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哪位可以解释下什么是hedge accounting

对冲会计法 hedge: n. 1.(用灌木等构成的)树篱,(树枝等编成的)篱笆, ... accounting: n. 1.会计;会计学。 2.账;记账;清算账目。 短语 ... 例句与用法1. Fair value and hedge accounting公允价值与套期保值会计2. The hedging does not satisfy the conditions for adopting the hedging accounting method as specified in these standards any longer(二)该套期不再满足本准则所规定的运用套期会计方法的条件。 3. Article 4 for a hedging which satisfies the conditions as prescribed in chapter iii of these standards , the enterprise may deal with it through the hedging accounting method第四条对于满足本准则第三章规定条件的套期,企业可运用套期会计方法进行处理。 4. The " hedging accounting method " shall refer to a method to record the result of offsetting the hedging instrument and the changes of the fair value of the hedged item套期会计方法,是指在相同会计期间将套期工具和被套期项目公允价值变动的抵销结果计入当期损益的方法。 5. Unless otherwise provided by laws or regulations , an institutional investor that applies to open a hedge account for its futures trading shall proceed in accordance with these directions二)法人机构以交易人身分申请避险帐户从事期货交易者,除法令另有规定外,依本注意事项办理。 6. Chapter 5 deals with the hedging relationship of foreign currency option , and presents the accounting method of foreign currency option hedge , and discusses problems hi hedging accounting 第5章,探讨了外汇期权的套期关系及其认定和有效性的标准,给出了外汇期权套期的会计处理程序,并就外汇期权套期会计中存在的问题进行了探讨。 7. The dissertation intends to accept fair value as measurement attribute . but for the measurement mode , the dissertation does n " t support simple fair value mode with common sense , and also does n " t agreehedging accounting计量属性本文倾向于采用公允价值属性,但在计量模式上,本文并不赞同一般意义上的简单的公允价值会计模式,而且也不赞同套期会计。 8. If a securities investment trust fund operated by a site approved by the competent authority to engage in domestic futures trading wishes to apply for an exemption to position limits , the trust fund shall complete and submit the " application for a securities investment trust fund operated by a securities investment trust enterprise to open a futures trading hedge account " ( form 3 ) together with the required supporting documentation to the exchange四)依主管机关规定得于国内期货市场从事国内期货交易之证券投资信托事业所管理之证券投资信托基金,因避险需求而拟申请豁免交易规则之部位限制规定者,应检具证券投资信托事业所管理之证券投资信托基金设立期货交易避险帐户申请书(附表三) ,载明其应记载事项,连同应检附书件,向本公司申请。 9. A foreign institutional investor allowed under the rules of the competent authority to trade futures on the domestic futures market shall complete and submit the " application for a foreign institutional investor to open a futures trading hedge account " ( form 2 ) together with the required supporting documentation to the exchange to apply for opening of a hedge account and exemption from position restrictions under trading rules二)依主管机关规定得于国内期货市场从事期货交易之外国机构投资人,应检具外国机构投资人设立期货交易避险帐户申请书(附表二) ,载明其应记载事项,连同应检附书件,向本公司申请设立避险帐户并豁免交易规则部位限制。 10. The securities investment trust fund will be exempt from position limits required for each contract by their respective trading rules only after the exchange has approved the application and issued certifying documentation that may be used to open a hedge account with a futures commission merchant or to convert an existing trading account into a hedge account俟本公司同意并发给证明文件,凭以向期货商开设避险帐户或将原交易帐户变更为避险帐户,并由期货商函报本公司后,该证券投资信托事业所管理之证券投资信托基金从事期货交易,始得豁免交易规则之部位限制规定。




  ユメミタソラ  歌:日高ユメミ(相沢舞)  作词/作曲:yozuca* 编曲:chokix  ムント(Munto)剧场版アニメ「天上人とアクト人最后の戦い」テーマソング  いつもと同(おな)じ笑颜(えがお) いつも见惯(みな)れたこの坂道(さかみち)  itsumoto ona ji egao itsumo ken mina retakono sakamichi  ここから见(み)える空(そら)に 君(きみ)が生(い)きる世界(せかい)がある  kokokara mi eru sora ni kimi ga i kiru sekaigaaru  またどこかで巡(めぐ)り会(あ)う  matadokokade megu ri a u  时空(とき)の壁(かべ)を超(こ)えて行(ゆ)ける  toki no kabe wo ko ete yu keru  君(きみ)の温(ぬく)もり その温(あたた)かさ 伝(つた)わる祈(いの)りが  kimi no nuku mori sono atata kasa tsuta waru ino riga  教(おし)えてくれた大切(たいせつ)なこと  oshi etekureta taisetsu nakoto  今(いま)をあきらめない  ima woakiramenai  ずっと…信(しん)じてる  zutto ... shin jiteru  确(たし)かな想(おも)い胸(むね)に  tashi kana omo i mune ni  羽根(はね)を広(ひろ)げ飞(と)べる心(こころ)も  hane wo hiro ge to beru kokoro mo  臆病风(おくびょうかぜ)が吹(ふ)いて  okubyoukaze ga fu ite  迷(まよ)い立(た)ち止(ど)まる心(こころ)も  mayo i ta chi do maru kokoro mo  その全(すべ)てを舍(す)てないわ  sono sube tewo su tenaiwa  本当(ほんとう)の强(つよ)さを知(し)った  hontou no tsuyo sawo shi tta  见上(みあ)げた空(そら)に映(うつ)る世界(せかい)が  mia geta sora ni utsu ru sekai ga  今日(きょう)もこれからも  kyoumokorekaramo  変(か)わらずそこに在(あ)りますように  ka warazusokoni a rimasuyouni  愿(ねが)い続(つづ)けるから  nega i tsudu kerukara  ずっと…いつまでも…  zutto ... itsumademo ...  君(きみ)の温(ぬく)もり その温(あたた)かさ 伝(つた)わる祈(いの)りが  kimi no nuku mori sono atata kasa tsuta waru ino riga  教(おし)えてくれた大切(たいせつ)なこと  oshi etekureta taisetsu nakoto  今(いま)をあきらめない  ima woakiramenai  ずっと…忘(わす)れない…  zutto ... wasu renai ...


好端端的为啥硬要码个中文出来= =....它ova们的后缀名字是中文的没错= =第1作没有后缀 就叫munto第2作是 munto 穿越时空之壁第3作貌似是 munto 仰望天空的少女瞳孔中所映照的世界 (但因为要tv了的关系所以第三作腰斩。)



Debian 和 Ubuntu 哪个比较牛


adriano celentano的《confessa》 歌词

歌曲名:confessa歌手:adriano celentano专辑:per sempreSu confessa amore mioio non sono piil solo, l"unicohai nascosto nel cuore tuouna storia irrinunciabileIo non sono piil tuo pensieronon sono piil tuo amore verosono il dolce con fondo amaroche non mangi piMa perchtu sei un"altra donnaMa perchtu non sei pituMa perchnon l"hai detto primaChi non ama non saramato maiAdriano CelentanoChe ne hai fatto del nostro bene?E" diventato un freddo brividoLe risate, le nostre cenescene ormai irrecuperabiliIo non sono piil tuo pensieronon sono piil tuo amore verosono il dolce con fondo amaroche non mangi piMa perchtu sei un"altra donnaMa perchtu non sei pituMa perchtu, tu non l"hai detto primaChi non ama non saramato maiQuando viene la serae il ricordo pian piano scomparela tristezza nel cuorepigrande del mareMa perchnon l"hai detto primaChi non ama non saramato maiChe ne hai fatto del nostro bene?E" diventato un freddo brividoLe risate, le nostre cenescene ormai irrecuperabiliIo non sono piil tuo pensieronon sono piil tuo amore verosono il dolce con fondo amaroche non mangi pi(Strumentale)(Ma perchnon l"hai detto primaChi non ama non saramato mai)(Strumentale)http://music.baidu.com/song/14183304



Ubuntu 与 Debian 之间有哪些不同之处

1、发布周期Ubuntu有2种发布版本:LTS(长期支持)和常规版本,其中LTS版本更稳定,Debian有3个不同的版本:稳定性、测试版和非稳定版,非稳定版是为了实际测试,应该避免使用;测试版是用来为下一个稳定版做准备;稳定版是Debian的主要版本。Debian稳定版可能没有最新的软件和功能,但在稳定性方面毋庸置疑。2、软件更新Debian更注重稳定性,也就意味着并不一定是最新版本,总体来说相比于Ubuntu,Debian稳定版的软件版本会更旧。3、软件可用性Debian和Ubuntu都有一个巨大的软件仓库,然而Ubuntu还有PPA,通过PPA安装更新版本的软件或者获取最新版本的软件都将会变的更容易,也可以在Debian中尝试使用PPA,但是体验并不好。4、支持的平台Ubuntu可以在64位的x86和ARM平台上使用,它不再提供 32 位的镜像,另一方面,Debian支持32位和64位架构,除此之外,还支持64位ARM、ARM EABI、ARMv7、小端MIPS等,所以它也被称为通用操作系统。5、安装Ubuntu的安装比Debian简单得多,当下载Debian时,默认提供最小化镜像,没有非自由(非开源)的固件,如果你继续安装它,你就可能会发现你的网络适配器和其它硬件将无法识别;Ubuntu在默认提供的镜像中包含专有驱动程序和固件时要宽容的多。

Debian VS CentOS哪个更好


LINUX家族里的Debian 或 CentOS 是什么意思



1、发展来源不同。Debian自1996年以来就存在了,是市场上最古老的GNU/Linux发行版之一。对于Debian系统来说,大约有50,000个已完成的软件包,可以轻松安装的预编译程序。Ubuntu是在2004年出现的,算是Debian的衍生产品。也就是说,Ubuntu接管了Debian的架构和基础架构,但是建立在一个非常独立的操作系统上。当然这二者之间彼此有合作,但开发人员和用户社区都是相互独立的。2、版本分类不同。Debian是分为三种版本,stable(稳定版),test(测试版本),以及unstable(不稳定版)比如Debian当前的稳定版本是Debian 11,而当前的测试版本是Debian Bookworm(也就是未来的下一个稳定版),Debian的稳定版本支持期为2年,社区延长支持一年总共三年。而Ubuntu则不是这样分类,Ubuntu区分为LTS版及非LTS版本,LTS版本两年更新一个版本,维护期五年。而非LTS版本则是6个月更新一个版本,支持为9个月。比如Ubuntu 18.04 LTS,Ubuntu 20.04 LTS就是长期支持版,而Ubuntu 20.10就是非长期支持版。3、桌面系统不同。Linux虽然主要是应用在服务器,但它在桌面领域也还是有一点存在感的,那就Linux桌面操作系统来说,Ubuntu就是绝对的王者了。Ubuntu无论是在桌面系统的易用性,对各种硬件的驱动支持等方面,都比Debian优秀。对于Linux桌面选择来说,Ubuntu对新手非常友好,而Debian这样的可能需要有点水平才能用的比较好。


1、发展来源不同。Debian自1996年以来就存在了,是市场上最古老的GNU/Linux发行版之一。对于Debian系统来说,大约有50,000个已完成的软件包,可以轻松安装的预编译程序。Ubuntu是在2004年出现的,算是Debian的衍生产品。也就是说,Ubuntu接管了Debian的架构和基础架构,但是建立在一个非常独立的操作系统上。当然这二者之间彼此有合作,但开发人员和用户社区都是相互独立的。2、版本分类不同。Debian是分为三种版本,stable(稳定版),test(测试版本),以及unstable(不稳定版)比如Debian当前的稳定版本是Debian 11,而当前的测试版本是Debian Bookworm(也就是未来的下一个稳定版),Debian的稳定版本支持期为2年,社区延长支持一年总共三年。而Ubuntu则不是这样分类,Ubuntu区分为LTS版及非LTS版本,LTS版本两年更新一个版本,维护期五年。而非LTS版本则是6个月更新一个版本,支持为9个月。比如Ubuntu 18.04 LTS,Ubuntu 20.04 LTS就是长期支持版,而Ubuntu 20.10就是非长期支持版。3、桌面系统不同。Linux虽然主要是应用在服务器,但它在桌面领域也还是有一点存在感的,那就Linux桌面操作系统来说,Ubuntu就是绝对的王者了。Ubuntu无论是在桌面系统的易用性,对各种硬件的驱动支持等方面,都比Debian优秀。对于Linux桌面选择来说,Ubuntu对新手非常友好,而Debian这样的可能需要有点水平才能用的比较好。


1、发展来源不同。Debian自1996年以来就存在了,是市场上最古老的GNU/Linux发行版之一。对于Debian系统来说,大约有50,000个已完成的软件包,可以轻松安装的预编译程序。Ubuntu是在2004年出现的,算是Debian的衍生产品。也就是说,Ubuntu接管了Debian的架构和基础架构,但是建立在一个非常独立的操作系统上。当然这二者之间彼此有合作,但开发人员和用户社区都是相互独立的。2、版本分类不同。Debian是分为三种版本,stable(稳定版),test(测试版本),以及unstable(不稳定版)比如Debian当前的稳定版本是Debian 11,而当前的测试版本是Debian Bookworm(也就是未来的下一个稳定版),Debian的稳定版本支持期为2年,社区延长支持一年总共三年。而Ubuntu则不是这样分类,Ubuntu区分为LTS版及非LTS版本,LTS版本两年更新一个版本,维护期五年。而非LTS版本则是6个月更新一个版本,支持为9个月。比如Ubuntu 18.04 LTS,Ubuntu 20.04 LTS就是长期支持版,而Ubuntu 20.10就是非长期支持版。3、桌面系统不同。Linux虽然主要是应用在服务器,但它在桌面领域也还是有一点存在感的,那就Linux桌面操作系统来说,Ubuntu就是绝对的王者了。Ubuntu无论是在桌面系统的易用性,对各种硬件的驱动支持等方面,都比Debian优秀。对于Linux桌面选择来说,Ubuntu对新手非常友好,而Debian这样的可能需要有点水平才能用的比较好。




1、发展来源不同。Debian自1996年以来就存在了,是市场上最古老的GNU/Linux发行版之一。对于Debian系统来说,大约有50,000个已完成的软件包,可以轻松安装的预编译程序。Ubuntu是在2004年出现的,算是Debian的衍生产品。也就是说,Ubuntu接管了Debian的架构和基础架构,但是建立在一个非常独立的操作系统上。当然这二者之间彼此有合作,但开发人员和用户社区都是相互独立的。2、版本分类不同。Debian是分为三种版本,stable(稳定版),test(测试版本),以及unstable(不稳定版)比如Debian当前的稳定版本是Debian 11,而当前的测试版本是Debian Bookworm(也就是未来的下一个稳定版),Debian的稳定版本支持期为2年,社区延长支持一年总共三年。而Ubuntu则不是这样分类,Ubuntu区分为LTS版及非LTS版本,LTS版本两年更新一个版本,维护期五年。而非LTS版本则是6个月更新一个版本,支持为9个月。比如Ubuntu 18.04 LTS,Ubuntu 20.04 LTS就是长期支持版,而Ubuntu 20.10就是非长期支持版。3、桌面系统不同。Linux虽然主要是应用在服务器,但它在桌面领域也还是有一点存在感的,那就Linux桌面操作系统来说,Ubuntu就是绝对的王者了。Ubuntu无论是在桌面系统的易用性,对各种硬件的驱动支持等方面,都比Debian优秀。对于Linux桌面选择来说,Ubuntu对新手非常友好,而Debian这样的可能需要有点水平才能用的比较好。


1、发展来源不同。Debian自1996年以来就存在了,是市场上最古老的GNU/Linux发行版之一。对于Debian系统来说,大约有50,000个已完成的软件包,可以轻松安装的预编译程序。Ubuntu是在2004年出现的,算是Debian的衍生产品。也就是说,Ubuntu接管了Debian的架构和基础架构,但是建立在一个非常独立的操作系统上。当然这二者之间彼此有合作,但开发人员和用户社区都是相互独立的。2、版本分类不同。Debian是分为三种版本,stable(稳定版),test(测试版本),以及unstable(不稳定版)比如Debian当前的稳定版本是Debian 11,而当前的测试版本是Debian Bookworm(也就是未来的下一个稳定版),Debian的稳定版本支持期为2年,社区延长支持一年总共三年。而Ubuntu则不是这样分类,Ubuntu区分为LTS版及非LTS版本,LTS版本两年更新一个版本,维护期五年。而非LTS版本则是6个月更新一个版本,支持为9个月。比如Ubuntu 18.04 LTS,Ubuntu 20.04 LTS就是长期支持版,而Ubuntu 20.10就是非长期支持版。3、桌面系统不同。Linux虽然主要是应用在服务器,但它在桌面领域也还是有一点存在感的,那就Linux桌面操作系统来说,Ubuntu就是绝对的王者了。Ubuntu无论是在桌面系统的易用性,对各种硬件的驱动支持等方面,都比Debian优秀。对于Linux桌面选择来说,Ubuntu对新手非常友好,而Debian这样的可能需要有点水平才能用的比较好。

...Debian/Ubuntu 还是 CentOS?




Debian 和 Ubuntu 作为桌面操作系统,哪一个更好用

个人使用ubuntu桌面版 或 fedora 比较适合这些就是专门为个人用户开发软件适应性 方便些更优


乌班图 待宾





The Internet Featuring Left Brain的《Cocaine》 歌词

歌曲名:Cocaine歌手:The Internet Featuring Left Brain专辑:CocaineEminem (ft.Jazmine Sullivan) - CocaineGot to have it,yeah I made itI"m addictedgot more freedomThis was a beat with no words at first, it"s a blank paintingExercising the mind, it"s brain strength trainingStarts off something like shady"s an insane maniacyeah slim shady that"s a zany name ain"t itnow all you needs an image to go with the name, babywife beaters and white t-shirtsHanes mainly, its a long shot but is it possiblethere"s a lane maybe,if not, he"s gonna have to come and change the whole game mainlyhe wants the fame so bad he can taste ithe can see his name up in lightswomen screaming his fucking name feintingshady did it, he sold out the whole stadiumjoe smo made it, he took his plain jane ladyand his baby Hailey out the trailerbut he ain"t trailing anymore he"s ahead of the racewhile maintaining his innocencelittle does he know his train is derailingand he"s about to be raped by this gamewhat you do for, what you keep forthe c.o.c.a.i.n.ecause want to give itGot to have it,yeah I made itI"m addictedgot more freedomYou"re operating on all cylinderssyllables spit like dillingersspilling your gutspeople are feeling your mic skillsbut these haters are ice grillin" yawilling to sacrifice anything for the life they might steal from yafake friends will kill for ya, die for yabut you can"t decipher why for the life of yait wasn"t like this when you were cypheringargue with your wife againshe found vicodin in your pants last night againyour disputes publicnothings private anymorewhen your best friends say bye bye to himwhat kind of apple you take a bite of slim(but this is what you wanted Marshall ain"t it)fuck no, the way that it turned outwas nothing like the picture that I painted in my headsometimes a dream I make is more fun than to actually make itthe game stripped me nakedit robbed me of ever having another real relation-shipwith another girl, this World is a fucking tripas I slip in another worldproceed, take another hitsniff til I fucking urltell em all to fucking sit and spin til they fucking twirlmiddle finger up againrelapsing back in this game, oh well, fuck it thenwhat you do for, what you keep forthe c.o.c.a.i.n.ecause want to give itGot to have it,yeah I made itI"m addictedgot more freedomstart of cryjust say you never liejust you can live life you take bythe role your side d.c.o.s```you think you goodjust call u got on the earthconcern on it with you get it knowno longer to pump on large to so they come hereon here we calling, my name is calling,why you stronger live when you could be bowlingmy head saying yeah, but my feeling staringso maybe walking but it idot fallingbut i got the heaven, ilike givin the hand forshe has the grammy, I got to take it, I got to make itleave the pain in keep sang it, yeahwhat you do for, what you keep forthe c.o.c.a.i.n.ecause want to give itGot to have it,yeah I made itI"m addictedgot more freedomhttp://music.baidu.com/song/12433203


在家里玩的时候,或者搭建vps的时候,用的Linux distribution都是centos,而后因为工作需要接触到了Ubuntu,以及之后的debian。感觉虽然同是Linux发行版,细微处差别还是挺多的。网上查了一下原来在发行版本中也会分派系的。好像笑傲江湖的剑宗和气宗一样,哈哈哈哈。但毕竟师出同门,用的都是Linux内核,基本的命令也几乎是一样的啦。 Linux,最早是由Linus torvalds在1991年开始编写。在这之前Richard stallman创建了free software foundation(FSF)组织以及GNU项目,并不断的编写创建GNU程序。并不断有杰出的程序员和开发者加入到GNU组织中,便造就了今天我们所看到的Linux,或者GNULinux。 Linux发行版本大体分为两类,一类是商业公司维护的发行版本,一类是社区组织维护的发行版本。前者以著名的redhat(RHEL)为代表,后者以debian为代表。 redhat系列 redhat系列的势力大概有以下几个:RHEL(redhat enterprise linux)、Fedora core、centos。 RHEL :就是redhat公司发行的收费版,非常稳定。 Fedora :就是redhat的桌面版本,界面优雅,功能和工具版本都非常靠前,但不是很稳定。 centos :redhat的社区版,功能和RHEL类似,但免费。 redhat系列的包管理方式采用的是:基于RPM包的 YUM包管理 方式。 redhat系列的包分发方式采用的是:编译好的二进制文件。 redhat这个派系的特点是:资料多,很多网上教程都是基于centos讲的。 debian是社区类Linux发展的典范,是迄今为止最遵循GNU规范的Linux系统,该系列主要包含:debian和Ubuntu。 debian分三个branch:stable、testing、unstable。unstable有最新的软件包,但可能会有bug,一般适合桌面用户。testing相对更加稳定,也支持不少新技术。stable非常稳定,但软件包可能就比较过时了。 debian最具特色的是 apt-get/dpkg包管理 方式,其实redhat的YUM也是在模仿debian的apt方式,但在二进制文件发行方式中,apt应该是最好的了。 debian 特点:有丰富的社区,有问题可以去里面请教。 Ubuntu :Ubuntu是一个拥有debian所有的优点,以及自己所加强的优点的近乎完美的Linux桌面系统。


1、发展来源不同。Debian自1996年以来就存在了,是市场上最古老的GNU/Linux发行版之一。对于Debian系统来说,大约有50,000个已完成的软件包,可以轻松安装的预编译程序。Ubuntu是在2004年出现的,算是Debian的衍生产品。也就是说,Ubuntu接管了Debian的架构和基础架构,但是建立在一个非常独立的操作系统上。当然这二者之间彼此有合作,但开发人员和用户社区都是相互独立的。2、版本分类不同。Debian是分为三种版本,stable(稳定版),test(测试版本),以及unstable(不稳定版)比如Debian当前的稳定版本是Debian 11,而当前的测试版本是Debian Bookworm(也就是未来的下一个稳定版),Debian的稳定版本支持期为2年,社区延长支持一年总共三年。而Ubuntu则不是这样分类,Ubuntu区分为LTS版及非LTS版本,LTS版本两年更新一个版本,维护期五年。而非LTS版本则是6个月更新一个版本,支持为9个月。比如Ubuntu 18.04 LTS,Ubuntu 20.04 LTS就是长期支持版,而Ubuntu 20.10就是非长期支持版。3、桌面系统不同。Linux虽然主要是应用在服务器,但它在桌面领域也还是有一点存在感的,那就Linux桌面操作系统来说,Ubuntu就是绝对的王者了。Ubuntu无论是在桌面系统的易用性,对各种硬件的驱动支持等方面,都比Debian优秀。对于Linux桌面选择来说,Ubuntu对新手非常友好,而Debian这样的可能需要有点水平才能用的比较好。

EISClient已停止工作 出现了一个问题,导致程序停止正常工作,请关闭该程序

重装51发票或者升级net4无效,卸载net4后重装即可。Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0就是这个。

I remonstrate with the government, but in no avail.


One day , the princess of an old country became badly ill这篇文章的原文

这是一则童话故事,全文如下:Prince Vivien and the Princess Placida  Once upon a time there lived a King and Queen who loved one another dearly. Indeed the Queen, whose name was Santorina, was so pretty and so kind-hearted that it would have been a wonder if her husband had not been fond of her, while King Gridelin himself was a perfect bundle of good qualities, for the Fairy who presided at his christening had summoned the shades of all his ancestors, and taken something good from each of them to form his character. Unfortunately, though, she had given him rather too much kindness of heart, which is a thing that generally gets its possessor into trouble, but so far all things had prospered with King Gridelin. However, it was not to be expected such good fortune could last, and before very long the Queen had a lovely little daughter who was named Placida. Now the King, who thought that if she resembled her mother in face and mind she would need no other gift, never troubled to ask any of the Fairies to her christening, and this offended them mortally, so that they resolved to punish him severely for thus depriving them of their rights. So, to the despair of King Gridelin, the Queen first of all became very ill, and then disappeared altogether. If it had not been for the little Princess there is no saying what would have become of him, he was so miserable, but there she was to be brought up, and luckily the good Fairy Lolotte, in spite of all that had passed, was willing to come and take charge of her, and of her little cousin Prince Vivien, who was an orphan and had been placed under the care of his uncle, King Gridelin, when he was quite a baby. Although she neglected nothing that could possibly have been done for them, their characters, as they grew up, plainly proved that education only softens down natural defects, but cannot entirely do away with them; for Placida, who was perfectly lovely, and with a capacity and intelligence which enabled her to learn and understand anything that presented itself, was at the same time as lazy and indifferent as it is possible for anyone to be, while Vivien on the contrary was only too lively, and was for ever taking up some new thing and as promptly tiring of it, and flying off to something else which held his fickle fancy an equally short time. As these two children would possibly inherit the kingdom, it was natural that their people should take a great interest in them, and it fell out that all the tranquil and peace-loving citizens desired that Placida should one day be their Queen, while the rash and quarrelsome hoped great things for Vivien. Such a division of ideas seemed to promise civil wars and all kinds of troubles to the State, and even in the Palace the two parties frequently came into collision. As for the children themselves, though they were too well brought up to quarrel, still the difference in all their tastes and feelings made it impossible for them to like one another, so there seemed no chance of their ever consenting to be married, which was a pity, since that was the only thing that would have satisfied both parties. Prince Vivien was fully aware of the feeling in his favour, but being too honourable to wish to injure his pretty cousin, and perhaps too impatient and volatile to care to think seriously about anything, he suddenly took it into his head that he would go off by himself in search of adventure. Luckily this idea occurred to him when he was on horseback, for he would certainly have set out on foot rather than lose an instant. As it was, he simply turned his horse"s head, without another thought than that of getting out of the kingdom as soon as possible. This abrupt departure was a great blow to the State, especially as no one had any idea what had become of the Prince. Even King Gridelin, who had never cared for anything since the disappearance of Queen Santorina, was roused by this new loss, and though he could not so much as look at the Princess Placida without shedding floods of tears, he resolved to see for himself what talents and capabilities she showed. He very soon found out that in addition to her natural indolence, she was being as much indulged and spoilt day by day as if the Fairy had been her grandmother, and was obliged to remonstrate very seriously upon the subject. Lolotte took his reproaches meekly, and promised faithfully that she would not encourage the Princess in her idleness and indifference any more. From this moment poor Placida"s troubles began! She was actually expected to choose her own dresses, to take care of her jewels, and to find her own amusements; but rather than take so much trouble she wore the same old frock from morning till night, and never appeared in public if she could possibly avoid it. However, this was not all, King Gridelin insisted that the affairs of the kingdom should be explained to her, and that she should attend all the councils and give her opinion upon the matter in hand whenever it was asked of her, and this made her life such a burden to her that she implored Lolotte to take her away from a country where too much was required of an unhappy Princess.  The Fairy refused at first with a great show of firmness, but who could resist the tears and entreaties of anyone so pretty as Placida? It came to this in the end, that she transported the Princess just as she was, cosily tucked up upon her favourite couch, to her own Grotto, and this new disappearance left all the people in despair, and Gridelin went about looking more distracted than ever. But now let us return to Prince Vivien, and see what his restless spirit has brought him to. Though Placida"s kingdom was a large one; his horse had carried him gallantly to the limit of it, but it could go no further, and the Prince was obliged to dismount and continue his journey on foot, though this slow mode of progress tired his patience severely.  After what seemed to him a very long time, he found himself all alone in a vast forest, so dark and gloomy that he secretly shuddered; however, he chose the most promising looking path he could find, and marched along it courageously at his best speed, but in spite of all his efforts, night fell before he reached the edge of the wood.  For some time he stumbled along, keeping to the path as well as he could in the darkness, and just as he was almost wearied out he saw before him a gleam of light.  This sight revived his drooping spirits, and he made sure that he was now close to the shelter and supper he needed so much, but the more he walked towards the light the further away it seemed; sometimes he even lost sight of it altogether, and you may imagine how provoked and impatient he was by the time he finally arrived at the miserable cottage from which the light proceeded. He gave a loud knock at the door, and an old woman"s voice answered from within, but as she did not seem to be hurrying herself to open it he redoubled his blows, and demanded to be let in imperiously, quite forgetting that he was no longer in his own kingdom. But all this had no effect upon the old woman, who only noticed all the uproar he was making by saying gently:"You must have patience."  He could hear that she really was coming to open the door to him, only she was so very long about it. First she chased away her cat, lest it should run away when the door was opened, then he heard her talking to herself and made out that her lamp wanted trimming, that she might see better who it was that knocked, and then that it lacked fresh oil, and she must refill it. So what with one thing and another she was an immense time trotting to and fro, and all the while she now and again bade the Prince have patience. When at last he stood within the little hut he saw with despair that it was a picture of poverty, and that not a crumb of anything eatable was to be seen, and when he explained to the old woman that he was dying of hunger and fatigue she only answered tranquilly that he must have patience. However, she presently showed him a bundle of straw on which he could sleep.  "But what can I have to eat?" cried Prince Vivien sharply.  "Wait a little, wait a little," she replied. "If you will only have patience I am just going out into the garden to gather some peas: we will shell them at our leisure, then I will light a fire and cook them, and when they are thoroughly done, we can enjoy them peaceably; there is no hurry."  "I shall have died of starvation by the time all that is done," said the Prince ruefully.  "Patience, patience," said the old woman looking at him with her slow gentle smile, "I can"t be hurried. "All things come at last to him who waits;" you must have heard that often."  Prince Vivien was wild with aggravation, but there was nothing to be done.  "Come then," said the old woman, "you shall hold the lamp to light me while I pick the peas."因为知道回答框字数限制,该故事内容未完,如果需要完整部分,可以HI我索取。

I cannot believe that the restaurant, I have eaten wonderful meals, is going to close down?

其实这句子有争议,这中文的意思,英语应该这样说:It is unbelievable that restaurant offers great taste meals is going to be shut down.

信用证48:period of presentation


Deepin 配置JDK问题: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=gasp



方法/步骤1下载JDK,因为事Ubuntu,所以去官网下载tar.gz格式的即可(ubuntu使用浏览器下载网速比较慢,所以推荐到window上下载好)。2创建JDK存放路径。我的JDK存放在“/usr/jdk”,所以使用命令"sudo mkdir -p /usr/jdk",你可以根据自己的需要创建(我后来由于工作原因,换成了1.7)。3复制tar.gz文件到/usr/jvm/jdk,且使用解压缩命令“tar zxvf”解压缩。我解压缩之后,直接把内容复制到了/usr/jdk,这样配置好之后,有更新,我就直接覆盖jdk目录即可。4配置环境,这是关键的一步。我们使用“sudo gedit /etc/profile”(因为/etc/profile是root文件,所以必须有sudo)命令,在profile文件后面添加PATH。export PATH=/usr/jvm/jdk/bin:$PATH在jdk目录后面添加/bin,再用冒号分割,加PATH。如果你只是简单的配置,到此就可以了,如果你想了解为什么不修改“~/.bashrc”文件而修改“/etc/profile”,请看下一步。5/etc/profile:此文件为系统的每个用户设置环境信息,当用户第一次登录时,该文件被执行。并从/etc/profile.d目录的配置文件中搜集shell的设置。/etc/bashrc:为每一个运行bash shell的用户执行此文件.当bash shell被打开时,该文件被读取。~/.bash_profile:每个用户都可使用该文件输入专用于自己使用的shell信息,当用户登录时,文件仅仅执行一次!默认情况下,他设置一些环境变量,执行用户的.bashrc文件。~/.bashrc:该文件包含专用于你的bash shell的bash信息,当登录时以及每次打开新的shell时,文件被读取。~/.bash_logout:当每次退出系统(退出bash shell)时,执行该文件。 另外,/etc/profile中设定的变量(全局)的可以作用于任何用户,而~/.bashrc等中设定的变量(局部)只能继承/etc/profile中的变量,他们是"父子"关系。看完上面描述,你应该知道了原因了,就是“~/.bashrc”的环境变量只对shell有用,而“/etc/profile”而能针对于任何用户的任意程序。如果你还想要知道更多细节,可以通过关键字“/etc/profile /etc/environment”来搜索。

What does this represent?

你要结合语境来考虑,HEAD是指头,HEELS是指足跟,也就是尾了,头尾呼应也不错,但是好象简单了点.我看到这个题我就想到了人的头和脚,特别是女孩穿了高跟鞋的时候,HIGH HEELS不就是高跟鞋吗?


2、输入你的用户名与密码进入 3、输入以下命令 /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/vi /etc/profile4、用dd(两下d)删除错误的行,然后按下esc键,在按shift+:后输入wq



international journal of aerospace enginneering怎么样

international journal of aerospace enginneering 全部释义和例句>>国际航空航天工程杂志engineer 英[u02ccendu0292u026au02c8nu026au0259(r)] 美[u02ccendu0292u026au02c8nu026ar] n. 工程师,技师; (轮船的) 机师; 〈美〉(火车的)司机,; (陆军的) 工兵; vt. 设计,策划; 安排或处理; 改变…的基因(或遗传)结构; [例句]An engineer who was moonlighting as a taxi driver兼职开出租车的工程师[其他] 第三人称单数:engineers 复数:engineers 现在分词:engineering过去式:engineered 过去分词:engineered 形近词: enginery

enterprise profile是什么意思

enterprise profile企业简介双语对照词典结果:enterprise profile企业简介; -----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


persistent profiles持续的简介persistent[英][pu0259u02c8su026astu0259nt][美][pu0259ru02c8su026astu0259nt]adj.持续的; 持久的; 坚持不懈的; 坚持不渝; profile[英][u02c8pru0259u028afau026al][美][u02c8prou028afau026al]n.侧面,半面; 外形,轮廓; [航]翼型; 人物简介; vt.描…的轮廓; 给…画侧面图; 为(某人)写传略; [机]铣出…的轮廓; 第三人称单数:profiles过去分词:profiled复数:profiles现在进行时:profiling过去式:profiled易混淆单词:Profile例句:1.While they met through linkedin, they also scanned each other"s profiles on facebook. 两人是通过linkedin认识的,但他们也查看了对方的facebook资料。2.A growing industry is assembling this data into profiles of cellphone users. 将这一资料归集到手机用户档案中的行业正在成长之中。

front row seat是什么意思?


硬科技:20世纪末的x86神风特攻队Centaur WinChip (上)

「唯偏执狂得以幸存」(Only the Paranoid Survive),是Intel创办人之一Andy Grove的传世名言,而在x86处理器的世界,也的确有间死守「最低成本」的坚持与「简单、迅速、便宜」信念的公司,至今仍默默的存活在Intel、AMD两大巨头的阴影下,这就是Centaur,从1999年9月16日被VIA(威盛电子)从IDT以5100万美元的价码并购后,至今仍为VIA的子公司,并预定在2020年下半年量产「目标伺服器市场」的CHA处理器。 神风特攻队驾驶员:Centaur 公司成立时间:1995年4月 公司消失时间:1999年9月16日(被VIA从IDT并购) 员工人数:40人(刚开始的时候) 最具象征性产品:WinChip(C6) 由盛而衰的转折:打从一开始就不可能兴盛 未能实现之遗憾:WinChip 2+NB、WinChip4(C4) 在1970年代萌芽、1980年代崛起、1990年代流行的RISC(精简指令集电脑)风潮,也深深影响了整个计算机工业界。对此最有名的评论莫过于Stanford MIPS设计者之一的Steven Przybylski说过的「RISC:1985年之后的所有电脑(RISC: any puter announced after 1985.)」,x86阵营亦不可免俗,在1986年成立的NexGen(在1995年10月21日被AMD以8.65亿美元买下,其Nx686就是AMD K6的技术基础)则为概念的先驱者,对近代x86处理器发展略有认知的科科,不可能没听过「RISC86」的大名。 但Centaur最让人啧啧称奇的「逆向思考全垒打」理念,在于一般我们谈到「将RISC的概念引进x86处理器的架构」的目的,不外乎「希望让x86处理器可以跑的跟理论上的RISC一样快」,但他们却是「务必让x86处理器作的和理想中的RISC一样的简单、迅速(这里是指产品开发速度,不是效能)、便宜,即使牺牲效能竞争力,亦在所不惜,因为如同水镜八奇般的谋略,可让任何的电晶体都砸在刀口上」。 硬科技:为何Intel的竞争者都要如此辛苦 讲的简单一点,就是深信「只要产品够便宜,推出时机够即时,自然就有人买单,大家一起发大财」,某种程度上还蛮符合不少台湾人的习性,Centaur能够在VIA内挤掉Cyrix,在这20年来成为VIA x86处理器的代名词,好像也不是什么偶然。 塑造这种风气的Centaur创办人Glenn Henry本身也是位相当传奇性的人物,在IBM工作了21年,历经了System/32、System/38(AS/400和System i的前身)、RT PC(PowerPC的先行者),也借由在技术领域带来众多的贡献,在1985年被赠与IBM院士(Fellow)头衔,却由于IBM高层对他「希望将RISC的精神导入x86处理器的设计」的理念不感兴趣,在1988年离开IBM,加入Dell担任该公司史上首位研发部门副总裁,并开始注意到市场上缺乏低价位x86处理器,特别是160美元这个门槛,而让个人电脑价格难以下滑的现象。 也因此,Glenn Henry在1994年离开Dell(那时x86世界首款超纯量处理器Intel Pentium已上市好一阵子,但贵的吓人),开始投入研究x86处理器。 其实在那时候,众多RISC体系也肖想踏入开始爆炸性成长的个人电脑处理器市场,像IBM就曾研发同时相容x86的PowerPC 615(因微软拒绝支援而夭折),也有投身MIPS的前IBM人找上了Tom Whiteside,企图打造通吃x86的MIPS处理器,后来以MIPS相容处理器与SRAM记忆体为主要业务的IDT同意他们的想法,Centaur(半人半马)就此成立,这名称也象征了这间公司的初衷:半MIPS半x86。 只不过,IDT执行长Len Perham和Glenn Henry很快就体认到这条路行不通,回到专注于x86的路线,并以极度有限的经费(1000到1500万美元,不到Intel Pentium Pro的十分之一,其中有一半还是日本的MIPS处理器厂商NKK出钱),像花木兰一样「东市买骏马,西市买鞍鞯,南市买辔头,北市买长鞭」四处招兵买马,凑出了40人规模的研发团队,并在不到1年时间,就完成初代WinChip处理器(C6)的设计与样品,并在1996年7月Windows 95开机成功。 但天底下没有白吃的午餐,如此骇人听闻的超低开发经费和超短研发时程,背后势必隐藏了「等价交换」的巨大牺牲,相信各位博学的科科们,无须笔者提点,大概心里面也觉得哪些地方不对劲了。科科。 是科科就要追踪 硬科技

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A Resent study shows that oneu2019s sleeping positio

1 C 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 A



A Resent study shows that oneu2019s sleeping positio

选 c ABD都与原文内容无关A.睡姿会影响一个人的健康B.人不正确的睡姿是不会成功的C.睡觉的姿势会展示一个人的对生活的真实态度。D.每个人都应该选择一个正确的睡姿。全文主题是 研究表明一个人的睡姿与性格和生活态度有关。(A Resent study shows that one"s sleeping position has something to do with personality an attitude towards life.) 接下来是论述部分,说明 每个人都有双重性格。一个是展示给世界,另一个是秘密,当你醒着的时候,你不表露出你秘密,因为你可以控制你的行为,但是当你睡着了,你睡觉的姿势会展示真实的你。(Everyone has two personalities.One is shown to the world ,the other is secret but is r You don"t show your secret personality when you are awake because you can control yo behavior ,but when you are asleep ,your sleeping position shows the real you .Of coupeople often change their position when they are sleeping .)接下来举例说明 如果你以.....睡姿,表明你是一个什么样的人。The sleeping position mentioned here is the one that you go to sleep in If you sleep on your side ,you are usually careful and confident .You know yourself vewell and you always say what you think even if it makes others upset.如果你睡觉蜷起来,你可能是一个神经紧张的人,你有低估自己 ,你就容易受伤,你总是害羞,不喜欢与人交往。如果你趴着睡,这意味着你有很多烦心事,你总是神情低落。你不轻易改变你的想法,你要活好今天而不想明天。换句话讲,你喜欢浪费一个很好的时间去担心未来。如果你仰着睡觉,你相信别人,很容易被时尚新主张影响。你不喜欢打扰别人,所以有时你不表达你真实的感觉 If you sleep curled up, you are probably a nervous person , You have low opinionyourself and you"re easily hurt .You are shy and don"t like meeting people. If you sleep on your stomach , that means you worry a lot and you"re always eas upset. You don"t change your mind easily .You live for today not for tomorrow .In othwords, you prefer enjoying having a good time to worry about the future. If you go to sleep on your back ,you trust people and are easily influence by fashion new ideas. You don"t like to annoy others, so sometimes you don"t express your real feeling。


歌曲名:UN SOFFIO DI VENTO歌手:Ilaria Graziano专辑:YOKO KANNO produce Cyber Bicci「UN SOFFIO DI VENTO」作词∶Ilaria Graziano作曲∶菅野よう子歌∶Ilaria GrazianoPasseggiando di notte ripetevi le stesse paroleOgni volta dicevi che poi gli avresti dato un coloreIl colore dell"erba bagnata o di un pallido soleE non era poi cosi lontana la certezza di un soffio di ventoChe rianima il tuo corpo lentoCamminando sulle ombre dei tuoi lunghi capelli neriti sembrava di scorgere il mare e gli avresti poi dato l"odoredelle navi che salpano lontanoma non era poi cosi vicina la certezza di un soffio di ventoChe rianima il tuo corpo spentoConosci appena il tuoi occhi da bambinaLe tue ciglia che sbattono come aliSai dove andare ma potresti anche sparire in un soffio di ventochiudi gli occhi un momentosei cosi sottile che potresti volare nel cieloE non e poi cosi lontana la certezza di un soffio di ventoChe rianima il tuo corpo lento【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/17004285

圣·爱莲(Saint Irene)是谁?

还不知道哦,目前只知道“圣托里尼”是十三世纪时威尼斯人所命名的,起源于圣·爱莲(Saint Irene);在此前这个岛称为锡拉岛、卡利斯提(Kallisti)或斯特隆基里(Strongili)。那么十三世纪之前的圣·爱莲(Saint Irene),目前都还没有明确的资料显示身份。

King Kobra的《Attention》 歌词

歌曲名:Attention歌手:King Kobra专辑:Ready To StrikeRaconteurs - AttentionBY Larry Cheng & Kevin BoulHey!Now that you have my attention,What are you gonna do?You might have good intentionsBut they"re not coming throughYou"re very pleased with yourself I see,It"s like a walk in the parkYou aren"t enlightened by anybody else, causeYou can see in the darkGot a lock,Got a keyGot some kind of vice-like grip on meOn a leash, by the reignsGot a look that puts me in chainsI tried a subtle suggestionA more direct approachA can"t make a connectionYou"re beyond reproachNo need for petty excusesNo need for thumbing aroundI don"t know what the use isor what you"re throwing downGot a lock,Got a keyGot some kind of vice-like grip on meOn a leash, by the reignsGot a look that puts me in chainsGot some kind of vice-like grip on meHey, hey, hey, hey....................Got a lock,Got a key.Larry Cheng & Kevin Boul, share with u!http://music.baidu.com/song/2612698




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AK47弹鼓 126 尼克瑞夫机枪 127 尼克瑞夫弹匣 128 尼克瑞夫机瞄 129 Snayperskya步枪 130 Snayperskya弹匣 131 Snayperskya机瞄 132 龙牙机枪 133 龙牙弹匣 134 龙牙机瞄 135 高尔夫球杆 136 大锤 137 菜刀 138 锤子 139 瑞士刀 140 蝴蝶刀 141 手锯 142 锄头 143 脚架 144 民用消音器 145 水平握把 146 红点瞄准器 147 全息瞄准镜 148 红顶瞄准镜 149 军工枪管 150 军用枪口 151 战术镭射 152 战术手电 153 7x缩放镜 154 橙色衬衫 155 橙色T桖 156 橙色毛衣 157 紫色连帽衫 158 紫色衬衫 159 紫色T桖 160 紫色毛衣 161 绿色连帽衫 162 绿色衬衫 163 绿色T桖 164 绿色毛衣 165 红色连帽衫 166 红色衬衫 167 红色T桖 168 红色毛衣 169 黄色连帽衫 170 黄色衬衫 171 黄色T桖 172 黄色毛衣 173 蓝色连帽衫 174 蓝色毛衣 175 蓝色衬衫 176 蓝色T桖 177 白色连帽衫 178 白色毛衣 179 白色衬衫 180 白色T桖 181 黑色连帽衫 182 黑色毛衣 183 黑色衬衫 184 黑色T桖 185 黑色口罩 186 蓝色口罩 187 绿色口罩 188 橙色口罩 189 紫色口罩 190 白色口罩 191 黄色口罩 192 黑色无沿帽 193 蓝色无沿帽 194 绿色无沿帽 195 橙色无沿帽 196 紫色无沿帽 197 红色无沿帽 198 白色无沿帽 199 黄色无沿帽 200 黑色书包 201 蓝色书包 202 绿色书包 203 橙色书包 204 紫色书包 205 白色书包 206 黄色书包 207 肥佬裤 208 牛仔裤 209 工作裤 210 211 格子衬衫 212 卡其裤 213 灯芯绒裤 214 长裤 215 黑色背心 216 蓝色背心 217 绿色背心 218 橙色背心 219 紫色背心 220 红色背心 221 白色背心 222 黄色背心 223 警察衣服 224 警察裤子 225 警察帽 226 卡其短裤 227 工作短裤 228 灯芯绒短裤 229 短裤 230 厨师衣服 231 厨师裤子 232 建筑工衣服 233 消防衣服 234 消防裤子 235 吉利衣服 236 吉利裤子 237 吉利头套 238 吉利背心 239 厨师帽 240 安全头盔 241 消防头盔 242 农民衣服 243 农民裤子 244 农民帽子 245 黑色旅行包 246 蓝色旅行包 247 绿色旅行包 248 橙色旅行包 249 紫色旅行包 250 红色旅行包 251 白色旅行包 252 黄色旅行包 253 爱丽丝军包 254 破片手雷 255 蓝色信号棒 256 绿色信号棒 257 橙色信号棒 258 紫色信号棒 259 红色信号棒 260 白色信号棒 261 黄色信号棒 262 蓝色烟雾弹 263 绿色烟雾弹 264 橙色烟雾弹 265 紫色烟雾弹 266 红色烟雾弹 267 白色烟雾弹 268 黄色烟雾弹 269 疫苗 270 琥珀色浆果(食用后画面幻化)271 靛蓝色浆果(食用后画面幻化 中毒20%)272 翡翠色浆果(食用后回复渴值)273 赤褐色浆果(食用后画面幻化 解毒20% 回复饥饿值)274 蓝绿色浆果(食用后中毒20%)275 朱砂色浆果(食用后画面幻化)276 手电筒 277 千斤顶 278 圣诞帽 279 圣诞衣服 280 圣诞裤子 281 枫木门 282 桦木门 283 松木门 284 监狱门 285 金属棒 286 金库门 287 金属窗防护杆 288 黑色铺卷 289 蓝色铺卷 290 绿色铺卷 291 橙色铺卷 292 紫色铺卷 293 红色铺卷 294 白色铺卷 295 黄色铺卷 296 16x缩放镜 297 灰熊反机械狙击枪 298 灰熊弹匣 299 灰熊机瞄 300 暗影猎手能量枪 301 暗影弹匣 302 暗影缩放镜 303 囚犯衣服 304 囚犯裤子 305 骑警裤子 306 骑警衣服 307 丛林军衣服 308 丛林军裤子 309 丛林军头盔 310 丛林军背心 311 医生衣服 312 医生裤子 313 骑警帽 314 商人衣服 315 商人裤子 316 枫木楼梯 317 松木楼梯 318 桦木楼梯 319 枫木开洞顶 320 松木开洞顶 321 桦木开洞顶 322 枫木斜坡 323 桦木斜坡 324 松木斜坡 325 枫木爬梯 326 桦木爬梯 327 松木爬梯 328 保险柜 329 萝卜 330 萝卜种子 331 种植箱 332 肥料 333 望远镜 334 军用夜视仪 335 玉米 336 玉米种子 337 水壶 338 生菜 339 生菜种子 340 番茄 341 番茄种子 342 土豆 343 土豆种子 344 小麦 345 小麦种子 346 弩 347 金属箭 348 枫木箭 349 弩机瞄 350 351 桦木箭 352 松木箭 353 枫木弓 354 355 桦木弓 356 松木弓 357 复合弓 358 复合弓机瞄 359 枫木火把 360 桦木火把 361 松木火把 362 营火 363 MS突击步枪 364 MS机瞄 365 沙袋 366 枫木箱 367 桦木箱 368 松木箱 369 金属地基 370 金属门框 371 金属墙 372 金属窗框 373 金属平台 374 金属支柱 375 金属楼梯 376 金属开洞顶 377 金属斜坡 378 金属门 379 金属爬梯 380 双散霰弹枪 381 .20霰弹枪子弹 382 蒺藜 383 枫木地刺 384 桦木地刺 385 松木地刺 386 铁丝网 387 肾上腺素(使用后中毒5%)388 吗啡(使用后中毒5%)389 抗生素(解毒15%)390 止痛药391 维生素(解毒10%)392 药片(解毒30%)393 碎布394 敷料395 血袋396 紫红色碎浆果(食用后画面幻化 中毒20% 回复饥饿值和渴值)397 琥珀色碎浆果(食用后立即回满体力值)398 靛蓝色碎浆果(食用后回复饥饿值和渴值)399 翡翠色碎浆果(食用后画面幻化 回复饥饿值)400 赤褐色碎浆果(食用后中毒20% 回复渴值)401 蓝绿色碎浆果(食用后解毒20% 回复饥饿值和渴值)402 朱砂色碎浆果(食用后回复饥饿值和渴值)403 医疗包(使用后瞬间回复生命50% 然后缓慢回满血)404 急支糖浆(解毒20% 回复少量生命)405 机械衣服 406 机械裤子 407 工程衣服 408 工程裤子 409 410 黑色雨衣 411 蓝色雨衣 412 绿色雨衣 413 橙色雨衣 414 紫色雨衣 415 红色雨衣 416 白色雨衣 417 黄色雨衣 418 419 420 421 西装上衣 422 西装裤子 423 工程帽 424 爵士帽 425 黑色鸭嘴帽 426 蓝色鸭嘴帽 427 绿色鸭嘴帽 428 橙色鸭嘴帽 429 紫色鸭嘴帽 430 红色鸭嘴帽 431 白色鸭嘴帽 432 黄色鸭嘴帽 433 丛林贝雷帽 434 黑色头套 435 蓝色头套 436 绿色头套 437 橙色头套 438 紫色头套 439 红色头套 440 白色头套 441 黄色头套 442 枫木矮墙 443 枫木矮庄 444 桦木矮墙 445 松木矮墙 446 金属矮墙 447 桦木矮庄 448 松木矮庄 449 金属矮庄 450 枫木车库门框 451 枫木车库门 452 桦木车库门框 453 松木车库门框 454 金属车库门框 455 桦木车库门 456 松木车库门 457 金属车库门 458 发电机 459 聚光灯 460 面包 461 金枪鱼三文治 462 盒装牛奶 463 盒装橙汁 464 芝士 465 灌装苏打水 466 烤奶酪三文治 467 BLT三文治 468 火腿三文治 469 火腿罐头 470 鸡蛋 471 蛋糕 472 瓶装可乐 473 瓶装苏打水 474 枫木步枪 475 自制机瞄 476 自制缩放镜 477 自制消音器 478 自制弹匣 479 桦木步枪 480 松木步枪 481 枫木瓶子 482 桦木瓶子 483 松木瓶子 484 竞技步枪 485 竞技弹匣 486 竞技机瞄 487 狼牙棒 488 沙漠之鹰 489 沙鹰弹匣 490 电锯 491 金飞行员眼镜 492 3D眼镜 493 钥匙 494 神秘盒 495 土耳其毡帽 496 王冠 497 宽腰带 498 鹿角 499 纸 500 梳头巾501 维京头盔 502 眼罩 503 鱼竿 504 生鳟鱼 505 生三文鱼 506 桦木鱼竿 507 枫木鱼竿 508 松木鱼竿 509 渔夫帽 510 渔夫衣服 511 渔夫裤子 512 熟鳟鱼 513 熟三文鱼 514 生鹿肉 515 熟鹿肉 516 皮革 517 皮质上衣 518 皮质裤子 519 RPG发射器 520 RPG弹药 521 RPG机瞄1000 Matamorez狙击 1001 VSS机瞄 1002 1003 VSS机瞄 1004 Kobra瞄准镜 1005 VSS弹药盒 1006 眼镜蛇弹药盒 1007 自适应上膛 1008 测距仪 1009 沙漠贝雷帽 1010 沙漠军用头盔 1011 沙漠军上衣 1012 沙漠军裤子 1013 沙漠军背心 1014 皮包 1015 隔离上衣 1016 隔离裤子 1017 隔离头盔 1018 MK14半自动步枪 1019 MK14机瞄 1020 MK14弹匣 1021 复仇者手枪 1022 复仇者弹匣 1023 警棍 1024 P50冲锋枪 1025 P50机瞄 1026 弹匣 1027 MP5冲锋枪 1028 MP5机瞄 1029 MP5弹匣 1030 平底锅 1031 铁铲 1032 撬棍 1033 木浆 1034 干草叉 1035 弯刀 1036 武士刀 1037 碎心者突击步枪 1038 碎心者机瞄 1039 Kryzkarek手枪 1040 Kryzkarek弹匣 1041 尤里冲锋枪 1042 尤里弹匣 1043 尤里机瞄 1044 民用夜视仪 1045 南瓜籽 1046 南瓜 1047 南瓜派 1048 曲球面具 1049 南瓜灯 1050 安全区域保障机 1051 $5纸币 1052 $10纸币 1053 $20纸币 1054 $50纸币 1055 $100纸币 1056 $1硬币 1057 $0.5硬币 1058 巨大枫木板 1059 小枫木板 1060 巨大枫木框架 1061 小枫木框架 1062 枫木壁板 1063 枫木管 1064 巨大桦木板 1065 小桦木板 1066 巨大桦木框架 1067 小桦木框架 1068 桦木壁板 1069 桦木管 1070 巨大松木板 1071 小松木板 1072 巨大松木框架 1073 小松木框架 1074 松木壁板 1075 松木管 1076 琥珀浆果派 1077 靛蓝浆果派 1078 翡翠浆果派 1079 淡紫浆果派 1080 赤褐浆果派 1081 湖蓝浆果派 1082 朱砂浆果派 1083 枫木门框架 1084 枫木车库门框架 1085 桦木门框架 1086 桦木车库门框架 1087 松木门框架 1088 松木车库门框架 1089 金属门框架 1090 金属车库门框架 1091 巨大金属板 1092 小金属板 1093 金属壁板 1094 金属管 1095 枫木告示牌 1096 桦木告示牌 1097 松木告示牌 1098 金属告示牌 1099 4人基座 1100 C4 1101 地雷 1102 阔剑 1103 黑色雨伞 1104 琥珀浆果种子 1105 靛蓝浆果种子 1106 翡翠浆果种子 1107 紫红浆果种子 1108 赤褐浆果种子 1109 湖蓝浆果种子 1110 朱砂浆果种子 1111 6人基座 1112 1人基座 1113 圈套 1114 枫木油桶 1115 桦木油桶 1116 松木油桶 1117 生猪肉 1118 熟猪肉 1119 铁丝网栅栏 1120 生牛肉 1121 熟牛肉 1122 蓝色雨伞 1123 绿色雨伞 1124 橙色雨伞 1125 紫色雨伞 1126 红色雨伞 1127 白色雨伞 1128 黄色雨伞 1129 暖宝宝 1130 彩色铁丝网 1131 彩色铁丝网栅栏 1132 雪球 1133 黑色围巾 1134 蓝色围巾 1135 绿色围巾 1136 橙色围巾 1137 紫色围巾 1138 红色围巾 1139 白色围巾 1140 黄色围巾 1141 1142 1143 Sawedoff霰弹枪 1144 大正三角桦木板 1145 大斜三角桦木板 1146 大正三角枫木板 1147 大斜三角枫木板 1148 大正三角松木板 1149 大斜三角松木板 1150 小正三角桦木板 1151 小斜三角桦木板 1152 小正三角枫木板 1153 小斜三角枫木板 1154 小正三角松木板 1155 小斜三角松木板 1156 盗贼上衣 1157 盗贼裤子 1158 领地旗帜 1159 枫糖浆 1160 煎薄饼 1161 华夫饼 1162 生面团 1163 甜甜圈 1164 披萨 1165 钉枪 1166 钉枪弹药 1167 1168 民用背心 1169 特种背心 1170 特种背包 1171 特种上衣 1172 特种裤子 1173 皮制背心 1174 镰刀 1175 路线地图 1176 GPS 1177 军用信号弹匣 1178 潜水氧气管 1179 潜水上衣 1180 潜水裤子 1181 潜水面罩 1182 黑色斜包 1183 蓝色斜包 1184 绿色斜包 1185 橙色斜包 1186 紫色斜包 1187 红色斜包 1188 白色斜包 1189 黄色斜包 1190 民用枪口 1191 民用枪管 1192 特种弹药箱 1193 特种弹药盒 1194 尸群灯 1195 手铐 1196 手铐钥匙 1197 系线 1198 铁镐 1199 头灯 1200 军用爆炸弹匣 1201 军用夜视缩放镜 1202 枫木枪架 1203 桦木枪架 1204 松木枪架 1205 枫木陈列柜 1206 桦木陈列柜 1207 松木陈列柜 1208 雨水桶 1209 爆炸箭 1210 砖门框 1211 砖车库门框 1212 砖支柱 1213 砖矮庄 1214 砖矮墙 1215 砖墙 1216 砖窗框 1217 砖门框架 1218 砖车库门框架 1219 抽油机 1220 金属枪架 1221 金属陈列柜 1222 壁灯 1223 枫木护窗 1224 桦木护窗 1225 松木护窗 1226 金属护窗 1227 坦克陷阱 1228 水箱 1229 油箱 1230 工业发电机 1231 枫木旗帜 1232 桦木旗帜 1233 松木旗帜 1234 金属旗帜 1235 枫木车库二重门 1236 桦木车库二重门 1237 松木车库二重门 1238 金属车库二重门 1239 大金属板


武器+ 配件+ 投掷物收起武器+ 配件+ 投掷物食物+ 水服装原版覆盖物品载具Unturned未转变者Kuwait地图ID大全。Kuwait(科威特)是未转变者3.21版本的新增地图,不少玩家可能还不太清楚这张地图的物品ID都是什么,下面就一起来看看吧。Kuwait地图ID大全武器+ 配件+ 投掷物*为原版武器5000 - Monarchist 君王主义 - 半自动/三连发步枪5001 - Monarchist Magazine 君王主义弹匣5002 - Monarchist Irons 君王主义 - 机瞄5003 - Suncrack 太阳裂隙 - 半自动步枪5004 - Suncrack Irons 太阳裂隙 - 机瞄5005 - Mirage 幻景 - 半自动狙击枪5006 - Mirage Magazine 幻景弹匣5007 - Mirage Scope 幻景瞄准镜*5008 - Avenger 复仇者 - 原版枪5009 - Catalyst 催化剂 - 半自动/两连发手枪5010 - Catalyst Magazine 催化剂弹匣5011 - Al-Musaytir 缪瑟尔 - 半自动/四连发步枪5012 - Duststorm 沙尘暴 - 半自动/全自动步枪5013 - Militia Magazine 民兵弹匣5014 - Duststorm Irons 沙尘暴 - 机瞄*5015 - Teklowvka Tec-9 - 全自动*原版手枪*5016 - Snayperska SVD"德拉贡诺夫"射手步枪 - 原版枪*5017 - Snayperska Magazine SVD"德拉贡诺夫"弹匣*5018 - Snayperska Irons SVD"德拉贡诺夫" - 机瞄*5019 - Ekho CheyTacM200"回声"狙击枪 - 原版枪*5020 - Ekho Irons CheyTacM200"回声" - 机瞄*5021 - 1911 柯尔特1911 - 原版枪*5022 - Viper MP5"毒蛇" - 改模*原版枪*5023 - Viper Irons MP5"毒蛇" - 机瞄*5024 - Desert Falcon 沙漠之鹰*5025 - Ace 王牌左轮 - 原版枪*5026 - Paintball Gun 彩弹枪 - 原版枪*5027 - Compound Bow 复合弓 - 原版武器*5028 - Bow Sights 复合弓 - 机瞄*5029 - Crossbow 十字弩 - 原版武器*5030 - Crossbow Sights 十字弩 - 机瞄*5031 - Arrow 金属箭 - 原版5032 - Colonizer 殖民者 - 半自动步枪5033 - Colonizer Clips 殖民者弹匣5034 - Colonizer Irons 殖民者 - 机瞄5035 - Galvenizer 电流发生器 - 五连发武器5036 - Galvenizer Battery 电流发生器 电池5037 - Galvenizer Battery A 电流发生器 电池 A5038 - Galvenizer Battery D 电流发生器 电池 D5039 - Galvenizer Battery O 电流发生器 电池 O5040 - Galvenizer Battery S 电流发生器 电池 S5041 - Palm Rifle 棕榈自制步枪 - 半自动步枪5042 - Coalition Suncrack 太阳裂缝(联盟涂装) - 半自动步枪5043 - Vader Suncrack 太阳裂缝(美制原版) - 半自动步枪5044 - Pulse Magazine 脉冲弹匣5045 -5046 -5047 -5048 -5049 - Slipper 拖鞋 - 近战5050 - Headband 长鞭 - 近战5051 - Scimitar 科威特砍刀 - 近战5052 - Cucumber Club "黄瓜俱乐部" - 近战5053 - Makeshift Light 自制探照灯 - 配件5054 - Makeshift Optic 此物品无法刷出5055 - Makeshift Scope 自制瞄准镜 - 配件*5056 - Tactical Light 探照灯 - 配件*5057 - Tactical Laser 镭射瞄准器 - 配件*5058 - Rangefinder 测距仪 - 配件*5059 - Adaptive Chambering 增速弹膛 - 配件*5060 - Bayonet 刺刀 - 配件*5061 - Vertical Grip 垂直握把 - 配件*5062 - Horizontal Grip 水平握把- 配件*5063 - Bipod 脚架 - 配件*5064 - Kobra Sight 眼镜蛇瞄准镜 - 配件*5065 - 7x Scope 7倍镜 - 配件*5066 - Dot Sight 红点瞄准镜 - 配件*5067 - Halo Sight 全息瞄准镜 - 配件*5068 - Chevron Scope 倒V瞄准镜 - 配件*5069 - Cross Scope 十字瞄准镜 - 配件*5070 - 8x 8倍镜 - 配件*5071 - 16x 16倍镜 - 配件*5072 - Ranger Suppressor 俄制消音器 - 改模*配件*5073 - Ranger Muzzle 俄制消焰器 - 改模*配件*5074 - Ranger Barrel 俄制枪管 - 配件*5075 - Military Suppressor 军用消音器 - 改模*配件*5076 - Military Muzzle 军用消焰器 - 改模*配件*5077 - Military Barrel 军用枪管 - 配件*5078 - Makeshift Muffler 自制消音器 - 配件*5079 - Butterfly Knife 蝴蝶刀 - 近战*5080 - Machete 砍刀 - 近战*5081 - Sledgehammer 大锤 - 近战*5082 - Saw 锯子 - 近战*5083 - Crowbar 撬棍 - 近战*5084 - Hammer 锤子 - 近战*5085 - Shovel 铲子 - 近战*5086 - Pickaxe 十字镐 - 近战5087 - Oil Bucket 油桶 - 近战*5088 - Camp Axe 野营斧 - 改模*近战*5089 - Pocketknife 瑞士军刀 - 近战*5090 - Paddle 船桨 - 近战*5091 - Kitchen Knife 厨房刀 - 近战*5092 - Butcher Knife 切肉刀 - 近战*5093 - Fire Axe 消防斧 - 近战*5094 - Blowtorch 喷灯 - 近战*5095 - Baseball Bat 棒球棒 - 近战*5096 - Military Knife 军刀 - 近战*5097 - Pitchfork 干草叉 - 近战*5098 - Scythe 镰刀 - 近战*5099 - Chainsaw 电锯 - 近战*5100 - Frying Pan 平底锅 - 近战*5101 - Baton 警棍 - 近战5102 -*5103 - Flashlight 手电筒 - 近战5104 - Puzzle Bomb 魔方炸弹 - 投掷物*5105 - Grenade 手雷 - 投掷物*5106 - Charge 遥控炸药 - 炸药*5107 - Military Nightvision Scope 军用夜视瞄准镜 - 配件*5108 - Makeshift Bat 自制狼牙棒 - 近战5109 - EMP Grenade EMP手雷 - 投掷物5110 - Spectral Scimitar 光谱科威特砍刀 - 近战5111 - Spectral Mattock 光谱十字镐 - 近战5112 - Arc Welder 弧焊机 - 近战5113 - Kuwait Black Smoke 黑色烟雾弹 - 投掷物5114 - Kuwait Green Smoke 绿色烟雾弹 - 投掷物5115 - Kuwait Grey Smoke 灰色烟雾弹 - 投掷物5116 - Kuwait Tan Smoke 棕黄色烟雾弹 - 投掷物5117 - Kuwait White Smoke 白色烟雾弹 - 投掷物5118 - Pulsette Magazine 脉冲弹匣(手枪)

才买的58热敏USB小票打印机,牌子是E票的,型号是5890 在设备和打印机里面只找到一个IEE-1284 controller


HP5200打印机驱动安装不上,提示(generic ieee 1284.4 printing support)




Tension has heightened after the recent bomb atta


Wuthering Heights is a novel___the British writer Emily Bronte.



Benelli(贝纳利),欧洲知名摩托车品牌,现主营摩托车、电动自行车。创始于1911年意大利Pesaro市,作为世界上最早的摩托车、助力自行车制造商之一,即使世界战争和经济大萧条也无法阻挡贝纳利匠师们的创造与制作热情。百年时光,贝纳利品质恒在,贯穿了意大利工业文明的整个美好时代。[1]中文名贝纳利外文名Benelli时间1911年位置意大利Pesaro市Benelli(贝纳利)公司成立于1911年,位于意大利Pesaro市,是世界上历史最悠久的摩托车制造商之一,也是意大利最早的摩托车制造商,在欧洲有很好的品牌知名度,其产品涵盖400cc-1130cc的大排量跑车、街车和巡航车,这些产品在意大利、德国等有着较强的市场竞争力,并有一定的销售业绩和可观的利润。该公司有着深厚的技术积累和经验,有着一批稳定和经验丰富的工程技术人员。Benelli成就Benelli公司推出的新产品对摩托车工业的设计风格产生了很大的影响,从受到大量仿效的50立升踏板车“491”到摩托踏板车“666”模型;从“敞篷”踏板车“Adiva”到“Tornado 900 Tre“-一款充满革新的运动摩托车,它所具有的创新和概念不断激发人们的兴趣,其风格和细节在无数的车款中得以体现。2002年,Benelli公司制造出了一款卓越创新、拥有运动效能的三汽缸发动机,该款发动机是世界上独一无二的、完全在该公司制造。该公司拥有较为完善的整车生产线和各种摩托车检测设备及颇有价值的模具。其代表车型TNT1130在多家欧洲网站被认为是世界十佳车型之首,更有甚者,认为是摩托车有史以来最具有创意的车型。BENELLI摩托车一直驰骋于世界级的赛车场上,曾经三次获得世界冠军,始终引领着世界摩托车行业的潮流,创造了一段辉煌的品牌历史。被中国钱江摩托收购2005年10月,中国钱江摩托成功收购这家意大利百年摩企,这是中国摩托车行业在欧洲收购著名摩企的第一家,也是中国机械行业真正实现跨国收购欧洲企业的第一家,填补了中国大排量高档摩托车、赛车等车种上的空白。



求《超世纪谋杀案》,英文名《Soylent Green》的资源~~~



在 : Bavaria 巴伐利亚州翁特尔斯希莱斯海姆是德国[巴伐利亚州]的一个市镇。总面积14.93平方公里,总人口26590人

歌曲:SIX COLORS BOY和年中梦中“I Want You”的罗马音!

歌曲:年中梦中“I want you歌手:Puppy作词:C"s作曲:菅原サトルハッピーバースデー いいですねーhappi-ba-sude- iidesune -プレゼントの山 ウキウキうかれてるpurezento no yama ukiuki ukareteruデコレーションケーキなんてステキdekore-shonke-ki nante suteki楽しく歌おう あなたのウクレレでtanoshi ku utao u anatano ukurere de大人になれば ウェディングベルotona ninareba uedeinguberuロマンスの チャペルromansu no chaperuパパとママはね アダムとイヴでpapa to mama hane adamu to ivu de仆は ああ生まれたbokuha aa umare ta※今夜 风に乗る太阳konya kaze ni noru taiyou星と月が今ダンスするhoshi to tsuki ga ima dansu suruジャナリ ジュライ マーチjanari jurai ma-chiどこでも どこへ行ってもdokodemo dokohe itte moみんな幸せな気持ちでminna shiawase na kimochi de1年中のお祝い事ichi nenjuu noo iwai kotoサンバ ジルバ タンゴsanba jiruba tango世界の空の下で 踊ろうよ※sekai no sora no shita de odoro uyo バレンタインデー 大変でbarentainde- taihen de姉さんは彻夜 ラブラブチョコレートneesan ha tetsuya raburabuchokore-toクリスマスツリー ひなまつりkurisumasutsuri- hinamatsuri万华镜みたい周るよアニバーサリーmangekyou mitai mawaru yo aniba-sari-サンタクロースはハイウェイsantakuro-su ha haiuei渋滞だ サイテイ!!juutai da saitei !!早くしなくちゃ 全部めちゃくちゃhayaku shinakucha zenbu mechakucha急げ!ああ神様isoge ! aa kamisama(※くり返し)(※くり返し)-----------------------------歌曲:クレヨンしんちゃん ヘンダーランドの大冒険~SIX COLORS BOY~歌手:雏形あきこ作词:麻仓真琴作曲:浅仓大介赤のキャップ ルーズなパンツ 夏が似合う おませなアイツakano kyappu ru-zu na pantsu natsu ga niau omasena aitsuレモンのシャーベット溶かして游ぶ 真剣な目がかわいいかもremon no sha-betto toka shite asobu shinken na me gakawaiikamo“梦みたのさ オマエのコトを” カッコつけても声があまいよ" yume mitanosa omae no koto wo " kakko tsuketemo koe gaamaiyo気にしているの 年下な事 ふいに黙った横颜kini shiteiruno toshishita na koto fuini damatta yokogaoドキドキしたのは まぶしい日射しのせい dokidoki shitanoha mabushii hizashi nosei 急に大人びた仕草で とまどわせないでkyuuni otona bita shigusa de tomadowasenaide※CATCH ME THE BOY 感じてる 忘れていた辉きCATCH ME THE BOY kanji teru wasure teita kagayakiきれいな言叶よりも 今は信じられるよkireina kotoba yorimo ima ha shinji rareruyoTAKE ME THE BOY つれ出して 退屈な昨日からTAKE ME THE BOY tsure dashi te taikutsu na kinou kara强気なその瞳が 向っている场所へ※tsuyoki nasono hitomi ga mutte iru basho he 本当はちょっぴり好きなの…hontou hachoppiri suki nano ...调子はずれおどけたふりで 口笛ふく优しいラヴ ソングchoushi hazureodoketafuride kuchibue fuku yasashii ravu songuふざけすぎの ケンカの后は すました颜でピース サインfuzakesugino kenka no nochi ha sumashita kao de pi-su sainワクワクしたいね 小さな毎日にもwakuwaku shitaine chiisa na mainichi nimoときめきのかけら 探せば见つけられるからtokimekinokakera sagase ba mitsu kerarerukaraCATCH ME THE BOY 见つめてる 失くしていたほほえみCATCH ME THE BOY mitsu meteru naku shiteitahohoemi流した涙よりも 大切にしてたいnagashi ta namida yorimo taisetsu nishitetaiTAKE ME THE BOY つかまえて 1人走り出してもTAKE ME THE BOY tsukamaete hitori hashiri dashi temoまっすぐに手をのばして 最初のKISSあげるmassuguni te wonobashite saisho no KISS ageru明日は今日より好きなの…ashita ha kyou yori suki nano ...CATCH ME THE BOY I"M LOOKIN" YOU BOY…Y IM LOOKIN YOU BOY ...CATCH ME THE BOY YOU GET SHININ" BOY…(※くり返し)CATCH ME THE BOY I"M LOOKIN" YOU BOY…CATCH ME THE BOY YOU GET SHININ" BOY…CATCH ME THE BOY I"M LOOKIN" YOU BOY…CATCH ME THE BOY YOU GET SHININ" BOY…


一区. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE顶刊:是出版商:IEEE影响因子:24.314官方网站2. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia顶刊:是出版商:IEEE影响因子:8.182官方网站3. Information Fusion顶刊:是出版商:ELSEVIER影响因子:17.564官方网站4.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING顶刊:是出版商:IEEE影响因子:11.041官方网站5.KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS顶刊:是出版商:ELSEVIER影响因子:8.139官方网站6. Information Sciences顶刊:是出版商:ELSEVIER影响因子:8.233官方网站7.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA顶刊:是出版商:IEEE影响因子:8.182官方网站8. Expert Systems with Applications顶刊:是出版商:ELSEVIER影响因子:8.665官方网站9. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing顶刊:是出版商:SPRINGER影响因子:7.136官方网站10. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation顶刊:是出版商:ELSEVIER影响因子:10.267官方网站二区1. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE顶刊:是出版商:ELSEVIER影响因子:7.802官方网站2. Neural Networks顶刊:是出版商:ELSEVIER影响因子:9.657官方网站3. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT顶刊:否出版商:IEEE影响因子:5.332官方网站4. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL顶刊:否出版商:IEEE影响因子:4.325官方网站5. APPLIED INTELLIGENCE顶刊:否出版商:SPRINGER影响因子:5.019官方网站6. Infrared Physics & Technology顶刊:否出版商:ELSEVIER影响因子:2.997官方网站7. Signal Processing顶刊:否出版商:ELSEVIER影响因子:4.729官方网站8. SIGNAL PROCESSING-IMAGE COMMUNICATION顶刊:否出版商:ELSEVIER影响因子:3.453官方网站9. ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS顶刊:否出版商:ELSEVIER影响因子:7.862官方网站10. NEUROCOMPUTING顶刊:是出版商:ELSEVIER影响因子:5.779官方网站11. COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN顶刊:否出版商:ELSEVIER影响因子:3.652官方网站12. Remote Sensing顶刊:是出版商:MDPI影响因子:5.349官方网站13. Complex & Intelligent Systems顶刊:否出版商:SPRINGER影响因子:6.700官方网站14. Cognitive Computation顶刊:否出版商:SPRINGER影响因子:4.890官方网站15. Applied Soft Computing顶刊:是出版商:ELSEVIER影响因子:8.263官方网站16. Artificial Intelligence Review顶刊:否出版商:SPRINGER影响因子:9.588官方网站17. Advanced Engineering Informatics顶刊:否出版商:ELSEVIER影响因子:7.862官方网站18. International Journal of Computer Vision顶刊:是出版商:SPRINGER影响因子:13.369官方网站19. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering顶刊:否出版商:IOS Press影响因子:6.137官方网站三区1. JOURNAL OF VISUAL COMMUNICATION AND IMAGE REPRESENTATION顶刊:否出版商:ELSEVIER影响因子:2.887官方网站2. Image and Vision Computing顶刊:否出版商:ELSEVIER影响因子:3.86官方网站3. Soft Computing顶刊:否出版商:SPRINGER影响因子:3.732官方网站4. IEEE Access顶刊:否出版商:IEEE影响因子:3.476官方网站5. Entropy顶刊:否出版商:MDPI影响因子:2.738官方网站6. ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS顶刊:否出版商:ELSEVIER影响因子:3.700官方网站7. PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS顶刊:否出版商:ELSEVIER影响因子:4.757官方网站8. COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE UNDERSTANDING顶刊:否出版商:ELSEVIER影响因子:4.886官方网站9. Big Data Research顶刊:否出版商:ELSEVIER影响因子:3.739官方网站10. Computer Networks顶刊:否出版商:ELSEVIER影响因子:5.439官方网站11. COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS顶刊:否出版商:ELSEVIER影响因子:5.407官方网站12. Neural Computing and Applications顶刊:否出版商:SPRINGER影响因子:5.102官方网站13. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems顶刊:否出版商:SPRINGER影响因子:4.085官方网站14. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical顶刊:否出版商:ELSEVIER影响因子:4.291官方网站四区1. IET Computer Vision顶刊:否出版商:IET影响因子:1.484官方网站2. IET Image Processing顶刊:否出版商:IET影响因子:1.345官方网站3. Electronics顶刊:否出版商:MDPI影响因子:2.690官方网站4. Multimedia Tools and Applications顶刊:否出版商:SPRINGER影响因子:2.577官方网站中文期刊

Iet intelligent transport systems 是SCI 期刊么

属于SCI收录期刊期刊名 IET Intelligent Transport Systems 出版周期: 季刊 中科院杂志分区 运输科技分类下的 4 区期刊 近四年影响因子:2013年度 2012年度 2011年度 2010年度 0.954 0.959 0.512 0.473 出版社或管理机构 杂志由 INST ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY-IET 出版或管理。 ISSN号:1751-956X 杂志简介/稿件收录要求 IET Intelligent Transport Systems is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to research into the practical applications of ITS and infrastructures. The scope of the journal includes the following: Information Collection and Processing; In-Vehicle ITS, Safety and Vulnerable Road User Aspects; Public Transport; Demand Management and Electronic Payment Systems; Traffic Management; Fleet and Public Transport Logistics; Emergency and Incident Management; Policy and Institutional Issues; Interoperability, Standards and Architectures; Deployment and Evaluation; Sustainability and Environmental Issues; Funding Scenarios; Enforcement; Human Machine Interaction; Education, Training and Outreach; Deployments with Enabling Technologies.



Pop Danthology 2012里面有哪些歌

1. Adele - "Set Fire To The Rain"2. Adele - "Skyfall"3. Alex Clare - "Too Close"4. Calvin Harris feat. Ne-Yo - "Let"s Go"5. Carly Rae Jepsen - "Call Me Maybe"6. Cher Lloyd - "Want U Back"7. Chris Brown - "Don"t Wake Me Up"8. Chris Brown - "Turn Up The Music"9. Christina Aguilera - "Your Body"10. David Guetta feat. Chris Brown & Lil Wayne - "I Can Only Imagine" 11. David Guetta feat. Nicky Minaj - "Turn Me On"12. David Guetta feat. Sia - "Titanium"13. Demi Lovato - "Give Your Heart A Break"14. Ellie Goulding - "Lights"15. Enrique Iglesias feat. Sammy Adams - "Finally Found You"16. Far East Movement feat. Justin Bieber - "Live My Life"17. Flo Rida - "Whistle" 18. Flo Rida feat. Sia - "Wild Ones"19. Fun. - "Some Nights"20. Fun. feat. Janelle Monáe - "We Are Young"21. Gotye feat. Kimbra - "Somebody That I Used To Know"22. Gym Class Heroes feat. Neon Hitch - "Ass Back Home"23. Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - "Dance Again"24. Jessie J - "Domino"25. Justin Bieber feat. Big Sean - "As Long As You Love Me"26. Justin Bieber - "Boyfriend"27. Karmin - "Brokenhearted"28. Katy Perry - "Part Of Me"29. Katy Perry - "Wide Awake"30. Kelly Clarkson - "Stronger"31. Ke$ha - "Die Young"32. LMFAO - "Sorry For Party Rocking"33. Madonna feat. M.I.A. & Nicky Minaj - "Give Me All Your Luvin""34. Maroon 5 - "One More Night"35. Maroon 5 feat. Wiz Khalifa - "Payphone"36. Nelly Furtado - "Big Hoops (Bigger The Better)"37. Ne-Yo - "Let Me Love You (Until You Learn To Love Yourself)"38. Nicki Minaj - "Pound The Alarm"39. Nicki Minaj - "Starships"40. One Direction - "Live While We"re Young"41. One Direction - "What Makes You Beautiful"42. Owl City & Carly Rae Jepson - "Good Time"43. P!nk - "Blow Me (One Last Kiss)"44. Pitbull feat. Chris Brown - "International Love"45. PSY - "Gangnam Style"46. Rihanna - "Diamonds"47. Rihanna - "Where Have You Been"48. Rita Ora - "How We Do (Party)"49. Swedish House Mafia - "Don"t You Worry Child"50. Tyga - "Rack City"51. Usher - "Climax"52. Usher - "Scream"53. The Wanted - "Glad You Came"54. Will.I.Am feat. Eva Simons - "This is Love"55. Zedd feat. Matthew Koma - "Spectrum"

Pop Danthology 2012 都有哪50几首英语歌??

这是按照MV的画面先后顺序整理的,前面是歌名,后面是歌手名,共55首这可是我辛苦整理了好久的结果呀!1.Payphone – Maroon5 & Wiz Khalifa2.Glad you came – The Wanted3.Whistle – Flo Rida4.Your Body – Christina Aguilera5.Ass Back Home – Gym Class Heroes feat. Neon Hitch6.Scream – Usher7.Lights – Ellie Goulding8.Dance Again – Jennifer Lopezfeat. Pitbull9.Don"t Wake Me Up – Chris Brown10.Sorry for Party Rocking – LMFAO11.Some Nights – Fun.12.Stronger – Kelly Clarkson13.Live My Life – Far East Movement & Justin Bieber14.Let"s Go – Calvin Harris feat. Ne-Yo15.Domino – Jessie J16.Turn Up the Music - Chris Brown17.One More Night – Maroon 18.Call Me Maybe – Carly Rae Jepsen19.Blow Me (One Last Kiss) – P!nk 20.Wild Ones – Flo Rida feat. Sia21.How We Do (Party) – Rita Ora22.Set Fire to the Rain – Adele23.Part of Me – Katy Perry24.Let Me Love You – Ne-Yo25.Give Your Heart a Break – DemiLovato26.We are Young – Fun. Feat. JanelleMonáe27.Wide Awake – Katy Perry28.Big Hoops (Bigger The Better) –Nelly Furtado29.Boyfriend – Justin Bieber30.Want U Back – Cher Lloyd31.Starships – Nicky Minaj32.Good Time – Owl City & RaeJepsen33.Gangnam Style – Psy34.Too Close – Alex Clare35.Climax – Usher36.As Long As You Love Me – Justin Bieber feat. Big Sean37.Die Young – Ke$ha38.What Makes You Beautiful – OneDirection39.Diamonds – Rihanna40.Pound the Alarm – Nicky Minaj41.Where Have You Been – Rihanna42.Turn Me On - David Guetta feat.Nicky Minaj43.Skyfall – Adele44.Titanium – David Guetta feat. Sia45.Live While We"re Young – OneDirection46.This is Love – Will.I.Am feat.Eva Simons47.International Love – Pitbullfeat. Chris Brown48.I Can Only Imagine - David Guettafeat. Chris Brown & Lil Wayne49.Don"t You Worry Child – SwedishHouse Mafia50.Somebody That I Used To Know -Gotye feat. Kimbra51.Finally Found You - EnriqueIglesias feat. Sammy Adams52.Spectrum -Zedd feat. Matthew Koma53.Give Me All Your Luvin" - Madonnafeat. M.I.A. & Nicky Minaj

Pop Danthology求全部50首歌名http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDgzNjg2MzI0.html

这是按照MV的画面先后顺序整理的,前面是歌名,后面是歌手名,共55首1.Payphone – Maroon5 & Wiz Khalifa2.Glad you came – The Wanted3.Whistle – Flo Rida4.Your Body – Christina Aguilera5.Ass Back Home – Gym Class Heroes feat. Neon Hitch6.Scream – Usher7.Lights – Ellie Goulding8.Dance Again – Jennifer Lopezfeat. Pitbull9.Don"t Wake Me Up – Chris Brown10.Sorry for Party Rocking – LMFAO11.Some Nights – Fun.12.Stronger – Kelly Clarkson13.Live My Life – Far East Movement & Justin Bieber14.Let"s Go – Calvin Harris feat. Ne-Yo15.Domino – Jessie J16.Turn Up the Music - Chris Brown17.One More Night – Maroon 18.Call Me Maybe – Carly Rae Jepsen19.Blow Me (One Last Kiss) – P!nk 20.Wild Ones – Flo Rida feat. Sia21.How We Do (Party) – Rita Ora22.Set Fire to the Rain – Adele23.Part of Me – Katy Perry24.Let Me Love You – Ne-Yo25.Give Your Heart a Break – DemiLovato26.We are Young – Fun. Feat. JanelleMonáe27.Wide Awake – Katy Perry28.Big Hoops (Bigger The Better) –Nelly Furtado29.Boyfriend – Justin Bieber30.Want U Back – Cher Lloyd31.Starships – Nicky Minaj32.Good Time – Owl City & RaeJepsen33.Gangnam Style – Psy34.Too Close – Alex Clare35.Climax – Usher36.As Long As You Love Me – Justin Bieber feat. Big Sean37.Die Young – Ke$ha38.What Makes You Beautiful – OneDirection39.Diamonds – Rihanna40.Pound the Alarm – Nicky Minaj41.Where Have You Been – Rihanna42.Turn Me On - David Guetta feat.Nicky Minaj43.Skyfall – Adele44.Titanium – David Guetta feat. Sia45.Live While We"re Young – OneDirection46.This is Love – Will.I.Am feat.Eva Simons47.International Love – Pitbullfeat. Chris Brown48.I Can Only Imagine - David Guettafeat. Chris Brown & Lil Wayne49.Don"t You Worry Child – SwedishHouse Mafia50.Somebody That I Used To Know -Gotye feat. Kimbra51.Finally Found You - EnriqueIglesias feat. Sammy Adams52.Spectrum -Zedd feat. Matthew Koma53.Give Me All Your Luvin" - Madonnafeat. M.I.A. & Nicky Minaj PS:还有两首歌只是作为背景音乐,并没有出现过MV的镜头,一首是Brokenhearted – Karmin,从let me love you 开始混入伴奏音乐,直到We are young 这首歌开始后结束。另一首是Rack City – Tyga 在Boyfriend这首歌出现的中段作为背景音乐混入伴奏



pop danthology 2012歌词

I"m at a payphone. The sun goes down .The stars come out. Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby Let me know Where have the times gone. My universe will never be the same. Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby pop danthology Here we go All I wanna do is like your body. ah-ooh baby baby ooh baby baby Tonight"s your lucky night, I know you want it. ah-ooh baby baby ooh baby baby I had a way then losing it all on my own. find it so stupid so why should i hide don"t wake me up that i love to make love to you baby Sorry For Party Rocking Some nights, I stay up cashing in my bad luck Some nights, I call it a draw What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger Stand a little taller Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone Yo, hell yeah, dirty bass Ghetto girl, you drive me cray Hell yeah, dirty bass Ooh ooh ooh ~ Turn up the music, cause this song just came on i"m talking here and now. i"m talking here and now let"s go! Turn up the music, if they try to turn us down. i"m talking here and now. i"m talking here and now it"s not about what you"ve done it"s about what you doing So I cross my heart, and I hope to die it"s all about where you going . no matter where you"ve been . But i"ll only stay with you one more night Wow wow wow wowHey I just met you .and this is crazy But here"s my number .So, Call Me Maybe think I"ve finally had enough, I think I maybe think too much .I think this might be it for us Hey I heard you were a wild one , Oooh Cause that"s just how we do Dirty dancing in the moonlight Take me down like I"m a domino [] I let it fall my heart .And as it fell you rose to claim it It was dark and I was over .Until you kissed my lips and you saved me . Cus you chewed me up and spit me out, like I was poison in your mouth. You took my light, you drink me down, but that was then and this is now. Girl let me love you Don"t wanna break your heart .I wanna give your heart a break. I know you"re scared it"s wrong. Like you might make a mistake This is the part of me that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no So if by the time the bar closes .And you feel like falling down. I"ll carry you home. 【Tonight I"m wide awake We are young I can go fast, I can go slow I can go places nobody else goes】x2 If I was your boyfriend, I"d never let you go En!!! I can take you places you ain"t never been before Baby take a chance or you"ll never ever know I got money in my hands that I"d really like to blow Swag swag swag, on you Chillin by the fire why we eatin" fondue I dunno about me but I know about you So say hello to falsetto in three two Swag hennGood morning and good night I wake up at twilight Starships were meant to fly We don"t even have to try Oppan gang-nan style And it feels like I am just too close to love you we"ve reached the climax As Long As You Love Me Ai~~sexy lady Woah-oh-oh-oh , It"s always a good time I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums Baby you light up my world like nobody else As Long As You Love Me Ai~~sexy lady Woah-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Shine bright like a diamond Oppan gang-nan style Shine bright like a diamond Oh· Pound the alarm I"ve been everywhere, man . Looking for someone Someone who can please me . Love me all night long I"ve been everywhere, man. Looking for you babe Looking for you babe. Searching for you babe 【江南stlye】 At skyfall I"m bullet proof, nothing to lose fire away, fire away ricochet, you take your aim fire away, fire away you shoot me down, but I won"t fall I am titanium you shoot me down, but I won"t fall I am titanium This is love , This is love yeah~ International love Where you"ve been Where you"ve been all my life There was a time, I used to look into my father"s eyes Like when you said you felt so happy you could die Forget about your friends they don"t care where we go If they do, look like lost, stand in a crowd of people I"ve been looking for you forever baby we go Together baby we go, we go We"ll run where lights won"t chase us Hide where love can save us I will never let you go Now you are Somebody That I Used To Know L-U-V Madonna! Y-O-U You wanna L-U-V Madonna! Y-O-U You wanna Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh It"s always a good time Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh We don"t even have to try, it"s always a good time.如果要lrc文件,qq音乐有

VB中的Dim sum As Integer语句


http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTIzODU4MDYw.html 求此视频里面的所有歌曲

组曲名:Pop Danthology 2012 - Mashup of 50 Pop Songs歌曲列表:1.Payphone – Maroon5 & Wiz Khalifa2.Glad you came – The Wanted3.Whistle – Flo Rida4.Your Body – Christina Aguilera5.Ass Back Home – Gym Class Heroes feat. Neon Hitch6.Scream – Usher7.Lights – Ellie Goulding8.Dance Again – Jennifer Lopezfeat. Pitbull9.Don"t Wake Me Up – Chris Brown10.Sorry for Party Rocking – LMFAO11.Some Nights – Fun.12.Stronger – Kelly Clarkson13.Live My Life – Far East Movement & Justin Bieber14.Let"s Go – Calvin Harris feat. Ne-Yo15.Domino – Jessie J16.Turn Up the Music - Chris Brown17.One More Night – Maroon18.Call Me Maybe – Carly Rae Jepsen19.Blow Me (One Last Kiss) – P!nk20.Wild Ones – Flo Rida feat. Sia21.How We Do (Party) – Rita Ora22.Set Fire to the Rain – Adele23.Part of Me – Katy Perry24.Let Me Love You – Ne-Yo25.Give Your Heart a Break – DemiLovato26.We are Young – Fun. Feat. JanelleMonáe27.Wide Awake – Katy Perry28.Big Hoops (Bigger The Better) –Nelly Furtado29.Boyfriend – Justin Bieber30.Want U Back – Cher Lloyd31.Starships – Nicky Minaj32.Good Time – Owl City & RaeJepsen33.Gangnam Style – Psy34.Too Close – Alex Clare35.Climax – Usher36.As Long As You Love Me – Justin Bieber feat. Big Sean37.Die Young – Ke$ha38.What Makes You Beautiful – OneDirection39.Diamonds – Rihanna40.Pound the Alarm – Nicky Minaj41.Where Have You Been – Rihanna42.Turn Me On - David Guetta feat.Nicky Minaj43.Skyfall – Adele44.Titanium – David Guetta feat. Sia45.Live While We"re Young – OneDirection46.This is Love – Will.I.Am feat.Eva Simons47.International Love – Pitbullfeat. Chris Brown48.I Can Only Imagine - David Guettafeat. Chris Brown & Lil Wayne49.Don"t You Worry Child – SwedishHouse Mafia50.Somebody That I Used To Know -Gotye feat. Kimbra51.Finally Found You - EnriqueIglesias feat. Sammy Adams52.Spectrum -Zedd feat. Matthew Koma53.Give Me All Your Luvin" - Madonnafeat. M.I.A. & Nicky MinajPS:还有两首歌只是作为背景音乐,并没有出现过MV的镜头,一首是Brokenhearted – Karmin,从let me love you 开始混入伴奏音乐,直到We are young 这首歌开始后结束。另一首是Rack City – Tyga 在Boyfriend这首歌出现的中段作为背景音乐混入伴奏参考资料:http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/506965841.html

DMX512中DMX是什么意思?DMX512 controller怎么使用?

在led灯具调光和控制中,人们大量采用了DMX512的控制协议,它是由美国剧场技术协会(United State Institute for Theatre Technology,Inc)于1986年8月提出的一个能在一对线上传送512路可控硅调光亮度信息的标准。 DMX512通信方式是采用了异步通信格式,每个调光点由11位组成,其中一个是起始位,8位调光数据,两个停止位.每一次传输能512个调光点。EIA485(RS485) DMX512是围绕工业标准EIA485接口设计的。EIA485属于接口、电压、电流等的“电”端。使用方法: 一个dmx512控制器控制器是许多舞台灯光系统的心脏。这些控制器通常发现的任何地方安装了舞台灯光,包括剧院,学校礼堂,甚至教堂。 DMX 512的控制器工作由一系列滑块。每个滑块的编号和被称为信道。大多数入门级控制器将采用4或8通道系统。舞台灯被连接到DMX 512控制器的一个特定信道。滑块然后将控制的灯的开/关功能。  设置灯DIP开关到正确的通道。每个DMX灯光都会有一组对编号开关。这些白色的小开关将数范围从1到256 ,这取决于特定的光。对于第一道曙光,推动开关下的“ 1 ”标记为“开”的位置。这将设置此灯由滑块号为1的DMX控制器来控制。  设置第二个灯光的DIP开关。如果想要这个光与第一个光孔同时工作,将开关设置在“ 1 ”标记为“开” ,就像第一光。如果想从第一个独立发光控制它,然后将开关设置在“ 2 ”标记为“开”。这将设置光线通过滑块数2的DMX控制器来控制。  一个DMX电缆连接到DMX 512控制器的背面。将其插入端口标有“ DMX OUT ”就回来了。将另一端连接到第一个DMX灯光。光将有一个端口标有“ DMX在”连接电缆的这一端。  第二个DMX电缆连接到这第一道曙光。使用标有“ DMX OUT ”端口来连接该电缆。运行电缆连接到第二个光把它们结合在一起。此端连接到第二个光孔的“ DMX在”端口。现在应该有从DMX控制器的电缆,以第一光,和两个指示灯连接以及电缆。  测试的照明控制。电源上的DMX 512控制板上。推动滑块通道1一路攀升至100 %的强度。如果灯被设置为同时控制,这应该在两个电源指示灯。如果没有,就那么它应该只有电源灯亮1 。如果灯都设置了单独的控制,压力机滑块通道2一路攀升至100 %的强度,电源指示灯2上。  按照以上的步骤,如果有需要的话,可以重复的DIP开关设置和DMX电缆连接尽可能多的灯。

有谁知道能帮我翻译一下意大利歌手Tiziano Ferro的Chi Non Ha Talento Insegna 非常感谢。

Chi Non Ha Talento Insegna 不表露心迹之人Arriverà stringendomi 她快到了,我蜷缩着Ed io sarò già li 我会出现在那里E sentirò i sintomi 感受到某种征兆E non mi tradirà 她不会背叛我Ma in fondo chi non ha talento insegna 但是其实谁不表露心迹呢E quindi adesso imparerò da te 所以现在我将从你那边学习Mai un briciolo di affetto 不再爱如死灰Decidere di cedere fu matto 我决定放弃曾经的疯狂Per me con te e 对于跟你在一起的我来说。Chi si è pentito chi mi ha baciato 吻过我的人有谁后悔了?Buonanotte a te 跟你说声晚安Buonanotte a te 跟你说声晚安Che mi hai richiamato 你呼唤我e maltrattato buonanotte a te 笑数我说的“晚安”Buonanotte a me 跟我说声了晚安Riposerà tra gli angeli 她会在一群天使怀中沉睡Stringendo forte a sé 紧紧地蜷缩着自己Il cuore e le parole e 我的心,我的话语E non come fai tu 你到底是怎么办到的?Ma in fondo chi non ha talento insegna 但是其实谁不表露心迹呢E imparerò a non fare come te 我会像你一样学着不去那么做3 baci dentro un letto 床上的三个吻che poi a baciare manco sei un portento 然后吻左边,你真是个尤物Chi si è pentito chi mi ha baciato 吻过我的人有谁后悔了?Buonanotte a te 跟你说声晚安Buonanotte a te 跟你说声晚安Che mi hai richiamato 你呼唤我e maltrattato buonanotte a te 笑数我说的“晚安”Buonanotte a me 跟我说声了晚安Chi si è pentito chi mi ha baciato 吻过我的人有谁后悔了Per chi ha sorriso e chi un po"meno 为了笑着的人或者笑得少一点的人Buonanotte a te 跟你说声晚安E buonanotte a quelli come me 跟我这类人也说声晚安a quelli come me 我这类人Chi si è pentito chi mi ha baciato 吻过我的人有谁后悔了?Buonanotte a te 跟你说声晚安Buonanotte a te 跟你说声晚安Che mi hai richiamato 你呼唤我e maltrattato buonanotte a te 笑数我说的“晚安”Buonanotte a me 跟我说声了晚安情景是一个游戏情场的花花公子爱上了一个纯洁少女,然后决定改变自己了~好温馨的一首歌阿~

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求lifehouse 的hanging by a moment英文对照中文翻译歌词

Hanging By A Moment 歌手:Lifehouse Hanging By A MomentLifehouseDesperate for changingStarving for truthI"m closer to where I startedI"m chasing after youI"m falling even more in love with youLetting go of all I"ve held on toI"m standing here until you make me moveI"m hanging by a moment here with youForgetting all I"m lackingCompletely incompleteI"ll take your invitationYou take all of me nowI"m falling even more in love with youLetting go of all I"ve held on toI"m standing here until you make me moveI"m hanging by a moment here with youI"m living for the only thing I knowI"m running and I question where to goAnd I don"t know what I"m tapping intoJust hanging by a moment here with youThere"s nothing else to loseThere"s nothing else to findThere"s nothing in the worldThat can change my mindThere is nothing elseThere is nothing elseThere is nothing elseDesperate for changingStarving for truthI"m closer to where I startedI"m chasing after youI"m falling even more in love with youLetting go of all I"ve held on toI"m standing here until you make me moveI"m hanging by a moment here with youI"m living for the only thing I knowI"m running and I question where to goAnd I don"t know what I"m tapping intoJust hanging by a moment here with youJust hanging by a momentHanging by a momentHanging by a momentHanging by a moment here with youby lune翻译在片刻之前悬挂Lifehouse不顾死活为变更为事实饿得要死我接近我开始的地方我正在你之后追所有的我和你在爱方面更多让去全部我已经抓紧我正在这里站立,直到你使我移动我正在片刻之前和你在这里悬挂忘记全部我正在缺乏完全不完全我将会采取你的邀请你现在拿我全部我正在落下更多在爱方面和你让去全部我已经抓紧我正在这里站立,直到你使我移动我正在片刻之前和你在这里悬挂我为我知道的唯一的事物住我正在跑,而且我询问该哪里去而且我不知道什么我正在轻打进入仅仅在片刻之前和你在这里悬挂没有什么别的事物要失去没有什么别的事物要找没有东西在世界上那能改变我的想法没有什么别的事物没有什么别的事物没有什么别的事物不顾死活为变更为事实饿得要死我接近我开始的地方我正在你之后追我正在落下更多在爱方面和你让去全部我已经抓紧我正在这里站立,直到你使我移动我正在片刻之前和你在这里悬挂我为我知道的唯一的事物住我正在跑,而且我询问该哪里去而且我不知道什么我正在轻打进入仅仅在片刻之前和你在这里悬挂仅仅在片刻之前悬挂在片刻之前悬挂在片刻之前悬挂在片刻之前和你在这里悬挂被弓形

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求 heineken,sexy,oceanshore,heavent-sent,rhythm的发音(英)

你说的是groove coverage的she的歌词吧,很愿意为你解答,望您满意;heineken读“哈尼肯”,是荷兰生产的世界著名的啤酒,中文叫“喜力”。sexy读“塞克西”,意思是性感的,英文歌中常出现的单词。oceanshore读“噢深哨”,ocean是海洋,大海。shore是岸,滨的意思。oceanshore是合成词,译为海边。heaven-sent读“海文散特”,意思是天赐的。rhythm读“ruai得母”,意思是节奏,拍子。eternity读“以特讷体”,意思是永远。marilyn读“卖瑞兰”,中文译为“玛利莲”是人名,你因该知道玛利莲 梦露的。suzanne“苏赞”,中文译为“苏珊”或“苏珊娜”我的回答,希望你满意:)

The World University Student Summer Sports Games of The 26th at Shengzhen. The world university gam


A Volunteer for Shenzhen Universiade (做大运会志愿者)英语作文

Lively cheers games, Hsien-Hsiung Wei trade students. In this clear and crisp in November, we greet the autumn sunlight, along with the harvest season, ushered in a lively seventh wonderful school sports. The Games, a total of 455 students in our school participated in 9 projects competition. Early in the morning, teachers and students arrived at the stadium, some of them arranged the venue, and some finishing garments, some are located sports equipment, too busy to track the original silent suddenly excited. 8:00 With the Games officially announced the beginning of each class followed by admission to the ranks of marching parade performances. At this point march suddenly sounded, one after another a class rank of neat formation, dance props set great strides in coming to the podium. Everyone in their bright clothes, smiling, hold our heads up, demonstrating the unique vitality of youth and vitality. The performances of these classes strengths and weaknesses, and some formation varied, and some clothing brightest, and some neat moves, and some arrangement was new, their graceful dance to attract everyone"s attention. Props in the hands of these students can be described as great variety, variety. Some, and the dynamic music, holding a pair of chopsticks beating out the rhythm of sonorous; some flapping the ball like a cheerful bright wizard; some dress swayed, holding a dance fan, to draw a beautiful arc Road, and some Qiyuxuanang , hand-held gun salute in the air emitted by colorful fireworks. Their performance to the entire stint of the many splendours of color games, like spring flowers, summer sunshine, with a cool autumn wind blow against our faces, so that the presence of teachers and students are all touched, and are all delighted. It is understood that the road parade costumes and props used in many of them are the students themselves to select and purchase, and they show the formation and movement are also explored and arrangement of their own. This is totally reflects the student"s enthusiasm and longing for the Games, but also fully demonstrated their ability to act independently and strong organizational skills. When the road team, after all the admission, what follows are Guangbo Cao game. Accompanied by "The times are calling" the melody, all the students and upright, full of energy, rhythm accuracy, movement in place effective. In their faces, we see the youth of the atmosphere, the value of youth, the vitality of youth, it seems to be in the new era calls a better future. 9:30 When the General Assembly proclaimed the sports officially began, the entire stadium suddenly boiling up and cheer sound come and go, an endless stream. Look at track and field athletes, one by one, such as correction of rabbit-like fly a starting point, like a lever for-like rush towards finish, attracted the presence of the audience excited. Regardless of whether the player won the first, they will get the audience praise and encouragement. Because in the hearts of the audience, these athletes have played out of an unyielding, tenacious spirit of sport, they are sporting heroes, trade schools, "Liu Xiang." The women"s 800 meters and men"s 1,500 m is a test of stamina and perseverance of the project players. Although it not as good as sprinter as exciting, exciting, but it definitely makes moving more than sprint. In the game, players have to face not only the physical test, but also the psychological test. Athletes participating in the project truly reflects the hard work, never admit defeat the spirit of the movement, it gives us the feeling of accomplishment than to be rich in many. Look at that track and field athletes, but also everybody gearing up, not lying down. High jump, long jump athlete in order to get better results, fight every effort, even if the failure is not to give up. Goals and together they face a strong pace, jumped again and again. This ever go beyond the spirit of self-enormous personal wealth, but also in the future be able to go farther and higher solid foundation. The players participated in shot put competition, more investment and further and further away results. In their hands as if shot into a wish full of hope ball, constantly chasing their own dreams. Competition has been extended to the afternoon, teachers and students did not diminish the enthusiasm high. Until the relay final gunshot, the current Games in the joint efforts of teachers and students, the successful completion of various events, smoothly lowered to a close. The Games, then the largest in history, a total of 9 projects generate winners, there is one person to break the school record, one who tied a school record, access to male and female groups, respectively 03F2 class championship courses and 04 international business 3 classes . After watching them win the smiling faces filled with happiness, I feel that students in the sporting spirit in the trade show was glance. Sport is the building of spiritual civilization is an important component of national quality, people"s spiritual outlook of the concentrated expression. Games is not only the level of inspection and school physical education and quality of student youth style shows, test the concrete practice of physical and psychological, but also the reform of school education and career development of a comprehensive stage for performances. It is a physical exercise, the activation of life, promote the personality and vigor, and gains the smiles and mental outlook. Games for all players at this tournament out of results, race out of style, carry forward the friendship first, competition second the spirit of the game looking for more glory and dreams, in the race to create more beautiful and brilliant.
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