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英 [peu026ant]美 [pent]n. 颜料,涂料; 绘画作品; 胭脂等化妆品; 色彩,装饰vt. 涂色于; 绘画; (用语言,文字等)描写; 擦脂粉等vi. 描绘; 绘画; 化妆网 络油漆;涂料;漆;颜料过去式: painted过去分词: painted现在分词: painting第三人称单数: paints派生词:paintable painty1. The walls of the building were daubed with red paint. 更多牛津这栋建筑的墙上随意涂了一层红色涂料。来自《权威词典》2. The paint can be diluted with water to make a lighter shade.这颜料可用水稀释以使色度淡一些。来自《权威词典》3. He dipped the brush into the paint.他拿画笔蘸了蘸颜料。来自《权威词典》4. Make sure the paint covers the surface evenly.要确保油漆均匀地涂在表面上。来自《权威词典》5. The walls need freshening up with white paint.墙壁需要用白漆刷新。来自《权威词典》


paint[英][peu026ant][美][pent]n.颜料,涂料; 绘画作品; 胭脂等化妆品; 色彩,装饰; vt.涂色于; 绘画; (用语言,文字等)描写; 擦脂粉等; vi.描绘; 绘画; 化妆; 第三人称单数:paints现在进行时:painting过去式:painted过去分词:painted双语例句1Do you sell what you paint?你卖过自己的画吗?


paint的读法:英式发音【peu026ant】。一、释义:油漆、绘画、油漆、颜料、绘画作品。二、词汇搭配:1、blend paint:调色。2、apply paint:涂油漆。3、chip paint:去除油漆。4、dilute paint:稀释油漆。5、lay paint upon canvas:往画布上涂油彩。6、mix paint:调和油漆。7、spray paint:喷漆。8、luminous paint:发光涂料。9、metallic paint:金属涂料。10、oil based paint:油性漆。例句:1、I personally think we should paint the wall yellow.我个人认为墙壁应该粉刷成黄色。2、They painted a coat of paint to prevent the oxidation of the ship by seawater.他们刷了一层油漆以防止船只被海水氧化。3、She learns to paint in the fashion of Picasso.她学着以毕加索的手法(绘画风格)绘画。4、I suggest you paint on wood instead of paper.我建议你在木头上画而不是在纸上画。5、He likes to paint abstract designs on the walls.他喜欢在墙上画抽象图案。




paint造句:1、Why do peoplepaint pictures?(为什么人们要画画?)2、We need some morepaint; there isn"t any left.(我们还需要一些油漆,已经用光了。)3、Thepaint was peeling off the wall in places.(墙上有几处油漆剥落了。)4、The walls need freshening up with whitepaint.(墙壁需要用白漆刷新。)5、paint was peeling off the walls.(墙上的漆正在剥落。)6、We gave himpaint and brushes.(我们给了他颜料和画笔。)paint的基本意思是“油漆,涂料”,是不可数名词,没有复数形式。paint还可表示“绘画作品”,“一幅绘画作品”是a piece ofpaint。paints指一套管状或块状的“颜料”。paint也可作“涂层,漆层”,是不可数名词。paint还可作“化妆品”,是不可数名词。


paint[英][peu026ant] [美][pent] 生词本简明释义n.颜料,涂料;绘画作品;胭脂等化妆品;色彩,装饰vt.涂色于;绘画;(用语言,文字等)描写;擦脂粉等vi.描绘;绘画;化妆第三人称单数:paints过去式:painted过去分词:painted现在分词:painting易混淆的单词:Paint以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 短语词组 同反义词1.N-MASS油漆;涂料Paint is a coloured liquid that you put onto a surface with a brush in order to protect the surface or to make it look nice, or that you use to produce a picture....a pot of red paint...一罐红漆They saw some large letters in white paint.他们看见了用白漆写的几个大大的字母。


油漆, 粉刷




paint 英[peu026ant] 美[pent] n. 颜料,涂料; 绘画作品; 胭脂等化妆品; 色彩,装饰; vt. 绘画; 涂色于; (用语言,文字等) 描写; 擦脂粉等; vi. 描绘; 绘画; 化妆; [例句]They saw some large letters in white paint.他们看见了用白漆写的几个大大的字母。[其他] 第三人称单数:paints 现在分词:painting 过去式:painted过去分词:painted




paint的读音:英[peu026ant]、美[peu026ant]。一、翻译paint,英语单词,名词,动词,作名词时意为“油漆;颜料;(非正式)化妆;三秒区;(尤指模拟真画效果的)绘画功能;花马,(美)潘(人名)”,作动词时意为“油漆;给(脸,皮肤)化妆;给……刷上(液体);用绘图程序作画;(在雷达屏幕上)显示(飞机等);描绘;画(图画);描述”。二、短语搭配Flat paint消光涂料 ; 无光漆 ; 无光油漆 ; 无光泽涂料。Opaque paint【涂料】不透明涂料 ; 不透谜料 ; 不透亮涂料 ; 不透明漆。paint remover洗漆水 ;【涂料】脱漆剂 ;【涂料】除漆剂 ;【涂料】清除涂料剂。Paint Effects画笔效果 ; 概述 ; 介绍 。alkyd paint醇酸涂料 ; 醇酸漆 ; 树脂涂料 ; 脂油漆。三、双语例句The paint should have dried off by this time tomorrow.油漆到明天这个时候就应该已经干了。If you could paint anything on the building, what would it be, and why?如果你可以在这座建筑物的墙上画任何东西,你将画什么?为什么?


vt. 油漆;绘画;装饰;涂色于;描绘;(用语言,文字等)描写;擦脂粉等vi. 油漆;描绘;绘画;化妆n. 油漆;颜料,涂料;绘画作品;胭脂等化妆品;色彩,装饰


paint的中文意思、音标、例句及语法单词音标英语音标:[peu026ant]美语音标:[pent]转载需注明“转自音标网yinbiao5.com/19-3429.html”,违者必究中文翻译v.油漆;绘画n.油漆;颜料;绘画作品单词例句用作动词 (v.)I personally think we should paint the wall yellow. 我个人认为墙壁应该粉刷成黄色。They painted a coat of paint to prevent the oxidation of the ship by seawater. 他们刷了一层油漆以防止船只被海水氧化。She learns to paint in the fashion of Picasso. 她学着以毕加索的手法(绘画风格)绘画。I suggest you paint on wood instead of paper. 我建议你在木头上画而不是在纸上画。He likes to paint abstract designs on the walls. 他喜欢在墙上画抽象图案。用作名词 (n.)The wall requires a new coat of paint. 这墙需要再涂一层新油漆。Keep away from it. Don"t you see the notice "Wet Paint"? 离远点。你没看见牌子上写著"油漆未乾"吗?Be careful, the paint may smear. 当心,油漆会涂污的。It is a great piece of paint. 这是一幅绘画杰作。语法用法n.(名词)paint的基本意思是“油漆,涂料”,是不可数名词,没有复数形式。paint还可表示“绘画作品”,“一幅绘画作品”是a piece of paint。paints指一套管状或块状的“颜料”。paint也可作“涂层,漆层”解,是不可数名词。paint还可作“化妆品”解,是不可数名词。v.(动词)paint的基本意思是“在…上涂涂料或油漆”,也可指“(用颜料)绘,画”“涂,搽”,用于比喻可指“描绘,形容”。paint可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。paint还可接以“(to be/as+) n./adj. ”或现在分词充当补足语的复合宾语。作“涂油漆”解时,宾语补足语前常省略to be或as; 作“描绘”解时to be或as不可省略。







防晒霜用英语怎么说 不是suntan lotion. 就是防止晒黑的那一种防晒霜怎么讲?

1.sunsreen 防晒霜 Summer care 夏日防晒 wear sunscreen 涂防晒霜 ... 2.sunscreen cream 防晒霜 eg.使用SPF值至少为15的防晒霜. Wear a minimum SPF15 sunscreen.


n. 颜料,涂料; 绘画作品; 胭脂等化妆品; 色彩,装饰; vt. 绘画; 涂色于; (用语言,文字等) 描写; 擦脂粉等; vi. 描绘; 绘画; 化妆;




paint的意思:油漆、颜料、化妆、描述等。paint的读音为/peu026ant/,过去式painted,过去分词painted,现在分词painting,第三人称单数paints,复数paints。作为名词时,意思是油漆;颜料;(非正式)化妆;三秒区;(尤指模拟真画效果的)绘画功能;花马。作为动词时,意思是给(脸、皮肤)化妆;给……刷上(液体);用绘图程序作画;(在雷达屏幕上)显示(飞机等);描绘;画(图画);描述。也可以作为人名使用,音译为潘(美)。例句:1、Nowadays,it is very easy to paint images on the screen.现在,在屏幕上用绘图程序作画是很容易的。2、He will paint over the child"s graffiti on the wall.他要用油漆遮盖孩子在墙上乱画的涂鸦。3、The actor"s paint looks very elegant today.这位演员今天的妆看上去很有气质。




英式和美式的读法都是[peu026ant]。作动词的意思是油漆;绘画。作名词的意思是油漆;颜料;绘画作品。paint的基本意思是“油漆,涂料”,是不可数名词,没有复数形式。paint还可表示“绘画作品”,“一幅绘画作品”是a piece of paint。paints指一套管状或块状的“颜料”。paint也可作“涂层,漆层”解,是不可数名词。paint还可作“化妆品”解,是不可数名词。扩展资料近义词区分一、paint, draw这两个词都表示“画画”。其区别是:draw多指用铅笔画素描类画; 而paint常指用色彩画水彩画或油画。二、colour,dye,paint,stain这些动词均有“着色,染”之意。1、colour普通用词,含义笼统。可指人工的着色,也可指天然的着色。2、dye多指使用染料改变物体的颜色,如染织品或头发等。3、paint指为装饰等目的而把油漆或涂料等物涂于物体表面。4、stain多指用化学或其它方法使物体着色。




paint 英[peu026ant] 美[pent] n. 颜料,涂料;绘画作品;胭脂等化妆品;色彩,装饰 vt. 涂色于;绘画;(用语言,文字等)描写;擦脂粉等 vi. 描绘;绘画;化妆 [例句]I have to paint my apartment.我得油漆我的公寓.


1 N-COUNT 引言;序言;导论 The introduction to a book or talk is the part that comes at the beginning and tells you what the rest of the book or talk is about. 语法信息 【搭配模式】 : oft N to n Ellen Malos, in her introduction to "The Politics of Housework", provides a summary of the debates. 埃伦·马洛斯在她为《家务政治学》一书所作的序言中对这些争论进行了总结。 2 N-COUNT 入门书;初阶读物 If you refer to a book as an introduction to a particular subject, you mean that it explains the basic facts about that subject. 语法信息 【搭配】 : usu N to n, oft in names On balance, the book is a friendly, down-to-earth introduction to physics. 总而言之,这是一本通俗而务实的物理入门书。 ..."Psychology and Language: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics". 《心理学与语言:心理语言学入门》 3 N-COUNT 外来品;新引进的东西 You can refer to a new product as an introduction when it becomes available in a place for the first time. There are two among their recent introductions that have greatly impressed me. 在他们最近引进的东西里面有两样给我留下了非常深刻的印象。 4 See also: introduce 5 PHRASE 众所周知;无需介绍 If you say that someone or something needs no introduction, you mean that they are so well known that everyone knows who or what they are. 语法信息 【搭配模式】 : V inflects Michael Jackson, of course, needs no introduction. 迈克尔·杰克逊,当然,众所周知。


paint[英][peu026ant][美][pent]n.颜料,涂料; 绘画作品; 胭脂等化妆品; 色彩,装饰; vt.涂色于; 绘画; (用语言,文字等)描写; 擦脂粉等; vi.描绘; 绘画; 化妆; 第三人称单数:paints现在进行时:painting过去式:painted过去分词:painted双语例句1Do you sell what you paint?你卖过自己的画吗?




paint[pent]vt.粉刷,彩绘,涂色&n.油漆,油画的颜料(多用复数)现在分词paintingue6ea过去式paintedue6ea过去分词paintedue6ea第三人称单数paintsue6ea例句This seaside café is painted blue and ornamented with shells.这间海边的咖啡馆被漆成蓝色,用了很多贝壳做装饰。蓝色咖啡厅Wet Paint!油漆未干!(警示牌标语)Jim painted a lovely picture of his girlfriend.吉姆画了一幅他女友的漂亮画像。David sketched the mountains before painting them.戴维将群山入画前先素描。Children paint eggs with colorful patterns to celebrate Easter.小朋友在蛋上彩绘五颜六色的图案来庆祝复活节。五颜六色的油漆拓展painting [u02c8pentu026au014b] n.绘画painter [u02c8pentu025a] n.画家This painting has vivid colors.这幅画色彩鲜明。The painter coated the door withred paint.油漆匠把红漆涂在门上。





painted paint 都怎么用

paint有4种意思: 1.油漆,涂料,例如:a tin of green paint一罐绿色 油漆 2.油彩涂料,例如:a box of paints一盒油彩涂料 3.给…上油漆,例如:She painted the door blue.她 把门漆成蓝色。 4.(用颜料)绘画;画(人或物),例如:Who painted this picture?这幅画是 谁画的?painted是paint的过去时态和过去分词,用于现在完成时,过去完成时和过去一般时


意思:画,油画;绘画。释义:英["peu026antu026au014b]美["peu026antu026au014b]。语法:painting用作名词的意思是“上油漆,着色”“绘画艺术”,指抽象的动作和技巧,是不可数名词。 painting也可指具体的“水彩画,油画”,是可数名词。说“图片上”“画面上”用in the painting,不用on the painting。 词根paint语法:paint的基本意思是“油漆,涂料”,是不可数名词,没有复数形式。paint还可表示“绘画作品”,“一幅绘画作品”是a piece of paint。paints指一套管状或块状的“颜料”。 paint也可作“涂层,漆层”解,是不可数名词。 paint还可作“化妆品”解,是不可数名词。 paint的基本意思是“在…上涂涂料或油漆”,也可指“(用颜料)绘,画”“涂,搽”,用于比喻可指“描绘,形容”。 paint可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。 paint还可接以“(to be/as+) n./adj. ”或现在分词充当补足语的复合宾语。作“涂油漆”解时,宾语补足语前常省略to be或as; 作“描绘”解时to be或as不可省略。


introduction英[u02ccu026antru0259u02c8du028cku0283n]美[u02ccu026antru0259u02c8du028cku0283u0259n]n. 介绍; 引言,导言; 采用,引进; 新采用的东西;

paint是什么意思中文 解释paint的中文含义?


drow 和 paint 有什么不同




paint 的中文是什么

很高兴回答你的问题,以下是我个人见解,希望可以帮到你:paint 英[peu026ant] 美[pent] n. 颜料,涂料; 绘画作品; 胭脂等化妆品; 色彩,装饰; vt. 绘画; 涂色于; (用语言,文字等) 描写; 擦脂粉等; vi. 描绘; 绘画; 化妆; [例句]They saw some large letters in white paint.他们看见了用白漆写的几个大大的字母。[其他] 第三人称单数:paints 现在分词:painting 过去式:painted过去分词:painted 望采纳,十分感谢。


paint指用颜色画,如油画颜料、水彩或者水墨画,而draw 通常指用铅笔、钢笔或者粉笔画,后者一般并不涂上颜料。两动词的相应名词分别为painting和drawing I am an art student and I paint a lot of pictures. 我是学美术的学生,我画许多画。 He is painting in oils. 他正在用油画颜料画画。 注:paint的引伸含义是“描述” He is not so black as he is painted. 他并不象人们所说的那么坏。 She draws very well. 她画得很好。 These pictures are drawn by children. 这些画是孩子们画的。 注:drawing除了“图画”外,还有“工程图”的意思。 an engineering drawing



paint是什么意思 paint中文的解释

1、paint:n.油漆;涂料;花马;杂色马;涂颜料;涂脂抹粉;化妆;三秒区;绘图功能。v.油漆;涂饰;描绘;用颜料画(人;物;景);描述;给(脸;皮肤)化妆;给…刷上;用油漆覆盖;用绘图程序作图;(在雷达屏幕上)显示(飞机)。 2、例句:Why bother to paint it when you can photograph it with the same effect? 既然拍照也能达到同样的效果,你干吗要费事去画它?


“Paint”是一个动词,其中最基本的意思是涂漆、绘画或描绘某物。具体用法如下:涂漆:用颜料或漆涂在表面上,如:I"m going to paint my room this weekend. (我打算在这个周末给我的房间涂漆。)绘画:用颜料或笔绘制图画或图案,如:She is painting a beautiful landscape. (她正在画一幅美丽的风景画。)描绘:用语言或文字描写或形容某事物,如:The author painted a vivid picture of life in the 19th century. (作者描绘了19世纪的生活,生动形象。)修饰词语,表示某物的颜色或外观,如:The sky is painted with shades of pink and orange. (天空被涂上了粉红色和橙色的色彩。)除这些基本含义之外,paint还有其他的引申义,例如“paint a rosy picture”表示美化事实,或者“paint oneself into a corner”表示自己陷入困境。掌握这些词语的含义和用法,能够帮助学生更好地理解和运用英语,提高英语表达能力。




paint的过去式是painted。paint 英 [peu026ant]   美 [peu026ant]    v. 油漆,绘画n. 油漆,颜料,绘画作品例句:They painted a coat of paint to prevent the oxidation of the ship by seawater.翻译:他们刷了一层油漆以防止船只被海水氧化。短语:blend paint 调色用法1、paint的基本意思是“油漆,涂料”,是不可数名词,没有复数形式。paint还可表示“绘画作品”,“一幅绘画作品”是a piece of paint。paints指一套管状或块状的“颜料”。2、paint也可作“涂层,漆层”解,是不可数名词。3、paint还可作“化妆品”解,是不可数名词。




1、这个方法需要注意的地方不多,也就是重写时,先调用 super.paint(g) 方法 。paint方法不需要编写代码调用,只需要重写。2、paint 。public void paint(Graphics g)绘制容器。该方法将 paint 转发给任意一个此容器子组件的轻量级组件。如果重新实现此方法,那么应该调用 super.paint(g) 方法,从而可以正确地呈现轻量级组件。如果通过 g 中的当前剪切设置完全剪切某个子组件,则不会将 paint() 转发给这个子组件。3、调用paint的一般是repaint()或当显示器刷新的时候调用的类似repaint()的类。 当对于桌面执行了某类操作,改变了桌面上的图象时,jvm收到界面被调整的信息,此时会调用visible是ture的图形组件的repaint()方法对界面重绘。4、当然,直接重绘或全部重绘是很亏的,一个是用双缓存技术,另一个是只对桌面上显示的部分重绘。双缓存是指在缓存内先模拟重绘过程,只把最后成形的结果传给显示器显示。paint表示实参个数可变。比如:private static int sumUp(int... values) {//表示传入sumUp的整数个数不确定,values是一个长度不确定的int数组,根据传入的参数确定长度

painting 怎么读?


painting和to paint的区别

也可以用He likes painting. =He likes to paint.

drow 和 paint 有什么不同


paint的名词是什么 我实在找不到

还是paint paint KK:[] DJ:[] n. 1.油漆,涂料[U] 2.绘画颜料;一套颜料[U][C] He bought me a box of paints. 他给我买了一盒颜料. 3.【旧】化妆品[U] 4.涂漆;绘画作品[U] vt. 1.油漆;涂以颜色[O8] The door was painted blue. 门漆成蓝色. 2.画,绘画 The boy is painting a tiger. 那男孩在画一只老虎. 3.【旧】【贬】(用化妆品)涂,搽 4.描写,描绘 vi. 1.油漆 2.绘画 3.化妆;涂脂抹粉


paint 英[peu026ant] 美[pent] n. 颜料,涂料;绘画作品;胭脂等化妆品;色彩,装饰 vt. 涂色于;绘画;(用语言,文字等)描写;擦脂粉等 vi. 描绘;绘画;化妆 [例句]What we do well is curating inspiring ideas to help companies paint a picture where innovation can happen ."“我们目前做的不错的地方在于策划管理那些启发灵感的想法,帮助企业描绘一幅创


paint不是可数,paint是油漆的意思,paint是不可数名词,没有复数形式。 例句: Thepaintshouldhavedriedoffbythistimetomorrow. 油漆到明天这个时候就应该已经干了。 Ifyoucouldpaintanythingonthebuilding,whatwoulditbe,andwhy 如果你可以在这座建筑物的墙上画任何东西,你将画什么?为什么? Whynottrytradinginthepaintandwallpaperandgetyourhandonsomeofthesefundecals. 为什么不尝试在油漆和壁纸的交易并获得对这些有趣的一些标记你的手。

paint 和draw区别

paint 好像一般指西方的油画 可以查字典查一下


paint x05英[peu026ant] x05美[pent] n.x05颜料,涂料;绘画作品;胭脂等化妆品;色彩,装饰 vt.x05涂色于;绘画;(用语言,文字等)描写;擦脂粉等 vi.x05描绘;绘画;化妆 [例句]What we do well is curating inspiring ideas to help companies paint a picture where innovation can happen ." “我们目前做的不错的地方在于策划管理那些启发灵感的想法,帮助企业描绘一幅


学画画的小伙伴们对”paint“一定不陌生了,在颜料盒上面都会”paint“的英文标识,就是颜料的意思,但它可不止是颜料的意思哦!跟我一起学习一下吧! 简要回答 paint即可作动词也可作名词,常用的意思是油漆,颜料,刷油漆,化妆等。 详细内容 paint: n.油漆;涂料;花马;杂色马;涂颜料;涂脂抹粉;化妆;三秒区;绘图功能。 v.油漆;涂饰;描绘;用颜料画(人;物;景);描述;给(脸;皮肤)化妆;给…刷上;用油漆覆盖;用绘图程序作图;(在雷达屏幕上)显示(飞机)。 过去分词: painted. 第三人称单数: paints. 现在分词: painting. 过去式: painted. 短语: a piece of paint 一幅绘画作品。 paint stripper 脱漆剂。 water paint 水性涂料。 paint something in bright colors用鲜艳的颜色来画某物... 例句: 1,Why bother to paint it when you can photograph it with the same effect? 既然拍照也能达到同样的效果,你干吗要费事去画它? 2,Don"t think I"m wearying about not being able to paint any more.不要认为我因为无法再绘画而感到烦恼。 3,What we do well is curating inspiring ideas to help companies paint a picture where innovation can happen.我们目前做的不错的地方在于策划管理那些启发灵感的想法,帮助企业描绘一幅创新图景。 4,Keep away from it. Don"t you see the notice "Wet Paint"? 离远点。你没看见牌子上写著"油漆未乾"吗?

以 An unforgettable moment in my life 为题的英语作文,要求高2以上水平80~120字左右

  提供2篇,给你参考   An Unforgettable day,An Unforgettable day范文-大学英语作文   It was a sunny balmy afternoon at the end of a leisurely summer. I was driving on a winding country road with a lady friend. Little did I know that I was to have a close call that would have almost ruined the rest of my life.   Earlier that day, a friend called me to tell me that our mutual friend Rosy was arriving back from Taiwan after the summer holidays. Since there was no airport in the immediate vicinity of the university, she would need a ride to come back on campus.   Being mildly interested in that girl, I jumped at the chance to play hero. The trip was not particular long or arduous. I was to pick her up from a friend"s Home that was a mere 80 miles from campus—a piece of cake, I said to myself.   Everything went well. The country road was almost deserted. Visibility was good and I was not driving very fast. The conversation was lively but not distracting.   About half an hour into the drive, I rounded a corner and noticed two small children, aged around 10, waiting to cross the road after getting off their school bus. My mind was not particularly focused on them because I thought they would not cross the road when a truck was coming through on their side. The two kids looked to their left, watching the truck intensely. As soon as the truck passed, and without a thought, they started to dash across the road. I was petrified, to say the least. My heart almost leaped out of my throat. Time seemed to have come to a standstill. It was like a nightmare coming into reality. I felt I was in the slow motion crash scene of a movie. I did not even have the time to brake or steer clear.   By providence smiled on me that day. The two kids missed my car by less than an inch. Imagine what would have happened if I had hit them? They would have been killed instantly. I would have been charged with manslaughter and thrown into jail. My career would be over before it even got started. The kind of inhumane treatment I would receive from fellow inmate, I could only guess but hate to imagine. I will never be a whole person again even if I were to be released early for good behavior. My life would be over. Even if I had a good lawyer that could have gotten me off, I would have carried that guilt in my mind for the rest of my life.   Even today, thirty-six years later, the memory of that day is still fresh on my mind. I have my lucky star to thank for having both parties gotten off unscathed.   An unforgettable day in my life   There are so many days that worth remembering in my life. When I look back on these days, I always feel happy,sad...   One of those worth recalling days was is last Mid-autumn festival. It was a very exciting and happy moment that we, the freshmen of our whole class, spent together.   It was during military training, nearly a month since we had went to this college. As we were all freshmen, coming from different places in Fujian, and we didn"t make many friends by that time, we felt lonely. As we all know that Mid-autumn Day is a day for families to gather together, and appreciate the full moon together, and it was just too far away for us to go home and most of all, we didn"t have the day off. Fortunately, we, the whole class, together with the instructor ( 教官) spent such a special day together. We bought many things for eating, candies, oranges, juices ,mooncakes and so on. Then we found a lawn(草坪)and we sat together like a circle.Then we shared the snacks and began to play games.We also sany, danced. I thought the funniest thing was playing jokes on others. We also played jokes on the instructor. At that moment, we just spent the special day likes a whole family. In the end, we said some blessing words and the instructor recorded them using a mobile phone. After a few more minuters, we ended our party and returned to our dorms.   That day, we enjoyed ourselves and had a very good moment. I could felt the warmth and happiness like our own home. And I forget the sorrow of missing my family. It was a great and unforgettable moment in my life. I will always appreciate this beautiful moment.   My happy Spring Festival After the New Year"s Eve dinner with my family, we began to sit down in front of the TV, and enjoyed 2008 CCTV Spring Festival gala. At about ten o"clock, the black sky was lightened by lots of fireworks with colorful light and happy sound. We stop watching the CCTV 2008 CCTV Spring Festival gala, and began to climb up the balcony to see the beautiful fireworks view, and my father took some fireworks up, and we also began to play fireworks. What a beautiful night. Later, my cell phone was ringing all the time. I received lots of short messages from my friends and classmates. They all blessed me happy New Year. I gave same bless to them by sending back the happy words. At almost 12 pm, I made a wish in New Year, and began to sleep. This is my happiest time of the year. 我的快乐春节 吃完年夜饭后,我们一家人开始坐在电视机前,观看2008年春节晚会. 大概十点钟左右,黑暗的天空被许多五彩缤纷的礼花照亮了,阵阵礼花声洋溢喜悦之气.于是我们不看晚会了,开始爬上阳台去看礼花夜景.父亲也把我们家的礼花拿出来,让我们去放.真的好漂亮的夜晚. 过了一会,我的手机不停地响个不停.我收到很多来自我的朋友和同学的祝福短信,他们都祝福我新年快乐.我回了短信,也祝他们新年快乐.在接近12点时,我在即将到来的新年里许了个愿,然后就睡觉了. 这是一年之中我最幸福的时候.


英文原文:paint英式音标:[peu026ant] 美式音标:[pent]


paint即可作动词也可作名词,常用的意思是油漆,颜料,刷油漆,化妆等。 学画画的小伙伴们对”paint“一定不陌生了,在颜料盒上面都会”paint“的英文标识,就是颜料的意思,但它可不止是颜料的意思哦!跟我一起学习一下吧! 详细内容 01 paint: n.油漆;涂料;花马;杂色马;涂颜料;涂脂抹粉;化妆;三秒区;绘图功能。 v.油漆;涂饰;描绘;用颜料画(人;物;景);描述;给(脸;皮肤)化妆;给…刷上;用油漆覆盖;用绘图程序作图;(在雷达屏幕上)显示(飞机)。 02 过去分词: painted. 第三人称单数: paints. 现在分词: painting. 过去式: painted. 03 短语: a piece of paint 一幅绘画作品。 paint stripper 脱漆剂。 water paint 水性涂料。 paint something in bright colors 用鲜艳的颜色来画某物... 04 例句: 1,Why bother to paint it when you can photograph it with the same effect? 既然拍照也能达到同样的效果,你干吗要费事去画它? 2,Don"t think I"m wearying about not being able to paint any more.不要认为我因为无法再绘画而感到烦恼。 3,What we do well is curating inspiring ideas to help companies paint a picture where innovation can happen. 我们目前做的不错的地方在于策划管理那些启发灵感的想法,帮助企业描绘一幅创新图景。 4,Keep away from it. Don"t you see the notice "Wet Paint"? 离远点。你没看见牌子上写著"油漆未乾"吗?


绘画paint 基本词汇 英 [peu026ant]     美 [peu026ant]    v. 油漆;绘画n. 油漆;颜料;绘画作品语法:1、S+~(+A)She paints very well.她画得很好。2、S+~+ n./pron.When will you paint the wall?你们什么时候漆墙?扩展资料同近义词——colour 核心词汇 英 ["ku028clu0259(r)]     美 ["ku028clu0259r]    n. 颜色;颜料;彩色;肤色vt. 给 ... 着色;渲染;影响vi. 染色;脸红=color(美)His dress is very similar to mine in colour.他衣服的颜色和我衣服的很相似。assume colour 呈一色blend colour 混合颜色




paint[英][peu026ant][美][pent]n.颜料,涂料; 绘画作品; 胭脂等化妆品; 色彩,装饰; vt.涂色于; 绘画; (用语言,文字等)描写; 擦脂粉等; vi.描绘; 绘画; 化妆; 第三人称单数:paints现在进行时:painting过去式:painted过去分词:painted双语例句1Do you sell what you paint?你卖过自己的画吗?


名词:油彩,水彩, 涂料 动词: 油漆,描绘


元音字母组合 ai 发双元音 [eu026a],所以 paint 读作 [peu026ant],可谐音为 “佩恩特” 。


paint[英][peu026ant][美][pent]n.颜料,涂料; 绘画作品; 胭脂等化妆品; 色彩,装饰; vt.涂色于; 绘画; (用语言,文字等)描写; 擦脂粉等; vi.描绘; 绘画; 化妆; 第三人称单数:paints过去分词:painted现在进行时:painting过去式:painted例句:1.I have to paint my apartment. 我得油漆我的公寓.2.We need delacroix to paint them. 我们需要德拉克洛瓦来描绘她们。3.Michelangelo was not trying to paint like michelangelo. 米开朗基罗不是要像米开朗基罗那样的画。4.It"s less reflective than black acrylic paint. 它的反射能力甚至比黑色丙烯酸涂料还差。5.Two people can paint a house faster than one can. 两个人漆一间房子比一个人要快。

以My unforgettable winter vacation写一篇作文



潘暗特 连起来读

result from与contribute to有什么区别

contribute to 表示导致,有助于 后面加结果result from 表示由。。引起的。。后面加原因这个句子的意思是吃太多脂肪容易导致心脏病和高血压。这个句子很明显要填导致的意思。

unforgettable moments是什么意思

unforgettable moments难以忘怀的时刻;如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

HEU_KMS_Activator 激活office2013时出现错误No KMS could be contracted




make an appointment是什么意思


是on appointment 还是in,atappointment



a ppoint ment 三个音节

make an appointment的意思


significance;significant ; appointment 这英语在美音中怎么读? 求谐音的读法..


make a appointment 还是make an appointment

翻译如下是make an appointment预约例句He would make an appointment with him to straighten out a couple of things 他将和他约个时间把几件事情理清楚。

make an appointment是什么意思

预约; 期; 相约;


这两个词作“约会”理解时应该是可以相互替换的。但我听到的engagement一般都是指婚约,所以一般不要用,特别是用在异性身上时,比如你说,你和某人有一个engagement,这句话是有歧义的,我完全可以理解为:你和某人有一个婚约。appointment就无所谓,可以用于朋友,家人,同事等等。另:date 一般指男女朋友之间的约会。

在合同中"appointment" 应怎样翻?



appointment 和 date 都有约好时间见面的意思date 一般指男女之间约会appointment 没有男女约会这个意思例句:I have a doctor"s appointment at 9am tomorrow.I have a date with a cute guy tomorrow.


毁约huǐ yuē(食言) break one"s promise(毁弃协议、条约) scrap a contract or treaty:毁约行为 breach of contract他对公司毁约了。 He broke his contract with the firm.
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