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滨崎步的《Moments》 歌词

歌曲名:Moments歌手:滨崎步专辑:『Ayu-Mi-X 6』配信限定アルバム2「Moments」作词∶浜崎あゆみ作曲∶汤汲哲也歌∶浜崎あゆみ心が焦げ付いて焼ける匂いがしたそれは梦の终わり全ての始まりだった憧れてたものは美しく思えて手が届かないから辉きを増したのだろう君の砕け散った梦の破片が仆の胸を刺して忘れてはいけない痛みとして刻まれてく花のように儚いのなら君の元で咲き夸るでしょうそして笑颜见届けたあとそっとひとり散って行くでしょう君が绝望という名の渊に立たされそこで见た景色はどんなものだったのだろう行き场所を失くして彷徨ってる剥き出しの心が触れるのを恐れて锐い刺张り巡らせる鸟のようにはばたけるなら君の元へ飞んでいくでしょうそして伤を负ったその背に仆の羽根を差し出すでしょう风のように流れるのなら君の侧に辿り着くでしょう月のように辉けるなら君を照らし続けるでしょう君がもうこれ以上二度とこわいものを见なくてすむのなら仆は何にでもなろう【 おわり 】




moment:名词,瞬间,准确时刻,机遇,时光等意思,复数后面加s,moments。a moment ago 意思是刚才,juat a moment 意思是稍等。 second:可以是名词也可以是动词,第二, 秒,临时调派,支持等意思,现在分词是seconding,过去分词和过去式是seconded,复数后面加s。


moments的中文意思是:n. 片刻;瞬间;重要;时刻;moments的短语搭配:1、unforgettable moments:难忘的时刻。2、precious moments:珍贵的时刻。3、moments of silence:默哀时刻。moments的用法:1、"moments" 通常用作一个名词,表示某个时间段内的瞬间或时刻。2、"moments" 的复数形式也可以用于表示一些特定的时刻或事件。3、"moments" 还可以用作动词的现在分词形式,表示某事情正在发生或已经发生了。4、"moments" 用来描述某个时间段内的瞬间或时刻,可以用作名词或动词的现在分词形式。双语例句:1、I"ll never forget the moment he proposed to me.我永远不会忘记他向我求婚的那一刻。2、The concert had many unforgettable moments.这场音乐会有很多令人难忘的时刻。3、The moments after the car accident were a blur.车祸之后的那些时刻都是一片模糊。4、She is in the kitchen, moments away from finishing dinner.她正在厨房里,距离做完晚饭只有一会儿了。5、The guests were moments from arriving when the power went out.客人们就要到达了,这时候停电了。


"Moments"是一个英语单词,基本含义是瞬间、时刻、片刻或时光。下面是对"Moments"的详细解释和应用示例:"Moments"的基本含义"Moments"通常用于表示一个非常短暂的时间段,例如 "I"ll be back in a moment"(我马上回来)、 "We had a moment of silence"(我们默哀了片刻)或 "The concert was filled with moments of magic"(这场音乐会充满了许多神奇的时刻)。"Moments"的引申含义除了基本含义之外,"Moments"还可以引申为一些特殊的含义,例如:Life"s moments:人生的片刻或时光Moments of truth:真理的瞬间或关键时刻Moments of happiness:快乐的时刻或片刻Moments of inspiration:启发人的时刻或片刻Share moments:分享时刻Create moments:创造时刻



如何在chrome中修改User Agent,添加Http headers

您好,是这样的:1、查询UserAgent一般分三种方式: 1,通过各浏览器自带的UserAgent修改功能查看当前浏览器UserAgent设置情况。如Maxthon(遨游)修改User Agent方法 中就可查看遨游浏览器的UserAgent 2,通过JS事件来查询。2、通过网络上查找,修改Chrome的Usre Agent有3种方式,但有的方式是不起作用的。给Chrome添加启动参数(有作用)通过扩展-User-Agent Switcher(据我测试和网上的反应,不起作用)用Chrome内置的开发者工具修改(也是不能起作用)方法一:给Chrome添加--user-agent启动参数。这个是可以起作用的方法。右键点击Chrome的快捷方式,在“快捷方式”-“目标”输入框,修改成类似于如下:C:UsersxxxAppDataLocalGoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/1A537a Safari/419.3"其实就是在C:...Applicationchrome.exe后添加--user-agent参数。如果要换成其他的参数,修改--user-agent=后面双引号之间的字符串即可。相信大部分人看不懂--user-agent=后的字符串的意思,我也看不懂,但是有专门的网站来介绍不同浏览器、设备的--user-agent参数,,在网站的List of User Agent Strings页面列出了详细的各种平台各种浏览器的User Agent参数,并且有相信的参数说明。比如我要将Chrome模拟成Blackberry 9000/ OS版本5.0.0.1067 /MIDP版本2.1的黑莓手机,则--user-agent=后面双引号之间的字符串改成如下:BlackBerry9000/ Profile/MIDP-2.1 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/302

如何在chrome中修改User Agent,添加Http headers

您好,是这样的:1、查询UserAgent一般分三种方式: 1,通过各浏览器自带的UserAgent修改功能查看当前浏览器UserAgent设置情况。如Maxthon(遨游)修改User Agent方法 中就可查看遨游浏览器的UserAgent 2,通过JS事件来查询。2、通过网络上查找,修改Chrome的Usre Agent有3种方式,但有的方式是不起作用的。给Chrome添加启动参数(有作用)通过扩展-User-Agent Switcher(据我测试和网上的反应,不起作用)用Chrome内置的开发者工具修改(也是不能起作用)方法一:给Chrome添加--user-agent启动参数。这个是可以起作用的方法。右键点击Chrome的快捷方式,在“快捷方式”-“目标”输入框,修改成类似于如下:C:UsersxxxAppDataLocalGoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/1A537a Safari/419.3"其实就是在C:...Applicationchrome.exe后添加--user-agent参数。如果要换成其他的参数,修改--user-agent=后面双引号之间的字符串即可。相信大部分人看不懂--user-agent=后的字符串的意思,我也看不懂,但是有专门的网站来介绍不同浏览器、设备的--user-agent参数,,在网站的List of User Agent Strings页面列出了详细的各种平台各种浏览器的User Agent参数,并且有相信的参数说明。比如我要将Chrome模拟成Blackberry 9000/ OS版本5.0.0.1067 /MIDP版本2.1的黑莓手机,则--user-agent=后面双引号之间的字符串改成如下:BlackBerry9000/ Profile/MIDP-2.1 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/302



如何在chrome中修改User Agent,添加Http headers

在chrome中修改user agent,很简单,直接上图:菜单中,setting 会看到如下图添加Http headers添加Http headers也很简单,chrome也有很多extensions安装,我装了一个Modheader,然后用它直接添加你的header的名字,值,以及应用的网址。

如何在chrome中修改User Agent,添加Http headers

查询UserAgent一般分三种方式:1,通过各浏览器自带的UserAgent修改功能查看当前浏览器UserAgent设置情况。如Maxthon(遨游)修改User Agent方法 中就可查看遨游浏览器的UserAgent 2,通过JS事件来查询。2、通过网络上查找,修改Chrome的Usre Agent有3种方式,但有的方式是不起作用的。给Chrome添加启动参数(有作用)通过扩展-User-Agent Switcher(据我测试和网上的反应,不起作用)用Chrome内置的开发者工具修改(也是不能起作用)方法一:给Chrome添加--user-agent启动参数。这个是可以起作用的方法。右键点击Chrome的快捷方式,在“快捷方式”-“目标”输入框,修改成类似于如下:C:UsersxxxAppDataLocalGoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/1A537a Safari/419.3"其实就是在C:...Applicationchrome.exe后添加--user-agent参数。如果要换成其他的参数,修改--user-agent=后面双引号之间的字符串即可。相信大部分人看不懂--user-agent=后的字符串的意思,我也看不懂,但是有专门的网站来介绍不同浏览器、设备的--user-agent参数,在网站的List of User Agent Strings页面列出了详细的各种平台各种浏览器的User Agent参数,并且有相信的参数说明。比如我要将Chrome模拟成Blackberry 9000/ OS版本5.0.0.1067 /MIDP版本2.1的黑莓手机,则--user-agent=后面双引号之间的字符串改成如下:BlackBerry9000/ Profile/MIDP-2.1 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/302



far the away from home歌词


far away from home 这首英文歌的中文翻译?谢谢!



chrome hearts (复数形式)中文翻译过来是铬心。chrome作为英文单词指金属铬。Chrome Hearts是著名好莱坞奢侈品牌名,是全球最知名的银饰品牌之一,闻名世界。日本,香港许多明星最热爱的饰品,Chrome Hearts带有中世纪艺术的宗教精神,在优美的弧线与染黑的阴影之下,营造出独特而迷人的丰采.它还是充满摇滚风格的银饰,其强烈的原创设计性一直稳据银饰品牌王座。而风靡香港。

chrome hearts怎么读

chrome 英[kru0259u028am] 美[krou028am] heart 英[hɑ:t] 美[hɑ:rt] 谐音克隆姆哈呲希望我的回答对您有帮助,满意请采纳,谢谢。



be used to 和be accustomed to区别


Some Hearts 歌词

歌曲名:Some Hearts歌手:Marshall Crenshaw专辑:Good EveningI"ve never been the kind that you"d call luckyAlways stumbling" around in circlesBut I must have stumbled into somethingLook at meAm I really alone with youI wake up feeling like my life"s worth livingCan"t recall when I last felt that wayGuess it must be all this love you"re givingNever knew never knew it could be like thisBut I guessSome heartsThey just get all the right breaksSome hearts have the stars on their sideSome hearts,They just have it so easySome hearts just get lucky sometimesSome hearts just get lucky sometimesNow who"d have thought someone like you could love meYou"re the last thing my heart expectedWho"d have thought I"d ever find somebodySomeone who someone who makes me feel like thisWell I guessSome heartsThey just get all the right breaksSome hearts have the stars on their sideSome hearts,They just have it so easySome hearts just get lucky sometimesSome hearts just get lucky sometimesEven hearts like mineGet lucky, lucky sometimesEven hearts like mineSome heartsThey just get all the right breaksSome hearts have the stars on their sideSome hearts,They just have it so easySome hearts just get lucky sometimesSome heartsThey just get all the right breaksSome hearts have the stars on their sideSome hearts,They just have it so easySome just get lucky some timesSome hearts just get lucky sometimes

randomevent是国潮吗 热门原创潮流品牌

randomevent确实是国潮品牌,这个品牌是国内设计师的原创品牌,风格非常独特,获得了很多年轻人的喜欢,我们来了解下这个国潮品牌吧。 randomevent是国潮吗 randomevent是国潮。 喜欢国潮的朋友一定对RANDOMEVENT这个牌子非常熟悉吧,在经过了风格的变化之后,RDET终于在最近几季找到了适合自己的风格。因为对服装设计的热爱与当时男装市场的相对空缺,洪扬在毕业后与几位志同道合的朋友于2012年共同创立了男装品牌RANDOMEVENT CLOTHING BRAND,由于受欧美的潮流文化影响比较深,品牌最初的设计定位便是以创意图形为主的潮牌男装,非科班出身的洪扬在经过了一段时间的累积与学习后负责品牌设计风格与方向的把控。randomevent明星同款 最近看《偶像练习生》看上脑了,身边的女生朋友都开始饭起各式各样的小奶狗,然而我还是决定pick像jeffrey那样man的男生。决定喜欢他之后,除了每天盯死投票框,还把他的社交平台翻了个遍,刷着刷着,就看到他拍了一张行李箱照,迷妹当然就对男神的行李箱充满好奇和想象。点开大图看了一眼,除了有知名大品牌外,还有一件非常亮眼的RDET“不怎么NICE“的短袖Tee,看到之后马上就去某宝get了一件同款。 除此之外,RDET还出现在了《这!就是街舞》里面,节目中身为队长的易烊千玺颜值简直上线了,这次更是节目中的一大亮点。除了看颜值当然还要看搭配啊,而他当天节目里的造型配饰就选择了RDET的撞色运动头带,为自己的街头造型增色了不少。randomevent衣服怎么样 国内设计师品牌Randomevent,好穿又便宜,性价比超高~版型有点偏大,喜欢宽松的可以试试哦~ 好久没有分享一下自己的穿搭,上衣是randomevent的,我在上一篇也介绍过这个牌子,绝对的国潮龙头老大,国产美潮街头风的代表,本人最喜欢没有之一。wassup灯芯绒裤,灯芯绒是这两年凹造型的必备单品,当然有资金的建议尝试beams的灯芯绒,它家的更为专业,风格更为硬朗。randomevent新品介绍 RANDOMEVENT 2019 春夏系列立足于青年文化和街头领域,提出 “Stand out from the Crowd” 的概念。RANDOMEVENT 认为青年人需拥有个体独有的并与其他个体区分开来的特性,打破客观因素的制约,呈现自我,穿搭亦是如此。 新一季系列中突出应用 RANDOMEVENT 的全新图形结构 logo 标识,以多层次且碎片化的字母 “R” 突显随机和融合的品牌基因。 值得一提的是,材质的多元化拼接贯穿了整个春夏系列,包括反光材料、工业面料、荧光色织等的混合运用;通过经典图形、街头涂鸦、荒诞马戏、90s 复古等元素,创作了一整季关于特立独行精神的系列产品。


Randomevent Clothing Brand 创立于2012年,由几位街头时装爱好者组建。后期品牌形象逐步清晰,将urban,daily, street 三大元素融入,搭建独特风格的高品质产品线。我们认为时装不仅仅是服饰而已,更多的是一种生活状态的体现,希望我们的产品不仅能够走进客人的衣柜,同时可以影响这一部分人的生活态度和信念。RDET作为国内自主设计品牌中的一员,以积极且融合的姿态力争做到最好去陪伴和我们一起成长的各位,“Randomevent is by your side.”RANDOMEVENT 由几位街头时装爱好者在 2012 年创建,经过不断摸索试验,他们选择将 URBAN、DAILY、STREET 三大元素融入设计,搭建出独特风格的产品系列。此次 16SS PART-3 发售很多经典 RDET STREET 风格的单品。 Randomevent 与艺术家张权全新打造品牌 MeltingSadness ,由服饰和家居两个板块构成,以成熟的生活方式为导向,产品的设计理念源于张权的代表作品「融化的悲伤」,旨在唤起每个人成长中的美好。Melting Sadness 提供的产品将会赋予更多成长的意义,它既是实用的也是温暖的,同时它将作为一个极为包容的载体,与更多的艺术家碰撞。


妇女纪念为保护人身安全警告:不要燃火请商店摄氏度50度以下的保存及放在孩子难以触及的地方保存期限: 2年u301c u301c不好意思英文普通,只能直译了,

英语something is in itself a deed怎么翻译?


give me some sunshine歌词全部和翻译

三傻大闹宝莱坞里的插曲《give me some sunshine》 歌词:Saari umar humMar mar ke jee liyeJeene doEk pal to ab humein jeene doSaari umar humMar mar ke jee liyeEk pal to ab humein jeene doJeene doSaari umar humMar mar ke jee liyeEk pal to ab humein jeene doJeene doNa na na….Na na na….Na na na….Na na nana na….Give me some sunshineGive me some rainGive me another chanceI wanna grow up once againGive me some sunshineGive me some rainGive me another chanceI wanna grow up once again~~~music~~~Saari umar humMar mar ke jee liyeEk pal to ab humein jeene doJeene doNa na na….Na na na….Na na na….Na na nana na….Give me some sunshineGive me some rainGive me another chanceI wanna grow up once againGive me some sunshineGive me some rainGive me another chanceI wanna grow up once againNa na na….Na na na….Na na na….Na na nana na….Na na na….Na na na….Na na na….Na na nana na….中文意思:我这一生都为别人生活哪怕只一瞬间让我自由地过我这一生都为别人生活哪怕只一瞬间让我自由地过Na na na….Na na na….Na na na….Na na nana na….给我阳光给我雨水给我一个重生的机会给我阳光给我雨水给我一个重生的机会

3 Idiots里的插曲 give me some sunshine歌词翻译(加旁白)

Saari umar哼 3月3 liye柯登入 Jeene做 ab humein jeene Ek做朋友 Saari umar哼 3月3 liye柯登入 ab humein jeene Ek做朋友 Jeene做 Saari umar哼 3月3 liye柯登入 ab humein jeene Ek做朋友 Jeene做 纳钠钠……纳钠钠钠钠钠……钠钠娜娜钠 给我一些阳光 给我一些雨 再给我一次机会 我想长大后又一次 给我一些阳光 给我一些雨 再给我一次机会 我想长大后又一次 Kandhon柯kitabon 暗夜精灵的jhukaya bojh克 对khud dena Rishvat 爸爸,sikhaya围护结构 对ghadi laaoge 99%的标志chhadi凡尔纳 Likh Likh kar hatheli pada相提并论 chaala阿尔发倍塔计数卡 poora浓硫酸暗夜精灵 Poora bachpan jalaa daala Bachpan到设计师 嗨Jawani滚蛋好么 ab humein Ek pal制式 Jeene做Jeene做的 Bachpan到设计师 嗨Jawani滚蛋好么 ab humein Ek pal制式 Jeene做Jeene做的 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~我音乐, Saari umar哼 3月3 liye柯登入 ab humein jeene Ek做朋友 Jeene做 纳钠钠……纳钠钠钠钠钠……钠钠娜娜钠 给我一些阳光 给我一些雨 再给我一次机会 我想长大后又一次 给我一些阳光 给我一些雨 再给我一次机会 我想长大后又一次 纳钠钠……纳钠钠钠钠钠……钠钠娜娜钠 纳钠钠……纳钠钠钠钠钠……钠钠娜娜钠 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~我结束

grow some balls,idiots什么意思

grow some balls表示像个男人样,整句是 像个男人样,白痴!

who is the __(heathy)of the two women

who is the more heathy of the two women比较级



translate:when people become unemployed,it is idleness which is often worse than lack of wages.


translate:when people become unemployed,it is idleness which is often worse than lack of wages.


(2013·高考北京卷,A)We all know that the cost of heating our homes will continue to be a signific

小题1:B小题2:A小题3:D小题4:A 本文是一篇说明文,属于广告文体,介绍了一种新型的便携式暖风机。与其他的暖风机相比较,它有很多优点,写这篇文章的目的是让读者买他们的产品。小题1:解析:选B。主旨大意题。本题考查考生整体把握、提炼信息、概括部总结段落大意的能力。A项“EP暖风机的热量”;B项“EP暖风机的安全”;C项“EP暖风机的外表”;D项“EP暖风机的材料”。由第二段的内容可知,这种暖风机不会引起火灾,不会烫伤孩子和宠物,显然是在讲它的安全性,故正确答案为B项。小题2:解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第三段第一句话The EP will not reduce oxygen in the room.可知,这种EP暖风机是不会降低室内的氧气含量的,就是说该暖风机不消耗氧气,故正确答案为A项。小题3:解析:选D。词义猜测题。由文章第四段可知,此处把EP暖风机与其他的类似产品相比较,这种暖风机能够把墙、门、天花板都加热,不像以前的产品,只加热附近小片区域,因此该词义为“均匀地,平等地”,故D项正确。小题4:解析:选A。推理判断题。A项“说服人们买该产品”;B项“建议人们节省加热的钱”;C项“报道便携式暖风机的最新发展”;D项“比较不同品牌暖风机的性能”。根据文章内容可知,本文为广告文体,向大家介绍了一种新型的暖风机,与其他的暖风机相比,它有自己的优点,其目的是让读者买他们的产品,因此A项正确。

do you have some sisters的正确形式

Do you have any sisters?

sometimes 深厚的 feelings

1.deep 2.insisted 3.discussion 5.breathing



我在playdm上买了一个homefront,在steam账号信息里写了 Homefront Retail (EFIGS) 这是什么原因?





高兴帮助你。请采纳,谢谢!!!He comes to school by metro.改为否定句:He doesn"t come to school by metro. 他不是坐地铁上学。metro 地铁 by metro 坐地铁相当于 by subway 或 by underground



翻译这段话!!In the United States, it is not customary to telephone someone......


come on the heels of是什么意思

接踵而来接踵:后面人的脚尖接着前面人的脚后跟. 形容人很多,一个接一个的来.也形容事情接连不断发生

customer profile是什么意思

customer profile客户档案profile[英][u02c8pru0259u028afau026al][美][u02c8prou028afau026al]n.侧面,半面; 外形,轮廓; [航]翼型; 人物简介; vt.描…的轮廓; 给…画侧面图; 为(某人)写传略; [机]铣出…的轮廓; 第三人称单数:profiles过去分词:profiled复数:profiles现在进行时:profiling过去式:profiled易混淆单词:Profile例句:We use data quality tools to profile and cleanse bad data. 我们使用数据质量工具来配置和清洗错误数据。

Nobody S Home (Moonlighting Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Nobody S Home (Moonlighting Album Version)歌手:Too Bad Eugene专辑:MoonlightingNobody"s HomeI couldn"t tell you why she felt that way,She felt it everyday.And I couldn"t help her,I just watched her make the same mistakes again.What"s wrong, what"s wrong now?Too many, too many problems.Don"t know where she belongs, where she belongs.She wants to go home, but nobody"s home.It"s where she lies, broken inside.With no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes.Broken inside.Open your eyes and look outside, find the reasons why.You"ve been rejected, and now you can"t find what you left behind.Be strong, be strong now.Too many, too many problems.Don"t know where she belongs, where she belongs.She wants to go home, but nobody"s home.It"s where she lies, broken inside.With no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes.Broken inside.Her feelings she hides.Her dreams she can"t find.She"s losing her mind.She"s fallen behind.She can"t find her place.She"s losing her faith.She"s fallen from grace.She"s all over the place.Yeah,ohShe wants to go home, but nobody"s home.It"s where she lies, broken inside.With no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes.Broken inside.She"s lost inside, lost inside...oh oh yeahShe"s lost inside, lost inside...oh oh yeah



I am glad that you can come.中that引导的是什么从句


哪位大大帮我介绍下EHOME战队啊 详细的 以前的阵容现在的阵容 谢谢

  EHOME (LD)中国 Dota EHOME战队  2007年10月份,EHOME俱乐部将国内顶尖DotA队伍HtmL战队收至麾下,成立EHOME.DotA分队。这支队伍获得了2007年国内90%的赛事冠军。其成员为:万宁"mN"、黄翔"longdd"、张文立"GK"、王晓宁"amei"、房甍"SatXIII_"、易熙文"IsuN"。在取得IEF2007网吧赛总决赛冠军后,SatXIII_离队,原IfNt核心队员胡天澍"Soulk"、原GL核心邹倚天"820"加盟。新阵容先后获得了IEF国际大师赛亚军、CDL季后赛总决赛冠军等成绩。为了追求更好的赛训成绩,俱乐部安排队员统一线下集训,因此队伍人员调整。mN、amei、IsuN暂停活动,Soulk加盟线上队伍[GOW],而原GL战队主力成员董灿"dclxjdc"、张知严 "Shasha"和原oNce战队核心伍声"2009_"加盟。新阵容在PGL2008第三赛季总决赛中从败者组中杀出以2:0翻盘获得冠军。5月份,原GL战队核心康钊"Snoy"加盟EHOME担任教练,无疑使这支队伍更让人期待。目前队伍已在2008年北京训练基地(北京中关村E空间游戏体验中心)展开集训,备战各大赛事,向世界冠军发起冲击。  主要成绩:  WGT2007中国总决赛  CNBN杯DotA联赛  AACC全国电子竞技大赛  第一届CETC电子竞技大赛  英特尔IEF2007全国网吧赛总决赛  ADC中国区  英特尔IEF2007国际大师赛  PGL2008 第三赛季DotA全明星邀请赛  WCG2008北京赛区  现役阵容:  董灿"dclxjdc"(队长)  黄翔"longdd"  张文立"GK"  张知严 "Shasha"  伍声"2009_"  康钊"Snoy"(教练)  曾效力队员:  万宁"mN"  王晓宁"amei"  房甍"SatXIII_"  易熙文"IsuN"  胡天澍"Soulk"  邹倚天"820"  张堃"xt_xxx"  陈瀚"bubble"Ronaldo  In the end  Xwkkx  Ehome在08过后 G联赛输给7L以后 Sony GK DC离队 队伍重组 招来了Xwkkx In the end Ronaldo(上海马超) 不过成绩并不理想 ACG失败 WCG北京赛区输给大学队伍SMTH未能出线 所以除了357 820以外的3位队员只能遭遇踢队 目前DC归队当教练 GK也回来了 前7L著名队员DGC强势加盟 目前所有人正期待第5人的出现 希望EHOME能有好的发展  现役阵容  EHOME.GK  EHOME.820  EHOME.357  EHOME.DGC  EHOME.Xwkkx

Way Back Home 歌词

歌曲名:Way Back Home歌手:Jr. Walker & The All Stars专辑:The Definitive CollectionThe roads are the dustiestThe winds are the gustiestThe gates are the rustiestThe pies are the crustiestThe songs the lustiestThe friends the trustiestWay back home(Back home)The trees are the sappiestThe days are the nappiestThe dogs are the yappiestThe kids are the scrappiestthe jokes the snappiestthe folks the happiestWay back homeDon"t know why I left the homesteadI really must confessI"m a weary exileSinging my song oflonlinessThe grass is the springiestThe bees are the stingiestThe birds are the wingiestThe bells are the ringiest(the hearts)the hearts the singiest(the arms)the arms the clingiestWay back home(What about the sun) The sun"s the blaziest(And the fields) The field"s the daziest(And the cows) The cow"s the graziest(And the help) The help"s the laziestThe boys,Are the wittiestThe girls,Are the prettiestWay back homeThe pigs are the snootiestThe owls are the hootiestThe plan"s the fruitiestThe stars the shootiestThe grins the funniestThe smiles the sunniestWay back homeDon"t know why I left the homesteadI really must confessI"m a weary exileSinging my song of lonlinessThe food is the spreadiestThe wine is the headiestThe pals are the readiestThe gals are the steadiestThe love the livliestThe life the lovliestWay backway backway back, home(No place like home)sweet home

找歌 歌词中有you make me...everything comes to my love dream....一个英文男声唱的

Hall and Oates – You Make My Dreams Come TrueWhat I want, you"ve gotBut it might be hard to handleLike the flame that burns the candleThe candle feeds the flame yeah yeahWhat I got -- full stock of thoughts and dreams that scatterAnd you pull them all togetherAnd how I can"t explain oh yeahWell well you (ooh ooh ooh ooh) you make my dreams come true (you you) you(you you)Well well well you (ooh ooh ooh ooh) oh yeah you make my dreams come true(ooh oooh ooh ooh) hell yeahOn a night when bad dreams become a screamerWhen they"re messin" with a dreamerI can laugh it in the faceTwist and shout my way outAnd wrap yourself around me"Cause I ain"t the way you found meAnd I"ll never be the same oh yeahWell "cause You (ooh ooh ooh ooh) hmmm hmm you make my dreams come true (youyou you you) oh yeahWell well well you (ooh ooh ooh ooh) ooh you make my dreams come true (youyou you you) oh yeahListen to thisI"m down on my daydreamAll that sleepwalk should be over by nowI know Well you hell yeah you make my dreams come true (you you you you) oh yeah(you you)I"ve been waiting for waiting for you girl (ooh ooh ooh ooh)Oh yeah you make my dreams come true (you you you you)Me you me and youI"ve been waiting for waiting for you girl (ooh ooh ooh ooh) all my lifeYou make my dreams come true (you you) whoa (you you)Whoa whoa I"ve been waiting for waiting for waiting for waiting for waitingfor waiting for waiting for(You make my dreams) ooh ooh ooh oohI"ve been waiting for you girl (you you you you)(You make my dream you you you you)

能帮我再翻译下这个吗?lifehouse 的come bake down谢谢了 呵呵


求lifehouse 的hanging by a moment英文对照中文翻译歌词

Hanging By A Moment 歌手:Lifehouse Hanging By A MomentLifehouseDesperate for changingStarving for truthI"m closer to where I startedI"m chasing after youI"m falling even more in love with youLetting go of all I"ve held on toI"m standing here until you make me moveI"m hanging by a moment here with youForgetting all I"m lackingCompletely incompleteI"ll take your invitationYou take all of me nowI"m falling even more in love with youLetting go of all I"ve held on toI"m standing here until you make me moveI"m hanging by a moment here with youI"m living for the only thing I knowI"m running and I question where to goAnd I don"t know what I"m tapping intoJust hanging by a moment here with youThere"s nothing else to loseThere"s nothing else to findThere"s nothing in the worldThat can change my mindThere is nothing elseThere is nothing elseThere is nothing elseDesperate for changingStarving for truthI"m closer to where I startedI"m chasing after youI"m falling even more in love with youLetting go of all I"ve held on toI"m standing here until you make me moveI"m hanging by a moment here with youI"m living for the only thing I knowI"m running and I question where to goAnd I don"t know what I"m tapping intoJust hanging by a moment here with youJust hanging by a momentHanging by a momentHanging by a momentHanging by a moment here with youby lune翻译在片刻之前悬挂Lifehouse不顾死活为变更为事实饿得要死我接近我开始的地方我正在你之后追所有的我和你在爱方面更多让去全部我已经抓紧我正在这里站立,直到你使我移动我正在片刻之前和你在这里悬挂忘记全部我正在缺乏完全不完全我将会采取你的邀请你现在拿我全部我正在落下更多在爱方面和你让去全部我已经抓紧我正在这里站立,直到你使我移动我正在片刻之前和你在这里悬挂我为我知道的唯一的事物住我正在跑,而且我询问该哪里去而且我不知道什么我正在轻打进入仅仅在片刻之前和你在这里悬挂没有什么别的事物要失去没有什么别的事物要找没有东西在世界上那能改变我的想法没有什么别的事物没有什么别的事物没有什么别的事物不顾死活为变更为事实饿得要死我接近我开始的地方我正在你之后追我正在落下更多在爱方面和你让去全部我已经抓紧我正在这里站立,直到你使我移动我正在片刻之前和你在这里悬挂我为我知道的唯一的事物住我正在跑,而且我询问该哪里去而且我不知道什么我正在轻打进入仅仅在片刻之前和你在这里悬挂仅仅在片刻之前悬挂在片刻之前悬挂在片刻之前悬挂在片刻之前和你在这里悬挂被弓形

Come Back Down 歌词

歌曲名:Come Back Down歌手:Lifehouse专辑:LifehouseCome Back DownLifehouseStaring right back in the faceA memory can"t be erasedI know, because I triedStart to feel the emptinessand everything I"m gonna missI know, that I can"t hideAll this time is passing byI think it"s time to just move onWhen you come back downIf you land on your feetI hope you find a way to make it back to meWhen you come aroundI"ll be there for youDon"t have to be alonewith what you"re going throughStart to breathe and fake a smileIt"s all the same after a whileI know, that you are tiredCarrying the ones you lostA picture frame with all the thoughtsI know, you hold insideI hope that you can find your way backTo the place where you belongYou"re coming back downYou say you feel lost can I help you find itWhen you come aroundFrom time to time we all are blindedYou"re coming back downYou don"t have to tell me what you"re feelingI know what you"re going throughI won"t be the one that lets go of youI think it"s time to just move on

worst comes to the worst

Definition:something that you say in order to tell someone what you will do if a situation becomes very difficult or serious 第一个worst是最糟糕的事 第二个worst是指这件事情产生的最坏的结果

The cost of food and clothing has come down in re


The goverment has taken some measures .aming at cutting down the cost为什么不是to aim

政府当前采取的行动目的是XXX,采用的是aim at.没有to aim的用法董君的记忆秘诀

Is that the ambition(to become an astronaut)?

His ambition (to become an astronaut) deserves our support.动词不定式作定语,不定式不能作同位语,同位语指一个名词(或同位语从句)对另一个名词或代词进行修饰,限定或说明,这个名词(或其它形式)就是同位语。同位语与被它限定的词的格要一致,并常常紧挨在一起。

Do university students have a lot of homework? What is your attitude towards the homework?

there is homework, but you have the right to do it or not, everything is up to you.

How Great Thou Art (Best Of Homecoming 2001 Version) 歌词

歌曲名:How Great Thou Art (Best Of Homecoming 2001 Version)歌手:George Beverly Shea专辑:Bill Gaither S Best Of Homecoming - 2001Title: How Great Thou Art/你真伟大Artist: Alan JacksonAlbum:Precious MemoriesBY;Leo &EstherOh Lord my God/主阿,我神!When I in awesome wonder/我每逢举目观看Consider all the works /你手所造Thy hands have made/一切奇妙大工I see the stars/看见星宿I hear the rolling thunder/又听到隆隆雷声Thy power throughout/你的大能The universe displayed/遍满了宇宙中Then sings my soul/我灵歌唱My Saviour, God, to Thee/赞美救主我神How great thou art/你真伟大!How great thou art/何等伟大!Then sings my soul/我灵歌唱My Saviour, God, to Thee/赞美救主我神How great Thou art/你真伟大How great Thou art/何等伟大!When Christ shall come/当主再来With shouts of adulation/欢呼声响彻天空And take me home/何等喜乐What joy shall fill my heart/主接我回天家Then I shall bow/我要跪下In humble adoration/谦恭的崇拜敬奉And there proclaim /并要颂扬My God How great Thou art/神阿,你真伟大。Then sings my soul/我灵歌唱My Saviour, God, to Thee/赞美救主我神How great Thou art/你真伟大!How great Thou art/何等伟大!Then sings my soul/我灵歌唱My Saviour, God, to Thee/赞美救主我神How great Thou art/你真伟大!How great Thou art/何等伟大!How great Thou art/你真伟大!How great Thou art/何等伟大!

求go hard or go home歌词 要LRC的哦

歌曲名称:Go Hard Or Go Home歌手:Wiz Kh专辑ifaLRC歌词 :[ti:Go Hard Or Go Home][ar:Wiz Khalifa][al:Furious 7 (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)][by:][offset:0][00:00.10]Go Hard Or Go Home - Wiz Khalifa,Iggy Azalea[00:01.67]I feel like the sky is falling down[00:04.53]Ain t nobody here to play around[00:07.33]Push it to the edge, I won t back down[00:09.79]Cause it s time to go hard or go home[00:12.68]One way up, no way out[00:15.39]I give it all, all for the family[00:18.41]We stay up, no bail outs[00:21.25]Give it all, all for the family, family, family, fa-fa-family[00:27.65]Five, four, three, two, I got one shot[00:29.69]You lose the love and respect, that s where the trust stop[00:32.42][00:33.05]New work, top drop[00:35.44]I roll up every fifteen minutes like a bus stop[00:38.32]And you can smell just how I m smokin when I burn out[00:41.11]And you can catch me ridin dirty, but my car not[00:43.79][00:44.31]It s love and loyalty until my heart lock[00:46.97]Never turn your back, won t know how it turned out[00:49.65][00:50.72]I said it once, I ll do it again[00:52.18]I m playin the game, I do it to win[00:53.75]With you and your friend, that s thick and thin[00:55.00]That s me and my team, you know we gon win[00:56.44]You know we gon ball, you know we gon ride til the wheels fall off[00:58.78]You know we gon stick to the course, we ain t thinkin bout y all[01:00.62][01:01.58]I feel like the sky is falling down[01:04.51]Ain t nobody here to play around[01:07.26]Push it to the edge, I won t back down[01:09.80]Cause it s time to go hard or go home[01:12.70]One way up, no way out[01:15.39]I give it all, all for the family[01:18.44]We stay up, no bail outs[01:21.27]Give it all, all for the family[01:25.55]Eh eh[01:28.32]For the family eh eh[01:33.69]All for the family, family, family, fa-fa-family[01:38.81]M-O-N-E-Y, what I go hard for[01:40.87]Swingin on the green like I m tryna get a par four[01:44.11]You ain t sittin at my table, hope you starve[01:46.33]Ho, don t be pushin my buttons less you startin up my car[01:49.54]Pressure make a diamond, that pressure make me a star[01:51.99]Got a method to my madness, to bring me down by the bar[01:55.19]People always askin me how I got this far[01:57.74]My response is just to keep it honest and be who you are[02:00.57]Now they call me Mrs. Money like I m married to the mula[02:03.36]Just to measure my success I need at least a hundred rulers[02:06.64]Glory, hallelujah, I mma take that ass to church[02:09.13]I mma finish like I started, Iggy still got that work[02:12.28][02:13.14]I feel like the sky is falling down[02:15.92]Ain t nobody here to play around[02:18.71]Push it to the edge, I won t back down[02:21.27]Cause it s time to go hard or go home[02:24.07]One way up, no way out[02:26.83]I give it all, all for the family[02:29.87]We stay up, no bail outs[02:32.67]Give it all, all for the family[02:37.07]Eh eh[02:39.86]For the family eh eh[02:45.19]All for the family, family, family, fa-fa-family[02:49.92][02:52.63]All all-all-all for the, for the, for the[02:55.25][02:58.37]All all-all-all for the family[03:01.66][03:03.94]All all-all-all for the for the for the[03:06.67][03:09.49]Family family[03:11.15][03:13.10]I feel like the sky is falling down[03:15.83]Ain t nobody here to play around[03:18.71]Push it to the edge, I won t back down[03:21.25]Cause it s time to go hard or go home[03:24.10]One way up, no way out[03:26.78]I give it all, all for the family[03:29.96]We stay up, no bail outs[03:32.70]Give it all, all for the family[03:37.03]Eh eh[03:39.84]For the family eh eh[03:45.20]All for the family, family, family, fa-fa-family







come with us是什么意思


Supertramp的《Home Again》 歌词

歌曲名:Home Again歌手:Supertramp专辑:SupertrampHome Again :)I"ve been many placesI"ve traveled "round the worldAlways on the search for something newBut what does it matterWhen all the roads I"ve crossedAlways seem to return to you…Old familiar facesEveryone you meetFollowing the ways of the landCobblestones and lanternsLining every streetCalling me to come home againDancing in the moonlightSinging in the rainOh, it"s good to be back home againLaughing in the sunlightRunning down the laneOh, it"s good to be back home againWhen you play with fireSometimes you get burnedIt happens when you take a chance or twoBut time is never wastedWhen you"ve lived and learnedAnd it time it all comes back to you…Old familiar facesEveryone you meetFollowing the ways of the landCobblestones and lanternsLining every streetCalling me to come home againDancing in the moonlightSinging in the rainOh, it"s good to be back home againLaughing in the sunlightRunning down the laneOh, it"s good to be back home againAnd when I got wearyI"d sit a while and restMemories invading my mindAll the things I"d treasuredThe ones I"d loved the bestWere the things that I"d left behind…Old familiar facesEveryone you meetFollowing the ways of the landCobblestones and lanternsLining every streetCalling me to come home againDancing in the moonlightSinging in the rainOh, it"s good to be back home againLaughing in the sunlightRunning down the laneOh, it"s good to be back home again

谁知道英国辣妹组合的歌曲Do something歌词.谢谢了

Like Cleopatra got the masses at my feetGotta living dwell down on easy streetAnd I"m the latest crazeAnd if you stay awhileInevitably you gonna bite my style in your later daysNow let me tell you what is fact and what is trueI get high alot ain"t got much to doI"m always in a dazeThat was just a dream I had last night in my bubble bathNext to my wishing wellGet up get out and do somethinDon"t let the days of your life pass you bySpears BritneyGet up get out and do somethinCuz you and I got to do for you and IWhat"s been happenin? How you doin? Where you been?I"m further behind now then I was back thenLost in some ole mazeSome years have passed me byAll I want is to go get highI"ll get it together some other dayIn my dreams I dwell cuz all my dreams are swellGet up get out and do somethinDon"t let the days of your life pass you byGet up get out and do somethinGet up get out and do somethinCan"t spend your whole life trying to get highYou got to get up get out and do somethinCuz you and I got to do for you and IIn my dreams I dwell cuz all my dreams are swellAnd you would too, If you could see themThat"s when I knowI gotta go get up get outHeaven"s at my feet, gotta living dwell down on Easy streetI"m the latest crazeThat was just a dream I hadLast night in my bubble bath next to my wishing wellGet up get out and do somethinCan"t spend your whole life tryin to get highYou got to get up get out and do somethinCuz you and I gotta do for you and I

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听到英文歌歌词好像是you can be all right so come come come is party in 是什么歌

听过一个类似的if you 歌手:silk 专辑:the return You know I"ll make it right so(Come on, come on, come on, yeah yeah)I know you really wanna sex meI know you really wanna sex meI know you really wanna sex me

global journal of obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome是SCI吗?影响因子?


global journal of obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome是SCI吗?影响因子?

Global Journal of Obesity,Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome是Peertechz旗下的开放数字版权期刊,并非SCI期刊 以下几个是SCI期刊和他们的IF: DIABETES METAB 2.388 DIABETOL METAB SYNDR 1.924 INT J OBESITY 5.221 J DIABETES 2.939 OBESITY 3.922 OBESITY FACTS 1.583


I have someone I like 我有一个我喜欢的人

I have homework

1.I have owned three toy shops since 1986. 2.We have learnt cooking for 6 years. 3.They have kept the dog since 2004. 4.He has joined the Art Club since last October. 5.I have been a policeman for 15 years. Jacky has owned a toy shop since 1986. Mary has learnt cooking for 6 years. Brian has kept a dog since 2004. Mandy has joined the Art Club since last October. Kenny has been a policeman for 15 years. 1.He has owned a toy shop since 1986. 2.She has learned cooking for 6 years. 3.I have kept a dog since 2004. 4.We have joined the Art Club since last October. 5.He has been a policeman for 15 years. 1. May owned a toy shop since 1986 2. I have learnt cooking for 6 years 3. Nancy has kept a dog since 2004 4. Karen has join the Art Club since last October 5. John has been a policeman for 15 years 2007-05-16 16:20:43 补充: 1. May has owned a toy shop since 1986 2007-05-17 15:24:30 补充: We should use present perfect tense when you see words like for/since e thet me you should use had/ has with the past participle of a verb. 参考: me 1 I own a toy shop since 1989 2 Ihave leran cooking for 6years 3 I keep a dog in 2004 4 I have join the Art Club since last October 5 I have be a policeman for 15 years 参考: me


琼斯工业平均指数 道琼斯工业平均指数(Dow Jones Industrial Average,DJIA,简称“道指”)是由华尔街日报和道琼斯公司创建者查尔斯·道创造的几种股票市场指数之一。他把这个指数作为测量美国股票市场上工业构成的发展。“道指”是最悠久的美国市场指数之一。 时至今日,平均指数包括美国30间最大和最知名的上市公司。名称中的“工业”更多的是来自历史,现在的30间构成企业里大部分与重工业无关。由于补偿股票分割和其它的调整的效果,它当前只是加权平均数,并不代表成分股价值的平均数。 历史 “道指”首次在1896年5月26日公布,它象征着美国工业中最重要的12种股票的平均数。至今为止,在这12种成份股中,只有通用电气仍然留在指数中。其余11种为(以下按公司英文名顺序排列): * 美国棉花油制造公司,Bestfoods的前身,现为联合利华的一部份 * 美国糖类公司,现为Amstar Holdings * 美国烟草公司,在1911年破产 * 芝加哥燃气公司,在1897年被Peoples Gas Light & Coke Co.收购(现为人民能源公司) * Distilling & Cattle Feeding Company,现为Millennium Chemicals * Laclede Gas Light Company,仍以The Laclede Group之名运作 * National Lead Company,现为NL Industries * 北美公司,在1940年代破产 * 田纳西煤、铁与铁路公司,在1907年被美国钢铁收购 * 美国皮草公司,1952年解散 * 美国橡胶公司,1967年改名为Uniroyal,1990年被米其林收购 当它首次被公布时,指数是40.94点。它被当作平均指数来计算,首先加上所有成份股的价格,再除以股票的数目。1916年,道指中的股票数目增加到20种,最后在1928年增加到30种。到了1972年11月14日,平均指数首次超过1000点(1003.16点)。 1980年代后,特别是1990年代,可以看到平均指数出现非常迅速的增长。1995年11月21日,它首次超过5000点(5023.55点)。到1999年3月29日,“道指”收盘达到了10006.78点,首次超过了10000点大关。仅仅一个月后的5月3日,它收盘时达到11014.70点,首次超过11000点。“道指”在2000年1月14日达到11722,98点,创造了最高点的纪录。但到2002年中期,它回到1998年的8000点水平。在2002年10月9日,道指掉到7286,27点的低点,它是自从1997年10月以来的收盘最低点。但是,在2003年底,道指回到了10000点水平。(参见道琼斯工业平均指数收市里程碑) “道指”最大单日百分比跌幅发生在1987年的“黑色星期一”,当时平均指数下跌了22.6%。最大单日点数跌幅发生在2001年9月17日,是九一一袭击事件后的首日开市,当时“道指”下跌684.81点,同比下跌7.1%。在当周的周末收市,道指总共下跌1369.70点,同比下跌14.3%。 批评 有些人批评“道指”,因为它是价格加权平均数,这使得高价股比低价股在平均指数中更有影响力。这会产生误导的结果,如低价股$1美元的增长可以轻易被高价股$1美元的下跌所抵消,即使低价股相对百分比增幅非常大。此外,平均指数中只包括了30种股票也引起了额外的批评,因为“道指”被广泛地作为总体市场成绩的指标。因为这些原因,标准普尔500成为更广泛报价,且更常作为更实在的广泛市场成绩指标。 构成方式 “道指”的个体成份偶尔由于市场环境的理由而改变,它们由《华尔街日报》的编辑所选择。当其中的公司被取代,将调整个体偏重,使平均指数不受公司更换的直接影响。 1999年11月1日,雪佛龙、固特异轮胎和橡胶公司、西尔斯公司和美国联合碳化物从“道指”中删除,加入英特尔、微软、家得宝和西南贝尔公司。英特尔和微软成为首两间从纳斯达克调换到“道指”的公司。2004年4月8日,国际纸业、AT&T和伊士曼柯达公司被辉瑞制药、Verizon和美国国际集团代替。 道琼斯工业平均指数包括以下30家公司(以下按公司股票代号顺序排列): * 美国铝业公司 (铝) (股票代号:AA) * 美国国际集团 (保险) (股票代号:AIG) * 美国运通公司 (金融服务) (股票代号:AXP) * 波音公司 (航空航天) (股票代号:BA) * 花旗集团 (金融服务) (股票代号:C) * 卡特彼勒公司 (重型机械) (股票代号:CAT) * 杜邦公司 (化工) (股票代号:DD) * 迪士尼 (娱乐业) (股票代号:DIS) * 通用电气公司 (电子、金融服务) (股票代号:GE) * 通用汽车 (汽车) (股票代号:GM) * 家得宝公司 (零售、家居改善) (股票代号:HD) * 霍尼韦尔国际公司 (电子) (股票代号:HON) * 惠普公司 (电脑硬件、打印机) (股票代号:HPQ) * 国际商用机器公司 (硬件、软件和服务) (股票代号:IBM) * 英特尔 (微处理器) (股票代号:INTC) * 强生制药有限公司 (制药) (股票代号:JNJ) * 摩根大通公司 (金融服务) (股票代号:JPM) * 可口可乐公司 (饮料) (股票代号:KO) * 麦当劳 (快餐、特许经营) (股票代号:MCD) * 3M公司 (原料、电子) (股票代号 MMM) * 阿尔特里亚集团 (前身为“菲利普·莫里斯公司”) (食品、饮料、烟草) (股票代号:MO) * 默克制药公司 (制药) (股票代号:MRK) * 微软 (软件) (股票代号:MSFT) * 辉瑞制药有限公司 (制药) (股票代号:PFE) * 宝洁公司 (家庭用品、制药) (股票代号:PG) * 西南贝尔公司 (电讯) (股票代号:SBC) * 联合科技公司 (航空、防御) (股票代号:UTX) * Verizon (电讯) (股票代号:VZ) * 沃尔玛 (零售业) (股票代号:WMT) * 埃克森美孚公司 (石油) (股票代号:XOM)

Herb was at home alone one night…………的原文,把空填上也行。

Herb was at home alone one night while hisparents were out for the evening party. He hadoften stayed alone before, so he wasn"t 1 .As he waited for his parents to return home, hewatched the late films on TV. 2 becameheavier and heavier as the time passed.Suddenly Herb"s eyes were opened wide.What was that 3 in the next room? Herbheard the window slowly being inched (一寸一寸地) open. For a minuteHerb was so frightenedthat he could not 4 , and his body felt likeice. He knew that he mustn"t lose his 5and began to think of the things he could do. Hecouldn"t 6 the telephone without passingthe window where he had heard the noise. Againhe heard the sound of someone trying to7 into his home through the windows. them. She was surprised. Thenshe was 8 .One ticket was a winning ticket!“ 9 ! ” Mablecalled to the woman.“You won $ 50, 000! ”The woman came back to the counter. Shetook the winning ticket and looked at it. “You"reright,”shesaid. “I won$ 50, 000.”Thewomanwalked away slowly, looking at the ticket againand again. Then she turned about. “Thank you!Thank you very much! ”she said to Mable.Why did Mable give the woman the ticket?Why didn"t she10 the ticket for herself?Didn"t shewant the $ 50, 000?“Of course I wanted the money.” MableSaid, “But itwas her ticket. It wasn"t myticket.”“Well, I"msorry that you aren"t rich,“herMother said. “But I"m happy you"re honest.”答案与简析:1. C 由“He had often stayed alonebeforeu22ef”可知, 他一人在家,不会感到害怕。由下文知, 此处并非“焦虑的”“孤独的”“悲伤的”, 故A、B、D 三项排除。2. D 由下文“Suddenly Herb"s eyes wereopened wide”可知他的眼皮越来越沉。A、B、C 三项由下文语境可排除。3. B 由下文知, 他听到窗户被一寸一寸地慢慢推开, 可知他听到的是噪音。4. C 有一会儿, 他如此害怕以至于他不敢动。A 项“看见”, B 项“喊”, D 项“想”, 均不合语境。5. A lose one"s head 表示“不能自制, 张皇失措( 如突发的气愤或恐惧) ”。lose one"s heart 表示“倾心于( 某人) ”; lose one"s way 表示“迷路”, 均不合语境。lose one"s hope 不成立, 故排除。6. A reach sth. 表示“够得着u22efu22ef”, 强调结果。C 项“观看”, D 项“抓住”, 均不合语境。B 项touch 强调动作“碰, 接触”, 显然不对。7. D 有人试图从窗户爬进屋子里。A、B 两项明显不合语境。由语境知, 他企图越窗而入, 不能用jump “跳”。8. B beat as hard as he could 指“用尽全力敲”。由“Thecommotion was so terrible u22ef”可知他使劲击鼓。9. B 鼓声那么响, 甚至连他自己也感到惊讶。even 表示递进关系“甚至”。A 项“仍然”, C 项“也许”, D 项“相当”, 均不表递进, 不合语境。10. D 正在窗子上的那个人。in the window “在窗户上”, 为固定搭配。

afternoon ihome the the going组成连词成句

I"m going to the park this afternoon.


你买了么 这个咋只有店里有






boatihome是国产的手表品牌,它是深圳宝航名表有限公司旗下的品牌之一。boatihome品牌主要有明星签名系列、数字文化系列以及宝航名表戴系列等,这个品牌产品的售价普遍在数千元左右,其中的拳王款情侣金表售价更是达到数十万元。 boatihome是中国手表品牌boatihome是中国手表品牌,它的中文名为宝航,是深圳宝航名表有限公司旗下的品牌之一。而深圳宝航名表有限公司的总部位于我国广东省深圳市,它是一家包含销售和研发手表、电子产品、数码产品的公司。 目前boatihome手表品牌共有明星签名系列、数字文化系列以及宝航名表戴、名、表、保、驾、护、航、人、生、道、路、宝、尊等系列。并且每个系列都有多个产品,例如宝航名表尊系列主要有BH8028G-1、BH8028G-2两款。 boatihome手表定位的是中高端奢侈品品牌,它的产品售价普遍都在数千元以上,其中宝航拳王款情侣金表的售价更是达到数十万元。而这个品牌的手表之所以价格昂贵,不仅仅是因为采用了昂贵的材料,还因为它有着精湛的制作工艺、前沿的设计。


boatihome还是boatihone有什么区别?据外媒domaininvesting消息,日前他从美国证券交易委员会(SEC)备案电子数据库上发现:一家名为OneWater Marine Inc的上市公司以396,769美元收购了英文域名,折合人民币为274万元。据SEC文件显示:2020年8月22日,OneWater Marine Inc.(以下简称“公司”)的子公司One Water Assets&Operations,LLC与,LLC签订了一项协议购买协议。根据购买协议,OWAO从Boats4Sale购买了网站域名“”(包括所有相关商誉),以换取现金对价396,769.00美元。据悉,OneWater Marine Inc是美国最大、增长最快的高级休闲船净销售之一。Onewater Martine的经销商集团分布在整个美国东南地区和墨西哥湾沿岸以及中大西洋和美国东北地区等极具吸引力的市场中。截至2019年6月,Onewater Martine总收入为284,906,000美元,是纳斯达克上市公司,目前市值已达4.5亿美元。OneWater Marine Inc公司收购的域名Boatsforsale.com注册于1999年9月,距今已近21年历史。该域名由英文单词组合而成,直译为“出售船只”,由于含义非常直观清晰,很适合搭建船只销售类终端平台。而这正好与OneWater Marine休闲船销售契合。访问域名,可以看到以此搭建的网站正在建设中。由此,我们可以也判断,396,769美元的这笔交易是只涉及域名而非网站的,因为新网站还未成型。目前,由于隐私保护的原因,还不能确定BoatsForSale.com是否已经完成转移。一旦确认域名顺利完成过户,那么BoatsForSale.com将成为今年DNJournal 榜上第三大公开交易的域名。首赞+1
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