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题主是否想询问“pincode安全吗”?安全。pincode安全,密码是个人单独设定。商家系统中,会员号码,也就是卡号和PIN Code的组合,以提高安全性。PingCode 是简单易用的新一代研发管理平台,让研发管理自动化、数据化、智能化,帮助企业提升研发效能。

安装系统时出现File setupdd.sys could not be loaded. The error code is 4 setu




modbus protocol是什么意思




as 和like 的所有用法区别。 good 和well的所有用法区别!

  1.表示象...一样时,as接从句,like 接短语  Do everything as I do. 象我一样做。  He is/looks like his mother. 他长得像他妈妈。  2.as当介词接短语时,表示作为...不是象...一样的意思.like 当动词时,是喜欢的意思  We should study as Lenin studied. 我们应该像列宁那样学习。  As a League Member,I should take everything in the lead. 作为一名团员,我应该起带头作用。  1、good是形容词,只能修饰名词。  2、而well,既是形容词也是副词,做副词时,修饰动词。  表示地点、场所、位置等,注意以下用法:  ① 表示某一点位置,用 at:  We live at No. 87 Beijing Road. 我们住在北京路 87 号。  The hospital is at the end of the street. 医院在这条街的尽头。  与名词所有格连用表示地点,也用 at.如:  at my sister‘s 在我姐姐家  at the doctor‘s 在医务室  ② 表示空间或范围,用 in:  What‘s in the box? 这盒子里有什么?  He lives in Paris with his wife. 他同他妻子住在巴黎  但有时两者可换用:  The meeting was held at [in] the hotel. 会议在宾馆举行。  ③ at 与 in 的另一个区别是:at 多用于指较小的地方,而 in 多用于指较大的地方:  in Shanghai 在上海  at the station 在车站  ④ 介词 on 用于地点,主要指在某物的表面:  What‘s on the table? 桌上有什么?  There‘s a wallet lying on the ground. 地上有个钱包。  在少数搭配中,也用介词 on:  He works on a farm. 他在农场工作。  (3) 在某些搭配中,三者的区别与英国英语和美国英语有关:  in the street (英) / on the street (美) 在街上  in the road (英) / on the road (美) 在路上  in the team (英) / on the team (美) 在这个队  at the weekend (英) / on the weekend (美) 在周末  at weekends (英) / on weekends (美) 在周末  (4) 有时三者的差别与搭配习惯和用法有关:  in bed / on the bed 在床上  in the tree (多指树外之物) / on the tree (多指树本身之物) 在树上。

mary years ago,there lived a doctor.he was good

Many years ago,there lived a doctor who was good and kind.

Many years ago,in a small town,there lived a doctor.He was good and kind.At

许多岁月前,在一个小镇,那里居住医生。 他是好和亲切的。 任何时间的日夜,他总是准备去帮助病的人民。 大家在镇喜欢他,并且当人们有病的时候,他们总是去找他。 但是许多岁月过去,并且医生变得老。 他开始以往一些事情。 这使他有时做愚蠢事。 当人们注意到了这个,他们不再去他。“他也许给他们说的我们错误药物。 ”他们说着并且他们很害怕。“为什么现在没人来看我?”他很想知道。 但是没人想告诉他,因为他们不想要伤害和蔼的老人,因此他们说:“你在镇治疗了所有病的人民。 现在这里没有人是生病的。”当他听了后他很开心,并且他们愉快地离开了。

good morning,helen是什么意思

你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:good morning,helen早上好,海伦希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。

good 和fine 有什么区别>

good , nice ,fine , well都含有“好”的意思,但在用法等方面存在着如下区别: good是涵义最广的常用词,属一般用语。主要指“人的品质好”或“东西的质量好”等意思。如: Milk is good for children.牛奶对儿童有益。 John is a good worker.约翰是一名好工人。 nice带有一定的感情色彩。着重强调人们的感觉,含有“漂亮的”、“美妙的”、“美味的”等意思。也可表示对人“友好和蔼”。如: The chips are nice.这些炸土豆条很好吃。 Nice to meet you.很高兴见到您。 fine侧重于表示“质量精细”、“身体健康”,还可以表示“天气晴”等意,语气比good重。如: —How are you?你身体好吗? —Fine,thank you.很好,谢谢你。 It is a fine day today.今天天气晴朗。 well常用作副词,修饰动词;也可用作形容词(仅作表语),表示“身体好”、“健康的”、“顺利的”等意;还可译为“满意的;恰当的”等。如: My sister is very well.我妹妹身体很好。 Lin Feng speaks English well.林锋英语讲得很好。希望你可以知道哦:)

有一句歌词是she is a good doctor she can help me 是什么歌

Dream - Priscilla AhnI was a little girl alone in my little world我是一个小女孩 独自在这小小的世界who dreamed of a little home for me梦想有一个小小的家I played pretend between the trees我计划将它隐蔽在树丛中间and fed my houseguests bark and leaves用书皮和叶子招待我的客人and laughed in my pretty bed of green在我可爱的绿色床上玩乐I had a dream我有一个梦想That I could fly from the highest swing我可以从最高的地方滑翔I had a dream我有一个梦想Long walks in the dark在深夜走很远的路through woods grown behind the park穿过公园后茂密的森林I asked God who I"m supposed to be我问上帝我将变成怎么样子The stars smiled down on me星星微笑的照耀着我God answered in silent reverie上帝用沉默的思考来回应我I said a prayer and fell asleep我祈祷后沉沉的睡去I had a dream我有一个梦想That I could fly from the highest tree我可以从最高的树上飞行I had a dream我有一个梦想oh...哦....Now I"m old and feeling grey现在我老了感觉有点糟I don"t know what"s left to say我不知道对这个世界说些什么about this life I"m willing to leave有关这样的生活我即将离开I lived it full and I lived it well我的生活充实而美好there"s many tales I"ve lived to tell我要告诉你很多生活中的故事I"m ready now, I"m ready now我准备好了 我准备好了I"m ready now to fly from the highest wing我准备好了 从最高的地方滑翔I had a dream我有一个梦想

英语作文How to be a good doctor

buddy,i have to admit that this is the most stupid composition title i have ever seen.no offense but how can you write such a topic if you are not a doctor and you even do no know how to be a doctor.just bring the topic to a real doctor and let him(her) finish this is the best solution.only when you are really in the position of a doctor you can understand what exactly can and need to be improved.at last i really despise your teacher for he(she) bringing such a stupid topic.is this really the right way the chinese teachers want to teach our next generation just by focing them to live in the illusion?all i can say is "wo......w"

韩剧Good Doctor第4集在线观看 - 百度影音哪里可以看啦?


谁有韩剧Good Doctor百度云资源


求韩剧《Good Doctor》中文字幕百度云全集

账号 红河哈哈嘿嘿加完后 在百度云上发一下你要的资源的名字给我最后一定要记得采纳哦

He found a good doctor to save his mother,怎么读?

你好!朗读句子,一般涉及两个问题——一是断句,即就是句子的意群划分,目的是找到句子中完整意义表达的群落,也就是合适的停顿点。所给句子可以断句如下——慢读He /found /a good doctor/ to save/ his mother.快读He found /a good doctor/ to save his mother.更快朗读He found a good doctor /to save his mother.二是准确读音和朗读技巧,包括连读,失去爆破,弱化,浊化,语音语调等。He found~a (连读) good~doc~tor(失去爆破) to save his mother .

Good Doctor里朱元两首OST的中韩文对照歌词以及中文谐音歌词

if i were 只搜到这个,若你会看韩文或英文就好了,马上就可以给你如果我是一片天空想要给你的脸上染上颜色就像红彤彤的晚霞一样我想给你的脸颊染上颜色我愿为你化作世间万物恰似如今,你我相伴,对我是何等的喜悦我爱的人啊,你是否懂得Wo~ 我的这份心意我愿为你化作世间万物恰似如今,你我相伴,对我是何等的喜悦我爱的人啊,你是否懂得Wo~ 我的这份心意


根据is 可知是一般现在时态Zhongnanshan is a very good doctor .

Maria is not mean that. She is a good doctor

你好!Maria is not mean that. She is a good doctor玛丽亚不是那个意思。她是个好医生。

Good Doctor韩剧 求网盘资源

百度云盘链接 http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=3625702997&uk=304629383&third=0&dir=%2FGood%20Doctor&page=1&adapt=pc&fr=ftw#path=%252F

This is a good doctor.复数形式好的100财富(因为没学过所以不会做)

These are good doctors.We are English teachers.They are kniknives.They have (some/many) new watches.What are these? They are oranges.These are my dresses.

good doctor 第8集 朴施温在ktv唱的是什么歌


turn good doctor还是turn good doctor

turn to a good doctor.

good doctor吻戏在第几集


You are a good doctor为什么加a?


good doctor大结局???




英语作文How to be a good doctor



精彩对白主要配角(20张)温暖的语录:◆ 树木飘出冰淇淋香气的那一天,兔子在我身旁,奔向了天堂;铁道内飘出锈铁香气的那一天,哥哥在我身旁,奔向了天堂。如果我成为医生的话,可不可以不要去天堂呢?我想要帮助他们成长,想要给孩子们的未来一份礼物。(第1集,朴施温回答为什么想要成为小儿外科医生)  ◆ 我能感觉得到。那个孩子想要活下来!您看到孩子的手了吗?那是他想要活下来的标识。是他非常想要活下来的标识。孩子虽然不能说话,虽然因为太年幼,痛苦,害怕,所以不能说话,但他想要活下来。想念妈妈。(第3集,面对极小早产儿不能进行手术的情况时,向车允书表达心情)  ◆ 我一直在旁边,从小养的兔子和哥哥上天堂的时候也是。我在这里虽然很害怕,但我不想让兔子、哥哥还有敏熙单独待着。与其那样,倒不如让我自己害怕。敏熙估计要感谢医生您。院长以前说过,虽然治疗患者很重要,但是给患者活的机会也很重要。(第5集,车允书为首次手术患者死亡一事悲伤时,施温安慰她)  ◆ 艺恩,还记得爸爸的脸吗?跟爸爸玩的时候,还有爸爸给你买的礼物也都记得吗?那就行了,因为对于你来说,爸爸有通往天堂的门。只要你想着跟爸爸在一起的快乐时光,总是微笑的话,门就会出现。爸爸通过这道门上天堂以后,还会再回来看艺恩。兔子和我哥哥也是这样。(第5集,安慰着担心没有天堂的艺恩)  ◆ 心灵上的病不能用书来治疗。我的病也不是用书来治疗的。院长一直守在旁边,他当了我的朋友。(第6集,施温表示想成为银玉的主治医生遭训斥后说的话)  ◆ 在下雪的时候,小狗会在雪地里玩耍。我以为小狗跳来跳去是因为它喜欢雪。但不是的,后来才知道它跳是因为雪地太凉。圭贤也像那只小狗一样,妈妈你认为圭贤唱歌是因为他喜欢,但圭贤觉得很冷,所以他才会更专心的唱歌。(第9集,施温与圭贤妈妈的对话)  ◆ (允书:医生是什么?)最后的希望。即使所有人都放弃了患者,要负责患者到最后的是医生。(允书:患者是什么?)是将要分开的朋友。要像朋友一样对待的是患者,离开我后也要让他们健康的也是患者,得让他们再也不来找我。(第10集,施温对车允书的问题,作出了与之前不同的回答)愉快的语录:◆ 是在说用栗子和松仁等名品一等品做的排骨汤吗?我没事,但是因为肠运动条件发射起来越厉害了。(第1集,崔院长恶作剧地说要独自去吃排骨时,施温暴露了想吃的心)  ◆ 我想喝酒。酒就像葛根一样,一开始很苦,喝着喝着就变甜了呢。(第8集,小儿外科迎新会,允书问他想吃什么)微妙的爱情语录:  ◆ 因为漂亮,因为觉得月光下的脸很美!(第2集,车允书问施温是否在看自己醉酒后神赐的身材时,施温的回答)  ◆ 医生你的心地真好。我以前孤儿院院长曾经说过,美丽的心灵如同花粉,它会散播到四方去开花结果。会传播的,很远很远。(第10集,对车允书有微妙感情的表达)

韩剧《Good Doctor》收视率会上升到哪儿?

这里有不常看韩剧的韩国人,就是我 可是最近有了不得不追的电视剧!这就叫《Good Doctor》 真的不得不!太好看了,真不得不啦 哈哈 那收视率呢?当然啊,好棒!虽然还没到了20%, 可不远了。 第1集,从10%的收视率开始了。可现在播放到第6集,取得了18.4% 的收视率。 下面我们发现每集都更新了最高的收视率。 可是这几年电视收视率下降的很大。一个电视剧取得了20%以上,那就可以说“成功了!” 2012到2013年播放的电视剧一共有95个,可是取得20%以上的电视剧只有19个。 周末播出的电视剧,我们叫“周末剧”。它们呢,很容易得到很高的收视率。 因为周末剧的内容一般是关于家庭的。而且周末晚上一般都呆在家里,和家人一起吃饭,聊天儿,多半都开着电视剧啊 而且KBS2TV的周末剧(周六,周日晚上8点到9点)呢,很特殊。每个KBS2TV的周末剧都取得40%以上。 最近结束的《顺藤而上的你》,《我女儿是瑞英》也取得了49.2%, 48.5%真了不起! 但周一到周五的电视剧呢,就不一样了,很难得高率。 最高收视率排行10个内只有4个才不是周末剧。 《拥抱太阳的月亮》记录了42.3%,《新娘面具》记录了27.3%,《野王》记录了26.7%,《听见你的声音》记录了26.2%的最高收视率。 那看一下上个月成功地结束的《听见你的声音》每集收视率。 从7.8%开始,然后在第11集取得了22.2%, 最后第18集时记录了26.2%的最高收视率。 金秀玄演的《拥抱太阳的月亮》呢,一开始就取得了15%,然后才到了第4集就取得了20.6%,第10集时已取得了30.5%.最高的收视率呢,还是最后播放的第20集。不用说,《拥抱太阳的月亮》早就当了经典啦! 《Good Doctor》的朱元演的另一个电视剧《新娘面具》也记录了好成绩。 可是《新娘面具》一直坚持20%以下的收视率,然后第20集以后才到了20%。最后呢,你看上升率超大!最后一篇就取得了27.3%。 收视率不能说明电视剧的成功。可有一点是确定无疑的,高收视率代表多人收看。

韩剧good doctor男演员有哪些

主演有朱元,朱相昱,千浩振 ~

he is a good doctor对a good doctor提问用什么特殊疑问词




Good Doctor电视剧演员表是什么

男一朱元 女一文彩元 女二金敏瑞 其他不清楚了,其实我没看过这部剧,就了解过一些

韩剧good doctor剧情是什么?


如何评价美剧《良医》第一季与第二季(The Good Doctor)?

2017年,一部名叫 《The Good Doctor》 的神仙医疗剧横空出世。在之后的两年,又陆续播出了第二季和第三季。 这部医疗美剧自播出以来,就成绩斐然,频频打破收视纪录,《良医》三季的收视率都稳拿ABC电视网十点档剧集的收视冠军。 而且一季比一季好看,好评不断。 《The Good Doctor》,通常翻译为《良医》、《仁医》或者《好医生》,根据2013年的同名韩剧改编,讲述了一群专业而温暖的外科医生与患者之间的故事。 男主角肖恩·墨菲是一名患有自闭症和学者症候群的外科医生 ,这个设定是本剧的一大亮点。 自闭症意味着肖恩不能与人进行正常的沟通与交流,而患有学者症候群的他在医学方面拥有超强的天赋。 而肖恩作为一位集二者于一身的人,能否胜任这个职位,是本剧的矛盾所在。 与肖恩同在一家医院工作的几位医生也都充满看头——对肖恩充满关爱的格拉斯曼院长、盛气凌人但医术精湛的梅伦德斯医生、处处体察患者心情的克莱尔·布朗医生、富二代医生杰瑞德、心机的摩根·雷兹尼克、大器晚成的亚历克斯…… 每个人的形象都鲜明而立体,向我们讲述着医者的故事。 2 基于男主的人物设定,整部剧侧重描述男主在工作中的自我认知和自我成长。 和很多美剧的套路一样,《良医》以集为单位,每集讲述不同患者与医生们的故事。 通过解决问题来展现人物内心的 情感 变化, 社会 现实问题和传递温暖而有力的内核。 在这一过程中,我们会慢慢深入到人物的内心,我们会知道为什么肖恩想当外科医生、为什么梅伦德斯医生总是自负傲气、为什么克莱尔总是能够体察到患者内心的情绪…… 它不是一部主角开挂的爽剧,而是一部写实而特殊的医疗剧。 事实上,《良医》揭露出很多医疗界的现实问题:医生的等级和待遇问题、患者与医者能否相互理解和信任、患者家属和患者意见不一时医院的处理方式等等。 说它温暖,是因为在《良医》这部剧中,不仅仅有故事,还有温度。 医疗剧不是冷冰冰的医疗器械和血淋淋的手术台,更重要的,是医者那份仁心、患者那份信任。 每个患者都有背后的故事,有着不同却相似的心酸,他们期待外科医生的治疗, 更希望有人能治愈他们的不安与恐惧 。 《良医》的高明之处就在于此,展现的不仅仅是医生的医术,更是他们白色大褂中所蕴含的那一份温暖和力量。 3 从制作的角度看,这绝对是一部下饭神剧。 特效运用得恰到好处 ,虽然说这样的特效其实成本不算高,难度也不大,但放在医疗剧之中就有一种恰到好处的高级感。 而医疗剧爱好者最爱看的手术台上,基本上都没有打马赛克,道具也很逼真,可以说非常下饭。 而剧中出现的许多病例,都是具有现实依据和理论依据的,绝非为神而神。剧中的很多医疗仪器都非常先进,制作精良,让人看了大呼过瘾。 4 安利这部剧还有一个原因。 我有一位朋友,是个医学生,在听说了民航总医院杀医事件之后受到了很大的冲击。 而今天,朝阳医院又出事了。 最近很多人安利Good Doctor。 豆子上网一搜却搜到2003年的,不是新出的日剧???显示的却是韩剧??? 仔细一看还有美版的!! 原来第一版的是韩版的,2003年的时候,豆瓣评分8.0,也挺火的。 时隔多年来翻拍,也是想让原版去去风头,美国和岛国分别翻拍。 不过美版已经出到第二季,仅有七集,至于是否会出第三季,豆子觉得不太可能了。 ——第一季追加五集,第二季才七集—— 说翻拍没原版好看的都是假话。 虽说当年韩版豆瓣有8分评分,但是韩剧不耐看,很少出神剧。 美版第一季出来的时候就当地媒体被评为“2017—2018年度最佳新作”。 更是刷新了ABC13年来的电视剧收视率,取得最好的成绩。 据说一半人为主角是弗莱迪·海默慕名而来。 他从《寻找梦幻岛》开始扬名,作为小童星的弗莱迪接连出演了《查理和巧克力工厂》《亚瑟和他的迷你王国》等电影。 小天使海默就是下面这位啦~ 美版在翻拍韩版的同时,对剧情进行大部分的更改,只保留了基本的人物框架和男主的角色设定。 在具体的剧情、人物的感情线甚至是讲故事的方式都进行了本土化的再创造。 美国文化本来就不擅于细化感情,更多地是从专业的角度分析剧情,淡化感情线。 还模仿了英剧《神探夏洛克》,增加了浮动字幕和图例的形式,直接呈现出男主的内心活动,而不是从神态、动作中表达,同时节奏也在加快。 这显然和韩剧不同,日韩版对人物的 情感 处理十分看重,更注重人与人之间的 情感 交流。 男主的高功能自闭症在美版中展现的更多是“高功能”的部分。 剧中也想向观众展示出自闭症人群的并不是无能的,他们有他们的视角去看世界。 男主从一开始不被医院的人接纳,医院里最好的外科医生梅伦德斯总是消磨他的意志,给他坐冷板凳。 可对于自闭症患者来说,他们有他们自己的世界,尽管所有人都不认同他,他依然会做下去。 有一幕是男主迫切想救患者,但当时并没有医生可以进行手术,他想自己动手。 当然这是不会发生的。 事后被梅伦德斯直接推倒在地,而男主此时脸上仍然保持笑脸。 这部剧的背景就是男主是一个患有自闭症却想要成为儿科医生的故事。 美版把更多内容集中在男主“超能力”与情商一直作对比,也正是因为男主的自闭症为人处世能力弱才让所有人都不看好他。 美版第一季留下了很大的悬念,第二季第一集男主就操刀进行手术,还有感情线也继续延续下去。 第二季只有七集,很快就啃完了,大概是因为美国对这种医疗剧的兴趣一直都不大,想要出第三季都很难。 美版的话,更多的是当作新剧来看待,所以有很多本土粉。 当然不喜欢看偶像剧的原著粉,可能会去投奔美版。毕竟美国不会把所有的女主都拍成傻白甜。 ——温情剧首选岛国,拍出不一样的感觉—— 可能原版是韩国出的,日版比美版更有本土气息。 美国的文化与亚洲文化截然不同,拍出来的感情也不会那么细腻。 前些日子上映的《小偷家族》斩获今年法国戛纳电影节金棕榈大奖,也是岛国主打的温情片。 这次岛国翻拍自然是信手拈来。 日版对比美版和韩版,没有过多得描述病情和手术,更多的放在主角在与人相处的时候。 相对美版,豆子更pick日版的男主,演技在线,能够把自闭症角色演得像模像样。 美版男主细节不到位,只有靠其他角色的辅助才能相信他是有自闭症的。 日版男主是漫改小王子——山崎贤人,为了这部剧,角色突破还是蛮大的。 就是下面这位小王子啦~ 还有贤人的粉丝实力support他! 日版根据美版翻拍,也是以单元剧的形式,但日版缩在十集内,节奏更加快了。 每集都会出现两位患者,男主顾得上这个又想救那个,果然是想做救人的医生hhhhh 看过几集后就会明显觉得男主的情商真的很低很低,但男主的实力帮他加回很多分,后期人缘还挺好的。 日剧传递鸡汤的效果特别好,画面也是特别的温暖,不像美版死气沉沉的。 日版对男主的要求很高,细节处理到位,男主不说话都可以直接呈现出男主的形象。 日版在处理男主与其他角色的 情感 的时候,一直都在铺垫。 恩人院长一直都在维护他,以院长一职来换男主在医院实习的机会。 同时医术最高的医生高山是反对男主进入医院的,但高山对院长很是尊重,也无法影响院长的决定。 在日版中,这位医生和男主的对话的台词中,感觉这位医生是想引导男主的拥有普通人的 情感 ,让他能够更快地成为医生。 可以说一开始都是与男主为敌的,很快就在暗中帮助男主,日版的“刀子嘴豆腐心”啊。 豆子还是很pick日版的啊~ 在日版男主与女主的感情线不是特别明显,是因为上级和下级的关系,女主会很照顾他。 不过一开始女主带领他的时候也总是认为他只会惹麻烦,不懂处理人际,女主也一口说出他不适合做医生。 慢慢女主被他的想法感动了,甚至改变了自己的想法。 剧中女主看起来比男主年纪要大些,日版的男主的感情线却安插在这里,可能跟10集限制有关。 韩版的感情线也安插在照顾他的女医生上,让男主误以为是恋爱的感觉。 感情线来说,是美版处理的不错。 不过豆子还是安利你们看日版的hhhhhhh 三个版本看下来剧情也不会很重复,是不一样的感觉。 岛国还是很适合拍温情片的,韩版的看起来就很有偶像剧的Feel。 不知道为什么,豆子觉得日版的颜好看点。 韩版、美版、日版,随意感受一下~ 韩版当年豆瓣8分评分,美版第一季就有8.8评分,就连日版一开播就有8.3评分。 现在美版第二季豆瓣评分高达9.1分,目前可能评分的人不多,分挺高的,可是剧情并没有想要继续发展下去的意思。 不知道会不会让大家失望呢?

Good Doctor 歌词

歌曲名:Good Doctor歌手:Robbie Williams专辑:RudeboxGood DoctorRobbie WilliamsCan we do it againTake that, take thatYou alright starNo starYou alright starNo starYou alright starNo starI don "t feel properI went to the dr to get a prescriptionI told him little fact and lots of fictionAbout a bad back that I ain"t gotHe tried to sell me faith healingBut I think notI want Xanax, Vicadin and OxycottonFunky fill the form outSo I can drop em"I"ve got all these demonsAnd I can"t stop em"To tell you the truth DocI might have a problemRobert Williams take one adoral with water in the morningAs if I"m goin" to take one tablet I"m Keith MoonDick headHe said this one"s to take you upWow howHe said this one"s to take you downWow howWhen I take um I don"t feel soundAnd I look rather… RoundYou alright starNo starYou alright starNo starYou alright starFive starI don "t feel properYou know what Doc its alright and allI just heart me leg its not terminalBut a pain killer could help for whats wrong with my kneeAnd I"m a little bit down from too much teaGot me own collection can"t get an erectionIf I take em" too long they"ll fuck me complextionThat"s right If I take em for like more than a few days I get that haunted lookGive me loads of pillsGive me loads of pillsGive me loads of pillsGive me loads of pillsHe said this one"s to take you upWow howHe said this one"s to take you downWow howWhen I take um I don"t feel soundAnd I look rather… RoundYou alright starNo starYou alright starNo starYou alright starFive starI don"t feel properNow if you go to the barber shop long enough then you"re goina" get a hair cutAnd if go to the doctors regular, then you gots to be a fuck upWell I"ve got 5 or 6 if I"m at a lossDo I have a history of drug abuse, well I never tick that boxAnd I now that some of you are going to be really really crossThe drug"s stop working so prescription pills are bossThe glory days are gone and we"ve all stopped havin" itNo raves no more just bedside cabinetSleepers are great but don"t start dabbing itThe world carries on spinning we"re mad in itTake that, take thatHe said this one"s to take you upWow howHe said this one"s to take you downWow howWhen I take um I don"t feel soundAnd I look rather… RoundYou alright starNo starYou alright starNo starYou alright starFive starI don"t feel properYou alright starNo starAre you five starNo starYou alright starFive starI don"t feel properKnow what doc, it"s not like I"ve been doin" any research or anythingBut if you can give me any of the following pillsI"d be very very greatful cos I feel poorlySo that"sCodeineMorphineOpiumMethadoneMenocrabedeneHydroanoxycodeineAnolodeneBuprenopheineButroPhenolAdorelDorelWork with me antidepressantsBut not Saint Johns WortCos I can get that atBoots!http://music.baidu.com/song/3481051

如何评价韩剧《good doctor》?




good doctor是哪部美剧

《Good Doctor》美剧《良医》的韩国版电视剧片名是《Good Doctor》,该剧是韩国KBS电视台于2013年8月5日起播出的月火剧,由祁民秀导演,朴才范编剧,周元、文彩元、朱相昱、金敏瑞等主演。《Good Doctor》讲述住院医生朴诗温,因童年时长期生活在家暴阴影中,同时患有自闭症和发育障碍。因有超凡的人体空间感悟力和记忆力成为韩国成元大学医术最精湛的儿科医生。扩展资料:由韩剧《Good Doctor》改编的其他同名电视剧1、美版《良医》患有自闭症的肖恩从小就饱受同学的歧视和欺凌,他唯一能得到安慰的就是他的弟弟斯蒂夫。但斯蒂夫在一次和肖恩的离家出走中意外身亡,而肖恩在圣文德医院的格拉斯曼院长的帮助下慢慢长大。他被邀请成为此院的医生。在被备受同行与病患的质疑中开始了自我的成长之旅。2、日版《善良医生》患有自闭症导致沟通能力障碍,却拥有惊人记忆力SavantSyndrome(学者症候群)的青年医生新堂凑,在众人的偏见与反对中,为了拯救儿童患者们的生命而努力,也最终克服了自身的重重困难获得了认可。参考资料来源:百度百科-Good Doctor

good doctor什么意思

good doctor_翻译good doctor英[ɡud u02c8du0254ktu0259] 美[ɡu028ad u02c8dɑktu025a] [词典] 良医; [例句]I have a good doctor attending me.我有一位好医生照料我。

province code是什么意思


求ace hood 唱的ride or die 的中文歌词

歌曲:ride or die 歌手:ace hood 专辑:gutta [by:lk歌词组loren mt][00:-2.00]ace hood - ride or die (ft. trey songz)[00:-1.00]lyrics by loren mt @ lk歌词组 r b分队cheaace hoodsee mama, all i want you to do is hold it down for mei want you to be my ride or diewhile i go get this money i promise i"m get us out the hood babyeven though i"m in the streetsyou know exactly what i dowhen i chase this paperyou aint gotta wait for me to bring it back home to youcuz i ride or die girl we gon be goodand if you ride or die we gon make it out this hoodlistenbaby look, just ride with meswear that i got us mamaone thing i love about itsee you aint wit that dramayou be my ride or die like bonnie imma play the clydepromise to move you out the hood into a bigger housethat"s why you never trip i"m grindin bump a nine to fivegotta get this money, paper callin but you never whinegotta ask the cash come with bags you should see your eyesthat"s why i suprise about you stacks to ease your worried mindcuz when i"m gone lil mama home alone at every timeyou never blowed my phone up yet cuz you respect the grindand you never holla bout a problem keep it on the linemy gutta baby, never maybe always gonna rideeven though i"m in the streetsyou know exactly what i dowhen i chase this paperyou aint gotta wait for me to bring it back home to youcuz i ride or die girl we gon be goodand if you ride or die we gon make it out this hoodand um, we can do them long vacationsthinking jamaica latelycant take them deep relations, baby just keep it patientshawty know what i doshawty know who i beyou know i"m in these streets the only way that we gonna eati keep it gutta never cut her when we in them sheetsi get sum cutta grap the duffle then im in the streetscome back with bundles pimp a half a g and louie vbut you aint trippin never question bout a nigga gwe keep it real aint no other that could fill ya sneak"si ride for you, you ride for me that"s where we need to bei hold you down, you hold me down and i fulfill your dreamsyour my beyonce i"m hova wont you ride with meeven though i"m in the streetsyou know exactly what i dowhen i chase this paperyou aint gotta wait for me to bring it back home to youcuz i ride or die girl we gon be goodand if you ride or die we gon make it out this hoodnow what"s the definition of a riderthrough it all they gon stand right beside yaif you got one look em in the eyestell em you gon ridetell em you gon ride (ri ri ri ri ri ride)till the wheel fall off or the day that i diethat"s on my life aint nun wrong wit tryna love somebodytryna tell you shawty thatace, and i promise this to youimma get us out this hoodinto them places that you thinkin that you never couldbut you gotta ride like them tires on the mini coopimma get this cash LRC歌词来自: http://lrc.aspxp.net/lrc.asp?id=311761&id1=289091&t=lrc&ac=dl

求ace hood 唱的ride or die 的中文歌词

歌曲: ride or die 歌手: ace hood 专辑: gutta [by:lk歌词组loren mt] [00:-2.00]ace hood - ride or die (ft. trey songz) [00:-1.00] lyrics by loren mt @ lk歌词组 r b分队 chea ace hood see mama, all i want you to do is hold it down for me i want you to be my ride or die while i go get this money i promise i"m get us out the hood baby even though i"m in the streets you know exactly what i do when i chase this paper you aint gotta wait for me to bring it back home to you cuz i ride or die girl we gon be good and if you ride or die we gon make it out this hood listen baby look, just ride with me swear that i got us mama one thing i love about it see you aint wit that drama you be my ride or die like bonnie imma play the clyde promise to move you out the hood into a bigger house that"s why you never trip i"m grindin bump a nine to five gotta get this money, paper callin but you never whine gotta ask the cash come with bags you should see your eyes that"s why i suprise about you stacks to ease your worried mind cuz when i"m gone lil mama home alone at every time you never blowed my phone up yet cuz you respect the grind and you never holla bout a problem keep it on the line my gutta baby, never maybe always gonna ride even though i"m in the streets you know exactly what i do when i chase this paper you aint gotta wait for me to bring it back home to you cuz i ride or die girl we gon be good and if you ride or die we gon make it out this hood and um, we can do them long vacations thinking jamaica lately cant take them deep relations, baby just keep it patient shawty know what i do shawty know who i be you know i"m in these streets the only way that we gonna eat i keep it gutta never cut her when we in them sheets i get sum cutta grap the duffle then im in the streets come back with bundles pimp a half a g and louie v but you aint trippin never question bout a nigga g we keep it real aint no other that could fill ya sneak"s i ride for you, you ride for me that"s where we need to be i hold you down, you hold me down and i fulfill your dreams your my beyonce i"m hova wont you ride with me even though i"m in the streets you know exactly what i do when i chase this paper you aint gotta wait for me to bring it back home to you cuz i ride or die girl we gon be good and if you ride or die we gon make it out this hood now what"s the definition of a rider through it all they gon stand right beside ya if you got one look em in the eyes tell em you gon ride tell em you gon ride (ri ri ri ri ri ride) till the wheel fall off or the day that i die that"s on my life aint nun wrong wit tryna love somebody tryna tell you shawty that ace, and i promise this to you imma get us out this hood into them places that you thinkin that you never could but you gotta ride like them tires on the mini coop imma get this cash LRC歌词来自: http://lrc.aspxp.net/lrc.asp?id=311761&id1=289091&t=lrc&ac=dl

my sister rides a bike today为什么ride加s?

因为my sister是第三人称单数,动词ride需要加s如果是第一人称 I或者第二人称you或者是第三人称复数,比如my sisters,ride就不要加s

Ace Hood的《Ride》 歌词

歌曲名:Ride歌手:Ace Hood专辑:Dj Khaled Presents Ace Hood GuttaAce Hood - Ride (Feat. Trey Songz)(Ace Hood)cheaAce Hoodsee mama, all i want you to do is hold it down for meI want you to be my ride or diewhile i go get this money, i promise im get us out the hood baby(Trey Songz)Choruseven though im in the streetsyou know exactly what I dowhen I chase this paperyou aint gotta wait for me to bring it back home to youcuz i ride or die girl we gon be goodand if you ride or die we gon make it out this hood(Ace Hood)listenBaby look, just ride with meswear that i got us mamaone thing i love about itsee you aint wit that dramayou be my ride or die like bonnie imma play the clydepromise to move you out the hood into a bigger housethat"s why you never trip im grindin bump a 9-5gotta get this money, paper callin but you never whinegotta ask the cash come with bags you should see your eyesthat"s why i suprise about you stacks to ease your worried mindcuz when im gone lil mama home alone at every timeyou never blowed my phone up yet cuz you respect the grindand you never holla bout a problem keep it on the linemy gutta baby, never maybe always gonna ride(Trey Songz)Chrouseven though im in the streetsyou know exactly what I dowhen I chase this paperyou aint gotta wait for me to bring it back home to youcuz i ride or die girl we gon be goodand if you ride or die we gon make it out this hood(Ace Hood)and um, we can do them long vacationsthinking jamaica latelycant take them deep relations, baby just keep it patientshawty know what i doshawty know who i beyou know im in these streets the only way that we gon eati keep it gutta never cut her when we in them sheetsi get sum cutta grap the duffle then im in the streetscome back with bundles pimp a half a g and louie vbut you aint trippin never question bout a nigga gwe keep it real aint no other that could fill ya sneak"si ride for you, you ride for me that"s where we need to bei hold you down, you hold me down and i fulfill your dreamsyour my beyonce im hova wont you ride with me(Trey Songz)Chrouseven though im in the streetsyou know exactly what I dowhen I chase this paperyou aint gotta wait for me to bring it back home to youcuz i ride or die girl we gon be goodand if you ride or die we gon make it out this hood(Trey Songz)now what"s the definition of a riderthrough it all they gon stand right beside yaif you got one look em in the eyestell em you gon ridetell em you gon ride (ri ri ri ri ri ride)till the wheel fall off or the day that i diethat"s on my life aint nun wrong wit tryna love somebodytryna tell you shawty that(Ace Hood)ace, and i promise this to youimma get us out this hoodinto them places that you thinkin that you never couldbut you gotta ride like them tires on the mini coopimma get this cash paper bags and give half to youforget them haterskeep you tailored see whats sexy tooand i like your body all i think about is doin youand i love the money so i guess it"s like doin twoyou ride or die same smile when you see the loot(TreySongz)Chrouseven though im in the streetsyou know exactly what I dowhen I chase this paperyou aint gotta wait for me to bring it back home to youcuz i ride or die girl we gon be goodand if you ride or die we gon make it out this hoodyea yea yeawe gon make it outwe gon make it out this hoodhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7395762




I am a basketball fan. My favorite sports star is Yaoming.As we all know, Yao is a super star in NBA now. He is 2.25m tall. He is very young and enegetic. He is good at playing basketball. He likes wearing sweater and sports shoes. He"s the hero in my heart.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!



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CrossFit里面的WOD(Workout of the Day),指的是每位教练每天都会提供的一个训练的训练计画,一般将多个动作组合在一起搭配不同的次数和重量,以顺序或循环的方式进行,并使用ForTime(最快时间完成)、AMRAP(最高反复次数)、EMOM(一分钟完成特定训练)、等多种计时方式来衡量完成情况,依照学生状况来,WOD的效益就是能在短时间内持续一直输出,一直累积疲劳感,让心肺功能有帮助,并让肌肉处在燃烧状态,组成WOD最少要2-4个项目,像是有举动、有氧、体操,根据这三大类分成训练课程。 CrossFit里面的WOD(Workout Of the Day)是每个健身房(BOX)都可以自行订定的每日训练计画。 在CrossFit里面有30个经典WOD是,它由30位女性名字所命名的,一般来说WOD训练法则一推一拉,例如硬举配上伏地挺身,比较少旋转面跟横向移动的训练。在Crossfit WOD计画里,你会较长见到教练写的专用术语 ,像是AMRAP(最高次数/组数训练)、MetCon(有氧运动)、Rx"d(按指示训练)、Scaled(根据身体状况选择)、EMOM(每一分钟完成的特定任务)、Rft-rounds for time(计时任务)等,来帮助学生可以更加的投入CrossFit训练。 CrossFit里面30个经典的WOD。 图片提供:CrossFit LOGA 在WOD里面最经典的三个动作就是FRAN:上半身的推配上下半身的拉,DIANE:下半身的拉配上半身的推,CINDY:由三种徒手动作,有伏地挺身、单杠、深蹲所组成的元素,而其中较具指标性的就是,FRAN、For Time21-15-9(最快时间完成)、Thruster 43kg/30kg (火箭推,男43kg/女30kg)、Pull up( 拉单杠),这组WOD是由一推一拉组成,非常符合CrossFit安排WOD的设计原则,一般来说,有在练CrossFit的练习者,若能在8分内完成,都算是有相当不错的成绩,如果能在3分钟内完成的人,都将是全世界一流的运动员。 在WOD在设计时,每个BOX都会用白板公布每日的WOD内容,并且记录这些训练成绩,WOD都会努力地让参与者体会到全方位运动的感觉,透过CrossFit的训练,可以获得明显的获得感受,因为WOD的设计里经常可以让你的身体体验到,前一分钟可能还在跑百米,后一分钟则已经在深蹲,CrossFit总部以及每个加盟BOX都会透过自身网站和脸书共同分享自己的WOD内容,除了可以形成气氛良好的CrossFit交流平台,还可以让WOD十分丰富又有许多变化,所以在进行WOD前,所以在你即将要挑战WOD前,根本不知道今天即将要训练的内容,或许很轻松,也许可能困难又疲惫,但是,这样却可以让你每天都充满活力以及好奇心来迎接这个BOX,使得每天的训练变得更让人期待。 如果每天都能不重复的进行WOD,这更可以避免让肌肉的适应,在减脂方面还有十分明显的效果,我们来借由影片来更了解什么是WOD。 本文内容由教练提供,运动星球与CrossFit LOGA企划制作。 关于Oliver教练 CrossFit LOGA 教练 运动专项 CrossFit 专业证照与经历 -CrossFit L1 & L2 -2017 CrossFit Judge -AFAA PFT 美国有氧体适能协会私人教练 -AFAA WT 美国有氧体适能协会重训教练 -M.E.T L1 动作效益训练 -THUMP BOXING拳击合格指导教练 -Concept 2划船机认证 -SMRT-CORE 自我肌筋膜放松认证 -Rocktape 肌肉效贴布认证 -True Fitness私人教练

西班牙语问题 Esto lo vamos a soulucionar entre todos.

Esto是宾语, 表示这个事lo, 是宾格代词, 在这里是复指宾语 Esto, 因为宾语位置提前到动词前面, 所以要用代词Lo 复指.这句话的意思是: 我们大家一起解决这个事.根据这个意思, 还可以有两种句序:1, Esto vamos a solucionarlo entre todos.2 Vamos a solucionar esto entre todos.

No Good With Faces 歌词

歌曲名:No Good With Faces歌手:Jack Johnson专辑:To The SeaJack Johnson - No Good With FacesNo Good with faces and I"m bad with namesGave me directions but it"s all the same ah nah I"m lostI"m too tired to tryStreetlamps are broken black the way I cameWho broke the moonlight watch it wax and wane ah na I"m lostI"m too tired to tryLet"s not get ahead of ourselves nowThere"s no need for rain it"s our own paradeLet"s not be afraid of our reflectionsIt"s not only you you"re looking at nowRoad signs are stolen left here hole in this flameWho stole my patience who stole my way ah nah I"m lostI"m too tired to tryLet"s not get ahead of ourselves nowThere"s no need for raid it"s our own paradeLet"s not be afraid of our reflectionsIt"s not only you you"re looking at nowLet"s not get ahead of ourselves nowThere"s no need for raid it"s our own paradeLet"s not be afraid of our reflectionsIt"s not only you you"re looking at nowOooh you"re looking at nowOooh you"re looking at nowNo Good with faces and I"m bad with namesGave me directions but it"s all the same ah nah I"m lostI"m too tired to tryhttp://music.baidu.com/song/618943






伐木者品牌,英文名WOODMAN。 品牌伐木者产品主要有剪刀油,导板,剪茶机,修剪刀,汽油机,绿篱修剪机等。


伐木者品牌介绍 伐木者品牌,英文名WOODMAN,多年的发展以来,伐木者品牌始终坚持用户至上用心服务于客户,始终秉承深受广大用户们的喜爱。

Code, Standard, Specification, Norm& Criterion的区别

norm,标准,规范的意思,是用于一种比较正式的场合,通常用在一些法律法规,圣经等类似这类文体中.standard 通常就是指一般事物的标准,参照的意思.

Motley Crue的《Rodeo》 歌词

歌曲名:Rodeo歌手:Motley Crue专辑:Girls, Girls, GirlsJoey + Rory - RodeoYou broke his arm in HoustonHis rib in Santa FeThen you drug him through the dirt in San AntoneAnd last year out in Vegas you almost took him all the wayThen you sent him broke and busted right back homeNo matter how hard you throw himHe just gets back on againOh I"ll never understand this crazy hold you have on himRodeo, RodeoAre you every gonna let my cowboy go?You"ve got a hundred other menYou don"t give a damn bout himBut he still loves youWhy? I don"t knowRodeo, RodeoFrom an empty cold hotel roomIn some state you left him inHe"ll call and tell me that this time he"s really throughI"ll get to hold him through the winterBut when spring rolls round againHe"ll jump in his truck and run right back to youYou steal his love away from me8 Seconds at a timeEven when I"m in his arm I know your still on his mindRodeo, RodeoAre you every gonna let my cowboy go?You"ve got a hundred other menYou don"t give a damn bout himoh But he still loves youWhy? I don"t knowRodeo, RodeoIf you were just another womenMaybe I"ll know what to doHe might give his heart to meBut he"d give his life for youRodeoYou"ve got a hundred other menYou don"t give a damn bout himoh But he still loves youWhy? I"ll never knowRodeo, Rodeohttp://music.baidu.com/song/8513739


you can not catch me today你今天抓不到我



—Your spoken English is very good. —_____________. A.Thank you B.Just so so. C.You’re r


求少女时代泰蒂徐的《OMG》(oh my god)罗马音歌词


怎么回答so good我可以回答just so so么

人家说真棒,你回答一般般,友谊的小船说翻就翻具体需要上下语境,maybe可以说I can"t agree more.

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《The Unwanted》(Kien Nguyen)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1j4jdKObXK1xi3s4N1_ZDbQ 提取码:u7tw书名:The Unwanted作者:Kien Nguyen出版社:Back Bay Books出版年份:2002-04-08内容简介:Kien Nguyen grew up an outsider in his native land. His once prosperous family, thrust into poverty at the dawn of a new political regime, lived among neighbors who treated them as an unwelcome remnant of the colonialist past. Kien himself, a child of mixed race (his father was American), was among the most unwanted.Told with a stark, poetic brilliance, Kien"s account of his early years-from the fall of Saigon, when at age eight he watched the last U.S. Army helicopter leave without him and his family, to his eventual escape-is a work of profound emotional resonance, at once harrowing and inspiring. The Unwanted unforgettably records a universal human experience played out in extreme circumstances: the forging of an identity, a life.

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miss gao ( )(teach)us chinese this term,she ( ) (be)a very good teacher ,she often( )(talk)with


The food is inadequate for ten people.


Main Title [Bodies, Rest & Motion] (2006 Remastered Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Main Title [Bodies, Rest & Motion] (2006 Remastered Lp Version)歌手:Michael Convertino专辑:Bodies, Rest & Motion [Original Score]Main Title Voice: Freddie Highmore《August Rush》Sometimes the worldtries to knock it out of youBut I believe in musicthe way that some peoplebelieve in fairy tales.I like to imagine that what I hearcame from my mother and father.Maybe the notes I hear...are the same ones they heardthe night they met.Maybe that"s how they found each other.Maybe that"s how they"ll find me.I believe that, once upon a timelong agothey heard the music and followed it.http://music.baidu.com/song/8092141

霍比特人五军之战片尾曲the last goodbye歌词 主题曲叫什么名子哪个演唱的


i cum blood 歌词

歌曲名:i cum blood歌手:cannibal corpse专辑:tomb of the mutilatedSwollen with liquidReady to burstA load of my lymphWill quench this dead body"s thirstOne month in the gravetwisted and half decayedShe turned a putrid yellowI pisse din her maggot filled assholeFucking the rottingMy semen is bleedingThe smell of decaySeeps from her genital cavityCannibal CorpseThe smell was unbearableAs I unburied herI cum blood from my erectionI feel it rundown her throat, swallowEyes glassy and vacantbody dug up to play withSkin greasy and nakedtounguing her rotted anusI need a live womanto fill with my fluidA delicate girl, to mutilate, fuck and killher body exceptionalshe thought I was normalI came blood inside of herchocking on the clotgagging on the snotgushing blood, from her mouthbloody gel leaking outBody buried in a shallow graveUnmarked for none to findThe sickness I have left behindUndetected go my crimesThe greatest thrill of my lifeViolnet, climaxSerging serumon my skinBack from the deadI am resurrectedto spew, putrefactionhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14538837

Produce in China和Made in China有什么区别?

Produce in China中国生产Made in China 中国产,中国制造

为什么在交换机的端口上使用switchport mode access 使vlan失效

sw(config-if)#switchport mode ? access Set trunking mode to ACCESS unconditionally dynamic Set trunking mode to dynamically negotiate access or trunk mode trunk Set trunking mode to TRUNK unconditionally这下明白了吧。

思科交换机 Operational Mode: down 这个是down状态,才开始学不懂,望网友多多指教!

这接口没接设备吧,默认是down,接设备才是up开。要是接了设备还是down,请用no shutdown命令

Best quality goods good man 什么意思啊?


To compensate for his unpleasant experiences he drank a little more than was good for him

这是一种特殊的比较从句。than引导的比较从句可以省去主语(或将than看做代词做主语用),保留谓语部分。这种结构多用于正式文体中,又如,Don"t eat more than is good for you不要吃得过量。There may be more importance in it than would seem. 它的重要意义可能要比看上去大。It"s longer than is necessary. 它太长了。

the best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best tody 的英文解释

Do one thing at a time, and do well.Never forget to say "thanks" . Keep on going. never give up. Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. Believe in yourself. I can because I think I can. Action speak louder than words. Never say die. Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow. The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.

“好男人”应该是“good man”还是“better man”捏?

best man 不是伴郎嘛

求Touch My Body中文歌词(要一句英文一句中文的样式)

是玛利亚凯莉的touch my body 么
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