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传说薄荷的原名出自希腊神话,冥王哈迪斯(Hades)爱上了美丽的精灵曼茜(Menthe),冥王的妻子佩瑟芬妮(Persephone)十分嫉妒。为了使冥王忘记曼茜,佩瑟芬妮将她变成了一株不起眼的小草,长在路边任人踩踏。可是内心坚强善良的曼茜变成小草后,她身上却拥有了一股令人舒服的清凉迷人的芬芳,越是被摧折踩踏就越浓烈。虽然变成了小草,她却被越来越多的人喜爱,人们把这种草叫薄荷 (Mentha)。 罗马人与希腊人都很喜欢薄荷的味道。在节庆时,他们还会把薄荷纺织优花环佩带在身上。埃及人则有把一包包薄荷与大茴香、小茴香充当赋税的做法。美洲印地安人会用薄荷来治疗肺炎。 薄荷有极强的杀菌抗菌作用,常喝它能预防病毒性感冒、口腔疾病,使口气清新。用薄荷茶汁漱口,可以预防口臭。用薄荷茶雾蒸面,还有缩细毛孔的作用。拿泡过茶的叶片敷在眼睛上会感觉到清凉,能解除眼睛疲劳。据说薄荷也有“眼睛草”的别称,可用于治疗眼疾。




mint和manjaro都挺稳定的。mint基于Ubuntu LTS,但是做了很大幅度的改良改进,不会像Ubuntu那样老是卡住或者内部错误,不会老出现这些。所以用下来稳定得多,而且他开箱即用的特性也很棒很出色。而manjaro虽然是基于Arch linux,但是软件仓库并不是跟arch linux一直同步的,他从Arch软件仓库搬过来的软件,都是要经过一段时间的测试,稳定的才会放进manjaro软件仓库中,所以manjaro软件仓库的软件版本不会那么激进。从而也保证了一定的稳定性,至少滚挂概率低得多,但是也确保了软件仓库的软件都是较新但又稳定的。Linux Mint 诞生的目的是为家庭用户和企业提供一个免费的,易用的,并且漂亮的桌面系统。Linux Mint的一大雄心是:使用最先进的技术而不是美化的看起来像Windows的软件使普通人也感到易用,使自己成为可以和Windows并驾齐驱的操作系统。但是这个目标并不是使其看起来像微软的Windows或者是苹果的Mac OS,而是去创造我们心中的优秀桌面系统。我们应该使linux技术更易用,更简便。


上海高端会所(一)MINT是全球顶级亿万富豪会所,在全球排名第四,其目标在于成为服务业的LV。MINT在中文中有造币厂的意思,而这家会所也被大众称为名副其实的造币厂会所。其目前在全球仅有三家,分别位于戛纳,香港和上海。上海分会所共设有的名额为:500名董事以及2000名会员。这些名额在其修建好后极短的一段时间就被国内各地富豪占据。这些会员都是非富即贵之人。MINT的管理经营方式也与一般会所不同,其独具特色的管理模式为会员也可以成为董事,成为董事后在此消费也是自己赚钱,故会员有需要举行的活动都可以在此举行,从而带动盈利。这个会所利用的就是富豪的名利圈,关系网,带动消费。其主要针对消费人群为年轻富豪,因为年轻的富豪会更加注重生活品质。 MINT曾经非常出名的一条新闻是它拒绝了贝克汉姆成为其会员,这不是说贝克汉姆不够有钱,而是由于贝克汉姆当时由于居住等关系不可能经常光顾会所,自然不能带动会所收益,于是被拒之门外。MINT的安全措施做的非常到位,进入前要通过检验指纹的仪器,并且在会所内部房间还设有一些秘密通道,以备所需。在MINT会所里面还有一个显著的特色,是一个饲养鲨鱼的巨大鱼缸。MINT的服务宗旨为满足会员的一切需求,无论是你想在下飞机后与纽约市长会谈还是希望碧昂斯在你的发布会上高歌一曲,无需亲力亲为,这一切MINT都会帮你搞定。这也是圈中富豪趋之若鹜的原因之一。 MINT的规划蓝图包括继续将其分店布满全球以及买下一个岛屿修建更加奢华的休闲圣地。


mint去战旗直播了。Mint李静媛,电竞全能女选手、解说,ID:mint。李静媛现任LGD俱乐部LOL战队领队,国内知名WAR3,DOTA,LOL女玩家,曾任NV女队队长;WDC2010世界DOTA杯解说。 LOLadies-X主力AP CARRY选手。战旗直播主播。参加过ironlady dota,lol明星邀请赛等多个大型邀请赛;曾获杭州颐高杯dota冠军;曾担任cig war3,wdc dota解说;原职业女队nirvana.girl队长 nv.cn领队;自己举办过线上百支队大型赛事,wdc组委会竞赛负责人。mint本身对竞技就比较感兴趣,LOL的画面比较精致,游戏就玩起来比较舒服;还有各种dota没有的元素,例如符文召唤师技能,增加了战斗中的各种可能性,提高了可玩性。mint最喜欢的一个方面是所有英雄都可以根据装备提高自己的属性(攻击/防御),以至于就算再后期每个英雄的作用都不会变很小,例如Dota中的英雄到后期一个人秒人几乎不可能,LOL则没有不可能。












mint的意思是薄荷;薄荷糖;铸币厂;大量的钱。mint造句:1、Newton proved himself equally intolerant of chicanery, when, in his waning years.he took a position as Master of the Mint.牛顿本人同样也不能容忍欺诈行为,在他晚年的时候,他担任了皇家铸币厂的主管官员。2、He first noticed it a second ago, when he put his hands in his pockets, looking fora mint, and instead found the sharp prongs of the fork.爱德华刚刚才发现这把叉,他在口袋里找薄荷糖没找着,却摸到了叉的尖头。3、I shall probably make mint jelly too, as there is so much mint in the garden, I hateto see it go to waste.我可能也会做些薄荷冻,因为花园里有那么多薄荷,我可不想眼看着白白浪费掉。4、He decided to give up research and in 1695 accepted an appointment as wardenof the British Mint in London.他决定放弃研究,并于一六九五年接受任命,担任伦敦的不列颠造币厂的监察。


mint是薄荷的意思。mint作为名词是薄荷、金融造币厂、巨款的意思。作为及物动词是铸造、铸币。作为形容词是完美的。Mint作为人名是指(毛里塔)明特。mint的过去式minted、过去分词minted、现在分词minting、第三人称单数mints、复数mints。相关例句:I like mint soda我喜欢薄荷味的苏打水。


mint 英[mu026ant] 美[mu026ant] n. 薄荷; 薄荷糖; 铸币厂; v. 铸(币); 铸造(硬币);

Mr.Bank wants to cut down on costs and save money这句话用词正确吗?

个人更倾向于:Mr.Bank wants to cut down costs to save money

The goverment has taken some measures .aming at cutting down the cost为什么不是to aim

政府当前采取的行动目的是XXX,采用的是aim at.没有to aim的用法董君的记忆秘诀








听到你的呼救声我就急忙赶来了..~!@#$%^%^& 还用瑞星啊?金山啊?或是卡巴斯基(内存很大)?或是其它什么的软件?唉!那种没用的东西 http://www.ewido.net/en/download/ 上面这个是最好的杀木马软件,不信随便在网页上输入ewido看看?都说是最好的杀木马软件!免费的,再配合http://www.google.com/language_tools?hl=zh-CN 使用,比卡巴那些有名的都好用!(英语原版,完全免费,可能是外国比较有钱,不像瑞星金山卡巴基什么的,一直要你的钱!)一定可以杀得掉了(有些实在不行,得进去安全模式下才能杀!)不好用你找我!


回答如下:因为这个形容词interesting在句中作宾补,前面的不定式短语to work with him 在句中作宾语。动词find的用法:find + 宾语 + 宾补(形容词、名词、分词、介词短语等)。例如:We find the car expensive. I find her a doctor.


"{:^4}"是一个格式化字符串,其中{...}是一个占位内符,format方法中的参数回按照顺序填入对应的占位符上;占位符冒号后面的^4用于描述如何显示这个值(i),^表示居中,4表示总共4个字符的宽度,假如i的值是23,则格容式化输出后就是:空格23空格end=""这个是print方法的命名参数,表示输出完后追加的结束字符,默认情况是一个换行( ),这里将他变更成一个空格,print在输出内容后再输出一个空格,不换行


"{:^4}" 是一个格式化字符串, 其中 {...} 是一个占位符, format方法中的参数回按照顺序填入对应的占位符上;占位符冒号后面的 ^4 用于描述如何显示这个值(i), ^表示居中, 4表示总共4个字符的宽度, 假如i的值是23, 则格式化输出后就是 : 空格23空格end=" " 这个是print方法的命名参数, 表示输出完后追加的结束字符, 默认情况是一个换行( ), 这里将他变更成一个空格, print在输出内容后再输出一个空格, 不换行


ArgumentationArgumentation, or argumentation theory, is the interdisciplinary study of how humans should, can, and do reach conclusions through logical reasoning, that is, claims based, soundly or not, on premises. It includes the arts and sciences of civil debate, dialogue, conversation, and persuasion. It studies rules of inference, logic, and procedural rules in both artificial and real world settings.Argumentation includes debate and negotiation which are concerned with reaching mutually acceptable conclusions. It also encompasses eristic dialog, the branch of social debate in which victory over an opponent is the primary goal. This art and science is often the means by which people protect their beliefs or self-interests in rational dialogue, in common parlance, and during the process of arguing.开头段的写法第一句:背景句(最多2句)【要有个性】第二句:主题句(题目同义替换)【可以套用模板】第三句:观点句主题句的写法:some people / other people→proponents/opponents→those in favour of.../opponents of ...→advocates/adversaries→supporters/criticsSpecific:→technophiles/technophobes→vivisectionists/antivivisectionists→animal rights activists animal rights extremists→environmentalists→parents and educatorsThink, believe→suggest, claim, assert→insist, hold, maintain, argue, contend→raise the doubt whether…→be concerned that…→worry that…*当观点明显偏向负面的话,不用说正*当背景句已经说了正面,那么主题句中不用再交代正面动词形式向名词形式转换e.g.: some/other people believe…→There is a belief that…1. There is a perception that… , while a counterargument is that…2. There is much controversy/a heated debate over whether…3. It is/has been a controversial/contentious issue/an issue of controversy/debate in our society whether…4. It has sparked/stirred/aroused much controversy/a heated debate in our society whether…*以上用于引出反方观点5. There is some concern about…/over whether… *比较温柔背景句的写法:1. 交代主题句产生的原因【常用】2. 人们熟知的社会现象【常用】3. 引用名人事例4. 交代事物的另一方面【常用】5. 下定义【常用】6. 引出一方观点例1:Some people who have been successful in society don"t attribute their success to the theoretical knowledge they learned from their university. Do you agree or disagree?可用名人例:Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg例2:Advertising is discouraging people from being different individuals and makes people to be or seem to be the same.Penetrate, infiltrate, facilitate, play an indispensible role in our society一些有用的替换:Today, Nowadays→In recent years→At present→Currently→In modern society→In contemporary societyThere are more and more…→There is an increasing number/amount of …→The number/amount of … is increasing/has increased.→There is/has been an (…) increase in the number/amount of …【使用There be句型的时候要注意不要出现两个谓语】… is becoming more and more popular.→… is becoming increasingly popular.→… is gaining (worldwide) popularity.→The popularity of … is growing/increasing.

西班牙语 próximo 和siguiente 用法有什么区别?

相同点,都是指按顺序接下来的比如排队时说下一个,两个词都可用区别1. siguiente 用法的相对于próximo来说有一定的连续性,从他的词根seguir就能看出来。比如:如下文 el texto siguiente, 换成el texto próximo 就变成了下篇文章2.proximo 有临近,比邻的意思,比如:我的车离你的车不远,mi carro esta próximo al tuyo,而siguiente 没有这个意思

Do university students have a lot of homework? What is your attitude towards the homework?

there is homework, but you have the right to do it or not, everything is up to you.

英语作文:the oceans and countines in the world

Chinese revolutionary leader. He founded the Hsin Chung Hui (‘New China Party") in 1894, one of the political groups that merged to form the Kuomintang (Guomindang, nationalist party) in 1912 after the overthrow of the Manchu Empire. He was elected provisional president of the Republic of China in December 1911 and played a vital part in deposing the emperor, who abdicated in February 1912. He was president of a breakaway government from 1921.  After many years in exile he returned to China during the 1911 revolution that overthrew the Manchu dynasty. In an effort to bring unity to China, he resigned as provisional president in 1912 in favour of the military leader Yuan Shikai. As a result of Yuan"s increasingly dictatorial methods, Sun established an independent republic in southern China based in Canton in 1921. He was criticized for lack of organizational ability, but his ‘three people"s principles" of nationalism, democracy, and social reform are accepted by both the nationalists and the Chinese communists.  Between 1916 and Sun"s death in 1925, his southern-based nationalist regime contended for supremacy with northern-based warlords and from the early 1920s received support from the Soviet Union and the new Chinese Communist Party (CCP). He failed in his goal of securing national reunification, which was left to be achieved, briefly, by his successor, Jiang Jie Shi (Chiang Kai-shek).

Dim x:if x then print x else print x+1


x=5 y=-20 IFx<0 THEN x=y-3 ELSE y=y+3 END IF PRINT x-y;y-x END 求结果~~~

答案应该是 23;-23


你要找的是intimidating吗?intimidating[u026anu02c8tu026amu026adeu026atu026au014b]vt.恐吓,威胁( intimidate的现在分词); 1。He was a huge, intimidating figure.他是个身材高大、令人生畏的人。2。So one spouse might be particularly dictatorial – and intimidating& over how the other handles money.也就是说,夫妻一方对于对方如何花钱,态度上非常专横,令人惧怕。3。He had developed a fearsome reputation for intimidating people.他曾因恐吓他人而令人闻风丧胆。希望采纳哦!

float a=3.14 printfuff08"a=%e " , auff09 a=?





是不是还有 .Spotlight-V100,.Trashes这两个?

u盘里多了.fseventsd,.Spotlight-V100,.Trashes三个文件夹 怎么删都删不掉


u盘里多了.fseventsd,.Spotlight-V100,.Trashes三个文件夹 怎么删都删不掉




u盘里多了.fseventsd,.Spotlight-V100,.Trashes三个文件夹 怎么删都删不掉


u盘里多了.fseventsd,.Spotlight-V100,.Trashes三个文件夹 怎么删都删不掉


IGCC(Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle)的工作原理是什么

IGCC是国内外公认的先进煤炭发电和综合利用应用技术,效率高、最有希望实现零排放,能满足各种严格的环保标准要求,耗水量少、易大型化、利于综合利用煤炭资源,能同时生产甲醇、汽油、尿素、硫磺或硫酸以及灰渣建材等等;并且具有极大发展潜力。 IGCC作为“旧能源、新方法”,是将净化燃煤的气化技术和高效的联合循环相结合的先进动力系统,可能逐步取代现有常规蒸汽电站,成为燃煤发电技术的一个主要发展方向。七十年代中后期,美国有关科技、企业界纷起响应,一时有全面开花之势。

Dear editor: Dear editor: I have just read the inviting pulic comment on the newspaper. I f

Dear editor, I am a senior 1 student。In the beginning of this termafter myself. However, I have (加入my) own idea. Staying at home in

英孚英语歌pirate shanty

Pretty Girls - Iggy Azalea&Britney Spears All around the world, pretty girls全世界 美女们Wipe the floor with all the boys用你们的魅力征服所有Pour the drinks, bring the noise倒点喝的 制造点声响It"s Iggy-Iggs姐是IggyWe"re just so pretty我们美貌无敌All around the world, pretty girls全世界 美女们Jump the line, to the front插个队 向前来Do what we like, get what we want随心所欲 为所欲为Where you at, Brit布兰妮 你在哪儿We"re just so pretty我们美貌无敌Hey, don"t you know that it"s always the same?嘿 难道你不知道无论在哪儿都不会变From Australia "round to LA从澳大利亚到洛杉矶You can betcha", wherever the girls go, boys follow不用说 无论妹子走到何处 男孩们就会趋之若鹜We be keeping them up on their toes他们会翘首以待我们的出现They can laugh, but they don"t get the jokes他们可以大笑 但他们根本就不懂这笑点Just you watch, they"re so predictable看好了 他们那些男人很好懂Some things don"t change有些事 不会变The girls roll up妹子们出现Windows roll down车窗摇下Eyes on us目光集中你我Jaws on the ground他们大声惊叹Watch them go看着他们蜂拥而至It"s just so funny这场面很有趣Like bees to the honey像是蜜蜂见到蜜那样激动All around the world, pretty girls全世界 美女们Wipe the floor with all the boys用你们的魅力征服所有Pour the drinks, bring the noise倒点喝的 制造点声响We"re just so pretty我们美貌无敌All around the world, pretty girls全世界 美女们Jump the line, to the front插个队 向前来Do what we like, get what we want随心所欲 为所欲为We"re just so pretty我们美貌无敌Tell me, is it true that these men are from Mars告诉我 这些男人是否真的是来自火星Is that why they be acting bizarre这就是他们行为怪异的原因么Every time I walk out of my house it"s like每次我离开我的家就像Hey, baby嘿 宝贝They don"t see me rolling my eyes他们不会看到我蔑视的白眼They buzzing around me like flies他们像是飞蝇一般簇拥在我的身旁They got one thing on their minds他们的心里只牵挂着一件事Some things don"t change有些事 不会变The girls roll up妹子们出现Windows roll down车窗摇下Eyes on us目光集中你我Jaws on the ground他们大声惊叹Watch them go看着他们蜂拥而至It"s just so funny这场面很有趣Like bees to the honey像是蜜蜂见到蜜那样激动All around the world, pretty girls全世界 美女们Wipe the floor with all the boys用你们的魅力征服所有Pour the drinks, bring the noise倒点喝的 制造点声响We"re just so pretty我们美貌无敌All around the world, pretty girls全世界 美女们Jump the line, to the front插个队 向前来Do what we like, get what we want随心所欲 为所欲为We"re just so pretty我们美貌无敌If you ask me, I"m killing them softly如果你问我怎么出手 我会不费吹灰之力搞定他们I would spend time with you but that"d cost me我想与你呆一会儿 但有点浪费时间They pray that Iggy-Iggy give "em one more chance他们都祈盼Iggy能给他们一次机会But busy Iggy wouldn"t even give "em one more glance但是忙碌的Iggy都不会多看他们两眼See, enter in line between the beauty and a beast懂么 姐介于美女和野兽之间Slim waist, thick cake, the whole world want a piece纤腰翘臀酥胸 整个世界都渴望尝一口Bad girl, good would make you lose your mind坏女孩 乖巧懂事只会让你失去理智All of the boys begging Britney, hit "em one more time所有的男孩们恳求布兰妮 再给他们一次机会Iggs免疫球蛋白What"s up, Britney?怎么了 布兰妮All around the world, pretty girls全世界 美女们Wipe the floor with all the boys用你们的魅力征服所有Pour the drinks, bring the noise倒点喝的 制造点声响We"re just so pretty我们美貌无敌All around the world, pretty girls全世界 美女们Jump the line, to the front插个队 向前来Do what we like, get what we want随心所欲 为所欲为We"re just so pretty 我们美貌无敌

有首英语歌的第一句是 I dont like ....那首歌的歌名是什么?男歌手唱的。

I Don"t LikeCheif keef唱的


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英语作文: why is Art education important

When asked about why education is important, different people hold different attitude. Some people think education is a social phenomenon , there is inexistence or not important, while the rest think education is very essential. Personally, I think education is a good way to cultivate successors.当被问及为什么教育很重要的时候,不同的人持有不同的态度。有些人觉得教育是一种社会现象,不存在重不重要。而其他人则觉得教育很重要。就我个人而言,我认为教育是培养接班人的一个好方法。First, education can help a man of good conduct. When a kid is growing, he doesn"t know how to distinguish good or bad, so , he need to be taught by his parents or teachers to identify the right thing, Then he can be a good man and adjust himself to the modern society. Second, nowadays, the world is intellectual, people live in this world without knowledge will be very hard to survive. So, the education is very important, people have to learn academically knowledge to live a better life.第一,教育可以帮助一个人形成良好的行为举止。一个还在发育中的孩子,他不知道如何区分好坏,所以,他必须由父母或老师来教导区分正确的事情。这样他可以成为一个有用的人,适应现代这个社会。第二,如今,世界是知识的世界,没有知识的人将很难在这个世界上生存。因此,教育是非常重要的,人们必须学会学术知识去过更好的生活。Therefore, a natural conclusion can be drawn that education is a way to make people to become a intelligent and good behavior one, besides it"s never too old to learn.因此,自然可以得出这样的结论:教育可以使人变得更聪明和形成良好行为举止的一种方式,而且学习永远不嫌老。(采纳请给好评哦,您的好评是对我最大的鼓励,谢谢哈。)

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Whatchu Know About Us (Instrumental) 歌词

歌曲名:Whatchu Know About Us (Instrumental)歌手:Aziatix专辑:Nocturnal (Instrumental Album)Aziatix - Whatchu Know About Us作词:Jae Chong, Nicky Lee, Jay "Flowsik" Pak作曲:Jae Chong, Nicky Lee 编曲:Jae Chong"Till I fade away and and my soul cross overI"m running cross borders, to get this life in orderAlways played the bench when I was born to take it farther23 on the jersey with the dreams of being a starterWitnessing hatred flying at me from every cornerOn the brink of madness but I choose to play it smarterWork twice as harder, with dreams of being CarterReach for the sky to take a sip of heaven"s waterI came in this world scoring seven days a week to get it inI came here to win, now I finally didFrom showing off ribs, no doe for the fridgeStressing on my future kids, now I"m paying off the cribMy peoples stuck with me through the harshest weatherAnd now the sun"s out shining so we march together"Cuz we soldiers coming from the ground up, yupWith our bottles up, so what you what you what you know about usGon" reach for the skyYa know we fly highThat"s how we ride(Whatchu know about us)Stack the paper sky highU know we don"t stop(Whatchu know about us)From the cells to the blockTo the people on topShown" nothin" but love(Whatchu know about us) aye(Whatchu know about us) ayeThis is for my 12 hour go gettersWho strives for the better when these dark storms won"t let usAnd holding the fort down, we in the zone nowTouch down, 4 seconds, 4th quarter, 4th downYou know this hard work be growing over timeInstead of all these get rich quick schemes slowing up the grindThat"s why we came up to get this crackingIt"s not about stacking, yet more of just making it happenSo starting from breakfast we on post for the grainBorn to die, tryna" get something off the graveShackled up and chained, but through passion and painBreak loose, now the truth is surpassing the gameWe put our hearts to it and push hardThe old shoots down then, out comes new starsWe takes it all the way with no time to fussThat"s what"s up, on the bubble bound to bust, so what you know about usGon" reach for the skyYa know we fly highThat"s how we ride(Whatchu know about us)Stack the paper sky highU know we don"t stop(Whatchu know about us)From the cells to the blockTo the people on topShown" nothin" but love(Whatchu know about us) aye(Whatchu know about us) ayeHaterz in da crowdThey wanna take us downBut we up in da cloudsWe flying" high tonightThree Sixty FiveCan"t no one stop us now(So Whatchu know about us)Gon" reach for the skyYa know we fly highThat"s how we ride(Whatchu know about us)Stack the paper sky highU know we don"t stop(Whatchu know about us)From the cells to the blockTo the people on topShown" nothin" but love(Whatchu know about us) aye(Whatchu know about us) aye(So Whatchu know about us)Gon" reach for the skyYa know we fly highThat"s how we ride(Whatchu know about us)Stack the paper sky highU know we don"t stop(Whatchu know about us)That"s how we rollin"Shot callin"Poppin" bottles all the night long(Whatchu know about us) aye(Whatchu know about us) ayehttp://music.baidu.com/song/52696449



CSGO2021年度TOP20职业选手 第12名huNter

CSGO选手huNter凭借着与强队交手时出色的击杀数据和几次顶级赛事的获奖表现,成功位列2021年度top20选手的第12名。 最近刚满26岁的huNter-在竞争激烈的CS职业圈里停留的时间远比人们想的要长。他最早的CSGO经历只能追溯到2015年,但在更早的前几年里,huNter-曾在巴尔干地区的CS 1.6队伍效力过,但CS的更新迭代让他暂时休息了一段时间。最终是huNter-的表弟兼队友NiKo说服他尝试CSGO,从那时开始没多久,huNter-陆续加入了GamePub和iNation等小战队,开启了自己的职业生涯。 在huNter-效力Vliance(之后改名CR4ZY)的期间,队伍转型成全职业战队后开始在国际赛事上获得出场机会,那时的huNter-开始获得一些知名度,很多人也注意到他与他的表弟NiKo拥有一样的姓氏和惊人的天赋。2018年,huNter-开始与nexa和ottoNd等人一起在CR4ZY战队共事,并开始学习在说英语的队伍打比赛,他们也在2019年取得了一些大大小小成功。 这支欧洲国际阵容在第二梯队取得了不错的名次,并打入了StarLadder Major的传奇组,而huNter-则在他当时的职业生涯巅峰时刻表现出色。 正是因为看到了这不能忽视的天赋和能力,G2很快将他和nexa带到队伍,放弃了全法国阵容。 huNter-很快适应了新队伍和顶级赛事的节奏,2020年的良好开局帮助他在入选了同年top20选手名单的第13名,他带领队伍在包括IEM卡托维兹在内的四次赛事中打进了三次决赛并最终获得亚军。随着时间的推移,G2在2020年的表现开始疲软,但这对于huNter-来说不全是坏事,不仅是因为他在一整年始终保持不错的状态,更重要的是他终于实现了和表弟NiKo一起合作的梦想。 对于huNter-和G2来说,2021的开局和2020年的结尾一样艰难,队伍将JaCKz从主力阵容划出,为NiKo的加入腾出位置。由于一些个人原因,huNter-在年底这段时间表现开始下滑,并且这种状态持续到了年初的BLAST全球总决赛上,huNter-在8张地图的比赛中个人rating仅为创新低的0.87,为他新的一年开了个坏头。 “我当时被一些私人问题困扰,我和妻子正经历一段艰难的时期,那时的我很难全身心的专注于CS:GO。我为当时没有放弃的自己感到自豪,在队友和家人的帮助下,我很快回到了正轨重新投入到工作中。” “我想在经历了两次糟糕的赛事后尽快找回状态,这真的不容易,但我做到了。” huNter-很快从低迷的状态中恢复了过来,但G2在接下来的两个赛事中成绩依然不理想,在经历了BLAST春季小组赛和IEM卡托维兹的失败后,G2的阵容随之产生了变化。 这次,JaCKz顶替了KennyS回到了首发名单,这让huNter-很高兴,他在游戏内外都和这位法国人有着不错的交情。缺少AWPer是G2需要解决的首要问题,NiKo在AmaNEk接手前先担任了这个位置的职责一段时间,队伍的状态几乎立马发生了好转。 “JaCKz是一个对队伍意义重大的人,当我刚加入G2的时候,在最开始的几个月里,我和他是同住一间房的室友,虽然他当时的英语说的不好,但我可以看出他的为人,以及他是个如何积极的影响着整个团队的人,尤其是和队友们。当队伍决定让JaCKz离开时,我为在队伍语音听不到他的声音而难过,他是一个对整个队伍意义重大的人,尤其是生活中,有他和没他的队伍化学反应是截然不同的。” “当我们决定让JaCkz回归时,我们没有办法引入新的AWPer,我们只能依靠现有的阵容进行调整,而NiKo是唯一一个在以前的比赛中会使用过AWP的人,于是我们决定让他试试担任AWPer,因为我们觉得这是当时最好的选择。NiKo没有打出最出色的数据,但他在那段时间的AWP使用的还是不错的,我们的状态也开始有起色,我们开始表现的更好。” “后来我们意识到我们也许应该给AmaNEk一个机会,因为他曾在以前的职业时期尝试过使用AWP,他为队伍做出了卓越的贡献,而当回步枪手的NiKo的表现则变得更加出色了。AmaNEk真的是一个很棒的队友,自我加入G2以来,他愿意为了队伍扮演各种角色,没有一丝怨言,只是一心一意的为队伍的胜利付出,我非常的尊重他。” 队伍在之后的ESL职业联赛第13赛季上打入八强,huNter-是队内表现最好的选手,他的各项个人数据都很稳定,是队内最好的火力输出点之一(86.1 ADR)。队伍则开始在DreamHack春季大师赛上取得突破,他们在该赛事击败了各路顶级强队,最后仅输给Gambit止步四强,他们又在之后的flashpoint 3上获得季军。 两支最强的独联体队伍在这一整年都没让G2好过,尤其是在夏季赛阶段,当时的G2总是能以几乎全胜的姿态杀入淘汰赛,但之后就会被其中一队给淘汰出局。在IEM夏季赛上,Gambit再次阻断了G2晋级决赛的道路,而在接下来的BLAST春季决赛上,NAVI让他们再次无缘决赛。 在近一年半的时间后,IEM科隆以线下赛的形式回归。小组赛阶段,G2在数月的努力下终于击败了nafany带领的Gambit,并首次在今年打入决赛,可他们在决赛上输给了NAVI屈居亚军。 “当然,线下赛是会产生很大的影响,不仅是对我们,对别的队伍也是如此。此外,线下赛对那些擅长打线上赛的队伍也产生了不小的影响,所有队伍都希望证明他们一样能在线下赛表现出色,这也是为什么线下赛有它独有的魅力。在我看来线上和线下的CSGO是完全不同的两个游戏。” 尽管G2一直无法赢得冠军奖杯,但队伍的成绩和状态一直稳定的朝着正确的方向发展。那段时间里,huNter-和NiKo兄弟二人作为队内carry点并肩作战,huNter-有时甚至能在表现上略胜表弟一筹,比如他在IEM夏季赛上获得了个人的赛季第一个EVP。 然而G2在夏天休息结束后的状态出现了问题,他们在ESL职业联赛第14赛季中以0-5的小组成绩被淘汰出局,他们甚至输给了第一次参加顶级赛事的SINNERS和使用替补出战的Complexity。除了NiKo以外全员的状态都很低迷,huNter-在13张地图的个人rating则低于0.95。 “因为大家都有些自己的事情要处理,有些选手因为刚搬新家,网络和电脑都没办法第一时间设置好, 导致我们没有按计划开始为比赛做准备, 在落后一周的进度后想要赶上其他队伍真的很难。但老实说,0-5,真的不值得任何借口(笑),在那次失败后,我们立刻开始了集训,一切便开始好转。” 虽然huNter找回了自己的状态,但队伍的状态依然不稳定,G2在BLAST秋季小组赛上失去了直接晋级正赛的资格,在IEM欧洲区秋季赛也只是非常勉强的打进了前六名,不过他们还是确保了参加斯德哥尔摩Major的参赛资格。huNter在该赛事打出了自己的赛季最佳表现,凭借着1.30的个人rating和76.0%的KAST,huNter成功收获了赛季第三个EVP奖项。 来到Major的众人表现出了他们在本赛季的最好状态,NiKo的状态好到可怕,他优异的表现帮助队伍在传奇组以3-0的成绩挺进淘汰赛阶段,他们在之后的四分之一决赛中又以压倒性的优势战胜NIP晋级半决赛。 G2随后在该赛事面临了第一次真正的考验,不过他们还是在关键的加时赛上击败了Heroic晋级决赛,获得了再次挑战NAVI的机会,但事实证明他们的2021年的死敌实力太强了。尽管在Nuke上一度以15-10的分数领先,但huNter-和他的队伍始终无法将比赛杀死,最后NAVI艰难的战胜了这支欧洲队伍,而G2再次屈居亚军, 作为小组赛的关键选手和淘汰赛阶段的稳定发挥,huNter获得了本赛季的第四个EVP奖项。 “整个PGL Major是我2021年最美好的回忆。2021年第一次有观众的赛事,时隔两年多后的第一次Major,G2和我的第一次Major决赛,和NiKo一起参加的第一次Major。总的来说,一切都很完美,但如果真让我选一个瞬间的话,是我们在半决赛战胜Heroic的时候,获得胜利的时刻我永远不会忘记。” 由于nexa的签证问题,kennyS在IEM冬季赛重回首发名单,尽管由于失去了IGL和AWPer职责的变化,但 G2 还是在波黑兄弟的带领下杀出了一条血路。 通过在小组赛险胜TYLOO、Liquid和Vitality,他们得以直接晋级半决赛,但他们又在一次势均力敌的交锋中不敌NIP无缘决赛。 “我们的训练计划在Major后进行的非常好。我们没有做出过多的调整,只是专注在基础上做的更好。在我们发现我们可能要在nexa缺席接下来两个赛事后,我们的处境变得很艰难,因为正如我所说,我们本来五人的训练效果很好,现在没了IGL让我们无法处理比赛中的细节问题。” “于是我们让Kennys重新回到首发,并让他从AmaNEk手中接过AWPer的位置。NiKo成为了比赛中的主要指挥,我和AmaNEk也会分担指挥压力,这对我们所有人来说都不容易,但我们很高兴看到KennyS得到回归CS的机会,我希望他以后有机会再次回到CS的职业赛场。在这样的情况下,我们在IEM冬季赛的表现还算不错,但我们都知道我们本可以做的更好。” nexa在之后的BLAST秋季赛重新回到了队伍,然而队伍似乎失去了前进的动力,他们在败者组第二轮再次输给了NAVI被淘汰,而huNter-则以0.92的赛事个人rating以去年同样的方式结束了他的2021赛季。 “说实话,当我输给比我们更强的队伍时,我从来不会感到难过。每次跟他们(NAVI)交手时,NAVI 都要表现的更加出色,毫无疑问,他们是目前世界上最强的队伍。不过我们在输给他们的比赛中其实都是有机会的,哪怕在0-3的科隆决赛上我们在一些地图上的比分也很接近。我为Major决赛的失利感到些许遗憾,因为我们本可以在Nuke取胜,而第三张地图是Mirage,我们认为我们在决胜局是有机会的,但是NAVI的表现确实值得胜利。我们需要的从与他们在2021年的比赛中学习,因为你每次复盘跟他们的比赛,你总是能学到很多,我们要尝试在2022年做的更好。” 为什么huNter-被评为2021年top20选手的第12名? huNter-连续两年入选了top20选手的名单,这次的他排在第12名,相比去年的第13名稍有进步。 这位波斯尼亚明星选手在这一整年出色的击杀数据让他得以脱颖而出,他在2021年的平均每回合多杀率 (19.1%) 和每回合击杀数 (0.74) 中排名第5。 他在顶级赛事的179张地图和82张对阵top10队伍的地图中保持了这些数据,与目前入选top20的其他选手相比要出色很多。 他与其他选手最大的不同是,他的出色表现让他收获了5次EVP奖项,其中包括IEM科隆,PGL Major和IEM冬季赛的三个顶级赛事,这使他成为目前入选top20的所有人中个人奖项最多的选手。最后,另一个让huNter-入选的原因是他在关键比赛出色且稳定的挥发,他在46张的关键比赛地图中获得了1.09的raitng,排名第11名。 但是,他在两次BLAST赛事和ESL职业联赛第14赛季的糟糕表现让他无法获得更高的名次,同时他在对上top10队伍时的个人rating也是最低的(1.05)。 “我在2022年没有什么个人的目标,我只想和队伍一起赢下冠军奖杯,其它的一切便会随之而来,我想尽我所能帮助队伍赢下冠军。至于期望,我们目前还没讨论这方面的问题,但我们马上就要开始集训了,我们肯定会一起讨论我们在2022年的目标和期望。不过你只需要知道一件事,我们会像以往一样为了达成目标全力以赴,让我们一起拭目以待吧。” huNter-使用的外设和游戏设置参数 huNter-的明日之星 —— m0NESY “m0NESY是我新赛季的队友,他只有16岁,却天赋异禀。他将有机会参加今年的所有顶级赛事,而我们会辅佐他毫无压力的成为2022年的top20选手之一。我很期待他在新赛季的表现,我要在这里正式表示欢迎他的加入。”


helmet 头盔


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求the rime of ancient mariner整个诗翻译


Into the wild

昨天看了这部电影,中文名《荒野生存》,很久没有类似的真实故事能让我内心有一丝的共鸣和感动,一个人真的能够放下一切脱离社会去做他想做的事情? 在北京时我曾经也有过这样的经历,那个时候每个月都要去爬山,和朋友或者驴友走那些熟悉得不能再熟悉的徒步路线,偶尔我也会独自去走,有一个冬天不知怎么的决定自己走别人没有走过的路线,就好像电影中Alex决定去恶劣的阿拉斯加山野独自生活几个月,用了两年的准备期后所有他觉得具备的条件都具备后义无反顾去了荒野。所有这一切他给自己的理由就是“Just want to let you know you are great man" 。在穿过荒废已久的树林小路时天渐黑,下山的路估计最快还要两个小时,那个时候无助感几乎覆盖整个大脑,是留下来在树林中生个篝火度过黑夜还是继续往前?虽然带有打火机和压缩饼干,但没有御寒衣物独自度过寒冷的黑夜是很危险的。无论怎样都要走出去。很快走到了一个岔路,一条是陡坡可以很快下山,一条是延伸的平路。天渐黑如果走陡坡下山还能在天黑前出山,我知道在黑夜里走山路即使你有照明灯也是很危险的,于是决定从陡坡下山。下山的陡坡是石头路,几乎没有多少树木遮挡,但因为平时爬山中我非常清楚自己可以很好控制下山的身体平衡,这也是我决定走陡坡没有多想的原因。这个决定非常明智,一刻钟不到就很快下了山,虽然下山路途中遇到过比较险要的情况,很幸运都很冷静的解决通过。 也是这次难忘的经历让我以后不会在没有充分了解的情况下做不负责任的事情和决定。 “只有学会去原谅,你懂得去爱,只有你爱了,上帝的光芒才会照耀你” 以下是看到的写的不错的影评,摘取其中的部分分享: ----------------------------------------------- 影片讲述了主人公Alex(他称自己作Alexander Supertramp)为了寻找自我、寻找“生命的智慧”而在大学毕业后,毅然抛弃一切,独自向西(traveling without goals),并且记下旅行所见以及在阿拉斯加生活的故事。 开篇: There is a pleasure in the pathless woods. There is a rapture on the lonely shore. There is society,where none intrudes. By the deep sea,and music in its roar. I love not man less,but Nature more. ——Lord Byron 在到达阿拉斯加的前一站,Alex遇到了Ron,学会了皮革制品,自己制作皮带记录了他的旅途: 其中,印象很深刻的片段有两个:一个是和Tracy分别时,Tracy难过得不知所措;另一个是在山顶上,和老人Ron一起共同分享对生活的看法,彼此对生活的态度都发生了一点改变。 --"You"re wrong if you think that the joy of life comes principally from human relationships.God"s placed it all around us.It"s in everything.It"s anything we can experience.People just need to change the way they look at those things." --"There"s some kind of bigger thing we can all appreciate,and it sounds like you don"t mind calling it God.But when you forgive,you love. And when you love,God"s light shines on you." 当然,令人回味的场景还有许多,比如Alex在想要射杀母鹿时眼神中流露出的犹豫,将最后一枚硬币送给老人,在峡谷中M和S对他发出邀请时的温暖,还有死亡前说的那句话“What if I were smiling and running into your arms. Would you see then,what I see now.”(也许Alex对于不告而行有一些愧疚,可同样也从wild中得到心灵的解脱。至今仍然不是很明白这句话) 最终,因为河汛的来临,Alex被困在荒野中,虚弱而死。(看到最后一段处,感觉十分心酸。多么希望他能获救,回到社会中,然后谅解了父母,成为Ron的外孙,与Tracy相恋。这样的结局该是多么美好,可这种想法连自己都感觉太过天真可笑。)对于他的做法,褒贬不一,比如说不管自己的父母怎样伤心不告而别,没有一定的规划,不留后路,因而认为他自私,没有理智。但是,"If we admit that human life can be ruled by reason,the possibility of life is destroyed." 每个人都曾有一个流浪的梦想。只是随着时间,这种梦想渐渐被压下,变得越发无力。Alex的身上,有自己想要而却没有的勇气,他的行为使人敬佩。另一方面,却又觉得他有些极端和理想主义。用烧掉钱的方式来表示与他眼中“病态社会”的决裂却又不得不去打工挣钱;崇尚自然的美好却因为不懂得敬畏自然而招食恶果。他可以引用卢梭,托尔斯泰的话语回答别人对他提出的疑问,可是我们仍能感觉到他心中的一种矛盾与挣扎。与其说他是在回答别人,倒不如说是在肯定自己。(某篇影评说的很棒,“年轻读书人反思世界的极端而浅显的深刻,是真诚而可贵的故作姿态”。http://i.mtime.com/whui/blog/1013420/) 然而,不论同意他的做法与否,Alex是在书写他自己的故事。虽然结局令人遗憾,但是两年的经历比之于为了生存而盲目奔波一生要多彩得多。在死前他找到了自己生命的智慧, "I have had a happy life and thank the lord. Good bye and may god bless all!" 之于观影者的我们,我想更多地应该是思考。关于幸福?关于自由?自己该以怎样的态度来面对自己的生活?This is our life。我想,这才是西恩潘苦等十年来拍此片的本意吧。 当然,还有神奇巴士的出现,只能说是太magic了!触动人心的语言: 1. You think you have to want more than you need.Until you have it all you won"t be freed.When you want more than you have you think you need,your thoughts begin to bleed. 2. If you want something in life,reach out and grab it. 3. You"re wrong if you think that the joy of life comes principally from human relationships.God"s placed it all around us.It"s in everything.It"s anything we can experience.People just need to change the way they look at those things. 4. There"s some kind of bigger thing we can all appreciate,and it sounds like you don"t mind calling it God.But when you forgive,you love.And when you love,God"s light shines on you. 5. Happiness only real when shared. 附部分剧照与截图:


represent既然是动词,它就一定会有动词的用法,也会有它的例句。下面是我为大家整理的关于represent的用法和例句_represent的知识,希望对您有所帮助。欢迎大家阅读参考学习! 目录 represent的用法 represent的用法例句 represented的英语例句 represent的用法 represent的用法1:represent的基本意思是“代表”,多指受委托代表某人、组织、机构、国家等办理某事。 represent的用法2:引申可指“象征”“体现”“表示”“描绘”“声称”“扮演”等。 represent的用法3:represent既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。 represent的用法4:用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、that从句作宾语;也可接双宾语,其间接宾语须由介词to引出。represent还可接以as 短语 充当补足语的复合宾语。 <<< represent的用法例句 1. The two politicians represent opposite poles of the political spectrum. 这两位从政者代表了政界的两个极端。 2. These proposals represent a realistic starting point for negotiation. 这些建议是谈判的现实出发点。 3. These 50,000 arrears cases represent a tiny fraction of all home owners. 这5万个欠款案例只代表所有业主中的一小部分人。 4. The general secretary may represent the president at official ceremonies. 可以在一些官方仪式上代表主席。 5. For many they clearly represent an alternative to run-of-the-mill estate cars. 对于很多人来说,他们显然可以作为一般旅行车的替代品。 6. Greater government intervention in businesses would represent a step backwards. 政府加强对企业的干涉将是一种倒退。 7. I have been picked out to represent the whole team. 我被选出来代表全队。 8. The parliament didn"t deserve to represent the nation"s will. 国会不配代表全国人民的意志。 9. We believe you represent everything British racing needs. 我们相信你代表了英国 赛马 所需要的一切。 10. I can only represent it to you by metaphors. 我只能用隐喻来向你描述它. 11. The two authors represent the opposite poles of fictional genius. 这两位作者代表了天才小说家两个极端. 12. The film purported to represent the lives of ordinary people. 这部影片声称旨在表现普通人的生活. 13. I"ll represent to him the risk he is running. 我要向他指出他所面临的险境. 14. She purports to represent the whole group. 她自称代表整个团体. 15. We selected her to represent us. 我们选她作为我们的代表. <<< represented的英语例句 1. There are 94 countries represented in Barcelona, from Algeria to Zimbabwe. 包括从阿尔及利亚到津巴布韦的94个国家在巴塞罗那设有代表处。 2. In New Mexico all kinds of cuisines are represented. 在新墨西哥州,有各种各样的烹饪 方法 。 3. It was me she didn"t like, not what I represented. 她不喜欢的是我,而不是我的陈述。 4. All nationalities were represented — but the English predominated. 所有国家都有代表出席——但是英格兰人占大多数。 5. Military bandsmen played music from each country represented at the summit. 军乐队演奏了峰会中各与会国的音乐。 6. Roemer represented the best hope for a businesslike climate in Louisiana. 罗默最有希望给路易斯安那州带来务实高效之风。 7. Europe will be represented in all but two of the seven races. 除了两项赛事之外,欧洲在其余5项赛事中都有代表参加。 8. Women are already well represented in the area of TV drama. 女性在电视剧领域占据了一席之地。 9. These developments represented a major change in the established order. 这些发展代表了现有秩序的重大转变。 10. He suggested that the shapes represented a map of Britain and Ireland. 他暗示这些图形象征了英国和爱尔兰的地图。 11. I had a presentiment that he represented a danger to me. 我预感他会给我带来危险。 12. They represented a ruthless and illegitimate regime that could not remain forever. 他们代表了一个残暴的非法政权,这样的政权是不可能长久的。 13. This period represented a high water mark for liberal denominations. 这一时期代表了自由主义教派的全盛时期。 14. Computers have always represented the latest in technology. 计算机向来是最新科技的象征。 15. Each rank of the peerage was represented. 每个贵族阶级都有代表。 <<< represent的用法和例句相关 文章 : ★ represent的用法和例句 ★ represent的过去式和用法例句 ★ represent的短语有哪些是什么意思 ★ represent的短语有哪些是什么意思 ★ opposite的用法总结大全 ★ represent的用法和例句 ★ 英语四级作文必备知识:平行结构(2) ★ 高考必刷卷押题6套英语参考答案(2) ★ 雅思写作7分必备知识点 ★ opposite的用法和例句 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = "https://hm.baidu.com/hm.js?a4b756339138199b385b89eb6d5bb4e2"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();



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  department的中文意思   英 [dpɑ:tmnt] 美 [dpɑ:rtmnt]   第三人称复数:departments   名词 部门,部; 系,学部; 知识范围; 车间   相关例句   名词   1. Advertising is my department.   我负责做广告。   2. She"s the head of the firm"s personnel department.   她是公司人事部门的负责人。   3. It isn"t my department.   那不是我的专长。   department的单语例句   1. And there was a gentleman"s agreement with department stores not to siphon sales by reaching out directly to wealthy customers.   2. Most department stores in Beijing have also seen a prominent increase in sales, according to statistics provided by the Beijing Municipal Business Committee.   3. The US State Department released a brief statement, indicating that the first day of discussions " have been serious and businesslike ".   4. People should call the police or the department through the Government hotline 1823 if they see any act of animal cruelty.   5. The Shanxi health department study said students with more money at their disposal were more likely to buy cigarettes and take up smoking.   6. Instead of buying it at full price at department stores, she tries to find them at places such as the zoo market.   7. It was to be followed by an address by Obama and Clinton to State Department employees.   8. The work was ordered to be halted in February by the Lands Department over a breach of land lease conditions.   9. The US State Department has urged the council to vote on its new sanctions resolution by June 21.   department的.情景对话   电话推销   A:Hello. This is a representative of Zhongyou Department Store.Sir, everything now is offered with a great discount.I am sure you would like to know more about it.   喂,您好。我是中友百货的。先生,所有的东西都在打很大的折扣。我相信您一定想知道详情。   B:I am sorry. I am not free right now.   对不起,我现在很忙。   A:Sir, this offer will expire this week.This is the last chance you can get up to 60 percent discount.   先生,这次特价这个礼拜就结束了。这是您可以得到6折的最后机会。   B:Sorry, I"m very busy now.   对不起,我现在很忙。   Shopping Centers-(购物中心)   B:What sort of shopping is nearby, Mr. Taylor?   泰勒先生,附近有什么购物中心?   A:Call me John. This is a great area of the city for shopping. There"s a grocery store just around the corner.   叫我约翰吧。这一带是市区里购物的好地方。在附近有一个食品杂货店。   B:What about things other than food?   除了食物还有什么?   A:Well, the Riverside Mall has 200 stores in it, including four major department stores.   噢,河畔购物中心内有200家店铺,还包括4家主要的百货商店。   B:Are there small shops near here as well?   这儿附近也有小商店吗?   A:Yes, on 4th street, near the movie theater there are many specialty shops, including clothing boutiques.   是的,在第4大街,电影院附近有很多专卖店,其中还有专卖流行衣服的商店。   B:Well, that sounds just wonderful.   噢,听起来倒挺好。   A:Yes, it"s a really nice neighborhood.   是呀,这个地方可真不错。   拓展阅读:   1. She was the only woman in Shell"s legaldepartment.   她是壳牌公司法律事务部唯一的女性。   来自柯林斯例句   2. Officials at the StateDepartmentsay the issue is urgent.   国务院官员说该问题很急迫。   来自柯林斯例句   3. She appears nightly on the television news, speaking for the StateDepartment.   她作为国务院的发言人,每晚都会出现在电视新闻中。   来自柯林斯例句   4. He passed the letters to theDepartmentof Trade and Industry.   他把信交给了贸工部。   来自柯林斯例句   5. Patients took more than two hours to be processed through thedepartment.   病人在这个科看病需要两个多小时的时间。

But the Nobel Foundation limit of three recipients per prize, each of whom must still be living,

outgrow愿意是“长大不再需要,过大而不适合”,用在被动情况下,就是“不适合;被抛弃不用”的意思,这里应该是“不适合”之意,指不适应“现代科研的联合/合作研究的特性/现状”。row在这里应该是指“一系列,一连串(的问题)”,这要结合下文。as引到的是一个定语从句,修饰破折号前面的整个句子,as代替的就是整个上面的句子“但是,诺贝尔基金会关于每个奖项只能有(不超过)三名获奖者,并且三人都必须健在的这种限制,早已被现代科研联合科研的特性所证明:它不再适应现状”,所以as指的是一件事,当然因该是“被证实/证明”。破折号前面的句子中,the Nobel Foundation limit是主语,has been outgrown是谓语,of three recipients per prize是limit的定语,而each of whom must be living则是recipients的定语从句;破折号后面,as是(定语从句的)主语,will be demonstrated是谓语,by the inevitable row是状语,over是介词“关于,就”,后面who引导的是over的宾语从句,over与自己的宾语从句一起构成介词短语,做row的定语“关于......的一系列问题”;宾语从句中,who是主语,is ignored是谓语,when引导时间状语从句,修饰谓语动词is ignored,"当需要对黑格斯玻色子的(伟大)发现进行褒奖的时候“。

存储过程出现 SQL statement ignored错误



把第二个main 函数中的num 变量定义插入到第一个main的变量定义中,然后把第二个main 函数中while(1)中的函数插入到第一个main 函数的while(1)中的else前面注意格式和大括号以及分号移植的时候的完整性

存储过程出现 SQL statement ignored错误



indifferent英 [u026anu02c8du026afru0259nt] 美 [u026anu02c8du026afu0259ru0259nt, -u02c8du026afru0259nt]adj.漠不关心的; 无关紧要的; 中立的; 中等的冷漠的;漠不关心的;冷淡的;无所谓派生词:indifferently 双语例句1. Of all the lazy, indifferent, unbusinesslike attitudes to have! 这是多么懒惰、冷漠、不敬业的态度!2. Crook liked her well enough, but remained indifferent to her feminine charms. 克鲁格还比较喜欢她,只是对她的女性魅力却始终无动于衷。3. The steel workers were relatively indifferent to the issue of nationalization. 相对而言,钢铁工人对国有化的议题并不太关心。4. She had starred in several very indifferent movies. 她主演过几部表现非常一般的电影。5. The government cannot afford to be indifferent to public opinion. 政府不可不关注舆论。

存储过程出现 SQL statement ignored错误是什么问题?

存储过程出现 SQL statement ignored错误是:存储过程语句错误,字段或变量名可能拼错,导致存储过程无法执行。解决方法:仔细检查存储过程里的变量,字段,语句等是否正确。PL/SQL的特点:1、PL/SQL是一种块结构语言,一个PL/SQL程序就是一个块,块中可以嵌套子块,能够使一组SQL语句的功能更具模块化程序特点;2、每个块中可以定义变量,变量的作用范围仅限于该块;3、PL/SQL程序块中可以使用SQL的查询语句,DML(表的增删改操作)语句及事务处理语句,可以对程序中的错误进行自动处理,使程序能够在遇到错误的时候不会被中断;4、PL/SQL程序大小写不敏感。5、Oracle中的PL/SQL引擎负责解释和执行PL/SQL程序,PL/SQL程序可以直接和SQL引擎进行交互。PL/SQL引擎的作用:编写的SQL语句,通过网络、java程序或者客户端工具发送给关系型数据库管理系统,PL/SQL引擎负责拿到这个字符串(SQL语句就是一个字符串文本格式),对其SQL语句进行语法分析,判断该SQL语句否符合Oracle中的语法要求,若符合,则执行SQL语句.PL/SQL程序块与SQL语言的区别:1、SQL语句:通过多条SQL语句实现功能时,每条语句都需要在客户端和服务端传递,而且每条语句的执行结果也需要在网络中进行交互,占用了大量的网络带宽,消耗了大量网络传递的时间,而在网络中传输的那些结果,往往都是中间结果,而不是我们所关心的。2、PL/SQL程序块:而使用PL/SQL程序是因为程序代码存储在数据库中,程序的分析和执行完全在数据库内部进行,用户所需要做的就是在客户端发出调用PL/SQL的执行命令,数据库接收到执行命令后,在数据库内部完成整个PL/SQL程序的执行,并将最终的执行结果反馈给用户。在整个过程中网络里只传输了很少的数据,减少了网络传输占用的时间,所以整体程序的执行性能会有明显的提高。PL/SQL块有以下三部分组成:声明部分(可选):声明常量、变量、复杂数据类型、游标等;(执行部分(必须):包含若干语句以实现特定功能;异常处理部分(可选):处理运行错误PL/SQL块结构:declare声明部分begin执行部分,可包含SQL语句或PL/SQL控制语句exception异常处理部分end;

英语高考 _________ I want to tell you is the deep love and respect

主语从句 what在从句中充当宾语

_____ I want to tell you is the deep love and respect I have for my parents. A.That B.Which.

D 句意:“我想告诉你的是我深爱我的父母并很尊重他们。”名词性从句的连词选用规则是:根据意思,缺什么就填什么,什么都不缺就填that。我们必须特别关注what所引导的名词性从句,what引导名词性时,必须在句中担当主、宾、表等成分,意思是“……的事或东西”,一般也不能用逗号和主句分割开来,插入语除外。我们还要关注whatever与what的区别,前者有两个意思——无论什么或anything that…(任何东西),而后者只表示“……的事或东西”;whatever与no matter what的区别在于前者既可以引导名词性从句也可以引导状语从句,而后者只能引导状语从句。其他配对词的用法也是类似的。【考点定位】考查名词性从句。要关注连词的一般用法,同时要关注某些引导词的特殊用法。

which was filled with deep love for his country


___I want to tell you is the deep love and respec


存储过程出现 SQL statement ignored错误是什么问题?

存储过程出现 SQL statement ignored错误是:存储过程语句错误,字段或变量名可能拼错,导致存储过程无法执行。解决方法:仔细检查存储过程里的变量,字段,语句等是否正确。扩展资料:PL/SQL引擎的作用:编写的SQL语句,通过网络、java程序或者客户端工具发送给关系型数据库管理系统,PL/SQL引擎负责拿到这个字符串(SQL语句就是一个字符串文本格式),对其SQL语句进行语法分析,判断该SQL语句否符合Oracle中的语法要求,若符合,则执行SQL语句。PL/SQL程序块与SQL语言的功能:SQL语句通过多条SQL语句实现功能时,每条语句都需要在客户端和服务端传递,而且每条语句的执行结果也需要在网络中进行交互,占用了大量的网络带宽,消耗了大量网络传递的时间,而在网络中传输的那些结果,往往都是中间结果,而不是我们所关心的。PL/SQL程序块而使用PL/SQL程序是因为程序代码存储在数据库中,程序的分析和执行完全在数据库内部进行,用户所需要做的就是在客户端发出调用PL/SQL的执行命令,数据库接收到执行命令后,在数据库内部完成整个PL/SQL程序的执行,并将最终的执行结果反馈给用户。在整个过程中网络里只传输了很少的数据,减少了网络传输占用的时间,所以整体程序的执行性能会有明显的提高。参考资料来源:百度百科-SqlServer

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Deep Love (Center Of My Universe Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Deep Love (Center Of My Universe Album Version)歌手:Michelle Tumes专辑:Very Best Of Michelle TumesTitle: Deep LoveArtist: Michelle TumesAlbum: Center of My UniverseSky is calling to the steepleAs it echoes out my nameI can hear You in the air I breatheSpanning the years that have come and goneYou roll like the ocean underneath the sunWeaving my soul to the Holy OneWeaving on and on with...Love, it searches everythingIt searches everyoneYour love, it reaches all that I amAnd I am overcome by YourDeep, deep loveDeep, deep loveCandles are burningAnd I pray that You"ll be near me as I kneelI can see You in the air I breatheSpanning the years that have come and goneYou roll like the ocean underneath the sunWeaving my soul to the Holy OneWeaving on and on with...Love, it searches everythingIt searches everyoneYour love, it reaches all that I amAnd I am overcome by YourDeep, deep loveDeep, deep loveLove, it searches everythingIt searches everyoneYour love, it reaches all that I amAnd I am overcome by YourDeep, deep loveDeep, deep loveLove, it searches everythingIt searches everyoneYour love, it reaches all that I amAnd I am overcome by YourDeep, deep loveDeep, deep loveYourDeep, deep loveDeep, deep loveDeep, deep loveDeep, deep loveQQqun7979278http://music.baidu.com/song/2589816

Penitentiary 歌词翻译

Penitentiary 牢狱by Citizen Cope演唱:西铁城 科普Well I"m waiting on the day恩,我在等待那一天When the people walk free to see那时人们可以自由的走走看看When the penitentiary is on fire那时牢狱失火毁灭When there"s no needTo bleedFor your mother or your brotherOr the one that bomes before you whoa那时无需再为你的母亲,或你的兄弟或为在你之前先挂掉的那位仁兄而战斗流血,哦~~~Well I"m waiting on a time when people walk free to see>From the renitentiary in our mind恩~我在等待那一天人们可以走出心中的牢狱自由的走走看看When there"s no need to bleedFor your fatherOr your sonOr the one that you"ve becomeWhen the penitentiary is on fire那时无需再为你的父亲,或你的子孙或为你自己的私欲战斗流血……哦当牢狱失火毁灭

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不是SCI。一本普通的英文期刊,以下是官网介绍The aim of IJAIST is to subsidize onrushing knowledge in various research fields with erudition, hence to elevate high trait research.The IJAIST is progressively vital journal for the development of Information Science and Technology. The core addressees of this publication comprises academics, research scholars, graduate students, practitioners and all others interested in Information Science and Technology research. The journal welcomes and encourages articles from both practitioners and academics.IJAIST is an entrenched and prominent venue for publishing research papers as recognized by various universities and international professional bodies. IJAIST is an arbitrated open for publishing scientific papers in all areas of information science and technology research. The objective of IJAIST is to impart succor in the development of science and technology. Most importantly, IJAIST aspire at progressive conventional journals by the pioneer to explore in their respective research areas.IJAIST is a Double Blind Peer Reviewed Journal. Reviewing is an essential building block in the development of a coherent and respected network of knowledge. It reflects the quality of research carried out by a researcher. The success of Scientific publishing relies on the review process and IJAIST provides one such review process to publish a research article.


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collectively exhaustive event?

更新1: 唔系好明 可唔可以再解得清d 若将对应于各事件的并集等于样本空间﹐则称这些事件是collectively exhaustive events (互补事件) 例如事件A B的并集是整个样本空间﹐所以事件A B是collectively exhaustive events OTHER 资料: en. *** /wiki/Collectively_exhaustive_events .geocities/ou_b171c/notes/unit2ac.doc collectively exhaustive event即 集体详尽事件 参考: igoogle

谁认识一个叫Ina的女歌手,就是唱I wanted you的那个..介绍一下


求Ina的I wanted you中英文歌词,歌曲连接。

Iwantedyou我曾那么需要你LatelyI"vebeenthinkingaboutwhatIcandoI"vebeenstressingtofallbackinlovewithyouI"msosorrythatIcouldn"tfollowthroughButIcan"tgoonthisway.I"vegottostopitbabeYou"vebeenwonderfulinallthatyoucanbeButithurtswhenyousaythatyouunderstandmeSobelieveme.I,Iamsorry,I,Iamsorry,I,I最近我总在想我该怎么做压力让我难以继续去爱你抱歉我没有办法坚持到底但我不想继续这样下去我必须让这一切停止宝贝你做什么都那么出色但当你说懂我时却让我伤心所以相信我对不起对不起*IwantedyoutobetherewhenIfallIwantedyoutoseemethroughitallIwantedyoutobetheoneIlovedIwantedyou,IwantedyouIwantedyoutoholdmeinmysleepIwantedyoutoshowmewhatIneedIwantedyoutoknowjusthowdowndeepIwantedyou,Iwantedyou我跌倒时要你陪在身边我要你陪着我看尽万物我要你成为我唯一的爱我需要你我需要你我熟睡时要你将我搂紧我要你了解我的所需我要你知道我的爱多深我需要你我需要你I"vebeenpushinghardtoopenupthedoorTryingtotakeusbacktowherewewerebeforeButI"mdone.Ijustcan"tdothisanymore"Causewecan"tbemended,solet"sstoppretendingnowWe"vebeenwalkingaroundincirclesforsometimeAndIthinkweshouldheadforthefinishlineSobelieveme.I,Iamsorry,I,Iamsorry,I,I我曾经艰难地打开门想和你一起回到过去但是我选择了放弃没有办法再这样下去因为我俩难以复合所以就让彼此别再假装我们曾交集成一个圆我想也应该到终点了所以相信我对不起对不起Repeat*(重复带*号的一段)I,I...I"msosorrybabyButI,I...IgottapackupandleaveButI,I"llalwaysrememberhowwecameclose...tobeinghowIwantedtobeIwantedyoubabyIwantedyou亲爱的对不起但是我..我将整装出发但是我..我将永远记得我俩如此接近以此来说明我我曾那么需要你宝贝曾需要你.. 链接:http://83.media.v4.skyrock.net/...e4f16df.mp3更多热门歌曲>>


《Essays Ancient and Modern》(Bernard Knox)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1WrWTlEHWhZ7vaf5AlcAqrQ 提取码:txa8书名:Essays Ancient and Modern作者:Bernard Knox出版社:The Johns Hopkins University Press出版年份:1990-9-1页数:352内容简介:Linked by the events of Bernard Knox"s remarkable life, the twenty-five chapters of "Essays Ancient and Modern" cover subjects ranging from Hesiod, Homer, and Thucydides to Auden, Forster, and the Spanish Civil War. With a masterful eye for the telling detail, Knox continually reminds us that we share the present with antiquity"s living past. A soldier in Italy finds a battered book in the rubble of a bombed-out firehouse-- and opens it to read Virgil"s denunciation of war. An illiterate Greek bard composes a garbled Homeric song to celebrate the recent heroism of local partisans. A traveler heading north from modern Athens must choose between the Sacred Way-- or the NATO Road. Whether the subject is the role of women in ancient Athens or the novelists of modern Italy, the wit and erudition of Bernard Knox never fail to instruct and delight. Now in paperback, "Essays Ancient and Modern" takes it place alongside the distinguished essays of Knox"s "Word and Action", a book whose title brings together, in the words of Anthony Hecht, "the double strand of his admirable career".


apparently造句:His erudition was apparently endless.他显然学识渊博。He paused, apparently lost in thought.他停顿下来,显然陷入了沉思。The Korean ship was apparently undamaged.那艘韩国船只显然并未被破坏。The two crimes are apparently unconnected.这两起犯罪显然没有关联。

apparently apparent用法

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