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是的 希腊英雄奥德赛(奥德修斯)在特洛伊战争中取胜后及返航途中的历险故事。利用木马计攻陷特洛伊城后,奥德赛不顾海神波塞冬的咒语启航回家,一路上历尽劫难,在海上又漂泊了10年。伊塔克的许多人都认为他10年不归,一定已经死去。当地的许多贵族都在追求他的妻子佩涅洛佩 (Penelope),佩涅洛佩百般设法拒绝他们,同时还在盼望他能生还。奥德修斯在这10年间经历了许多艰难险阻:独目巨人吃掉了他的同伴,神女喀尔刻把他的同伴用巫术变成猪,又要把他留在海岛上;他又到了环绕大地的瀛海边缘,看到许多过去的鬼魂;又经海妖岛屿,躲过了女妖塞壬的迷惑人的歌声,逃过怪物卡律布狄斯和斯库拉,最后女神卡吕普索在留了奥德修斯好几年之后,同意让他回去。他到了菲埃克斯人的国土,向国王阿尔基诺斯重述了过去9年间的海上历险,阿尔基诺斯派船送他回故乡。那些追求他的妻子的求婚人还占据着他的王宫,大吃大喝。奥德修斯装作乞丐,进入王宫,设法同儿子一起杀死那一伙横暴的贵族,和妻子重新团聚。

The Odysseus是谁写的?



Modjo-Lady Lady hear me tonight 小姐 今晚请听我说Coz" my feeling is just so right 因为我的感觉正好As we dance by the moonlight 当我们在月光下跳舞Can"t you see you"re my daylight 你难道没发现你就是我的日光么Lady i just feel like 小姐 我只是想I won"t get you out of my mind 我不会把你遗忘I feel love for the first time 我第一次感觉到了爱And i know that it is true 而且我知道这是真的I can tell by the look in your eyes 因为我从你的眼中看了出来


《奥德赛》讲述了希腊英雄奥德赛(奥德修斯)在特洛伊战争中取胜后及返航途中的历险故事。利用木马计攻陷特洛伊城后,奥德赛不顾海神波塞冬的咒语启航回家,一路上历尽劫难,在海上又漂泊了10年。伊塔克的许多人都认为他10年不归,一定已经死去。当地的许多贵族都在追求他的妻子佩涅洛佩 (Penelope),佩涅洛佩百般设法拒绝他们,同时还在盼望他能生还。奥德修斯在这10年间经历了许多艰难险阻:独目巨人吃掉了他的同伴,神女喀尔刻把他的同伴用巫术变成猪,又要把他留在海岛上;他又到了环绕大地的瀛海边缘,看到许多过去的鬼魂;又经海妖岛屿,躲过了女妖塞壬的迷惑人的歌声,逃过怪物卡律布狄斯和斯库拉,最后女神卡吕普索在留了奥德修斯好几年之后,同意让他回去。他到了菲埃克斯人的国土,向国王阿尔基诺斯重述了过去9年间的海上历险,阿尔基诺斯派船送他回故乡。那些追求他的妻子的求婚人还占据着他的王宫,大吃大喝。奥德修斯装作乞丐,进入王宫,设法同儿子一起杀死那一伙横暴的贵族,和妻子重新团聚。

求这个日语歌的名字,开头是这样唱的,ki mi nuo dai yi si ki na kuo nuo melody,最后还会说句wa ta xi wa

美しきもの(美丽之物)是名叫Laurant的弟弟和姐姐Monica的roman(故事),主题是生的意义。短暂的生命中却一直饱受病痛折磨的弟弟,望着姐姐描绘的风景画赞叹着“啊……真是漂亮呢”然后微笑着病逝。春之风花、夏之流云、秋之夜月、冬之初雪……姐姐用口琴吹着弟弟生前最爱的旋律,在四季的更迭中怀念他的面容 “诞生降世的意义,就是为了采集这个世界中美丽的事物啊~” “我看见了——这世上最美丽的光,我会把那花朵抱在胸前,带着Laurant的份继续歌唱。” 这个曲子属于那种比较柔和的,柔和的乐曲,柔和的人声,给人一种平淡安静却温暖的感觉。告诉我们逝者已经逝去,活着的更要好好地活下去,珍惜生命。

始祖鸟的ATOM AR HOODY棉服怎么清洗的?


如何使用ChemBioDraw 14.0进行SciFinder检索

ChemBioOffice Ultra 14 Suite目前已发布,其组件ChemBioDraw 14.0也有新功能上线,如已与SciFinder进行了整合。今天为大家介绍下如何使用ChemBioDraw 14.0进行SciFinder检索。1.首先绘制好结构式,然后点击工具栏中的Search SciFinder工具(红色标记内)。2.此时ChemBioDraw 14.0会弹出新Search SciFinder对话框。 左侧为Substance Search(物质检索); 右侧为Reaction Search(反应式检索)。 本例将所绘结构式炔丙醇作为反应物检索反应式。3.登录SciFinder,稍等片刻后即可获取反应式的检索结果。4.同样,本例也以炔丙醇为例,检索了子结构包含炔丙醇的物质。转载

一个女生的英文歌。 我就记得歌词有 in the world 和 in my world 。还有类似nobody的词。

歌舞青春When there was me and you


我也有些疑惑,我的想法是modifier 主要是NP, AP, ADVP这些词组,而complement 可以是词组也可以是句子如CP

If Today Was Your Last Day歌词及翻译

my best friend gave me the best advicehe said each day"s a gift and not a given rightleave no stone unturned, leave your fears behindand try to take the path less traveled bythat first step you take is the longest strideif today was your last dayand tomorrow was too latecould you say goodbye to yesterday?would you live each moment like your last?leave old pictures in the pastdonate every dime you have?if today was your last dayagainst the grain should be a way of lifewhat"s worth the prize is always worth the fightevery second counts "cause there"s no second tryso live like you"ll never live it twicedon"t take the free ride in your own lifeif today was your last dayand tomorrow was too latecould you say goodbye to yesterday?would you live each moment like your last?leave old pictures in the pastdonate every dime you have?would you call old friends you never see?reminisce of memorieswould you forgive your enemies?would you find that one you"re dreamin" of?swear of the noun, the god abovethat you finally fall in loveif today was your last dayif today was your last daywould you make your mark by mending a broken heart?you know it"s never too late to shoot for the starsregardless of who you areso do whatever it takes"cause you can"t rewind a moment in this lifelet nothin" stand in your waycause the hands of time are never on your sideif today was your last dayand tomorrow was too latecould you say goodbye to yesterday?would you live each moment like your last?leave old pictures in the pastdonate every dime you have?would you call old friends you never see?reminisce of memorieswould you forgive your enemies?would you find that one you"re dreamin" of?swear of the noun, the god abovethat you finally fall in loveif today was your last day



Hells Gate Arrested,God Wiht us,And Shine Heaven Now。

  Pain past is pleasure. 过去的痛苦即快乐。  All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事必先难后易。 Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 心之所愿,无事不成。 Where there is life, there is hope. 有生命必有希望。  I feel strongly that I can make it. 我坚信我一定能成功。  Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. 与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛。  The shortest answer is doing. 最简短的回答就是行动。  Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more. 成功的秘诀就是四个简单的字:多一点点。 (凡事比别人多一点点!多一点努力,多一点自律,多一点实践,多一点疯狂。多一点点就能创造奇迹!)  DEFINITION OF CRAZINESS "Crazy" stands for the human spirit of transcending oneself. It stands for the single-minded pursuit of dreams. It stands for the total devotion to your work. It stands for the passion of commitment to reach the goal. Once you have this craziness, you can achieve anything you want. Let alone learning English! 疯狂的定义 "疯狂"代表着人类超越自我的精神,代表着对理想的执着追求,代表着对事业忘我的全情投入,代表着不达目的绝不罢休的激情。人一旦有了这种疯狂,做任何事都可以成功,何况攻克英语!  ALWAYS HAVE A DREAM Forget about the days when it"s been cloudy, But don"t forget your hours in the sun. Forget about the times you"ve been defeated, But don"t forget the victories you"ve won. Forget about the misfortunes you"ve encountered, But don"t forget the times your luck has turned. Forget about the days when you"ve been lonely, But don"t forget the friendly smiles you"ve seen. Forget about the plans that didn"t seem to work out right, But don"t forget to always have a dream. 永不放弃梦想 忘掉你的失意日子, 但不要忘记黄金的时光。 忘掉你的一次次失败,但不要忘记你夺取的胜利。 忘掉你遭遇的不幸, 但不要忘记你的时来运转。 忘掉你的孤独日子, 但不要忘记你得到的友善的微笑。 忘掉你没有得以顺利实施的计划, 但不要放弃你的梦想。  打击我吧! 伤害我吧! 折磨我吧! 侮辱我吧! 冤枉我吧! 迫害我吧! Attack me! Hurt me! Torture me! Humiliate me! Mistreat me! Persecute me!  让暴风雨都来吧!让我付出代价! 让我心态归零! 你使我兴奋! 你使我斗志昂扬! 你使我咬牙切齿! Let storms rage against me! Let me pay the price! Let me hit rock bottom! You excite me! You fill me with the spirit to fight! You make me grind my teeth!  你使我百折不挠! 你使我脱胎换骨!你使我变得更坚强! 你使我成为真正的人! 你是我最幸福的回忆! 你是我终生感激的恩人! 我不是人,我要重塑人的尊严! You make me determined! You make my completely reshape myself! You make me stronger! You make me a real man! You are my most joyful memory! I owe you all my life! I"m not human. I want to rebuild my dignity and honor. I want to reshape my life.  经典英文励志名言名句  Do not , for one repulse , give up the purpose that you resolved to effect .(William Shakespeare , British dramatist)  不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚.W.)  Don“t part with your illusions . When they are gone you may still exist , but you have ceased to live. (Mark Twain , American writer)  不要放弃你的幻想。当幻想没有了以后,你还可以生存,但是你虽生犹死。((美国作家 马克 吐温)  I want to bring out the secrets of nature and apply them for the happiness of man . I don“t know of any better service to offer for the short time we are in the world .(Thomas Edison , American inventor)  我想揭示大自然的秘密,用来造福人类。我认为,在我们的短暂一生中,最好的贡献莫过于此了。 (美国发明家 爱迪生. T.)  Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal , there is no secure direction ; without direction , there is no life .( Leo Tolstoy , Russian writer)  理想是指路明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向;没有方向,就没有生活。  (俄国作家 托尔斯泰. L .)  If winter comes , can spring be far behind ?( P. B. Shelley , British poet )  冬天来了,春天还会远吗?( 英国诗人, 雪莱. P. B.)  If you doubt yourself , then indeed you stand on shaky11 ground .(  Ibsen , Norwegian dramatist )  如果你怀疑自己,那么你的立足点确实不稳固了。 (挪威剧作家 易卜生)  If you would go up high , then use your own legs ! Do not let yourselves carried aloft; do not seat yourselves on other people“s backs and heads . (F. W . Nietzsche , German Philosopher)  如果你想走到高处,就要使用自己的两条腿!不要让别人把你抬到高处;不要坐在别人的背上和头上。(德国哲学家 尼采. F. W.)  It is at our mother“s knee that we acquire our noblest and truest and highest , but there is seldom any money in them.( Mark Twain , American writer )  就是在我们母亲的膝上,我们获得了我们的最高尚、最真诚和最远大的理想,但是里面很少有任何金钱。(美国作家 马克 吐温)  Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.  Alexander Dumas (Davy de La Pailleterie, French Writer)  生活没有目标就像航海没有指南针。 (法国作家 大仲马. A.)  The ideals which have lighted my way , and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully 19 have been kindness , beauty and truth .(Albert Einstein , American scientist)  有些理想曾为我们引过道路,并不断给我新的勇气以欣然面对人生,那些理想就是——真、善、美。 (美国科学家 爱因斯坦 . A .)  The important thing in life is to have a great aim , and the determination to attain it. (Johan Wolfgang von Goethe , German Poet and dramatist)  人生重要的事情就是确定一个伟大的目标,并决心实现它。(德国诗人、戏剧家 歌德 . J . M .)  The man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds .(Mark Twain , American writer)  具有新想法的人在其想法实现之前是个怪人。 (美国作家 马克 吐温)  The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today .(Franklin Roosevelt , American president)  实现明天理想的唯一障碍是今天的疑虑。 (美国总统 罗斯福. F .)  When an end is lawful and obligatory, the indispensable means to is are also lawful and obligatory .(Abraham Lincoln , American statesman)  如果一个目的是正当而必须做的,则达到这个目的的必要手段也是正当而必须采取的。(美国政治家 林肯. A.)  Persistence 励志  ·All things in their being are good for something.  · 天生我才必有用。  · Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people.  · 困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书。  · Failure is the mother of success. - Thomas Paine  · 失败乃成功之母。  · For man is man and master of his fate.  · 人就是人,是自己命运的主人。  · The unexamined life is not worth living. -- Socrates  · 混混噩噩的生活不值得过。 -- 苏格拉底  · None is of freedom or of life deserving unless he daily conquers it anew. -Erasmus  · 只有每天再度战胜生活并夺取自由的人,才配享受生活的自由。  · Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity. So let us seize it, not in fear, but in gladness. -- R.M. Nixon  · 命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。  因此,让我们毫无畏惧,满心愉悦地把握命运 - 尼克松  · Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. -- John Ruskin  · 生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。-- 罗斯金  · What makes life dreary is the want of motive. -- George Eliot  · 没有了目的,生活便郁闷无光。 -- 乔治 · 埃略特  · Towering genius disdains a beaten path. It seeks regions hitherto unexplored.  -- Lincoln  · 卓越的天才不屑走旁人走过的路。他寻找迄今未开拓的地区。  · There is no such thing as a great talent without great will - power. -- Balzac  · 没有伟大的意志力,便没有雄才大略。 -- 巴尔扎克  · The good seaman is known in bad weather.  · 惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色。  · Fear not that the life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning. --J.H. Newman  · 不要害怕你的生活将要结束,应该担心你的生活永远不会真正开始。 -- 纽曼  · Gods determine what you"re going to be. -- Julius Erving  · 人生的奋斗目标决定你将成为怎样的人。 -- 欧文  · An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding. -- Robert Louis Stevenson  · 生活的目标,是唯一值得寻找的财富。-- 史蒂文森  · While there is life there is hope.  · 一息若存,希望不灭。 -- 英国谚语  · Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value. -- A. Einstein  · 不要为成功而努力,要为做一个有价值的人而努力。 -- 爱因斯坦  · You have to believe in yourself. That"s the secret of success. -- Charles Chaplin  · 人必须有自信,这是成功的秘密。 -- 卓别林  · Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably.  · 不管追求什么目标,都应坚持不懈。  · We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. -- Mattin Luther King  · 我们必须接受失望,因为它是有限的,但千万不可失去希望,因为它是无穷的。 -- 马丁 · 路德 · 金  · Energy and persistence conquer all things. -- Benjamin Franklin  · 能量加毅力可以征服一切。 -- 富兰克林  · Nothing seek, nothing find.  · 无所求则无所获。  · Cease to struggle and you cease to live. -- Thomas Carlyle  · 生命不止,奋斗不息。 -- 卡莱尔  · A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.  · 千里之行,始于足下。  · Strength alone knows conflict, weakness is below even defeat, and is born vanquished. -- Swetchine  · 只有强者才懂得斗争;弱者甚至失败都不够资格,而是生来就是被征服的。 -- 斯威特切尼  · The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, make them. -- Bernara Shaw  · 在这个世界上取得成就的人,都努力去寻找他们想要的机会,如果找不到机会,他们便自己创造机会。 -- 萧伯纳  · A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate. -- Thomas Addison  · 强者能同命运的风暴抗争。 -- 爱迪生  · He who seize the right moment, is the right man. -- Goethe  · 谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成。 -- 歌德  · Victory won"t come to me unless I go to it. -- M.Moore  · 胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。 -- 穆尔  · Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards.  · 人往高处走,水往低处流。  · Man errs as long as he strives. -- Goethe  · 失误是进取的代价。 -- 歌德  · The failures and reverses which await men - and one after another sadden the brow of youth - add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do. -- Henry David Thoreau  · 尽管失败和挫折等待着人们,一次次地夺走青春的容颜,但却给人生的前景增添了一份尊严,这是任何顺利的成功都不能做到的。 -- 梭罗  · A man can fail many times, but he isn"t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else. -- J. Burroughs  · 一个人可以失败很多次,但是只要他没有开始责怪旁人,他还不是一个失败者。 -- 巴勒斯  A-Acknowledging(感激)  感激上天赋予你的一切。  B-Belief(信念)  做每一件事要有坚定的信念。  C-Cconfidence(信心)  对自己充满自信心。  D-Dreaming(梦想)  有空不妨做做白日梦。  E-Empathy(心灵相通)  站在对方的立场上为对方想想。  F-Fun(乐趣)  享受现有的一切  G-Giving(给予)  将你所能给予的都给予你周围的人。  H-Happiness(幸福观)  为你的生活及所做的事感到满意。  I-Imagination(想象力)  伸出你想象的翅膀去追求你的梦想。  J-Joy(欢乐)  把你的欢乐带给你所认识的人。  K-Knowledge(知识)  不断学习各种知识。  L-Love(爱心)  奉献你的爱心及爱的精神。  M-Motivation(激励)  不断激励自己实现自我超越。  N-Nice(友善)  即使对陌生人也要保持一颗善心。  O-Openness(开化)  敞开你的胸怀去接受新事物。  P-Patience(耐心)  坚持就是胜利,耐心等待成功的出现。  Q-Quiet(安宁)  找一段安宁的时间,安宁的地方去好好反省自己。  R-Respect(尊重)  尊重所有的种族、文化及价值观。  S-Smile(微笑)  用微笑面对绝望的困境。  T-Trust(信任)  信任自己、亲戚、朋友和其他人。  U-Unity(团结)  与周围人和平相处。  V-Victory(成功)  庆祝自己的成功,即使是小小的。  W-Wait(等候)  耐心等候,好运总会出现。  X-X factor(未知因数)  挖掘自己和别人身上的潜力。  Y-Yes(赞同)  迎接积极的挑战和具有一定的冒险精神。  Z-Zest(极大的生活乐趣)  把所有的事情都做到最好,努力达到生活的顶峰。  英文励志短语(英文励志名言、英文精彩词汇、英文励志短语)—李阳的励志名言(中英文对照)Pain past is pleasure. 过去的痛苦即快乐。 All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事必先难后易。 Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 心之所愿,无事不成。 Where there is life, there is hope. 有生命必有希望。 I feel strongly that I can make it. 我坚信我一定能成功。 Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. 与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛。 The shortest answer is doing. 最简短的回答就是行动。 Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more. 成功的秘诀就是四个简单的字:多一点点。 (凡事比别人多一点点!多一点努力,多一点自律,多一点实践,多一点疯狂。多一点点就能创造奇迹!)  DEFINITION OF CRAZINESS "Crazy" stands for the human spirit of transcending oneself. It stands for the single-minded pursuit of dreams. It stands for the total devotion to your work. It stands for the passion of commitment to reach the goal. Once you have this craziness, you can achieve anything you want. Let alone learning English! 疯狂的定义 "疯狂"代表着人类超越自我的精神,代表着对理想的执着追求,代表着对事业忘我的全情投入,代表着不达目的绝不罢休的激丄情。人一旦有了这种疯狂,做任何事都可以成功,何况攻克英语!  ALWAYS HAVE A DREAM Forget about the days when it"u0455 been cloudy, But don"t forget your hours in the sun. Forget about the times you"ve been defeated, But don"t forget the victories you"ve won. Forget about the misfortunes you"ve encountered, But don"t forget the times your luck has turned. Forget about the days when you"ve been lonely, But don"t forget the friendly smiles you"ve seen. Forget about the plans that didn"t seem to work out right, But don"t forget to always have a dream. 永不放弃梦想 忘掉你的失意日子, 但不要忘记黄金的时光。 忘掉你的一次次失败,但不要忘记你夺取的胜利。 忘掉你遭遇的不幸, 但不要忘记你的时来运转。 忘掉你的孤独日子, 但不要忘记你得到的友善的微笑。 忘掉你没有得以顺利实施的计划, 但不要放弃你的梦想。

Doodle Devil F2P 安卓版怎么修改金币


missA新歌good bye baby 中文歌词

miss A - Goodbye Baby - 中文歌词+韩文歌词+中文音译Good bye, baby good bye ub4a4ub3ccuc544uc11c uadf8ub300ub85c uc55euc73cub85c uac00uba74 ub3fcuc544ubb34ub7f0 ub9d0ub3c4 ud558uc9c0 ub9d0uace0 uc774ub300ub85c uc0acub77cuc838 uc8fcub294 uac70uc57cBaby good bye, good byeub0b4 uc774ub984uc740 uc218uc9c0uac00 uc544ub2ccub370 uc790uafb8ub9cc uc2e4uc218ub85c uc218uc9c0ub77c ubd80ub97c ub54cuadf8ub54c uc54cuc544 ucc28ub824uc57c ud588uc5b4 uc65c uc560uc368 ub108ub97c ubbffuc5b4 uc8fcub824 ud588ub294uc9c0 ubab0ub77c(ub2c8uac00 uc5b4ub5a4 uc564uc9c0 uc54cuc558uc5b4) uad1cud788 uc6b8uc9c0 ub9c8(ub108uc758 ubb3cuac74ub4e4 ub2e4 ub0b4ub1a8uc5b4) uc5f0uae30ub294 uc774uc81c uadf8ub9ccGood bye, baby good bye ub4a4ub3ccuc544uc11c uadf8ub300ub85c uc55euc73cub85c uac00uba74 ub3fcuc544ubb34ub7f0 ub9d0ub3c4 ud558uc9c0 ub9d0uace0 uc774ub300ub85c uc0acub77cuc838 uc8fcub294 uac70uc57cGood bye, baby good bye uc990uac70uc6e0uc5b4 uc7acubbf8uc788uc5c8ub2e4uace0 uc0dduac01ud560uac8cuadf8ub7ecub2c8 uc5ecuae30uae4cuc9c0 ud558uae30 ub108uc758 uc1fcub294 uc774uc81c ub05dub09c uac70uc57cBaby good bye, good byeuce5cuad6cub4e4uc774 ubaa8ub450 ub2e4 ub9d0ub9b4 ub54c uadf8ub54c uadf8 uc598uae38 ub4e4uc5c8uc5b4uc57c ud588ub294ub370uc65c ub098ub294 ub108uc758 uadf8 ub208ube5buc774 uc9c4uc2e4uce58 ubabbud558ub2e4ub294 uac78 uc804ud600 ubab0ub790ub294uc9c0(ub6f0uc5b4ub09c ub108uc758 uadf8 uc5f0uae30uac00) uc815ub9d0 ub180ub77cuc6cc(ub108ubb34 ub6f0uc5b4ub098uc11c uacb0uad6duc5d4) ub0a0 uc6b8ub9acuace0 ub9d0uc558uc5b4uc5b4uca5c uc090uac70ub355 uc090uac70ub355 uac70ub9acub294 uc18cub9ac ud558ub098ub3c4 uc5c6uc774uadf8ub807uac8c uad6cub801uc774 ub2f4 ub118uc5b4uac00ub4ef ubd80ub4dcub7fduac8c ub0a0 uc18duc600uc9c0ucc38 ub300ub2e8ud55c uc1fcub97c ubd24uc5b4 ub0b4uac00 ub2c8 ub355uc5d0 ud45cub3c4 uc548 uc0acuace0 ub2e4uacf5uc9dcub85c uc88buc740 uc790ub9acuc5d0 ub531 ud558uc9c0ub9cc No uc774uc81cub294 Bye bye==============================================Good bye,baby good bye 转过身直接往前走就行什么话也不要说 就这样消失给你看Baby good bye,good bye我的名字不叫秀智 总是把我交错成秀智的时候那时应该要清醒过来 不知道为什么老要费心想要去相信你(知道你是什么样的人)别白哭了(你的东西全还给我)不要再演戏了Good bye,baby good bye转过身直接往前走就行什么话也不要说 就这样消失给你看BABY GOODBYE GOODBYE 觉得曾经很愉快很有趣所以就到此为止吧 你的秀也该结束了Baby goog bye,good bye朋友们都劝阻我的时候 应该听进去那些话为什么我都无法察觉你那不真实的眼神(你那精湛的演技)真的很惊人(演技太逼真 结果)让我哭了又停怎么连沙沙作响的声音都没有就那样像蟒蛇缠绕着过去一样温柔地把我欺骗了真是看了一场了不起的表演托你的福我连票都不用买免费的坐在好位置 不过NO现在BYE BYE===================================================Goodbye baby, goodbye度为扫楼 一带罗我普楼康miang对啊木老吗够(吗够)哈几吗够(吗够)你带一丝ler进去等够呀 baby goodbye goodbye乃一乐木素几噶啊宁带恰古路西扫路素几啦古路带科嘚呀啦恰啦啦还扫 么还扫闹乐米的去乐还打进木啦你嘎哦豆乃进啊那扫开你无进么耨也木豆呢打内那扫用gi呢你加古吗Goodbye baby, goodbye度为扫楼 一带罗我普楼康miang对啊木老麦够(麦够)哈几麦够(麦够)你带一丝ler进去等够呀 哦Goodbye baby, goodbye切够we扫进 米送打古进木配该科老进用gi(用gi)嘎进哈你(哈你)那休乐你进够慢够呀baby goodbye goodbye起古带绿梦度堂吗里带科嘚个里个的楼扫nia哈宁带那能耨we个能比起 请西起木特打门个请妙某宁能几你要能闹也个样gi噶穷慢努啦我耨木gi 料那早该古该那乐里乐慢古扫Goodbye baby, goodbye度为扫楼 一带罗我普楼康miang对啊木老麦够(麦够)哈几麦够(麦够)he带一丝ler进句去等够呀 哦Goodbye baby, goodbye切够we扫进 米送打古进木配该科老进用gi(用gi)嘎进哈你(哈你)那休乐你进够慢够呀baby goodbye goodbye奥将 比个高 比个高 考里能 搜里哈那的 我不西科料开 哭老你 康呢毛 他的普 几乐皮 乃丝噶几强给他 休乐吗赛内噶 你豆该piu路昂桑古打工将路秋文将捏打 哈进吗耨 一接能拜拜你要能闹也个样gi噶穷慢努啦我耨木gi 料那早该古该那乐里乐慢古扫Goodbye baby, goodbye(Goodbye baby, goodbye)度为扫楼 一带罗我普楼康miang对科娘也木能麦够(麦够)哈进麦够(麦够)he带一丝ler进句等够呀Goodbye baby, goodbye切够we扫进 米送打古进木配该科老进用gi(用gi)嘎进哈你(哈你)那休乐你进够慢够呀baby goodbye goodbye

printer mode怎么解决摁那个键

printer mode解决方法如下:当打印机提示提示升级提示打印机性能 一些信息时候点击“固件升级”。这时移动设备会检查打印机的固件是否是最新的固件程序。如果是最新的固件程序,会提示“使用的最新的固件程序”。3.如果不是最新的固件程序,会提示有新的固件程序需要升级,是否进行升级。4.点击“升级”按钮后,在您的移动设备上会依次显示:正在下载;正在传输;传输完成。5.这时的打印机屏幕显示:不要关闭打印机,请等待打印机的固件升级完成。一般都是因为网络升级途中传输因素,网速卡,意外掉线,非法操作关机,导致升级固件失败,不能正常传输完成,导致打印机升级出错,不能开机,主板数据坏了,机器已经不能工作了

printer mode是什么意思?

意思是:打印机模式。重点词汇:printer英['pru026antu0259(r)]释义:n.[计]打印机;印刷工;印花工[复数:printers]短语:laser printer[计]激光打印机;[印刷]激光印刷机;雷射打印机词语辨析:manner,method,way,mode这些名词均含“方法、方式”之意。1、manner多指行动的特殊方式或独特的方法。2、method指有系统、有条理地办事或解决问题的方法。3、way普通用词,可指一般的方法,有时也指个人的方法或方式,也可指特殊的方式或方法。4、mode书面用词,常指因个人爱好或传统习俗等因素而遵循的方法。

I will not take an umbrella with me today . ------it rains later on in the day? 空上填啥?


missA新歌good bye baby 中文歌词

miss A - Goodbye Baby - 中文歌词+韩文歌词+中文音译Good bye, baby good bye ub4a4ub3ccuc544uc11c uadf8ub300ub85c uc55euc73cub85c uac00uba74 ub3fcuc544ubb34ub7f0 ub9d0ub3c4 ud558uc9c0 ub9d0uace0 uc774ub300ub85c uc0acub77cuc838 uc8fcub294 uac70uc57cBaby good bye, good byeub0b4 uc774ub984uc740 uc218uc9c0uac00 uc544ub2ccub370 uc790uafb8ub9cc uc2e4uc218ub85c uc218uc9c0ub77c ubd80ub97c ub54cuadf8ub54c uc54cuc544 ucc28ub824uc57c ud588uc5b4 uc65c uc560uc368 ub108ub97c ubbffuc5b4 uc8fcub824 ud588ub294uc9c0 ubab0ub77c(ub2c8uac00 uc5b4ub5a4 uc564uc9c0 uc54cuc558uc5b4) uad1cud788 uc6b8uc9c0 ub9c8(ub108uc758 ubb3cuac74ub4e4 ub2e4 ub0b4ub1a8uc5b4) uc5f0uae30ub294 uc774uc81c uadf8ub9ccGood bye, baby good bye ub4a4ub3ccuc544uc11c uadf8ub300ub85c uc55euc73cub85c uac00uba74 ub3fcuc544ubb34ub7f0 ub9d0ub3c4 ud558uc9c0 ub9d0uace0 uc774ub300ub85c uc0acub77cuc838 uc8fcub294 uac70uc57cGood bye, baby good bye uc990uac70uc6e0uc5b4 uc7acubbf8uc788uc5c8ub2e4uace0 uc0dduac01ud560uac8cuadf8ub7ecub2c8 uc5ecuae30uae4cuc9c0 ud558uae30 ub108uc758 uc1fcub294 uc774uc81c ub05dub09c uac70uc57cBaby good bye, good byeuce5cuad6cub4e4uc774 ubaa8ub450 ub2e4 ub9d0ub9b4 ub54c uadf8ub54c uadf8 uc598uae38 ub4e4uc5c8uc5b4uc57c ud588ub294ub370uc65c ub098ub294 ub108uc758 uadf8 ub208ube5buc774 uc9c4uc2e4uce58 ubabbud558ub2e4ub294 uac78 uc804ud600 ubab0ub790ub294uc9c0(ub6f0uc5b4ub09c ub108uc758 uadf8 uc5f0uae30uac00) uc815ub9d0 ub180ub77cuc6cc(ub108ubb34 ub6f0uc5b4ub098uc11c uacb0uad6duc5d4) ub0a0 uc6b8ub9acuace0 ub9d0uc558uc5b4uc5b4uca5c uc090uac70ub355 uc090uac70ub355 uac70ub9acub294 uc18cub9ac ud558ub098ub3c4 uc5c6uc774uadf8ub807uac8c uad6cub801uc774 ub2f4 ub118uc5b4uac00ub4ef ubd80ub4dcub7fduac8c ub0a0 uc18duc600uc9c0ucc38 ub300ub2e8ud55c uc1fcub97c ubd24uc5b4 ub0b4uac00 ub2c8 ub355uc5d0 ud45cub3c4 uc548 uc0acuace0 ub2e4uacf5uc9dcub85c uc88buc740 uc790ub9acuc5d0 ub531 ud558uc9c0ub9cc No uc774uc81cub294 Bye bye==============================================Good bye,baby good bye 转过身直接往前走就行什么话也不要说 就这样消失给你看Baby good bye,good bye我的名字不叫秀智 总是把我交错成秀智的时候那时应该要清醒过来 不知道为什么老要费心想要去相信你(知道你是什么样的人)别白哭了(你的东西全还给我)不要再演戏了Good bye,baby good bye转过身直接往前走就行什么话也不要说 就这样消失给你看BABY GOODBYE GOODBYE 觉得曾经很愉快很有趣所以就到此为止吧 你的秀也该结束了Baby goog bye,good bye朋友们都劝阻我的时候 应该听进去那些话为什么我都无法察觉你那不真实的眼神(你那精湛的演技)真的很惊人(演技太逼真 结果)让我哭了又停怎么连沙沙作响的声音都没有就那样像蟒蛇缠绕着过去一样温柔地把我欺骗了真是看了一场了不起的表演托你的福我连票都不用买免费的坐在好位置 不过NO现在BYE BYE===================================================Goodbye baby, goodbye度为扫楼 一带罗我普楼康miang对啊木老吗够(吗够)哈几吗够(吗够)你带一丝ler进去等够呀 baby goodbye goodbye乃一乐木素几噶啊宁带恰古路西扫路素几啦古路带科嘚呀啦恰啦啦还扫 么还扫闹乐米的去乐还打进木啦你嘎哦豆乃进啊那扫开你无进么耨也木豆呢打内那扫用gi呢你加古吗Goodbye baby, goodbye度为扫楼 一带罗我普楼康miang对啊木老麦够(麦够)哈几麦够(麦够)你带一丝ler进去等够呀 哦Goodbye baby, goodbye切够we扫进 米送打古进木配该科老进用gi(用gi)嘎进哈你(哈你)那休乐你进够慢够呀baby goodbye goodbye起古带绿梦度堂吗里带科嘚个里个的楼扫nia哈宁带那能耨we个能比起 请西起木特打门个请妙某宁能几你要能闹也个样gi噶穷慢努啦我耨木gi 料那早该古该那乐里乐慢古扫Goodbye baby, goodbye度为扫楼 一带罗我普楼康miang对啊木老麦够(麦够)哈几麦够(麦够)he带一丝ler进句去等够呀 哦Goodbye baby, goodbye切够we扫进 米送打古进木配该科老进用gi(用gi)嘎进哈你(哈你)那休乐你进够慢够呀baby goodbye goodbye奥将 比个高 比个高 考里能 搜里哈那的 我不西科料开 哭老你 康呢毛 他的普 几乐皮 乃丝噶几强给他 休乐吗赛内噶 你豆该piu路昂桑古打工将路秋文将捏打 哈进吗耨 一接能拜拜你要能闹也个样gi噶穷慢努啦我耨木gi 料那早该古该那乐里乐慢古扫Goodbye baby, goodbye(Goodbye baby, goodbye)度为扫楼 一带罗我普楼康miang对科娘也木能麦够(麦够)哈进麦够(麦够)he带一丝ler进句等够呀Goodbye baby, goodbye切够we扫进 米送打古进木配该科老进用gi(用gi)嘎进哈你(哈你)那休乐你进够慢够呀baby goodbye goodbye



day of infamy创意工坊mod怎么用

day of infamy 耻辱日;罪恶之日;国耻日;耻辱之日21世纪大英汉词典Day of Infamy【美国历史】对日宣战(即1941年12月7日)




答:不定代词 nobody 相当于单数第三人称,它后面的动词是单数,用 is/was.由于 nobody 是用于指人,后面代词不能用 it.但在反义疑问句中后面代词究竟是 he 还是 they,根据语境都可以用,但通常用 they 更常见一些。反意疑问句的陈述部分是nobody,none,no one等含有否定含义的词时,疑问部分就要使用肯定形式。而简略疑问句的主语用he或者they均可(有时用复数they,有时也用单数he)。例如:Nobody knows about it,do they?(does he?)No one here Has ever been to that place before, have they?/ has he?

production lead time 是什么意思


production lead time是什么意思

production lead time网 络生产周期;生产提前期;生产前置时间;生产时间双语例句1. What is the lead time for production of skiwear? 请阐述什么是滑雪服的订货到交货的时间差.来自互联网2. Thereby shortening the lead - time for both prototype and bulk production. 易达重视企业文化,不断研发创造,保持品质、廉物美的原则,因此多忠心的顾客群.来自互联网3. Establish collaborative relationships with suppliers, understand production processes, and manage delivery lead time. 与供应商沟通,建立良好关系, 了解产品生产计划, 控制供货时间.来自互联网4. Expanding production capability with vertical integration achieves possible shortest lead - timeand most ompetitive price. 垂直整合,拓展制造能力,提供客户最快交货期与最佳价格.

汇编菜鸟求教 invalid object module pos:1 Record type:44是什么错误啊??


FOB production lead time具体指什么


英语中good和well的区别和用法 alone和lonely的区别和用法



答:不定代词 nobody 相当于单数第三人称,它后面的动词是单数,用 is/was.由于 nobody 是用于指人,后面代词不能用 it.但在反义疑问句中后面代词究竟是 he 还是 they,根据语境都可以用,但通常用 they 更常见一些。反意疑问句的陈述部分是nobody,none,no one等含有否定含义的词时,疑问部分就要使用肯定形式。而简略疑问句的主语用he或者they均可(有时用复数they,有时也用单数he)。例如:Nobody knows about it,do they?(does he?)No one here Has ever been to that place before, have they?/ has he?



crossfit 训练wod什么意思

crossfit 训练wodCROSSFIT是一种健身技术体系,它的英文原意是全面强健,包括体能,力量,爆发力,速度,协调性,柔韧性等等。 Crossfit则综合了田径,体操与举重的许多动作进行无间歇练习,这种练习方式的基本原则就是。全面的身体素质发展,竞技体适能。wodabbr.wind over deck 甲板风;



went to do something还是be good at doing something

后者使用doing的正确,at为介词,英语中介词后面加动名词、名词或代词.肯定不加动词原形。重点词汇:something。英['su028cmθu026au014b]释义:pron.某事,某物;……或诸如此类的东西,……什么的;大致,大约,左右;什么什么(用于表示不记得人名、数字的余下部分或歌词等);还算幸运的事;重要的人(或事);(想法或建议)有道理,值得考虑;有点儿,有几分。adv.稍微,有点;很,非常。短语:Draw Something你画我猜;我画你猜;你猜我画。词语使用变化:somethingpron.(代词)1、something的基本意思是“某物,某事”,主要用于肯定句中,在否定句或疑问句中通常用anything。有时为了表示一种较肯定的意味或提出申请等,something也可用于非肯定句中。2、something用作主语时谓语动词用单数形式,其相应的代词也用单数形式。3、something有形容词修饰时定语应后置。

Good Girl Gone Bad: The Remixes 哪有资源啊


good girl gone bad的中英对照歌词.

  RIHANNA - GOOD GIRL GONE BAD  We stay movin" around solo 我们一直孤单四处游荡  Ask us where you at, we don"t know 要问我们你在哪里,我们也不知道  And don"t care (don"t care)更不在乎  All we know is we was at home 我们所知道的只是闷在家  Cause you left us there 因为你把我们抛在这儿了  You got your boys and got gone 你和你兄弟一走了之  And left us all alone 独自留下我们  Now she in the club with a freaky dress on 现在她正穿着奇装异服在俱乐部里  Cats don"t want her to keep that dress on 荡妇想让她脱光  Tryna get enough drinks in her system 在她周围猛灌她酒  Take it to the tel-e and make her a victim 让她上电视(AV)成为一名受害者  Patrol in the brink 游荡在危险边缘  Ball player in her face 男人玩弄她的脸  They shake the spot 他们到处乱混  She"s just another case 她不过又是一个玩物  Easy for a good girl to go bad 一个好女孩要变坏太容易了  And once we gone (gone) 一旦变坏  Best believe we gone forever 最好相信我们永远都变坏了  Don"t be the reason 没有理由  Don"t be the reason 没有理由  You better learn how to treat us right 你最好学学怎么正确地对待我们  Cause once a good girl goes bad 因为一旦一个好女孩变坏  We die forever 就永远不会变回来了  He"s staying with a flock of them, oh yeah 他总和狐朋狗友混在一起  Got a girl at home but he don"t care 留一个女孩独自在家,但他一点都不在乎  Won"t care (won"t care)也不会去在乎  All he"ll do is keep me at home 他做的一切就是让我呆在家里  Won"t let me go no-where 不让我去任何地方  He thinks because I"m at home 他认为只要我在家里  I won"t be getting it on 就不会去鬼混了  And now I"m finding numbers in the jacket pockets 我在他夹克口袋里发现了很多电话号码  Tricks call-in the house, non-stop its 调情电话不停的打进来  Getting out of control 我快疯了  Finally I can"t take no more 最终我再也不能忍受  He find a letter on the stairs 他会在楼梯上发现一封信  Saying this is the end 上面写道,我们完了  I packed my bag and left with your best friend 我已经打包了我的行李,和你最好的朋友走了  Easy for a good girl to go bad 一个好女孩要变坏太容易了  And once we gone (gone) 一旦变坏  Best believe we gone forever 最好相信我们永远都变坏了  Don"t be the reason 没有理由  Don"t be the reason 没有理由  You better learn how to treat us right 你最好学学怎么正确地对待我们  Cause once a good girl goes bad 因为一旦一个好女孩变坏  We die forever 就永远不会变回来了

Good Girl Gone Bad 歌词

歌曲名:Good Girl Gone Bad歌手:Kiss专辑:Crazy NightsLil" Wayne Feat. Bun B - Good Girl Gone BadOkay, I"m talkin" about a, good girl, gone badCrooked world, wrong path, right Mom, wrong DadI sing this song mad, but not mad enough to shoot youBut it just eats me up, like some BBQ from Luther"sIn the mornin" with the roosters, on the corner with the boostersAnd she"s the fresh cut and they"re on her like suturesAnd I wanna talk to her, but her Momma has to school herI wanna see her better, she"s the weather of my futureI don"t wanna see another hurricane, baby you can kill the painIf you just let me explain, trust me I know what I"m sayin"You will end up on the track of an oncoming trainStuck in the passenger seat, tryin" to do the fast lane (damn)Little girl gone somewhere, out there, strandedCan"t nobody find her and they don"t understand itShe was raised good, can"t blame her parentsLost in the sausage, not the way that they planned itLittle girl gone somewhere, out there, strandedCan"t nobody find her and they don"t understand itShe was raised good, can"t blame her parentsLost in the sausage, not the way that they planned itWell once upon a time, there was a Mom and a DadWho on the outside had everything people wished they hadA beautiful daughter, two story house, two car garageAnd a white picket fence, wrapped around the front yardSee Daddy was a doctor, and Mommy was a bankerMommy"s job got outsourced so now Mommy"s drinkerDaddy had a malpractice suit, now he"s a snorterAnd all this shit"s takin" place right in front of their daughterShe says "Daddy what"s wrong?" but he"s just too high"Mommy what we goin" do?" she just get drunk and cryCaught in the middle of two wrongs, tryin" to do rightLookin" for answers alone in the darkness of nightShit ain"t tightLittle girl gone somewhere, out there, strandedCan"t nobody find her and they don"t understand itShe was raised good, can"t blame her parentsLost in the sausage, not the way that they planned itLittle girl gone somewhere, out there, strandedCan"t nobody find her and they don"t understand itShe was raised good, can"t blame her parentsLost in the sausage, not the way that they planned itCouldn"t even fold her own clothes yet, she chose to jetSome shit that she would always regretNow she"s runnin" from house to house, out and aboutAll hours of the night, learning hard lessons of lifeShe called home twice but, she couldn"t sayWhere she was goin" lay her head the very next dayShe gave up her body and mind way before timeGot nothing left, the girl got to get helpShe doesn"t know what do with herselfHer family"s worried, think she don"t even care (don"t even care)She"s livin" her rough life on a hope and a prayerWhere she"ll end up in a few years, who knows where?Little girl gone somewhere, out there, strandedCan"t nobody find her and they don"t understand itShe was raised good, can"t blame her parentsLost in the sausage, not the way that they planned itLittle girl gone somewhere, out there, strandedCan"t nobody find her and they don"t understand itShe was raised good, can"t blame her parentsLost in the sausage, not the way that they planned ithttp://music.baidu.com/song/7659796

Good Girl Gone Bad 歌词

Good Girl Gone BadrihannaWe stay moving around soloAsk us where you atWe don"t know and don"t care (don"t care)All we know is we was at home cuz you left us thereYou got your boys and got gone and left us all aloneNow she in the club with a freaky dress onCats dont want her to keep that dress onTryna get enough drinks in her systemTake her to the telly and make her a victimPatrone on the brainBall Player in her faceThey shake the spotShe"s just another caseEasy for a good girl to go badAnd once we goneBest believe we gone foreverDon"t be the reasonDon"t be the reasonYou better learn how to treat us rightCuz once a good girl goes badWe done foreverHe stay with the flock of em o yaGot a girl at home but he don"t careWon"t care(Won"t care)All he do is keep me at homeWon"t let me go no whereHe thinks because im at homeI won"t be gettin" it onAnd now im finding numbersIn the jacket pocketsChicks calling the houseNon-stopIt"s getting out of controlFinally I can"t take no moreHe finds a letter on the stairsSaying this is the endI packed my bag and left with your best friend, OhEasy for a good girl to go badAnd once we goneBest believe we gone foreverDon"t be the reasonDon"t be the reasonYou better learn how to treat us rightCuz once a good girl goes badWe done foreverWe stay moving around soloAsk us where you atWe don"t knowAnd don"t care (don"t care)All we know is we was at home cuz you left us thereYou got your boys and got gone and left us all alone, OoooohEasy for a good girl to go badAnd once we goneBest believe we gone foreverDon"t be the reasonDon"t be the reasonYou better learn how to treat us rightCuz once a good girl goes badWe done foreverWe done foreverWe done forever

Good Girl Gone Bad中文歌词什么意思

We stay moving around so lowAsk us where you atWe don"t know and don"t care (don"t care)All we know is we was at home cuz you left us thereYou got your boys and got gone and left us all aloneNow she in the club with a freaky dress onCats dont want her to keep that dress onTryna get enough drinks in her systemTake her to the telly and make her a victimPatrol in the brinkBar bangin with the bassThey shake the spotShe"s just another cakeEasy for a good girl to go badAnd once we goneBest believe we gone foreverDon"t be the reasonDon"t be the reasonYou better learn how to treat us rightCuz once a good girl goes badWe die foreverHe stay with the flock of em o yaGot a girl at home but he don"t careWon"t care(Won"t care)All he do is keep me at homeWon"t let me go no whereHe thinks because im at homeI won"t be gettin" it onAnd now im finding numbersIn the jacket pocketsChicks calling the houseNon-stopIt"s getting out of controlFinally I can"t take no moreHe finds a letter on the stairsSaying this is the endI packed my bag and left with your best friend, OhEasy for a good girl to go badAnd once we goneBest believe we gone foreverDon"t be the reasonDon"t be the reasonYou better learn how to treat us rightCuz once a good girl goes badwe done foreverWe stay moving around so lowAsk us where you atWe don"t know and don"t care (don"t care)All we know is we was at home cuz you left us thereYou got your boys and got gone and left us all aloneEasy for a good girl to go badAnd once we goneBest believe we gone foreverDon"t be the reasonDon"t be the reasonYou better learn how to treat us rightCuz once a good girl goes badwe done forever我们独自四处游荡你在哪儿?我们不知道也不想知道我们只知道你把我们独自扔在家中去和男人幽会现在她穿着奇装异服混迹在声色场中荡妇们缠绕着她 想脱下她的衣服给她灌一堆的酒然后让她成了电视里的受害人游荡在危险边缘贝斯在酒吧里邦邦作响他们狠狠干她她不过是一个玩物好女孩变坏容易一旦我们离开最好相信我们是永远离开没什么理由没什么理由你最好学习一下如何正确对待我们因为曾经有一个好女孩变坏过已长眠不醒他忙着研究微生物把我独自留在家中也无所谓无所谓他为我做的全部就是把我关在家中不让我去这儿不让我去那儿他以为把我关在家中我就不能滥交在夹克口袋里我找到了密码妞儿在房子里呼唤我别停我已失去控制到最后一无所有他在楼梯上发现了一封信说拜拜我已和你的死党远走高飞好女孩变坏容易一旦我们离开最好相信我们是永远离开没什么理由没什么理由你最好学习一下如何正确对待我们因为曾经有一个好女孩变坏过覆水难收我们独自四处游荡你在哪儿?我们不知道也不想知道我们只知道你把我们独自扔在家中去和男人幽会好女孩变坏容易一旦我们离开最好相信我们是永远离开没什么理由没什么理由你最好学习一下如何正确对待我们因为曾经有一个好女孩变坏过覆水难收覆水难收

Rihanna的Good girl gone bad的准确英文歌词

歌曲:Good Girl Gone Bad 歌手:Rihanna 专辑:《Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded》 we stay moving around so lowask us where you wentwe don"t know and don"t care (don"t care)all we know is we was at home cuz you left us thereyou got your boys and got gone and left us all alonenow she in the club with a freaky dress oncats goin" at her, keep that dress ontryna get enough drinks in her systemtake her to the telly and make her a victimpatrol in the brinkbar bangin" with the bassthey shake the spotshe"s just another cakeeasy for a good girl to go badand once we gonebest believe we gone foreverdon"t be the reasondon"t be the reasonyou better learn how to treat us rightcuz once a good girl goes badwe gone foreverhe steady with the flock of em o yagot a girl left home but he don"t carewon"t care, all you is keep me at homewon"t let me go no whereif it"s because i"m at homei won"t be gettin" it onand now i"m finding numbersin the jacket pocketschicks call in the housenon-stopit"s getting out of controlfinally i can"t take no morehe finds a letter on the stairssaying this is the endi packed my bag and left with your best friendeasy for a good girl to go badand once we gonebest believe we gone foreverdon"t be the reasondon"t be the reasonyou better learn how to treat us rightcuz once a good girl goes badwe gone foreverwe stay moving around so lowask us where you went we don"t knowand don"t care (don"t care)all we know is we was at home cuz you left us thereyou got your boys and gone and left us all aloneeasy for a good girl to go badand once we gonebest believe we gone foreverdon"t be the reasondon"t be the reasonyou better learn how to treat us rightcuz once a good girl goes badwe gone foreverwe gone foreverwe gone forever

Mika 的《Good Gone Girl》 的歌词?

Mika - Good Gone GirlCould you believeThe same old storyIt never bores meThough I"ve heard it all before.Her name was GeorgiaAnd she was gorgeous.When she adored yaThe whole room would get to know.Like a movie that is filled with lust (filmed? to the last?)Coming at you with a double D bust.At the bed of a wounded soldierIn a rush cause she"s gettin older.Hanging out in the fancy barsWith the boys who can play guitar.Listen up "cause I"ve got to warn yaShe"s gonna make it out in California.Hey you what"s a good girl like youDoin" in this crazy world?Where"s the good gone girl?Dance, dance to the life you wantedWhen you were only 17With your good girl dream.Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh good gone girlCould you believeThe same old phoniesThose painted poniesThat you"ve ridden all before.Her name was AprilBut she was hateful.Enough to make youWant to run right out the door.I can tell you what you want the mostHang around for the champagne toast.When the end of the night gets trickyDon"t you know that beggars can"t be picky?Lookin" out for a man who"s goldenDoesn"t matter if he"s old, he"s rollin".Coming at you like a desperate hunterSugar daddy but he"s just a munter.Hey you what"s a good girl like youDoin" in this crazy world?Where"s the good gone girl?Dance, dance to the life you wantedWhen you were only 17With your good girl dream.Hey you what"s a good girl like youDoin" in this crazy world?Where"s the good gone girl?Dance, dance to the life you wantedWhen you were only 17With your good girl dream.Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh good gone girlShe"s walkin around all over the town.Needs somebody to notice but the goodness gets her down.She"s happy to choose somebody to use.Good gone girl she"s got nothin left to lose. RepeatsShe"s walkin around all over the town.Needs somebody to notice but the goodness gets her down.She"s happy to choose somebody to use.Good gone girl she"s got nothin left to lose. RepeatsShe"s walkin around all over the town.Needs somebody to notice but the goodness gets her down.HOho~Mika!

good girl gone bad的中英对照歌词.

61Good dudes - I know you love me like cooked food 好朋友,我知道你爱我就像美味的食物 Even though a nigga got move like a crook move 即使这个黑鬼像罪犯一样生活 We was together on the block since free lunch 我们从小就一起在街区长大 We shoulda been together havin 4 Seasons brunch 我们也一年四季一起吃早午餐 We used to use umbrellas to face the bad weather 我们曾用雨伞来面对坏天气 So now we travel first class to change the forecast 因此现在我们走在最前面去改变所预想的 Never in bunches, just me and you 从不混在人群,只有我和你 I loved your point of view cause you held no punches 我喜欢你的品味因为你从不流俗 Still I left you for months on end 知道最后我离开你几个月 It"s been months since I checked back in 直到我回来有几个月 Well somewhere in a small town, somewhere lockin a mall down 小镇的某个地方,有林荫路的地方 Woodgrain, four and change, Armor All"d down 木屑,卸下所有防备 I can understand why you want a divorce now 我能够理解为什么你现在要分别 Though I can"t let you know it, pride won"t let me show it 但我不能让你知道,自尊心不允许我表现出来 Pretend to be heroic, that"s just one to grow with 假装很英雄,就是这么长大的 But deep inside a nigga so sick 但是内心深处有个人很难受 61On repeat, the CD of Big"s "Me and My Bitch" 重放着,Big的CD“Me and My Bitch” Watchin Bonnie and Clyde, pretendin to be that shit 看着Bonnie 和 Clyde(雌雄大盗),假装成那样 Empty gun in your hand sayin, "Let me see that clip" 你手中拿着空枪说,让我看看你的弹夹 Shoppin sprees, pull out your Visa quick 疯狂购物,很快拿出你的信用卡 A nigga had very bad credit, you helped me lease that whip 有个黑鬼信用太差,你帮我解决困难 You helped me get the keys to that V dot 6 你帮我拿到V.6(某车)的钥匙 We was so happy poor but when we got rich 贫穷时我们这么快乐担当我们富裕 That"s when our signals got crossed, and we got flipped 当我们目的有分歧,我们都失落了 Rather mine, I don"t know what made me leave that shit 选择我的,我不知道怎么离开它 Made me speed that quick, let me see - that"s it 让我快速发展,让我看 It was the cheese helped them bitches get amnesia quick 是钱帮助了她们,婊子们有健忘症 I used to cut up they buddies, now they sayin they love me 我曾经伤害她们朋友,现在她们说爱我 Used to tell they friends I was ugly and wouldn"t touch me 还告诉过她们的朋友我很丑不会碰我 Then I showed up in that dubbed out buggy 而当我开着豪华车出现 And then they got fussy and they don"t remember that 他们都变得挑剔而且不记得了 And I don"t remember you.. 而我便不记得你 61 A face of stone, was shocked on the other end of the phone 石化的脸,在电话这边凝固 Word back home is that you had a special friend 回到家听你说你有个特别的朋友 So what was oh so special then? 那是什么这么特别 You have given away without gettin at me 你没跟我交流就已经放弃 That"s your fault, how many times you forgiven me? 那是你的错,你原谅过我多少次 How was I to know that you was plain sick of me? 我怎么知道你已经厌倦我 I know the way a nigga livin was whack 我知道这个人的生活方式不常规 But you don"t get a nigga back like that! 但是你不应该那样带个男人回来 Shit I"m a man with pride, you don"t do shit like that 干,我是个有自尊的人,你不该那么做 You don"t just pick up and leave and leave me sick like that 你不该收拾收拾走了,留下我这么难受 You don"t throw away what we had, just like that 你不应该像那样丢弃我们的所有 I was just fuckin them girls, I was gon" get right back 我只是搞了那些女孩,但我还是会回来 They say you can"t turn a bad girl good 他们说你不能让坏女孩变好 But once a good girl"s goin bad, she"s gone forever.. 但是一旦好女孩变坏,她就永远变了 And more forever 永远 Shit I gotta live with the fact I did you wrong forever 操,我要活在我对你犯下的错之中,永远 61I can"t see "em comin down my eyes 我看不见他们从我眼里流出 So I gotta make the song cry 所以我让这首歌哭

good girl gone bad的介绍

《Good Girl Gone Bad》是巴巴多斯女歌手蕾哈娜的第三张录音室专辑,由Def Jam和SRP唱片公司于2007年5月31日发行,普通版收录12支歌曲,制作人包括The Carter Admistration、Carl Sturken等。《Good Girl Gone Bad》以16.2万的首周销量空降公告牌专辑榜亚军。1获得由朱诺奖授予的年度最佳国际专辑奖。

good girl gone bad语法

has/had gone bad

good girl gone bad中文歌词翻译

[ti:Good Girl Gone Bad][ar:Rihanna][al:Good Girl Gone Bad][by:Thankgod(AKA COR)rick@reborn.com][00:00.00]Good Girl Gone Bad - Rihanna[00:05.00]Lyrics by Thankgod(AKA COR)[00:10.00]-------------------------------------------------------------------[00:20.83]We stay moving around solo[00:23.31]Ask us where you at[00:24.89]We don"t know and don"t care (don"t care)[00:27.27]All we know is we was at home cuz you left us there[00:31.39]You got your boys and got gone and left us all alone[00:35.33]Now she in the club with a freaky dress on[00:38.50]Cats dont want her to keep that dress on[00:41.14]Tryna get enough drinks in her system[00:43.27]Take her to the telly and make her a victim[00:46.30]Patrone on the brain[00:47.36]Ball Player in her face[00:48.37]They shake the spot[00:49.58]She"s just another case[00:51.34]Easy for a good girl to go bad[00:55.07]And once we gone[00:56.98]Best believe we gone forever[00:59.89]Don"t be the reason[01:02.39]Don"t be the reason[01:04.88]You better learn how to treat us right[01:10.88]Cuz once a good girl goes bad[01:15.04]We done forever[01:21.32]He stay with the flock of em o ya[01:23.86]Got a girl at home but he don"t care[01:26.33]Won"t care(Won"t care)[01:27.76]All he do is keep me at home[01:29.73]Won"t let me go no where[01:32.02]He thinks because im at home[01:33.60]I won"t be gettin" it on[01:35.70]And now im finding numbers[01:37.29]In the jacket pockets[01:38.78]Chicks calling the house[01:40.40]Non-stop[01:41.61]It"s getting out of control[01:43.47]Finally I can"t take no more[01:46.14]He finds a letter on the stairs[01:47.39]Saying this is the end[01:48.86]I packed my bag and left with your best friend, Oh[01:51.30]Easy for a good girl to go bad[01:55.43]And once we gone[01:57.42]Best believe we gone forever[02:00.44]Don"t be the reason[02:02.99]Don"t be the reason[02:05.54]You better learn how to treat us right[02:11.24]Cuz once a good girl goes bad[02:15.67]We done forever[02:22.20]We stay moving around solo[02:24.55]Ask us where you at[02:26.09]We don"t know[02:27.11]And don"t care (don"t care)[02:28.43]All we know is we was at home cuz you left us there[02:32.57]You got your boys and got gone and left us all alone, Oooooh[02:37.10]Easy for a good girl to go bad[02:40.91]And once we gone[02:43.02]Best believe we gone forever[02:45.90]Don"t be the reason[02:48.42]Don"t be the reason[02:50.94]You better learn how to treat us right[02:56.71]Cuz once a good girl goes bad[03:03.98]We done forever[03:14.13]We done forever[03:24.08]We done forever[03:28.85][03:31.23]Lyrics by Thankgod(AKA COR)[03:34.34]好女孩变坏了[ 00:00.00 ]好女孩坏了-r ihanna[ 00:05.00 ][ 00:10.00 ]--------------------------------------------- [ 00:20.83 ]我们留走动独奏[ 00:23.31 ]问我们你在[ 00:24.89 ]我们不知道该不该[ 00:27.27 ]我们所知道的是,我们是在家里你离开了我们,[ 00:31.39 ]你有你的男孩,并得到了,并给我们留下的所有单[ 00:35.33 ]现在,她在俱乐部着装上[ 00:38.50 ]猫不用希望她能保持着装上[ 00:41.14 ]得到足够的饮料,在她的系统[ 00:43.27 ]送她去了,使她的受害者[ 00:46.30 ]帕特罗内对人类大脑[ 00:47.36 ]球的球员,在她的脸[ 00:48.37 ]他们动摇现货[ 00:49.58 ]她只是另一起案件[ 00:51.34 ]容易有一个良好的小女孩变坏[ 00:55.07 ]一旦我们经历[ 00:56.98 ]最好的,相信我们的时代一去不复返[ 00:59.89 ]别说这是是原因[ 01:02.39 ]别说这就是是原因[ 01:04.88 ]您更好地了解如何对待我们的权利[ 01:10.88 ] 一旦一个好女孩云坏[ 01:15.04 ] :我们做永远[ 01:21.32 ]他留在此地的屋村o娅[ 01:23.86 ]一个女孩在家里,但他唐 "吨护理[ 01:26.33 ]韩元 "吨护理(韩元 "吨护理)[ 01:27.76 ]所有他做的是让我在家[ 01:29.73 ]韩元 "吨,让我去任何地方[ 01:32.02 ]他认为,因为IM在家里[ 01:33.60 ]我赢得了 " T是gettin " ,这对[ 01:35.70 ] ,现在的IM找到号码[ 01:37.29 ]在外套口袋[ 01:38.78 ]呼吁众议院[ 01:40.40 ]非一站式[ 01:41.61 ] "失去控制[ 01:43.47 ]我终于可以 "吨不采取更[ 01:46.14 ]他发现了一封信闻楼梯响[ 01:47.39 ]说,这是完[ 01:48.86 ] :我装我的袋子,并留下你最好的朋友,哦[ 01:51.30 ]容易有一个良好的小女孩变坏[ 01:55.43 ]一旦我们经历[ 01:57.42 ]最好的,相信我们的时代一去不复返[ 02:00.44 ]别说这是是原因[ 02:02.99 ]别说这是是原因[ 02:05.54 ]您更好地了解如何对待我们的权利[ 02:11.24 ] cuz一旦一个好女孩云坏[ 02:15.67 ] :我们做永远[ 02:22.20 ]我们留走动独奏[ 02:24.55 ]问我们你在[ 02:26.09 ]我们别说这是是原因[ 02:27.11 ]别说这是是原因[ 02:28.43 ]我们所知道的是,我们是在家里cuz你离开了我们,有[ 02:32.57 ] ,你有你的男孩,并得到了,并给我们留下的一切,仅oooooh[ 02:37.10 ]容易有一个良好的小女孩变坏[ 02:40.91 ]一旦我们经历[ 02:43.02 ]最好的,相信我们的时代一去不复返[ 02:45.90 ]别说这是是原因[ 02:48.42 ]别说这是是原因[ 02:50.94 ]您更好地了解如何对待我们的权利[ 02:56.71 ]一旦一个好女孩云坏[ 03:03.98 ]我们做永远[ 03:14.13 ]我们做永远[ 03:24.08 ]我们做永远[ 03:28.85 ][ 03:31.23 ][ 03:34.34 ]


WideCharToMultiByte 实现宽字节转换到窄字节MultiByteToWideChar 实现窄字节转换到宽字节WideCharToMultiByte 的代码页用来标记与新转换的字符串相关的代码页;MultiByteToWideChar 的代码页用来标记与一个多字节字符串相关的代码页,[1]、常用的代码页有 CP_ACP 和 CP_UTF8 两个:使用 CP_ACP 代码页就实现了 ANSI 与 Unicode 之间的转换;--- 我们所用的!使用 CP_UTF8 代码页就实现了 UTF-8 与 Unicode 之间的转换。[2]、dwFlags 参数允许我们进行额外的控制,但是,一般情况下都不使用这个标志,直接传递 0 就行了。[3]、lpDefaultChar和pfUsedDefaultChar:只有当WideCharToMultiByte函数遇到一个宽字节字符,而该字符在uCodePage参数标识的代码页中并没有它的表示法时,WideCharToMultiByte函数才使用这两个参数。如果宽字节字符不能被转换,该函数便使用lpDefaultChar参数指向的字符。如果该参数是NULL(这是大多数情况下的参数值),那么该函数使用系统的默认字符。该默认字符通常是个问号。这对于文件名来说是危险的,因为问号是个通配符。pfUsedDefaultChar参数指向一个布尔变量,如果Unicode字符串中至少有一个字符不能转换成等价多字节字符,那么函数就将该变量置为TRUE。如果所有字符均被成功地转换,那么该函数就将该变量置为FALSE。当函数返回以便检查宽字节字符串是否被成功地转换后,可以测试该变量。● 两个转换函数的使用举例:char *cctryWideCharToAnsi(wchar_t *pWideChar){if (!pWideChar) return NULL;char *pszBuf = NULL;int needBytes = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pWideChar, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);if (needBytes > 0){pszBuf = new char[needBytes+1];ZeroMemory(pszBuf, (needBytes+1)*sizeof(char));WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pWideChar, -1, pszBuf, needBytes, NULL, NULL);}return pszBuf;}wchar_t* p = L"这个是宽字节转窄字节";char* buf = cctryWideCharToAnsi(p);wchar_t *cctryAnsiCharToWide(char *pChar){if (!pChar) return NULL;wchar_t *pszBuf = NULL;int needWChar = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pChar, -1, NULL, 0);if (needWChar > 0){pszBuf = new wchar_t[needWChar+1];ZeroMemory(pszBuf, (needWChar+1)*sizeof(wchar_t));MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pChar, -1, pszBuf, needWChar);}return pszBuf;}char* p = "窄字节转宽字节";wchar_t* result;result = cctryAnsiCharToWide(p);最后记得delete[] ..〓※※※〓 使用过后千万别忘记释放空间…… delete[]...也可以使用 ● A2W、W2A、T2A、T2W 宏的使用以及注意事项A2W,就是ANSI转unicodeW2A,就是UNICODE转ANSIUSES_CONVERSION; //记得加上这句wchar_t* pw = L"你好,这个是宽字节转窄字节 ";char* p = W2A(pw);

good girl gone bad这是什么用法0 0为什么用gone?

一个乖乖女变成小太妹她是之前变坏的 所以用过去时




8704和8707是对应符号的UNICODE十进制表示值,该值明显大于十进制数256,所以绝对不是ASCII中原有字符(实际上是unicode字符)。& #8704 ; & #8707;指的是网页表现形式,意思是说如果制作网页的时候 写& #8704;打开后就显示∀。你的那个工具可以转换 估计可能是因为你直接输入了一个unicode字符所以原封不动给你打出来了。










produce:生产。生产的近义词 :临盆、出产、分娩临盆:Baby出产:Production分娩:childbirthproduce的同义词有Baby、Production、childbirth


produce有名词和动词两种形态,名词形态为production,动词形态为produce。作名词时意为“农产品,产品”为;作动词时意为“生产;引起;创作;生育,繁殖;生产,创作”。 扩展资料 例句:Then how to produce it?那么它是如何产生的呢?。Can you produce like this sample for me?你们可以按这件样品帮我生产吗?


一共有四季,两季女生,两季男生。《PRODUCE 101》是韩国第一个“经纪公司企划女团”的女团出道选拔计划,透过这项计划,101名来自不同经纪公司的女练习生,将进行竞争比赛,最终成绩由国民制作人投票最优秀的前11名,会成为一个团体发行单曲,并以M-net旗下艺人的身份进行活动为期一年的活动。相关新闻1、《PRODUCE101》放送分量差异引争议导演“出道后才是真正的战争”。2、《Produce101》获关注堪称最残酷出道选秀节目。3、《Produce 101》练习生入住集体宿舍,本月17日前将淘汰35名选手。4、《Produce 101》赛程过半官方推新举措杜绝投票作假。5、《Produce 101》今日发布首个排名官方:投票成绩差之毫厘。6、《Produce101》制作方回应字幕争议,“制作方并未介入排位选拔”。

make 和 produce有什么区别

Make表示制造,可以是工业上的生产,make cars/ planes制造汽车、飞机,但不能表示通过种植而获得的产品,比如:make rice and wheat ;produce表示生产,它可以是工业上的生产,也可以是可以表示生产汽车、机器通过制造而获得的产品,如:produce cars/ planes生产汽车、飞机,也可以表示生产粮食蔬菜、通过种植而获得的产品 They produce wheat and rice. 他们生产小麦、稻谷;而grow表示种植、栽培,如:They grow wheat and rice every year. 他们每年种小麦、水稻。


produce 是 产生; 生产; 制作; 创作 的意思。 其名词形式product 就是产品。reproduce 根据 merriam-webster词典,英文解释:: to make a copy of (something) 【复制】: to produce something that is the same as or very similar to (something else) 【以相同或相似的方式生产】: to cause (something) to happen again in the same way 【以相似的方式导致某事发生】




因为计算机只能处理数字,如果要处理文本,就必须先把文本转换为数字才能处理。最早的计算机在设计时采用8个比特(bit)作为一个字节(byte),所以,一个字节能表示的最大的整数就是255(二进制11111111=十进制255),0 - 255被用来表示大小写英文字母、数字和一些符号,这个编码表被称为ASCII编码,比如大写字母A的编码是65,小写字母z的编码是122。 如果要表示中文,显然一个字节是不够的,至少需要两个字节,而且还不能和ASCII编码冲突,所以,中国制定了GB2312编码,用来把中文编进去。类似的,日文和韩文等其他语言也有这个问题。 为了统一所有文字的编码,Unicode应运而生。Unicode把所有语言都统一到一套编码里,这样就不会再有乱码问题了。2)定义Unicode(统一码,万国码、单一码)是计算机科学领域里的一项业界标准,包括字符集、编码方案等。Unicode 是为了解决传统的字符编码方案的局限而产生的,它为每种语言中的每个字符设定了统一并且唯一的二进制编码,以满足跨语言、跨平台进行文本转换、处理的要求。1990年开始研发,1994年正式公布。 3)注意 在文字处理方面,统一码为每一个字符而非字形定义唯一的代码(即一个整数)。换句话说,统一码以一种抽象的方式(即数字)来处理字符,并将视觉上的演绎工作(例如字体大小、外观形状、字体形态、文体等)留给其他软件来处理,例如网页浏览器或是文字处理器。 4)作用能够使计算机实现跨语言、跨平台的文本转换及处理。 5)分布Unicode 到目前为止所定义的十七个平面中,第0平面(BMP)最为重要,其编码分布如下:注:中文范围 4E00-9FA5:CJK 统一表意符号 (CJK Unified Ideographs)0000-007F:C0控制符及基本拉丁文 (C0 Control and Basic Latin)0080-00FF:C1控制符及拉丁文补充-1 (C1 Control and Latin 1 Supplement)0100-017F:拉丁文扩展-A (Latin Extended-A)0180-024F:拉丁文扩展-B (Latin Extended-B)0250-02AF:国际音标扩展 (IPA Extensions)02B0-02FF:空白修饰字母 (Spacing Modifiers)0300-036F:结合用读音符号 (Combining Diacritics Marks)0370-03FF:希腊文及科普特文 (Greek and Coptic)Microsoft Word0400-04FF:西里尔字母(Cyrillic)0500-052F:西里尔字母补充 (Cyrillic Supplement)0530-058F:亚美尼亚语 (Armenian)0590-05FF:希伯来文 (Hebrew)0600-06FF:阿拉伯文 (Arabic)0700-074F:叙利亚文 (Syriac)0750-077F:阿拉伯文补充 (Arabic Supplement)0780-07BF:马尔代夫语 (Thaana)07C0-07FF:西非书面语言 (N"Ko)0800-085F:阿维斯塔语及巴列维语(Avestan and Pahlavi)0860-087F:Mandaic0880-08AF:撒马利亚语 (Samaritan)0900-097F:天城文书 (Devanagari)0980-09FF:孟加拉语 (Bengali)0A00-0A7F:锡克教文 (Gurmukhi)0A80-0AFF:古吉拉特文 (Gujarati)0B00-0B7F:奥里亚文 (Oriya)0B80-0BFF:泰米尔文 (Tamil)0C00-0C7F:泰卢固文 (Telugu)0C80-0CFF:卡纳达文 (Kannada)0D00-0D7F:德拉维族语 (Malayalam)0D80-0DFF:僧伽罗语 (Sinhala)0E00-0E7F:泰文 (Thai)0E80-0EFF:老挝文 (Lao)0F00-0FFF:藏文 (Tibetan)1000-109F:缅甸语 (Myanmar)10A0-10FF:格鲁吉亚语(Georgian)1100-11FF:朝鲜文 (Hangul Jamo)1200-137F:埃塞俄比亚语 (Ethiopic)1380-139F:埃塞俄比亚语补充 (Ethiopic Supplement)13A0-13FF:切罗基语 (Cherokee)1400-167F:统一加拿大土著语音节 (Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics)1680-169F:欧甘字母 (Ogham)16A0-16FF:如尼文(Runic)1700-171F:塔加拉语 (Tagalog)1720-173F:Hanunóo1740-175F:Buhid1760-177F:塔格班瓦文(Tagbanwa)1780-17FF:高棉语 (Khmer)1800-18AF:蒙古文 (Mongolian)18B0-18FF:Cham1900-194F:Limbu1950-197F:德宏泰语 (Tai Le)1980-19DF:新傣仂语 (New Tai Lue)19E0-19FF:高棉语记号 (Kmer Symbols)1A00-1A1F:Buginese1A20-1A5F:Batak1A80-1AEF:Lanna1B00-1B7F:巴厘语 (Balinese)1B80-1BB0:巽他语 (Sundanese)1BC0-1BFF:Pahawh Hmong1C00-1C4F:雷布查语(Lepcha)1C50-1C7F:桑塔利文(Ol Chiki)1C80-1CDF:曼尼普尔语(Meithei/Manipuri)1D00-1D7F:语音学扩展 (Phonetic Extensions)1D80-1DBF:语音学扩展补充 (Phonetic Extensions Supplemunicodeent)1DC0-1DFF:结合用读音符号补充 (Combining Diacritics Marks Supplement)1E00-1EFF:拉丁文扩充附加 (Latin Extended Additional)1F00-1FFF:希腊语扩充 (Greek Extended)2000-206F:常用标点(General Punctuation)2070-209F:上标及下标 (Superscripts and Subscripts)20A0-20CF:货币符号 (Currency Symbols)20D0-20FF:组合用记号 (Combining Diacritics Marks for Symbols)2100-214F:字母式符号 (Letterlike Symbols)2150-218F:数字形式 (Number Form)2190-21FF:箭头 (Arrows)2200-22FF:数学运算符 (Mathematical Operator)2300-23FF:杂项工业符号 (Miscellaneous Technical)2400-243F:控制图片 (Control Pictures)2440-245F:光学识别符 (Optical Character Recognition)2460-24FF:封闭式字母数字 (Enclosed Alphanumerics)2500-257F:制表符 (Box Drawing)2580-259F:方块元素 (Block Element)25A0-25FF:几何图形 (Geometric Shapes)2600-26FF:杂项符号 (Miscellaneous Symbols)2700-27BF:印刷符号 (Dingbats)27C0-27EF:杂项数学符号-A (Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A)27F0-27FF:追加箭头-A (Supplemental Arrows-A)2800-28FF:盲文点字模型 (Braille Patterns)2900-297F:追加箭头-B (Supplemental Arrows-B)2980-29FF:杂项数学符号-B (Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B)2A00-2AFF:追加数学运算符 (Supplemental Mathematical Operator)2B00-2BFF:杂项符号和箭头 (Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows)2C00-2C5F:格拉哥里字母(Glagolitic)2C60-2C7F:拉丁文扩展-C (Latin Extended-C)2C80-2CFF:古埃及语 (Coptic)2D00-2D2F:格鲁吉亚语补充 (Georgian Supplement)2D30-2D7F:提非纳文 (Tifinagh)2D80-2DDF:埃塞俄比亚语扩展 (Ethiopic Extended)2E00-2E7F:追加标点 (Supplemental Punctuation)2E80-2EFF:CJK 部首补充 (CJK Radicals Supplement)2F00-2FDF:康熙字典部首 (Kangxi Radicals)2FF0-2FFF:表意文字描述符 (Ideographic Description Characters)3000-303F:CJK 符号和标点 (CJK Symbols and Punctuation)3040-309F:日文平假名 (Hiragana)30A0-30FF:日文片假名 (Katakana)3100-312F:注音字母 (Bopomofo)3130-318F:朝鲜文兼容字母 (Hangul Compatibility Jamo)3190-319F:象形字注释标志 (Kanbun)31A0-31BF:注音字母扩展 (Bopomofo Extended)31C0-31EF:CJK 笔画 (CJK Strokes)31F0-31FF:日文片假名语音扩展 (Katakana Phonetic Extensions)3200-32FF:封闭式 CJK 文字和月份 (Enclosed CJK Letters and Months)3300-33FF:CJK 兼容 (CJK Compatibility)3400-4DBF:CJK 统一表意符号扩展 A (CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A)4DC0-4DFF:易经六十四卦符号 (Yijing Hexagrams Symbols)4E00-9FBF:CJK 统一表意符号 (CJK Unified Ideographs)A000-A48F:彝文音节 (Yi Syllables)A490-A4CF:彝文字根 (Yi Radicals)A500-A61F:VaiA660-A6FF:统一加拿大土著语音节补充 (Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Supplement)A700-A71F:声调修饰字母 (Modifier Tone Letters)A720-A7FF:拉丁文扩展-D (Latin Extended-D)A800-A82F:Syloti NagriA840-A87F:八思巴字 (Phags-pa)A880-A8DF:SaurashtraA900-A97F:爪哇语 (Javanese)A980-A9DF:ChakmaAA00-AA3F:Varang KshitiAA40-AA6F:Sorang SompengAA80-AADF:NewariAB00-AB5F:越南傣语 (Vi?t Thái)AB80-ABA0:Kayah LiAC00-D7AF:朝鲜文音节 (Hangul Syllables)D800-DBFF:High-half zone of UTF-16DC00-DFFF:Low-half zone of UTF-16E000-F8FF:自行使用区域 (Private Use Zone)F900-FAFF:CJK 兼容象形文字 (CJK Compatibility Ideographs)FB00-FB4F:字母表达形式 (Alphabetic Presentation Form)FB50-FDFF:阿拉伯表达形式A (Arabic Presentation Form-A)FE00-FE0F:变量选择符 (Variation Selector)FE10-FE1F:竖排形式 (Vertical Forms)FE20-FE2F:组合用半符号 (Combining Half Marks)FE30-FE4F:CJK 兼容形式 (CJK Compatibility Forms)FE50-FE6F:小型变体形式 (Small Form Variants)FE70-FEFF:阿拉伯表达形式B (Arabic Presentation Form-B)FF00-FFEF:半型及全型形式 (Halfwidth and Fullwidth Form)FFF0-FFFF:特殊 (Specials)什么是Unicode的更多相关文章Python标准模块--Unicode1 模块简介 Python 3中最大的变化之一就是删除了Unicode类型.在Python 2中,有str类型和unicode类型,例如, Python 2.7.6 (default, Oct 26 ...Unicode 和 UTF-8 有何区别?Unicode符号范围 (一个字符两个字节) | UTF-8编码方式 (十六进制) | (二进制) —————————————————————– 这儿有四个字节从-----00 00 ...[转]Python中的str与unicode处理方法早上被python的编码搞得抓耳挠腮,在搜资料的时候感觉这篇博文很不错,所以收藏在此. python2.x中处理中文,是一件头疼的事情.网上写这方面的文章,测次不齐,而且都会有点错误,所以在这里打算自 ...Unicode和UTF-8的关系Unicode和UTF-8都是表示编码,这个我一直都知道,但是这两个实际上是干什么用的,到底是怎么编码的,为什么有了Unicode还要UTF-8,它们之间有什么联系又有什么区别呢?这个问题一直困扰着我 ...python2.7 内置ConfigParser支持Unicode读写1 python编码基础 对应 C/C++ 的 char 和 wchar_t, Python 也有两种字符串类型,str 与 unicode: str与unicode # -*- coding: ut ...python中的str,unicode和gb2312实例1: v1=u "好神奇的问题!?" type(v1)->unicode v1.decode("utf-8")# not work,because v1 is unico ...Unicode转义(uXXXX)的编码和解码在涉及Web前端开发时, 有时会遇到uXXXX格式表示的字符, 其中XXXX是16进制数字的字符串表示形式, 在js中这个叫Unicode转义字符, 和 同属于转义字符. 在其他语言中也有类 ...SQL Server 中怎么查看一个字母的ascii编码或者Unicode编码参考文章:微信公众号文章 在sql中怎么查看一个字符的ascii编码,so easy !! select ASCII("a") SELECT CHAR(97) charNum SELECT UNICO ...从Java String实例来理解ANSI、Unicode、BMP、UTF等编码概念转(http://www.codeceo.com/article/java-string-ansi-unicode-bmp-utf.html#0-tsina-1-10971-397232819ff9a ...Unicode简介计算机只能处理二进制,因此需要把文字表示为二进制才能被计算机理解和识别. 一般的做法是为每一个字母或汉字分配一个id,然后用二进制表示这个id,存在内存或磁盘中.计算机可以根据二进制数据知道这个id是 ...随机推荐JVM java垃圾回收机制一.jvm简介 1.JVM内存运行时数据区的三个重要的地方 1.1.堆(heap):它是最大的一块区域,用于存放对象实例数组,是全局共享的. 1.2.栈(stack):全称为虚拟机栈,主要存储基本数据 ...动态赋id前端 HTML body标签相关内容 常用标签 表单标签 form表单标签 form 表单是一个包含表单元素的区域表单元素是允许用户在表单中输入内容,比如:文本域(textarea).输入框(input).单选框() 表单的作用 form标签作用是把用户输入数据信息 ...HIVE简单操作1.hive命令登录HIVE数据库后,执行show databases;命令可以看到hive数据库中有一个默认的default数据库. [root@hadoop hive]# hive Logging ...sublime的lua插件1.语法检测插件~ sublimelinter sublimelinter-lua sublimelinter-luacheck 以上插件装好以后,在环境变量里面有加上lua.exe就ok了! 这个就 ...python requests http请求导入模块 import requests import json header = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} data = {"} data ...CMB面试准备-基础1.简述 private. protected. public. internal 修饰符的访问权限 private : 在类的内部才可以访问. protected : 保护成员,该类内部和继承类中可 ...maven设置每次构建获取最新版本号build.gradle中的依赖是通过设置maven依赖实现.我们知道,maven可以说是通过一个坐标定位来确定唯一一个包的,所说的坐标定位分别是groupId,artifactId和version三 ...[LeetCode] 492. Construct the Rectangle_Easy tag: MathFor a web developer, it is very important to know how to design a web page"s size. So, given a speci ...js监听页面放大缩小<!DOCTYPE html><html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>d ...


肯定不对,boy是人,不能用it来指代,应该是He is a good boy或They are good boys。




he was not a good boy.


make, yield, manufacture等。

The Good Boy 歌词

歌曲名:The Good Boy歌手:Un Rodo Cora专辑:New York-BarentsburgThe Golden AgeI wished I lived in the golden ageGiving it up on the broadway stageHang with the rats and smoke cigarsJust have a break with Frank and count the starsDressed to the night, we"ve had too muchShiny jewels, casino cashTapping feet, wanna take the leadA trip back in time is all I needOh!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeWhoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooI"m on my way, gonna make it bigGonna make these songs for the chicks to digIt"s really hot and a little bit sourWe"re getting your strength to the maximum powerFlying away from realityWhatever-ever happened to gravity?I see it clear, a shooting starAnd I"m really gonna sing it like da-da-daSing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeYeah!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeYeah-yeah!Woah-oah!Wow!Ohhh silver screen on a rainy daySally balls in a cabaretShaking sticks, oh what a showFresh and jolly, from tip to toeRambling down the boulevardWith a fly, a bird, and a wooden heartMy mind is set, I walk the lineBut I never really thought that it would feel this fineYeah!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeSing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself free!Yeah!Hey! Hey!Whoo!Ooh!Oooooaaahh!Whoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooWhoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oohttp://music.baidu.com/song/15339931

英语反问句如何回答如:He is a good boy ,isn"he

Yes ,he is/No ,he isn"t.

You are my good boy!什么意思



produce -- the fresh produceproduct -- the product is new on the marketproduction -- the rate of production


produce 主要指农产品,是一个不可数的集合名词 。如:We need some fresh produce. production 通常不表示具体的产品,它主要指生产这一动作或过程,是不可数名词。如:The company is famous for the production of small cars. product 主要指工业生产的产品



iam goodboy是什么意思

I am good boy.是病句吧.应该是I am a good boy。我是一个好男孩。


1They took the produce of their farm to the market every day. 每天,他们都把,农场的产品,拿到市场卖。www.kekenet.com2But they are paid from the taxes, which are derived from the produce of industry;但是,他们的报酬得自税收,而税收则来自劳动产品;3The manna stopped the day after they ate this food from the land; there was nolonger any manna for the Israelites, but that year they ate of the produce ofCanaan. 他们吃了那地的出产,第二日吗哪就止住了,以色列人也不再有吗哪了。那一年,他们却吃迦南地的出产。4Now, in general, the produce of antibiotic is firstly extracted by clarification andsolvent, and is separated from fermentation liquid and at last do the vacuumevaporation of the liquid extraction. 现代抗生素的生产一般首先是通过澄清和溶剂萃取从发酵液中加以分离,在对萃取液进行真空蒸发制得。5Here Strickland lived, coming seldom to Papeete, on the produce of the land.思特里克兰德就靠着这块地的出产过活,很少到帕皮提去。

he is a good boy改成一般疑问句

Is he a good boy?

produce product production的区别

提出, 出示, 生产, 制造, 结(果实), 引起, 招致, 创作 e.g. produce offspring. 繁衍后代product:n.产品, 产物, 乘积 e.g.agricultural products 农产品 production:n.生产, 产品, 作品, (研究)成果 (produce的名词形式) e.g.timber used for the production of lumber and paper. 用于木料和纸张生产的木材 OKWAP Online Service Joy Wang

l am a good boy 是什么歌?

歌名就是good boy


I.O.I是由韩国YMC Entertainment于2016年5月推出的女子演唱组合,由林娜荣、金请夏、金世正、郑采妍、周洁琼、金素慧、俞琏静、_有情、康美娜、金度延、全昭弥十一名成员组成。1.林娜荣,1995年12月18日出生于韩国忠清南道牙山市,韩国女歌手,韩国女子组合PRISTIN成员,经纪公司是Pledis Entertainment。2.金请夏,1996年2月9日出生于韩国首尔,韩国女歌手,原女子演唱组合I.O.I成员。经纪公司是M&H Entertainment。3.金世正,1996年8月28日出生于韩国。韩国女歌手,韩国女子演唱组合gugudan成员,经纪公司是JellyFish Entertainment。4.郑采妍,1997年12月1日出生于韩国,韩国女歌手、主持人,韩国女子演唱组合DIA成员,经纪公司是 MBK Entertainment。5.周洁琼,艺名Pinky,1998年12月16日出生于中国浙江省台州市,毕业于首尔表演艺术高中,中国内地流行乐女歌手,韩国女子组合PRISTIN成员,经纪公司是Pledis Entertainment。6.金素慧 ,1999年7月19日出生于韩国,韩国女歌手,韩国女演员,原女子演唱组合I.O.I成员,经纪公司是S&P Entertainment。7.俞延静,1999年8月3日出生于韩国京畿道光明市,韩国女歌手、演员,女子演唱组合宇宙少女成员,经纪公司是STARSHIP Entertainment。8._有情,1999年11月12日出生于韩国,就读于首尔表演艺术高,韩国流行乐女歌手,女子演唱组合WekiMeki成员,经纪公司是Fantagio Entertainment。9.康美娜,1999年12月4日出生于韩国仁川广域市,韩国女歌手、主持人,韩国女子演唱组合gugudan成员,经纪公司是Jellyfish Entertainment。10.金度延,1999年12月4日出生于韩国,韩国女歌手,原女子演唱组合I.O.I成员,经纪公司 是Fantagio Entertainment。11.全昭弥,2001年3月9日出生于加拿大,韩国女歌手。经纪公司是JYP Entertainment。

2014mama权志龙good boy Rap中文谐音音歌词

form 贴吧Good BoyPut your hands in the airHow y"all feeling out thereWe gon"t party over here莫度 嘎体 sing it let me hear you sayla la la la la la la lala la la la la la la lala la la la la la la lala la la la la la la la la laI am a good boyI am a good good诶 hey lady 诶 hey baby诶 every bodyha ha ha~I am a good boy噢地 嘎那 苏了r 搜哟加特了r 那r 啵秒 怒列 布了r kio那接嫩 lil hamster but,巴咩 撒浪恩那怒 爹 gangster达囧 他刚汗 nun比( 加哟丝咯无n skin ship)弄 无几r 哼起r 哈r够r捏嘎 莫 咯哈嫩几 马拉嘿豆 推 古体怒起 咯 达 阿拉eh eh eh 啵gi哇嫩 达了r getI don"t play play play诺 嘎go 加南 安 嘿撒兰m特了r 马列 那 嘎特 南m加了r 就西m哈拉够诺木 米几 马拉 啵拉马拉 啵哈达够What you know about me捏嘎 那拉尼呀够I am a good boyI am a good good I am a good boyEvery fresh 汗 噢 恰里 咩 旁囧地嫩 西满 那嘎里m他满 撒加 几嫩 怒n噢丝咩 苏wi撒兰m特咯咯 主 肯But I don"t really care and I don"t need that(南 诺满 一丝秒 铁 捏get gi爹)一get get一米拉秒Yes I"m a playerAnd you could be my coach(love affair)eh eh eh 啵gi哇嫩 达了r getI don"t play play play诺 嘎够 加南 安 嘿撒兰m特了r 马列 那 嘎特 那m加了r 主西m哈拉够诺木 米几 马拉 啵那马那 啵哈达够What you know about me捏嘎 那拉尼呀够I am a good boyI am a good goodI am a good boyhey那哇 嘎体 粗门 求 旁 set我 豆话 嘎特 古门 够hey南 北马 唐 王加 诺嫩 古度了r 一咯啵里r咯 耶本 那加baby where u at捏搜呢 加巴 wi红哈尼 嘎where u at诺 哈嫩咯 爹料嘎 主 铁尼嘎Put your hands in the airHow y"all feeling out thereWe gon"t party over here莫度 嘎体 sing in let me hear you sayla la la la la la la lala la la la la la la lala la la la la la la lala la la la la la la la la laI am a good boyI am a good goodI am a good boy

good boy太阳权志龙 歌词分配



排名如下:1.李佳恩2.安宥真3.宫脇咲良4.张元英5.权恩菲6.后藤萌咲7.崔艺娜8.竹内美宥9.王怡人10.李彩燕11.山田野绘12.松井珠理奈在第一期播出之后,第一期节目播出后,produce48前12名名单已经揭晓,分别是宫脇咲良、安宥真、张元英、松井珠理奈、李佳恩、张圭悧、崔艺娜、李诗安、白间美瑠、找宥莉、王怡人、小嶋真子。初C位是来自日本的宫脇咲良。中国两位练习生初次评级都是B,王怡人排名第十一,王珂排名92。这次参加《produce48》的中国人有两位,除了来自乐华的王怡人,还有一位来自How Entertainment娱乐公司练习生,叫王珂,与着名歌手黄致列是同门,两位练习生的初次评级都是B,表现非常的不错。特点:这两位练习生各有特点,王怡人是00后有着多年民族舞的功底,和宋茜,程潇是一个类型,劈叉,翻跟头不在话下,因此一亮相就在韩国有着不低人气,首期排名就杀入了前十二,排在第11,而王珂目前看来是走可爱挂的,首次登台就以活泼搞怪引爆全场,据说她练习生时间不长,实力一般,目前人气较低,排在92名。


GOOD BOY - GD X TAEYANGPut your hands in the airHow y"all feeling out thereWe gon" party over here目度噶气sing it let me hear you sayLa la la la la la la laLa la la la la la la laLa la la la la la la laLa la la la la la la la laI am a good boyI am a good goodI am a good boy偶滴卡拿去谷搜要加den里难铺谬nun你普利kiao奈戒嫩lil hamster but旁没撒狼len拿怒定gangster大静大干安弄笔(掐艳死罗文skin ship)耨ong戒哼几海过内噶目王拿嫩几麦啊内读退滚气nun气录她啊啦Eh eh eh 铺给哇嫩她录给I don"t play play play耨卡谷强难啊内撒狼den嫩妈累 拿噶疼难加len就心哈啦谷耨木米几码啦铺拿吗拿蹦哈大谷What you know about me你噶难啊nia谷I am a good boyI am a good goodI am a good boyEveryday fresh 含无掐林也潘转退嫩心含难卡林她漫撒加急嫩nun无死没剧为撒狼den奥谷去跟But I don"t really careand I don"t need that(难耨漫一死谬退内给KI 带)一给给目一啦谬yes I"m a playerand you could be my coach(love affair)Eh eh eh 铺给哇嫩她录给I don"t play play play耨卡谷强难啊内撒狼den嫩妈累 拿噶疼难加len就心哈啦谷耨木米几码啦铺拿吗拿蹦哈大谷What you know about me你噶难啊nia谷I am a good boyI am a good goodI am a good boyHey拿哇卡气穷目去帮赛我冬话噶ten 工米过Hey难拍吗她王家耨嫩谷度len一老伯林拿液喷娘家baby where u at内孙len掐吧为安哈你噶where u at耨哈len录带料卡剧忒你噶Put your hands in the airHow y"all feeling out thereWe gon" party over here目毒噶气sing it let me hear you sayLa la la la la la la laLa la la la la la la laLa la la la la la la laLa la la la la la la la laI am a good boyI am a good goodI am a good boyPut your hands in the airHow y"all feeling out thereWe gon" party over heresing it let me hear you sayLa la la la la la la laLa la la la la la la laLa la la la la la la laLa la la la la la la la laI am a good boyI am a good goodI am a good boylil hamster butgangster( skin ship)Eh eh eh I don"t play play play


GOOD BOY作词: G-DRAGON作曲:G-DRAGON, FLIPTONES, FREEDO编曲:G-DRAGON演唱:GD X TAEYANG音译:Put your hands in the air How y"all feeling out there We gon" party over here 目度噶气 sing it let me hear you say La la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la la I am a good boy I am a good good I am a good boy 偶滴卡拿去谷搜 要加den里难铺谬nun你普利kiao 奈戒嫩lil hamster but 旁没撒狼len拿怒定 gangster 大静大干安弄笔(掐艳死罗文skin ship) 耨ong戒哼几海过 内噶目王拿嫩几麦啊内读退 滚气nun气录她啊啦Eh eh eh 铺给哇嫩她录给 I don"t play play play 耨卡谷强难啊内 撒狼den嫩妈累 拿噶疼难加len就心哈啦 谷 耨木米几码啦铺拿吗拿蹦哈大谷 What you know about me 你噶难啊nia谷I am a good boy I am a good good I am a good boy Everyday fresh 含无掐林也 潘转退嫩心含难卡林她漫撒加急嫩nun无死没 剧为撒狼den奥谷去跟But I don"t really care and I don"t need that (难耨漫一死谬退内给KI 带) 一给给目一啦谬 yes I"m a player and you could be my coach (love affair) Eh eh eh 铺给哇嫩她录给 I don"t play play play 耨卡谷强难啊内 撒狼den嫩妈累 拿噶疼难加len就心哈啦 谷 耨木米几码啦铺拿吗拿蹦哈大谷 What you know about me 你噶难啊nia谷I am a good boy I am a good good I am a good boy Hey 拿哇卡气穷目去 帮赛我冬话噶ten 工米过 Hey 难拍吗她王家 耨嫩谷度len一老伯林拿液喷娘家 baby where u at 内孙len掐吧为安哈你噶 where u at 耨哈len录带料卡剧忒你噶 Put your hands in the air How y"all feeling out there We gon" party over here 五毒噶气 sing it let me hear you say La la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la la I am a good boy I am a good good I am a good boy中韩歌词:Put your hands in the airHow y"all feeling out thereWe gon" party over hereubaa8ub450 uac19uc774 大家一起sing it let me hear you sayLa la la la la la la la La la la la la la la laLa la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la laI am a good boy I am a good good I am a good boyuc5b4ub51c uac00ub098 uc904uc744 uc11c 无论去哪都在排队看uc5ecuc790ub4e4uc740 ub0a0 ubcf4uba74 女人们一见我ub208uc5d0 ubd88uc744 ucf1c眼里就冒出火花ub0aeuc5d0ub294 lil hamster but, 白天是lil hamster but,ubc24uc5d0 uc0acub791uc744 ub098ub20c ub550 gangster 夜里分享爱情时则是gangsterub2e4uc815 ub2e4uac10ud55c ub208ube5b 多愁善感的眼神(uc790uc5f0uc2a4ub7ecuc6b4 skin ship)(自然的skin ship)ub10c uc6c0ucc14 ud760uce6b ud560uac78 你应该会被吓住ub124uac00 ubb58 uc6d0ud558ub294uc9c0 ub9d0 uc548 ud574ub3c4 ub3fc 不需说出你想要的是什么uad73uc774 ub208uce58ub85c ub2e4 uc54cuc544 我察言观色就能知道Eh eh eh ubcf4uae30uc640ub294 ub2e4ub974uac8c 与我看起来的样子不同的是I don"t play play playub110 uac16uace0 uc7a5ub09c uc548 ud574 我不会拿你开玩笑uc0acub78cub4e4uc740 ub9d0ud574 ub098 uac19uc740 ub0a8uc790ub97c uc870uc2ecud558ub77cuace0 人们都说要小心我这样的男人ub108ubb34 ubbffuc9c0 ub9d0uc544 不要过于信任ubcf4ub098ub9c8ub098 ubed4ud558ub2e4uace0 结果是明摆着的What you know about meub124uac00 ub0a0 uc544ub0d0uace0你真的了解我吗I am a good boy I am a good good I am a good boyEveryday fresh ud55c uc637 ucc28ub9bcuc5d0 ubc18uc804ub418ub294 uc2ecud55c ub0afuac00ub9bc 与Everyday fresh 的穿着相反的怕生ub2e4ub9cc uc0b4uc9dd uc9d3ub294 ub208uc6c3uc74cuc5d0 但轻轻眯着眼睛微笑uc8fcuc704 uc0acub78cub4e4 uc5bcuc5b4 uc8fduc74c 周围人就僵硬了But I don"t really care and I don"t need that(ub09c ub108ub9cc uc788uc73cuba74 ub3fc ub0b4uac8c uae30ub300) (我只要有你就够了 依靠着我吧)uc774uac8c uac8cuc784uc774ub77cuba74 如果只是场游戏yes I"m a player and you could be my coach (love affair)Eh eh eh ubcf4uae30uc640ub294 ub2e4ub974uac8c 与我看起来的样子不同的是I don"t play play playub110 uac16uace0 uc7a5ub09c uc548 ud574 我不会拿你开玩笑uc0acub78cub4e4uc740 ub9d0ud574 ub098 uac19uc740 ub0a8uc790ub97c uc870uc2ecud558ub77cuace0 人们都说要小心我这样的男人ub108ubb34 ubbffuc9c0 ub9d0uc544 不要过于信任ubcf4ub098ub9c8ub098 ubed4ud558ub2e4uace0 说结果是明摆着的What you know about meub124uac00 ub0a0 uc544ub0d0uace0 你真的了解我吗I am a good boy I am a good good I am a good boyHey ub098uc640 uac19uc774 ucda4uc744 ucdb0 ubc24 uc0c8uc6cc 和我一起跳舞度过这个夜晚ub3d9ud654 uac19uc740 uafc8uc744 uafd4 做童话般的梦吧Hey ub09c ubc31ub9c8 ud0c4 uc655uc790 我是骑着白马的王子ub108ub294 uad6cub450ub97c uc783uc5b4ubc84ub9b0 uc5b4uc5ecuc05c ub0aduc790 你是丢了高跟鞋的美丽娘子baby where u atub0b4 uc190uc744 uc7a1uc544 uc704ud5d8ud558ub2c8uae4c 抓住我的手吧 因为很危险where u atub110 ud558ub298ub85c ub370ub824uac00 uc904 ud14cub2c8uae4c 我将带你去天上Put your hands in the airHow y"all feeling out thereWe gon" party over hereubaa8ub450 uac19uc774 大家一起sing it let me hear you sayLa la la la la la la la La la la la la la la laLa la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la laI am a good boy I am a good good I am a good boy
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