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Genome Announcements 是SCI期刊吗

2023-07-12 16:00:25





Genome announcements [2169-8287]

获取全文,请点击: Highwire免费电子期刊

收录起始年 2013

获取全文,请点击: PubMed Central 生物医药与生命科学开放获取电子期刊

收录起始年 2013 卷: 1





2023-07-12 05:43:025


announcement意思:n. 通告;布告;预告;宣告
2023-07-12 05:43:304


2023-07-12 05:43:382


你好!解答如下:Announcements 通告The servers will be in maintenance from 11AM KST/2AM UTC/7PM PDT.This will take about 1 hour.从韩国时间早上11点/世界标准时间早上两点/太平洋夏令时间下午7点开始,服务器将处于维护状态。这将需要大约1小时。You will be able to complete your matches that started before the maintenance beagn.维护开始前,你可以完成你的比赛。注释:KST、UTC、PDT,分别为时区缩写。KST,Korea Standard Time,韩国标准时间。UTC,Universal Time Coordinated,世界统一时间。PDT,Pacific Daylight Time,太平洋夏令时间,比 UTC 时间晚 7 小时。以上供参考,具体意思可以结合语境。
2023-07-12 05:43:471


问题一:特别注意用英文怎么说? pay special attention to... 问题二:请注意。用英语怎么说 Attention,please. 问题三:"请注意"用英语怎么说??? 请注意Please pay attention 希望采纳 问题四:“对------更注意、留心”用英语怎么说 pay more attention to attend/focus more importance on 问题五:注意到,用英语怎么说 I noticed/珐noted I found/ realized也可以。 前面加主语,我就用I了,因为是注意到,用过去式好。 问题六:注意事项的英语怎么说 注意事项 matters need attention 简单点announcements也可以。 有时也看上下文,如: 当机场班车接近终点时,播放了注意事项录音。 A record message is played when the airport bus approaches the terminal. 问题七:“请注意啦”用英语怎么翻译 第一时间为你提供正确答案: attetion please. ************************************************************************** ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问, 另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟! **************************************************************************
2023-07-12 05:44:001

有谁知道(学院资讯 通知公告)用英语怎么翻译。

2023-07-12 05:44:083


根据你的内容,请依次参照:hotel environment, Huilding style,Hotel lobby, Contact us, Transportation map, Guest message, Latest news, Hotel announcement
2023-07-12 05:44:368


2023-07-12 05:44:5310


2023-07-12 05:45:2410


1.Dear先生/女士,约翰格林先生,公司总经理,将在巴黎6月2日至7希望来看看你。 6月3日在2.00左右的样品室开幕时,有人。请让我们知道您时间方便。如果没有,你什么时候会建议。此致2.Dear先生/女士我们感谢今天收到有关纽约交易所的小麦将通过我们的研究部门充分利用交易的信息。我们期待着与你进一步合作。此致3.Dear先生/女士,我们已经打开上面的地址为我们的产品在纽约这里的销售办事处。我们聘请的顾问公司的工作人员和一支训练有素的服务部门,这使得从我们购买的所有设备例行检查。我们将很高兴,如果你想利用我们的服务和良好的购物条件,充分利用。我们充分保证了产品质量。此致4.Dear先生/女士感谢你6月4日的来信,并附有该组织的帐户和您的工商会工作。我们非常感谢您的这样一个活动的详细说明。这些信息一定会有助于提高我们未来的合作。5.It高兴地从你的信10月13日知道你是从我们在60日期为2005年的水果运到纽约,吨产品感兴趣。我们正在您,您需要接受我们达成不迟于2005年10月30日,以下优惠:由于没有直接的蒸笼也可从这里到纽约,包裹将要在香港转运。请注意,从香港的额外费用纽约是在报价内。正如您可能已经知道,最近一直在为质量您指定日期的大量需求,而我们,因此,不能向太久提供开放。很显然,这种需求的增加将会导致价格上涨,但你可以通过这个推动利润的市场,如果您告诉我们您立即接受。然而,可能性很小,其余未售出的商品,特别是一旦提供已经失效。我们期待着您的早日答复。此致
2023-07-12 05:45:482


2023-07-12 05:46:116


求助:把行政助理的工作职责翻译成英文 1 Assist admin manager in handling administrative affairs and the routine work within the department. 2 Make regular return visits by telephone, maintain the existing customer relationships and developing new customers. 3 Manage the website background, update sellers, menus, announcements and service details timely. 4 Establish and improve the staff personnel files, save, sort, file and store working data. 5 Complete the collection of material, the management of files, drafting ducuments, making official documents, sending and receiving, etc. 6 Contact and receive external relevant departments, answer internal calls, receive visitors and keep the *** ooth conveying of information. 7 Take part in the management of admin and purchase affairs in the pany, be responsible for recording and distributing office supplies of deparments in the pany. 8 Complete other affairs given by the pany and department, follow the results and report timely. 9 Assist admin manager in the coordination beeen departments in the pany. 助理的工作职责 助理? BOSS叫你干什么你就干什么 做好自己本职工作 游戏各级设定的完成、各类文档撰写、维护等,游戏素材制作、游戏技术实现、游戏测试等方面的指导、配合、协调工作等。 将我的工作职责翻译成英文 Responsibilities: Audit staff reimbursement vouchers, posting, settlement of bills The funding of the production process of the table, if found to contact the various departments in a timely and cost overruns Cost of sales audit, calculation, posting, settlement of bills Promotional fee advance, advance transfer invoices, aount processing deduction These require regular and sales contact. CFO助理的工作职责 岗位职责 职位概要:负责公司财务预决算、财务核算、会计监督及财务管理工作;组织协调、指导监 督财务部日常管理工作,监督执行财务计划,完成财务目标。 工作内容:1、根据公司中长期经营计划,组织编制年度财务计划和控制标准; 2、建立健全财务管理体系,对财务部日常管理、年度预决算、资金运作进行总 体控制; 3、负责财务报表及财务预决算的编制,为公司决策提供及时有效的财务分析; 4、对公司税收整体筹划及管理; 5、向上级及董事会汇报公司经营状况、经营成果及财务收支具体情况; 6、有外资制造业财务总监5年以上工作经验,英语达到工作语言。 行政助理的工作内容行政助理需要懂英文吗? 这要看用人单位的工作环境 如果经常接触外宾 那懂英语是必要的 如果公司主要是发展国内业务及其它 那行政助理是否懂英语 也就没那么重要了~如果你懂英语 相信应聘时会更有利点 行政助理的工作职责有哪些?该注意哪些问题? 1.保证办公室的日常工作能正常的进行,如文具的购买发放登记、办公耗材的维修维护、办公环境等; 2.做好领导和员工的纽带(这样说比较老土,但是事实如此),接受问题和传达问题都要及时和准确,有时良好的办公室氛围十分需要一位善解人意的好行政,如安排会议、组织活动; 3.接待访客、异地同事等; 4.公司的一些日常开支,如房租、水电、宽带电话费用等; 5.经常做一些各式各样的表格,简称"表妹"; 6.如果是小型公司,还要兼做一些简单的财务工作,可能会跑跑银行和国税地税; 其实工作内容比较杂,也不一定会全做,但这些都是基本的,就看你公司的具体要求了。总结就是细心周到,用心就会做的很好! 行政助理工作职责及工薪 每个公司行政助理岗位职责范围和明细还有薪水都不太一样,大致可以分为 1、公文的起草、发放、存档 2、公司会议和活动的组织安排工作 3、行政费用报销 4、公司名片、横幅、宣传物品的制作 5、协助行政主管/经理的工作 6、完成领导临时安排的工作 薪水和同公司技术、采购等部门比算比较低的 物流助理的工作职责 物流助理面试自我介绍范文:百度job006,那里有,面试题也有。 物流助理的工作职责 1,协助主管工作,负责各种重要资料的整理、汇总与归档工作。 2、部门一般事务的处理。 3、负责部门内部沟通及本部门与其他部门的联系与协调,保证信息管道的畅通。 4、采购定单的收集汇总工作,追踪每一定单在本部门的执行情况。 5、负责货运公司的联络及相关单据的处理。 6、与成都视频公司的所有联络工作。 7、完成交办的其他工作。 8、收集汇总与本公司发生业务的所有供应商的档案资料。 9,参与部分原辅材料的采购工作。 10,备货通知单传递到各部门的传递工作 物业助理的工作职责 管理处物业助理岗位职责 1. 贯彻执行公司的方针、决策,完成主任下达的各项工作指令; 2. 协助主任制定和完善管理处的各项规章制度,负责物业管理方案的具体落实; 3. 负责管理处员工的考勤,劳动纪律、仪容仪表检查等事宜; 4. 具体分配各班组的工作任务并负责检查完成情况,协调各班组之间的关系; 5. 协助管理处主任处理住户的重大投诉并负责跟踪回访;定期开展业主意见调查; 6. 负责管理处对内对外联络事宜的具体落实; 7. 按计划组织开展管理处员工的培训、考试及屋村的社区文化活动; 8. 监督巡查管理处员工的工作状态,及时纠正不合格,对违规或不称职的员工进行批评并向管理处主任提出处理意见; 9. 定期巡视小区内的公共设施设备,组织处理各类故障及突发事件; 10. 结合屋村实际情况,积极向管理处提出改善管理工作的意见和建议; 11. 管理处主任不在时替代其行使职权; 12. 对分管的工作负责,并完成主任交办的其他工作; 麻烦将我的工作职责翻译成英文 1 responsible for overall guangdong p&g business market operation and management 1) directly responsible for sales, 2) responsible for personnel training and career planning team 3) is responsible for the planning and marketing plan on customer management 4) and balanced ROI 2 for the pany, anization structure construction planners 记得加分哦
2023-07-12 05:46:271


Here is an example of English advertising writing:Looking for a refreshing and healthy drink option? Look no further than our all-natural fruit juices! Made from only the freshest ingredients, our juices are packed with vitamins and nutrients that will leave you feeling energized and refreshed. Whether you"re looking for a quick hydration fix or a delicious addition to your breakfast, our juices are the perfect choice. With a variety of flavors to choose from, you"re sure to find one that satisfies your taste buds. Try our juices today and feel the difference!
2023-07-12 05:46:492


2023-07-12 05:47:0610


2023-07-12 05:48:041


Organization information Announces the area In former days the glory [ general meaning was oncemagnificence, once combat success ] Wealth investment Commodity future area Stock area The stock refers to the stock area Information bank Stock II area Commodity future II area The scented tea elegant room [ scented tea is tea meaning,this word represents this version block very leisure, is elegant ] The literature arc of visibility [ to, is regards regards ] The graceful bearing is outstanding [ is an idiom, did not say] The forum manages the maintenance Station service Member special version Congenial heaven The article winsome hut [ Wen Juan is person"s childhood name] Above these, all are my forum tectonic plates, I musttranslate them English, the translation time please 1 pair of 1translation, then hits according to the above form eliminates comes,request most orthodox school translation.
2023-07-12 05:48:138


标准翻译1.Public Service Announcement 缩写为(PSA)2.Commonweal Ad.推荐第一种表达参见我以前回答
2023-07-12 05:48:553


2023-07-12 05:49:022


2023-07-12 05:49:205


cdb_polls 投票帖资料表cdb_posts 帖子资料表具体如下:cdb_access 用户权限表数据表说明:当某用户对某些版块有特定的权限的时候,该表记录了该用户在这些版块有什么权限。属性说明:uid--mediumint(8)--会员的UID编号fid--smallint(6)--版块的ID号allowview--tinyint(1)--是否允许查看贴子allowpost--tinyint(1)--是否允许发贴allowreply--tinyint(1)--是否允许回复allowgetattach--tinyint(1)--是否允许下载附件allowpostattach tinyint(1) --是否允许上传附件cdb_adminactions 管理动作表数据表说明:管理组管理信息表。属性说明:admingid smallint(6)--管理组组iddisabledactions text--禁止行为cdb_admingroups 管理组数据表数据表说明:管理模组信息表。属性说明:admingid--smallint(3)--管理组的IDalloweditpost tinyint(1)--编辑帖子权限alloweditpoll tinyint(1)--编辑投票权限allowstickthread tinyint(1)--置顶帖子权限allowmodpost tinyint(1)--管理(编辑)帖子权限#allowdelpost tinyint(1)--删除帖子权限allowmassprune tinyint(1)--阅读权限#allowrefund tinyint(1)--@allowcensorword tinyint(1)--过滤词语设置权限#allowviewip tinyint(1)--查看ip权限allowbanip tinyint(1)--禁止ip权限allowedituser tinyint(1)--编辑用户权限#allowmoduser tinyint(1)--管理用户权限#allowbanuser tinyint(1)--禁止用户权限allowpostannounce tinyint(1)--发表公告权限allowviewlog tinyint(1)--浏览管理日志权限disablepostctrl tinyint(1)--批量管理权限#cdb_adminnotes 管理员留言数据表说明:后台留言信息。属性说明:id mediumint(8)--事件idadmin varchar(15)--操作者access tinyint(3)--@adminid tinyint(3)--管理组iddateline int(10)--日期expiration int(10)--有效期message text--留言内容cdb_adminsessions 管理员后台在线记录数据表说明:后台登录记录。属性说明:uid mediumint(8) --用户登录idip char(15)--登录ipdateline int(10)--登录日期errorcount tinyint(1)--密码错误次数cdb_advertisements 广告资料表数据表说明:广告信息存储。属性说明:advid mediumint(8)--广告idavailable tinyint(1)--是否显示(可用)type varchar(50)--类型displayorder tinyint(3)--显示顺序title varchar(50)--标题targets text --样式parameters text--展放位置#code text--代码starttime int(10) --开始时间endtime int(10)--结束时间cdb_announcements 论坛公告资料表数据表说明:公告信息存储。属性说明:id smallint(6)--公告idauthor varchar(15)--发布者subject varchar(250)--标题displayorder tinyint(3)--显示顺序starttime int(10)--开始时间endtime int(10) --结束时间message text--内容cdb_attachments 附件资料表数据表说明:附件信息存储表。属性说明:aid mediumint(8) --附件idtid mediumint(8) --所在主题idpid int(10)--所在帖子iddateline int(10) --上传/最后更新附件的日期时间readperm tinyint(3) --阅读权限filename char(100)--上传时附件的文件名description char(100)--附件表述filetype char(50)--附件类型filesize int(10)--附件大小attachment char(100)--上传后的附件的文件名downloads mediumint(8)--下载次数cdb_attachtypes 附件类型表数据表说明:附件类型表。属性说明:id smallint(6)--记录附件类型设置的ID,每条对应一个IDextension--char(10)--类型设置时的扩展名maxsize--int(10)--控制最大上传大小cdb_banned 被禁止的ip列表数据表说明:禁止ip记录。属性说明:id smallint(6)--被禁ip列表的idip1 smallint(3)ip2 smallint(3)ip3 smallint(3)ip4 smallint(3)被禁ip地址的ip段,1,2,3,4表示ip的四段admin varchar(15)--操作者记录dateline int(10)--日期expiration int(10)--有效期cdb_bbcodes bb代码资料表数据表说明:Discuz代码信息表。属性说明:id--mediumint(8)--标签的IDavailable--tinyint(1)--是否可用tag--varchar(100)--标签名称replacement--text--替换内容example--varchar(255)--例子explanation--text--解释说明params--tinyint(1)--参数个数nest--tinyint(3)--嵌套次数cdb_blogcaches 博客缓存表数据表说明:blog缓存。属性说明:uid mediumint(8)--用户idvariable varchar(10)--@value text--@cdb_buddys 好友信息表数据表说明:会员的好友列表。属性说明:uid--mediumint(8)--用户的UID编号buddyid--mediumint(8)--会员所加好友的好友UID编号dateline int(10)--加入时间description char(255)--备注cdb_creditslog 积分交易记录表数据表说明:积分交易日志。属性说明:uid mediumint(8)--用户idfromto char(15)--来自sendcredits tinyint(1)--支出积分receivecredits tinyint(1)--收入积分send int(10)--@receive int(10)--@dateline int(10)--交易时间operation char(3)--交易动作cdb_crons 计划任务表数据表说明:计划任务存储。属性说明:cronid smallint(6)--计划任务idavailable tinyint(1)--是否可用type enum("user","system")--类型(内置或者自定义)name char(50)--名称filename char(50)--任务脚本名称lastrun int(10)--上次运行时间nextrun int(10)--下次运行时间weekday tinyint(1)--周day tinyint(2)--天hour tinyint(2)--小时minute char(36)--分钟cdb_failedlogins 错误登录记录数据表说明:后台登录错误。属性说明:ip--char(15)--非法登入者的IPcount--tinyint(1)--登入的次数lastupdate--int(10)--最后更新日期cdb_favorites 个人收藏信息表数据表说明:收藏夹存储表。属性说明:uid--mediumint(8)--用户的UID编号tid--mediumint(8)--会员收藏主题的主题IDcdb_forumfields 板块扩展信息数据表数据表说明:论坛版块一般块信息存储。属性说明:fid smallint(6)--版块iddescription text--版块描述`password` varchar(12)--访问版块所需密码icon varchar(255)--版块图标postcredits varchar(255)--自定义主题积分replycredits varchar(255)--自定义回复积分redirect varchar(255)--链接转向地址attachextensions varchar(255)--允许附件类型#moderators text --版主rules text --版规threadtypes text--主题分类viewperm text--浏览帖子权限postperm text--发表主题权限replyperm text--发表回复权限getattachperm text --下载附件权限postattachperm text --上传附件权限cdb_forumlinks 友情链接数据表数据表说明:联盟论坛信息存储。属性说明:id smallint(6)--联盟论坛iddisplayorder tinyint(3)--显示顺序name varchar(100)--联盟论坛名称url varchar(100)--联盟论坛地址note varchar(200)--联盟论坛说明logo varchar(100)--logo地址cdb_forums 版块资料表数据表说明:论坛版块主信息存储表。属性说明:fid smallint(6)--论坛版块idfup smallint(6)--上级论坛id`type` enum("group","forum","sub")--论坛类型`name` char(50)--论坛名称`status` tinyint(1)--是否显示displayorder tinyint(3)--显示顺序styleid smallint(6)--默认风格threads mediumint(8)--主题信息统计posts mediumint(8)--帖子信息统计todayposts mediumint(8)--今日帖子统计lastpost char(110)--最新帖子allowsmilies tinyint(1)--是否允许表情allowhtml tinyint(1)--是否允许htmlallowbbcode tinyint(1)--是否允许自定义ubballowimgcode tinyint(1)--是否允许[img]代码allowanonymous tinyint(1)--是否允许匿名发贴allowblog tinyint(1)--是否允许加入blogallowtrade tinyint(1)--是否允许交易alloweditrules tinyint(1)--是否允许版主编辑规则recyclebin tinyint(1)--是否开启回收站modnewposts tinyint(1)--是否开启审核新帖jammer tinyint(1)--是否启用干扰码disablewatermark tinyint(1)--是否禁止使用水印inheritedmod tinyint(1)--是否自动关闭主题autoclose smallint(6)--主题自动关闭天数cdb_medals 勋章资料表数据表说明:勋章信息存储。属性说明:medalid smallint(6)--勋章id`name` varchar(50)--勋章名称available tinyint(1)--是否可用image varchar(30)--勋章图片cdb_memberfields 用户扩展资料表数据表说明:用户基本信息存储表。属性说明:uid mediumint(8)-- 用户uidnickname varchar(30)--用户昵称site varchar(75)--用户主页alipay varchar(50)--支付宝号码icq varchar(12)--icq号码qq varchar(12)--qq号码yahoo varchar(40)--yahoo通号码msn varchar(40)--msn号码taobao varchar(40)--淘宝帐号location varchar(30)--来自customstatus--自定义头衔medals varchar(255)--勋章信息avatar varchar(255)--头像信息avatarwidth tinyint(3)--头像宽度avatarheight tinyint(3)--头像高度bio text--signature text --签名sightml text--ignorepm text--忽略短消息列表groupterms text--authstr varchar(20)--cdb_members 用户基本资料表数据表说明:用户主数据表:存储关键信息。属性说明:uid mediumint(8)--用户uidusername char(15)--用户名称id`password` char(32)--用户密码secques varchar(80)--安全提问gender tinyint(1)--性别adminid tinyint(1)--管理权限idgroupid smallint(6)--用户组idgroupexpiry int(10)--主用户组extgroupids--拓展用户组regip char(15)--注册ipregdate int(10)--注册日期lastip char(15)--上次登录iplastvisit int(10)--上次访问时间lastactivity int(10)--lastpost int(10)--最后发表posts mediumint(8)--贴子数digestposts smallint(6)--精华数oltime smallint(6)--在线时间pageviews mediumint(8)--页面访问量credits int(10)--积分extcredits1 int(10)extcredits2 int(10)extcredits3 int(10)extcredits4 int(10)extcredits5 int(10)extcredits6 int(10)extcredits7 int(10)extcredits8 int(10)---拓展积分1-8avatarshowid int(10)--天下秀idemail char(50)--email信息bday date--生日sigstatus tinyint(1)--自我介绍tpp--tinyint(3)--显示每页主题数的数量ppp--tinyint(3)--显示每个主题的回复数的数量styleid--smallint(6)--所选风格的IDdateformat char(10)--日期格式timeformat tinyint(1)--时间格式pmsound tinyint(1)--短消息提示方式showemail tinyint(1)--是否显示emailnewsletter tinyint(1)--是否接收论坛通知invisible tinyint(1)--是否隐身timeoffset char(4)--时区时差设置newpm tinyint(1)--是否新短消息并提示【同意接收论坛通知】accessmasks tinyint(1)--表示该用户是否对某些板块指定了特别的权限cdb_moderators 版主信息数据表数据表说明:版主信息存储。属性说明:uid mediumint(8)--版主用户uidfid smallint(6)--所管辖版块fiddisplayorder tinyint(3)--显示顺序inherited tinyint(1)--是否继承权限#CODE:[Copy to clipboard]cdb_admingroupsallowmodpost tinyint(1)--允许审核帖子allowmassprune tinyint(1)--批量删帖allowrefund tinyint(1)--退款allowcensorword tinyint(1)--过滤词语allowedituser tinyint(1)--编辑用户allowmoduser tinyint(1)--审核用户disablepostctrl tinyint(1)--发帖不受限制cdb_modworks 版主工作记录表cdb_onlinelist 在线列表定制cdb_onlinetime 用户在线时间信息表cdb_orders 订单数据表cdb_paymentlog 支付记录cdb_pluginhooks 插件钩子表cdb_plugins 插件表cdb_pluginvars 插件配置表cdb_pms 短信资料表cdb_pmsearchindex 短消息搜索缓存表cdb_polls 投票帖资料表cdb_posts 帖子资料表cdb_profilefields 用户栏目定制cdb_promotions 论坛推广cdb_ranks 头衔表cdb_ratelog 帖子评分记录表cdb_regips 注册ip记录表cdb_relatedthreads 相关主题cdb_rsscaches RSS缓存cdb_searchindex 搜索缓存cdb_sessions 在线表cdb_settings 论坛设置表cdb_smilies 表情信息表cdb_stats 统计数据表cdb_statvars 统计变量表cdb_styles 风格cdb_stylevars 风格变量表cdb_subscriptions 订阅信息表cdb_templates 模板cdb_threads 主题资料表cdb_threadsmod 主题管理记录表cdb_threadtypes 主题分类表cdb_usergroups 用户组数据表cdb_validating 等待人工审核的会员记录cdb_words 词语过滤表
2023-07-12 05:49:431


2023-07-12 05:49:502


announcement 英[u0259u02c8nau028ansmu0259nt] 美[u0259u02c8nau028ansmu0259nt] n. 通告;布告;预告;宣告 名词复数:announcements [例句]North korea has not formally responded to the treasury announcement.朝鲜尚未对美国财政部的声明做出正式回应。
2023-07-12 05:50:081


announcement英 [u0259u02c8nau028ansmu0259nt] 美 [u0259u02c8nau028ansmu0259nt] n.宣告;通告;布告;预告复数: announcements
2023-07-12 05:50:161

Announcements 歌词

歌曲名:Announcements歌手:Unknown专辑:The Song Is YouCommon - Announcement (feat. Pharrell)I"m fin" to take you to the tip top babyEverybody I"d like to announceThrow you hands up when we in the houseYeah, this is hip hop babyAnd tell your girl that the tickets is outAnd we gon" do it till they kickin" us out"Cause this is hip hop babyLive from the South Side this oneHide your gun, representing Chi-Town to the fullestRaps or bullets, see them rappers, they be duckin"When Com be buckin" in the kitchen, fuckin"On the sink, got my mama a minkThink Common is the link, thought the game was extinctLay there, them jeans is as slim as ShadyBrought "em back from the 80"s, now let"s make some babiesFreestyle paid off so Lincoln paid meNo we can push more whips than slaveryAlex Haley and this rap shit, my roots is deepYou heard the bitch is you, yeah I know what"s beefLet it cook and I pop like greaseYou thirsty niggas can"t stop my feast, uhI still love her, she be needin" the dickWhen it come to hip hop it"s just me and my bitch, uhBaby, you"re like, what the fuck? There is no otherValet crushed my Rolls so quickly I bought anotherSorry Mr. William moved out the buildingSpot to the top, fifty feet with was the ceilingSlow down son, you"re killin" "em, well funded it was notCame to shitty deals, reminiscing give me chillsWhen Puff was with Biggie, Versace on every niggieThe backpacker copped the Porsche and drove to his cityNow all the little bitties from ugly to prettyI was the magician mesmerize "em, made "em listenMy dick is like a Blow Pop babyAnd it gets stiffer than some Botox babyBut show out baby and show me you ain"t gon" act rightAnd I"ll be pedaling backwards like a track bikeShe ain"t know the Casio cost a hundredIt"s been two years since I done it, now all the rappers want it, what?As I sit back, relax with Chicago on my backUnzip the backpack, pull out a fifth of JackI"ll probably go to jail for, naw that ain"t meI style crazy and act like Jay-ZThe black Kojak, I get money and want mo" stacksThe rap photographer, the way the flow stopBroads say, Are you a philosopher?Yeah yeah, I philosophize on top of ya Uh!
2023-07-12 05:50:231


2023-07-12 05:50:301

Genome Announcements是SCI吗

不是,这是美国微生物协会最近几年才出版的杂志。Genome Announcements is a new online-only, fully open access journal that publishes short manuscripts announcing the availability of recently sequenced genomes of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbes and viruses in public databases. These announcements inform readers of the availability of new genome sequences and provide the rationale for sequencing a particular organism, as well as details of the methodologies and protocols used in assembly of the genome sequence. Manuscripts submitted to Genome Announcements will be editorially reviewed for appropriate content; submissions will be accepted and published at the editor"s discretion.
2023-07-12 05:50:401


Unit OnePart One Dialogues: Passenger ReceptionPart Two Announcements: Welcome and Recheck of Boarding PassPart Three Phonetics: American and British Phonetic Symbols in ContrastPart Four ReadingUnit TwoPart One Dialogues: Arranging SeatsPart Two Announcements: Pre-take off Safety CheckPart Three Phonetics: The Vowels and ConsonantsPart Four ReadingUnit ThreePart One Dialogues: Arranging BaggagePart Two Announcements: Baggage CheckPart Three Phonetics: The Pure VowelsPart Four ReadingUnit FourPart One Dialogues: DelayPart Two Announcements: Welcome after a Delayed DeparturePart Three Phonetics: The DiphthongsPart Four ReadingUnit FivePart One Dialogues: Safety Check Before Take-offPart Two Announcements: Safety DemonstrationPart Three Phonetics: The Explosive and Fricative ConsonantsPart Four ReadingUnit SixPart One Dialogues: After TakeoffPart Two Announcements: Introduction of Flight Routes and Service ItemsPart Three Phonetics: The Affricate, Nasal, Lateral Consonants and the Semi-vowelsPart Four ReadingUnit SevenPart One Dialogues: Drink ServicePart Two Announcements: Drink and Meal ServicesPart Three Phonetics: Syllables and Word StressPart Four ReadingUnit EightPart One Dialogues: Food Service (I)Part Two Announcements: Before LandingPart Three Phonetics: Open Syllables and Closed SyllablesPart Four ReadingUnit NinePart One Dialogues: Food Service (If)Part Two Announcements: Flying at Night and StopoverPart Three Phonetics: Reading Rules of English Vowel Letters in Stressed SyllablesPart Four ReadingUnit TenPart One Dialogues: Abnormal Situations in ServicePart Two Announcements: Apologies for Abnormal ServicePart Three Phonetics: Reading Rules of English Vowel Letters in Unstressed SyllablesPart Four ReadingUnit ElevenPart One Dialogues: Duty Free SalesPart Two Announcements: Movies/Duty-free SalesPart Three Phonetics: Reading Rules of Double SyllablesPart Four ReadingUnit TwelvePart One Dialogues: In-flight EntertainmentPart Two Announcements: Holidays and FestivalsPart Three Phonetics: Reading Rules of Multi-syllablesPart Four ReadingUnit ThirteenPart One Dialogues: Jet LagPart Two Announcements: QuarantinesPart Three Phonetics: Loss of Plosion and Incomplete PlosionPart Four ReadingUnit FourteenPart One Dialogues: AirsicknessPart Two Announcements: LandingPart Three Phonetics: Consonants Clusters and Sound LinkingPart Four ReadingUnit FifteenPart One Dialogues: Sick PassengersPart Two Announcements: Cancellation and Staying OvernightPart Three Phonetics: Reading Rules of Noun+s/es and Verb+edPart Four ReadingUnit SixteenPart One Dialogues: Helping Passenger Find Lost ArticlesPart Two Announcements: Waiting for ClearancesPart Three Phonetics: Sentence StressPart Four ReadingUnit SeventeenPart One Dialogues: Transit PassengersPart Two Announcements: Landing in TransitPart Three Phonetics: Thought Patterns and PausingPart Four ReadingUnit EighteenPart One Dialogues: Filling Out FormsPart Two Announcements: Unexpected SituationsPart Three Phonetics: IntonationPart Four ReadingUnit NineteenPart One Dialogues: Emergency ProceduresPart Two Announcements: Emergency ProceduresPart Three Phonetics: Use of the Falling TonePart Four ReadingUnit TwentyPart One Dialogues: Pre-arrival and After ArrivalPart Two Announcements: Brace for ImpactPart Three Phonetics: Use of the Rising TonePart Four ReadingWords and PhrasesReferences
2023-07-12 05:50:471


English announcement
2023-07-12 05:51:023

谁有the information content of annual earnings announcements的全文翻译?作者是William H.Beaver谢谢

2023-07-12 05:51:122


UNIT1International English国际英语Unit 1At the airport在机场1 Listen and read. James Brady is in Ireland.1 WOMAD: Good morning.JAMES: Good morning.WOMAD: What"s your name, please?JAMES: Brady. James Brady.WOMAND: Right. Here you are, Mr Brady.James: Thank you.2. JAMES: Where are you from?JERESA: I"m from Spain-from Madrid. And you?JAMES: Ireland. I"m from Dublin.3 TERESA: This is Marco.JEAMES: Hello, My name"s James.MARCO: Hi.TERESA: And I"m Teresa.Unit 1At the airport 在机场4 Listen and check your answers.CAPITAL COUNTRY1Dublin Japan2 Rome Spain3 Cairo Britain4 Paris Poland5 Madrid Creece6 Washington Italy7 Berlin Egypt8 Ankara Ireland9 London Brazil10 Athens Germany11 Tokyo Turkey12 Brasilia Portugal13 Lisbon France14 Warsaw the United States (of America)Unit 1At the airport 在机场5 Listen again and repeat.Unit 1At the airport 在机场7 Listen and read. James Brady is in Britain now.MAN: Excuse me. What does ‘EC" mean?JAMES: It means‘European community". What nationality are you?MAN: I"m Brazilian.JAMES: Ok. Desk 2.MAN: Thank you.Unit 1At the airport在机场8 Pronunciations. Listen and repeat the nationalities.COUNTRY NATIONALITY1 Britain BritishIreland IrishPoland polishSpain SpanishTurkey Turkish2Japan JanpanesePortugal Portuguese3Brazil BrazilianEgypt EgyptianItaly ItalianGermany GermanThe United States American4France FrenchGreece GreekUnit 1At the airport在机场9 Strees and intonation. Listen and repeat.What"s your name?Where are you from?What nationality are you?Unit 1Airport Facilities机场设施1 Listen and read.1 TERSA: Excuse me. Where the bank?MAN: It"s there.TERESA: Thank you.2 WODNAM: Excuse me. Where"s Gate 10?MARCO: Sorry, I don"t know.Unit 1Airport Facilities机场设施3 Look at the gate numbers. Listen and repeat.Geates 1,2, 3, 4, 5Gates 6, 7,8,9,10Unit 1Airport Facilities机场设施5 Listen to the announcements. Complete the chart in your student"s book.1 AF 421……2 IB 386……3 Ok 292……4 BA 654……5 KL 197……6 MX 578……7 AZ 963……Listen again. Write the gate numbers.Unit 1Airport Facilities机场设施6 Listen and read.MARCO: Er, I"d like this T-shirt, please. How much is it?ASSISTANT: Eight pounds.MARCO: Eight pounds. Here you are.ASSISTATNT: Thank you.Marco: Thanks. Goodbye.ASSISTANT: Goodbye.Unit 1Airport Facilitiesn机场设施9 Pronunciation. Listen1 bag a)please2 bar b) thank3 ten c) it4 six d) France5 three e) FrenchDevelopment 四会技能1 Look at the pictures in your student"s book and listen tothe six conversations. Complete the chart with in your student"s book.Paula da CostaKrystyna NowakWu JiangPietro RossiJeff AdamsSumiko ItoUnit 2 InformationUnit 2 Personal information个人情况1 Listen and read. James Brady is starting a new job with MAP Advertising.The name of his boss is Tom Hall. Tom Hall"s secretary,Rita, is checking James"s details.RITA: Now, Mr Brady. Surname ‘Brady", B-R-A-D-Y.JAMES: Yes.RITA: Your first name is James?JAMES: Yes.RITA: Are you married or single?JAMES: Single.RITA: And you"re from Ireland.JAMES: Yes.JAMES: The Birch Hotel, Maysoule Street, M-A-Y-S-O-U-L-E, London E1.RITA: What"s the telephone number?JAEMS: 352 0529.Unit 2 Personal information个人情况2 Listen and read again, and complete the from.Unit 2 Personal information个人情况4 Listen and repeat the alphabet.Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj KkLi Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy ZzUnit 2 Personal information个人情况7 Listen and read. James is talking about his new job.Write the names and nationalities of three people who work at MAP Advertising.ROSIE: Hello, 32294.JAMES: Hello, Rosie. This is James.ROSIE: Hi, James. Where are you?JEAMS: I"m in London.ROSIE: Oh, good! How"s your new job?JAMES: Oh, it"s Ok. Everyone"s very friendly.Tom Hall-my boss- is the managing direcotor. He"s American.And Rita"s very nice. She"s Tom"s secretary.ROSIE: Is Rita American too?JAMES: No, she isn"t. She" from London.Unit 2 Jobs职业3 Pronunciation. Listen and read. Notice the sound for er/or the end of a builder driver teacher doctor painterListen again and builder driver teacher doctor painterUnit 2 Jobs职业4 Stress and intonation. Listen and repeat.What"s your job? I"m an actor.What"s her job? She"s a doctor.What"s his job?He"s a teacher.Unit 2 Jobs职业8 Listen to two people talking about jobs. Write the jobs you hear.Unit 2 Development四会技能2 Amanda is the manager of a job centre. Listento her interview with Susan and complete the form your student"s book.
2023-07-12 05:51:301


Notice:All attention,here is today"s issues below:1.All class-presidents will have a meeting at 10 AM in the conference room.2.All teachers and students will go to watch movie at 4 PM this afternoon.3.The class of afternoon was changed that it will begin at 1:30 PM,do not be later.
2023-07-12 05:51:392


Look for the person via broadcast
2023-07-12 05:51:482


请根据以下提示,以Advertisement为标题,写一篇词左右的英语短文.   1) 广告成了人们生活中不可或缺的点缀   有的广告走向极端   你对广告的看法   Possible version:   Advertisement   Advertisements appear everywhere in modern society. When you walk along the streets, you can see large boards with pretty girls smiling at you. You read newspapers, and see half of the pages covered with ads. You turn on TV, and you see commercial advertisements again. Whether you like it or not, advertisements fill your life.   In order to attract more customers, advertisements will sometimes go to extremes. Advertisements use every possible means in producing their announcements. For example, to advertise a certain food, advertisers will employ an actor to sit at a table and eat up their seemingly delicious food product while they film him.   Although advertisements enable you to make decisions quickly, sometimes they can cause lots of trouble. There are always many of them and they make you forget what you are sitting there for.
2023-07-12 05:52:471


  收集了大学英语写作范文,下面我整理了,供你参考。   篇一   Dear,   MOM es to my college life, I think of two words.   One is colorful, the other peaceful. They are used to describe my college life in different periods. I still remember the first day I set foot in this college. Buildings were surrounded by many trees. Fashionable dressings were here and there. What I saw was really fresh. My college life began with fresh.   Gradually, it turned to be colorful. During the first year in my college, I was the leader of munist Youth League in my class. I attended meetings, made announcements and organized class activities. I learnt to shoulder my responsibility and unit my clas *** ates.   Besides, I was a member of Youth Volunteer Association. In my space time, I went to an old people"s home to visit the senior citizens. I organized a donation to help the poor children. I planted trees in Mount Qingxiu. I got no physical reward from these work, but I did make a contribution to help those who are in desperate need of care.   Apart from this, I joined New Voice, an English association in School of Foreign Language, which provided a platform for English learners to make a speech, debate, free talking and so on. I benefited a lot from the activities.   For one thing, I improved my spoken English; for another, I learnt to show myself in public.   Thanks to these activities, not only did I develop my interest, but also I lived a colorful college life.   篇二   Dear mom and dad,   It has been two weeks since I last wrote to you. I am so sorry that I don"t write you very often.   However, I have been busy with my preparation   for the final exams. As you know, I"m ing home on Jan.14th. But before that, I have to take the final exams for all six classes I"m taking this semester. Recently I have been in and out of the library a lot to do some research on the term paper for one of the classes. Most professors gave out the review problems already so that the students can study for the final. I think I"m doing okay studying for the final.   Besides reviewing materials, I"m also planning to host the New Year party of my department. You know there are so many talented people in my munications major, but they picked me to host the party! Great, isn"t it?   Well gotta go talk to you soon.   Love you,   XXX   篇三   Dear Leo,   How are you? TEM-4 is around the corner. According to the teachers" telling, I know passing TEM4 is not an easy thing. Although it may not be too difficult to pass it, getting a high mark needs hard work. So I often go to the library to study. I like the feeling of working hard. While I prepare for the exam, I often feel so satisfied. I think it"s a good thing for me to prepare TEM4.   The most difficult thing for me to do well in TEM-4 is the vocabulary. I find it"s hard to remember, and I am unwilling to remember words, because in middle school and high school I didn"t need to remember vocabulary on purpose. I can remember them through the exercises.   Unfortunately, I can"t do it now. But my problem is I still can"t find a good method which is fit for me to remember vocabulary well. Could you do me a favor? I am looking forward to your replying.   Best wishes!
2023-07-12 05:52:531

求大神 英语阅读理解改为语法填空?

Norm Pethrick, a 36-year-old man in Australia"s ( 北方的 ) cityDarwin,( praise) on Thursday for jumping onto a crocodile"s back to save his wife Wendy atLitchfieldNational Park, a popular tourist spo...,2,求大神 英语阅读理解改为语法填空 C Norm Pethrick, a 36-year-old man in Australia"s northern cityDarwin, was praised on Thursday for jumping onto a crocodile"s back to sa ve his wife Wendy atLitchfieldNational Park, a popular tourist spot southwest ofDarwin, a local newspaper reported. Ms Pethrick was standing on a river bank Wednesday afternoon when the saltwater crocodile lunged (扑), locking its jaws on both her legs as it tried to drag her underwater. Norm Pethrick, who with his wife had been collecting water, immediately went to help her. He jumped onto the back, poked (戳) the eyes of the crocodile and finally got his wife free. Ms Pethrick was later taken toRoyalDarwinHospitalfor a medical treatment. The doctors said she was suffering eight puncture wounds (伤口) in her right leg, a puncture wound in her left leg and a serious cut to one of her fingers. “This could have been a fatal and tragic situation,” said the general manager of Royal Darwin Hospital (RDH), Dr Len Notaras, according to a local report. He said Ms Pethrick was saved by her hu *** and"s “quick and diligent actions”. Dr Notaras also said she would remain in hospital for three to four days and have an operation to clean the wounds, which are easy to get infected because of bacteria (细菌) on the teeth of the crocodile. B There are many ways to find a job. It can be as easy as walking into a neighborhood store to look at its announcement board. Local stores often have areas where people can put *** all signs telling what kind of service they need or can provide. Such services include caring for children or cleaning houses. Or, job searchers can look in the newspaper. Local newspapers have employment announcements placed by panies seeking workers. Another popular tool for finding jobs is the Internet. For example, people in four hundred and fifty cities around the world can use the Craigslist Web site to buy objects, meet people or find a job. Craigslist says that it receives two million new job listings each month. Another useful way to find a job is through a college or university. For example, students at theUniversityofTexasinAustincan go to theCareerExplorationCenterto get help in finding a job. Of course, looking for a job requires knowing what kind of work you want to do. For example, there is a book called “What Color is Your Parachute (降落伞)?” by Richard Bolles. This book has been helping people choose a career (职业) since it was first published in nineteen seventy. Some experts also help people find jobs. Susan W. Miller owns a pany called California Career Services inLos Angeles. She says her pany helps people find jobs by first helping them understand their strengths, goals and interests. Then she provides them with methods and resources to help them find the right job.
2023-07-12 05:53:001

如何使用GM 命令

//user //seedroplist 掉落查询 //gmlist 管理员列表 //givemissingskills 找回技能 //experienceon 经验开 //experienceoff 经验关 //GM //add 增加 //addcube 增加背包 //adddrop 增加掉落 //addemotion 增加动作 //addset 增加套装 //addskill 增加技能 //addtitle 增加称号 //advsendfakeserverpacket 发送 //aesystem系统 //aicommand ai //announce 公告 //announcefaction 种族喊话 //announcements 自动公告 //applypreset 预设 //ban 冻结 //banip 禁止IP //bk 书签 //configure 配置 //deletespawn 删除 //dispel 打消 //dredgion 德雷得奇安 //dye 染色 //fixh fixh //fixzfixz //fortress 攻城 //gag gag //gmgivemissingskills 找回技能 //gmonline gm在线 //goto goto //gps 定位 //heal 恢复 //htmlhtml //info 信息 //invis 隐身 //invul 无敌 //kick 踢掉 //kill kill //kinah 刷钱 //legioncommand 军团 //morph变身 //moveplayertoplayer 移动玩家到玩家 //moveto 移动 //movetome 移动我 //movetonpc 移动到npc //movetoplayer 移动到玩家 //movie 电影 //neutral 中立 //notice通知 //online 在线 //passkey 密保 //petition 问答处理 //playerinfo 玩家信息 //powerup 属性强化 //promote 授权 //questcommand任务 //recall 集体移动 //recallnpc 召回npc //reload 重新加载 //reloadspawns 加载刷怪 //remove 删除物品 //removecd 删除cd //removefromprison 释放 //rename 重命名 //resurrect 复活 //revoke 撤销 //ring ring //savespawndata保存刷怪 //say Say //see see //sendfakeserverpacket 发送服务器数据 //sendrawpacket 原料 //sendtoprison 监禁 //set 设置 //siege要塞 //silence 安静模式 //spawn 刷怪 //speed 速度 //spy spy //stat 统计 //unban 解除禁止 //unbanip 解除IP //ungag 解除压制 //unspawn 不刷怪 //unstuck 回城 //who 查询 //worldban 禁言 //worldunban 取消禁言 //zone 区域 //changerace 切换种族 //titles 找回称号 //gotomaps 传送 //allcommads 帮助
2023-07-12 05:53:082


《The Lovely Bones》(Alice Sebold)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:za87书名:The Lovely Bones作者:Alice Sebold豆瓣评分:7.4出版社:Little, Brown and Company出版年份:2006-09-01页数:372内容简介:the lovely bone:让你读后久久不能释怀却又心生希望的小说、一桩悬疑惊惧的人间悲剧,一个风趣温馨的心灵疗愈故事此书在《纽约时报》排行榜上高居榜首近三十周,连续在榜七十余周。两年来畅销不衰。被美国“每月读书会”选为推荐书。并获“美国年度最佳小说”奖,入选“英国年度好书大奖”。在法国《读书》杂志评出的“2003年二十本量佳图书”中名列第二。目前读书以英、法、日、中等多种版本风靡各国,销量已突破五百万册,由此书改编的电影亦将由《指环王》导演彼特·杰克逊执导。《可爱的骨头》故事是阴郁的,它描述了一个十多岁少女被强奸谋杀后的思维。叙事者是死者本人,小说第一句话是:“1993年12月6日,我被谋害时不过14岁。”主角讲述了她的被害对家庭的影响、警局的调查以及她进入天堂后的情况。作者以14岁女孩苏茜的眼光自天堂向下俯视,像“一条在天空浮沉的鱼”来观察她离开的世界。当然,见到的不是她乐意看到的景象:母亲对她的死悲痛不已;父亲殴打她的女友克拉莉莎,认为女儿的死是她的过失。而真正的凶手是邻居恶少哈维,可警局追捕不力,让他脱逃,苏茜在天堂里跟随观察着他的行踪。苏茜在人间还有好友露丝和一个弟弟,苏茜的灵魂不断在他们面前出现。好友露丝则对她始终不忘,长大后一心一意要当罪案审判的见证人。作者最后用苏茜的口吻向他们告别:“我祝你们都快乐长寿。”故事并不着重于描写激起强烈情感的奸杀案,而重在表现受害者的内心思维。一个十四岁的女孩遭一名连环杀人的歹徒奸杀并碎尸,这样一桩案件如果见诸美国媒体,或许已然引不起耸人听闻的效果。若是以之为素材敷衍成一部小说,可能会是一个以情节取胜的警探侦破故事。但女作家艾丽斯?西伯德却独辟蹊径,倾注了诚挚的深情,抒发出一曲催人泪下的亲情之歌。作为父母爱情首次结晶的苏茜,天资虽不如妹妹琳茜聪慧,却是一个乖女孩。她帮爸爸业余做玻璃瓶中的帆船工艺品,从中体会到父亲对祖父的怀念;在为妈妈拍摄瞬间快照时,理解了妈妈受过高等教育却不得不充当家庭主妇的郁闷心情;她与小她一岁的妹妹有着难分难舍的手足之情;在小弟巴克利病危之时,挺身而出送他到医院急救;她甚至能和嗜酒贪杯、性情有些浮华的外婆做知心的交流。但就是这样一个可爱的小女孩却横遭歹徒蹂躏,死后还被肢解,只有一截臂肘被人们发现。沙蒙一家遭此惨祸,立即就崩溃了。父亲杰克精神恍惚,屡为警方提供可疑线索遭拒之后,在一次夜间去捉嫌犯时被误伤致残;母亲艾比盖尔无法忍受失女之痛,竟和探长苟且,然后离家出走;妹妹在哀伤之中一夜成人,不顾性命之忧去凶犯家窃取证据;年仅四岁的小弟在得知长姐已死之后,成长中心灵受到创伤;外婆义无反顾地来女婿家操持家务,以她的乐观豁达为这个家庭注入活力。而街坊四邻和学校师生更是自发地组织了一个追思仪式,大家悼念亡者,更为了安慰亲人。在将近十年的时间里,苏茜原先的同学先后从大学毕业,走上各自的生活道路。连她的家人似乎也淡忘了家中失去的这名成员,尽管由于她的遭难给家庭带来的不幸和悲哀始终笼罩着全家,挥之不去。……父亲一次突发心脏病,母亲闻讯匆匆赶回,与家人相见难免一番尴尬;父亲从医院回到家中,全家人再次团聚。在一旁偷看的苏茜的魂灵,这时意识到:一个家庭,犹如人的周身骨骼,即使有一块破损了,缺失了,但骨架终会长全,作为缺损部分的她,固然依恋这个家庭,大家也都在忆念中感到遗憾,但全家经历了这场灾难与悲痛之后,终于融溶和合。《可爱的骨头》的书名,点出的正是这一主题。或许是有感于当前美国的家庭危机,近年来颇有些美国作家致力于家庭题材的小说创作,不过多以青年和中年的婚恋为骨干故事,因此更像是言情小说。When we first meet Susie Salmon, she is already in heaven. As she looks down from this strange new place, she tells us, in the fresh and spirited voice of a fourteen-year-old girl, a tale that is both haunting and full of hope. In the weeks following her death, Susie watches life on Earth continuing without her-her school friends trading rumors about her disappearance, her family holding out hope that she"ll be found, her killer trying to cover his tracks. As months pass without leads, Susie sees her parents" marriage being contorted by loss, her sister hardening herself in an effort to stay strong, and her little brother trying to grasp the meaning of the word gone. And she explores the place called heaven. It looks a lot like her school playground, with the good kind of swing sets. There are counselors to help newcomers adjust and friends to room with. Everything she ever wanted appears as soon as she thinks of it-except the thing she most wants: to be back with the people she loved on Earth. With compassion, longing, and a growing understanding, Susie sees her loved ones pass through grief and begin to mend. Her father embarks on a risky quest to ensnare her killer. Her sister undertakes a feat of remarkable daring. And the boy Susie cared for moves on, only to find himself at the center of a miraculous event. The Lovely Bones is luminous and astonishing, a novel that builds out of grief the most hopeful of stories. In the hands of a brilliant new writer, this story of the worst thing a family can face is transformed into a suspenseful and even funny novel about love, memory, joy, heaven, and healing.This edition of the New York Times best-seller and a Good Morning America "Read This" Book Club pick contains features available only in the electronic version! Included in this eBook edition are a Reading Group Guide, an exclusive interview with the author, and "The Oddity of Suburbia," Alice Sebold"s comments on growing up in the suburbs of "Nowhere U.S.A." When we first meet 14-year-old Susie Salmon, she is already in heaven. This was before milk carton photos and public service announcements, she tells us; back in 1973, when Susie mysteriously disappeared, people still believed these things didn"t happen. In the sweet, untroubled voice of a precocious teenage girl, Susie relates the awful events of her death and her own adjustment to the strange new place she finds herself. (It looks a lot like her school playground, with the good kind of swing set.) With love, longing, and a growing understanding, Susie watches her family as they cope with their grief-her father embarks on a search for the killer, her sister undertakes a feat of amazing daring, her little brother builds a fort in her honor-and begin the difficult process of healing. In the hands of a brilliant new novelist, and through the eyes of her winning young heroine, this story of seemingly unbearable tragedy is transformed into a suspenseful, touching, even funny novel about family, memory, love, heaven, and living.On her way home from school on a snowy December day, 14-year-old Susie Salmon is lured into a cornfield and brutally raped and murdered, the latest victim of a serial killer. The Lovely Bones, Alice Sebold"s haunting and heartbreaking debut novel, unfolds from heaven, where "life is a perpetual yesterday" and where Susie narrates and keeps watch over her grieving family and friends, as well as her brazen killer and the sad detective working on her case.As Sebold fashions it, everyone has his or her own version of heaven. Susie"s resembles the athletic fields and landscape of a suburban high school: a heaven of her "simplest dreams", where "there were no teachers... We never had to go inside except for art class... The boys did not pinch our backsides or tell us we smelled; our textbooks were Seventeen and Glamour and Vogue".The Lovely Bones works as an odd yet affecting coming-of-age story. Susie struggles to accept her death while still clinging to the lost world of the living, following her family"s dramas over the years. Her family disintegrates in their grief: her father becomes determined to find her killer, her mother withdraws, her little brother Buckley attempts to make sense of the new hole in his family and her younger sister Lindsey moves through the milestone events of her teenage and young adult years with Susie riding spiritual shotgun. Random acts and missed opportunities run throughout the book--Susie recalls her sole kiss with a boy on earth as "like an accident--a beautiful gasoline rainbow".Though sentimental at times, The Lovely Bones is a moving exploration of loss and mourning that ultimately puts its faith in the living and that is made even more powerful by a cast of convincing characters. Sebold orchestrates a big finish and though things tend to wrap up a little too well for everyone in the end, one can only imagine (or hope) that heaven is indeed a place filled with such happy endings.--Brad Thomas Parsons, Amazon.comAlice Sebold is the author of the memoir Lucky. She lives in California with her husband, the writer Glen David Gold.length: (cm)17.4 width:(cm) 11.2
2023-07-12 05:53:261


2023-07-12 05:53:482

英语You stay a little while怎么翻译?

2023-07-12 05:53:5611


huifu kan kan
2023-07-12 05:54:422


当前的问题 组织的公关部门正在活动,而不是由功能或为通信过程中走向市场。 主要的组织决定在低等级的似乎作业。这是由单一的活动与腾冲主要输出(媒体监测、写作、公关为内部客户联络等),而不是其他工作的部门,包括一系列的活动,旨在支持多种输出(例如媒体报道,编辑的日历,口语教学等),为国内客户(例如生产线或公司)。 在更高的层次,cross-company活动进行了综合和转嫁给下级的行动,但这些活动负责通过回溯高管回到原产于部门或个人。这个地方的资深公关经理的额外负担上(无论是公司公关部主任或副主任)是项目管理或集成点的多重离散活动,可以更好地管理处于较低的水平(见图表)。 有可能是也可能不是一个中央行政管理中心负责公关行动。 机构联络涉及很多通信通道正反通过一个个体,从而建立一个组织的瓶颈,通常需要进入其他个体在部门内不得看见他们的角色,帮助机构。 在多个活动为主要通告(例如事件发生时,新闻报道,媒体的采访,执行通信代理、协调、全球协调等),尚不清楚谁是整合与责任的观点有任何的个人在较低的水平。 当前的模型和方向的沟通渠道,通过联络主任、副主任公关,可提供不同的方向,从任何项目由于缺乏一个集成点的活动。 由于没有明确的关联的内在的内部顾客和公关部门,它会变得极其困难的机构获取信息的组织来实现自己的方向的公关部门的机构。 该机构的内部模型为顾问,负责处理多个离散活动擅长创造和项目管理一个结果,为客户的基础上一个企业或产品的对齐。由于内部的公关的对准,活动,这迫使机构花时间追踪每一个个体的公关部门内部的活动,以影响较小,加快或修改输出根据其律师。
2023-07-12 05:54:504

翻译:这所学校规定:学生不许将手机带进校园。(make it)

School Announcements: Cell-phone is not allowed to be used for students. 囧一个
2023-07-12 05:55:165

博德之门1EE stream版 如何使用控制台命令

//admin - Brings up the admin menu. 开启GM指令//gmchat - Sends a global message that only GMs can see. 游戏GM专用公告讯息,只有其他GM看得到Ussage - //gmchat Type message here使用方法://gmchat 然后你要打得讯息//gm - Turns on or off your GM status.开启或关闭GM //invul - Makes you invulnerable.开始或关闭无敌状态 //delete - Used to remove a targetted Mob. Mob will not respawn.删除NPC脚色(包括怪物),删除后不会重生 //kill - Used to kill a targetted Mob. Mob will respawn.杀死 NPC脚色(包括怪物),杀死后会重生 //target - Used to target a Mob or player.锁定NPC,怪物,或其他玩家Usage: //target kadar 使用方法://target 然后再键入NPC,怪物,或其他玩家名称//buy - Opens the GMShop. 开启GM商店//gmshop - Opens the GMShop.开启GM商店 //announce_menu - Opens the announce menu.开启公告选单 //list_announcements - Lists the current announcements. 显示之前的公告选单//reload_announcements - Reloads the announcement list. 重新显示公告选单//announce_announcements - Posts all announcements in list.把所有公告选单里的内容全部公告出来 //add_announcement - Adds an announcement.增加公告选单的内容Usage: //add_announcement Your announcement here使用方法://add_announcement 然后你要说的话//del_announcement - Deletes an announcement.删除公告Usage: //del_announcement Your announcement here使用方法://del_announcement 然后你要删除的话//announce - Posts an announcement.公布公告Usage: //announce Your announcement here 使用方法://announce 然后你要说的话//itemcreate - Opens the item creation menu. 打开物品制造选单//create_item - Creates an item.创造物品Usage: //create_item item_id 使用方法://create_item 然后物品ID
2023-07-12 05:55:301

英语the upcoming event怎么翻译?

找 有道 词典翻译,或是百度翻译器
2023-07-12 05:55:373


古代时期。有说服力的交流已经出现年初以来times.Inscriptions的片,墙壁,和纸莎草从古代巴比伦,埃及和希腊进行邮件列表提供的产品andupcoming events.Because广泛文盲岁之前打印,大多数信息是实际交付的小贩谁站在街角大声的器皿的sponsor.Stores ,和他们进行的商品,确定了signs.Information ,而不是说服的目的是早期的商业信息。 时代的打印。发明了活字印刷的约翰内斯古腾堡在1440年搬到社会走向一个新的水平沟通----大众communication.No不再resrticted通过所需的时间由一个文士来硬的信,将单一邮件广告现在可大批量生产。提供印刷媒体到更多的人增加的识字水平, whicn反过来,鼓励更多的企业advertise.In条款媒体,包括早期印刷品广告海报,传单,并在newspapers.The分类广告信息仍然是简单和翔实通过1700年和到19世纪。 形成时期。 19世纪中叶的开始,发展广告业在美国States.The新兴的重要性和增长的广告在此期间,由于一些社会和技术的发展与工业Revolution.By十九世纪末期的广告行业是更充分地developed.Agencies已采取的作用,有说服力的制造商宣传其products.Ads承担了更完整的宣传和教育role.Copywriting已成为polishen及信誉良好的船在该期限内。 现代Acvertising 。到20世纪初,广告业已经成为一支重要力量,在营销,并已取得了相当程度的尊重和自尊。 “软卖”广告创造的图像通过一个缓慢积累的正面信息比“硬卖” approach.With爆发第一次世界大战后,广告业提供了服务给安理会的国家Defense.Thus出生公共服务通告那些依赖于专业人员和志愿者捐赠的时间和space.Advertising大幅度减少后,开始在经济大萧条中1929.Then的发展主要媒体----电台和电视台已经改变advertising.In 20世纪60年代,在广告的革命带来了复苏的艺术,灵感和intuition.As我们接近二十一世纪,广告是在一个国家的巨大变化,并正在寻求新的方向,以加强双方的创造力和盈利能力。
2023-07-12 05:55:472


2023-07-12 05:55:562


除此之外,大量退休金基金用在 2007 年十月申请的对抗 Mattel 的股东诉讼, 声称,公司董事会和主管故意地延迟了公告,为了要卖尽可能多的有过失的产品和人工地增加存货的部份。他们宣称,公司内部人员在此之前分享了这数个月增加的利润,因为股价立刻在之后降低了 20% 。一个比较激进的记录是, 2007 年十一月 16 日 在Mattel 董事会上正式地把公司的 2007个普通股分红,平均每股增加百分之.75 ,超过了 2006 年每股分红数额的10倍。
2023-07-12 05:56:042


  15分钟后的话就是代表15分钟之后的时间了,在英语表达中,一般会使用介词来表达。下面是我给大家整理的15分钟后的英文怎么写,供大家参阅!   15分钟后的英文怎么写   标准的   15分钟后   15 minutes later   比如说我会在15分钟后见你   I will meet you 15 minutes later.   或者可以说 in 15 minutes   I will meet you in 15 minutes   15分钟后的双语例句   1. Your dishes will take about fifteen minutes to prepare.   你们的菜约十五分钟后上.   2. You want me to put together an interrogation profile in 15 minutes?   你要我十五分钟后把简介弄到一起 吗 ?   3. The landlord will come to my office in fifteen minutes.   业主十五分钟后会到公司.   4. Fifteen minutes later, the doorbell rings.   (十五分钟后, 门铃响了. )   5. Can you call back in fifteen minutes?   你可否十五分钟后再打来?   6. Some Americans start their workday 15 minites after they wake up. Some even stay in their nightclothes.   有些美国人在起床十五分钟后就开始了一天的工作, 有些人甚至还穿着睡衣.   7. I"ll see you in a quarter of an hour ( 15 minutes ).   一刻 ( 十五分 ) 钟后我来看你.   8. I went to this cocktail party last night but I walked out after 15 minutes.   我昨晚去参加那个鸡尾酒会,但是我进去十五分钟后就走了.   15分钟后的英语例句   1. The train goes in 15 minutes.   火车15分钟后开出.   2. All right, 15 seconds later, you see the flash?   好这是15分钟后看到反光了 么 ?   3. I hate cut and run, but I have a meeting in 15 minutes.   我真不愿意这么急匆匆地突然离开, 但是我15分钟后有一个会议.   4. Method cut - down lobe was in heparin solution in vitro for 15 minutes.   方法下肺离体后置于肝素溶液中,15分钟后将下肺静脉吻合于上叶静脉残端.   5. After a 15 - minute ride, the convoy arrives at the Iraq National Museum.   15分钟后, 车队来到了伊拉克国家博物馆.   6. Customs will close in 15 minutes, I"ve hit the road.   海关15分钟后关闸, 我必须上路了.   7. The ferry will start loading 15 minutes.   渡船15分钟后开始装货.   8. Your bags will be available in about 15 minutes. Please have your baggage stubs ready.   您的行李可在15分钟后拿到, 请准备好您的行李托寄标签.   9. Usage: Take appropriate evenly applied the face after cleaning, about 10 - 15 minutes later , rinsing with water.   使用方法: 洁肤后,取适量均匀涂于面部, 约 10—15分钟 后, 以清水清洗干净.   10. Passengers said about 15 minutes passed before officials showed up or announcements were made.   乘客们说事发15分钟后官员们才出面或者作出声明.   11. Apply proper amount onto face. Keep for 15 minutes before getting to sleep.   取适量在整个面部涂抹, 停留15分钟后睡觉.   12. Use twice weekly. Massage onto clean, dry skin. Leave for 15 minutes and then rinse away.   每星期使用两次, 按摩于清洁及干爽肌肤上, 待15分钟后冲洗.   13. The journey lasts 15 minutes and they off at the big shopping center.   乘车15分钟后他们在一家很大的购物中心下了车.   14. About 15 minutes after we got in the water, we watched the tug sink.   在我们弃船入海约15分钟后, 我们看着拖船沉入大海.   15. We landed on a grass airstrip, fifteen minutes after leaving Mahe.   离开马埃15分钟后,我们降落在一个临时草地机场上。   
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This analysis is motivated by theories of financial intermediation that emphasize the information advantages of banks (e.g., Diamond 1984,1991, Ramakrishnan and Thakor 1984, Boyd and Prescott 1986). Recently, a theoretical literature on relationship lending has appeared which provides predictions about how loan interest rates evolve over the course of a bank-borrower relationship. The models of Boot and Thakor (1995) and Petersen and Rajan (1993) predict that rates should decline as a relationship matures, while the models of Greenbaum et al. (1989), Sharpe (1990) and Wilson (1993) predict increases in rates over time. Boot and Thakor"s model also predicts that collateral requirements on loans will be lower, the longer a borrower has had a banking relationship. The main purpose of this paper is to provide empirical tests of these theoretical predictions using an extensive data set on small firm finance. Two strands of the literature have provided some empirical evidence on the value 这种分析是出于理论的金融中介,强调信息优势的银行(例如,钻石1984,1991 ,斯南和Thakor 1984年,博伊德和普雷斯科特1986年) 。最近,理论文献的关系出现了贷款提供预测贷款利率如何演变的过程中,银行借款人的关系。这些模型的Boot和Thakor ( 1995年)和彼得森和拉詹( 1993 )预测,利率下降的关系日趋成熟,而模型戈林鲍姆等。 ( 1989年) ,夏普( 1990年)和威尔逊( 1993 )预测增加率随时间变化。引导和Thakor的模型还预测,抵押贷款需求将降低,长期借款人有银行业务关系。的主要目的本文提供实证检验这些理论预测了广泛使用的数据集的小企业融资。 两个方向的文学提供了一些经验证据的价值
2023-07-12 05:56:301


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2023-07-12 05:56:414