Oz,弗兰克·巴姆所创作的 绿野仙踪和其它小说jingruidiyibabaiban

the wizard of oz是什么意思

The wizard of oz 意思是绿野化踪。

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frozen fever 里 making today a perfect a day 的歌词

Making Today A Perfect Day|Idina MenzelElsa: You"ve never had a real birthday beforeExcept, of course, the ones just spent outside my locked doorSo I"m here way too late to help you celebrateAnd be your birthday date if I may...Achoo!Anna: Elsa, I"m thinking you might have a coldElsa: I don"t get colds. Besides...A cold never bothered me anywayJust follow the string!I"ve got big plans, I"ve got surprises for todayNothing but nothing"s gonna get in our wayI"ve worked for weeks, planned everything within my powerI even got Kristoff and Sven to take a showerIf someone wants to hold me backI"d like to see them tryI"m on the birthday plan attackI"m giving you the sun, the moon, and the skyI"m making today a perfect day for youI"m making today a blast if it"s the last thing I doFor everything you are to me and all you"ve been throughI"m making today a perfect day for youAchoo! Achoo!Anna: They come in threes!Elsa: I"m fine...achoo!Surprise, surprise this one especially...achoo!Anna: Wow! You"ve got me reeling, but I"m still concerned for youI think it"s time that you go home and get some restElsa: We are not stopping cause the next one is the best...ah...achoo!Anna: Elsa, you gotta go lie downElsa: No way, we have to paint the townAnna: But you need medical attentionOaken: Are you sick? How "bout a cold remedyOf my own inventionElsa: No thanksAnna: We"ll take itChildren"s Chorus: We"re making today a perfect day for youElsa: Making today a special dayChildren"s Chorus: We"re singing a birthday song to make your wishes come trueElsa: Wishes come trueChildren"s Chorus: We love Princess AnnaElsa: And I love you tooChildren"s Chorus: So we"re making today a perfect day...in every wayYes we are making today a perfect day(Instrumental)Elsa: Come on! Now we climb!Anna: Elsa that"s too much. You need to rest!Elsa: No...we need to get to our birthday chills...I mean thrills!Making dreamsMaking plansGo go go go!Follow the string to the endYou are my very best friendAnna: Elsa?!Elsa: What? I"m fineWe"re gonna climbWe"re gonna singFollow the stringTo the thingHappy happy happyMerry merry merryHap...birth...hap...birthday!Anna: Woah! Elsa, look at you. You"ve got a fever. You"re burning up!All right, we can"t go on like thisLet"s put this day on holdCome on, admit it to yourselfElsa: Okay...I have a coldI"m sorry Anna. I just wanted to give you one perfect birthday, but I ruined it. AgainAnna: You didn"t ruin anything. Let"s just get you to bedEveryone: Surprise!Anna: Wow!Elsa: Wow...Chorus: We"re making today a perfect day for youWe"re making today a smiley face all shiny and newKristoff: There"s a fine line between chaosOlaf: And a hullabalooChorus: So we"re making today a perfect dayWe"re making today a perfect dayA! N! N! A!We"re making today a perfect day for youKristoff: Happy birthdayChorus: Making today a happy day and no feeling blueKristoff: I love you baby!Chorus: For everything you are to usAnd all that you doKristoff: I doChorus: We"re making today a perfect dayMaking today a perfect dayWe"re making today a perfect dayElsa: Perfect dayAnna: Okay, to bed with you.Elsa: No, wait! Wait! All that"s left to do is for the queen to blow the birthday bugle horn!Anna: Oh, no no no no no no no...Elsa: ACHOO!Anna: Best birthday present everElsa: Which one?Anna: You letting me take care of youElsa: Achoo!

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这个视频55分52秒CHOZIN跳得是:Busta Rhyme & Funkmaster Flex & M.O.P & Remy Martin & Tephlon - Ante Up 视频:http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/1GfVgr7PQFQ/歌词:[Busta Ryhmes] Attention please, attention please!!This shit here feels like a whole entire WORLD collapsed!Motherfuckerrrrrrrrrr! Yeah, yeah, yeah (yeah) yeah!Yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah)Buck (buck) buck (buck) buck (buck) buck (buck) buckBusta Rhymes now, M.O.P. nowWhat you want now? (What you want now?)What you want now? (What you want now?)What you want now? (What you want now?)What you want now?(What you want want want want want want BUCK BUCK)ANTE UP!! No, cut that fool!They want to act stupid gun-butt that foolWhen I cock that tool, nigga run your damn jewels"fore we fuck around and lay you up inyour own blood pool, niggaHunt you down nigga, run your ass downUnleash the hounds til them niggaz"llgun your ass down (STOP IT)You frontin like this was a thing of the pastWith tattoos over the scars a nigga left on your ass!My niggaz think lopsided, bust they gat cross-sidedIn the subways they rob trains runnin along-side it!(BUCK BUCK) See motherfucker we don"t play with that shitAnd if you want your shit back youhad to PAY for that shit!You little costume niggaz, Romper-Room niggazGet you in the night or early in the afternoon niggazWe takin your whole shit WHILE WE PASS THROUGHEven the shirt off your back, nigga RUN THAT TOO[Remy Martin] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahI catch you backstage, give me the keys to the EscaladeYou think you cute hoe? Take off them Gucci shadesI get my dogs to do you dirty, they all seven-thirtyRock a ski-mask, whether it"s June or FebruaryI take your show money (OHH!) take your "dro money (OHH!)Yo yap that fool, cause I don"t know money!For my peeps that hate slow money; Iput them in the industryso they can come and take - all your money*brief sample of "It"s So Hard"* [ Find more Lyrics on www.mp3lyrics.org/Wng ]Wish I could bring Pun back(BLAOW!) Bitch, run that!*beat returns to "Ante Up* (BLAOW!) Bitch, run that! (BLAOW!) Bitch, run that!So keep actin like you don"t know where the funds atAnd I"ma show y"all motherfuckers where the guns atANTE UP!! Yo yap that bitchShe try to spaz out then smack that bitchHoe you don"t be rhymin, you still memorizinRemy want them God damn diamonds (HUH!!!)[Chorus: M.O.P.] ANTE UP!! Yap that fool!ANTE UP!! Kidnap that fool!It"s the perfect timin, you see the man shininGet up off them God damn diamonds (HUH!!!)ANTE UP!! Yap that fool!ANTE UP!! Kidnap that fool!Get him (get him) get him, hit him (hit him) hit himYap him (ZAP HIM) yap him (ZAP HIM)[M.O.P.] ANTE UP!! Yap that fool![Tef"] Fuck hip-hop, rip pockets, snatch jewels![M.O.P.] ANTE UP!![Tephlon] What? My whole family suckRun up yo" stash house, tie granny upMake you strip butt-nakedYoung buck got struck with the gun butt (for what?)For tryin to tuck the necklaceI"m young hungry armed and recklessOn the streets with a death wishDon"t hide when you see me, I"m on the guestlist[M.O.P.] ANTE UP!![Lil" Fame] Show no mercy; B.K., nigga, thirsty thirstyWe bang hollows, you misrepresentinthe game motherfucker you lame and your chain hollowHit him (hit him) hit him, flash the techYap your chain, smash the lens in your specsListen.. it"s, Lil" Fame right?With that Brownsville mentality to Shanghai[Billy Danze] Hey yo I"m firin out a coppertop city, with a whole empireA clip full of blue-tips and a hand full of FIYAHH!Eat deep dirt nigga (YEP)It"s Berk" I put in work until it hurt nigga (STEP)Easy out the truck punk, "fore I leave your ass leakinI"ma bang til the springs in this thang start squeakinDie cocksucker, boom BAP boom BAPAight motherfucker, what"s wrong with you?




不作死就不会死,后面那个no wifi是搞笑来的吧


Don"t look for trouble.



nozuo nodie怎么读,求解













同为第三人称。あいつ语气非常随便若不注意场合用于长辈和上级必将产生严重后果。彼语气比あいつ客气一点且限指男性,虽然确实客气那么一点点,但是仍不应用于长辈和上级。换言之,在较郑重的场合不直接使用第三人称(也不直接使用第二人称),可使用"对方的姓+さん“这样的形式,或按照对方的身份进行称呼如"先生(教师医生律师)”“マスタ(老板)” ”お姉さん”。








不作死就不会死意即:不找死,就不会死。常带有“自讨苦吃”的意思。4月18日消息,网络热词“不作死就不会死”(no do no die)被写入了词典,但这个词典并不是中国的,而是美国在线俚语词典Urban Dictionary(城市词典)。且网民们更常用的是“no zuo no die”的不规范用法


是。 “no zuo no die”意思是“不作不死”。通常来告诫那些常常“作妖”,行为出格的朋友。“no zuo no die” 早就就被成功录入美国在线俚语词典Urban Dictionary(城市词典)中了,




why you try




不作死就不会死,你可以写开成 no zuo(作) no die(死)....


“no zuo no die”(不作死不会死)是一句网络流行语,意思是如果你不做一些危险或者冒险的事情,就不会面临危险或者失败的风险。这句话通常用于调侃那些爱冒险或者不自量力的人,警示他们不要过度冒险或者挑战自己的极限。虽然这句话有一定的幽默性和调侃意味,但是它并不鼓励人们去冒险或者做出危险的行为,我们应该尊重生命和安全,对于任何事情都应该慎重考虑和谨慎行事。


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