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哪里有Time To Say Goodbye 相关资料?(尤其是歌词)

Time to say goodbye 的背景资料一九九七年全球流行乐坛最热门的话题之一,莫过于由英国音乐剧第一女伶莎拉·布莱曼与意大利盲歌手波伽利所合唱的「告别的时刻」(Time To Say Goodbye)一曲、以雷霆万钧之势,横扫古典流行跨界音乐领域。单单在德国,这首单曲便销售了三百万张,成为德国有史以来最畅销的单曲唱片;除此之外,更高居英国流行榜亚军,以及法、瑞、奥、意等国的极度高名次。 这首曲子是德国拳王亨利·马斯克为他传奇生涯的告别赛、而特别邀请他最钟爱的女歌手莎拉·布莱曼所作的演唱;莎拉接受这个光荣的委托之后,再由她挑选了这首意大利歌曲、并指定与原唱者波伽利合唱。然而,在这场一九九六年十一月举行的拳赛中,亨利竟意外地落败,当他登台谢幕,「告别的时刻」动人的旋律同时响起,闻者莫不动容;于是,一个传奇告别的同时、另一个音乐的传奇却正式登场。Time to say goodbye 歌手:Sarah Brightman Quando sono solo sogno all"orizzonte e mancan le parole si lo so che non c"e luce in una stanza quando manca il sole se non ci sei tu con me, con me su le finestre mostra a tutti il mio cuore che hai acceso chiudi dentro me la luce che hai incontrato per strada Sarah: When I"m alone I dream of the horizon and words fail me There is no light in a room where there is no sun and there is no sun if you"re not here with me, with me From every window unfurl my heart the heart that you have won Into me you"ve poured the light the light that you found by the side of the road Time to say goodbye (Con te partiro) paesi che non ho mai veduto e vissuto con te adesso si li vivro con te partiro su navi per mari che io lo so no no non esistono piu it"s time to say goodbye (con te io li vivro) Time to say goodbye Places that I"ve never seen or experienced with you now I shall I"ll sail with you upon ships across the seas seas that exist no more I"ll revive them with you Quando sei lontana sogno all"orizzonte e mancan le parole e io si lo so che sei con me con me tu mia luna tu sei qui con me mia solo tu sei qui con me con me con me con me Andrea: When you"re far away I dream of the horizon and words fail me and of course I know that you"re with me, with me you, my moon, you are with me my sun, you"re here with me with me, with me, with me Time to say goodbye (Con te partiro) paesi che non ho mai veduto e vissuto con te adesso si li vivro con te partiro su navi per mari che io lo so no no non esistono piu con te io li vivro Con te partiro su navi per mari che io lo so no no non esistono piu con te io li vivro Con te partiro Time to say goodbye Places that I"ve never seen or experienced with you now I shall I"ll sail with you upon ships across the seas seas that exist no more I"ll revive them with you Both: I"ll go with you upon ships across the seas seas that exist no more I"ll revive them with you I"ll go with you. I"ll go with you.

求一首英文歌 很欢快。。歌词听不清。。大意有。。like i do。。nobody。。no one like i do。。


《Time to say goodbye》是哪个歌剧的选段还是就是一首单曲

您好!Time to Say Goodbye(告别的时刻)(意大利语:Con te partiro)是一首意大利歌剧流行音乐,由弗朗西斯科·萨托利(Francesco Sartori)作曲、卢西奥·库兰特图(Lucio Quarantotto)作词。该首单曲最初是由安德烈·波伽利在1995年的意大利圣雷莫音乐会演唱的,并于同年收录在他的《Bocelli》专辑中,并认为是安德烈·波伽利的代表歌曲。该歌曲的英语版本,是在第二次创作后,与女高音歌唱家莎拉·布莱曼合唱的版本得到了成功性的广泛传播。希望以上信息可以帮到您 :-D

帮找一首女声DJ,我经过时只听过最后一句:say good bye

猜想是Sarah Brightman的Time to say goodbye以下是背景资料这张专辑在1997年最初问世的标题是《timeless》,后在美国市场发行时才改为《Time to Say Goodbye》,然而无论名称如何更改,这张唱片却无疑是值得收藏的经典CD,更在Sarah Brightman演唱生涯中占据十分重要的位置。专辑的主打曲目《Time to Say Goodbye(告别时刻)》颇有来头,其实这首曲子最初版本的原唱者是著名的盲人歌手波切利。在1996年,德国著名拳王Henry Maske(亨利.马斯克)为准备结束自己具有传奇生涯的运动经历而筹备了一场告别拳赛,他特意找到自己非常钟爱的歌手Sarah Brightman,邀请她在自己的告别赛上进行演唱。布莱曼欣然接受,而后经过精心筹划、挑选,最终选中了这首《Time to Say Goodbye》,而且布莱曼还请到波切利与自己联合演出。然而在当年11月份举行的拳赛上,Henry Maske却意外落败,令人感叹不已。而当此时《Time to Say Goodbye》动人心魄、感人至深的旋律响起时,当布莱曼和波切利开始倾情演唱时,此情此景令闻者无不动容!而《Time to Say Goodbye》以及Sarah Brightman的名字,则深深印入听众们的心中。后来有媒体甚至将之形容为“一个拳王传奇的告别造就了另一个音乐传奇”!次年,以这首曲目为主打的专辑一发行便以万钧雷霆之势,横扫古典流行跨界音乐领域,获得了世界范围内的广泛赞誉,曾经登上欧洲冠军歌曲宝座,更在全世界获得了其他古典音乐所无法望其项背的发行量。而这张唱片的精彩之处远不止这一首曲子,整张专辑充满了迷人的气质和整体艺术感,管弦乐配器部分由世界著名的伦敦交响乐团演奏,体现出一种无与伦比的大气与宏大。除了和波切利的合作,Sarah Brightman还与阿根廷男高音Jose Cura(杰希.库拉)合作演出了

Time to say goodbye的创作背景

1997年全球流行乐坛最热门的话题之一,莫过于由英国音乐剧第一女伶莎拉·布莱曼(Sarah Brightman)与意大利盲人歌手波切利所合唱的《告别时刻》(Time To Say Goodbye)一曲,它以雷霆万钧之势,横扫古典流行跨界音乐领域。单单在德国,这首单曲便销售了三百万张,成为德国有史以来最畅销的单曲唱片;除此之外,更高居英国流行榜亚军,以及法、瑞、奥、意等国的极度高名次。全球单曲销量高达1300万张。在1996年,德国著名拳王亨利·马斯克(Henry Maske)为准备结束自己具有传奇生涯的运动经历而筹备了一场告别拳赛,他特意找到自己非常钟爱的歌手莎拉·布莱曼,邀请她在自己的告别赛上进行演唱。布莱曼欣然接受,而后经过精心筹划、挑选,最终选中了这首《Time to Say Goodbye》,而且布莱曼还请到波切利与自己联合演出。然而在当年11月份举行的拳赛上,亨利·马斯克却意外落败,令人感叹不已。而当此时《Time to Say Goodbye》动人心魄、感人至深的旋律响起时,当布莱曼和波切利开始倾情演唱时,此情此景令闻者无不动容!而《Time to Say Goodbye》以及安德烈波切利的名字,则深深印入听众们的心中。后来有媒体甚至将之形容为”一个拳王传奇的告别造就了另一个音乐传奇”!

time to say goodbye 是一个电影的主题曲吗?

不是 这首单曲在1997年最初问世的标题是《timeless》,后在美国市场发行时才改为《Time to Say Goodbye》,然而无论名称如何更改,这张唱片却无疑是值得收藏的经典CD,更在Sarah Brightman演唱生涯中占据十分重要的位置。专辑的主打曲目《Time to Say Goodbye(告别时刻)》颇有来头,其实这首曲子最初版本的原唱者是著名的盲人歌手波切利。在1996年,德国著名拳王Henry Maske(亨利.马斯克)为准备结束自己具有传奇生涯的运动经历而筹备了一场告别拳赛,他特意找到自己非常钟爱的歌手Sarah Brightman,邀请她在自己的告别赛上进行演唱。布莱曼欣然接受,而后经过精心筹划、挑选,最终选中了这首《Time to Say Goodbye》,而且布莱曼还请到波切利与自己联合演出。然而在当年11月份举行的拳赛上,Henry Maske却意外落败,令人感叹不已。而当此时《Time to Say Goodbye》动人心魄、感人至深的旋律响起时,当布莱曼和波切利开始倾情演唱时,此情此景令闻者无不动容!而《Time to Say Goodbye》以及Sarah Brightman的名字,则深深印入听众们的心中。后来有媒体甚至将之形容为“一个拳王传奇的告别造就了另一个音乐传奇”!次年,以这首曲目为主打的专辑一发行便以万钧雷霆之势,横扫古典流行跨界音乐领域,获得了世界范围内的广泛赞誉,曾经登上欧洲冠军歌曲宝座,更在全世界获得了其他古典音乐所无法望其项背的发行量。而这张唱片的精彩之处远不止这一首曲子,整张专辑充满了迷人的气质和整体艺术感,管弦乐配器部分由世界著名的伦敦交响乐团演奏,体现出一种无与伦比的大气与宏大。



求BLUE--no goodbyes的歌词(要中英文对照)


Time to say goodbye是以哪种语言写成的?

肯定是英语。it is time to say goodbye.

time to say goodbye

《Time to say goodbye》,最近被周深的这首歌洗脑了,一直在耳边单曲循环。古典与流行的完美结合,深深柔美的声音,即使我从头到尾只听得懂Time to say goodbye这几个单词,但唯美的意境跃然在我的脑海里,真的好美! 这首歌曲是由英国歌手Sarah Brightman和意大利歌手Andrea Bocelli演唱的一首歌曲。由Lucio Quarantotto作词,由Francesco Sartori作曲。 而这首歌的背后也有个动人的故事,在1996年,德国著名拳王Henry Maske为准备结束自己具有传奇生涯的运动经历而筹备了一场告别拳赛,他特意找到自己非常钟爱的歌手Sarah Brightman,邀请她在自己的告别赛上进行演唱。布莱曼欣然接受,而后经过精心筹划、挑选,最终选中了这首《Time to Say Goodbye》,而且布莱曼还请到波切利与自己联合演出。然而在当年11月份举行的拳赛上,Henry Maske却意外落败,令人感叹不已。而当此时《Time to Say Goodbye》动人心魄、感人至深的旋律响起时,当布莱曼和波切利开始倾情演唱时,此情此景令闻者无不动容!而《Time to Say Goodbye》以及Sarah Brightman的名字,则深深印入听众们的心中。 而通过周深的演绎,在中国现如今的比较小众的爱好者中又掀起了一阵热潮,得到了很大的推广。深深独特的嗓音,不似男声的粗犷浑厚,也不似女声的尖锐,介于两者之间的柔美,让我们每个听众都不由得闭上我们的双眼,沉醉于他的声音,与原唱很大的不同。 我并非音乐领域的学生,也没进行系统的声乐学习,但我觉得能打动听众的歌曲就是好听的,唱歌的人就是成功的 ,我不懂其中的技巧,也不知道其中的问题,只知道,这个声音,这个旋律让我喜爱,让我感动,让我不由自主地跟着去哼唱。我相信很多人都和我一样,只是普通的听众,却能进行理智地分辨!

time to say goodbye 是唱的哪国语言?

Time to say goodbye是英国Sarah Brightman莎拉.布莱曼英文和意大利语演唱 这首单曲在1997年最初问世的标题是《timeless》,后在美国市场发行时才改为《Time to Say Goodbye》,然而无论名称如何更改,这张唱片却无疑是值得收藏的经典CD,更在Sarah Brightman演唱生涯中占据十分重要的位置。专辑的主打曲目《Time to Say Goodbye(告别时刻)》颇有来头,其实这首曲子最初版本的原唱者是著名的盲人歌手波切利。在1996年,德国著名拳王Henry Maske(亨利.马斯克)为准备结束自己具有传奇生涯的运动经历而筹备了一场告别拳赛,他特意找到自己非常钟爱的歌手Sarah Brightman,邀请她在自己的告别赛上进行演唱。布莱曼欣然接受,而后经过精心筹划、挑选,最终选中了这首《Time to Say Goodbye》,而且布莱曼还请到波切利与自己联合演出。然而在当年11月份举行的拳赛上,Henry Maske却意外落败,令人感叹不已。而当此时《Time to Say Goodbye》动人心魄、感人至深的旋律响起时,当布莱曼和波切利开始倾情演唱时,此情此景令闻者无不动容!而《Time to Say Goodbye》以及Sarah Brightman的名字,则深深印入听众们的心中。后来有媒体甚至将之形容为“一个拳王传奇的告别造就了另一个音乐传奇”!次年,以这首曲目为主打的专辑一发行便以万钧雷霆之势,横扫古典流行跨界音乐领域,获得了世界范围内的广泛赞誉,曾经登上欧洲冠军歌曲宝座,更在全世界获得了其他古典音乐所无法望其项背的发行量。而这张唱片的精彩之处远不止这一首曲子,整张专辑充满了迷人的气质和整体艺术感,管弦乐配器部分由世界著名的伦敦交响乐团演奏,体现出一种无与伦比的大气与宏大。

上古卷轴5NMM的MOD文件esp排序,求大神帮我整理一下顺序让我进入游戏不闪退 以下是我的ESP插件表


AE输出是出现The name of the selected output module is already in use.Please choose another name.

第二次再输出出现The name of the selected output module is already in use.Please choose another name.中文意思:名称选定的输出模块已在use.请选择其他名称就是说,你要的输出已经加载了,你现在是重复加载,当然错误了,你试下删除驱动,再安装看下


不对,正确的是It take my time to do sth.意思是花时间做某事。It often takes me lots of time to finish my homework.我每天花大量时间完成作业。

Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye 谁唱的


FLEETWOOD MAC的《Landslide》 歌词

歌曲名:Landslide歌手:FLEETWOOD MAC专辑:The Very Best of Fleetwood Mac(Stevie Nicks)I took my love, I took it downClimbed a mountain and I turned aroundAnd I saw my reflection in the snow covered hills"Til the landslide brought it downFleetwood MacOh, mirror in the skyWhat is love?Can the child within my heart rise above?Can I sail thru the changin" ocean tides?Can I handle the seasons of my life?I don"t know...Well, I"ve been afraid of changin""Cause I"ve built my life around youBut time makes you bolderAnd I"m getting older tooOh, take my love, take it downClimb a mountain and turn aroundAnd if you see my reflection in the snow covered hillsWell the landslide will bring it downAnd if you see my reflection in the snow covered hillsWell the landslide will bring it downThe landslide will bring it downhttp://music.baidu.com/song/52051378

加拿大道明银行的bank code和transit code


跪求Fleetwood Mac-Landslide歌词的中文翻译

I climbed a mountain and I turned around

My favorite food and drink 英语作文,不少于60词 提示:最喜欢的食物和

My Favourite Food一、 My favourite food is fruit. As we all know, fruit is delicious and healthy food. It has many kinds, such as apples, pears, oranges, lemons and so so. Nowadays, nearly every one have fruit every day. It has a long history. Nobody know that how the fruit springs up. But we all enjoy it very much. I like it very much. Because it is healthy to our body. After we insist on having fruit every day, we will become stronger. As the proverb says ,” An apple a day keeps the doctor away .” So we should have more. It still has a lot of advantages. First, it can make our skin become white and smooth. This point is very attractive to girls. Next, it helps digestion. When we are hungry, we can eat fruit. It can let you feel full at once. In addition, fruit is so pretty and cute. In one word, having fruit is good for our health. So we should enjoy it.二、My favourite food is mushrooms. I like them because I think they are very delicious and nutritious. There are many kinds of mushrooms in the world. Some are like small houses with big round heads and thick bodies. And some have the shapes of umbrellas. Mushrooms usually grow among trees in forests. My mother can cook mushrooms in many different ways. Mushrooms are very good for people"s health. I like mushrooms very much. They are healthy.三、My favourite food is noodles. They are healthy to our bodies. We need a lot of noodles every day. We buy them in the shops and supermarkets. In my family we usually eat noodles. I like noodles very much..四、My favourite food is hamburgers. These food are in KFC and McDonald"s. I like them because there are vegetables, chicken and some salad in hamburgers. They"re very nice. We will not be hungry if we eat them. So I like hamburgers best.五、Apples are my favourite food. They are delicious. And if you eat an apple every day, it will be good for your health. When I feel thirsty , eating an apple is a good choice. Of course! Apples are healthy food. So I like them very much. Do you like them,too?六、I like ice-cream best. I like it very much because it is sweet. When the hot summer is coming, I can eat an ice-cream. At that moment, I can feel cool and relaxed. Although ice-cream is unhealthy food, I like it very much. I think I should eat less ice-cream in the future.七、My favourite food is chocolate cake. I like it because it is sweet and very delicious. I think , many children like chocolates and cakes like me. Chocolate cake tastes better than rice and vegetables. I like to eat it but it is unhealthy.So you can"t eat it all day. I eat 3 cakes sometimes , but I won"t eat it all the time.

英语作文 Our favorite food(Our是指自己的家庭成员喜欢吃的食物)不少于8

My Favourite Food一、 My favourite food is fruit. As we all know, fruit is delicious and healthy food. It has many kinds, such as apples, pears, oranges, lemons and so so. Nowadays, nearly every one have fruit every day. It has a long history. Nobody know that how the fruit springs up. But we all enjoy it very much. I like it very much. Because it is healthy to our body. After we insist on having fruit every day, we will become stronger. As the proverb says ,” An apple a day keeps the doctor away .” So we should have more. It still has a lot of advantages. First, it can make our skin become white and smooth. This point is very attractive to girls. Next, it helps digestion. When we are hungry, we can eat fruit. It can let you feel full at once. In addition, fruit is so pretty and cute. In one word, having fruit is good for our health. So we should enjoy it.二、My favourite food is mushrooms. I like them because I think they are very delicious and nutritious. There are many kinds of mushrooms in the world. Some are like small houses with big round heads and thick bodies. And some have the shapes of umbrellas. Mushrooms usually grow among trees in forests. My mother can cook mushrooms in many different ways. Mushrooms are very good for people"s health. I like mushrooms very much. They are healthy.三、My favourite food is noodles. They are healthy to our bodies. We need a lot of noodles every day. We buy them in the shops and supermarkets. In my family we usually eat noodles. I like noodles very much..四、My favourite food is hamburgers. These food are in KFC and McDonald"s. I like them because there are vegetables, chicken and some salad in hamburgers. They"re very nice. We will not be hungry if we eat them. So I like hamburgers best.五、Apples are my favourite food. They are delicious. And if you eat an apple every day, it will be good for your health. When I feel thirsty , eating an apple is a good choice. Of course! Apples are healthy food. So I like them very much. Do you like them,too?六、I like ice-cream best. I like it very much because it is sweet. When the hot summer is coming, I can eat an ice-cream. At that moment, I can feel cool and relaxed. Although ice-cream is unhealthy food, I like it very much. I think I should eat less ice-cream in the future.七、My favourite food is chocolate cake. I like it because it is sweet and very delicious. I think , many children like chocolates and cakes like me. Chocolate cake tastes better than rice and vegetables. I like to eat it but it is unhealthy.So you can"t eat it all day. I eat 3 cakes sometimes , but I won"t eat it all the time.八、My favourite food is kiwi fruits. I like them , because they taste delicious. Their skin is brown. And inside is green. And some are yellow or red. They are very expensive. They are healthy because they have much nutrition. I like to eat kiwi fruits!九、My favourite food is beef. I like it because it is delicious. It is healthy food. It can make us strong. And children must eat more beef. It is always helpful to them. It will be more delicious while it is made as curry beef. So I like beef very much. How about you?十、Do you have your favourite food ? My favourite food is chicken wings. I like spicy chicken wings best. Because I think they"re nice. Every week I often eat six chicken wings. They"re good for your health. They can make you strong. But you can"t eat a lot. They are bad for your stomach. I love chicken wings. I can"t leave them.十一、Different people like different food. Most children like milk. So do I. I like milk because it is fresh and healthy. Drinking milk help us to be strong. I always drink two cups of milk. Milk is also popular food in China. More and more people like to drink milk. I like milk very much.谢谢采纳。。。祝你学习进步

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Ace Hood的《Zone》 歌词

歌曲名:Zone歌手:Ace Hood专辑:RuthlessBy Giorgio Moroder, Tom WhitlockRevvin up your engineListen to her howlin roarMetal under tensionBeggin you to touch and goHighway to the Danger ZoneRide into the Danger ZoneHeadin into twilightSpreadin out her wings tonightShe got you jumpin off the trackAnd shovin into overdriveHighway to the Danger ZoneIll take youRide into the Danger ZoneYoull never say hello to youUntil you get it on the red line overloadYoull never know what you can doUntil you get it up as high as you can goOut along the edgesAlways where I burn to beThe further on the edgeThe hotter the intensityHighway to the Danger ZoneGonna take youRide into the Danger ZoneHighway to the Danger ZoneHighway to the Danger ZoneHighway to the Danger ZoneGonna take youRide into the Danger ZoneHighway to the Danger ZoneHighway to the Danger ZoneHighway to the Danger ZoneGonna take youRide into the Danger ZoneHighway to the Danger ZoneRide into the Danger Zonehttp://music.baidu.com/song/476094

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chinese fast food有哪些

中式快餐,有很多,如:Chinese Noodles Versus Western Fast FoodCuisine of Sichuan in ChinaCuisine of Sichuan in China (这些都是四川食品)Cuisine of Sichuan in ChinaCuisine of Xinjiang in ChinaGuide for your Beijing wireless hotpotsAttractive local chinese foodIntrotuction of famous chinese foodFast Food--BeijingFast Food Restaurant in BeijingStreet FoodDong Fang Ji Bai from KFC

do you like ___food?(China)


chinese food读后感


是real chinese food 还是really chinese food ,为什么

第一个,因为really是副词。副词只能修饰形容词,但是这里的really修饰的是chinese food.不是chinesse.所以第一个对。


I like Chinese food.I是主语,like是谓语,Chinese food是宾语。主谓宾是另一种常见的句子主干结构。它由动作的发起者+动作+动作对象组成。句子的组成部分,包括主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、表语、补语七种。主语是句子叙述的主体,跟汉语主语是一样的。谓语说明主语所发出的动作或具有的特征和状态。谓语由动词来承担。宾语是动作的对象或承受者,常位于及物动词或介词后面。宾语可由名词、代词、数词、名词化的形容词、不定式、动名词、宾语从句等来担任。谓语谓语由动词构成,说明主语所发出的动作或具有的特征和状态。依据其在句中繁简程度可把谓语分为简单谓语和复合谓语两类。不论何种时态,语态,语气,凡由一个动词(或动词词组)构成的谓语都是简单谓语。例如:I like walking.(一般现在时主动语态)我喜欢步行。I made your birthday cake last night.(一般过去时主动语态)我昨晚做好了你的生日蛋糕。

是traditional Chinese food还是Chinese traditional food?是前者吧

是traditional Chinese food,确定

请帮忙解释:I would like some Chinese food


which do you prefer western food or chinese food?why

which do you prefer western food or chinese food?why 翻译:你更喜欢西方食物还是中国的食物?为什么? 我的回答:I prefer chinese food China is very famous for its food in the world.In the north of China,people eat a lot of noodles and dumplings.In the south of China,people eat a lot of rice and seafood.Chinese food is good in color,flavor and taste.They are very delicious .So I like it very much. 翻译如下: 我更喜欢中国食物 中国的食物在世界上很出名.在中国的北方,人们吃大量的面条和饺子.在中国的南方,人吃了大量的大米和海鲜.中国食品的色、 香、 味俱全.他们非常可口.所以我很喜欢它. 科技英语强手团

I like chinese food的英语作文 小学五年级水平 加中文 急急急

The first one is noodles. There are many kinds of noodles here. Such as: rolled surface noodles, pulled noodles, cut noodles and fried noodles. All of them are delicious.The second one is Dumpling. Dumpling, yes, and I bet you must know it. You must have watched the famous Kungfu Panda cartoon movie. These two typical chinese foods are both shown in the movie: noodles and dumpling. But we also have another dumpling. we have to put them into hot water before they can be eaten , and we often have them during our spring festeval.The third must be chinese fried dishes. There are The Eight Cuisines. Each one has it"s own features.I like chiense foods very much. I hope you like it as well

第一人称第三人称 cooks Chinese food造句?


cook chinese food是什么意思

cook chinese food煮中国菜Oh, but Chinese food is so delicious. I wish I know about how to cook Chinese food.Do you follow recipes? 噢,但你们中国的菜肴非常好吃,我要会做中国菜就好了,你们做菜照着菜谱做吗?请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

求一篇关于Chinese food and Japanese food的文章。

China and Japan are the most prominent countries for their food in Asia. Deeply influenced by Chinese culture and institutions, Japanese imitated the living habit of Chinese people in Tang Dynasty in terms of food, housing, transportation and other customs. Therefore, Japanese food has a lot in common with Chinese food. Like China, for over 2000 years, rice has been the most important food in Japanese cuisine. Despite changes in eating patterns over the last few decades and slowly decreasing rice consumption in recent years, rice remains one of the most important ingredients in Japan today, and can be found in numerous dishes. For example, a bowl of plain cooked rice is served with most Chinese and Japanese meals, but in Japan it is sometimes mixed with a raw egg and soya sauce and in China it seldom adds any condiment. Another famous rice dishes in Japan is undoubtedly Sushi. Sushi can be defined as a dish which contains sushi rice, cooked rice that is prepared with sushi vinegar. Similar to Sushi, Onigiri are rice balls made of cooked rice and usually wrapped in nori seaweed. They are slightly salted and often contain some additional food in the center. In China, there is also a kind of snack food called Fan Tuan and often served as breakfast. It"s usually made sweet. Both in China and Japan, rice balls are a popular and inexpensive snack available at convenience stores. Fried rice in Japan has been originally introduced from China, too. A variety of additional ingredients such as peas, egg, leek and small pieces of carrot and pork are mixed into the rice when stir fried. It is a suitable dish for using left over rice. There are various traditional noodle dishes as well as some dishes which were introduced to China and Japan. Many of them enjoy a very high popularity. Ramen, for example, are Chinese style noodles prepared in a soup with various toppings. Ramen is one of the many popular dishes that were originally introduced from China but have become completely Japanized over time. Ramen is the Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese: La Mian, meaning hand-pulled noodles. However, nowadays in Japan, 90% Ramen noodles is made by machine. Japanese pay more attention to the soup and toppings. Chinese, instead, focus on the technique of noodles-making. The soup is usually more insipid and clear than that of Ramen in Japan. The same to the fried rice mentioned above, Yakisoba are fried or deep fried Chinese style noodles served with vegetables, meat and ginger in Japan. In Chinese restaurants, they"re often named Wu Dong Mian. I"ve just listed some of food that both shared in China and Japan. Their cuisines both offer a great variety of dishes and regional specialties. Much more other examples like Dun Dan in China and Chawanmushi in Japan, Guo Tie in China and Gyoza in Japan, I need not to do more introductions, because there is no obvious difference of them between China and Japan. Maybe it follows the rule that Chinese fix more on the technique of cooking while Japanese is on the ingredients and materials

chinese food house作文

Chinese Food China is very famous for its food in the world.There are many kinds of food in China.They"re Cantonese food,Sichuan food,Shanghai food,Hunan food and so on.Generally speaking,Cantonese food is a bit light,Sichuan food is very hot,Shanghai food is rather oily,and Hunan dishes are very spicy,having a strong and hot taste.Mapo Beancurd,steamed fish sweet and sour pork ribs,spring roll and many Chinese dishes are very delicious.In the north of China,people eat a lot of noodles and dumplings.In the south of China,people eat a lot of rice and seafood.Chinese food is good in color,flavor and taste.So I like it very much.

which do you prefer western food or chinese food? why


he teaches us cook chinese food这句话对不对?

不对固定用法 teach sb to do sth教某人做某事即 He teaches us to cook Chinese food.

为什么something real chinese就对something Chinese food就错


cooking chinese food(英语作文)

u3000u3000China is a country where the preparation and appreciation of food has been developed to the highest level. The art of Chinese cooking has been developed and refined over many centuries. Emperor Fuxi taught people to fish, hunt, grow crops and to cook twenty centuries before Christ. However, cooking could not be considered an art until the Chou Dynasty. The two dominant philosophies of the Chinese culture are Confucianism and Taoism. Each influenced the course of Chinese history and the development of the culinary arts. Confucianism concerned itself with the art of cooking and placed great emphasis on the enjoyment of life. To the Chinese, food and friends are inseparable. A gathering without food is considered incomplete and improper. Confucius loved and respected the art of cooking. He established culinary standards and proper table etiquette. Most of these are still considered to be the standards even today. The tradition of cutting foods into bite size pieces during preparation is unique to the Chinese culture. The use of knives at a Chinese dinner is considerd poor taste. Confucius taught that good cooking depends on the blending of various ingredients and condiments rather than the taste of the individual elements. He believed that in order to become a good cook one must first be a good matchmaker. The flavors of the ingredients must be blended with harmony. Without harmony there is no taste. He also stressed the use of color and texture in preparing the dish. Most certainly Confucianism helped elevate cooking from a menial task to the status of an art, "the art of Chinese cooking." Taoism was responsible for the development of the hygienic aspects of food and cooking. The principle objectives of this philosophy were people"s wish for longevity. In contrast to supporters of Confucianism who were interested in the taste, texture and appearance, Taoists were concerned with the life-giving attributes of various foods. Over the centuries the Chinese have explored the world of plants, roots, herbs, fungus and seeds to find life-giving elements. They discovered that the nutritional value of vegetables could be destroyed by improper cooking and that many items had medicinal value. For example, ginger, a favorite condiment, is also used to soothe an upset stomach and as a cold remedy.

cooks chinese food和makes chinese food有什么区别

没有cooks Chinese food一说。做饭就是make food。所谓的cooks Chinese food,这是典型的中国人翻译的英语,而且是那种直接翻译的。实际上并没有这样的用法。


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chinese Food 的F的要大写吗?


chinese food is so different什么fresh food?

填from固定用法 be different from与……不同Chinese food is so different from flesh food.

词组中chinese food的c要大写吗?


Chinese Food( 六个【中文和英文】) English Food( 六个【中文和英文】)



应该是Chinesefood is here

求英语作文chinese food healthy


cooks chinese food中文意思意思

Cook chinese food

i like chinese food.为什么要用chinese而不是china

chinese 意思是<中国的> 属于形容词,也解释为<中国人>China 是名词,代表国家名 <中国>I like chinese food 意指:我喜欢中国的食物/菜式,句中food(食物)同样是名词,所以必须用形容词chinese来描述中国的食物,而不可用名词China,若错用"I like China food"的话,就会成了完全不同的意思:我喜欢中国(国家)和食物,两种事物。

chinese food is very good and delicious什么意思?


英语作文:Traditional Chinese Food

traditional Chinese food: 传统的中国食物;传统的中国食品

高一英语作文:chinese food_300字

  There is no doubt that Chinese food is very popular around the world foreign people speak highly of it.  I like to eat spicy food so much. Every time when I go out for meal I will add some peppers it makes me feel good. Sichuang food is my favorite especially the hot pot. I will eat hot pot every week.  It is so lucky that I am a Chinese.   

i like chinese food 英语作文


my favorite chinese food英语作文

I like different kinds of food.I like dumplings,rices and so on. But my favorite food is mooncakes.I like them very mush.It is very delicious and popular. Mooncakes are delicious round cakes.Some have eggs or nuts in it ,and some have meat.People usually buy them in a food shop.They look like the moon,so we call them mooncakes.On the Mid-autumn Day Chinese people like having mooncakes.At night,we often stay in the open air.We look the moon,eat mooncakes and talk about happy things.We always have a good time. I like mooncakes best.Do you like mooncakes,too?

你都知道哪些食物?用英文写: English food:写八个 Chinese food:写八个

Chinese food:粥 congee (rice soup) 汤 soup 饺子dumpling 面条 noodle 茶叶蛋Tea eggs 馒头 steamed bread 馄饨皮 wonton skin 春卷spring roll English food: 三文治 sandwich 比萨饼pizza 方便面instant noodle 香肠sausage 面包 bread 蛋挞egg tart牛排 steak 汉堡 hamburger

请以Chinese food写一篇英语作文

例文Nowadays, unsafe foods can be found, now and then, in the market, which has aroused a lot of public attention. It is reported that these foodstuff ranges from substandard milk powder, tainted/dyed steamed buns to pork with lean meat powder.Fake commodities are harmful in many ways. To begin with, it is a waste of resource, especially in our country. Second, it has bad effect on the reputation of the real manufacturers and brings about moral Crisis. Above all, all that matters is food.people"s health and lives are severely threatened if someone buys some unsafe foodstuff.Measures should be take to deal with the problem. On the one hand , strict laws should be passed to punish the producers and the sellers. On the other hand, consumers should be told to distinguish the genuine goods from the false ones. At the same time, the government should strengthen the supervision of all aspects of food. I firmly believe this problem will be solved in the near future.

Chinese food英语介绍,像长寿面、米饭、德州扒鸡,最好有汉语翻译,六年级水平就行。(30分钟内)

The Longevity Noodlesrice Braised Chicken, Dezhou Style

翻译问题 chinese food是可数名词么?


western food、chinese food分别有哪些

Chinese food: noodles, milk, dumplings, tea Western food: hamburger, donut, French fries, pizza, milk

你觉得中国食物怎样? — — Chinese food?

What about Chinese food ?

中国的食品(英语作文)(Chinese Food)要翻译成中文啊,要少一点的

Chinese Food China is very famous for its food in the world. There are many kinds of food in China. They"re Cantonese food, Sichuan food, Shanghai food and so on. Generally speaking, Cantonese food is a bit light, Sichuan food is very hot, Shanghai food is rather oily, Mapo Beancurd, steamed fish sweet and sour pork ribs, spring roll and many Chinese dishes are very delicious. Chinese food is good in color, flavor and taste. So I like it very much.中国因其美食而闻名世界。中国美食众多,其中包括粤菜、川菜、上海菜等等。总体来说,粤菜偏清淡,川菜很辣,上海菜很油。麻婆豆腐,清蒸鱼和糖醋排骨,春卷和许多中国菜肴都很美味。中国菜注重色香味俱全,所以我非常喜欢。

chinese food作文(100-120字)


你都知道哪些食物?English food Chinese food 各举八例

Chinese food : , tangyuan汤圆, pizha皮渣 dumpling(饺子),steamed bread(馒头) steamed stuffed bun(包子) kung Bao chicken烤鸭roast ducEnglish food: butter黄油, sandwich三明治ried chicken,炸鸡 chips炸薯条 三文治 sandwich 汤 soup 面条 noodle 比萨饼 pizza 方便面 instant noodle 香肠 sausage 面包 bread 黄油

求Chinese Food的中文歌词

Chinese food - Alison goldAfter balling I go clubbing 球后我去俱乐部Then I"m huggingThen I"m hungry and I"m walking on the street 随后我走在路上并且开始饿了and I"m getting getting getting getting grumpy grumpy 开始变的,变的,变的 焦躁焦躁I see Chow, by my right我看见了食物,在我的右边I smell food in the air 我闻到空气中弥漫着食物的香味It"s Chinese Food, my favorite 这是中国菜,我的最爱So I"m getting getting getting getting hungry 所以我变的,变的,变的 饥饿I love Chinese food (Yeah)you know that it"s true (Yeah) 我爱中国菜(耶)你知道这是真的(耶)I love fried rice (Yeah)I love noodles (Yeah)I love Chow meinChow Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo Mein 我爱炒饭,我爱面条,我爱炒面,炒....面I love Chinese food (Yeah)you know that it"s true (Yeah) 我爱中国菜(耶)你知道这是真的(耶)I love fried rice (Yeah)I love noodles (Yeah)I love Chow meinChow Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo Mein 我爱炒饭,我爱面条,我爱炒面,炒....面Read the menu 阅读菜单They got broccoli 他们有西兰花Even chicken wings 甚至有炸鸡翅Make it spicy 把它成为香辣And you like it 你会喜欢它的Cause it"s beautiful 因为它很出色And it tastes so so so good 并且品尝起来太 太 太 棒了I like the egg rolls 我喜欢鸡蛋卷And the wonton soup 还有上汤混沌This makes me feel so so good 这些让我感觉太 太 棒了Fortune cookies, tell my future 幸运饼干,告诉我未来Chinese Chinese Food 中国,中国菜I love Chinese food (Yeah)you know that it"s true (Yeah) 我爱中国菜(耶)你知道这是真的(耶)I love fried rice (Yeah)I love noodles (Yeah)I love Chow meinChow Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo Mein 我爱炒饭,我爱面条,我爱炒面,炒....面I love Chinese food (Yeah)you know that it"s true (Yeah) 我爱中国菜(耶)你知道这是真的(耶)I love fried rice (Yeah)I love noodles (Yeah)I love Chow meinChow Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo Mein 我爱炒饭,我爱面条,我爱炒面,炒....面满意的话请亲尽快采纳,谢谢。

Chinese food are delicious.这句话对了吗?为什么?有没有什么规律?

Chinese food is delicious.

小学生关于Chinese Food英语作文

【 #小学英语# 导语】常见的英语作文类型分为议论文、图表文、记叙文、应用文等,不同类型文章的写作要求上相同,考场写法也有相通点。以下是 无 整理的《小学生关于Chinese Food英语作文》相关资料,希望帮助到您。 【篇一】小学生关于Chinese Food英语作文   There is no doubt that Chinese food is very popular around the world, foreign people speak highly of it. I like to eat spicy food so much. Every time when I go out for meal, I will add some peppers, it makes me feel good. Sichuang food is my favorite, especially the hot pot. I will eat hot pot every week. It is so lucky that I am a Chinese. 【篇二】小学生关于Chinese Food英语作文   Chinese food is very famous around the world, if you ask a foreign people about his opinion on Chinese food, he will speak highly of it. When we see the movie, Chinese food is praised by the people. Recently, there is a famous movie called A Bite of China, the movie is popular, it introduces Chinese food from different places. The audience is attracted by the delicious food, they never thought Chinese food would be so various. Now the second part of the movie has been made out, more and more Chinese traditional food has been introduced. After appreciating the movie, I begin to learn more about Chinese food, I want to have taste of them. I am so proud of our food, when we talk about it to foreign friends, we can feel their favor of our food. The food is part of our culture, they should be inherited. 【篇三】小学生关于Chinese Food英语作文   Chinese are famous for their cuisine. Chinese are the ultimate gourmet. Especially in south China they would say they"d eat everything that has four legs besides the dinner table everything that has two wings besides a plane. Many of the dishes served in China may really surprise newcomers. And many of these dishes are so called medicinal dishes believed to have extraordinary nutritional value including Shark Fin Swallow Nest.   Snake soup is among the most treasured soups in China. Then there are also snake gall and blood mixed in liquor which supposedly will brighten your eyes. Some "westernized" Chinese would suggest that if Adam and Eve had been Chinese we humans would still be in the Garden of Eden as they would have eaten the snake.   Chopsticks are the main table utensils in China. Chinese children starts with a spoon but will adapt to chopsticks as early as when he just turns one. As a gift chopsticks symbolize straightforwardness because of its shape. Chinese chopsticks don"t have pointed tip unlike the Japanese style that is refined to pick out the bones for their main diet fish. Chinese chopsticks are mostly of bamboo but today there are more and more wooden ones and plastic ones.   Foreigners are not expected to use chopsticks proficiently but if they do they will give a mighty impression. Therefore before you go to China go to the local Chinese restaurant if not to find authentic Chinese food at least you can practice the use of chopsticks. If in your first meal in China you don"t have to use chopsticks then if you still can"t handle the two sticks to pick up a big shrimp in your tenth meal you show your incompetence in learning and the willingness to learn.

chinese food可数吗

Chinese food作主语时,谓语动词用单数,笼统地指“中餐”。也可以用Chinese foods指“各种各样的中餐”,强调食物的种类,作主语时,谓语动词用复数。

English food 有哪些?Chinese food 有哪些?要正宗的 ,每个写十个

English food:南瓜(倭瓜) pumpkin cushaw 羔羊肉lamb 鸡肉chicken 生菜 莴苣lettuce 白菜 Chinese cabbage (celery cabbage)(甘蓝)卷心菜 cabbage 韭菜leek 木耳 agarics 豌豆 pea 马铃薯(土豆) potato 黄瓜 cucumber 苦瓜 balsam pear Chinese food:豆浆  Soybean milk   烧饼  Clay oven rolls   榨菜肉丝面  Pork, pickled mustard green noodles   油条  Fried bread stick   米粉  Rice noodles   水饺  (Boiled)dumplings   紫菜汤  Seaweed soup   馒头  steamed buns, steamed bread   牡蛎汤  Oyster soup   饭团  Rice and vegetable roll



chinese food有哪些


chinese food 中 chinese是名词吗?


丰田汽车英语跪求翻译 cruisecontrod . powertrain . chassis .

CruiseControl :简称 CC ,持续集成工具, powertrain 动力传动系chassis . 车身底盘;



win7开机显示的persistence module已停止工作如何解决? 我不懂什么驱动问题 请解答直白~

如果您安装的是360杀毒软件。 点击360杀毒软件的右上角的设置键---常规选项---登陆启动Window后自动启动 前面的勾去掉就可以解决这个问题了。

什么是 NOD/SCID/gammac 鼠

这种小鼠具有NOD品系的遗传背景,在Prkdc基因上有点突变,造成小鼠重度联合免疫缺陷(SCID,T、B淋巴细胞都缺陷),而且具有重要免疫调节功能的IL2受体的gamma 链基因被敲除,NK细胞也失去功能,是现在被认为最好的免疫缺陷小鼠,源自Jax的称为NSG小鼠,源自日本的称为NOG小鼠

Win8系统下persistence module是什么,可开机禁止启动么



typical和model的区别:意思不同、读音不同、用法不同。1、读音不同typical:英 ["tu026apu026akl]     美 ["tu026apu026akl]。    model:英 ["mu0252dl]     美 ["mɑu02d0dl]。    2、意思不同typical:adj. 特有的;典型的;有代表性的。model:n. 模范;模特儿;模型;adj. 模范的;作模型用的;v. 做模型;模仿;塑造。3、用法不同model的基本意思是“模型”,指以某人或某物为样本复制一个比原型小若干倍的复制品。也可指某物的大小、式样,即“设计,型号”。model也可指某种供他人学习的方法,即“模式”,或指为他人树立良好的形象,以供他人参考的“模范”,多强调值得人模仿的某种行为或品质。typical指个体能体现出群体的特征。
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