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c++ requires a type specifier for all declarations


投稿时什么是declarations section



declarations英[u02ccdeklu0259"reu026au0283u0259nz]美[u02ccdeklu0259"reu026au0283u0259nz]n. 宣言; 宣布( declaration的名词复数 ); 申报(单); 申诉;[例句]So far we have had ringing declarations, but only limited action.目前,我们已经发表了一些有力的声明,但只采取了有限的行动。

average 10tons of coal

B. are exploited 每一年 所以用一般进行时即可 还有就是被动语句 被开采 B were 去年 用过去式 主语是10000吨 用复数

Three million tons of coal is exploited every year in the city,为什么用is不是应该用are

原因:coal煤炭是不可数名词,所以用单数形式is.前面的tons是修饰煤炭的. 例:There million litres of gas is used for this company.

6. Three million tons of coal ______ every year in the city.

我认为对 这个城市每年有三百万吨煤被开采。这里三百万吨是复数。

6.Three million tons of coal ______ every year in the city.

Three million tons of coal ______ every year in the city. A.is exploited B.are exploited C.had exploitedx05 D.have exploited 答案:B 解析:coal用ton量词来修饰,Three million tons 为复数,所以谓语动词为复数. 中文:在这座城市每年都会开发出三百万吨煤.

Three million tons of coal ___ exploited every year.A is B are


three tons of water

要明白coal是不可数名词,同样的词还有water,milk,advice,wine等等 但如果用可数量词来修饰如 two bottles of water(2瓶水),five cups of milk(5杯奶),3 pieces of advice(3条建议),则就变成可数了.因此答案是B are 课本常见例句:There are two bottles of water at the store. 再补充一个,上一例句中的提问句为:How much water is there at the store? 考试中常遇到.

英语主谓一致语法Three million tons of coal ______ every year in the city.

B. are exploited 每一年 所以用一般进行时即可 还有就是被动语句 被开采B were 去年 用过去式 主语是10000吨 用复数

Here are the seasons to be jolly 为话题展开的3分钟的英文对话


optics communications投稿系统中最后一步attach files怎么填啊?具体点,急

回答:投稿程序: 1、 选择合适的SCI期刊-Choose a journal。结合专业知识、2008或2007年度影响因子表和他人经验来综合选择要投递的期刊,并进入该期刊查询系统查询近年来的文章走向。 2、 下载Introduction for submission。只要到每个杂志的首页,打开submit paper一栏,点击Introduction查看或下载即可。 3、 稿件及其相关材料准备-Preparation:Manuscript.doc、Tables.doc、Figures.tiff(jpg等)、 Cover letter,有时还有Title page、Copyright agreement、Conflicts of interest等。 4、 网上投稿-Submit a manuscript:先到每个杂志的首页,打开submit paper一栏,先以通讯作者的身份register一个账号,然后以author login身份登录,按照提示依次完成:Select Article Type、Enter Title、Add/Edit/Remove Authors、Submit Abstract、Enter Keywords、Select Classifications、Enter Comments、Request Editor、Attach Files,最后下载pdf,查看无误后,即可到投稿主页approve submission或直接submit it。 5、 不定期关注稿件状态-Status:Submit New Manuscript、Submissions Sent Back to Author、Icomplete Submissions、Sbmissions Waiting for Author"s Approval、Submissions Being Processed、Submissions Needing Revision、Rvisions Sent Back to Author、Icomplete Submissions Being Revised、Risions Waiting for Author"s Approval、Revisions Being Processed、Declined Revisions。 6、 修回稿的投递-Submitted the revised manuscript:主要修改revised manuscript、response to the reviewers、cover letter,还有其他修改的相关材料。程序是进入投稿主页main menu,点击revise,仍然按照原先程序投递(近似于4),切记把修改的标题、摘要和回复信等内容要修改。最后上传附件时,先把留下来且未修改的材料前打钩(表示留下不变),然后点击next,再上传已经修改的材料(主要包括revised manuscript、response to the reviewers、cover letter等),最后下载pdf,查看无误后,即可到投稿主页approve submission或直接submit it。 7、 校样-Correct the proof:一般编辑部先寄出三个电子文档,包括Query、Proofs、p-annotate,有时也可能伴有纸质文档校样,如一次J pineal research。校样后通过E-mail寄出即可。 8、 版权协议-Copyright agreement和利益冲突-Conflicts of interest:一般首次投稿时就需要提供,但也有少数杂志是Accepted之后才需要提供。 前几天在沃登编辑网上看到的,他们有一期专题,做的就是SCI所有相关的问题,你可以参考一下。

请大家帮做一下这个关于consist of的选择题,我有点迷惑

consisit of 是由什么组成consisit on 是在于。。。取决于。。。

pros and cons是什么缩写

pros and cons 并不是单词缩写pros是pro的复数形式,译:n. 赞成者;赞成的意见cons是con的复数形式,译:n. 反对票;反对论经常会被翻译为:利与弊,赞成与反对,希望能够帮到你。

pros and cons是什么意思

pros and cons利弊双语对照词典结果:pros and consn.利弊; 正反两方面; 优缺点; 赞成和反对的理由; 例句:1.What are its pros and cons? 那么它有何利弊呢?.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮



medications 和medicine的区别

All the preparations for the project ______, we’re ready to start. A

没有having been done 的这种用法,completed表示一种已经完成的状态。

25.If you_____full preparations, the sports meeting wouldn’t have been so successful.

B本句考查虚拟语气,对【过去事件的假设】,条件句用过去完成时,主句用would/should/could/might have done

What preparations do you usually make before a journey?

What preparations do you usually make before a journey? A.hotel and flight booking B.budget C.travel guide D.luggage 正确答案:ABCD

be prepared to do sth 和 make preparations to do sth 是什么意思?

准备做某事 be prepared to do sth 做好准备去做某事 make preparations to do sth

liqmd pharmaceutical preparations

【答案】:liquid pharmaceutical preparations:液体制剂是指药物分散在适宜的分散介质中制成的可供内服或外用的液体形态的制剂。liquidpharmaceuticalpreparations:液体制剂是指药物分散在适宜的分散介质中制成的可供内服或外用的液体形态的制剂。

求大神帮忙写一篇大学英语作文~ what are the preparations should

It"s said that Chinese students lack working and real-life experience.So the first thing in my mind for job is one that can give me enough experience.Second,in order to make a warm-up for my future work,I want to get a job that relates to my major in university.Third,I want to improve my ability of communicating. So these are my goals in finding a job.Before I go to realise it,I should make full preparations for it.First of all,I will determine what I want to do.It comes to my mind to be a personal teacher. Because it meets all my expectations.I major English in school,so I can use what I learn.Besides,I can really find a stranger to talk to and to study with.If I did well,I should be thanked and give another person some help.Last but not least,being a personal teacher can get a good salary.

pharmaceutical preparations

【答案】:pharmaceutical preparations:药物制剂以某种剂型制成的具体药品称为药物制剂简称制剂。pharmaceuticalpreparations:药物制剂,以某种剂型制成的具体药品称为药物制剂,简称制剂。

make preparations for是什么意思

make preparations forv.为…准备; 例句:1."We have to make preparations for this," he added.2.Mr Cook will make preparations for the establishment of an ambassador in Pyongyang next year.

have preparations for对不对?

你是想表达:为…做准备。吗?有点小问题。应该用:make preparations forpreparations的谓语不能用have。望采纳~

make preparations for和in preparation for 区别是什么?请详细解释举例说明。谢谢!

make prepartions for 中的preparation 是准备工作的意思做复数,意思是做各种准备工作。in preparation for 表示的是为、、、做准备的一个状态或处境,故不用复数

party preparations 什么意思


shipping conditions ddp什么意思

SMARTRANSGROUP国际货代DDP[1] 英文全称Delivered Duty Paid(named place of destina-tion)。中文名称税后交货(……指定目的港)“完税后交货(……指定目的地)”是指卖方在指定的目的地,办理完进口清关手续,将在交货运输工具上尚未卸下的货物交与买方,完成交货。卖方必须承担将货物运至指定的目的地的一切风险和费用,包括在需要办理海关手续时在目的地应交纳的任何“税费”(包括办理海关手续的责任和风险,以及交纳手续费、关税、税款和其他费用)。EXW术语下卖方承担最小责任,而DDP术语下卖方承担最大责任。若卖方不能直接或间接地取得进口许可证,则不应使用此术语。但是,如当事方希望将任何进口时所要支付的一切费用(如增值税)从卖方的义务中排除,则应在销售合同中明确写明。 若当事方希望买方承担进口的风险和费用,则应使用DDU术语。该术语适用于各种运输方式,但当货物在目的港船上或码头交货时,应使用DAP术语。

prepation复数是prepation 还是prepations



preparation 英[u02ccprepu0259u02c8reu026au0283n] 美[u02ccpru025bpu0259u02c8reu0283u0259n] n. 准备,预备;准备工作[措施];预修,预习预习时间,(对…的)准备;... 名词复数:preparations




如何获取HttpServletResponse里面的内容背景:在SPRING 框架之中, 有一个服务端需要提供多种形态的服务,这里的多种形态只是返回值得展示形式(其实 数据内在逻辑完全一样), 比如:形式1: JSONP({“key1”: value1, "key2":value2, "key3":value3, ....})形式2: {“key1”: value1, "key2":value2, "key3":value3, ....}为了使得后台业务处理代码一样(不做任何区分),现在理由过滤器,对返回接口进行处理,根据需要加上 :JSONP(...) 主要实现步骤如下:1. 在web.xml 中配置过滤器<filter><filter-name>RewriteResponse</filter-name><filter-class>com.robin.filter.RewriteResponse</filter-class></filter><filter-mapping><filter-name>RewriteResponse</filter-name><servlet-name>/*</servlet-name></filter-mapping>// 斜杠星代表匹配任何请求2. 重点在于RewriteResponse 过滤器public class RewriteResponseFilter extends Filter {public String description() {// TODO Auto-generated method stubreturn null;}public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,FilterChain chain) throws IOException {// TODO Auto-generated method stubResponseWrapper responseWrapper = new ResponseWrapper((HttpServletResponse) response);try {chain.doFilter(request, responseWrapper);} catch (ServletException e) {// TODO Auto-generated catch blocke.printStackTrace();}String responseContent = new String(responseWrapper.getDataStream());RestResponse fullResponse = new RestResponse(205, "OK-MESSAGE",responseContent);byte[] responseToSend = restResponseBytes(fullResponse);response.getOutputStream().write(responseToSend);}private byte[] restResponseBytes(RestResponse response) throws IOException {String serialized = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(response);return serialized.getBytes("UTF-8");}}3. 通用业务类(用于返回)public class RestResponse implements Serializable {private int status;private String message;private Object data;public RestResponse(int status, String message, Object data) {this.status = status;this.message = message;this.data = data;}public int getStatus() {return status;}public void setStatus(int status) {this.status = status;}public String getMessage() {return message;}public void setMessage(String message) {this.message = message;}public Object getData() {return data;}public void setData(Object data) {this.data = data;}}4. 实现ServletOutputStream 指定的扩展public class FilterServletOutputStream extends ServletOutputStream {DataOutputStream output;public FilterServletOutputStream(OutputStream output) {this.output = new DataOutputStream(output);}@Overridepublic void write(int arg0) throws IOException {output.write(arg0);}@Overridepublic void write(byte[] arg0, int arg1, int arg2) throws IOException {output.write(arg0, arg1, arg2);}@Overridepublic void write(byte[] arg0) throws IOException {output.write(arg0);}}5. 替换原来的输出public class ResponseWrapper extends HttpServletResponseWrapper {ByteArrayOutputStream output;FilterServletOutputStream filterOutput;HttpResponseStatus status = HttpResponseStatus.OK;public ResponseWrapper(HttpServletResponse response) {super(response);output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();}@Overridepublic ServletOutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {if (filterOutput == null) {filterOutput = new FilterServletOutputStream(output);}return filterOutput;}public byte[] getDataStream() {return output.toByteArray();}}



pros and cons是什么意思

pros and consn.利弊; 正反两方面; 优缺点; 赞成和反对的理由; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The president sought detailed pros and cons for each option, including cost estimates. 奥巴马要求知道每一个备选方案的详细利弊,包括成本估计。

求英语高手帮帮忙吧!Reading ComprehensionDirections: This part is to t?

21.A 22.A 23.C 24.A 25.B,1,求英语高手帮帮忙吧! Reading prehension Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). you should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. In order to learn to be one"s true self, it is necessary to obtain a wide and extensive knowledge of what has been said and done in the world, critically to inquire into it; carefully to think over it; clearly to sift(详察) it; and earnestly to carry it out. It matters not what you learn, but when you once learn a thing, you must never give it up until you have mastered it. It matters not what you inquire into, but when you inquire into a thing, you must never give it up until you have thoroughly understood it. It matters not what you try to think out, but when you once try to think out a thing, you must never give it up until you have got what you want. It matters not what you try to sift out, but when you once try to sift out a thing, you must never give it up until you have sifted it out clearly and distinctly. It matters not what you try to carry out, but when you once try to carry out a thing, you must never give it up until you have done it thoroughly and well. If another man succeeds by one effort, you will use a hundred efforts. If another man succeeds by ten efforts, you will use a thousand efforts. 21. According to the author, the ultimate purpose of study is to learn to_____. A). be one"s true self B). be a specialist C). succeed in a profession D). bee wealthy 22. The end of inquiry should be _____. A). action B). understanding C). thought D). *** ysis 23. To successfully carry out the author"s program, a person would have to be, most of all, _____. A) extremely intelligent B). very wealthy C) very persistent D). both A and B 24. According to the article, another man"s success should _____. A). urge us to greater efforts B). cause one to stop trying C). make us envious D). not be taken into account 25. Which of the following statements is implied but not stated in the passage? A). It is necessary to obtain a wide knowledge of what has been said and done in the world. B). The way to knowledge is through specialization. C). Success depends not so much on natural ability as it does effort. D). Success in one"s profession is least important in one"s life.

translational medicine communications是sci 杂志吗

达晋编译-专业的SCI论文服务机构为您解答:这个你可以上web of science 登录上去查看一下。如果有的话就是是的。没有就不是咯。


double weightx和double weighty参数(默认值为0)这是两个非常重要的参数,该参数直接影响到怎样设置网格单元的大小,因此常握好该参数就可以对网格包布局应用自如。该参数对x方向和y方向指定一个加权值。这个加权值直接影响到网格单元的大小,比如weightx的值分别为10,20,30,则在容器的x方向也就是列的方向,按一定的比例(比如1:2:3其具体算法请参看java文件)分配三个网格单元,其中加权值越大网格单元就越大,可以看出值的大小是没有关系的,加权值的作用是让容器以设定的值的比例在横向和纵向分配网格,且在容器的大小改变时这个比例不改变。如果weightx只设置了一个值,而组件却不只一个以上,则被设置了的这个组件的网格单元的大小为容器在x方向的大小减去那两个组件的最小尺寸就是该组件的网格单元大小。默认情况下组件的最小尺寸是比较小的。如果两个参数都为0(默认值),则组件会被显示在容器的中央,不管容器是放大还是缩小组件都只会显示在容器的中央。由上所述,在使用网格包布局时首先应先使用weightx和weighty来划分网格单元(不是直接划分,而是按一定比例来划分),网格单元划分出来后,组件放置在网格单元中的位置和大小就由后面介绍的约束来决定。一定要注意的是设置权值后要使当前的设置生效应使用setConstraints()函数一次,如果连续设置多个同一方向的权值,则只有最后一次设置的权值有效,比如出现同时两行都设置了x方向的权值,则以最后一行设置的x方向的权值为标准来划分网格单元。因此在使用GridBagLayout网格包布局管理器之前应先设置好网格单元,即要把容器划分为几行几列的网格单元,每行每列在容器中的宽度和高度比例,每个组件应在哪个网格单元。int fill参数(默认值为GridBagConstraints.NONE)fill参数指定组件填充网格的方式,当某组件的网格单元大于组件的大小时被使用,一般情况下组件是以最小的方式被显示的,如果不使用fill参数,则有可能组件占不完整个网格单元,也就是说组件占据的空间比划分的网格单元小,这时组件将显示在网格单元中的某个位置(具体在什么位置由网格包中的参数来设置)。其可取的值如下:GridBagConstraints.NONE默认值,不改变组件的大小。GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL使组件足够大,以填充其网格单元的水平方向,但不改变高度,其值等于整数2。GridBagConstraints.VERTICAL使组件足够大,以填充其网格单元的垂直方向,但不改变宽度,其值等于整数3。GridBagConstraints.BOTH使组件足够大,以填充其整个网格单元,其值等于整数1。int gridwidth和int gridheight参数(默认值为1)该参数指定组件占据多少个网格单元,gridwidth指定组件占据多少个网格单元的宽度,gridheight指定组件占据多少个网格单元的高度。两个参数的默认值都为1。其中值GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER表示当前组件在其行或列上为最后一个组件,也就是说如果是行上的最后一个组件的话,那么下一个组件将会被添加到容器中的下一行,如果在行上不指定该值(同时也不指定gridx和gridy参数),那么无论添加多少个组件都是在同一行上,同样如果在列上不指定该值(同时也不指定gridx和gridy参数)则无论添加多少行组件,都无法把容器填满。值GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE表示当前组件在其行或列上为倒数第二个组件。示例:import java.awt.*;public class Program{public static void main(String[] args){ Frame ff = new Frame();GridBagLayout gr = new GridBagLayout();GridBagConstraints gc = new GridBagConstraints(); //创建一个名为gc的约束对象ff.setLayout(gr); //将容器ff的布局设为GridBagLayout//创建一组按钮组件Button bb1 = new Button(bb1); Button bb2 = new Button(bb2); Button bb3 = new Button(bb3);Button bb4 = new Button(bb4); Button bb5 = new Button(bb5); Button bb6 = new Button(bb6);Button bb7 = new Button(bb7); Button bb8 = new Button(bb8);gc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;//设置约束的fill参数,该参数表示当组件的大小小于网格单元的大小时在水平和垂直方向都填充,gc.weightx =11; //设置x方向的加权值为11。gc.weighty = 11;//设置y方向的加权值为11。gr.setConstraints(bb1, gc); //将以上gc所设置的约束应用到按钮组件bb1gc.weightx = 22;//设置x方向的加权值为22,如果不设置weightx则以下的组件都将自动应用上面所设置的weightx值11。gr.setConstraints(bb2, gc); //将以上所设置的约束应用到按钮组件bb2。//gc.weighty=111; //注意如果不注释掉该行,则以后使用gc约束的按钮组件在y方向的加权值将为111,而在前面设置的y方向的加权值11将失去作用。gc.weightx =33;gc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;//设置gridwidth参数的值为REMAINDER这样在后面使用该约束的组件将是该行的最后一个组件。gr.setConstraints(bb3, gc); //第一行添加了三个按钮组件bb1,bb2,bb3,且这3个按钮的宽度按weightx设置的值11,22,33按比例设置宽度GridBagConstraints gc1 = new GridBagConstraints();//创建第二个约束gc1gc1.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;gc1.weighty = 22; //将第2行的y方向加权值设为22gr.setConstraints(bb4, gc1);gr.setConstraints(bb5, gc1);gc1.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;gr.setConstraints(bb6, gc1); //第二行添加了三个按钮组件bb4,bb5,bb6gc1.weighty =33;gc1.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;gr.setConstraints(bb7, gc1);//第三行添加了一个按钮组件bb7gc1.weighty=0;gr.setConstraints(bb8, gc1); //第四行添加了一个按钮组件bb8,bb8并没有添加到bb7的后面,因为bb8使用了bb7前面的gridwidth参数设置的值,所以bb8也是单独的一行。ff.setSize(500, 300);ff.add(bb1); ff.add(bb2);ff.add(bb3); ff.add(bb4); ff.add(bb5); ff.add(bb6); ff.add(bb7); ff.add(bb8);ff.setVisible(true);} }运行结果见下图int gridx和int gridy参数(默认值为GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE)该参数表示组件被添加到容器中的X或者Y坐标处,坐标以网格单元为单位,也就是说不管网格单元有多大,一个网格单元就是1X1的大小,也就是说如果把gridx和gridy都设为1,那么该组件会被显示到第二行的行二列上。其中值GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE(默认值)表示当前组件紧跟在上一个组件的后面。int ipadx和int ipady参数(默认值为0)ipadx和ipady也被称为内部填充,该参数用以设置组件的最小尺寸,如果参数值为正值则组件的最小尺寸将比原始最小尺寸大,如果为负值,则组件的最小尺寸将会变得比原始的最小尺寸小。该参数也可以理解为直接为组件指定大小,这个设置的大小就是组件的最小尺寸。其设置后组件的大小为组件的原始最小尺寸加上ipadx*2个像素。int anchor参数(默认值为GridBagConstraints.CENTER)该参数指定当组件的大小小于网格单元时,组件在网格单元中的位置。一般情况下,在设置了weightx或者weighty的加权值时,如果不使用fill参数填充空白区域,则组件的大小将小于网格单元的大小,这时使用anchor参数就能看到其中的效果了。anchor参数可取的值有:GridBagConstraints.CENTER;GridBagConstraints.NORTH;GridBagConstraints.NORTHEAST;GridBagConstraints.EAST;GridBagConstraints.SOUTHEAST;GridBagConstraints.SOUTH;GridBagConstraints.SOUTHWEST;GridBagConstraints.WEST;GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST;即居中,北,东北,东,东南,南,西南,西,西北方向。Insets insets参数(默认值为0)insets参数也被称为外部填充,该参数指定组件与网格单元之间的最小空白区域大小,要注意的是即使使用了fill参数填充横向和纵向但只要设置了insets参数,同样会留出insets所设置的空白区域,在insets设置的空白区域不会被填充。在使用该参数时需要设置对象的top,left,right,bottom四个方向的值来调整组件与网格单元之间的空白区域大小,比如gc.insets=new Insets(10,10,10,10);其中gc是GridBagConstraints类型的约束对象,这里要注意后面的new Insets其中的Insets第一个字母是大写的。当然也可以为insets指定负值,以扩大其网格单元。示例:import java.awt.*;public class Program{public static void main(String[] args){//将容器ff的布局设为GridBagLayoutFrame ff = new Frame();GridBagLayout gr = new GridBagLayout();GridBagConstraints gc = new GridBagConstraints(); //创建一个名为gc的约束对象ff.setLayout(gr);//创建一组按钮组件Button bb1 = new Button(bb1); Button bb2 = new Button(bb2); Button bb3 = new Button(bb3);Button bb4 = new Button(bb4); Button bb5 = new Button(bb5); Button bb6 = new Button(bb6);Button bb7 = new Button(bb7); Button bb8 = new Button(bb8);gc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;gc.weightx = 11; gc.weighty = 11;gr.setConstraints(bb1, gc);gc.weightx = 22;gc.gridx = 1; gc.gridy = 1; //将下一个组件放置在坐标为1,1的位置。gr.setConstraints(bb2, gc);gc.weightx = 33;gc.gridx = 2; gc.gridy = 1; //将下一个组件放置在坐标为2,1的位置。gc.insets = new Insets(-10, -10, -10, -10); //将下一个组件与网格单元的空白区域向外扩展10个像素,在这里可以看到网格包布局允许组件之间重叠。gc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;gr.setConstraints(bb3, gc);GridBagConstraints gc1 = new GridBagConstraints();gc1.weighty = 22;gc1.ipadx = 50; gc1.ipady = 50; //将组件的最小尺寸加大ipadx*2个像素。gr.setConstraints(bb4, gc1);gc1.ipadx = 0;gc1.ipady = 0; //将以后的组件的最小尺寸设置为默认值,如果省掉该行,则以后组件的最小尺寸都会加大ipadx*2个像素。gc1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST; //将下一个组件bb5的位置放置在单元网格的西北方向。gr.setConstraints(bb5, gc1); //因为bb5未设置fill,同时bb5设置了weightx(由gc参数设置)和weighty两个值以确定bb5所在的网格单元的大小,因而组件bb5的原始最小尺寸无法占据整个网格单元。gc1.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;gc1.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;gr.setConstraints(bb6, gc1);gc1.weighty = 33;gc1.insets = new Insets(5, 15,40,150); //使下一个组件bb7与网格单元之间在上,左,下,右,分别保持5,15,40,150个像素的空白位置。gr.setConstraints(bb7, gc1);gc1.weighty = 0;gc1.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); //将insets的参数值设为默认值。gr.setConstraints(bb8, gc1);ff.setSize(500, 300);ff.add(bb1); ff.add(bb2); ff.add(bb3); ff.add(bb4); ff.add(bb5); ff.add(bb6); ff.add(bb7); ff.add(bb8);ff.setVisible(true);}}

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Scientists think that there has been life on Earth for millions of years.


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nutritions 滋补

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predicate object relationship述宾关系

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predicate-object relationship谓词对象关系predicate-object relationship谓词对象关系

用Western Union business solutions 付款是不是就相当于T/T

你好。很高兴为你解答。可以通过Western Union business solutions 公对公 付款 ,也没像西联客服说的什么一定要再WU开户才行 ,已经到账了,第二个工作日早上就到账,确实比之前汇款快多了 ,主要是客户这样付款我这边全额到账了 ,一分不少 。


consolidated subsidiary综合子公司

求Lady GaGa的《The Fame Monster》专辑歌曲

CD1: The Fame Monster / 超人气魔神   01. Bad Romance / 罗曼史(发行首周空降全美热门单曲榜Top9,2009 年10 月巴黎时尚周首播单曲)   02. Alejandro / 亚历山卓   03. Monster / 魔女   04. Speechless / 无言以对   05. Dance in the Dark / 在黑暗中漫舞   06. Telephone (featuring Beyonce) / 电话(动感天后碧昂丝跨刀合唱)   07. So Happy I Could Die / 死无遗憾   08. Teeth / 张牙舞爪   CD2: The Fame / 超人气   01. Just Dance - featuring Colby O"Donis / 舞力全开(7 国排行冠军,全球20 大排行榜Top10 成名热歌,葛莱美奖最佳舞曲提名)   02. LoveGame / 爱情游戏(全美Top40 主流单曲/舞曲榜冠军+ 流行单曲榜Top4 + 热门单曲榜Top5)   03. Paparazzi / 狗仔队(全美流行单曲榜冠军+ 热门单曲榜Top6,2009 年MTV 音乐录影带大奖得奖作品)   04. Poker Face / 面无表情(17 国排行冠军包括:全美热门单曲/流行单曲/舞曲榜三冠王)   05. I Like It Rough / 喜欢来硬的   06. Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say) / 嗯嗯(无话可说)   07. Starstruck - featuring Space Cowboy and Flo Rida / 惧星症(嘻哈猛将佛罗里达及法国名DJ太空牛仔跨刀助阵)   08. Beautiful, Dirty, Rich / 美丽 肮脏 富有   09. The Fame / 成名在望   10. Money Honey / 金钱宝贝   11. Boys Boys Boys / 男孩 男孩 男孩   12. Paper Gangsta / 纸上流氓   13. Brown Eyes / 棕色眼眸   14. Summerboy / 阳光男孩   Bonus Track:   15. Disco Heaven / 迪斯科天堂   16. Retro, Dance, Freak / 怀旧 跳舞 怪胎

some opinions are worth weighting

◆有些人是值得去关爱的. 这是个主系表结构的句子: Some people 是主语 are 系动词 worth melting for 表语短句



overwhelming response是什么意思






韩国好看的音乐剧有哪些?monstar dream high都已经看过。

Simle Again。宫。应许的旅程。The Musical。cafe in-PART1。目前不知道了

Wally Badarou的《Canyons》 歌词

歌曲名:Canyons歌手:Wally Badarou专辑:EchoesChris August - CanyonsMountains and valleys the ups and the downs I go throughI will rejoice in You, Jesus, no matter the viewSo I"m singing out from the depths of my heartI"m singing out at the top of my lungsI"m in love with youCause canyons will echo my voice screaming hallelujahOh what a beautiful noiseGlory to god in the highest from down here belowJesus my savior Your name is the sound of my hopeI"m singing out at the top of my lungs lifting you highThe sound of Your name I long to hearIts music to my earsI"m in love with you (love with you)Cause canyons will echo my voice (my voice) screaming hallelujahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8028105

industry functions的意思是?原话是make some visits to in



以上这句话正确的英文翻译是Tom一般周六是否需要上学?否定句的正确回答是Yes,he does或者是No,he doesn"t.



triathlons ironman competitions什么区别

他们三个的区别如下所示:triathlons n. 三项全能运动( triathlon的名词复数 ); [例句]At the other extreme, some people relax by doing marathons or triathlons.也有人走到了另一个极端,他们通过马拉松和三项全能运动来放松。ironman n. 铁人三项赛[例句]The Hawaii Ironman is even more grueling.夏威夷铁人三项赛就更艰巨了。competitions n. 比赛; 竞争( competition的名词复数 ); 竞争者; 角逐; [例句]There were feasts and banquets, theatrical entertainments and sportingcompetitions between local groups.有酒席宴会、戏剧演出和地方队之间的体育竞赛。

cat power的 revelations的歌词



  responsibility表责任; 职责; 责任感的意思,那么你知道responsibility的同义词有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了responsibility的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦!   responsibility的同义词辨析:   duty, obligation, responsibility, function   这些名词都有"义务"或"职责"之意。   duty : 指按道德和法律的标准,一个人永远要尽的义务,强调自觉性。   obligation : 指道义上或法律上对他人的义务,强调强制性。也指因作出承诺而被迫履行的某种义务。   responsibility : 指任何义务、职责、责任或职务上所尽的本分,强调对他人的责任。   function : 指因职务或职业关系去履行某种职责。   词组习语:   on one"s own responsibility   1. 自作主张地;未经授权地   responsibility的例句:   1. He wants companies to follow the European model of social responsibility.   他希望各公司能够以欧洲公司为榜样,承担社会责任。   2. Responsibility and moderation were to be the keynotes of their foreign policy.   责任和克制将是他们外交政策的核心。   3. Carrington held a position of responsibility within the government.   卡林顿在政府机构身居要职。   4. It was his responsibility for foreign affairs that gained him international prestige.   他在负责处理外交事务的过程中赢得了国际声望。   5. She had shared responsibility for her brother since girlhood.   她还是个小姑娘的时候就分担起照顾弟弟的责任。   6. None of these people will admit responsibility for their actions.   这些人都不会愿意为自己的行为负责。   7. I wouldn"t call it a burden; I call it a responsibility.   我不觉得这是负担;我觉得它是一种责任。   8. He has had to shoulder the responsibility of his father"smistakes.   他得为他父亲的过错承担责任。   9. We have made a conscious effort to devolve responsibility.   我们已有意识地下放职责。   10. She would have loved to have a better-paying job with more responsibility.   她本想有一份报酬更高、职权更大的工作。   11. I have a particular responsibility to ensure I make the right decision.   我肩负特殊责任,必须确保自己作出的决定是正确的。   12. Some preteens are able to handle a good deal of responsibility.   有些青春期前的儿童能够承担很多责任。   13. An underground organisation has claimed responsibility for the bomb explosion.   一个地下组织已经声称对这起炸弹爆炸事件负责。   14. Officials tussled over who had responsibility for the newly fashionable unemployment agenda.   众官员为谁负责最近备受关注的失业议题一事争得不可开交。   15. Many parents simply abdicate all responsibility for their children.   许多父母对孩子简直是完全撒手不管。

For Sentimental Reasons 歌词

歌曲名:For Sentimental Reasons歌手:Hank Crawford&Jimmy McGriff专辑:Road TestedI love you for sentimental reasonsI hope you do believe meI"ve given you my heartI love you and you alone were meant for mePlease give your loving heart to meAnd say we"ll never ever partI think of you every morningDream of you every nightDarling, I"m never lonelyWhenever you are in sightAll because I love you for sentimental reasonsI hope you do believe me, babyI"ve given you my heartI think of you every morningDream of you every nightDarling, I"m never lonelyWhenever, whenever, whenever you are in sightAll because I love you for sentimental reasonsI hope you do believe meI"ve given you my heartI"ve given you my heartFor sentimental reasonsI"ve given you my hearthttp://music.baidu.com/song/8207289

For Sentimental Reasons 歌词

歌曲名:For Sentimental Reasons歌手:Django Reinhardt专辑:Peche A La MoucheNat King Cole - (I Love You) For Sentimental ReasonsI love you for sentimental reasonsI hope you do believe meIll give you my heartI love you and you alone were meant for mePlease give your loving heart to meAnd say well never partI think of you every morningDream of you every nightDarling, Im never lonelyWhenever you are in sightI love you for sentimental reasonsI hope you do believe meIve given you my heartinstrumental interludeI love you for sentimental reasonsI hope you do believe meIve given you my hearthttp://music.baidu.com/song/8028045

For Sentimental Reasons 歌词

歌曲名:For Sentimental Reasons歌手:Rod Stewart专辑:Stardust...The Great American Songbook Volume IiiI love you for sentimental reasonsI hope you do believe meI"ve given you my heartI love you and you alone were meant for mePlease give your loving heart to meAnd say we"ll never ever partI think of you every morningDream of you every nightDarling, I"m never lonelyWhenever you are in sightAll because I love you for sentimental reasonsI hope you do believe me, babyI"ve given you my heartI think of you every morningDream of you every nightDarling, I"m never lonelyWhenever, whenever, whenever you are in sightAll because I love you for sentimental reasonsI hope you do believe meI"ve given you my heartI"ve given you my heartFor sentimental reasonsI"ve given you my hearthttp://music.baidu.com/song/1022461



The Rippingtons的《Moonlight》 歌词

歌曲名:Moonlight歌手:The Rippingtons专辑:Wild Card森大辅 - moonlight作词:森大辅作曲:森大辅编曲:森大辅静かな夜を乗せて谁もいない道が続く肌にしみこんだざわめきも月明かりに溶けていくさっきまであんなにも笑い声上げていた君今は小さな呼吸がそっと左耳に届くだけ同じような场面何度もあったはずなのに影のできたその寝颜に思わず引き込まれていく月の光 迷い込んで刹那の恋とわかっているけど朝になれば 忘れるからだから ほんの少しだけ このまま友达でいたいから気づかれたくないんだけどちょっと後ろめたい気持ちで余计ぎこちなくなるよ君の町に近づく 空が変わっていく仆はギアを入れるふりでゆっくりと手を握った月の光 惑わされてはかない恋とわかっているけど朝になれば 忘れるからだけど あと一秒だけ このまま月の光 迷い込んで刹那の恋とわかっているけど朝になれば 忘れるからだから あと一秒だけ このままおわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8059501

station 的复数是stationes还是stations?



答案:A. 根据"eat for your br___kfast"可知吃早餐,根据单词breakfast,故选A.

谁有Tokio Hotel的Monsoon的钢琴谱???

E C EI抦starringatabrokendoorC EThere抯nothinglefthereanymoreC Am GMyroomiscoldit抯makingmeinsaneE C EI抳ebeenwaitingheresolongC Eanothermomentseemsto抳ecomeC A4 AIseethedarkcloudscomingupagainC runningthroughthemonsoonDbeyondtheworldEmtotheendoftimeBmwheretherainwonthurtC fightingthestormDintotheblueBm EmandwheniloosemyselfithinkofyouC 7M Dtogetherwe抣lberunningsomewherenewE C(4)throughthemonsoonE CjustmeandyouC EahalfmoonfadeingfrommysideC EiseeyourvisioninitslightC Am GandnowitsgoneandleftmesoaloneC EiknowihavetofindyounowC E ihearyournameidon抰knowhow C A4 Awhycan抰wemakethisdarknessfeellikehomeC runningthroughthemonsoon Dbeyondtheworld EmtotheendoftimeBmwheretherainwon抰hurtC fightingthestormDintotheblueBm EmandwheniloosemyselfithinkofyouCmaj Dtogetherwe抣lberunningsomewherenew Em BmandnothingcanholdmebackfromyouC DthroughthemonsoonE4EC4C Hey! E4EC4C Hey!!!E4E C4C I抦fightingallitspowerE4E C4C cominginmywayE4E C4C letitsendmestraighttoyouE4E C4C i抣lberunningnightanddayC7 E C7 i抣lbewithyousoonE C7 justmeandyouE C7 we抣lbetheresoonE C7 sosoonC runningthroughthemonsoonDbeyondtheworldEmtotheendoftimeBmwheretherainwonthurtC fightingthestormDintotheblueBm EmandwheniloosemyselfithinkofyouC Dtogetherwe抣lberunningsomewherenewEm BmandnothingcanholdmebackfromyouC DthroughthemonsoonC DthroughthemonsoonJustmeandyou再贴一下歌词吧I"mstarringatabrokendoorthere"snothinlefthereanymoremyroomiscoldit"smakinmeinsanei"vebeenwaitinheresolongbutnowthemomentseemsto‘vecomeiseethedarkcloudscominupagainrunninthroughthemonsoonbeyondtheworldtotheendoftimewheretherainwon"thurtfightingthestormintotheblueandwhenilosemyselfi"llthinkofyoutogetherwe"llberunningsomewherenewthroughthemonsoonjustmeandyouahalfmoon"sfadingfrommysightiseeyourvisioninit"slightbutnowit"sgoneandleftmesoaloneiknowihavetofindyounowcanhearyournameidon"tknowhowwhycan"twemakethisdarknessfeellikehomerunningthroughthemonsoonbeyondtheworldtotheendoftimewheretherainwon"thurtfightingthestormintotheblueandwhenilosemyselfi"llthinkofyoutogetherwe"llberunningsomewherenewandnothingcanholdmebackfromyouthroughthemonsoonhey!-hey!~i"mfightinallit"spowercomin"inmywayletittakemestraighttoyoui"llberunningnightanddayi"llbewithyousoon,justmeandyou,we"llbetheresoon,sosoon…runningthroughthemonsoonbeyondtheworldtotheendoftimewheretherainwon"thurtfightingthestormintotheblueandwhenilosemyselfi"llthinkofyoutogetherwe"llberunningsomewherenewandnothingcanholdmebackfromyouthroughthemonsoonthroughthemonsoonjustmeandyouthroughthemonsoonjustmeandyou&End&

超时空要塞 pink monsoon歌词

  May"n - Pink Monsoon「マクロスF」剧场版虚空歌姫挿入歌  baby pink monsoon  baby pink monsoon  lady sings LOVE, hum..  I wanna lose control  it"s all about communication  asa made futari just spinning around  koi suru jikan wa tappuri aru no yo  be my boyfriend  wakasa o mudazukai shitai  issho ni dassen shite dainashi ni shite  motto fukaku kakawatte yo  kono position  saikou datte wakaru desho?  baby pink monsoon  baby pink monsoon  lady sings LOVE, hum..  garasumado ga kumotchau hodo scandal  baby pink monsoon  baby pink monsoon  lady sings LOVE, hum..  omou toori ni shite hoshii no yo don"t stop  taigai no koto wa mechakucha  you know that  but kami wa kirei ni shiteru  I"m old-fashioned  hyaku paasento juusu na a kind of game  kanari kureijii I am crazy for you  motto fukaku kakawatte yo  soshite ame no hi ni houridashite!  baby pink monsoon  baby pink monsoon  lady sings LOVE, hum..  anata no yubi koko ni fureru made don"t stop  baby pink monsoon  baby pink monsoon  lady sings LOVE, hum..  I wanna lose control  hey you let"s do communication  kono yo wa zenbu maboroshi datte  sugaritsuitara soko ga owari datte  hitori de ita hou ga ii to  watashi ni kizukaseta nara yurusanai  baby pink monsoon  baby pink monsoon  lady sings LOVE, hum...  garasumado ga kumotchau hodo scandal  baby pink monsoon  baby pink monsoon  lady sings LOVE, hum..  omou toori ni shite hoshii no yo don"t stop  baby pink monsoon  baby pink monsoon  lady sings LOVE, hum..  I wanna lose control  hey you let"s do communication  Mayn - Pink Monsoon Ringtone  Mayn - Pink Monsoon MP3 Download


I"m starring at a broken doorthere"s nothin left here anymoremy room is coldit"s makin me insanei"ve been waitin here so longbut now the moment seems to‘ve comei see the dark clouds comin up againrunnin through the monsoonbeyond the worldto the end of timewhere the rain won"t hurtfighting the storminto the blueand when i lose myselfi"ll think of youtogether we"ll be running somewhere newthrough the monsoonjust me and youa half moon"s fading from my sighti see your vision in it"s lightbut now it"s gone and left me so alonei know i have to find you nowcan hear your namei don"t know howwhy can"t we make this darkness feel like homerunning through the monsoonbeyond the worldto the end of timewhere the rain won"t hurtfighting the storminto the blueand when i lose myselfi"ll think of youtogether we"ll be running somewhere newand nothing can hold me back from youthrough the monsoonhey! - hey!~i"m fightin all it"s powercomin" in my waylet it take me straight to youi"ll be running night and dayi"ll be with you soon, just me and you,we"ll be there soon, so soon…running through the monsoonbeyond the worldto the end of timewhere the rain won"t hurtfighting the storminto the blueand when i lose myselfi"ll think of youtogether we"ll be running somewhere newand nothing can hold me back from youthrough the monsoonthrough the monsoonjust me and youthrough the monsoonjust me and you


monsoon是曼休妮服装品牌。曼休妮MONSOON服饰,公司座落在素有“人间天堂”之称的美丽城市:杭州, 公司总部在城东乔司经济技术开发区,交通便利,在四季青新杭派服饰城有展示厅,公司始建于 2000年,是一家集设计、制作、生产、销售为一体的专业服装公司,产品自 2000 年推向市场以来,公司“休闲时尚”的理念深受众多都市女性的青睐,公司业绩每年在稳步增长,现已发展成为在拥有 ” 女装之都 ” 美誉的杭州有一定影响力的现代中型女装企业。公司主要品牌为“曼休妮”,产品包括上衣(衬衫, 短袖),小单件,外套,风衣,长裙,短裙,女裤,棉衣 ,皮衣等 ,年产销量达数百万件 ,代理商, 经销商,批发商等各级营销网络遍布浙江,昆明,武汉,南昌,沈阳,哈尔滨,株洲,合肥,上海,北京,南京,郑州,石家庄等十多个省份和大中城市,2004年被评为杭州市50大消费者喜爱品牌之一。

求pink monsoon歌词

「pink monsoon」作∶Gabriela Robin作/曲∶菅野よう子歌∶May"n歌手:菅野洋子baby pink monsoon (宝贝,粉色季风) baby pink monsoon (宝贝,粉色季风) lady sings LOVE,hum... (女士吟唱爱歌,嗯...) あなたの指ここに触れるまでdon"t stop (用你的手指触摸这里,不要停止) baby pink monsoon (宝贝,粉色季风) baby pink monsoon (宝贝,粉色季风) lady sings LOVE,hum... (女士吟唱爱歌,嗯...) I wanna lose control (我要抛开理智) hey you let"s do communication (嘿,让我们继续做“交流”吧) この世に全部幻だって (就算世间一切都是幻觉) すがりついたらそこが终わりだって (就算与你抱紧后一切都会结束) 一人でいたほうがいいと (也不要让我感到情愿一个人独处) 私に気づかせたなら 许さない (否则绝不原谅你) baby pink monsoon (宝贝,粉色季风) baby pink monsoon (宝贝,粉色季风) lady sings LOVE,hum... (女士吟唱爱歌,嗯...) ガラス窓がくもっちゃう程scandal (绯闻令玻璃窗都变得朦胧) baby pink monsoon (宝贝,粉色季风) baby pink monsoon (宝贝,粉色季风) lady sings LOVE,hum... (女士吟唱爱歌,嗯...) 思う通りにしてほしいのよdon"t stop (尽情地zuo爱做的事情,不要停止) baby pink monsoon (宝贝,粉色季风) baby pink monsoon (宝贝,粉色季风) lady sings LOVE,hum... (女士吟唱爱歌,嗯...) I wanna lose control (我要抛开理智) hey you lets do communication (嘿,让我们继续做“交流”吧) (★注6:“scandal”见注3) lets do communication (让我们做“交流”) lets do communication (让我们做“交流”)


什么叫做monsoon的官网啊,有Tokio Hotel的专门网站!




全部品牌女装,而且还有韩国授权品牌,性价比很高,ID: touristwong, 最主要是实用大方,不会特别夸张

Jay Beckenstein的《Monsoon》 歌词

歌名:Monsoon中文译名:季风演唱:Tokio Hotel专辑:Zimmer 483I"m staring at a broken doorthere`s nothin left here anymoremy room is coldit`s makin me insanei"ve been waitin here so longbut now the moment seems to"ve comeI see the dark clouds comin up againrunning through the monsoonbeyond the worldto the end of timewhere the rain won"t hurtfighting the storminto the blueand when i lose myselfi"ll think of youtogether we"ll be running somewhere newthrough the monsoonjust me and youa half moon"s fading from my sightI see your vision in it"s lightbut now it"s gone and left me so aloneI know I have to find you nowcan hear your namei don"t know howwhy can"t we make this darkness feel like homerunning through the monsoonbeyond the worldto the end of timewhere the rain won"t hurtfighting the storminto the blueand when i lose myselfi"ll think of youtogether we"ll be running somewhere newand nothing can hold me back from youthrough the monsoonhey! hey!i"m fighting all it"s powercomin" in my waylet it take me straight to youi"ll be running night and dayi"ll be with you soon,just me and you,we"ll be there soon,so soon.....runnin through the monsoonbeyond the worldto the end of timewhere the rain won"t hurtfighting the storminto the blueand when i lose myselfi"ll think of youtogether we"ll be running somewhere newand nothing can hold me back from youthrough the monsoonthrough the monsoonjust me and youthrough the monsoonjust meand youThe endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7915930

monsoon 英文版的中文歌词

through the monsoon 穿越季风 Tokio Hotel I"m starring at a broken door 我在一扇又破又烂的门后等待着 there"s nothin left here anymore 这里空空如也,什么也没有留下 my room is cold 房间冰凉 it"s makin me insane 这令我变得疯狂 i"ve been waitin here so long 我已在这里等待了这么久 but now the moment seems to‘ve come 可是那一刻还是显得遥遥无期 i see the dark clouds comin up again 看见外面又是乌云翻滚 runnin through the monsoon 奔跑着穿过季风 beyond the world 到世界的那一边去 to the end of time 直到时间的尽头 where the rain won"t hurt 雨不会打到的地方 fighting the storm 打退暴风雨 into the blue 呈现蓝天 and when i lose myself 并且,当迷失自我时 i"ll think of you 我会想着你 together we"ll be running somewhere new 我们会一起奔到一处新地方 through the monsoon 穿过季风 just me and you 就是你我 a half moon"s fading from my sight 半朵月亮在我的凝视下凋落 i see your vision in it"s light 从它的光辉中,,我看见了你的目光 but now it"s gone and left me so alone 但是它现在已经逝去,而让我感到很孤单 i know i have to find you now 现在我知道了,我会找到你的 can hear your name 不知是什么缘故,可以听见你的名字 i don"t know how 我不明白 why can"t we make this darkness feel like home 为什么我们不让此刻的昏暗变得像故乡一样的感觉 runnin through the monsoon 奔跑着穿过季风 beyond the world 到世界的那一边去 to the end of time 直到时间的尽头 where the rain won"t hurt 雨不会打到的地方 fighting the storm 打退暴风雨 into the blue 呈现蓝天 and when i lose myself 并且,当迷失自我时 i"ll think of you 我会想着你 together we"ll be running somewhere new 我们会一起奔到一处新地方 and nothing can hold me back from you 没有什么能让我离开你 through the monsoon 穿越季风 hey! - hey!~ 嗨~嗨~ i"m fightin all it"s power 我正在抵抗,全力以赴地 comin" in my way 在我的道路上前进 let it take me straight to you 让它把我直接送到你的面前 i"ll be running night and day 我会日夜兼程 i"ll be with you soon, just me and you, 我很快就会与你在一起,只有我们俩 we"ll be there soon, so soon… 我们一下子就会在那儿,就那么一会儿 runnin through the monsoon 奔跑着穿过季风 beyond the world 到世界的那一边去 to the end of time 直到时间的尽头 where the rain won"t hurt 雨不会打到的地方 fighting the storm 打退暴风雨 into the blue 呈现蓝天 and when i lose myself 并且,当迷失自我时 i"ll think of you 我会想着你 together we"ll be running somewhere new 我们会一起奔到一处新地方 and nothing can hold me back from you 没有什么能让我离开你 through the monsoon 穿越季风 through the monsoon 穿越季风 just me and you 就是你和我 through the monsoon 穿过季风 just me 只有你 and you 和我


  monsoon是曼休妮服装品牌。   曼休妮MONSOON服饰,公司座落在素有“人间天堂”之称的美丽城市:杭州,公司总部在城东乔司经济技术开发区,交通便利,在四季青新杭派服饰城有展示厅,公司始建于2000年,是一家集设计、制作、生产、销售为一体的专业服装公司,产品自2000年推向市场以来,公司“休闲时尚”的理念深受众多都市女性的青睐,公司业绩每年在稳步增长,现已发展成为在拥有”女装之都”美誉的杭州有一定影响力的现代中型女装企业。公司主要品牌为“曼休妮”,产品包括上衣(衬衫,短袖),小单件,外套,风衣,长裙,短裙,女裤,棉衣,皮衣等,年产销量达数百万件,代理商,经销商,批发商等各级营销网络遍布浙江,昆明,武汉,南昌,沈阳,哈尔滨,株洲,合肥,上海,北京,南京,郑州,石家庄等十多个省份和大中城市,2004年被评为杭州市50大消费者喜爱品牌之一。


运行注册表的方法 开始→运行→regedit→确定 1.CPU型号可以注册表编辑器中定位到下面的位置: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEHARDWAREDESCRIPTIONSystemCentralProcessor,然后找到名为ProcessorNameString的键值,将其中的值改为自己喜欢的就可以 3.显卡型号[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetEnumPCIVEN_10DE&DEV_0322&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_A14&299ccbfa&0&0008] 在右框能看到有你显卡在设备管理器里显示的设备名称就对了,我以现在的为教程 给4&299ccbfa&0&0008加入当前用户权限 更改键值如下: "DeviceDesc"="NVIDIA GeForce FX 7800GS" 4.修改电脑属性里的注册信息HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion"ProductName"=Microsoft Windows 2000 "CurrentType"=5.0 "CurrentBuildNumber"=2159"RegisteredOrganization"=XX公司 "Registered Owner"=zhao "ProductId"=52273-270-0094787-09115 5.怎么修改我的电脑属性中的logo? 将oeminfo.ini 和 OEMLOGO.bmp图片放到 windowssystem32即可 ----------------------------------------------------------- oeminfo.ini:内容 ; OEMINFO ; 0251 ; This file contains manufacturer, model and support information ; that is displayed in the system control panel. ; Manufacturer and Model are displayed on System.General page ; Manufacturer is a required field [general] ;Be carefully not to leave any trailing spaces after your manufacturer name! Manufacturer=IBM Corporation SupportURL= [ICW] AllOffers=1 ; Note: AllOffers=1 specifies that the MS list of ISPs will be displayed if user clicks on MS ICW Product=IBMPC ; Support Info displayed when "Support Information..." button selected [Support Information] Line1= 技术支持信息: Line2= 如果您在使用您的IBM个人计算机的过程中遇到问题或需要技术支持和保修服务, Line3= 请拔打IBM中国信息支持中心电话:(010)84981188 转 IBM个人计算机技术支持热线。 Line4= 已开通免费咨询电话的地区请拔打:800-810-1818 Line5= 或请访问新亚计算机中心 Line6= Line7= Line8= Line9= 然后是找一幅自己喜欢的图片,修改其大 小为180× 110左右, 保存为OEMLOGO.bmp 把制作好的文件放到c:window ssystem32目录 里面,呵呵~~~这时候再让我们来看看你的系统属性,是不是很有个性! 修改我的电脑右键属性中查看到的硬件信息 修改DXDiag程序中查看到的的硬件信息 修改设备管理器中查看到的的硬件信息 以上足以欺骗只懂一般计算机常识的人. 先看一下修改后的成果图 6.修改我的电脑右键所看到的硬件信息(CPU和RAM) 工具:eXeScope 6.50汉化版 文件:%windir%system32sysdm.cpl 打开sysdm.cpl 点"资源"-"对话框"-"101" 在中框看到有"Link Window" 字样,共有9行 第3行到第6行"Link Window"全把"可见"的勾取消 第7行的坐标(X,Y)为(141,181)内容为:Intel(R) Pentium4(R) CPU 第8行的坐标(X,Y)为(141,192)内容为:4.7 GHz 第9行的坐标(X,Y)为(141,203)内容为:2048 MB 的内存 现在,再来修改在dxdiag程序中显示的硬件信息(CPU、RAM、VGA) 文件:%windir%system32dxdiag.exe 修改CPU、RAM信息: 打开dxdiag.exe 点"资源"-"对话框"-"6201"-"中文(中国)" 找到中框的"Static:处理器:" 标题改为:"处理器: Intel(R) Pentium4(R) CPU 4.7GHz, ~4.69GHz" 附我参数(120,182,200)分别为(X,Y,宽度)下面不再作说明 把"Static:处理器:"下面的"Static:x"的"可见"的勾去掉 找到中框的"Static:内存:" 标题改为:"内存: 2048MB RAM" 附我参数(55,195,140) 和上面操作一下,把 "Static:内存:" 下面的 "Static:x" 的 "可见" 的勾去掉 找到中框的"Static:页面文件:" 标题改为:"页面文件: 8MB 已用,2040MB 可用" 附我参数(99,208,140) 和上面操作一下,把 "Static:页面文件:" 下面的 "Static:x" 的 "可见" 的勾去掉 修改VGA信息: 打开dxdiag.exe 点"资源"-"对话框"-"6203"-"中文(中国)" 找到中框的"Static:名称:" 标题改为:"名称: NVIDIA GeForce FX 7800GS" 在以上操作一样把"Static:名称:"下面的"Static:x" 的 "可见" 的勾去掉 找到中框的"Static:制造商:" 标题改为:"制造商: NVIDIA" 在以上操作一样把"Static:制造商:"下面的"Static:x" 的 "可见" 的勾去掉 找到中框的"Static:芯片类型:" 标题改为:"芯片类型: GeForce FX 7800GS" 在以上操作一样把"Static:芯片类型:"下面的"Static:x" 的 "可见" 的勾去掉 找到中框的"Static:估计内存总数:" 标题改为:"估计内存总数: 1024.0 MB" 在以上操作一样把"Static:估计内存总数:"下面的"Static:x" 的 "可见" 的勾去掉 修改设备管理器里的硬件信息(CPU、VGA)工具:注册表编辑器(regedit.exe) 打开REGEDIT 找到以下表项 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet001EnumACPIGenuineIntel_-_x86_Family_15_Model_4\_0] 右键点"_0"表项-权限-添加……说比做累! 上面的操作目的就是把当用操作用户添加到权限列表中 要求要完全控制权限 更改右框"FriendlyName"字符串的数值如下: "FriendlyName"="Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 4.70GHz" 找到以下表项 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetEnumPCI]下的第一个表项的第一个表项 我这里是 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetEnumPCIVEN_10DE&DEV_0322&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_A14&299ccbfa&0&0008] 在右框能看到有你显卡在设备管理器里显示的设备名称就对了,我以现在的为教程 给4&299ccbfa&0&0008加入当前用户权限 更改键值如下: "DeviceDesc"="NVIDIA GeForce FX 7800GS"
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