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在营销中,我们将消费者认知中的行业差异点称之为POD。。我们都期望自己是行业领跑者,成为目标客户的首选。而为了完成这个目标,品牌必须具备高辨识度的差异化,否则前功尽弃。也许你一直在加强自身品牌的技术壁垒和各式各样的护城河,但当同行竞品发现你的差异化在客户口碑中奏效后,会争相模仿。这也说明了为什么,我们在面对消费市场的时候,也总想借鉴模仿大品牌的优势和特色,试图在市场占有率中分一杯羹。随着时间推移,这个高辨识度的差异化不再是某个品牌的专属,而成了诸多品牌人手一套的普遍特色,因为在消费者眼中,不具备这种差异化的品牌,已经不符合该行业的基本门槛。 所以,企业和品牌只能不断迭代全新的差异化,以便抗衡已经“过时”的老一套,在营销中,我们将消费者认知中的行业差异点称之为POD(point of difference),将消费者认知中的行业基本门槛称之为POP(point of parity)。 POD和POP,是一套检验品牌定位精准性的营销工具,适用于所有行业的所有阶段。


语法标注解释 pod英音:[p00d]美音:[pɑd] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释 pod1名词 n. [C]1. 荚;豆荚 2. 蚕茧;(蝗虫等的)卵囊 3. 容器;箱;(飞机的)吊舱;(宇宙飞船的)分离舱不及物动词 vi. 1. 生荚;结荚及物动词 vt. 1. 剥去(豆等)的荚pod2名词 n. 1. (海豹、鲸等的)一小群[C][(+of)]及物动词 vt. 1. 驱(海豹等)成群不及物动词 vi. 1. 聚成群pod3名词 n. [C]1. (螺旋钻上的)纵槽 2. (手摇曲柄钻上的)钻头承窝POD@4缩写词 abbr. = print-on-demand 电子印刷业按顾客需求组合资料的一种新型服务P.O.D.缩写词 abbr. 1. =pay on death 死亡时即付 2. =pay on delivery 【商】货到时付款 3. =Pocket Oxford Dictionary 《袖珍牛津字典》 4. =Post


“pod”在英汉词典中的解释POD@4abbr.= print-on-demand 电子印刷业按顾客需求组合资料的一种新型服务pod1KK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 荚;豆荚2. 蚕茧;(蝗虫等的)卵囊3. 容器;箱;(飞机的)吊舱;(宇宙飞船的)分离舱vi.1. 生荚;结荚vt.1. 剥去(豆等)的荚pod2KK: []DJ: []n.1. (海豹、鲸等的)一小群[C][(+of)]vt.1. 驱(海豹等)成群vi.1. 聚成群pod3KK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. (螺旋钻上的)纵槽2. (手摇曲柄钻上的)钻头承窝POD 卸货港  port of delivery(POD), port of discharge(POD), 卸货港POD 交付凭证  Proof of Delivery 交付凭证 P.O.D.乐队P.O.D.的意思就是Payable onDeath的简称。过氧化物酶(英文:Peroxidase)按需打印(print on demand)pod(Plain Old Documentation), 是一种简单而易用的标记型语言(置标语言),它经常用于在perl程序和模块中的文档书写。POD是指实验室超纯水制备所用独立取水器的简写,现代表着“积极掌控,优化流程,惬意体验”(Proactive control,Optimal process,Delighted experience)   Pod网荚   网荚是CISCO路由器配置中常用的一个术语,它是区域的别称(如OSPF协议的区域,每个区域代表一个网荚)。区域是一组路由器的集合,区域内的路由器保存该区域中所有链路和路由器的详细信息。   PLAIN OLD DATA   plain old data 的缩写(POD)一个普通的古老的数据结构(POD)是一种数据结构。它仅作为被动的收藏的字段值,不使用封包或者otherobject-oriented特征。(A plain old data structure(POD) is a data structurethat is represented only as passive collections of field values, without using encapsulationor otherobject-orientedfeatures.) 员工操作仪表盘  Production operator dashboard 缩写为POD,意思为员工操作仪表盘,即产线操作员界面。   pod 纸包咖啡的简称编辑本段POD 本征正交分解  Proper orthogonal decomposition 缩写为POD,意思是本征正交分解,是一种用于提取离散数据特征信息的数学方法。POD是performance optimization datacenter的缩写,它是一个数据中心产品。






pod是一个英语单词,释义为 n. 豆荚, 荚, 荚果;(飞机的)吊舱, 发射架;(宇宙飞船)分离舱;(保护性的)容器, 箱;(海豚等海洋生物)一小群;(某些昆虫的)卵囊;<矿>扁豆形矿体 vt. 把(豆等)剥出荚, 去荚;结荚果。


“POD”经常作为“Professional and Organizational Development”的缩写来使用,中文中表示:“专业和组织发展”。人力资源POD部门包括了以下功能:人员发展、组织发展、员工关系、管理与销售培训等。HR,是“Human Resource”的英语缩写,即人力资源,全称人力资源管理,又称人事。人事管理是为实现一定的目标,对所属工作人员进行选拔、使用、培养、考核、奖惩等一系列的管理活动。学术界一般把人力资源管理分八大模块或者六大模块:1、人力资源规划;2、招聘与配置;3、培训与开发;4、绩效管理;5、薪酬福利管理;6、劳动关系管理。诠释人力资源管理六大模块核心思想所在,帮助企业主掌握员工管理及人力资源管理的本质。


POD(Proof of Delirery)交付凭据,POD是特快专递中最重要的票据.它一共分四联(也有五联、六联的),第一联作为出口报关的票据留存始发地;第二联贴在货品包装上随货偕行,作为收件人查对货品的。依据,而且在随货票据丢失时可以作为入口报关票据;第三联留存发货地速递公司作为结算运费和统计的依据;第四联交发件人作为发货凭据国际商业快递是指在两个或两个以上的国家(或地区)之间所进行的快递、物流业务。当国际快件到达目的国家之后,需要在目的国进行配送才能将快件送达最终目的地。国际快递包裹运送速度快、服务优,但价格也相对较高,常见的物流承运商有如UPS、DHL Express、FedEx等。


Pod英 [pu0252d] 美 [pɑu02d0d] 豆荚;过氧化物酶;按需印刷;正交分解;氧化物酶;


语法标注解释 pod英音:[p00d]美音:[pɑd] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释 pod1名词 n. [C]1. 荚;豆荚 2. 蚕茧;(蝗虫等的)卵囊 3. 容器;箱;(飞机的)吊舱;(宇宙飞船的)分离舱不及物动词 vi. 1. 生荚;结荚及物动词 vt. 1. 剥去(豆等)的荚pod2名词 n. 1. (海豹、鲸等的)一小群[C][(+of)]及物动词 vt. 1. 驱(海豹等)成群不及物动词 vi. 1. 聚成群pod3名词 n. [C]1. (螺旋钻上的)纵槽 2. (手摇曲柄钻上的)钻头承窝POD@4缩写词 abbr. = print-on-demand 电子印刷业按顾客需求组合资料的一种新型服务P.O.D.缩写词 abbr. 1. =pay on death 死亡时即付 2. =pay on delivery 【商】货到时付款 3. =Pocket Oxford Dictionary 《袖珍牛津字典》 4. =Post


pod[英][pu0252d][美][pɑ:d]n.荚,豆荚; (飞机的)吊舱; (航天器或船只上可与船只主体分离的)分离舱; vi.结豆荚; vt.把(豆等)剥出荚; 去荚; 网络导流罩; 容器; 豆荚; 第三人称单数:pods复数:pods现在分词:podding过去式:podded过去分词:podded 双语例句 1tropical American annual herb having an inflated pod in which the ripe seeds rattle.热带美洲一年生草本植物,在鼓胀的荚里成熟的种子哗哗响。

Nerver say goodbye 歌词

这歌儿它不是有韩语的部分么....怎么出全英文的啊Orz还是说有另外一版 本来唱的就都是英文啊? 还是让把韩语翻译成英语?

找一首韩国歌 抄袭不想长大的调调 有句歌词是never say goodbye 叫什么歌名 蛮好听的

never say goodbye

anything goes well为什么不用good?



Yea whats going on 2006 mario and nastybrand new classicride with us its about two guys and hot girlsyo keep it up keep it uptwo step with me come onlets do it do it do it like this1 2 baby clap ur handsEverybody lets go ha ha ha haI want yall ladies clap againLet me hear u say wut wutu li dan du li its my storydo ne vi ma mi hv mi ne nun ga vi nun mu line ua vi si ga nvn ne mu na na do gi le ne mu gi leda dv han na vi ma mv lo do la o gil bi lethe ghetto ne vi ma mi gvl li nvn de lo nen gv de lonever say goodbye so get upif you go awayyou will see me crydon"t you let me gobaby don"t you let me downnvl ham ge i se do de ga ga zi an hvne den vi mi do eb nvn zin bu han sa langdon"t you let me gobaby don"t you let me downyou never say good byehan dong an meng ha ni u du ke ni an zada si seng ga he zi manmem cul sun eb ge seon tong gv de seng ga hal su ba ge eb nvnne za si ni mi uedon"t you let me gobaby don"t you let me down(Mario) And we the best aint no need to stressMario and nasty aint no need to impressYo! ne vi ma mvl ba da na vi ma mvn byen ci an hahe na mam teng bin ce lo bi ue du zi nan ha(Mario)Call it a fling or a love thingI don"t care I can handle any drama that you bringbim go se ue mam go sa lang v lo ce ue(Mario)with out u im better no one could do it betterhello cute nasty best mcMario right tight errnight that"s rightI am still in love with you heyne ma mvl zel de i he mo han da goI"m still in love with you heyLet me hear you say hey hey heyYo check it nig a na lvl de nan da goo zi gi se sang e ne la nye za ha na la gogv gv si nam za da ge po gi ha zi nan haonly u o zi ha na only u i zin an hababy 1 2 3 4 I got the mic checkif you go awayyou will see me crydon"t you let me gobaby don"t you let me downnvl ham ge i se do de ga ga zi an hvne de vi mi do eb nvn zin bu han sa langdon"t you let me gobaby don"t you let me downyou never say good byehan dong an meng ha ni u du ke ni an zada si seng ga he zi manmem cul sun eb ge seon tong gv de seng ga hal su ba ge eb nvnne za si ni mi ueyou never say good bye (come on come on)han dong an meng ha ni (wana ride with the homie right )u du ke ni an za da (Wana get right then get high )si seng ga he zi man (ride with me ill ride with you)mem cul sun eb ge se (you go down on me ill go down on you)on tong gv de seng ga (yeah~)ne za si ni mi ue (One more time now)don"t you let me go (Say what)don"t you let me down (One more time now)1 2 baby clap ur handsEverybody lets go ha ha ha haI want yall ladies clap againLet me hear u say hey hey heyhal su ba ge eb nvn (just me and you come on)sa lang do byen ci an ha na vi mam do byen ci an hana vi gu mv lil zi nan ha zel de po gi ne daIll logic real toxic switch quicker than tiptonichetero sexual the kids flow is incrediblesa lang do byen ci an ha na vi mam do byen ci an hana vi gu mv lil zi nan ha zel de po gi ne da yea~

never say goodbye的歌词(别找错了),有一句是you never say goodbye

李俊基 - never say goodbyeYea whats going on 2006 mario and nastybrand new classicride with us its about two guys and hot girlsyo keep it up keep it uptwo step with me come onlets do it do it do it like this1 2 baby clap ur handsEverybody lets go ha ha ha haI want yall ladies clap againLet me hear u say wut wutu li dan du li its my storydo ne vi ma mi hv mi ne nun ga vi nun mu line ua vi si ga nvn ne mu na na do gi le ne mu gi leda dv han na vi ma mv lo do la o gil bi lethe ghetto ne vi ma mi gvl li nvn de lo nen gv de lonever say goodbye so get upif you go awayyou will see me crydon"t you let me gobaby don"t you let me downnvl ham ge i se do de ga ga zi an hvne den vi mi do eb nvn zin bu han sa langdon"t you let me gobaby don"t you let me downyou never say good byehan dong an meng ha ni u du ke ni an zada si seng ga he zi manmem cul sun eb ge seon tong gv de seng ga hal su ba ge eb nvnne za si ni mi uedon"t you let me gobaby don"t you let me down(Mario) And we the best aint no need to stressMario and nasty aint no need to impressYo! ne vi ma mvl ba da na vi ma mvn byen ci an hahe na mam teng bin ce lo bi ue du zi nan ha(Mario)Call it a fling or a love thingI don"t care I can handle any drama that you bringbim go se ue mam go sa lang v lo ce ue(Mario)with out u im better no one could do it betterhello cute nasty best mcMario right tight errnight that"s rightI am still in love with you heyne ma mvl zel de i he mo han da goI"m still in love with you heyLet me hear you say hey hey heyYo check it nig a na lvl de nan da goo zi gi se sang e ne la nye za ha na la gogv gv si nam za da ge po gi ha zi nan haonly u o zi ha na only u i zin an hababy 1 2 3 4 I got the mic checkif you go awayyou will see me crydon"t you let me gobaby don"t you let me downnvl ham ge i se do de ga ga zi an hvne de vi mi do eb nvn zin bu han sa langdon"t you let me gobaby don"t you let me downyou never say good byehan dong an meng ha ni u du ke ni an zada si seng ga he zi manmem cul sun eb ge seon tong gv de seng ga hal su ba ge eb nvnne za si ni mi ueyou never say good bye (come on come on)han dong an meng ha ni (wana ride with the homie right )u du ke ni an za da (Wana get right then get high )si seng ga he zi man (ride with me ill ride with you)mem cul sun eb ge se (you go down on me ill go down on you)on tong gv de seng ga (yeah~)ne za si ni mi ue (One more time now)don"t you let me go (Say what)don"t you let me down (One more time now)1 2 baby clap ur handsEverybody lets go ha ha ha haI want yall ladies clap againLet me hear u say hey hey heyhal su ba ge eb nvn (just me and you come on)sa lang do byen ci an ha na vi mam do byen ci an hana vi gu mv lil zi nan ha zel de po gi ne daIll logic real toxic switch quicker than tiptonichetero sexual the kids flow is incrediblesa lang do byen ci an ha na vi mam do byen ci an hana vi gu mv lil zi nan ha zel de po gi ne da yea~

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Huddersfield Choral Society专辑:The Carols AlbumLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/2736575

God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen歌手:Westminster Concert Bell Choir专辑:Christmas At WestministerLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/15111597

God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen歌手:Kenny Burrell专辑:Have Yourself A Soulful Little ChristmasLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/7901094

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Good Lovelies专辑:Under The MistletoeLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/7530047

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:David Lanz专辑:Christmas EveLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/3454827

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:The New World Orchestra专辑:Christmas SalsaLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/2885360

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Guy Lombardo专辑:Sing The Songs Of ChristmasLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/2922821

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (Album Version)歌手:Boney James专辑:Boney"S Funky ChristmasGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8421749

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Bing Crosby专辑:Christmas Is A Comin"Loreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/7386629

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Turn Up The Fun Performers专辑:Turn Up The Fun! ChristmasLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/2647400

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Barry McGuire专辑:50 Songs Of ChristmasLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/2811943

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Downhere专辑:How Many Kings: Songs For ChristmasLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/2954797

God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen歌手:Nat King Cole专辑:Holidays & HitsLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/2884706

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Jim Brickman专辑:The Hymns & Carols Of ChristmasLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/2919619

求Nerve say good bye歌词

Neither One Of Us (Wants To Be The First To Say Good-bye) Gladys Knight & The Pips (Jim Weatherly) It"s sad to think we"re not gonna make it And it"s gotten to the point Where we just can"t fake it For some ungodly reason We just won"t let it die I guess neither one of us Neither one of us wants to be the first to say good-bye I keep wondering Gladys KnightWhat I"m gonna do without you And I guess you must be wondering the same thing too So we go on Go on together Living a lie Because neither one of us wants to be the first to say good-bye Every time I find the nerve Every time I find the nerve to say I"m leaving Memories Those old memories get in my way Lord knows it"s only me Only know it"s me When it comes to saying good-bye That a simple word that I just cannot say There can be no way There can be no way This can have a happy ending No, no So we just go on Hurting and pretending Convincing ourselves to give it just one more try Because I guess neither one of us wants to be the first to say Neither one of us wants to be the first to say Neither one of uswants to be the first to say Farewell my love Goodbye

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Smokey Robinson & the Miracles专辑:100 Essential Christmas SongsLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/7377417

never say goodbay 是哪首歌的歌词。女的唱的,又有中文歌词。

《never say goodbye》 《我的女孩》主题曲歌词:Mario&Nasty-never say good byeYea, whats going on, 2006, mario and nasty,brand new classic,ride with us, its about two guys and hot girls,yo keep it up keep it up,two step with me, come on,lets do it do it do it like this1,2 baby clap ur handsEverybody lets go ha ha ha haI want yall ladies clap againLet me hear u say wut wutu li dan du li its my storydo ne vi ma mi hv mi ne nun ga vi nun mu line ua vi si ga nvn ne mu na na do gi le ne mu gi leda dv han na vi ma mv lo do la o gil bi lethe ghetto ne vi ma mi gvl li nvn de lo nen gv de lonever say goodbye so get upif you go awayyou will see me crydon"t you let me gobaby don"t you let me downnvl ham ge i se do de ga ga zi an hvne den vi mi do eb nvn zin bu han sa langdon"t you let me gobaby don"t you let me downyou never say good byehan dong an meng ha ni u du ke ni an zada si seng ga he zi manmem cul sun eb ge seon tong gv de seng ga hal su ba ge eb nvnne za si ni mi uedon"t you let me gobaby don"t you let me down(Mario) And we the best aint no need to stressMario and nasty aint no need to impressYo! ne vi ma mvl ba da na vi ma mvn byen ci an hahe na mam teng bin ce lo bi ue du zi nan ha(Mario)Call it a fling or a love thingI don"t care I can handle any drama that you bring.bim go se ue mam go sa lang v lo ce ue(Mario)with out u im better no one could do it betterhello cute nasty best mcMario right tight errnight that"s right.I am still in love with you heyne ma mvl zel de i he mo han da goI"m still in love with you heyLet me hear you say hey hey heyYo check it nig a na lvl de nan da goo zi gi se sang e ne la nye za ha na la gogv gv si nam za da ge po gi ha zi nan haonly u o zi ha na only u i zin an hababy 1,2,3,4 I got the mic checkif you go awayyou will see me crydon"t you let me gobaby don"t you let me downnvl ham ge i se do de ga ga zi an hvne de vi mi do eb nvn zin bu han sa langdon"t you let me gobaby don"t you let me downyou never say good byehan dong an meng ha ni u du ke ni an zada si seng ga he zi manmem cul sun eb ge seon tong gv de seng ga hal su ba ge eb nvnne za si ni mi ueyou never say good bye (come on come on)han dong an meng ha ni (wana ride with the homie right?)u du ke ni an za da (Wana get right then get high )si seng ga he zi man (ride with me ill ride with you)mem cul sun eb ge se (you go down on me ill go down on you)on tong gv de seng ga (yeah~)hal su ba ge eb nvn (just me and you come on)ne za si ni mi ue (One more time now)don"t you let me go (Say what)don"t you let me down (One more time now)1,2 baby clap ur handsEverybody lets go ha ha ha haI want yall ladies clap againLet me hear u say hey hey heysa lang do byen ci an ha na vi mam do byen ci an hana vi gu mv lil zi nan ha zel de po gi ne daIll logic real toxic switch quicker than tiptonichetero sexual the kids flow is incrediblesa lang do byen ci an ha na vi mam do byen ci an hana vi gu mv lil zi nan ha zel de po gi ne da yea~

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Barry McGuire专辑:25 Songs Of ChristmasLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/2812144

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Mariah Carey专辑:Merry ChristmasGod Rest Ye Merry GentlemenMariah CareyGod rest ye merry gentlemenLet nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astrayO tidings of comfort and joyComfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joyGod rest ye merry, gentlemenLet nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/848438

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:William Holly专辑:Guitar ChristmasLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/3482545

God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen歌手:Nat King Cole专辑:The Christmas SongLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/2898480

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Craig Chaquico专辑:HolidayLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/2927680

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Marion Williams专辑:Through Many DangersLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/15166412

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:The Chieftains专辑:The Bells Of DublinLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/7520700

God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen歌手:Mario Lanza&Paul Baron专辑:Carols For Christmas - Original Album ClassicsGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8875398

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Charlie Byrd专辑:The Charlie Byrd Christmas AlbumGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10283520

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Jimmy Smith专辑:Christmas "64God Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8196118

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Johnny Mathis专辑:Christmas With Johnny MathisGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8892105

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Jimmy Smith专辑:Verve Unmixed ChristmasGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10280341

God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen歌手:Charlotte Church专辑:Dream A Dream - Uk/International VersionGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9143521

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:T Bone Burnett专辑:Acoustic ChristmasGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8213994

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:The Klezmonauts专辑:Oy To The World: A Klezmer ChristmasGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15338721

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Marian Mcpartland专辑:A Concord Jazz ChristmasGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10315253

急求李准基的《never say goodbye》歌词



第一种韩文: yea, whats going on, 2006, mario and nasty, brand new classic, ride with us, its about two guys and hot girls, yo keep it up keep it up, two step with me, come on, lets do it do it do it like this 1,2 baby clap ur hands everybody lets go ha ha ha ha i want yall ladies clap again let me hear u say wut wut 우리 단둘이 its my story 또 너의 맘이 흠이 내 눈가의 눈물이 너와의 시간은 너무나도 길어 너무 길어 따뜻한 나의 맘으로 돌아오길 빌어 the ghetto 너의 맘이 끌리는 대로 넌 그대로 never say goodbye so get up if you go away you will see me cry don t you let me go baby don t you let me down 늘 함께 있어도 더 가깝지 않은 어떤 의미도 없는 진부한 사랑 don t you let me go baby don t you let me down you never say good bye 한동안 멍하니 우두커니 앉아 다시 생각했지만 멈출 순 없겠어 온통 그대 생각 할 수밖에 없는 내 자신이 미워 don t you let me go baby don t you let me down (mario) and we the best aint no need to stress mario and nasty aint no need to impress (보람)yo! 너의 맘을 받아 나Ꮿ 第二种中文:Yea, whats going on, 2006, mario and nasty, brand new classic, yea ride with us, its about two guys and hot girls, ye keep it up keep it up, two step with me, come on, lets do it do it do it like this 1,2 baby clap ur hands Everybody lets go ha ha ha ha I want yall ladies clap again ye Let me hear u say wut wut 爱情留的痕迹好象真实的MOVIES 都那么多的过去 让我心里难过受到伤害 没关系 告诉自己不必这么担心别难过 爱情不是人生的一切 你就不要失望 never say goodbye so get up if you go away you will see me cry don"t you let me go baby don"t you let me down 你在我身边 却心不在焉 表情很奇怪 让我感觉危险 don"t you let me go baby don"t you let me down you never say good bye 我不让你离开 你是否在想她 我应该伤心吗 我很想忘记你 却停不住爱你 写怎样的结局 在爱情故事里 don"t you let me go baby don"t you let me down yo yo yo And we the best aint no need to stress aint no need to impress 说什么我是你的你的,你得耐心听我说 non stop you are just a very good friend yo Call it a fling or a love thing I don"t care I can handle any drama that you bring. 不要怕别再发呆 坦白别再骗我 你的心里还有我吗 告诉我在想我吗 baby you are right tightaoo nialit that erriorn with out u im better no one could do it better hello cute nasty best mc right tight errnight that"s right. I am still in love with you hey 别总是怀疑我的每句话 I"m still in love with you hey Let me hear you say hey hey hey Yo check it 相信你和我的约定 别浪费我们最完美的激情时光 我对你一如既往 不要让我失望 OH baby (only you) baby none (missing you) baby 1,2,3,4 I got the mic check if you go away you will see me cry don"t you let me go baby don"t you let me down 你在我身边 却心不在焉 表情很奇怪 让我感觉危险 don"t you let me go baby don"t you let me down you never say good bye 我不让你离开 你是否在想她 我应该伤心吗 我可以忘记你 你保重你自己 写怎样的结局 在爱情故事里 (one more time now) you never say good bye(come on come on) 我不让你离开(wana ride with the homie right?) 你是否在想她(Wana get right then get high ) 我应该伤心吗(ride with me ill ride with you) 我很想忘记你(you go down on me ill go down on you) 却停不住爱你 (yeah~) 写怎样的结局(just me and you come on) 在爱情故事里(One more time now) don"t you let me go (one more time now) baby don"t you let me down (One more time now) 1,2 baby clap ur hands Everybody lets go ha ha ha ha I want yall ladies clap again year Let me U say hey hey hey 我想问你在你心里 别躲着我先问你 我和你是什么关系 就是你在骗我 你知道我喜欢你 非常温柔 非常能够 给我超感享受 kids flow is incredible 我想问在你心里 我和你是什么关系 我和你是什么关系 baby never say goodbye yea

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Bethany Dillon专辑:Wow Christmas [Green]Loreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/7492387

god rest ye merry gentlemen/we three kings中文叫什么

god rest ye merry gentlemen/we three kings上帝赐予你快乐,先生们/我们的三个国王重点词汇rest休息; 剩余部分; 支持物; 宁静,安宁; 倚靠[支撑]; 静止; 停止; 安心; 使休息; 使轻松; 使长眠; 使依赖merry愉快的,快活的; 有趣的; 微醉的; 生动的; 甜樱桃; 梅里gentlemen先生; 绅士; 阁下; 有身份的人three kings【电影】夺金三王相关歌曲:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen/We Three Kings歌手:Orla Fallon所属专辑:Winter, Fire And SnowGod rest ye merry, gentlemen上帝赐予你快乐,先生们Let nothing you dismay让万事充满希望,无事令你惊慌Remember, Christ, our Saviour请记得基督,我们的救世主Was born on Christmas day诞生于圣诞节To save us all from Satan"s power从撒旦的权势中拯救我们When we were gone astray……希望对你有帮助

god rest ye merry gentlemen维也纳童声合唱团的歌词

God rest ye merry, gentlemen, 上帝赐予你快乐Let nothing you dismay, 让万事充满希望,无事令你惊慌Remember Christ our Savior 请记得基督,我们的救世主Was born on Christmas day, 诞生于圣诞节To save us all from Satan"s pow"r 为从撒旦的力量下挽救我们所有人When we were gone astray; 在我们误入歧途之时;O tidings of comfort and joy, 噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦Comfort and joy, 舒适与喜悦O tidings of comfort and joy. 噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦From God our heavenly Father 从上帝,我们的天父那儿A blessed angel came. 一位被祝福的天使来了.And unto certain shepherds 降临至牧羊人们之中Brought tidings of the same, 带来了同样(令人欣喜的)喜讯,How that in Bethlehem was born 告诉他们,在伯利恒诞生The Son of God by name: 神的儿子的名字:O tidings of comfort and joy, 噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦Comfort and joy, 舒适与喜悦O tidings of comfort and joy. 噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦."Fear not," then said the angel "别怕",天使说"Let nothing you affright" 我们将无所畏惧This day is born a saviour 今天将有一位救世主诞生Of a pure virgin bright 他笼罩在纯净圣洁的光芒之下To free all those who trust in him 他将解救信奉于他的世人From Satan"s pow"r and might" 从撒旦的力量之下O tidings of comfort and joy,噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦.Comfort and joy;舒适与喜悦O tidings of comfort and joy!噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦.The shepherds at those tidings 牧羊人听到这些喜讯Rejoiced much in mind, 内心高兴不已And left their flocks a-feeding, 丢下他们正在喂养的羊群In tempest, storm, and wind, 在暴风雨,风暴和风中And went to Bethlehem straightway 向伯利恒径直而去This blessed babe to find: 去寻找那个被赐福的婴儿O tidings of comfort and joy, 噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦Comfort and joy, 舒适与喜悦O tidings of comfort and joy. 噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦.But when to Bethlehem they came, 但当他们来到伯利恒Whereat this infant lay 这个婴儿出生的地方时They found him in a manger, 他们在一个饲槽里Where oxen feed on hay; 一个用干草喂养牛的地方发现他,His mother Mary kneeling, 他的母亲玛丽跪在地上,Unto the Lord did pray: 向上帝祈祷着O tidings of comfort and joy,噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦.Comfort and joy, 舒适与喜悦O tidings of comfort and joy.噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦.Now to the Lord sing praises, 此刻向主高唱颂歌,All you within this place, "所有在这个地方的人,"And with true love and brotherhood "因真诚的爱与手足之情"Each other now embrace; "彼此拥抱吧!"This holy tide of Christmas 这个神圣的圣诞之时All others doth deface: 远离灾难与毁灭O tidings of comfort and joy, 噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦Comfort and joy, 舒适与喜悦O tidings of comfort and joy 噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:Annie Lennox专辑:A Christmas CornucopiaLoreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ our SaviourWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from Satan"s powerWhen we were gone astray.O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel"Let nothing you affrightThis day is born a saviourOf a pure virgin brightTo free all those who trust in himFrom Satan"s pow"r and might"O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidingsRejoiced much in mind,And left their flocks a-feedingIn tempest, storm and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightawayThis blessed babe to findO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they cameWhereat this infant layThey found him in a mangerWhere oxen feed on hayHis mother Mary kneelingUnto the Lord did prayO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praisesAll you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhoodEach other now embraceThis holy tide of ChristmasAll others doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!http://music.baidu.com/song/7385539

god rest ye merry gentlemen歌词出自哪里

歌曲名:God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen歌手:Reo Speedwagon专辑:Not So Silent Night...Christmas With Reo SpeedwagonGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy

God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen歌手:Reo Speedwagon专辑:Not So Silent Night...Christmas With Reo SpeedwagonGod Rest Ye Merry, GentlemenBy St. Philip"s Boys" ChoirOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and JoyO tidings of comfort and joy,God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astrayOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joyFrom God, our heavenly Father, a blessed angel cameAnd unto certain shepherds brough tidings of the sameHow that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by nameO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyNow to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThis holy tide of Christmas all other doth defaceO tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8409018

高分跪求童声版《God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen》MP3

http://xinghuo.njit.edu.cn/bbs/UploadFile/2005-3/200531825243234.mp3http://xinghuo.njit.edu.cn/bbs/UploadFile/2005-3/200531821923558.mp3(1)圣菲利浦童声合唱团(Vienna Boy"s Choir):http://www.blogcn.com/musicdata/2006/1/8/01234567891011,2006181437281.wma (2)北京天使合唱团(国内童声颂歌版,质量有点问题的):http://xinghuo.njit.edu.cn/bbs/UploadFile/2005-3/200531825243234.mp3 (3)Loreena Mckennitt:http://www.tleol.cn/dv/music/Loreena_mckennitt-God_Rest_Ye_Merry_Gentlemen.mp3 (4)Charlotte Church(又一女声版,rm版就凑合一下): (5)98 Degrees版本:这个是98度的在线试听:http://www.aoaohao.com/music/137.htm (6)Michael Angelo 吉他版(收录于专辑Holiday Strings):http://17bt.cn/UploadFile/2005-4/20054111152315.mp3 (7)Tairona(专辑Earthtone Collection):http://media.flamesky.com/ape/yuemi/05_Tairona_God_rest_ye_merry_gentlemen.wma (8)Nana Mouskouri独唱: (9)Jan"s Vectorized Dub Mix Jan Morgenstern:http://www.wavemage.com/JM-GodRestYeMerry.mp3 (10)Jeffrey Michael钢琴版(专辑Winter Spirit):http://space.yueq.com/TTsociety/files/Media/Song/200512/390debb8-b4ed-40dd-927c-dc2b27e73bea.mp3 (11)54秒钢琴版:http://www.pianobrothers.com/licensemusic/songclips/godrest_VOL2.mp3 (12)2分钟钢琴轻柔版:http://mp3.cdbaby.com/d/davidson3-01.mp3 (13)4分钟钢琴轻快版:http://media.flamesky.com/ape/03-god_rest_ye_merry_gentlemen.wma (14)32秒混乐:http://www.bmgzomba-asia.com/tracksample/52450.wma (15)29秒笛子版:http://www.sounddogs.com/previews/3671/mp3/282114_SOUNDDOGS_Go.mp3 (16)虎头蛇尾版(Just the beginning):http://www.shesaidshesaid.org/shesaid_audio/godrestyemerry.mp3 (17)1分钟Saxophone版:http://chrisklich.com/mpeg3/yuletide/god_rest_ye.mp3 (18)Christmas吉他版:http://www.hillsideministry.org/music/mp3s/GodRestYe-MP3.mp3 (19)Modern Mix:http://camelot.kingarthur.com/Christmas_Music/God_Rest_Ye_Merry_Gentlemen_ModernMix.mp3 (20)Christmas 2(欢庆版):http://www.elfinmusic.com/emc/audio/evf115_02.mp3 (21)趣味版:http://brepettis.com/upload_songs/God%20Rest%20Ye%20Merry%20Gentlemen.MP3 (22)爵士版本(这个只能在线试听了,实在找不到下载链接):http://rm123.net/play/songlian.asp?id=83236&B132.x=36&B132.y=6 (23)Mariah Carey版本(收录于2005年圣诞专辑Merry Christmas)http://music2.163888.net/1216048961/2005/12/02/22/music/28356222912837.mp3童声的能不能下就是不知道了~~

Libera God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 的中文名是什么


god rest you merry gentlemen

God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismayRemember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas dayTo save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astray(Refrain)Oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joyOh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy"Fear not," then said the angel,"let nothing you affrightThis day is born a Saviour of pure Virgin brightTo free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"(Refrain)The shepherds at those tidings rejoiced much in mindAnd left their flocks a feeding in tempest, storm, and windAnd went to Bethlehem straightway, the Son of God to find(Refrain)And when they came to Bethlehem where our dear Saviour layThey found Him in a manger where oxen feed on hayHis Mother Mary kneeling down unto the Lord did pray(Refrain)Now to the Lord sing praises, all you within this placeAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embraceThe holy tide of Christmas all other doth deface(Refrain)中文歌词主护佑你幸福,先生。勿为世事沮丧。记得,基督,我们的救世主,生于圣诞节这一天为拯救我们从撒旦的权势中,防我们误入迷途(副歌)噢,安适与喜悦,安适与喜悦的讯息。噢,安适与喜悦,安适与喜悦的讯息“勿怕”天使说,“勿惧于世事”。这一天救世主由光明纯真圣女带到人世为还信任他的人们以自由,从撒旦的权威与力量中(副歌)牧人们在心中惊喜于这许多讯息,将他们的畜群留在牧场,留在暴风雨雪中立即去了伯利恒,去寻上帝之子(副歌)当他们赶到伯利恒,到吾亲爱救世主之所在他们发现他在马槽中,牛饲干草。他的母亲玛丽下跪向主祈祷(副歌)如今,此地所有之人向住唱颂赞美。以真挚的爱和兄弟情谊现在拥抱彼此圣诞的神圣讯息却让他物自愧

求 God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen 歌词的中文翻译

ye(你们 主格)God rest ye merry, gentlemen, 上帝赐予我们快乐Let nothing you dismay 让你们无所畏惧Remember Christ our Saviour 记得耶稣我们的圣主Was born on Christmas Day 诞生于圣诞节的那天To save us all from Satan"s power 解救我们于撒旦的淫威之下When we were gone astray. 当我们误入歧途O tidings of comfort and joy, 哦,天赐福音Comfort and joy; 天赐福音O tidings of comfort and joy!"Fear not," then said the angel 天上传来天使的声音“不要害怕”,"Let nothing you affright “没有什么是可怕的”This day is born a saviour 今天将会是圣人诞生的日子Of a pure virgin bright 闪耀着纯洁的光芒To free all those who trust in him 解救那些信仰他的人们From Satan"s pow"r and might" 从撒旦的淫威下O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!The shepherds at those tidings 所有的牧羊人都感应到了这个福音Rejoiced much in mind, 暗自高兴And left their flocks a-feeding 都抛下正在喂食的羊羔In tempest, storm and wind 风雨兼程的And went to Bethlehem straightaway向着伯利恒(耶稣诞生地)赶去This blessed babe to find 去寻找那个受祝福的婴儿O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!But when to Bethlehem they came 但当他们来到圣婴诞生的地方Whereat this infant lay They found him in a manger 却发现他躺在Where oxen feed on hay 用来喂食的马(牛)槽里面His mother Mary kneeling 他的妈妈玛利亚跪着Unto the Lord did pray 直到当地的国王前来祈祷O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!Now to the Lord sing praises 直到皇亲贵族都歌唱颂歌All you within this place 你们这里的所有的人们And with true love and brotherhood 都要以真爱相对,Each other now embrace 彼此视为兄弟姐妹This holy tide of Christmas 在这神圣的圣诞节里All others doth deface 让丑恶远离 O tidings of comfort and joy,Comfort and joy;O tidings of comfort and joy!

Woodrow Wilson的英文简介

Thomas Woodrow Wilson (December 28, 1856 – February 3, 1924) was the 28th President of the United States, from 1913 to 1921. A leader of the Progressive Movement, he served as President of Princeton University from 1902 to 1910, and then as the Governor of New Jersey from 1911 to 1913. Running against Republican incumbent William Howard Taft, Socialist Party of America candidate Eugene V. Debs, and former President Progressive ("Bull Moose") Party candidate Theodore Roosevelt, Wilson was elected President as a Democrat in 1912.In his first term as President Wilson persuaded a Democratic Congress to pass major progressive reforms. Historian John M. Cooper argues that, in his first term, Wilson successfully pushed a legislative agenda that few presidents have equaled, and remained unmatched up until the New Deal. This agenda included the Federal Reserve Act, Federal Trade Commission Act, the Clayton Antitrust Act, the Federal Farm Loan Act and an income tax. Child labor was curtailed by the Keating–Owen Act of 1916, but the U.S. Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional in 1918. He also had Congress pass the Adamson Act, which imposed an 8-hour workday for railroads Wilson, at first unsympathetic, became a major advocate for women"s suffrage after public pressure convinced him that to oppose woman"s suffrage was politically unwise. Although Wilson promised African Americans "fair dealing...in advancing the interests of their race in the United States" the Wilson administration implemented a policy of racial segregation for federal employees.Narrowly re-elected in 1916, he had full control of American entry into World War I, and his second term centered on World War I and the subsequent peace treaty negotiations in Paris. He based his re-election campaign around the slogan, "He kept us out of war", but U.S. neutrality was challenged in early 1917 when the German Empire began unrestricted submarine warfare despite repeated strong warnings and tried to enlist Mexico as an ally. In April 1917, Wilson asked Congress to declare war. During the war, Wilson focused on diplomacy and financial considerations, leaving the waging of the war itself primarily in the hands of the Army. On the home front in 1917, he began the United States" first draft since the American Civil War, borrowed billions of dollars in war funding through the newly established Federal Reserve Bank and Liberty Bonds, set up the War Industries Board, promoted labor union cooperation, supervised agriculture and food production through the Lever Act, took over control of the railroads, and suppressed anti-war movements. During his term in office, Wilson gave a well-known Flag Day speech that fueled the wave of anti-German sentiment sweeping the country in 1917–18. In the late stages of the war, Wilson took personal control of negotiations with Germany, including the armistice. In 1918, he issued his Fourteen Points, his view of a post-war world that could avoid another terrible conflict. In 1919, he went to Paris to create the League of Nations and shape the Treaty of Versailles, with special attention on creating new nations out of defunct empires. In 1919, Wilson engaged in an intense fight with Henry Cabot Lodge and the Republican-controlled Senate over giving the League of Nations power to force the U.S. into a war. Wilson collapsed with a debilitating stroke that left his wife in control until he left office in March 1921. The Senate rejected the Treaty of Versailles, the U.S. never joined the League, and the Republicans won a landslide in 1920 by denouncing Wilson"s policies.An intellectual with very high writing standards, Wilson was a highly effective partisan campaigner as well as legislative strategist. A Presbyterian of deep religious faith, Wilson appealed to a gospel of service and infused a profound sense of moralism into his idealistic internationalism, now referred to as "Wilsonian". Wilsonianism calls for the United States to enter the world arena to fight for democracy, and has been a contentious position in American foreign policy.[5] For his sponsorship of the League of Nations, Wilson was awarded the 1919 Nobel Peace Prize.

求god rest you merry gentlemen简谱

god rest you merry gentlemen 简谱

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 歌词

歌名:God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen歌手:The Jigsaw Seen作词:无歌词:God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen上帝赐予你们快乐 先生们Let nothing you dismay让万事充满希望 无事令你惊慌Remember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas day记得耶稣我们的圣主 诞生于圣诞节之日To save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astray解救我们于撒旦的淫威 在我们误入歧途之时Oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy噢 天赐福音 带来舒适与喜悦Oh tidings of comfort and joy带来舒适与喜悦(Interlude #1)(间奏1)God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen上帝赐予你们快乐 先生们Let nothing you dismay让万事充满希望 无事令你惊慌Remember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas day要记得耶稣我们的圣主 诞生于圣诞节之日To save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astray解救我们于撒旦的淫威 在我们误入歧途之时Oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy噢 天赐福音 带来舒适与喜悦Oh tidings of comfort and joy带来舒适与喜悦(Interlude #1)(间奏2)(Mitch) In Bethlehem, In Israel, this blessed Babe was born在以色列 在伯利恒 受保佑的圣子诞生And laid within a manger, upon this blessed morn降临于马槽之中 在这受到庇佑的清晨The which His mother Mary, did nothing take in scorn他的母亲玛利亚 没有做出轻蔑之事Oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy噢 天赐福音 带来舒适与喜悦Oh tidings of comfort and joy带来舒适与喜悦(Interlude #3)(间奏3)(Kirstin) "Fear not," then said the angel, "let nothing you affright"“别怕”,天使说,“我们将无所畏惧”"This day is born a Saviour of Virgin pure and bright"今天有一位救世主诞生 笼罩于圣洁光芒之中"To free all those who trust in Him from Satan"s power and might"他将解救信奉于他的世人 于撒旦的力量之下Oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy噢 天赐福音 带来舒适与喜悦Oh tidings of comfort and joy带来舒适与喜悦(Interlude #4)(间奏4)God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen上帝赐予你们快乐 先生们Let nothing you dismay让万事充满希望 无事令你惊慌Remember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas day记得耶稣我们的圣主 诞生于圣诞节之日To save us all from Satan"s power when we were gone astray解救我们于撒旦的淫威 在我们误入歧途之时Oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy噢 天赐福音 带来舒适与喜悦Oh tidings of comfort and joy带来舒适与喜悦(Interlude #5)(尾声)扩展资料:歌曲《God rest ye merry gentlemen》被誉为最古老的圣诞颂歌之一。 据传,该颂歌最早可追溯到15世纪,是在圣诞季节由城镇的巡夜人为贵族们演唱的,以用来获取额外的收入。不知道原作者究竟是谁,但此歌一直在英格兰地区口耳相传。 此歌最早发表于1833年出版的一本名为《Christmas Carols Ancient and Modern》的节日宗教颂歌的合集。这一古老的颂歌直到今日仍然在英格兰各城镇传唱。

听屠皓民的课,有一句话是the bodies are buried in the deep ocean.搞不懂,这是什么时态?

一般现在时,表经常、习惯和常态的动作。如果是 are buried : 身体(尸体)通常被埋入深海海底。这是一般现在时。如果是were buried: 身体(尸体)都被埋入深海海底了。这是一般过去时。

L/C规定转运,则B/L记载POL、POD.VIA XX是什么意思啊?


英语语法:He dumps their bodies in(into) the ocean.请问这里为什么不是用into而是用了in?

本人认为两个都对,但觉得in更好一些,因为in有两个含义:1)在某个封闭或半封闭的空间内; 2)在一个广阔的面积内。1. He is in the room now. (空间) 2. I am now in China. (很大的区域、大面积)可能意思是:“他开船到大洋中,在(in)那里抛尸。ocean相对sea而言是很大的区域。故可能作者想说,他是在远离陆地的区域里(in)抛尸。而into 这个介词有动感,是 "从...到..之中" 的意思。举例而言:1. There is a book on the desk. (静态)2. He threw the book onto the desk. (动态)

提单上POL POD 如何理解区分



POD :port of discharge 卸货港 (目的港)POL :port of loading 装货港外贸方面这两个词语是这个意思。

Everybody Wants To Rule The World 歌词

歌曲名:Everybody Wants To Rule The World歌手:Tears For Fears专辑:トロと旅する~ポップス

Everybody Wants To Rule The World 歌词

歌曲名:Everybody Wants To Rule The World歌手:Tears For Fears专辑:Greatest HitsWelcome to your lifeTheres no turning backEven while we sleepWe will find youActing on your best behaviourTurn your back on mother natureEverybody wants to rule the worldIts my own designIts my own remorseHelp me to decideHelp me make the mostOf freedom and of pleasureNothing ever lasts foreverEverybody wants to rule the worldTheres a room where the light wont find youHolding hands while the walls come tumbling downWhen they do Ill be right behind youSo glad weve almost made itSo sad they had to fade itEverybody wants to rule the worldI cant stand this indecisionMarried with a lack of visionEverybody wants to rule the worldSay that youll never never never never need itOne headline why believe it ?Everybody wants to rule the worldAll for freedom and for pleasureNothing ever lasts foreverEverybody wants to rule the worldhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8256987

Everybody Wants To Rule The World 歌词

歌曲名:Everybody Wants To Rule The World歌手:Tears For Fears专辑:Songs From The Big Chair - Deluxe EditionWelcome to your lifeTheres no turning backEven while we sleepWe will find youActing on your best behaviourTurn your back on mother natureEverybody wants to rule the worldIts my own designIts my own remorseHelp me to decideHelp me make the mostOf freedom and of pleasureNothing ever lasts foreverEverybody wants to rule the worldTheres a room where the light wont find youHolding hands while the walls come tumbling downWhen they do Ill be right behind youSo glad weve almost made itSo sad they had to fade itEverybody wants to rule the worldI cant stand this indecisionMarried with a lack of visionEverybody wants to rule the worldSay that youll never never never never need itOne headline why believe it ?Everybody wants to rule the worldAll for freedom and for pleasureNothing ever lasts foreverEverybody wants to rule the worldhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8569207

Everybody Wants To Rule The World 歌词

歌曲名:Everybody Wants To Rule The World歌手:Tears For Fears专辑:ChroniclesWelcome to your lifeTheres no turning backEven while we sleepWe will find youActing on your best behaviourTurn your back on mother natureEverybody wants to rule the worldIts my own designIts my own remorseHelp me to decideHelp me make the mostOf freedom and of pleasureNothing ever lasts foreverEverybody wants to rule the worldTheres a room where the light wont find youHolding hands while the walls come tumbling downWhen they do Ill be right behind youSo glad weve almost made itSo sad they had to fade itEverybody wants to rule the worldI cant stand this indecisionMarried with a lack of visionEverybody wants to rule the worldSay that youll never never never never need itOne headline why believe it ?Everybody wants to rule the worldAll for freedom and for pleasureNothing ever lasts foreverEverybody wants to rule the worldhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8800084

Everybody Wants To Rule The World 歌词

歌曲名:Everybody Wants To Rule The World歌手:Tears For Fears专辑:Famous Last Words - The CollectionWelcome to your lifeTheres no turning backEven while we sleepWe will find youActing on your best behaviourTurn your back on mother natureEverybody wants to rule the worldIts my own designIts my own remorseHelp me to decideHelp me make the mostOf freedom and of pleasureNothing ever lasts foreverEverybody wants to rule the worldTheres a room where the light wont find youHolding hands while the walls come tumbling downWhen they do Ill be right behind youSo glad weve almost made itSo sad they had to fade itEverybody wants to rule the worldI cant stand this indecisionMarried with a lack of visionEverybody wants to rule the worldSay that youll never never never never need itOne headline why believe it ?Everybody wants to rule the worldAll for freedom and for pleasureNothing ever lasts foreverEverybody wants to rule the worldhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8571180

Everybody Wants To Rule The World 歌词

歌曲名:Everybody Wants To Rule The World歌手:Tears For Fears专辑:Tears Roll Down (Greatest Hits 82-92)Welcome to your lifeTheres no turning backEven while we sleepWe will find youActing on your best behaviourTurn your back on mother natureEverybody wants to rule the worldIts my own designIts my own remorseHelp me to decideHelp me make the mostOf freedom and of pleasureNothing ever lasts foreverEverybody wants to rule the worldTheres a room where the light wont find youHolding hands while the walls come tumbling downWhen they do Ill be right behind youSo glad weve almost made itSo sad they had to fade itEverybody wants to rule the worldI cant stand this indecisionMarried with a lack of visionEverybody wants to rule the worldSay that youll never never never never need itOne headline why believe it ?Everybody wants to rule the worldAll for freedom and for pleasureNothing ever lasts foreverEverybody wants to rule the worldhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1714626


POD port of discharge 卸港 POL port of loading 装港 POR port of refuge 避难港 FND 未知

Hollywood Undead的《City》 歌词

歌曲名:City歌手:Hollywood Undead专辑:Swan SongsHollywood Undead - City(Let"s wath it burn)(Let"s wath it burn)Let"s watch this city burn the worldLet"s watch this city burnFrom the sky over top the worldTill theres nothing left of herLet"s watch this city burn the worldwatch things burn to ashGo through empty cans of gasThe only evidence they haveIs the police catch on my maskAnd its hardly time to askIf you can save my heart for lastAnd its hard to face the factsWhen the darkness fades to blackIts not just make beleiveWhen they make me take a seatAnd they put ephenaminesin the air and make me breathSo come on and grab your childrenLook out for burning buildingsAnd savillians who are follishWe kill them by the millionAnd billions of people dieFor a lost causeSo now i pray to my nationthats destroyed under god(Say its the end of the world)All my battles have been wonBut the war has just begunLet"s watch this city burnFrom the sky over top the worldTill theres nothing left in herLet"s watch the city burn awayThe city is so prettyYou wanna burn it with meTill the sky bleeds ashesWe make ashes just with matchesTo ignite the flameAnd all the hopes of a young teenTake the pillAnd go get drunkAnd go get killedDouble doseAcid lines and acid luckBreathing till there is no brethI will not die in the night in the lightWith the sun and the ashesof this world in my lungsBut who am i to sayLet"s all just run awayGo grab your fancy payWe"re gonna rule the world today(Say its the end of the world)its the end of the earthWe"ve been done since our birthLet"s watch this city burnFrom the sky over top the worldTill theres nothing left in herLet"s watch the city burn the world(Let"s watch the city burn)(Let"s watch the city burn)The city is so prettydo you wanna burn it with meThe city looks so prettydo you wanna burn it with meThe city looks so prettydo you wanna burn it with meThe city looks so prettydo you wanna burn it with meWe use the trees as tourchesDo you wanna burn it with meFill the streets with corpsesDo you wanna burn it with meDo you wanna burn it with meBring the world to its kneesDo you wanna burn it with meLet"s watch this city burnFrom the sky over top the worldTill theres nothing left of herLet"s watch this city burn the worldLet"s watch this city burnFrom the sky over top the worldTill theres nothing left of herLet"s watch this city burn the worldLet"s watch it burnLet"s watch it burnLet"s watch this city burn the worldhttp://music.baidu.com/song/55149080


POR :Place of receipt 收货地POL:Port of loading 装货港POD:Port of discharge 卸货港FND:Final destination 目的地


FND是Final destinationPOR是Port of receipt剩下的其他回答解释的挺清楚了

提单上POL POD 如何理解区分

POL,全称为Port of Loading,意为装运港——指装船的港口,一般为始发地国家的沿海港口装货港(真正装货上大船的港口,如上,装货港就写:上海)POD,全称为Port of Discharge,意为卸货港——指卸船的港口,一般为目的地国家的沿海港口。卸货港(货从船上卸下,如货货到加拿大温哥华后转到 MONTREAL,卸货港就是VANCOUVER)
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