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Imports System.Data.SqlClient 是什么意思

关于引用前文提到使用sqlconnection对象要引入命名空间system.data.sqlclient其实并非只有这么简单,引用命名空间(实际是引用该命名空间下的类库,使得在当前工程中可以引用或者说使用该类库中的类)有两种方式:一是在公共窗体类的顶端,就是类的上面声明imports system.data.sqlclient二是在菜单栏中选择"项目"-->"添加引用",在弹出的对话框中选择system.data.sqlclient选择以后,表面上没有什么变化,双击解决方案资源管理器中的my project,选择"引用"选项卡可以看到,对system.data.sqlclient命名空间的引用已经添加进工程了.当我们新建一个windows应用程序项目时默认引用如下命名空间:systemsystem.datasystem.deploymentsystem.drawingsystem.windows.formssystem.xml这时如果使用sqlconnection类,如:dim a as new sqlconnection系统会提示"未定义类型".由于当前工程已经引入了system.data命名空间,所以我们只要明确一下该类所处的具体位置就可以了,如:dim a as new sqlclient.sqlconnection 或dim a as new system.data.sqlclient.sqlconnection你也可以使用imports关键字引用system.data.sqlclient命名空间,如:imports system.data.sqlclient然后你就可以象如下这样声明sqlconnection对象dim a as new sqlconnection由于新建项目的不同,系统默认引入的类库或者说使用的命名空间也会不同,所以,在开始数据库编程之前你应当了解当前工程引用了哪些命名空间.如果你的项目中没有引用system.data,而你使用imports关键字这样引用imports system.dataimports system.data.sqlclient会出现"指定空间不包括任何公共成员或类型....."的错误如果你的项目中既引用了system.data又引用了system.data.sqlclient命名空间,当然大多数情况都是由于误操作引起的,你会发现,无论你是否使用imports关键字引用imports system.dataimports system.data.sqlclient在使用以下任何一条代码时dim a as new sqlconnectiondim a as new sqlclient.sqlconnectiondim a as new system.data.sqlclient.sqlconnection都会出现sqlconnection在命名空间system.data.sqlclient中不明确的错误.这时你必须双击my porject,在"引用"选项卡上将对命名空间system.data.sqlclient的引用移除.出现这种状况,据我判断可能是重复引用造成的,但是使用imports关键字引用却不会出现重复引用的问题.(我就是遇到这个问题,困扰了2个多小时才解决)如果你的项目中只引用了system.data.sqlclient命名空间而未引用system.data命名空间,则会出现要求必须引用基类的错误提示.以上是我对引用的一些理解,以此类推,在应用程序的开发中使用系统提供的类库应当会遵循以上的使用规则,出现这类问题,多试试就可以了,另外如果你声明一个类和系统提供的类重名,可能也会出现重复引用的问题.希望我的这一点点经验能让其他初学者少走一点弯路.

VB中如何导入Imports System.Data.SqlClient

在代码编辑窗口的顶端写Imports System.Data.SqlClient就行了。意思是导入 System.Data.SqlClient 命名空间,不是导入Imports System.Data.SqlClient。单词Imports是导入的意思。

large amounts of oil imports

此处it imports是oil的定语从句,译为"它出口的石油",由于oil 在定语从句中做imports的宾语,所以引导词that/which被省略了.


Tim McGraw & Taylor Swift & Keith Urban的《Highway Don"t Care》I bet your window is rolled down and your hair is pulled back你一定开着车窗任头发吹散And I bet you got no idea you are going way too fast你一定不知道自己开的太快You try not to think about what went wrong你努力不去想哪里出了问题You try not to stop, do you get where are you going?你努力不去停止 可是 你是否到了你要去的地方You try to stay away so I bet you turn on the radio你努力想置身事外 所以你一定又打开了收音机And the song goes放着音乐(Taylor)I can"t live without youMV截图[3]I can"t live without you babyI can"t live without youI can"t live without you baby, oh baby我不想一个人(Tim)The highway won"t hold you tonight高速公路今晚不会拥抱你The highway don"t know you are alive高速公路不知道你的死活The highway don"t care if you are all alone高速公路不在乎你是不是一个人But I do, I do但是我在乎 我都在乎The highway won"t dry your tears高速公路不会擦去你的眼泪The highway don"t need you here高速公路不需要你的出现The highway don"t care if you are coming home高速公路不关心你是不是要回家But I do, I do但是 我关心 我关心(Tim + Taylor)I bet you got a dead cellphone on your shotgun seat我想你副驾上的手机已经关机了Yeah I bet you band and god dear, that you"re talking about me我想你一定和别人说着我的事儿You"re tryin" not to left the first tear fall out你在努力不让第一滴眼泪流下来Tryin" not to think about turning around想着不去回心转意Tryin" not to get lost in the sound试着不在音乐里迷失心智But that song is always on so you sing along但是音乐一直在播放 你也跟着哼唱(Taylor)I can"t live without youI can"t live without you babyI can"t live without youI can"t live without you baby, oh baby我不要离开你(Tim + Taylor)The highway won"t hold you tonight高速公路今晚不会拥抱你The highway don"t know you are alive高速公路不知道你的死活The highway don"t care if you are all alone高速公路不在乎你是不是一个人But I do, I do但是 我关心 我关心The highway won"t dry your tears高速公路不会擦去你的眼泪The highway don"t need you here高速公路不需要你的出现The highway don"t care if you are coming home高速公路不关心你是不是要回家But I do, I do但是 我关心 我关心(Guitar Solo – Keith Urban)(Taylor)I can"t live without youI can"t live without you babyI can"t live without youI can"t live without you baby, oh baby我不想一个人(Tim + Taylor)The highway don"t care高速公路不关心The highway don"t care高速公路不关心The highway don"t care高速公路不关心But I do, I do但是 我关心 我关心(Tim + Taylor)I can"t live without you (The highway don"t care)我不想一个人(高速公路不关心)I can"t live without you baby (The highway don"t care)我不想一个人(高速公路不关心)I can"t live without you (The highway don"t care)我不想一个人(高速公路不关心)I can"t live without you baby, oh baby (But I do, I do)我不要离开你(但是 我关心 我关心)I can"t live without you (The highway don"t care)我不想一个人(高速公路不关心)I can"t live without you baby (The highway don"t care)我不想一个人(高速公路不关心)I can"t live without you (The highway don"t care)我不想一个人(高速公路不关心)I can"t live without you baby, oh baby (But I do, I do)我不要离开你(但是 我关心 我关心)I can"t live without you (The highway don"t care)我不想一个人(高速公路不关心)I can"t live without you baby (The highway don"t care)我不想一个人(高速公路不关心)I can"t live without you (The highway don"t care)我不想一个人(高速公路不关心)I can"t live without you baby, oh baby (But I do, I do)我不要离开你(但是 我关心 我关心)(Guitar solo – Keith Urban)(Taylor)I can"t live without youI can"t live without you baby我不想一个人

为什么中原地产的英文是Centaline Property


绝命时刻启动后跳出一个对话框you have encountered aserious erro


Transcendental Highway 歌词

歌曲名:Transcendental Highway歌手:colin hay专辑:Transcendental HighwayColin Hay - Transcendental HighwayIt"s true yeah, horizons are unlimitedIt"s a little challenge, the limits of your will powerWith a single suggestionTake it out, go on, take it out, open it upYou feel so connectedNow you"re driving, new heightsEvery sense, every sense and dimensionNow you"re on the highwayTranscendental HighwayIt"s a response, eager, it"s magnificentAnd you, you"ve been newly designedBroad shouldered, powerful, sexyYou"re going far beyondWay beyond your expectationsIt"s Mother Nature, she"s persuaded youShe"s put you in the cockpit of your dreamsYou"re winning hands downCos you know its the dream MeccaAt a certain time each dayPeople do not face east andFall to their knees in prayerThey drive west on SunsetOne hand, one chance, one shotIt"s a different way that you can prayOn the highwayTranscendental HighwayIt has no beginning, it has no real endIt"s got its own styleYou never seem to get any closer to the horizonIt just goes on and on and on foreverSo let me welcome you on this bright and sunny dayYou can use the carpool laneThere"s nothing more you have to payTo get on the highwayTranscendental HighwayYou don"t need to follow the white lines any moreYou can rise up, and drive over the tops of all of the other carsThis is how you"re driving, it"s your lifeIt"s the way it was always meant to beOn the highwayThere"s no lights, you just drive on throughMind you there"s still the occasional maniacBut if you smile that, that special smileThey"ll just up and disappear in your dustThe dust from the highwayThe Transcendental HighwayTake it out, open it up, don"t look backOh and it"s got its own computerhttp://music.baidu.com/song/27191494



看到单词中前缀 Im的一般都表示否定 但像 impress imprint 都和原本的press print意思差不多啊

现在向你解释你也不会懂的:这在大学的词汇学和语言学里面提到过:关于否定的前缀有很多“如:ir- il- im- in- un- dis- anti-等等。。我也曾想过,既然加一个就可以否定就可以了,为什么还要创造其他的那么多啊,,词汇学和语言学是这样解释的;一句话就是为了发音。而在这里的impress imprint中的im-不是词缀,,只是单词的一部分。而这里的impress和 press, imprint 和 print一丝是完全不一样的。。你自己上网查查。



controlled-access highways是什么意思


It might help to leave behind metaphors of highways and frontiers and to think instead of real e...


After all the highways, and the appointments,and the years,you end up worth more dead than alive.


PS3 用MM复制NTFS格式移动硬盘里的游戏问题

第六步,首先启动MM模拟器,然后开启MM OS系统模式,在这个模式下打开两个框,先找到要复制的文件标题,然后再找到HDD0的这个子目录,再行复制过去,即可!

急啊!!打开迅雷出现runtime error怎么解决???

重装迅雷试试了解定出一个运行时错误 Posted on July 28, 2008张贴于2008年7月28日 Filed Under Troubleshooting Tips | Leave a Comment根据归档疑难解答提示 | 发表您的评论 The run time error is also referred to as a DLL error.运行时错误也被称为一个DLL错误。 If you have been using your PC for a long time, you probably have faced these kinds of errors at some point of time or other.如果您已经使用了很长的时间你的电脑,你可能面临在一段时间或其他点这些类型的错误。 When such errors occur, they can be truly irritating.当这种错误发生时,他们才能真正刺激。 Therefore, it is important for you to learn how to fix these errors.因此,重要的是你要学习如何修复这些错误。 Types of Errors 错误类型 There are different reasons for different types of PC errors.个人电脑是有不同类型的错误不同的理由。 The most common reason is the overload of software programs in the computer.最常见的原因是软件程序在计算机超载。 It can affect the registry files.它可以影响到注册表文件。 When these programs with each other, a run time error or DLL error is caused.当与对方,一个运行时错误或DLL错误是造成这些方案。 Some of the other types of such errors may include the following:-对这种错误的其他类型的一些可能包括以下内容: - <!--[if !supportLists]--> · · <!--[endif]--> Sometimes, the DLL does not support your PC.有时,该DLL不支持你的电脑。 These are known as DLL loading errors.这些被称为DLL加载错误。 <!--[if !supportLists]--> · · <!--[endif]--> If your computer has a lack of stack space, you may start getting error messages associated with the same.如果您的计算机有一个堆栈空间不足,你可能会开始得到错误的信息具有相同的关联。 <!--[if !supportLists]--> · · <!--[endif]--> Because of the clash of different software programs, your computer may become unable to change the duplicate or subscript definition.由于不同的软件程序冲突,您的计算机可能会变得无法更改重复或下标定义。 <!--[if !supportLists]--> · · <!--[endif]--> In some cases, you may also get errors, such as a weird process of division by zero.在某些情况下,你也可以得到这样一个奇怪的分裂过程中发生错误,被零。 <!--[if !supportLists]--> · · <!--[endif]--> Sometimes, the problem may be associated with memory.有时,问题可能与内存。 Because of lack of memory space, your computer may deny to add more software programs or remove the existing ones.由于内存空间不足,您的计算机可能会拒绝增加更多的软件程序或删除现有的。 The Error 1706 messages are serious ones. 1706的错误信息是严重的。 If you are getting a run time error like this, you will need to avail tech support help.如果你遇到这样的运行时错误,您将需要利用的技术支持帮助。 Not all of these errors can be fixed manually.没有这些错误都可以固定手动。 Sometimes, you may have to use certain software programs to fix them.有时候,你可能必须使用某些软件程序来解决这些问题。 What Causes A Run Time Error? 是什么原因导致一个运行时错误? Posted on July 27, 2008张贴于2008年7月27日 Filed Under Troubleshooting Tips | Leave a Comment根据归档疑难解答提示 | 发表您的评论 Any error is an incorrect result produced by software. 任何错误是不正确的结果所产生的软件。 There can be many reasons behind the occurrence of errors. 可以有很多原因的错误发生的背后。 Based on the source and nature, errors can be divided into different types, such run time error, syntax error, or compilation error. 根据来源和性质,错误可以分为不同的类型,如运行时错误,语法错误,或编译错误。 Generally, each error has a code number associated with it. 一般来说,每个错误代码多少关联。 This helps in recognizing the error and makes the troubleshooting easy. 这有助于在承认错误,使故障排除容易。 Run Time Errors: Types 运行时错误:类型 A runtime error or semantic error is the result of a logical or arithmetical mistake in a software program. 一个运行时错误或语义错误是程序结果的错误在软件逻辑或算术。 They are detected only, when you run the program. 他们只发现,当您运行该程序。 A simple example of a run time error is "division by zero" in a mathematical expression used in the program. 一个简单的例子时错误运行是"除以零"在程序中使用的数学表达式。 However, there might be other reasons also that can lead to runtime errors. 不过,可能还有其他原因也可能导致运行时错误。 Few of them are listed below. 他们的几点如下。 Sometimes, a third party software, add-ons, or plug-ins can cause run time errors. 有时,第三方软件,插件,或插件可以导致运行时错误。 If this is indeed the case, one by one, try uninstalling any new software you have added to your system, and see which one of these is leading to an error. 如果事实确实如此,一个接一个的,请尝试卸载任何新的软件已添加到您的系统,看看这些之一是导致一个错误。 Computer viruses can be a major reason for runtime errors. 计算机病毒可以是一个运行时错误的主要理由。 Virus attacks change your computer and memory settings, which in turn leads to these errors. 改变你的电脑病毒攻击和内存设置,从而导致这些错误。 So, always keep your system shielded with an updated anti-virus. 因此,始终保持系统更新病毒防护与反。 Conflict with other running programs can also cause semantic errors. 与其他正在运行的程序的冲突也可能导致语义错误。 To avoid them, close all other unused programs running on your computer and see if the error goes away. 为了避免这些,关闭所有其他计算机上使用的程序运行,看看错误消失。 It is very much possible that the software, which is giving a run time error, itself, has an inbuilt mistake. 这是非常可能的软件,它是一个运行时错误给本身,有一个内在的错误。 In such a case, visit the developer"s site and see if any patch or update is available for the error. 在这种情况下,请访问开发者的网站,看看是否有修补程序或更新现有的错误。 If yes, then download it. 如果是的话,下载。 If no, then uninstall that software from your computer. 如果没有,然后卸载该软件从你的电脑。 By doing these simple steps, you can easily troubleshoot commonly occurring runtime errors. 做这些简单的步骤,你可以很容易地解决经常出现运行时错误。 All About Run Time Errors 所有关于运行时错误 Posted on July 26, 2008张贴于2008年7月26日 Filed Under Troubleshooting Tips | Leave a Comment根据归档疑难解答提示 | 发表您的评论 Runtime describes the operation time of any computer program. 运行时介绍了计算机程序运行时间的任何。 If an individual faces any conflict while trying to run a program then he has probably encountered a run time error. 如果一个人面对任何冲突,而试图运行一个程序然后他有可能遇到一个运行时错误。 While the run time of a computer program right from its execution to its termination should not create any problems, still errors do arise from time to time. 虽然任何问题,运行时程序直接从一台计算机,以终止其执行不应该创建,仍然错误,不时出现。 Solutions For Common Runtime Errors 解常见的运行时错误 Run time errors can arise due to the following reasons: 运行时间错误可能出现由于下列原因: Due to another running program or confliction with TSR. 由于另一个正在运行的程序或TSR的冲突与。 Look for solutions on document CHTSR and document CHDOS. 寻找CHDOS解决方案文件CHTSR和文件。 If the problem is due to a software issue, then verify through the developer"s website to locate all the updates and ensure that they have been applied to your software. 如果问题是由于软件问题,然后验证通过发展商的网站上找到所有的更新,并确保他们已应用到您的软件。 If the operating system is giving you a problem then reinstall the system onto your computer. 如果作业系统是给你一个问题,然后重新安装您的计算机的系统上。 Errors are also caused due to add-ons and plug-ins. 错误也是造成因附加组件和插件。 Even extra software that has not been updated can cause a run time error. 额外的软件,即使没有被更新可能会导致一个运行时错误。 Try and reinstall these programs and look for the cause. 尝试和重新安装这些程序,并寻找原因。 Computer viruses are sometimes the main cause for errors. 计算机病毒有时是有错误的主要原因。 Ensure that your computer has the latest updated version of a virus protection program. 确保您的计算机有病毒防护程序的最新更新版本1。 Lastly, a run time error can be caused due to hardware or a memory related issue. 最后,一个运行时错误可能导致由于硬件或内存相关的问题。 Contact the developer of the program and ask for possible solutions. 联系程序开发人员的要求和可能的解决办法。 The above are the main reasons why error messages appear on the screen. 以上是主要的原因在屏幕上出现错误信息。 Solutions are readily available for the troubleshooting on your computer. 现成的解决方案是为您的计算机故障排除。 If you receive a run time error with a code attached to it, then it is better to look at the runtime error listings that are available on the Internet in relation to the code, to find the best solution. 如果你收到一个连接到它运行时错误的代码,那么最好是看看运行时错误代码列表是在互联网上提供有关,找到最佳的解决方案。 Run Time Error - Finding The Cause 运行时错误

sth result in highways being closed or passengers flying to the wrong continent.结构及成分的分析

sth 主语result in 谓语highways being closed or passengers flying to the wrong continent 宾语being closed /flying to the wrong continent 定语



世界语为什么叫ESPERANTO ?

世界语是波兰医生柴门霍夫博士(拉扎鲁·路德维克·柴门霍夫)于1887年创制的一种语言,至今已126年。他希望人类借助这种语言,达到民族间相互了解,消除仇恨和战争,实现平等、博爱的人类大家庭。在消除国际交往的语言障碍, Esperanto”(意为“希望者博士”)称这种语言为“Esperanto”。20世纪初,当世界语刚传入中国时,有人曾把它音译为“爱斯不难读”语,也有叫“万国新语”。 后来有人借用日本人的意译名称“世界语”,并一直沿用至今。世界语已传播到120多个国家,约有10多万人掌握和使用这种语言。[3] 它被应用于政治、经济、文教、科技、出版、交通、邮电、广播、旅游和互联网等各个领域。在很多国家有很多热心的世界巴金著作的世界语版本巴金著作的世界语版本语者积极宣传、推广并使用世界语,国际上也建立了各种专业性组织。通过华盛顿大学的Sidney S. Culbert博士的研究,有1,600,000人使用世界语的人达到了相当的水平。这个数字只限于那些“专业精通”的世界语者人群中(拥有实际的除了问候和简单的词组以外的会话能力)。这个研究并不是针对世界语的,而是对世界上大多数的语言所进行的研究。这个数字也被Almanac World Book of Facts和Ethnologue所引用。假设这个数字是正确的,这就意味着世界人口中的大约0.03%人使用着这种语言,迄今仍远没有达到Zamenhof的使它成为世界通用语的目标。人类学家也宣称世界上有大约200-2000的世界语第一语者。

物理的 momentum 和 impulse 是什么呀?

momentum 动量 impulse 冲量物体的动量变化量等于所受合力的冲量.动量就是:物体的质量乘以速度冲量就是:作用在物体上的力F乘以作用的时间t



impulse control是什么意思

impulse control [电子] 脉冲控制;冲动控制网络释义专业释义 脉冲控制...足够低的水平: (1)25Hz 以下间谐波应限制到0.2%以下,以免引起灯光闪烁(闪变); (2)对于音频脉冲控制(impulse control)的接收机,间谐波电压应限制到 0.3%以下,否则会被 干扰。基于49个网页-相关网页




MySQL 的默认设置下,当一个连接的空闲时间超过8小时后,MySQL 就会断开该连接,而 hikari 连接池则以为该被断开的连接依然有效。在这种情况下,如果客户端代码向 hikari 连接池请求连接的话,连接池就会把已经失效的连接返回给客户端,客户端在使用该失效连接的时候即抛出异常


在科技资料翻译中,represent是颇难对付的一个动词。这个词最为人们熟悉的一个意义是“代表”,然而,在很多场合下它却不表示此义。下面我们选用几个实例,说明这个词在具体语言环境中的意义和翻译。 1,意为be,可译作“是”。如: The convective heat of molten magma in the upper 10 km of the continental crust represents a significant geothermal energy resource.大陆地壳10公里深度以内熔岩中的对流热是一种重要的地热能资源。 2,意为appear as, 可译作“为”。如: The area of the earth is about 510 million square kilometers. Of this total,approximately 360 million square kilometers, or 71 percent, are represented by the oceans and marginal seas. The remaining 29 percent, 150 million square kilometers, are represented by the continents, which protrude from the water like enormous islands.地球的总面积约为五亿一千万平方公里。其中大约三亿六千万平方公里,即地球总面积的71%,为各大海洋和陆缘海。剩下的29%,即一亿五千万平方公里,为各大洲,宛如几个巨大的岛屿从水域中突起。 3,意为designate,可译作“成为”。如: The rifts therefore represent divergent plate boundaries where seafloor spreading is taking place.这样,大洋中脊就成为板块分离边界,海底扩张就发生在这里。 4,意为denote, 可译作“表示”。如: Specific gravity is a number which represents the ratio of the weight of a mineral to the weight of a mineral to the weight of an equal volume of water.比重为一数值,表示一种矿物的重量与等积水重之比。 5,意为show,可译作“表明”。如: The hydrologic cycle represents the continuous movement of water from the oceans to the atmosphere, from the atmosphere to the land, and from the land back to the sea.水分循环表明水的不断流动:从海洋到大气层,从大气层到陆地,又从陆地返回到大海。 6,意为symbolize,可译作“代表”。如: This is the top view of an oxygen-silicon tetrahedron. The four large spheres represent oxygen atoms, and the dark one represents a silicon atom.这是一个硅氧四面体的俯视图。图中四个大的圆球代表氧原子,那个暗色的圆球则代表一个硅原子。 7,意为be the equivalent of, make up, 可译作“占”。如: The continental shelves represent 7.5 percent of the total area of the oceans, which is equivalent to about 18 percent of the earth"s total land area.大陆架占海洋总面积的7.5%,约等于陆地总面积的18%. 8,意为involve, carry, 可译作“含有”。如: A computer is a device that takes in a series of electrical impulses representing information, combines them, sorts then, analyses and compares the information with that stored in the computer.计算机是一种装置,它接收一系列含有信息的电脉冲,对这些脉冲进行合并,整理,分析,并将它们与储存在机内的信息进行比较。


王俊凯 王源 易烊千玺

Itu2019s a surprise that this innocent-looking person should have ______ such a crime. A. performed B.

committed commit:v. 委托(托付), 犯罪, 作 ... 事, 承诺e.g.1.One cannot commit crimes with impunity.一个人不能犯了罪不受惩罚。 2.The novelist makes his heroine commit suicide at the end of the book.那小说作者在书的结尾让他的女主人公自杀了。

求助the cast of amontillado想表达的是什么 作品赏析

阿芒提拉多的酒桶The Cast of the Amontillado(试译)The Cast of the Amontillado Edgar Allan Poe阿芒提拉多的酒桶 艾伦。坡THE thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could ; but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge. You, who so well know the nature of my soul, will not suppose, however, that I gave utterance to a threat. At length I would be avenged ; this was a point definitively settled - but the very definitiveness with which it was resolved, precluded the idea of risk. I must not only punish, but punish with impunity. A wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes its redresser. It is equally unredressed when the avenger fails to make himself felt as such to him who has done the wrong. 我受够了弗图纳多的百般伤害,一旦他胆敢侮辱我,我定将还以颜色。您是如此了解我的脾性,毋庸置疑,我可不是说着玩的。雪尽耻辱那是迟早的事,这一点已是板上钉钉,既然拿定注意,我就不怕冒险。而且,不仅要施以惩戒,还要干的神不知鬼不觉。复仇者自己受到牵连,这仇等于没报。同样,不让仇家知道是谁干的,这恩怨还是没有了断。It must be understood, that neither by word nor deed had I given Fortunato cause to doubt my good will. I continued, as was my wont, to smile in his face, and he did not perceive that my smile now was at the thought of his immolation.当然,我不会让弗图纳多从我的言行举止中怀疑到我的真实意图。一如既往,我对他笑脸相迎,他也没有觉察到我笑意背后暗藏的杀机。He had a weak point - this Fortunato - although in other regards he was a man to be respected and even feared. He prided himself on his connoisseurship in wine. Few Italians have the true virtuoso spirit. For the most part their enthusiasm is adopted to suit the time and opportunity - to practise imposture upon the British and Austrian millionaires. In painting and gemmary, Fortunato, like his countrymen , was a quack - but in the matter of old wines he was sincere. In this respect I did not differ from him materially : I was skilful in the Italian vintages myself, and bought largely whenever I could.弗图纳多,这家伙的弱点在于——他自负于对葡萄酒的鉴别力,尽管在很多方面他都被人尊重且令人敬畏。没有几个意大利人真正懂得品酒之道。他们的兴趣大都用于找准时机给英国和奥地利的富翁们下拌设套。在绘画和珠宝方面,弗图纳多和他的同胞一样,江湖骗子一个。不过在陈酒方面,他确有一手。这一点我和他相差不远,对意大利葡萄酒,我也不俗,只要可能,我就大量买进。It was about dusk, one evening during the supreme madness of



求英语作文(1)discuss the effects of the internet on children

As the development of information technology,internet has come into every aspect of people"s lives.It has been an important way for them to get information,at the same time,changing people"s behaviors and thinking.More and more children are entering the virtual world.They learn knowledges,exchange thinkings and get entertainment.But what we can see is that for lack of the self-contral ability and the inentify ability,many children get addicted in it,as a result,greatly affecting their social relations. There are several phenomena of the problem.First,children don"t have enough communication with their parents,frends and teachers as a great many of time is spent on playing games,sending emails and chatting on the internet.As a result,they tend to build a sence of isolation and loneliness.Oppositely,they can get the sence of achievement and satisfaction and even the value of exist in the virtual world.So they get more and more addicted to the net.Second,these children lack the methods of communicating with others.When they are shocked,there will arise problems.For examble,when they are omipotent heroes in their games,but chill in reality,it is eary for them to use excessive and unpractical ways to deal with the hard problems they meet in reality.The other problem is that some bad information on the net,such as violence,will affect children"s behaviors.Usually children are not old enough to get the ability to distinguish the differences of reality and virtual,so what behaviors they have seen on the net may be used in their reality lives to solve problems.Adolescent crimes may engendar. The bad effects of internet on children"s social relations can not be solved only by controling the time of using internet.There are many factors of this issue.Many of them are addicted to the net because the relations with their parents,friends or teachers are not matey.As a result,it need mutual efforts of families,schools and the whole network to solve this problem.

silent ending什么意思

  silent ending的中文翻译  silent ending  无声的结局  双语例句  1  The draft resolution was strangely silent on his Government"s request to the international community to establish an international criminal tribunal for the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with a view to ending the violence and impunity.  奇怪的是,该决议草案只字未提刚果民主共和国关于国际社会为其建立一个国际刑事法庭以结束暴力和有罪惩罚的要求。


go+表示室外活动的动词ing形式 ,意思是 “去做……”went hiking 去徒步远行


不能说rounddown得到的结果明显是错的,主要是看你用来做哪方面的数据了我一般会用rounddown函数计算阶梯单价之类的数据如:rounddown(-14/3,0) 很明显,等于-4,意思是-14包含-4个3,我会用它计算一个数字满足x(如:3)的几倍,上面的例子是四倍,在满足四倍而不满足五倍的情况下可以规定一个对应的结果,而且这个数字是正是负都是适用的,不用单独改公式,如果用INT的话,就会得到-5的结果,很明显不满足我的要求,(rounddown(14/3)=4,跟负数的情况得到的结果逻辑是一样的)rounddown roundup 是按照0为中点的概念求值的,INT是按照从小到大的逻辑求值的,各有所重而已

gentleman和the fox和哪些英文歌串烧啊

John Newman - Love Me AgainPet Shop Boys - VocalMiley Cyrus - Wrecking BallCalvin Harris & Ellie Goulding - I Need Your LoveBruno Mars - Locked Out Of HeavenRihanna - Right NowRobin Thicke - Blurred LinesSelena Gomez - Slow DownBingo Players - Get Up (Rattle)Eminem & Rihanna - MonsterAvicii & Aloe Blacc - Wake Me UpLetta - King Of Wishful ThinkingOne Direction - Story Of My LifeLana Del Rey - Summetime Sadness Maroon 5 - DaylightKylie Minogue - SkirtCapital Cities - Safe & SoundOne Republic - Lose MyselfBritney Spears - Work BitchWill.i.am. & Britney Spears - Scream & ShoutMacklemore & Ryan Lewis - Can"t Hold UsPSY - GentlemanPitbull - Don"t Stop The PartyDaft Punk - Get LuckyYlvis - The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?)Iggy Azelia - BounceIggyAzelia - WorkIcona Pop - I Love ItMartin Garrix - AnimalsRobin Thicke - Give It 2 UBaauer - Harlem ShakeRed Foo - Let"s Get RidiculousLady Gaga - VenusKatyPerry - UnconditionallyCeline Dion - Bring Me Back To LifeMacklemore & Ryan Lewis - Thrift ShopLady Gaga - Do What You WantDev - Kiss It Drake - Started From The BottomJason Derulo - Talk DirtyWill.i.am. - Feeling MyselfKaty Perry - RoarJustin Timberlake - Suit & TieTaylor Swift - TroubleTaylor Swift - 22Avril Lavigne - Here"s To Never Growing OldKrewella - AliveZedd feat.Foxes - ClarityKe$ha - Crazy KidsLorde - RoyalsWill.i.am & Justin Bieber - #ThatPowerNaughty Boy - La La LaLady Gaga - ApplauseSelena Gomez - Come And Get It Pitbull feat. Ke$ha - TimberCher - Woman"s World


tnt高级追星名字英文有connor、gene、nevada、hilary、michael、herbert、kent、jackson、lou、mateo、lexus、egber等。时代少年团(Teens in Times、TNT)是由时代峰峻推出的中国内地男子演唱组合,由马嘉祺、丁程鑫、宋亚轩、刘耀文、张真源、严浩翔、贺峻霖七人组成。2019年11月23日,时代少年团组合举行出道暨新歌首唱会,从而正式出道。12月6日,获2020爱奇艺尖叫之夜年度潜力组合称号,12月8日,获TMEA腾讯音乐娱乐盛典年度新声代团体称号,2020年7月19日,获第27届东方风云榜最佳新锐组合称号,12月20日,获腾讯视频星光大赏年度大势组合称号,2021年2月5日,参加录制的综艺《接招吧!前辈》播出。名字的意义名字是指人或者产品、物体的名称,姓名有广义与狭义之分,还有小名、别名、绰号、乳名等。广义的姓名包括公民的姓氏和名字以及法人和非法人团体的名称,狭义的姓名仅指公民的姓氏和名字。为名和字的合称。在中国古代,名、字分开使用,今合称“名字”,则指姓名或名。中国古来对人的取名非常重视,在孔子“正名”思想的影响下,人们把为后代取名看得非常神圣,甚至神秘。从周朝起,命名已纳入礼法,形成了制度。因此有些时候因名字的原因,对人会产生很大影响。

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MOD(n, d) = n - d*INT(n/d)




编曲:montoffee作曲:montoffee作词:montoffee 卧在沙发什么都不去想          用音乐来陪伴一下午的时光          阳光慵慵懒懒 连灰尘都那么的温暖          泡沫在杯中安静的旋转          脱掉拖鞋的光脚踩在地板          回味那个下雨天 滴答着我的窗帘          daladidaladaladadididala...          回味那个下雨天 我们都没打算          来来去去时钟又转个圈          没有了女主人的白色床单         下午茶的温暖,随往事慢慢飘散          回味那个下雨天 我们都没打伞          为你把整个夏天再回忆一遍          我要海风越过沙滩去吻你的脸          因为那个下雨天 你背影慢慢走远          daladidadaladadididala...          回味那个下雨天我们都没打伞          daladidadaladadididala...          看时间越过海岸线蔓延了沙滩

drive sth. into ...并非“开车进入某地”而是“开车撞进某地”。

drive to sp.

英语句子判断对错,并说明理由 1.He just has bought another garage. 2.Have burnt you

He just has bought another garage. 去掉has,bought是过去发生的动作Have burnt you those old papers yet? 主语you移到burnt前更多专业问题可咨询文教未来

求Jason chen 陈以桐的尽量所有的歌曲MP3!gentle0508@163.com。 谢谢啊亲们~

《Love the way you lie》   《How To Love》   《Best Love Song 》Jason Chen x Joseph Vincent   《Firework》   《Talking To The Moon》与NineDiamond合作   《Love The Way You lie & Not Afraid》   《somebody to love》与Megan Lee合作   《raise your glass》   《one in a million》   《break your heart》   《beautiful》   《baby》   《hate that i love you》   《down》   《halo》   《Raise Your Glass》与Megan Nicole合作   《Hold My Hand》与Joseph Vincent合作   《Just A Dream》与Joseph Vincent合作   《Love the way you lie》   《Lighters》   《Rocketeer》   《Grenade》   《Sweet Dreams》   《If You Want Me To Stay》   《Timeless》   《I Will Always Love You》   《timeless》   《Pray》 童话 MV《sexy love》   《Mine》   《童话》与J Rice合作演绎中英双语版   《Wedding Dress (English Cover)》   《Back at One》   《Superhuman》Jason Chen and Alexa Yoshimoto   《Say Ahh》(Remix) ft. Scott Yoshimoto & CP   《Come Back》   《Pokemon Theme Song》   《Home》   《I"ll Never Break Your Heart》   《In My Head》   《Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 》   《Christmas Medley》Jason Chen & Arden Cho & Kenneth Salomon   《Unthinkable》Jason Chen & Melissa Bitanga Cover   《You and Me》ft. Mars and MattyB (MarsRaps Original)   《DJ Got Us Falling In Love》 (Cover) & Collab with MiniAchilles   《Just The Way You Are》 (Cover by Jason Chen & JRice) miniachilles   《B.O.B Airplanes》 (Remix/Cover) - Jason Chen & MarsRaps   《Nothin on You》Jason Chen & J Rice   《Billionaire》 (remix/cover) Jason Chen ft. Maribelle Anes   《Lie to Me》   《Shoulda Been Simple》   《Just Friends》 (Acoustic Cover) Nick and NJ   《You Are Not Alone》   《Part of the List》 Acoustic - Jason Chen and Ryan Huang   《Mad》   《If I Were a Girl / Boy》   《Billionaire》(remix/cover) Jason Chen ft. Maribelle Anes   《The Perfect Fan》(Backstreet Boys Cover) - Happy Birthday Mom!   《Never Say Never》ft Megan Lee   《Hate That I Love You》陈以桐Jason Chen&阎奕格   《Perfect》Jason Chen 陈以桐& Cathy Nguy   《Written In The Stars》Jason Chen ft. Verseatile   《Forget You》Jason Chen Music & Megan Nicole   《Talking to the moon》Jason Chen & NineDiamond   《next 2 you》Jason Chen & ahmir   《The Lazy Song》Jason Chen   《Up》Jason Chen ft Megan Lee   《Out Of My Head》Jason Chen   《Lighters》Jason Chen   《Speechless》Jason Chen   《Fireworks》Jason Chen ft Gerald Ko   《Up》Jason Chen ft Megan Lee   《Best Love Song》Jason Chen ft Joseph Vincent   《Moves Like Jagger》Jason Chen ft Tiffany Alvord




Activity只能转跳到指定的Activity如果想让目标的Activity中进入指定到fragment,那么只需要传递几个参数即可1.使用Intent转跳 Intent intent = new Intent(activity,目标Activity.class);2.用Intent传递一个界面intent.putExtra("page",1); 注意, 这个1用于表示第几个界面,viewPager第一个界面是0,第二个界面是1以此类推3.启动Activity startActivity(intent);4.在目标Activity中获取这个值Intent intent = getIntent();int page = intent.getIntExtra("page",0);//第一个参数是取值的key,第二个参数是默认值5.设置fragment转到指定的界面FragemtnMaganger.beginTransaction().replace(R.id.fragment,newFragment).commit();即可当然如果是同一个Activity,转跳不同的Fragment的话,只需要设置ViewPager.setCurrentImte即可


Activity只能转跳到指定的Activity如果想让目标的Activity中进入指定到fragment,那么只需要传递几个参数即可1.使用Intent转跳 Intentintent=newIntent(activity,目标Activity.class);2.用Intent传递一个界面intent.putExtra("page",1); 注意,这个1用于表示第几个界面,viewPager第一个界面是0,第二个界面是1以此类推3.启动ActivitystartActivity(intent);4.在目标Activity中获取这个值Intentintent=getIntent();intpage=intent.getIntExtra("page",0);//第一个参数是取值的key,第二个参数是默认值5.设置fragment转到指定的界面FragemtnMaganger.beginTransaction().replace(R.id.fragment,newFragment).commit();即可当然如果是同一个Activity,转跳不同的Fragment的话,只需要设置ViewPager.setCurrentImte即可

android activity 怎么跳fragment


求高手翻译英文!!Development of industrial ecosystems is one of 接下

啊啊啊。好头大啊,最后几句这么长,不知道怎么拆的好。有些地名可能错误的哦。对于全球实行回收再利用和资源保护(加纳 和 Keoleian, 1995),产业生态化发展是最流行的方法之一。在一个工业生态系统里,几个行业是通过质量和能量来互惠互利的(埃伦费尔德, 2004).它把工业过程从单线过程转换到一个行业产生的废物可以作为另一个行业的一种资源的循环过程(Lou et al., 2004; 西克达尔, 2003).好几个这样的工业生态系统已经推展到世界各地。例如,在丹麦凯隆堡市的复杂农用化学品(卡伦堡工业共生中心, 2003),工业生产基地在密西西比河走廊下游 (Indala, 2004),中国大连的经济技术开发区(联合国环境计划署,2000)以及美国一些像卡巴松资源回收公园,麦加,加利福尼亚,城市矿产资源回收场,安德鲁,加利福尼亚和布朗斯维项目,布朗斯维,得克萨斯州(美国环保局, 2006).如果适当设计,从一些共生的成员产生的大量二氧化碳可以被用作其他一些成员的原料。然而,成本,效益和这些共生的环境影响需要必须审慎评估,以避免潜在的风险。生命周期分析LCA)是一种程序。在产品和服务的生命周期各阶段,关于涉及物质和能力流方面,用完整的输入输出数据来评估和分析一个产品或服务的环境影响,从地球收集原料‪阶段开始和所有原料返回地球结束。一个生命周期可以被用来做一个对各种设计方案进程或服务的比较分析以及在其整个生命周期中隔绝在加工过程中产生的对环境造成的最大危害。

求far east movement 唱的rocketeer的中英文歌词

其实你可以把英文歌词复制到翻译工具那里 不就行了?

There is a mountain the top is always covered with snow.


以Do I want to be famous?为题写一篇100字左右的英语作文

In this competitive world, everyone is trying to gain something through their efforts. One big thing they want to achieve is fame. However, is fame that important for everyone? I don"t think so. My answers to this topis is as followings, in the first place, the very thing that really matters is the process of your continuious trying rather than the result you end up with. So from this aspect, being famous is not necessary for you to succeed. Secondly, you are decided by nobody else but you yourself. The things that others said zbout you are only the "marks" they put on you, you should decide who you are by your own heart and soul. So from this aspect, being famous is not a right attitude towards life. Last but not least, being famous will be bothered every now and then by some people who only want to earn things from you. Nobody want to lose the feeling of "free"! Indeed, fame can earn something for us, but we may lose more. I will always follow my own aim and live in the world of my own!

i. want. to. be. famous. 英语 作文

In this competitive world, everyone is trying to gain something through their efforts. One big thing they want to achieve is fame. However, is fame that important for everyone? I don"t think so.My answers to this topis is as followings, in the first place, the very thing that really matters is the process of your continuious trying rather than the result you end up with. So from this aspect, being famous is not necessary for you to succeed.Secondly, you are decided by nobody else but you yourself. The things that others said zbout you are only the "marks" they put on you, you should decide who you are by your own heart and soul. So from this aspect, being famous is not a right attitude towards life.Last but not least, being famous will be bothered every now and then by some people who only want to earn things from you. Nobody want to lose the feeling of "free"!Indeed, fame can earn something for us, but we may lose more. I will always follow my own aim and live in the world of my own!

There is a mountain the top is always covered with snow.




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VB中的 windows common controls-3 6.0 控件 也就是设置工具栏的

以编程方式添加按钮在过程中,创建工具栏按钮,方法是将这些按钮添加到 System.Windows.Forms.ToolBar.Buttons 集合中。通过 Buttons 属性传递按钮的索引来指定单个按钮的属性设置。 下面的示例假定一个已添加了 ToolBar 控件的窗体。 注意 System.Windows.Forms.ToolBar.Buttons 集合是一个从零开始的集合,因此,编写代码时应使用相应的初始值。Visual Basic 复制代码Public Sub CreateToolBarButtons()" Create buttons and set text property. ToolBar1.Buttons.Add("One") ToolBar1.Buttons.Add("Two") ToolBar1.Buttons.Add("Three") ToolBar1.Buttons.Add("Four")" Set properties of StatusBar panels." Set Style property. ToolBar1.Buttons(0).Style = ToolBarButtonStyle.PushButton ToolBar1.Buttons(1).Style = ToolBarButtonStyle.Separator ToolBar1.Buttons(2).Style = ToolBarButtonStyle.ToggleButton ToolBar1.Buttons(3).Style = ToolBarButtonStyle.DropDownButton" Set the ToggleButton"s PartialPush property. ToolBar1.Buttons(2).PartialPush = True" Instantiate a ContextMenu component and menu items." Set the DropDownButton"s DropDownMenu property to the context menu. Dim cm As New ContextMenu() Dim miOne As New MenuItem("One") Dim miTwo As New MenuItem("Two") Dim miThree As New MenuItem("Three") cm.MenuItems.Add(miOne) cm.MenuItems.Add(miTwo) cm.MenuItems.Add(miThree) ToolBar1.Buttons(3).DropDownMenu = cm" Set the PushButton"s Pushed property. ToolBar1.Buttons(0).Pushed = True" Set the ToolTipText property of one of the buttons. ToolBar1.Buttons(1).ToolTipText = "Button 2"End Sub


1. my plant英语作文(我的植物) My favorite plant is the Lucky Bamboo.I have loved it since Mom bought one to me .It is always green and easy to plant.It also brings me more fresh air and makes my room look nicer. At first,I thought if I could give it enough water,it would grow quickly.However,a month later,I found the leaves were still the same size as when I got the plant.I asked my grandma why.She said that the Lucky Bamboo needs a lot of sunshine. I moved it to my table by the windows at once.Now it is growing bigger and stronger. 2. my favourite plant 英语作文 Plum blossom high character and integrity. Head"s of 24 message sent by flowers plum blossom, ice light green, the sparse shade is simple and elegant, the variety is handsome, the delicate fragrance pleasant flowering season alone morning, “Wan Hua dares to the snow, a tree alone first world spring.”Is honored as the chief among flowers. “the remote knowledge is not a snow, only has dark es fragrant” the lofty moral character and the firm moral courage, symbolizes our dragon biography inner man. The pine, the bamboo, the plum blossom is called “the three cold-resistant friends of winter” the plum blossom cultivation to result from the Shang Dynasty, was had nearly four millennium histories. The plum was in the flower the longevity god, our country many areas still had the millennium ancient plum, the Hubei Huangmei County has over 1600 year-old Jin plum, until now also makes the flower in year old of old. The plum blossom fights the snow to display beautiful colors, Ling Hanliu is fragrant, the gagger pure-heart, high character"s and integrity"s image, encourages the people to strive constantly for self-improvement, weles the arrival which firm and unyielding weles the spring. 写的是梅花 楼主给分吧。 梅花高风亮节。二十四番花信之首的梅花,冰枝嫩绿,疏影清雅,花色美秀,幽香宜人花期独早,“万花敢向雪中出,一树独先天下春。”被誉为花魁。“遥知不是雪,唯有暗香来”的崇高品格和坚贞气节,象征我们龙的传人之精神。松,竹,梅花被称为“岁寒三友”梅花培植起于商代,距今已有近四千年历史。梅是花中寿星,我国不少地区尚有千年古梅,湖北黄梅县有株一千六百多岁的晋梅,至今还在岁岁作花。梅花斗雪吐艳,凌寒留香,铁骨冰心,高风亮节的形象,鼓励着人们自强不息,坚忍不拔地去迎接春的到来。 3. plant a plant作文60七年级 I plant a plant Today is The Tree Planting Day,I and my clas *** ates go to park to plating trees.Why we planting trees? The zoology systom of China is very bad .If you know why Japan is very development than China,Because they have never use there own resource of trees. Now the tree resource of China is very poor,so we must to plant trees. How we can planting trees? We must have young trees and water.First of all,we must make a hole,then we will take the tree into the hole,at last we must water it.By planting trees,The everement of China will be better,and we will have a better fulture! 4. 英语作文 HOW TO SAVE THE plant Look around you all, a table and a chair is made of wood, clothes is cotton, wool and other plant fiber, do you eat and drink liquids are derived from natural, warm, auto operation of family oil and petroleum products in millions of years ago is buried in the formation of the animal body beeen。 All this and biodiversity, including a lack of any of our lives, will be different. Why is there a plant or tree, but only to see someone could help? For their survival conditions, people not to give. We should establish nature reserve, as citizens, rare animal protection expanded publicity of importance. The most important of the change from the citizen consciousness, protect the plants, everyone is every citizen should be protected. 翻译 环顾你周围的一切,桌子、椅子是木头做的,衣服是棉花、羊毛和其他植物纤维做的,你吃的东西、喝的液体都来源于自然,家庭取暖、汽车运行的石油和石油制品在千百万年前是埋藏在地层之间的动植物的遗体……这一切都和生物多样性有关,缺少其中的任何一种,我们的生活都将有所不同。 为什么还是有植物只存世一两棵,而且不见有人可以帮得上忙的?有利于它们的生存条件,人们不是不能给予。 我们应该建立自然保护区,为公民普法,宣传保护稀有动物的重要性。最重要的是从公民意识上改变观念,保护植物人人有则,每个公民都应该保护。 5. 英语作文《how to plant a plant》 How to plant a plant Trees are very important to us.They are very useful,too.How do you plant a tree? First,we can dig a big and deep hole.Then we can put the tree right in the hole.Make sure it is straight.After that,we can cover the hole with soil.Finally,we should water the tree with enough water.Trees are our good friends.We should plant more trees. 6. 【描写植物英语小作文】 Plants Plants are very important living things.Life could not go on if there were no plants.This is because plants can make food from air,water and sunlight.Animals and man cannot do so.Animals get their food by eating plants and other animals.Man gets his food by eating plants and animals,too.Therefore,animals and man need plants in order to live.If you look carefully at the plants around you,you will find that there are many types of plants.Some plants are large while others are *** all.Most plants are green.There are o main types of plants:flowering plants and nonflowering plants.Flowering plants have roots,stems①,leaves,flowers and fruits.Almost all the trees around us are flowering plants.You can probably recognize some plants from their flowers or their fruits.Nonflowering plants include coniferous trees,mosses,liver-worts,algae and fungi.You cannot see many nonflowering plants around you.Most plants do not grow from seeds.They grow from spores.Spores are very,very *** all.Some spores are so *** all and light that they can float in the air.We may say that spores are quite similar to seeds.When these spores fall on wet and shady② places,they usually grow into new plants.。 7. 以HOW to plant a plant为题写一篇英语作文 How to plant a plant Trees are very important to us. They are very useful, too. How do you plant a tree? First, we can dig a big and deep hole. Then we can put the tree right in the hole. Make sure it is straight. After that, we can cover the hole with soil. Finally, we should water the tree with enough water. Trees are our good friends. We should plant more trees. 望采纳,祝开心。 8. 【HowtoPlantaTree的英语作文】 HOW TO PLANT A TREE 1 The ground must be just center -- neither too wet nor too dry. It"s best to plant trees in spring because it"s warmer. 2 Dig a hole large enough for the tree. But the hole should not be too deep. 3 Knock a long, strong stick into the earth next to the hole. Make sure that it is straight. 4 Put the tree in the hole so that it is straight. 5 Put the earth back in the hole again. Push it down hard with your foot several times. 6 Tie the tree to the top of the stick to keep it straight. 7 Water it well, as often as possible.。 9. 英语作文:plant and plant Trees and plants are very important to us. There are several reasons. Firstly, they can cool our cities in summer and clean the air. Secondly , they provide oxygen to us, so they are good to our health.Thirdly,they can reduce sound pollution. What"s more, they provide fruits and food to us. In a word, we can"t live without trees or plants. But people throw rubbish away every day so the plants are damaged or polluted. What"s worse, people cut down a lot of trees ,so in some places good earth is being desert.What should we do then? We should not set up so many factories in order to protect the environment. However, we should plan trees and plants to make our earth more beautiful.┏ (^ω^)=。

Rosenshontz的《Garbage》 歌词

歌曲名:Garbage歌手:Rosenshontz专辑:Share It!-= Chairlift 《 Garbage 》=-……杭州 > Pub 1991 < 棒儿……All the garbage that you have thrown awayIs waiting somewhere a million miles awayYour condoms and your VCRYour ziploc bags and father"s carDark and silent it waits for you aheadSo much garbage will never ever decayAnd all your garbage will outlive you one dayYou should sign a fancy signature to your messy messy portraitureBecause dark and silent it waits for you aheadMaking so much garbage each and every dayWe make this shit for you to throw awayIn plastic rooms in factories for you to dispose of as you please"Cause dark and silent it waits for you aheadWith stomachs full of oil and vinegarStomachs full of oil and vinegarWith stomachs full of oil and vinegar hey heyWith stomachs full of oil and vinegarStomachs full of oil and vinegarWith stomachs full of oil and vinegar hey heyLa la la laLa la la la la la la lahttp://music.baidu.com/song/2549035

amel bent的《DéLit》 歌词

歌曲名:DéLit歌手:amel bent专辑:DéLitDélitAmel BentIls disent que je suis incapableD"être une adulte raisonnableQue je joue de toutEt la musique je la respireSans jamais me soucier du pireEt de tout, je m"en fousMoi quand je ne rêve pasJe suis comme prisonnièrePerdue dans cet universUn peu trop grand pour moiJe n"ai plus de repèresJe me sens seule sur terreNe me réveillez pasIls disent que mon art c"est du ventQue j"me conduis comme une enfantQue je fuis la vrai vieIls disent que ma passion m"aveugleEt qu"un jour je finirais seuleAvec mes, souvenirsMoi quand je ne rêves pasJe suis comme prisonnièrePerdue dans cet universUn peu trop grand pour moiJe n"ai plus de repèresJe me sens seule sur terreNe me réveillez pasSi rêver est un délitArrêter moi sur-le-champCar je recommenceraiCar je recommenceraiCar je recommenceraiJe suis comme prisonnièrePerdue dans cet universUn peu trop grand pour moiJe n"ai plus de repèresJe me sens seule sur terreIls disent que ma passion m"aveugleEt qu"un jour je finirais seuleAvec vous ...Finhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13853662

amel bent的《DéLit》 歌词

歌曲名:DéLit歌手:amel bent专辑:DéLit MineurDélitAmel BentIls disent que je suis incapableD"être une adulte raisonnableQue je joue de toutEt la musique je la respireSans jamais me soucier du pireEt de tout, je m"en fousMoi quand je ne rêve pasJe suis comme prisonnièrePerdue dans cet universUn peu trop grand pour moiJe n"ai plus de repèresJe me sens seule sur terreNe me réveillez pasIls disent que mon art c"est du ventQue j"me conduis comme une enfantQue je fuis la vrai vieIls disent que ma passion m"aveugleEt qu"un jour je finirais seuleAvec mes, souvenirsMoi quand je ne rêves pasJe suis comme prisonnièrePerdue dans cet universUn peu trop grand pour moiJe n"ai plus de repèresJe me sens seule sur terreNe me réveillez pasSi rêver est un délitArrêter moi sur-le-champCar je recommenceraiCar je recommenceraiCar je recommenceraiJe suis comme prisonnièrePerdue dans cet universUn peu trop grand pour moiJe n"ai plus de repèresJe me sens seule sur terreIls disent que ma passion m"aveugleEt qu"un jour je finirais seuleAvec vous ...Finhttp://music.baidu.com/song/12647388



cisco命令 show interface status的结果中 各项分别代表什么意思notconnect、disabled、inactive

status中notconnect表示未连接、disabled表示端口关闭、inactive表示不活动。type中GBIC表示千兆接口卡。目前GBIC 有三种1000BaseSx ,适用于多模光纤,最长距离550m ; 1000BaseLX/LH ,多模/ 单模光纤都适用,最长距离10km ; 1000BaseZX 适用于单模光纤,最长距离100km 。10/100/1000-TX表运行在两对五类双绞线上的快速以太网 ,速度为10M,100M,1000M自适应。X2表万兆光模块。

关于英语salary, bonus,interest




reward 与 compensation, incentive ,wage, salary, bonus, commission,的区别

reward是指奖金报酬,是指对品德高尚和勤劳的人所给予的奖励。也可指为某事付酬金。compensation 补偿(或赔偿)物;(尤指)赔偿金,补偿金;赔偿,一般是指对不利事情的赔偿 incentive 激励某人做某事的事物; 刺激; 诱因, 动机,奖励 salary: 指按年定下,按月或星期平均给予的报酬,通常指脑力劳动者的薪水。wage : 多用复数形式,指按小时、日或星期的报酬,通常指体力劳动者的工资。bonus: 奖金,红利,津贴。如年终奖 year-end bonus,退役费 an army discharge bonuscommission:主要是指佣金,回扣,如商务英语中常有的代购佣金,buying commision希望能对你有所帮助


salary是指非体力劳动者所得到的“工资、薪水”,通常按月,有时按季或年计算(Salary is usually paid monthly,sometimes three months or a year,for a job,esp.as for workers of higher skill and rank);wage指简单劳动或体力劳动者所得的“工资、工钱”,通常按周、日等短期计算发给(Wages are paid weekly for a job,esp.as for labourers or workers.),常用复数形式;pay指不论工作性质如何,针对劳动所支付的报酬,它包含salary和wage(s)(pay is paid for a job),为不可数名词。 payments 支付、付款earnings 多指通过劳动或投资等手段所得到的收入。income与earnings含义很相近,但前者强调总收入。salary指按年定下,按月或星期平均给予的报酬,指脑力劳动者的薪水。wage多用复数形式,指按小时、日或星期的报酬,通常指体力劳动者的工资。

vb中for each element in ..next 语句 怎么用来赋值数组啊?

dim a(1 to 9)dim n%for each x in a x=n n=n+1 print xnext x

德语中hinunter 和 hinauf 的区别是什么

hin远离说话者方向her靠近说话者方向hinunter下去 hinauf上去 hinaus出去 hinein进去herunter下来 herauf上来 heraus出来 herein进来 对应缩写均为runter rauf raus rein

payment, wage, salary有什么区别?


salary income payment 的区别?



money 是钱。wage, salary是工资,薪水。payment是付款,报酬。

Dirty Harry (Instrumental) 歌词

歌名:Dirty Harry歌手:GorillazI need a gun to keep myself from harmThe poor people are burning in the sunBut they ain′t got a chanceThey ain′t got a chanceI need a gunCos all I do is danceI need a gun to keep myself from harmThe poor people are burning in the sunNo, they ain′t got a chanceThey ain′t got a chanceI need a gunCos all I do is danceCos all I do is danceIn my backpackI got my act rightIn case you act quite difficultAnd yo is so weakin′With anger and discontentSome are seeking and searching like me, moiI′m a peace-loving decoyReady for retaliationI change the whole occasion to a pine box six-underImpulsive don′t ask wild wonderOrders given to me is:strike and I′m thunderwith lightning fast reflexes on constant alertfrom the constant hurt that seemslimitless with no dropping pressureSeems like everybody′s out to test yatil they see your brakeThey can′t conceal the hateThat consumes youI′m the reason why you flipped your soosaChill with your old lady at the tiltI got a 90 days digitAnd I′m filled with guiltFrom things that I′ve seenYour water′s from a bottlemine′s from a canteenAt night I hear the shotsRing so I′m a light sleeperThe cost of lifeit seems to get cheaperout in the desert with my street sweeperThe war is overSo said the speaker with the flight suit onMaybe to him I′m just a pawnSo he can advanceRemember when I used to danceMan, all I want to do is danceI need a gun to keep myself from harmhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2884068

foreach(int i in array)是什么意思

可以把in理解为:我要操作什么什么 在(in)这个集合里面foreach循环结构:1234foreach(元素类型 变量名 in 集合或数组名){//语句}

I just want to say "I love you" 出自哪首歌曲?

就是那首I JUST WANT TO SAY I LOVE YOU…… 名字是<don"t know what to say> "人山人海"唱的,原创音乐,所以很难找 酷狗里面有的,可以下载,试听 Stevie Wonder的I Just Call To Say I Love You歌词:I just called to say I Love YouLyrics:Stevie Wonder Music:Stevie WonderNo new years"s day to celebrateno chocolate covered candy hearts to give awayno first of springno song to singin fact here"s just another ordinary dayNo April rainno flowers bloomno wedding saturday within the month of JuneBut what it isIs something trueMade up of these three words that I must say to youI just called to say I love youI just called to say how much I careI just called to say I love youAnd I mean it from the bottom of my heartNo summer"s highNo warm JulyNo harvest moon to light one tender August nightNo autumn breezeNo falling leavesNo even time for birds to fly to southern skiesNo libra sunNo HalloweenNo giving thanks to all the Christmas joy you bringBut what it isThough old so newTo fill your heart like no three words Could ever do.I just called to say I love youI just called to say how much I careI just called to say I love you[05:49And I mean it from the bottom of my heart.I just called to say I love youI just called to say how much I careI just called to say I love youAnd I mean it from the bottom of my heartOf my heartOf my heart(music)

2. 编写函数,查找并返回数组array中前n个数的最大值下标 函数原型:int maxinarray(int array[], int n)

#include <iostream>using namespace std;int maxinarray(int array[], int n){ int t,k; k = 0; for(int j = 1;j < n;j++) { if(array[j] > array[k]) k = j; } return array[k];}int main(){ //int y = 3; int x[3]; for(int i = 0;i < 3;i++) cin >> x[i]; cout << maxinarray(x,3) << endl; return 0;}

resco contact manager桌面插件被隐藏了怎么办



prevent反义词let vt.让, 允许, 使,... permit n.许可证, 执照 ; ...15世纪早期进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的prventus。【词形变化】形容词: preventable 名词: preventability动词过去式: prevented 动词过去分词: prevented动词现在分词: preventing 动词第三人称单数: preventsprevent的词义辨析:block, bar, hinder, obstruct, prevent, hamper这些动词均含有“阻止、阻塞”之意。1,block: 语气强烈,指有效堵住了通道,使人或物无法通过。2,bar: 含义与block很接近,指阻塞通道或禁止出入,但有暗示不用障碍物的阻止或禁3,hinder: 语气较轻,多指阻碍、拖延人或事,强调使进展速度缓慢下来。4,obstruct: 正式用词,语气强,多指以干扰或设置障碍的方式阻碍交通,使不能自由畅通5,prevent: 含义广泛,指采取预防措施或设置障碍去阻止某人或某事。6,hamper: 侧重因受到约束或阻碍而造成的行动困难。prevent语法用法:1,prevent指“阻止成功”,如果阻止了,但是没有成功,不可用prevent。如果说她阻止他去,实际上他的确没有去,可以说She prevented him from going.但是他不听劝,还是去的话,要说She tried to prevent him from going, but he still went;2,prevent加宾语时,宾语后不可接不定式。She prevented him to go.该句是错误的表达。错句举例与错句分析:错句: He prevented the boy to climb the tree.订正: He prevented the boy from climbing the tree.翻译: 他阻止那个小男孩爬树。分析: prevent一般常与动名词搭配,后不接不定式,如prevent...from...。关于月饼的那些事儿 电音双人组Nero称霸英国单曲榜 2011情侣卫衣125元/套 世界最高的“摩天轮”

hinder的 Heaven Sent歌词翻译

That was solid chemistry that was there with you and me在你我之间 有着难以言喻的默契That was still a long time come未来还有很长It"s freaking me out, that I didn"t see我看不到 这使我颓废而紧张You"re so damn hot girl, it"s crazy你的身材太过火热 那使我疯狂And without a doubt I still can"t believe毫无疑问 我仍然不能相信That you were right there in front of me你就在那里 站在我前方Never saw the chemistry that was there with you and me你我之间并非默契非常It"s been a long time coming未来还有很长Just waiting on an angel to take me out of my head我在等待一个天使 将我带离我的大脑I"m falling for you我为你坠落Just coming out of thin air来吧 从稀薄的空气中You came out of nowhere out of the blue你不知来自何处 却带走了悲伤When heaven sent you当你从天堂来到我身旁Night after night, when I didn"t sleep夜复一夜 我辗转难眠But that was before you lay beside me但那是因为你还没有出现在我身边When all of my demons were dancing with me我所有的邪恶因子在蠢蠢欲动I"m glad you came down ‘cause I was in too deep幸好你来到我身边 否则我会越陷越深Never saw the chemistry that was there with you and me你我之间并非默契非常It"s been a long time coming未来还有很长Right out of the blueWhen heaven sent you当你从天堂来到我身边我就远离了悲伤


hamper是来自客观方面的阻碍,如 天气,环境,经济形势等等。hinder是主观的阻碍,比如,某人阻止你做某事。希望可以帮到你

求高手区分下:Hamper ,prevent ,obstruct ,block ,bar ,hinder . 知道几个说几个啊?

hamper,妨碍,有限制的意思 prevent,阻止,有预防的意思 obstruct,阻碍,有阻挡的意思,好狗不挡路,基本上就用这个 block,也有阻挡的意思,但是一般是东西挡路了 bar,比较形象,把人挡在bar 的外面 hinder 一般是非人为条件的阻碍,比如地震阻碍了交通之类的.

麻烦说明一下inhibit stunt hamper impede hinder thwart这6个词的区别

inhibit 抑制,约束;控制:to inhibit wrong desires抑制邪念to inhibit somebody from doing something约束某人不做某事stunt 1. 阻碍…的正常发育(或成长):妨碍…的正常增长(或发展);使停止(发育、发展等):An abnormal climate stunted the crops.不正常的气候妨碍了庄稼的正常生长。His personality was stunted by the brutal treatment in his childhood.儿童期间受到的虐待对他人格的形成构成了障碍。2. 阻止,妨碍:Wars stunted the development of science in the world.战争使世界的科学发展受到了抑制。hamper束缚,抑制,限制;牵制Her talent was hampered by her poor family when she was a small girl.由于幼年时期家境贫寒,她的才能没能得到充分的展示。You would hamper yourself with that fellow.你会受到那个家伙的牵连。 impede妨碍,阻碍,阻止:Heavy rain impeded our journey.瓢泼大雨阻碍了我们的旅行。to impede the trade阻碍贸易hinder妨碍,妨害;阻碍;阻止,使不能发生:I wouldn"t hinder your work,I"m going swimming right now.我不会妨碍你工作,我这就去游泳。to hinder someone from doing something阻止某人做某事thwart反对;阻挠;妨碍;挫败:We successfully thwarted the enemy"s conspiracy.我们成功地挫败了敌人的阴谋。He was thwarted in his plans.他的计划遭受挫折。

interrupt pause hinder 三个词用法的区别

interrupt 打断,可做名词和动词,比较正式,强调事物被外物所打断。pause 暂停、中止,可做名词和动词,指短暂的中断或停止,含再进行下去的意味。hinder 妨碍、阻碍,仅做动词,语气较轻,多指阻碍、拖延人或事,强调使进展速度缓慢下来。eg:Traffic was interrupted by a dense fog. 交通因浓雾而受阻。 He paused before making the important decision. 他在作出这个重要决定前犹豫不决。The crowd hindered him from leaving. 人群使他无法脱身。
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