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period;navigate;investigation ; 这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法。。。

2023-07-21 09:11:22







2023-07-21 02:55:493

investigation 和 suvey 区别

2023-07-21 02:57:031

investigation 的固定搭配及词性

nvestigation [in,vesti"ɡeiu0283u0259n]n. 调查;调查研究;深入的调查under investigation 在调查研究中investigation report 调查报告书general investigation 普查investigation team 调查组ground investigation 土地勘测have an investigation做一次调查launch an investigation 发起/做一次调查祝你开心如意!
2023-07-21 02:57:401

investigation on与investigation of的区别

investigation on 侧重的调查研究的新观点。investigation of 调查的是存在的某种事物。例句:The investigation on the method of transformation analysis in Chinese grammarseems to correct. 目前学界对汉语语法变换分析的探源研究似有可商之处。Application and Analysis of Laser Diagnostics Technology in Investigation of InternalCombustion Engines 激光诊断技术在内燃机研究中的应用及其分析
2023-07-21 02:58:022


2023-07-21 02:58:125


2023-07-21 02:58:271


studyn. 学习,研究;课题;书房;学问vt. 学习;考虑;攻读;细察vi. 研究;用功n. (Study)人名;(英)斯塔迪investigation调查;调查研究;深入的调查
2023-07-21 02:58:371

高中英语问题,大家帮我看看, 这个单词:investigation和survey有什么区别

2023-07-21 02:58:482


普查,是指一个国家或者一个地区为详细调查某项重要的国情、国力,专门组织的一次性大规模的全面调查,其主要用来调查不能够或不适宜用定期全面的调查报表来收集的资料,来搞清重要的国情、国力。 它是统计调查的组织形式之一。对统计总体的全部单位进行调查以搜集统计资料的工作。普查资料常被用来说明现象在一定时点上的全面情况。如人口普查就是对全国人口一一进行调查登记,规定某个特定时点(某年某月某日某时)作为全国统一的统计时点,以反映有关人口的自然和社会的各类特征。 其定义为:为特定目的而专门组织的一次性全面调查
2023-07-21 02:59:113

investigation 可数吗 高手指点

2023-07-21 02:59:204

英语汉译英问题 3?

第一题over意思是:在,,,期间,你翻译的句子不对,since用于完成时,所以改成at.第二题介词on必须有,后面接了两个名词做并列宾语,介词后不能接that从句,所以不能如你那样改。第三题out of意思是:出于。
2023-07-21 02:59:281

investigation on是什么意思

2023-07-21 02:59:362

questionnaire investigation是什么意思

questionnaire investigation问卷调查investigation[英][u026anu02ccvestu026au02c8geu026au0283n][美][u026anu02ccvu025bstu026au02c8ɡeu0283u0259n]n.侦查; (正式的)调查,研究; 科学研究; 学术研究; 复数:investigations例句:1.The white house says a full investigation is under way. 白宫称一次全面的调查正在进行中
2023-07-21 02:59:421

What is the different with "survey" and "investigation"?

2023-07-21 02:59:514


刑事侦查学的英文:science of criminal investigation; criminalisticsscience是什么意思:n. 科学,专门技术Information technology is the science—the underlying science—of institutional restructuring.信息技术是机构改革的关键性科学手段,是你用以重组机构的科学。In college I majored in science.在学院里,我主修自然科学。What a triumph for science! 这真是科学上的壮举! criminal是什么意思:adj. 刑事上的;犯罪的;可耻的n. 罪犯The policeman figured the features of the criminal.这个警察描述了这个罪犯的特征。The case today is the delivery of a criminal.今天的任务是引渡一名罪犯。The priest confessed the criminal.神父听取了那个罪犯的忏悔。investigation是什么意思:n. 研究;调查No investigation, no recognition.没有调查,就没有发言权。You have to investigate into this affair.你必须调查研究这件事。They investigate corruption.他们调查贪污。
2023-07-21 03:00:251


2023-07-21 03:00:323

on-the-spot investigation是什么意思

on-the-spot investigation释义:实地考察,现场勘察on-the-spot investigation的用法和样例:例句Mimi, Micky and their classmates are going on a social studies field trip.眯眯,米奇和他们的同班同学正继续社会学科实地考察。Methods The analysis based on the historical documents and fieldwork, fully utilizing the achievements in modern scientific research.方法基于历史文献与野外实地考察进行分析。
2023-07-21 03:00:412

请教下.The investigation,() will soon be published,was made by Professor Smith.

2023-07-21 03:00:514


2023-07-21 03:00:582


2023-07-21 03:01:071


market investigationor : market survey
2023-07-21 03:01:185


2023-07-21 03:02:222

investigation 和 suvey 区别

2023-07-21 03:02:303


investigate 动词,调研 investigating 动名词,调研 investigative 形容词,调查的研究的 investigable 形容词,可调查研究的 investigator 名词,调研者
2023-07-21 03:02:491


因为后面的介词判断出选a,investigation (into) sth./doing sth. 做调查survey也是调查,对什么的调查,用介词oflook是看,意思不合适,单独的look into是调查的意思,没有make a look的用法outlook是景色,还可作观点,看法,此解时后接介词on
2023-07-21 03:03:041


问题一:“调查研究”用英语怎么说 The investigation and study 问题二:"调查研究"用英语怎么说 调查研究 [词典] [医] investigation; [经] investigate; [例句]我已在离开伦敦前进行了准备,做了些调查研究。 I had taken the precaution of doing a little research before I left London 问题三:英语词组“调查”怎么说 survey 调查;勘测;俯瞰 ?s??ve?; (for v.) s??ve? inquiry 探究;调查;质询 ?n"kwa?r? investigate 调查;研究 ?n"vest?ge?t research 研究;调查 r?"s??t?; "ri?s??t? 问题四:研究背景” 一词,用英语应该怎么说 研究背景 Research background 英 [ri?s?:t?] 美 [r?u02c8s?t?, ?ri?s?t?] n. 研究,追究; 探讨,探测; 调查; 探索; vi. 做研究; 探究; (从市场调研中)得出所预测的结果; vt. 从事…的研究,为…而做研究; 问题五:“市场调研”英文怎么说? 一般来说,一楼到三楼的都可以. 但确切地说, survey为测量,调查之意; 而research才有调查研究的意思; 而investigaton一般用于出了什么问题,去调查供是有前因的,意多为找出真相的意思. 而前两者皆是为了某个事物或目的去做的. 这里,市场调研应该是一个产品或项目的调查研究工作.所以用market reserach是最合适的,而market survey亦可,且这个用法较常见.若再严格一些的说法,investigation是断然不行的了! 所以,市场调研 = market research / market survey 问题六:"调查研究"用英语怎么说? 调查研究:(n.)investigation and study 1.We investigated and studied this environmental problem. 2.Investigation and study is basic skill of government staff members. 问题七:调查问卷用英语怎么说 调查问卷 Questionnaire 调查问卷 Questionnaire
2023-07-21 03:03:111


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: 调查: 1. investigation 2. inquiry 3. survey4. to investigate 5. to survey 6. (opinion) poll Relative explainations: <look-see> <investigate> <indagation> <Inquisition> <seeing into> <indagator> <search> <indagate> <research> <search into> <see into> <ynquiry> <look over> <inspection> <inquisite> Examples: 1. 警方开始调查事故的原因。 The police instituted an inquiry into the cause of the accident. 2. 该项调查对她的工作提出了批评。 The inquiry was critical of her work. 3. 我们曾请求法院调查。 We made an application to the court for an inquiry. 4. 他们答应对这次飞机失事进行彻底的调查。 They"ve promised a thorough inquiry into the plane crash. 5. 警察正在调查这件谋杀案。 The police are investigating the murder. 6. 这一事故正在调查之中。 The accident is under investigation. 7. 这仅仅是调查的开始。 It"s only the initiative of the investigation. 8. 警方正在调查他卷入那桩罪行的可能性。 The police are investigating his possible involvement in the crime. prospective study 前瞻性调查 retrospective study 回顾性调查 soil survey 土壤调查 Archaeological Reconnaissance 文物调查 audience survey 受众调查 market research 市场调查 noise survey 噪声调查 Look into 调查,观察 Delve into 调查,钻研 An investigation; an inspection. 调查;查看
2023-07-21 03:03:401


survey同义词是:investigation一、基础释义:n.调查;审查二、短语搭配:(1)investigation into对...的调查(2)launch an investigation展开调查(3)criminal investigation刑事调查;刑事侦查;刑事犯罪调查(4)under investigation调查中;正在调查;受到调查三、双语例句:(1)An investigation is being carried out into the disappearance of the money.正在对这笔钱的丢失进行一场调查。(2)Two officers were suspended from duty pending the outcome of the investigation.调查结果出来前,两名军官被暂时停职。(3)The request for an investigation was remitted to a special committee.调查申请被提交给一个特别委员会。
2023-07-21 03:03:481

investigation report中文翻译

The investigation report of fly populations at shihu port 石湖口岸蝇类调查报告 The investigation report on heluo drum music in luoyang 洛阳河洛大鼓音乐调查报告 Their investigation report was full of ambiguities 她们的调查报告模棱两可。 The investigation report on rat flea in huhehaote airfield 呼和浩特机场鼠蚤调查报告 The investigation report on mosquitoes in xiamen port 泰州口岸蚊类调查报告 Investigation report on tilapia in american market 美国市场罗非鱼调查报告 Investigation report on a 192ir radiation accident 源放射事故调查处理报告 Transition or confusion : investigation report on indonesia 印尼作为今日世界问题的例子 An investigation report about cell phone messages on campus 校园手机短信文化的调查报告 Investigation report of huangze temple cavern in guangyuan city 广元皇泽寺石窟调查报告 Standard for geotechnical investigation report 巖土工程勘察报告编制标准 The investigation report on mosquitoes background at xiamen port 厦门口岸蚊类本底调查报告 Investigation report of an event of bacterial food poisoning 一起细菌性食物中毒的调查报告 An investigation report on agricultural mechanization of thailand 以素可泰窑和宋卡洛窑为例 The investigation report for prehensive engpsh 第1册问卷调查报告 Investigation report on architects professional indentity 关于建筑师职业身份认同的调查报告 Investigation report of the co *** etic management in the united states 美国化妆品管理考察报告 An investigation report on the characteristics of juvenile crimes 未成年人案件特征的实证分析 Investigation report of logistics development status in shanghai 上海市物流发展状况的考察报告 The mittee is presenting its investigation report next week 委员会将于下星期提出调查报告。 Investigation report of peasants culture requirement in chengdu city 成都市农民文化需求调查报告 Investigation report on treatment of cerebral apoplexy during four years 脑梗塞治疗四年观察报告 The investigation report on biological vector background at jiu jiang port 厦门口岸蚊类调查报告 The investigation report on mosquito " s backgroud at puting airport 青岛流亭机场蚊类本底调查报告 Investigation report on indian salt industry and salt chemical industry 印度盐业及盐化工考察报告 An investigation report on yiwu foreign entrepreneurs " subsistence conditions 义乌外商生存状况调查 Investigation report on the development situation of children in china 中国少年儿童发展状况调查报告 An investigation report on vietnamese , indonesian and indian motorcycle market 印度摩托车市场考察报告 Investigation report on the outbreak of sars at amoy gardens 淘大花园爆发严重急性呼吸道综合症的调查报告 The investigation report on the development of munity sports in hubei 湖北省城市社区体育发展调查报告 Technical trade investigation report on rare earth industry through tour to europe 赴欧稀土技贸考察报告 An investigation report on agricultural mechanization of thailand continuation 泰国农业机械化考察报告续 Investigation reports on avifauna resources in stone lake natural reserve 石湖自然保护区鸟类资源调查初报 The construction of the investigation reports and it " s corresponding relation 论侦破通讯的结构及其对应关系 Investigation report of state determined poverty - stricken county - xiyang county 国定贫困县酉阳县考察报告 The investigation report on medical organizations reform in dingnan county 对定南县医疗卫生机构改制的调研报告 The investigation report " s writing 调研报告的写作 An investigation report on the apppcation and execution of property crimes 关于财产刑适用与执行问题的调研报告 An investigation report of postgraduates " moral education and quapty education 研究生德育教育与素质教育调查报告 An investigation report of yuxi " s privately - owned enterprise development 应澄清影响私营经济健康发展的两个理论命题
2023-07-21 03:04:091


investigate名词形式是investigation,是可数名词。investigation 英 [ɪnˌvestɪˈɡeɪʃn] 美 [ɪnˌvestɪˈɡeɪʃn] n. (正式的)调查,侦查;科学研究;学术研究 复数: investigations望采纳。
2023-07-21 03:04:173

investigate inquiry 的区别

1)investigate【动词】V-T/V-I If someone, especially an official, investigates an event, situation, or claim, they try to find out what happened or what is the truth. 调查例:They"re still investigating the accident.他们还在调查这个事故。2)inquiry【名词】N-COUNT An inquiry is an official investigation. (官方的) 调查例:...a shocking murder inquiry.…一例令人震惊的谋杀案调查。
2023-07-21 03:04:281


FBI[英][ˌef bi: ˈaɪ][美][ˌefbi:"aɪ]abbr.foreign-born Irish 国外出生的爱尔兰人; Federal Bureau of Investigation 联邦调查局; 易混淆单词:FbIFbi例句:1.An fbi spokesman declined to comment. fbi一位发言人拒绝置评。2.The fbi and prosecutors in north carolina and florida began their investigation last spring. fbi以及北卡罗莱纳州和佛罗里达州的检察官于今年春天展开调查
2023-07-21 03:04:493

period;navigate; investigation 这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求个谐音的读法~

etiquette 一提溃特, mystery 米丝特瑞, miracle 米瑞扣。能学音标就尽量学音标,这样可以读得更准,记单词更快。短时间这样还是有效果的。
2023-07-21 03:04:561

site investigation是什么意思

现场调查 的意思
2023-07-21 03:05:053

shelter and investigation是什么意思?

2023-07-21 03:05:133


To ......Carries on the investigation
2023-07-21 03:05:247


2023-07-21 03:05:402

make investigation是什么意思

2023-07-21 03:06:007


2023-07-21 03:06:151

警察已着手对这个案子进行细致,全面的调查 翻译为英语

The police have taken over the case for a stringent and comprehensive investigation.~~~~~纯人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~~~
2023-07-21 03:06:261

英语a rigorous investigation怎么翻译?

a rigorous investigation意思是:严格的调查
2023-07-21 03:07:008

research shows that in developed翻译

research shows that in developed研究表明,在发达国家researchn.研究,调查,探索v.研究,探索;搜集资料词态变化复数:researches;第三人称单数:researches;过去式:researched;过去分词:researched;现在分词:researching;同义词辨析inquiry,investigation,research,survey这些名词均有"调查"之意。inquiry:普通常用词,指正式调查,也指一般的打听或查询。investigation:一般指有系统的调查以得到希望发现或需要知道的事。research:指科学工作者等为揭示自然规律或获取某个领域的新知识而进行长时间的调查研究。survey:多指为写书面报告而进行的民意测验或调查同义词vt.探究;调查dig delve look in to hun tsear che xploreinq uirei nve stig ate其他释义词根词缀词根:search表示"搜索,调查"n.researcher研究员research[n.&v.研究,调查]+er人→n.研究员n.&v.research研究,调查re一再+search搜索,调查→n.&v.研究,调查search搜寻,探查search搜索,调查→n.&v.搜寻,探查v.搜集,探查v.search搜集,探查search搜索,调查→n.&v.搜寻,探查v.搜集,探查
2023-07-21 03:07:231

over invistigation 与你under invistigation 与 on in

你是指 investigation (调查) 吗?over (有时接 an, this...等指示词 或 冠词) investigation:一般不这么用,前面必须要有个单词来搭配 over。也就是说在这种情况下,over是搭配前面的单词成词组,而 investigation 是受词.Over-investigating (不是 over investigation) 会给人感觉它应该是指 “调查过度”。“调查过度”这样的用法有点怪,所以这个词不存在于字典里。因此我才说,人们会推测它是指 “调查过度”。on (有时接 an, this...等指示词 或 冠词) investigation:和 over investigation 差不多,on investigation 的 on 也连接前面的单词。但口语方面,它也可以是 “处理案件” 的意思。I am on this investigation. 我正在办这项调查。under investigation 被调查。You are under investigation. 你被调查了。这是固定用法。
2023-07-21 03:08:031

应助 study和investigate有何不同

2023-07-21 03:08:132

credit investigation是什么意思

2023-07-21 03:08:212

under investigation是什么意思

2023-07-21 03:08:292


2023-07-21 03:08:374


首先,FBI和CIA隶属的部门不同,FBI隶属于司法部,所有的行动得向司法部长报告,由司法部长再向总统报告。众所周知,FBI的全称是“Federal Bureau of Investigation”,即美国联邦调查局。但它的前身是“美国情报局”(The Bureau of Investigation 简称BOI)。那么FBI和BOI有什么区别呢?“美国调查局”是时任总统——西奥多 罗斯福为打击非法买卖土地而设立的。美国是个联邦国家,每个州都有自己的州法。如果呢违反了州法,你肯定会遭到州警的追捕,这点是毋庸置疑的,但是如果你顺利的逃到了另一个州,你在这个州没有触犯法律,那个州的州警有没办法追过来,你就顺利的逃过一劫了。当时非法买卖土地的人也是这种心理。为了打击这些犯罪势力,罗斯福总统成立了“美国调查局”来进行跨州追捕。1935年7月1日,BOI正式改名为FBI。局长为约(翰)·埃德加·胡佛。虽然他应该向司法部长报告,但他每次都绕过司法部,直接向总统报告。但随着肯尼迪总统的上任,一切都不一样了。肯尼迪总统任命他的弟弟,肯尼迪当司法部长,还专门在胡佛的办公室设了一个电话,说是方便他向司法部长报告。不仅如此,还设立了我们今天熟知的“美国中央情报局”,而局长可以直接想总统报告。这让胡佛怒火中烧,所以传说肯尼迪总统的死,可能和胡佛有关。简单来说,CIA是搜集情报的,而FBI是执行机构。而FBI名义上要向司法部长报告,而CIA是直接向总统报告。
2023-07-21 03:08:457


2023-07-21 03:09:292

Exploratory Trenches

Sometimes it is only necessary to explore the upper 3 m ( 10 ft) of soil. This might be the case for lightweight structures on sites where the soil conditions are good,or on sites with old shallowfills of questionable quality. Additional shallowinvestigations might also be necessary to supplement a program of exploratory borings. In such cases,it can be very helpful to dig exploratory trenches ( also known as test pits) using a backhoe. They provide more information than a boring of comparable depth ( because more of the soil is exposed) and are often less expensive. Disturbed samples can easily be recovered with a shovel,and undisturbed samples can be obtained using hand-held sampling equipment.Two special precautions are in order when using exploratory trenches. First,these trenches must be adequately shored before anyone enters them ( see OSHA Excavation Regulations) . Many individuals, including one of the author"s former colleagues, have been killed by neglecting to enforce this basic safety measure. Second,these trenches must be properly backfilled to avoid creating an artificial soft zone that might affect future construction.NewWords勘查工程专业英语勘查工程专业英语勘察相关词汇分类扩展( 1) 勘察基本术语( Basic terminology about investigation)场地 site地表勘察 surface investigation地基勘察方法 foundation investigation method地基勘察目的 objectives of foundation investigation工程地质测绘 engineering geologic mapping工程地质勘探 engineering geological exploration工程地质评价 engineering geological evaluation工程地质钻探 engineering geologic drilling结构物的勘察深度 depth of investigation for structures勘察 investigation勘察阶段 investigation stage坑内密封法 seal in a pit路由勘察 route survey深槽 deep groove试槽 trial trench试坑 trial pit水文地质勘察 hydrogeological investigation探槽 exploratory trench土层现场测试 site test for soil现场勘察 site investigation现场勘察计划 planning of site investigation现场踏勘 field reconnaissance现场调查 on-site inspection岩土工程勘察 geotechnical engineering investigation岩土工程勘察报告 geotechnical engineering investigation report岩土工程勘察方法 geotechnical exploration method岩土工程勘察制图标准 charting standard for investigation of geotechnical engineering岩土工程现场勘察 geotechnical field investigation( 2) 勘察规范( Investigation standards)堤防工程地质勘察规程 code of geological investigation for levee project地下铁道、轻轨交通岩土工程勘察规范 code on geotechnical investigation for metro and light rail transit冻土工程地质勘察规范 code for engineering geological investigation of frozen ground供水水文地质勘察规范 standard for hydrogeological investigation of water-supply固体矿产地质勘查规范总则 general requirements for solid mineral exploration建筑边坡工程技术规范 technical code for building slope engineering建筑地基基础设计规范 code for design of building foundation市政工程勘察规范 code for municipal engineering investigation and survey水电水利工程地质勘察 水 质 分 析 规 程 code of water quality analysis for hydropower and water conservancy engineering geological investigation水电水利工程钻探规程 code of operation in drilling for hydropower and hydraulic engineering水利水电工程施工地质勘察规程 geological code of construction period for water resources and hydropower project水利水电工程钻探规程 code of practice in drilling for water resources and hydropower engineering铁路工程水文地质勘察规程 code for hydrogeological investigation of railway engineering铁路工程特殊岩土勘察规程 code for special soil and rock investigation of railway engineering铁路工程岩土分类标准 code for rock and soil classification of railway engineering铁路 路 基 支 挡 结 构 设 计 规 范 code for design on retaining engineering structures of railway subgrade岩土工程勘察规范 code for investigation of geotechnical engineering岩土工程勘察技术规范 technical code for investigation of geotechnical engineering英国实用标准地基土勘察规范 British standard code of practice of soil investigations油气田及管道岩土工程勘察规范 standard for oil and gas field and pipeline investigation of geotechnical engineering中小型水利水电工程地质勘察规范 specification of engineering geological investigation for medium-small water conservancy and hydropower development( 3) 工程测绘( Engineering surveying)勘查工程专业英语( 4) 地球物理勘探( Geophysical exploration)勘查工程专业英语
2023-07-21 03:10:031