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区别是:measure指的是:措施;测量,测度;程度;尺寸。treatment指的是:处理;治疗,疗法;待遇,对待。例句辨析:measure1、Measure the length and width of the gap.测量一下这条缝隙的长与宽。2、The house is more than twenty metres long and measures six metres in width.这座房子长20多米,宽6米。3、With the exception of Juan, each attained a measure of success.除了胡安之外,每个人都获得了相当大的成功。4、It is a measure of their plight that few of them have anywhere to go to.他们几乎全都无处可归,看得出他们是陷入了困境。treatment1、Many patients are not getting the medical treatment they need. 很多病人没有得到他们需要的医治。2、We don"t want any special treatment.我们不想要任何特殊待遇。3、There should be greater treatment of sewage before it is discharged.污水排放之前应该进行更充分的处理。4、If you"ve got friends or family coming to stay, make it really special by giving themthe full treatment.如果你有朋友或家人要过来住,那就搞得特别一些,给予他们以热情款待。

this.$element = ele,如何理解

申请 element *first = new element[1]; first.ele = new char[50]; 释放 free(first->ele); free(first->next->ele); free(first->next); free(first); 如果是已经生成链表,释放就不是这样了。

cant help myself是什么意思

cant help myself情不自禁如果您有什么疑问和不解之处,欢迎追问我!如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

measure 与measurement 有何区别?




measure 和 measurement 的区别?请举例说明.

measure作动词是测量. i.e.:Measure the height of the ceiling 词组 measure sth.up =to measure sth. 作名词则是措施、方法/度量单位,也有测量的本意. i.e.:The measure is given in centimetres.(度量单位) The measures had a detrimental effect.(措施方法) The tailor took my measure for a new suit.(测量) measurement则只是动词measure的名词形式.相对名词measure的测量,此处的测量更为强调其测量的动作和过程,而不是具体的“量度”这一事物. i.e.:The measurement of individual intelligence is very difficult. 好吧这个实在讲不太清楚……具体应用要多看句子培养语感 iciba貌似有不少例句.放上来了

论文阅读“Deep Incomplete Multi-view Clustering via Mining Cluster Complementarity”

现有不完整多视图聚类存在两点限制: (1)对缺失数据进行不正确的推断或者填充可能会对聚类产生负面的影响; (2)融合后特征的质量可能会受到低质量视图的影响。 针对以上问题,本文提出了一种imputation-free 和 fusion-free的IMVC框架。主要贡献包含以下: 数据定义: 给定包含 个样本的数据集 ,其中 代表样本的数目,因为包含缺失数据,因此 。本文中把数据集中包含的完整数据作为一个集合 。视图1和视图2中最下的蓝色部分是完整数据,这部分的数据包含给定的全部视图表示。而视图1最上的样本集合仅包含视图1的表示,同理视图2中间的样本也仅包含当前视图表示。也就是说,在数据表示中完整样本是视图对齐的。(这里的解释和论文intro中的关于数据的定义完全不对应。。所以后续的样本对应和拼接的解释很牵强。。。。) 但是论文中的解释,对于每个视图的数据而言,这里给出了一个示意图:

ucinet 中的clustering的意义是什么,如何分析Network>Cohesion>Clustering Coefficient生成图表的意义


PHP提示 Parse error: syntax error, unexpected

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected "}" 语法错误,估计是大括号不配对。

灵异事件! for循环 for(int i = 0;i


medical center还是medicine Centre?

medical center医疗中心There is a medical center in our city.

medical student是什么意思

医科学生双语对照词典结果:medical student[英][u02c8mediku0259l u02c8stju:du0259nt][美][u02c8mu025bdu026aku0259l u02c8studnt]医科学生; 很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

medical scientists是什么意思

medical scientists网络医学科学家;医疗科学家网络释义1.医学科学家  医学科学家(medical scientists)在澳大利亚是一种专门的职业,并非我们字面理解的从事医学领域研究工作的科学家,它专指从事医 …2.医疗科学家加拿大读... ... 5. 金融审查员( financial examiners) 6. 医疗科学家(medical scientists) 7. 医师助理( physician assistants) ...

medical student是什么意思

medical student[英][u02c8mediku0259l u02c8stju:du0259nt][美][u02c8mu025bdu026aku0259l u02c8studnt]医科学生;

medical department是什么意思

medical department英 [u02c8mediku0259l diu02c8pɑ:tmu0259nt] 美 [u02c8mu025bdu026aku0259l du026au02c8pɑrtmu0259nt]医务处,医务科内科;医务科;医学院;医务部双语例句1. He is here for medical check-ups and debriefing by State Department officials. 他来此是进行身体检查,并听取国务院官员的汇报。2. Ridiculous! The medical department ought to stop this nonsense. 乱弹琴! 你们卫生队最好不来开这个玩笑.3. This hospital is attached to our medical department. 这所医院附属于我们医学系.4. Oh! I almost forgotten it - just that Dr. Perterson in the Medical Department. 哦! 我忘了--是内科的彼得森医生.5. The medical department that is the best known is probably surgery. 最有名的医疗科室或许要算外科了.

50cent的I Line Niggas的歌词

I"m trying to tell you but you don"t hear me son. The nigga be rightthere in front of them buildings...Yeah nigga yeah yea yea yea nigga yeaYeah nigga yeah yea yea yea nigga yea(Chrous)I line niggas, I do my homeworkI find niggas, the niggas that did that, they my niggasYou bring that bullshit, "round my niggasYou die die nigga die(Verse 1)I wipeout where your nanna stay my man blew your man away did"em dirtyand ran away. Who"s the next cadidateThey get hit with the cannon ay. You little niggas wanna play we cango back and forth in broad day. Let it off hop in a rent a car pullaway smooth. With that twarkin" that workin" we at you with the toolsnigga we ain"t sellin" packs no more. So we ain"t in the strip gotthat lama in the lap strap leanin" in the whip(Chrous)I line niggas, I do my homeworkI find niggas, the niggas that did that, they my niggasYou bring that bullshit, "round my niggasYou die die nigga die(Verse Two)First I find your bitch crib, then we find the nail shopNow would you looky here. we done found your momma spot it"s so easy,damn I"m greasy, goons don"t use auto-tune just Yezy. Yeah it"s summernow good time to hunt you down, keep the pump around we catch"em we gonslump"em now. timin" is everything i plotted it out perfect, drop a bagoff to my niggas just to make it worth it.(Chrous)I line niggas, I do my homeworkI find niggas, the niggas that did that, they my niggasYou bring that bullshit, "round my niggasYou die die nigga die(Outro)Nigga wat upThese niggas thing I"m playing with"emgo "headNiggas smiling and shit go "head nigga keep thinkin" I"m CurlyI shoot the shit out these niggas manI let my niggas go watchI Line NiggasOh my god you niggas know you weren"t supposed to let me get this moneynow whatI Line Niggas



medical center 和 hospital的区别



1. intricateadj.错综复杂的。 这样看,你就懂了:【反义词】plain adj.清楚的,简单的 ;n...simple adj.简单的,朴素的2.complicatedadj,复杂的,难懂的。complicated: 与complex的含义接近,但语气更强,着重极其复杂,很难分析、分辨或解释。intricate: 着重指错综复杂,令人迷惑理解。不懂的时候看句型和反义词。以下是考试句型的链接↓http://www.360doc.com/relevant/121649234_more.shtml


表示“复杂”的词有:complex, complicated, intricate, 等,这些形容词都指各部分间相互关联从而使整体复杂难懂。 1:Complex : implies a combination of many ssociated parts: 暗指许多关联部分的组合: The composer transformed a simple folk tune into a complex set of variations. 这位作曲家把一首简单的民歌小调改编成一首复杂的变奏曲。 2:Complicated: stresses elaborate relationship of parts: Complicated 强调各部分之间的细微关系: Middle Eastern politics is so complicated that even experts cannot agree on a cohesive policy. 中东政治如此复杂以致于甚至专家们也难以制定出统一的政策。 3:Intricate : refers to a pattern of intertwining parts that is difficult to follow or analyze: Intricate 着重于各部分交织在一起很难区分或分析: “No one could soar into a more intricate labyrinth of refined phraseology” (Anthony Trollope). “没有人能够攀进复杂的专业术语的优雅迷宫”

Pop Danthology 2011的歌词。


essential cleansing cream 是什么意思

essential cleansing cream精华洁面乳.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


正好我昨天就在研究这个。。我说你就不会查api吗?上面写的很详细,全部贴上来的话居然都超过百度限制的字数了。。。转换 转换可分为以下几类: 常规 - 可应用于任何参数类型 字符 - 可应用于表示 Unicode 字符的基本类型:char、Character、byte、Byte、short 和 Short。当 Character.isValidCodePoint(int) 返回 true 时,可将此转换应用于 int 和 Integer 类型 数值 整数 - 可应用于 Java 的整数类型:byte、Byte、short、Short、int、Integer、long、Long 和 BigInteger 浮点 - 可用于 Java 的浮点类型:float、Float、double、Double 和 BigDecimal 日期/时间 - 可应用于 Java 的、能够对日期或时间进行编码的类型:long、Long、Calendar 和 Date。 百分比 - 产生字面值 "%" ("u0025") 行分隔符 - 产生特定于平台的行分隔符 下表总结了受支持的转换。由大写字符(如 "B"、"H"、"S"、"C"、"X"、"E"、"G"、"A" 和 "T")表示的转换与由相应的小写字符的转换等同,根据流行的 Locale 规则将结果转换为大写形式除外。后者等同于 String.toUpperCase() 的以下调用 out.toUpperCase() 转换 参数类别 说明 "b", "B" 常规 如果参数 arg 为 null,则结果为 "false"。如果 arg 是一个 boolean 值或 Boolean,则结果为 String.valueOf() 返回的字符串。否则结果为 "true"。 "h", "H" 常规 如果参数 arg 为 null,则结果为 "null"。否则,结果为调用 Integer.toHexString(arg.hashCode()) 得到的结果。 "s", "S" 常规 如果参数 arg 为 null,则结果为 "null"。如果 arg 实现 Formattable,则调用 arg.formatTo。否则,结果为调用 arg.toString() 得到的结果。 "c", "C" 字符 结果是一个 Unicode 字符 "d" 整数 结果被格式化为十进制整数 "o" 整数 结果被格式化为八进制整数 "x", "X" 整数 结果被格式化为十六进制整数 "e", "E" 浮点 结果被格式化为用计算机科学记数法表示的十进制数 "f" 浮点 结果被格式化为十进制数 "g", "G" 浮点 根据精度和舍入运算后的值,使用计算机科学记数形式或十进制格式对结果进行格式化。 "a", "A" 浮点 结果被格式化为带有效位数和指数的十六进制浮点数 "t", "T" 日期/时间 日期和时间转换字符的前缀。请参阅日期/时间转换。 "%" 百分比 结果为字面值 "%" ("u0025") "n" 行分隔符 结果为特定于平台的行分隔符 任何未明确定义为转换的字符都是非法字符,并且都被保留,以供将来扩展使用。 日期/时间转换以下日期和时间转换的后缀字符是为 "t" 和 "T" 转换定义的。这些类型相似于但不完全等同于那些由 GNU date 和 POSIX strftime(3c) 定义的类型。提供其他转换类型是为了访问特定于 Java 的功能(如将 "L" 用作秒中的毫秒)。 以下转换字符用来格式化时间: "H" 24 小时制的小时,被格式化为必要时带前导零的两位数,即 00 - 23。 "I" 12 小时制的小时,被格式化为必要时带前导零的两位数,即 01 - 12。 "k" 24 小时制的小时,即 0 - 23。 "l" 12 小时制的小时,即 1 - 12。 "M" 小时中的分钟,被格式化为必要时带前导零的两位数,即 00 - 59。 "S" 分钟中的秒,被格式化为必要时带前导零的两位数,即 00 - 60 ("60" 是支持闰秒所需的一个特殊值)。 "L" 秒中的毫秒,被格式化为必要时带前导零的三位数,即 000 - 999。 "N" 秒中的毫微秒,被格式化为必要时带前导零的九位数,即 000000000 - 999999999。 "p" 特定于语言环境的 上午或下午 标记以小写形式表示,例如 "am" 或 "pm"。使用转换前缀 "T" 可以强行将此输出转换为大写形式。 "z" 相对于 GMT 的 RFC 822 格式的数字时区偏移量,例如 -0800。 "Z" 表示时区缩写形式的字符串。Formatter 的语言环境将取代参数的语言环境(如果有)。 "s" 自协调世界时 (UTC) 1970 年 1 月 1 日 00:00:00 至现在所经过的秒数,即 Long.MIN_VALUE/1000 与 Long.MAX_VALUE/1000 之间的差值。 "Q" 自协调世界时 (UTC) 1970 年 1 月 1 日 00:00:00 至现在所经过的毫秒数,即 Long.MIN_VALUE 与 Long.MAX_VALUE 之间的差值。 以下转换字符用来格式化日期: "B" 特定于语言环境的月份全称,例如 "January" 和 "February"。 "b" 特定于语言环境的月份简称,例如 "Jan" 和 "Feb"。 "h" 与 "b" 相同。 "A" 特定于语言环境的星期几全称,例如 "Sunday" 和 "Monday" "a" 特定于语言环境的星期几简称,例如 "Sun" 和 "Mon" "C" 除以 100 的四位数表示的年份,被格式化为必要时带前导零的两位数,即 00 - 99 "Y" 年份,被格式化为必要时带前导零的四位数(至少),例如,0092 等于格里高利历的 92 CE。 "y" 年份的最后两位数,被格式化为必要时带前导零的两位数,即 00 - 99。 "j" 一年中的天数,被格式化为必要时带前导零的三位数,例如,对于格里高利历是 001 - 366。 "m" 月份,被格式化为必要时带前导零的两位数,即 01 - 13。 "d" 一个月中的天数,被格式化为必要时带前导零两位数,即 01 - 31 "e" 一个月中的天数,被格式化为两位数,即 1 - 31。 以下转换字符用于格式化常见的日期/时间组合。 "R" 24 小时制的时间,被格式化为 "%tH:%tM" "T" 24 小时制的时间,被格式化为 "%tH:%tM:%tS"。 "r" 12 小时制的时间,被格式化为 "%tI:%tM:%tS %Tp"。上午或下午标记 ("%Tp") 的位置可能与语言环境有关。 "D" 日期,被格式化为 "%tm/%td/%ty"。 "F" ISO 8601 格式的完整日期,被格式化为 "%tY-%tm-%td"。 "c" 日期和时间,被格式化为 "%ta %tb %td %tT %tZ %tY",例如 "Sun Jul 20 16:17:00 EDT 1969"。 任何未明确定义为转换的字符都是非法字符,并且都被保留,以供将来扩展使用。 标志下表总结了受支持的标志。y 表示该标志受指示参数类型支持。 标志 常规 字符 整数 浮点 日期/时间 说明 "-" y y y y y 结果将是左对齐的。 "#" y1 - y3 y - 结果应该使用依赖于转换类型的替换形式 "+" - - y4 y - 结果总是包括一个符号 " " - - y4 y - 对于正值,结果中将包括一个前导空格 "0" - - y y - 结果将用零来填充 "," - - y2 y5 - 结果将包括特定于语言环境的组分隔符 "(" - - y4 y5 - 结果将是用圆括号括起来的负数 1 取决于 Formattable 的定义。 2 只适用于 "d" 转换。 3 只适用于 "o"、"x" 和 "X" 转换。 4 对 BigInteger 应用 "d"、"o"、"x" 和 "X" 转换时,或者对 byte 及 Byte、short 及 Short、int 及 Integer、long 及 Long 分别应用 "d" 转换时适用。 5 只适用于 "e"、"E"、"f"、"g" 和 "G" 转换。 任何未显式定义为标志的字符都是非法字符,并且都被保留,以供扩展使用。 宽度 宽度是将向输出中写入的最少字符数。对于行分隔符转换,不适用宽度,如果提供宽度,则会抛出异常。 精度 对于常规参数类型,精度是将向输出中写入的最多字符数。 对于浮点转换 "e"、"E" 和 "f",精度是小数点分隔符后的位数。如果转换是 "g" 或 "G",那么精度是舍入计算后所得数值的所有位数。如果转换是 "a" 或 "A",则不必指定精度。 对于字符、整数和日期/时间参数类型转换,以及百分比和行分隔符转换,精度是不适用的;如果提供精度,则会抛出异常。 参数索引 参数索引是一个十进制整数,用于表明参数在参数列表中的位置。第一个参数由 "1$" 引用,第二个参数由 "2$" 引用,依此类推。 根据位置引用参数的另一种方法是使用 "<" ("u003c") 标志,这将会重用以前格式说明符的参数。例如,以下两条语句产生的字符相同: Calendar c = ...; String s1 = String.format("Duke"s Birthday: %1$tm %1$te,%1$tY", c); String s2 = String.format("Duke"s Birthday: %1$tm %<te,%<tY", c);

笔记本用intel core solo U1400能不能升级成某个型号的双核或四核酷睿?

看主板芯片组是pm945还是gm945.这些芯片组一般支持最高到T7600 升级意义不大。而且升级之后散热回事问题。。因为功率增加7倍。.如果采用被动散热或者,bgacpu的是无法升级的。

vue中使用element table,表格参数格式化formatter


eclipse怎样格式化一段代码,Format Element


java j-interop 怎么调用wmi

有关WMI的小知识Windows管理规范(WMI)是微软对来自分布式管理任务组(DMTF)的基于Web的企业管理(WBEM)和通用信息模型(CIM)标准的实现。WMI用于访问Windows系统、应用、网络、设备等组件,并管理它们。连接到一台机器通过DCOM进行管理。因此,有关DCOM的小知识将有助于本文的理解。你可以到MSDN了解有关WMI的更多细节。J-Interop市场上有一些在使用 JAVA 调用 WMI 的好库,包括 J-Interop、JACOB-Project 和 J-Integra。其中,我更喜欢J-Interop,因为它是完全免费和开源的API。它提供了没有任何依赖的纯DCOM桥,完全用Java编写的没有任何JNI代码。使用WMI管理Windows服务现在,来看一个使用JAVA调用WMI的例子。这个例子利用J-Interop的API使用Win32_Service类解释WMI操作,将启动和停止在这个例子中的窗口服务。步骤1:连接到WBEM服务下面的代码示例显示了使用J-Interop如何初始化DCOM会话,并连接到远程DCOM服务使。它使用SWbemLocator对象连接到SWbemServices,SWbemServices对象提供对本地或远程计算机WMI的访问,它调用“ConnectServer”方法连接到SWbemServices。在本例中,提供管理员级别的用户连接到远程计算机。JISessiondcomSession=JISession.createSession(domainName,userName,password);dcomSession.useSessionSecurity(false); JIComServercomServer=newJIComServer(valueOf("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator"),hostIP,dcomSession);IJIDispatchwbemLocator=(IJIDispatch)narrowObject(comServer.createInstance().queryInterface(IID));//parameterstoconnecttoWbemScripting.SWbemLocatorObject[]params=newObject[]{ newJIString(hostIP),//strServer newJIString(win32_namespace),//strNamespace JIVariant.OPTIONAL_PARAM(),//strUser JIVariant.OPTIONAL_PARAM(),//strPassword JIVariant.OPTIONAL_PARAM(),//strLocale JIVariant.OPTIONAL_PARAM(),//strAuthority newInteger(0),//iSecurityFlags JIVariant.OPTIONAL_PARAM()//objwbemNamedValueSet }; JIVariantresults[]=wbemLocator.callMethodA("ConnectServer",params);IJIDispatchwbemServices=(IJIDispatch)narrowObject(results[0].getObjectAsComObject());(domainName=远程计算机域名,hostIP=远程计算机IP地址,用户名=管理员级别的用户,密码=密码)第2步:获取Win32_Service实例一旦你获得对SWbemServices对象的引用,就可以调用这个类的任何方法。其中WbemServices.InstancesOf方法获得任何Win32类的实例。也可以使用WMI查询语言(WQL)达到同样的目的,如下所示:finalintRETURN_IMMEDIATE=0x10;finalintFORWARD_ONLY=0x20;Object[]params=newObject[]{newJIString("SELECT*FROMWin32_Service"),JIVariant.OPTIONAL_PARAM(),newJIVariant(newInteger(RETURN_IMMEDIATE+FORWARD_ONLY))};JIVariant[]servicesSet=wbemServices.callMethodA("ExecQuery",params);IJIDispatchwbemObjectSet=(IJIDispatch)narrowObject(servicesSet[0].getObjectAsComObject());第三步:执行方法现在,已得到Win32_Service类的实例,可采用下述代码来调用同一类的方法,因为,它返回多个服务实例,要列举它们以便获取IJIDispatcher服务。JIVariant newEnumvariant = wbemObjectSet.get("_NewEnum");IJIComObject enumComObject = newEnumvariant.getObjectAsComObject();IJIEnumVariant enumVariant = (IJIEnumVariant) narrowObject(enumComObject.queryInterface(IJIEnumVariant.IID)); Object[] elements = enumVariant.next(1);JIArray aJIArray = (JIArray) elements[0]; JIVariant[] array = (JIVariant[]) aJIArray.getArrayInstance();for (JIVariant variant : array) { IJIDispatch wbemObjectDispatch = (IJIDispatch) narrowObject(variant.getObjectAsComObject()); JIVariant returnStatus = wbemObjectDispatch.callMethodA("StopService"); System.out.println(returnStatus.getObjectAsInt());}现在,下面的代码显示了一个使用WMI启动和停止Windows服务的完整Java类。packagecom.wmi.windows; importstaticorg.jinterop.dcom.core.JIProgId.valueOf;importstaticorg.jinterop.dcom.impls.JIObjectFactory.narrowObject;importstaticorg.jinterop.dcom.impls.automation.IJIDispatch.IID;importjava.util.logging.Level;importorg.jinterop.dcom.common.JIException;importorg.jinterop.dcom.common.JIRuntimeException;importorg.jinterop.dcom.common.JISystem;importorg.jinterop.dcom.core.IJIComObject;importorg.jinterop.dcom.core.JIArray;importorg.jinterop.dcom.core.JIComServer;importorg.jinterop.dcom.core.JISession;importorg.jinterop.dcom.core.JIString;importorg.jinterop.dcom.core.JIVariant;importorg.jinterop.dcom.impls.automation.IJIDispatch;importorg.jinterop.dcom.impls.automation.IJIEnumVariant; publicclassServiceManager{ privatestaticStringdomainName=""; privatestaticStringuserName="administrator"; privatestaticStringpassword=""; privatestaticStringhostIP=""; privatestaticfinalStringwin32_namespace="ROOT\CIMV2"; privatestaticfinalintSTOP_SERVICE=0; privatestaticfinalintSTART_SERVICE=1; privateJISessiondcomSession=null; publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){ ServiceManagermanager=newServiceManager(); manager.stopService(domainName,hostIP,userName,password,"MySql");//stopsaservicenamedMySql } publicvoidstartService(StringdomainName,Stringhostname,Stringusername,Stringpassword,StringserviceName){ execute(domainName,hostname,username,password,serviceName,START_SERVICE); } publicvoidstopService(StringdomainName,Stringhostname,Stringusername,Stringpassword,StringserviceName){ execute(domainName,hostname,username,password,serviceName,STOP_SERVICE); } publicvoidexecute(StringdomainName,Stringhostname,Stringusername,Stringpassword,StringserviceName,intaction){ try{ IJIDispatchwbemServices=createCOMServer(); finalintRETURN_IMMEDIATE=0x10; finalintFORWARD_ONLY=0x20; Object[]params=newObject[]{ newJIString("SELECT*FROMWin32_ServiceWHEREName=""+serviceName+"""), JIVariant.OPTIONAL_PARAM(), newJIVariant(newInteger(RETURN_IMMEDIATE+FORWARD_ONLY)) }; JIVariant[]servicesSet=wbemServices.callMethodA("ExecQuery",params); IJIDispatchwbemObjectSet=(IJIDispatch)narrowObject(servicesSet[0].getObjectAsComObject()); JIVariantnewEnumvariant=wbemObjectSet.get("_NewEnum"); IJIComObjectenumComObject=newEnumvariant.getObjectAsComObject(); IJIEnumVariantenumVariant=(IJIEnumVariant)narrowObject(enumComObject.queryInterface(IJIEnumVariant.IID)); Object[]elements=enumVariant.next(1); JIArrayaJIArray=(JIArray)elements[0]; JIVariant[]array=(JIVariant[])aJIArray.getArrayInstance(); for(JIVariantvariant:array){ IJIDispatchwbemObjectDispatch=(IJIDispatch)narrowObject(variant.getObjectAsComObject()); //Printobjectastext. JIVariant[]v=wbemObjectDispatch.callMethodA("GetObjectText_",newObject[]{1});

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Intel 酷睿 i9的型号叫什么?

是Core i7 Intel官方正式确认,基于全新Nehalem架构的下一代桌面处理器将沿用“Core”(酷睿)名称,命名为“Intel Core i7”系列,至尊版的名称是“Intel Core i7 Extreme”系列。而同架构服务器处理器将继续延用“Xeon”名称。 core i7除了4核当然还有双核,但intel会先发布4核处理器,intel将于十月中旬发布高端桌面处理器core i7,最先发布的是core i7 900系列的四核处理器,更多型号将在明年跟进,目前已经确定的首发型号有:core i7 Extreme 965、core i7 940、core i7 920三款四核处理器,采用45nm制程工艺二级缓存8MB,集成DDR3内存控制器,TDP130W,价格分别为999美元、562美元和284美元。它和现在4核的主要区别就是采用了最新的Nehalem架构,先前的Core2 Quad Q6000系列采用65nm制程的core架构,近段时间的Core2 Quad Q9000系列采用了45nm制程的core架构,而core i7采用45nm制程的Nehalem架构,Nehalem架构近段时间才发布,比core架构更先进,优化了处理器的性能,使处理器的速度更快,功耗更小。 从英特尔技术峰会2008(IDF2008)上英特尔展示的情况来看,core i7的能力在core2 extreme qx9770(3.2GHz)的三倍左右。IDF上,intel工作人员使用一颗core i7 3.2GHz处理器演示CineBench R10多线程渲染,结果很惊人。渲染开始后,四颗核心的八个线程同时开始工作,仅仅19秒钟后完整的画面就呈现在了屏幕上,得分超过45800。相比之下,core2 extreme qx9770 3.2GHz只能得到12000分左右,超频到4.0GHz才勉强超过15000分,不到core i7的3分之一。core i7的超强实力由此可窥见一斑。 希望以上信息能帮您的忙,希望您满意




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Suspicious Minds (Instrumental) 歌词

歌曲名:Suspicious Minds (Instrumental)歌手:The Ventures专辑:Swamp RockGareth Gates - Suspicious MindsWe"re caught in a trapI can"t walk outBecause I love you too much babyWhy can"t you seeWhat you"re doing to meWhen you don"t believe a word I say?We can"t go on togetherWith suspicious mindsAnd we can"t build our dreamsOn suspicious mindsSo, if an old friend I knowDrops by to say helloWould I still see suspicion in your eyes?But here we go againAsking where I"ve beenYou can"t see these tears are realI"m crying(Yes I"m crying)We can"t go on togetherWith suspicious mindsAnd we can"t build our dreamsOn suspicious mindsOh let our love surviveOr dry the tears from your eyesLet"s don"t let a good thing dieWhen honey, you knowI"ve never lied to youMmm yeah, yeahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2571368



how to make a good impression in a job interview??

How to make a good impression at interviews Most of us find interviews more daunting than root c *** treatment.An interview is like a sales pitch and the modity on sale is you.Here are a few tips to help you clinch the deal Monday October 7,2002 guardian.co.uk What to wear First impressions count. Nearly seven in 10 female interviewers say that a woman"s appearance is just as important as what she says in the interview. Do some reconnaissance before choosing what to wear. Check out what your potential colleagues are wearing and go one step *** arter - employers like to recruit people like them.Saville Row booted and suited may not be appropriate for a job at a creative dot business,but the interviewer will expect you to dress *** artly. Suit Most interviewers expect both sexes to wear suits. · Go for clean-cut,three-buttoned classics in subdued colours such as charcoal grey. · Avoid the shoulder-enhanced power suit,especially in bright colours,unless you are Joan Collins. Shirt You"ll need one,or a blouse to pliment that suit.According to Europe"s largest image consultancy the colour of your shirt will have a psychological effect on you and the interviewer. · Pink:If you are a woman it says you"re unimportant and lacking confidence.Icy pinks on a man,however,give an air of success and confidence.Shocking pink is definitely not management material. · Red:Signals that you are exciting,upbeat and confident.But it can also indicate a domineering,bossy and threatening personality. · Blue:Indicates a peaceful,trustworthy and thoughtful person.Mid to pale blues give a reliable and methodical air. · White:Classic,futuristic and optimistic.Wear with charcoal grey suit for aura of maximum authority. · Lilac:It makes you stand out from the crowd.It indicates a confident individual who is diplomatic,selfless and creative. · Yellow:The least business-like option.It can give the impression that you are impulsive. · Green:Gives the impression of being predictable and stubborn. Shoes Those vintage Pumas may be fortable and plement that urban schtick,but they are a no-no. · Clean,polished,sensible black shoes only. · Grandiose boots on either sex are frowned upon,so are excessively priapic heals. Hygiene and grooming Even if you are the sartorial embodiment of the perfect candidate,this can let you down. · Both sexes should be clean-shaven,hair neatly cut and clean,and fingernails spotless. · Avoid overpowering perfumes and aftershaves - ventilation in the interview room may not be able to cope. Make-up Subdued is what they want,sadly.You can"t go wrong with the natural look. · Avoid excessively bright red lipstick or other startling colours.No 70s sparkly disco eye shadow either. · Make-up that looks like it has been applied with a trowel will only confuse the interviewer - are you a Divine lookalike or the best candidate for the job? Bag · Leave the rucksack,plastic bag and spangly go-go clutch bag at home. · Smart,chic and pact - but big enough to acmodate your CV and an A to Z. Definite sartorial no-nos · Avoid too many gold chains and rings. · Remove facial piercings. · Don"t be tempted by ical socks and ties. Timing None of the above will help if you arrive late.To a recruiter this equates to a potentially tardy employee. · Aim to get to your interview half an hour early.It may be the most anxious 30 minutes wait in your life,but a nervous candidate is better than a late one. · Research your route and check parking availability or the whereabouts of the nearest station.Work out how long it will take to get to the office,and always allow extra time for delays.,2,how to make a good impression in a job interview? 要详细的英文

有一首英文歌歌词中有iwant to marry me

Original - Mystikal&Birdman&Lil Wayne(Mystikal what"s poppin?Welcome to the team)I"m a political refugeeThatu2019s how the fuck I feltBirds for the summerHummers for the runnersCandy on the paint9 for the thunderThrow a couple hundredsFishing on a fishtailBig money shit, Cash Money oil wellHigh roller, shot caller, big bossOriginal, real nigga from the startHead huntinu2019, price on a nigga tabHit u2018em up for playing with a nigga mailNiggas sound better than BeethovenTo the beat that I rap overStay outta that medicine cabinetYeah, that what they told meThey giving us piss test cause we stay rollinu2019And know a nigga act better thana .45 caliber pistol when they loadingThey penalize us, tryna slow us downThey constantly fucking us upThatu2019s why weu2019re buck wildCall me porch monkey, call me jigabooWhen you know you wanna fuck my woman and eat my barbequeHow the fuck you gonu2019 watch my house?But donu2019t wanna live on my streetThe ape man told Tarzan: “how the fuck you better than me?”Rap, I run that rock and got a jump shotWho we got? that blood wife up in that white houseI took a look and didnu2019t sell outI was in the building, didnu2019t bail outHoping motherfucker didnu2019t fell outBack to the top from the jail houseNigga lace u2018em up, tie ya shoeCatch a cut, we know what pressure doBirds for the summerHummers for the runnersCandy on the paint9 for the thunderThrow a couple hundredsFishing on a fishtailBig money shit, Cash Money oil wellHigh roller, shot caller, big bossOriginal, real nigga from the startHead huntinu2019, price on a nigga tabHit u2018em up for playing with a nigga mailWho out cu2019here fucking with me, huh? tell me thatIu2019m u2019bout to drop that shit, where my pamper at?Try to answer that, or give me my mantle backI bury you cockroaches, shoulda left me where I was atYou dun made that fucking bed, you dun built this fucking castleBuckwheat and his friend Alfalfacouldnu2019t do nothing with this little rascalIu2019m one slicker retarded, yeah nigga what the hellTalking Baby business, yea bitch dumb shitDonu2019t be fucking with me, cause you wonu2019t get off easyI feel just like Drew Brees when they kick off football seasonHow I cut the ref, you canu2019t stop it from bleedingRappers better leave me alone if they wanna keep on breathingNow keep on starving and Iu2019m gonna keep on eatingAnd you keep on sucking, and Iu2019mma keep on skeetingNigga you can be the one bussing, or be the one fleeingNigga better keep on trucking,ainu2019t no motherfuckinu2019 trouble this eveningBirds for the summerHummers for the runnersCandy on the paint9 for the thunderThrow a couple hundredsFishing on a fishtailBig money shit, Cash Money oil wellHigh roller, shot caller, big bossOriginal, real nigga from the startHead huntinu2019, price on a nigga tabHit u2018em up for playing with a nigga mailUh, ainu2019t it crazy how shit be? thatu2019s why I flush itI got the Tommy gun with the drum, thatu2019s percussionI just popped a couple pain pills, self destructionI made something out of nothing, thanks for nothingI pistol whip ya bitch, knock her out, RobitussinRan up in your house, killed everybody, no discussionRep that motherfucking red flag like a RussianYeah, look, I told her: “baby, Iu2019m a thrasher”We kissed, I lit her ass up then I ashed herNo hard feelings, no car dealing, but I shuffle my queensDuffle bag too heavy to carry to the car, my Mary in a jarIu2019m food, I let the haters add a little saltThatu2019s cool, I do it for all the niggas that tryAnd all the bitches Iu2019ve fucked, and all my niggas that diedTunechiBirds for the summerHummers for the runnersCandy on the paint9 for the thunder (yeah)Throw a couple hundredsFishing on a fishtail (you know it wouldnu2019t be right without the boyyy)Big money shit, Cash Money oil wellHigh roller, shot caller, big boss (yeah)Original, real nigga from the start (Fee, you remember that?)Head huntinu2019, price on a nigga tabHit u2018em up for playing with a nigga mailYeah, we up there boy(They call me, erm, as a matter fact they donu2019t call me)Deep in this oceanYeah, helichoppers(I call them)Uptown, we in the building(As a matter of fact, I call them out)30504 boy, we the business, hah (haha)Yeah, billionaire minds, 100 (and the phone always of the hook)(You scared or something? haIf I was you I would be, haha)

surge anticipating valve是什么阀

surge anticipating valve 防喘振阀防喘振阀是是防止离心气体压缩机在工作中出现喘振现象发生的装置。离心压缩机在输出压力一定而流量减小到某一数值时,就将发生喘振。为了防止喘振发生,要保持流量不进入喘振区。压缩机在运行中,当管路系统阻力升高时,流量将随之减小,有可能降低到允许值以下。防喘振系统的任务就是在流量降到某一安全下限时,自动地将通大气的放空阀或回流到进口的旁通阀打开,增大经过空压机的流量,防止进入喘振区。取流量安全下限作为调节器的规定值。当流量测量值高于规定值时,放空阀全关:当测量值低于规定值时,调节器输出信号,将放空阀开启,使流量增加。完善的防喘振装置应根据压缩机出口压力和流量两个信号来进行控制。在气体发动机中当涡轮增压器在高增压状态下工作并且节气门关闭时,在涡轮增压器和节气门之间会产生很大的背压,这会使增压器压气叶轮停止运转或是增压器喘振。在发动机突然减速时,通过喘振阀通气软管将节气门后的低压压力传递到访喘振阀压力反馈接头上,打开喘振阀单向截止膜片,使增压器压气机前后压力平衡,避免增压器喘振。防喘振阀是涡轮增压发动机的一个保护装置,最终防止涡轮增压器部件产生加速磨损和疲劳。

surge current是什么意思

surge current英 [su0259:du0292 u02c8ku028cru0259nt] 美 [su025adu0292 u02c8ku025aru0259nt]冲击[浪涌]电流 双语例句1. Features: High Blocking Voltage High Surge Current Capability. 特点: 阻断电压高、浪涌电流承受能力强.2. The defects of the traditional methods of internal limiting surge current are pointed out. 指出了功耗大、二次浪涌和功能不动作是传统限制浪涌电流方法的缺陷.3. To protect power switches , soft starting circuit was designed to overcome the surge current. 同时采用软启动电路防止浪涌电流,保护功率开关管.4. A sudden surge in the current made the lights fuse. 电压突然增加烧断了保险丝而使电灯熄灭.5. Japan"s current rebound is being driven by a surge in exports to China. 日本目前的经济回弹亦依赖于日本大量出口到中国的贸易.

surge into在下句什么意思?


有投过measurement science and technology的吗

英国的一个刊物名称Measurement Science and Technology主办单位Institute of Physics and IOP Publishing Limited刊物介绍Papers published in Measurement Science and Technology are categorized into broad subject sections.When submitting a regular paper for publication, please include information on which subject section the article is intended for. The 9 sections are:Measurement theory and practical developments (e.g. precision measurements, metrology (dimensional (from pico- and nano-scale to macro-scale), optical, thermal, acoustic), new measurement principles, signal processing techniques, theory of measurement, calibrations)Sensors and sensor systems (based on physical, chemical or biological principles; micro- and nano-scale systems; sensors for physical, chemical and biological quantities)Optical and laser based techniques (e.g. fibre optics, interferometry, etc.)Fluid mechanics measurements (e.g. fluid flow, velocimetry, particle sizing, etc.)Imaging techniques (e.g. microscopy, tomography, holography, THz, etc.)Spectroscopy (e.g. optical, acoustic, dielectric principles, MS, NMR, ESR, IR, UV-VIS, fluorescence, neutron, PCS, X-ray, etc.)New and improved techniques for materials evaluation (e.g. non-destructive testing and evaluation, structural measurements)Measurement techniques for bio-medical and life science applications (e.g. imaging and spectroscopic techniques, biosensors)Novel instrumentationISSN号0957-0233联系地址Institute of Physics PublishingDirac House, Temple BackBristol, BS1 6BEUK

语言学中 什么是 componential analysis

Componential analysis成分分析法Componential analysis, also called feature analysis or contrast analysis, refers to the description of the meaning of words through structured sets of semantic features, which are given as “present”, “absent” or “indifferent with reference to feature”. The method thus departs from the principle of compositionality. Componential analysis is a method typical of structural semantics which analyzes the structure of a word"s meaning. Thus, it reveals the culturally important features by which speakers of the language distinguish different words in the domain (Ottenheimer, 2006, p. 20). This is a highly valuable approach to learning another language and understanding a specific semantic domain of an Ethnography.Examplesman = [+ male], [+ mature] or woman = [– male], [+ mature] or boy = [+ male], [– mature] or girl [– male] [– mature] or child [+/– male] [– mature]. In other words, the word girl can have three basic factors (or semantic properties): human, young, and female. Another example, being edible is an important factor by which plants may be distinguished from one another (Ottenheimer, 2006, p. 20). To summarize, one word can have basic underlying meanings that are well established depending on the cultural context. It is crucial to understand these underlying meanings in order to fully understand any language and culture.Historical backgroundStructural semantics and the componential analysis were patterned on the phonological methods of the Prague School, which described sounds by determining the absence and presence of features. On one hand, componential analysis gave birth to various models in generative semantics, lexical field theory and transformational grammar. On the other hand, its shortcoming were also visible:1.The discovery procedures for semantic features are not clearly objectifiable.2.Only part of the vocabulary can be described through more or less structured sets of features.3.Metalinguistic features are expressed through language again.4.Features used may not have clear definitions.5.Limited in focus and mechanical in style.As a consequence, entirely different ways to describe meaning were developed, such as prototype semantics.


Measurement是测量,指的是测量的行为,以及实际测量结果.Measurement of blood pressure can be undertaken by practice nurses.测量血压可以由实习护士完成The measurements are extraordinarily accurate.测量结果极为精确.dimension是维度,层面,内容等.你说的dimension表示的尺寸只是一个描述.I don"t think it would spoil the dimensions of the room.我不认为它会破坏房间的大小.此处的大小,只是一个名称,但并不是测量结果.Length is one dimension,and breadth is another.长是一种度量,宽又是另一种度量这样说明白吗?


****************************CHRISTINEIn sleep he sang to meIn dreams he cameThat voice which calls to me and speaks my nameAnd do I dream again for now I findThe Phantom of the Opera is thereInside my mindPHANTOMSing once again with meOur strange duetMy power over you grows stronger yetAnd though you turn from me to glance behindThe Phantom of the Opera is thereInside your mindCHRISTINEThose who have seen your faceDraw back in fearI am the mask you wearPHANTOMIt"s me they hear ...CHRISTINE/PHANTOMYour/My spirit and your/my voice in one combinedThe Phantom of the Opera is thereInside your/my mindCHRISTINEHe"s there, the Phantom of the OperaPHANTOMSing, my Angel of MusicSing, my AngelSing for meSing, my AngelSing for meI have brought youto the seat of sweet music"s throneto this kingdom where all must pay homage to musicmusicYou have come here,for one purpose, and one aloneI first heard you sing,I have needed you with me,to serve me, to sing,for my music ...my music ...

Number of vαlid measurements请翻译成中文

Number of valid measurements有效测量的数目(次数)

化学术语的问题,CD measurements是什么意思

圆二色性(circular dichroism, CD)对R和L两种圆偏振光吸收程度不同的现象。这种吸收程度的不同与波长的关系称圆二色谱,是一种测定分子不对称结构的光谱法。在分子生物学领域中主要用于测定蛋白质的立体结构,也可用来测定核酸和多糖的立体结构。 光是一种电磁波。假如用电矢量来表示,光的前进就是由矢量端点在一特定的平面里沿正弦波运动的轨迹。对于自然光讲,正弦波振动的平面是随机的。如有一束光,它所有的电矢量的振动平面都是相互平行的,这种光称为平面偏振光。有一种特殊的情况,光前进的过程中电矢量绕前进轴转动,若电矢量的绝对值不变,则运动轨迹的投影是一个圆,这时就变成圆偏振。面对光前进的方向看去,电矢量端点的圆运动可以是顺时针方向的,也可以是逆时针方向的,因此圆偏振有R与L两种。 假如L与R两束圆偏振光在一起辐射,强度、速度、频率和位相都相同,它们就会叠合成一束平面偏振光。如波长的L光和R光的光强度相等,在光学各向异性物质中传播某一距离后,它们的综合光将变成椭圆偏振光,椭圆的长轴处于两个圆偏振的电矢量相叠合的地方。假如两个圆偏振的传播速度也不相同,而所经的途径与上述相同,则叠合的椭圆偏振光的长轴与上面所述的椭圆偏振光的长轴相夹θ角(图1[两束圆偏振光,旋转方向相反,电矢量长度不同时,合成光是椭圆偏振光])。 由不对称分子组成的物质是光学各向异性的,即L与R两束圆偏振光在这类物质中的传播速度不相等。假如光学各向异性物质在某一波长有吸收,那将在该时对L光和R光有不同的吸收,如该物质的吸光率是A,而对L光和R光的吸光率是AL和AR,AL和AR的差ΔA=AL-AR,称为圆二色性。 从(图2[旋光角和椭圆值的示意图])可看出,因光吸收不同而产生的椭圆的形状与Δ有直接的关系θ称为椭圆值,也是一种定量描述圆二色性的单位。在条件相同的情况下,θ=3300Δ。 在蛋白质分子中,肽链的不同部分可分别形成-螺旋、β-折叠、β-转角等特定的立体结构。这些立体结构都是不对称的。蛋白质的肽键在紫外185~240纳米处有光吸收,因此它在这一波长范围内有圆二色性。几种不同的蛋白质立体结构所表现的椭圆值波长的变化曲线——圆二色谱是不同的。如(图3[典型的蛋白质的紫外圆二色谱])所示,-螺旋的谱是双负峰形的,β-折叠是单负峰形的,无规卷曲在波长很短的地方出单峰。蛋白质的圆二色谱是它们所含各种立体结构组分的圆二色谱的代数加和曲线。因此用这一波长范围的圆二色谱可研究蛋白质中各种立体结构的含量。 蛋白质含酪氨酸、色氨酸和苯丙氨酸,它们在240~350纳米处有光吸收,当它们处于分子不对称环境中时也表现出圆二色性。这一范围的圆二色性反映出在蛋白质分子中上述氨基酸残基环境的性质。 核酸中所含糖有不对称的结构,它们所含的双螺旋结构也是不对称的。它们在185~300纳米范围内也有特征的圆二色谱(图4[典型的核酸的圆二色谱])。这些谱与核酸的立体结构的关系虽不甚显著,但也可以用它研究某些立体结构。同时圆二色谱与核酸的碱基配对数有关系,因此也可用圆二色谱研究核酸的化学组成。来源:http://baike.baidu.com/view/1327480.htm如果看得懂英文的话,我觉得这是不错的网站:http://www.ap-lab.com/circular_dichroism.htm

GMAT里的“set of measurements”是什么意思


苹果8serving cell measurements看不到数值

高通基带的iPhone手机依次点击Serving Cell Measurements->Measured。然后在RSSI选项显示的数值就是当前信号数值。如果信号挺好,但是通讯不行的话,那么可以考虑更新一下运营商配置文件来解决这个问题。iPhone手机更新运营商配置文件相对比较简单,依次点开设置->通用->关于本机,点击运营商选项,如果不是最新版本的话,就会跳出提示框,选择更新即可。

60分钻石求鉴定,1万7合适吗? ROUND BRILLIANT Measurements 5.3












counter measurement是什么意思


GIA证书中的Measurements 5.14 - 5.16 x 3.09 mm是什么意思


measurement与 dimension区别有例句的最好

Measurement是测量,指的是测量的行为,以及实际测量结果. Measurement of blood pressure can be undertaken by practice nurses. 测量血压可以由实习护士完成 The measurements are extraordinarily accurate. 测量结果极为精确. dimension是维度,层面,内容等.你说的dimension表示的尺寸只是一个描述. I don"t think it would spoil the dimensions of the room. 我不认为它会破坏房间的大小. 此处的大小,只是一个名称,但并不是测量结果. Length is one dimension,and breadth is another.长是一种度量,宽又是另一种度量 这样说明白吗?

measure 与measurement 有何区别



区别如下:measurement,测量,measurement在科技文章中经常表示测量值,这时往往会用复数形式measurements。 inspection,视察;检查;查看;审视。

measure 与measurement 有何区别

measure [meas·ure || "meu0292u0259(r)]n. 尺寸; 量度标准; 量度器v. 测量; 估量; 测度; 量 measurement ["meas·ure·ment || "meu0292u0259(r)mu0259nt]n. 测量法; 度量

measure 与measurement 有何区别





说人话的人类学辞典·后现代理论萦绕论Hauntology●这个词是由法国哲学家雅克·德里达(Jacques Derrida)在他1993年的著作《马克思的幽灵》中首次引入的。●德里达最初使用“萦绕论”(又翻译成“幽灵学”)是因为他认为马克思主义的时代性及其“从坟墓里出来困扰西方社会”的趋势。●hauntology(萦绕论)相对于ontology(本体论)存在,它描述了一种时间和本体分离的情况。在这种情况下,在场,特别是在社会和文化上的在场,被推迟的无起源(adeferrednon-origin)所取代。●这个概念来源于解构主义,在解构主义中,任何寻找身份或历史起源的尝试都不可避免地依赖于一套已经存在的语言条件。●贾斯汀·阿姆斯特朗(JustinArmstrong)在德里达的基础上,提出了一种“幽灵民族志”(spectralethnography),它超越了语言和人类接触的界限,看到了空间、地点、物体和时间性之间的相互作用。


measurement[英][u02c8meu0292u0259mu0259nt][美][u02c8meu0292u0259rmu0259nt]n.量度; 份量,尺寸; 测量法; (量得的)尺寸; 复数:measurements1Some requirements are not testable because they are subjective, or they are not conducive to measurement or metrics.一些需求是非可测试的,因为他们是主观的,或者不是有助于度量或量度的。


measurement音节划分:measu25aaureu25aament英 [u02c8meu0292u0259mu0259nt] 美 [u02c8meu0292u0259rmu0259nt] n. 量度; 份量,尺寸; 测量法; (量得的)尺寸 复数: measurements 双语例句1. the metric system of measurement 更多牛津 公制度量衡来自《权威词典》2. I can find the size of something by means of measurement. 我可以用测量法求得某物的体积.来自《简明英汉词典》3. He has made an accurate measurement of my garden. 他准确地丈量了我的花园.来自《简明英汉词典》4. Their measurement are correct to a hair"s breadth. 他们的测量非常精确,丝毫不差.来自《简明英汉词典》5. The work requires strict measurement. 这项工作需要精确的测量.来自《简明英汉词典》


  measurement英 [u02c8meu0292u0259mu0259nt] 美 [u02c8meu0292u0259rmu0259nt]   n.量度; 份量,尺寸; 测量法; (量得的) 尺寸;   [例句]The snapshot contains a set of data regarding the program state and measurement information accumulated up to a specific point of time.   快照包含一组关于积累到一个具体时刻的程序状态和量度信息的数据。   [其他]复数:measurements


衡量 测量

civil and commercial contact是什么意思


Into the Black 歌词

歌曲名:Into the Black歌手:The Chromatics专辑:Kill for LoveIts the M.I.B.s, oh, here come the M.I.B.sHere come the Men in BlackHere come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you rememberNanana...The good guys dress in black remember thatJust in case we ever face to face and make contactThe title held by me...M.I.B.Means what you think you saw, you did not seeSo dont blinkThink what was there but nows goneBlack suit with the black Ray Bans onWalk in shadow move in silenceGuard against extra-terrestrial violenceBut though we aint on no government listWe straight dont existNo names and no figerprintsSaw something strangeWatch your backCause you never quite know where the M.I.B.s is atUh and...Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)The galaxy defenders (uh uh, uh uh)Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you remember (uh uh, uh uh)Now from the deepest of the darkest of nightOn the horizon, bright light in the site tightCameras zoom, only your pen been doomBut then like BOOM black suits fill the room upWith the quickness talk with the witnessesHypnotize, neuralizeVivid memories turn to fantasiesAint no M.I.B.sCan I pleaseDo what we say thats the way we kick itYa know what I meanI say my noisy cricket get wicket on yaWere your first, last and only line of defenceAgainst the worst scum of the universeSo dont fear us, jeer usIf you ever get near us, dont jeer usWere the fearlessM.I.B.s freezin the ball of flatWhats that stand for?Men In Black.The Men in BlackThe Men in BlackLet me see ya just bounce it with meJust bounce with meJust bounce it with me cmonLet me see ya just slide with meJust slide with meJust slide with me cmonLet me see ya take a walk with meJust walk with meTake a walk with me cmonAnd make your neck workNow freezeHere come the Men in Black (Men in Black)The galaxy defenders (right on, right on)Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you rememberA-ight check itLet me tell you this in closinI know we might seem imposinBut trust me if we ever show in your sessionBelieve me its for your own protectionCuz we see things that you need not seeAnd we be places that you need not beSo go with your lifeForget that Roswell crapShow love to the black suitCuz thats the men inThats the men in...Here come the Men in Black (here we come)The galaxy defenders (galaxy defenders)Here come the Men in Black (oh here they come)They wont let you remember (wont let you remember)The galaxy defenders (uh uh, uh uh)Here come the Men in Blackhttp://music.baidu.com/song/19023370

ethnography VS. anthropology


conventions and conferences 有什么不同

conventions大会,规模大conferences小会议 ,公司会议

Blouse的《Into Black》 歌词

歌曲名:Into Black歌手:Blouse专辑:BlouseIts the M.I.B.s, oh, here come the M.I.B.sHere come the Men in BlackHere come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you rememberNanana...The good guys dress in black remember thatJust in case we ever face to face and make contactThe title held by me...M.I.B.Means what you think you saw, you did not seeSo dont blinkThink what was there but nows goneBlack suit with the black Ray Bans onWalk in shadow move in silenceGuard against extra-terrestrial violenceBut though we aint on no government listWe straight dont existNo names and no figerprintsSaw something strangeWatch your backCause you never quite know where the M.I.B.s is atUh and...Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)The galaxy defenders (uh uh, uh uh)Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you remember (uh uh, uh uh)Now from the deepest of the darkest of nightOn the horizon, bright light in the site tightCameras zoom, only your pen been doomBut then like BOOM black suits fill the room upWith the quickness talk with the witnessesHypnotize, neuralizeVivid memories turn to fantasiesAint no M.I.B.sCan I pleaseDo what we say thats the way we kick itYa know what I meanI say my noisy cricket get wicket on yaWere your first, last and only line of defenceAgainst the worst scum of the universeSo dont fear us, jeer usIf you ever get near us, dont jeer usWere the fearlessM.I.B.s freezin the ball of flatWhats that stand for?Men In Black.The Men in BlackThe Men in BlackLet me see ya just bounce it with meJust bounce with meJust bounce it with me cmonLet me see ya just slide with meJust slide with meJust slide with me cmonLet me see ya take a walk with meJust walk with meTake a walk with me cmonAnd make your neck workNow freezeHere come the Men in Black (Men in Black)The galaxy defenders (right on, right on)Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you rememberA-ight check itLet me tell you this in closinI know we might seem imposinBut trust me if we ever show in your sessionBelieve me its for your own protectionCuz we see things that you need not seeAnd we be places that you need not beSo go with your lifeForget that Roswell crapShow love to the black suitCuz thats the men inThats the men in...Here come the Men in Black (here we come)The galaxy defenders (galaxy defenders)Here come the Men in Black (oh here they come)They wont let you remember (wont let you remember)The galaxy defenders (uh uh, uh uh)Here come the Men in Blackhttp://music.baidu.com/song/58583616

a rich man named Miser appeared in front of Tom.named是什么成分?为什么用ed形式?

过去分词做后置定语,表示被动意义 一个被叫做MISER的富人

英语You’re really talented怎么翻译?


intu watford 是英国哪里


调试时总出现Runtime Error! 和 Buffer overrun detected错误怎么解决啊



使用umi-plugin-keep-alive实现KeepAlive状态存储, 并且实现 进入下一个页面时缓存,后退页面时不缓存(卸载) 类似微信小程序的页面缓存机制 1、安装 2、使用 更详细的可参考 React Activation

win10蓝屏终止代码memory management


电脑出现memory management什么原因

电脑出现memory management是内存太小造成的,解决方法为:1、首先我们打开此电脑。2、找一个空闲空间比较大的分区。3、点击查看属性。4、切换到工具标签。5、对磁盘分区进行碎片整理。6、然后进入到系统属性性能设置当中。7、点击更改虚拟内存。8、选择刚才的分区,设置为系统管理即可。


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