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– Have you moved in the new house? – Not yet, the rooms ____. A.are being painted B.are pa

A 考查时态和语态。句意:你搬进新房了吗?还没有,房间正在粉刷。所以要用现在进行时态;去主语rooms和paint之间是动宾关系,所以要用被动语态,选A,现在进行时态的被动语态。


他还活着,我看过他的纪录片。。。 我们上课也讲过,不过是英文的哦, 你的分比较少,我就不帮你翻译了哦,你英文好的话看得懂的吧:四点:1:arbitrary grammars can describe any language; 2:by requiring the left hand side of rules to contain at most one nonterminal, we get context-sensitive grammars; 3:by requiring left hand sides to consist of a single nonterminal, we get context-free grammars; 4:by requiring all right hand sides to consist of a terminal followed by a nonterminal, we get the (left) regular grammars;these four categories of grammars describe the four categories of languages of the Chomsky hierarchy. 关于对计算机的意义和作用:The Chomsky hierarchy is a hierarchy of classes of formal languages. Regular languages are the smallest set; context-free languages are a superset of these; context-sensitive are a superset of those; computable languages are again a superset. They can be characterised by different types of devices used to recognise these languages: finite state automata , pushdown automata, linear bounded automata, and Turing machines, respectively.

heritage-themed rooms 怎么翻译




以customs in the west and in China的作文

(1)中英婚俗文化及差异(2)美国社会与文化差异(3)商务礼仪差异(4)中西方餐桌礼仪差异customs in the west and in ChinaIn different ecological or natural environment, different nations created their own special culture as well as were modeled by their own culture. In brief, customs are the summations of consuetude, etiquette and faith which have been established for a long time in human society. They are also the social convention of folk life and culture model type. Customs vividly reflect the nation"s habit of public life and characteristic culture. To get a better understanding of the different culture, here customs in the U.S. and China are taken for comparison. Through the comparison, we may have a clearer idea about different cultures and understand the essence of modern civilization between East and West.The contents of customs are wide, including wedding customs, social etiquette, customs of entertainment and so on. Some similarities and differences of customs in the above aspects can be found.Wedding customs in both countries have gone through for a long time. As a most grand thing in people"s life, they are always attracted a high degree of attention. People will publicly ensure the relationship between husband and wife with the wedding.1. However, Western wedding is solemn and romantic, and the emphasis is sacred and simple------ "the wedding before God ", while Chinese wedding is particular about boisterousness and joyousness, also can give consideration to personal affection of the relatives of the bride and groom. It shows the significance of Chinese traditional cultural------ “the wedding before people”. 2. The traditional American bride wears a long white gown and a veil, armed with white flowers. In West, white is the symbol of purity and sincereness. In China, traditional bride wedding dress is red-----the symbol of festival and lucky.3. The American wedding is often an expensive affair. It"s usually paid for by the bride"s parents, although the groom and his parents help prepare the guest list. The dining costs of the wedding are generally shared by both sides. The bride and groom toast separately to each guest to express their thanks. (1)In both countries, funeral is the last etiquette of a person"s life, the dialogue and spirit contact between the living and the dead. People can express to the respect and concern to the departed.However, in China friends and relatives would come to the funeral to condolence the departed. After that, they wouldn"t visit the departed"s home, for there is taboo that people fear to have bad luck. In America, the call of condolence should be made as soon as possible after hearing of the death. If the friends are very close, people can offer services to help in any way he or she can. People also send plants or flowers to the family a few days after funeral. This shows the sympathy and love which is totally different from Chinese. (2)Social etiquette can smooth the paths between people and help people establish friendly and pleasant relationships. They aren"t a set of serious rules. On the contrary, they are a code of behavior, based on kindness and consideration. In both countries, respect is the foundation of interpersonal relationship.When making new acquaintances and introductions, there are three common basic rules in both countries: first, a man is always introduced to a woman; second, a young person is always introduced to an older person; third, a less important person is always introduced to a more important person.However, there are some differences in appellation in these two countries. In China, people like to call other with titles which are the symbols of the identity and status. While in American, people call other"s name directly to show their intimacy. In addition, when talking with people, American seldom talk about personal business, such as age, marriage, income, faith and so on. While in China, people don"t care about others to get a general understanding of his or her life. (3)Holding dinner party is essential activity to improve emotion in people"s social interaction. The social function of the party must not be overlooked in both countries.Although food is indispensable in daily life, the differences in concepts of food can be found in these two countries. Chinese pay attention to the color, taste and appearance of food in the dinner, while American focus on the nutrition. In China, people talk and laugh in the dinner. They also like to toast and service food to other guests. However, things are different in America. People keep quiet in the dinner and only help themselves for the food they like. They think it"s impolite to talk and service food to others. (4)With the comparison study, we can learn that different countries have their own customs which vividly reflect the nation"s life habit, human behavior, moral principles, etc. Customs are the principal part and core of the history of human social life. Divers as they are, customs are partly the essence of modern civilization, based on different backgrounds, having a impact on people"s thoughts and behaviors. No matter however different they are, customs havegradually formed their own characteristics after thousands of years of development and evolution. Nowadays countries all over the world have close connections with each other. People should simply understand different cultures, and customs are one of interesting ways to exchange and integrate different cultures. When promoting diversification in culture, every country should stick to the characteristic and independence of its own culture.


你可以打电话给你电脑公司的人 应该可以帮你解决的

翻译The customs of giving gifts in foreign countries短文

在意大利,当你去一个人回家吃饭,可能是不错的携带鲜花或一盒巧克力的女主人。人们永远不会带来菊花,因为这暗示死亡。黄玫瑰的意思是“jealoudy ". 在美国,昂贵的礼物是不行的。一个恰当的礼物的人,你要感谢他或她正在吃饭,或到. 在日本娱乐或体育赛事,在恰当的礼物意为表达送礼者的真实姿态的友谊和尊重好得多无法言语。所以,日本人通常花更多的时间挑选. 在希腊礼品,表示感激最常见的形式可能是一个晚上的娱乐。你要避免领带衬衣。如果你去了希腊的家,鲜花或者蛋糕的女主人将适当. 在德国,礼物通常是包裹起来。很多德国人花时间设计精美的包装。大多数商店也会提供礼品包装服务,也。送礼者的礼物,反映的家乡总是受欢迎。客人还可以给小礼物家庭的儿童。

CUSTOMS TARIFF 和 HS code 有什么区别 ?

customs tariff基本翻译关税率;海关税则网络释义customs tariff:关税税则|海关税率|海关关税法CUSTOMS AND TARIFF BUREAU:关税局customs import tariff:海关进口税则HS code基本翻译海关编码;商品编码;物品税则编码网络释义HS CODE:HS编码|物品税则编码PU HS CODE:聚氨脂海关编码Buyer Item No., HS Code, UPC Code:多种货品编号

customs tariff number和HS code是一样的吗

一般来说,tariff item number 和 HS Code是一致的。但是海关税则前六位是全球通用的,后两位是根据各国的情况而指定,也就是说,通一个商品不同国家的后两位有可能不同。HS CODE比TARIFF ITEM MUNBER更详细,TARIFF ITEM MUNBER显示前六位便可。

customs tariff number和HS code是一样的吗

customs tariff number海关税则号HS code海关编码一个是关税(进出口货物海关征收的税费),一个是海关编码(商品报关是用到的海关商品归类代码),是完全不同的两个概念。希望对你有帮助


TTL全称Transistor-Transistor Logic,即BJT-BJT逻辑门电路,是数字电子技术中常用的一种逻辑门电路,应用较早,技术已比较成熟。TTL主要有BJT(Bipolar Junction Transistor 即双极结型晶体管,晶体三极管)和电阻构成,具有速度快的特点。最早的TTL门电路是74系列,后来出现了74H系列,74L系列,74LS,74AS,74ALS等系列。但是由于TTL功耗大等缺点,正逐渐被CMOS电路取代。 TTL门电路有74(商用)和54(军用)两个系列,每个系列又有若干个子系列。 TTL电平信号: TTL电平信号被利用的最多是因为通常数据表示采用二进制规定,+5V等价于逻辑“1”,0V等价于逻辑“0”,这被称做TTL(晶体管-晶体管逻辑电平)信号系统,这是计算机处理器控制的设备内部各部分之间通信的标准技术。 TTL电平信号对于计算机处理器控制的设备内部的数据传输是很理想的,首先计算机处理器控制的设备内部的数据传输对于电源的要求不高以及热损耗也较低,另外TTL电平信号直接与集成电路连接而不需要价格昂贵的线路驱动器以及接收器电路;再者,计算机处理器控制的设备内部的数据传输是在高速下进行的,而TTL接口的操作恰能满足这个要求。TTL型通信大多数情况下,是采用并行数据传输方式,而并行数据传输对于超过10英尺的距离就不适合了。这是由于可靠性和成本两面的原因。因为在并行接口中存在着偏相和不对称的问题,这些问题对可靠性均有影响。 TTL输出高电平>2.4V,输出低电平<0.4V。在室温下,一般输出高电平是3.5V,输出低电平是0.2V。最小输入高电平和低电平:输入高电平>=2.0V,输入低电平<=0.8V,噪声容限是0.4V。 TTL电路是电流控制器件,TTL电路的速度快,传输延迟时间短(5-10ns),但是功耗大。CMOS(Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor),互补金属氧化物半导体,电压控制的一种放大器件。是组成CMOS数字集成电路的基本单元。CMOS集成电路介绍自1958年美国德克萨斯仪器公司(TI)发明集成电路(IC)后,随着硅平面技术的发展,二十世纪六十年代先后发明了双极型和MOS型两种重要的集成电路,它标志着由电子管和晶体管制造电子整机的时代发生了量和质的飞跃。 MOS是:金属-氧化物-半导体(Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor)结构的晶体管简称MOS晶体管,有P型MOS管和N型MOS管之分。由MOS管构成的集成电路称为MOS集成电路,而由PMOS管和NMOS管共同构成的互补型MOS集成电路即为 CMOS-IC( Complementary MOS Integrated Circuit)。 目前数字集成电路按导电类型可分为双极型集成电路(主要为TTL)和单极型集成电路(CMOS、NMOS、PMOS等)。CMOS电路的单门静态功耗在毫微瓦(nw)数量级。 CMOS发展比TTL晚,但是以其较高的优越性在很多场合逐渐取代了TTL。 以下比较两者性能,大家就知道其原因了。 1.CMOS是场效应管构成,TTL为双极晶体管构成 2.CMOS的逻辑电平范围比较大(5~15V),TTL只能在5V下工作 3.CMOS的高低电平之间相差比较大、抗干扰性强,TTL则相差小,抗干扰能力差 4.CMOS功耗很小,TTL功耗较大(1~5mA/门) 5.CMOS的工作频率较TTL略低,但是高速CMOS速度与TTL差不多相当。 集成电路中详细信息: 1,TTL电平: 输出高电平>2.4V,输出低电平<0.4V。在室温下,一般输出高电平是3.5V,输出低电平是0.2V。最小输入高电平和低电平:输入高电平>=2.0V,输入低电平<=0.8V,噪声容限是0.4V。 2,CMOS电平: 1逻辑电平电压接近于电源电压,0逻辑电平接近于0V。而且具有很宽的噪声容限。 3,电平转换电路: 因为TTL和CMOS的高低电平的值不一样(ttl 5v<==>cmos 3.3v),所以互相连接时需要电平的转换:就是用两个电阻对电平分压,没有什么高深的东西。 4,驱动门电路 OC门,即集电极开路门电路,OD门,即漏极开路门电路,必须外接上拉电阻和电源才能将开关电平作为高低电平用。否则它一般只作为开关大电压和大电流负载,所以又叫做驱动门电路。 5,TTL和CMOS电路比较: 1)TTL电路是电流控制器件,而CMOS电路是电压控制器件。 2)TTL电路的速度快,传输延迟时间短(5-10ns),但是功耗大。 CMOS电路的速度慢,传输延迟时间长(25-50ns),但功耗低。 CMOS电路本身的功耗与输入信号的脉冲频率有关,频率越高,芯片集越热,这是正常现象。 3)CMOS电路的锁定效应: CMOS电路由于输入太大的电流,内部的电流急剧增大,除非切断电源,电流一直在增大。这种效应就是锁定效应。当产生锁定效应时,CMOS的内部电流能达到40mA以上,很容易烧毁芯片。 防御措施: 1)在输入端和输出端加钳位电路,使输入和输出不超过不超过规定电压。 2)芯片的电源输入端加去耦电路,防止VDD端出现瞬间的高压。 3)在VDD和外电源之间加线流电阻,即使有大的电流也不让它进去。 4)当系统由几个电源分别供电时,开关要按下列顺序:开启时,先开启CMOS电路得电源,再开启输入信号和负载的电源;关闭时,先关闭输入信号和负载的电源,再关闭CMOS电路的电源。 6,CMOS电路的使用注意事项 1)CMOS电路时电压控制器件,它的输入总抗很大,对干扰信号的捕捉能力很强。所以,不用的管脚不要悬空,要接上拉电阻或者下拉电阻,给它一个恒定的电平。 2)输入端接低内组的信号源时,要在输入端和信号源之间要串联限流电阻,使输入的 电流限制在1mA之内。 3)当接长信号传输线时,在CMOS电路端接匹配电阻。 4)当输入端接大电容时,应该在输入端和电容间接保护电阻。电阻值为R=V0/1mA.V0是外界电容上的电压。 5)CMOS的输入电流超过1mA,就有可能烧坏CMOS。 7,TTL门电路中输入端负载特性(输入端带电阻特殊情况的处理): 1)悬空时相当于输入端接高电平。因为这时可以看作是输入端接一个无穷大的电阻。 2)在门电路输入端串联10K电阻后再输入低电平,输入端出呈现的是高电平而不是低电平。因为由TTL门电路的输入端负载特性可知,只有在输入端接的串联电阻小于910欧时,它输入来的低电平信号才能被门电路识别出来,串联电阻再大的话输入端就一直呈现高电平。这个一定要注意。CMOS门电路就不用考虑这些了。 8,TTL和CMOS电路的输出处理 TTL电路有集电极开路OC门,MOS管也有和集电极对应的漏极开路的OD门,它的输出就叫做开漏输出。OC门在截止时有漏电流输出,那就是漏电流,为什么有漏电流呢?那是因为当三机管截止的时候,它的基极电流约等于0,但是并不是真正的为0,经过三极管的集电极的电流也就不是真正的0,而是约0。而这个就是漏电流。开漏输出:OC门的输出就是开漏输出;OD门的输出也是开漏输出。它可以吸收很大的电流,但是不能向外输出的电流。所以,为了能输入和输出电流,它使用的时候要跟电源和上拉电阻一齐用。OD门一般作为输出缓冲/驱动器、电平转换器以及满足吸收大负载电流的需要。


《Bottoms Up》(Miranda Baker)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:o39a书名:Bottoms Up作者:Miranda Baker出版社:Samhain Publishing, Ltd.出版年份:2010

求bottoms up的中文歌词nikelback

BOTTOMS UP(干杯)Hey! Who"s coming with me?嘿!谁将和我一起?To kick a hole in the sky往天上砸一个洞I love the whiskey我爱威士忌Lets drink that shit till it"s dry让我们把它干掉So grab a Jim B, JD所以叫一杯Jim B, JDWhatever you need所有你想要的Have a shot from the bottom干掉一杯Doesn"t matter to me对我来说没关系"Another round, fill em up再来一轮,加满Hammer down, grab a cup就这么定了,拿起杯子Bottoms up!干杯(YEAH!) This is what it"s all about(耶!)就是这样No one can slow us down没人可以劝阻我们We aren"t gonna stop until the clock runs out我们永不会停下(BOTTOMS UP!) Hell can"t handle all of us(干杯)地狱也不能控制我们So get your bottles up所以干掉这杯Drinking" every drop until it all runs out饮尽每一滴"Another round, fill em up再来一轮,加满Hammer down, grab a cup就这么定了,举起杯子Bottoms up!干杯Bottoms up!干杯So grab your best friend叫上你的好友And make your way to the bar来到酒吧But keep your distance但请明白We"re gonna light it on fire气氛将会燃烧起来We"re drink black tooth, 80% Proof Straight gasoline我们在喝black tooth, 80度直馏汽油Slam as much can take and hand the bottle to me尽管干,把瓶子给我"Another round, fill em up再来一轮,加满Hammer down, grab a cup就这么定了,拿起杯子Bottoms up!干杯!(YEAH!) This is what it"s all about(耶!)就是这样No one can slow us down没人能劝阻我们We aren"t gonna stop until the clock runs out我们永不会停下(BOTTOMS UP!) Hell can"t handle all of us(干杯)地狱也不能控制我们So get your bottles up所以干掉这杯Drinking" every drop until it all runs out饮尽每一滴"Another round, fill em up再来一轮,加满Hammer down, grab a cup就这么定了,拿起杯子Bottoms up!干杯Bottoms up!干杯This is what it"s all about就是这样No one can slow us down没人能劝阻我们We aren"t gonna stop until they throw us all out我们永不会停下直到他们把我们扔出去Hell can"t handle all of us地狱也不能控制我们So get your bottles up所以干掉这杯Drinking" every drop until it all runs out饮尽每一滴(YEAH!) This is what it"s all about(耶)就是这样No one can slow us down没人能劝阴我们We aren"t gonna stop until the clock runs out我们永不会停下(BOTTOMS UP!) Hell can"t handle all of us(干杯)地狱也不能控制我们So get your bottles up所以干掉这杯Drinking" every drop until it all runs out饮尽每一滴"Another round, fill em up再来一轮,加满Hammer down, grab a cup就这么定了,拿起杯子Bottoms up!干杯"Another round, fill em up再来一轮,加满Hammer down, grab a cup就这么定了,拿起杯子Bottoms up!干杯Hey! Bottoms up! 嘿!干杯!



bottom up 与bottoms up有何区别?

bottom up: vt.倒置(颠倒,倒着) bottoms up: 干杯 例句与用法: Bottoms up,gentlemen! 诸位,干杯吧!

My favorite character is TomSawyer的作文怎么写?

你好,可以参照下面:My Favorite CharacterAt present,there are a lot of cartoons on TV,I like the cartoon character is a break,a break clever kind-hearted lively,and,in times of emergency,he can always come up with a lot ...


consumption(消费)是consume的延边形式,consume + tion成了名词而consumption (结核病)是这个词本身的意思,不是经过变化而成的

consultant 与 comselor 区别

是counselor吧,没comselor这个词consultant顾问,英语解释:a person who gives specialist professional advice to otherscounselor顾问,咨询员,英语解释:an adviser

customs inspection是什么意思

海关检查,[贸易] 验关海关检查是对出入境的货物、邮递物品、行李物品、货币、金银、证券和运输工具等进行监督检查和征收关税的一项国家行政管理活动,Tea Importation Act passed, providing for Customs inspection of all tea entering U.S. ports, at theexpense of the importers. 《进口茶法案》通过,以损害进口商的利益为代价,要求海关检查所有进入美国的茶叶。

voa clothing-idioms 听力原文?

Now, the VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.Last week, I explained some English expressions about clothes. Everything I told you was true. I did not talk through my hat or say something without knowing the facts.Everyone knows there are many English expressions about clothes. There is no need to keep it a secret, orkeep it under your hat. In fact, if I keep talking, soon enough you will start to think I am an old hat about this -- a real expert. Do not be fooled, though. My friends sometimes call me a wolf in sheepu2019s clothing. This is someone who acts like a good person, but is really a bad person.Iu2019m not really a bad person. But I do love clothes. It is always fun to get dressed up. I look great in my best clothes. When I put them on, I feel decked out. You might say when I wear my best clothes, I am dressed to the nines or dressed to the teeth. In fact, my husband says I look dressed to kill. Of course, I would never kill anyone. But, there is something special about putting on clothes that are pleasing to the eye.My best clothes are not modern or fashionable. Maybe someday they will come into fashion. But I really do not care. They certainly look better on me than mybirthday suit. Did you know that everyone has a birthday suit? You wear it when you are wearing no clothes at all. Babies are born wearing their birthday suits.I am very careful with my clothes. I handle them with kid gloves. I try not to get them dirty or torn. Most of my clothes fit like a glove. They fit perfectly. But when I eat too much, I feel like my clothes might burst at the seams. My clothes feel too restrictive and tight.Some of the clothes I like best are hand-me-downs. My older sister gave them to me when she no longer wanted them. Hand-me-downs are great because clothes often cost too much money. I live on a shoestring. I have a very small budget and little money to spend on clothes. However, my sister has a lot of money to spend on clothes. Maybe someday the shoe will be on the other foot. The opposite will be true. I will have a lot of money to buy clothes and my sister will get hand-me-downs from me.I admit I dream of being rich. I dream that someday I will be able to live like a rich person. I will know what it is like to walk in another personu2019s shoes. Some of my friends got rich by riding someone elseu2019s coat tails. They are successful today as a result of someone else being successful. But, I believe you should never criticize others for something you would do yourself. What is said about someone else can also be said about you. Remember, if the shoe fits, wear it.

comsol调试时提示comsol_ process_ terminated是什么意思

COM Surrogate 是"C:WindowsSystem32dllhost.exe"的进程,出现这个进程一般都是COM+组件停止工作,所以电脑很卡。 解决方法就是计算机属性-高级系统设置-性能-设置-数据执行保护-勾选"为除下列选定的程序之外的所有程序和服务启用DEP。1、在桌面“我的电脑”上点击鼠标右键,选择“属性”,然后点击窗口左侧列表中的“高级系统设置”选项。2、在系统属性窗口的“高级”选项卡下,点击“性能”中的“设置”。3、在性能选项窗口中,点击“数据执行保护”标签,选择“为除下列选定程序之外的所有程序和服务启用DEP”选项,再点击“添加”按钮。4、在弹窗中输入dllhost.exe(或通过查找路径C:WindowsSystem32dllhost.exe),然后点击“打开”。5、设置完成后弹出一个数据执行保护的警告窗口,直接点击确定退出,重启电脑即可。




Time/System Time 时间/系统时间 Date/System Date 日期/系统日期 Level 2 Cache 二级缓存 System Memory 系统内存 Video Controller 视频控制器 Panel Type 液晶屏型号 Audio Controller 音频控制器 Modem Controller 调制解调器(Modem) Primary Hard Drive 主硬盘 Modular Bay 模块托架 Service Tag 服务标签 Asset Tag 资产标签 BIOS Version BIOS版本 Boot Order/Boot Sequence 启动顺序(系统搜索操作系统文件的顺序) Diskette Drive 软盘驱动器 Internal HDD 内置硬盘驱动器 Floppy device 软驱设备 Hard-Disk Drive 硬盘驱动器 USB Storage Device USB存储设备 CD/DVD/CD-RW Drive 光驱 CD-ROM device 光驱 Modular Bay HDD 模块化硬盘驱动器 Cardbus NIC Cardbus 总线网卡 Onboard NIC 板载网卡 Boot POST 进行开机自检时(POST)硬件检查的水平:设置为“MINIMAL”(默认设置)则开机自检仅在BIOS升级,内存模块更改或前一次开机自检未完成的情况下才进行检查。设置为“THOROUGH”则开机自检时执行全套硬件检查。 Config Warnings 警告设置:该选项用来设置在系统使用较低电压的电源适配器或其他不支持的配置时是否报警,设置为“DISABLED”禁用报警,设置为“ENABLED”启用报警 Internal Modem 内置调制解调器:使用该选项可启用或禁用内置Modem。禁用(disabled)后Modem在操作系统中不可见。 LAN Controller 网络控制器:使用该选项可启用或禁用PCI以太网控制器。禁用后该设备在操作系统中不可见。 PXE BIS Policy/PXE BIS Default Policy PXE BIS策略:该选项控制系统在没有认证时如何处理(启动整体服务Boot Integrity Services(BIS))授权请求。系统可以接受或拒绝BIS请求。设置为“Reset”时,在下次启动计算机时BIS将重新初始化并设置为“Deny”。 Onboard Bluetooth 板载蓝牙设备 MiniPCI Device Mini PCI设备 MiniPCI Status Mini PCI设备状态:在安装Mini PCI设备时可以使用该选项启用或禁用板载PCI设备 Wireless Control 无线控制:使用该选项可以设置MiniPCI和蓝牙无线设备的控制方式。设置为“Application”时无线设备可以通过“Quickset”等应用程序启用或禁用,热键不可用。设置为“/Application”时无线设备可以通过“Quickset”等应用程序或热键启用或禁用。设置为“Always Off”时无线设备被禁用,并且不能在操作系统中启用。 Wireless 无线设备:使用该选项启用或禁用无线设备。该设置可以在操作系统中通过“Quickset”或“”热键更改。该设置是否可用取决于“Wireless Control”的设置。 Serial Port 串口:该选项可以通过重新分配端口地址或禁用端口来避免设备资源冲突。 Infrared Data Port 红外数据端口。使用该设置可以通过重新分配端口地址或禁用端口来避免设备资源冲突。 Parallel Mode 并口模式。控制计算机并口工作方式为“NORMAL”(AT兼容)(普通标准并行口)、“BI-DIRECTIONAL”(PS/2兼容)(双向模式,允许主机和外设双向通讯)还是“ECP”(Extended Capabilities Ports,扩展功能端口)(默认)。 Num Lock 数码锁定。设置在系统启动时数码灯(NumLock LED)是否点亮。设为“DISABLE”则数码灯保持灭,设为“ENABLE”则在系统启动时点亮数码灯。 Keyboard NumLock 键盘数码锁:该选项用来设置在系统启动时是否提示键盘相关的错误信息。 Enable Keypad 启用小键盘:设置为“BY NUMLOCK”在NumLock灯亮并且没有接外接键盘时启用数字小键盘。设置为“Only By Key”在NumLock灯亮时保持embedded键区为禁用状态。 External Hot Key 外部热键:该设置可以在外接PS/2键盘上按照与使用笔记本电脑上的键的相同的方式使用键。如果您使用ACPI操作系统,如Win2000或WinXP,则USB键盘不能使用键。仅在纯DOS模式下USB键盘才可以使用键。设置为“SCROLL LOCK”(默认选项)启用该功能,设置为“NOT INSTALLED”禁用该功能。 USB Emulation USB仿真:使用该选项可以在不直接支持USB的操作系统中使用USB键盘、USB鼠标及USB软驱。该设置在BIOS启动过程中自动启用。启用该功能后,控制转移到操作系统时仿真继续有效。禁用该功能后在控制转移到操作系统时仿真关闭。 Pointing Device 指针设备:设置为“SERIAL MOUSE”时外接串口鼠标启用并集成触摸板被禁用。设置为“PS/2 MOUSE”时,若外接PS/2鼠标,则禁用集成触摸板。设置为“TOUCH PAD-PS/2 MOUSE”(默认设置)时,若外接PS/2鼠标,可以在鼠标与触摸板间切换。更改在计算机重新启动后生效。 Video Expansion 视频扩展:使用该选项可以启用或禁用视频扩展,将较低的分辨率调整为较高的、正常的LCD分辨率。 Battery 电池 Battery Status 电池状态 Power Management 电源管理 Suspend Mode 挂起模式 AC Power Recovery 交流电源恢复:该选项可以在交流电源适配器重新插回系统时电脑的相应反映。 Low Power Mode 低电量模式:该选项用来设置系统休眠或关闭时所用电量。 Brightness 亮度:该选项可以设置计算机启动时显示器的亮度。计算机工作在电源供电状态下时默认设置为一半。计算机工作在交流电源适配器供电状态下时默认设置为最大。 Wakeup On LAN 网络唤醒:该选项设置允许在网络信号接入时将电脑从休眠状态唤醒。该设置对待机状态(Standby state)无效。只能在操作系统中唤醒待机状态。该设置仅在接有交流电源适配器时有效。 Auto On Mod 自动开机模式:注意若交流电源适配器没有接好,该设置将无法生效。该选项可设置计算机自动开机时间,可以设置将计算机每天自动开机或仅在工作日自动开机。设置在计算机重新启动后生效。 Auto On Time 自动开机时间:该选项可设置系统自动开机的时间,时间格式为24小时制。键入数值或使用左、右箭头键设定数值。设置在计算机重新启动后生效。 Dock Configuration 坞站配置 Docking Status 坞站状态 Universal Connect 通用接口:若所用操作系统为WinNT4.0或更早版本,该设置无效。如果经常使用不止一个戴尔坞站设备,并且希望最小化接入坞站时的初始时间,设置为“ENABLED”(默认设置)。如果希望操作系统对计算机连接的每个新的坞站设备都生成新的系统设置文件,设置为“DISABLED”。 Keyboard NumLock 键盘数码锁:该选项用来设置在系统启动时是否提示键盘相关的错误信息。 Enable Keypad 启用小键盘:设置为“BY NUMLOCK”在NumLock灯亮并且没有接外接键盘时启用数字小键盘。设置为“Only By Key”在NumLock灯亮时保持embedded键区为禁用状态。 External Hot Key 外部热键:该设置可以在外接PS/2键盘上按照与使用笔记本电脑上的键的相同的方式使用键。如果您使用ACPI操作系统,如Win2000或WinXP,则USB键盘不能使用键。仅在纯DOS模式下USB键盘才可以使用键。设置为“SCROLL LOCK”(默认选项)启用该功能,设置为“NOT INSTALLED”禁用该功能。 USB Emulation USB仿真:使用该选项可以在不直接支持USB的操作系统中使用USB键盘、USB鼠标及USB软驱。该设置在BIOS启动过程中自动启用。启用该功能后,控制转移到操作系统时仿真继续有效。禁用该功能后在控制转移到操作系统时仿真关闭。 Pointing Device 指针设备:设置为“SERIAL MOUSE”时外接串口鼠标启用并集成触摸板被禁用。设置为“PS/2 MOUSE”时,若外接PS/2鼠标,则禁用集成触摸板。设置为“TOUCH PAD-PS/2 MOUSE”(默认设置)时,若外接PS/2鼠标,可以在鼠标与触摸板间切换。更改在计算机重新启动后生效。 Video Expansion 视频扩展:使用该选项可以启用或禁用视频扩展,将较低的分辨率调整为较高的、正常的LCD分辨率。 Battery 电池 Battery Status 电池状态 Power Management 电源管理 Suspend Mode 挂起模式 AC Power Recovery 交流电源恢复:该选项可以在交流电源适配器重新插回系统时电脑的相应反映。 Low Power Mode 低电量模式:该选项用来设置系统休眠或关闭时所用电量。 Brightness 亮度:该选项可以设置计算机启动时显示器的亮度。计算机工作在电源供电状态下时默认设置为一半。计算机工作在交流电源适配器供电状态下时默认设置为最大。 Wakeup On LAN 网络唤醒:该选项设置允许在网络信号接入时将电脑从休眠状态唤醒。该设置对待机状态(Standby state)无效。只能在操作系统中唤醒待机状态。该设置仅在接有交流电源适配器时有效。 Auto On Mod 自动开机模式:注意若交流电源适配器没有接好,该设置将无法生效。该选项可设置计算机自动开机时间,可以设置将计算机每天自动开机或仅在工作日自动开机。设置在计算机重新启动后生效。 Auto On Time 自动开机时间:该选项可设置系统自动开机的时间,时间格式为24小时制。键入数值或使用左、右箭头键设定数值。设置在计算机重新启动后生效。 Dock Configuration 坞站配置 Docking Status 坞站状态 Universal Connect 通用接口:若所用操作系统为WinNT4.0或更早版本,该设置无效。如果经常使用不止一个戴尔坞站设备,并且希望最小化接入坞站时的初始时间,设置为“ENABLED”(默认设置)。如果希望操作系统对计算机连接的每个新的坞站设备都生成新的系统设置文件,设置为“DISABLED”。 Keyboard NumLock 键盘数码锁:该选项用来设置在系统启动时是否提示键盘相关的错误信息。 Enable Keypad 启用小键盘:设置为“BY NUMLOCK”在NumLock灯亮并且没有接外接键盘时启用数字小键盘。设置为“Only By Key”在NumLock灯亮时保持embedded键区为禁用状态。 External Hot Key 外部热键:该设置可以在外接PS/2键盘上按照与使用笔记本电脑上的键的相同的方式使用键。如果您使用ACPI操作系统,如Win2000或WinXP,则USB键盘不能使用键。仅在纯DOS模式下USB键盘才可以使用键。设置为“SCROLL LOCK”(默认选项)启用该功能,设置为“NOT INSTALLED”禁用该功能。 USB Emulation USB仿真:使用该选项可以在不直接支持USB的操作系统中使用USB键盘、USB鼠标及USB软驱。该设置在BIOS启动过程中自动启用。启用该功能后,控制转移到操作系统时仿真继续有效。禁用该功能后在控制转移到操作系统时仿真关闭。 Pointing Device 指针设备:设置为“SERIAL MOUSE”时外接串口鼠标启用并集成触摸板被禁用。设置为“PS/2 MOUSE”时,若外接PS/2鼠标,则禁用集成触摸板。设置为“TOUCH PAD-PS/2 MOUSE”(默认设置)时,若外接PS/2鼠标,可以在鼠标与触摸板间切换。更改在计算机重新启动后生效。 Video Expansion 视频扩展:使用该选项可以启用或禁用视频扩展,将较低的分辨率调整为较高的、正常的LCD分辨率。 Battery 电池 Battery Status 电池状态 Power Management 电源管理 Suspend Mode 挂起模式 AC Power Recovery 交流电源恢复:该选项可以在交流电源适配器重新插回系统时电脑的相应反映。 Low Power Mode 低电量模式:该选项用来设置系统休眠或关闭时所用电量。 Brightness 亮度:该选项可以设置计算机启动时显示器的亮度。计算机工作在电源供电状态下时默认设置为一半。计算机工作在交流电源适配器供电状态下时默认设置为最大。 Wakeup On LAN 网络唤醒:该选项设置允许在网络信号接入时将电脑从休眠状态唤醒。该设置对待机状态(Standby state)无效。只能在操作系统中唤醒待机状态。该设置仅在接有交流电源适配器时有效。 Auto On Mod 自动开机模式:注意若交流电源适配器没有接好,该设置将无法生效。该选项可设置计算机自动开机时间,可以设置将计算机每天自动开机或仅在工作日自动开机。设置在计算机重新启动后生效。 Auto On Time 自动开机时间:该选项可设置系统自动开机的时间,时间格式为24小时制。键入数值或使用左、右箭头键设定数值。设置在计算机重新启动后生效。 Dock Configuration 坞站配置 Docking Status 坞站状态 Universal Connect 通用接口:若所用操作系统为WinNT4.0或更早版本,该设置无效。如果经常使用不止一个戴尔坞站设备,并且希望最小化接入坞站时的初始时间,设置为“ENABLED”(默认设置)。如果希望操作系统对计算机连接的每个新的坞站设备都生成新的系统设置文件,设置为“DISABLED”。 System Security 系统安全 Primary Password 主密码 Admin Password 管理密码 Hard-disk drive password(s) 硬盘驱动器密码 Password Status 密码状态:该选项用来在Setup密码启用时锁定系统密码。将该选项设置为“Locked”并启用Setup密码以放置系统密码被更改。该选项还可以用来放置在系统启动时密码被用户禁用。 System Password 系统密码 Setup Password Setup密码 Post Hotkeys 自检热键:该选项用来指定在开机自检(POST)时屏幕上显示的热键(F2或F12)。 Chassis Intrusion 机箱防盗:该选项用来启用或禁用机箱防盗检测特征。设置为“Enable-Silent”时,启动时若检测到底盘入侵,不发送警告信息。该选项启用并且机箱盖板打开时,该域将显示“DETECTED”。 Drive Configuration 驱动器设置 Diskette Drive A: 磁盘驱动器A:如果系统中装有软驱,使用该选项可启用或禁用软盘驱动器 Primary Master Drive 第一主驱动器 Primary Slave Drive 第一从驱动器 Secondary Master Drive 第二主驱动器 Secondary Slave Drive 第二从驱动器 IDE Drive UDMA 支持UDMA的IDE驱动器:使用该选项可以启用或禁用通过内部IDE硬盘接口的DMA传输。 Hard-Disk drive Sequence 硬盘驱动器顺序 System BIOS boot devices 系统BIOS启动顺序 USB device USB设备 Memory Information 内存信息 Installed System Memory 系统内存:该选项显示系统中所装内存的大小及型号 System Memory Speed 内存速率:该选项显示所装内存的速率 System Memory Channel Mode 内存信道模式:该选项显示内存槽设置。 AGP Aperture AGP区域内存容量:该选项指定了分配给视频适配器的内存值。某些视频适配器可能要求多于默认值的内存量。 CPU information CPU信息 CPU Speed CPU速率:该选项显示启动后中央处理器的运行速率 Bus Speed 总线速率:显示处理器总线速率 Processor 0 ID 处理器ID:显示处理器所属种类及模型号 Clock Speed 时钟频率 Cache Size 缓存值:显示处理器的二级缓存值 Integrated Devices(LegacySelect Options) 集成设备 Sound 声音设置:使用该选项可启用或禁用音频控制器 Network Interface Controller 网络接口控制器:启用或禁用集成网卡 Mouse Port 鼠标端口:使用该选项可启用或禁用内置PS/2兼容鼠标控制器 USB Controller USB控制器:使用该选项可启用或禁用板载USB控制器。 PCI Slots PCI槽:使用该选项可启用或禁用板载PCI卡槽。禁用时所有PCI插卡都不可用,并且不能被操作系统检测到。 Serial Port 1 串口1:使用该选项可控制内置串口的操作。设置为“AUTO”时,如果通过串口扩展卡在同一个端口地址上使用了两个设备,内置串口自动重新分配可用端口地址。串口先使用COM1,再使用COM2,如果两个地址都已经分配给某个端口,该端口将被禁用。. Parallel Port 并口:该域中可配置内置并口 Mode 模式:设置为“AT”时内置并口仅能输出数据到相连设备。设置为PS/2、EPP或ECP模式时并口可以输入、输出数据。这三种模式所用协议和最大数据传输率不同。最大传输速率PS/2

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customs clearance是什么意思


customs clearance是什么意思

customs clearance[英][u02c8ku028cstu0259mz u02c8kliu0259ru0259ns][美][u02c8ku028cstu0259mz u02c8klu026aru0259ns]结关,海关放行; 报关; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Customs clearance time for cross-boundary container trucks. 过境货柜车的清关时间。2.Duty rates, customs clearance and taxes can differ greatlybetween countries. 各个国家或地区之间的税率、通关和课税会有巨大差异



4moms origami故障 0911,哪里能修?自己能不能修?


customs declaration是什么意思

customs declaration[英][u02c8ku028cstu0259mz u02ccdeklu0259u02c8reiu0283u0259n][美][u02c8ku028cstu0259mz u02ccdu025bklu0259u02c8reu0283u0259n]报关单; declaration[英][u02ccdeklu0259u02c8reu026au0283n][美][u02ccdu025bklu0259u02c8reu0283u0259n]n.宣言,布告,公告,声明; (纳税品在海关的)申报; [法](原告的)申诉,(证人的)陈述,口供; [牌]摊牌,叫牌; 复数:declarations


fromspain是来自西班牙的牌子。from是一个英语单词,介词,(表示起始点)从…起,始于;(表示开始的时间)从…开始;(表示由某人发出或给出)寄自,得自,来自等。from在短语动词中的特殊用法见有关动词词条。如keep sth from sb在词条keep的短语动词部分。spain指的是西班牙。西班牙,位于欧洲西南部的伊比利亚半岛,地处欧洲与非洲的交界处,西邻葡萄牙,北濒比斯开湾,东北部与法国及安道尔接壤,南隔直布罗陀海峡与非洲的摩洛哥相望。以西班牙语作为官方语言的国家数量世界第二,仅次于英语。例句:1、On, at, or from the other side of.在对面,在另一边:在或从…的另一边。2、They go from one place to another.他们从一个地方到了另一个地方。3、They come through you but not from you.他们籍你们前来,却非来自你们。

taylor momsen 的love the way you lie歌词

I don"t have to leave anymoreCause what I haves right hereSpend the nights and days beforeBeforeI am yours nowSo I don"t ever have to leaveI am yours nowI am yours nowBut if you stand there and watch me burnBut it"s alright because I like the way it hurtsBut if you stand there and make me cryI don"t mind because I love the way you lieI love the way you lieWell I don"t have to live anymoreCause all I haves right hereSpend the nights and days beforeBeforeI am yours nowSo I don"t ever have to leaveI am yours nowI am yours nowIf you stand there and watch me burnBut it"s alright because I like the way it hurtsBut if you stand there and make me cryI don"t mind because I love the way you lieI love the way you lieI love the way you lieI love the way you lieI love the way you lieIf you stand there and watch me burnIt"s alright because I like the way it hurtsBut if you stand there and make me cryThat"s alright cause I love the way you lieBut if you stand there and watch me burnIt"s alright cause I love the way it hurtsAnd if you stand there and make me cryOh I don"t mind cause I love the way you lie





why do atoms have no overall charge?

I know it. It"s because protons are neutralized by equal electrons.



naked women什么意思 还有naked bottoms

naked women——裸体女人们naked bottoms——光屁股

The table before which we sit may be, as the scientist maintains, composed of dancing atoms, but it

征途科学家们所主张的那样,我们坐的前面那张桌子由原子组成.因为没语境所以可能会有点措,你可以试下自己翻译As the scientist maintains,The table before which we sit may be composed of dancing atoms,一个意思的




S表中年龄大于10岁的记录被加上删除标记。S表中年龄大于10岁的记录被加上删除标记。DELETE是为表中指定的元组添加删除标记 DELETEFROMTableName[WHERECondition]其中,FROM指定从哪个表中删除数据;WHERE指定被删除的元组所要满足的条件,若省略WHERE短语,则删除该表中全部元组。该命令是逻辑删除,如果要物理删除,需要继续使用PACK命令。

求nickelback的 bottoms up 英汉对照的歌词!谢谢!

[T.I] I"m only human dawg我只是个普通人耶 I"m only human dawg我只是个普通人耶 I"m only human dawg我只是个普通人耶 [Chris Brown] [克里斯布朗] Can you forgive me你能原谅我 It"s an SOS to let me be me这是一个求救,让我听我的 [T.I] [T.I] ay, ay, ay listen to me哎,哎,哎听我说 And when they push you down,当他们把你推下来, you got to get back up你一定要重新站起来 And when they push you down,当他们把你推下来, you got to get back up你一定要重新站起来 [T.I] [T.I] Push the dirt off your jersey than go for the cup把你的球衣推比去污垢杯 or the trophy or the ring, champion no matter what或奖杯或环,无论是什么冠军 cause when you got the belt and the ring因为当你得到了带和环 people with ya poppin bottles, taking pictures look around与YA人屁股瓶,拍照环顾四周 as soon as you fall down all the haters pass a judgement当你跌倒了所有的仇敌通过判决 surprise, i"m here to show that I"ma rise above this吃惊的是,我在这里表明,上述这我是上升 Ay, what it is World唉,这是什么世界 yeah it"s me again, back before you, at your mercy是啊这就是我再次回到你面前你的慈爱, don"t bend your knee again, no running from the truth不要弯曲你的膝盖再次,无论从事实运行 as much as we pretend, that it aint what it is, than it hits CNN正如我们假装,这不是它是什么,比打美国有线电视新闻网 apologies to my fans and my closest friends, (I"m sorry)我的球迷和我最亲密的朋友道歉,(对不起) for letting you down, I wont take you down this road again为让你失望,我不会带你沿着这条道路再次 most of you now saying whatever, here we go again你们中的大多数现在说什么的,在这里,我们又来了 blogs, radio, and television all going in博客,广播,电视等一切会在 I laugh to keep from crying through all of the embarrasment我笑,以防止通过所有哭的尴尬 I gotta say you f-cking haters is hilarious我得说你的F - cking憎恨让人发笑 how dare you sit right there and act as if you holier than thou你怎么敢坐在那里,并表现出你比你圣洁 point your finger now with me looking down点我现在看不起你的手指 same clown that was twitpic"ing at my wedding这是twitpic"ing小丑一样在我的婚礼 on the same twitter page disrespecting在同一页不尊重叽叽喳喳 wait a second (hold up)等待第二个(容纳) never mind my imperfections this is fact, remember that别提我的缺陷,这是事实,请记住 no mistakes too great to recover and bounce back没有太大的错误恢复和反弹 [Chris Brown] [克里斯布朗] and when they push you down, you got to get back up当他们推你,你必须重新站起来 and when they push you down, you got to get back up当他们推你,你必须重新站起来 [T.I] [T.I] Push the dirt off your jersey than go for the cup把你的球衣推比去污垢杯 or the trophy or the ring, champion no matter what或奖杯或环,无论是什么冠军 cause when you got the belt and the ring因为当你得到了带和环 people with ya poppin bottles, taking pictures look around与YA人屁股瓶,拍照环顾四周 as soon as you fall down all the haters pass a judgement当你跌倒了所有的仇敌通过判决 surprise, i"m here to show that I"ma rise above this吃惊的是,我在这里表明,上述这我是上升 [T.I] [T.I] I admit, yeah, I done some dumb sh-t,我承认,是的,我做了一些愚蠢的SH -吨, disappointed everybody I know我知道大家失望 [ From: ] [来自:] try not to hold that against me though尽量不要对我虽然认为 my road to redemption has no GPS我的道路,已换领无GPS so guess the time must be invested for this to be manifested所以你猜的时间必须为此投资,以体现 yes it"s hard living life in the spotlight是的,它的艰苦生活在聚光灯下生活 trying to dodge the haters same time as the cop light试图逃避警察的憎恨的光同时 the bible say "let he without sin cast the stone first" (stone first)圣经说:“让没有罪,他投了石首”(石首) the sinner or the one who judged him, who was wrong first?罪人或谁看他一个,谁是错误的第一? yeah he go to work, never done no drugs or to be fair是啊,他去上班,从来没有做过任何药物或公平 he just drink his liquor, touch his kids, beat his wife instead他只是喝他的酒,触摸他的孩子,而不是打老婆 difference is, my shortcomings hit the media不同的是,我的缺点在媒体曝光 thanks to TMZ, the AJC and Wikipedia对TMZ网站,感谢的浓缩苹果汁和维基百科 see the stairway to heaven while stepping down Jacob"s ladder看到天国的阶梯而下台雅各的天梯 my good outweigh the bad, God, aint that what really matters, nope我的好大于坏,上帝,这不是什么真正重要的了,没 a matter of fact I"m wrong but after that the good i"ve done in your hood其实我是错的,但在这以后,我在你的引擎盖做了很好的 should it overshadow that?要掩盖它呢? got the World laughing at me for the moment得到了世界在笑我的时刻 but it gonna be your turn "fore it"s over with但它会是轮到你"脱颖而出它多年来与 even if you so legit that you get a house with a dog and a picket fence即使你这样合法的,你得到一个狗房子和栅栏 the people with you then but when they turn on you remember this然后用你的人,但是当他们打开记得 [Chorus] [合唱] Push the dirt off your jersey than go for the cup把你的球衣推比去污垢杯 or the trophy or the ring, champion no matter what或奖杯或环,无论是什么冠军 cause when you got the belt and the ring因为当你得到了带和环 people with ya poppin bottles, taking pictures look around与YA人屁股瓶,拍照环顾四周 as soon as you fall down all the haters pass a judgement当你跌倒了所有的仇敌通过判决 surprise, i"m here to show that I"ma rise above this吃惊的是,我在这里表明,上述这我是上升 [Chris Brown] [克里斯布朗] Hello, out there您好,在那里 can you hear me你能听到我 can you hear me你能听到我 ah, ah, ah, ah啊,啊,啊,啊 can you (hear you)你(听到你) hello, out there,你好,在那里, can you hear me你能听到我 you gotta get you你得给你 you gotta gotta believe in me你必须得相信我 hey嘿 [T.I] [T.I] I accept full responsibilty for the all the wrong I"ve done我接受了所有我犯过的错全负有责任 If y"all thought I were perfect如果你们都认为我是完美的 I apologise for being human man我很抱歉作为人类的人 but never again partner但永远不会再合作伙伴 you can put my life on that你可以把我的生命 [Chorus] [合唱] And you can love me, or you can leave me而且你可以爱我,不然你可以离开我 before you judge me, just let me be me你审判我之前,就让我听我的 and you can love me or either leave me你可以爱我或者要么离开我 before you judge me, see life aint easy你审判我之前,看到生活不容易2H

gary moore的empty rooms中文歌词翻译

独自坐在这里与我的回忆 盯着照片的你和我 他们说,我期待罚款,但如果墙壁会说话 他们会告诉你所有关于我多么拆分 我认为我们是正确的,但我们这样做,是错误的 既然你都离开我,我不能去 没有,我什至不能看新闻今日 "造成的一切让我想起了昨天 空房间 空洞的心 因为你已经经历 我必须继续前进 空房间 我从来没有意识到它可以让我哭 听到儿童嬉笑外 在公园散步不应该那么差 但一切似乎没有你让我难过 我认为我们是很好的,我们的目的是将 这样原来仍然是一个痛苦 没有,我什至不能看新闻今日 让我想起了昨天 空房间 空洞的心 因为你已经经历 我必须继续前进 空 寂寞的日子 我的生活就是这样 就像月亮 并跨过天空独自 永远试图找到其主页 我不能相信我不得不说 我不知道你是今天 空房间 空洞的心 因为你已经经历 我必须继续前进 空 寂寞的日子 我的生活就是这样 就像月亮 空房间 空房间 Gary Moore(盖瑞·摩尔)是众所周知的来自英伦群岛的著名吉他大师,BLUES金手指。他的音乐生涯可以追溯到二十世纪六十年代,很少有音乐家们没有受到著名的摇滚乐队如Thin Lizzy、Colosseum II和Skid Row等的影响下的下去创造他们的音乐。在2001年3月12号Gary Moore出版了他的全新专辑——《Back To The Blues》。Empty Rooms 收录于专辑Victims Of The Future (1983)Gary Moore - Empty room 歌词Loneliness is your only friend.A broken heart that just won"t mendis the price you pay.It"s hard to take when love grows old.The days are long and the nights turn coldwhen it fades away.You hope that she will change her mind,but the days drift on and on.You"ll never know the reason why she"s gone.You see her face in every crowd.You hear her voice, but you"re still proud,so you turn away.You tell yourself that you"ll be strong.But your heart tells you,this time you"re wrong.You hope that she will change her mind,but the days drift on and on.You"ll never know the reason why she"s gone.Empty rooms,where we learn to live without love.Empty rooms,where we learn to live without love.Empty rooms,where we learn to live without love.Empty rooms,where we learn to live without love.Empty rooms,where we learn to live without love.Empty rooms,where we learn to live without love.Empty rooms,where we learn to live without love.All alone in an empty room.Loneliness is your only friend, hooh.Oh, she"s gone and you"re at the end.

blithering broomstick 怎么译


小扫帚(The Little Broomstick)》玛丽.史都华的书为什么没有?

在淘宝找到了《小魔法师的扫帚》,是1981年 中华书局出版的。可能因为卖的不好,后来没有再版

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《The Oxford Dictionaryof Idioms》txt下载在线阅读,求百度云资源

《The Oxford Dictionary of Idioms》(Siefring, Judith 编)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: b4nv书名:The Oxford Dictionary of Idioms作者:Siefring, Judith 编出版社:Oxford Univ Pr出版年份:2005-12页数:352内容简介:Did you know that "flavour of the month" originated in a marketing campaign in American ice-cream parlours in the 1940s, when a particular flavour would be specially promoted for a month at a time? And did you know that "off the cuff" refers to the rather messy practice of writing impromptu notes on one"s shirt cuff before speaking in public? These and many more idioms are explained and put into context in this second edition of the "Oxford Dictionary of Idioms". This vastly entertaining dictionary takes a fresh look at the idiomatic phrases and sayings that make English such a rich and intriguing language. A major new edition, it contains entries for over 5000 idioms, including 350 new entries and over 500 new quotations. The text has been updated to include many new idioms using the findings of the Oxford English Reading Programme, the biggest language research programme in the world. The entries are supported by a wealth of illustrative quotations from a wide range of sources and periods. For example: "Rowling has not been asleep at the wheel in the three years since the last Potter novel, and I am pleased to report that she has not confused sheer length with inspiration." - "Guardian", 2003. "I made the speech of a lifetime. I had them tearing up the seats and rolling in the aisles." - P.G. Woodhouse, 1940. Many entries include boxed features which give more detailed background on the idiom in question. For example, did you know that "taken aback" was adopted from nautical terminology, and described a ship unable to move forward because of a strong headwind pressing its sails back against the mast? The text has been entirely redesigned so that it is both elegant and easy to use. Anyone interested in the quirky side of the English language will have hours of fun browsing through this fascinating and informative volume.

comsic ride歌词翻译

Dum dam da di da di dai 嘀嗒地 。。。。Dam da di da di dai 嘀嗒地 。。。。I"m on my cosmic ride 在我宇宙探险的旅程上Dum da di da di dai 嘀嗒地 。。。。Dum da di da di dai 嘀嗒地 。。。。I"m gonna search the sky 我要去探索天际"Cause I miss you so 因为我是这么的想你I"m gonna fly so high 我会飞得很高And I need you so 我很需要你Here on my cosmic ride 这里,在我宇宙探险的旅程上I don"t kno where you arem are you near or are you far我不知道你在哪 你在附近或远方 Are you blue, are you green, are you just in my dream? 你是蓝色的吗?你是绿色的吗?你只是在我的梦里吗?I"m searching for you in that wide and in that open blue 我在那个宽广的蓝天寻找着你Can you hear what I say? Are you not that far away? 你能听到我在说什么吗?你在很远的地方吗?Can you feel what I feel? Oh to me it"s unreal 你能感受到我所感受的吗?哦!对我来说真的是太不再真实了I"m searching for you in that wide and it that open blue 我在那个宽广的蓝天寻找着你Can you hear me 你能听到我吗?Dum dam da di da di dai 嘀嗒地 。。。。Dam da di da di dai 嘀嗒地 。。。。I"m on my cosmic ride 在我宇宙探险的旅程上Dum da di da di dai 嘀嗒地 。。。。Dum da di da di dai 嘀嗒地 。。。。I"m gonna search the sky 我要去探索天际"Cause I miss you so 因为我是这么的想你I"m gonna fly so high 我会飞得很高And I need you so 我很需要你Here on my cosmic ride 这里,在我宇宙探险的旅程上I"ve been waiting for you on the dark side of the moon 我已经在月球黑暗的一边等你很久了And I"ve been to the sun, but my journey"s begun 我也去过太阳,但我的旅程才刚开始It"s sad but it"s true I"m alone in that wide open blue 很悲伤 但却是真的 我独自一人在那宽广的蓝天And I cross milky way, hope you"re there I just can"t wait 穿过了银河系 希望你在哪里 我已等不及I"m alone, my heart hurts in that big universe 我独自一人,在那浩瀚的宇宙我的心很痛It"s sad but it"s true I"m alone in that wide open blue 很悲伤,但却是真的 我独自一人在那宽广的蓝天Can you hear me 你能听得到我妈?Dum dam da di da di dai 嘀嗒地 。。。。Dam da di da di dai 嘀嗒地 。。。。I"m on my cosmic ride 在我宇宙探险的旅程上Dum da di da di dai 嘀嗒地 。。。。Dum da di da di dai 嘀嗒地 。。。。I"m gonna search the sky 我要去探索天际"Cause I miss you so 因为我是这么的想你I"m gonna fly so high 我会飞得很高And I need you so 我很需要你Here on my cosmic ride 这里,在我宇宙探险的旅程上

comsic ride中文歌名

《comsic ride》英文歌词:Dum dam da di da di daiDam da di da di daiI"m on my cosmic rideDum da di da di daiDum da di da di daiI"m gonna search the sky"Cause I miss you soI"m gonna fly so highAnd I need you soHere on my cosmic rideI don"t kno where you arem are you near or are you farAre you blue are you green are you just in my dreamI"m searching for you in that wide and in that open blueCan you hear what I say Are you not that far awayCan you feel what I feel Oh to me it"s unrealI"m searching for you in that wide and it that open blueCan you hear meDum dam da di da di daiDam da di da di daiI"m on my cosmic rideDum da di da di daiDum da di da di daiI"m gonna search the sky"Cause I miss you soI"m gonna fly so highAnd I need you soHere on my cosmic rideI"ve been waiting for you on the dark side of the moonAnd I"ve been to the sun but my journey"s begunIt"s sad but it"s true I"m alone in that wide open blueAnd I cross milky way hope you"re there I just can"t waitI"m alone my heart hurts in that big universeIt"s sad but it"s true I"m alone in that wide open blueCan you hear meDum dam da di da di daiDam da di da di daiI"m on my cosmic rideDum da di da di daiDum da di da di daiI"m gonna search the sky"Cause I miss you soI"m gonna fly so highAnd I need you soDum dam da di da di daiDam da di da di daiI"m on my cosmic rideDum da di da di daiDum da di da di daiI"m gonna search the sky"Cause I miss you soI"m gonna fly so highAnd I need you soHere on my cosmic ride"Cause I miss you soI"m gonna fly so highAnd I need you soHere on my cosmic ride《COMSIC骑》中文歌词:当大坝大堤大堤戴坝大底我是在我的宇宙之旅当大地大地戴当大地大地戴我要搜索天空因为我想念你我要飞这么高我需要你在我的宇宙之旅我不知道你在哪里被你附近或你远你是蓝色的,你是绿色的,你只是在我的梦里我在那宽阔的开阔的蓝色里寻找你你能听到我说的吗,你不在那遥远的地方你能感受到我对我的感受吗,这是不真实的我在那宽广的和蓝色的那寻找你你能听到我吗当大坝大堤大堤戴坝大底我是在我的宇宙之旅当大地大地戴当大地大地戴我要搜索天空因为我想念你我要飞这么高我需要你在我的宇宙之旅我一直在等待你在黑暗的一面我一直到太阳,但我的旅程开始这是可悲的,但这是真实的,我独自一人在敞开的蓝色我穿过银河,希望你在那里我只是不能等待我独自一人,我的心在那大宇宙中受伤这是可悲的,但这是真实的,我独自一人在敞开的蓝色你能听到我吗当大坝大堤大堤戴坝大底我是在我的宇宙之旅当大地大地戴当大地大地戴我要搜索天空因为我想念你我要飞这么高我需要你当大坝大堤大堤戴坝大底我是在我的宇宙之旅当大地大地戴当大地大地戴我要搜索天空因为我想念你我要飞这么高我需要你在我的宇宙之旅因为我想念你我要飞这么高我需要你在我的宇宙之旅


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貌似不用解压的吧 直接把压缩文件放到 roms文件夹里就可以用了吧要是还不行的话大概就是 kawaks的版本问题了 不同的文件适应不同的模拟器版本`` 换个试试看希望采纳

One of the rooms ____ three doors. A.there are B.there is C.have D.has



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一首英文歌男声 开头是boomshakalakaboomboomboom

new thang

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这类问题。。。。 你装机器的时候 人家给你留的说明书上都有

DalKoms-Show Me Your Love

This was an accident Not the kind where sirens sound Nevereven noticedWe"re suddenly crumbling Tell me how you"ve neverfelt Delicate or innocentDo you still have doubts that Us havingfaith makes any senseTell me nothing ever counts Lashing outor breaking down Still somebody loses "cause There"s no wayto turn around Staring at your photographEverything now in thepast Never felt so lonely I Wish you could show me loveShowme love, show me love, show me love, Show me love, show me love"Tilyou open the door Show me love, show me love, show me loveShowme love, show me love "Til I"m up off the floorShow me love,show me love, Show me love, Show me love, show me love "Tilit"s inside my poresShow me love, show me love, show me love,Show me love, show me love"Til I"m screaming for more Randomacts of mindlessness Commonplace occurrencesChances and surprisesAnother state of consciousnessTell me nothing never counts Lashingout or breaking downStill somebody loses "cause There"s no wayto turn aroundTell me how you"ve never felt Delicate or innocentDo you still have doubts thatUs having faith makes any senseYou play games, I play tricksGirls and girls, but you"re theone Like a game of pick-up-sticksPlayed by fucking lunatics Showme love, show me love, show me love,Show me love, show me love"Til you open the door Show me love, show me love, show me loveShow me love, show me love "Til I"m up off the floorShow melove, show me love, show me love, Show me love, show me love"Tilit"s inside my pores Show me love, show me love, show me love,Showme love, show me love "Til I"m screaming for more Show me love,show me love Give me all that I want Show me love, show me loveGive me all that I wantShow me love, show me love Give me allthat I want Show me love, show me love"Til I"m screaming formore

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whatever rooms you might add to your house of life, the second...这句话有隐喻的含义,“无论你可能往生活这个房子里加什么样的房间,第二个...”。估计是说要我们丰富生活经历的。

room 和rooms有什么区别?

room作为可数名词 房间不可数名词 空间rooms 是可数名词 room的复数

room 和rooms有什么区别?


room 和rooms有什么区别?


连词成句 英语:will,in,the,i,my,show,rooms,you,house,

i will show you the rooms in my house.

Android 原生BottomSheet 介绍及坑

Android Support Library 23.2 推出之后,增加了几个功能,例如支持Vector Drawables 和Animated Vector Drawables;增加AppCompat DayNight 主题;Design 库中增加Bottom Sheets,RecyclerView 支持 auto-measurement,之前的wrap_content ,match_parent 都将可以发挥作用等等 公司的App 之前使用过第三方的[BottomSheet] ( ),现在Android 有自己的BottomSheet 那还不赶紧换成原生的。然而好事多磨,Android 原生BottomSheet 资料太少,深研下去发现BottomSheet 就是个大坑! BottomSheet 使用需要CoordinatorLayout作为父布局,BottomSheet 的布局作为CoordinatorLayout 的子布局,并且BottomSheetBehavior(比如加上app:layout_behavior=””) 实际使用过程中主要依靠BottomSheetBehavior来控制BottomSheet的展示及回调。 BottomSheetBehavior 具有五种状态: 设置状态: bottomSheetBehavior.setState(BottomSheetBehavior.STATE_EXPANDED); 回调: 强调: BottomSheetBehavior将能帮你实现 常驻bottom sheet( persistent bottom sheet) 的场景, 但这个版本还提供了BottomSheetDialog 和 BottomSheetDialogFragment 来实现 modal bottom sheets 的场景。只需要将AppCompatDialog 或者AppCompatDialogFragment分别替换成上述的两个控件,你就拥有了 bottom sheet 风格的对话框 然而我们实际我们需要BottomSheetDialog 是展开的,而BottomSheetDialog只展示一部分 原因:BottomSheetDialog默认是STATE_COLLAPSED,所有BottomSheetDialog 依靠peekHight来设置高度,系统BottomSheetDialog 默认高度为256dp(查源码得知),那按理来说我们的BottomSheetDialog 高度该是256dp,但是我们实际发现BottomSheetDialog高度也不等于256dp。我们研究下BottomSheetBehavior的中控制BottomSheetDialog高度源码: 通过源码我们可以得知BottomSheetBehavior通过改变child的偏移量而控制BottomSheetDialog的高度,默认状态为STATE_COLLAPSED,child向下移动mMaxOffset高度,从而控制child显示高度为mPeekHeight,这就需要child与parent 顶部对齐,child的getTop 为0; 然而我们再去查看Android的BottomSheetDialog 内中布局R.layout.design_bottom_sheet_dialog,发现我们自定义的的BottomSheetDialog 的contentView 是放置在FrameLayout 中的,然而FrameLayout出于某些原因为垂直居中的,而不是顶部对齐,从而导致BottomSheetDialog在256dp的基础上向下偏移,只展示一部分。 所以我们可以通过下面方法解决BottomSheetDialog 的显示问题 解决方法如下: 当我们设置bottomSheetDialog每次点击后不new,而是直接show的话,然而当我们会bottomSheetDialog 展开后,我们将BottomSheetDialog划下隐藏后, 再点击展示BottomSheetDialog后,会发现页面只是变暗,BottomsheetDialog未展开,这是由于之前我们划下收缩隐藏BottomSheetDialog后,bottomSheetDialogBehavior的状态为隐藏,再次show之后,系统未恢复bottomSheetDialogBehavior的状态,还是隐藏,所以再次点击后页面只是变暗。

公司需要做门牌,会议室门牌英文用conference rooms,那洽谈室门牌用什么

小会议室:meeting room洽谈会议室:conference roomboard room:董事会会议室assembly hall:大会堂council-chamber 议事厅

Chinese Idioms Congress是什么意思

  Chinese Idioms Congress的中文翻译  Chinese Idioms Congress  中国成语大会  --  congress英 [u02c8ku0252u014bgres] 美 [u02c8kɑ:u014bgru0259s]  n.国会; 代表大会; (用于某些国家的政党名称) 国民大会; 社交;  vi.开会,集合;  [网络]美国国会; 国大党; 大会;  [例句]A lot has changed after the party congress.  党代会后发生了很多变化。  [其他]第三人称单数:congresses 复数:congresses 现在分词:congressing 过去式:congressed 过去分词:congressed 形近词: digress egress progress

S/O中cy open/cy closing/Customs release voucher cut off是什么意思,谢谢

cy open,是可拖柜和交柜的截止日期,CY就是container yard,也就是堆场cy closing,是码头的截期,也就是重柜还码头的截止时间,过了这个时间则无法赶上船期,不过可以向船公司申请LATECOMEcustoms release voucher:是指海关放行条,那么其cut off是指船代的截关期,超过船代截关期的,船代将不予以装船

Customs vary from country to country.


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汉语成语翻译为Chinese idioms 可以吗?还是直接拼音Chengyu?




where we teach you all about idioms想问这句话的意思。特别是where的用法(意思),

where we teach you all about idioms翻译为:我们教你所有关于成语whereadv.哪里,在哪里; 到哪里; 某种情势或位置; conj.在…的地方; n.地方,场所; pron.哪里;
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