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有哪位外贸高手解释一下海运提单上“consignee”和“notify party”的区别与联系?

CONSIGNEE 表示最终的收货人NOTIFY PARTY 翻译为通知方,一般为收货人的代理方,收货人的清关代理。

delivery to 与consignee


提单中consignee是申请人和是to order of申请人有什么区别么


外贸 提单consignee问题,急


空运委托书中 consignee 是客户地址还是收货地址


关于consignee 的求助

如果信用证要求所有文件都是CONSIGNEE TO THE ORDER OF ,就要按要求做。优势承接全国商检:服装 鞋子,木制品 板材类 开关、断路器、焊管 螺纹钢 C型钢 角钢 钢管等钢材 日用瓷,LED灯 节能灯 装饰灯 灯座 灯泡。源头核销单,报关,产地证。


tiantian OK





提单中收货人Consignee 怎么写

提单中收货人Consignee 怎么写与收款方式和合同约定等有关。在提前收齐货款的情况下,可采用“记名提单”的方式,即收货人直接写明收货人为进口商或其指定的收货人名称。在没有收齐货款的情况下(无论是D/P还是L/C,后T/T等),不可采用“记名提单”,而是最好采用“空白指示提单”或“某人指示提单”。因为指示提单在指示人背书后没有转让出去,那么货权就掌握在背书人手中。其中,如果以L/C作为结算方式,那么,要严格按照信用证的规定操作。所以,提单中收货人Consignee 怎么写要根据情况而定。


提单CONSIGNEE显示"TO THE ORDER OF SHIPPER", FORM A的CONSIGNEE按ISBP 184条, 如LC未另有列明, 应填开证人(APPLICANT) 以下是ISBP 184条的条文184、收货人的信息,如果显示,则不得与运输单据中的收货人信息相矛盾。但是,如果信用证要求运输单据作成“凭指示”、“凭托运人指示”、“凭开证行指示”或“货发开证行”式抬头,则原产地证明可以显示信用证的申请人或信用证中具名的另外一人作为收货人。如果信用证已经转让,那么以第一受益人作为收货人也可接受。





空运提单上的CONSIGNEE 写错了,怎么办

提单正本已经出来了但是发现收货人那里弄错了。CONSIGNEE 一栏是这样写的:xxxxxxx conmapyNOTIFY PARTY:XXXXXXADD:xxxxxxxxxxx然后NOTIFY PARTY一栏是SAME AS CONSIGNEE 这样错了吧?该怎么办?有没有前辈在呀?帮你顶起来!你把通知人写在收货人里面干嘛?另外是不是做LC不是的话,问客户去吧你还是先联系货代把,问问那边是怎么个情况 ,是你们的问题还是他们的问题 ,按理说他出正本提单之前应该会给你提单确认的,如果没问题就会按提单确认的来怎么确认提单信息的?提单信息事先跟客户确认好,正式提单出来前 货代会给你个确认件要你确认的 按照客户要求进行确认问了经理了,说这样没事的,本来就是要这样的,我刚做单证没多久,第一次碰到收货人通知方不是同一个,所以就凌乱了


是对的 ship to 是承运人 consignee 是收货人

收货人: consignee 这个词的简写怎么写



to order的确切中文含义为“凭指定”。一般是由装运人,即shipper,背书,然后收货人再背书,即可提货。货物收据对于将货物交给承运人运输的托运人,提单具有货物收据的功能。承运人不仅对于已装船货物负有签发提单的义务,而且根据托运人的要求,即使货物尚未装船,只要货物已在承运人掌管之下,承运人也有签发一种被称为“收货待运提单”的义务。所以,提单一经承运人签发,即表明承运人已将货物装上船舶或已确认接管。提单作为货物收据,不仅证明收到货物的种类、数量、标志、外表状况,而且还证明收到货物的时间,即货物装船的时间。物权凭证对于合法取得提单的持有人,提单具有物权凭证的功能。提单的合法持有人有权在目的港以提单相交换来提取货物,而承运人只要出于善意,凭提单发货,即使持有人不是真正货主,承运人也无责任。而且,除非在提单中指明,提单可以不经承运人的同意而转让给第三者,提单的转移就意味着物权的转移,连续背书可以连续转让。提单的合法受让人或提单持有人就是提单上所记载货物的合法持有人。提单所代表的物权可以随提单的转移而转移,提单中所规定的权利和义务也随着提单的转移而转移。合同成立的证明文件提单上印就的条款规定了承运人与托运人之间的权利、义务,而且提单也是法律承认的处理有关货物运输的依据,因而常被人们认为提单本身就是运输合同。但是按照严格的法律概念,提单并不具备经济合同应具有的基本条件:它不是双方意思表示一致的产物,约束承托双方的提单条款是承运人单方拟定的;它履行在前,而签发在后,早在签发提单之前,承运人就开始接受托运人托运货物和将货物装船的有关货物运输的各项工作。



consignee 与notify party 搞不清楚吗?

1、consignee: 是收货人、承销人;受托者,收件人,代销人。2、notify party:是通知人,指货到达目的港后货贷或船公司要主动联系来港提货的人。3、例子:对于船公司来说,CONSIGNEE就是收货人,联系不到CONSIGNEE船公司会联系Notify Party。实务中,Notufy Party一般是最终进口方,Consignee可能是代理公司4、consignee 与notify party 的关系:Consignee:收货人。这是提单中比较重要的一栏,应严格按照信用证规定填制。这一栏的填法直接关系到提单能否转让以及提单项下货物的物权归属问题。提单收货人按信用证的规定一般有三种填法,即:空白抬头、记名指示抬头和记名收货人抬头。Notify Party:通知人。要与信用证的规定一致。提单通知人栏中要打上开证申请人的详细名称和地址。

提单consignee和notify party各是什么意思

行内6年回复仅供参考consignee 是提单上显示的要求的收货人信息 notify party 是提单上的通知人信息 一般是收货人consignee 指定的货代 当然如果没有指定一般和consignee 一样的


收货人与通知人的区别如下 : 收货人(CONSIGNEE),如要求记名提单,则可填上具体的收货公司或收货人名称;如属指示提单,则填为“指示”(ORDER)或“凭指示”(TO ORDER);如需在提单上列明指示人,则可根据不同要求,作成“凭托运人指示”(TO ORDER OF SHIPPER),“凭收货人指示”(TO ORDER OF CONSIGNEE)或“凭银行指示” (TO ORDER OF XX BANK)。 被通知人(NOTIFY PARTY),这是船公司在货物到达目的港时发送到货通知的收件人,有时即为进口人。在信用证项下的提单,如信用证上对提单被通知人有权具体规定时,则必须严格按信用证要求填写。如果是 记名提单或收货人指示提单,且收货人又有详细地址的,则此栏可以不填。


consignee指收货人,在信用证下一般会规定consignee是谁,一般会规定to order(凭指定) 风险最大的consignee就是指定了具体的收货方,比如 abc corp. ltd。这张提单的货权就只是abc公司了,即使它未付款。 这样,万一在到港abc公司不提货,提单还在银行发货方也难以将该货转卖给第三方。 受益人最有利的标注方法是to order/to order of shipper (凭发货人指定)这样货权一直在发货方手中,知道对方付款,银行把提单给它,客户就能提货了。如果未赎单,受益人可联系专卖给他人。


问题是哪种单据或文件上的“consignee”?不同单据或文件上的“consignee”写法不同:海运提单上的“consignee”一般根据不同的结算方式而定——比如信用证结算,那么,提单上的“consignee”必须按照信用证的规定写;如果是D/P方式的结算,那么,提单“consignee”最好写成TO ORDER或者TO ORDER OF SHIPPER,这样在付款人不付款赎单的情况下,卖方可以随时将提单和其它单据转交给其它付款人,或者安排退运——即这种处理方法是便于发货人能够在收到货款之前,能够掌握货权,避免款货两空的悲剧发生。至于原产地证书上的“consignee”,一般情况下是写实际收货人,或者按照客户的要求填写——总之,究竟应该如何填写,要根据具体的情况来应对。






Consignee,thepersontowhommerchandiseisdeliveredover收货人,一般为合同买方(信用证或客户另有规定的除外)。  Notifyparty:货到后船公司通知的一方,受通知人。由consignee指定,可以是Assameasconsingnee,也可以是consignee指定的通知人。  Consignee和Notifyparty的填写规范:  一、Consignee收货人。这是提单中比较重要的一栏,应严格按照信用证规定填制。这一栏的填法直接关系到提单能否转让以及提单项下货物的物权归属问题。提单收货人按信用证的规定一般有三种填法,即:空白抬头、记名指示抬头和记名收货人抬头。  ①空白抬头。例如:信用证提单条款中规定:“...BillofLadingconsignedtoorder...”或“...BillofLadingmadeouttoorder...”,则提单收货人栏中只要打“Toorder”即可。  ②记名指示抬头。  如果信用证提单条款中规定:“...BillofLadingconsignedtotheorderoftheissuing  bank...”,则提单收货人栏中只要打“Toorderof...(开证行)...bank”即“凭开证行的指示”;如果规定“...BillofLadingmadeouttoshipper′sorder...”,则提单收货人栏中只要打“Toshipper"sorder”即“凭托运人指示”;如果规定“...BillofLadingmadeouttoorderofABCCo....”,则提单收货人栏中只要打“ToorderofABCCO.”即“凭ABCCo.指示”。  ③记名收货人抬头。  例如:信用证提单条款中规定:“...BillofLadingconsignedtoABCCo....”,则提单收货人栏中只要打“ABCCO.”即货交ABCCO.。  二、NotifyParty通知人  要与信用证的规定一致。例如:信用证提单条款中规定:“...BillofLading...notifyapplicant”,则提单通知人栏中要打上开证申请人的详细名称和地址。

consignee 与notify party 搞不清楚?

中国进出口企业在线服务中心提示:1、consignee:收货人 2、notify party:被通知人(货物到达目的港船方发送到货通知的对象.) a.如果是记名或收货人指示提单,收货人一栏已有详细地址,此项可不填或填SAME AS CONSIGNEE b.如果是空白指示或托运人指示提单,则必须填写被通知人名称和详细地址,否则无法与收货人联系3、例子:对于船公司来说,CONSIGNEE就是收货人,联系不到CONSIGNEE船公司会联系Notify Party。实务中,Notufy Party一般是最终进口方,Consignee可能是代理公司4、例子:cnee: to order of shpr ntfy: xxx co. ,那么在这个指示提单中,ntfy才是真正的收货人, 如: cnee: A CO. ntfy: B CO. , 那么在这记名提单里,收货人就是cnee了。当然,如果只是从英文的字面来看,consignee为收货人,notify party为通知人。记得以前还出过这样的提单,cnee为to order, ntfy为XXX BANK, also notify为 xxx co., 这样的话,是also notify才是真正的收货人




consignee意指提单的收货人。自取得提单之日起,成为提单的当事人。如要求记名提单,则可填上具体的收货公司或收货人名称;如属于指示提单,则填为“指示”或“凭指示”;如需在提单上列明指示人,则可根据不同要求,做成“凭托运人指示”,“凭收货人指示”或“凭银行指示”。consignee英 [,ku0252nsau026a"niu02d0]美 [,kɑnsau026a"ni]。n. 收件人;受托者;承销人。助记提示1、con- "with" + sign- + -ee.2、字面含义为:sealing with a sign, mark with a sign.双语例句1. The consignee is decided according to the order of the shipper or the opening bank.收货人是由托运人或开证行的指令决定.2. For Freight Collect shipments , the charge will be billed to the consignee.若采取收件人付费方式, 则费用由收件人支付.3. Consignee has special legal status in international carriage of goods by sea.在海上货物运输合同中,收货人具有特殊的法律地位.4. Assist the consignee, if necessary, in warehousing and distribution.如果需要,帮助收货人存储, 配送货物.5. Holding bill of lading to the consignee can eventually pick up.收货人最后可以拿着提货单去提货.

JAVA 想问一下Header header = postMethod.getResponseHeader("location");是什么意思?当中的location是



这个,是设置页面缓存的防止JSP或者Servlet中的输出被浏览器保存在缓冲区中。<%response.setHeader(“Cache-Control”,”no store”);//HTTP 1.1response.setHeader(“Pragma”,”no store”);//HTTP 1.0response.setDateHeader(“Expires”,0);//在代理服务器端防止缓冲%>


这个,是设置页面缓存的防止JSP或者Servlet中的输出被浏览器保存在缓冲区中。<%response.setHeader(“Cache-Control”,”no store”);//HTTP 1.1response.setHeader(“Pragma”,”no store”);//HTTP 1.0response.setDateHeader(“Expires”,0);//在代理服务器端防止缓冲%>

美国创作才子 Jer Coons的简介

20岁的张哲孔斯将赢得美国偶像,但他睡通过面试。 Raised by a family of marsupials until the age of six, Jer eventually found a home in the Green Mountains of Vermont.提出了一个家庭的有袋动物,直到6岁,张哲最终找到了家中的绿色山脉佛蒙特州。 His pop songwriting tendencies left him largely ignored due to the region"s affinity for granola munching and doing the hippie-shake.他弹出创作倾向让他基本上忽略由于该地区的亲和麦片咀嚼做嬉皮防抖。 Ignored that is, until now.忽略,直到现在。 Story: 故事: Jer hit the ground running in 2009, with an impressive batch of new songs earning him comparisons to a younger John Mayer, or an older Nick Jonas (the talented Jonas Brother) and everything else in between.张哲撞到地面运行, 2009年,令人印象深刻,一批新的歌曲赢得他比较年轻约翰梅尔,或年龄较大的尼克乔纳斯(乔纳斯兄弟的人才)和其他一切之间。 Jer and his live performances are better than virtually all singer songwriters for several reasons:哲和他的现场演出比几乎所有的歌手歌曲,有几个理由: u2022 He does not shop at Urban Outfitters trying to buy trendy things in an attempt to look ten years younger, because if he did look ten years younger, he would look like a ten year old u2022他不铺在城市Outfitters试图购买时髦的事情,试图寻找十年年轻,因为如果他没有期待十年年轻,他看起来像10岁 u2022 His backing band is better than the tapes Milli Vanilli used u2022他支持频段优于磁带使用毫秒瓦利合唱团 u2022 He won most musical in his high school year book u2022他赢得大多数的音乐在他的高一学年书 And boy, can this kid write a pop song.和男孩,可这孩子写一首流行歌曲。 Armed with drop dead catchy melodies, boyish good looks and a charm equal to or greater than Paris Hilton, Jer is poised for national recognition during the coming year.配备骤死上口的旋律,孩子气的美貌和魅力等于或大于帕丽斯希尔顿,张哲正准备国家承认在今后的一年。 In the meantime, look for Jer Coons on a crowded street near you.在此期间,寻找哲孔斯在拥挤的街道附近。 His debut LP "Speak" drops September 29th and you can hear his song "Legs" playing in all Hollister stores.出道唱片“说话”下降9月29日,你可以听到他的歌曲“腿”在所有霍利斯特商店。 Epilogue: 后记: Jer often receives comparisons to many singer songwriters and performers.比较哲经常收到许多歌手歌曲作者和表演者。 Before jumping to make one too quickly take a look at these facts:跳之前进行一次太快看看这些事实: Jason Mraz杰森Mraz Similarities: They both have a huge vocal range and can sing many words in a short amount of time with few pauses相似之处:他们都有一个巨大的声音范围,会唱许多词在很短的时间很少停顿 Differences: Guys actually listen to Jer Coons不同点是:大家实际上听取哲孔斯 Howie Day豪日 Similarities: Both play killer live shows with full bands, or solo acoustic with many loop pedals相似之处:都发挥杀手的现场表演,充分乐队,或独奏声许多回路踏板 Differences: Jer has never been addicted to heroin, gone to rehab, or dated Britney Spears in rehab.分歧:哲从来没有沉迷于海洛因,去戒毒,或月布兰妮斯皮尔斯在康复。 Damien Rice:达米安赖斯: Similarities: Jer has traces of Irish in him相似之处:痕迹哲已在他的爱尔兰 Differences: You don"t need Zoloft to listen to Jer不同点是:你不需要的Zoloft听取张哲 Bono博诺 Similarities: Jer can count in Spanish相似之处:张哲可以指望在西班牙 Differences: Jer"s real name is good enough to be his performance name unlike Paul David Hewson分歧:哲的真实姓名是好得足以当他的名字与保罗的表现大卫休森 John Mayer约翰梅尔 John Mayer is probably better than Jer Coons约翰梅尔可能优于哲孔斯 Cat Stevens Cat Stevens的 Similarities: Jer plays acoustic guitar相似之处:张哲发挥吉他 Differences: He is not on the USA terrorist watch list区别在于:他是不是对美国的恐怖主义观察名单 Kanye West坎耶维斯特 Similarities: Kanye now tries to sing, which we can only assume is because he wants to be like Jer相似之处:肯伊现在尝试唱歌,我们只能假设,是因为他想成为像哲 Differences: Jer is totally modest分歧:张哲完全是适度的

不懂CHEM的Word equations

更新1: i619.photobucket/albums/tt280/wongbj/IS01 i619.photobucket/albums/tt280/wongbj/IS02 1. copper oxide + carbonon → copper + carbon dioxide 2. lead oxide + carbon → lead + carbon dioxide 3. magnesium + oxygen → magnesium oxide 4. hydrogen + oxygen → water 5. carbon + oxygen (in excess) → carbon dioxide 6. carbon (in excess) + oxygen → carbon monoxide 7. sodium + chloride → sodium chloride 8. glucose + oxygen → water + carbon dioxide + energy 9. carbon dioxide + water → starch/gluscose/food + oxygen 10. magnesium + hydrochloric acid → magnesium chloride + hydrogen 11. iron + hydrochloric acid → iron chloride/iron(II) chloride + hydrogen 12. calcium carbonate + hydrochloric acid → calcium chloride + water + carbon dioxide 13. carbon dioxide + water → carbonic acid 14. sulphur dioxide + oxygen + water → sulphuric acid 15. nitrogen oxides + water → nitrous acid/nitric acid 16. hydrochloric acid + sodium hydroxide → sodium chloride + water 17. nitric acid + potassium hydroxide → potassium nitrate + water 18. sulphuric acid + magnesium hydroxide → magnesium sulphate + water 19. siliver oxide → silver + oxygen 20. copper(II) oxide + carbon → copper + carbon dioxide 21. propane + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water 22. potassium + water → potassium hydroxide + hydrogen 23. sodium hydrogencarbonate → sodium carbonate + carbon dioxide + water 24. hydrogen + nitrogen → ammonia 25. magnesium + hydrochloric aid → magnesium chloride + hydrogen = 1. copper oxide + carbon -> copper + carbon dioxide 2. lead oxide + carbon -> lead + carbon dioxide 3. magnesium + oxygen -> Magnesium oxide 4. hydrogen + oxygen -> water 5 6 . carbon + oxygen -> carbon dioxide 7. sodium + chlorine -> sodium chloride 8. glucose + oxygen -> water + carbon dioxide + energy 9. carbon dioxide + water -> glucose + oxygen 10. magnesium + hydrochloric acid -> magnesium chloride + hydrogen 11. Iron + hydrochloric acid -> Iron(III) chloride + hydrogen 12. calcium carbonate + hydrochloric acid -> calcium chloride + carbon dioxide + water 13. carbon dioxide + water -> hydrogencarbonate 14. sulphur dioxide + oxygen + water -> sulphuric acid 15. nitrogen oxides + water -> nitric acid 16. hydrochloric acid + sodium hydroxide -> sodium chloride + water 17. nitric acid + potassium hydroxide -> potassium nitrate + water 18. sulphuric acid + magnesium hydroxide -> magensium sulphate + water 19. silver oxide -> oxygen + silver 20. Copper(II) oxide + carbon -> copper + carbon dioxide 21. ? 22. Potassium + water -> potassium hydroxide + hydrogen 23 sodium hydrogencarbonate + oxygen -> sodium carbonate + carbon dioxide + water 24. Hydrogen + nitrogen gas -> ammonia gas 25. magnesium + hydrochloric acid -> magnesium chloride + hydrogen 2009-04-17 14:23:12 补充: 24. Hydrogen + nitrogen gas <-> ammonia gas 2009-04-17 14:24:46 补充: 23. sodium hydrogencarbonate -> sodium carbonate + carbon dioxide + water 2009-04-17 14:26:11 补充: 第5,6则不肯定...



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27 The scrap consist of (R50-R65) of rails as R50 (51.67 kg/m GOST-7173-75),

帮你查了一下:不过也没查清楚这是废旧钢轨的说明scrap就是指这段钢轨consist of 包括(R50-R65)这是钢轨的型号rail 钢轨kg/m千克/立方米gost没查找 length 长度according to INCOTERMS 2000根据2000年的国际商会国际贸易术语解释通则

Breaking All Illusions 歌词

歌曲名:Breaking All Illusions歌手:Dream Theater专辑:A Dramatic Turn of Events North America Tour - Live in Montreal标题:Breaking All Illusions乐队:Dream Theater珞珈山梦境联盟:小雄爷、炀帝With the sun in placeThere"s a test of faithStreams of thought awakenNew realitiesSingularitiesBreaking all illusionsSudden burst of heatBurning source of lifeMasterful destructionPower"s not an actIt"s understanding truthChanging my directionLive in the momentBreathe in a new beginingWisdom revealedAs I unlearn to learnLife"s biggest battlesOften are fought aloneMy spirit brings me homeEmerald thoughts flowThrough my consciousnessDraw to curses left behindTest of will the threshold to one"s faithStarts a fire in the mindSearching outReaching inTo arriveWhere I beganSights rememberedIn the lightSearching outReaching inTo arriveWhere I beganSights rememberedCome aliveEmbrace the daysDon"t turn awayLife"s true intent needs patienceKarma starts the signalhttp://music.baidu.com/song/52309359

Sweet Illusions 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Illusions歌手:Ryan Adams专辑:Live After DeafLet me go I"m only letting you downI "ve got nothing to say to you nowI lose the feelings that are weighing me downWhen I"m safeIt"s turning morning all the birds singI"m not complicating anythingI"ll have another then I"ll go to bedBut I"ll dream of youCause it"s almost overAnd it"s almost goneAnd I can feel the sweet illusion, comingSweet confusion, honeySweet illusion coming downAnd I ain"t got nothing but love for you nowYou and I used to shine like a jewelBut times been nothing to us but cruelSo play it out and never played the foolCause you"ll lose every timeWe were nothing, we were only the pastHard times like that don"t lastI"ve been forgiven, I"ve been surpassedBy my heartHave you?Cause it"s almost overYeah it"s almost goneAnd I can feel the Sweet Illusion comingSweet Confusion, honeySweet Illusion coming downAnd I ain"t got nothing but love for youLove for you I can"t useAnd lonely nights multiplied by the bluesThat I can"t resolveYou never knew me but I did my bestI"m just lonely inside I guessYou gave me everything you really triedThanks....If we were nothing and we"re only the pastThen I"m just living in a dream I guessA long black dream that takes me down the river to youWhere it"s almost overAnd we"re almost goneAnd I can feel the Sweet Illusion comingSweet Confusion, honeySweet Illusion coming downAnd I ain"t got nothing but love for you nowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/54598680

Illusions Of Bliss 歌词

歌曲名:Illusions Of Bliss歌手:SARAH MCLACHLAN专辑:Laws Of IllusionSarah Mclachlan - Illusions Of BlissHere I go again...back into your armsWhat ever happened to resolve?For though I thought that I was strong,that I could carry onAwash in the illusion of this blissHere I go again...back into the flameLike a moth so willing to be burnedA little touch a little taste the pheremones embraceAnd I get weak with every breathe I take"Cause it"s you who released meIt"s you who gave me fireOh and now it"s impossible to growWithout breaking stride...I get so highTake me out beyond the inclineMake it past the former fault lineFor today I let the moment winHere I go again...saying things I shouldn"t sayJust so I can hear them back from youOh you know I shouldn"t stayI should be on my wayBack to a place I know is realBut the lines are getting blurredMy conscience wont be heardAwash in the illusion of this blissAnd it"s you who released meIt"s you who gave me fireOh and now it"s impossible to growWithout breaking stride...I get so highTake me out beyond the inclineMake it past the former fault lineFor today I let the moment winhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1736479

Illusions (Feat. Lyricson) 歌词

歌曲名:Illusions (Feat. Lyricson)歌手:Starflam&Lyricson专辑:Donne-Moi De L AmourILLUSIONDopeman Dopeman smoke till you try will let you so high Dopeman Dopeman what you want is 你what you gonna get 我再也无法忍受了在我的心里你的分量逐渐减少你打破了我所有对你的幻想一切都不可能重新再来你甚至还打碎了我灵魂深处的记忆心里只有伤痛你对我的打击之大使我心里再也不愿意相信任何人有谁能够挽救我呢我成了黑暗的儿子一天天如行尸走肉能不能有个地方让我解脱 I Wanna 百无聊赖连呼吸也成为了一种负担希望能在这世上重生我在黑暗中看到一丝光阴忘记过去的我为了期待我的人一切都重新来过http://music.baidu.com/song/2837799

Choze的《Illusions》 歌词

歌曲名:Illusions歌手:Choze专辑:Holy Hip Hop Vol. 3ILLUSIONDopeman Dopeman smoke till you try will let you so high Dopeman Dopeman what you want is 你what you gonna get 我再也无法忍受了在我的心里你的分量逐渐减少你打破了我所有对你的幻想一切都不可能重新再来你甚至还打碎了我灵魂深处的记忆心里只有伤痛你对我的打击之大使我心里再也不愿意相信任何人有谁能够挽救我呢我成了黑暗的儿子一天天如行尸走肉能不能有个地方让我解脱 I Wanna 百无聊赖连呼吸也成为了一种负担希望能在这世上重生我在黑暗中看到一丝光阴忘记过去的我为了期待我的人一切都重新来过http://music.baidu.com/song/2802463

Cypress Hill的《Illusions》 歌词

歌曲名:Illusions歌手:Cypress Hill专辑:Original Album ClassicsLeona Lewis - IllusionMy hands are tied in a knot I"ve never seen beforeMy feet are bound to a weight headed to the ocean floorBaby I ain"t crying wolf this timeThis situation I can"t untie, undoIf there was a trapdoor, or a hidden floorBaby I would"ve used itTo get out, to set me freeBut I don"t know how to do itYour love"s an illusionI keep on falling for it, I keep on falling for itYour love"s an illusionI could"ve swore I saw itBut I keep on falling for itCos yor love"s an illusionYou hesitated in a way I"ve never seen beforeBaby when it comes down to itI just wanted moreBaby I ain"t crying wolf this timeThis relationship I can"t untie, undoIf there was a trapdoor, or a hidden floorBaby I would"ve used itTo get out, to set me freeBut I don"t know how to do itYour love"s an illusionI keep on falling for it, I keep on falling for itYour love"s an illusionI could"ve swore I saw itBut I keep on falling for itNow you see itNow you don"tUsed to feel itWhat went wrongNow you see itNow you don"tUsed to feel itAnd now it"s goneIf there was a trapdoor, or a hidden floorBaby I would"ve used itTo get out, to set me freeBut I don"t know how to do itYour love"s an illusionI keep on falling for it, I keep on falling for itYour love"s an illusionI could"ve swore I saw itBut I keep on falling for itYour love"s an illusionI keep on falling for it, I keep on falling for itYour love"s an illusionI could"ve swore I saw itBut I keep on falling for itCos yor love is an illusionhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8419486

Babyface的《Illusions》 歌词

歌曲名:Illusions歌手:Babyface专辑:For The Cool In YouILLUSIONDopeman Dopeman smoke till you try will let you so high Dopeman Dopeman what you want is 你what you gonna get 我再也无法忍受了在我的心里你的分量逐渐减少你打破了我所有对你的幻想一切都不可能重新再来你甚至还打碎了我灵魂深处的记忆心里只有伤痛你对我的打击之大使我心里再也不愿意相信任何人有谁能够挽救我呢我成了黑暗的儿子一天天如行尸走肉能不能有个地方让我解脱 I Wanna 百无聊赖连呼吸也成为了一种负担希望能在这世上重生我在黑暗中看到一丝光阴忘记过去的我为了期待我的人一切都重新来过http://music.baidu.com/song/1048742

Last week the staff made______ suggestions, but unluckily they were just ______ impractical by ...

D 试题分析:考查词组:第一空dozens of许多,第二空考查dismiss解雇,驳回,拒绝受理,句意:上个星期,职员提了很多建议,但不幸运的是,他们被做为不实用的建议被经理拒绝了。选D。点评:dozen。Score,hundred,thousand等数词,和具体时间连用,用单数,和复数连用,要加of,表示“许多”。

monster guardians是哪个国家的


mstsc /console是什么意思?

当我们的windows2003服务器上超出最大连接数以后,我们除了重启服务器外,还有一个最好的方法就是使用/console(控制台方式mstsc /console /v:IP:终端端口)进行登录。当我们加了这个参数以后,会自动的踢掉其中一个用户,并允许你登录。当远程服务器并没有超出最大连接时,它判断服务器本地是否登陆在桌面,如果登录,则锁定本地登录,桌面被console占用,如果没有登录就开启个本地登录一样的窗口。 使用 /console 和不使用/console的区别 结论:/console 模式等同于本地终端显示器登录,/console不会去占用非/console远程桌面。远程桌面允许两个正常连接和一个控制台/console方式连接,并且正常连接和/console连接的桌面操作不能相互看见。 实验过程: 1.使用2个正常连接远程服务器,再使用一个/console方式连接,一台服务器打开3个远程桌面,并且打开的窗口相互都看不见。 2.当使用/console打开远程桌面以后,自动锁定本地终端连接,本地终端登录以后会自动断开远程/console方式,相互冲突,并且开启的窗口可以相互看得见 3.当已经有一个/console远程连接以后,再使用一个/console方式就会自动断开已经的连接,并占有他的桌面。 4.正常连接和/console连接除了后台服务一样以外,桌面窗口不会有任何相互干扰。 另外如果系统是WINXP SP3,是不支持 /console这个参数的,需要使用mstsc /admin。 经测试,vista 也不支持 mstsc /console模式,看了一下帮助,是没有/console这个参数的。 windows xp升级到sp3后,命令换成mstsc /admin即可实现winXp2中MSTSC /console的功能 在windows xp/2003下,当你从网络上访问其他机器,还是使用远程桌面功能登录系统,遇到类似“由于帐户限制你无法登录”的提示时,一般是由于你所使用的登录帐号的密码为空,并且所要登录的远程计算机中的“组策略”禁止空密码用户通过网络登录引起的。只要修改该配置即可。   方法是:在远程计算机上启动“组策略编辑器”(开始-运行-GPEDIT.MSC),在“WINDOWS设置-安全设置-本地策略-安全选项”中找到“使用空白密码的本地帐户只允许进行控制台登录”,将其设置为“已停用”就可以了,另一种方法则是把你所使用的登录账号设置为非空密码。 Mstsc 命令参数具体说明 mstsc.exe {ConnectionFile | /v:ServerName[:Port]} [/console] [/f] [/w:Width/h:Height] mstsc.exe /edit"ConnectionFile" mstsc.exe /migrate 参数 ConnectionFile 指定用于连接的 .rdp 文件的名称。 /v: ServerName[ :Port] 指定要连接的远程计算机和(可选)端口号。 /console 连接到指定的 Windows Server 2003 家族操作系统的控制台会话。 /f 在全屏模式下启动“远程桌面”连接。 /w:Width /h:Height 指定“远程桌面”屏幕的尺寸。 /edit " ConnectionFile " 打开指定的 .rdp 文件进行编辑。 /migrate 将使用“客户端连接管理器”创建的旧的连接文件迁移到新的 .rdp 连接文件中。 注释 -必须是要连接的服务器上的管理员才能创建远程控制台连接。 -对于每个用户来说,默认的 .rdp 都作为隐藏文件存储在“我的文档”中。默认情况下,用户创建的 .rdp 文件存储在“我的文档”中,但可移至任何位置。 示例 要连接到服务器的控制台会话,请键入: mstsc /console 要打开名为 filename.rdp 的文件进行编辑,请键入: mstsc /edit filename.rdp 控制台方式登录 mstsc /console /v:注:在远程服务器异常时,比如C盘满无空间或中毒了屏幕一闪一闪,MSTSC登录后无法正常操作时,都可以使用mstsc /console /v:来登录操作。

英语谚语:Happiness consists in contentment 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Happiness consists in contentment 中文意思: 知足常乐。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Reputation is often got without merit and lost without fault 无功得名是常事,无过失名也是常事。 Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve 应该做的决心做,决心做的务必做。 Respect yourself or no one else will respect you 君须自敬,人乃敬之。 Responsibility must be shouldered; you cannot carry it under your arms 责任必须负在肩上,不能挟在腋下。 Rest breeds rust 停止须生锈。 Revolutions are not made with rose water 革命不是绣花。 Riches do not always bring happiness 富未必永远带幸福。 Riches either serve or govern the possessor 财富可以侍候主人,也可以支配主人。 Riches have wings 财富难保。 Riches serve a wise man but mand a fool 财富事智者,却又驭蠢人。 英语谚语: Happiness consists in contentment 中文意思: 知足常乐。

英语七年级的Who questions是什么意思?

Who questions?谁质疑?

怎么理解only one measurement should be considered after 85% dissolution of b

only one measurement should be considered after 85% dissolution of b_有道翻译翻译结果:只有一个测量应考虑85%后解散considered英 [ku0259n"su026adu0259d]美 [ku0259n"su026adu025ad]adj. 经过深思熟虑的;被尊重的considered 经过考虑的,考虑过的,考虑being considered 在考虑之中,正在考虑,正考虑的considered precious 审议了宝贵,被视为珍贵,考虑珍贵


VideoMode是解析度:1024*768 Screen Refresh Rate是屏幕刷新率:75Hz Aspect Ratio是屏幕碧绿,普通的17或者19寸显示器就调整成4:3,宽屏(Wide Screen)就调成16:10或者16:9 Anti-aliasing是反锯齿Sync Every Frame是画面同步Dual Video Cards是双显卡设置,这个不能开,除非你是两块显卡Shadows是阴影Depth of Field是场景深度Glow是打光Number of Dynamic Lights是动态光影数目Soften Edge Smokes是平滑化烟雾效果Ragdoll是景物特效Bullets Impacts是子弹撞击效果Model Detail是模型细节Water Detail是水面效果Number of corpses是尸体保留数目然后Texture Settings是视觉效果设置 Texture Filtering是视觉效果过滤Texture Quinlity是视觉效果质量Texture Resolution是视觉效果再处理

Dsp中的anti-aliasing filter 和reconstruction filter什么区别

anti-aliasing filter 抗混叠滤波器:一种低通滤波器,用以在输出电平中把混叠频率分量降低到非常小的程度;reconstruction filter 重建滤波器:从采样恢复原信号的滤波器,作用就是根据采样点重建采样前的信号。举例一:The hardware of the system includes the FPGA chip, the voltage conditioning circuit, anti-aliasing filter circuit, PLL circuit, the A/ D sampling circuit.系统硬件部分包括FPGA处理芯片,电压调理电路,抗混叠滤波电路,锁相倍频电路,A/D采样电路。举例二:The application of bandpass sampling in data acquisition can reduce the sampling frequency greatly. But the anti-aliasing filter in the system would bring the phase nonlinearity.在数据采集中采用带通采样,可大大降低采样率,但系统中的抗混叠滤波器会造成相位的非线性。举例三:This thesis emphasizes on the design of the digital filter, sigma-delta modulator, IDAC and analog reconstruction filter.重点研究了数字滤波器、∑-△调制器、电流舵型数模转换器和模拟重建滤波器。举例四:Study on radioactive concentration and reconstruction filter function using SPECTSPECT重建滤波函数取值与放射性浓度的关系

英文辩论,我们持这方every country should be allowed to have nuclear weapons

should be aloud nukes however because there are such weapons so many wars have been prevented i mean look rlistically you could fit the UK lets say into texas 13 times however america would never risk a war with the Uk becoz even there tiny lil island would wipe evrymajor city america has clean off the face of the earth and knock out evry defence satilate teh americans have basically making them defense less the russians coudl just walk in and take it so even tho the whole uk wud be gone also america woudl be gone so these weapons basically say you fire we fire we both loose there is no point but you are right there are just some insane people who given these weapons would use them as pawns in a world chest games they woudl just fire and how can u fire a nuke back at mumgabe just to kill him think of the innocent lives u woudl take with it and the damge to the world so in a way they have both saved lives but will one day take all of us nothign lasts forever.Just as some should not be allowed to drive on the public streets as they are too irresponsible there are many nations that should not have the ability to destroy other nations a perfect example is Che the Argentinian who was all over south American doing what he could to destroy others form of government Too some he was and his a hero He said if he could have got nukes he would have used that on the U S to some that is a very pleasing thought But the U S could never had allowed him to have themSome how don"t think this one well ever get them

辐射避难所 scrap 3weapons or outfits,神马意思


weapons free什么意思

由形容词 free 构成的合成词指“无人使用…的”或“免除…的”,weapons-free 就是指“无人使用武器的”。另如 a nuclear-weapon-free 无核武器的 duty-free免关税的 interest-free无息的 tax-free免税的




weapons的英音【"wepu0259nz】;美音【"wepu0259nz】。weapons的意思是武器;兵器;;凶器;手段,工具(指用作攻击或斗争的知识、言语、行动等)。含有weapons的双语例句1、A ban was imposed on the use of chemical weapons。化学武器已被禁止使用。2、The country has not forsworn the use of chemical weapons。该国并未保证禁用化学武器。3、Guilt is the secret weapon for the control of children。愧疚是控制儿童的秘密武器。4、Education is the only weapon to fight the spread of the disease。教育是战胜这一疾病蔓延的唯一手段。5、The police still haven"t found the murder weapon。警方仍未找到谋杀的凶器。6、Exactly what can be called an offensive weapon is still a grey area。究竟什么可称作进攻性武器仍然难以界定。


这个... ...我怎么记得是一个武器修改的MOD,游戏文件本身没有的。

Drop Your weapons!翻译成中文是什么意思?


alllight weapons这是什么意思

all light weapons所有轻武器

我的世界Weapons+Mod里怎么造核弹头 还有提炼的铀杆怎么制造

  我的世界Weapons+Mod制作弹头步骤如下:  1.进入弹头制作页面;  2.在周围8个格子中,各放入1-64个工业TNT;  3.在中心格子中放入1-64金属块(铀矿威力最大),即可制作弹头。  我的世界游戏中,弹头的威力根据制作材料的多少决定,周围8个格子放置64个工业TNT,中间格子放入64块铀矿,即可到达最大威力。


I walked along the road todayand saw myself in the tired faceand a thousand more look back at meI could almost feel the unityAnd the sun rose high above the treesand the birds were singing over mebut beneath my feet I felt the stingthat was the earth rememberingLay down, lay down your weapons boyRight now, right now you should"ve changed the worldUnder it all, you"re not so toughEveryone, everyone just wants to fall in loveAnd I used to think we"re just the samefrom a different town and with different namesDo you remember what we said?“We"ll never change,” oh did we forget?Lay down, lay down your weapons boyRight now, right now you should"ve changed the worldUnder it all, you"re not so toughEveryone, everyone just wants to fall in loveAnd I walked along to the edge of townand there I threw my burdens downLooking up, at last I foundYou"re never loved if you protect yourselfLay down, lay down your weapons boyRight now, right nowUnder it all, you"re not so toughEveryone, everyone just wants to fall, to fall in loveLay down, lay down your weapons boyRight now, right now you should"ve changed the worldUnder it all, you"re not so toughEveryone, every one of us, just wants to fallLay down, lay down your weapons boyLay down, lay down your weapons boy

电脑术语Boot Device Options是什么意思阿


KingStonSD卡与SanDisk SD卡的能通用吗区别是什么?

KingStonSD是金士顿SD卡 SanDisk SD是闪迪SD卡,不同厂家的SD卡内存颗粒用的不一样,功能都是一样的,对应SD卡的设备来说都一样可以通用




js的弱类型让人感觉很多东西都比较迷惑,例如变量在if条件中到底是true还是false,如果在强类型语言中将一个非boolean类型的变量放在if条件中时,是需要进行类型转换的,但是js不需要,下面来进行测试,测试常见的变量类型在if条件中的表现!function test1(){ <span style="color:#ff0000;">var a,b=-1,c= 1,d= 0,e=null,f=undefined,g="",h="";</span> if(!a){ console.log("a="+a) } if(!b){ console.log("b="+b) } if(!c){ console.log("c="+c) } if(!d){ console.log("d="+d) } if(!e){ console.log("e="+e) } if(!f){ console.log("f="+f) } if(!g){ console.log("g="+g) } if(!h){ console.log("h="+h) } }() 设定了各种变量类型,分别放入if条件中执行结果a=undefined d=0 e=null f=undefined g= h= i=falsejs中的if()判断成立与否的条件是不是只有true跟falseif(){语句}当括号里面的值为0 空字符 false null undefined 的时候就相当于false 则不执行语句 除此之外的值就执行语句javascript中 if(变量)与if(变量=true)的不同var a;//定义一个变量没有初始化if(a){alert(1) return};//这里不会执行,因为a没有值,所以为false;a=0//这里给a赋值为0if(a){alert(1) return};//在来执行这句话,因为a=0;0代表false,所以还是不执行;a=1或者a=逗123地;if(a){alert(1) return};//这里a=除0以为的数,或者字符或者obj都表示为真,这里的alert就会执行! 在来看第二种情况;var b;if(b=="")和if(b==null)这里谁会执行呢,当然是后面一种,因为b是没有定义值的,如果是var b="",这样的话就会执行第一种;b = 1;if(b==1)和if(b=="1")这里哪一种会执行呢,答案是两种都会执行!因为js的==表示的是数值相等;谢谢,希望楼主可以理解! 还有就是楼主的这种情况:var c;c=0;if(c==false)会不会执行呢,答案是肯定的;c=1;if(c==true)也一样会执行!但是我们看下面这样会执行么看c=2或者c="admin"if(c==true)alert(1)这句话会执行么,答案是否定的,因为默认表示的是,0为false而1为true,对于其他的就没有这么定义,所以这里不会执行,当然如果你是这样if(c)那这里就会执行了!

求助翻译:Network Cities: Creative Urban Agglomerations for the 21st Century

全球性经济哺育polycentric 都市配置创新组: 网络城市。网络城市演变当二个或更多早先独立城市, 潜在地补全在作用, 努力合作和达到重大范围经济由运输和通信基础设施快速和可靠的走廊援助。创造性的网络城市安置重要性在基于知识的活动象研究、教育和创造性的艺术。合作机制也许类似那些相互牢固的网络在感觉, 各个都市球员站立受益于交互式成长共同作用通过相互作用、知识交换和意想不到的创造性。二个专题研究是被谈论的briefly-Randstad荷兰和Kansai, 日本。因为他们的未来物力论也许依靠跨国人力资源, 它预见, 更多网络城市将超越国界在下千年期间。

2个人,two people, two persons都可以, 请问,3个人呢?30个人呢?300个人呢?3000个人,也可以two thou

Three people 30 people 3000 people

two people和two persons一样吗?

不一样. 口语有人用two persons但是书面用语都用two people 口语中当两个人的性别一样的时候可以说two persons.还有和好朋友交谈的时候你可以说two persons特指你们两个.

两个人用英语是 two people 还是two persons


一个人可以说是"one person",两个人可以说是"two people",那两个人可不可以说是"two persons"呢?

可以 但习惯上不这么用

two people和two persons一样吗?


two people和two persons一样吗?

of course

百度云求monstar和一起用餐吧2中字凤凰天使翻译MP4的百度云盘分享... 最好是640P的

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《Page Turner》是韩国于2016年播出的特别企划独幕剧,由朴慧莲编剧,金所炫、金志洙、辛载夏等主演。该剧是以关注10代青少年成长为主题的故事,讲述了天才钢琴少女尹侑瑟发生了意外事故后,与她的至亲郑车植和命运般的对手真木开始了新的人生,是部描绘他们如何治愈的温暖作品. 该剧讲述了在各种比赛中获得第一名的天才钢琴少女尹侑瑟(金所炫饰),虽然是钢琴演奏者志愿生,但也只不过是为了替妈妈实现梦想的媒介。由于事故面临失去一切危机的平凡学生,此刻她的人生开始了180度转变,与至亲郑车植(金志洙饰)和命运般的对手徐真木(辛载夏饰)也开始了新的人生.: )




歌名:不要让我哭泣歌词:不要让我哭泣,我讨厌悲伤电影中的主人翁不要让我哭泣,我不想象悲伤的歌曲一般,被人记住不要让我哭泣不要让我哭泣,我讨厌悲伤电影中的主人翁不要让我哭泣,我不想象悲伤的歌曲一般,被人记住在我身旁徘徊的你的模样,就像是忧郁的一天现在我已经感受不到你的笑容,那个夜里对我来说,还在我身旁的你,就像是人偶般沾上灰蒙蒙的灰尘的我的记忆之中,现在渐行渐远的你不要让我哭泣,我讨厌悲伤电影中的主人翁不要让我哭泣,我不想象悲伤的歌曲一般,被人记住在我身旁徘徊的你的模样,就像是忧郁的一天现在我已经感受不到你的笑容,那个夜里,就如同那一天,就如同那一天音译:nan wu li qi ma~su pen niu men su kei~ chu li wu leng xi lo~nan wu li qi ma~su pen nu lei qiao lo~yi yao tuai gai xi lo~nan wu li qi ma~~~~yeoh baby ,na na na na,da da la baby~~~~(nan wu li qi ma)nan wu li qi ma~(nan wu li qi ma)nan wu li qi ma~su pen niu men su kei~chu li wu leng xi lo~nan wu li qi ma~su pen nu lei qiao lo~yi yao tuai gai xi lo~ye gang tui nei----to lo gu dei yao~bu se du~~ wu ---lang ha lu~yi sang gu dei ya lv sao~du piao xi qin ya gai~nai bai~【baby nao ei ge~gu dei pi yao qiao lao~mou lo tuan tu sao gei mao dou o gei~~nai yi pi wa qiao gei~hei jia luo la mu gei ei yo~~~~o o 】o ao ao~nan wu li qi ma~su pen niu men su kei~chu li wu leng xi lo~nan wu li qi ma~su pen nu lei qiao lo~yi yao tuai gai xi lo~mai ga tuai man~~bo lei gu dei yao~mo su du~~wu~ leng ha lu~yi seng gu dei ya lv sou~du piao xi qin ya nai~nai bai gu lo qiao lo~~~hao aoaoaoaoao~wa aoao~hong gu na qiao lo~





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