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没有起点的终点中文的最终意义是什么Not the starting point for the end of the




equivalence point是什么意思

equivalence point 等当量点If the end point is close to the equivalence point, the titration isaccurate. 若终点与当量点接近,滴定是准确的。

End Point是什么意思


futaba遥控器的end point代表什么意思?


End point Equivalence point

In titration "equivalence point" and "end point" are o differentconcepts but are easily to make confusion beeen them. The equivalence point is the point at which the acid/alkali in the conicalflask is just pletely neutralized by the alkali/acid added from the burette.At this point the amounts of the o reactants (acid and alkali) are said tobe chemically equivalent. The exact value of the equivalence point cannot be found in a titration butthe end point is an estimation of the equivalence point. simply speaking the endpoint is the point at which the titration ends. The end point is usually determinedby the colour change of the indicator or the turning point of the graph inthermometric titration or conductometric titration. If the end point is close to the equivalence point the titration is accurate. 在滴定中,「当量点」和「终点」是两个不同的概念,但却容易混淆。 在当量点,盛于锥形瓶中的酸/碱刚完全被从滴定管所加入的碱/酸所中和。这状况下,两个反应物(酸和碱)在化学上等当量。 当量点的准确数值并不可能从实验中求得,但可用终点来估计当量点。简单来说,终点是滴定终结的一点。通常凭指示剂变色,或者热量滴定或电导滴定的线图转向点,可判定终点。 若终点与当量点接近,滴定是准确的。 参考: wzeto


public class TestMyPoint { public static void main(String[] args){ Mypoint start=new Mypoint(3,4); Mypoint end=new Mypoint(7,10); System.out.println("start point is start"+start.toString()); System.out.print("end point is end"+end.toString()); }}class Mypoint { int x; int y; Mypoint(int x,int y){ this.x=x; this.y=y; } public String toString(){ return ("["+x+","+y+"]"); }}

tomcat 启动失败,提示 Failed to initialize end point associated with ProtocolHandler


求助 :UG--api函数UF_CURVE_create_line_point_point的用法

用这个来划线了UF_CURVE_create_line(&line_coords,&line_tag);UF_CURVE_line_t line_coords; line_coords.start_point[0]=x0 line_coords.start_point[1]=y0; line_coords.start_point[2]=z0; line_coords.end_point[0]=x1 line_coords.end_point[1]=y1 line_coords.end_point[2]=z1 其中 x0,y0,z0 x1,y1,z1 就是起点与终点坐标值

请问,这里是起点,而不是终点。翻译成英语是:Here is starting point,is not end point.

it"s the begining line here, not the finish line.


首先我们要在Ubuntu软件中心安装KTorrent这个软件,也可以执行以下命令安装,安装后启用插件磁力链生成器sudo apt-get install ktorrent导入你下载时用的Bit种子和该种子对应下载的文件这时切换到全部种子或未运行上传分类中,找到镜像文件资源,右键复制磁力链网址就好了。……

哪些CMP使用了end point方式


The primary end point是什么意思

The primary end point 主要终点primary 英[u02c8prau026amu0259ri] 美[u02c8prau026ameri] adj. 首要的,主要的; 最早的,原始的; [地质学] 原生的; 基本的; n. 第一位; 最好者; 要素; 候选人提拔会;


一.最简单的配置方式可以直接使用命令进行临时配置网络:#ifconfig eth0 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX#route add default gw XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX#echo "nameserver XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX" >> /etc.resolv.conf以上三行对应的是IP、网关和DNS三个的临时配置;二.如果需要进行静态的方式配置网络,最通用的做法就是直接对配置文件进行修改:由于不同的操作系统的网络配置文件位置不同,可以使用命令进行搜索:#locate ifcfg | grep ethX(X代表定义号)然后进入配置文档进行修改:#IPADDR=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX#GATEWAY=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX#DNS=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX以上三个就是主要要修改的参数。

equivalence point 和end point的区别

第一个是平衡点,后面是结点, 平衡点是指化学反应在平衡状态下,即,反应一直在进行。 而结束点,表明反应彻底结束了。

在海贼王中 end point 终点 有什么意思


futaba遥控器的end point代表什么意思?


无人机end point是什么功能


end point功能的作用是

end point就是终端的意思。终端其实就是为主机提供了人机接口,每个人都通过终端使用主机的资源。终端有字符终端和图形终端两种模式。在图形环境下,通过鼠标点击来完成管理任务;在文本界面环境下,是服务器常用的模式,使用linux命令来控制系统完成工作。终端是存在于用户和计算机之间沟通的桥梁,用户可以通过终端控制计算机来工作。

海贼王end point的传说是什么?

当然 是了

screening contract pooling contract什么区别

二者的区别是:screening contract指的是:筛选合同。pooling contract值的是:联营合同;(股东)联合投票合同。例句:screening contractResearch on Screening Information of Surplus Value of Overstock with BuybackContract pricing out either the cost of goods sold or the ending inventory. 基于回购合同的季末库存残值信息甄别研究计算出期末存货成本(或销货成本)。pooling contractUsing game theory and incentive mechanism, we study the design processes of thepooling contract and screening contract respectively. 采用博弈和激励机制理论,分别研究了混同契约和甄别契约的设计过程。


看看有没有option explicit 这行代码.有的话删掉运行看看或者在conndb.asp页面头部加上:Dim adUseClienT希望我的回答对你有所帮助如有其他问题,可以继续追问,您的采纳是我前进的动力!

ERROR:constants and expressions are invalid in read-only I/O list.[NO]。什么意思?

data.txt1 0.0 0.0 0.02 0.1 0.1 0.13 0.2 0.2 0.2program mainimplicit real*8(a-h,o-z)dimension x(3),y(3),z(3)open(1,file="data.txt")do i=1,3read(1,*) itemp,x(i),y(i),z(i)enddowrite(*,*) "x=",xwrite(*,*) "y=",ywrite(*,*) "z=",zend program这样可以,你试试!

android总ContentValues 是什么意思?


end up/end up with/end upon/end into有什么区别



之前使用poi导出Excel表格,需要配置很多东西,也比较麻烦,这里使用poi的封装easypoi,可以快速配置,实现Excel或者word文件的导出。这里我们结合SpringMVC开发easypoi。导入jar包这里是springMVC和easypoi所需的jar包主要是easypoi-base和easypoi-web,其它都是关联所需的jar包,我们需要commons-lang3.jar包,开始使用commons-lang2.6版本会出现错误。spring-servlet.xml配置[html] view plain copy<!-- Bean解析器,级别高于默认解析器,寻找bean对象进行二次处理 --> <bean id="beanNameViewResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.BeanNameViewResolver" p:order="0"> </bean> [html] view plain copy<!-- Excel 处理 根据用户输入进行对象处理 --> <bean id="jeecgExcelView" class="org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.view.JeecgSingleExcelView" /> <bean id="jeecgTemplateExcelView" class="org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.view.JeecgTemplateExcelView" /> <bean id="jeecgTemplateWordView" class="org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.view.JeecgTemplateWordView" /> <bean id="jeecgMapExcelView" class="org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.view.JeecgMapExcelView" /> controller[java] view plain copypackage com.mvc.controller; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.entity.ExportParams; import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.entity.params.ExcelExportEntity; import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.entity.vo.MapExcelConstants; import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.entity.vo.NormalExcelConstants; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; @Controller @RequestMapping(value="/excel") public class ExcelController { /** * * 方法名: * 开发者: * 开发时间:2016-12-29 */ @RequestMapping(value = "/export",method = {RequestMethod.POST,RequestMethod.GET}) public String export(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response,ModelMap modelMap){ //标题 List<ExcelExportEntity> entityList = new ArrayList<ExcelExportEntity>(); //内容 List<Map<String,Object>> dataResult = new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>(); entityList.add(new ExcelExportEntity("表头1", "table1", 15)); entityList.add(new ExcelExportEntity("表头2", "table2", 25)); entityList.add(new ExcelExportEntity("表头3", "table3", 35)); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("table1", "苹果"+i); map.put("table2", "香蕉"+i); map.put("table3", "鸭梨"+i); dataResult.add(map); } modelMap.put(MapExcelConstants.ENTITY_LIST, entityList); modelMap.put(MapExcelConstants.MAP_LIST, dataResult); String fileName = "easypoi测试列表"; modelMap.put(MapExcelConstants.FILE_NAME, fileName); modelMap.put(NormalExcelConstants.PARAMS, new ExportParams("easypoi列表", "测试列表")); return MapExcelConstants.JEECG_MAP_EXCEL_VIEW; } } 配置好表头,内容体,文件名就可以使用了

lame constants中文是什么意思

Lame constants_有道词典Lame constants拉梅常量更多释义>>[网络短语]Lame constants 拉梅常量,拉梅参数,拉梅常数Lame elastic constants 拉梅参数third-order lame constants 三阶lame常数

ansys中的real constants set NO什么意思




constant什么意思 constant的意思

1、constant,英[?k?nst?nt],美[?kɑ?nst?nt]。2、adj.连续发生的; 不断的; 重复的; 不变的; 固定的; 恒定的;n.常数; 常量。3、[例句]The speed of light is an invariant constant.光速是一个不变常数。4、[其他]复数:constants。


你看看你的Constants class里有没有USERNAME_KEY这个参数,如果没有当然不能用了。。

Constants and expressions are invalid in read-only I/O lists. [F]



commons-lang-2.4.jar;json-lib-2.3-jdk13.jar;jsonplugin-0[1].32.jar;ezmorph-1.0.2.jar;commons-beanutils-1.7.0.jar;commons-collections-3.2.1.jar(这个包要注意版本,我用2.1不行)还需要把jQuery-1[1].2.6.pack.js;struts.xml配置:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE struts PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.0//EN""http://struts.apache.org/dtds/struts-2.0.dtd"><struts><package name="ajax" extends="json-default"> <action name="testAction" class="model.testAction"> <result type="json">/index.jsp</result> </action></package></struts>testAction.Javapackage model;import net.sf.json.JSONObject;import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;public class testAction extends ActionSupport {User user;String result;@Overridepublic String execute() throws Exception {JSONObject js=JSONObject.fromObject(user) ;System.out.println(js);result=js.toString();return SUCCESS;}public User getUser() {return user;}public void setUser(User user) {this.user = user;}public String getResult() {return result;}public void setResult(String result) {this.result = result;}}package model;public class User {String username;String password;public String getPassword() {return password;}public void setPassword(String password) {this.password = password;}public String getUsername() {return username;}public void setUsername(String username) {this.username = username;}}index.jsp<%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*" pageEncoding="GB18030"%><%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%><%String path = request.getContextPath();String basePath = request.getScheme()+"://"+request.getServerName()+":"+request.getServerPort()+path+"/";%><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html><head> <base href="<%=basePath%>"> <title>My JSP "index.jsp" starting page</title><meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache"><meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache"><meta http-equiv="expires" content="0"> <meta http-equiv="keywords" content="keyword1,keyword2,keyword3"><meta http-equiv="description" content="This is my page"><!--<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">--><script type="text/JavaScript" src="<%=path %>/js/jquery-1[1].2.6.pack.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function(){$("button").click(function(){ var params=$("input").serialize();$.ajax({url:"testAction.action",type:"post",dataType:"json",data:params,success:update_page});}); }); function update_page(result){ var json=eval(result); alert(json); var str="姓名:"+json.user.username+"<br>"; str+="密码:"+json.user.password+"<br>"; $("#result").html(str); }</script></head><body> <div id="result"></div><s:form action="testAction" method="post"><s:textfield label="用户名" name="user.username" /><s:textfield label="密码" name="user.password" /><button>提交</button></s:form></body></html>


import 就是导入的意思, java语言是面向对象的编程语言, 不像C c也需要导入头文件的, 因为不同的包下面可能有相同的类名, 所以需要区分是哪个包下来的类, 所以就用 import导入.

VB 题,为什么说print x正确 print y出错啊

因为你一开始使用了Option Explicit ,所以在这个程序中对于所有的变量都要进行声明,否则没有声明的变量会提示出错的


按照这段代码,可以认为constant是结构体内部定义的一个int数组A.constants = (int *)malloc(dim * sizeof(int)); //分配内存if(!A.constants) exit(OVERFLOW); //内存不足,报警A.constants[dim - 1] = 1; //设置结束标记for(i = dim - 2;i>=0;--i) A.constants[i] = A.bounds[i+1] * A.constants[i+1]; //运算这个要看代码具体的用处了直接说有什么用,天才也猜不到

ABAP 中constants 怎么用?是什么意思?

定义一个常量 在程序执行过程中 他的值不可以改变 系统说明如下:CONSTANTS const [options]. This statement declares a constant data object - that is, a constant const. The content of a constant cannot be changed at runtime of an ABAP program. You can only use it as an operands in read positions of ABAP statements. Constants that you declare in the declaration section of a class or an interface belong to static attributes of that class/interface.

android constants有什么用



歌曲:wild international 歌手:one day as a lion 专辑:one day as a lion [ti:wild international][ar:one day as a lion][al:one day as a lion][by:lk歌词组kevinboul][00:-2.00]one day as a lion - wild international[00:-1.00]lyrics by lk歌词组 hip-hop兄队 kevin boulthey say that in war that truth be the first casualtyso i dig in selector i the resurrectorfly my shit sever your neckwider than ever with my tonguedipped in funk arsenicburn this illusion this lie this straight arson shityour arsenal strippedpower ain"t full jackets and clipsit"s my ability to define phenomenonraw crenshaw "84 boogie down beforel.a. when the war break offwhere you be take offstand in full face offwith the m1 millimeterlet the rhythm of the chamber hit "emlet the rich play catch with "embetter yet make "em eat "em and shit "em till theyso full of holes that they drown in their owni"m like a nail stuck in the wrist of they christmasdon"t need radio to leave their family a witnessmuhammad and christ would life would lay your body downto a tune so wild internationalin the desert full of bullets let your body rotwith my chrome with my verse with my body rockmuhammad and christ would life would lay your body downto a tune so wild internationalin the desert full of bullets let your body rotwith my chrome with my versein this era where djs behave be paid to be slaveswe raid airwaves to be saneand what"s raining from the stationcash fascination like living dead fed agentsdistract us fast from a disaster"s wrath for sureair war was flooded like the 9th wardon the am, on the amturn and face themhatred and mayhemslay them, dangerousi take razor stepsit"s the swing from the bling to the bang on the leftit"s the murderous return boom back full strapyour six that got clippedyou can"t clap backwith minimal liftand criminal flowi"m killing them softand billing them foreverything stoleand once againi"m that nail in the wrist of they christmaswatch me make their family a witnessmuhammad and christ would life would lay your body downto a tune so wild internationalin the desert full of bullets let your body rotwith my chrome with my verse with my body rockmuhammad and christ would life would lay your body downto a tune so wild internationalin the desert full of bullets let your body rotwith my chrome with my verse with my body rockinternationalinternationalmuhammad and christ would life would lay your body downto a tune so wild internationalin the desert full of bullets let your body rotwith my chrome with my verse with my body rockmuhammad and christ would life would lay your body downto a tune so wild internationalin the desert full of bullets let your body rotwith my chrome with my verse with my body rocklyrics by lk group kevin boul

Option Explicit Private Sub Form_Click() Dim a As Integer,b As Integer,c As Integer b=6:c=6.5 a=b=c


英语the upcoming event怎么翻译?

找 有道 词典翻译,或是百度翻译器

英语作文:The future of internet

This extraordinary book explains the engine that has catapulted the Internet from backwater to ubiquity—and reveals that it is sputtering precisely because of its runaway success. With the unwitting help of its users, the generative Internet is on a path to a lockdown, ending its cycle of innovation—and facilitating unsettling new kinds of control.IPods, iPhones, Xboxes, and TiVos represent the first wave of Internet-centered products that can"t be easily modified by anyone except their vendors or selected partners. These “tethered appliances” have already been used in remarkable but little-known ways: car GPS systems have been reconfigured at the demand of law enforcement to eavesdrop on the occupants at all times, and digital video recorders have been ordered to self-destruct thanks to a lawsuit against the manufacturer thousands of miles away. New Web 2.0 platforms like Google mash-ups and Facebook are rightly touted—but their applications can be similarly monitored and eliminated from a central source. As tethered appliances and applications eclipse the PC, the very nature of the Internet—its “generativity,” or innovative character—is at risk.The Internet"s current trajectory is one of lost opportunity. Its salvation, Zittrain argues, lies in the hands of its millions of users. Drawing on generative technologies like Wikipedia that have so far survived their own successes, this book shows how to develop new technologies and social structures that allow users to work creatively and collaboratively, participate in solutions, and become true “netizens.”文章较长,楼主可随意剪辑

50cent 的Hate It Or Love It知道的进

最开始是the game和50合作的,还一个是50cent2005年的g-unit remix(game离开g-unit后)。最后一个是Mary J. Blidge翻唱的,就是她那个白色封面那专辑。这几首你在百度mp3都能搜到的~


请根据以下提示,以Advertisement为标题,写一篇词左右的英语短文.   1) 广告成了人们生活中不可或缺的点缀   有的广告走向极端   你对广告的看法   Possible version:   Advertisement   Advertisements appear everywhere in modern society. When you walk along the streets, you can see large boards with pretty girls smiling at you. You read newspapers, and see half of the pages covered with ads. You turn on TV, and you see commercial advertisements again. Whether you like it or not, advertisements fill your life.   In order to attract more customers, advertisements will sometimes go to extremes. Advertisements use every possible means in producing their announcements. For example, to advertise a certain food, advertisers will employ an actor to sit at a table and eat up their seemingly delicious food product while they film him.   Although advertisements enable you to make decisions quickly, sometimes they can cause lots of trouble. There are always many of them and they make you forget what you are sitting there for.

Genome Announcements是SCI吗

不是,这是美国微生物协会最近几年才出版的杂志。Genome Announcements is a new online-only, fully open access journal that publishes short manuscripts announcing the availability of recently sequenced genomes of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbes and viruses in public databases. These announcements inform readers of the availability of new genome sequences and provide the rationale for sequencing a particular organism, as well as details of the methodologies and protocols used in assembly of the genome sequence. Manuscripts submitted to Genome Announcements will be editorially reviewed for appropriate content; submissions will be accepted and published at the editor"s discretion.

Announcements 歌词

歌曲名:Announcements歌手:Unknown专辑:The Song Is YouCommon - Announcement (feat. Pharrell)I"m fin" to take you to the tip top babyEverybody I"d like to announceThrow you hands up when we in the houseYeah, this is hip hop babyAnd tell your girl that the tickets is outAnd we gon" do it till they kickin" us out"Cause this is hip hop babyLive from the South Side this oneHide your gun, representing Chi-Town to the fullestRaps or bullets, see them rappers, they be duckin"When Com be buckin" in the kitchen, fuckin"On the sink, got my mama a minkThink Common is the link, thought the game was extinctLay there, them jeans is as slim as ShadyBrought "em back from the 80"s, now let"s make some babiesFreestyle paid off so Lincoln paid meNo we can push more whips than slaveryAlex Haley and this rap shit, my roots is deepYou heard the bitch is you, yeah I know what"s beefLet it cook and I pop like greaseYou thirsty niggas can"t stop my feast, uhI still love her, she be needin" the dickWhen it come to hip hop it"s just me and my bitch, uhBaby, you"re like, what the fuck? There is no otherValet crushed my Rolls so quickly I bought anotherSorry Mr. William moved out the buildingSpot to the top, fifty feet with was the ceilingSlow down son, you"re killin" "em, well funded it was notCame to shitty deals, reminiscing give me chillsWhen Puff was with Biggie, Versace on every niggieThe backpacker copped the Porsche and drove to his cityNow all the little bitties from ugly to prettyI was the magician mesmerize "em, made "em listenMy dick is like a Blow Pop babyAnd it gets stiffer than some Botox babyBut show out baby and show me you ain"t gon" act rightAnd I"ll be pedaling backwards like a track bikeShe ain"t know the Casio cost a hundredIt"s been two years since I done it, now all the rappers want it, what?As I sit back, relax with Chicago on my backUnzip the backpack, pull out a fifth of JackI"ll probably go to jail for, naw that ain"t meI style crazy and act like Jay-ZThe black Kojak, I get money and want mo" stacksThe rap photographer, the way the flow stopBroads say, Are you a philosopher?Yeah yeah, I philosophize on top of ya Uh!http://music.baidu.com/song/8798176

Genome Announcements 是SCI期刊吗

Genome announcements [2169-8287] 获取全文,请点击: Highwire免费电子期刊收录起始年 2013获取全文,请点击: PubMed Central 生物医药与生命科学开放获取电子期刊收录起始年 2013 卷: 1主题分类:非sci


《Air Apparent (Xanth)》(Piers Anthony)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1VdLcRDIhfUBOp81WeCZIPg 提取码:cu14书名:Air Apparent (Xanth)作者:Piers Anthony出版社:Tor Fantasy出版年份:2008-09-30页数:376内容简介:When the Good Magician Humfrey"s son Hugo suddenly vanishes, his disappearance sets in motion a series of madcap misadventures that send a collection of colorful characters on a perilous pair of parallel quests. Among them are Debra, a pretty young girl beset by an obnoxious curse; Hugo"s beloved wife Wira, whose sightlessness is balanced by a talent for sensitivity, Happy and Fray, a pair of sprightly storm-spirits; Nimbus, the Demon Xanth"s own son; and the mysterious outlaw known as the Random Factor.As they travel through some of the magical realm"s most astonishing locales, these unwitting adventurers discover they are key players in a grand drama whose origins reach back to the origins of time itself. Filled with exhilaration and excitement, ribaldry and romance, "Air Apparent "is a fabulous new fantasy saga from the lively imagination of master storyteller Piers Anthony.


announcement意思:n. 通告;布告;预告;宣告



discounting immigration是什么意思


with no small amount of unwitting help是什么意思


runtime error -code 001是什么意思?


immigant, immigration区别

immigrant - 移民 (移居海外的人)immigration - 移民 (移居海外的行动与事宜)





immigrant immigrate immigration三者的区别

immigrate v.动词 从外国移入;作为移民定居(有从外地移来,移居入境之意 immigration n.名词 移居(由外国迁居入境或表示移民的总称) immigrant n.名词 外来移民(移入者、国外来的移民)

谁能告诉我 paid、cost、spent、took 的用法?

sb paid some money for sthsth cost sb some moneysb spend some time doing sb spend some money on sthit takes sb some time to do sth


immigrant adj. 移民的;迁入的n. 移民,侨民immigration 名词,移民


took、spent、cost、paid的区别是含义不同:took的原形是take,作为“花费”解释,spent的原形是spend,主语是人,cost的原形也是cost,主语是物,paid的原形是pay,主语是人,常与for连用。一、读音不同1.took读音:英[tu028ak] 美[tu028ak] 2.spent读音:英[spent] 美[spent] 3.cost读音:英[ku0252st] 美[ku0254u02d0st] 4.paid读音:英[peu026ad] 美[peu026ad] 二、含义不同1.took释义:花费。2.spent释义:spend的过去分词和过去式,v.用,花(钱),花(时间)。3.cost释义:v.需付费,价钱为。4.paid释义:pay的过去分词和过去式,v.付费,付酬,交纳,偿还。三、用法不同1.took用法:不能用钱,后面只能跟时间,(做)某事花了某人多少时间。2.spent用法:主语必须是人,在表示花费的时候,常常跟on和doing(动名词)。3.cost用法:这个词用的时候,主语是“商品或服务”。4.paid用法:意思是支付,付钱,付账,结账,表示“为。。。付账”要用for。扩展资料近义词:expenses、expenditure、moneyspent一、expenses读音:英[u026aksu02c8pu025bnsu026az] 美[u026aku02c8spu025bnsu0259z] 释义:n.费用,价钱,花钱的东西,开销,开支,花费。例句:All expenses are to be equally divided between you and I. 译文:一切费用由我和你平均分担。二、expenditure读音:英[u026aku02c8spendu026atu0283u0259(r)] 美[u026aku02c8spendu026atu0283u0259r] 释义:n.花费,消费,费用,开支,精力、时间、材料等的耗费,消耗。例句:They should cut their expenditure on defence.译文:他们应该缩减国防开支。

immigration requirement是什么意思


immigrant和immigration有什么不同? 有没有immigrantion这个词?


immigration 和immigrant有什么区别啊?拜托了各位 谢谢

前者指移居的人,后者侧重移居这个行为 immigrant n. (自国外移入的)移民 从其他 地方移入的动物[植物] Canada has many immigrants from Europe. 加拿大有许多欧洲移民。 adj. 移入的,迁入的 移民的,侨民的 n. 移民,侨民 Immigrants can"t work in the United States without a permit. "在美国如果没有许可证,移民就不能工作。" 侨民后裔 immigration n. 移居; 移民入境 移民总称 the immigration law 移民法 an immigration officer 入境检查员 multipolar immigration 多极内迁[移入] net immigration 纯移民 quota immigration 限额移民 unipolarimmigration 单极内迁[移入] n. 外来的移民, 移居入境

spent took paid cost 的区别





took、spent、cost、paid的区别是含义不同:took的原形是take,作为“花费”解释,spent的原形是spend,主语是人,cost的原形也是cost,主语是物,paid的原形是pay,主语是人,常与for连用。一、读音不同1.took读音:英[tu028ak] 美[tu028ak] 2.spent读音:英[spent] 美[spent] 3.cost读音:英[ku0252st] 美[ku0254u02d0st] 4.paid读音:英[peu026ad] 美[peu026ad] 二、含义不同1.took释义:花费。2.spent释义:spend的过去分词和过去式,v.用,花(钱),花(时间)。3.cost释义:v.需付费,价钱为。4.paid释义:pay的过去分词和过去式,v.付费,付酬,交纳,偿还。三、用法不同1.took用法:不能用钱,后面只能跟时间,(做)某事花了某人多少时间。2.spent用法:主语必须是人,在表示花费的时候,常常跟on和doing(动名词)。3.cost用法:这个词用的时候,主语是“商品或服务”。4.paid用法:意思是支付,付钱,付账,结账,表示“为。。。付账”要用for。扩展资料近义词:expenses、expenditure、moneyspent一、expenses读音:英[u026aksu02c8pu025bnsu026az] 美[u026aku02c8spu025bnsu0259z] 释义:n.费用,价钱,花钱的东西,开销,开支,花费。例句:All expenses are to be equally divided between you and I. 译文:一切费用由我和你平均分担。二、expenditure读音:英[u026aku02c8spendu026atu0283u0259(r)] 美[u026aku02c8spendu026atu0283u0259r] 释义:n.花费,消费,费用,开支,精力、时间、材料等的耗费,消耗。例句:They should cut their expenditure on defence.译文:他们应该缩减国防开支。




Pain和Paint是两个完全不同的单词,它们没有直接的关系。 "Pain"是一个名词,表示身体或精神上的疼痛感觉。"Paint"则是一个动词或名词,表示用颜料在表面上涂画或覆盖物体表面的颜色。虽然这两个单词拼写相似,但它们来自不同的语言根源,并且在意义和用法方面也有很大差异。

friends and loved ones who have been the targets of his preachments


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even if与eventhough的用法区别

even if 与 even though 这两个词组大致意思相当,但强调的侧重有所不同。 even if与even though的区别: even if一般引导的是把握不大或假设的事情, even though引出的是事实。 如:Even if we achieve great success in our work, we should not be proud. 即使我们在工作中取得了巨大成绩,也不应该自满。 Even though he was late, he was not criticized by the teacher. 虽然他晚了, 可他并没有受到老师的批评。 Even though he knows it, he"ll not let out the secret. (他知道这个秘密). Even if he knows it, he"ll not let out the secret. (不确定他是否知道这个秘密). though 常表示一些已经确定的消息, 而if由它本身所带的“如果”的含义,表示了一种对假设信息的不确定。

even if与eventhough的用法区别



paint[英][peu026ant][美][pent]n.颜料,涂料; 绘画作品; 胭脂等化妆品; 色彩,装饰; vt.涂色于; 绘画; (用语言,文字等)描写; 擦脂粉等; vi.描绘; 绘画; 化妆; 第三人称单数:paints过去分词:painted现在进行时:painting过去式:painted[例句]I have to paint my apartment.我得油漆我的公寓.2.We need delacroix to paint them. 我们需要德拉克洛瓦来描绘她们。3.Michelangelo was not trying to paint like michelangelo. 米开朗基罗不是要像米开朗基罗那样的画。4.It"s less reflective than black acrylic paint. 它的反射能力甚至比黑色丙烯酸涂料还差。5.Two people can paint a house faster than one can. 两个人漆一间房子比一个人要快。


读:[peu026ant][词典释义]n. 油漆;颜料,涂料;绘画作品;胭脂等化妆品;色彩,装饰vt. 油漆;绘画;装饰;涂色于;描绘;(用语言,文字等)描写;擦脂粉等vi. 油漆;描绘;绘画;化妆n. 潘(人名)。




She paints with bold strokes of the brush . 她用雄健有力的笔触绘划。 The piping outside the house needs painting . 室外的管道需要油漆了。 He shows a great aptitude in painting . 他在绘画上表现出很高的才能。 The interiors were plastered but not painted . 内部经过粉刷但未油饰。 This painting is a typical rembrandt . 这幅画是一幅典型的伦勃朗作品。 He shows a great aptitude for painting . 他在绘画上表现出很高的才能。 Someone stole a painting from the museum . 有人从博物馆盗走了一幅画。 The heat has taken the paint off the doors . 门上的油漆受热而剥落。 Burn the old paint off before the door . 先把门上的旧漆烧掉再上新漆。 You do the painting and i will do the papering . 你上油漆,我贴壁纸。 The paint on the ship"s sides was ing off . 舰壳两边的漆开始脱落。 Don"t go splashing paint over me pke that ! 别这样把颜料溅到我身上! He is a paint sprayer in the local factory . 他在当地工厂当喷漆工。 The airport hangar was freshly painted . 机场的飞机库是新油漆过的。 That painting must be worth a king "s ransom . 那幅画一定价值连城。 He paints landscapes with great facipty . 他画起山水画儿来得心应手。 They are going to have their house painted . 他们准备把房子粉刷一下。 I am sorry this painting "s not for sale . 很抱歉,这幅画是非卖品。 Her tears washed away the paint from her 泪水把她脸上的脂粉都冲掉了。 Mend the hole and paint some sealant on 先把洞补好,再涂上一些密封胶。 The parison with painting is important . 用绘画来比喻是重要的。 Paint was a big fact in their pves . 彩绘是她们生活中的一件大事。 Facial painting is an adaptation of the mask . 脸谱是由面具演变而来的。 Rub the walls down well before painting them . 先把墻面打磨光滑再粉刷。 Painting has not been her exclusive occupation . 绘画并非她唯一的职业。 The frame sets off your painting very well . 这个框把你的画陪衬得很美。 Fred : what color are you going to paint it ? 弗雷德:你打算漆什么颜色? I"m not as black as you paint me . 我并不是如你所想象的那样坏。 She paints in the fashion of picasso . 她模仿毕加索的绘画风格。 Is that painting an original or a reproduction ? 那幅画是原作还是复制品? The room is painted white with moonshine . 月光使房间洁白如洗。 This is the very painting of your fear . 这就是你的恐惧的肖像。 She was really a consummate piece of painting . 她实在是一幅精美绝伦的画。 The artist dabbed paint on the canvas . 那个画家在油画布上轻轻地涂著颜色。 It must be painted on a wooden case . 它必须画在一只木盒子上。 The white paint was scapng from the brick walls . 砖墻上的白漆已开始剥落。 The west lake is as beautiful as a painting .. 西湖风景如画。 He gave the wall a coat of white paint . 他将墻涂上一层白漆。 The paint is sold in powdered form . 该油漆以粉制品形式出售。 Her painting won a mendation from the teacher . 她的画博得了老师的赞扬。 This painting leaves nothing to be desired . 这幅画十分美好。 He painted a tiger but it turned out a dog . 画虎不成反类犬。 He was studying a painting with narrowed eyes .. 他觑著眼睛仔细地看一幅画。 This landscape painting is a consummate work of art ... 这幅山水画已臻化境。 He painted the pd of the piano with absorption . 他专心致志地油漆著钢琴盖。 The painting would fetch quite a lot if you sold it now . 一定能卖个好价钱。 He is not so black as he is painted . 他并不像所说的那样坏。 Above it there is an oil painting by rapheal . 它的上方挂著一幅拉斐尔的油画。 This painting is really true to pfe . 这幅画画得十分逼真。 Riccardo painted a bleak picture before me . 里卡多给我谈的情况是颇为暗淡的。




paint(名词形式 paint 本身便可以作名词用, 意为“ 油漆, 涂料” painting 名词 “上油漆; 绘画艺术; (一幅)水彩画, 油画" 如不明白请追问,如果满意请【采纳】 祝学习进步 paint的名词形式是什么 paint n. 油漆,涂料,颜料 painting 油画 两者都是名词 paint的指人名词形式是什么 painter1 ["peintu0259] n. 画家,绘画者 油漆工 hunt的名词形式(……的人)例如 paint_painter hunter 就是猎人嘛 wele的名词形式,bine的名词、形容词形式,color的形容词、动词形式,parade的名词形式,party动词 wele的名词形式wele bine的名词 bination 形容词形式bining color的形容词colorful 动词形式 color parade的名词形式 parade party动词形式 party 供你参考,谢谢。 possess名词形式 coincidence形容词形式 predict名词形式 controversial名词和动词形式 possession n.财产 coinfident adj.有信心的 predictor/prediction n.预言者/预言 controversialist/controversy n.争论者/争论 controvert v.争论 frustrate的名词形式和形容词形式 decorate的名词形式 rude的副词形式和名词形式 frustrate 名词形式 frustration 形容词 frustrating decorate的名词 decoration rudely副 rudeness名 capable的名词形式 capability 意思是才能,能力 separate的名词形式 separation 英-[sepu0259"reu026au0283(u0259)n]美-[,su025bpu0259"reu0283u0259n] 释义 n. 分离,分开;间隔,距离;[法] 分居;缺口 patient的名词形式 patience 耐性, 忍耐 patient 也有名词的意思是 病人,患者


paint和draw的区别是:意思不同,用法不同以及侧重点不同。paint通常指用颜色画,如油画颜料、水彩或者水墨画,而draw通常指用铅笔、钢笔或者粉笔画。 扩展资料   paint和draw的.区别   一、意思不同   1.paint:作名词是意为油漆; 油漆涂层; 绘画颜料,作动词时意为在…上刷油漆; 用颜料画; 把…描绘成。   2.draw:作名词时意为抽奖; 平局; 抽签; 抽彩; 和局; 不分胜负。作动词时意为画,描绘,描画; 拖(动); 拉(动); 牵引; 拉,拖(车); 吸引,使感兴趣。   二、用法不同   1.paint:用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。   例句:It is a great piece of paint.这是一幅绘画杰作。   2.draw:接以形容词或动词不定式充当补足语的bai合宾语。   例句:Mary drew a house on the paper.玛丽在纸上画了一栋房子。   三、侧重点不同   1.paint:指用染料所作的水墨画。   2.draw:指用铅笔、蜡笔、粉笔等作画。
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