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meant , stary, sidewalk 分别是什么意思?

2023-07-16 02:12:59

meant v. 意味;打算(mean的过去式和过去分词);表示…的意思


adj.= starey

adj.1. = staring

2. 好像在注视的

3. 常常凝视的

sidewalk 人行道


meant是mean的过去式和过去分词,意为 旨在/意思为/表示

stary...? star是星星,starry是星光闪烁的

sidewalk 是人行道


meant 是mean 的过去式和过去分词,意指,意谓,意欲,意图,打算等意思。

stary adj.= starey星月






mean”和“meant”的区别:1、mean[mi:n, min]的过去式及过去分词是meant [ment],它们读音不一样。2、mean除了是动词之外,还可以是形容词和名词,meant只能作动词。mean:adj. 平均的卑鄙的;低劣的;吝啬的,vt. 意味;想要;意欲,n. 平均值。meant:v. 意味;打算(mean的过去式和过去分词);表示…的意思
2023-07-15 23:00:151


又到了为小伙伴们解惑的时候了 (*u2766ωu2766),mean是动词的原形,而meant是其过去式和过去分词的形式。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一下先:了解完mean和meant的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别~(@^_^@)~1、语法形式的不同Mean是动词的原形,而meant是其过去式和过去分词的形式。例句:- I mean to go to the gym later.(我打算晚点去健身房。)- I meant to call you, but I forgot.(我原本想打电话给你,但是忘了。)2、意义的不同Mean通常表示表示某件事情的意思或者含义;而meant则表示过去的意思或者含义。例句:- What does this word mean?(这个词是什么意思?)- When he said that, he meant something else entirely.(当他说那句话时,他的意思完全不同。)3、用法的不同Mean可以用于各种语法结构,如及物动词、不及物动词、形容词和名词等;而meant则主要用于过去式和过去分词中。例句:- I don"t mean to offend you.(我不是故意冒犯你。)(不及物动词)- This is what I meant when I said she"s a hard worker.(我所说的她是个勤劳的人,就是这个意思。)(过去分词)4、语境的不同Mean和meant在不同的语境中具有不同的含义和用法,需要根据上下文来理解。例句:- You mean everything to me.(你对我来说非常重要。)- I"m sorry, I didn"t meant to interrupt you.(对不起,我不是故意打断你的。)5、时间和状态的不同Mean通常用于描述当前的状态或某一事件正在进行的状态;而meant更侧重于描述过去的状态、解释过去的行为和意图等。例句:- What do you mean by that?(你这是什么意思?)(当前的状态)- The outcome of the meeting meant that we had to work overtime.(会议的结果意味着我们得要加班。)(过去的状态)
2023-07-15 23:00:371


你好!meant 英[ment] 美[mu025bnt] v. 意味; 打算(mean的过去式和过去分词); 表示…的意思; [例句]I can"t say any more, it"s meant to be a big secret我再也无可奉告了,这本是重大的秘密。
2023-07-15 23:00:571


  mean的过去式和过去分词的变化都是不规则变化,那么你知道mean的过去式和过去分词是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的mean的过去式和过去分词,希望大家喜欢!   mean的过去式和过去分词   过去式: meant   过去分词: meant   meant常见用法   v.意味; 打算(mean的过去式和过去分词); 表示u2026的意思;   1. Its new title was meant to give the party greater public appeal.   新的党名意在使该党对公众具有更强的吸引力。   2. I can"t say any more, it"s meant to be a big secret.   我再也无可奉告了,这本是重大的秘密。   3. Asked what she meant, she said mysteriously: "Work it out for yourself".   问她是什么意思,她故弄玄虚地说:“你自己想吧。”   4. I did not have the foggiest idea what he meant.   我根本不知道他是什么意思。   5. "Oh, Gairdner," he said, as if that meant something to him.   “哦,盖尔德纳,”他说道,好像他听说过这个名字。   6. They meant to finish her off, swiftly and without mercy.   他们打算毫不留情地迅速结果了她。   7. I asked McKeown if the reunion was meant to achieve closure.   我问麦基翁重聚是不是为了寻求解脱。   8. That meant that he, notionally at least, outranked them all.   那意味着至少理论上他比他们级别高。   9. This is not meant to delimit what approaches social researchers can adopt.   这并不是为了限制社会研究人员所能采用的方法。   10. The idea that she witnessed this shameful incident meant nothing to him.   虽然她目睹了这可耻的一幕,但是这对他来说无关紧要。   mean的句型   用作动词   What does this word mean?   这个单词是什么意思?   I mean that"s his own decision to resign or not.   我的意思是说辞不辞职是他自己的决定。   I mean to call on you tomorrow.   我打算明天看望你。   His father meant him to be an engineer.   他父亲打算让他当工程师。   Spending too much now will mean a shortage of cash next year.   现在花钱过头,来年就要缺钱。   Becoming a millionaire didn"t mean an end to his money worries.   成为百万富翁并不意味着他不再被钱困扰。   She emphasized that their plan would mean sacrifices and hard work.   她强调说他们的计划意味着牺牲和辛勤工作。   用作形容词   Don"t be so mean to your little brother!   别对你弟弟那麽刻薄!   That was a mean trick!   那是一个卑劣的诡计!   He played a mean game of chess yesterday.   昨天他下了一盘十分出色的棋。   Her husband is very mean about money.   她的丈夫在金钱上很吝啬。   What is the mean temperature in that locality?   那个地方的平均气温是多少?   用作名词   It is an estimate of the mean of the population.   这是对人口平均数的一个估计。   It is an estimate of the mean of the population.
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mean的过去式是meant。释义:v.用意;意味着;意欲;引起;十分熟悉;严肃地说;意义重大;预示。adj.吝啬的;刻薄的;低劣的;凶狠的;平均的;简陋的;出身卑贱的;(非正式)有效的。n.平均值;中庸。n. (Mean)(柬)棉(人名)。变形:过去式meant、过去分词meant、现在分词meaning、第三人称单数means、复数means。双语例句1.In modern Welsh, "glas" means "blue".在现代威尔士语中,glas意为“蓝色”。2.Do you mean me?你指的是我吗?3.The idea that she witnessed this shameful incident meant nothing to him.虽然她目睹了这可耻的一幕,但是这对他来说无关紧要。
2023-07-15 23:01:121

这里的meant 是什么词性?

口语体,不符合语法,meant是谓语动词,后面是省略引导词和主语(口语体的不完整特点)if you宾语从句。注意,这种句子书面语不允许。
2023-07-15 23:01:262


  mean有意思是;打算;导致;意味等意思,那么你知道mean的过去式是什么吗?下面是我为大家整理的mean的过去式和用法例句,供大家参考学习!   mean的各种时态:   过去分词: meant   过去式: meant   现在分词: meaning   mean的用法:   mean的用法1:mean的基本意思是“表示u2026的意思”,指某一动作或某件事物(如字母、信号等)具有某种意思,这一事物与其现在所表达意思是相同的。mean也可指“本意是,原意为”,指某一件事物最初的意思,这个意思与其现在所表示的意思可能不同。mean还可指“有某种重要性”。   mean的用法2:mean多用作及物动词,其后可接名词、代词、动名词、动词不定式或that/wh-从句作宾语,有时还可接双宾语。mean也可接由动词不定式或“to be/as+ n. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。mean偶尔也可用作不及物动词。   mean的用法3:mean作“打算,企图”解时,要搭用动词不定式作宾语,此时如以非谓语动词作主语,则该主语须用动名词。作“意味着”解,则要搭用动名词作宾语,此时如以非谓语动词作主语,则该主语须用动词不定式。   mean的用法4:mean后不可搭用否定的动词不定式。   mean的用法5:mean常用于过去完成时或一般过去时表示“希望”“预料”“打算”未能完成或未能实现。用于过去完成时时,多半搭用动词不定式的一般时态; 用于一般过去时则可搭用动词不定式的完成时,也可搭用一般时。   mean的用法6:在口语中如出现口误,可用I mean来修正,意为“不,我是说”,也可用此(即通过解释、重复或添加新的内容)来把已经说过的话说得更清楚些,还可用此表示不同意某事。   mean的用法7:what do you mean可用于表示讨厌的事或不同意某人刚说过的话,也可用来引出愤怒的抗议。   mean的过去式例句:   1. Its new title was meant to give the party greater public appeal.   新的党名意在使该党对公众具有更强的吸引力。   2. I can"t say any more, it"s meant to be a big secret.   我再也无可奉告了,这本是重大的秘密。   3. Asked what she meant, she said mysteriously: "Work it out for yourself".   问她是什么意思,她故弄玄虚地说:“你自己想吧。”   4. I did not have the foggiest idea what he meant.   我根本不知道他是什么意思。   5. "Oh, Gairdner," he said, as if that meant something to him.   “哦,盖尔德纳,”他说道,好像他听说过这个名字。   6. They meant to finish her off, swiftly and without mercy.   他们打算毫不留情地迅速结果了她。   7. I asked McKeown if the reunion was meant to achieve closure.   我问麦基翁重聚是不是为了寻求解脱。   8. That meant that he, notionally at least, outranked them all.   那意味着至少理论上他比他们级别高。   9. This is not meant to delimit what approaches social researchers can adopt.   这并不是为了限制社会研究人员所能采用的 方法 。   10. The idea that she witnessed this shameful incident meant nothing to him.   虽然她目睹了这可耻的一幕,但是这对他来说无关紧要。   11. Family holidays are meant to be a break from routine.   家庭假日就是从平淡的日常生活中解脱一下。   12. You know very well what I meant to say.   你非常清楚我想说什么。   13. A bullet meant for Riley snuffs out a passing gangster.   一枚原本射向赖利的子弹意外击毙了一个路过的暴徒。   14. She had meant to make a discreet entrance, but conversation stopped dead.   她本打算悄悄进去,但谈话却突然中断了。   15. Scientific development meant the growth of numerous professions ancillary to medicine.   科技发展意味着许多医学衍生职业的增长。
2023-07-15 23:01:321


mean? 意味,想要
2023-07-15 23:01:523


这里meant是动词mean的过去式,及物动词,后面的动词不定式to go back 就是它的宾语。
2023-07-15 23:02:012

meant 是形容词? is meant for

meant 是过去分词。be meant for... (是为了……)是由mean. ..for ...转变而来。This room is meant for you. 这个房间是专门为你准备的。This gift is meant for you. 这个礼物是给你的。This grammar book is meant for your English study. 这本语法书是供你学习英语的。I mean this room for you. 我的意思是这个房间是为你准备 的。
2023-07-15 23:02:091


mean的过去式是:meant;第三人称单数现在时:means;现在分词:meaning;过去分词:meant。 基本字义 mean 英[miu02d0n] 美[min] adj.平均的;卑鄙的;低劣的;吝啬的 vt.意味;想要;意欲 n.平均值 vi.用意 n.(Mean)人名;(柬)棉 双语例句 1.In modern Welsh, "glas" means "blue". 在现代威尔士语中,glas意为“蓝色”。 2.Do you mean me? 你指的是我吗? 3.The idea that she witnessed this shameful incident meant nothing to him. 虽然她目睹了这可耻的一幕,但是这对他来说无关紧要。 4.An enlarged prostate does not necessarily mean cancer. 前列腺肿大不一定就是癌症。 5.It would almost certainly mean the end of NATO. 这几乎肯定会导致北大西洋公约组织的终结。
2023-07-15 23:02:151


mean[英][mi:n][美][min]v.表示…的意思; 意思是; 打算; 产生…结果; adj.吝啬的; 刻薄的; 破旧的; 残忍的; n.平均数; 中间; 几何平均; 等比中数; 第三人称单数:means复数:means现在进行时:meaning过去式:meant过去分词:meant比较级:meaner最高级:meanest动词用法1.V-T If you want to know what a word, code, signal, or gesture means, you want to know what it refers to or what its message is. 意思是…例:"Credible" means "believable."的意思是。What does "evidence" mean?是什么意思?2.V-T If you ask someone what they mean, you are asking them to explain exactly what or who they are referring to or what they are intending to say. 意指例:Do you mean me?你指我吗?Let me illustrate what I mean with an old story.让我用一个老故事来说明我指的是什么吧。3.V-T If something means something to you, it is important to you in some way. (对某人) 很重要例:The idea that she witnessed this shameful incident meant nothing to him.他知道她目击了这可耻的一幕,但这对他来说并不重要。4.V-T If one thing means another, it shows that the second thing exists or is true. 表明…的存在; 表明…属实例:An enlarged prostate does not necessarily mean cancer.肿大的前列腺并不一定表明癌症的存在。5.V-T If one thing means another, the first thing leads to the second thing happening. 导致例:It would almost certainly mean the end of NATO.这的确几乎导致北大西洋公约组织的终结。6.V-T If doing one thing means doing another, it involves doing the second thing. 意味着例:Children universally prefer to live in peace and security, even if that means living with only one parent.孩子们普遍愿意过平静安宁的生活,即使那意味着只能和单亲生活在一起。7.V-T If you say that you mean what you are saying, you are telling someone that you are serious about it and are not joking, exaggerating, or just being polite. 对…当真例:He says you"re fired if you"re not back at work on Friday. And I think he meant it.他说如果你周五不回来上班的话,就会被解雇。我想他是当真的。8.V-T If you say that someone meant to do something, you are saying that they did it deliberately. 有意例:I didn"t mean to hurt you.我不是有意要伤害你。If that sounds harsh, it is meant to.如果那声音听起来是刺耳的,它就是如此。9.V-T If you say that someone did not mean any harm, offence, or disrespect, you are saying that they did not intend to upset or offend people or to cause problems, even though they may in fact have done so. 本意为例:I"m sure he didn"t mean any harm.我敢肯定他本无恶意。10.V-T If you mean to do something, you intend or plan to do it. 打算例:Summer is the perfect time to catch up on the new books you meant to read.夏天是补看想读的新书的最佳时间。11.V-T If you say that something was meant to happen, you believe that it was made to happen by God or fate, and did not just happen by chance. 注定例:John was constantly reassuring me that we were meant to be together.约翰不停地安慰我说,我们注定在一起。12.PHRASE You say "I mean" when making clearer something that you have just said. 也就是说例:It was his idea. Gordon"s, I mean.那是他的主意。也就是说,戈登的主意。13.PHRASE You can use "I mean" to introduce a statement, especially one that justifies something that you have just said. 我的意思是 (证明前述)例:I"m sure he wouldn"t mind. I mean, I was the one who asked him.我肯定他不会介意。我的意思是,我就是问他的那个人。14.PHRASE You say I mean when correcting something that you have just said. 我刚才是说例:It was law or classics – I mean English or classics.那是法律或者古典文学–我是说,英语或者古典文学。15.PHRASE If you know what it means to do something, you know everything that is involved in a particular activity or experience, especially the effect that it has on you. (亲身) 体会了解例:I know what it means to lose a child under such tragic circumstances.我能切身体会在那样悲惨的情况下失去孩子的感觉。16.PHRASE If a name, word, or phrase means something to you, you have heard it before and you know what it refers to. 对某人来说意味着什么例:"Oh, Gairdner," he said, as if that meant something to him.“啊,盖尔德纳,”他说道,好像这个名字对他来说意味着什么。17.PHRASE You use "you mean" in a question to check that you have understood what someone has said. 你是说 (疑问句中用于核实是否理解别人所说的话)例:What accident? You mean Christina"s?什么事故?你是说克里斯蒂娜的那次吗?形容词用法mean /miu02d0n/ (meaner,meanest)1.ADJ If someone is being mean, they are being unkind to another person, for example by not allowing them to do something. 不友好的例:The little girls had locked themselves in the room because Mack had been mean to them.这些小女孩们把自己锁在房间里,因为麦克对她们不友好。2.ADJ If you describe a person or animal as mean, you are saying that they are very bad-tempered and cruel. 脾气极坏的; 残忍的例:The state"s former commissioner of prisons once called Leonard the meanest man he"d ever seen.这个州的前任监狱长曾经把伦纳德称为他所见过的最残忍的人。3.ADJ If you describe someone as mean, you are being critical of them because they are unwilling to spend much money or to use very much of a particular thing. 吝啬的名词用法mean /miu02d0n/1.N-SING The mean is a number that is the average of a set of numbers. 平均数例:Take a hundred and twenty values and calculate the mean.取120个值计算平均数。
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mean[英][mi:n][美][min]v.表示…的意思; 意思是; 打算; 产生…结果; adj.吝啬的; 刻薄的; 破旧的; 残忍的; n.平均数; 中间; 几何平均; 等比中数; 第三人称单数:means复数:means现在进行时:meaning过去式:meant过去分词:meant比较级:meaner最高级:meanest动词用法1.V-T If you want to know what a word, code, signal, or gesture means, you want to know what it refers to or what its message is. 意思是…例:"Credible" means "believable."的意思是。What does "evidence" mean?是什么意思?2.V-T If you ask someone what they mean, you are asking them to explain exactly what or who they are referring to or what they are intending to say. 意指例:Do you mean me?你指我吗?Let me illustrate what I mean with an old story.让我用一个老故事来说明我指的是什么吧。3.V-T If something means something to you, it is important to you in some way. (对某人) 很重要例:The idea that she witnessed this shameful incident meant nothing to him.他知道她目击了这可耻的一幕,但这对他来说并不重要。4.V-T If one thing means another, it shows that the second thing exists or is true. 表明…的存在; 表明…属实例:An enlarged prostate does not necessarily mean cancer.肿大的前列腺并不一定表明癌症的存在。5.V-T If one thing means another, the first thing leads to the second thing happening. 导致例:It would almost certainly mean the end of NATO.这的确几乎导致北大西洋公约组织的终结。6.V-T If doing one thing means doing another, it involves doing the second thing. 意味着例:Children universally prefer to live in peace and security, even if that means living with only one parent.孩子们普遍愿意过平静安宁的生活,即使那意味着只能和单亲生活在一起。7.V-T If you say that you mean what you are saying, you are telling someone that you are serious about it and are not joking, exaggerating, or just being polite. 对…当真例:He says you"re fired if you"re not back at work on Friday. And I think he meant it.他说如果你周五不回来上班的话,就会被解雇。我想他是当真的。8.V-T If you say that someone meant to do something, you are saying that they did it deliberately. 有意例:I didn"t mean to hurt you.我不是有意要伤害你。If that sounds harsh, it is meant to.如果那声音听起来是刺耳的,它就是如此。9.V-T If you say that someone did not mean any harm, offence, or disrespect, you are saying that they did not intend to upset or offend people or to cause problems, even though they may in fact have done so. 本意为例:I"m sure he didn"t mean any harm.我敢肯定他本无恶意。10.V-T If you mean to do something, you intend or plan to do it. 打算例:Summer is the perfect time to catch up on the new books you meant to read.夏天是补看想读的新书的最佳时间。11.V-T If you say that something was meant to happen, you believe that it was made to happen by God or fate, and did not just happen by chance. 注定例:John was constantly reassuring me that we were meant to be together.约翰不停地安慰我说,我们注定在一起。12.PHRASE You say "I mean" when making clearer something that you have just said. 也就是说例:It was his idea. Gordon"s, I mean.那是他的主意。也就是说,戈登的主意。13.PHRASE You can use "I mean" to introduce a statement, especially one that justifies something that you have just said. 我的意思是 (证明前述)例:I"m sure he wouldn"t mind. I mean, I was the one who asked him.我肯定他不会介意。我的意思是,我就是问他的那个人。14.PHRASE You say I mean when correcting something that you have just said. 我刚才是说例:It was law or classics – I mean English or classics.那是法律或者古典文学–我是说,英语或者古典文学。15.PHRASE If you know what it means to do something, you know everything that is involved in a particular activity or experience, especially the effect that it has on you. (亲身) 体会了解例:I know what it means to lose a child under such tragic circumstances.我能切身体会在那样悲惨的情况下失去孩子的感觉。16.PHRASE If a name, word, or phrase means something to you, you have heard it before and you know what it refers to. 对某人来说意味着什么例:"Oh, Gairdner," he said, as if that meant something to him.“啊,盖尔德纳,”他说道,好像这个名字对他来说意味着什么。17.PHRASE You use "you mean" in a question to check that you have understood what someone has said. 你是说 (疑问句中用于核实是否理解别人所说的话)例:What accident? You mean Christina"s?什么事故?你是说克里斯蒂娜的那次吗?形容词用法mean /miu02d0n/ (meaner,meanest)1.ADJ If someone is being mean, they are being unkind to another person, for example by not allowing them to do something. 不友好的例:The little girls had locked themselves in the room because Mack had been mean to them.这些小女孩们把自己锁在房间里,因为麦克对她们不友好。2.ADJ If you describe a person or animal as mean, you are saying that they are very bad-tempered and cruel. 脾气极坏的; 残忍的例:The state"s former commissioner of prisons once called Leonard the meanest man he"d ever seen.这个州的前任监狱长曾经把伦纳德称为他所见过的最残忍的人。3.ADJ If you describe someone as mean, you are being critical of them because they are unwilling to spend much money or to use very much of a particular thing. 吝啬的名词用法mean /miu02d0n/1.N-SING The mean is a number that is the average of a set of numbers. 平均数例:Take a hundred and twenty values and calculate the mean.取120个值计算平均数。
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2023-07-15 23:02:462


1、是表示“意思是,有……的意思”。例如:Whatdoesthiswordmean?这个字是什么意思?2、是表示“指”,例如:Whomdoyoumeanby“they”?你说“他们”,指的是谁?3、是表示“意味着”,后面可以接名词、动名词、从句。例如:Toperseveremeansvictory!坚持就是胜利。注意下列情况:作为“意味着”含义,可以跟复合结构。例如:Thisalsomeantmanysmallerditchestobedugandmorefieldstobeleveled.这意味着要挖许多小水渠和平整更多土地。4、是表示“打算;有……意图”,后面接名词、代词、不跟宾语、动词不定式,不定式的复合结构。例如:Whatdoyoumeantodowithit?你打算把它怎样处理?WehadmeanttoleaveonMonday,buthavestayedon.(与完成时连用,表“本打算”)我们本来是想早来的。Hehasalwaysmeanttogetitrepaired. 他一直是想请人修一修的。
2023-07-15 23:02:531


2023-07-15 23:03:012

I meant to do sth.还是 I meant doing sth.

两种用法都有,但意思不同,前者常指我原本想做某事但没做成,后者meant doing sth是因为着……的意思 如:I meant to see you yesterday,but I"m too busy Missing the bus meant waiting another hour.
2023-07-15 23:03:351

2023-07-15 23:03:445

mean todo和be meant to do的区别是什么?

i mean to do it.意思是我故意这样做的i am meant to do it.意思是我注定要这样做前者意思是“故意”做某事,后者意思是认为某人命中注定要做某事。
2023-07-15 23:04:231


mean 英[mi:n] 美[min] v. 意思是; 表示…的意思; 打算; 产生…结果; adj. 吝啬的; 刻薄的; 破旧的; 残忍的; n. 平均数; 中间; 几何平均; 等比中数; [例句]In modern Welsh, "glas" means "blue"在现代威尔士语中,glas意为“蓝色”。[其他] 比较级:meaner 最高级:meanest 第三人称单数:means 复数:means现在分词:meaning 过去式:meant 过去分词:meant
2023-07-15 23:04:371


2023-07-15 23:04:451


mean 英[mi:n]美[min]v. 意思是; 表示…的意思; 打算; 产生…结果;adj. 吝啬的; 刻薄的; 破旧的; 残忍的;n. 平均数; 中间; 几何平均; 等比中数;[例句]None of us stayed long. I mean, the atmosphere wasn"t& well, you know what I mean.我们都没呆太久。我的意思是,气氛并不是&唔,你知道我的意思。[其他] 比较级:meaner 最高级:meanest 第三人称单数:means 复数:means 现在分词:meaning 过去式:meant 过去分词:meant
2023-07-15 23:04:531


2023-07-15 23:05:1511


mean,verb means,第三人称单数 meaning,noun meant,过去式、过去分词
2023-07-15 23:06:111


meanadj.平均的;卑鄙的;低劣的vt.意味;想要;意欲n.平均值vi.用意[过去式meant过去分词meant现在分词meaning]意思是…例:"Credible"means"believable."Credible的意思是believable。例:Whatdoes"evidence"mean?evidence是什么意思?意指 例:Doyoumeanme?你指我吗?例:LetmeillustratewhatImeanwithanoldstory.让我用一个老故事来说明我指的是什么吧。有意例:Ididn"tmeantohurtyou.我不是有意要伤害你。.本意为例:I"msurehedidn"tmeananyharm.我敢肯定他本无恶意。注定例:Johnwasconstantlyreassuringmethatweweremeanttobetogether.约翰不停地安慰我说,我们注定在一起。也就是说例:Itwashisidea.Gordon"s,Imean.那是他的主意。也就是说,戈登的主意表示…的意思;意思是;作…解释:例:Shenevermeantanythingofthesort.她决没有那种意思。意味着;即是:例:Thedarkcloudsmeanrain.乌云意味着要下雨。有重要意义;有重要性;有影响:例:Honoursmeanlittletoher.荣誉对她来说是微不足道的。
2023-07-15 23:06:191

be meant to 这个短语meant是什么词性?

2023-07-15 23:06:293

meant to都有哪些意思?

应该是疑问句,他对我有多重要? meant 对。。重要
2023-07-15 23:06:404

be meant to do sth

2023-07-15 23:07:061


2023-07-15 23:07:151

what i meant is that这里meant是动词吗和is冲突吗

what i meant is that这里meant是动词吗和is冲突吗what i meant 是主语从句meant 跟is 无关!is 是系动词that 是表语
2023-07-15 23:07:236

be meant for是什么意思

2023-07-15 23:07:382

meant to have done

楼主理解正确,正确写法应该是: meant to have done sth = had meant to do sth 本打算做某事 如果对你有所帮助,请点击我回答下面的“选为满意回答”按钮,
2023-07-15 23:08:131

meant 用法?

eant 为 mean 的过去式及过去分词 mean 及物动词 vt. 1.(言词等)表示...的意思[+(that)] What does the phrase mean? 2.意指,意谓[+(that)][+wh-] I realized what he meant.我明白他的意思了. 3.意欲,意图,打算[+to-v] I mean her no harm.我无意伤害她. 4.意谓着;有...的意义[+(that)][+v-ing][(+to)] To a certain extent,to raise wages means increasing purchasing power. 在一定程度上,提高工资意味着增加购买力.
2023-07-15 23:09:351

mean和 meant的区别

mean”和“meant”的区别:1、mean[mi:n,min]的过去式及过去分词是meant[ment],它们读音不一样。2、mean除了是动词之外,还可以是形容词和名词,meant只能作动词。mean:adj.平均的;卑鄙的;低劣的;吝啬的,vt.意味;想要;意欲,n.平均值。meant:v.意味;打算(mean的过去式和过去分词);表示…的意思。扩展资料:mean造句示例如下:(1)I"m sure he wouldn"t mind. I mean, I was the one who asked him 我肯定他不会在意的,因为是我问他的。(2)It was law or classics — I mean English or classics. 是法律或者古典文学——我的意思是英语或古典文学。(3)I know what it means to lose a child under such tragic circumstances. 我明白在这种悲惨的情况下失去孩子的滋味。(4)"Oh, Gairdner," he said, as if that meant something to him “哦,盖尔德纳,”他说道,好像他听说过这个名字。(5)What accident? You mean Christina"s? 哪次事故?你是说克里斯蒂娜的那次?参考资料:搜狗百科——mean
2023-07-15 23:09:454

meant 用法?

be meant to be 注定...
2023-07-15 23:10:002


mean[英][mi:n][美][min]v.表示…的意思; 意思是; 打算; 产生…结果; adj.吝啬的; 刻薄的; 破旧的; 残忍的; n.平均数; 中间; 几何平均; 等比中数; 第三人称单数:means过去分词:meant复数:means最高级:meanest现在进行时:meaning比较级:meaner过去式:meant例句:1.What does it mean to you? 它对你意味着什么.__________________________________很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!
2023-07-15 23:10:093


mean[英][mi:n][美][min]v.表示…的意思; 意思是; 打算; 产生…结果; adj.吝啬的; 刻薄的; 破旧的; 残忍的; n.平均数; 中间; 几何平均; 等比中数; 第三人称单数:means复数:means现在进行时:meaning过去式:meant过去分词:meant比较级:meaner最高级:meanest动词用法1.V-T If you want to know what a word, code, signal, or gesture means, you want to know what it refers to or what its message is. 意思是…例:"Credible" means "believable."的意思是。What does "evidence" mean?是什么意思?2.V-T If you ask someone what they mean, you are asking them to explain exactly what or who they are referring to or what they are intending to say. 意指例:Do you mean me?你指我吗?Let me illustrate what I mean with an old story.让我用一个老故事来说明我指的是什么吧。3.V-T If something means something to you, it is important to you in some way. (对某人) 很重要例:The idea that she witnessed this shameful incident meant nothing to him.他知道她目击了这可耻的一幕,但这对他来说并不重要。4.V-T If one thing means another, it shows that the second thing exists or is true. 表明…的存在; 表明…属实例:An enlarged prostate does not necessarily mean cancer.肿大的前列腺并不一定表明癌症的存在。5.V-T If one thing means another, the first thing leads to the second thing happening. 导致例:It would almost certainly mean the end of NATO.这的确几乎导致北大西洋公约组织的终结。6.V-T If doing one thing means doing another, it involves doing the second thing. 意味着例:Children universally prefer to live in peace and security, even if that means living with only one parent.孩子们普遍愿意过平静安宁的生活,即使那意味着只能和单亲生活在一起。7.V-T If you say that you mean what you are saying, you are telling someone that you are serious about it and are not joking, exaggerating, or just being polite. 对…当真例:He says you"re fired if you"re not back at work on Friday. And I think he meant it.他说如果你周五不回来上班的话,就会被解雇。我想他是当真的。8.V-T If you say that someone meant to do something, you are saying that they did it deliberately. 有意例:I didn"t mean to hurt you.我不是有意要伤害你。If that sounds harsh, it is meant to.如果那声音听起来是刺耳的,它就是如此。9.V-T If you say that someone did not mean any harm, offence, or disrespect, you are saying that they did not intend to upset or offend people or to cause problems, even though they may in fact have done so. 本意为例:I"m sure he didn"t mean any harm.我敢肯定他本无恶意。10.V-T If you mean to do something, you intend or plan to do it. 打算例:Summer is the perfect time to catch up on the new books you meant to read.夏天是补看想读的新书的最佳时间。11.V-T If you say that something was meant to happen, you believe that it was made to happen by God or fate, and did not just happen by chance. 注定例:John was constantly reassuring me that we were meant to be together.约翰不停地安慰我说,我们注定在一起。12.PHRASE You say "I mean" when making clearer something that you have just said. 也就是说例:It was his idea. Gordon"s, I mean.那是他的主意。也就是说,戈登的主意。13.PHRASE You can use "I mean" to introduce a statement, especially one that justifies something that you have just said. 我的意思是 (证明前述)例:I"m sure he wouldn"t mind. I mean, I was the one who asked him.我肯定他不会介意。我的意思是,我就是问他的那个人。14.PHRASE You say I mean when correcting something that you have just said. 我刚才是说例:It was law or classics – I mean English or classics.那是法律或者古典文学–我是说,英语或者古典文学。15.PHRASE If you know what it means to do something, you know everything that is involved in a particular activity or experience, especially the effect that it has on you. (亲身) 体会了解例:I know what it means to lose a child under such tragic circumstances.我能切身体会在那样悲惨的情况下失去孩子的感觉。16.PHRASE If a name, word, or phrase means something to you, you have heard it before and you know what it refers to. 对某人来说意味着什么例:"Oh, Gairdner," he said, as if that meant something to him.“啊,盖尔德纳,”他说道,好像这个名字对他来说意味着什么。17.PHRASE You use "you mean" in a question to check that you have understood what someone has said. 你是说 (疑问句中用于核实是否理解别人所说的话)例:What accident? You mean Christina"s?什么事故?你是说克里斯蒂娜的那次吗?形容词用法mean /miu02d0n/ (meaner,meanest)1.ADJ If someone is being mean, they are being unkind to another person, for example by not allowing them to do something. 不友好的例:The little girls had locked themselves in the room because Mack had been mean to them.这些小女孩们把自己锁在房间里,因为麦克对她们不友好。2.ADJ If you describe a person or animal as mean, you are saying that they are very bad-tempered and cruel. 脾气极坏的; 残忍的例:The state"s former commissioner of prisons once called Leonard the meanest man he"d ever seen.这个州的前任监狱长曾经把伦纳德称为他所见过的最残忍的人。3.ADJ If you describe someone as mean, you are being critical of them because they are unwilling to spend much money or to use very much of a particular thing. 吝啬的名词用法mean /miu02d0n/1.N-SING The mean is a number that is the average of a set of numbers. 平均数例:Take a hundred and twenty values and calculate the mean.取120个值计算平均数。
2023-07-15 23:10:381


mean的基本意思是“表示…的意思”,指某一动作或某件事物(如字母、信号等)具有某种意思,这一事物与其现在所表达意思是相同的。mean也可指“本意是,原意为”,指某一件事物最初的意思,这个意思与其现在所表示的意思可能不同。mean还可指“有某种重要性”。mean多用作及物动词,其后可接名词、代词、动名词、动词不定式或that/wh-从句作宾语,有时还可接双宾语。mean也可接由动词不定式或“to be/as+ n. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。mean偶尔也可用作不及物动词。mean作“打算,企图”解时,要搭用动词不定式作宾语,此时如以非谓语动词作主语,则该主语须用动名词。作“意味着”解,则要搭用动名词作宾语,此时如以非谓语动词作主语,则该主语须用动词不定式。造句:What does this word mean?这个单词是什么意思?I mean that"s his own decision to resign or not.我的意思是说辞不辞职是他自己的决定。I mean to call on you tomorrow.我打算明天看望你。His father meant him to be an engineer.他父亲打算让他当工程师。Spending too much now will mean a shortage of cash next year.现在花钱过头,来年就要缺钱。
2023-07-15 23:10:461


meant是mean的过去时 meaning的名词,代表:意思 mean是动词,意思是:意味着
2023-07-15 23:11:271


mean1KK: []DJ: []a.1. 吝啬的,小气的[(+about/over/with)]Her husband is very mean about money.她的丈夫在金钱上很吝啬。2. 卑鄙的,心地不好的[(+to)]That was a mean trick!那是一个卑劣的诡计!3. 【美】【口】脾气暴躁的,难驾驭的4. 卑贱的;鄙陋的The young couple made their home in a mean dwelling.这对年轻夫妇在一个简陋的住处安了家。5. 不舒服的6. 低劣的,平庸的It was no mean feat to get him to agree.要他同意绝非易事。7. 【美】【俚】出色的,很棒的He played a mean game of chess yesterday.昨天他下了一盘十分出色的棋。mean2KK: []DJ: []vt.[W]1. (言词等)表示...的意思[+(that)]What does the phrase mean?这短语是什么意思?2. 意指,意谓[+(that)][+wh-]I realized what he meant.我明白他的意思了。By "the cities" I mean the big cities in particular.我所说的"城市"主要是指大城市。Don"t think I am joking; I mean business.不要以为我是在开玩笑,我可是当真的。3. 意欲,意图,打算[+to-v][O1][O2]I mean her no harm.我无意伤害她。Do you mean to go without money?你想身无分文就走吗?4. 意谓着;有...的意义[+(that)][+v-ing][(+to)]To a certain extent, to raise wages means increasing purchasing power.在一定程度上,提高工资意味着增加购买力。5. 指定;预定[H][(+for)][+to-v]The apartment was originally meant for five.这套房间本来是准备给五口人住的。vi.[W]1. 用意mean3KK: []DJ: []a.[B]1. 中间的,中等的,中庸的2. 平均的;普通的What is the mean temperature in that locality?那个地方的平均气温是多少?n.[S1]1. 中间,中部;中庸We must strike a mean and find a house that"s not too big or too small.我们得采取折衷办法,找一所不太大也不太小的房子。2. 【数】平均(值),中数
2023-07-15 23:12:123


mean用法主要有以下几种:1、是表示“意思是,有……的意思”。例如:What does this word mean? 这个字是什么意思?This is what is meant by “failure is the mother of success”. “失败是成功之母”就是这个意思。2、是表示“指”,例如:I mean the red one, not the green one. 我说的是那个红的,不是那个绿的。3、是表示“意味着”,后面可以接名词、动名词、从句。例如:Silence means consent. 沉默就是同意。To persevere means victory!坚持就是胜利。4、是表示“打算;有……意图”,后面接名词、代词、不跟宾语、动词不定式,不定式的复合结构。例如:Anybody could see that he meant no harm. 谁都看得出他没有恶意。
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mean意思: v.表示…的意思;意思是;本意是;打算;意欲;有…的目的 adj.吝啬的;小气的;不善良;刻薄;要发怒的;要发狂的 n.中间;中庸;折中;平均数;平均值;算术中项 第三人称单数: means复数: means现在分词: meaning过去式: meant过去分词: meant 扩展资料   That was by no means the end of the matter.   事情决不可能到此为止。   We haven"t won yet, not by any means.   我们离成功还远着呢。   Can you give me an example of what you mean?   你能给我举个实例来解释你的意思吗?
2023-07-15 23:12:441


mean[英][mi:n][美][min]v.表示…的意思; 意思是; 打算; 产生…结果; adj.吝啬的; 刻薄的; 破旧的; 残忍的; n.平均数; 中间; 几何平均; 等比中数; 第三人称单数:means复数:means现在进行时:meaning过去式:meant过去分词:meant比较级:meaner最高级:meanest动词用法1.V-T If you want to know what a word, code, signal, or gesture means, you want to know what it refers to or what its message is. 意思是…例:"Credible" means "believable."的意思是。What does "evidence" mean?是什么意思?2.V-T If you ask someone what they mean, you are asking them to explain exactly what or who they are referring to or what they are intending to say. 意指例:Do you mean me?你指我吗?Let me illustrate what I mean with an old story.让我用一个老故事来说明我指的是什么吧。3.V-T If something means something to you, it is important to you in some way. (对某人) 很重要例:The idea that she witnessed this shameful incident meant nothing to him.他知道她目击了这可耻的一幕,但这对他来说并不重要。4.V-T If one thing means another, it shows that the second thing exists or is true. 表明…的存在; 表明…属实例:An enlarged prostate does not necessarily mean cancer.肿大的前列腺并不一定表明癌症的存在。5.V-T If one thing means another, the first thing leads to the second thing happening. 导致例:It would almost certainly mean the end of NATO.这的确几乎导致北大西洋公约组织的终结。6.V-T If doing one thing means doing another, it involves doing the second thing. 意味着例:Children universally prefer to live in peace and security, even if that means living with only one parent.孩子们普遍愿意过平静安宁的生活,即使那意味着只能和单亲生活在一起。7.V-T If you say that you mean what you are saying, you are telling someone that you are serious about it and are not joking, exaggerating, or just being polite. 对…当真例:He says you"re fired if you"re not back at work on Friday. And I think he meant it.他说如果你周五不回来上班的话,就会被解雇。我想他是当真的。8.V-T If you say that someone meant to do something, you are saying that they did it deliberately. 有意例:I didn"t mean to hurt you.我不是有意要伤害你。If that sounds harsh, it is meant to.如果那声音听起来是刺耳的,它就是如此。9.V-T If you say that someone did not mean any harm, offence, or disrespect, you are saying that they did not intend to upset or offend people or to cause problems, even though they may in fact have done so. 本意为例:I"m sure he didn"t mean any harm.我敢肯定他本无恶意。10.V-T If you mean to do something, you intend or plan to do it. 打算例:Summer is the perfect time to catch up on the new books you meant to read.夏天是补看想读的新书的最佳时间。11.V-T If you say that something was meant to happen, you believe that it was made to happen by God or fate, and did not just happen by chance. 注定例:John was constantly reassuring me that we were meant to be together.约翰不停地安慰我说,我们注定在一起。12.PHRASE You say "I mean" when making clearer something that you have just said. 也就是说例:It was his idea. Gordon"s, I mean.那是他的主意。也就是说,戈登的主意。13.PHRASE You can use "I mean" to introduce a statement, especially one that justifies something that you have just said. 我的意思是 (证明前述)例:I"m sure he wouldn"t mind. I mean, I was the one who asked him.我肯定他不会介意。我的意思是,我就是问他的那个人。14.PHRASE You say I mean when correcting something that you have just said. 我刚才是说例:It was law or classics – I mean English or classics.那是法律或者古典文学–我是说,英语或者古典文学。15.PHRASE If you know what it means to do something, you know everything that is involved in a particular activity or experience, especially the effect that it has on you. (亲身) 体会了解例:I know what it means to lose a child under such tragic circumstances.我能切身体会在那样悲惨的情况下失去孩子的感觉。16.PHRASE If a name, word, or phrase means something to you, you have heard it before and you know what it refers to. 对某人来说意味着什么例:"Oh, Gairdner," he said, as if that meant something to him.“啊,盖尔德纳,”他说道,好像这个名字对他来说意味着什么。17.PHRASE You use "you mean" in a question to check that you have understood what someone has said. 你是说 (疑问句中用于核实是否理解别人所说的话)例:What accident? You mean Christina"s?什么事故?你是说克里斯蒂娜的那次吗?形容词用法mean /miu02d0n/ (meaner,meanest)1.ADJ If someone is being mean, they are being unkind to another person, for example by not allowing them to do something. 不友好的例:The little girls had locked themselves in the room because Mack had been mean to them.这些小女孩们把自己锁在房间里,因为麦克对她们不友好。2.ADJ If you describe a person or animal as mean, you are saying that they are very bad-tempered and cruel. 脾气极坏的; 残忍的例:The state"s former commissioner of prisons once called Leonard the meanest man he"d ever seen.这个州的前任监狱长曾经把伦纳德称为他所见过的最残忍的人。3.ADJ If you describe someone as mean, you are being critical of them because they are unwilling to spend much money or to use very much of a particular thing. 吝啬的名词用法mean /miu02d0n/1.N-SING The mean is a number that is the average of a set of numbers. 平均数例:Take a hundred and twenty values and calculate the mean.取120个值计算平均数。
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mean英 [mi:n] 美 [min]v.意思是; 表示…的意思; 打算; 产生…结果adj.吝啬的; 刻薄的; 破旧的; 残忍的n.平均数; 中间; 几何平均; 等比中数 In modern Welsh, "glas" means "blue". 在现代威尔士语中,glas意为“蓝色”。
2023-07-15 23:13:003


mean[英][mi:n][美][min]v.表示…的意思; 意思是; 打算; 产生…结果; adj.吝啬的; 刻薄的; 破旧的; 残忍的; n.平均数; 中间; 几何平均; 等比中数; 第三人称单数:means复数:means现在进行时:meaning过去式:meant过去分词:meant比较级:meaner最高级:meanest动词用法1.V-T If you want to know what a word, code, signal, or gesture means, you want to know what it refers to or what its message is. 意思是…例:"Credible" means "believable."的意思是。What does "evidence" mean?是什么意思?2.V-T If you ask someone what they mean, you are asking them to explain exactly what or who they are referring to or what they are intending to say. 意指例:Do you mean me?你指我吗?Let me illustrate what I mean with an old story.让我用一个老故事来说明我指的是什么吧。3.V-T If something means something to you, it is important to you in some way. (对某人) 很重要例:The idea that she witnessed this shameful incident meant nothing to him.他知道她目击了这可耻的一幕,但这对他来说并不重要。4.V-T If one thing means another, it shows that the second thing exists or is true. 表明…的存在; 表明…属实例:An enlarged prostate does not necessarily mean cancer.肿大的前列腺并不一定表明癌症的存在。5.V-T If one thing means another, the first thing leads to the second thing happening. 导致例:It would almost certainly mean the end of NATO.这的确几乎导致北大西洋公约组织的终结。6.V-T If doing one thing means doing another, it involves doing the second thing. 意味着例:Children universally prefer to live in peace and security, even if that means living with only one parent.孩子们普遍愿意过平静安宁的生活,即使那意味着只能和单亲生活在一起。7.V-T If you say that you mean what you are saying, you are telling someone that you are serious about it and are not joking, exaggerating, or just being polite. 对…当真例:He says you"re fired if you"re not back at work on Friday. And I think he meant it.他说如果你周五不回来上班的话,就会被解雇。我想他是当真的。8.V-T If you say that someone meant to do something, you are saying that they did it deliberately. 有意例:I didn"t mean to hurt you.我不是有意要伤害你。If that sounds harsh, it is meant to.如果那声音听起来是刺耳的,它就是如此。9.V-T If you say that someone did not mean any harm, offence, or disrespect, you are saying that they did not intend to upset or offend people or to cause problems, even though they may in fact have done so. 本意为例:I"m sure he didn"t mean any harm.我敢肯定他本无恶意。10.V-T If you mean to do something, you intend or plan to do it. 打算例:Summer is the perfect time to catch up on the new books you meant to read.夏天是补看想读的新书的最佳时间。11.V-T If you say that something was meant to happen, you believe that it was made to happen by God or fate, and did not just happen by chance. 注定例:John was constantly reassuring me that we were meant to be together.约翰不停地安慰我说,我们注定在一起。12.PHRASE You say "I mean" when making clearer something that you have just said. 也就是说例:It was his idea. Gordon"s, I mean.那是他的主意。也就是说,戈登的主意。13.PHRASE You can use "I mean" to introduce a statement, especially one that justifies something that you have just said. 我的意思是 (证明前述)例:I"m sure he wouldn"t mind. I mean, I was the one who asked him.我肯定他不会介意。我的意思是,我就是问他的那个人。14.PHRASE You say I mean when correcting something that you have just said. 我刚才是说例:It was law or classics – I mean English or classics.那是法律或者古典文学–我是说,英语或者古典文学。15.PHRASE If you know what it means to do something, you know everything that is involved in a particular activity or experience, especially the effect that it has on you. (亲身) 体会了解例:I know what it means to lose a child under such tragic circumstances.我能切身体会在那样悲惨的情况下失去孩子的感觉。16.PHRASE If a name, word, or phrase means something to you, you have heard it before and you know what it refers to. 对某人来说意味着什么例:"Oh, Gairdner," he said, as if that meant something to him.“啊,盖尔德纳,”他说道,好像这个名字对他来说意味着什么。17.PHRASE You use "you mean" in a question to check that you have understood what someone has said. 你是说 (疑问句中用于核实是否理解别人所说的话)例:What accident? You mean Christina"s?什么事故?你是说克里斯蒂娜的那次吗?形容词用法mean /miu02d0n/ (meaner,meanest)1.ADJ If someone is being mean, they are being unkind to another person, for example by not allowing them to do something. 不友好的例:The little girls had locked themselves in the room because Mack had been mean to them.这些小女孩们把自己锁在房间里,因为麦克对她们不友好。2.ADJ If you describe a person or animal as mean, you are saying that they are very bad-tempered and cruel. 脾气极坏的; 残忍的例:The state"s former commissioner of prisons once called Leonard the meanest man he"d ever seen.这个州的前任监狱长曾经把伦纳德称为他所见过的最残忍的人。3.ADJ If you describe someone as mean, you are being critical of them because they are unwilling to spend much money or to use very much of a particular thing. 吝啬的名词用法mean /miu02d0n/1.N-SING The mean is a number that is the average of a set of numbers. 平均数例:Take a hundred and twenty values and calculate the mean.取120个值计算平均数。
2023-07-15 23:13:071

帮忙翻译,尤其meant to 在这里的意思

2023-07-15 23:13:264


mean的过去式和过去分词都是meant。mean,作动词时意为“用意;意味着;十分熟悉;严肃地说;预示”,作形容词时意为“吝啬的;刻薄的;低劣的;凶狠的;平均的;简陋的”,作名词时意为“平均值;中庸”。v.表示…的意思;意思是;本意是;打算;意欲;有…的目的; adj.吝啬的;小气的;不善良;刻薄;要发怒的;要发狂的; n.中间;中庸;折中;平均数;平均值;算术中项; 比较级:meaner 最高级:meanest 第三人称单数:means 复数:means 现在分词:meaning 过去式:meant 过去分词:meant 例句 So what do they mean? 那么它们意味着什么? What do they mean? 它们意味着什么?
2023-07-15 23:13:332

meant to do是什么意思

2023-07-15 23:13:414


mean用法及搭配主要有以下几种:1、是表示“意思是,有……的意思”。例如:(1)What does this word mean? 这个字是什么意思?(2)This is what is meant by“failure is the mother of success”. “失败是成功之母”就是这个意思。2、是表示“指”,例如:(1)Whom do you mean by “they”? 你说“他们”,指的是谁?(2)I mean the red one, not the green one. 我说的是那个红的,不是那个绿的。3、是表示“意味着”,后面可以接名词、动名词、从句。例如:(1)To take it apart now would mean wasting a lot of labour. (接动名词)现在把它拆卸开,就意味着浪费大量的劳动力。(2)Revolution means liberating the productive forces. 革命意味着解放生产力。(3)This mean we have to wait another week or so.(接从句)这就意味着我们还得等一个星期左右。(4)注意下列情况:作为“意味着”含义,可以跟复合结构。例如:This also meant many smaller ditches to be dug and more fieldsto be leveled. 这意味着要挖许多小水渠和平整更多土地。4、是表示“打算;有……意图”,后面接名词、代词、不跟宾语、动词不定式,不定式的复合结构。例如:(1)Anybody could see that he meant no harm. 谁都看得出他没有恶意。(2)We had meant to leave on Monday, but have stayed on. (与完成时连用,表“本打算”)我们本来是想早来的。(3)I thought you meant me to come with you.(接不定式的复合结构)我还意为你打算让我跟你一道去呢。
2023-07-15 23:14:061