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两者都用于书信,但场合不同。所以在正式信函里要区分faithfully 和sincerely: 1.如果你不知道收信人姓名时,应该用faithfully,而对应的开头称呼为Dear Sir or Madam等~2.如果你知道收信人姓名时,用sincerely,其对应的称呼为Dear Ms/Mr后面再跟yoursXXX sincerely就用在很随意的,大家都熟识的信里面,faithfully一般用在一些比较重要比较正式的文件、商函里面!



She faint from hunger. faint不是不及物动词吗?为什么后面可以跟宾语?

faint from 是不及物动词加介词,用作及物动词短语,所以后面可以跟hunger做为宾语。满意请及时采纳,谢谢



求林肯公园中文歌词~~in the end numb faint等

  In the end的  从一件事情开始  我不知道为什么  不管你如此努力  却始终无济于事  我把它印入记忆  我撰写这首歌曲  在适当时候解释  我全部都已了解  时光是珍贵事物  瞧见它挥舞翅膀  摇摆着逐渐飞去  看见它一一数下  世界终结的那天  时钟滴答生命流逝  这是多么不真实  我没有料到以下事  观看着时间疾走  正从那窗外逃出  尝试着把握时间  但是现在还不清楚  我投入的一切事  是看着你离开我  我留一切在心中  尽管我曾经试过  也还是陷入绝望  这一切对我来说  最终都成为一段回忆  ※我何等努力坚持  可是最后的最后  这始终无济于事  我不得不失去  失去了所有东西  可是最后的最后  这始终无济于事  一件事情  我不知道为什么  不管你如此努力  却始终无济于事  我把它印入记忆  我撰写这首歌曲  来提醒下我自己  我做得如此艰难  不顾及任何方法  尽管你在嘲笑我  是你财产的一部分  还记得那个时候  你都在与我作战  我至今还在惊讶  事情已过去很久  现在的情况  早已不是从前  你甚至都不能认出我了  既然你已知道  我回到了当时  但是每当思绪  回到我的身边(最终)  你把一切放在心中  即使我已经尝试  也还是陷入绝望  它意味着我将  这一切对我来说  最终都成为一段回忆  我已经把我的信任交付你  我已经竭尽全力  为了这一切  只有一件事情你应该知道  我已经竭尽全力  为了这所有的失落  只有一件事情你应该知道  numb的  I"m tired of being what you want me to be  我厌倦了整天去追求你所要求的那样  Feeling so faithless lost under the surface  那种感觉是如此虚伪迷失了自己  Don"t know what you"re expecting of me  不知道你在期望我什么呢  Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes  就像穿着你的鞋我双腿沉重  (Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)  在回流中翻滚在回流中翻滚  Every step that I take is another mistake to you  我每走一步对你来说都是错误  (Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)  在回流中翻滚在回流中翻滚  I"ve become so numb I can"t feel you there  我是如此麻木感觉不到你  I"ve become so tired so much more aware  我已经意识到自己如此疲倦  I"ve becoming this all I want to do  此刻所有我想要做的  Is be more like me and be less like you  是把你抛开找回真的自我  Can"t you see that you"re smothering me  难道你不知道你在使我窒息吗  Holding too tightly afraid to lose control  紧紧拥抱唯恐失去  Cause everything that you thought I would be  因此你所预想的我的每一件事  Has fallen apart right in front of you  在你面前破灭  (Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)  在回流中翻滚在回流中翻滚  Every step that I take is another mistake to you  我每走一步对你来说都是错误  (Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)  在回流中翻滚在回流中翻滚  And every second I waste is more than I can take  我已经承受不起时间的浪费  And I know  我知道  I may end up failing too  也许我终将失败  But I know  但是我明白  You were just like me with someone disappointed in you  你只是喜欢我害怕有人让你失望  I"ve become so numb I can"t feel you there  我是如此麻木感觉不到你  I"ve become so tired so much more aware  我已经意识到自己如此疲倦  I"ve becoming this all I want to do  此刻所有我想要做的  Is be more like me and be less like you  是把你抛开找回真的自我  I"ve become so numb I can"t feel you there  我是如此麻木感觉不到你  Is everything what you want me to be  你所要求我的就是一切吗  I"ve become so numb I can"t feel you there  我是如此麻木感觉不到你  Is everything what you want me to be  你所要求我的就是一切吗  faint的  我有一点孤单  有一点冷漠  有一些抱怨  这些对事情没有什么好处  每个人都能看到这些伤痕  我是替你着想  和你感同身受  但是好像无论我做什么  都不能使你相信  这是真的  所以我只能看着你  像原来一样转过身  对我不理睬假装我不存在  但我还会在这里因为你是我的全部  我无法忍受你这样对我  不要背对着我  我不想被忽视  时间也无法治疗这种创伤  不要背对着我  我不想被忽视  我有一点不安  有一点不自信  因为你不明白  即使我尽我所能  有时也毫无意义  你从不想对我说话  但是我能肯定  不管我怎样做  你都不相信我  哪怕一次听我说完  所以我只好看着你  像原来一样转过身  对我不理睬假装我不存在  但我还会在这里因为你是我的全部  我无法忍受你这样对我  不要背对着我  我不想被忽视  时间也无法治疗这种创伤  不要背对着我  我不想被忽视  不  现在听我把话说完  你要听我说  不管你喜不喜欢  就是现在  现在听我把话说完  你要听我说  不管你喜不喜欢  就是现在  我无法忍受你这样对我  不要背对着我  我不想被忽视  我无法忍受你这样对我  不要背对着我  我不想被忽视  时间也无法治疗这种伤痕  不要背对着我  我不想被忽视  我无法忍受  我不想被忽视  时间无法治疗  不要背对着我  我不想被忽视  bleed it out的  Yeah here we go for the hundredth time 历经战争无数,今日再次咆哮  Hand grenade pins in every line 手雷引线洒遍战壕  Throw "em up and let something shine 抛起手雷,全部引爆  Going out of my fucking mind 都他妈的滚出我的频道!  Filthy mouth, no excuse 操,借口一套一套!  Find a new place to hang this noose 寻觅新址 悬起绳套,  String me up from atop these roofs 从房顶上 将我悬吊  Knot it tight so i won"t get loose 记得把我困牢,不然我定能脱逃。  Truth is you can stop and stare 其实 你也不过是徒劳,  Bled myself out and no one cares 即使我血尽人亡 也无人祷告。  Dug the trench out laid down there 挖开战壕丢掉铁锹,  With a shovel up out of reach somewhere 沙土石砾将我笼罩,  Yeah, someone pour it in 漫天手雷倾泻一片  Make it a dirt dance floor again 死亡战场再次重现。  Say your prayers and stomp it out 碎碎念完莫名祈祷,随后狠心将之践踏  When they bring that chorus in 当你听到他们齐声大唱  [Chorus]  I bleed it out digging deeper 就让我挖吧挖吧,继续这疯狂的战壕  Just to throw it away 麻木地将手雷向远方猛抛  I bleed it out digging deeper 让我挖吧挖吧,继续这疯狂的战壕  Just to throw it away 麻木地将手雷向远方猛抛  I bleed it out digging deeper 让我挖吧挖吧,继续这疯狂的战壕  Just to throw it away 麻木地将手雷向远方猛抛  Just to throw it away 向远方猛抛  Just to throw it away 向远方猛抛  I bleed it out 我拼命狂挖  [End Chorus]  Go stop the show 快阻止这场战争秀,  Choppy words and a sloppy flow 阻止一切胡言乱语和厮杀的人流  Shotgun opera lock and load 可手枪都已上塘,子弹无法挽留  Cock it back and then watch it go 穿透敌人的背后,冷冷看他血流  Mama help me I"ve been cursed 老妈救我,我已被诅咒  Death is rolling in every verse 死神带着他光鲜崭新的灵柩  Candy paint on his brand new hearse 在圣经的每个角落畅游  Can"t contain him he knows he works 我已无法忍受,但他却深知人类无药可救  Fuck this hurts I won"t lie 操,多少痛苦哀愁  Doesn"t matter how hard I try 无论我怎么努力化解怨仇  Half the words don"t mean a thing 结果总是付诸东流  And I know that I won"t be satisfied 我知道我永远不会好受  So why try ignoring him 既然如此,何苦奋起抵抗  Make it a dirt dance floor again 同流合污重新杀回战场  Say your prayers and stomp it out 碎碎念完莫名祈祷,随后狠心将之践踏  When they bring that chorus in 当你听到他们齐声大唱  [Chorus]  I bleed it out digging deeper 让我挖吧挖吧,继续这疯狂的战壕  Just to throw it away 麻木地将手雷向远方猛抛  I bleed it out digging deeper 让我挖吧挖吧,继续这疯狂的战壕  Just to throw it away 麻木地将手雷向远方猛抛  I bleed it out digging deeper 让我挖吧挖吧,继续这疯狂的战壕  Just to throw it away 麻木地将手雷向远方猛抛  Just to throw it away 向远方猛抛  Just to throw it away 向远方猛抛  I bleed it out 我拼命狂挖  I"ve opened up these scars 我遍体鳞伤如此惨烈  I"ll make you face this 一定要让你面对这些,我坚决如铁  I"ve pulled myself so far 我竟让自己变得如此人性泯灭  I"ll make you, face, this, now!!!! 现在就让你看清你邪恶的那面!!  [Chorus]  I bleed it out digging deeper 让我挖吧挖吧,继续这疯狂的战壕  Just to throw it away 麻木地将手雷向远方猛抛  I bleed it out digging deeper 让我挖吧挖吧,继续这疯狂的战壕  Just to throw it away 麻木地将手雷向远方猛抛  I bleed it out digging deeper 让我挖吧挖吧,继续这疯狂的战壕  Just to throw it away 麻木地将手雷向远方猛抛  Just to throw it away 向远方猛抛  I bleed it out 我拼命狂挖  没了吧??!  好累```

歌词的中文翻译linkpark《Faint》《breaking the habit》《In The End》《Leave Out All The Rest》《numb



我有一点孤单有一点冷漠有一些抱怨这些对事情没有什么好处每个人都能看到这些伤痕我是替你着想和你感同身受但是好像无论我做什么都不能使你相信这是真的所以我只能看着你像原来一样转过身对我不理睬 假装我不存在但我还会在这里 因为你是我的全部我无法忍受你这样对我不要不理我我不想被忽视时间也无法治疗这种创伤不要不理我我不想被忽视我有一点不安有一点不自信因为你不明白即使我尽我所能有时也毫无意义你从不想对我说话但是我能肯定不管我怎样做你都不相信我哪怕一次听我说完所以我只好看着你像原来一样转过身对我不理睬 假装我不存在但我还会在这里 因为你是我的全部我无法忍受你这样对我不要不理我我不想被忽视时间也无法治疗这种创伤不要不理我我不想被忽视不现在听我把话说完你要听我说不管你喜不喜欢就是现在现在听我把话说完你要听我说不管你喜不喜欢就是现在我无法忍受你这样对我不要不理我我不想被忽视我无法忍受你这样对我不要不理我我不想被忽视时间也无法治疗这种伤痕不要不理我我不想被忽视我无法忍受我不想被忽视时间无法治疗不要不理我我不想被忽视

LinKin Park -Faint 歌词意思

I am a little bit of loneliness  我有一点孤独  A little bit of disregard  有一点冷漠  Handful of complaints  有一些抱怨  But I help the fact  但是我逃避事实  That everyone can see these scars  每个人都可以看到这些伤痕  I am what I want you to want  什么是我要你希望的  What I want you to feel  什么是我要你感受的  But its like no matter what I do  但这就像无论我做什么  I can"t convince you  我都不能说服你  To just believe this is real  就相信这是真的吧  So I let go of watching you  所以我看你走  Turn your back like you always do  你像你一直那样对我置之不理  Face away and pretend that I"m not  逃避和伪装我不会来  But I"ll be here cause you"re all that I"ve got  但是我会来的,因为你是我的一切  I can"t feel the way I did before  我无法忍受我之前的方式  Don"t turn your back on me  别对我置之不理  I won"t be ignored  我不想被忽视  Time won"t tell  时间不能诉说  This damage anymore  不再能诉说这创伤  Don"t turn your back on me  别对我置之不理  I won"t be ignored  我不想被忽视  I am a little bit insecure  我感到一点点不安全  A little unconfident  一点点不自信  Cause you don"t understand  因为你不能理解  I do what I can  我做我能做的事  But sometimes I don"t make sense  但是有时我说不通  What you never want to say  什么是你决不想说的  But I"ve never had a doubt  但是我从未有过怀疑  It"s like no matter what I do  就像不管我做什么  I can"t convince you  我都不能说服你  For once just to hear me out  就这一次,听我把话说完  So I let go of watching you  所以我看你走  Turn your back like you always do  你像你一直那样对我置之不理  Face away and pretend that I"m not  逃避和假装我不会来  But I"ll be here cause your all that I"ve got  但是我会来的,因为我得到过你的一切  I can"t feel the way I did before  我不能忍受我之前的方式  Don"t turn your back on me  别对我置之不理  I won"t be ignored  我不想被忽视  Time won"t tell  时间不能诉说  This damage anymore  不再能诉说这创伤  Don"t turn your back on me  别对我置之不理  I won"t be ignored  我不想被忽视   Now!  现在  Hear me out now  现在听我把话说完  Your gonna listen to me like it or not  不管喜不喜欢必须听我说  Right now!  现在  Hear me out now  听我把话说完  Your gonna listen to me like it or not  不管喜不喜欢必须听我说  Right now!  现在  I can"t feel the way I did before  我不能忍受我之前的方式  Don"t turn your back on me  别对我置之不理  I won"t be ignored  我不想被忽视  I can"t feel the way I did before  我不能忍受我之前的方式  Don"t turn your back on me  别不帮助我  I won"t be ignored  我不想被忽视  Time won"t tell  时间不会诉说  This damage anymore  不再能诉说这创伤  Don"t turn your back on me  别对我置之不理  I won"t be ignored  我不想被忽视  I can"t feel  我不能忍受  Time won"t tell  时间不会诉说  Don"t turn your back on me  别对我置之不理  I won"t be ignored  我不想被忽视

faint 的歌词翻译

I am a little bit of loneliness 我有一点孤独 A little bit of disregard 有一点冷漠 Handful of complaints 有一些抱怨 But I help the fact 但是我逃避事实 That everybody can see these scars 每个人都可以看到这些伤痕 I am what I want you to want 什么是我要你希望的 What I want you to feel 什么是我要你感受的 But its like no matter what I do 但这就像无论我做什么 I can"t convince you 我都不能说服你 To just believe this is real 就相信这是真的吧 So I let go of watching you 所以我看你走 Turn your back like you always do 你像你总是做的那样不肯帮助我 Face away and pretend that I"m not 逃避和伪装我不会来 But I"ll be here cause your all that I"ve got 但是我会来的,因为我得到过你的一切 I can"t feel the way I did before 我无法忍受我之前的方式 Don"t turn your back on me 不要拒绝帮助我 I won"t be ignored 我不愿被忽视 Time won"t tell 时间不会保证 There"s damage anymore 不再有伤害 Don"t turn your back on me 别拒绝帮助我 I won"t be ignored 我不愿被忽视 I am a little bit insecure 我有一点点不稳定 A little unconfident 一点点不自信 Cause you don"t understand 因为你不能理解 I do what I can 我做我能做的事 But sometimes I don"t make sense 但是有时我说不通 What you never want to say 什么是你决不想说的 But I"ve never had a doubt 但是我从未有过怀疑 It"s like no matter what I do 就像不管我做什么 I can"t convince you 我都不能说服你 For once just to hear me out 就这一次,听我把话说完 So I let go of watching you 所以我看你走 Turn your back like you always do 像你总是做的那样不肯帮助我 Face away and pretend that I"m not 逃避和假装我不会来 But I"ll be here cause your all that I"ve got 但是我会来的,因为我得到过你的一切 I can"t feel the way I did before 我不能忍受我之前的方式 Don"t turn your back on me 别不帮助我 I won"t be ignored 我不愿被忽视 Time won"t heal 时间不会治愈 There"s damage anymore 不再有伤害 Don"t turn your back on me 别不帮助我 I won"t be ignored 我不愿被忽视 Now! 现在 Hear me out now 现在听我把话说完 Your gonna listen to me like it or not 不管喜不喜欢必须听我说 Right now! 现在 Hear me out now 听我把话说完

Linkin Park的《Faint 》 歌词

歌曲名:Faint 歌手:Linkin Park专辑:Live At Camden 2004Linkin Park - FaintI am a little bit of lonelinessA little bit of disregardHandful of complaintsBut I help the factThat everybody can see these scarsI am what I want you to wantWhat I want you to feelBut its like no matter what I doI can"t convince youTo just believe this is realSo I let go of watching youTurn your back like you always doFace away and pretend that I"m notBut I"ll be here cause your all that I"ve gotI can"t feel the way I did beforeDon"t turn your back on meI won"t be ignoredTime won"t tellThere"s damage anymoreI am a little bit insecureA little unconfidentCause you don"t understandI do what I canBut sometimes I don"t make senseWhat you never want to sayBut I"ve never had a doubtIt"s like no matter what I doFor once just to hear me outTime won"t healNow!Hear me out nowYour gonna listen to me like it or notRight now!Right now..I can"t feelThe way I did beforeI won"t be ignored!!http://music.baidu.com/song/23399267

Linkin Park的《Faint 》 歌词

歌曲名:Faint 歌手:Linkin Park专辑:8-Bit Rebellion!Linkin Park - FaintI am a little bit of lonelinessA little bit of disregardHandful of complaintsBut I help the factThat everybody can see these scarsI am what I want you to wantWhat I want you to feelBut its like no matter what I doI can"t convince youTo just believe this is realSo I let go of watching youTurn your back like you always doFace away and pretend that I"m notBut I"ll be here cause your all that I"ve gotI can"t feel the way I did beforeDon"t turn your back on meI won"t be ignoredTime won"t tellThere"s damage anymoreI am a little bit insecureA little unconfidentCause you don"t understandI do what I canBut sometimes I don"t make senseWhat you never want to sayBut I"ve never had a doubtIt"s like no matter what I doFor once just to hear me outTime won"t healNow!Hear me out nowYour gonna listen to me like it or notRight now!Right now..I can"t feelThe way I did beforeI won"t be ignored!!http://music.baidu.com/song/24250184


Faint 昏厥 Iamalittlebitofloneliness 我有一点孤独 Alittlebitofdisregard 有一点被冷落 Handfulofcomplaints 有一些抱怨 ButIcan"thelpthefact 但面对事实,我无能为力 Thateveryonecanseethesescars 谁都能感受我内心的伤痛 IamwhatIwantyoutowant 什么是我要你希望的 WhatIwantyoutofeel 什么是我要你感受的 ButitslikenomatterwhatIdo 但无论我做什么 Ican"tconvinceyou 我都不能说服你Tojustbelievethisisreal就相信这是真的吧 SoIletgoofwatchingyou 所以我看着你 Turnyourbacklikeyoualwaysdo 像往常那样对我置之不理 FaceawayandpretendthatI"mnot 转身离去,假装我不存在 ButI"llbeherecauseyou"reallthatIgot 但是我会一直守候,因为你是我的一切 Ican"tfeelthewayIdidbefore 我感觉不到我的过失 Don"tturnyourbackonme 别对我置之不理 Iwon"tbeignored 我不想被冷落 Timewon"thealthisdamageanymore 时间愈合不了这伤口 Don"tturnyourbackonme 别对我置之不理 Iwon"tbeignored 我不想被冷落 Iamalittlebitinsecure 我感到一点不安 Alittleunconfident 有一点自卑 Causeyoudon"tunderstand 因为你不能理解 IdowhatIcan 我已尽我所能 ButsometimesIdon"tmakesense 但是有时我无法让一切有意义 Iamwhatyouneverwannasay 什么是你决不想说的 ButI"veneverhadadoubt 但是我还是深信不疑 It"slikenomatterwhatIdo 就像不管我做什么 Ican"tconvinceyou 我都不能说服你 Foroncejusttohearmeout 请这次听我解释 SoIletgoofwatchingyou 所以我看着你 Turnyourbacklikeyoualwaysdo 像往常那样对我置之不理 FaceawayandpretendthatI"mnot 转身离去,假装我不存在 ButI"llbeherecauseyou"reallthatIgot 但是我会一直守候,因为你是我的一切 Ican"tfeelthewayIdidbefore 我感觉不到我的过失 Don"tturnyourbackonme 别对我置之不理 Iwon"tbeignored 我不想被冷落 Timewon"thealthisdamageanymore 时间愈合不了这伤口 Don"tturnyourbackonme 别对我置之不理 Iwon"tbeignored 我不想被冷落 Now! 现在 Hearmeoutnow 现在听我说You"regonnalistentomelikeitornot 不管喜不喜欢必须听我说 Rightnow! 就是现在 Hearmeoutnow 听我把话说完 You"regonnalistentomelikeitornot 不管喜不喜欢必须听我说 Rightnow! 现在 Ican"tfeelthewayIdidbefore 我感觉不到我的过失 Don"tturnyourbackonme 别对我置之不理 Iwon"tbeignored!!! 我不想被冷落!!! Ican"tfeelthewayIdidbefore 我感觉不到我的过失 Don"tturnyourbackonme 别对我置之不理 Iwon"tbeignored 我不想被冷落 Timewon"thealthisdamageanymore 时间愈合不了这伤口 Don"tturnyourbackonme 别对我置之不理 Iwon"tbeignored我不想被冷落Ican"tfeel 我感觉不到 Don"tturnyourbackonme 别对我置之不理 Iwon"tbeignored 我不想被冷落 Timewon"theal 时间愈合不了这伤口 Don"tturnyourbackonme 别对我置之不理 Iwon"tbeignored 我不想被冷落(来自百度百科)希望能帮到你。

LINKIN PARK的《Faint》 歌词

歌曲名:Faint歌手:LINKIN PARK专辑:Live in Taipei 2007Linkin Park - FaintI am a little bit of lonelinessA little bit of disregardHandful of complaintsBut I help the factThat everybody can see these scarsI am what I want you to wantWhat I want you to feelBut its like no matter what I doI can"t convince youTo just believe this is realSo I let go of watching youTurn your back like you always doFace away and pretend that I"m notBut I"ll be here cause your all that I"ve gotI can"t feel the way I did beforeDon"t turn your back on meI won"t be ignoredTime won"t tellThere"s damage anymoreI am a little bit insecureA little unconfidentCause you don"t understandI do what I canBut sometimes I don"t make senseWhat you never want to sayBut I"ve never had a doubtIt"s like no matter what I doFor once just to hear me outTime won"t healNow!Hear me out nowYour gonna listen to me like it or notRight now!Right now..I can"t feelThe way I did beforeI won"t be ignored!!http://music.baidu.com/song/55230432


I am a little bit of loneliness我有一点孤独A little bit of disregard有一点冷漠Handful of complaints有一些抱怨But I help the fact但是我逃避事实That everybody can see these scars每个人都可以看到这些伤痕I am what I want you to want什么是我要你希望的What I want you to feel什么是我要你感受的But its like no matter what I do但这就像无论我做什么I can"t convince you我都不能说服你To just believe this is real就相信这是真的吧So I let go of watching you所以我看你走Turn your back like you always do你像你总是做的那样不肯帮助我Face away and pretend that I"m not逃避和伪装我不会来But I"ll be here cause your all that I"ve got但是我会来的,因为我得到过你的一切I can"t feel the way I did before我无法忍受我之前的方式Don"t turn your back on me不要拒绝帮助我I won"t be ignored我不愿被忽视Time won"t tell时间不会保证There"s damage anymore不再有伤害Don"t turn your back on me别拒绝帮助我I won"t be ignored我不愿被忽视I am a little bit insecure我有一点点不稳定A little unconfident一点点不自信Cause you don"t understand因为你不能理解I do what I can我做我能做的事But sometimes I don"t make sense但是有时我说不通What you never want to say什么是你决不想说的But I"ve never had a doubt但是我从未有过怀疑It"s like no matter what I do就像不管我做什么I can"t convince you我都不能说服你For once just to hear me out就这一次,听我把话说完So I let go of watching you所以我看你走Turn your back like you always do像你总是做的那样不肯帮助我Face away and pretend that I"m not逃避和假装我不会来But I"ll be here cause your all that I"ve got但是我会来的,因为我得到过你的一切I can"t feel the way I did before我不能忍受我之前的方式Don"t turn your back on me别不帮助我I won"t be ignored我不愿被忽视Time won"t heal时间不会治愈There"s damage anymore不再有伤害Don"t turn your back on me别不帮助我I won"t be ignored我不愿被忽视Now!现在Hear me out now现在听我把话说完Your gonna listen to me like it or not不管喜不喜欢必须听我说Right now!现在Hear me out now听我把话说完


荧光反应是指钻石在紫外线下所发生的反应颜色光:依其强弱分为:NONE 无FAINT 微弱MEDIUM 中度STRONG 强烈VERY STRONG 很强一般是黄色荧光和蓝色荧光,有荧光的钻石对钻石的各项评级会有影响而且会影响钻石的火彩,有荧光的钻石会比无荧光的钻石便宜


Faint: [ feint ]n. 昏厥,昏倒a. 微弱的,无力的,模糊的v. 昏倒1、词根词缀记忆/谐音联想记忆分特(谐音)宝剑(f经油漆(paint)后变得模糊a.微弱的;不明显的;暗淡的n./v.昏倒;昏晕I hint that the faint saint painted the printer with a pint of paint.我暗示说虚弱的圣徒用了一品脱油漆涂印刷机.adj衰弱的;软弱无力的反stentorian (adj 声音洪亮的)2、谐音记忆faint:肥的-→肥胖的人容易晕倒3、联想记忆fat胖+ in在里面→胖在里面的人容易昏厥


faint是什么意思   faint是什么意思,对于很多人来说,英文都是一个需要一直学习的课程,很多人不知道一个单词的具体意思时,可以上网或者翻字典来查看这个单词的具体意思,下面为大家分享faint是什么意思。   faint是什么意思1    faint是什么意思   1、BBS中经常使用的Faint就是指“晕”,还可以简写成FT。   2、FAINT,是林肯公园专辑《天空之城—美特拉》的一首歌,被认为是Linkin Park最经典的曲目之一,歌中的强烈嘶吼让每个孤独的人都会产生共鸣。    faint英文解释:   adj。微弱的,模糊的;软弱的;无勇气的;将昏倒似的;   vi。头晕,昏过去;渐渐不明,消失;   n。昏厥,昏倒;   faint是什么意思2   faint   英 [fent] 美 [fent]   adj. 微弱的;无力的;模糊的   v. 昏倒   n. 昏厥;昏倒    例句    用作形容词 (adj.)   A faint hope still flickered in her breast.   一种微弱的希望仍在她的心中闪动着。   He could discern a faint light ahead in the forest.   他能看到前面森林里有一线微弱的灯光。   I heard a faint sound in the distance.   我听到远处有个微弱的声音。   Every time I think of it I feel faint!   每次想到这些   All you can see is a faint reflection in his eyes.   你所能看到的.只是他双眼的模糊的映像。   The writing on the stone was very faint.   这块石头上的字迹很模糊.   She saw a faint mark on the horizon, and gradually it took shape.   她瞥见天边出现了一个模糊的痕迹,慢慢形成可以辨认的形状。    查看更多用作动词 (v.)   Youd better attend to that girl. I think shes going to faint.   你最好去照顾那女孩,我看她快昏倒了。   The princess went very pale and looked as though she was about to faint.   公主一下子脸色变得非常苍白,看起来仿佛就要昏倒似的。    用作名词 (n.)   The little girl went off in a faint,but the doctor pulled her round very soon.   小女孩昏倒了,但医生很快使她苏醒过来。   He slumped to the floor in a faint.   他砰一声昏倒在地板上。    词语用法    adj. (形容词)   faint的基本意思是“微弱的,模糊的,暗淡的,隐约的”,指事物或声音等由于处于较远的距离或由于其他原因而显得不清楚或不明显; 也可指因身体不好而造成的“无力,虚弱”; 还可指对某事所采取的手段不够强硬而显得“无力,无甚效果”。   faint多用来修饰抽象名词,如声音、希望等。    v. (动词)   faint用作动词时的意思是“晕倒,昏倒”,指由于受外界因素的影响(如饥饿、炎热、恐惧、震惊、痛苦等)而暂时失去知觉。faint引申还可以指“消失,褪色”。   faint主要用作不及物动词,后常接副词away,表示“昏过去”“消失”。   faint后可接介词from或with,也可接复合介词because of,三者意思上没有明显差别。    n. (名词)   faint用作名词时意思是“昏厥,不省人事”,指人处于无知觉或不省人事的状态,这种状态可维持一段较长的时间,也可能只是暂时的。   faint常以单数形式出现。



林肯公园 歌曲Faint歌词的中文意思

昏厥》 我感到 有一点孤独 有点被忽视 有点怨言 但我无法改变事实 每个人都会看到伤疤 我希望我是使你有感觉的人 但是 就像不管我做什么 我无法说服你 相信这是真的 所以我离开 观察你 不理我就像你总是做的 避开我 假装我不在这里 但我在 因为你是我的全部 我有一点 不可靠 一点不自信 因为你不明白 我做我能做的 但有时这没有意义 我是你永远不想 说话的人 但我从不怀疑 就像不管我做什么 我无法说服你 就听我说一次 所以我离开 观察你 不理我就像你总是做的 避开我假装我不在这里 但我在 因为你是我的全部 我无法感到我 以前是如何做的 不要不理我 我不想被忽视 时间无法再治愈 这份伤痛 不要不理我 我不想被忽视 不 现在听我说 你听我 不管愿意不愿意 就现在




主要是吉他是经典吉他 (电吉他的一种)就是林肯公园吉他手brad用的楼上说的dj混音主要是采样器做出来的Faint只在开头处有应用主要是经典吉他不信仔细看看他们的现场演出就知道!!!!!!!!!!!!!


faint晕倒weak 虚弱


钻石faint是指荧光反应:是钻石在紫外线下所发生的反应颜色光:依其强弱分为:NONE 无FAINT 微弱MEDIUM 中度STRONG 强烈VERY STRONG 很强一般是黄色荧光和蓝色荧光,有荧光的钻石对钻石的各项评级会有极大的影响而且会影响钻石的光彩。补充资料:对钻石荧光反应的误解:1:荧光反应是一种辐射,对身体有害有人觉得荧光就是一种辐射。其实不然,荧光是因为钻石的晶格(主要因为钻石内部的氮或硼元素)结构,在紫外光下激发的一种光学现象。并没有放射性,也不存在辐射,就如同我们每天用的人民币里面,加有的荧光纤维一样,对身体是没有影响的。2:有荧光反应的钻石比没有的“软”这个论述,个人觉得有失偏颇。因为“软硬”是个相对的概念,而且钻石的不同方向上的硬度会略有差异,所以无法进行合理的比较。3:有荧光的钻石比较便宜,所以就是不好好货不便宜,便宜没好货,这是很多朋友常有的观念。不过,钻石就和人一样都是独一无二的,没有好坏之分。只是个人喜好不同而已,在美国,好多人觉得有荧光的钻石可以在晴天和阴天呈现不同的视觉效果,而特别喜爱它。顺便值得一提的是,很多宝石都有荧光反应,比如红宝石。有些有荧光反应的宝石反而价值更高。

faint(Linkin Park) 中文谐音来个.. 英语好的来个 谢谢


Linkin Park的《Faint》 歌词

《Faint》是林肯公园专辑《天空之城—美特拉》中的一首歌,被认为是Linkin Park最经典的曲目之一,歌中的强烈嘶吼让每个孤独的人都会产生共鸣。歌名:Faint演唱:Linkin Park词/曲/编:Linkin Park所属专辑:Meteora发行时间:2003-03-24发行公司:华纳唱片音乐风格:Pop Alternative中英歌词:I am a little bit of loneliness我有一点孤独A little bit of disregard有一点冷漠Handful of complaints但是面对事实But I help the fact我无能为力That everybody can see these scars谁都能看见这些伤疤I am what I want you to want我渴望你能感同身受What I want you to feel什么是我希望你能感受到的But its like no matter what I do但是无论我做什么I can"t convince you都无法说服你To just believe this is real相信这是事实So I let go of watching you所以我只能看着你Turn your back like you always do像往常一样转过身Face away and pretend that I"m not不愿面对我,假装我是错误的But I"ll be here cause your all that I"ve got因为你是我的全部I can"t feel the way I did before我无法忍受以前的方式Don"t turn your back on me不要漠视我I won"t be ignored我不想被忽视Time won"t tell时间也无法愈合There"s damage anymore这种创伤Don"t turn your back on me不要漠视我I won"t be ignored我不想被忽视I am a little bit insecure我有一点不安A little unconfident有一点自卑Cause you don"t understand因为你不能理解I do what I can即使我已尽我所能But sometimes I don"t make sense但是有时候,我无法让一切变得有意义What you never want to say你从来没有说过什么But I"ve never had a doubt但是我很确定It"s like no matter what I do但是无论我做什么I can"t convince you都无法说服你For once just to hear me out就这一次,请听我把话说完So I let go of watching you所以我只能看着你Turn your back like you always do像往常一样转过身Face away and pretend that I"m not不愿面对我,假装我是错误的But I"ll be here cause your all that I"ve got但我还是会在这里,因为你是我的全部I can"t feel the way I did before我无法忍受以前的方式Don"t turn your back on me不要漠视我I won"t be ignored我不想被忽视Time won"t heal时间也无法愈合There"s damage anymore这种创伤Don"t turn your back on me不要漠视我I won"t be ignored我不想被忽视Now!现在Hear me out now现在听我把话说完Your gonna listen to me like it or not你必须倾听我所说的话,不管你喜不喜欢Right now!就是现在Hear me out now现在听我把话说完Your gonna listen to me like it or not你必须倾听我所说的话,不管你喜不喜欢Right now..就是现在I can"t feel我无法忍受The way I did before以前的方式Don"t turn your back on me不要漠视我I won"t be ignored!!我不想被忽视I can"t feel the way I did before我无法忍受以前的方式Don"t turn your back on me不要漠视我I won"t be ignored我不想被忽视Time won"t tell时间也无法愈合There"s damage anymore这种创伤Don"t turn your back on me不要漠视我I won"t be ignored我不想被忽视I can"t feel我无法忍受I won"t be ignored我不想被忽视Time won"t tell时间也无法愈合Don"t turn your back on me不要漠视我I won"t be ignored我不想被忽视


荧光反应是指钻石在紫外线下所发生的反应颜色光:依其强弱分为: NONE 无 FAINT 微弱 MEDIUM 中度 STRONG 强烈 VERY STRONG 很强一般是黄色荧光和蓝色荧光,有荧光的钻石对钻石的各项评级会有极大的影响而且会影响钻石的火彩,虽然比无荧光的便宜,但是这种钻石不建议选,感觉钻石里面像有一层雾一样擦不干净,不通透


dim尤指光线弱,昏暗She stood waiting in the dim light.她站在昏暗的灯光下等待着。vague模糊,说话模糊不清,表示有歧义,比如vague and general表示空泛的;vague memory表示模糊的印象1.A lot of the talk was apparently vague and general.这次会谈的许多内容显然是含糊而笼统的。2.They have only a vague idea of the amount of water available.他们对于可用水量只有一点模糊的了解。faint虚弱;微弱,指声音、颜色、感觉、特质等的程度弱1.He became aware of the soft, faint sounds of water dripping.他开始觉察到水滴下来的轻柔、微弱的声音。2.There was still the faint hope deep within him that she might never need to know.他内心深处仍然存一线希望,希望她会永远都不想知道。






faint:[feint] n.昏厥,昏倒a.微弱的,无力的,模糊的v.昏倒可以到这个网址去听听http://dict.cn/search/?q=faint+


Faint用作形容词意思是微弱的;依稀的;头晕目眩的;快要失去知觉的;虚弱的;无力的;渺茫的;微小的。用作动词意思是昏厥;晕倒;衰落;变得微弱。用作名词意思是晕倒;昏厥。1、faint heart懦夫;怯懦者;生性拘谨者。2、faint heart never won fair lady懦夫难赢淑女芳心;胆小怕事;一事无成。3、damn someone with faint praise冷冷地表扬。4、faint smile淡淡一笑;淡淡的微笑。5、faint light微弱的光。6、faint scent清香;暗香。7、faint sound微弱的声音;隐约传来的声音。8、faint hope微弱的希望;一丝希望;希望渺茫。9、faint trace依稀可见的踪迹;微弱痕迹。10、faint voice微弱的声音。11、faint odour淡淡的香味。12、faint memory模糊的记忆。双语例句:1、the lamps in the street shed a faint light into the room.街上的路灯将一缕微弱的光线投到房间里。2、A silence broken only by the faint snuffles of the dogs.只有微弱的狗的吸鼻声才时而打破的沉寂。3、Paul detected a faint note of weariness in his father"s voice.保罗察觉到他父亲说话声里带有一丝倦意。4、Patients were liable to faint if they stood up too suddenly.病人如果突然站起可能会晕倒。


[英] [feint][美] [fent]faint英文解释:adj。微弱的,模糊的;软弱的;无勇气的;将昏倒似的;vi。头晕,昏过去;渐渐不明,消失;n。昏厥,昏倒;faint是什么意思2faint英 [fent] 美 [fent]adj. 微弱的;无力的;模糊的v. 昏倒n. 昏厥;昏倒例句用作形容词 (adj.)A faint hope still flickered in her breast.一种微弱的希望仍在她的心中闪动着。He could discern a faint light ahead in the forest.他能看到前面森林里有一线微弱的灯光。I heard a faint sound in the distance.我听到远处有个微弱的声音。Every time I think of it I feel faint!每次想到这些All you can see is a faint reflection in his eyes.你所能看到的.只是他双眼的模糊的映像。The writing on the stone was very faint.这块石头上的字迹很模糊.She saw a faint mark on the horizon, and gradually it took shape.她瞥见天边出现了一个模糊的痕迹,慢慢形成可以辨认的形状。查看更多用作动词 (v.)Youd better attend to that girl. I think shes going to faint.你最好去照顾那女孩,我看她快昏倒了。The princess went very pale and looked as though she was about to faint.公主一下子脸色变得非常苍白,看起来仿佛就要昏倒似的。用作名词 (n.)The little girl went off in a faint,but the doctor pulled her round very soon.小女孩昏倒了,但医生很快使她苏醒过来。He slumped to the floor in a faint.他砰一声昏倒在地板上。词语用法adj. (形容词)faint的基本意思是“微弱的,模糊的,暗淡的,隐约的”,指事物或声音等由于处于较远的距离或由于其他原因而显得不清楚或不明显; 也可指因身体不好而造成的“无力,虚弱”; 还可指对某事所采取的手段不够强硬而显得“无力,无甚效果”。faint多用来修饰抽象名词,如声音、希望等。v. (动词)faint用作动词时的意思是“晕倒,昏倒”,指由于受外界因素的影响(如饥饿、炎热、恐惧、震惊、痛苦等)而暂时失去知觉。faint引申还可以指“消失,褪色”。faint主要用作不及物动词,后常接副词away,表示“昏过去”“消失”。faint后可接介词from或with,也可接复合介词because of,三者意思上没有明显差别。n. (名词)faint用作名词时意思是“昏厥,不省人事”,指人处于无知觉或不省人事的状态,这种状态可维持一段较长的时间,也可能只是暂时的。faint常以单数形式出现。

英语irish immigrants怎么翻译?

英语irish immigrants,翻译成中文就是:爱尔兰移民。

after having heard the news,she fainted.


Part1- Hoseholds owning and renting accommodation in England and Wales 1918 to2011

Topic: The chart below shows the percentage of households in owned and rented accommodation in England and Wales between 1918and 2011. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the mainfeatures, and make comparisons where relevant.The bar graph illustrates how the rates of families living in both possessed and leased houses changed in England and Wales in a span of 93 years. It is clear that the percentage of households who lived in rented accommodations generally decreased during this period, while the counterpart of households in owned residences overall increased at the same span of time. To be specific, in 1918, about 23% of families lived in accommodations which were owned by themselves. The proportion continuously enlarged, and peaked in 2001, at around 68%, then declined to roughly 65% after 10 years. By contrast, the percentage of households living in rented houses was nearly 80% at the beginning, which was much more substantial than the equivalent rate of rented accommodations. After a long period of shrinkage,in which the level of the other type of households equaled and surpassed it in1971 and 1981,respectively, merely about 32% of families resided in rented homesin 2001, then the percentage experienced a fall to around 36% in 2011.


"Pantyhose",连短裤和长筒袜于一体,齐腰高。丝袜的类型和术语Tights(连裤袜):又称Pantyhose,连短裤和长筒袜于一体,齐腰高。Stockings (长筒袜):指大腿长度的经典长筒袜,袜口无松紧,需要配合吊袜带使用。Hold-Ups(紧口长筒袜):又称Stay-Ups,袜口内侧附有防滑乳胶条的长筒袜,无须吊袜带也不会下滑。Opaques (厚袜): 指40D以上不透明的秋冬丝袜。Knee-High(中筒袜): 指长度到膝盖以下的中筒袜。Socks(短袜): 指长度到脚踝左右的短袜。Sheer To Waist: 腰部完全透明,和腿部相比,没有明显的加厚层,特指连裤袜。Reinforced Panty 腰部部位有加厚层,特指连裤袜。Control Top 腰部部位比较重的加厚和塑身材料,有美体提臀效果。Lace Top 袜口蕾丝花边,特指长筒袜。Sheer Toe 脚尖完全透明,没有加厚层,可以搭配凉鞋穿着。Shadow Toe 脚尖有轻微加厚,比较透明。Reinforced Toe 脚尖有加厚层保护,不透明。Open Toe 脚尖开口,露趾设计,可以搭配凉鞋穿着。RHT Reinforced Heel and Toe,脚尖和脚跟都有加厚层保护。Non-strenth 纯丝无弹力长筒袜,用100%无弹力尼龙丝编织,织出了整个腿型和脚型。Matt Sheen 袜身无光泽,亚光处理,细腻肌肤质感效果。Natural Effect 自然肌肤光泽,隐形效果,穿上后几乎看不出是穿了丝袜。Gloss Effect 光滑效果,让腿部的视觉修饰效果更加平滑。Slight Effect 轻微丝光效果,带有比较高贵的轻度丝光光泽。High Shine 高度丝光效果,具有非常完美的光泽度。http://www.furze.cn/Leadbbs/Announce/Announce2.asp?BoardID=504&ID=2137

Country Grammar (Hot Shit)(Radio Video Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Country Grammar (Hot Shit)(Radio Video Edit)歌手:Nelly专辑:Country Grammar (Hot Shit)-Umvd LabelsHmm, I"m going down down baby yo street in a Range RoverStreet Sweeper baby cocked ready to let it goShimmy Shimmy cocoa wha listen to it nowLight it up and take a puff, pass it to me nowHmm, I"m going down down baby yo street in a Range RoverStreet Sweeper baby cocked ready to let it goShimmy Shimmy cocoa wha listen to it nowLight it up and take a puff, pass it to me now(Nelly)You can find me, in St. Louis rollin on dubsSmoking dubs in clubs, blowin up like cocoa puffSippin Bud, gettin perved and getting dubbedDaps and hugs, mean mugs and shoulder shrugsAnd it"s all because, accumulated enough stretchJust to navigate it, fully decorated on chromeAnd it"s candy painted, fans faintedWhile I"m entertaining, wild ain"t itHow me and mugs, I hang with Hannibal Lector (Hot Shit)So feel me when I bring it, sing it loud whaI"m from the Loop and I"m proudRun a mile for the causeI"m righteous above the lawPlaya my style"s rawI"m "Born to Mack" like Todd ShawForget the fame, and the glamourGive me D"s wit a rubber hammerMy grammar be"s ebonics, gin tonic and chronicLunatics til the day I dieFuck bionic it"s ironic, slammin niggas like OnyxI run more game then the Bulls and SonicsHmm, I"m going down down baby yo street in a Range RoverStreet Sweeper baby cocked ready to let it goShimmy Shimmy cocoa wha listen to it nowLight it up and take a puff, pass it to me nowHmm, I"m going down down baby yo street in a Range RoverStreet Sweeper baby cocked ready to let it goShimmy Shimmy cocoa wha listen to it nowLight it up and take a puff, pass it to me nowWho say pretty boys can"t be wild niggasLoud niggas, O.K. Corral niggasFoul niggas, run in the club and bust in the crowd niggaHow nigga, ask me again it"s going down niggaNow nigga, come to the circus and watch me clown niggaPound nigga, what you be givin when I"m around niggaFrown niggas, talkin shit when I leave the town niggaSay now, can you hoes come out to play nowHey I"m, ready to cut you up any day nowPlay by, my rules boo and you gon" stay highMay I, answer yo third question like hey ISay hi, to my niggas left in the slammaFrom St. Louis to MemphisFrom Texas back up to Indiana, Chi-TownK.C. Motown to AlabamaL-A, New York Yankee niggas to Hotlanta, LouisianaAll my niggas wit Country GrammarSmokin blunts in SavannahBlow thirty mill like I"m HammerHmm, I"m going down down baby yo street in a Range RoverStreet Sweeper baby cocked ready to let it goShimmy Shimmy cocoa wha listen to it nowLight it up and take a puff, pass it to me nowHmm, I"m going down down baby yo street in a Range RoverStreet Sweeper baby cocked ready to let it goShimmy Shimmy cocoa wha listen to it nowLight it up and take a puff, pass it to me nowLet"s show these cats to make these milli-onsSo you niggas quit acting silly, monMy +Kid+ quicker than +Billy+, monTalking really and I need it mon, foes I keep filly mon"Specially off Remi, mon, keys to my Beemer, monHolla at Beenie Man, see me, monCheifin rollin deeper than any mon, through Jennings monThrough U-City back up to Kingsland, wit nice niggasSheist niggas, who snatch yo life nigga, trife niggasWho produce and sell the same beat twice, nigga, ice niggaAll over close to never soberFrom broke to havin dough, "cause my price Range is RoverNow I"m knockin like JehovahLet me in now, let me in nowBill Gates Donald Trumph let me in, we spin nowI got money to lend my friends now, we in nowCandy Benz, Kenwood and 10"s now (Whoo!)Fuckin lesbian twins nowSeein now, through the pen I make my ends nowHmm, I"m going down down baby yo street in a Range RoverStreet Sweeper baby cocked ready to let it goShimmy Shimmy cocoa wha listen to it nowLight it up and take a puff, pass it to me nowHmm, I"m going down down baby yo street in a Range RoverStreet Sweeper baby cocked ready to let it goShimmy Shimmy cocoa wha listen to it nowLight it up and take a puff, pass it to me nowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1452891

he went out of the restaurant

1.He went out of the restaurant.(without)He did not pay the bill. He went out of the restaurant without paying the bill. 2.She bought a pair of boots.(instead of) She did not get a pare of shoes. She bought a pair of boots instead of getting a pare of shoes. 3.She was afraid.(of) She did not spend the night alone. She was afraid of not spending the night alone. 4.(after) She heard the news.She fainted. After having heard the news,she fainted. 5.Think carefully.(before) Answer my question. Before answering my question,think carefully . 6.(on) I saw the plane coming toward me.I dashed for cover. I dashed for cover on seeing the plane coming toward me.

34. The girl fainted, but she ______ after we splashed water on her face.

应选D come to = come to oneself/ = come to one"s life 苏醒过来,复活,恢复意识come up (问题、建议等)被提出;发芽get over 康复,从(疾病,震惊)恢复常态come over 来访,拜访

She’s fainted. Throw some water on her face and she’ll ____. A.come round B.come along C

A 本题主要考查短语动词的意义区别。选项A的意思是“绕道而来,回心转意,苏醒过来”;选项B的意思是“一起来,一道走,进展,出现”;选项C的意思是“进步,进展,成长,开始”;选项D的意思是“(花)开放,出版,露出”。根据句子的意思,选A。

the woman fainted at the words这个句子是什么结构?

主语the woman谓语fainted状语at the words




i faint 这里是动词 i am faint 是形容词 fainted的话呢,大多是指过去式吧 形容词用的不多呀

fainted from hunger中文翻译

The explorers were faint from hunger and cold . 探险者们因饥寒交迫而委顿不堪。 He fainted from hunger . 他饿晕了。 The explorers were faint from hunger and cold 探险者们因饥寒交迫而委顿不堪 His poor pttle son fainted from hunger 他那可怜的小儿子饿得昏厥过去了。


把字符集改成GBK的才能打出来,GJHH 86版打不出来饹qntk,le(没有声调,轻声,也有读lǎo的)

She fainted on hearing the news 有无语法错误?


She knew Ellen would have fainted had she ever heard such words from her daughter.




After hearing the news she fainted. 她听到那个消息后,晕倒了。问:我翻译的对吗?有语法错误吗?



翻倒 ...


加不加be,要看动作是不是主语发出的,“我昏过去了” faint是主语发出的动作,所以不加be.I was confused “我被拒绝了” ,拒绝的动作不是我发出的,我是动作的承受者,所以加be。I was disappointed 我很失望。disappointed是形容词,所以要用was.

irma这个词在英文里是什么意思?有人知道Aunt Irma的来历吗

Irman.厄玛(Erma的异体)(f.) 女人的名字Aunt Irma 就是厄玛姑妈Aunt Irma Visits is the sixth of the first season of The IT Crowd. It"s Jen"s time of the month, and her moody state might be contagious. Aunt Irma Visits是英国出品的The IT Crowd的第一季。

Fainter,dimmer,stiller, each moment, Now night. 请问这是哪位诗人的诗?急用!谢了!




Faint 什么意思啊


fainted英 [feu026antu026ad] 美 [feu026antu026ad] v.晕倒,昏倒( faint的过去式和过去分词 )ADJ-GRADED (声音、颜色、标记、感觉或特性)微弱的,暗淡的,虚弱的,不尽力的;敷衍的;半心半意的 。

If I can ease one life the aching,or cool one pain,or help one fainting robin.Ishall not live

请看下面翻译如果我能使一颗心免于哀伤If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching, Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin Unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain. 如果我能使一颗心免于哀伤 我就不虚此生 如果我能解除一个生命的痛苦 平息一种酸辛 帮助一只昏厥的知更鸟 重新回到巢中 我就不虚此生。 约1864年 江枫 译

If I can ease one life the aching,or cool one pain,or help one fainting robin.Ishall not live


be fainting from

除你上面说的外,要用动词原形be是它前面有情态动词.如:It must be Li Lei . 我是从事英语 的,不明可再问.

i was near to fainting but luckily for me,

1, 正确 2, luckily( for me) 副词作状语。3, 正确 4, 正确


faint英 [feɪnt] 美 [fent] 比较级:fainter最高级:faintest第三人称单数:faints第三人称复数:faints现在分词:fainting过去分词:fainted过去式:faintedfaint 基本解释形容词微弱的,模糊的; 软弱的; 无勇气的; 将昏倒似的不及物动词头晕,昏过去; 渐渐不明,消失名词昏厥,昏倒faint 同义词形容词weakhazyindistinctpaledimvague动词black outweakenswoonkeel over名词swoonfaint 反义词形容词intensestrongloud


  fainting 英["feu026antu026au014b] 美["feu026antu026au014b]  n. 昏晕,不省人事;  v. 晕倒,昏倒( faint的现在分词 );  [例句]Acupuncture will often bring a fainting person to.  针刺疗法经常可使昏迷中的人苏醒过来。  [其他] 原型: faint

hunting is good for or bad for the environment

hunting is good for or bad for the environment.狩猎对环境有益还是有害?

is hunting good or bad for

is hunting good or bad for六级解析如下:阅读解析:Is hunting good or bad for the environment? Like so many hot button issues, the answer to this question depends upon who you ask. On the one hand, some say, nothing could be more natural than hunting.and indeed just about every animal species—including humans—has been either predator or prey at some point in its evolution. And, ironic as it sounds, since humans have wiped out many animal predators.some see hunting as a natural way to reduce the herds of prey animals that now reproduce beyond the environment"s carrying capacity. On the other hand, many environmental and animal advocates see hunting as savage.

She had a very thin face like the dial of a small clock seen faintly in the darkroom in the middle


is hunting good or bad for六级

is hunting good or bad for六级解析如下:阅读解析:Is hunting good or bad for the environment? Like so many hot button issues, the answer to this question depends upon who you ask. On the one hand, some say, nothing could be more natural than hunting.and indeed just about every animal species—including humans—has been either predator or prey at some point in its evolution. And, ironic as it sounds, since humans have wiped out many animal predators.some see hunting as a natural way to reduce the herds of prey animals that now reproduce beyond the environment"s carrying capacity. On the other hand, many environmental and animal advocates see hunting as savage.

is hunting good or bad for the environment?

is hunting good or bad for六级解析如下:阅读解析:Is hunting good or bad for the environment? Like so many hot button issues, the answer to this question depends upon who you ask. On the one hand, some say, nothing could be more natural than hunting.and indeed just about every animal species—including humans—has been either predator or prey at some point in its evolution. And, ironic as it sounds, since humans have wiped out many animal predators.some see hunting as a natural way to reduce the herds of prey animals that now reproduce beyond the environment"s carrying capacity. On the other hand, many environmental and animal advocates see hunting as savage.

请问表格中的“Agent/University Program:”该填什么?


求《实习大叔》(The Internship) 电影里面的插曲

ironic 我知道你想要这首

as faintly as possible

Drawn 在这里是动词绘画的意思 faintly 细的 这个句子不完全, 后半句的意思应该是,一个庞然大物被精细的描绘出来

能帮我翻译下吗感激!see-sawing between partly good and faintly ominous


已water为话题的作文 提示词:precious, liquid gold, important, we need water for....,without water

Water is the source of life @ water is ry important. Liquid water is like gold precious. The human need water, water is the source of life; The human need water. Need water to maintain the human body of organic activities. If there"s no water, we humans will despair die of thirst. Now, let us join hands to build a better future home!!!!!


faint[feint]n.昏晕, 昏倒adj.虚落地, 衰弱的, 软弱的, 无力的, 微弱的, 暗淡的, 模糊的vi.昏晕, 昏倒, 变得微弱, 变得没气力faint[feint]adj.虚弱的, 衰弱的懦怯的, 软弱无力的模糊的, 暗淡的[只用作表语]将昏倒似的闷人的faint resistance微弱的抵抗a faint hope一线希望a faint heart懦夫, 胆小鬼a faint smell闷人的气味She looks faint.看来她象要晕倒。The sounds grew fainter.声音渐弱。I haven"t the faintest idea of what you mean.我一点也不懂你的意思。faint[feint]n.昏厥, 懦夫, 胆小鬼, 窝囊废[pl.]劣质酒精She went off in a faint.她昏过去了。faint[feint]vi.晕倒, 昏过去(away)变得没气力变微弱; 变暗淡The sounds fainted away in the distance.声音在远处渐渐消失。faint[feint]vt.[古]使昏晕It faints me to think what follows.一想到即将到来的事就 使我失去勇气。faint-ruledadj.(纸张)印有淡色横格的faintly[`feIntlI]adv.faintnessn.faintyadj.易昏厥的; 无力的fall into a dead faint昏倒, 不省人事fall in a dead faint昏倒, 不省人事go off in a faint昏过去

这个单词什么意思 Faint


Ironic detachment 怎么翻译比较好


新概念3册17课an enormous object drawn as faintly as possible.请问drawn和faintly怎么理解

drawn 动词 faintly 渐渐地如果帮到你,请记得采纳


Ironing the clothes is very tiring. 熨衣服很累人。

linux中执行crontab定时任务时无法连接sybase iq15.1数据库,shell脚本中的sybase iq的环境变量怎么设置

1,连接数据库的脚本给 可执行权限chmod +x 你的脚本2,crontab编辑好之后请重启的你crond 服务你可以测试下看看!

12455 Meadow Hunt Drive Fairfax,Virginia 22033 USA中文地址是哪里

美国弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯县Meadow Hunt 道 12455号邮政编码 VA 22033


《Countdown》(Kratman, Tom)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1rhbINrNbV6WoLl3AcEYr5g 提取码: y51c书名:Countdown作者:Kratman, Tom页数:400内容简介:#3 in the breakthrough Countdown modern-day military adventure series. Welcome to the Philippines outback. It"s a true garden spot, if you happen to like drug running, bush-bound revolutionary movements, Balkanized tribal warfare, illegal weapons trading, and kidnapping for fun and profit. It"s hostage rescue time once again for Terry Welch"s special operations company. But this is turning out to be one of "those" missions. No clue as to the hostage"s whereabouts. An employer who is completely untrustworthy. An indigenous social structure coming apart at the seams. And it"s topped off by Welch and his crew having to endure a rifle company of hated competitors supposedly sent along for reinforcement. Part of the territory for Welch. But then an attack on both companies" home bases leaves families and friends under threat of death and any available support scurrying to defend. Worse, advance team members sent to reconnoiter have been taken hostage as well. No help, no backup, team members in the soup. Welch knows there"s only one solution: "do whatever it takes.
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