barriers / 阅读 / 详情

Itu2019s a surprise that this innocent-looking person should have ______ such a crime. A. performed B.

2023-06-26 11:11:42


commit:v. 委托(托付), 犯罪, 作 ... 事, 承诺

e.g.1.One cannot commit crimes with impunity.一个人不能犯了罪不受惩罚。

2.The novelist makes his heroine commit suicide at the end of the book.那小说作者在书的结尾让他的女主人公自杀了。


不受惩罚 英语怎么说

2023-06-25 23:44:535


2023-06-25 23:45:071


2023-06-25 23:45:143


in order that [后接从句]为了,以…为目的,目的在于,旨在 They worked hard in order that they might succeed.他们努力工作,以便能够获得成功.I lent him my bike in order that he could save time.我把自行车借给他,以便他能节省一些时间.We often do good in order that we may do evil with impunity.我们常常是为了可以不受惩罚地做坏事而做好事.so that 1.为的是,以便 2.以至于 The ink had faded so that many words were illegible.墨水有已褪色的以便许多字是难辨认的.Pass the cake round so that everyone can take a piece.把蛋糕拿去传一圈,让每个人都可以分到一块.I drink this poison so that we can be together forever.我喝下这个毒药,这样我们就能永远在一起了.
2023-06-25 23:45:331

“你无论怎样称赞他都不过分”翻译成英语。 “我不会容忍你违反校规而不受惩罚”翻译成英语。大家帮帮忙。

you can never over praise can never praise him enough.i won"t put up with you violating school rules and getting away with it.i won"t stand you violating school rules without punishment.
2023-06-25 23:45:439


世冠外卡赛如下:直播吧11月24日讯 2022王者世冠KIC外卡赛最后一日比赛结束!晋级情况尘埃落定,四支晋级小组赛的队伍分别是:日本SCARZ、南亚Impunity Esports 、韩国Gen.G Esports、泰国Bacon Time。由望月草教练带队的日本SCARZ今日战胜强敌南亚Impunity Esports,跃居积分榜头名,斩获外卡赛全胜战绩!实力不容小觑!南亚Impunity Esports与韩国Gen.G Esports今日均一胜一负,他们在本次外卡赛中都展现了强大的打团能力和个人实力,期待他们在小组赛中的发挥!这次的世冠可以说是真正意义上的走向世界,KPL赛区只有8个名额,剩下的四个名额分别来自于土耳其,巴西,墨西哥和中东北非,另外四个名额来自全球各地的其他队伍。KPL赛区的狼队和eStar已经提前晋级了,剩下的12支队伍将会通过选拔赛的形势角逐6个正赛名额,其中积分比较高的GK,XYG,TTG和WB可以打第一轮选拔赛,剩下的8支队伍可以打第二轮选拔赛,只要进了正赛就会有高额的奖金,所以每支队伍都会拼尽全力。
2023-06-25 23:45:581


zvczzxvbdddddddddddddddfsdga gbafh hadfsv hghgd
2023-06-25 23:46:135


罗丹最著名的名言:“生活中不是没有美,而是缺少发现美的眼睛。” 所谓大师,就是这样的人,他们用自己的眼睛去看别人见过的东西,在别人司空见惯的东西上能够发现出美来。——罗丹 [治学·成才|人才] Our eyes are blind to beauty, because we are unable to discover it.英文原句。
2023-06-25 23:46:503


The boat could brave any leak with impunity brave 在这里是不及物动词,勇敢的面对,后面必须加名词 所以说with impunity 不是brave的宾语,只能是状语 改成上面的句式就好理解了
2023-06-25 23:47:081


2023-06-25 23:47:415

新媒体 可以取代 旧媒体 (如:报纸、电视)吗? 10点

报纸一直是公众的主要新闻来源,因为它的篇幅多,可以刊载较电子媒介详尽的资讯,所以地位并没因电台、电视的出现而被取缔。不过,随资讯科技、特别是互联网的迅速发展,大众看新闻的习惯亦出现根本性的改变,报纸作为主要新闻来源的地位正受到重大冲击。 有些学者更认为报纸有可能在二三十年后完全被取代。最近,在The Economist 一篇题为"Who killed the newspaper ? " (谁杀死了报纸?)的 文章中,对报章面对新媒体下的形势有这样的看法: Newspapers have not yet started to shut down in large numbers but it is only a matter of time . Over the next few decades half the rich world"s general papers may fold . Jobs are already disappearing . According to the Newspaper Association of America the number of people employed in the industry fell by 18 % beeen 1990 and 2004 . (虽然报纸仍未大量倒闭,但这只是迟早的问题。在未来几十年,世界上有一半的报纸会结束。据美国报业协会表示,一九九○至二○○四年间报业雇用 人数下降了百分之十八。) 媚俗影响质素 互联网对传媒生态带来翻天覆地的转变已 是不可 逆转 的 事实 。要 命 的是 观 众 与读 者 转到 新媒介的同 时 , 亦 把传 统 媒介的 命脉—— — 广 告—— — 也一 并带走 。 Advertising (广告 ) is following readers out of the door . The rush is almost unseemly (难 看 的 ) largely because the Inter is a seductive (吸引力 大的 ) medium (媒介 ) that supposedly matches buyers with sellers and proves to advertisers that their money is well spent . Classified ads (分 类 广告 ) in particular are quickly shifting online . Rupert Murdoch the Beaverbrook of our age once described them as the industry"s rivers of gold - but as he said last year "Sometimes rivers dry up . " 这不是 危言耸听 。 文章 指出, 瑞 士 和 荷兰 报 章 的 分 类 广告已 被互联网 抢去 了一半。报 业钜 子 梅铎 一度把 广告形容 为报 业 的 「 金河 」 ,但 去年 他也不 得 不 承认 , 「 金河 有 时 也 会干涸 」 。 报 业式微 ,被 迫转攻媚俗 的 内容 以 求生存 ,那还有 谁 来 当社会 的 监察 者? 这 问题令 一些学者 十分忧虑 : In future as newspapers fade and change will politici therefore burgle their opponents" offices with impunity and corporate villains whoop as they trample over their victims ? With impunity 是指 肆无忌惮的 。 Trample over 即是 践踏 、 蹂躏 。 政客 (politici ) 会 否 肆 无 忌惮 的 爆窃 对 手 的 办 公 室 ?无 良商 人、 企 业 的恶棍 (corporate villains ) 是否就可以 肆 意 践踏 无 辜 的 受害 人? 但 文章认 为报纸 业 地位下 降 对 民 主 社会运 作的 影响 不 会像 一些人 想像 的大,电视的出现也曾 令 报纸 销量 下 跌 ,但 民 主的 体制却未 被 削 弱 : Nobody should relish the demise of once-great titles . But the decline of newspapers will not be as harmful to society as some fear . Democracy remember has already survived the huge television-led decline in circulation since the 1950s . 报 界求 生 秘 笈 新闻学教 授 Philip Meyer 在 The Vanishing Newspaper : Saving Journali *** in t he Information Age 一 书 中, 分析 了新媒 体 的出 现对报纸 读 者 群 的 重 大 影响 ,但他 认 为 高质 素 的新闻 永远 有 市场 ,这也 是报纸 长远生存 之道。 历史的经验告诉我们,新兴媒体不可能取代传统媒体。报纸可以与网络起到互补作用。媒体应该是受众的老师。在当今信息爆炸的时代,网络能够「海量」提供信息,报纸则应当承担起为读者选择、分析、解释、评论信息的责任。因此,报纸要更重视评论文章,从深度入手,而不能只顾去「抢新闻」。 报纸绝对未死,反而是大有可为的生意,关键在于管理层能否在节流中保持报纸质素,吸引及留住读者,同时运用互联网的威力,发展为另一盘有自我风格、自力更生的生意。报业的凄惨情况被夸大了,行业不断求变本是正常事,谁能够在报纸质素上精益求精并懂得释放互联网的威力,办报纸是又赚钱又有前景的生意。 未来,传统媒体将如何转型,我们拭目以待! 参考: 网上评论文章 我觉得唔可以。 因为好似报纸同tv呢d...除左方便年青人..而且对于老年人来说亦较能掌握 相反互联网未必个个上左年纪既人都知点用.. 再者..就利用电视同互联网既新闻比较 电视既新闻有宠大既新闻制作组 而且较能紧贴同更加深入报导 互联网只是利用文字去表达..欠缺真实感 参考: 自己
2023-06-25 23:47:551


  Lyu Xinhua, spoke *** an for the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People"s Political Consultative Conference, talks to media on the sidelines of a news conference on Monday. Wei Xiaohao / China Daily   香港凤凰卫视女记者问: *** 反腐风暴不会停止,有消息称最近有更大的老虎落马,请问如何理解“更大的老虎”?   吕新华说:党和 *** ,还有人民群众,在反腐的问题上,我们的态度是一致的。我套用一个网络热词就叫:大家都很任性。在这一点上,没有分歧。   他补充说:“大家都支持,有老虎的话,把他拉出来,态度上大家都很任性,对不对啊?”看到记者们纷纷点头,发言人也“哈哈”乐起来。   “任性”如何翻译?大家都在为现场翻译捏一把汗,现场翻译是这样处理的:   I should say, the Party, the government, and the general public actually adopt the same attitude when it es to anti-corruption. So we can be said to be capricious in fighting against corruption, and we are entitled to be so.   吕新华接着回应反腐败的问题:   吕新华:在过去一年,党中央坚持无禁区、全覆盖、零容忍,严肃查处腐败分子,着力营造不敢腐、不能腐、不想腐的政治氛围,成效明显。在反腐斗争中,发现一起查处一起,发现多少查处多少,绝不封顶设限,没有不受查处的“铁帽子王”。   现场翻译用这句话巧妙解释了这一含义:No one has impunity.(没有人可以免罚。)   下面我们来看看《中国日报》对“铁帽子王”的翻译:   Lyu said that in fighting corruption it"s important to deal with any and all of it. There will be no "iron-cap princes" that have immunity, he said.(吕新华表示,在反腐斗争中,发现一起查处一起,发现多少查处多少,没有不受查处的“铁帽子王”。)   那么,“铁帽子王”这个词是怎么来的呢?   "Iron-cap princes" refers to 12 special princes during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) whose princely titles were to be "passed on forever" through generations. Other princes" sons could only inherit a title at a lower level.   “铁帽子王”是对清代世袭罔替的王爵的俗称。整个清代共有12位承袭爵位无需降等的“铁帽子王”。一般情况下,功封王爵者多属世袭罔替,而恩封爵位者则多属世袭递降。   铁帽子王和其他亲王相比,享有的特权一是“世袭罔替”, 隔代不降爵;二是俸禄优厚,岁俸银1万两,禄米1万斛;三是赐予世袭罔替王府,又叫铁帽子王府。
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2023-06-25 23:48:471


lord XX
2023-06-25 23:49:0311


minor(这个在GG里面有听到过,所以肯定日常正式都OK)not yet of age;under age;immaturity
2023-06-25 23:49:472


1, from the perspective of the West The West"s understanding of cultural background, such as: the famous psychological thriller "seven". The film is about a crazy murderer claimed God, the Catholic Church on the death penalty seven major disciplinary offences one by one to kill the story. Seven in this very mysterious religious figures in the film also be reflected everywhere, but if the film were translated into a simple "7", the Chinese audience will not have the same cultural identity and Lenovo, the film premiers When translated into the "seven sins", the story of the main line and seven Dianming most major religious implication. Is the cultural values embodied in the classic example. "One Flew over theCuckoo"s Nest" literal translation for "flying over the cuckoo"s Waterloo", in fact, "Cuckoo"sNest" in English is the "mental hospital" means, thereby "One Flew Over the Cuckoo"s Nest" have been translated into more accurate and vivid manifestation of the The original title and the essence of film itself. In adapting to the cultural needs of Chinese audiences, such as, The Spiderman to "Spider-Man" is the demand of the Chinese people, "Xia word" understanding. Another example is the word many of the films were typical of translation and culture with Chinese characteristics is the translation also reflects the traditional Chinese cultural flavor. Another example is just the best picture Oscar, "according to the old no", it is the English translation of "No Country for Old Men", is derived from the early 19th century British poet John Keats"s poems "into the Byzantine" (Sailing to Byzantium), for the literal meaning is "not suitable for the elderly nation," the movie about the evil is beginning to start over, the representative of the elderly is a traditional and correct values, just force if the translator was not aware of This layer mean, it"s easy translation error. Bathing Beauty - Waterlilies, The Wizard of Oz - The Wizard of Oz, The Italian Job - The Italian Job, Catch me if you can - with impunity, Dances with Wolves - Dances with Wolves, Red Shoes - Hung Ling Yan, and so on, the translation of films reflect this. 2 from the Chinese point of view 2008 is China"s Olympic year, is also a crucial year for Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges. Film culture as an important component of the cultural exchange is necessarily an important and indispensable part. The translation of a movie is important, but window-dressing as a film topic of the translation of the film even more important. In fact, many English Translation of the name of the film shows a strong Chinese culture means. The first is an "Hunduanlanqiao." "Hunduanlanqiao" English was originally called "Waterloo Bridge". Literal Translation "Waterloo Bridge." Translated as "Hunduanlanqiao" intended for the traditional Chinese Opera Huangmei Xi "blue bridge will be." "Blue Bridge" said Qimei a love story, the Waterloo Bridge is a player in the men and women suffering. Therefore, the film translated as "Hunduanlanqiao" not only embodies the film"s main content, but also contains the Chinese culture. Yijuliangde. "American trap" is another full of Chinese culture, Chinese translation. "American trap" to "Sanshiliuji" one well-known. Film "American trap" translated from the U.S. film "Notorious". Notorious is a very common English word meaning "notorious, infamous." The original film about the German spy John"s daughter, warm, charming Delia use his father"s Nazi ties into the house, the successful use of the marital relationship intelligence to the enemy to steal the effectiveness of the story. This is a suspense there, beautiful women, a spy intelligence, love of film, translated as "American trap", the Chinese cultural content is self-evident.好吧,注明一下
2023-06-25 23:51:164


『壹』 写一篇关于远程教育的英语作文 远程教育 Distance Ecation 在这个科技高速发展的信息时代,人们的购物、交流,甚至是学习等一系列生活所需都可以通过网络来完成。就此,我们分析下当今社会发展所流行的远程教育。 In this technical high speed development information age,people"s shopping, exchange, even is studies and so on a series of lives to be possible to plete through the neork.Under this, we *** yze the distance ecation which the social development is popular now. 首先,远程教育使偏远地区的人们学习他们感兴趣的项目成为可能。 For one thing, distance ecation makes it possible for people in remote areas to learn the subjects they are interested in. 另外,人们有更广的范围选择老师和课程,因为他们可以听全国甚至全世界最好的老师讲的最好的课程。 For another,people have a wider range of choices as to teachers and lessons, because they can listen to the best lessons by the best teachers in the country, or even in the world. 但是,弊端也是有的。由于老师与学生间交流不生动,因此学术探讨也不够深。 But,malpractice is also some。Because beeen teacher and the students"exchanges not vividly, therefore academic discussion also insufficient depth. 总之,远程教育发展空间很大,教育前景很好,只是需要时间逐步完善。 In brief, the distance learning development opportunities are very big, the ecation prospect is very good, is only requires the time to consummate graally. 『贰』 本人在读网络远程教育,要写篇英语作文,特请高手帮忙,谢谢! tion plays a very important lole in everybody"s life. Wegotoschoolbcause we want to know more about world around us and at the same time extend our horizons of thinking. nology is taking over those interactions and introcing us to a whole new approach of learning.The inter is one of those APPROACHES.Learningviatheinter is a new style that many people believe is more successful than the conventional form of learning. The inter allows schools to develop a large amount of learning matetial that is accsssible for students online nytime.There are so many choices of courses and subjects or time frames that pleting a program is notan issue for students anymore.i think that online ecation gives us excellent sources of infromation ,save our time,mony,and it is extremely convenient. ecation will spread out more and more online and students will have more choices on how and when to taketheir courses and classes.they will easily be able to take the classes they want . In my opnion onlin cation in the future is simply inescapable. 抄的别人的 呵呵 『叁』 网络教育 英语作文(带翻译) Distance ecation, in some papers already published in Ministry of ecation,also known as the modern distance ecation neork ecation, alt ecationis a kind of. Refers to the use of television and Inter media teaching mode, it breaks through the time and space boundaries, is different from the traditionalmode of teaching in the school acmodation. The use of this teaching mode of the students, are usually *** learners. Because you do not need to specific locations in class, so you can whenever and wherever possible class. Studentscan also through television broadcasting, Inter, counseling hotline, class club,face to face (correspondence) in different pipeline mutual learning. Is a new concept of modern information technology in ecation after proces, is the use of neork technology and environment to develop ecation. Admission objectregardless of age and previous ecation limited, provides ecation promotion opportunities for the general has stepped into the society of the masses. Can break through the limitations of time and space, enhance the learning efficiency;span caused by geographical aspects of the inequality of ecational resourcesallocation, the ecation resources sharing, rece the learning threshold. One of the biggest advantages of distance ecation is widespread, this is also its disadvantages, a weakness. Object "distance ecation pan", no indivialtargeted, only to a munity"s attention, in the practical teaching, the lack ofsituational teaching. 远程教育,在教育部已出台的一些文件中,也称现代远程教育为网络教育,是成人教育学历中的一种。是指使用电视及互联网等传播媒体的教学模式,它突破了时空的界线,有别于传统的在校住宿的教学模式。使用这种教学模式的学生,通常是业余进修者。由于不需要到特定地点上课,因此可以随时随地上课。学生亦可以透过电视广播、互联网、辅导专线、课研社、面授(函授)等多种不同管道互助学习。是现代信息技术应用于教育后产生的新概念,即运用网络技术与环境开展的教育。招生对象不受年龄和先前学历限制,为广大已步入社会的群众提供了学历提升的机会。可以突破时间和空间的限制,提升了学习效率;跨越因地域等方面造成的教育资源不平等分配,使教育资源共享化,降低了学习的门槛。远程教育一个最大的优点在于广泛性,同时这也是它的弊端、一个软肋。远程教育的对象“泛”化,没有个别性的针对,只对一群体的关注,在具体的教学中,缺乏情景性的教学。 『肆』 网络教育远程教育英语优点有哪些 1、资源利用最大化 网络教育是远程教育的现代化表现,以网络技术为基础,结合院校优秀教育资源,将院校最优秀的教师、最好的教学成果传播到四面八方。 2、学习方式灵活 网络教育学习不受时间、空间限制。网络教育一般以在线辅导和面授相结合,在线辅导,通过学生与老师在线授课与学习,同时可以通过平台进行交流、解答疑问、完成作业、考试等。 3、教学形式个性化 对每个学生的资料、学习过程和阶段情况等实现完整的系统跟踪记录,同时根据不同学生的资料提出不同的个性化学习建议或计划,更利于学生的发展。 4、教学管理自动化 网络教育的教学平台具有自动管理和远程互动处理功能,整个过程都有专门管理系统自动处理,弥补了人工操作量大效率低的缺点。 5、节源开流 网络教育通过平台进行教授、学习,很大程度上积累了成本。 6、学历为名校学历 已有68所高校获批开展远程教育试点,毕业后获得学历均为重点大学网络教育学历。 『伍』 英语作文 网络教育会不会取代传统教育 网络教育会不会取代传统教育 1)网络课堂教学的兴起,使传统的课堂教学受到了前所未有的挑 战 2)网络课堂教学模式会完全取代传统课堂教学模式吗? 3)你的看法,理由是…… Will Neork Classrooms Replace Traditional Classrooms? With the popularization of the Inter, neork classrooms are gaining more and more popularity. As a new teaching pattern, neork classrooms have bee an effective plement to traditional classrooms. So some people propose one question: will neork classrooms replace traditional classrooms? As to this question, the opinions vary from one to another. Some people think it quite possible for neork classrooms to take the place of traditional classrooms. First, neork classrooms needn"t have face-to-face munication and are not limited by time and place, which facilitate both teachers and students. Secondly, neork classrooms release teachers from repeating the same contents since the video or audio material can be played time and again. However, many people have opposite standpoints. They say that with online courses, students lack direct munications with teachers and their confusion cannot be solved instantly. In addition, the puter system cannot be guaranteed to work stably all the time。 Personally, both neork classrooms and traditional classrooms are necessary for students. If traditional teaching patterns and the modern ones like neork classrooms can be bined together, more fruitful ecation is sure to be realized。 My View on Online Ecation Nowadays, online ecation has bee very popular among people. Those who want to learn something, whether they are young or old, all can have their classes on different subjects. Some can even get a certificate or diploma after pleting the required courses. Therefore, the number of people receiving this kind of ecation is on the rise. Why is it so popular? The reasons are as follows. For one thing, the quick development of the Inter has provided many people a chance to attend class given by famous schools and teachers. For another, pared with having classes at school, online ecation saves our time, energy and money, especially to those who are too busy to study full time. The most important reason is that the schele is flexible so that we can have a free choice to study what we need badly and decide when, where and how to study. As far as I"m concerned, I appreciate this new form of ecation and also have got some benefits from it. It"s indeed a helpful plement to the traditional ecation means. 『陆』 远程教育好还是在校学习好 英语作文 Homeschooling or homeschool (also called home ecation or home learning) is the ecation of children at home, typically by parents but sometimes by tutors, rather than in other formal settings of public or private school. Although prior to the introction of pulsory school attendance laws, most childhood ecation occurred within the family or munity,[1] homeschooling in the modern sense is an alternative in developed countries to formal ecation. Homeschooling is a legal option in many places for parents to provide their children with a learning environment as an alternative to publicly-provided schools. Parents cite numerous reasons as motivations to homeschool, including better academic test results, poor public school environment, improved character/morality development, and objections to what is taught locally in public school. It may be a factor in the choice of parenting style. It is also an alternative for families living in isolated rural locations or living temporarily abroad. Homeschooling may also refer to instruction in the home under the supervision of correspondence schools or umbrella schools. In some places, an approved curriculum is legally required if children are to be home-schooled.[2] A curriculum-free philosophy of homeschooling may be called unschooling, a term coined in 1977 by American ecator and author John Holt in his magazine Growing Without Schooling. 『柒』 求一篇英语作文,和远程教育有关。 distance learning the modern distance learning are meant for those do not have access to regular schooling or other forms of ecation. distance learning can be achieved without stepping out of home and learners can enjoy rich resources of ecation online. whats" more, the flexibility of the distance learning is its another advantage. i have learned plenty of knowledge through distance learning and have been especially impressed by the multimedia ecation provided by teachers online. and i would make the most of myself to achieve more in the future. 『捌』 求一篇关于远程教育利弊的英语作文!急 With the rapid development of science and technology, tele-ecation has sped up in our country. While many people speak highly of its advantages, others see more disadvantages deriving from it. The advocates of tele-ecation give their arguments as follows. For one thing, tele-ecation makes it possible for people in remote areas to learn the subjects they are interested in. For another, people have a wider range of choices as to teachers and lessons through tele-ecation, because they can listen to the best lessons by the best teachers in the country, or even in the world. Just as “Every advantage has its disadvantages”, the opponents believe that not all the people have access to tele-ecation because many are poor. In addition, the students cannot contact teachers, but interpersonal relations are important to their study. As far as I am concerned, we should develop tele-ecation more rapidly to benefit more students. Meanwhile, we can design some programs to help teachers and students to contact each other. 『玖』 远程教育英语作文 With the rapid development of science and technology, tele-ecation has sped up in our country. While many people speak highly of its advantages, others see more disadvantages deriving from it. The advocates of tele-ecation give their arguments as follows. For one thing, tele-ecation makes it possible for people in remote areas to learn the subjects they are interested in. For another, people have a wider range of choices as to teachers and lessons through tele-ecation, because they can listen to the best lessons by the best teachers in the country, or even in the world. Just as “Every advantage has its disadvantages”, the opponents believe that not all the people have access to tele-ecation because many are poor. In addition, the students cannot contact teachers, but interpersonal relations are important to their study. As far as I am concerned, we should develop tele-ecation more rapidly to benefit more students. Meanwhile, we can design some programs to help teachers and students to contact each other. 『拾』 谁的英语厉害的,帮我写个英语作文,远程教育on long—distance ecation急,马上要交!!! Brothers Grimm, "Book I looked again the "Brothers Grimm" summer time has a different feel. Perhaps some people will think very naive fairy tale is purely fictional, but I think the fairy tale which is also philosophical. I read this book, a look at the story, while ignoring its moral. Now to read this book again, I have a deep understanding of: how to be good. Good word for us is not strange. It is a traditional virtue of the embodiment of the beauty of the soul, is something from the depths of the soul. Life will often see this scene: the bus, some people did not hesitate to seat; salesperson in the store, to look for change threw back; in the streets, someone will lend a helping hand to his pocket money more or less dropped into beggars seeking to discuss the alms bowl, and so on, in fact, these are good performance. The good people will eventually have good results, the so-called "what goes around" is the truth. Grimm fairy tale "the hero Cinderella" Cinderella "story, although suffered a stepmother and sisters, to bully and insult, but the heart is still good and, ultimately, happiness. Another example in the "Little Angels and shoemaker shoemaker, although he is not rich, satisfying very good to earn money to help the poor, the results of *** all angels for him to create a miracle, and his business more prosperous. I have also heard such a real thing: a kind of peasant women from the hands of the lost child bought a wild ck, and took good care of it. Ultimately, cks, for that is not rich farmer"s wife, created a lot of money wealth. However, not all people are kind-hearted, wicked man will always be punished. The queen in "Snow White" is a good example. Do everything possible to stop at nothing to hurt Snow White, the end was sinking, jealousy alive mad. The big bad wolf of the women and children, not only did not succeed, eat *** all goats, but also in vain to catch their lives, it is a testament to the phrase "evil with evil." It can be said that a person loses a kind and is equivalent to the lost soul, lost its humanity, is equivalent to wa
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罗斯福It is a relief to feel that no heart but my own can know the personal regret,因为只有我自己才知道,在我承担一个对别人更适合而非我自己之所欲的职务时的私自懊恼,and bitter sorrow over which I have been borne to a position so suitable for others rather than desirable for myself.和痛苦遗憾,感到这一点也是一种解脱。The circumstances under which I have been called for a limited period to preside over the destinies of the Republic fill me with a profound sense of responsibility,我被召唤来在一定期间内负责共和国命运的这一处境使我充满深刻的责任感,but with nothing like shrinking apprehension.I repair to the post assigned me not as to one sought,但无任何怯弱的畏惧。但我不是通过自身寻求来履行这任命我的职务,but in obedience to the unsolicited expression of your will,而是服从于你们愿望的自发表达,answerable only for a fearless,faithful,对之只有以我的无畏、忠诚,and diligent exercise of my best powers.和勤勉来行使我的权力才能回报。I ought to be,and am,truly grateful for the rare manifestation of the nation"s confidence;我应该并已经真正感谢国家对我信任的罕有证明;but this,so far from lightening my obligations,only adds to their weight.但这在照亮我的责任之外,也加重了其负荷。You have summoned me in my weakness;you must sustain me by your strength.你们已召唤了有缺点的我;你们必须以你们的力量来支持我。When looking for the fulfillment of reasonable requirements,you will not be unmindful of the great changes which have occurred,当寻求合理要求的实现时,你们将不会注意已发生的巨大转变。even within the last quarter of a century,即使是在过去的二十五年,and the consequent augmentation and complexity of duties imposed in the administration both of your home and foreign affairs.以及后来国内和外交事务责任的加重和复杂。The great objects of our pursuit as people are best to be attained by peace.作为一个民族我们所追求的伟大目标最好是通过和平手段实现。and are entirely consistent with the tranquillity and interests of the rest of mankind.并和其他人民的和平和利益一致。With the neighboring nations upon our continent we should cultivate kindly and fraternal relations.我们要与这块大陆的邻国培养友好的兄弟关系。We can desire nothing in regard to them so much as to see them consolidate their strength and pursue the paths of prosperity and happiness.我们除了希望看到他们加强自身力量和追求繁荣幸福的路线之外不再对他们有任何欲望。If in the course of their growth we should open new channels of trade and create additional facilities for friendly intercourse,在他们成长的道路上我们应该打开新的贸易通道和创立额外的友谊交往设施,the benefits realized will be equal and mutual.将实现的利益将是与平和相互的。Of the complicated European systems of national polity we have heretofore been independent.在复杂的欧洲各国体系中,我们保持独立。From their wars,their tumults,and anxieties we have been,happily,almost entirely exempt.我们可幸地几乎完全地避免了他们的战争、动乱和焦虑。Whilst these are confined to the nations which gave them existence,这些只在造成它们的国家的范围之内,and within their legitimate jurisdiction,they can not affect us except as they appeal to our sympathies in the cause of human freedom and universal advancement.在他们自己的合法裁定之内,它们不会影响我们,除非他们以人类自由和普遍发展的理由来请求我们。But the vast interest of commerce are common to all mankind,但巨大的商业利益为全人类所共有,and the advantages of trade and international intercourse must always present a noble field for the moral influence of a great people.而贸易和国际交往的优点必须永远成为一个伟大人民施展道德影响的尊贵场所。With these views firmly and honestly carried out,we have a right to expect,当这些观点被坚定而真正的执行,我们有权希望,and shall under all circumstances require,prompt reciprocity.并将在所有情况下要求迅速的结果。The rights which belong to us as a nation are not alone to be regarded,我们不仅要尊重我们作为一个国家而享有的权利,but those which pertain to every citizen in his individual capacity,也要神圣地维护属于每个公民以其自身能力,at home and abroad,must be sacredly mainatained.在家乡或是在国外的权利。So long as he can discern every star in its place upon that ensign,只要他能看清那旗帜上的每一颗星,without wealth to purchase for him preferment or title to secure for him place,即便没有财富来买他所想要的,没有头衔来保证一个住地,it will be his privilege,and must be his acknowledged right,to stand unabashed even in the presence of princes,他也将有权力,必须被认可的权力,来挺起胸膛站在即使是王公豪贵面前,with a proud consciousness that he is himself one of a nation of sovereigns,并骄傲地意识到他自身是一个主权国家的一员,and that he can not in legitimate pursuit wander so far from home that the agent whom he shall leave behind in the place,并且如果没有他留在家乡的代理人,现在由我充当,which I now occupy will not see that no rude hand of power or tyrannical passion is laid upon him with impunity.保证没有任何势力和暴政的粗暴之手可以对他造成伤害。He must realize that upon every sea and on every soil where our enterprise may rightfully seek the protection of our flag American citizenship is an inviolable panoply for the security of American rights.他不能以合法方式远离家乡。他必须认识到在每一海面和每一土地上我们的事业都可正当寻求我们旗帜的保护,美国公民权是美国权利不可侵犯的保障。And in this connection it can hardly be necessary to reaffirm a principle which should now be regarded as fundamental.联系如此,就没有必要再次重申一个应被认为基本的原则。The rights,security,and repose of this Confederacy reject the idea of interference or colonization on this side of the ocean by any foreign power beyond present jurisdiction as utterly inadmissible.这一联邦的权利,安全和安置平反了来自任何超越当前裁决而不可接受的外国势力在大洋彼岸的干涉和殖民活动。The opportunities of observation furnished by my brief experience as a soldier confirmed in my own mind the opinion,以我短暂的士兵经历的观察,也在我脑中证实了这样的观点。entertained and acted upon by others from the formation of the Government,这观点自政府建立之初就被他人所尊从和实施。that the maintenance of large standing armies in our country would be not only dangerous,but unnecessary.这便是:在我国保持一支庞大军队将不仅是危险的也是无必要的。They also illustrated the importance__I might well say the absolute necessity__他们也表明了以下的重要性——我也可以说是绝对的必要性——of the military science and practical skill furnished in such an eminent degree by the institution which has made your Army what it is,即由前军事机构保证的杰出军事科学和实践技巧,而且要在以其实际成就,under the discipline and instruction of officers not more distinguished for their solid attainments,和高调闻名的军官的指导和管理下,gallantry,and devotion to the public service than for unobtrusive bearing and high moral tone.英勇和对公共服务的忠心而非凌人的盛气。The Army as organized must be the nucleus around which in every time of need the strength of your military power,如此组织的军队必须在每一需要时刻成为我们军事力量的核心,the sure bulwark of your defense_a national militia_may be readily formed into a well_disciplined and efficient organization.你们防卫的坚实堡垒——一个全国武装人民也可随时转变为纪律良好和高效的组织,And the skill and self_devotion of the Navy assure you that you may take the performance of the past as a pledge for the future,并且海军的技巧和努力也向你保证,你们可以把以往的行为作为将来的承诺,and may confidently expect that the flag which has waved its untarnished folds over every sea will still float in undiminished honor.并自信地期望那曾在每一海面上飘扬而不受沾污的旗帜仍将以未损的荣耀飘扬。But these,like many other subjects,will be appropriately brought at a future time to the attention of the coordinate branches of the Government,但这些,如同很多其它问题,将在未来被适当提起有关政府部门的注意。to which I shall always look with profound respect and with trustful confidence that they will accord to me the aid and support.对此我总以深刻敬意和信任希望他们会给我以帮助和支持。which I shall so much need and which their experience and wisdom will readily suggest.我正需要这些帮助,而他们的经历和智慧也随时准备提出。We have been carried in safety through a perilous crisis.我们经历了一场苦难危机而来到安全之地。Wise counsels,like those which gave us the Constitution,prevailed to uphold it.明智的参谋如同那些曾为我们创立宪法的前辈,决心坚决支持它。Let the period be remembered as an admonition,and not as an encouragement,in any section of the Union,让我们记住那一时期且作为训诫,而非作为鼓励在联邦的任何地方,to make experiments where experiments are fraught with such fearful hazard.做出充满可怕危险的试验。Let it be impressed upon all hearts that,beautiful as our fabric is,no earthly power or wisdom could ever reunite its broken fragments.让此在所有那些象我们绸缎一样美丽,但任何世上权力和智慧都无法治愈其创伤的心灵留下深深印记。Standing,as I do,almost within view of the green slopes of Monticello,如我现在站立于此,几乎可以看见蒙特塞罗的绿色山坡,and,as it were ,within reach of the tomb of Washington,接触华盛的灵墓,with all the cherished memories of the past gathering around me like so many eloquent voices of exhortation from heaven,充满了关于以往的美好记忆,它们环绕着我就如同来自天堂的赞美之声,I can express no better hope for my country than that the kind Providence which smiled upon our fathers may enable their children to preserve the blessing they have inherited.我只能为同胞们表达这一最好希望,愿曾向我们先父微笑善良的神的眷顾能使他们的子孙保持他们所继承的祝福。美国第32任总统 富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福 (1882--1945) 1933--1945年这十二年来,在美国历史仍是一个非同寻常的时期。这期间,美国人在国内克服了罕遇的经济和社会大危机,在国外则赢得了反法西斯战争的胜利。领导美国人完成这些艰巨任务的人,却是身有残疾的富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福。 罗斯福 患了脊髓灰质炎,致使下肢瘫痪!但他 不屈不挠,在逆境中仍然顽强奋斗,最终在1933年3月那个美国有史以来最阴惨的时刻就任总统。他走马上任后便采取大刀阔斧的行动,终于使美国经济走出低谷,正当美国国内形势略有起色之时,美国又卷入了第二次世界大战的漩涡。罗斯福总统当断则断,毫不犹豫地动用美国巨大的物质实力,在全力对法西斯作战之外,还支援其他国家的反侵略战争。 他受命于危难之际,又连续 4 次当选总统,创下了空前绝后的记录。在美国人心目中,他是和 乔治·华盛顿、亚伯拉罕·林肯 齐名的三大伟人之一。 他在就职演说中说过的话,有些成了广泛流传的名言,如“我们所不得不畏惧的唯一东西,就是畏惧本身” 请注意,他39岁就瘫痪了,他51岁才当选为美利坚合众国 第32任总统! 也就是说他从39岁起瘫痪了快20多年了,但他不屈不挠,在逆境中仍然顽强奋斗,最终在1933年3月那个美国有史以来最阴惨的时刻就任总统。又是美国历史上唯一一位连续任期4届的总统!!! 他很让我敬佩啊!因为美国宪法规定总统只能连任2届,可罗斯福总统连任4届总统!不简单啊,更何况又是位残疾人! 众所周知,美国总统罗斯福 是一位美国伟大的总统,他带领美国人民走出经济大萧条,并且号召美国人民和世界其他人民战胜法西斯主义。
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2023-06-25 23:51:503

做(不好的事) 英文单词是什么 我只知道是co。。。 后面我就不知道了

2023-06-25 23:52:206


击,敲,攻击:~击.殴~.~杀. 2. 放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮.~雷.~信号.~电报. 3. 做,造:~首饰.~家具. 4. 拨动:~算盘. 5. 揭,破,凿开:~破.~井. 6. 举,提起:~灯笼.~起精神. 7. 涂抹,印,画:~蜡.~戳子. 8. 写出,开出:~证明. 9. 捆,扎:~包裹. 10. 合,结合:~伙.~成一片. 11. 获取,购取:~水.~鱼. 12. 除去:~消.~杈. 13. 定出,计算:~算.~腹稿. 14. 用,采用,使用:~比喻. 15. 玩,玩耍:~球. 16. 截,停,减,退:~住.~价儿. 17. 表示人体发出某种行为动作:~手势. 18. 进行某种活动,从事或担任某种工作:~交道.~短工. 19. 与某些动词结合,基本上保留原动词词义:~扫.~扰. 20. 自,从:~哪儿来? 常用词组 1. 打熬 dǎ"áo (1) [endure]∶支撑;忍耐 在商品买卖中打熬过来 (2) [suffering]∶磨砺;困难境况下的磨炼 (3) [toughen]∶锻炼人 2. 打把势 dǎ bǎshi (1) [dance for joy]∶手舞足蹈 (2) [practise martial arts]∶练武功 (3) [do odd job]∶干零活 3. 打靶 dǎbǎ [shoot at the target;target practise;shooting practice] 对准靶射击 4. 打靶场 dǎbǎchǎng [target range;shooting vange] 打靶用的场地 5. 打摆子 dǎ bǎizi [suffer from malaria] 〈方〉∶患疟疾 6. 打败 dǎbài (1) [defeat;win over;beat]∶战胜对方 战斗中打败敌人 (2) [lose (a battle)]∶失败,被对方战胜 这一仗我们打败了 7. 打板子 dǎ bǎnzǐ [flog with the bamboo;cane] 旧时用竹片打罪人的刑罚 8. 打扮 dǎban [dress;adorn;deck out;spruce;make up] 修饰外表 打扮素净.——《西厢记》 9. 打扮 dǎban [style of dressing oneself] 修饰装扮出来的样子 你那身打扮可不能去赴宴会 10. 打包 dǎbāo (1) [pack]∶用纸、布、麻袋、稻草等包装物品 (2) [bale]∶把某物打成包或捆 (3) [unpack]∶打开包着的东西 11. 打保 dǎbǎo (1) [guarantee] 〈方〉∶为某事打保票 我敢为这事打保 (2) 也说“打保票” 12. 打饱嗝儿 dǎ bǎogér [belch after a solid meal] 吃饱后打嗝 13. 打抱不平 dǎ bàobùpíng [help victims of injustice;defend sb. against an injustice;right wrongs and defend innocence] 遇到不公平的事,挺身而出,帮助受欺负的一方 你要是个男人,出去打一个抱不平儿,你又充什么荆轲聂政?真真好笑!——《红楼梦》 14. 打蹦儿 dǎbèngr [jump]〈方〉∶跳跃,向上蹦 15. 打比 dǎbǐ (1) [draw an analogy]∶比方 讲抽象的事情,拿具体的东西来打比,就容易使人明白 (2) [compare]〈方〉∶比较 他六十多岁了,怎能跟小伙子打比呢 16. 打边鼓 dǎ biāngǔ [instigate;act or speak to assist sb.] 从旁应和鼓动,助长人意 17. 打辫子 dǎ biànzi (1) [queue]∶梳成辫子;把…编成辫子 (2) [plait the qneue]∶用天然头发或人造头发梳打成辫子 18. 打并伙 dǎ bìnghuǒ [go Dutch] 见“打平伙” 19. 打补钉 dǎ bǔdīng [put a patch on] 补鞋或补缀衣服;在某物上加补片 20. 打不倒 dǎbùdǎo (1) [unconquerable]∶不能征服的 坚持正义的人是打不倒的 (2) [that cannot be knocked down]∶不可能被打倒的 我这么有劲谁也打不倒 21. 打不得 dǎbude (1) [cannot be beaten with impunity]∶惩罚不得 他是王子打不得 (2) [cannot beat and get away with it]∶不能打 他身体弱得打不得 22. 打不平 dǎ bùpíng [help victims of injustice] 管天下不公道之事 23. 打不住 dǎbuzhù (1) [more than]∶不止;超过某个标准 每人十元的伙食标准是打不住的 (2) [not enough]∶不够 承包这项工程,3个月是打不住的 (3) [try in vain to hit]∶没打着 打不住狐狸反惹一手臊 24. 打草 dǎcǎo [mow;cut garss] 割草 25. 打草惊蛇 dǎcǎo-jīngshé [beat the grass and frighten away the snake;(fig) act rashly and alert the enemy] 原指惩罚了别人,也警戒了自己.后喻指作事不密,致使人有所戒备 空自去打草惊蛇,倒吃他做了手脚,却是不好.——《水浒传》 26. 打喳喳 dǎchācha [whisper] 低声说话;耳语 27. 打杈 dǎchà [prune] 砍去、切断或掐去植物的不需要的枝、芽使形态美观或结更多的果实 28. 打杈 dǎchà [pruning] 修剪枝条的过程 29. 打岔 dǎchà (1) [interrupt;cut in;interrupt a conversation]∶打断某一行动或谈话;尤指在另一个人讲话时用问题和评论或议论去打断 (2) [talk off the mark]∶有意转换话题 30. 打禅 dǎchán [sit in meditation] 佛教徒闭目静坐修行 31. 打长工 dǎ chánggōng [work as long term hired hand] 为地主做较长期的雇工 32. 打场 dǎcháng [thresh grain (on the ground)] 在禾场上将收割的麦子、稻子、高粱等脱粒 33. 打成平手 dǎchéng píngshǒu [fight to a draw;fight to a stand off;come out even;end in a draw] 比赛中打成平局,不分胜负 34. 打成一片 dǎchéng yīpiàn (1) [integrate;merge with;form an indivisable whole;unify as one]∶结合成一个更完整、更协调的统一体;作为一部分或一个因素与别的结合起来 能和一群人打成一片的孩子 (2) [identify;be unified as one]∶在某些方面(如利益、目的、思想感情等方面)合为一个整体 长时期在一起的人们趋于彼此打成一片 长短好恶,打成一片,一一拈来,更无异见.——宋· 圆悟禅师《碧岩录》 35. 打赤膊 dǎ chìbó [bare the upper body] 〈方〉∶光膀子 李逵打着赤膊,手提板斧杀将过来.——《水浒传》 36. 打赤脚 dǎ chìjiǎo [bare the feet] 〈方〉∶没穿鞋袜 37. 打冲锋 dǎ chōngfēng (1) [charge forward]∶向敌人冲击;发起冲锋 他带领全排打冲锋 这次战斗由一连打冲锋 (2) [lead the van]∶比喻做事、行动一股劲赶在别人前头 做事磨洋工,吃饭打冲锋 38. 打虫 dǎchóng (1) [get rid of intestinal parasites by means of drugs]∶用药物驱除消化道寄生虫(如蛔虫、绦虫) (2) [swat a fly]∶拍打飞虫 39. 打春 dǎchūn [the Beginning of Spring;Spring begins] “立春”的俗称 40. 打从 dǎcóng (1) [from]∶[表示起点]——从…起 他打从幼年时代就大显身手 (2) [since] (3) 从…以来 打从本世纪开始以来,已经有了一些改进 (4) 自从 打从那时起,这两个敌对集团就互相敌对 41. 打当面鼓 dǎ dāngmiàngǔ [speak in sb."s presence] 比喻有话当面说,不背后议论 你怎么想就怎么说,噼哩啪拉,把什么都摆出来,打当面鼓,不敲背后锣,我就是喜欢这样的同志.——罗旋《南国峰烟》 42. 打倒 dǎdǎo (1) [knock down]∶用短促而猛烈的打击使倒下 猛击他的下巴,把他打倒在地 (2) [overthrow]∶推翻 那个腐败的政府很快被打倒 (3) [down with]∶使进入一种低微的或恶劣的或失败的状态——常用于祈使句表达一种愿望 打倒张三! 打倒帝国主义! dǎ dēidei (4) [shiver, quake] 牙齿颤抖撞碰的象声词 43. 打得好 dǎ de hǎo [deserve the beating or spanking] 值得打或应该打 44. 打得好 dǎ de hǎo [excellent performance] 出色地完成任务——对球类运动员或做编织活的妇女说 45. 打得火热 dǎ de huǒrè [ardent flirtation with;carry on intimately with] 形容关系极度密切(多指男女关系) 吴二浪子现同按 察司街南胡同张家里士娼叫 小银子的打得火热.——《老残游记》 46. 打灯笼 dǎ dēnglong [carry a lantern lighted;hold a lighted lantern] 提点亮的灯笼 47. 打灯谜 dǎ dēngmí [guess riddles;solve riddles] 编织灯谜 48. 打底,打底儿 dǎdǐ,dǎdǐr (1) [eat before drink]∶先吃少量食物再饮酒 (2) [quiet]∶心里踏实 这几天他心里总有些不打底 (3) [draft;lay a foundation]∶打下基础 49. 打底 dǎdǐ [bottom] 用基本颜色或媒染剂为染布作准备 可以用浅靛蓝染料给染布打底 50. 打底稿 dǎ dǐgǎo [prepare a draft] 同打草稿
2023-06-25 23:52:341


读,锱铢不爽造句,锱铢必报,锱铢必较什么意思 锱铢必较 拼音: zī zhū bì jiào 解释: 锱、铢:都是古代很小的重量单位。形容非常小气,很少的钱也一定要计较。也比喻气量狭小,很小的事也要计较。 浑浑俗世陌上尘,锱铢迷离扰沉沦.孤鹜三尺心无羁,不拂衣袂不染身.什么意思 Muddy waters Heart Moshang dust, ancient weight baht created three good; According greedy takes heart with full impunity, not brush away Yimei are not dyed.7135精于吏事,斟酌决断,不失锱铢.是什么意思 精通 *** 的日常事务,考虑问题和做决定时,没有一点失误 在所不惜是什么意思 词目:在所不惜 “乐极生悲,俗语不诬。妾病不能扶持,生愿不谐,死亦从兄,在所不惜也。” 示例:果能撄城固守,区区民房,原~。 清·金念劬《避兵十日记》 近义: 在所不辞,在所不计。 反义: 一毛不拔,斤斤计较,锱铢必较。 英文:will not grudge 用 法:动宾式;作谓语;形容不吝啬 。 玩世不恭,举止轻浮是什么意思 玩世不恭,应该是说这个人没有上进心。举止轻浮是说这个人做事随性,不考虑他人感受。 志不行,顾禄位如锱铢;道不同,视富贵如土芥。什么意思? 不能施展(我的)抱负,那领着俸禄的官位我也把他看的微不足道(锱铢:微小的分量),有违我的人生追求而得来的富贵,也不过像草芥一般。至于道不同,道不同不相为谋这句话很多人说过,如果它的出处《论语.卫灵公》里则是比喻意见或志趣不同的人就无法共事,若是在司马迁对伯夷、叔齐义不食周粟,饿死于首阳山而感叹说:“道不同,不相为谋。真是各人追随各人的志向啊!”(《史记·伯夷长齐列传》)时,则是指 政治态度的不同。 第一次回答,不好的地方请包涵 人们都说做人要大度,不能锱铢必较。请问锱铢在重量单位里,它们谁大?为什么? 古代他们在重量里说法不一,一般说:锱=一两的四分之ㄧ,铢=一两的二十四分之ㄧ,所以锱比铢大 玩世不恭的眼神是什么意思 60分 玩世不恭,说白了就是 *** ,原谅我说话就是这么直接,有多少人是有玩世不恭的资本的?小说看多了还是电影看多了 为什么说“不切己者虽泰山而不顾” 这是清代学者章学诚谈学习体会的话,原文是:“宇宙名物有切己者,虽锱铢不遗;不切己者,虽泰山不顾."他强调读书要从自己所从事的专业需求出发,加以选择,"切己"者精读,不"切己"者就不必注意。这是因为,读书学习需要从自身需要出发,只有别无旁骛,才能用心专一,深入下去。
2023-06-25 23:52:411

silent ending什么意思

  silent ending的中文翻译  silent ending  无声的结局  双语例句  1  The draft resolution was strangely silent on his Government"s request to the international community to establish an international criminal tribunal for the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with a view to ending the violence and impunity.  奇怪的是,该决议草案只字未提刚果民主共和国关于国际社会为其建立一个国际刑事法庭以结束暴力和有罪惩罚的要求。
2023-06-25 23:52:481


Staff Committee for Information" Applicants can understand from the newspaper advertisements related to the travel agents group tours to Hong Kong route and price. These aspects of the detailed information and presentation, the applicant may also set up travel agencies in the relevant point for the entire available. Applicants may travel agents related to the location of the application. Each applicant paid 10 yuan to receive one in five of the "Hong Kong tours for tourists table." Completed forms stamped, please travel agents stewing in the Pan Yu Weng indicating 0 stewing in helmet Man twin Qie impunity? ◆ clearly filled out the "Hong Kong and Macau tours application form"; ◆ applied for a copy of the identity card and components; ◆ card accounts for the original and a copy of account cards are negative; I hat ◆ eight positive 2-inch passport photos (black and white and color can be); ◆ be delivered in full, a few tourist routes. "Tourism that the cost" Tours costs include: the traffic into and out of Hong Kong and Macao costs, Hong Kong and Macao international airport tax, for "permits between Hong Kong and Macau" and the endorsement fees offshore accident insurance, health quarantine fees, in Hong Kong and Macao during the Tour fare, attractions tickets fees, service charges guides drivers; also with the corresponding lines of the three-star or four-star hotel accommodation double standards of the cost, the collective tour activities during the meals. Tourism fares do not include: site traffic fees, airport tax Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao during the Tour Tipping and personal consumption, and collective journey from team activities during the free meals and transport charges, as well as traffic delays, strikes, high winds, flights cancel or change the time of force majeure, such as the cause of the reasons for the additional costs. Group tours to Hong Kong tourists for 25 days required in advance. If a corporation from the date of less than 20 days, are subject to expedited costs.1
2023-06-25 23:52:554


王者荣耀IMP战队成员介绍1、Impunity战队来自新加坡,主教练是IMP.X7(邓淇元)2、队伍成员:IMP.AhXing(Hein Htet Naing)IMP.Flower (李浩明)IMP.Nianyu (刘人豪)IMP.Jeremy(Ah Phu)IMP.XHero(Tun Aung Kyaw)IMP.Megumi(Kyaw Than 0o)3、虽然IMP是新加坡的队伍,但是本次参与比赛是以柬埔寨队伍的身份加入的,成员与之前参与AOV的成员也不一样;4、Impunity战队在KIC的南亚选拔赛中从五个队伍中脱颖而出获得冠军,拿下了参与KIC外卡赛的资格。后续就要通过外卡赛来争夺参与正赛的资格了。王者荣耀S26最新攻略体验服资格申请_语音台词大全蓝莓慕斯礼包保底S26装备调整S26英雄调整段位排列顺序2022段位挑战规则_cg动画在哪看s26战令英雄宝箱皮肤图鉴功能踏玉_檐趣探玉城黄忠火炮绅士获得_羁绊英雄甄姬女儿国国王无双王者多少星
2023-06-25 23:54:311


2023-06-25 23:54:541


  英文小短文 篇1   The 2014 Trafficking in Persons Report placed Thailand in a group known as Tier Three. That is the lowest rating among 23 countries that U.S. officials say are not doing enough to stop modern slavery.   The report tells about the tens of thousands of migrants to Thailand. Many of these people are forced to work in Thailand"s fishing industry or the sex trade. The Tier Three listing opens up Thailand and others to possible American sanctions.   The State Department studied 188 countries, including the United States. The report is aimed at forcing governments to take steps to help the estimated 20 million victims of modern slavery.   Secretary of State John Kerry spoke to reporters in Washington last Friday. He called human trafficking one of the greatest threats to human dignity and freedom.   “It is a call to action to governments and citizens around the world to uncover modern slavery and hold it accountable, to identify the victims, to bring their abusers to justice. There cannot be impunity for those who traffic human beings. It must end.”   U.S. officials noted some hopeful news in the report this year. The State Department named 10 heroes in the effort to stop trafficking. They include Beatrice Jedy-Agba of Nigeria. She is the head of Nigeria"s National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking. Officials praised her efforts to help trafficking victims rejoin Nigerian society. They also praised her work with other nations to deal with trafficking in Africa.   “I made a connection with those victims that I met, and I thought I"m going to help them through this and I"m going to make sure nobody else has to go through this ever again.”   Secretary of State Kerry said he hopes more people and governments will answer his “call to action” – to fight what he calls the scourge of modern slavery. I"m Caty Weaver.   英文小短文 篇2   Thinking is necessary if you want to successd in life.people fear that thinking may upset their comfort and self-satifaction. thinking needsconstant practice with enthusiasm, enthusiasm generates interest and susutains thinking.and concentration will help us from a clear picture in our minds of the ultimate objective.   Thinking should be constanted and continuous. with concentration,we can arrange thoughtsin order and become a rapid thinker. it is also important to develop organised thinking learningto think of different things one by one in order.we can stimulate thinking power by taking partin serious conversations or discussion and defending our positions so that it will drive us tothink more clearly and objectively. reading books and magazines will also help us in the processof formulating ideas.   Positive thinking has a tremendous influence over others with whom we come intocontact,people who succeed inproving their thinking power enrich themselves.   英文小短文 篇3   Growth is happy, because someone growth of relaxed and happy; Because someone grow carefree; Someone because of happy and happy growth. And because of growing step by step closer to my dreams and be happy.   I always have a big not distant dream, that is to become a photographer. This dream is derived from a program on TV, that program recorded the working process of different photographers - war reporter through the smoke fire, record the cruelty of war; Entertainment reporters crowded into the crowd, for many fans to provide a large star cafe many gossip; News reporters in the great hall of the people, to record the President, the representatives of the wonderful speech; To the reporters who specialise in nature photography is risking the danger of various natural disasters and passive plant damage record the dribs and drabs of nature. I was then think photographer is a small but indispensable role, wish with all my heart to become a photographer.   When elementary school, the father bought one of the most simple camera, I often excited and curious to play with it. Every weekend, I have time to go to the park to take photos, at the expense of the break time to write my homework, just for Saturday and Sunday can be carefree for photography.   After secondary school, my photography has some increase, also joined the school photography club. Every corporate practice of photography, the spring and autumn period and the swimming, sports, art festival, science festival activities such as I will not waste, will be for each photography earnestly. One day, I suddenly in my subscription to a magazine to see a familiar pictures, that is a picture of me! I"m boiling inside. The magazine my photo! I dream a step closer! A whole afternoon, I immersed in happiness and excitement, but I didn"t so proud and complacent, because I this result for the dream to become a photographer is only a small step forward, become a photographer"s dream is still a long way from me.   I grew up is happy, because I have a dream, because I step by step closer to my dream. Dream is like a "lift" shortcut "skyscraper", grow up just like that can"t see the top of the ladder, although it is impossible to expect success, but step by step on the top floor. Is the happiness, isn"t it?   英文小短文 篇4   The love of beauty is an essential part of all healthy human nature. It is a moral quality. The absence of it is not an assured ground of condemnation, but the presence of it is an invariable sign of goodness of heart. In proportion to the degree in which it is felt will probably be the degree in which nobleness and beauty of character will be attained.   Natural beauty is an all-pervading presence. The universe is its temple. It unfolds into the numberless flowers of spring. It waves in the branches of trees and the green blades of grass. It haunts the depths of the earth and the sea. It gleams from the hues of the shell and the precious stone. And not only these minute objects but the oceans, the mountains, the clouds, the stars, the rising and the setting sun---all overflow with beauty. This beauty is so precious, and so congenial to our tenderest and noblest feelings, that it is painful to think of the multitude of people living in the midst of it and yet remaining almost blind to it.   All persons should seek to become acquainted with the beauty in nature. There is not a worm we tread upon, nor a leaf that dances merrily as it falls before the autumn winds, but calls for our study and admiration. The power to appreciated beauty not merely increases our sources of happiness---it enlarges our moral nature, too. Beauty calms our restlessness and dispels our cares. Go into the fields or the woods, spend a summer day by the sea or the mountains, and all your little perplexities and anxieties will vanish. Listen to sweet music, and your foolish fears and petty jealousies will pass away. The beauty of the world helps us to seek and find the beauty of goodness.   英文小短文 篇5   Many years ago I was on a bicycle trip through some exceedingly picturesque countryside. Suddenly, dark clouds piled up overhead and rain began to fall, but strange to relate, several hundred yards ahead of me the sun shone brilliantly. Pedaling, however, as rapidly as I could, I found it impossible to get into the clear. The clouds with their rain kept advancing faster than I could race forward. I continued this unequal contest for an exhausting half hour, before realizing that I could not win my way to the bright area ahead of me.   Then it dawned upon me that I was wasting my strength in unimportant hurry, while paying no attention whatsoever to the landscape for the sake of which I was making the trip. The storm could not last forever and the discomfort was not unendurable. Indeed, there was much to look at which might otherwise have escaped me. As I gazed about with sharpened appreciation, I saw colors and lines and contours that would have appeared differently under brilliant light. The rain mists which now crowned the wooded hills and the fresh clearness of the different greens were entrancing. My annoyance at the rain was gone and my eagerness to escape it vanished. It had provided me with a new view and helped me understand that the sources of beauty and satisfaction may be found close at hand within the range of one"s own sensibilities.   It made me think, then and later, about other matters to which this incident was related. It helped me realize that there is no sense in my attempting ever to flee from circumstances and conditions which cannot be avoided but which I might bravely meet and frequently mend and often turn to good account. I know that half the battle is won if I can face trouble with courage, disappointment with spirit, and triumph with humility. It has become ever clearer to me that danger is far from disaster, that defeat may be the forerunner of final victory, and that, in the last analysis, all achievement is perilously fragile unless based on enduring principles of moral conduct.   I have learned that trying to find a carefree world somewhere far off involves me in an endless chase in the course of which the opportunity for happiness and the happiness of attainment are all too I often lost in the chase itself. It has become apparent to me that I cannot wipe out the pains of existence by denying them, blaming them largely or completely on others, or running away from them.   The elements of weakness which mark every person cannot absolve me from the burdens and blessings of responsibility for myself and to others. I can magnify but never lessen my problems by ignoring, evading or exorcising them. I believe that my perplexities and difficulties can be considerably resolved, if not completely overcome, by my own attitudes and actions. I am convinced that there can be no guarantee of my happiness except that I help evoke and enhance it by the work of my hands and the dictates of my heart and the direction of my striving. I believe that deep faith in God is necessary to keep me and hold mankind uncowed and confident under the vagaries and ordeals of mortal experience, and particularly so in this period of revolutionary storm and travail. If my values receive their sanction and strength from relationship to divine law and acceptance of its ethical imperatives, then nothing can really harm me. "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want."   英文小短文 篇6   Are you waiting for me?   The girl is very beautiful and very cute. Adolescent boys, well, I like her, like dead heart! But, he didn"t dare to say to the girl! In order to see more girls, boys can only be on the way from school, at a crossroads for cycling, hiding in the side, quietly waiting for the arrival of the girl.   Across the intersection of the air, also can"t remember, how many times I have been the boy"s drumming heartbeat drive. Near the car of the old man, also to keep shake head, sighing young boy, and the heart of blurred.   But one day, the girl in the corner, suddenly stopped. She cheerfully came to the boy, asked softly: "are you waiting for me?"   Instantly, the boy"s heart is warm. That afternoon, he and his girl, riding a bicycle, side by side to walk a long good long way, said a lot of words...   The boy and girl, never be together. But a growing boy, but the heart remember that girl, and be good girl, has been moved.   Someone like you, it is your blessing. If you know he likes you, waiting for you, might as well offer, to speak out love and not love. Even if you don"t like him, also it doesn"t matter. In the face of love, you teach him to learn to let go, tell him to wait for another person, this is love to each other due to the feedback.   The boundless huge crowd meet, don"t silence, don"t escape, more don"t disregard, let us ask gently: "are you waiting for me?"   英文小短文 篇7   “We are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book whose pages are infinite…”   I do not know who wrote those words, but I have always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want to make it. We can take the mysterious, hazy future and carve out of it anything that we can imagine, just as a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone.   We are all in the position of the farmer. If we plant a good seed, we reap a good harvest. If our seed is poor and full of weeds, we reap a useless crop. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all.   I want the future to be better than the past. I don"t want it contaminated by the mistakes and errors with which history is filled. We should all be concerned about the future because that is where we will spend the remainder of our lives.   The past is gone and static. Nothing we can do will change it. The future is before us and dynamic. Everything we do will affect it. Each day brings with it new frontiers, in our homes and in our business, if we only recognize them. We are just at the beginning of the progress in every field of human endeavor.   英文小短文 篇8   Tom was tired out, and he went to bed as soon as he reached home.   Suddenly it occurred to him that he had planned to do something that evening. As he could not remember what it was, he tossed and turned in his bed for along time.   Finally the thing came to his mind, "My God, the original plan was to go to bed early!" he said depressingly.   英文小短文 篇9   Life has its ups and downs,its peaks and its valleys.No one is up all the time,nor are they down all the time.The tough people who survive the tough times do so because they"ve chosen to react positively to the predicament.Tough time never last,
2023-06-25 23:56:101

so that与in order that在用法上有什么区别

2023-06-25 23:56:402

英语作文 my hero关于拿破仑的 长一点啊 朗诵满三分中

Napoleon Bonaparte rose to prominence as a general during the French Revolution,becoming ruler of France as First Consul in 1799.In 1804,after having subdued most of Europe through conquest or alliance,he crowned himself Emperor of France to prevent a restoration of the Bourbon monarchy.Napoleon spent the next ten years fighting a succession of wars against various allied coalitions,with often brilliant results,such as at Austerlitz in 1805. As a part of his unending struggle against Great Britain,Napoleon attempted to impose a continental embargo,but this was ineffective and caused his allies,such as Russia,to suffer immensely.As a result,Russia resumed trading with Great Britain in 1812,inducing Napoleon to invade Russia in June of that year.The disastrous results of that invasion,whereby only 40,000 of approximately 650,000 troops survived the campaign,paved the way for Napoleon钬檚 first abdication in April 1814.Exiled to the Mediterranean island of Elba,Napoleon chafed at his separation from power,and in March 1815,escaped to return to France once more,reclaiming the throne.Once again,a powerful coalition was organized against him,and on June 18 he was decisively defeated at the Battle of Waterloo.Again,Napoleon was exiled,this time to the far distant island of St.Helena in the South Atlantic,where he died in 1821. In Napoleon on the Art of War,Jay Luvaas utilizes personal correspondence to create essays that illuminate the great commander钬檚 thoughts on military philosophy.Luvaas stitches together Napoleon钬檚 writings into ten essays,plus an analysis of the campaigns of Frederick the Great.In these essays the reader will find discussions of strategy,tactics,general principles of ground war,and commentary on the 钬済reat captains.钬 (Alexander the Great,Hannibal,Caesar,etc.) If there is a recurrent theme throughout these essays,it is Napoleon钬檚 obsessive focus on organizational details and logistics,for it is his meticulous preparation that often proved decisive in battle.Napoleon recognized this,saying,钬泪f I take so many precautions,it is because my habit is to leave nothing to chance钬?plan of campaign must anticipate everything that the enemy can do and contain within it the means of outmaneuvering him.钬 (pg.66) Napoleon also enumerated several military principles,such as 钬凄o not make flank marches in front of an army that is in position钬 and 钬淧reserve your line of operation with care and never abandon it lightheartedly.钬 (pg.40) Napoleon钬檚 ideas were foundational to military studies throughout the nineteenth century,his campaigns becoming the subject of intense examination by students at military academies across the Western world. In America,the officer corps of both the Union and Confederate armies were well versed in Napoleonic tactics,and held fast to these lessons learned at West Point,even in the face of new technologies that made many of the ideas obsolete.Not all Napoleonic lessons were scrupulously adhered to though,such as,钬淣o infantry,however brave,can march 3,000 or 3,600 feet with impunity against sixteen or twenty-four well-placed guns,served by good gunners.Before it would get two thirds of the way its men would be killed,wounded or scattered.钬 (pgs.56-57).Lee would have been wise to have accepted this advice at Gettysburg,as would Burnside at Fredericksburg seven months earlier. While the changing face of military technology eroded much of the value in Napoleonic study,his operational and strategic genius still resonates today,and according to Luvaas,钬淎 strong case could be made that Napoleon created the operational level of war as it is understood and practiced by soldiers today.钬 (introduction,pg.x) For students of military history,no understanding of nineteenth century warfare is possible without first establishing a solid footing in Napoleonic tactics,which provided the basis for all Western warfare through the First World War.Even beyond that,one can still see Napoleon钬檚 fingerprints on modern military command structure through the corps and divisions of today,which make command and control possible at the operational level. Much of Napoleon钬檚 writings in this book are in fact directives given to field commanders,and demonstrate how his direct experience in combat provides real-life lessons in military theory.For example,Napoleon may be writing to offer correction to what he perceives as error or faulty logic in his officer corps and will illustrate a point to a subordinate by referencing an earlier campaign or battle.As he does this,he takes time to expound upon sound military principles,and these are entertaining passages. In other communications,Napoleon goes into great detail about specific operational features of the campaign,as in when he is listing the disposition of corps in the Grande Armee prior to Austerlitz,down to a count of the number of rounds each soldier will carry on his person.These passages can be tedious,and as Napoleon will often mention every river,town and ridge to be encountered in the line of operation,it is sometimes difficult for the reader to maintain focus throughout.Overall,however,if one stays with Napoleon钬檚 train of thought,the important lessons about warfare become apparent and the value of the text in Luvaas钬 mind is seen. In military history,the influence of Napoleon Bonaparte is so pervasive that not just a school of tactics,but an entire era bears his name.Generations of officers learned their craft studying him,and more than a few spent their careers trying to emulate him.Reading his words today sheds light not just on Napoleon,but also to a larger degree on an entire age of combat commanders.For the student of military history,reading Napoleon is to peer into the past and see the foundations of a century of warfare,with all of its pageantry and all of its carnage.
2023-06-25 23:56:591


2022kpl世界冠军杯赛程表如下:1、北京时间2022年12月3日。六点,南京Hero久竞对战韩国GenG。十点,成都AG超玩会对战日本SCARZ。2、北京时间2022年12月4日。八点四十,北京WB对战泰国BaconTime。十点,南京Hero久竞对战武汉eStarPro。3、北京时间2022年12月5日。六点,土耳其FUTNOVA对战XYG。十点,成都AG超玩会对战佛山DRGGK。4、北京时间2022年12月7日。六点,日本SCARZ对战佛山DRGGK。八点四十,成都AG超玩会对战巴西RCK。5、北京时间2022年12月8日。六点,拉美Isurus对战武汉eStarPro。七点二十, XYG对战泰国BaconTime。八点四十,佛山DRGGK对战巴西RCK。十点,上海EDGM对战重庆狼队。6、北京时间2022年12月9日。六点,南京Hero久竞对战拉美Isurus。七点二十,武汉eStarPro对战韩国GenG。八点四十,中东北非YaLLa对战重庆狼队。十点北京WB对战 XYG。7、北京时间2022年12月10日。四点二十,武汉eStarPro对战韩国GenG。五点四十,南京Hero久竞对战拉美Isurus。七点,拉美Isurus对战武汉eStarPro。八点二十,武汉eStarPro对战南京Hero久竞。九点四十,南京Hero久竞对战韩国GenG。8、北京时间2022年12月11日。四点二十,南亚Impunity对战上海EDGM。五点四十,中东北非YaLLa对战重庆狼队。七点,重庆狼队对战南亚Impunity。八点二十,上海EDG.M对战中东&北非YaLLa。九点四十,重庆狼队对战上海EDGM。9、北京时间2022年12月12日。四点二十,日本SCARZ对战佛山DRGGK。五点四十,成都AG超玩会对战巴西RCK。七点,巴西RCK对战佛山DRGGK。八点二十,佛山DRGGK对战成都AG超玩会。九点四十,成都AG超玩会对战日本SCARZ。10、北京时间2022年12月13日。四点二十,XYG对战泰国BaconTime。五点四十,北京WB对战土耳其FUTNOVA。七点泰国BaconTime对战北京WB。八点二十,土其FUTNOVA对战XYG。九点四十北京WB对战XYG。
2023-06-25 23:58:531


打不得的解释 (1) [cannot be beaten with impunity]∶ 惩罚 不得 他是王子打不得 (2) [cannot beat and get away with it]∶不能打 他身体弱得打不得 词语分解 打的解释 打 ǎ 击,敲,攻击: 打击 。 殴打 。打杀。 放出,发出,注入,扎入: * 。 打雷 。打信号。打电报。 做,造:打首饰。打家具。 拨动:打算盘。 揭,破,凿开:打破。打井。 举,提起:打 灯笼 。打起 精神 。 涂抹 不得的解释 用在 动词 后面,表示不可以或不能够吾不得而见之矣。;;清;袁枚《黄生借书说》详细解释.不能得到;得不到。《诗· 周南 ·关雎》:“ 求之不得 ,寤寐思服。” 汉 晁错 《论贵粟疏》:“夫腹饥不得食,肤寒不得
2023-06-26 00:00:551

英文作文 我曾经做过什么事

I have of who he is,I forgot,I have done nothing,I forgot,I have been to any place,I forgot.Of all the world to me are useless,because I did not have any desire,I do not have to subject to the devil Juzhao because I have nothing to fear,I can impunity of travel,because I do not need any,so I Not afraid of poverty,because I do not have anything with,so I do not fear of losing and I did not love,not hate,not all!I am not God,not ghosts,not gods,I do yes.I am not me,I did not name the country at dawn,of my existence!
2023-06-26 00:02:361


2023-06-26 00:03:565


2023-06-26 00:04:444

英语作文 my hero关于拿破仑的 急求 越简单越好 长一点啊 朗诵满三分中

Napoleon Bonaparte rose to prominence as a general during the French Revolution, becoming ruler of France as First Consul in 1799. In 1804, after having subdued most of Europe through conquest or alliance, he crowned himself Emperor of France to prevent a restoration of the Bourbon monarchy. Napoleon spent the next ten years fighting a succession of wars against various allied coalitions, with often brilliant results, such as at Austerlitz in 1805. As a part of his unending struggle against Great Britain, Napoleon attempted to impose a continental embargo, but this was ineffective and caused his allies, such as Russia, to suffer immensely. As a result, Russia resumed trading with Great Britain in 1812, inducing Napoleon to invade Russia in June of that year. The disastrous results of that invasion, whereby only 40,000 of approximately 650,000 troops survived the campaign, paved the way for Napoleonu2019s first abdication in April 1814. Exiled to the Mediterranean island of Elba, Napoleon chafed at his separation from power, and in March 1815, escaped to return to France once more, reclaiming the throne. Once again, a powerful coalition was organized against him, and on June 18 he was decisively defeated at the Battle of Waterloo. Again, Napoleon was exiled, this time to the far distant island of St. Helena in the South Atlantic, where he died in 1821. In Napoleon on the Art of War, Jay Luvaas utilizes personal correspondence to create essays that illuminate the great commanderu2019s thoughts on military philosophy. Luvaas stitches together Napoleonu2019s writings into ten essays, plus an analysis of the campaigns of Frederick the Great. In these essays the reader will find discussions of strategy, tactics, general principles of ground war, and commentary on the “great captains.” (Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Caesar, etc.) If there is a recurrent theme throughout these essays, it is Napoleonu2019s obsessive focus on organizational details and logistics, for it is his meticulous preparation that often proved decisive in battle. Napoleon recognized this, saying, “If I take so many precautions, it is because my habit is to leave nothing to chanceu2026A plan of campaign must anticipate everything that the enemy can do and contain within it the means of outmaneuvering him.” (pg. 66) Napoleon also enumerated several military principles, such as “Do not make flank marches in front of an army that is in position” and “Preserve your line of operation with care and never abandon it lightheartedly.” (pg. 40) Napoleonu2019s ideas were foundational to military studies throughout the nineteenth century, his campaigns becoming the subject of intense examination by students at military academies across the Western world. In America, the officer corps of both the Union and Confederate armies were well versed in Napoleonic tactics, and held fast to these lessons learned at West Point, even in the face of new technologies that made many of the ideas obsolete. Not all Napoleonic lessons were scrupulously adhered to though, such as, “No infantry, however brave, can march 3,000 or 3,600 feet with impunity against sixteen or twenty-four well-placed guns, served by good gunners. Before it would get two thirds of the way its men would be killed, wounded or scattered.” (pgs. 56-57). Lee would have been wise to have accepted this advice at Gettysburg, as would Burnside at Fredericksburg seven months earlier. While the changing face of military technology eroded much of the value in Napoleonic study, his operational and strategic genius still resonates today, and according to Luvaas, “A strong case could be made that Napoleon created the operational level of war as it is understood and practiced by soldiers today.” (introduction, pg. x) For students of military history, no understanding of nineteenth century warfare is possible without first establishing a solid footing in Napoleonic tactics, which provided the basis for all Western warfare through the First World War. Even beyond that, one can still see Napoleonu2019s fingerprints on modern military command structure through the corps and divisions of today, which make command and control possible at the operational level. Much of Napoleonu2019s writings in this book are in fact directives given to field commanders, and demonstrate how his direct experience in combat provides real-life lessons in military theory. For example, Napoleon may be writing to offer correction to what he perceives as error or faulty logic in his officer corps and will illustrate a point to a subordinate by referencing an earlier campaign or battle. As he does this, he takes time to expound upon sound military principles, and these are entertaining passages. In other communications, Napoleon goes into great detail about specific operational features of the campaign, as in when he is listing the disposition of corps in the Grande Armee prior to Austerlitz, down to a count of the number of rounds each soldier will carry on his person. These passages can be tedious, and as Napoleon will often mention every river, town and ridge to be encountered in the line of operation, it is sometimes difficult for the reader to maintain focus throughout. Overall, however, if one stays with Napoleonu2019s train of thought, the important lessons about warfare become apparent and the value of the text in Luvaasu2019 mind is seen. In military history, the influence of Napoleon Bonaparte is so pervasive that not just a school of tactics, but an entire era bears his name. Generations of officers learned their craft studying him, and more than a few spent their careers trying to emulate him. Reading his words today sheds light not just on Napoleon, but also to a larger degree on an entire age of combat commanders. For the student of military history, reading Napoleon is to peer into the past and see the foundations of a century of warfare, with all of its pageantry and all of its carnage.
2023-06-26 00:04:592


我有文件包,可以私我The Ass and the Grasshopper An Ass having heard some Grasshoppers chirping, was highly enchanted; and, desiring to possess the same charms of melody, demanded what sort of food they lived on to give them such beautiful voices. They replied, "The dew." The Ass resolved that he would live only upon dew, and in a short time died of hunger. The Lion and the Mouse A Kion was awakened from sleep by a Mouse running over his face. Rising up angrily, he caught him and was about to kill him, when the Mouse piteously entreated, saying: "If you would only spare my life, I would be sure to repay your kindness." The Lion laughed and let him go. It happened shortly after this that the Lion was caught by some hunters, who bound him by st ropes to the ground. The Mouse, recognizing his roar, came gnawed the rope with his teeth, and set him free, exclaim "You ridiculed the idea of my ever being able to help you, expecting to receive from me any repayment of your favor; I now you know that it is possible for even a Mouse to con benefits on a Lion." The Charcoal-Burner and the Fuller A Charcoal-Burner carried on his trade in his own house. One day he met a friend, a Fuller, and entreated him to come and live with him, saying that they should be far better neighbors and that their housekeeping expenses would be lessened. The Fuller replied, "The arrangement is impossible as far as I am concerned, for whatever I should whiten, you would immediately blacken again with your charcoal." Like will draw like. The Father and His Sons A father had a family of sons who were perpetually quarreling among themselves. When he failed to heal their disputes by his exhortations, he determined to give them a practical illustration of the evils of disunion; and for this purpose he one day told them to bring him a bundle of sticks. When they had done so, he placed the faggot into the hands of each of them in succession, and ordered them to break it in pieces. They tried with all their strength, and were not able to do it. He next opened the faggot, took the sticks separately, one by one, and again put them into his sons" hands, upon which they broke them easily. He then addressed them in these words: "My sons, if you are of one mind, and unite to assist each other, you will be as this faggot, uninjured by all the attempts of your enemies; but if you are divided among yourselves, you will be broken as easily as these sticks." The Boy Hunting Locusts A boy was hunting for locusts. He had caught a goodly number, when he saw a Scorpion, and mistaking him for a locust, reached out his hand to take him. The Scorpion, showing his sting, said: If you had but touched me, my friend, you would have lost me, and all your locusts too!" The Cock and the Jewel A Cock, scratching for food for himself and his hens, found a precious stone and exclaimed: "If your owner had found thee, and not I, he would have taken thee up, and have set thee in thy first estate; but I have found thee for no purpose. I would rather have one barleycorn than all the jewels in the world." The Kingdom of the Lion The beasts of the field and forest had a Lion as their king. He was neither wrathful, cruel, nor tyrannical, but just and gentle as a king could be. During his reign he made a royal proclamation for a general assembly of all the birds and beasts, and drew up conditions for a universal league, in which the Wolf and the Lamb, the Panther and the Kid, the Tiger and the Stag, the Dog and the Hare, should live together in perfect peace and amity. The Hare said, "Oh, how I have longed to see this day, in which the weak shall take their place with impunity by the side of the strong." And after the Hare said this, he ran for his life. The Wolf and the Crane A Wolf who had a bone stuck in his throat hired a Crane, for a large sum, to put her head into his mouth and draw out the bone. When the Crane had extracted the bone and demanded the promised payment, the Wolf, grinning and grinding his teeth, exclaimed: "Why, you have surely already had a sufficient recompense, in having been permitted to draw out your head in safety from the mouth and jaws of a wolf." In serving the wicked, expect no reward, and be thankful if you escape injury for your pains. The Fisherman Piping A fisherman skilled in music took his flute and his nets to the seashore. Standing on a projecting rock, he played several tunes in the hope that the fish, attracted by his melody, would of their own accord dance into his net, which he had placed below. At last, having long waited in vain, he laid aside his flute, and casting his net into the sea, made an excellent haul of fish. When he saw them leaping about in the net upon the rock he said: "O you most perverse creatures, when I piped you would not dance, but now that I have ceased you do so merrily." Hercules and the Wagoner A carter was driving a wagon along a country lane, when the wheels sank down deep into a rut. The rustic driver, stupefied and aghast, stood looking at the wagon, and did nothing but utter loud cries to Hercules to come and help him. Hercules, it is said, appeared and thus addressed him: "Put your shoulders to the wheels, my man. Goad on your bullocks, and never more pray to me for help, until you have done your best to help yourself, or depend upon it you will henceforth pray in vain." Self-help is the best help. The Ants and the Grasshopper The ants were spending a fine winter"s day drying grain collected in the summertime. A Grasshopper, perishing with famine, passed by and earnestly begged for a little food. The Ants inquired of him, "Why did you not treasure up food during the summer?" He replied, "I had not leisure enough. I passed the days in singing." They then said in derision: "If you were foolish enough to sing all the summer, you must dance supperless to bed in the winter."
2023-06-26 00:05:082


3、He must have gone swimming yesterday
2023-06-26 00:05:249

in order that so that

A C D都是为了的意思,只有B的意思是所以。
2023-06-26 00:05:585


【 #三年级# 导语】那些优秀的故事,在吸引学生去了解其中发生的事情时,又往往能把一些具有深远意义的道理教给学生,在学生心中树立一个榜样,树立一种积极健康向上的精神,慢慢的这些品质会对学生产生影响,影响力足以贯穿一生,所以,老师家长一定要注意在这方面对学生的熏陶。以下是 整理的《小学三年级双语故事(五篇)》相关资料,希望帮助到您。 【篇一】小学三年级双语故事   公鸡和宝玉   A COCK, scratching for food for himself and his hens, found a precious stone and exclaimed: "If your owner had found thee, and not I, he would have taken thee up, and have set thee in thy first estate; but I have found thee for no purpose. I would rather have one barleycorn than all the jewels in the world."   一只公鸡在田野里为自己和母鸡们寻找食物。他发现了一块宝玉,便对宝玉说:“若不是我,而是你的主人找到了你,他会非常珍惜地把你捡起来;但我发现了你却毫无用处。我 与其得到世界上一切宝玉,倒不如得到一颗麦子好。”   这是说自己需要的东西才是真正珍贵的。 【篇二】小学三年级双语故事   The Kingdom of the Lion狮子国王   THE BEASTS of the field and forest had a Lion as their king. He was neither wrathful, cruel, nor tyrannical, but just and gentle as a king could be. During his reign he made a royal proclamation for a general   assembly of all the birds and beasts, and drew up conditions for a universal league, in which the Wolf and the Lamb, the Panther and the Kid, the Tiger and the Stag, the Dog and the Hare, should live together in   perfect peace and amity. The Hare said, "Oh, how I have longed to see this day, in which the weak shall take their place with impunity by the side of the strong." And after the Hare said this, he ran for his life.   有只狮子做了国王,他善良、温和,与人一样和平、公正。在他的统治下,惩恶扬善, 裁决动物之间的纠纷,使所有的动物和睦相处。胆小的兔子说:“我祈祷能得到这样的日 子,那时弱者就不怕被强者伤害了。” 然后赶紧逃命去了。 【篇三】小学三年级双语故事   故事小红帽   小红帽是一个可爱的女孩。她喜欢红帽子,于是她妈妈就叫她小红帽。   她的祖母很爱小红帽,但现在她生病了。小红帽的妈妈非常忙,所有她让小红帽去看望祖母。在森林里,一只狼看见了小红帽。"瞧啊!小红帽。午餐有小孩子可以吃啦!这是一条去她祖母家的路。"   狼来到了祖母家并吃掉了祖母。然后他戴上祖母的眼镜,并穿上祖母的衣服并睡在祖母的`床上。过了一段时间,小红帽来到了祖母的床前,使她吃惊的是祖母的嘴巴非常大。于是她问:"祖母,为什么你的嘴巴这么大?""用它来吃小女孩。"狼说这就扑向小红帽。   "救命,救命!狼追着小红帽。正在此时,一个猎人路过这儿,他用枪打死了狼并救出小红帽;然后他剥开狼的兔子,救出祖母。"   Story Little Red Riding Hood   Little Red Riding Hood is a lovely girl. She likes red hats. So her mother calls her little Red Riding Hood.   Her grandma loves her very much. But now she is ill. Her mother is busy. So she asks little Riding Hood to see her grandma.   In the forest, a wolf sees little Red Riding Hood, "Look, little Riding Hood. I have children for lunch, the path goes to her grandma"s house."   The wolf comes to grandma"s house and eats grandma. Then he wears grandma"s glasses and clothes, and in her bed.   After a while, little Red Riding Hood comes to grandma"s bed. To her surprise, grandma"s mouth is very big. So she asks: "Grandma, why is your mouth so big?" "I eat little girls with this mouth." And he rushed at little Red Riding Hood.   "Help! Help!" The wolf runs after little Red Riding Hood. At this time, a hunter passes through the house. He shoots the wolf and saves little Red Riding Hood. Then he cuts the wolf and grandma comes out. 【篇四】小学三年级双语故事   A crow, ready to die with thirst, flew with joy to a pitcher which he saw at a distance. But when he came up to it, he found the water so low that with all his stooping and straining he was unable to reach it. Thereupon he tried to bread the pitcher, then to overturn it, seeing some small pebbles at hand, he dropped a great many of them, one by one, into the pitcher, and so raised the water to the brim, and quenched his thirst.   一只快渴死的乌鸦,远远地看见一只水壶,就高兴地飞了过去,但是当他飞到的时候发现壶里的水浅得怎么用力弯腰伸颈也够不着,于是他试着把水壶打破,又试着把他推倒。但是力量不足,都做不到,最后看见近边有许多小石子,他一个个地把很多石子丢进了水壶,这样使水上升到壶口,就解了渴。 【篇五】小学三年级双语故事   The Clever King Solomon   Long, long ago, there was a king. Solomon was his name. He was very clever.   In his country, there were two women. They lived in the same house and each had a child.   One night, one of the babies died. The dead baby"s mother took the other woman"s baby, and put it in her own bed.   The next morning , they had a quarrel.   “No, this is my baby!” The dead is yours!”   Each one wanted the living baby. So they went to see King Solomon.   “Bring me a knife, cut the child into two and five each woman one half.” said the King.   “Oh. Your Majesty! Give her my baby. Please don"t kill my baby!”   Then King Solomon pointed to the woman in teas and said, “Give the baby to her. She is the mother.”   聪明的国王所罗门   很久很久之前,有一位国王,他的名字叫所罗门,他非常聪明。   在他的国家里,有两位妇女,她们住在同一间房子里。各有一个婴儿。   一天夜里,其中一个婴儿死了。他的妈妈抱另一位妇女的小孩,把他放在自己的床上。   第二天早上,他们发生了争吵。   “不,这是我的孩子!这个死的是你的!”   他们都想要这个活着的孩子,于是她们去见所罗门国王。   “给我拿把刀来,把这个孩子切成两半,没人一半。”国王判决道。   “哦,陛下,把我的孩子给她吧。请不要杀了我的孩子!”一位母亲哭喊道。   于是所罗门指着流泪的妇女说:“把孩子给她,她是真正的母亲。”
2023-06-26 00:06:111


punish可以这样进行快速记忆 1/词根助记 解析 pun 惩罚 + ish 构成动词 -> 惩罚 -> punish 惩罚 2/联想 punishment n. 惩罚;粗暴的对待 admonish v. 告诫 British adj. 英国的;英国人的 n. 英国人 English n. 英语;英格兰人 adj. 英语的;英格兰的 impunity n. 免除 pine n. 松树;松木 v. 难过,悲伤
2023-06-26 00:06:181

请问这张图片的出处 最好详细说下 谢谢了

苏格兰女王纹章!!!英格兰女王的纹章的顶饰是头戴王冠的金狮。金狮是英格兰,到了苏格兰来也要换掉。现在作为顶饰的是头头戴王冠的苏格兰红狮。那头苏格兰红狮还举着剑和笏挑起一条横幅标语“In Defens”,那是“In My Defens God Me Defend”(守护上帝之守护)的简略。这个铭文有点怪怪的,总觉得放错了地方。本应该放在英格兰女王的纹章上,因为从宗教改革以后历代英国君主都有个叫做“信仰守护者”的称号,这个称号的由来也充满着英国式的幽默,以后再谈。不知怎么回事英格兰女王的纹章上没有这句话,反而让苏格兰的大红狮子来打着这条标语。底座卷轴上的铭文是Nemo me impune lacessit (No-one wounds me with impunity,凡伤吾者必受惩罚)。英格兰在历史上是极富进攻性的国家,而苏格兰则比较和平善良,不太给其他国家带来麻烦,但纹章上正好相反,苏格兰纹章极富进攻性,温良恭俭让的倒是英格兰纹章,也算“表面纹章”吧。大家可能会有疑问,这两个纹章好像都缺了样东西。对,是缺了一样东西:缺了威尔士。纹章上英格兰,苏格兰,爱尔兰都有了,唯独没有威尔士。这个原因是威尔士的级别不够上纹章。大家说起英伦三岛都是英格兰,苏格兰,威尔士一起说,但其实有点不一样。现在的伊丽莎白女王是英联邦首脑,联合王国女王,英格兰女王,苏格兰女王等等等等数不清的称号,就没有威尔士的。因为英格兰和苏格兰是王国,而威尔士只是公国。而且问题还不仅仅只因为威尔士是公国,伊丽莎白二世的称号中也不光是“女王”,她同时也是兰开斯特公爵和诺曼底公爵。但是女王不是威尔士大公。从1301年开始英国就有了个的传统,英国君主的长子为威尔士大公 (Duke of Wales)。关于这个传统有个传说,英格兰国王爱德华一世为了安抚反叛的威尔士人,答应给他们一个“出生在威尔士,肯定不会说英语”的大公,当威尔士人接受了这个条件后,爱德华一世抱出了刚刚出生的王子,把威尔士人给弄了个目瞪口呆。这个婴儿就是后来的爱德华二世。这个传说的真伪已经不可考证,但是爱德华二世倒确实是出生在威尔士的Caernarfon。现在的威尔士大公是皇太子查尔斯亲王。这就是历代英国君主的纹章上都没有威尔士的原因。英国君主的长子为威尔士大公,但也例外的。亨利八世的长子爱德华六世就没有得到过这个头衔。他即位时只有十岁,没来的及去当。
2023-06-26 00:06:251


qqqm159 - 助理 二级 这人第一句化就...... 哎 你第一句发一个名词干什么..... 温欣女生 - 见习魔法师 三级 推荐
2023-06-26 00:06:406


Internet Dating of the benefits: 1, broaden horizons, to keep abreast of current events, obtain the latest knowledge and information; 2, you can chat with netizens with impunity, pour out your heart, reduce the academic burden, ease the pressure; 3, where, at various BBS posting their views on various issues and insights, I feel great sense of accomplishment; 4, can improve the level of their own particular hobbies; 5, make their own home has become a fashion, put their favorite picture data transmission up and open a discussion area, made a number of posts, and everyone exchanges make their own sense of moderator is really great. 6, the network friends can vent their depression, may not look at someone else"s face, you can break a small circle around their own lives can be and on-line allies and friends in Chi Kan days that way, you can put ourselves in a beautiful environment illusory in!! Internet Dating of the disadvantages: 1, online fraudsters more. 2, on-line fraud easier. 3, Internet fraud people tend to escape responsibility. 4, over-reliance on net fall of people make friends, their thinking is no longer normal. 5, rely on online dating will lead to their own psychological problems, it is necessary and timely to see a psychiatrist. Network and the reality is completely different from two of the world, in reality did not dare to say, I am sorry to say, in the fantasy Web world can speak freely. However, after all, the network is a network, online friends, chat only to relax and talk as the spirit of it, must not the whole letter. Networks are indispensable in modern society as a tool, a feeling that we use, we want to be used with caution
2023-06-26 00:06:541

it hurts英文版歌词

it hurtsYou"re wearing I send you shoes with her strolling in the street As if nothing has occurredly and she kiss You spray the I send you perfume but she fell in your arms And she doing between us had agreed We are already too late! We love is over No matter what the words you give me point response! Oh - us so loved not Could it really can"t turn back Tonight, only I hurt You have changed your mind whether any had not me I remember to you really hurt very hurt A face of indifferent to look at my tears With impunity continued opened its mouth You say you can"t deny you no crush There were no regret cruelly said these words We are already too late? Our love is over Even if is lies also tell me it"s not true My future clearly ability to you better Although cannot love with you Tonight, only I hurt You have changed your mind if you have no I I remind of you of time really hurt very hurt You no longer before that you I love the people and now you have days bndly don"t only hair foolish looking at you gradually away tears No, I can t here ` recognize You are ` re not anymore Must be dated? No turning back now You must be dated not come back again? Me Must be dated? No turning back Why should ruthlessly; we can"t continue fell in love Oh that"s what it took to end it in your heart No I exist I think of you Really hurt very hurt We"re wounded 应该是这个了,请采纳!
2023-06-26 00:07:073


2023-06-26 00:07:251

求助the cast of amontillado想表达的是什么 作品赏析

阿芒提拉多的酒桶The Cast of the Amontillado(试译)The Cast of the Amontillado Edgar Allan Poe阿芒提拉多的酒桶 艾伦。坡THE thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could ; but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge. You, who so well know the nature of my soul, will not suppose, however, that I gave utterance to a threat. At length I would be avenged ; this was a point definitively settled - but the very definitiveness with which it was resolved, precluded the idea of risk. I must not only punish, but punish with impunity. A wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes its redresser. It is equally unredressed when the avenger fails to make himself felt as such to him who has done the wrong. 我受够了弗图纳多的百般伤害,一旦他胆敢侮辱我,我定将还以颜色。您是如此了解我的脾性,毋庸置疑,我可不是说着玩的。雪尽耻辱那是迟早的事,这一点已是板上钉钉,既然拿定注意,我就不怕冒险。而且,不仅要施以惩戒,还要干的神不知鬼不觉。复仇者自己受到牵连,这仇等于没报。同样,不让仇家知道是谁干的,这恩怨还是没有了断。It must be understood, that neither by word nor deed had I given Fortunato cause to doubt my good will. I continued, as was my wont, to smile in his face, and he did not perceive that my smile now was at the thought of his immolation.当然,我不会让弗图纳多从我的言行举止中怀疑到我的真实意图。一如既往,我对他笑脸相迎,他也没有觉察到我笑意背后暗藏的杀机。He had a weak point - this Fortunato - although in other regards he was a man to be respected and even feared. He prided himself on his connoisseurship in wine. Few Italians have the true virtuoso spirit. For the most part their enthusiasm is adopted to suit the time and opportunity - to practise imposture upon the British and Austrian millionaires. In painting and gemmary, Fortunato, like his countrymen , was a quack - but in the matter of old wines he was sincere. In this respect I did not differ from him materially : I was skilful in the Italian vintages myself, and bought largely whenever I could.弗图纳多,这家伙的弱点在于——他自负于对葡萄酒的鉴别力,尽管在很多方面他都被人尊重且令人敬畏。没有几个意大利人真正懂得品酒之道。他们的兴趣大都用于找准时机给英国和奥地利的富翁们下拌设套。在绘画和珠宝方面,弗图纳多和他的同胞一样,江湖骗子一个。不过在陈酒方面,他确有一手。这一点我和他相差不远,对意大利葡萄酒,我也不俗,只要可能,我就大量买进。It was about dusk, one evening during the supreme madness of
2023-06-26 00:07:321