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2023-07-12 15:21:02

a ppoint ment




2023-07-12 04:03:003


英 [u0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt]美 [u0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt]n. 约会; 任命; 职务; 职位网 络约会;指定,委任;任命;选派复数: appointments1. She made an appointment for her son to see the doctor. 更多牛津她为儿子约定了看医生的时间。来自《权威词典》2. In some cases people have had to wait several weeks for an appointment.在某些情况下,人们必须等上好几周才能得到约见。来自《权威词典》3. an appointment at the dentist"s牙科诊所的门诊预约来自《权威词典》4. The appointment is at 3 p.m.约会定于下午3点。来自《权威词典》5. They made the appointment of Peter as chairman of the union.他们任命彼得为工会主席。来自《简明英汉词典》
2023-07-12 04:03:071


appointment 英[u0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt] 美[u0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt] n. 约会;任命;职务;职位 名词复数:appointments [例句]His appointment will inspire the technology people in the company , " says stadler.斯塔迪勒认为:“对他的任命将极大鼓舞公司的技术部门。”
2023-07-12 04:03:152


任命; 约会; 职务; 职位;
2023-07-12 04:03:224


appointment[英][u0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt][美][u0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt]n.约会; 任命; 职务; 职位; 复数:appointments例句:1.George washington"s first cabinet appointment was his treasury secretary. 乔治华盛顿任命的首位阁员即是他的财政部长。2.Mr. obama announced the appointment wednesday during a visit to ohio. 奥巴马周三在俄亥俄州访问期间宣布了这一任命。
2023-07-12 04:03:293


appointment英音: [u0259"pu0254intmu0259nt] 美音: [u0259"pu0254intmu0259nt]名词1. 任命,选派2. 职位3. 约会,约定4.(尤指美国黑手党成员间的)约会5.[复数](尤指旅馆的)家具,陈设,设备6.[复数](尤指船舶的)设备7.[复数](士兵、马匹的)装备;(任何)东西,物件
2023-07-12 04:03:372


appointment[u0259"pu0252u026antm(u0259)nt][词典释义]n. 任命;约定;任命的职位[网络短语]appointment选派,委任,指定New appointment新的任命,实例之五,新任职位Making Appointment预约,约会,电话约会
2023-07-12 04:03:502


appointment英[u0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt]美[u0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt]n.任命; 约会; 职务; 职位复数:appointments1His appointment to the Cabinet would please the right-wing.他被任命为内阁成员会让右翼党派很高兴。
2023-07-12 04:04:252


appointment英 [u0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt]美 [u0259"pu0254u026antmu0259nt]n. 任命;约定;任命的职位
2023-07-12 04:04:451


约会的意思,通常用短语 make an appointment
2023-07-12 04:05:113


2023-07-12 04:05:343


Appointment 这个词有约会,预约,任命等意思。在指具体的预约,任命的语境下,它是可数的:Thus she got an appointment with the appointed director.在泛指而非特定的语境的语境下,它是不可数的:This has to be by appointment .这必须要通过预约。the power of appointment任命权
2023-07-12 04:05:431


appointmentn.任命, 选派职位, 职务约会, 约定, 预约[pl.]家具, 设备【律】指定(财产接受人)fill a vacancy by appointment 任命人员填补空缺get a good appointment 获得一个好职位meet sb. by appointment 经事先约定(时间, 地点)会见某人appointment call 【信】定人定时呼叫The appointments in this hotel are very good. 这旅馆的设备很好。习惯用语break an appointment 违约, 失约break one"s appointment 违约, 失约by appointment 按照约定, 照章have an appointment with sb. at 要在某时间和某人有约会hold an appointment 担任某职keep one"s appointment 守约keep an appointment 守约make an appointment with sb. 与某人约会fix an appointment with sb. 与某人约会midnight appointments [美]临卸任以前所作的任命take up an appointment 就职, 上任
2023-07-12 04:05:531

2023-07-12 04:06:001


2023-07-12 04:06:084


  appointment有约会;任命;设备;职位等意思,那么你知道appointment的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    appointment的用法大全:   appointment的用法1:appointment的基本意思是“约会,约定”,其后可接动词不定式作其定语; 表示“(什么时间的)约会”时,后面可接介词at或for。   appointment的用法2:appointment也可作“任命,委派”解,后面可接of或as短语,在of或as后的名词前不加不定冠词。    appointment的用法例句:   1. I hate to rush you but I have another appointment later on.   我真不想催你,但我稍后还有一个约会。   2. Drake and his cohorts were not pleased with my appointment.   德雷克那一帮人对我的任命很不满。   3. At the time, his appointment seemed a stroke of genius.   当时,对他的任命犹如神来之笔。   4. His appointment to the Cabinet would please the right-wing.   他被任命为内阁成员会让右翼党派很高兴。   5. A background check is normally a preliminary to a presidential appointment.   总统任命前通常要进行背景审查的准备工作。   6. She arranged an appointment for Friday afternoon at four-fifteen.   她在星期五下午4点15分安排了一次会面。   7. She sounded upset when I said you couldn"t give her an appointment.   我告诉她你不能安排与她会面时,她的声音听上去有些沮丧。   8. Robin said pompously that he had an important business appointment.   罗宾傲慢地说他有一个重要的工作约会。   9. I fixed up an appointment to see her.   我安排了与她见面。   10. I have an appointment at the doctors.   我在诊所有个预约。   11. You may cancel or rearrange the appointment.   你可以取消约会或是重新安排约会时间。   12. She has an appointment with her accountant.   她和她的会计约好了见面。   13. Viewing is by appointment only.   参观须事先预约。   14. She made an emergency appointment.   她挂了急诊。   15. I"m already late for my next appointment.   下一个约会我已经晚了。
2023-07-12 04:06:151


2023-07-12 04:06:223


2023-07-12 04:06:514


appointment的发音为 [u0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt]。在医疗场景中,appointment通常指向预约看医生的情况;在商业场景中,appointment可以指预定某种服务,如预约理发或美甲等;在个人生活中,appointment则指约会或会面的安排。也可作“任命,委派”解,后面可接of或as短语,在of或as后的名词前不加不定冠词。appointment用法1、作为名词,表示预约或约会的安排。例如:I have an appointment with the dentist tomorrow at 10 am。2、可以作为动词,表示预约或约定。例如:I need to appointment a meeting with my team next week。3、“Missed appointment” 表示未能按时到达预约的地方或约会。例如:I apologize for missing our appointment this morning. Can we reschedule?4、“Appointment book/calendar” 表示预约或约会的记录工具。例如:I will write your appointment down in my appointment book。5、"Appointment reminder"表示事先提醒的预约通知。例如:I received an appointment reminder from my dentist"s office for my upcoming checkup。appointment同义词和近义词Appointment的同义词包括:meeting、engagement、date、rendezvous、consultation、interview等。Appointment的近义词包括:reservation、booking、schedule、arrangement、plan、commitment等。这些词都可以表示安排或预约,但有些词更加强调预定或安排的性质,比如reservation表示预定某个位置或物品,booking多指预订某种服务或场所。而schedule则表示时间表或日程安排,arrangement和plan则强调的是事先安排好的行动或事情。
2023-07-12 04:06:581

appointment period 什么意思?一个找助理的招聘,写着Appointment period:12 monthes

appointment period 预约期间双语对照例句:1.The appointment ends a brief period of uncertainty at the dpj. 此次任命结束了民主党内短暂的不稳定时期。
2023-07-12 04:07:211

make an appointment是什么意思

make an appointment 预约
2023-07-12 04:07:301


2023-07-12 04:07:452


have a date
2023-07-12 04:07:5311

appointment 与 date 区别?谢谢

2023-07-12 04:08:344

appointment as contract full-time senior customs administrator 是什么意思啊?

full-time senior customs administrator专职高级客户主管contract在这句话中应该是动词,意思是:签订合同appointmentf的意思是:约会、委派只是一个短句,比较难翻译。可能有以下几种意思:1. 有一个约会,去和专职高级客户主管签订合同。2. 有一个约会,去签订(应聘)合同,自己将成为一名专职高级客户主管3. 被指派去和专职高级客户主管签订合同。
2023-07-12 04:09:091


1.前缀是appoint 词根:任命,委派的意思,2.后缀:ment就是一个名词后缀
2023-07-12 04:10:022

appointment 前面为什么加an,这是辅音音素啊 好奇怪 是个特例吗?

是的,appointment的a 发音是呃, 但因为是元音的字母, 所以其不定冠词是an.例如:1). Mr Wang is going to take up an appointment as a research. 2). She has an appointment with her friend.
2023-07-12 04:10:101


约会”用英语:date 读法:英 [deu026at] 美 [det]释义:1、n. 日期;约会;年代;枣椰子2、vi. 过时;注明日期;始于(某一历史时期)3、vt. 确定…年代;和…约会4、n. (Date)人名;(日)伊达 (姓);(英)戴特例句:1、Please date the check as of today.请在支票上注明今天的日期。2、Will the date suit you?这个日期对你合适么?
2023-07-12 04:10:183

make an appointment后面加什么

加with,意思是点名约会对象。make an appointment with 与某人约会扩展资料;appointment意思:约会,任命,预约,委任,约定,职务,职位。近义词:assignmentn. 分配;任务;功课;委派;被指定的(课外)作业;(分派的)任务短语:1、make an appointment 约会,预约2、have an appointment 有约会4、appointment system 委任制5、by appointment 按照约定扩展资料appointment的原型:appoint短语:1、appoint a manager 任命经理2、appoint a meeting place 确定会晤的地点3、appoint people on their merit 任人唯贤4、appoint a place and time for the meeting 指定会议的时间和地点date, appointment, engagement这组词都有“约会”的意思,其区别是:1、date 主要指朋友之间的随便约见或男女之间的约会。2、appointment 通常指严格根据时间表上预约的时间进行的约见或约会,其目的主要是讨论公事或业务问题。3、engagement 它可以与本组的另外两个词换用。泛指任何商定的地点和时间见面,专指针对某一目的约会。
2023-07-12 04:11:301

appointment 什么意思

2023-07-12 04:12:016


语法标注解释 appointment英音:[u0259"pu0254intmu0259nt]美音:[u0259"pu0254u026antmu0259nt] 名词 n. 1.(尤指正式的)约会[C][(+with)][+to-v]I have an appointment with them in the evening. 今晚我与他们有个约会。 2.(会面的)约定[U]3.任命,委派[U][(+as/of)]The appointment of a new judge was reported in the newspaper. 报上报导了任命一位新法官的消息。 4.职位,官职[C]I accepted the appointment as chairman. 我同意担任主席一职。 5.(旅馆,船舶等的)陈设,设备[P]6.注定,命定
2023-07-12 04:12:211


2023-07-12 04:12:282


2023-07-12 04:12:591


问题一:约定用英语怎么说 约定 动词类: agree on; appoint; arrange; fix 名词类: agreement appointment arrangement 约定会晤地点 agree on a meeting place; 约定开会时间 fix a time for the meeting; 他约定在剧院门口和我们碰头。 He appointed to meet us at the entrance of the theatre. 我们和他们约定一星期后见面。 We made arrangements with them to meet in a week. 很多时候可以相互替换的。 问题二:约定 英语怎么说 这个要看你用在什么场合了 如果你是说上帝对人类的约定,今后再也不发大洪水了,那就用 covenant 如果普通的,说一个约定,可以用 appointment agreement promise 提英语问题,最珐是有一个语言环境,有上下文,这样回答才会更准确的 问题三:约定的英文怎么写 promise、承诺 appointments 约定 问题四:约定,的英文怎么写? 约定的英文 convention、appoint 短语 约定的 due ; agreed ; appointed ; promissory 甜蜜约定 club ; A Date So Sweet ; sweet ; Say yes 按照约定 by appointment ; as agreed ; as Arranged ; as contracted 问题五:约定英文怎样写? 动词:appoint 名词:appointment 问题六:约定用英语怎么说啊? 关于爱情的那个约定:That agreement 订bout love 记住我们的约定:Remember our promise 问题七:(约定好的)用英语怎样翻译? 如果是要名词,那么可以用 the agreement;但是如果你是用作形容词修饰名词,那么用 agreed,如约定好的条款,agreed terms.
2023-07-12 04:13:071


2023-07-12 04:13:251


2023-07-12 04:13:321

Appointment time是什么意思

Appointment time预约时间appointment[英][u0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt][美][u0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt]n.任命; 约会; 职务; 职位; 复数:appointments双语例句 What time is your appointment?你的预约时间是几点?
2023-07-12 04:13:391


申请预约 预约申请
2023-07-12 04:13:484

【英语】【翻译】这句话的appointment和go to是什么意思?

appointments是名词,意思是委派,任命;go to sb有被给予某人之意,表示指向 。供参考
2023-07-12 04:13:594


2023-07-12 04:14:094


2023-07-12 04:14:2815

appointment/ arrangement 这个英语怎么读

[C]约会,约定 an arrangement for a meeting with an agreed time and place[C][U]任命,委派; 职务,职位 the choosing of sb for a position or job
2023-07-12 04:14:535

appointment 的及物动词是什么?

appoint英[u0259u02c8pu0254u026ant]美[u0259u02c8pu0254u026ant]vt.任命,委派; 约定,指定; 装设,布置网络任命; 指派; 安排第三人称单数:appoints现在分词:appointing过去式:appointed过去分词:appointed
2023-07-12 04:15:141


2023-07-12 04:15:231

engagement appointment和date的区别是什么

如果是指两人之间的关系engagement 是定婚,或者杠上了,扭打在一起了appointment定的约会,通常是非情感的时间地点约定,也可以作指定,任命date常用于情人间约会
2023-07-12 04:15:311


appointment 英[u0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt] 美[u0259u02c8pu0254u026antmu0259nt] n. 任命; 约会; 职务; 职位; [例句]His appointment to the Cabinet would please the right-wing.他被任命为内阁成员会让右翼党派很高兴。[其他] 复数:appointments
2023-07-12 04:15:381


问题一:预约用英语怎么说 40分 预约 yùyuē (1) [make an appintment]∶预先约定时间 (2) [order;subscribe]∶预订 预约稿件 问题二:预约英语怎么说 预约 (预先约定时间) make an appointment: 门诊预约挂号 make an oppointment with a doctor 预约会见某人 meet *** . by appointment 他只根据预约会客。 He will only see visitors by appointment. (预订) order; subscribe: 它们都是专门预约的。 They were all specially ordered. 问题三:预订,预约用英语怎么说 reservation 英 [?rez??ve??n] 美 [?rez?r?ve??n] n. 保留; 预订,预约; 保留地,专用地; [例句]I told him my main reservation about his film was the ending. 我告诉他我主要是对他电影的结尾有保留意见。 [其他] 复数:reservations 问题四:请问您有预约吗?英文怎么讲 1.你好,我可以帮助你吗? Hello,What can I do for you? 2.请问您有提前预约吗? Did储you register in advance? 3您预约的是哪位医生? Which doctor did you prepare to see? 4.请您稍等。 Please wait for a moment 5.请到那边休息一下 Please have a rest there. 6.您的费用是...... Your total expense is... 7.请慢走 Please take care 问题五:"网上预约"用英语怎么说 如果是动词 make your appointment online 如果是名词 online appointment 顺便加一句,楼下的make reservation是指预订(比如餐厅座位,酒店) 问题六:提前预约 英文怎么说 *to book sth in advance Should I book a hotel in advance? *to make an advanced booking Is it nessesary to make an advanced booking for the ferry to the island. *to make an appointment Please make an appointment before you visit our office. *Advanced booking Most airlines offer great prices on advanced booking. 问题七:请问你有预约吗?英语怎么说? Do you have an appointment? 满意请给好评哈! 问题八:"预定"用英语怎么翻译? 预定 的翻译有多种 如book,reserve等 在具体语境中这样表达 1. They"re due to arrive in Seattle (on) November 4th. 货预定11 月4 日抵达西雅图。 2. I"ve booked you in at the Grand Hotel. 我已经在格兰大饭店为你预定了房间。 3. I think we"ve made reservations. Have you fixed them? 我想我们已预定了房间,你们准备好了吧? 4. I"d like to reserve a single room for tomorrow night. 我要一间单人房,预定明天晚上住进去。 5. I think I have a reservation for three nights. 我想我已经预定了三个晚上。 6. Could you reserve a single罚room for me? 你能不能给我预定一间单人房? 7. I don"t like this schedule. 我不满意这个预定表。 8. The play has been very popular, you have to book up well ahead 该剧很受欢迎,你可得提前预定。 9. The US military advisors are scheduled to plete their current mission in the Philippines by the end of this month, but Arroyo has called for more joint military exercises aimed at fighting terrori *** . 美国军事顾问预定本月底结束他们目前在菲律宾的任务,不过雅罗育已呼吁举行更多以打击恐怖主义为目标的联合演习。 10. Tu Vei-yueh *** iled sardonically, for he knew that this exchange had paved the way nicely for him and that he could now proceed, without any further delay, to give them the instructions he had already worked out in advance. 屠维岳冷冷地微笑,知道这一番“过门”已经很够,再拖长也是多事,就要按照预定计画来发命令。
2023-07-12 04:15:451


应该是 go Dutch Dutch 是国名荷兰,应该用大写
2023-07-12 04:15:5610


2023-07-12 04:17:557


毁约huǐ yuē(食言) break one"s promise(毁弃协议、条约) scrap a contract or treaty:毁约行为 breach of contract他对公司毁约了。 He broke his contract with the firm.
2023-07-12 04:18:101