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float意思:v. (使)漂浮,(使)浮动;轻盈走动,飘然移动;提出(想法或计划);发行(股票)上市;使(货币汇率)自由浮动。n. 彩车;鱼漂,浮子;(学游泳用的)浮板;<美,非正式>顶端加冰激凌的饮料;<英,非正式>(商店的)备用零钱;(公司股票)上市,开始发行。float双语例句1、They noticed fifty and twenty dollar bills floating in the water.他们注意到水中漂浮着一些50和20美元的纸币。2、It"s below freezing and small icebergs are floating by.气温在冰点以下,一座座小冰山正漂过。3、They will also float if you drop them in the water.如果你把它们丢进水里,它们也会浮起来。

float 是什么意思



float n.漂流物, 浮舟, 漂浮, 浮萍, 彩车 vi.浮动, 飘浮, 散播, 摇摆, 漂浮, 动摇(计划等)付诸实行 vt.使漂浮, 容纳, 淹没, 发行, 实行, 用水注满


float 英[fləʊt] 美[floʊt] v. 浮动; 漂流; 飘动; 飘移; 浮; 漂浮; 使浮动; 使漂流; n. 彩车; 鱼漂; 浮子; (学游泳用的) 浮板; [例句]Empty things float.空的物体会在水中浮起。[其他] 第三人称单数:floats 复数:floats 现在分词:floating 过去式:floated过去分词:floated 在程序设计中,float是一种浮点数(通俗地说,就是一个带小数点的数)FLOAT 数据类型用于存储单精度浮点数或双精度浮点数。浮点数使用 IEEE(电气和电子工程师协会)格式。浮点类型的单精度值具有 4 个字节,包括一个符号位、一个 8 位 二进制指数和一个 23 位尾数。由于尾数的高顺序位始终为 1,因此它不是以数字形式存储的。此表示形式为 float 类型提供了一个大约在 -3.4E+38 ~ 3.4E+38 之间的范围、可以存储7位有效数字。


float翻译 体数


float[英][flu0259u028at][美][flou028at]vt.& vi.(使)浮动; (使)漂浮; 自由浮动; vi.游荡; vt.提出,提请考虑; (股票)上市; n.彩车; 漂浮物; 浮板; 浮有冰淇淋的饮料; 例句 1 A decision by the Finns to float their currency sent a shudder through the foreign exchanges. 芬兰允许其货币自由浮动的决定在外汇市场上引起了震动。 2 Financially, its meatball sales are just gravy& the company can more than float the business on the profits from its build-it-yourself furniture. 从收入来看,宜家肉丸的销量仍十分可观&这也让宜家在靠自助式家具业务赚钱的同时又有了新的收入来源。 3 59 per cent of people believed the pound should be allowed to float freely. 59%的人认为应该允许英镑自由浮动。


float的意思是使漂浮,浮动;安排(贷款)提出,提请考虑(想法或计划);备用零钱;彩车,花车;浮板;漂浮物等。作动词时意为使漂浮,浮动;漂流,飘动;飘移;安排(贷款)提出,提请考虑(想法或计划);发行(股票)上市;(货币汇率)自由浮动实行。作名词时意为(酒吧等用于给顾客找零的)备用零钱;彩车,花车;浮板;漂浮物;鱼漂;浮子;加冰激凌的饮料;浮动期;坐浮箱(治病、疗伤或放松);救生圈; (Float)(美、英、德)弗洛特(人名)。用float造句如下:1、Active Control Strategies of a Floating Raft Isolation System for Marine Diesel Engines.船载柴油机浮筏隔振系统的主动控制策略研究。2、Total float for the activity is 9 days.该项工作总时差为9天。3、The precedence diagram uses float as part of the activity duration.逻辑顺序图把时差作为工作周期的一部分。4、Ah, it"s the float parade, an activity promoted by the Shanghai Tourism Festival.啊, 是花车巡游, 它是上海旅游节的一项活动。5、Actual Operation before Shutting Down the Float Glass Production Line.浮法玻璃生产线冷修停窑前的实际操作。6、The ribbons look as if they are actually floating.这飘带就像真的飘起来一样。7、Objective To observe clinical effect on treating sequela pain of herpes zoster by abdominal acupuncture and floating acupuncture.目的观察腹针结合浮针治疗带状疱疹后遗神经痛的疗效。8、Under the managed floating exchange rate regime, exchange rates always fluctuate acutely.在管理浮动汇率制度下,汇率波动一直相当剧烈。9、Studies on the Ecological Adaptability of Growing Rice with Floating Bed on the Natural Waters.自然水域无土栽培水稻的生态适应性研究。10、Till all the fish balls are floating, add the pumpkin blossom quarters.待鱼丸漂浮水面, 下南瓜花瓣。


flow: [ flu0259u ] n. 流,水流,流量 v. 流动 vi. 流,流动 vt. 淹没 [ 副词flowingly ] [ 过去式flowed 过去分词flowed 现在分词flowing 第三人称单数flows ] 例句与用法1.This river flowed southwest to the Atlantic Ocean. 这条河流向西南,汇入大西洋。 2.The flow of melted snow cascaded down the mountainside and into the river. 溶化的雪水如瀑布般沿着山崖边泻入河里。 3.The tide began to flow and our footprints were covered. 开始涨潮了,潮水遮住了我们的脚印。 4.Offers of help flowed into the office. 人们接连不断地向办事处表示愿意提供帮助 float: [ flu0259ut ] n. 漂流物,浮舟,浮萍 v. 浮动,飘,散播 [ 形容词floatable ] [ 过去式floated 过去分词floated 现在分词floating 第三人称单数floats ] 例句与用法1.Pay attention to your float! 注意你的浮子! 2.The logs floated down the river. 木头在河上放流。



急需一篇英语作文“How to attain our goals in life”

In the real society, and many people have their own dream, a dream-not enough, he must take action. The dream should also be positive and uplifting, such a dream can lead us to take the right action. Every person there is a great potential and that the real potential is found from their own, and tap them. As long as you continue to inspire and enhance their confidence and make efforts to transform themselves, I believe that one day you will become many people worship successful people. As long as a dream, we must be determined to achieve our goal, and it should have patience and perseverance, perseverance, I believe that their own firms, we will certainly visit!

why should we set a goal英语作文

First, a person will be successful, it must be his goal is clear, the second, it must be his mission to ideas very clearly.Everyone meet bottleneck in decision making, just go back what is his mission, he now can quickly solve, generally does not have its own mission, however, did not carefully studied the mission effects on people.I personally before a few years in the United States to attend a course, set up my lifelong mission, of course, it after several times of revision and correction. My mission is to help others more successful, create more wealth, as a core idea.To a speech, I usually only two concepts - help him more successful, the definition of success is to reach his own goal; Has taught him to create wealth, the method of economic freedom to do what he want.In general, my speech pressure is very small, because I focus on how to complete my mission, rather than how to get other people"s applause, when you focus on other people"s applause, is to make out of trouble.Are you worried about here speak well, there is not correct, is there any mistake, in fact, as long as you focus on the mission, you will have complete confidence in myself, very influential. People will automatically by your enthusiasm infection, because, you want to do with you is the same.I request the company"s partners, often when they go to share some ideas, be sure to yourself to do first, because if you do not do, tell other people what is all talk.Of others from your body language, you can understand that you are a person who does not, in this way, the customer did not help, no help to the whole company, the business on behalf of itself without any help.You might as well first find out what their mission? What is the mission of the matter is? What about their economic mission? To his own instinct, what is the mission of the on the body? In the field of the most important thing in life, let you have a mission, you will find yourself behavior began to change, because you already have a core idea.For example, if your economic mission is to accumulate wealth, under such a mission, you want to spend money, often what will you think? You might tell yourself: "I have to save money." Because you have to accumulate wealth.Another example, if you are in a mission of human relationships, is to make each other feel good, you have such idea, when people quarrel with you, or have a dispute, you will immediately correct, because your mission is to make people feel good.Mission oriented mode of thinking and behavior patterns, can let you break through the bottleneck of any, can help your life more valuable, because you clearly know: do you want? Want to do? What is their role? Why do you do?Mission is to need you to find, was once a man told me, god said: "the biggest job, your life is to find a proper job; the biggest mission of life, is to find out their mission, to live out his life."When you can let oneself to live better, you can spread your influence to benefit the people, let more people like you to live well一个人会成功,第一个,一定是他的目标明确,第二个,一定是他的使命跟理念非常的清楚。 每个人在做决策遇到瓶颈的时候,只要回头思考一下他的使命是什么,就可以很快地解决他目前的困扰,然而一般人都没有自己的使命,都没有仔细研究过使命对人的影响。 我个人前几年在美国参加一项课程的时候,设定了我终生的使命,当然,它经过了多次的修正及改正。我的使命是以帮助别人更成功,创造更多的财富,作为一个核心想法。 到各地演讲的时候,我通常只有两个概念--帮他更成功,成功的定义是让他达成自己的目标;教他创造财富的方法,让他有经济自由做他想要做的事情。 一般来讲,我的演讲压力是非常小的,因为我的焦点都放在要如何完成我的使命,而不是要获得多少别人的掌声,当你把焦点放在别人的掌声,是使不出劲的。 你会担心这里讲得好不好,那里说得正不正确,有没有什么错误,事实上,你只要把重心放在使命上,你会对自己非常有信心,非常地具有影响力。 人们会自动被你的热情所感染,因为,你想的跟你做的是一致的。 我时常要求公司的伙伴,当他们去分享一些理念的时候,务必自己先要做到,因为如果你自己没有做到,跟别人讲什么都是空谈。 别人从你的肢体语言当中,就可以明白你是一个不致的人,这样,对顾客没有帮助,对整个公司没有帮助,对业务代表本身也没有任何的帮助。 你不妨先弄清自己的使命到底是什么?事也上的使命是什么?对自己经济上的使命是什么?对自己的本能、身体上的使命是什么? 在人生最重要的领域当中,让你自己有一个使命,你会发现自己的行为开始改变,因为你已经拥有核心思想。 举例说,如果你的经济使命是要积累财富,在这样的使命下,你想花钱的时候,通常你会怎么想?你可能告诉自己:"我必须要存钱。"因为你必须要积累财富。 换个例子来说,如果你在人际关系的使命,是要让彼此感觉很棒,你存有这样的理念时,当别人跟你吵架,或是有争执的时候,你会立刻修正,因为你的使命是让别人感觉很棒。 以使命为导向的思考模式和行为模式,能让你突破任何的瓶颈,可以帮助你的生活更有价值,因为你清楚地知道:你自己要什么?想做什么?自己扮演的角色是什么?为什么会这样做? 使命是需要你自己去寻找的,曾经是人告诉我,上帝说:"你人生最大的工作,就是去找一份适当的工作;人生最大的使命,就是去找出自己的使命,活出自己的人生。" 当你可以让自己活得更好的时候,就可以撒播你的影响力来造福人群,让更多的人跟你一样活得很好

以Do you have a goal?为开头的完形填空

Do you have a goal in life? What is it? Do you want to become a writer, singer or just become a rich person? A recent survey shows that in modern society, most people pick up practical goals, such as "making money to buy a house and a car", "to improve one"s life quality" or "finding a good job". Wang You worked in a small firm in Nanjing. The job was good and he didn"t have to work for extra hours. However, he felt the work was not exciting at all and that life was boring. So he gave up his job and went to Beijing in February, 2008. When he arrived in Beijing, he set his new goal as finding a good job. Nowadays more and more people want to live a better life. This fact shows that the society is making progress and people"s life goals have become more practical. One researcher says, "Everybody has his or her own life goal, which will surely be different from person to person. If one is poor, one"s life goal will be to earn more money; if one doesn"t have a diploma, studying hard to get a diploma will become his life goal; and if one doesn"t have love, his life goal will be to look for it. But if one has no life goal, he will idle away (虚度) his lifetime. "

Everybody has own life goal.which will be surely different from people to people


Justin kicked the ball into his own goal.it was__his stupidity__we own the game.

表因果用due to


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乌龙事件用英语怎么说 虽然乌龙球是own goal 但不确定乌龙事件是否为own event,纸版字典上无记载。

没错,是own goal,没有own event这个说法


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主页被改成 about:NoAdd-ons 怎么办




be careful when you cross the road的否定句

我认为可以的,肯定祈使句的反意疑问句可用will you或won"t you,但否定祈使句的反意疑问句要用will you,不用won"t you. Be careful when you cross the road.这句的反意疑问句能能用will you或won"t you. Don"t be late for class next time,will you?

求翻译……Special Bridges Help Animals Cross the Road……

特殊桥梁帮助动物过马路-----报道希拉卡里克鸡为什么过马路?要到另一边。大多数人都知道这个笑话。但最近,一些人已经更加有多大的灰熊和美洲狮可以过马路的问题。百万只动物在美国每年死于公路,联邦公路管理局的报告。事实上,只有约80豹猫,濒危野生猫,存在于今天的美国。主要的原因是什么?团队:Roadkill。 “Ecopassages”可以帮助动物交叉而不会被车上路了。他们都下了道路的路径。 “这些ecopassages是非常有用,使野生动物能避免人的冲突,说:”联合石油数据倡议野生动物保护协会希尔蒂。但实际使用ecopassages动物?答案是肯定的。北亚利桑那大学的保罗贝尔发现了美洲狮留下一ecopassage下公路去的脚印。这表明,狮子所使用的通道。一些ecopassages建设者努力,使它们看起来象一个面积种植和他们周围的树木自然的一部分。动物似乎要迎头赶上。如蝾螈和灰熊不同动物使用的是桥梁和隧道。下次您访问,通过与许多地区的野生动物公园或驱动器,环顾四周。您可能会看到动物立交桥!


运行REGEDIT 打开注册表在里面搜索NoAddOns应该在一个SHELL里面的 把那个NoAddOns文件夹删除就可以了我也是这样 因为安装了IE8后来不喜欢 卸了就会这样

you must cross the road now的祈使句

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题: Cross the road now.

Please cross the road.


初三英语用正确形式,我觉得用crossing,to不是介词吗。To(cross)the road


people____ cross the road at the zebra crossing Awould b should c will d shall 理由

答案选 B 人们过马路要走斑马线是应该要做的所以用should

Let us go 空(cross正确形式)the road


care when you cross the road

D.因为 AB当然是不可能的啊 be动词后面加的是形容词或者名词,所以C不行 所以只有D

( )when you cross the road


(D.)___when you cross the road. A.Do care B.Care C.To be care D.Do be carefull 求解析。

若用be careful 是祈使句型,而在前面加do 的这类句型在口语中常见,表示强调

we must look right before cross the road哪错了?

你好!这个句子有两种修改方法:1、We must look right before crossing the road. 2、We must look right before we cross the road.

为什么quickly when we cross the road

quickly 修饰动词,形容词,副词都用副词. 本题修饰动词walk,所以用quickly.

let me help the old woman cross the road为什么是me he?

Let me help the old man cross the road.让我帮助那个老人过马路。动词后面的代词用宾格 me



二.根据题意和提示把句子补充完整 1.We cross the road at_____or at______.

二.根据题意和提示把句子补充完整zebra pedestrianby bikefarmer seller/businesswoman teacherstwice三.选择BABACBCCCBCCCC

what is the right way to cross the road

what is the right way to cross the road过马路的正确方式是什么?



有首英文歌女歌手唱的 歌词里好像有 when i cross the road

We Found Love - RihannaYellow diamonds in the lightAnd we"re standing side by sideAs your shadow crosses mineWhat it takes to come aliveIt"s the way I"m feeling I just can"t denyBut I"ve gotta let it goWe found love in a hopeless placeWe found love in a hopeless placeWe found love in a hopeless placeWe found love in a hopeless placeShine a light through an open doorLove and life I will divideTurn away cause I need you moreFeel the heartbeat in my mindIt"s the way I"m feeling I just can"t denyBut I"ve gotta let it goWe found love in a hopeless placeWe found love in a hopeless placeWe found love in a hopeless placeWe found love in a hopeless placeYellow diamonds in the lightAnd we"re standing side by sideAs your shadow crosses mineWe found love in a hopeless placeWe found love in a hopeless placeWe found love in a hopeless placeWe found love in a hopeless placeWe found love in a hopeless placeWe found love in a hopeless placeWe found love in a hopeless placeWe found love in a hopeless place

帮助老人过马路是好事英语????the old cross the road

I characteristics: good health, study hard, helpful and friendly relations with fellow students. Love Performance: counseling students homework, helping the elderly cross the road, your seat to pregnant women, to the park to help. Join Objective: 1. Making new friends. 2. Wait for you to do things to help others

Be careful Before you Cross The road为什么这里用cross?

Be careful before you cross the road.因为you cross the road是before后面的时间状语从句,有其主语(you).如果没有you,则用crossing.Be careful before crossing the road.

How to cross the road小学英语作文不少于35个单词

A trip to BeijingIt was a long holiday.We left Wenzhou and got to Beijing on July 1st.On the second day,I went to a park with my parents.On the 3rd,we ate the famous Beijing Roast Duck,then I ate ice-cream.On the 4th,I did my homework.On the 5th,I bought presents for my friends.We got back to Wenzhou by plane on the 7th.In these days,we enjoyed ourselves very much.

cross the road的同义词

Go across the road

Be careful when you cross the road. 这句话是时间状语从句还是


what must we do to cross the road safely为什么表示目的?

what must we do本来的语序应该是“We must do what”,这是个完整的句子,cross the the road safely放后面因此做句子的修饰性成分。根据句意,“我们必须做什么”和“安全穿过马路”存在付出某种行动而达到某种目的的关联,所以“安全穿过马路”做目的状语。为什么要用to是因为不定式可以表目的。为什么用不定式to表目的是因为不定式含有要去做而未做的含义,而目的也是靠“去做”而达成的。

cross the road with______(care)

就直接填care就行,因为care 可以做名词,with 本身是介词,在介词后要用名词、代词或动名词形式,所以选择care应该没错.

cross the road 改为同义句

walk across the rood


当动词"go"和短语"cross the road"组成动词短语时,可以使用不定式结构"to go",也可以直接使用动词原形"cross",具体使用哪一种结构取决于上下文和语境。以下两个句子都是正确的:I need to go cross the road to get to the store.(我需要穿过马路去商店。)I need to cross the road to get to the store.(我需要穿过马路去商店。)在第一个句子中,使用了动词不定式结构"to go cross the road"来描述需要进行的动作。而在第二个句子中,直接使用了动词原形"cross the road"来描述这个动作。

when cross the road为什么用cross

句子不全吧?when crossing the road,be careful。

二年级英语Cross the road 1.red light 2.green light,选哪个

re is a companionship of boo

across the road与 cross the street的区别

前者是介词短语 后者为动宾短语

I saw her cross the road 表示我看见她过马路整个过程。 I saw her


across the road与 cross the street的区别


Cross the road和go across the road. 的区别?

you can go across the road 你可以穿过马路 you can go across the road 你可以穿过马路 you can go across the road 你可以去马路的对面

山根凌乃的流花漫画Cross Road


How to cross the road英语作文


cross the road与across the road的区别

across是介词cross是动词动词+across=crosscross the road是穿过马路(动作)across the road也是穿过马路,但不是动作,across the road类似于in the garden最大的区别就是cross the road是动作,across the road是方向,意思是“穿过马路”比如:穿过马路是一个咖啡店

cross the road是过马路还是across the road是过马路?

across the road

where do you cross the road?实际回答

walk across the road at the traffic lights 在交通灯处过马路Use a pedestrian crossing, a footbridge or a subway to cross the road. 利用行人交叉路,人行天桥或地道来过公路To obey the command of traffic lights, zebra crossings to cross the road walk 服从交通红绿灯的指挥,过马路走斑马线

Cross the road啥意思


adidas cloudfoam 适合跑步么?和 boost系列有可比性么



BIOS里的Load Optimal Defaults(载入最佳缺省值)这一项是做什么用的?

1、BIOS里的Load Optimal Defaults(载入最佳缺省值),也有叫优化值,是指主板厂商根据该主板的设计特点,以及当前计算机主流硬件发展情况和BIOS更新情况,预先设定BIOS的参数。2、Load Optimal Defaults目的是让用户能够快捷的设置BIOS参数,使主板既能够拥有相对高性能又兼顾稳定且兼容大多数硬件。3、如果你的电脑上要使用一些非主流或者比较特殊的硬件,Load Optimal Defaults后,电脑仍然可能会不稳定甚至不能启动,这时就要对BIOS相关参数进行更改调整,才能使系统性能更好更稳定。4、BIOS设置专业性较强,需要用户具有相当的软硬件知识,BIOS设置得好,电脑性能会大大提高。5、应用举例,现在流行固态硬盘,要想发挥固态硬盘的极速特性,就必须要开启AHCI,而大多数主板Load Optimal Defaults后,AHCI仍然是关闭的,这时你就必须手动开启。

load optimal defaults then boot


load optimal defaults是什么意思?

加载最佳默认值。重点词汇解析:load 常用词汇 英 [lu0259u028ad]     美 [lou028ad]    n. 负荷;重担;装载量v. 装载;给(枪)装子弹;[计算机] 装入1、S+~(+A)This camera loads easily.这架照相机装胶卷很容易。2、S+~+ n./pron.Help me to load the goods.帮我装货物。固定搭配:bear a load 担重担,负重任carry a load 挑担子,喝醉扩展资料词汇用法——load作名词时基本意思是“负荷;负担”,可指人、畜、车辆、船只或飞机所负荷的东西,也可指人精神上的负担。load作“装载,装载量”解时,指的是交通工具的所能运载量的大小。load还可作“工作量,负荷量”解,一般是指一个人或一台机器所工作的数量。

电脑前几天启动时需要按F2才启动,但现在无法键入F2还有load optimaldefault是真么意思啊选择ok还是取消

OK 建议换个主板电池应该就没问题了。。。

运行LoadRunner11录制脚本,弹出IE页面后出现assertion failed!


BIOS里的Load Optimal Defaults(载入最佳缺省值)这一项是做什么用的?

Load Optimal Defaults:(载入BIOS预设优化值) x0dx0a恢复到厂商本身写入的最佳设定,如果硬件不支持的情况下,有可能会导致启动失败. x0dx0aBIOS是默认load optimal defaults x0dx0a在Load Optimized Defaults中,选择此选项,会出现:“Load Optimized Defaults (Y/N)?”的菜单,询问是否载入出厂时的缺省值,请按“Y”或“Enter”键,即可载入出厂时的缺省值。 x0dx0ax0dx0a这里的参数都是按比较保守的指标设置的。厂家提供这种预置项的目的是想让用户在第一次装机后加电时能顺利开机,或者是在碰到故障(如原 因不明的死机等、系统常提示保护性报错等)时能启动系统查找故障原因。

联想笔记本电脑load optimal defaults是什么


BIOS里的Load Optimal Defaults(载入最佳缺省值)这一项是做什么用的?



broad词根的单词有: abroad 在国外; broaden 加宽; broader 更宽的; broadly 广泛的; broadest 最宽的; broadband 宽频; broadcast 广播; broadcaster播音员; broadsheet 大幅报纸; broadsides 猛烈抨击 扩展资料   Most of our employees get posted abroad at some stage.   我们的大部分雇员都会在某一时期派驻国外。   They went abroad for a change of scene.   他们出国换换环境。   They say that travel broadens the mind.   他们说旅行能够开阔心胸。   The political spectrum has broadened.   政治范围得到了扩大。

抖音疯传 帮助Lil Nas X单曲《Old Town Road》大热

8个月前,当他们的儿子从大学辍学去从事说唱事业时, "Lil Nas X" 蒙特罗·希尔的父母对此表示担忧;正如这位乡村陷阱说唱(Country Trap)风格明星告诉《时代》杂志的那样, 他的父母直接跟他说这个行业已经充斥着数以百万计的说唱歌手。 希尔没有听从父母的劝告。他不得不在像声云和Spotify 这样的流媒体服务上与后起之秀竞争,没有多大的效果。 但是正进军海外市场的抖音(TikTok)真正帮助希尔一炮而红,抖音成功让他的单曲“Old Town Road”疯狂走红,一张热门单曲通过网络迷因(MEME)宣传,让这位新生代歌手成名。 希尔告诉《时代》杂志记者: 抖音对希尔“Old Town Road”的成功至关重要, 目前在公告榜Billboard的百强排行榜上排名第15位。“#yeehaw”标签的短视频播放量超过了6700万次,其中大部分采样自希尔的歌曲。尽管希尔并没有直接获得这首歌的报酬 (他将《Old Town Road》免费上传到抖音的音频数据库, 任何人都可以使用它), 但人气的爆炸带来了另外的经济效益。希尔的“Lil Nas X”的Spotify的页面显示该单曲有超过6500万条推流播放,他收到了这些流播放的可观报酬。 的确希尔欠抖音不少钱,但这个平台可能也欠他同样多的钱。“Old Town Road”的成功证明, 抖音不仅仅是一个对口型视频或秀舞步的地方;这是一个全新的平台,可以为一首歌找到大量的观众。像希尔这样精通互联网的艺术家都知道这一点。他是个专家,他用一首有着非常吸引人副歌的歌曲,抓耳的副歌旋律可以用来加入视频片段来吸引人们的注意力,这在其他地方都找不到。这对他--以及许多其他艺术家--来说是有回报的, 艺术家们几乎像SoundCloud一样涌向这个平台, 这是个有机会寻求听众突破的地方。抖音 同时也是一个 探索 的平台,就像它是一个消耗时间参与迷因文化的地方一样。 希尔明白,对于他的职业生涯来说,一个与抖音有关的迷因是多么不可或缺。他告诉滚石杂志,他在推特上运营一个 “迷因账号”,帮助他了解 “我的观众在寻找什么”。希尔补充说,出于这个原因, 他“在里面放了一些的 搞笑 潜台词”。 抖音显然是他的下一步。希尔的歌曲于2018年12月发布,时间非常凑巧,借助R星 游戏 《荒野大镖客:救赎2》的走红,西部牛仔文化在网上重新崛起, 牛仔文化在牛仔社区中很受欢迎。应用了这首歌曲采样的“YeeHaw时刻”在平台疯狂蹿红,2019年2月已经成为了抖音上最受欢迎的趋势标签。 抖音的母公司没有浪费任何时间来指出, 这一切都是始于一个迷因。抖音网站上的一篇博客文章指出, 在过去的几个星期里,“人们喝电子果汁Yee-Juice的短视频,神奇地转变为牛仔和牛仔饲料"。 博客写道: "这个迷因的核心是背景乐‘Old Town Road", 来自Lil Nas X 的一首歌。“低调、旋律的班卓琴为开场,引出了强调的降基调,是激发抖音无数内容创作者的完美音乐。” 希尔在抖音的成最引人注目的成功之一,但他并不是唯一一个,曲目在抖音功是上疯传后看到了推流和关注度增长的艺术家。据介绍, Absofacto的“Dissolve”和Joji 的“Slow Dancing in the Dark” 尽管其本身就很热门,但由于抖音的#MicrowaveChallenge,“Slow Dancing in the Dark”发生了核弹级引爆了。这些抖音 视频经常被收集并转化为YouTube上的集锦汇编, 又再次吸引了新的受众,往往达到几十万甚至数百万的新观众。 当它们又到达推特、Reddit或Instagam时,对音乐人来说又是一个全新的竞技场,但这其中的大部分都是从抖音中开始的。正如Pitchfork在2月份所报告的那样: 与YouTube或Spotify不同的是,艺术家们并不从抖音的 游戏 中直接赚取收入--但在许多情况下,在平台上曝光有前途的艺术家比直接收入更重要。就iLOVEFRiDAY而言, 他的歌曲成为热门迷因视频 "Hit or Miss,”的音乐,收入仍来自Youtube 的汇编和React视频,这就足够了。 希尔在其抖音博文上同意道:

target tightening load什么意思

target tightening load目标集中荷载target英 [u02c8tɑ:gu026at] 美 [u02c8tɑ:rgu026at]n.(服务的)对象; 目标; (射击的)靶子; 目的vt.瞄准; 把…作为攻击目标目标;塔吉特;对象;指标复数: targets 过去式: targeted targetted 过去分词: targeted targetted 现在分词: targetting targeting 第三人称单数: targets派生词:targetable tightening英 ["tau026atnu026au014b] 美 ["tau026atnu026au014b]n.上紧,固定,紧密v.收紧( tighten的现在分词 ); (使)变紧; (使)绷紧; 加紧紧缩政策;使紧;紧缩措施;扣紧load英 [lu0259u028ad] 美 [lou028ad]n.负荷; 负担; 装载; 工作量vt.使担负; 装填; 把…装入或装上; 装满,堆积vi.加载; 装载; 装货负载;装载;加载;负荷复数: loads 过去式: loaded 过去分词: loaded 现在分词: loading 第三人称单数: loads

"feel my throat tighten"是什么用法?feel可以后加名词后再加动词?有点像make....

feel sth tighten 是固定用法,感到…变紧:make sth tighten 也是固定用法 ,使…变紧:

"feel my throat tighten"是什么用法?feel可以后加名词后再加动词?有点像make.

feel sth tighten 是固定用法,感到…变紧: make sth tighten 也是固定用法 ,使…变紧:




静态方法可以直接调用 方法使用static声明的,这是java范畴,源码如下:public static Animation loadAnimation(Context context, int id) throws NotFoundException { XmlResourceParser parser = null; try { parser = context.getResources().getAnimation(id); return createAnimationFromXml(context, parser); } catch (XmlPullParserException ex) { NotFoundException rnf = new NotFoundException("Can"t load animation resource ID #0x" + Integer.toHexString(id)); rnf.initCause(ex); throw rnf; } catch (IOException ex) { NotFoundException rnf = new NotFoundException("Can"t load animation resource ID #0x" + Integer.toHexString(id)); rnf.initCause(ex); throw rnf; } finally { if (parser != null) parser.close(); } }
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