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oa equipment中文翻译

3 . appped in home electronic apppances , munitcaiton system , illumination , oa equipment , satelpte tv receiving system , miptary fields and so on 3适用于家电通讯照明办公自动化卫星电视接收系统军品等领域。 In addition , we have built up a sopd reputation in the oa equipment field by supplying stable , high - quapty products thanks to the pne automation of our inspection equipment 再则,检查机器流水线化,用高品质来供应稳定的产品,而且在oa机器领域也得到了好评。 Electronic equipment such as audiovisual equipment and white goods , and oa equipment , in which a reduction in power consumption is required during standby , as well as a range of electronic equipment including control power supppes for security and industrial equipment Av家电白物家电oa机器等时消费电力低减必要电子机器机器?业机器制御电源等各种电子机器。 《 office equipment technology and information 》 is the only authoritative technicapty magazine about reprography industry in china . the magazine could be used by all corporations and personals taking on office - auto . equipment and consumable technology developing , research , using , serving and selpng . its contents include direction , extending production , technology munion , experience of serving , testing and managing , knowledge popularization about oa equipment 该期刊从1979年创刊至今已整整26年,其前身是《复印》 , 2000年更名为《办公设备技术与信息》 ,在国内外享有一定知名度,深得从事办公自动化行业各界同仁的厚爱。



meant to与consider to是否同义词

1. meant是过去式mean to do sth.表示“打算做某事”mean doing sth. 意为“意味着做某事”I didn"t mean to hurt you by telling you the truth. 我告诉你真相并不是打算要伤害你.It means killing me that you lie to me.对我撒谎就意味着要杀了我.2. meant如果看成是过去分词,那么这个词组是(be) meant to do sth. be meant to do sth.(1)应该做某事,例如:We"re meant to write our names at the top of the paper.(按照规定)我们应该把姓名写在考卷上方.(2)意在做某事The diagram is meant to show the different stages of the process.这个图表意在显示整个过程的各个不同阶段.consider to do是认为的意思

i didnt mean to do还是meant to do??

never = did not want所以可以代替didn"t而did是否定助词,在有never的情况下已经不需要助词,就可以省略的了。

mean to do和be meant to do的区别是什么?

be meant to do应做;照道理,照规矩应该做mean to do打算做…;有意做

请问句中划线处,为什么动词用ing形式?meant后可以改成to put吗?为何呢?谢谢!


英语翻译-“出席人士”可以翻译成presented personal吗?

personaladj. 个人的;身体的;亲自的n. 人事消息栏;人称代名词出席人士people present-----------------------------------7×24小时在线为您解答!满意点【采纳】,不满点【追问】,再问点【求助知友】

i dont know what you meant 这里为什么用meant呢?


短语“meant to be(命中注定)”中的“meant”一定要用过去式吗?

肖申克的救赎里有一句话: Some birds are not meant to be caged……

it mean 和 its meant 等等

你这两种说法都有有问题的。mean:做动词时,表示“意味、象征、意思是”。如:The red light means "Stop". 红灯的意思是“停止”。所以,你的it mean应该表达成It means...要表达“它的意思”,这时候需要名词meaningThe meaning of her words was clear.她话里的意思很清楚。Its meaning is clear. 它的意思很明了。meant只是动词mean的过去分词。 ps 你说的meant有“一般认为”的意思,你在哪里看到的?恐怕不是这个单词本身的意思,而是放在句子里和别的结构一起构成这个意思。不要太机械地孤立地看一个单词。



meant to do是什么意思


帮忙翻译,尤其meant to 在这里的意思



SAXSpace是点线双光源,采用的准直模式是Kratky block,适用于散射信号弱并且无取向分布的稀溶液,粉末等样品;而SAXSpoint 5.0是点光源,采用狭缝准直,因为具有极高分辨率,可分析较大的纳米尺寸结构,以及取向性样品


meant是mean的过去时 meaning的名词,代表:意思 mean是动词,意思是:意味着

meant 用法?

be meant to be 注定...

mean和 meant的区别

mean”和“meant”的区别:1、mean[mi:n,min]的过去式及过去分词是meant[ment],它们读音不一样。2、mean除了是动词之外,还可以是形容词和名词,meant只能作动词。mean:adj.平均的;卑鄙的;低劣的;吝啬的,vt.意味;想要;意欲,n.平均值。meant:v.意味;打算(mean的过去式和过去分词);表示…的意思。扩展资料:mean造句示例如下:(1)I"m sure he wouldn"t mind. I mean, I was the one who asked him 我肯定他不会在意的,因为是我问他的。(2)It was law or classics — I mean English or classics. 是法律或者古典文学——我的意思是英语或古典文学。(3)I know what it means to lose a child under such tragic circumstances. 我明白在这种悲惨的情况下失去孩子的滋味。(4)"Oh, Gairdner," he said, as if that meant something to him “哦,盖尔德纳,”他说道,好像他听说过这个名字。(5)What accident? You mean Christina"s? 哪次事故?你是说克里斯蒂娜的那次?参考资料:搜狗百科——mean

meant 用法?

eant 为 mean 的过去式及过去分词 mean 及物动词 vt. 1.(言词等)表示...的意思[+(that)] What does the phrase mean? 2.意指,意谓[+(that)][+wh-] I realized what he meant.我明白他的意思了. 3.意欲,意图,打算[+to-v] I mean her no harm.我无意伤害她. 4.意谓着;有...的意义[+(that)][+v-ing][(+to)] To a certain extent,to raise wages means increasing purchasing power. 在一定程度上,提高工资意味着增加购买力.

meant to have done

楼主理解正确,正确写法应该是: meant to have done sth = had meant to do sth 本打算做某事 如果对你有所帮助,请点击我回答下面的“选为满意回答”按钮,

be meant for是什么意思


what i meant is that这里meant是动词吗和is冲突吗

what i meant is that这里meant是动词吗和is冲突吗what i meant 是主语从句meant 跟is 无关!is 是系动词that 是表语



be meant to do sth


meant , stary, sidewalk 分别是什么意思?


meant to都有哪些意思?

应该是疑问句,他对我有多重要? meant 对。。重要

be meant to 这个短语meant是什么词性?



mean,verb means,第三人称单数 meaning,noun meant,过去式、过去分词

mean todo和be meant to do的区别是什么?

i mean to do it.意思是我故意这样做的i am meant to do it.意思是我注定要这样做前者意思是“故意”做某事,后者意思是认为某人命中注定要做某事。



I meant to do sth.还是 I meant doing sth.

两种用法都有,但意思不同,前者常指我原本想做某事但没做成,后者meant doing sth是因为着……的意思 如:I meant to see you yesterday,but I"m too busy Missing the bus meant waiting another hour.

intermediate ca certificates是什么意思

intermediate ca certificates 中级CA证书证书实际是由证书签证机关(CA)签发的对用户的公钥的认证。



meant 是形容词? is meant for

meant 是过去分词。be meant for... (是为了……)是由mean. ..for ...转变而来。This room is meant for you. 这个房间是专门为你准备的。This gift is meant for you. 这个礼物是给你的。This grammar book is meant for your English study. 这本语法书是供你学习英语的。I mean this room for you. 我的意思是这个房间是为你准备 的。


这里meant是动词mean的过去式,及物动词,后面的动词不定式to go back 就是它的宾语。


mean? 意味,想要

这里的meant 是什么词性?

口语体,不符合语法,meant是谓语动词,后面是省略引导词和主语(口语体的不完整特点)if you宾语从句。注意,这种句子书面语不允许。


你好!meant 英[ment] 美[mu025bnt] v. 意味; 打算(mean的过去式和过去分词); 表示…的意思; [例句]I can"t say any more, it"s meant to be a big secret我再也无可奉告了,这本是重大的秘密。

英语The intermediate goals怎么翻译?

The intermediate goals中期目标


又到了为小伙伴们解惑的时候了 (*u2766ωu2766),mean是动词的原形,而meant是其过去式和过去分词的形式。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一下先:了解完mean和meant的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别~(@^_^@)~1、语法形式的不同Mean是动词的原形,而meant是其过去式和过去分词的形式。例句:- I mean to go to the gym later.(我打算晚点去健身房。)- I meant to call you, but I forgot.(我原本想打电话给你,但是忘了。)2、意义的不同Mean通常表示表示某件事情的意思或者含义;而meant则表示过去的意思或者含义。例句:- What does this word mean?(这个词是什么意思?)- When he said that, he meant something else entirely.(当他说那句话时,他的意思完全不同。)3、用法的不同Mean可以用于各种语法结构,如及物动词、不及物动词、形容词和名词等;而meant则主要用于过去式和过去分词中。例句:- I don"t mean to offend you.(我不是故意冒犯你。)(不及物动词)- This is what I meant when I said she"s a hard worker.(我所说的她是个勤劳的人,就是这个意思。)(过去分词)4、语境的不同Mean和meant在不同的语境中具有不同的含义和用法,需要根据上下文来理解。例句:- You mean everything to me.(你对我来说非常重要。)- I"m sorry, I didn"t meant to interrupt you.(对不起,我不是故意打断你的。)5、时间和状态的不同Mean通常用于描述当前的状态或某一事件正在进行的状态;而meant更侧重于描述过去的状态、解释过去的行为和意图等。例句:- What do you mean by that?(你这是什么意思?)(当前的状态)- The outcome of the meeting meant that we had to work overtime.(会议的结果意味着我们得要加班。)(过去的状态)


mean”和“meant”的区别:1、mean[mi:n, min]的过去式及过去分词是meant [ment],它们读音不一样。2、mean除了是动词之外,还可以是形容词和名词,meant只能作动词。mean:adj. 平均的卑鄙的;低劣的;吝啬的,vt. 意味;想要;意欲,n. 平均值。meant:v. 意味;打算(mean的过去式和过去分词);表示…的意思

intermediate payment是什么意思

intermediate payment中间支付双语对照词典结果:intermediate payment[英][u02ccu026antu0259u02c8mi:dju0259t u02c8peimu0259nt][美][u02ccu026antu025au02c8midiu026at u02c8pemu0259nt][财]中介付款;

Of all the joints in all the townsin all the world,you walk into mine.是那本小说里的?

好像是电影《北非谍影》(也叫卡萨布兰卡)里的台词吧 Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.世界上有那么多的城镇,城镇有那么多的酒馆,她却走进了我的……

中间丝(intermediate filament)

【答案】:中间丝(intermediate filament):直径约10nm的致密索状的细胞骨架纤维,组成中间丝的蛋白亚基的种类具有组织特异性。中间丝为组织和细胞提供了机械稳定性。

Intermediate Algebra谁知道这本书主讲哪些知识点?希望在美国读过的来解答一下

在West Texas A&M University网站上有关于Intermediate Algebra的相关内容,以下是目录,这应该能回答你的问题了:Tutorial 1: How to Succeed in a Math ClassTutorial 2: Algebraic ExpressionsTutorial 3: Sets of NumbersTutorial 4: Operations on Real NumbersTutorial 5: Properties of Real NumbersTutorial 6: Practice Test on Tutorials 2 - 5Tutorial 7: Linear Equations in One VariableTutorial 8: An Introduction to Problem SolvingTutorial 9: Formulas and Problem SolvingTutorial 10: Linear InequalitiesTutorial 11: Practice Test on Tutorials 7 - 10Tutorial 12: Graphing EquationsTutorial 13: Introduction to FunctionsTutorial 14: Graphing Linear EquationsTutorial 15: The Slope of a LineTutorial 16: Equations of LinesTutorial 17: Graphing Linear InequalitiesTutorial 18: Practice Test on Tutorials 12 - 17Tutorial 19: Solving Systems of Linear Equations in Two VariablesTutorial 20: Solving Systems of Linear Equations in Three VariablesTutorial 21: Systems of Linear Equations and Problem SolvingTutorial 22: Practice Test on Tutorials 19 - 21Tutorial 23: Exponents and Scientific Notation, Part ITutorial 24: Exponents and Scientific Notation, Part IITutorial 25: Polynomials and Polynomial FunctionsTutorial 26: Multiplying PolynomialsTutorial 27: The Greatest Common Factor and Factoring by GroupingTutorial 28: Factoring TrinomialsTutorial 29: Factoring by Special ProductsTutorial 30: Solving by FactoringTutorial 31: Practice Test on Tutorials 23 - 30Tutorial 32: Multiplying and Dividing Rational ExpressionsTutorial 33: Adding and Subtracting Rational ExpressionsTutorial 34: Complex FractionsTutorial 35: Dividing PolynomialsTutorial 36: Practice Test on Tutorials 32 - 35Tutorial 37: RadicalsTutorial 38: Rational ExponentsTutorial 39: Simplifying Radical ExpressionsTutorial 40: Adding, Subtracting and Multiplying RadicalsTutorial 41: Rationalizing Denominators and Numerators of Radical ExpressionsTutorial 42: Practice Test on Tutorials 37 - 41英文就不翻译了吧,应该能看懂的。


musiccenter和headphone主要区别是指代不同。headphone是指戴在头上的双耳耳机,或者叫做头戴式耳机;而musiccenter是专为索尼音频产品而打造的一款非常实用的播放应用,通过这款软件,用户可无线连接Sony音频设备,并进行播放音源、调节均衡器/音质及其他操作。而且,当Sony音频设备上配有或兼容music center,用户还可以自由的播放移动设备中所有存储的音乐文件,包括高分辨率音频文件,当然也支持添加扬声器、无线多房间、无线环绕立体声和无线立体声等功能。

英语B1 Intermediate是什么水平


Of all the gin joints,in all the towns,in all the world,he walks into mine。这句话什么意思?


Intermediate Advanced Expert 的等级区别 从高到低

Intermediate 中级 < Advanced 高级< Expert专家级别


upper-intermediate中高级;中级;中上级例句1.English Vocabulary in Use Upper-intermediate and advanced剑桥高级英语词汇:英语在用2.Although it targets at American school students, it is also very suitable for ESL learners of upper-intermediate and advanced levels.虽然网站服务的对象是美国的学生,但对于中级及以上的英语学习者和爱好者也非常有帮助。3.Beginner-intermediate, upper-intermediate fine arts, calligraphy foundation classes, fine arts-calligraphy special interest classes;初中、高中美术、书法基础班,美术、书法兴趣班;4.ID mark on face of upper and intermediate piston rings must point toward piston crown.上和中活塞环面上id标记必须指向活塞头。5.Application of Construction Technology of the Concrete Pavement with Steel Fiber Upper and Lower Intermediate Layer上下夹层钢纤维混凝土路面施工技术的应用

intermediate ca是什么意思

intermediate 是中间的意思吧


intermediate level 中间平巷;中介高度层;中间级 中级;中层;中强度放射性例句筛选1.I"ve passed the intermediate level exam of Japanese.我已经通过了日语的中级水平考试。2.The young man had passed the intermediate level exam of English.这个年轻人通过了英语中级水平测试。



Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world,he walks into mine.是什么意思?


intermediate frequency是什么意思

中频例句:1.Intermediate frequency instability has had the mostuneven history. 中频不稳定性的研究经历了极为曲折的道路。

intermediate code是什么意思

intermediate code 英[u02ccu026antu0259u02c8mi:dju0259t ku0259ud] 美[u02ccu026antu025au02c8midiu026at kod] [词典] 中间码,半成码; [例句]Constant folding, common subexpression elimination are effective techniques in optimizing intermediate code.常量合并、删除公共子表达式是中间代码优化时采用的有效技术。

Dismantle.Repair. 歌词

歌曲名:Dismantle.Repair. 歌手:Anberlin专辑:Live from House of Blues AnaheimOne last glance from a taxi cabImages scar my mindFor weeks"ve felt like yearsSince your full attention was all mineThe night was young and so were weTalked about life, God, death, and your familyDidn"t want any promises,Just my undivided honesty, and you saidOh oh, things are gonna change now for the betterOh oh, things are gonna change, oh, they"re gonna changeI am the patron saint of lost causesA fraction of who I once believed (change)only a matter of timeOpinions I would try and rewriteIf life had background music playing your songI"ve got to be honest, I tried to escape youBut the orchestra plays on, and they sangOh oh, things are gonna change now for the betterOh oh, things are gonna changeHands, like secrets, are the hardest thing to keep from youLines and phrases, like knives, your words can cut me throughDismantle me down (repair)You dismantle meYou dismantle meGive me time to proveProve I want the rest of yours (prelude)Call this a prelude to a lifetime of youIt"s not that I hang on every wordI hang myself on what you repeatIt"s not that I keep hanging onI"m never letting goHands, like secrets, are the hardest thing to keep from youLines and phrases, like knives, your words can cut me throughDismantle me down (repair)You dismantle meYou dismantle meSave me from myselfSave me from myselfHelp me save me from myselfSave me from myselfOh oh, things are gonna change now for the betterOh oh, things are gonna changeHands, like secrets, are the hardest thing to keep from youLines and phrases, like knives, your words can cut me throughDismantle me down (repair)You dismantle meYou dismantle mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/18263728

Intermediate Accounting是什么意思

intermediate accounting[英][u02ccu026antu0259u02c8mi:dju0259t u0259u02c8kau028antu026au014b][美][u02ccu026antu025au02c8midiu026at u0259u02c8kau028antu026au014b][经] 中级会计; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Last fall, kent e. st. pierre was teaching an intermediate accounting class with 35students, 17 of them from china. 去年秋天,肯特皮埃尔教着中级会计学的35名学生,他们中的17个来自中国



intermidiate 与 middle区别是什么

主要区别是词语词义有所不同.1. intermediateadj. 中间的,中级的;n. 中间物,中间分子,中间人;vi. 调解:充当调解人,调解; 干涉;2. middle n. 中央; 中部,中间; 腰部; 正中;adj. 中间的; 中部的; 中央的; 正中的;vt. 把…放在中间; 把…对折;


upper-intermediate中高级;中级;中上级例句1.English Vocabulary in Use Upper-intermediate and advanced剑桥高级英语词汇:英语在用2.Although it targets at American school students, it is also very suitable for ESL learners of upper-intermediate and advanced levels.虽然网站服务的对象是美国的学生,但对于中级及以上的英语学习者和爱好者也非常有帮助。3.Beginner-intermediate, upper-intermediate fine arts, calligraphy foundation classes, fine arts-calligraphy special interest classes;初中、高中美术、书法基础班,美术、书法兴趣班;4.ID mark on face of upper and intermediate piston rings must point toward piston crown.上和中活塞环面上id标记必须指向活塞头。5.Application of Construction Technology of the Concrete Pavement with Steel Fiber Upper and Lower Intermediate Layer上下夹层钢纤维混凝土路面施工技术的应用

medium和 intermediate的区别?

medium adj. 适中的,中等的intermediate adj. 中级的,中间的intermediate 没有强调“适中”,不带有感情色彩,只是说明在中间,而medium则有稍许的感情色彩。




medium ["mi:dju0259m] n. 媒体,方法,媒介adj. 适中的,中等的mediate ["mi:diit, -dju0259t] a. 居间的,间接的v. 斡旋,调停intermediate [,intu0259"mi:dju0259t] a. 中级的,中间的n. 中间体,媒介物


二者的区别是:intermediate指的是中间的,中级的;中间物,中间分子,中间人;调解,充当调解人,调解。intermedium指的是偃麦草。例句:intermediate1、You should consider breaking the journey with intermediate stopovers at airport hotels. 你应该考虑将旅程分为几段,中途在机场旅馆稍作停留。2、The Badminton Club holds coaching sessions for beginners and intermediate players on Friday evenings. 羽毛球俱乐部每周五晚上为初学者与中等水平练习者开设训练课程。3、American law has taken an intermediate position. 美国法律则介乎这两种体系之间。intermedium1、Review of Thinopyrum Intermedium and Its Use for Wheat Genetic Improvement中间偃麦草及其在小麦遗传改良中的应用2、Wheat-Elytrigia intermedium alien addition line ( DAL66) with resistance to powderymildew was identified by cytology and RAPD analysis. 利用细胞学和RAPD技术,对从小麦与中间偃麦草杂种后代中选育的抗白粉病异附加系DAL66进行了鉴定。3、Seeds of Triticum aestivum-Thinopyrum intermedium partial amphiploid were usedto investigate the germination activity changes and genetic integrality in theirpreserve course at room temperature. 以不同收获年份的小麦-中间偃麦草部分双二倍体种子为试材,研究了室温保存条件下,种子活力变化与遗传完整性。


释义n. [化学] 中间物;媒介adj. 中间的,中级的vi. 起媒介作用




intermediate英 [,u026antu0259"miu02d0du026au0259t] 美 [,u026antu025a"midu026au0259t] vi. 起媒介作用adj. 中间的,中级的n. [化学] 中间物;媒介[ 过去式 intermediated 过去分词 intermediated 现在分词 intermediating ]短语Digital intermediate 数码中间片 ; 数码中间片 ; 数字中间片 ; 更在数字中心片reaction intermediate 反应中间体 ; 反应中间体 ; 反应中间物 ; 反应中间产物Intermediate Region 中间区域 ; 中间区域 ; 中间地带 ; 中间区域,中能量区


intermediate[英][u02ccu026antu0259u02c8mi:diu0259t][美][u02ccu026antu0259ru02c8mi:diu0259t]adj.中间的,中级的; n.中间物,中间分子,中间人; vi.调解:充当调解人,调解; 干涉; 复数:intermediates例句:1.The shenzhen intermediate people"s court rejected that request earlier this week. 深圳中级人民法院在本周早些时候驳回了这一请求。2.Prices for the u.s. oil benchmark, the west texas intermediate contract, have been depressed due to a supply glut in the midwest. 美国中西部地区原油供过于求的局面使得美国基准油价西得克萨斯中质油(west texas intermediate)价格一直走低。


intermediate[英][u02ccu026antu0259u02c8mi:diu0259t][美][u02ccu026antu0259ru02c8mi:diu0259t]adj.中间的,中级的; n.中间物,中间分子,中间人; vi.调解:充当调解人,调解; 干涉; 复数:intermediates例句:1.The shenzhen intermediate people"s court rejected that request earlier this week. 深圳中级人民法院在本周早些时候驳回了这一请求。 2.Prediabetes is believed to be an intermediate state between normal metabolic functionand diabetes. 前驱糖尿病被认为是人体正常新陈代谢功能和糖尿病的中间状态。


intermediate[英][u02ccu026antu0259u02c8mi:diu0259t][美][u02ccu026antu0259ru02c8mi:diu0259t]adj.中间的,中级的; n.中间物,中间分子,中间人; vi.调解:充当调解人,调解; 干涉; 双语例句1.You should consider breaking the journey with intermediate stopovers at airporthotels.你应该考虑将旅程分为几段,中途在机场旅馆稍作停留。2.We are uniquely positioned to intermediate these [ the European bank "s] assetsales and distribute these investment opportunities to our clients. “我们有独特的定位,可以介入这些(欧洲银行的)资产销售,并将这些投资机会提供给我们的客户。”3.Hourly trains to Perugia, Assisi, and intermediate stations每小时都会发出的、开往佩鲁贾、阿西西与中间站的火车

mean和 meant的区别

mean”和“meant”的区别:1、mean[mi:n,min]的过去式及过去分词是meant[ment],它们读音不一样。2、mean除了是动词之外,还可以是形容词和名词,meant只能作动词。mean:adj.平均的;卑鄙的;低劣的;吝啬的,vt.意味;想要;意欲,n.平均值。meant:v.意味;打算(mean的过去式和过去分词);表示…的意思。扩展资料:mean造句示例如下:(1)I"m sure he wouldn"t mind. I mean, I was the one who asked him 我肯定他不会在意的,因为是我问他的。(2)It was law or classics — I mean English or classics. 是法律或者古典文学——我的意思是英语或古典文学。(3)I know what it means to lose a child under such tragic circumstances. 我明白在这种悲惨的情况下失去孩子的滋味。(4)"Oh, Gairdner," he said, as if that meant something to him “哦,盖尔德纳,”他说道,好像他听说过这个名字。(5)What accident? You mean Christina"s? 哪次事故?你是说克里斯蒂娜的那次?参考资料:搜狗百科——mean

C# spire.doc.document读取控件axofficecontrol中的word

string connstr=""; DataSet ds=new DataSet(); SqlConnection conn=new SqlConnection(connstr); string sql="select * from test where name="jack"" SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(sql,conn); sda.Fill(ds); string name = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["name"].ToString();


这位朋友,您好!应该是:intro psych 心理学导论,大学里面的心理学都会提及~!希望以上回答能够解决你的问题,祝好~!

发展心理学(developmental psychology)


If you want to join us ,you can call me.这句话对吗?

语法没问题你若想加入我们,可以打电话给我Call me once You wanna join us

A major earthquake _____ 8.0 on the Richter scale strongly _____ Wenchuan County in Sichuan Pro...

C 试题分析:考查分词短语做定语。现在分词短语Measuring 8.0 on the Richter scale修饰名词a major earthquake,因为二者之间构成主动关系,故使用现在分词的形式。第二空是谓语动词,因为这是过去发生的事情,故使用一般过去时。句意:一场震级里氏8.0级的地震在2008年5月12日强烈地摇动了四川省的汶川县。故C正确。点评:分词短语做定语的时候,如果动词与名词构成主动关系,就使用现在分词。如果二者构成被动关系,使用过去分词的形式。

有谁知道corel photo-paint 是做什么用的?我是在 Coreldraw X3的版本上有的,具体用法是什么?

Corel PHOTO-PAINT 12  为专业图像编辑与创作而设的Corel PHOTO-PAINT 12,是一套全面的彩绘和照片编修程序,具有多个图像增强的滤镜,改善扫描图像的质素,再加上特殊效果滤镜,大大改变图像的外观。用户可使用自然式画笔创造出如彩绘般的艺术效果。  Corel PHOTO-PAINT 12为您提供一流的图像校正、照片编修和彩绘的工具,是一套集全部功能于一身的软件包!轻快地创造出色的设计和特殊效果,并利用强劲的互联网图形支持功能出版到网页上。Corel PHOTO-PAINT 12-专业图像编修和创作工具!  Corel PHOTO-PAINT 12  彩绘、图像校正和照片编修的杰出工具。  支持压力感应笔,包括倾斜和旋转。  支持因特网图形,包括网页浏览器调色板、图像映射创作工具、以及增强的动画和透明GIF、渐进式JPG和PNG。  完全支持Adobe标准插件介面和超过七十个效果滤镜。  屏幕上预视选项,可预视特殊效果、双色转换和图像校正。  支持强劲的自动化功能,包括使用命令稿管理器(Script Manager)拖放式播放命令稿和效果、以及记录器和成批播放等功能。  支持16位元灰阶、48位元RGB图像类型和NTSC色彩、以及把图像轻易地转换成优化的8位(附索引的)色彩等功能。  崭新的用户自定义选项,包括存储个人化的应用程序工作间。  使用可编修的物件夹子遮罩(Clip Mask)和透明度调整工具,灵活地控制物件的外观。  精简高效率用户介面,具有新颖的平坦式桌面、泊岸式视窗和增强的剪贴簿。  高速、低分辨率的「替代」(Proxy)图像编辑功能,增加生产力。  新颖的滤镜选项,让您可在不会永久改变图像的情况下应用图像效果。  强劲的动画支持功能,包括动画格重叠(Frame Overlay)和动画格播放速度控制。  增强的交互式填充工具,具有色彩拖放特性、点阵图填充转动和倾斜等功能。  智慧型图像缝合功能,可创建出接缝的全景图像。  内建的图像预视功能,可预视GIF、JPG、WVL和FPX等文件输出。  「淡出」选项,让您改变应用后的图像效果透明度和画笔工具设定。  强力的「撤消」功能,让您自定撤消的层次或从编辑纪录中选取个别项目。  增强的连接性,包括从CorelDRAW输入向量路径和输入加上了透明度的CMX图档。  标尺、网格和增强的导线。  增强和更易于使用的CorelTUTOR。  增强、自动化和具备立体模式的下落式阴影效果。  增强的核心打印程序,支持Adobe Postscript 3格式  在支持Intel MMX技术的系统上加快运作速度。  支持多处理器,处理色彩调整效果。  ●实用程序:  柯达数位科学(Kodak Digital Science)色彩管理系统:使用兼容ColorSync 2.0的设备程序,确保扫描、显示和打印时得到准确的色彩显示。  Bitstream Font Navigator 3.0:一个由字体技术领导商Bitstream开发、适用于Windows 95和Windows NT 4.0的字体管理器,为您提供便捷的方法查找和安装字体、把字体组织成易于处理的群组、查看和打印字体样本等。  Corel TEXTURE:一套功能强大的工具,用于制作具真实感的木纹、大理石、云彩、石头和金属等天然纹理,每个纹理都是由几个效果图层和自定的灯光效果组合而成。  Corel SCRIPT Editor:一个符合OLE 2.0规格的命令稿编写程序,适用于编写Corel PHOTO-PAINT 12的附加实用程序。  CorelSCAN 12:一个具备预设处理选项的精灵式扫描程序,您可存储扫描设定,供日后扫描类似的图像时使用。  Corel CAPTURE 12:让您捕捉应用视窗或视窗中的物件如菜单、工具栏和弹出式选单等,您还可自定矩形、椭圆形或任何形状的捕捉区域。  ●所包括的应用程序  Corel PHOTO-PAINT 12  柯达数位科学(Kodak Digital Science)色彩管理系统  CorelSCAN 12  Corel SCRIPT Editor 12  Corel CAPTURE 12  Corel TEXTURE  Bitstream Font Navigator 3.0  插入式滤镜  AutoF/X Photo/Graphic Edges  Cytopia PhotoLab  Digimarc Digital Watermarking  Human Software Squizz!  再加上…  1,500张照片  1,200张剪贴图片和符号  750个浮动物件  300种TrueType字体

有人能回答 customer requirement 和 customer expectation的区别...

customer requirement 客户的要求customer expectation 客户的期望requirement: 这是你必须要做到的,比如产品的尺寸,数量,包装。这些落实到合同里面的实打实的需要遵守的。expectation: 既然是期望,那么完成期望客户很满意,但是如果实在客观条件下完不成,客户也可以谅解。如客户期望交货期可以提前。。但是提前不了,那也就是期望。




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