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what is the right way to cross the road

2023-07-23 10:43:29

what is the right way to cross the road


翻译:the right way to cross the road is to walk quickly



1、Right way在这里是“正确的方式”,而不是“右边的道路”。这一点要结合整句话来看;

2、“The way”才是真正的主语,其他的各种都是修饰“The way”的。



what is the right way to cross the road



十字路口 是成语吗?

2023-07-23 09:04:441


【典故出处】:鲁迅《华盖集 北京通信》:「但不幸我竟力不从心,因为我自己也正站在歧路上,——或者说得较有希望些:站在十字路口。」 【成语意思】:两条道路交叉的地方。比喻处在对重大事情需要决定怎样选择的境地。 【成语注音】:ㄕㄧˊ ㄗㄧˋ ㄌㄨˋ ㄎㄡˇ 【通用拼音】:shi zi lu kǒu 【拼音简写】:SZLK 【使用频率】:常用成语 【成语字数】:四字成语 【感 *** 彩】:中性成语 【成语用法】:十字路口,偏正式;作主语、宾语;指两条道路交叉的地方。 【成语结构】:偏正式成语 【英语翻译】:cross-road <the parting of the ways> 【日语翻译】:四(よ)つつじ,四つかど,十字路(じゅうじろ)。〈喻〉(重大な问题の)歧路(きろ) 【俄语翻译】:перекрёсток 【其他翻译】:<德>(Straβen) Kreuzung<法>carrefour <croisement> 【成语谜语】:四通 【近义词】:十字街头 【成语例句】:鲁迅《华盖集·北京通信》:「但不幸我竟力不从心,因为我自己也正站在歧路上,——或者说得较有希望些:站在十字路口。」
2023-07-23 09:04:521

Cross the road啥意思

2023-07-23 09:05:016


2023-07-23 09:05:3815

where do you cross the road?实际回答

walk across the road at the traffic lights 在交通灯处过马路Use a pedestrian crossing, a footbridge or a subway to cross the road. 利用行人交叉路,人行天桥或地道来过公路To obey the command of traffic lights, zebra crossings to cross the road walk 服从交通红绿灯的指挥,过马路走斑马线
2023-07-23 09:06:041

cross the road是过马路还是across the road是过马路?

across the road
2023-07-23 09:06:183

cross the road和crossing the road的区别

2023-07-23 09:06:271

cross the road与across the road的区别

across是介词cross是动词动词+across=crosscross the road是穿过马路(动作)across the road也是穿过马路,但不是动作,across the road类似于in the garden最大的区别就是cross the road是动作,across the road是方向,意思是“穿过马路”比如:穿过马路是一个咖啡店
2023-07-23 09:06:563

How to cross the road英语作文

2023-07-23 09:07:051

棒球英豪 有几个剧场版~

两部剧场 在那之后的你 和迷惘的十字路口
2023-07-23 09:07:167


二十年以前演唱:陈升It"s been a long time since I walked Through this old townBut oh how the memories start to flowAnd there"s the old movie houseThey finally closed it downYou could find me there every Friday nightTwenty years ago转眼之间我们到了另一个路口如歌的青春会寂寞风干了眼泪 不说心中藏着谁也许有一天 我们错身而过二十年以前All my memories from those days come gather round meWhat I"d give if they could take me back in timeIt almost seems like yesterdayWhere do the good times goLife was so much easier twenty years ago嘲笑你眼角泛红分明就哭过如歌的人儿也寂寞我们曾爱过就不怕岁月能怎样或是你放手 让我忘记你吧二十年以后雁子飞到了遥远的北方你的名字我已想不起来云的那边什么也没有不过是梦一场也许会再见 记得提醒我阿二十年以后All my memories from those days come gather round meWhat I"d give if they could take me back in timeIt almost seems like yesterdayWhere do the good times goLife was so much easier twenty years ago或是你放手 让我忘记你吧二十年以后all my memories from those days come gather round me what i"d give if they could take me back in time it almost seems like yesterday where do the good times go life was so much easier twenty years ago
2023-07-23 09:07:582

山根凌乃的流花漫画Cross Road

2023-07-23 09:08:063

Cross the road和go across the road. 的区别?

you can go across the road 你可以穿过马路 you can go across the road 你可以穿过马路 you can go across the road 你可以去马路的对面
2023-07-23 09:08:131


就看出来一个Angle beats 带棒球帽那个
2023-07-23 09:08:244

Please cross the road

2023-07-23 09:08:334

across the road与 cross the street的区别

2023-07-23 09:08:591


《查令十字街84号》([美] 海莲·汉芙)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:0edx书名:查令十字街84号作者:[美] 海莲·汉芙译者:陈建铭豆瓣评分:8.2出版社:译林出版社出版年份:2016-5页数:155内容简介:纪念作者诞辰一百周年(1916.4.15-2016.4.15)中文世界首次推出精装珍藏版译者陈建铭修订数十处译文,精益求精读库御用设计师艾莉女士担纲设计内文一百克玉龙纯质纸双色印刷世界最大圣经印刷厂南京爱德,为爱书人印制圣经2016中文精装珍藏版将会是最美的版本!1949年的纽约,曼哈顿一间没有暖气的公寓里,三十三岁的穷作家海莲,偶然看到一则伦敦旧书店的广告,凭着一股莽撞劲,她开始给这个伦敦地址写信。这一写,就写了二十年。很多年后,她和这家书店的通信集,被称为“爱书人的圣经”,不断演绎。而那家书店的地址——查令十字街84号,已经成为全球爱书人之间的一个暗号。三十多年来,人们读它、写它、演它,在这段传奇里彼此问候,相互取暖。作者简介:海莲·汉芙(Helene Hanff),1916年4月15日出生在费城。绝大部分的岁月都在曼哈顿度过,一生潦倒。海莲·汉芙生前从事最多的工作乃是为剧团修审剧本;并曾为若干电视剧集撰写剧本。主要的著作有:日记体的纽约市导游册《我眼中的苹果》、自传《Q的遗产》、《纽约来鸿》、《布鲁姆斯伯里的 女伯爵》以及一系列以少年为对象的美国历史读物。1997年,海莲·汉芙因肺炎病逝于纽约市。译者 陈建铭,曾任职于台湾诚品书店古书区,现为专业文字工作者,译有《纸房子》、《查令十字街84号》、《菩萨凝视的岛屿》、《乞丐国王的时空指环》、《藏书之爱》,主编有《逛书架》、《逛逛书架》等书。这是他翻译的第一本书,在未得知此书的版权购买之前,便凭着自己对《查令十字街84号》的热爱动手开始翻译其中的章节。“将这本书中译,想必可以聊偿许多爱书人多年以来的期盼。我知道 :所有读过 84, Charing Cross Road 的爱书同好——都如我自己一样——总将这本小书珍藏在身边,屡屡重读,让汉芙的珠玑妙语和古道热肠不时温暖自己被冷硬现实尘覆的凡心 ;而我相信 :中文世界之所以长年不见此书问世,一定是所有珍爱此书的人——也像我自己一样——不忍丝毫更动书中的每一句话、每一个字”
2023-07-23 09:09:141

I saw her cross the road 表示我看见她过马路整个过程。 I saw her

2023-07-23 09:09:312

across the road与 cross the street的区别

前者是介词短语 后者为动宾短语
2023-07-23 09:09:405

二年级英语Cross the road light light,选哪个

re is a companionship of boo
2023-07-23 09:10:112

how can you cross the road

2023-07-23 09:10:225

when cross the road为什么用cross

句子不全吧?when crossing the road,be careful。
2023-07-23 09:11:292


当动词"go"和短语"cross the road"组成动词短语时,可以使用不定式结构"to go",也可以直接使用动词原形"cross",具体使用哪一种结构取决于上下文和语境。以下两个句子都是正确的:I need to go cross the road to get to the store.(我需要穿过马路去商店。)I need to cross the road to get to the store.(我需要穿过马路去商店。)在第一个句子中,使用了动词不定式结构"to go cross the road"来描述需要进行的动作。而在第二个句子中,直接使用了动词原形"cross the road"来描述这个动作。
2023-07-23 09:11:452

cross the road 改为同义句

walk across the rood
2023-07-23 09:11:565

我和我家人 之间发生的故事英语作文

When I was a little child,I was so naughty that I always did something angry my parents.They always blamed to me,but I never listened to them.I thought they were too strict with me.But I changed in someday.My parents always told me to be careful when I went out.However,all I thought was they worried too much.On my way to take the bus home,there was a traffic light.That day,when I got to the cross road,the light was red,but there was no car crossed the road anymore.So I went across the road without the light turning to green.At this moment,a car rushed quickly towards me.I was suddenly scared,so that I couldnu2019t move but stood still.Luckily,the driver broke the car quickly and I did not get hurt.But I did scared.I couldnu2019t image what would happen if the car did not stop in time.I told my parents what I experienced.At first,they blamed me as usual and I knew I was wrong that time.Therefore,I did not say anything.They realized that I was frightened,so they comforted me patiently.I finally
2023-07-23 09:12:132


个人比较喜欢的是6《贝克街的亡灵》,看了好几遍。 8《银翼的魔术师》也不错。 其他的都不是太喜欢。
2023-07-23 09:12:2416

cross the road with______(care)

就直接填care就行,因为care 可以做名词,with 本身是介词,在介词后要用名词、代词或动名词形式,所以选择care应该没错.
2023-07-23 09:13:071

what must we do to cross the road safely为什么表示目的?

what must we do本来的语序应该是“We must do what”,这是个完整的句子,cross the the road safely放后面因此做句子的修饰性成分。根据句意,“我们必须做什么”和“安全穿过马路”存在付出某种行动而达到某种目的的关联,所以“安全穿过马路”做目的状语。为什么要用to是因为不定式可以表目的。为什么用不定式to表目的是因为不定式含有要去做而未做的含义,而目的也是靠“去做”而达成的。
2023-07-23 09:13:201

Be careful when you cross the road. 这句话是时间状语从句还是

2023-07-23 09:13:302

Hearts Don T Lie 歌词

歌曲名:Hearts Don T Lie歌手:The Hollies专辑:Then, Now, AlwaysHearts Don"t Lie-Joana ZimmerWhim(675278014)@ LK Lyrics GroupI see you standing at the cross road upon a pathWe see it all but always stood togetherThrough good and badSo whatever life might take us throughRemember what we"ve come toOh… Yeah…Hearts don"t lieOh…Yeah…You were my candle through the darkness when I gave inAnd holding back would never your solution and hard to winSo if you believe would make it through whatever this will come toHearts don"t lieWhen you search your mind and that mountain left to climbHearts don"t lie when the rivers in front of you oh yeahHearts don"t lie when you need the truth and the gust to pull you throughHearts don"t lie make the one voice you listen toThe voice inside of youIf you listen, don"t fight itJust believe in the voice inside of youJust running away won"t make it betterCause hearts don"t lie~~~~~~~~Cause hearts don"t lieWhen you search your mind and that mountain left to climbHearts don"t lie when the rivers in front of you oh yeahHearts don"t lie when you need the truth and the gust to pull you throughHearts don"t lie make the one voice you listen toThe voice inside of youCause hearts don"t lieEndWhim(675278014)@ LK Lyrics Group
2023-07-23 09:14:091

then look the cross you should road

then you should look the road cross.然后,你应该(再)看一下十字路口。
2023-07-23 09:14:173

关于“再....也不为过 ”的问题

can be never too ...=再....也不为过一般不省略You can never be too careful to cross road`过马路再怎么细心也不为过It"s never too late to learn和上面的是不同的意思,这句话的意思是:学习永远没有所谓的“太晚”~仔细体会一下其中的区别~
2023-07-23 09:14:262


都有穿过的意思cross=come/go across 穿过的是。。。。。的表面,比如说 :cross=come/go across the street 就是穿过街道,就是从路的表面过的through 穿过的是封闭的,through the forest 穿过森林pass 是通过,pass the exam 通过考试还有不懂的话就在线联系我吧
2023-07-23 09:14:371

cross the road的同义词

Go across the road
2023-07-23 09:14:562

How to cross the road小学英语作文不少于35个单词

A trip to BeijingIt was a long holiday.We left Wenzhou and got to Beijing on July 1st.On the second day,I went to a park with my parents.On the 3rd,we ate the famous Beijing Roast Duck,then I ate ice-cream.On the 4th,I did my homework.On the 5th,I bought presents for my friends.We got back to Wenzhou by plane on the 7th.In these days,we enjoyed ourselves very much.
2023-07-23 09:15:341

Be careful Before you Cross The road为什么这里用cross?

Be careful before you cross the road.因为you cross the road是before后面的时间状语从句,有其主语(you).如果没有you,则用crossing.Be careful before crossing the road.
2023-07-23 09:15:521

英语作文how can we cross the road

we should look left and right before we cross tje road.
2023-07-23 09:16:142

how to cross the road safely作文少于六句话语

How to keep safety when you are crossing the roadThere are many people died or hurt in traffic accidents.It is a great pity.We put our safety at the first place wehn we are crossing the roads.Here are some of my advice that I want to share with you.First of all,we must follow traffic rules,which is to stop at red lights and walk when the lights is green.Secondly,when crossing the road,we should stop by to look around.Looking at right and left to make sure there are no reckless guy driving through.Furthermore,we can not play on the road or run across the road.At last,in order to create a harmoney society,we should help children and elders to cross the road to make sure their safety.Everybody only have one chance to live.We must cherish our lives.When we are crossing the road,we must be careful enough to make sure of our safety.
2023-07-23 09:16:331


across:指"从……的一边到另一边",强调横过,多与动态动词连用。over:常和动态动词连用,指"从……上面越过"或"横越";表静态时,指"在彼处"。through:侧重从一端穿到另一端。crossn.十字架; 十字形饰物; 杂交品种; 痛苦vi.交错而行; 横渡; 越境vt.杂交; 横跨,穿越; 划掉; 使相交adj.坏脾气的, 易怒的; 相反的,反向的
2023-07-23 09:16:503

帮助老人过马路是好事英语????the old cross the road

I characteristics: good health, study hard, helpful and friendly relations with fellow students. Love Performance: counseling students homework, helping the elderly cross the road, your seat to pregnant women, to the park to help. Join Objective: 1. Making new friends. 2. Wait for you to do things to help others
2023-07-23 09:17:152


应该是 You mustn"t cross the road. 你不可以过马路。=Don"t cross the road.
2023-07-23 09:17:312

please cross the road on the pavement

Look,the boys (are waiting) on the pavement. (Cross) the road at zebra (crossing). Ben rides his bike to school(一般疑问句) Does Ben ride his bike to school? Walk quickly,please(否定句) Don"t walk quickly,please. Alice leaves home at about eight o"colck.(对划线部分提问) When does Alice leave home? How do you go to school every day? I go to school on foot every day. We cross the road at zebra crossings.(划线部分提问) Where do you cross the road? Cross the road,please.(否定句) Don"t cross the road,please. Linda is riding her new bicycle.(否定句) Linda isn"t riding her new bicycle. Danny goes to school on foot every day.(否定句) Danny doesn"t go to school on foot every day.
2023-07-23 09:17:471

有首英文歌女歌手唱的 歌词里好像有 when i cross the road

We Found Love - RihannaYellow diamonds in the lightAnd we"re standing side by sideAs your shadow crosses mineWhat it takes to come aliveIt"s the way I"m feeling I just can"t denyBut I"ve gotta let it goWe found love in a hopeless placeWe found love in a hopeless placeWe found love in a hopeless placeWe found love in a hopeless placeShine a light through an open doorLove and life I will divideTurn away cause I need you moreFeel the heartbeat in my mindIt"s the way I"m feeling I just can"t denyBut I"ve gotta let it goWe found love in a hopeless placeWe found love in a hopeless placeWe found love in a hopeless placeWe found love in a hopeless placeYellow diamonds in the lightAnd we"re standing side by sideAs your shadow crosses mineWe found love in a hopeless placeWe found love in a hopeless placeWe found love in a hopeless placeWe found love in a hopeless placeWe found love in a hopeless placeWe found love in a hopeless placeWe found love in a hopeless placeWe found love in a hopeless place
2023-07-23 09:18:031

二.根据题意和提示把句子补充完整 1.We cross the road at_____or at______.

二.根据题意和提示把句子补充完整zebra pedestrianby bikefarmer seller/businesswoman teacherstwice三.选择BABACBCCCBCCCC
2023-07-23 09:18:443

be careful when you cross the road

A cross Be careful when you【 cross 】the road. 遵循 “主祈从现” 的规则 意思:当你穿过马路时要小心
2023-07-23 09:18:581

let me help the old woman cross the road为什么是me he?

Let me help the old man cross the road.让我帮助那个老人过马路。动词后面的代词用宾格 me
2023-07-23 09:19:222

为什么quickly when we cross the road

quickly 修饰动词,形容词,副词都用副词. 本题修饰动词walk,所以用quickly.
2023-07-23 09:19:311

we must look right before cross the road哪错了?

你好!这个句子有两种修改方法:1、We must look right before crossing the road. 2、We must look right before we cross the road.
2023-07-23 09:19:391

(D.)___when you cross the road. A.Do care B.Care C.To be care D.Do be carefull 求解析。

若用be careful 是祈使句型,而在前面加do 的这类句型在口语中常见,表示强调
2023-07-23 09:20:145

( )when you cross the road

2023-07-23 09:20:581