
阅读 / 问答 / 标签

All substances, _____ solids, liquids, or gases, are made up of entirely atoms.

答案B在带有状语从句的复合句中,如果从句与主句的主语一致,且从句中含有be动词,则可以省略从句的主语及be动词。此处从句中省略了they are。

Customs tariff number 什么意思

Customs tariff number关税 的号码望采纳,谢谢


symptom 英["su026amptu0259m] 美[u02c8su026amtu0259m, u02c8su026amp-] n. 症状;征兆 名词复数:symptoms [例句]They are also a symptom of dysfunctional political systems.这也是行政系统失调的一个症状。

Flutter CustomScrollView 自定义滑动效果

基本和AppBar一样,只是他只能在CustomScrollView中使用,应该很常见,滑动的时候固定appbar,就需要用到他. 大部分和appbar一样,主要说下重要的几个: 是否将导航栏部分固定在appbar的位置.这个需求在实际中很常用. 看看效果图. 当 pinned = false: 可以看到appbar并没有固定在最上面,而是根据内容划出了界面. 当 pinned = true : 这个应该是需求中经常用到的效果了. 当floating = false : 当floating = true: 仔细看 ,区别是在列表整体向下滑动时,appbar开始显示的位置不同. 当为false时 ,向下滑动时,会先降列表内容滑动顶部,然后appbar会跟着列表滑动显示出来.如上图 当为true时, 向下滑动时,appbar会先跟着列表滑动显示出来. 然后继续列表的滑动. 如上图 不能单独使用要配合 ****floating 和 ****pinned 具体效果看官网地址 是否展开,默认false,直接看值为true的效果图,就明白了. 可以再里面添加扩展的内容: 通过测试发现 **后面不是 FlexibleSpaceBar 的话, stretch = true 无效. ** 和Padding一样.子控件是 sliver 类型... 上图中在padding中添加了一个背景色为青色的容器widget 里面可以设置不是 sliver 类型的widget。如上图中的 padding中添加的 container 就两个协议,一个是布局协议一个展示协议.基本和GridView一样.也有count和extext... 不设置个数默认无数个 SliverChildListDelegate 这种方式前提是知道cell个数,比较少,好搭建 SliverChildBuilderDelegate 这种方式,可以根据数组去创建,不知道cell个数 和listview差不多.也是协议 不设置个数默认无数个

toms river是美国哪个城市


the blue line was toms这篇完型的答案


Uncle Toms表示什么



Toms Hardware是享誉全球的著名英语电脑硬件媒体,以公正而苛刻的硬件评测而著称,在电脑发烧友中有着相当广泛的影响力

toms mother kept telling him taht he should work


toms帆布鞋的鞋垫表面的一层皮皱了 穿的时候前脚掌很不舒服 我看自带的鞋垫是黏住的应该不能拆



1. 根据下表提供的信息,以 Tom"sDay 为题,写一篇短文介绍你一天相关 Dear Tom,Thank you for your letter. Now let me tell you how to kepp healthy in my daily life.First,do sports every morning to keep fit.Next,it is good for you to eat more fruit and vegetables.Then,I drink milk every day and try to eat less junk food.Finally,I sleep for nine hours every night.My lifestyle help me to keep healthy.Good food helps me to study better. Yours, Tom。 2. 以“Tom"Day”为题,写篇作文 Tom"s Day Today is Monday. Tom gets up at 6:00. He has breakfast at about 6:30.Then he clean his room, wash his face and brush his teeth. He has noodles for breakfast. He goes to school at 7:00. He does morning exercises at 7:50.They have four classes in morning. At 11:30, he"s very hungry. He has lunch at school. He goes to bed at 12:00 in the noon. They have three classes in the afternoon. He has puter class and art classes. He likes them very much. He goes home at 5:30. He does homework after school. His sister、brother and he watch TV at 8:00 in the evening. Then he washes his face and brush his teeth. He goes to bed at 10:00. He"s happy today! 希望我有帮到你,麻烦给个好评哈o(∩_∩)o 3. 假如我是tom 以schoo day 为题写一篇短文两篇 Today is Monday.Tom gets up at 6:00.He has breakfast at about 6:30.Then he cleans his room,wash his face and brush his teeth.He has noodles for breakfast.He goes to school at 7:00.He does morning exercises at 7:50.They have four classes in morning.At 11:30,he"s very hungry.He has lunch at school.He goes to bed at 12:00 in the noon.They have three classes in the afternoon.He has puter class and art classes.He likes them very much.He goes home at 5:30.He does homework after school.His sister、brother and he watch TV at 8:00 in the evening.Then he washes his face and brush his teeth.He goes to bed at 10:00. He"s happy today! 4. 用Tom" day写一个作文 Tom always gets up early every day. On weekdays, he always gets up at six o"clock.Then,he and his family have breakfast at 6:30 am.Tom goes to school at 7:00 o"clock.He is never late for school.He uauslly waves them goodbye.Tom often has lunch at 12:00 o"clock, he has a lotTom goes home at half past five,first does his homework, then,he watches TV.He goes to bed at 9:30 .This is his day. Tom"s Day Tom"s day was not a good day. Everything went wrong. First, he slept fate and Mom yelled at him to wake up. He tried to wake up but he couldn"t. He just went back to sleep, and mom had to e and yell at him again. When he finally got out of bed, he went to the kitchen for breakfast, but there was no cereal. He decided to have some toast instead, but he burned it. He had to eat it anyway because there was no more bread. There was no juice, either. He just had a glass of water. Then he got dressed for school and began walking to the bus stop. When he was almost at the bus stop, I realized that I had fotten his wallet, so I had to go back home and get it. Of course, he missed the bus and had to wait for the next bus. He was late for school and the teacher told him to stay in the classroom at lunchtime to catch up on the schoolwork he had missed. After lunch, it was time to give the teacher his homework.He reached into his bag to get it but it wasn"t there. He had left it at home. Tom was in trouble again. The teacher gave him extra homework for tonight. After school, Paul asked Tom to play soccer with him. But Tom stepped on the ball and fell over. He tore his pants and hurt his ankle. He limped home. When he got home, he went straight to his room to catch up on my homework. Mom cooked fish for dinner. She knows he don"t like fish, but she thinks it good for him. He"s going to bed early so that nothing else can go wrong. It was a horrible day. He hoped tomorrow will be better.

toms farher

选B,句子意思:他是汤姆的爸爸的朋友. Tom 的父亲,是Tom‘s 是 名词所有格;father"s的完整形式 是father"s friend(s) 而这个结构中的名词 friend(s)省略了.

Tomsdream 作文

Tom"s dream Tom was listening his sister told stories and he was thinking about make a daisy chain for her sister,suddenly a white rabbit ran by him,he didn"t think strange about that,when he heard the rabbit said:"oh,dear!oh,dear!I will be late."the white rabbit took a watch out its pocket,he got up,"a rabbit with pocket and a watch?"the rabbit ran across the fields and went to a large rabbit hole and hedge. Then Tom went down after it.he turned his head and looked:"Wow!it was too strange!A baby mouse was catching butterflies and dragonflies,it was so amazing!"At this time,his sister said:"please ot up!it was the time to get up!"He opened his eyes--It was a strange dream. That was so interesting!

Toms hair is longer than Mike s



What is little Tom"s hobby?

小学二年级作文150字:汤姆的宠物商店(Toms Pet Store)

作文标题: 汤姆的宠物商店(Toms Pet Store) 关 键 词: 小学二年级 150字 字 数: 150字作文 本文适合: 小学二年级 作文来源: 本作文是关于小学二年级150字的作文,题目为:《汤姆的宠物商店(Toms Pet Store)》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。 初中英语 汤姆的宠物商店(Tom"s Pet Store)   Do you like animals? Do you want to have a pet? Yes! I think you will like a pet. The pet is people"s good company. My pet store have many different pets in Tom"s pet store. They are cute and unusual. And my pet store have cats, dogs, goldfish, rabbits and hamsters. If you buy it. You will have a good pet and good friends. They are easy to take gore of. They are beautiful and friends. If your child feel lonely you should buy a pet for your child.

有谁在香港买过TOMS帆布鞋,请问多少钱啊 。红色经典款,官网价格是44刀。




网上那个toms 非凡盛世的网店是正牌吗?里面卖的toms鞋是正品吗??


懒人鞋汤姆斯的鞋子上的标签应该是什么? 淘宝上好多标签啊,有Tt&Mm,还有Toms。。。。。




英语英汉互译The toms 一定很受欢迎.The Toms____ _____ ____.2.听The toms 是保?

又快又好的答案: 1 must be popular 2.Listening to 3.How make feel 4.Ever since then has been 5.It"s to go one day 6.see on air(on air现场直播),1,英语英汉互译 The toms 一定很受欢迎. The Toms____ _____ ____. 2.听The toms 是保持清醒的一个好方法. _____ _____The Toms is a good way to wake up. 3.它让他们感觉如何? ____does it____them ___? 4.自从那时起,她就成为了美国乡村音乐迷了. _____ ____ ____,she______ _____ a fan of American country music. 5.她的梦想是有一天去那里. _____her dream _____ _____ there ____ _____. 6.我希望有朝一日能看他的现场演唱. I hope to ______him____ ____one day!








还是要在淘宝上找,因为淘宝上大部分的店都有实体店 ,你可以上门取货或购买





tom and mikes和toms and mikes的区别

1tom和mike共同的2 tom的和mike的

为何the Toms用have而不用has?

因为the Toms表示一家人,不止一个人,所以谓语要用对应复数的形式。


国内是从厂加工 发往国外 国内买不到


香港的toms鞋的在下列店可以买到:64-66号 威灵顿街 中环509号铺,时代广场,铜锣湾。港威商场2345铺,海港城,尖沙咀



Toms帆布鞋 和 Tt&Mm 帆布鞋有什么不一样?



格仔toms的玩法:方向键,方向键下面的滑动摇杆,在PSP的XMB操作系统中,方向键是移动光标,△键是呼出菜单,○键是确定,X键是取消,PSP左侧有两个指示灯和一个开关,上面的指示灯是 记忆棒指示灯,只要PSP对记忆棒进行读写操作时就会闪烁。下面的指示灯是无线通讯指示灯,只要打开无线通讯开关的话就会亮起,那个开关就是无线通讯功能的开关了,往上拨为开,往下拨为关,PSP右侧也有两个指示灯和一个开关,上面的指示灯是电源指示灯,打开电源后就会亮起绿光,电量低下时会闪烁,充电时会变成橘红色光。下面的指示灯是按键锁指示灯,锁住按键的时候就会变成黄色,开关则是电源或按键锁二合一开关,往上拨是开机、挂机或关机,往下拨则是锁住按键,屏幕下方还有一排按键,最左边的是 HOME键,按下后可以从其他画面直接返回到主菜单画面。再来是两个音量调节键,没什么好说的。然后是印有方形符号的 DISPLAY键,用来调节屏幕亮度。使用电池时可调节3级亮度,接上AC电源后可以调节4级。按住此键2秒可以关闭屏幕,这样在听MP3时就可以节省电力了,若要恢复按任意键即可。外出时播放MP3可在关闭屏幕后锁住按键。接着是印有音符符号的 SOUND键,接上耳机后按此键可选择音乐均衡模式HEAVY、PSPS、JAZZ、UNIQUE、OFF,老实说我不搞不太懂这些模式之间的区别,期待高人来补完,按住此键两秒后进入静音模式,再按一次取消静音。最后是 SELECT键和 START 键,这两个键玩游戏时用的比较多。在操作菜单时,SELECT键可以充当HOME键使用,START键则可以用来暂停音乐或影片播放。

He friend of toms.为什么要用Toms。

Toms 或者 Toms‘ 指的是一个家族。Tom家族的朋友。







toms是什么牌子 超舒适的布鞋品牌

toms这个牌子是以布鞋出名的,她家的鞋子最大的卖点就是舒适度了,穿着非常的舒服,对于穿不习惯高跟鞋的朋友们来说还是很值得一试的,我们来看看这个牌子的鞋子吧! toms是什么牌子 TOMS是美国著名的休闲服鞋品牌,深受欧美明星的喜爱!提倡舒适度第一,采用环保材料,内有耐用的软牛皮鞋垫,貌似法国人最爱的帆布草跟便服鞋(espadrilles)。这位来自美国才华横溢的设计师Blake Mycoskie,在一次往阿根廷的旅程中,发现当地小朋友需要步行数英里寻找清洁水源或上学,却没有鞋子保护双脚,遂决定为当地人做点事。他以阿根廷当地传统布鞋取得灵感,成立TOMS这个品牌,承诺每当您购买一双Toms鞋子,将会送一双给全球需要的孩子!toms鞋子怎么样 TOMS的布鞋,因为穿起来很方便,又称懒人鞋。很多人会选择它家的银色款,我这次选的呢是今年新款,差不多2000新台币,人民币400元,我觉得它低调又休闲,也很百搭噢! 我是购于台湾中友百货,toms在很多新光三越,中友,勤美都有专柜。香港据说也有噢!推荐脚比较瘦一点的妹纸,因为穿比较久之后鞋子容易撑大。我平时穿37.5,但挑鞋的时候店员推荐我穿36.5的,因为容易撑大,果然穿了一周就正常了。鞋垫软硬适中,脚感不错,重点是不会磨脚,很舒服呢。很喜欢他家的logo,蓝白相间,让人想起阿根廷的国旗,非常清新自然。toms款式推荐 Toms是美国设计师Blake·Mycoskie在阿根廷创立的牌子,一直号称承诺每当售出一双Toms鞋子,将会送一双给非洲孩子,正如他们的口号“ONE FOR ONE”。TOMS的鞋子以女鞋为主,男鞋也有同款,有少量儿童鞋。 TOMS以帆布鞋为主,内又有细分经典帆布、亮片系列、缕空系列、亚麻款。个人建议如果想入手TOMS的话,可以买经典帆布款的,比较透气,价格实惠。去年夏天,我都是穿经典款的TOMS,穿了换其它牌的确实鞋子觉得很硬。其他系列价格比较高,特别是眼镜,TOMS 九六年才开始做鞋子的,对眼镜这块其实做的并不完美。toms鞋子怎么保养 1.布鞋的保养应该是从未穿时就开始的,鞋内塞如鞋撑或报纸以保持鞋型。给鞋面蒙上一层保护膜,以维持其美观。 2.布鞋要穿时,最好在通风处摆放一天,好让鞋子有充分的时间吹干。鞋上的尼龙网眼布及人造鞣皮相对容易保养,可用清水手洗,但最好不要用洗衣机或浸泡清洗。 3.为了延长布鞋的寿命,尽可能少洗。 4.再耐穿的鞋子也经不起每天穿戴,鞋子自己也需要休息。



toms是什么意思 ozone mapping spectrometer 总臭氧测绘光谱仪以上来源于: 21世纪大英汉词典

美国鞋履品牌TOMS新品上市 给你更好的选择!

生活的质感常常藏在小细节里,是品尝清晨的咖啡时,弥漫在房间里的音乐,也是穿上一双鞋子时,从双脚传来的自在与舒适。 一双舒适合脚的鞋履,让你的每一段浪漫旅程都变得更美好!美国鞋履品牌TOMS新品上市,给你更好的选择! 系好鞋带,踩上滑板,带着好心情自由飞驰~~ 春天属于舒适百搭的帆布鞋,踏青赏花,走走玩玩不累脚~~ 穿上本色的黑与白,享受简单的小乐趣。 甜甜的奶茶色属于暖暖的春天, TOMS新款奶茶色草编底懒人鞋来啦,超级温油的颜色~~ 在彼此面前,做真实的自己,让完全不同的两个人,都收获了珍贵的旅程, 酷夏将至,想念沙滩,想念海边,你现在想去哪里玩水! 悠悠哉哉的春日午后,一起晒太阳发呆吧~~ 穿上草编底懒人鞋去度假,用晴朗赶走雨季的阴霾,适合情侣的三月旅行目的地是? 你是否也在期待,一个阳光灿烂的日子,来一场快乐无忧的春游? 左手在蓝色,右脚在黄色,穿上TOMS懒人鞋,加入一场扭扭乐小游戏,唤醒身体活力,时刻保持快乐! 旅行中不打扰的舒适度,在路上不分心地看风景,不论出差或出游,TOPANGA是超级棒的旅伴。 简单又有型的CUPSOLE懒人鞋,保持舒适脚感的同时增高显腿长, 是属于你的2019开春造型灵药! 阴雨天也可以简单快乐,在遛狗的欢脱一小时,有不惧雨雪的TOMS工装靴相伴! 在阳光暖暖的慵懒午后,和CUPSOLE一起舒服地散个步吧! LET IT GO~LET IT GO~穿上白色TOPANGA,走进白色的冰雪世界~~ 穿上新款CUPSOLE休闲鞋,变身充满元气的滑板少女,活力开春! LET IT GO~LET IT GO~穿上白色TOPANGA,走进白色的冰雪世界~~ 穿上新款CUPSOLE休闲鞋,变身充满元气的滑板少女,活力开春!


toms牙膏有哪些系列,许多人信赖美国的产品,因此作为美国的知名品牌toms的口腔清洁产品在国内也有一定的知名度,那么,想买toms牙膏的家长们应该怎么选择呢?下面就来跟大家介绍一下toms牙膏的系列 toms牙膏有哪些系列 Toms of Maine成人牙膏共有5类,最大的不同点是味道+有氟or无氟,五种口味从左到右分别是: 1)美白抗过敏无氟牙膏,薄荷味;42元/支,155g 2)全效护理有氟牙膏,薄荷味;42元/支,133g 3)全效护理有氟牙膏,留兰香味;42元/支,133g4)蜂胶固齿无氟牙膏,留兰香味;45元/支,155g; 5)蜂胶固齿无氟牙膏,茴香味;45元/支,155g;Tom"s of Maine牙膏介绍 非常钟爱的一个品牌,。这是一家成立于1970年的,专注于天然个人洗护产品的美国公司,2006年被高露洁集团收入旗下。作为明星产品,其牙膏可是获得过Veg News Magazine杂志评选的最佳牙膏大奖,基本上在美国家庭中人手一只。儿童牙膏更是妈妈们的挚爱,就算小朋友不小心吞下去也不会造成任何问题。每款Tom"s牙膏均分为含氟/不含氟两种,天然提取的氟化物能够更好的预防蛀牙发生。对于国内众多高氟地区还是建议使用无氟的更加安全。功效上有特别为敏感牙龈配置的抗敏温和型牙膏,使用感上相比一般牌子的牙膏来说,其白色的膏体味道自然,放入口腔中不容易起泡,漱口后牙齿感觉涩涩的很干净。而至于美白功能上来说,坚持使用一段时间后确实感觉白了那么一丢丢。Tom"s 牙膏评价 Tom"s牙膏。是我来美国以后用得最多的牙膏。在超市就能买到。图片上是新出的美白牙膏。味道是薄荷味 其实我不喜欢其他甜甜的味 感觉牙膏就应该是薄荷味才刷的干净呀。自从用了Tom"s以后我就没买过佳洁士了 因为感觉Tom"s牙膏真的刷的很干净回购万万次!! 我之前老用的是全效护理还有薄荷美白 都是白色膏体薄荷味。还用过橙子芒果味的全效护理 真的太甜了我的天 而且它是啫喱那样的透明膏体我总觉得我没刷干净。但喜欢满嘴都是水果香的可以试试。我都不相信我还买过肉桂味 说是防止牙龈出血 但味道真的就像我一口气吃了十个苹果派一样。肉桂味真的太重了 用不下去。

traditional customs are disappearing 求以此为题写一篇英语作文,150左右就够了,水平在四级就可以了。

Nowadays, there exists a worrying phenomenon that many tranditional customs are fast disappearing , which symbols the loss of our culture. First and foremost , tranditional customs are the cream that our ancestors left for us , carrying special meanings of our history , thus it should not be forgotten easily . furthermore, tranditional is also a proper entertainmenment for us , adding color to our boring life . It is high time that measures should be taken to tackle the problem . Most importantly , the authority should implement relevant policies to make the public aware of the seriousness of the situation . Personally , we should also take an active part in the celebrations of tranditional festivals .【PS】自己写的,自己打的,我不害怕你不采纳,因为这片作文连我自己都很满意,,

什么是toefl iBT?Barron又是什么?longman,tomson,ets又是什么?

美国教育考试服务中心(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)成立于1947年,是目前世界上最大的私营非营利教育考试评估机构,也是教育研究领域的领导者。该组织致力于为近200个国家的个人、教育机构和政府部门提供服务,并在全球范围内开展、管理着每年1200多万人次的考试,其中包括我们所熟悉的TOEFL; 、GRE; 、GMAT考试等。TOEFLTOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language---作为外语的英语考试)是由美国教育考试服务处(Educational Testing Service)举办的为申请去美国或加拿大等国家上大学或入研究生院学习的非英语国家学生提供的一种英语水平考试。美国教育考试服务处由1965年开始承办此项考试的管理工作。 仅1988~1989年度,全世界就有56万多人参加了T0FFL考试,全球170多个国家和地区共设立了1700多个T0FFL考试中心。至今为止,美国和加拿大共有2300多所院校规定,凡是外国学生申请到该校入学学习的,必须提供T0FFL,GRE,GMAT或TSE的某一项或两项标准化考试证明,只有达到学校所要求成绩的报考者,才能取得入学和申请奖学金的资格。除了美国、加拿大等大部分国家的高等院校外,欧洲(如英国)、大洋洲(如澳大利亚、新西兰)以及东南亚一些国家和地区也都已承认T0EFL考试成绩。近几年来,国内的联合国驻华机构和外企及合资企业在聘录用职员时,或国际基金组织在测试职员的英语水平时,也都采用T0FFL考试成绩。现在,只要去北美国家读书,就必须参加托福考试,作为英语生活能力的证明。longman翻译过来是“朗文”是美国人朗文编写的字典现在也是出版社Tomson不知道,我觉的应该是人名之类的,然后用作书名

withdrawal symptoms是什么意思


US Customs Binding Ruling


CUSTOMS TARIFF 和 HS code 有什么区别 ?

customs tariff基本翻译关税率;海关税则网络释义customs tariff:关税税则|海关税率|海关关税法CUSTOMS AND TARIFF BUREAU:关税局customs import tariff:海关进口税则HS code基本翻译海关编码;商品编码;物品税则编码网络释义HS CODE:HS编码|物品税则编码PU HS CODE:聚氨脂海关编码Buyer Item No., HS Code, UPC Code:多种货品编号

customs tariff number和HS code是一样的吗

customs tariff number海关税则号HS code海关编码一个是关税(进出口货物海关征收的税费),一个是海关编码(商品报关是用到的海关商品归类代码),是完全不同的两个概念。希望对你有帮助


《Bottoms Up》(Miranda Baker)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:o39a书名:Bottoms Up作者:Miranda Baker出版社:Samhain Publishing, Ltd.出版年份:2010

求bottoms up的中文歌词nikelback

BOTTOMS UP(干杯)Hey! Who"s coming with me?嘿!谁将和我一起?To kick a hole in the sky往天上砸一个洞I love the whiskey我爱威士忌Lets drink that shit till it"s dry让我们把它干掉So grab a Jim B, JD所以叫一杯Jim B, JDWhatever you need所有你想要的Have a shot from the bottom干掉一杯Doesn"t matter to me对我来说没关系"Another round, fill em up再来一轮,加满Hammer down, grab a cup就这么定了,拿起杯子Bottoms up!干杯(YEAH!) This is what it"s all about(耶!)就是这样No one can slow us down没人可以劝阻我们We aren"t gonna stop until the clock runs out我们永不会停下(BOTTOMS UP!) Hell can"t handle all of us(干杯)地狱也不能控制我们So get your bottles up所以干掉这杯Drinking" every drop until it all runs out饮尽每一滴"Another round, fill em up再来一轮,加满Hammer down, grab a cup就这么定了,举起杯子Bottoms up!干杯Bottoms up!干杯So grab your best friend叫上你的好友And make your way to the bar来到酒吧But keep your distance但请明白We"re gonna light it on fire气氛将会燃烧起来We"re drink black tooth, 80% Proof Straight gasoline我们在喝black tooth, 80度直馏汽油Slam as much can take and hand the bottle to me尽管干,把瓶子给我"Another round, fill em up再来一轮,加满Hammer down, grab a cup就这么定了,拿起杯子Bottoms up!干杯!(YEAH!) This is what it"s all about(耶!)就是这样No one can slow us down没人能劝阻我们We aren"t gonna stop until the clock runs out我们永不会停下(BOTTOMS UP!) Hell can"t handle all of us(干杯)地狱也不能控制我们So get your bottles up所以干掉这杯Drinking" every drop until it all runs out饮尽每一滴"Another round, fill em up再来一轮,加满Hammer down, grab a cup就这么定了,拿起杯子Bottoms up!干杯Bottoms up!干杯This is what it"s all about就是这样No one can slow us down没人能劝阻我们We aren"t gonna stop until they throw us all out我们永不会停下直到他们把我们扔出去Hell can"t handle all of us地狱也不能控制我们So get your bottles up所以干掉这杯Drinking" every drop until it all runs out饮尽每一滴(YEAH!) This is what it"s all about(耶)就是这样No one can slow us down没人能劝阴我们We aren"t gonna stop until the clock runs out我们永不会停下(BOTTOMS UP!) Hell can"t handle all of us(干杯)地狱也不能控制我们So get your bottles up所以干掉这杯Drinking" every drop until it all runs out饮尽每一滴"Another round, fill em up再来一轮,加满Hammer down, grab a cup就这么定了,拿起杯子Bottoms up!干杯"Another round, fill em up再来一轮,加满Hammer down, grab a cup就这么定了,拿起杯子Bottoms up!干杯Hey! Bottoms up! 嘿!干杯!



bottom up 与bottoms up有何区别?

bottom up: vt.倒置(颠倒,倒着) bottoms up: 干杯 例句与用法: Bottoms up,gentlemen! 诸位,干杯吧!

customs clearance是什么意思


名词性的“清关”是customs clearance,那请问动词性的呢?谢谢了

do customs clearance

customs declaration是什么意思

customs declaration[英][u02c8ku028cstu0259mz u02ccdeklu0259u02c8reiu0283u0259n][美][u02c8ku028cstu0259mz u02ccdu025bklu0259u02c8reu0283u0259n]报关单; declaration[英][u02ccdeklu0259u02c8reu026au0283n][美][u02ccdu025bklu0259u02c8reu0283u0259n]n.宣言,布告,公告,声明; (纳税品在海关的)申报; [法](原告的)申诉,(证人的)陈述,口供; [牌]摊牌,叫牌; 复数:declarations



naked women什么意思 还有naked bottoms

naked women——裸体女人们naked bottoms——光屁股

快! Elements, compounds, mixtures, atoms

更新1: actually...我系要English =w=""" very very soriiii!!!! .... ...咁...有冇英文答案啊 plzzzzzzzzzzzZ 元素(Elements) 指自然界中一百多种基本的金属和非金属物质,它们只由一种原子组成,其原子中的每一核子具有同样数量的质子,用一般的化学方法不能使之分解,并且能构成一切物质。 化合物(pounds) 是指从化学反应之中所产生,由两种或两种以上元素构成的纯净物(区别于单质)。 例如:氯化钠(sodium chloride NaCl)是一种透过盐酸(hydrochloric acid HCl)和氢氧化钠(sodium hydroxide NaOH)的化学作用(中和反应)而成的化合物。 HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) → NaCl(aq) + H2O(l) 化合物主要分为有机化合物和无机化合物 有机化合物含有碳氢化合物(或叫做烃 hydrocarbon),如甲烷(methane CH4) 无机化合物不含碳氢化合物,如硫酸铅(lead (II) sulphate PbSO4) 混合物(mixtures)是由两至多种纯物质(元素或化合物)没有经化学合成而混合成的物质,例如河水、空气、溶液等。混合物没有化学式。混合物因为是由多种纯物质经由物理方式所合成,故其性质虽不固定,但会保有原纯物质的特性。比如说糖水,尝起来甜是因为糖的关系、可以流动是因为水的关系 原子(atoms)是化学元素最小组成单元,是组成分子和物质的基本单元,它具有该元素的化学性质。原子由带正电荷的原子核和在原子核的库仑场中运动的带负电的电子组成。核电荷数或原子序数Z,是组成原子核的质子数。原子是非常微小的粒子。假设原子是球体的话,典型原子的直径大约是10-8厘米, 质量大约是10-23克。 原子与元素的关系就好似人与人们的关系。一个一个来看便叫「人」﹐整体来看便叫「人们」 参考: An element is a pure substance that cannot be broken down into anything simpler by chemical methods. A coumpound is a pure substance made up of o of more elements chemical bined together. A mixture consists of o or more pure substances (elements or coumpound) which have not chemically bined together. Atoms are made up of protons neutrons and electrons. the protons and neutrons are concentrated in the very tiny nucleus. The electrons move around the nucleus. 参考: Chemistry A Modern View Book 1 elements系元素 即系系元素周期表上面列出既野 系由中子 x子(protons)同电子呢3种基本原料所组成 而唔同既atoms有唔同数量既"3"子 总称就叫element pounds系由相同or不同既elements 由化学作用而成既另一种新既物质 功能同其他特征都会同该elements唔同 mixtures系由唔同既elements既物理成质混合一齐 性质会同该elements一样 atoms系原子 即系最细基本单位 由中子 x子同电子合成既物质

求nickelback的 bottoms up 英汉对照的歌词!谢谢!

[T.I] I"m only human dawg我只是个普通人耶 I"m only human dawg我只是个普通人耶 I"m only human dawg我只是个普通人耶 [Chris Brown] [克里斯布朗] Can you forgive me你能原谅我 It"s an SOS to let me be me这是一个求救,让我听我的 [T.I] [T.I] ay, ay, ay listen to me哎,哎,哎听我说 And when they push you down,当他们把你推下来, you got to get back up你一定要重新站起来 And when they push you down,当他们把你推下来, you got to get back up你一定要重新站起来 [T.I] [T.I] Push the dirt off your jersey than go for the cup把你的球衣推比去污垢杯 or the trophy or the ring, champion no matter what或奖杯或环,无论是什么冠军 cause when you got the belt and the ring因为当你得到了带和环 people with ya poppin bottles, taking pictures look around与YA人屁股瓶,拍照环顾四周 as soon as you fall down all the haters pass a judgement当你跌倒了所有的仇敌通过判决 surprise, i"m here to show that I"ma rise above this吃惊的是,我在这里表明,上述这我是上升 Ay, what it is World唉,这是什么世界 yeah it"s me again, back before you, at your mercy是啊这就是我再次回到你面前你的慈爱, don"t bend your knee again, no running from the truth不要弯曲你的膝盖再次,无论从事实运行 as much as we pretend, that it aint what it is, than it hits CNN正如我们假装,这不是它是什么,比打美国有线电视新闻网 apologies to my fans and my closest friends, (I"m sorry)我的球迷和我最亲密的朋友道歉,(对不起) for letting you down, I wont take you down this road again为让你失望,我不会带你沿着这条道路再次 most of you now saying whatever, here we go again你们中的大多数现在说什么的,在这里,我们又来了 blogs, radio, and television all going in博客,广播,电视等一切会在 I laugh to keep from crying through all of the embarrasment我笑,以防止通过所有哭的尴尬 I gotta say you f-cking haters is hilarious我得说你的F - cking憎恨让人发笑 how dare you sit right there and act as if you holier than thou你怎么敢坐在那里,并表现出你比你圣洁 point your finger now with me looking down点我现在看不起你的手指 same clown that was twitpic"ing at my wedding这是twitpic"ing小丑一样在我的婚礼 on the same twitter page disrespecting在同一页不尊重叽叽喳喳 wait a second (hold up)等待第二个(容纳) never mind my imperfections this is fact, remember that别提我的缺陷,这是事实,请记住 no mistakes too great to recover and bounce back没有太大的错误恢复和反弹 [Chris Brown] [克里斯布朗] and when they push you down, you got to get back up当他们推你,你必须重新站起来 and when they push you down, you got to get back up当他们推你,你必须重新站起来 [T.I] [T.I] Push the dirt off your jersey than go for the cup把你的球衣推比去污垢杯 or the trophy or the ring, champion no matter what或奖杯或环,无论是什么冠军 cause when you got the belt and the ring因为当你得到了带和环 people with ya poppin bottles, taking pictures look around与YA人屁股瓶,拍照环顾四周 as soon as you fall down all the haters pass a judgement当你跌倒了所有的仇敌通过判决 surprise, i"m here to show that I"ma rise above this吃惊的是,我在这里表明,上述这我是上升 [T.I] [T.I] I admit, yeah, I done some dumb sh-t,我承认,是的,我做了一些愚蠢的SH -吨, disappointed everybody I know我知道大家失望 [ From: ] [来自:] try not to hold that against me though尽量不要对我虽然认为 my road to redemption has no GPS我的道路,已换领无GPS so guess the time must be invested for this to be manifested所以你猜的时间必须为此投资,以体现 yes it"s hard living life in the spotlight是的,它的艰苦生活在聚光灯下生活 trying to dodge the haters same time as the cop light试图逃避警察的憎恨的光同时 the bible say "let he without sin cast the stone first" (stone first)圣经说:“让没有罪,他投了石首”(石首) the sinner or the one who judged him, who was wrong first?罪人或谁看他一个,谁是错误的第一? yeah he go to work, never done no drugs or to be fair是啊,他去上班,从来没有做过任何药物或公平 he just drink his liquor, touch his kids, beat his wife instead他只是喝他的酒,触摸他的孩子,而不是打老婆 difference is, my shortcomings hit the media不同的是,我的缺点在媒体曝光 thanks to TMZ, the AJC and Wikipedia对TMZ网站,感谢的浓缩苹果汁和维基百科 see the stairway to heaven while stepping down Jacob"s ladder看到天国的阶梯而下台雅各的天梯 my good outweigh the bad, God, aint that what really matters, nope我的好大于坏,上帝,这不是什么真正重要的了,没 a matter of fact I"m wrong but after that the good i"ve done in your hood其实我是错的,但在这以后,我在你的引擎盖做了很好的 should it overshadow that?要掩盖它呢? got the World laughing at me for the moment得到了世界在笑我的时刻 but it gonna be your turn "fore it"s over with但它会是轮到你"脱颖而出它多年来与 even if you so legit that you get a house with a dog and a picket fence即使你这样合法的,你得到一个狗房子和栅栏 the people with you then but when they turn on you remember this然后用你的人,但是当他们打开记得 [Chorus] [合唱] Push the dirt off your jersey than go for the cup把你的球衣推比去污垢杯 or the trophy or the ring, champion no matter what或奖杯或环,无论是什么冠军 cause when you got the belt and the ring因为当你得到了带和环 people with ya poppin bottles, taking pictures look around与YA人屁股瓶,拍照环顾四周 as soon as you fall down all the haters pass a judgement当你跌倒了所有的仇敌通过判决 surprise, i"m here to show that I"ma rise above this吃惊的是,我在这里表明,上述这我是上升 [Chris Brown] [克里斯布朗] Hello, out there您好,在那里 can you hear me你能听到我 can you hear me你能听到我 ah, ah, ah, ah啊,啊,啊,啊 can you (hear you)你(听到你) hello, out there,你好,在那里, can you hear me你能听到我 you gotta get you你得给你 you gotta gotta believe in me你必须得相信我 hey嘿 [T.I] [T.I] I accept full responsibilty for the all the wrong I"ve done我接受了所有我犯过的错全负有责任 If y"all thought I were perfect如果你们都认为我是完美的 I apologise for being human man我很抱歉作为人类的人 but never again partner但永远不会再合作伙伴 you can put my life on that你可以把我的生命 [Chorus] [合唱] And you can love me, or you can leave me而且你可以爱我,不然你可以离开我 before you judge me, just let me be me你审判我之前,就让我听我的 and you can love me or either leave me你可以爱我或者要么离开我 before you judge me, see life aint easy你审判我之前,看到生活不容易2H

跪求有关culture and customs的文章…………

参考: . Culture and CustomsDifference countries have difference culture and customs . as we konw, China has a long andrich culture ,so our customs is abundant too. it said that the yellow river is the the cradle of chinese civilization . we have a lot of traditional festivals. for example, spring festvial, mid-autumn festival, dragon boat festival and so on. may be you will ask why do we have these kind of customs, I think that because we have special cultrue which lead our chinese to creat customs to souvnier our ancestors.nowadays. people dont care much about cultrue and customs . the main reason is their work. students do not have time to spend time with there families and workers dont have chance to go home because their work. so I hope that one day we can celebrate our festivals . and our cultrue and customs will be last forever!对初中生来说 文中词汇比较难 但是适合演讲用 好好准备吧 学习愉快


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Nickelback的《Bottoms Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Bottoms Up歌手:Nickelback专辑:Here And NowSong title: Bottoms UpHEY!Who"s coming with meto kick a hole in the sky?I love the whiskey,let"s drink that shit till it"s drySo grab a Jim Beam, JD, whatever you needHave a shot from the bottle, doesn"t matter to meAnother round, fill "em up ,Hammer down, grab a cup,Bottoms up!This is what it"s all about,No one can slow us down!We ain"t gonna stop until the clock runs out (Bottoms up!)Hell can"t handle all of us,So get your bottles upDrinkin" every drop until it all runs outAnother round, fill "em up ,Hammer down, grab a cup,Bottoms Up!Ohh, Bottoms Up...So grab your best friendsand make your way to the barBut keep your distance,we"re gonna light it on fireWe"re drinking black tooth, 80 proof, straight gasolineSlam as much as you can take and hand the bottle to meAnother round, fill "em up ,Hammer down, grab a cup,Bottoms Up!This is what it"s all about,No one can slow us down!We ain"t gonna stop until the clock runs out (Bottoms up!)Hell can"t handle all of us,So get your bottles upDrinkin" every drop until it all runs outAnother round, fill "em up ,Hammer down, grab a cup,Bottoms Up!Ohh, Bottoms Up...This is what it"s all about,No one can slow us down.We ain"t gonna stop until they throw us all outHell can"t handle all of us,So get your bottles upDrinkin" every drop until it all runs outThis is what it"s all about,No one can slow us down!We ain"t gonna stop until the clock runs out (Bottoms up!)Hell can"t handle all of us,So get your bottles upDrinkin" every drop until it all runs outAnother round, fill "em up ,Hammer down, grab a cup,Bottoms Up!Another round, fill "em up ,Hammer down, grab a cup,Bottoms Up!Hey! Bottoms Up!



bottoms up是什么意思


John Bottoms的《Pearls》 歌词

歌曲名:Pearls歌手:John Bottoms专辑:Two Gentlemen Of VeronaIndia Arie - pearls★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师There is a woman in SomaliaScraping for pearls by the roadsideThere is a force stronger than natureKeeps her will aliveThat is how she lives her lifeShe is dying to surviveI don"t know what she"s made ofBut I would like to be that brainShe cries to the heavens aboveThere"s a stone in my heartShe lives a life she didn"t chooseAnd it hurts like brand new shoesYes, it hurts like brand new shoesAnd it hurts like brand new shoesThere is a woman in RwandaThe sun shows her no mercyThe same sky we lay underIt burns her to the boneLong is afternoon shadowsIt"s gonna take her to get homeEach gray carefully wrapped upPearls for her little girlHallelujah, HallelujahShe cries to the heavens aboveThere"s a stone in my heartShe lives a life she didn"t chooseAnd it hurts like brand new shoesYes, it hurts like brand new shoesAnd it hurts like brand new shoesThere was a womanin SomaliaThere was a woman in RwandaThere was a woman in TibetThere is a woman in a CongoAnd she hurts like brand new shoesHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahEnd

裤子商标中的Bottoms Size和Inseam是什么意思?

是裤档底部到裤管底的长度意指同一size的裤子,35"inseam的裤管比33"inseam的裤管多2英寸Bottoms Size 是指下装尺码, 和Tops Size(上装尺码)相对应我的理解是Bottoms Size 是Waist Size(腰围) 和Hips Size(臀围)的统称, 但是在实际运用中, 一般是指腰围希望对你有用

英语bottoms up什么意思?

英语bottoms up中文意思是自下而上

在美国买裤子,问一下BOTTOMS SIZE和INSEAM分别指的是什么?


英语Bottoms up怎么翻译?

Bottoms up喝光

Bottoms Size是什么意思,是指裤脚尺寸吗? Bottoms Size : 29 是什么尺码

裤头到裤脚的直线长度吧 应该是这样~ 是指三尺一寸,就是从裤头到18-28是市寸尺码,尺码数字28-33的范围内减去7就是腰围尺寸(比如28码的

「干杯」英文怎么说? 秒懂Cheers/ toast/ bottoms up 中文意思差异!

干杯英文 怎么说?常见的「干杯」相关英文说法有Cheers、 toast、 bottoms up,不过当你在说这些英文单字的时候,还是要特别注意呀,这三个表达干杯的英文单字,还是有些差异! 下面整理了「干杯」的英文例句与中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.Cheers 干杯 Cheers的意思是指「a friendly expression said just before you drink an alcoholic drink」,也就是说当你说Cheers的时候,表示你想跟别人一起喝酒干杯的意思。 当你说Cheers的时候,还要特别注意场合呀,因为Cheers同时也有“再见”的意思。 下面列出例Cheers 英文例句与中文意思。 例: Cheers! 干杯! 2.toast 干杯、举杯祝酒 toast的意思是指「an expression of good wishes or respect for someone that involves holding up and then drinking from a glass of alcohol, especially wine, after a short speech」,意思是比方说当有人在台上演讲完之后,邀请台下的人一起举杯干杯,这个时候就可以用toast。 下面列出例toast 英文例句与中文意思。 例: Why don"t we make a toast? 我们为什么不敬酒呢? 例: I"d like to propose a toast to Mr. Willion. 我想向威利恩先生敬酒。 例: I"d like to propose a toast to the bride and groom. 我提议为新娘新郎干杯。 3.bottoms up 干杯 bottoms up的意思是指「sometimes said by people in a friendly way just before drinking an alcoholic drink together」,bottoms up 通常指将酒一饮而尽的意思。 这里要注意的是,bottoms up通常为复数,因为跟别人一起干杯,有好几个杯子,所以要用bottoms,而不是bottom喔。 下面列出例bottoms up 英文例句与中文意思。 例: Bottoms up! 干杯。 例: We all raised our glasses, and the host said,” Bottoms up! “ 我们都举起了酒杯,然后主人说“干杯”。 bottoms up, bottoms up 中文, bottoms up 意思, cheers, cheers 中文, cheers 意思, toast, toast 中文, toast 意思, 干杯 英文, 干杯的英文, 祝酒 英文, 举杯庆祝 英文, 举杯敬酒 英文, 举杯祝酒 英文


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