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1.boat 2.coat 3.road




goat在体育词汇中的意思是GOAT(Greatest of All Time):历史最佳。体育英语词汇和术语:General Terms 一般词汇;Athletics 竞技;Individual Sports 体育项目;Games and Competitions 球类运动;Water Sports 水上运动;Bicycles and Motorcycles 自行车和摩托;Riding and Horse Races 赛马;Tennis 网球;Swimming 游泳;Football 足球;Baseball & Softball 棒球和垒球;Wrestling 搏击类竞技;Basketball 篮球;Boxing 拳击。参考资料体育词汇.百度文库[引用时间2018-1-10]


"goat" 这个词在英文中是 "greatest of all time" 的缩写,意思是 "史上最伟大的" 或 "史上最好的"。通常用来形容在某个领域或方面表现出色的人或事物。这个词汇主要出现在体育、音乐、艺术等领域,用来称赞那些具有卓越成就和表现的人或事物。



goat是什么意思 英语goat的意思

1、goat英 [ɡu0259u028at] 美 [ɡou028at] n.山羊;老色鬼;色狼;好色之徒。 2、例句 I roped the goat to a post. 我把山羊拴在一根柱子上。 The goat was ritually slaughtered. 山羊按照仪式宰杀了。






goats的读音是英[g__ts],美[go_ts]。goats是goat的复数。goat英[ɡ__t]。goats基本解释n.山羊(goat的名词复数);老色鬼;色狼;好色之徒中文词源goats用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词。美[ɡo_t]英[ɡ__t]n.【动】山羊;〈非正式,侮辱〉老色鬼网络羊人;羊群;山羊大家谈复数:goats反义词n.sheep英汉英英网络释义。Goats英美n.山羊属CreatedwithHighcharts。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com


球迷们对表现超神的球员的总称代号goat指greatest of all time:历史最佳






goat 英[gu0259u028at] 美[gou028at] n. 山羊; 色鬼; 替罪羊; [例句]Sheep"s milk is produced in much the same way as goat"s milk.绵羊奶和山羊奶的生产过程差不多。



什么是“ GOAT”?

乒乓球goat是乒乓球届很厉害的人,很伟大的人。这个词其实源于美国拳王Muhammad Ali,他在20年的时间里22次获得重量级拳王称号。在他的时代,人们把他叫做“The Greatest”。20世纪90年代,阿里的妻子将“The Greatest”转化成“G.O.A.T.”,意思是“the Greatest Of All Time”,意思是在某个领域“有史以来最伟大的人”。这种称呼通常用在一些职业体育竞赛之中,当一些选手夺得冠军时,媒体就会用“GOAT”来称呼他们。马龙被称为“GOAT”马龙蝉联(Reelection)奥运男单金牌,不仅自己成就“双圈大满贯”,更是打破了奥运会历史上33年来从未男单卫冕的魔咒,成为首位乒乓男单的卫冕冠军(Defending Champion)。马龙被东京电视台称之为“帝国破坏龙”、“六边形战士”,且创造奥运历史的马龙,被媒体称呼为乒坛“GOAT”实至名归。


goat在体育词汇中的意思是GOAT(Greatest of All Time)即历史最佳。Goat作为名词时意为“山羊;替罪羊(美俚);色鬼(美俚)”。例如C·罗在下场时认真地环顾球场四周,眼神中露出留恋的神情,或许在11天后的1/4决赛中,将以B组头名的身份再次出现在莫斯科卢日尼基体育场上。扩展资料:It"s going to be an NFLtitle game out there," said CNN"s Wolf Blitzer of the war during a report from Kuwait City on Monday."The Iraqis are going to have to complete a fourth-and-foreverHailMary if they haveany hopes of taking the title.周一,美国有线新闻网的沃尔夫·布利泽从科威特城发回的关于战局的一则报道中说,“这将是一场足球全国锦标赛决赛,要想夺冠,伊拉克人必须在第四次最后机会里,将球成功地从自己一方传到对方的底线,并且得分”。短语搭配:mountain goat雪羊 ; 野生白山羊 ; 石山羊 ; 北美野山羊;goat cheese山羊奶酪 ; 山羊乳干酪 ; 山羊芝士 ; 新鲜山羊奶酪;goat leather山羊皮 ; 山羊革 ; 羊皮 ; 染色山羊皮;Pleasant Goat喜羊羊 ; 喜羊羊与灰太狼 ; 愉快羊;goat manure山羊粪肥;Crazy Goat疯狂的羊子 ; 疯狂山羊。双语例句:A boy and his goat.一头男孩和他的山羊。The goose and the goat look all over her house.鹅和山羊在她的房子里到处找啊找。He thinks that the Divine Mother eats goat. So he slaughters one for Her.他认为神圣母亲是吃山羊的,所以屠杀了一只山羊来献给她。参考资料参考资料来源:百度百科-Goat参考资料来源:济南新闻网-大有深意!C罗留山羊胡 英语山羊Goat寓意史上


goat是一个英语名词,基本意思是“山羊”,是山羊的总称,也可用于比喻好色之徒,意为“老色鬼,色狼”。是一个可数名词,其复数形式为:goats。 扩展资料   例句:   1、I roped the goat to a post.   我把山羊拴在一根柱子上。   2、 The tiger sprang on the goat.   老虎向山羊扑去。   3、The ibex is a distant relative of the mountain goat.   北山羊与石山羊有较远的亲缘关系。


goat [英]gu0259u028at [美]gou028at n. 山羊;色鬼;替罪羊 [例句]Brandt is off again , skipping like a mountain goat.布兰德再次走开,蹦蹦跳跳地像个山羊。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~




goat的读音是:英[ɡ??t]。goat的读音是:英[ɡ??t]。goat的详尽释义是n.(名词)色鬼,好色之徒,色狼,坏人【动】山羊牺牲品,替罪羊,代人受过的人(=scapegoat)【天】山羊座,摩羯宫【铁路】道岔扳子转辙机。goat的意思是n.山羊;色鬼;替罪羊。一、详尽释义点此查看goat的详细内容n.(名词)色鬼,好色之徒,色狼,坏人【动】山羊牺牲品,替罪羊,代人受过的人(=scapegoat)【天】山羊座,摩羯宫【铁路】道岔扳子转辙机二、词典解释1.山羊Agoat is a farm animal or a wild animal that is about the size of a sheep. Goats have horns, and hairs on their chin which resemble a beard.三、网络解释1. 山羊, 色鬼:groan 呻吟,叹息 |goat 山羊, 色鬼 | caveat 告诫,警告:2. 山羊;转辙机:goal 目的 |goat 山羊;转辙机 | gob 采矿区;矿内废石;许多;充填废石四、例句Can you distinguish goat from sheep?你能把山羊和绵羊区分开吗?We saw the tiger pouncing on the goat.我们看见老虎向那只山羊扑过去。The regimental mascot is a goat.这个团的吉祥物是山羊。The high priest sacrificed the goat on the altar.大祭司把山羊供奉在祭坛上。A satyr is half man and half goat in Greek and Roman mythology.在希腊和罗马神话中,森林之神是半人半羊的样子。You"re not going to encourage her to marry that old goat?你不会怂恿她与那个老色鬼结婚吧?Somebody like you could end up a goat.象你这样的人最后可能变成替罪羊。五、常用短语用作名词(n.)act〔play〕 the giddy goat举止轻浮或不负责任 behave frivolously or irresponsiblyget sb"s goat使…翘起山羊胡,激怒或惹恼某人 greatly irritate or annoy sb六、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~keep goats〈英〉养羊raise goats〈美〉养羊get sb"s goat惹某人生气,动肝火ride the goat加入秘密团体名词+~buck goat公山羊nanny goat雌山羊七、词语用法n.(名词)goat的意思是“山羊”,是可数名词,可为人提供羊肉和奶。goat是山羊的总称,不存在与之对应的阴〔阳〕性名词,公羊是buck goat,雌羊是nanny goat。goat用于比喻,可指“举止荒唐〔瞎胡闹〕的人”。goat的相关临近词goatee、goals、goaty、Goats、Goati、Goata、Goater、goatgod、goatpox、goatish、goatfish、goatbush点此查看更多关于goat的详细信息


goat在体育词汇中的意思是GOAT(Greatest of All Time)即历史最佳。英语山羊Goat与史上最佳球员Greatest of All Time的简称GOAT相同,也是之前梅西的球迷送给梅西的美称,C罗现在留起胡子,是在以这种方式表明自己才是历史最佳!扩展资料:goat一、读音:英[ɡu0259u028at],美[ɡou028at]。二、解释:山羊;替罪羊;色鬼。三、短语:1、mountain goat:雪羊;野生白山羊;石山羊;北美野山羊。2、goat cheese:山羊奶酪;山羊乳干酪;山羊芝士;新鲜山羊奶酪。四、例句:1、A boy and his goat.翻译:一头男孩和他的山羊。2、The goose and the goat look all over her house.翻译:鹅和山羊在她的房子里到处找啊找。参考资料来源:百度百科-goat参考资料来源:济南新闻网-大有深意!C罗留山羊胡 英语山羊Goat寓意史上


goat的意思是:n.山羊;老色鬼;色狼;好色之徒。goat 读法 英[ɡu0259u028at]美[ɡou028at]。双语例句1、Sheep'smilkisproducedinmuchthesamewayasgoat'smilk.绵羊奶和山羊奶的生产过程差不多。2、Agoatwasstandingupagainstatreeonitshindlegs,tryingtogetattheleaves.一只山羊后腿撑地,搭着树站立起来,试图去够叶子。扩展资料:同近义词:lecher,好色之徒,色鬼,胡闹。读音:英[u02c8letu0283u0259(r)],美[u02c8letu0283u0259r]。短语:1、fornicatorlecher,私通者。2、PhilipLecher,标签。例句:Wasthisalover,oralecherwhether?翻译:谁知这究竟是恋爱,还是瞎胡闹?


goat 英[ɡu0259u028at] 美[ɡou028at] n. 山羊; 老色鬼; 色狼; 好色之徒; [例句]Sheep"s milk is produced in much the same way as goat"s milk.绵羊奶和山羊奶的生产过程差不多。[其他] 复数:goats


goat意思是山羊。读音:美 [ɡu0259u028at],英 [ɡu0259u028at]。释义:n. 山羊;(非正式,侮辱)老色鬼;替罪羊;山羊毛;山羊肉。


goat读音:英 [ɡu0259u028at],美 [ɡou028at]    n. 山羊;色鬼;替罪羊形容词: goatishgoat的意思是“山羊”,是可数名词,可为人提供羊肉和奶。goat是山羊的总称,不存在与之对应的阴〔阳〕性名词,公羊是buck goat,雌羊是nanny goat。goat用于比喻,可指“举止荒唐〔瞎胡闹〕的人”。例句:1、Can you distinguish goat from sheep?你能把山羊和绵羊区分开吗?2、We saw the tiger pouncing on the goat.我们看见老虎向那只山羊扑过去。3、The regimental mascot is a goat.这个团的吉祥物是山羊。4、The high priest sacrificed the goat on the altar.大祭司把山羊供奉在祭坛上。5、A satyr is half man and half goat in Greek and Roman mythology.在希腊和罗马神话中,森林之神是半人半羊的样子。



贷款承诺(Loan Commitment)含义及种类

贷款承诺是指银行承诺在一定时期内或者某一时间按照约定条件提供贷款给借款人的协议,属于银行的表外业务,是一种承诺在未来某时刻进行的直接信贷。可以分为不可撤消贷款承诺和可撤消贷款承诺两种。对于在规定的借款额度内客户未使用的部分,客户必须支付一定的承诺费。 1993年12月,美国联邦储备系统理事会发布修订后的条例H。条例H中认为,承诺是指任何致使一家银行承担以下义务的具有法律约束力的协定: (1)以贷款或租赁形式提供信用; (2)购买贷款、证券或其他资产; (3)参与一项贷款或租赁。 此外,承诺还包括透支便利、循环信贷安排、住房权益和抵押信用额度以及其他类似交易。从形式上看,贷款承诺是承诺的重要构成内容,透支便利和循环信贷安排等都是其具体表现形式。贷款承诺在信贷市场中扮演着重要的角色。在竞争性信贷市场上,贷款承诺的存在可以满足借款者未来不确定性信贷的需要;对承诺方而言,贷款承诺可以使其尽早作出资金安排,并可以通过建立长期客户关系来最大化其信贷市场份额。此外,贷款承诺还可以解决信息不对称引发的风险并减低交易成本,从而提高金融市场的整体效率。[1] 种类 贷款承诺具有多种表现形式。根据作出承诺的条款和条件等要素,贷款承诺可以有不同的分类方法: (1)根据承诺方是否可以不受约束地随时撤销承诺,贷款承诺可分为可撤销贷款承诺和不可撤销贷款承诺; (2)根据利率的变动特性可以划分为固定利率承诺和变动利率承诺,前者是指承诺方必须以预先确定的利率向借款人提供信用,后者一般根据市场主导利率(prime rate)加上一个附加率来确定。 (3)根据对贷款金额的使用情况,可分为[span]定期贷款承诺(Term Load Commitment)、备用承诺(Standby Commitment)和循环承诺 (Revolving Commitment)。定期贷款承诺是指[span]在承诺期内,借款人只能一次性全部或部分使用银行所承诺之贷款金额;备用承诺是指[span]借款人可多次使用银行所承诺之贷款金额,并且剩余承诺在承诺期内仍然有效;循环承诺是指[span]借款人可在承诺有效期内多次使用银行所承诺之贷款金额,并且可以反复使用偿还的贷款,只要借款人在某一时点所使用的贷款不超过全部承诺即可。 风险 作为一项信用工具,贷款承诺一般需要承受两方面的金融风险: 一是信用风险,这种风险与潜在借款人的还款能力和意愿直接相关。贷款承诺的信用风险几乎全部来自于潜在借款者; 二是市场风险,这种风险广泛地与市场条件的不利变化相关,包括利率和汇率等及价格变动风险。但是,对于贷款承诺,只有当其中一方拥有正市场价值(positive market value)时,才可能出现违约行为,因为这种价值代表了预期将要发生的损失或现金流出义务。从经济性质上看,一项贷款承诺具有期权特征。 例如,对于一项美式固定利率贷款承诺,在不考虑承诺费的情况下,当商业银行等金融机构(期权发行者)作出以固定利率在未来期间提供贷款的承诺时,如果执行期内市场利率大于设定利率,承诺持有者(潜在借款者)将执行此贷款承诺,并获得相当于市场利率与设定利率之差与最大贷款额乘积的收益;如果市场利率小于设定利率,承诺持有者将放弃执行,并采用当期市场利率获取贷款,从而避免相当于市场利率与设定利率之差与最大贷款额乘积的损失。

求Fate/zero的OP《oath sign》与ED《MEMORIA》的歌词,详情戳入↓

缲(く)り返(かえ)す世界(せかい) 何度(なんど)手(て)を伸(の)ばしたらku ri ka e su se ka yi na n do te wo no ba shi ta ra 在这往复轮回的世界中 究竟需要多少次地尝试儚(はかな)い涙(なみだ)は黒(くろ)い心(こころ)溶(と)かすのha ka na yi na mi da wa ku ro yi ko ko ro to ka su no飘渺的泪水才能够融化污秽的心灵芽生(めば)え出(だ)した思(おも)いが胸(むね)に响(ひび)いたならme ba e da shi ta o mo yi ga mu ne ni hi bi yi ta na ra若是萌生的思念在胸口回响的话君(きみ)の隣(となり)でずっと変(か)わらず护(まも)るだろうki mi no to na ri de zu tto ka wa ra zu ma mo ru da ro u我会一直守护在你身边吧堕(お)ちた希望(きぼう)を拾(ひろ)って明日(あす)に繋(つな)いでゆけばo chi ta ki bo u wo hi ro tte a su ni tsu na yi de yu ke ba拾起遗落的希望 让它与明日相连的话络(から)まった歪(いびつ)な愿(ねが)いだってほどけるka ra ma tta yi bi tsu na ne ga yi da tte ho do ke ru纠缠扭曲的愿望也都能迎刃而解光(ひかり)をかざして踌躇(ためら)いを消(け)したhi ka ri wo ka za shi te ta me ra yi wo ke shi ta高举光芒 不再犹豫あげたかったのは未来(みらい)でa ge ta ka tta no wa mi ra yi de想要给予的只不过是在将来泣(な)いてる夜(よる)抱(だ)いたまま叹(なげ)きを叫(さけ)んてna yi te ru yo ru da yi ta ma ma na ge ki wo sa ke n te相拥在哭泣的夜里 放声叹息踏(ふ)み入(い)れた足(あし)を远(とお)くの理想(りそう)が そっと愈(いや)してゆくfu mi yi re ta a shi wo to o ku no ri so u ga so tto yi ya shi te yu ku遥远的理想把那向前迈出的脚步悄悄的治愈确(たし)かな绊(きずな)を强(つよ)く握(にぎ)り 进(すす)もう どこまでもta shi ka na ki zu na wo tsu yo ku ni gi ri su su mo u do ko ma de mo紧握住牢固的羁绊 前进吧 知道天涯海角秽(けが)れきった奇迹(きせき)を背(せ)にke ga re ki tta ki se ki wo se ni将那污秽的奇迹背在身后创(つく)られた想(おも)い触(ふ)れればなによりも温(あたた)かくてtsu ku ra re ta o mo yi fu re re ba na ni yo ri mo a ta ta ka ku te触碰那些空想的思念是比任何事物 都要温暖现実(げんじつ)が霞(かす)み始(はじ)まるge n ji tsu ga ka su mi ha ji ma ru给现实蒙上一层迷雾狂(くる)い出(だ)した世界(せかい)に问(と)いかけ続(つづ)けてもku ru yi da shi ta se ka yi ni to yi ka ke tsu zu ke te mo就算不停地追问这个已经狂乱的世界答(こた)えなんて出(て)ないって もう君(きみ)は知(し)っていたのko ta e na n te te na yi tte mo u ki mi wa shi tte yi ta no这个答案永远也没有你是知道的吧 泣(な)いて渗(にじ)んだ愿(ねが)いは 决(け)して揺(ゆ)るぎはしなくてna yi te ni ji n da ne ga yi wa ke shi te yu ru gi wa shi na ku te这渗透着泪水的愿望 绝对不会动摇ただそっと痛(いた)みを终(お)わりなく与(あた)えるta da so tto yi ta mi wo o wa ri na ku a ta e ru只是悄悄地无止境的痛苦着哀(かな)しみを知(し)って喜(よろこ)びを知(し)った 弱(よわ)さは君(きみ)を変(か)えて ka na shi mi wo shi tte yo ro ko bi wo shi tta yo wa sa wa ki mi wo ka e te知晓悲伤就能知晓快乐 软弱会改变你立(た)ち止(と)まった时(とき) 剥(は)がれすべてを壊(こわ)したta chi to ma tta to ki ha ga re su be te wo ko wa shi ta在停下脚步的时 将它剥下一丝不漏的摧毁届(とど)くはずのない言叶(ことば)を托(たく)して 见(み)えた瞳(ひとみ)はto do ku ha zu no na yi ko to ba wo ta ku shi te mi e ta hi to mi wa 将无法传达的语言托付 可以看得见的瞳孔何(なに)を感(かん)じて远(とお)ざけるの 心(こころ)隠(かく)すようにna ni wo ka n ji te to o za ke ru no ko ko ro ka ku su yo u ni是感觉到什么远去了吗 就像把心托付了一样今(いま)ここにいる意味(いみ) 教(おし)えてくれたならyi ma ko ko ni yi ru yi mi o shi e te ku re ta na ra现在存在于此的意义 是你教给了我强(つよ)くいられる 変(か)わらずいつもtsu yo ku yi ra re ru ka wa ra zu yi tsu mo无论何时都不会改变这份坚强光(ひかり)をかざして踌躇(ためら)いを消(け)したhi ka ri wo ka za shi te ta me ra yi wo ke shi ta高举光芒 不再犹豫あげたかったのは未来(みらい)でa ge ta ka tta no wa mi ra yi de想要给予的只不过是在将来泣(な)いてる夜(よる)抱(だ)いたまま叹(なげ)きを叫(さけ)んでna yi te ru yo ru da yi ta ma ma na ge ki wo sa ke n de相拥在哭泣的夜里 放声叹息踏(ふ)み入(い)れた足(あし)を远(とお)くの理想(りそう)が そっと愈(いや)してゆくfu mi yi re ta a shi wo to o ku no ri so u ga so tto yi ya shi te yu ku遥远的理想把那向前迈出的脚步悄悄地治愈确(たし)かな绊(きずな)を强(つよ)く握(にぎ)り进(すす)もうどこまでもta shi ka na ki zu na wo tsu yo ku ni gi ri su su mo u do ko ma de mo紧握住牢固的羁绊 前进吧 直到天涯海角迷(まよ)いなんて目(め)を开(ひら)いてma yo yi na n te me wo hi ra yi te迷茫的话就把眼睛睁开振(ふ)り払(はら)って 手(て)を伸(の)ばそうfu ri ha ra tte te wo no ba so u用手拨开一切秽(けが)れきった奇迹(きせき)を背(せ)にke ga re ki tta ki se ki wo se ni将那污秽背在身后

jettison and washing overboard是什么意思及发音

jettison and washing overboard 抛弃和浪打落海货物满意的话请点击“满意”【采纳】


《Love Overboard》(Janet Evanovich)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1FOel7IKOo5fcqDhvr6wcHA 提取码:2zd5书名:Love Overboard作者:Janet Evanovich出版社:7-09999出版年份:2012-11页数:272内容简介:Book DescriptionThe second novel by the #1 "New York Times" bestselling author--now reissued--is a charmingly funny tale of love and adventure set on the rocky coast of Maine, in which a strong-willed young woman becomes the first mate of a sinfully handsome schooner captain.Book Dimensionlength: (cm)16.8 width:(cm)10.4

一款桌游 lifeboat 说明书有几处看不懂,请教高人回答!(不要只摘录说明书语句,要解释)

《求生船》是吧? 也叫怒海求生!是不?

求Justin Bieber-Overboard的链接 急急急!!

Justin Bieber - Overboard溺水It feels like we"ve been out at sea, 我感觉我们(坐着爱的航船)在人生世俗的河中航行Whoa so back and forth that"s how it seems 像往常能看见的一样来回晃荡(是说有艰难险阻的意思吧!和直译差的较多不过我觉得好一点 哈) Whoa and when I want to talk you say to me 我想说话的时候,你对我说That if it"s meant to be, it will be, whoaa 如果有些事是注定的,就一定会发生So crazy in this thing we call love 所以(我们)(沉浸)在人们称之为“爱情”的东西中并为之疯狂The love that we got that we just can"t give up 我们的爱让我爱不释手I"m reaching out for you 我像你伸出(双手)求救Got me out here in the water and I 带我离开这里吧在世俗的河里我…… I"m overboard 我掉下爱之船 跌落现实了And I need your love 我需要你的爱Pull me up 使我停止(下沉)I can"t swim on my own 我一人不会游泳It"s too much 太现实太残酷了 层层把我包围了Feels like I"m drowning without your love 感觉没有你的爱我就会淹死So throw yourself out to me, my life saver 所以 快游向我吧 我的(爱的)救生员Life saver, oh life saver 爱的救生员啊 爱的救生员My life saver, life saver 我的爱的救生员啊 救生员Oh life saver oh wow 救生员Never understood you when you say 当你说话的时候 我永远猜不透Whoa wanting me to meet you halfway. 你 (好像注定)在人生的路上等着我了Whoa felt like I was doing my part (我也感觉)是在做我该做的It can"t think of you"re coming up short 也想不到你就这样出人意料的出现了It"s funny how these things change "cause now I see, ohh 这些世俗的事变的如此可笑 只因为我看清了And now that we got it we just can"t give up 既然我们相爱就不能轻易放弃So crazy in this thing we call love 在人们称之为爱的东西了如此疯狂I"m reaching out for ya 我像你伸出(双手)求救Got me out here in the water and I 带我离开这里吧在世俗的河里我…… I"m overboard 我掉下爱之船 跌落现实了And I need your love 我需要你的爱Pull me up (Pull me up) 使我停止(下沉)I can"t swim on my own 我一人不会游泳It"s too much (It"s too much) 太现实太残酷了 层层把我包围了Feels like I"m drowning without your love 感觉没有你的爱我就会淹死So throw yourself out to me, my life saver 所以 快游向我吧 我的(爱的)救生员It"s supposed to be some give and take I know. 我假设付出就会有回报But you"re only taking awww.991uc.comwww.337uc.comwww.717uc.comwww.113uc.comwww.199gg.com

Man Overboard 歌词

歌曲名:Man Overboard歌手:Status Quo专辑:Perfect RemedyThornley - Man OverboardThis whole life under waterisn"t all it"s cracked up to beNot quite what I wantedwhen it get"s a little hard to bleedThere once was a time whenit seemed like a good ideaI"ll keep this in mind the nexttime I go overboardSo leave, never believethat I"d ever leaveYou"re making it so damn hard to breatheThrow the line and throw me the ropeYou"re killing the bravest part of meAnd I"ll find a home, and I"ll tip this boatMan overboard, man overboardI"ve never been so far downwithout coming up for airRemember the time whenyou meant the world to meYeah, leavenever believe, that I"d ever leaveYou"re making it so damn hard to breatheThrow the line and throw me the ropeYou"re killing the bravest part of meAnd I"ll find a home, let"s tip this boatMan overboard, man overboardCan"t take it anymoreI"m swimming back to shoreMan overboard, man overboardCan"t take it anymoreI"m swimming back to shoreSo let"s take a number,how it was supposed to beBe kind, throw me the lineand throw me the ropeYou"re making it so damn hard to breatheThrow me the line, throw me the ropeYou"re killing the bravest part of meAnd I"ll find a home, let"s tip this boat.Man overboard, man overboardCan"t take it anymoreI"m swimming back to shoreMan overboard, man overboardCan"t take it anymoreI"m swimming back to shoreMan overboard, man overboardCan"t take it anymoreI"m swimming back to shoreMan overboard, man overboardCan"t take it anymoreI"m swimming back to shorehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8569233


Overboard歌词  Justin bieber  It feels like we"ve been out at sea, 我感觉我们(坐着爱的航船)在人生世俗的河中航行  Whoa so back and forth that"s how it seems 像往常能看见的一样来回晃荡(是说有艰难险阻的意思吧!和直译差的较多不过我觉得好一点 哈)  Whoa and when I want to talk you say to me 我想说话的时候,你对我说  That if it"s meant to be, it will be, whoaa 如果有些事是注定的,就一定会发生  So crazy in this thing we call love 所以(我们)(沉浸)在人们称之为“爱情”的东西中并为之疯狂  The love that we got that we just can"t give up 我们的爱让我爱不释手  I"m reaching out for you 我像你伸出(双手)求救  Got me out here in the water and I 带我离开这里吧在世俗的河里我……  I"m overboard 我掉下爱之船 跌落现实了  And I need your love 我需要你的爱  Pull me up 使我停止(下沉)  I can"t swim on my own 我一人不会游泳  It"s too much 太现实太残酷了 层层把我包围了  Feels like I"m drowning without your love 感觉没有你的爱我就会淹死  So throw yourself out to me, my life saver 所以 快游向我吧 我的(爱的)救生员  Life saver, oh life saver 爱的救生员啊 爱的救生员  My life saver, life saver 我的爱的救生员啊 救生员  Oh life saver oh wow 救生员  Never understood you when you say 当你说话的时候 我永远猜不透  Whoa wanting me to meet you halfway. 你 (好像注定)在人生的路上等着我了  Whoa felt like I was doing my part (我也感觉)是在做我该做的  It can"t think of you"re coming up short 也想不到你就这样出人意料的出现了  It"s funny how these things change "cause now I see, ohh 这些世俗的事变的如此可笑 只因为我看清了  And now that we got it we just can"t give up 既然我们相爱就不能轻易放弃  So crazy in this thing we call love 在人们称之为爱的东西了如此疯狂  I"m reaching out for ya 我像你伸出(双手)求救  Got me out here in the water and I 带我离开这里吧在世俗的河里我……  I"m overboard 我掉下爱之船 跌落现实了  And I need your love 我需要你的爱  Pull me up (Pull me up) 使我停止(下沉)  I can"t swim on my own 我一人不会游泳  It"s too much (It"s too much) 太现实太残酷了 层层把我包围了  Feels like I"m drowning without your love 感觉没有你的爱我就会淹死  So throw yourself out to me, my life saver 所以 快游向我吧 我的(爱的)救生员  It"s supposed to be some give and take I know. 我假设付出就会有回报  But you"re only taking and not given any more 但你没有付出却只会索取  So what do I do? (So what do I do?) 那我该怎么办?  Cause I still love you. (Still love you Baby) 只因为我还爱着你  You"re the only one who can save me 你是唯一一个可以救我的人  I"m overboard 我掉下爱之船 跌落现实了  And I need your love 我需要你的爱  Pull me up (Pull me up)使我停止(下沉)  I can"t swim on my own 我一人不会游泳  It"s too much (It"s too much) 太现实太残酷了 层层把我包围了  Feels like I"m drowning without your love 感觉没有你的爱我就会淹死  (I"m drowning baby I"m drowning)我快淹死了 宝贝我快淹死了  So throw yourself out to me, my life saver 所以 快游向我吧 我的(爱的)救生员  Life saver, oh life saver 爱的救生员啊 爱的救生员  My life saver (its crazy, crazy crazy, yeah) oh life saver我的救生员(太疯狂了 太疯狂了)救生员啊  Oh life saver, Oh life saver  My life saver, life saver, oh life saver  Yeahh yeh

I’m overboard是什么意思?


Oasis的《Fade Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Fade Away歌手:Oasis专辑:Definitely Maybe (Singles Box Set)Fade AwayArtist:OasisAlbum:The MasterplanWhen I was young I thought I had my own keyI knew exactly what I wanted to beNow I"m sureYou"ve boarded up every doorLived in a bubble days were never endingWas not concernedAbout what life was sendingFantasy was realBut now I know much about the way I feelDon"t paint you the pictureI don"t think you live round here no moreI"ve never even seen the key to the doorWe only get what we will settle forWhile we"re livingThe dreams we have as childrenFade awayWhile we"re livingThe dreams we have as childrenFade awayWhile we"re livingThe dreams we have as childrenFade awayWhile we"re livingThe dreams we have as childrenFade away, away, awayThey fade away, away, awayNow my life has turned another cornerI think it"s only best that I should warn youDream it while you canMaybe someday I"ll make you understandDon"t paint you the pictureI don"t think you live round here no moreI"ve never even seen the key to the doorWe only get what we will settle forWhile we"re livingThe dreams we have as childrenFade awayWhile we"re livingThe dreams we have as childrenFade awayWhile we"re livingThe dreams we have as childrenFade awayWhile we"re livingThe dreams we have as childrenFade away, away, awayFade away, away, awayThey fade away, away, awayFade away, away, away不得不承认,绿洲是英国音乐史上的奇迹继他们之后,英伦摇滚在世界上刮起了一阵旋风当今的英伦乐队,很大一部分都受绿洲的影响绿洲的心路历程也是我成长岁月希望绿洲能够永远的走下去将这一抹绿色的生机永远延续我会永远爱绿洲永远爱英伦……~~The End~~http://music.baidu.com/song/56670036



Justin Bieber 的Overboard中英文歌词

Justin Bieber - Overboard溺水It feels like we"ve been out at sea,那感觉就像我们已经在海上,Whoa so back and forth that"s how it seems就像这样来来回回的,Whoa and when I want to talk, you say to me当我想说话时,你告诉我,That if it"s meant to be, it will be, whoaa如果那是注定的,就一定会发生,So crazy in this thing we call love,如此沉醉在这被我们称为爱情的东西里,The love that we got that we just can"t give up这爱情让我们无法自拔,I"m reaching out for you我向你伸出手,got me out here in the water带我离开这水,I"m overboard 我溺水了,And I need your love我需要你的爱Pull me up把我拉起来I can"t swim on my own我一个人游不动It"s too muchFeels like I"m drowning without your love这感觉太像我落入没有你的爱的水里,So throw yourself out to me, my life saver朝我这纵身跳下吧,我的救星,Life saver, oh life saver救星呀救星My life saver, life saver我的救星,救星Oh life saver oh wow哦 救星呀Never understood you when you say从不理解你的意思,当你说Whoa wanting me to meet you halfway.要我在半途和你相遇,Whoa felt like I was doing my part就像我在尽自己的职责,It can"t think of you"re coming up short我忍不住想你快点出现,It"s funny how these things change "cause now I see, ohh这些事情变得如此可笑因为我看到So crazy in this thing we call love,如此沉醉在这被我们称为爱情的东西里,The love that we got that we just can"t give up这爱情让我们无法自拔,I"m reaching out for you我向你伸出手,got me out here in the water带我离开这水,I"m overboard 我溺水了,And I need your love我需要你的爱Pull me up (Pull me up)把我拉起来I can"t swim on my own我一个人游不动It"s too much (It"s too much)Feels like I"m drowning without your love这感觉太像我落入没有你的爱的水里,So throw yourself out to me, my life saver朝我这纵身跳下吧,我的救星.It"s supposed to be some give and take I know.我知道本该有付出有回报,But you"re only taking and not given any more但是你只索取而一点都不付出,So what do I do? (So what do I do?)那我该怎么办?Cause I still love you. (Still love you Baby)因为我还爱着你,You"re the only one who can save me你是唯一可以救我的人。I"m overboard 我溺水了,And I need your love我需要你的爱Pull me up (Pull me up)把我拉起来I can"t swim on my own我一个人游不动It"s too much (It"s too much)Feels like I"m drowning without your love这感觉太像我落入没有你的爱的水里,So throw yourself out to me, my life saver朝我这纵身跳下吧,我的救星,Life saver, oh life saver救星呀救星My life saver (its crazy, crazy crazy, yeah) oh life saver我的救星,哦 救星Oh life saver, Oh life saver哦 救星呀,哦 救星呀My life saver, life saver, oh life saver我的救星,救星,哦 救星Yeahh yeh



Justin Bieber的《Overboard》歌词及翻译

Justin Bieber - Overboard溺水 It feels like we"ve been out at sea,那感觉就像我们已经在海上, Whoa so back and forth that"s how it seems就像这样来来回回的, Whoa and when I want to talk, you say to me当我想说话时,你告诉我, That if it"s meant to be, it will be, whoaa如果那是注定的,就一定会发生, So crazy in this thing we call love,如此沉醉在这被我们称为爱情的东西里, The love that we got that we just can"t give up这爱情让我们无法自拔, I"m reaching out for you我向你伸出手, got me out here in the water带我离开这水, I"m overboard 我溺水了, And I need your love我需要你的爱 Pull me up把我拉起来 I can"t swim on my own我一个人游不动 It"s too much Feels like I"m drowning without your love这感觉太像我落入没有你的爱的水里, So throw yourself out to me, my life saver朝我这纵身跳下吧,我的救星, Life saver, oh life saver救星呀救星 My life saver, life saver我的救星,救星 Oh life saver oh wow哦 救星呀 Never understood you when you say从不理解你的意思,当你说 Whoa wanting me to meet you halfway.要我在半途和你相遇, Whoa felt like I was doing my part就像我在尽自己的职责, It can"t think of you"re coming up short我忍不住想你快点出现, It"s funny how these things change "cause now I see, ohh这些事情变得如此可笑因为我看到 So crazy in this thing we call love,如此沉醉在这被我们称为爱情的东西里, The love that we got that we just can"t give up这爱情让我们无法自拔, I"m reaching out for you我向你伸出手, got me out here in the water带我离开这水, I"m overboard 我溺水了, And I need your love我需要你的爱 Pull me up (Pull me up)把我拉起来 I can"t swim on my own我一个人游不动 It"s too much (It"s too much) Feels like I"m drowning without your love这感觉太像我落入没有你的爱的水里, So throw yourself out to me, my life saver朝我这纵身跳下吧,我的救星. It"s supposed to be some give and take I know.我知道本该有付出有回报, But you"re only taking and not given any more但是你只索取而一点都不付出, So what do I do? (So what do I do?)那我该怎么办? Cause I still love you. (Still love you Baby)因为我还爱着你, You"re the only one who can save me你是唯一可以救我的人。 I"m overboard 我溺水了, And I need your love我需要你的爱 Pull me up (Pull me up)把我拉起来 I can"t swim on my own我一个人游不动 It"s too much (It"s too much) Feels like I"m drowning without your love这感觉太像我落入没有你的爱的水里, So throw yourself out to me, my life saver朝我这纵身跳下吧,我的救星, Life saver, oh life saver救星呀救星 My life saver (its crazy, crazy crazy, yeah) oh life saver我的救星,哦 救星 Oh life saver, Oh life saver哦 救星呀,哦 救星呀 My life saver, life saver, oh life saver我的救星,救星,哦 救星 Yeahh yeh


overboard 英["u0259u028avu0259bu0254:d]美["ou028avu0259bu0254:d]adv. 越过船边坠入水中adj. 极其热心的;全身心投入的[例句]The girl fell overboard and drowned.那个女孩从船上掉入水中淹死了。


overboard[英] [u02c8u0259u028avu0259bu0254:d][美] [u02c8ou028avu0259rbu0254:rd]adv.越过船边坠入水中;adj.极其热心的; 全身心投入的;[例句]His sailing instructor fell overboard and drowned during a lesson他的航海教练在一次训练课时从船上失足跌入水中,溺水身亡。

Dragon Boat Festival 怎么读?

意思是 端午节,你一个一个在nciku的在线词典听发音就可以,有真人发音

it was,t the rush hour and the road was clear

你是要我翻译这句话吗? 翻译:有一个人在早上交通高峰期坐在华盛顿地铁站里

Driving along the Congtai Road in the rush hour, you will surely get _______ in the traffic jam...

A 试题分析:句意:在交通高峰时间,驾车沿着丛台路行驶,你一定会陷入交通堵塞。根据句意可知,此处get stuck相当于被动结构,意为:被陷入,故用过去分词。选A。

求这段《The road not taken》的鉴赏翻译,最好是原创

未走过的路》“未走过的路”是一种Robert Frost作,发表在1916年在收集山区间,它是第一部诗歌在体积,是用斜体字印刷的。书名是经常错误地给出了“道路”,从人迹罕至的倒数第二一句:“我选择了人迹较少的”。这首诗有两个,一个是公认的解释更字面解释,而其他更有讽刺意味。读者经常看到这首诗从字面上看,作为一种个人主义。评论家通常将诗为讽刺意味。[1]," " "未走过的路,”也许是最著名的例子霜的声称有意识的讽刺和“最好的例子在所有的美国诗歌的披着羊皮的狼clothing."”[2]-和霜冻自己警告说:“你必须小心那首诗;它是一种棘手的诗歌,非常棘手。”[3]霜预期的这首诗以一颗平和的刺拳在他的伟大的朋友和同诗人爱德华托马斯和他一起曾采取走过森林(托马斯·总是抱怨结束,他们应该有采取的是一种不同的路径),似乎很好玩的某种解释这首诗作为灵感。字面解释根据字面解释(而且更常见),这首诗的灵感,黄健翔对于个人主义和non-conformism。这首诗由四节。在第一节,说话的人描述了自己的位置。他已经缺席了在树林中散步,来这儿两条道路,和他站)看着远在楼下每一个都能看见。他想尝试都是,但怀疑他能这么做的,所以他继续看下去的道路很长一段时间,努力让自己去决定走哪一条路。讽刺的解释反讽的解释,被广泛持有的批评家,[1][5]的批评是,这首诗是关于后悔,而不是个人的创造神话、理顺我们的决定。在这种解释,最后两行:我选择了人迹较少的一条,,这就导致了所有的不同。讽刺:选择是很少或根本没有区别,说话者的誓约相反的情况。演讲者承认在第二和第三节,这两个路径可能是一样,同样的leaf-covered磨损,只有在他未来的回忆,他会打电话给一个道路”较少人迹”。听到一声叹息,广泛理解为一声叹息的遗憾,也可能被解释成具有讽刺意味的是:在1925年的一封信给Cristine戴国煇、田纳西州、耶茨的叹息,询问有关霜回答说:“这是我而不是以牺牲私人笑话的人也许会认为我仍活到抱歉我用过的方式生活。”

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oath of friendship的翻译

这是我们在nfls上课时自己写的:盟誓啊! 我想要成为你永远的朋友,没有破碎,没有分歧即使天崩地裂,海枯石烂,无论是冰天雪地里的电闪雷鸣还是炎炎夏日中的风雪交加当天与地相拥之时我耶不会离开你永远,永远!这是老师给的原文:上邪! 我欲与君相知, 长命无绝衰。 山无陵, 江水为竭, 冬雷震震, 夏雨雪, 天地合, 乃敢与君绝。砸么详细啦!分分给我吧!~

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the olny sign of life being a goat tied on a rope to a tree by the road是什么意思

the olny sign of life being a goat tied on a rope to a tree by the road一只山羊的唯一生命轨迹绑在了路边树上的一条绳索上。

求一篇Road safety 为题目的英语作文

Road SafetyTo cross the road, look around. Not on the road to play and run. See the red light to stop for a while. His trip to see the green light. This is for teachers and parents often told us, we often back, and we should not only talk about this sentence, it still deeply recorded in the hearts of safety in the first place, so that accidents may becoming less and less of. Let us surrounded in a safe happy and healthy growth, the construction of our home more beautiful!  Allow the possibility of traffic accidents have become less and less, it is necessary to known rules of the road, here I am giving you some rules of the road you:  1. Cyclists should follow the right side of bike paths.  2. Should follow the sidewalk to cross the road (or bridge, the underground passage);  3. When the red light to stop, see the green light before.  4. Take the bus after the first, not to each other, do not逼抢bit crowded.  5. Within walking on the sidewalk, there is no sidewalk to walk on the roadside.  6. It should be noted, when we are walking vehicles are not allowed to chase,猛跑.  7. Are not allowed in the vehicle suddenly crossed near.  8. Not be allowed to pass through, to sit upon the sidewalk, roadway and railroad crossing guard-rails.  9. Are not allowed to hold cars on the road to recover the vehicle, forced parabolic拦车and hit cars.  10. Pre-school children in the street or walk on the road, there must be led by adults.  11. Allowed the railings across the road.  These are our common life should be in compliance with the rules of the road, we would also like to promote in the class column on the column or exhibition, multi-paste a number of compliance with the rules of the road, not red light running and other words like a warning so that students better understand the traffic safety importance. School can also be invited to the police his uncle, the door to the students on the traffic class, so students know better to help the traffic of human beings ... ...  Security related to our life, we hope parents, the flower is the future of the motherland, the motherland\"s future, we need to, and so we must make to comply with traffic regulations, protect our lives, but also to the safety of others. Let us follow traffic safety, to minimize traffic accidents, so traffic will never disappear. This is the call of the times!

初音未来的dear cocoa girls中文音译 不要罗马歌词 = =

Dear cocoa girls~Project DIVA Original Song feat. 初音ミク~words:畑 亜贵 music/arrangement:神前 暁歌:初音ミクやっほー 汗がひかる yaho~ 汗水闪闪发光yahho ase gahikaruやっほー キミの横颜 yaho~ 在你地侧脸上yahho kimi no yokogao もっと暑いとこ さっとつれて行って 比这里更炎热地地方 快带着俺去吧motto atsui toko sattotsurete itte水着はココにあるのよ 泳装就在这里呦~mizugi wa koko niarunoyoらっきー 突然でも lucky~ 虽然很非常突然rakki totsuzen demoらっきー 许されるのは lucky~ 但是也答应了rakki yurusa rerunowaだって暑いから ぱっと楽しさを歓迎 因为很非常热嘛 现在这会正强烈欢迎快乐datte atsui kara patto tanoshi sawo kangeiおひさま浓ゆい わたし地快感は 太阳公公光芒万丈 让俺接受无限地快感ohisama nou yui watashi teki kaikan wa変わる日焼けの 晒黑了晒黑了~kawa ru hiyake no 素肌はやがてアイスココア感叹! 俺地皮肤终于变成了eye"s cocoasuhada wayagate aisukokoa !制服?半袖?背中は 制服?半袖?背上seifuku . hansode . senaka waミルク味のままですから 还那样留着牛奶味miruku aji nomamadesukara夏をまぜて甘く甘くしてね 掺着夏天地味道 甜甜地呢natsu womazete amaku amaku shiteneところで覚悟はできてる问号? 话说回来 你做好心理准备了没tokorode kakugo wadekiteru ?サンダル飞ばして游ぼうよ 踢飞拖鞋 开始玩耍sandaru toba shite asobo uyo氷を口に含んだら 冰块自然要含在嘴里koori wo kuchi ni fukun dara今年だけの冷たさだよと 品尝着今年特有地冷冷地感觉kotoshi dakeno tsumeta sadayotoこころがきゅんとした 心里一下子子舒畅了kokorogakyuntoshitaまってー はやすぎるの 等等!还太快了matte hayasugirunoまってー 追いかけながら 等等!不要追上来啊,张大嘴巴matte oi kakenagaraずっと忘れない さっき恋を刻んだよ 永远不会忘记 刚才铭记在心中地感情zutto wasure nai sakki koi wo kizan dayo裸足のままで わたし地计画は 赤着脚 考虑着俺才有地计划hadashi nomamade watashi teki keikaku wa热い砂浜 素肌がまるでアイスココア感叹! 热情地海滨沙滩上 俺地肌肤简直就是eye"s cocoaatsui sunahama suhada gamarude aisukokoa !さざ波?贝壳?拾うの 涟漪?贝壳?捡起来喔saza nami . kaigara . hirou no喉の渇きも嬉しいわ 虽然口渴但是非常开心nodo no kawaki mo ureshi iwa夏をすこし饮んで饮んでみたい 好想试着一点(不多的意思)一点(不多的意思)接受夏天地感觉natsu wosukoshi non de non demitaiグラスの滴(しずく)が胸に飞ぶ 玻璃杯里地水住什么甚么时候溅到了胸口上gurasu no shizuku ga mune ni tobu远くを横切る鸟にも 横穿远方地鸟儿tooku wo yokogiru tori nimoよりそう白い相棒が 也是俺亲近地白色小伙伴yorisou shiroi aibou ga并びながら自由に见えて 看着它们排成一排自由地飞翔narabi nagara jiyuu ni mie te大きく手を振るよ 俺向着它们使劲地挥了挥手ooki ku te wo furu yo希望采纳哦~


歌曲名:Floating歌手:Eloy专辑:Floating (Remastered Album)Floatin"Justin Timberlakefeat. Charlie Wilson & Will.IAmYeah Yeah Yeahwe floatin" we floatin" we floatin"<Will.I.Am>Charlie Wilson in the houseJ.T.Will.I.Am<Charlie>I, I"m not sure just how to say this to youThe words just don"t come out rightBut that doesn"t mean that I don"t feel somethin" for yaYou gotta understand that loveLove was something I knew nothing aboutUntil I met youBut you, girlYou"re the one that turned my heart aroundAnd for that I love you<Pre-Chorus>I"m walking on the skyGirl you"re making me highMy feet can hardly touch the groundOo damn I"m mesmerizedI"m floatin" on the skyGirl you"re making me highMy feet can hardly touch the groundOo damn I"m mesmerized<Chorus>I tried everything I knew from beforeShe broke my technique and now my heart is soreI"m on cloud nine and I want some moreShe got me floatin"I had to say do do, do do, do do do do do doSay do do do do do doIf you"re in love let me hear you say do do, do do, do do do do doSay do do do do do doIf you"re in love...<Justin>Said hey, girlI just can"t seem to take my eyes off of you(But who could blame me?)"Cause when I look into those baby bluesI can feel my heart fall to the groundAnd for that I love you<Pre-Chorus>I"m walking on the skyGirl you"re making me highMy feet can hardly touch the groundOo damn I"m mesmerizedI"m floatin" on the skyGirl you"re making me highMy feet can hardly touch the groundOo damn I"m mesmerized<Chorus>I tried everything I knew from beforeShe broke my technique and now my heart is soreI"m on cloud nine and I want some moreShe got me floatin"I had to say do do, do do, do do do do do doSay do do do do do doIf you"re in love let me hear you say do do, do do, do do do do doSay do do do do do doIf you"re in love...<Will.I.Am>Girl you got me walkin" on the skySho" nuff make a brother feel highAnd it feels like I"m floatin"But I ain"t smokin" dopeOne day I hope you could tell me whyWhy the sun don"t shine when you"re goneBaby, you"ve still got that thing to turn me onLike the first time I peeped yaI wanted to freak yaAnd getcha up outta your thongI wanna freak ya, freak ya, freak freak yaGet kinky, put your booty on a speakerAnd when my waist go boomAnd the bass go boomCan I se-quence the beat to treat ya?"Cause it"s seven in the morning and it just don"t stopAnd we"ve been at it since eleven o"clockThe chocolate rabbit with the hippity hopMakin" love letcha flow...I tried everything I knew from beforeShe broke my technique and now my heart is soreI"m on cloud nine and I want some moreShe got me floatin"I had to say do do, do do, do do do do do doSay do do do do do doI"m floatin"Do do, do do, (Floatin" on the sky, yea yea) do do do do do doSay do do do do do doIf you"re in loveDo do, do do, do do do do do ...Say do do do do do do ...If you"re in love...<Justin - spoken>Uncle Charlie, preach<Charlie - scatting>

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BoA control 歌词

  亲,以下是我自己一句一句翻译的哦~绝对原创  control  You try to run me, but its not happening  你想要驾驭我,但这是不可能发生的事  Is this on purpose ?  这是有意图的吗?  Are you an accident ?  你是一个灾难?  You try to tell me, tell me,  你试着告诉我,告诉我  you try to push me round  你想要摆布我  You‘re just like gravity,  你像一股重力  you keep me on the ground  让我停留在地面上  You cant tell me what to do  你不能告诉我做什么  Last time I checked,  上一次我尝试  I dont belong to you  你不属于我  If you try, just know youll always lose  如果你要尝试,你要知道你一定会输掉  We just met, Im already over you  我们一见面,我就已经在你之上  You dont own me,  你不能拥有我  Im not who you think I am  我不是你想象的那样  You dont own me,  你不会拥有我  your wish is not my command  你的愿望不是我的命令  Oh oh oh oh  You think youre in control  你认为自己在控制之中  You think youre in control  你认为自己在控制之中  Control, control, control  控制,控制  You think youre in control  你认为自己在控制之中  You like my cherry kisses,  你喜欢我樱桃色的吻  Im like a purple rain  我就像一场紫红色的雨  Caus Im youre fantasy,  因为我是你的幻想  the one that you cant contain  是你不能容纳的  Watch how you talk to me,  看看你对我说话的方式  when you speak my name  当你说出我的名字  Who do you think you are,  你认为你是谁  not falling for your game  不会在你的游戏中沉沦  You cant tell me what to do  你不能告诉我该做什么  Last time I checked,  上一次我尝试  I dont belong to you  我不属于你  If you try, just know  youll always lose  如果你要尝试,你要知道你一定会输掉  We just met, Im already over you  我们一见面,我就已经在你之上  You dont own me,  你不能拥有我  Im not  who you think I am  我不是你想象的那样  You dont own me,  你不能拥有我  your wish is not my command  你的愿望不是我的命令  Oh oh oh oh  You think youre in control  你认为自己在控制之中  You think youre in control  你认为自己在控制之中  Control, control, control  控制,控制  You think youre in control  你认为自己在控制之中  I have no clue who crowned you  我找不到任何线索,是谁将你称王  King of this world,  这个世界的国王  you dont rule me  你不能支配我  You think youre in control  你认为自己在控制之中  Control, control, control  控制,控制  You think youre in control  你认为自己在控制之中  Control, control, control, control  控制,控制  You dont own me,  你不能拥有我  Im not who you think I am  我不是你想象的那样  You dont own me,  你不能拥有我  your wish is not my command  你的愿望不是我的命令  Oh oh oh oh  You think youre in control  你认为自己在控制之中  You think youre in control  你认为自己在控制之中

求BOA《七色の明日~brand new beat~》

brand new beat 七色の今日 情念 想いを描くから So cool, so bright, feel so good So cool, so bright, feel so good So cool, so bright, feel so good Don"t look back, Baby always look at me どうしようもない 交わる feeling 理性 じゃ 込められない 一瞬 唇 に 最多 惑う に 缲り返してる 迷い 抜けて 开け放すな 何の 向こう 侧に ずっと に 过ごしてた my blue world love you まだ 早い そうでもも "be friend"と 言うん 知己じゃない どうしたら 触れ合える 距离で 爱を见极めたい 谁よりも 谁よりも 辉いてる 爱しさ と 向き合うよ! Eyes to Eyes 七色の今日 情念想いを描くから So cool, so bright, feel so good Don"t look back, Baby always look at me 夸り 溜る みたいに 偶 酷くないし 会えない分けは その胸の中にあるけど 新しいcloset祈るred blue white 染められない存在でいたい 一人だけ わかっていて 欲しい love me涙も受け入れる happy and color始まる 二人を感じる时间 重ねて涂り替えてる 今 大切な人がいる それだけで 身がかれてく amazing 眩しい七色の明日へと 呼び出そう in brand new beat because your love is so good I"m truly yours I"ve never felt this way before 七色の明日~brand new beat~ uma brand new beat nanairo no kyou jounen omoi wo egaku kara So cool, so bright, feel so good So cool, so bright, feel so good So cool, so bright, feel so good Don"t look back, Baby always look at me doushiyoumonai majiwaru feeling risei ja komerarenai isshun kuchibiru ni saita madou ni kurikaeshiteru mayoi nukete akehanasu na dono mukou kawani zutto ni sugoshiteta my blue world love you mada hayai sou demo mo "be friend" to iun chiki ja nai doushitara fureaeru kyori de ai wo mikiwametai dare yori mo, dare yori mo, kagayaiteru itoshisa to mukiau yo! Eyes to Eyes nanairo no kyou jounen omoi wo egaku kara So cool, so bright, feel so good Don"t look back, Baby always look at me hokori tamaru mitai ni tama shidoku naishi aenai wake wa sono mune no naka ni aru kedo atarashii closet inoru red blue white somerarenai sonzai de itai hitori dake wakatteite hoshii love me namida mo ukeireru happy and color hajimaru futari wo kanjiru jikan kasanete nurikaeteku ima taisetsuna hito ga iru soredake de mi ga kareteku amazing mabushii nana iro no ashita e to yobidasou in brand new beat because your love is so good I"m truly yours I"ve never felt this way before



求《Papa Roach - Last Resort 》无损音乐百度网盘下载

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1huKuURiQ-ASOiA2BstQMHg 提取码:FYFPLast Resort由来自美国加利福尼亚州的摇滚乐队Papa Roach(蟑螂老爹)演唱,收录于他们2000年发行的录音室专辑《Infest》(横行霸道)中。这首歌很受欢迎,当年获得了巨大的成功,也是乐队在全球影响力最大的一首歌。

Papa Roach - Last Resort歌词翻译

For crying out loud I‘m running from a comedown 我高亢呐喊逃离情绪的低落God forbid I know I‘ve been a letdown 但愿不会如此,我知道让你失望了Reaching for the sky while laying in a gutter 都已掉到沟底,还想一飞冲天Kicking and screaming I‘m singing bloody murder 脚踢嘶喊地我悲歌叫救命I‘m alive when I‘m vulnerable I‘m out of control I‘m losing my soul 当我感到脆弱时我热情奋发,我已失控正受人支配I can‘t be your angel when I‘m living like a devil 我魔鬼般的生活使我难作你的天使Can‘t be your lover when I‘m living like a rebel 我叛逆的生活使我难作你的爱人Don‘t want your pity and I don‘t want your help 我不要你的怜悯与帮助Don‘t try to save me go take care of yourself 别想拯救我,还是照顾自己吧I‘m alive when I‘m vulnerable I‘m out of control I‘m losing my soul 当我感到脆弱时我热情奋发,我已失控正受人支配I‘m alive! 我热情奋发!Sick of the pain sick of the sorrow 我厌恶伤痛与悲哀Sick of today I‘m sick of tomorrow 我厌恶现在与未来I‘m addicted to the misery in my head 我在痛苦的深渊不能自拔I better stop before I end up dead 我还是停止吧,以免撒手人寰So I climb to the top just to fall to the bottom 因此我攀高以便坠落到底And I climb to the top just to fall to the bottom 我攀高以便坠落到底I‘m alive when I‘m vulnerable I‘m out of control I‘m losing my soul 当我感到脆弱时我热情奋发,我已失控正受人支配I can‘t be your angel when I‘m living like a devil 我魔鬼般的生活使我难作你的天使Can‘t be your lover when I‘m living like a rebel 我叛逆的生活使我难作你的爱人Don‘t want your pity and I don‘t want your help 我不要你的怜悯与帮助Don‘t try to save me go take care of yourself别想拯救我,还是照顾自己吧

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it gets better(boardway)mp3求下载 ~

Broadway - It Gets Better歌曲已发送去你邮箱,请留意查收。请对照歌词:Broadway - It Gets BetterHey friendWhen you feel like you"re aloneAnd the world throws out a lot of hateIt"s not the endYou"re not out there on your ownThere"s still so much in life to celebrateJust look upCause those skies are going to clearThere so much more than just the hear and nowJust look upCause a better day is hereTomorrow feel the sunlight shining downIt gets better, better, betterThe pain will let up, let up, let upIf you fall just get up, get up, get upOhh, cause there"s another wayIt gets better, better, betterThe world gets lighter, lighter, lighterSo be a fighter, fighter, fighterOhh, just live to see that dayYeah, live to see that day (that day)Live to see that dayHey friendWe used to feel like youNo end in sightFearing everydayJust defend the part of you that"s trueFind yourself and you will find the wayDon"t give up (Don"t give up)Just take another lookAnd you can shineIt"s time you took the stageDon"t give upCause your life is like a bookAll you got to do is turn the pageThere are friends yet to meet, There are songs to be sungThere are beautiful sunsetsAnd battles are wonThere"s love to be found if you just stick aroundDon"t give up your life has just begunIt gets better, better, betterThe pain will let up, let up, let upIf you fall just get up, get up, get upOhh, cause there"s another wayIt gets better, better, betterThe world gets lighter, lighter, lighterSo be a fighter, fighter, fighterOhh, just live to see that dayIt gets better, better, betterThe pain will let up, let up, let upIf you fall just get up, get up, get upOhh, cause there"s another wayIt gets better, better, betterThe world gets lighter, lighter, lighterSo be a fighter, fighter, fighterOhh, just live to see that dayIt gets better, better, betterThe world gets lighter, lighter, lighterSo be a fighter, fighter, fighterOhh, just live to see that dayIt gets better, better, betterIt gets better, better, betterIt gets better, better, betterIt gets better, better, better

键盘类型IBM enhanced (101- or 102-key) keyboard


It gets better (Broadway sings for the Trevor Project)

发了 ,请收。。。。


toad-in-the-hole n.(英)面拖烤肉;面拖烤香肠网络释义 英英释义烤香肠toad-in-the-hole1.N a dish made of sausages baked in a batter 面拖烤香肠Toad-in-the-Hole (sausages covered in batter and roasted.2.Workers coming home from factories made "high tea" their early supper,eatingtoad-in-the-hole(sausages cooked in a pancake-like batter),or Welsh rarebit(amelted cheese mixture served on toast).下班回家的工人把“下午茶”当作早一点的晚餐,吃面糊烤香肠或者威尔士干酪吐司(熔化的干酪糊抹在吐司上).

Papa Roach的《Carry Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Carry Me歌手:Papa Roach专辑:MetamorphosisPapa Roach-carry me★ lrc 编辑:妙一法师I"ve been looking for something sacredRunning away from the lightGotta burn all the bridges in my headThat lead my away from my lifeI question my own existenceQuestion the meaning of lifeWhy dont you carry meWhy dont you carry meI can"t move onI can"t live onCarry meWhy dont you carry meI can"t save meI am crazyWithout youIt takes horns to hold up my haloand strength to get trough the fightNow I"m laying my cards on the tablepraying that everything will be alrightI question my own existenceQuestion the meaning of lifeWhy dont you carry meWhy dont you carry meI can"t move onI can"t live onCarry meWhy dont you carry meI can"t save meI am crazyWithout youThe hardest ones to loveare the ones that need it mostThe hardest ones to loveare the ones that need it mostThe hardest ones to loveare the ones that need it mostThe hardest ones to loveare the ones that need it mostWhy dont you carry meWhy dont you carry meI can"t move onI can"t live onCarry meWhy dont you carry meI can"t save meI am crazyThe hardest ones to loveare the ones that need it mostThe hardest ones to loveare the ones that need it the mostThe hardest ones to loveare the ones that need it mostThe hardest ones to loveare the ones that need it the mostCarry me (carry me)Carry meCarry me (carry me)Carry meCarry me (carry me)http://music.baidu.com/song/1560935

Rocks On The Road 歌词

歌曲名:Rocks On The Road歌手:Jethro Tull专辑:Rock Of Ages : Milano, Italy - October 13th 1991There"s a black cat down on the quayside.Ship"s lights, green eyes glowing in the dark.Two young cops handing out a beating:know how to hurt and leave no mark.Down in the half-lit bar of the hotelthere"s a call for the last round of the day.Push back the stool, take that elevator ride.Jethro TullFall in bed and kick my shoes away.Rocks on the road.Can"t sleep through the wild sound of the city.Hear a car full of young boys heading for a fight.Long distance telephone keeps ringing out engaged:wonder who you"re talking with tonight.Who you talking with tonight?Rocks on the road.Tired plumbing wakes me in the morning.Well, I"m up for the down side, life"s a bitchand all that stuff:so come and shake some apples from my tree.Have to pay for my minibar madness.Itemised phone bill overload.Well now, how about some heavy rolling?Move these rocks on the road.Crumbs on the breakfast table.And a million other little things to spoil my day.Now how about a little light musicto chase it all away?To chase it all away.http://music.baidu.com/song/52793906

Foals的《Black Gold》 歌词

歌曲名:Black Gold歌手:Foals专辑:Total Life ForeverSam Sparro - Black & GoldBY Larry Cheng & Kevin BoulMmmIf the fish swam out of the oceanAnd grew legs and they started walkingAnd the apes climbed down from the treesAnd grew tall and they started talkingAnd the stars fell out of the skyAnd my tears rolled into the oceanAnd now I"m looking for a reason whyYou even set my world into motionCoz if you"re not really hereThen the stars don"t even matterNow I"m filled to the top with fearThat it"s all just a bunch of matterCoz if you"re not really hereThen I don"t wanna be eitherI wanna be next to youBlack and gold, black and gold, black and goldI look up into the night skyI see a thousand eyes staring backAnd all around these golden beaconsI see nothing but blackI feel the weight of something beyond themI don"t see what I can feelIf vision is the only validationThen most of my life isn"t realCoz if you"re not really hereThen the stars don"t even matterNow I"m filled to the top with fearThat it"s all just a bunch of matterCoz if you"re not really hereThen I don"t wanna be eitherI wanna be next to youBlack and gold, black and gold, black and goldI wanna be next to youBlack and gold, black and gold, black and goldMmmBlack and gold, black and gold, black and goldOh-ooh-ooh-ooh-oohCoz if you"re not really hereThen the stars don"t even matterNow I"m filled to the top with fearThat it"s all just a bunch of matterCoz if you"re not really hereI don"t wanna be eitherI wanna be, next to youBlack and gold, black and gold, black and goldblack and gold ......http://music.baidu.com/song/7430959

On every side of the road were green fields and some farmhouses.改错

两个错误:1 every ‘指三者/三者以上"改为 each / either ,因为road‘路" 只有两边。2。were 改为was 因为each/ either 修饰名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。故正确的句子是:On each side of the road was green fields and some farmhouses。/On either side of the road was green fields and some farmhouses.


upload是上传的意思。upload作为动词是上载,上传的意思。作为名词表示的是上传的数据。相关例句:I"ve already uploaded this movie to the Internet这部电影我已经上传到网上了。相关例句:After checking the web page, I found that my upload was deleted经过网页检测,我发现我上传的东西被删除了。

为什么下载了会声会影老提示“Load from stream error",重新安装了也没用?



VOA慢速英语:喜剧家讨论什么是“大众接受的幽默”(底部有MP3链接,翻译可以用google 百度 wixapp都可以,源网站也有)For over 50 years stand-up comedians have played an important part in the examination of popular culture and society. Several generations of comedians have served as critics and observers of American life. Many comedy acts have also courted controversy.Right now, people inside and outside the world of comedy are debating what, if anything, is too controversial for comedic use. In other words, should comics concern themselves with "political correctness?"Comedian Katherine Jessup tells jokes at the Town Tavern open mike in Washinston, DC. (Peter Musto/VOA)To be "politically correct," or PC, means to avoid language that is, or could be, offensive to a group of people. It is usually used in sarcasm, however, by those who reject political correctness.Comedian Jerry Seinfeld created the hugely successful television show "Seinfeld." He is a leading critic of the so-called PC movement. In fact, he recently said that he would no longer perform at U.S. colleges and universities because he considers students to be too PC.Chris Rock, John Cleese, Lisa Lampanelli and several other influential comedians also have expressed similar opinions. They say political correctness represents an unreasonablesensitivity. They argue that that it hurts comedy and restricts open discussion. Author and comedian Jim Norton has suggested that society is now "addicted to the rush of beingoffended."Not all performers agree, however. Katherine Jessup has been doing stand-up comedy for more than three years. She is also a writer and co-host of the podcast, "Advice! with Dave & Kat."Ms. Jessup says part of the problem is that for a long time, men have been the only people in the stand-up community with any power. She feels that these people are protesting because they don"t want the community to change and they don"t want to lose control."That seems to be said by a lot of people that are... comfortable and well established in where they are... and more than anything else its male comics and men in comedy sort of saying, like ‘You know you"re taking this from me and I should have the right to say whatever I want to say."... There is a lot of patriarchy, a lot of racism... It"s this tough thing where, on the one hand,... there are all these great opportunities and on the other hand, like... it"s still very much the club that it was before."A growing number of performers and members of the media agree with Ms. Jessup. Several writers for The Washington Post newspaper and the CNN news network have released articles that argue against Mr. Seinfeld"s position. Others say, however, that the real problem is that the audience does not fully understand the issues that they believe to be offensive.Randolph Terrance has been doing stand-up for 16 years. He also co-hosts the weekly open mike at the Arlington Cinema Drafthouse in Arlington, Virginia as well as the podcast Three Guys On. He believes that audiences become offended without thinking about how comedians are trying to address a given subject."For instance, you say "black guy" and the audience immediately pulls away from you because they think you"re going to say something racist. Or they don"t quite understand what the term "racist" actually means or prejudice actually mean. Here"s the mistake Seinfeld made: Seinfeld is too white and too rich to be allowed to say it. That"s why everybody"s mad..... What he said was true. To me, there"s no question. I"m in front of audiences, I see it. You"d be a fool as a comedian to not see it... The audiences don"t see it because they, they"re not on our side."The debate about what discussion is acceptable on stage is not new. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution bars the making of laws that would abridge free speech. However, there are laws that limit that right.In the 1960s, comedian Lenny Bruce was arrested five times on charges of obscenity. His public battles with the law gained attention for and helped change attitudes about free expression.Lee Rowland is an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union. The ACLU is a non-profit organization that works to defend the individual rights included in the constitution. Ms. Rowland says that the U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly agreed that the only kinds of speech not protected are "true threats, defamation, obscenity, child pornography, and incitement to violence."Our constitution was [written] to protect minority viewpoints from government interference," she adds, "including, and perhaps most importantly, ideas that challenge, annoy, or offend us."Ms. Jessup says people have become quick to be offended and not quick to be thoughtful. She says this is not good for comedy. Mr. Terrance blames this on the fact that the audience does not understand the process of making a joke. He says it partly happens on stage, during open mike performances."Open mikes are, for us, we"re just trying stuff out. But now, people have a camera in their pocket, so they"ll videotape you and put it up. So there"s this unfinished thought that"s up on stage, or something like that, and people put that up and they think, "Oh, look at this monster, he"s telling a joke." No, that was an unfinished thought that I am trying to work out, and this is the only place I have to work it out... People don"t understand that because they don"t understand the art of stand up."Mr. Terrance and Ms. Jessup both say that some people should not say certain things. This includes language that could be considered insulting to different groups of people. Mr. Terrance believes the limits should be less restrictive than those Ms. Jessup proposes, though."Yes, there are people who can"t say certain things. Having said that... nothing is off limits...""White people don"t get to say the N-word. Men shouldn"t be walking around saying the C-word... There"s a certain level of, "If you"re the oppressor then, you don"t get to then use the language of the oppressed.""However, both comedians agree that it is important for them to be able to talk about ideas that challenge people. Ms. Jessup sees this as a useful tool."Speaking from personal experience, there are things that can be really hard and really painful but that you figure out how to make funny... when you work through that... there is a feeling of speaking truth to power that"s really important and takes some of the awfulness away."Though this debate will likely continue for many years to come, it is safe to say that comedy will always be a main source of social commentary.I"m Pete Musto.Mr. Terrance"s comedy album "Blue Magic" can be found on Spotify.Ms. Jessup"s podcast can be found on iTunes.Pete Musto reported and wrote this story for Learning English. Caty Weaver was the editor.资料来源(http://m.chinavoa.com/show-8369-234409-1.html)以后可以不用来知道问了因为这个网站都有解析和MP3望有用谢谢~



Good Bye Yellow Brick Road 歌词

歌曲名:Good Bye Yellow Brick Road歌手:Crash Alley专辑:Swag~Goodbye Yellow Brick Road~artist: Wain LMade by HandsomeCKgoodbyebaby goodbyegoodbyeyellow brick roadI don"t wanna lose you"cause I gotta tell you nowyes I"m in love boyand I will give you my lovetry to rememberwe were lucky together,boytime by timeI wanna sayyou can change everything you wantthe story we gotremains the same!goodbyeyellow brick roaddo you remember the time,tonitegoodbyeyellow brick roadI wanna be your angel babygoodbyeyellow brick roaddo you remember the time,tonitegoodbyeyellow brick roadI wanna be your angel babyI"ll be like an angelI will be your shining starnothing has changedI can say another timetry to rememberwe were lucky together,boytime by timeI wanna sayyou can change everything you wantthe story we gotremains the same!goodbyeyellow brick roaddo you remember the time,tonitegoodbyeyellow brick roadI wanna be your angel babygoodbyeyellow brick roaddo you remember the time,tonitegoodbyeyellow brick roadI wanna be your angel babyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15098848
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