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mysql没有这个函数, 却可以用其他的方式来实现这个decode函数的功能。http://www.cnblogs.com/huangzhen/archive/2012/11/03/2752379.html去看看这个帖子就知道了



ROUND(DECODE(a,0,0,b/a*100),2) 与 DECODE(a,0,0,ROUND(b/a*100,2))的区别

首先要了解round函数和decode函数的作用,round是四舍五入函数,decode是条件函数。 从你给的两段公式来看,前者的结果为:当a=0时结果就是0,当a不为0时,结果为b/a*100再四舍五入取两位小数。而第二个公式结果为:先对b/a*100的结果四舍五入取两位小数,而后再做条件选择,当a为0时结果为0,当a不为0时取round(b/a*100,2)的结果。 两个公式得出的结果是一样的。但建议使用第一个公式,因为这里的decode的作用其实是为了防止b/a中的分母为0。





sql decode函数里面有多个值怎么办



单独使用decode是不行的.DECLARE n NUMBER;BEGINn:=DECODE(1,2,3,4,5);END;/n:=DECODE(1,2,3,4,5);*ERROR at line 4:ORA-06550: line 4, column 5:PLS-00204: function or pseudo-column "DECODE" may be used inside a SQL statement onlyORA-06550: line 4, column 2:PL/SQL: Statement ignored但是放到select语句里就可以了.DECLARE n NUMBER;BEGINSELECT DECODE(1,2,3,4,5)INTO nFROM dual;END;/PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

matlab decode函数怎么用

decode Block decoder. MSG = decode(CODE, N, K, METHOD...) decodes CODE using an error-control coding technique. For information about METHOD and other parameters, and about using a specific technique, type one of these commands at the MATLAB prompt: FOR DETAILS, TYPE CODING TECHNIQUE decode hamming % Hamming decode linear % Linear block decode cyclic % Cyclic


在ORACLE数据库里decode函数实现的功能,于MySQL数据库里可以使用case when函数来替代;MySQL数据库的decode函数是解密函数,它是加密函数encode的反函数,与ORACLE数据库里decode函数实现的功能完全不同。ORACLE数据库里decode函数相当于MySQL数据库里的case when函数,只是前者看起来更加紧凑。

sql decode函数里面有多个值怎么办?

1, deocde 与 case when 的作用相同,用于不同条件分支的不同处理。于case when 相比只是用法不同。同样可以嵌套和满足多个值。 2,多个值decode(name, "Wang", "001", "Li", "002", "003")相当于casewhen name = "Wang" then "001"when name = "Li" then "002"else "003"end 3, 嵌套decode(name, "Wang", decode(sno, "001", "Yes", ""), "Li", decode(sno,"002","Yes",""), decode(sno, "003","Yes",""))相当于casewhen name = "Wang" then case when sno="001" then "Yes" else "" endwhen name="Li" then case when sno="002" then "Yes" else "" endelse case when sno="003" then "Yes" else "" endend

oracle decode函数里的参数都是什么类型



运行例子如下:SQL> SELECT 2 DECODE( "A", "A", (SELECT "A" FROM dual ), (SELECT "B" FROM dual ) ) A, 3 DECODE( "B", "A", (SELECT "A" FROM dual ), (SELECT "B" FROM dual ) ) B 4 FROM 5 dual;A B-- --A BSQL> 要求, 那个 sql 语句, 只能返回 1行1列。

sql decode函数里面有多个值怎么办

首先decode函数是Oracle独有的判断函数!//其实就是一个简单的判断函数,比如字段的值为adecode(字段,"a","输出是a","是a","输出是b","否则输出都不是");//下面我拿EMP表的SCOTT来示例代码:SELECT DECODE(ename,"是SCOTT","Yes","不是SCOTT","No","都不是")FROM emp WHERE ename = UPPER("scott");

PLSQL Developer 中decode()函数的基本用法?




DECODE 方法可以在赋值语句中使用吗


oracle decode函数

SELECT empno, DECODE(ename,job ,to_char(sal),ename ) cost FROM emp1;你前后的数据类型不一致才报的错。


  您好,我在别的论坛也看到您的问题,我来为您解答:  decode只能在SQL中使用,不能在存储过程的表达式中使用。  比如sum,min这些组函数也不能直接使用,必须在SQL中使用,Oracle存储过程是有这样的限制的  如果我的回答没能帮助您,请继续追问。

oracle decode函数的使用方法?

比如:语句select id,decode(id,1,"男",2,"女",3,"人妖") as "性别" from t2;表示:当id=1时,返回值男 当id=2时,返回值女 当id=3时,返回值人妖具体步骤如下:create table t2(id varchar2(20));insert into t2 values(1);insert into t2 values(2);insert into t2 values(2);insert into t2 values(2);insert into t2 values(3);insert into t2 values(1);select id,decode(id,1,"男",2,"女",3,"人妖") as "性别" from t2; ID 性别1 1 男2 2 女3 2 女4 2 女5 3 人妖6 1 男


如果~store_nod的值=8 这列的值 显示 d_mm_sales 否则显示 0




  decode是美特斯邦威的鞋,即美邦帆布鞋,“美特斯·邦威”是美特斯邦威集团自主创立的本土休闲服品牌。美特斯邦威集团公司于1995年创建于中国浙江省温州市,主要研发、生产、销售美特斯·邦威品牌休闲系列服饰。   品牌名称凝聚了集团创始人周成建先生永不忘却的民族品牌情节和对于服饰文化的情有独钟。 在社会各界及广大消费者的关心与支持下,美特斯邦威集团迅速发展壮大。



decode 函数多个值同个条件怎么判断?

大概这样: decode(table.a,"苹果",水果,"梨",水果,"栗子",干果 )

Joy Electric的《Decode》 歌词

歌曲名:Decode歌手:Joy Electric专辑:Favorites At PlayParamore - Decode / 帕拉摩尔 — 解码Soundtrack for Twilight / 美国电影《暮光之城》主题歌How can I decide what"s right / 有你萦绕于我脑海When you"re clouding up my mind?/ 我如何能明辨是非?I can"t win your losing fight / 你的死战我必落败All the time / 一直以来Now can I ever own what"s mine / 始终都由你来守卫When you"re always taking sides? / 我的事可否由我来?But you won"t take away my pride / 我的自尊总被你毁No, not this time / 不,这次不会Not this time / 这次不会How did we get here? / 我们怎会这样?I used to know you so well / 我曾对你了如指掌How did we get here? / 我们怎会这样?Well, I think I know / 哦,我想我知道The truth is hiding in your eyes / 真相就藏于你眼底And it"s hanging on your tongue / 真相就挂在你嘴边Just boiling in my blood / 正随我血沸腾But you think that I can"t see / 你竟以为我看不见What kind of man that you are / 你到底是哪一类人?If you"re a man at all / 你若算是人类Well, I will figure this one out / 哦,我会努力弄清楚On my own / 靠我自己I"m screaming, "I love you so" (On my own) / 我呐喊:我好爱你(靠我自已)But my thoughts you can"t decode / 而我所思,你无法解码How did we get here? / 我们怎会这样?I used to know you so well, yeah / 我曾对你了如指掌,耶...How did we get here? / 我们怎会这样?Well, I think I know / 哦,我想我知道Do you see what we"ve done? / 我们的事,你可明了?We"ve gone and made such fools / 走到今天,我们徒把Of ourselves / 自己愚弄Do you see what we"ve done? / 我们的事,你可明了?We"ve gone and made such fools / 走到今天,我们徒把Of ourselves / 自己愚弄How did we get here? / 我们怎会这样?I used to know you so well, yeah / 我曾对你了如指掌,耶耶耶How did we get here? / 我们怎会这样?Well, I used to know you so well / 哦,我曾对你了如指掌I think I know / 我想我知道I think I know / 我想我知道Oh, there is something I see in you / 噢,你的隐情,我已看透It might kill me / 就算致命But I want it to be true / 我也宁愿它真实...LRC translated by Tony from LK Lyrics Grouphttp://music.baidu.com/song/2853665




数据总线 指令总线


使用CASE WHEN 字段>=60 THEN "正常" ELSE "异常" END 这种格式代替


mysql的decode函数与oracle的decode函数是不一样的,mysql的decode函数是解密函数,与之对应的是encode函数。 encode加密函数 decode解密函数 select encode("ddss","123");第一个参数为加密字符串、第二个参数为加密密码 MySQL 5.7中不推荐使用encode、decode函数,会在后续版本中删除,不再使用。 mysql中执行help encode或? functions,查看帮助信息。

c# 有decode函数么

用这个类库,比较好用 Newtonsoft.Json


方法1:decode --用decode实现行转列--适用范围:8i,9i,10g及以后版本SELECT NO,SUM(decode(CODE, "010", COST)) "010",SUM(decode(CODE, "011", COST)) "011",SUM(decode(CODE, "019", COST)) "019",SUM(decode(CODE, "047", COST)) "


DECODE函数相当于一条件语句(IF).它将输入数值与函数中的参数列表相比较,根据输入值返回一个对应值。函数的参数列表是由若干数值及其对应结果值组成的若干序偶形式。当然,如果未能与任何一个实参序偶匹配成功,则函数也有默认的返回值。区别于SQL的其它函数,DECODE函数还能识别和操作空值.其具体的语法格式如下: DECODE(input_value,value,result[,value,result…][,default_result]);其中:input_value 试图处理的数值。DECODE函数将该数值与一系列的序偶相比较,以决定最后的返回结果value 是一组成序偶的数值。如果输入数值与之匹配成功,则相应的结果将被返回。对应一个空的返回值,可以使用关键字NULL于之对应result 是一组成序偶的结果值default_result 未能与任何一序偶匹配成功时,函数返回的默认值下面的例子说明了,如何读取用户CHECKUP表SEAPARK中的BLOOD_TEST_FLAG列下的项目,作为DECODE函数的实参支持值。SELECT checkup_type, DECODE(blood_test_flag,"Y","Yes","N","No",NULL,"None","Invalid")FROM checkup;




我用一个sql语句来描述吧, select nvl(name,"无名"), to_char(time,"yyyy,mm,dd,hh,mi,ss") as 日期,decode(fettle,1,"正常",2,"禁用") from mytable;




decode(condition,1,a,2,b,3,c,d)condition是对某字段判断的条件判断的结果是1,那么decode返回a,以此类推,最后所有结果都不在其中则返回d结果1,a;2,b;3,c等可以多个比如:select decode(column1,null,"空",1,"壹",2,"贰",3,"叁","其他") from table1

decode(A.type, 0, 1, 0) 这个sql函数,是什么意思? 谢谢解答

DECODE函数相当于一条件语句(IF).它将输入数值与函数中的参数列表相比较,根据输入值返回一个对应值。函数的参数列表是由若干数值及其对应结果值组成的若干序偶形式。当然,如果未能与任何一个实参序偶匹配成功,则函数也有默认的返回值。区别于SQL的其它函数,DECODE函数还能识别和操作空值.其具体的语法格式如下: DECODE(input_value,value,result[,value,result…][,default_result]);其中:input_value 试图处理的数值。DECODE函数将该数值与一系列的序偶相比较,以决定最后的返回结果value 是一组成序偶的数值。如果输入数值与之匹配成功,则相应的结果将被返回。对应一个空的返回值,可以使用关键字NULL于之对应result 是一组成序偶的结果值default_result 未能与任何一序偶匹配成功时,函数返回的默认值下面的例子说明了,如何读取用户CHECKUP表SEAPARK中的BLOOD_TEST_FLAG列下的项目,作为DECODE函数的实参支持值。SELECT checkup_type, DECODE(blood_test_flag,"Y","Yes","N","No",NULL,"None","Invalid")FROM checkup;


我自己译的 可能有的不很准确How can I decide what"s right 我如何能决定什么是对的When you"re clouding up my mind? 当你使我的心阴云密布I can"t win 我赢不了You"re losing sight你是看不见的 All the time一直 Not gonna ever own what"s mine 没有什么曾是我的When you"re always taking sides 当你一直在偏袒But you won"t take away my pride 但你不会带走我的自尊No, not this time 不 不只是这次Not this time不只是这次 How did we get here? 我们怎么到这样的地步的?I used to know you so well 我曾经一直都很了解你How did we get here?我们怎么到这样的地步的? Well, I think I know 好吧,我以为我了解The truth is hiding in your eyes 真相隐藏在你的眼中And it"s hanging on your tongue 它依赖在你舌尖Just boiling in my blood 恰恰在我的血液里沸腾着But you think that I can"t see 但是你以为我看不到What kind of man that you are 你是哪种男人If you"re a man at all 如果你根本不是一个男人Well, I will figure this one out On my own 那么,我会靠我自己领会到(I"m screaming, "I love you so") (我尖叫着“我很爱你”)On my own 靠我自己(My thoughts you can"t decode) (我的想法你却不能解码)How did we get here? 我们如何到这样的地步的?I used to know you so well, yeah 我曾经一直都很了解你How did we get here? 我们如何到这样的地步的?Well, I think I know 好吧,我以为我了解Do you see what we"ve done? 你能看到吗?我们已经做到的?We"ve gone and made such fools Of ourselves我们用自己制造出的那样的蠢事 Do you see what we"ve done? 你能看到吗?我们已经做到的?We"ve gone and made such fools Of ourselves 我们用自己制造出的那样的蠢事How did we get here? 我们如何到这样的地步的I used to know you so well, yeah 我曾经一直都很了解你How did we get here? 我们如何到这样的地步的Well, I used to know you so well 我曾经一直都很了解你I think I know 我以为我了解I think I know 我以为我了解There is something I see in you这有一些我迎来你的事情 It might kill me 它也许会杀了我I want it to be true我想让它成真


DECODE 中的if-then-else逻辑  在逻辑编程中,经常用到If – Then –Else 进行逻辑判断。在DECODE的语法中,实际上就是这样的逻辑处理过程。它的语法如下:   DECODE(value, if1, then1, if2,then2, if3,then3, . . . else )   Value 代表某个表的任何类型的任意列或一个通过计算所得的任何结果。当每个value值被测试,如果value的值为if1,Decode 函数的结果是then1;如果value等于if2,Decode函数结果是then2;等等。事实上,可以给出多个if/then 配对。如果value结果不等于给出的任何配对时,Decode 结果就返回else 。   需要注意的是,这里的if、then及else 都可以是函数或计算表达式。

mysql decode 函数吗

在ORACLE数据库里decode函数实现的功能,于MySQL数据库里可以使用case when函数来替代;MySQL数据库的decode函数是解密函数,它是加密函数encode的反函数,与ORACLE数据库里decode函数实现的功能完全不同。ORACLE数据库里decode函数相当于MySQL数据库里的case when函数,只是前者看起来更加紧凑。


DECODE函数是ORACLE PL/SQL是功能强大的函数之一,还只有ORACLE公司的SQL提供了此函数,其他数据库厂商的SQL实现还没有此功能。DECODE函数,是ORACLE公司的SQL软件ORACLE PL/SQL所提供的特有函数计算方式,以其简洁的运算方式,可控的数据模型和灵活的格式转换而闻名。扩展资料:DECODE(value, if1, then1, if2,then2, if3,then3, . . . else )Value 代表某个表的任何类型的任意列或一个通过计算所得的任何结果。当每个value值被测试,如果value的值为if1,Decode 函数的结果是then1;如果value等于if2,Decode函数结果是then2;等等。事实上,可以给出多个if/then 配对。如果value结果不等于给出的任何配对时,Decode 结果就返回else 。需要注意的是,这里的if、then及else 都可以是函数或计算表达式。




select empid,decode (sex , B ,"男" G,"女") from table在table表中 if sex=b 返回结果:"男"if sex=g返回结果:"女"nvl(a,b) 如果a 为null 返回b,不为空返回 a

decode 和 decrypt 区别?



DECODE函数是ORACLE PL/SQL的功能强大的函数之一,目前还只有ORACLE公司的SQL提供了此函数,其它数据库厂商的SQL实现还没有此功能。DECODE有什么用途呢? 先构造一个例子,假设我们想给智星职员加工资,其标准是:工资在8000元以下的加20%;工资在8000元或以上的加15%,通常的做法是,先选出记录中的工资字段值 --->select salary into var-salary from employee,然后对变量var-salary用if-then-else或 case when then else end之类的流控制语句进行判断。 如果用DECODE函数,那么我们就可以把这些流控制语句省略,通过SQL语句就可以直接完成。如下:select decode(sign(salary - 8000),1,salary*1.15,-1,salary*1.2,salary*1.15) from employee 是不是很简洁? DECODE的语法:DECODE(value,if1,then1,if2,then2,if3,then3,...,else),表示如果value等于if1时,DECODE函数的结果返回then1,...,如果不等于任何一个if值,则返回else。初看一下,DECODE 只能做等于测试,但刚才也看到了,我们通过一些函数或计算替代value,是可以使DECODE函数具备大于、小于或等于功能。

oracle decode的用法有哪些?

decode含义解释:x0dx0adecode(条件,值1,返回值1,值2,返回值2,...值n,返回值n,缺省值)x0dx0a该函数的含义如下:x0dx0aIF 条件=值1 THENx0dx0a    RETURN(翻译值1)x0dx0aELSIF 条件=值2 THENx0dx0a    RETURN(翻译值2)x0dx0a    ......x0dx0aELSIF 条件=值n THENx0dx0a    RETURN(翻译值n)x0dx0aELSEx0dx0a    RETURN(缺省值)x0dx0aEND IFx0dx0adecode(字段或字段的运算,值1,值2,值3)x0dx0a 这个函数运行的结果是,当字段或字段的运算的值等于值1时,该函数返回值2,否则返回值3x0dx0a当然值1,值2,值3也可以是表达式,这个函数使得某些sql语句简单了许多x0dx0a使用方法:x0dx0a1、比较大小x0dx0aselect decode(sign(变量1-变量2),-1,变量1,变量2) from dual; --取较小值x0dx0asign()函数根据某个值是0、正数还是负数,分别返回0、1、-1x0dx0a例如:x0dx0a变量1=10,变量2=20x0dx0a则sign(变量1-变量2)返回-1,decode解码结果为“变量1”,达到了取较小值的目的。x0dx0a2、此函数用在SQL语句中,功能介绍如下:x0dx0aDecode函数与一系列嵌套的 IF-THEN-ELSE语句相似。base_exp与compare1,compare2等等依次进行比较。如果base_exp和 第i 个compare项匹配,就返回第i 个对应的value 。如果base_exp与任何的compare值都不匹配,则返回default。每个compare值顺次求值,如果发现一个匹配,则剩下的compare值(如果还有的话)就都不再求值。一个为NULL的base_exp被认为和NULL compare值等价。如果需要的话,每一个compare值都被转换成和第一个compare 值相同的数据类型,这个数据类型也是返回值的类型。x0dx0aDecode函数在实际开发中非常的有用x0dx0a结合Lpad函数,如何使主键的值自动加1并在前面补0x0dx0aselect LPAD(decode(count(记录编号),0,1,max(to_number(记录编号)+1)),14,"0") 记录编号 from tetdmisx0dx0aeg:x0dx0aselect decode(dir,1,0,1) from a1_intervalx0dx0adir 的值是1变为0,是0则变为1x0dx0a比如我要查询某班男生和女生的数量分别是多少?x0dx0a通常我们这么写:x0dx0aselect count(*) from 表 where 性别 = 男;x0dx0aselect count(*) from 表 where 性别 = 女;x0dx0a要想显示到一起还要union一下,太麻烦了x0dx0a用decode呢,只需要一句话x0dx0aselect decode(性别,男,1,0),decode(性别,女,1,0) from 表x0dx0a x0dx0a3,order by对字符列进行特定的排序x0dx0a还可以在Order by中使用Decode。x0dx0a例:表table_subject,有subject_name列。要求按照:语、数、外的顺序进行排序。这时,就可以非常轻松的使用Decode完成要求了。x0dx0aselect * from table_subject order by decode(subject_name, "语文", 1, "数学", 2, , "外语",3)

decode 函数是什么意思

decode的几种用法1:使用decode判断字符串是否一样DECODE(value,if1,then1,if2,then2,if3,then3,...,else)含义为IF 条件=值1 THENRETURN(value 1)ELSIF 条件=值2 THENRETURN(value 2)......ELSIF 条件=值n THENRETURN(value 3)ELSERETURN(default)END IFsql测试select empno,decode(empno,7369,"smith",7499,"allen",7521,"ward",7566,"jones","unknow") as name from emp where rownum<=10输出结果7369 smith7499 allen7521 ward7566 jones7654 unknow7698 unknow7782 unknow7788 unknow7839 unknow7844 unknow2:使用decode比较大小select decode(sign(var1-var2),-1,var 1,var2) from dualsign()函数根据某个值是0、正数还是负数,分别返回0、1、-1sql测试select decode(sign(100-90),-1,100,90) from dual输出结果90100-90=10>0 则会返回1,所以decode函数最终取值为90反正select decode(sign(100-90),1,100,90) from dual输出结果100100-90=10>0返回1,判断结果为1,返回第一个变量100,最终输出结果为1003:使用decode函数分段工资大于5000为高薪,工资介于3000到5000为中等,工资小于3000为低薪sql测试SELECTename,sal,DECODE(SIGN(sal - 5000),1,"high sal",0,"high sal",- 1,DECODE(SIGN(sal - 3000),1,"mid sal",0,"mid sal",- 1,DECODE(SIGN(sal - 1000),1,"low sal",0,"low sal",- 1,"low sal")))FROMemp输出结果SMITH 800 low salALLEN 1600 low salWARD 1250 low salJONES 2975 low salMARTIN 1250 low salBLAKE 2850 low salCLARK 2450 low salSCOTT 3000 mid salKING 5000 high salTURNER 1500 low salADAMS 1100 low salJAMES 950 low salFORD 3000 mid salMILLER 1300 low sal4:利用decode实现表或者试图的行列转换sql测试SELECTSUM(DECODE(ENAME,"SMITH",SAL,0)) SMITH,SUM(DECODE(ENAME,"ALLEN",SAL,0)) ALLEN,SUM(DECODE(ENAME,"WARD",SAL,0)) WARD,SUM(DECODE(ENAME,"JONES",SAL,0)) JONES,SUM(DECODE(ENAME,"MARTIN",SAL,0)) MARTIN FROM EMP输出结果如下SMITH ALLEN WARD JONES MARTIN800 1600 1250 2975 12505:使用decode函数来使用表达式来搜索字符串decode (expression, search_1, result_1, search_2, result_2, ...., search_n, result_n, default)decode函数比较表达式和搜索字,如果匹配,返回结果;如果不匹配,返回default值;如果未定义default值,则返回空值。sql测试SELECTENAME,SAL,DECODE(INSTR(ENAME, "S"),0,"不含有s","含有s") AS INFOFROMEMP输出结果SMITH 800 含有sALLEN 1600 不含有sWARD 1250 不含有sJONES 2975 含有sMARTIN 1250 不含有sBLAKE 2850 不含有sCLARK 2450 不含有sSCOTT 3000 含有sKING 5000 不含有sTURNER 1500 不含有sADAMS 1100 含有sJAMES 950 含有sFORD 3000 不含有sMILLER 1300 不含有s


可以。1、替换值decode(条件,值1,返回值1,值2,返回值2,...值n,返回值n,缺省值)这个函数运行的结果是,当字段或字段的运算的值等于值1时,该函数返回值2,否则返回值3当然值1,值2,值3也可以是表达式,这个函数使得某些sql语句简单了许多select t.id,t.name,t.age,decode(t.sex, "1", "男生", "2", "女生", "其他") as sexfrom TABLE t2、比较大小select decode(sign(变量1-变量2),-1,变量1,变量2) from dual; --取较小值sign()函数根据某个值是0、正数还是负数,分别返回0、1、-13、decode分段select name,sal,decode(sign(sal - 5000),1,"高薪",0,"高薪",-1,decode(sign(sal - 3000), 1, "中等", 0, "中等", -1, "低薪")) as salnamefrom person;4、此函数用在SQL语句中,功能介绍如下: 比如我要查询某班男生和女生的数量分别是多少?select sum(decode(性别,男,1,0)),sum(decode(性别,女,1,0)) from 表5、order by对字符列进行特定的排序要求按照:语、数、外的顺序进行排序。select * from table_subject order by decode(subject_name, "语文", 1, "数学", 2, "外语",3) 6、判断是否为空需求:性别为空显示“暂无数据”,不为空原样输出select t.id,t.name,t.age,decode(t.sex,NULL,"暂无数据",t.sex) as sex from STUDENT2 t




  DECODE函数的作用 它可以将输入数值与函数中的参数列表相比较 根据输入值返回一个对应值 函数的参数列表是由若干数值及其对应结果值组成的若干序偶形式 当然 如果未能与任何一个实参序偶匹配成功 则函数也有默认的返回值   DECODE函数的作用 它可以将输入数值与函数中的参数列表相比较 根据输入值返回一个对应值 函数的参数列表是由若干数值及其对应结果值组成的若干序偶形式 当然 如果未能与任何一个实参序偶匹配成功 则函数也有默认的返回值   区别于SQL的其它函数 DECODE函数还能识别和操作空值   语法如下   DECODE(control_value value result [ value result …][ default_result]);   control _value   试图处理的数值 DECODE函数将该数值与后面的一系列的偶序相比较 以决定返回值   value   是一组成序偶的数值 如果输入数值与之匹配成功 则相应的结果将被返回 对应一个空的返回值 可以使用关键字NULL于之对应   result   是一组成序偶的结果值   default_result 未能与任何一个值匹配时 函数返回的默认值   示例如下   select decode( x ‘x is " ‘x is " ‘others") from dual   当x等于 时 则返回‘x is "   当x等于 时 则返回‘x is "   否则 返回others"   在需要比较 个值的时候 我们可以配合SIGN()函数一起使用   SELECT DECODE( SIGN( ) Is Positive Is Nagative Is Zero )   同样 也可以用CASE实现   SELECT CASE SIGN( )   WHEN THEN Is Positive   WHEN  THEN Is Nagative   ELSE  Is Zero END   FROM DUAL   另外 大家还可以在Order by中使用Decode   例 表table_subject 有subject_name列 要求按照 语 数 外的顺序进行排序 这时 就可以非常轻松的使用Decode完成要求了 lishixinzhi/Article/program/Oracle/201311/19054

SQL中 decode()函数简介

DECODE函数,是ORACLE公司的SQL软件ORACLEPL/SQL所提供的特有函数计算方式,以其简洁的运算方式,可控的数据模型和灵活的格式转换而闻名。今天看别人的SQL时看这里面还有decode()函数,以前从来没接触到,上网查了一下,还挺好用的一个函数,写下来希望对朋友们有帮助哈!decode()函数简介:主要作用:将查询结果翻译成其他值(即以其他形式表现出来,以下举例说明);使用方法:Selectdecode(columnname,值1,翻译值1,值2,翻译值2,...值n,翻译值n,缺省值)FromtalbenameWhere…其中columnname为要选择的table中所定义的column,·含义解释:decode(条件,值1,翻译值1,值2,翻译值2,...值n,翻译值n,缺省值)的理解如下:if(条件==值1)then    return(翻译值1)elsif(条件==值2)then    return(翻译值2)    ......elsif(条件==值n)then    return(翻译值n)else    return(缺省值)endif注:其中缺省值可以是你要选择的columnname本身,也可以是你想定义的其他值,比如Other等;举例说明:现定义一table名为output,其中定义两个column分别为monthid(var型)和sale(number型),若sale值=1000时翻译为D,=2000时翻译为C,=3000时翻译为B,=4000时翻译为A,如是其他值则翻译为Other;SQL如下:Selectmonthid,decode(sale,1000,"D",2000,"C",3000,"B",4000,"A","Other")salefromoutput特殊情况:若只与一个值进行比较Selectmonthid,decode(sale,NULL,‘---",sale)salefromoutput另:decode中可使用其他函数,如nvl函数或sign()函数等;NVL(EXPR1,EXPR2)若EXPR1是NULL,则返回EXPR2,否则返回EXPR1.SELECTNAME,NVL(TO_CHAR(COMM),"NOTAPPLICATION")FROMTABLE1;如果用到decode函数中就是selectmonthid,decode(nvl(sale,6000),6000,"NG","OK")fromoutputsign()函数根据某个值是0、正数还是负数,分别返回0、1、-1,如果取较小值就是selectmonthid,decode(sign(sale-6000),-1,sale,6000)fromoutput,即达到取较小值的目的。小结:作用:将输入数值与函数中的参数列表相比较,根据输入值返回一个对应值。函数的参数列表是由若干数值及其对应结果值组成的若干序偶形式。当然,假如未能与任何一个实参序偶匹配成功,则函数也有默认的返回值。区别于SQL的其它函数,DECODE函数还能识别和操作空值。语法:DECODE(control_value,value1,result1[,value2,result2…][,default_result]);control_value试图处理的数值。DECODE函数将该数值与后面的一系列的偶序相比较,以决定返回值。value1是一组成序偶的数值。假如输入数值与之匹配成功,则相应的结果将被返回。对应一个空的返回值,可以使用要害字NULL于之对应result1是一组成序偶的结果值。default_result未能与任何一个值匹配时,函数返回的默认值。




【答案】: DECODE的语法的语法:(value,if1,then1,if2,then2,if3,then3,...,else),表示如果value等于if1时,DECODE函数的结果返回then1,...,如果不等于任何一个if值,则返回else。初看一下,DECODE只能做等于测试,但可通过一些函数或计算替代value是可以使DECODE函数具备大于、小于或等于功能。还可以转化表结构。


解码英文Decoding;用特定方法把数码还原成它所代表的内容或将电脉冲信号、光信号、 无线电波等转换成它所代表的信息、数据等的过程。解码在无线电技术和通讯等方面广泛应用。




decode意思:分析及译解电子信号英 [u02ccdi:u02c8ku0259u028ad] 美 [u02ccdi:u02c8kou028ad]vt.译(码),解(码); 分析及译解电子信号解码;译码;指令解码;译解过去式: decoded 过去分词: decoded 现在分词: decoding 第三人称单数: decodes派生词:decodable双语例句1. About 60,000 subscribers have special adapters to receive and decode the signals.大约6万用户拥有特殊的适配器来接收和转换信号。2. DeCODE has one further piece of evidence in its favor.DeCODE拥有另外一项对其有利的证据.3. On top of this, Dr Brennan and Dr Amos both used a different method from deCODE"s.除此之外, 布伦南和阿莫斯教授均采用了和deCODE公司不同的研究方法.4. DeCode"s rivals are medical researchers based at universities in the United States and Europe.DeCode的对手是美国和欧洲各大学的医学研究者.


decode[英][u02ccdi:u02c8ku0259u028ad][美][u02ccdi:u02c8kou028ad]vt.译(码),解(码); 分析及译解电子信号; 第三人称单数:decodes现在分词:decoding过去式:decoded过去分词:decoded双语例句1All he had to do was decode it and pass it over.他需要做的就是将它破译然后转给他人

有首英语歌 是 星期一 (英语)星期二 (英语) 星期三。。。 good good night

是不是 happy day 歌手:蕃茄女孩 专辑:happy day

高手帮忙翻译下 Important is not the scenery on the way, but the mood at the view.


my favorite food is?翻译?

My favorite food is rice/dumplings/cake.翻译过来就是我最喜欢的食物是米饭/饺子/蛋糕。重点单词favorite的用法1、读音英 ["feu026avu0259ru026at];美 ["feu026avu0259ru026at]    2、释义adj. 喜爱的;流行的n. 最喜爱的人或物;最有希望获胜的选手3、例句1)用作形容词 (adj.)My favorite pastime is reading.我最喜爱的消遣是读书。2)用作名词 (n.)I like all the books on the shelf but this one is my favorite.我喜欢书架上所有的书,但这本是我最喜欢的。扩展资料同近义词beloved1、读音英 [bu026a"lu028cvd] ;美 [bu026a"lu028cvd]    2、释义adj. 心爱的n. 爱人3、例句1)用作定语 ~+ n.She is Tom"s beloved wife.她是汤姆的爱妻。2)用作表语 S+be+~+ prep .-phraseThis house was beloved by my mother.我母亲喜欢这幢房子。



that sounds good 这里sound为啥加s

"that" is subject; "sound" is a linking verb;"good" is object. In addition, "it" refers to the third person. Linking verbs, like taste, feel, touch, sound, are generally followed by adjectives. Take a look at the following examples.The apple tastes nice/good/wonderful.Your skin touches soft.

sounds good 还是sound good

要看主语 单数还是复数.

用be good for sb造一个句子

1. Whisky can be good for you if taken in moderation.威士忌酒如饮用适度是有益的。2. The mother took so much care of her son, that she has make him be good for nothing.由于这位母亲为儿子照顾得无微不至,把他弄得没什么出息了。3. Do it up. It"ll be good for you.把它喝完,它对你有益。4. Confessions may be good for the soul but they are bad for the reputation.忏悔可能对灵魂有好处,但对声誉则有损无益。

Madonna的《Hollywood》 歌词

歌曲名:Hollywood歌手:Madonna专辑:CelebrationHollywoodMadonnaEverybody comes to HollywoodThey wanna make it in the neighborhoodThey like the smell of it in HollywoodHow could it hurt you when it looks so good?Shine your light nowThis time it"s gotta be goodYou get it right now"Cause you"re in HollywoodThere"s something in the air in HollywoodThe sun is shining like you knew it wouldYou"re ridin" in your car in HollywoodYou got the top down and it feels so goodEverybody comes to HollywoodThey wanna make it in the neighborhoodThey like the smell of it in HollywoodHow could it hurt you when it looks so good?I lost my memory in HollywoodI"ve had a million visions, bad and goodThere"s something in the air in HollywoodI tried to leave it but I never couldShine your light nowThis time it"s gotta be goodYou get it right now"Cause you"re in HollywoodThere"s something in the air in HollywoodI"ve lost my reputation, bad and goodYou"re ridin" in your car in HollywoodYou got the top down and it feels so goodMusic stations always play the same songsI"m bored with the concept of right and wrongEverybody comes to HollywoodThey wanna make it in the neighborhoodThey like the smell of it in HollywoodHow could it hurt you when it looks so good?Shine your light nowThis time it"s gotta be goodYou get it right now"Cause you"re in Hollywood"Cause you"re in Hollywood"Cause you"re in HollywoodIn HollywoodIn HollywoodIn HollywoodCheck it out, this bird has flownShine your light nowThis time it"s gotta be goodYou get it right now"Cause you"re in Hollywood"Cause you"re in Hollywood"Cause you"re in HollywoodIn HollywoodIn HollywoodIn HollywoodPush the buttonDon"t push the buttonTrip the stationChange the channelPush the buttonDon"t push the buttonTrip the stationChange the channelPush the buttonDon"t push the buttonTrip the stationChange the channelPush the buttonDon"t push the buttonTrip the stationChange the channelhttp://music.baidu.com/song/454593

Enter Code是什么意思


code table是什么意思

code table代码表双语对照词典结果:code table[英][ku0259ud u02c8teibl][美][kod u02c8tebu0259l]代号表; 网络释义1. 码表2. code table

什么是The Error Code is 1030?

The Error Code is 1030是指错误的代码为1030,也就是说由于某种原因在执行这张光盘的时候出错。大多情况是由于盘片本身的问题,当然、也有可能是你的计算机不具备运行这张盘片的程序。

IFSC code 是什么码?

International Financial Services Centre国际金融服务中心……我也不太确定……

用U盘装系统是,启动进入PE系统,然后界面提示“the error code is 7”,请问怎么解决啊?

ugh"s laughter dur



这句如何翻译 Your Viber code is: 3550. Close this messa

这么简单的东西都没人翻译?刷分了。。Your Viber code is: 3550. 你的Viber码是:3550Close this message and enter the code into Viber to activate your account.关闭此条信息并在viber中输入此号码来激活你的帐号。


codeKK: []DJ: []n.1. 法典,法规[C]2. 规则,规范;礼教习俗[C]Students must observe the code of the school.学生必须遵守校规。3. 代号,代码;电码;密码[C][U]He sent a message in code.他用密码发送了一份讯息。4. 【电脑】(不严格地说,是指)以特定编程语言所撰写出来的一段程序vt.1. 为...编码;把...译成电码(密码等)The librarian is coding the new books.图书馆员在为新书编号。以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供verifyKK: []DJ: []vt.1. 证明,证实Her prediction was verified.她的预言得到证实。2. 核对,查实;查清[+that][+wh-]It was easy to verify his statements.他的话很容易证实。Before the bank was willing to lend him money, it had to verify that he was the true owner of the house.银行先得核实他确是这幢房子的主人,然后才肯借钱给他。3. 【律】(宣誓)证明...属实以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供



The Good, The Bad & The Ugly (Edited) 歌词

歌曲名:The Good, The Bad & The Ugly (Edited)歌手:Jin专辑:The Rest Is History(Males speaking Chinese)yo!lan嘢啲钱喺边啊?啲乜lan嘢钱啊?我俾lan咗啲钱你架what the fuck你几时俾lan个钱我唔lan系啊!dil~扎lan搞!About they never talked about the guns or the drugs"Till I saw the guns and the drugsThere is tons in the hoodI"ll admit, I never sold a sack in my lifeWatchin" "Scarface" thinkin" that was a lifeSlingin" dope or coke, respect, money and powerBut what happen when things start to go sourEverybody wanna see more cashBut ego"s clashin", that"s when egos crashSee the two of them started when they was in dimesGraduated, now they movin" bricks at a timeDown to do whatever even wet up copsTryin" to build an empire so they shut up shopThey got themselves a connect ready to tie it downA buster went from Philly straight to China townNow there is dough poorin" heads thinkin" it"s the sameAll of a sudden there is weak link in the chainHe"s a 6"2, brawler cat -- nickname BoloCaught beef with his man so he had to go doloBut that was a no noYou know the code of the streets; everybody gotta eatAnd that"s how shit in the hood beAin"t sayin" it"s a true story, but it could beFor the next three months Bolo is nowhere to be foundThey say "cause of the beef that"s why he left townAnd everybody knows why they don"t get alongHe"s a greedy bastard - stole half a meal from FomFom is the quiet type, silent and deadlyYou play with his money now he"s violent and readyThey was partners - betrayed by his own manSo he really gotta take actions into his own handsFather forgive me for the sins I commitBut when I see that thief again, that"s itThe good, the bad, things can get uglyEvery hustler over this money thinkin" what it should beNever know who, when, where, what could beIf you still alive then you"ll probably understood meMeanwhile across town in a two bedroom apartmentBolo"s going through it, baby mama through itAll that dumb shit he be puttin" her thoughDisappear for three months plus he hittin" her tooNow she got her bags pack then she ready to bounceDidn"t leave a thing - not even the keys to the houseLet her leave, he ain"t talk with her at allWent straight for the safe behind the portrait on the wallHe"s back for his jewels, that in the cashPlus the sale of last few bricks he had in his stashGet his money right then he leavin" againOff to find a new life and start breathin" againSo the deal was made and the buyers agreedAnd exchanged - they bring what the suppliers would needPick a spot in China Town uncle Lenny used to ownDollar bills on the wall respectfully knownBolo went by himself even though it seem riskyWanted the whole cake - somethin" smell fishyBack in the kitchen the money was waitin"Deep in his heart he knew he was dancin" with SatanDress in all back with gats - this ain"t part of the dealHad a me set a mouth for the killStartin" lettin" off shots now just a few hereSounded like firecrackers durin" Chinese new yearsBolo"s big as a truck I don"t know how they miss himBut they got so close the bullet stay there and kissed "emGrab the suitcase threw a table at the goonsJump out a shattered window not a moment too soonThe thugs follow and he sprayed up his rideCut up from the glass but he made it aliveNow he"s back at the crib frankly they say at leastHe was just being chased by thugs and the policeCountin" his dough sittin" on the couch" inTwo shots to the back of the head now he slouch" inFom tried to get him at the spot, couldn"t thenSo he paid his baby ma" 50 Gs" to let him inDamnThe good, the bad, things can get uglyEvery hustler over this money thinkin" what it should beNever know who, when, where, what could beIf you still alive then you"ll probably understood meThe good, the bad, things can get uglyEvery hustler over this money thinkin" what it should beNever know who, when, where, what could beIf you still alive then you"ll probably understood mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2914380

Juvenile的《g-code》 歌词

歌曲名:g-code歌手:Juvenile专辑:tha g-codeI ain"t terrified from nuthin"I"m young wild crazy and disgustin"Better watch me cuz I"m comingWith a oven by my stomachI"m scramblin" for the moneyTape ya up like a mummyCall ya people and tell "emI need 50 for this dummyI"m runnin" hidin" and duckin"Stuntin" ridin" and thugginDumpin" fire and bustin"Lovin, lyin" and lustin"Stealin" killin" and rapinRunnin" climbin and chasinStrugglin hustin" to makeGet it got it I take itWatch ya Chevy misterMove ya purse missCuz I tote heavy pistolsAnd man they burst quickIt"s too late to hesitateI was told there"d be better daysBut shit that was yesterdayJuvenileAnd still I haven"t ateBut dog that"s how ya labor when ya bein" a thugThese niggas don"t seem to feel me till they seein" they bloodCan"t hide it thoughI represent the 17th Carrollton HollygroveThat"s my G-code:]Now put ya box in the mudGet ya glocks in ya glovesRide drops on dubsWe gon" live by thatMake the snitches catch a cutSoldier pistol nigga whatHit the block and open upWe gon" die by thatWe raised up lookin" at trees and brick wallsForeign properties and pack some menthalsGot us a fire connect and went offGot jammed with this broad that rent carsWasn"t tryin" to change the game, just be in itDidn"t give a fuck if we balled for 3 minutesSnatch all the hoes and "bauds and ree" tennisNiggas can"t survive the shit that we been inThe ones that refuse we put "em to sleep in itGot up in the mornin" for class and play hookieSome of us is veteran some of "em stay rookieBitch couldn"t talk to us if she wasn"t fuckin"Ya either be bout it or look and keep truckinPolice drew causes and tried to cross linesWe stuck to the code we lived and died by itIf war ever came we held the fort downBack, slowed up, we switched and sold poundStayed on point to make some more greenGet our stash away from dope fiendsNigga had a habit he supplied his ownAlways stay hot cuz we ride with chromeWe kept a little work for the ki"s and bonesCrowds draw heat so we be"s aloneWe learned how to keep our mouth closed and watchThem other motherfuckers fall off the block24/7 all around the clockWe hustlin of course in the gamblin spotWe had a chance to stop, we still wasn"t readyShit kept comin" so we made more fettiPolice drew causes and tried to cross linesWe stuck to the code we lived and died by ithttp://music.baidu.com/song/14497577

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly 歌词

歌曲名:The Good, The Bad And The Ugly歌手:Hugo Montenegro & His Orchestra专辑:The Best Of(Males speaking Chinese)yo!lan嘢啲钱喺边啊?啲乜lan嘢钱啊?我俾lan咗啲钱你架what the fuck你几时俾lan个钱我唔lan系啊!dil~扎lan搞!About they never talked about the guns or the drugs"Till I saw the guns and the drugsThere is tons in the hoodI"ll admit, I never sold a sack in my lifeWatchin" "Scarface" thinkin" that was a lifeSlingin" dope or coke, respect, money and powerBut what happen when things start to go sourEverybody wanna see more cashBut ego"s clashin", that"s when egos crashSee the two of them started when they was in dimesGraduated, now they movin" bricks at a timeDown to do whatever even wet up copsTryin" to build an empire so they shut up shopThey got themselves a connect ready to tie it downA buster went from Philly straight to China townNow there is dough poorin" heads thinkin" it"s the sameAll of a sudden there is weak link in the chainHe"s a 6"2, brawler cat -- nickname BoloCaught beef with his man so he had to go doloBut that was a no noYou know the code of the streets; everybody gotta eatAnd that"s how shit in the hood beAin"t sayin" it"s a true story, but it could beFor the next three months Bolo is nowhere to be foundThey say "cause of the beef that"s why he left townAnd everybody knows why they don"t get alongHe"s a greedy bastard - stole half a meal from FomFom is the quiet type, silent and deadlyYou play with his money now he"s violent and readyThey was partners - betrayed by his own manSo he really gotta take actions into his own handsFather forgive me for the sins I commitBut when I see that thief again, that"s itThe good, the bad, things can get uglyEvery hustler over this money thinkin" what it should beNever know who, when, where, what could beIf you still alive then you"ll probably understood meMeanwhile across town in a two bedroom apartmentBolo"s going through it, baby mama through itAll that dumb shit he be puttin" her thoughDisappear for three months plus he hittin" her tooNow she got her bags pack then she ready to bounceDidn"t leave a thing - not even the keys to the houseLet her leave, he ain"t talk with her at allWent straight for the safe behind the portrait on the wallHe"s back for his jewels, that in the cashPlus the sale of last few bricks he had in his stashGet his money right then he leavin" againOff to find a new life and start breathin" againSo the deal was made and the buyers agreedAnd exchanged - they bring what the suppliers would needPick a spot in China Town uncle Lenny used to ownDollar bills on the wall respectfully knownBolo went by himself even though it seem riskyWanted the whole cake - somethin" smell fishyBack in the kitchen the money was waitin"Deep in his heart he knew he was dancin" with SatanDress in all back with gats - this ain"t part of the dealHad a me set a mouth for the killStartin" lettin" off shots now just a few hereSounded like firecrackers durin" Chinese new yearsBolo"s big as a truck I don"t know how they miss himBut they got so close the bullet stay there and kissed "emGrab the suitcase threw a table at the goonsJump out a shattered window not a moment too soonThe thugs follow and he sprayed up his rideCut up from the glass but he made it aliveNow he"s back at the crib frankly they say at leastHe was just being chased by thugs and the policeCountin" his dough sittin" on the couch" inTwo shots to the back of the head now he slouch" inFom tried to get him at the spot, couldn"t thenSo he paid his baby ma" 50 Gs" to let him inDamnThe good, the bad, things can get uglyEvery hustler over this money thinkin" what it should beNever know who, when, where, what could beIf you still alive then you"ll probably understood meThe good, the bad, things can get uglyEvery hustler over this money thinkin" what it should beNever know who, when, where, what could beIf you still alive then you"ll probably understood mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/9141989

keil uvision4.0编译时出现以下错误提示..OBJHZ.axf: error: L6050U: The code size of this......

那是因为没有完全破解 我可以给你个 破解软件 不知道你要不要 突破32K限制的

go to www.menti.com and use the code 727683

needed to go/need go 当need做实义动词,后面加to do,当need做情态动词,后面加do 所以两个都可以

Here is the code you need to change your steam login credentials

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