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求一首英文歌 是一首轻快的歌曲 里面重复出现的歌词是“touch my body" 而且推荐一点好听的英文歌吧~谢谢

歌名应该就是 touch my body

touch my body的歌曲成绩

Touch My Body是Mariah在iTunes上夺冠花费时间最短的单曲,较05年We Belong Together和Don‘t Forget About Us夺冠用时均短。Touch My Body是Mariah的第26支排名前10的单曲, 而其夺冠也延续了Mariah的单曲一旦进入前10, 绝无最高名次在前5名之外的记录。Touch My Body是Mariah自1995年Fantasy以来电台成绩最优之专辑首发单曲, 而就听众人次而言, Touch My Body则已成为Mariah 18年职业生涯中, 首支单曲成绩最佳之单曲。Touch My Body首周285,544的销量不仅是Mariah自己职业生涯中的单曲最佳首周及单周销量(包括实体单曲及数码单曲), 同时也是数位下载历史上首周最佳成绩.Touch My Body从上周的第15名直接跃升至本周的冠军, 则是Mariah夺冠周跨幅第二大的单曲, 仅次于Heartbreaker夺冠前一周的第16名.Touch My Body是Mariah在流行电台(CHR/Top 40)的第26支上榜单曲, 在所有艺人中排名第一.Touch My Body创造节奏电台(CHR/Rhythmic)近四年来最佳首周成绩(#23), 同时单周播放次数的增幅(+1,142)则创四年来最佳.Touch My Body只用三周即进入节奏电台的前10名则是该类别电台2年来最快速度. 而若Touch My Body在该类别电台夺魁, 则将并列成为拥有该类别电台冠军数最多的艺人, 而在女艺人方面, 则为第一.Touch My Body是Mariah个12年来在都市电台(Urban)首周最佳成绩(#23).本周的冠军将Mariah在冠军宝座上蝉联时间延续至78周, 距离历史最佳纪录只差2周。 RegionCertificationSales/shipmentsUnited Kingdom (BPI)120,000United States (RIAA)一白金1,622,000 Billboard走势:Date: 01/03/2008 -Run: 57-34-24-16-14-15- *1*-1-5-5-7-7-8-9-13-18-22-30-44-59 (20/8/2 wks)

凯莉的《Touch My Body》歌词意思是?!

  Touch My Body   MC,你永远是最棒的   MC, you"re the place to be   噢耶...............   Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah   Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah   我知道你已在等待,   I know that you"ve been waiting for it   其实我也在等待   I"m waiting too   在我脑海中,你将主宰我的一切   In my imagination I"d be all up on you   我知道我令你狂热不止   I know you got that fever for me   但爱人,我的感觉也同你一样   Hundred and two   And boy I know I feel the same   我的热度已冲向云霄   My temperature"s through the roof   如果那上面有台相机,   If there"s a camera up in here   他将会拍下我们爱的场面   Then it"s gonna leave with me   When I do (I do)   如果那上面有台相机   If there"s a camera up in here   我绝不会拍下这一刻与大家在网上共享   Then I"d best not catch this flick   On YouTube (YouTube)   因为如果你将我们这个私密的爱巢说出去   "Cause if you run your mouth and brag   About this secret rendezvous   我将会亲自惩罚你   I will hunt you down   因为爱人我已满足了自己的心愿,像孩子回到玩具房中那样愉悦   "Cause baby I"m up in my bidness   Like a Wendy interview   但这是你与我私人的空间(我不会将它泄露出去)   But this is private Between you and I   爱抚我,   Touch my body   将我轻轻地放在地板上   Put me on the floor   轻揉我的身体   Wrestle me around   不要停止,爱我更多   Play with me some more   爱抚我   Touch my body   将我放在床上   Throw me on the bed   此时此刻,我只想让你感到你从未得到的感觉   I just wanna make you feel Like you never did.   爱抚我   Touch my body   让我的腿环绕在你的腰上,这只是一点体验   Let me wrap my thighs All around your waist Just a little taste   爱抚我   Touch my body   我知道你爱我的迷人曲线   Know you love my curves   快来给我渴望的激情,抚摸我的身体   ***e on and give me what I deserve And touch my body.   爱人,你可以将我放在你的身上,像一个新的开始   Boy you can put me on you Like a brand new white tee   我会将你紧紧拥抱,超越我那最爱的紧身牛仔裤   I"ll hug your body tighter Than my favorite jeans   我要你爱抚我   I want you to caress me   像热带的微风,与你飘荡在加勒比海迷人的风景中   Like a tropical breeze And float away with you In the Caribbean Sea   如果那上面有台相机,   If there"s a camera up in here   他将会拍下我们爱的场面   Then it"s gonna leave with me When I do (I do)   如果那上面有台相机   If there"s a camera up in here   我绝不会拍下这一刻与大家在网上共享   Then I"d best not catch this flick On YouTube (YouTube)   因为如果你将我们这个私密的爱巢说出去   "Cause if you run your mouth and brag About this secret rendezvous   我将会亲自惩罚你   I will hunt you down   因为爱人我已满足了自己的心愿,像孩子回到玩具房中那样愉悦   "Cause baby I"m up in my bidness Like a Wendy interview   但这是你与我私人的空间(我不会将它泄露出去)   But this is private Between you and I   爱抚我,   Touch my body   将我轻轻地放在地板上   Put me on the floor   轻揉我的身体   Wrestle me around   不要停止,爱我更多   Play with me some more   爱抚我   Touch my body   将我放在床上   Throw me on the bed   此时此刻,我只想让你感到你从未得到的感觉   I just wanna make you feel Like you never did.   爱抚我   Touch my body   让我的腿环绕在你的腰上,这只是一点体验   Let me wrap my thighs All around your waist Just a little taste   爱抚我   Touch my body   我知道你爱我的迷人曲线   Know you love my curves   快来给我渴望的激情,抚摸我的身体   ***e on and give me what I deserve And touch my body.   我将你当作我最爱玩具熊i   Imma treat you like a teddy bear   在这爱的氛围中,我让你不能去往任何地方   You won"t wanna go nowhere In the lap of luxury   爱人,转过来,你将不用得到更多   Baby just turn to me You won"t want for nothing boy   因为我将给你全部   I will give you plenty   爱抚我   Touch my body   爱抚我   Touch my body   将我放在床上   Put me on the floor   轻揉我的身体   Wrestle me around   不要停止,爱我更多   Play with me some more   爱抚我   Touch my body   将我放在床上   Throw me on the bed   此时此刻,我只想让你感到你从未得到的感觉   I just wanna make you feel Like you never did.   爱抚我   Touch my body   让我的腿环绕在你的腰上,这只是一点体验   Let me wrap my thighs All around your waist Just a little taste   爱抚我   Touch my body   我知道你爱我的迷人曲线   Know you love my curves   快来给我渴望的激情,抚摸我的身体   ***e on and give me what I deserve And touch my body.   爱抚我   And touch my body.   噢耶...............   Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah   Oh yeah oh yeah   Oh oh oh oh yeah   爱抚我   Touch my body...   [1

Touch My Body 的歌词和歌词翻译

如果你运行你的嘴,吹牛 关于这个幽会 我会追杀你 宝贝我"米事业在我的生意一样 一个温迪面试 但是这是私人”、“就你和我 触摸我的身体,把我放在地板上, 我周围,喧嚣和我玩些 触摸我的身体,把我放在床上, 我只是想让你觉得你从来没有实现 触摸我的身体,让我擦擦腿, 所有你腰上的带子,只是有点品味 触摸我的身体,知道你爱我,曲线。 来吧,让我有什么值得 我的身体接触和 你能帮我订在男孩,你像一个全新的ID 我将会拥抱你的身体比我最爱的牛仔裤 我想要你爱抚我像一个热带微风 跟你在一起,带走我的加勒比海场景 如果有一个相机”、“在这里,然后它" “跟我走下定决心时,我所做的 如果有”、“相机在这里,然后我 最好不要抓住这个电影在Youtube上。 如果你运行你的嘴和夸耀这幽会 我会追杀你 宝贝我"米事业在我的生意一样 一个温迪面试 但是这是私人”、“就你和我 触摸我的身体,把我放在地板上,挤我,跟我玩些 触摸我的身体,把我放在床上,我只是 想让你觉得你从来没有实现 触摸我的身体,让我擦擦腿, 所有你腰上的带子,只是有点品味 触摸我的身体,知道你爱我,曲线。 来吧,让我有什么值得 我的身体接触和 我" mma看低你的泰迪熊 你不会想将一事无成 在奢侈 新出生的婴儿,回转眷顾我 你不会缺任何东西的男孩 我会给你很多 我的身体接触

求英文歌Touch my body的歌词和中文翻译

爱抚MC,你永远是最棒的 噢耶............... 我知道你已在等待, 其实我也在等待 在我脑海中,你将主宰我的一切 我知道我令你狂热不止 但爱人,我的感觉也同你一样 我的热度已冲向云霄 如果那上面有台相机, 他将会拍下我们爱的场面 如果那上面有台相机 我绝不会拍下这一刻与大家在网上共享 因为如果你将我们这个私密的爱巢说出去 我将会亲自惩罚你 因为爱人我已满足了自己的心愿,像孩子回到玩具房中那样愉悦 但这是你与我私人的空间(我不会将它泄露出去) 爱抚我, 将我轻轻地放在地板上 轻揉我的身体 不要停止,爱我更多 爱抚我 将我放在床上 此时此刻,我只想让你感到你从未得到的感觉 爱抚我 让我的腿环绕在你的腰上,这只是一点体验 爱抚我 我知道你爱我的迷人曲线 快来给我渴望的激情,抚摸我的身体 爱人,你可以将我放在你的身上,像一个新的开始 我会将你紧紧拥抱,超越我那最爱的紧身牛仔裤 我要你爱抚我 像热带的微风,与你飘荡在加勒比海迷人的风景中 如果那上面有台相机, 他将会拍下我们爱的场面 如果那上面有台相机 我绝不会拍下这一刻与大家在网上共享 因为如果你将我们这个私密的爱巢说出去 我将会亲自惩罚你 因为爱人我已满足了自己的心愿,像孩子回到玩具房中那样愉悦 但这是你与我私人的空间(我不会将它泄露出去) 爱抚我, 将我轻轻地放在地板上 轻揉我的身体 不要停止,爱我更多 爱抚我 将我放在床上 此时此刻,我只想让你感到你从未得到的感觉 爱抚我 让我的腿环绕在你的腰上,这只是一点体验 爱抚我 我知道你爱我的迷人曲线 快来给我渴望的激情,抚摸我的身体 我将你当作我最爱玩具熊i 在这爱的氛围中,我让你不能去往任何地方 爱人,转过来,你将不用得到更多 因为我将给你全部 爱抚我 噢耶............... 爱抚我MC, you"re the place to be Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah I know that you"ve been waiting for it I"m waiting too In my imagination I"d be all up on you I know you got that fever for me Hundred and two And boy I know I feel the same My temperature"s through the roof If there"s a camera up in here Then it"s gonna leave with me When I do (I do) If there"s a camera up in here Then I"d best not catch this flick On YouTube (YouTube) "Cause if you run your mouth and brag About this secret rendezvous I will hunt you down "Cause baby I"m up in my bidness Like a Wendy interview But this is private Between you and I Touch my body Put me on the floor Wrestle me around Play with me some more Touch my body Throw me on the bed I just wanna make you feel Like you never did. Touch my body Let me wrap my thighs All around your waist Just a little taste Touch my body Know you love my curves ***e on and give me what I deserve And touch my body. Boy you can put me on you Like a brand new white tee I"ll hug your body tighter Than my favorite jeans I want you to caress me Like a tropical breeze And float away with you In the Caribbean Sea If there"s a camera up in here Then it"s gonna leave with me When I do (I do) If there"s a camera up in here Then I"d best not catch this flick On YouTube (YouTube) "Cause if you run your mouth and brag About this secret rendezvous I will hunt you down "Cause baby I"m up in my bidness Like a Wendy interview But this is private Between you and I Touch my body Put me on the floor Wrestle me around Play with me some more Touch my body Throw me on the bed I just wanna make you feel Like you never did. Touch my body Let me wrap my thighs All around your waist Just a little taste Touch my body Know you love my curves ***e on and give me what I deserve And touch my body. Imma treat you like a teddy bear You won"t wanna go nowhere In the lap of luxury Baby just turn to me You won"t want for nothing boy I will give you plenty Touch my body Touch my body Put me on the floor Wrestle me around Play with me some more Touch my body Throw me on the bed I just wanna make you feel Like you never did. Touch my body Let me wrap my thighs All around your waist Just a little taste Touch my body Know you love my curves ***e on and give me what I deserve And touch my body. Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah Oh yeah oh yeah Oh oh oh oh yeah Touch my body...

Touch My Body 歌词

歌曲名:Touch My Body歌手:Mariah Carey专辑:Bye ByeTouch My BodyMariah CareyI know that you been waiting for it, I"m waiting tooIn my imagination I be all up on youI know you got that fever for me, 102And boy I know I feel the same my temperature"s through the roofIf there"s a camera up in here, then it"s gon" leave with me when I doIf there"s a camera up in here, then I best not catch this flick on Youtube.Cause if you run your mouth and brag about this secret rendezvousI will hunt you downCause baby I"m up in my business like a Wendy interviewBut this is private, "tween you and ITouch my body, put me on the floor, hustle me around, play with me some moreTouch my body, throw me on the bed, I just wanna make you feel like you never didTouch my body, let me rub your thighs, all around your waist, just a little tasteTouch my body, know you love my curves, come on and give me what I deserveAnd touch my bodyBoy you can book me on you like a brand new IDI"ll hug your body tighter than my favorite jeansI want you to caress me like a tropical breezeAnd float away with you in my Caribbean SceneIf there"s a camera up in here, then it"s gon" leave with me when I doIf there"s a camera up in here, then I best not catch this flick on Youtube.Cause if you run your mouth and brag about this secret rendezvousI will hunt you downCause baby I"m up in my business like a Wendy interviewBut this is private, "tween you and ITouch my body, put me on the floor, hustle me around, play with me some moreTouch my body, throw me on the bed, I just wanna make you feel like you never didTouch my body, let me rub your thighs, all around your waist, just a little tasteTouch my body, know you love my curves, come on and give me what I deserveAnd touch my bodyI"mma treat you like a teddy bearYou won"t wanna go nowhereIn the lap of luxuryBaby just turn to meYou won"t want for nothing boyI will give you plentyTouch my body Throw me on the bed Touch my bodyI just wanna make you feel Like you never did. Touch my body Let me wrap my thighs All around your waist Just a little taste Touch my body Know you love my curves ***e on and give me what I deserve And touch my body. And touch my body. Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8195095

touch my body的歌曲简介

(Billboard官方文案)随着Touch My Body首周下载销量以285,544报收, Touch My Body成为Mariah职业生涯中第18支冠军曲。Mariah是唯一一位在Hot 100经历单曲市场四个主要时期(黑胶时期[-1991], CD时期[1992-1998], 单曲市场衰退期[1999-2004]及数码时期[2005-])均有冠军曲的艺人。同时也是Hot 100在五种不同主导的统计方式(单曲发行当周开始统计[-1995], 单曲发行次周开始统计[1995-1998], 扩展单曲涵义加入电台单曲入榜资格[1999-2004],统计范围扩展至数码范围并提升其权重[2005-2007], 统计范围进一步拓展至在线试听并平衡电台、下载及试听权重[2007-])下均有单曲夺魁的艺人。Touch My Body不仅是Mariah的第18支Hot 100的冠军曲, 同时也是自1999年9月Heartbreaker夺冠以来Mariah首次能以专辑第一支单曲即夺魁的单曲。Touch My Body的夺冠使得Mariah超过猫王Elvis Presley, 独享拥 有冠军单曲最多的独唱艺人之殊荣。而同时作为本单曲创作者, Mariah则超过Barry Gibb, 独享拥有最多冠军单曲数作者第三的纪录, 同时也是最成功的女歌曲创作者。

touch my body的中英歌词

Mariah Carey - Touch My BodyI know that you been waiting for it I"m waiting too我知道你一直在等待,我也是In my imagination I be all up on you在我的想象中全部是你I know you got that fever for me 102我知道你为我狂热不止And boy I know I feel the same my temperature"s through the roof可男孩,我的热度同你一样已冲上云霄If there"s a camera up in here then it"s gon" leave with me when I do I do如果那里有一台相机它将会拍出我们爱的场面If there"s a camera up in here then I best not catch this flick on Youtube如果那里有一台相机我绝不会拍下这一刻分享到YouTubeCause if you run your mouth and brag about this secret rendezvous因为如果你将我们这私密的约会说出去I will hunt you down我将会惩罚你Cause baby I"m up in my business like a Wendy interview因为我已满足了自己的心愿But this is private "tween you and I但是这是你和我的私人空间Touch my body put me on the floor hustle me around play with me some more爱抚我,将我放在地板上轻揉我,不要停止Touch my body throw me on the bed I just wanna make you feel like you never did爱抚我,将我放在床上,我只想给你前所未有的感觉Touch my body let me rub your thighs all around your waist just a little taste爱抚我,让我的腿环绕在你的腰上,这只是一点风味Touch my body know you love my curves come on and give me what I deserve爱抚我,我知道你爱我迷人的曲线,给我想要的And touch my body爱抚我Boy you can book me on you like a brand new ID爱人,你可以将我放在你的身体上像一个心得开始I"ll hug your body tighter than my favorite jeans我会紧紧地拥抱你超越我那最爱的牛仔裤I want you to caress me like a tropical breeze我像热带的微风一样渴望你的爱抚我And float away with you in my Caribbean Scene与你漂浮在加勒比海迷人的风景If there"s a camera up in here then it"s gon" leave with me when I do如果那里有一台相机它将会拍出我们爱的场面If there"s a camera up in here then I best not catch this flick on Youtube如果那里有一台相机我绝不会拍下这一刻分享到YouTubeCause if you run your mouth and brag about this secret rendezvous因为如果你将我们这私密的约会说出去I will hunt you down我将会惩罚你Cause baby I"m up in my business like a Wendy interview因为我已满足了自己的心愿But this is private "tween you and I但是这是你和我的私人空间Touch my body put me on the floor hustle me around play with me some more爱抚我,将我放在地板上轻揉我,不要停止Touch my body throw me on the bed I just wanna make you feel like you never did爱抚我,将我放在床上,我只想给你前所未有的感觉Touch my body let me rub your thighs all around your waist just a little taste爱抚我,让我的腿环绕在你的腰上,这只是一点风味Touch my body know you love my curves come on and give me what I deserve爱抚我,我知道你爱我迷人的曲线,给我想要的And touch my body爱抚我I"mma treat you like a teddy bear我把你当做我最爱的泰迪熊You won"t wanna go nowhere你不能去任何地方In the lap of luxury在这爱的氛围中Baby just turn to me宝贝你只要面对我You won"t want for nothing boy你将不用得到更多I will give you plenty因为我会给你全部Touch my body爱抚我Touch my body put me on the floor hustle me around play with me some more爱抚我,将我放在地板上轻揉我,不要停止Touch my body throw me on the bed I just wanna make you feel like you never did爱抚我,将我放在床上,我只想给你前所未有的感觉Touch my body let me rub your thighs all around your waist just a little taste爱抚我,让我的腿环绕在你的腰上,这只是一点风味Touch my body know you love my curves come on and give me what I deserve爱抚我,我知道你爱我迷人的曲线,给我想要的And touch my body爱抚我Touch my body爱抚我Touch my body爱抚我Touch my body爱抚我Touch my body爱抚我

body decorations是什么意思


MATLAB ode45 杜芬方程的相图 哪里出错了?

omega是个啥?常数还是变量?clear allclcgamma=0.1;kapa=1;xi=1; F=0.1;omega=5;f=@(t,x)([x(2);-gamma*x(2)+kapa*x(1)-xi*x(1)^3+F*cos(x(3));omega]);[t,X]=ode45(f,0:.1:4,[0 .1 0]);plot(X(:,1),X(:,2))xlabel("x(1)"),ylabel("x(2)")

在英语语法中有许多语法名称请问用英语怎么说?如虚拟语气是subjunctive mood

其实百度百科都有 而且比较全面 呵呵~~ LZ,为啥不自己去看呢~~~


He is determined to delay no more.主语是he is determined是系动词表语。

亚马逊上的recommended browse node 是什么意思

recommended browse node推荐浏览节点recommended 英[reku0259"mendu026ad]美[reku0259"mendu026ad]adj. 被推荐的;v. 推荐; 托( recommend的过去式和过去分词 ); 劝告; 使显得吸引人;[网络] 荐; 推荐饮用; 建议;[例句]Each hotel is inspected and, if it fulfils certain criteria, is recommended.会对每家旅馆都进行检查,如果它达到了一定的标准,就获得推荐。[其他] 形近词: recommences recommender recommenced


因为食物有很多种 不能用a 用a就表示食物只有一个或一种 不符合生活实际 而且语法错误


据VGC编辑Andy Robinson称,今年的COD(据称叫《使命召唤:先锋》)将在下个月公布。这显然与2020年8月“使命召唤:黑色行动冷战”(Black Ops Cold War)的公布方式相符。 事实上,与这款游戏类似的是,《先锋》也将通过免费游戏《使命召唤:战区》而亮相。据报道,《使命召唤:先锋》将以第二次世界大战为背景,类似于大锤的上一款《使命召唤》游戏,并且将使用与《使命召唤:现代战争》(2019)相同的引擎。《使命召唤》《使命召唤》采用了强化过的《重返德军总部》引擎(即再次强化过的Quake III引擎),因此在画面表现上,可以达到惊人的效果,例如在斯大林格勒战役中,引擎完美的表现出大批士兵玩家搭船渡河、领取弹药进攻红场的画面。美军于圣梅尔格利斯村庄中,破坏德军的火炮阵地、巴斯通的雪地奋战等场景。而在爆炸,破损的城市、人物动作等视觉效果上更是可圈可点,当玩家遭到炮轰或者炸弹引爆时,玩家的角色甚至瞬间失去意识,视线模糊一阵子。

求一篇英语作文(谈谈快餐talk about“fast food”)八十词左右

the past 10 years or so witnessed the ever growing popularity and coverage of western fast food in China. Dinning out in McDonald"s or KFC has become a kind of fashion among young people.Thence it"s reasonable to believe that rare people will see through the yollowish flour or the brown icy coka, at the very begainning,customers have not been influenced so badly, but later,we have more and more problems for consumption of the food, pre-mature children, overweight youth, the bird flu and things alike have for time and again put all cosumers into risk.

英语作文Why most kids like fast food?120字

Nowadays, western fast-food, such as McDonald"s and KFC, seems more delicious than traditional Chinese food, a certain number of children they cannot resist its fantastic taste, which attract millions of fast-food restaurant coming to Chinese market. Besides, fast-food could emancipate mothers from the kitchen to a great extent, sometimes their parentswould rather take them to eat fast-food than eat at home. However, fast-food itself has many side-effects. For example, it is a potential factor causing children"s obesity which has been regarded as a sign of unhealthy generally; because of its lack of multi-nutritional protein or vitamin which can obtain relatively from meat and vegetable, they might suffer from various illnesses quite possibly due to the fact that their body has already function abnormally. In addition, XXX, a famous American biologist, did several researches proving that these Americans who have a preference on fast-food are weaker than who are not.Much as it provides a great convenience in our daily life, it also contains plenty of irreversible disadvantages. In my opinion, the less fast-food the better; i.e., giving up fast-food is a wisechoice in your life.如果这个用在托福/GRE等地方,效果会好很多。他写的有些地方很主观,这个犯了一些上述考试中的逻辑错误。good luck

ina fast food ret a


快餐现在在中国很流行,但快餐对人的身体却没什么好处。请根据以下要点以“Fast Food”为题写一篇短文,

There are several reasons for its popularity. First of all, it is very convenient and saves a lot of time. You just go into a fast food restaurant, order your food, and your food is ready in no time. Secondly, you can either eat there or take it away.Thirdly, the environment of fast food restaurant is both clean and comfortable. Fourthly, it has excellent service, and the quality of food is guaranteed. However, in terms of nutrition, fast food is far from satisfactory. It is usually not a balanced diet and low in nutritional value. Having too much fast food can have a bad effect on the health. Personally, fast food is only a good choice only when you are in a hurry and you should turn to it once in a while. It"s good for people, especially children, to eat fast food as little as possible. 试题分析:这是一篇提纲类作文,我们需要用正确的英语把给出的要点表达出来.本作文中给出的要点比较具体,故需要准确表达.写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。特别注意在选择句式时要赋予变化。点评:本文属于提纲类作文,动笔前,一定要认真分析要点,理解要点要表达的含义,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题。平时除了加强词汇积累,写作联系以外,还可以适当记忆一些类似的范文,这样在考试中可以起到事半功倍的效果。

Fast Food翻译

这是高中的文章吧~好像还是前面几章的。 快餐是在中国的普及程度越来越高,尤其是儿童和青少年。今天,没有比这更具有代表性的快节奏的现代社会中比吃快餐。有几个原因普及。首先,它是快速方便等特点。走进一家快餐店、和你的粮食一会儿就准备好。你能满足你的饥饿。宝贵的时间不会浪费在waiting-in-line吗?还是要再等在你的桌子是你的食物到。第二,它的普及也归因于清洁食物、优质的服务、舒适的环境的速食店。 然而,我认为快餐不足够健康,因为它并不构成均衡的饮食和低营养。医生建议人们应该尽量避免吃太多快餐。尽管家乡菜是耗时的washing-u之后,它提供健康p烦人,可口的饭菜身体喜欢和需要。快餐食品只不过是个不错的选择,我当你匆匆忙忙的,我们应该将它只在一旁。


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Godsmack的《Awake》 歌词

歌曲名:Awake歌手:Godsmack专辑:Good Times, Bad Times - Ten Years Of GodsmackGodsmack - AwakeWait another minute.Can"t you see what this pain has fucking done to me.I"m alive and still kicking.What you see I can"t see and maybeYou"ll think before you speak.I"m alive. for you,I"m awake. Because of you,I"m alive. I told you,I"m awake swallowing you alive!Take another second.Turn your back on me and make believe, thatYou"re always happy.It"s safe to say you"re never alive.A big part of you has died and by the way,I hope you"re satisfied.I"m alive. For you,I"m awake. Because of you,I"m alive. I told you,I"m awake swallowing you alive!For you, I"m awakeBecause of you,I"m alive. I told you I"m awake.Tearing it back unveiling me.Taking a step back so I can breathe.Hear the silence about to break.Fear resistance when I"m awake.Tearing it back unveiling me.Taking a step back so I can breathe.Hear the silence about to break.Fear resistance when I"m awake.Alive for you.I"m awake, because of youI"m alive, I told youI"m awake swallowing youI"m alive, i told youI"m awakeBecause of youI"m alive, I told you I"m awakeSwallowing you aliveEnjoyGodsmack - AwakeChaBhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10261811






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Product Dimensions是什么意思

产品尺寸dimensions 英[du026a"menu0283nz] 美[du026a"menu0283nz] vi. 按规格尺寸切割 vt. 在…上标尺寸 n. 面积;特点;(长、宽、厚、高等的)尺寸;重要性;尺寸

Product Dimensions是什么意思

Product Dimensions产品尺寸dimensions[英][du026a"menu0283nz][美][du026a"menu0283nz]vi.按规格尺寸切割; vt.在…上标尺寸; n.面积; 特点; (长、宽、厚、高等的)尺寸; 重要性; 尺寸( dimension的名词复数 ); 方面; (长、宽、高的)量度; 规模; 例句:1.But flammang wanted to see directly how particles moved in three dimensions. 但弗拉芒想直接观察颗粒在三个维度移动的情况。

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是复数goldilocks 英["gu0259u028aldu026alu0252ks] 美["gou028aldu026au02cclu0252ks] n. 金发姑娘,金凤花; [例句]Goldilocks sighed and fell asleep as she was lying in the third bed.


苹果连接airpods的方法如下:    1、首先需要打开iPhone手机,在设置里开启蓝牙;    2、然后打开AirPods的盖子,等待配对;    3、等待屏幕上出现连接图标,配对即可。    苹果公司(Apple Inc.)是美国的一家高科技公司,由史蒂夫·乔布斯、斯蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克和罗·韦恩等人于1976年4月1日创立,并命名为美国苹果电脑公司,2007年1月9日更名为苹果公司,总部位于加利福尼亚州的库比蒂诺,于1980年12月12日公开招股上市。其主要业务包括设计、开发和销售消费电子、计算机软件、在线服务和个人计算机等。    苹果公司创立之初,主要开发和销售的个人电脑,截至2014年致力于设计、开发和销售消费电子、计算机软件、在线服务和个人计算机。苹果的Apple II于1970年代开启了个人电脑革命,其后的Macintosh接力于1980年代持续发展。该公司硬件产品主要是Mac电脑系列、iPod媒体播放器、iPhone智能手机和iPad平板电脑;在线服务包括iCloud、iTunes Store和App Store;消费软件包括OS X和iOS操作系统、iTunes多媒体浏览器、Safari网络浏览器,还有iLife和iWork创意和生产套件。苹果公司在高科技企业中以创新而闻名世界。AirPods 用户或已经熟知如何让蓝牙耳机与自己的 iPhone 进行配对,但是在一些场景中,您可能还不清楚如何快速切换用蓝牙耳机收听音频。例如,当 AirPods 连接到电脑或其它设备之后,如何快速切回到 iPhone?可以从以下这些小技巧中找到答案:AirPods 快速切回到 iPhone 播放音频:要将 AirPods 重新连接到 iPhone,可按住 AirPods 充电盒上面的按钮来重置设备,当 iPhone 上出现提示时,请点击通过 iCloud 连接,并按照屏幕上的指示进行操作即可。此外,如果您正佩戴着 AirPods,也可以尝试打开 iPhone 控制中心,长按蓝牙图标,找到 AirPods 轻点,当它显示为“已连接”时即可。将音频从扬声器或其它耳机切换到 AirPods:如果您正在使用扬声器或其它耳机播放音频,需要切换到 AirPods 进行播放,请先打开 AirPods 充电盒盖,然后在 iPhone 上打开控制中心,按住屏幕右上方音频模块:然后轻点隔空播放图标,在其中选择 AirPods 即可。

period;navigate;investigation ; 这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法。。。



台词(部分)The Wolf: [receiving a lit stick of dynamite] What kind of candles are those?Twitchy: [pointing at writing on dynamite] Dee-na-mee-tay. Must be Italian.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nicky Flippers: Why do they call you Red?Red: They call me red because I wear this red hood.Nicky Flippers: What about when you"re not wearing the hood?Red: [pause] I usually wear it.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Woodsman: What the Schnitzel?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Granny: Honey, don"t look at your granny like that.Red: I"m sorry, I thought you were Triple G. Or are you the Bandit?Det. Bill Stork: Aw-Kward![awkwardly side slips out of the room]Granny: You"re being ridiculous Red.Red: I"m being ridiculous? You"re off living... La Vida Loca, risking your life for some dumb thrills, and I"m supposed to stay home and be your happy little delivery girl?Tommy: I have a...Nicky Flippers: Coffee break, anyone?Chief Grizzly: Uh, yeahDet. Bill Stork: Whose got my keys?Raccoon Jerry: You think granny would mind if i went through her garbage?Chief Grizzly: Excuse us.Granny: I thought you were happy.Red: Open your eyes. I"ve never even been outside of the forest. Don"t you think I"d want more than that?Granny: Of course you do. You"re a Puckett.Red: [sighs] I don"t know what that means anymore--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nicky Flippers: What do you do for a living, Mr. Wolf?The Wolf: I"m a shepherd.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[last lines]Red: Mr. Flippers!Nicky Flippers: I see you all got my message. Glad you could make it.Granny: What"s going on?Nicky Flippers: Well, I was wondering if you"d like to come and work for me? I could use some fresh talent like you.The Wolf: What kind of work are we talking about?Nicky Flippers: You"d be under cover, on impossible missions, to far away places. There"s a lot of stories out there that need a happy ending. I"m part of a secret organization that makes sure that happens.Red: "Happily Ever After Agency"?Nicky Flippers: The woods don"t go "round by themselves.Twitchy: [talking very fast] Yeah! Alright! Okay we fight the bad guys, we ride the ski boats, climb the walls, and swing the windows secret agent style. Right! Yeah!Nicky Flippers: So what do you think?Granny: Bring it honey!Red: I always did like happy endings.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Red: Who are you ?The Wolf: I"m your grandma.Red: Your face looks really weird, granny.The Wolf: I"ve been sick, I... uh...Red: Your mouth doesn"t move when you talk.The Wolf: Plastic surgery. Grandma"s had a little work done.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Red: [about the medallion she found in Granny"s drawer] Huh? What"s this?Granny: Oh, it says "World"s Greatest Grandma".Red: Grandma, I can read. It says "Battle of the Iron Cage Gladiators".--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Granny: It"s true, I"m not like other grannies. I never did like the quilting bees and the bingo parlors. I"d rather live life to the EXTREME!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nicky Flippers: It would seem that all of you came together tonight by mistake.[walks past dog typing notes]Nicky Flippers: Maybe you naughty neighbors butted heads so we could get to the real truth.The Wolf: The Goody BanditNicky Flippers: That"s right. The Bandit"s still at large. There"s been a lot of finger pointing tonight, but now all fingers point to the Bandit.The Woodsman: Not my finger![quickly puts index finger in mouth and starts sucking it]Nicky Flippers: Oh no, you were just out damaging forest property, cutting down the redwoods we all call home.[the Woodsman starts spluttering]Nicky Flippers: Big guy like you, you could probably take whatever you want from little goody-loving creatures, couldn"t you?The Woodsman: But someone robbed me! Have we lost track of that?Nicky Flippers: Thats right, someone did. Maybe a snack food competitor. Right Granny?Granny: Now hold on a pea-picking minute! I may lead a double life full of secrets and deception, but that"s no reason to be suspicious.The Woodsman: Huh?Nicky Flippers: A woman like you could have a lot to gain stealing all those recipes.Chief Grizzly: And that"s how she makes her goodies so good! Eh?Nicky Flippers: Or she could just be another victim... of a hungry WolfThe Wolf: Ah, the wolf did it. Talk about profiling.Nicky Flippers: Why should we trust someone who wears disguises for a living?Chief Grizzly: Maybe he"s not a wolf at all!The Wolf: You got me. I"m a poodle. I just haven"t been to the barbershop in a long time.Chief Grizzly: Is this all just a big joke to you?The Wolf: I just followed the girl here.Granny: You leave my granddaughter alone!Nicky Flippers: Yes, now we get to Little Red, the girl with the basket on the run.[camera points to empty chair]Nicky Flippers: Where is she anyway?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[after having his first taste of coffee and the caffeine obviously getting to him]Twitchy: Caffeine! Yeah baby!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Twitchy falls from sky]The Wolf: Twitchy! You scared me!Twitchy: [speaking very quickly] Hey boss, I called the taped-I beeped you on your beeper. Did you get my beep?The Wolf: Twitchy, you gotta calm down.Twitchy: [continues speaking quickly] I got up early and I got the gear I was watching the girl like you told me to, the girl in the red hood.The Wolf: Yeah, the girl in the red hood. Did you see where she went?Twitchy: She went past the porcupines and the red bird"s tree and the guy with the long beard and now she"s up the creek and she sings everywhere she goes. She"s like lalalalalalalalalala...The Wolf: Yeah, yeah, I"m way ahead of you. we gotta find out who she"s working for. You got the camera?Twitchy: The 220x and a photograb with autofocus. Ooo, look at that - come with a 500 millimeter lens. You want the color or black and white?The Wolf: Doesn"t matter.Twitchy: I brought a flash![takes a picture]The Wolf: Will you put that away? It"s covert. No flash!Twitchy: [takes the flash off] Undercover, got it. Mmm-hm. Nobody sees, nobody knows. Click-click, heh heh![grins]The Wolf: [stares at Twitchy] You ever thought about decaffeinated coffee?Twitchy: Oh, I don"t drink coffee!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Wolf: I can"t believe I"m saying this but... drink up[gives twitchy the coffee]The Wolf: We may want to stand back.Twitchy: [Sips coffee and his eyes buldge and he starts shaking] Yee-hoo-hoo-hoo! Wahooo! Caffeine! Yeah baby! Whoa!The Wolf: Go get "em boy.[Twitchy takes off and bounces all over the place]The Wolf: What... have I done?Granny: Now the rest"s up to us.The Woodsman: Can I have coffee?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tommy: I know about houses. l built mine out of straw. I"m not an idiot.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nicky Flippers: So! Mr. Wolf... May I call you Wolf?The Wolf: You can call me Sheila. I like long walks and fresh flowers.Chief Grizzly: Quit playing around, Wolf! You"re looking at 3 to 5 in an old shoe with no windows, SO START SINGIN"!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chief Grizzly: Pretty thin Wolf! You say the old lady was already tied up. How did that happen?The Wolf: I don"t know, maybe to make herself look innocent. I just write the news Chief, I don"t make it.Red: For a reporter, you sure have a strange way of doing your job.The Wolf: What can I say? I was raised by wolves.(字数限制,原文在这里,以后你找英文台词可以在这个网站找)http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0443536/quotes



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有没有 Goodbye city的歌词? 泰民 不朽唱的

Goodbye Laurelie lyricsThe grass is overgrowing on the garden rail.And crickets call a chorus I remember.well,Calling me, that old familiar thunder. WritingLetters I always meant to send you.When every second feature showed Niagara Falls We wereSitting pretty, feeling twice as tall. Making faces at the madmanIn the alleyway. We laughed at every cowboy who stopped toFill his glass.(Chorus)Calling, Goodbye Laurelie, dirty town lullabye.Goodbye Laurelie, goodbye.Goodbye Laurelie, dirty town lullabye.Goodbye Laurelie . . .When all the city papers say you"re doing well You"re[ Still a small town story that the neighbours tell WhenYou smile and say hello to strangers You"re still theFoolish boy they all remember.The crazy Jane I chased every other night. HasReappeared in white like a virgin bride. I"m theFace in the comer of the photograph A wild manAt the weddding, fixing his tie.(Chorus)Calling, Goodbye Laurelie dirty town lullabye.Goodbye Laurelie, goodbye.Goodbye Laurelie, dirty town lullabye.Goodbye Laurelie . . .

Guy. Good luck to you and to me.是什么意思?




he stood awkwardly( )the microphone. 1.in front of 2.ahead of 3.on top of 4.instead of


“好好先生” 英文到底应该怎么说? 1、Mr.Nice Guy 2、Mr.Good

Mr. Nice Guy 吧,Mr. Good 是古德先生.要注意的是:并不是所有的中文词(成语)都有完全相对的英文词,大多都需要说一大段话来解释.反过来也是一样.

“I have a good friend” 请高手给翻译一下。


You 可以简写成U来用在句子开头嘛?比如U are a good guy 这样可以吗?


英语阅读More good things come from small things 急 在线等

不知道上下文语境是什么 单看这一句我的理解是 细节论成败之类的意思

we are the good guys here这里的guy要用复数吗?

需要使用复数形式 因为句子的主语we表达我们 很明显这是一个复数形式的概念 这又是一个主系表结构的句子 因主语we的使用 系动词必须使用are 我用am 你用are is连接他她它 所有单数用is 所有复数都用are 其后的表语也要遵从we 必须使用复数形式

求生之路2 【GOOD GUY NICK】 成就怎么拿?

【GOOD GUY NICK】购买过正版的用户带周末免费试玩的用户完成一次战役,或者是周末免费试玩的用户让已购买过正版的用户带过一次战役,就可以解锁。

good guy total hack什么意思?马男里的人翻译准确吗?

我也觉得怪怪的刚开始noother刚刚开始打榜的时候两个人还是有互动的但是后来基本就没什么互动了T.T我觉得赫对小海好冷淡啊T.T然后就是 的那个刘熙烈的写生簿goodperson的饭拍..赫在一直跟兔子玩的好开心..都不理小海T.T小海看着赫在的样子..看的我虐死了T.T估计两孩子是在闹别扭吧不过后来大云哥过去搂小海腰唱歌..被赫拉开了..我可不可以理解为赫海两个人闹别扭..李赫在不搭理李东海..但是毕竟只是闹别扭么..看大云哥去跟东海玩了他又吃醋了..自己不理小海还不准别人接近啊.王爷啊..你完全小孩子脾气啊==不过 的musicbank赫摸小海脸..挽手跳舞的时候小海不放手把王爷拽过去了..站错位了还傻笑的王爷..王爷rap的时候小海摸啊摸..王爷一脸享受啊..然后看着小海笑..还捂嘴了==结果嘴就没合上..我是不是可以理解为赫海和好了~^^

He thinks I am a good guy的反义疑问句是什么

He thinks I am a good guy,doesn"t he?

pretty good guy 的意思


he is a good guy 和he is a nice gay 的区别 请教


Good Guy什么意思,外带中文歌词.


good guy是什么意思及用法


good guy什么意思






spice girls 的goodbye的歌词

Goodbye歌词曲名:Goodbye 歌手:Spice Girls No, no, no, no Listen little child. There will come a day, When you will be able, Able to say. Nevermind the pain, Or the agrivation. She knows there"s a better way, for you and me to be. Look for the rainbow in every storm. Fly like an angel, Heaven sent to me. Goodbye my friend It"s not the end So glad we made it, Time will never change it, No, no, no Just a little girl, Big imagination, never letting no one take it away. Went into the world, (into the world) What a revelation. She found there"s a better way for you and me to be. Look for the rainbow in every storm, Find out for certain, Love"s gonna be there for you, You"ll always be someone"s baby. Goodbye my friend It"s not the end So glad we made it, Time will never change it, No, no, no you know The times when we would play about, 曲名:Goodbye The times when we would play aboutThe way we use to scream and shout. We never drempt you"d go your own sweet way. Look for the rainbow in every storm, Find out for certain, Love"s gonna be there for you, You"ll always be someone"s baby. Goodbye my friend It"s not the end So glad we made it, Time will never change it, No, no, no you know it"s time to say goodbye No no no no - and don"t forget you can rely No no no no - you know it"s time to say goodbye and don"t forget on me you can rely No no no no - I will help, help you on your way I will be with you every day


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需要一段英语对话,跟" How to be a good man ?"有关。好心人,帮帮忙,谢谢!

对不起,我不会写对话,给你一个学术文章,然后你可以用这篇文章自己来划分为对话。ok?Once upon a time, we asked ourselves - are you going to be a good man or a bad man? All movies, and all novels are telling the story again and again about how important it is to be basically good, and how to be good. It seems to be a question that have absolute right answer. However, it is not that easy to answer sometimes.I met with a Singaporean today, who is really bad. He didn"t follow the contract and didn"t show sorry about that. To be honest, I feel very good about people in Singapore, and still respect. So I felt so shamed that the guy with name Chen comes from Singapore... I didn"t get angry for years, but today, I am really angry. (What about the last time? When my car was scratched by a drunk driver)For get about the story. I start to think how important to follow the rule of being a good person. It seems not so easy.What is Good?Thanks to novelists and artists who hold mirror for the society and people can see themselves, and get a better sense. I"d like to thank Shakespeare to show us the story of Romeo and Juliet. When we read the story, everything thinks he/she will be on the side of Juliet, and Romeo. The fact is not.I seriously doubt with the limited information I get, I would be one of the people vote against their marriage if I were born in the age of the story. So whenever I saw a negative story on newspaper, and everyone reading the story will be angry, I start to think, well, there is possibility that we are the angry people in the Juliet and Romeo story. The worst thing is, you may never have a chance to know that you are wrong.The Romeo and Juliet of the Current AgeA story gave me strong impression. It was a sad story, something like Juliet and Romeo story. Meanwhile, it is a true story.The story is about two persons falling into love. One of them is a super star in Hong Kong. They deeply love each other, but the public does not allow them to be together. The public, everyone, thinks it is not proper for them to love each other. They found every single chance to meet, and to stay together, despite all the media negative reports, and huge pressure from their families and friends.Finally, one of them just jumped from the top of the building at April 1, 2003, and died. The whole Chinese world was shocked about the death of the super star...If the story ends here, readers will say, why stop them, why not them follow their love? It seems we would not be part of "the public" in the story. Think twice... Are you so sure?The man is Leslie Cheung 张国荣. His partner is also a man....We are not that SureIn the story, when we hide the names, and more importantly, when we hide their gender, people would say one thing. After the how story is revealed, we are not that sure.Not every story is told in its logic order. Not everyone can get enough information from newspaper. We are in the same situation in my daily life. Our story is not told in a way that we see in movies. In movies, or novels, when person A talked with person B, and it will show you what happened after person A left B, and show you again what A and B talked when they met again. If we are the B in real life, because of the absence of the part between the two meet up, we never be able to act fairly. When this happens, B may be a bad guy in A"s eyes. That is how this world works.To be Fair, To be GoodI have made up my mind to be a good man. It means you need to do your homework to understand others, and don"t take it granted for not understood.Knowing that we are only part of the story, and can only see part o f this world, I believe we can form a better idea about this world.




Entity接近原始数据,Model接近业务对象~Entity:是专用于EF的对数据库表的操作,Model:是为页面提供数据和数据校验的,所以两者可以并存POJO:POJO是Plain OrdinaryJava Object的缩写不错,但是它通指没有使用Entity Beans的普通java对象,可以把POJO作为支持业务逻辑的协助类。POJO实质上可以理解为简单的实体类,顾名思义POJO类的作用是方便 程序员使用数据库中的数据表,对于广大的程序员,可以很方便的将POJO类当做对象来进行使用,当然也是可以方便的调用其get,set方法。POJO类 也给我们在struts框架中的配置带来了很大的方便。




neversaygoodbye中文翻译是:永不说再见。never的短语搭配:1、it never rains but it pours祸不单行;never mind没关系,不要紧,不关你的事;更不用说, 更谈不上;别管, 不用在意。2、on the never-never以分期付款的方式;you never know尤指可能会发生好事很难说,很难预料。3、now or never要么立刻行动;机不可失;never say die别泄气,别气馁,不言放弃。4、never fear不用怕;never cease to频繁地做;never hear the end of被不断地提起。用法讲解:never是否定意义的副词,放在句首时引起倒装。结构为never+be动词/助动词/情态动词 +主语+谓语。能这样用的词还有hardly, seldom 等。如: Never will my friend Paul forget his first chemistry teacher.我的朋友保罗永远不会忘记他的第一位化学老师。never位于句中时,常放在实义动词之前,助动词、情态动词和be动词之后。如: He is never late for class.他上课从不迟到。双语例句:1、If I could steal this moment forever,Paint a picture-perfect smile,So our story stayed alive,We would never say goodbye.如果我可以永远地偷走这个瞬间,画一幅照片式完美的微笑,这样我们的故事仍在上演,我们永不说再见。2、Chengdu,a city you never say goodbye.成都,一个你来了就不想走的城市。3、Let her die never wanna say goodbye.让她死去,永远不要说再见。4、But to this day,I will never forget how hard it was having to say goodbye.但是直到今天,我永远都不会忘记不得不说再见的痛苦。

名人能作为社会的榜样吗? Should Celebrities be Role Models for Society?

At present, the Olympic champion swimmer SunYang buy driver"s license have aroused public"s attention, most ters think SunYang is knowingly breaks the law and should be punished harshly, other izensoppose that sun win glory for our country ,he could receive privilege of a mitigatedpunishment. In my opinion, celebrities own the fame and great appeal should setan example to lead people doing good but wrong.,近日,奥运会游泳冠军孙阳购买驾照,并撞到公交车这件事引起广大网民热议,大部分网民认为孙阳知法犯法,应该受到法律处罚,少数网民认为孙阳奥运会为国家争光,应该减轻对他的处罚,我认为,名人拥有名气,具有很大的号召力,但应该以身作则去引导人们做好事,而不是做坏事。,Some well-known celebrities don"t payattention on their behaviors; some even break the law, which has set negativerole to teenagers. There are lots of media report that many stars inentertainment circle take drugs, and the list of females starts dinner princeis nothing new now, these behaviors have break through social bottom line.,一些名人不注意自己的言行甚至违法犯罪,给青少年做出了反面的榜样。很多报道发布文章称娱乐圈很多大明星吸毒,还有一些女明星的饭局价位排行榜早就不是什么新鲜的事了。这些行为已经突破社会道德的底线。,In fact, not every celebrity break out scandal,many of them are warm-hearted public welfare undertakings. Such as famous moviestar Jet Li who have created One Foundation Project, super star Wang Fei andher ex-hu *** and have set Smile Angel Foudation etc. Most celebrities are makingevery effort to do what is good to our environment, to protect animals and so they do have a great influence to society, they are indeed role models.,其实,不是所有的名人都爆出丑闻,很多人明星都热心公益活动。像著名电影明星李连杰创立了壹基金,著名歌手王菲和他前夫李亚鹏创立的嫣然基金等,大多数明星都在为社会奉献自己的力量,还有很多名人竭尽全力去保护环境保护动物,他们所作的事情都对社会产生了良好的影响,他们是真正的榜样。,To sum up, celebrities should care abouttheir acts and manage their public image.


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