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“next”在英汉词典中的解释(来源:百度词典):nexta.[Z]1. 紧邻的,贴近的2. 紧接在后的;接下去的;下一班的3. 居后的,次于的ad.1. 接下去,然后2. 下次3. 次于,第二prep.1. 靠近,贴近2. 居于...之后,次于n.1. 下一个人(或物)参考下列句子:nexta.[Z]1. 紧邻的,贴近的He rose to fetch a chair from the next room.他立起身来去隔壁房间搬一张椅子。2. 紧接在后的;接下去的;下一班的Is he coming this weekend or next weekend?他这个周末来还是下个周末来?3. 居后的,次于的ad.1. 接下去,然后What happened next?然后发生了什么事情?2. 下次3. 次于,第二I like this best and that next.我最喜欢这个,其次是那个。prep.1. 靠近,贴近She sat next her mother.她坐在她母亲身边。2. 居于...之后,次于n.1. 下一个人(或物)


next英:[nekst]美:[nekst]adj.下一个的; 紧接着的; 接下来的; 紧随其后的; adv.紧接着; 随后; 其次的; 依次的; 仅次于…的; 用于询问,表示吃惊或困惑;




Next意为 然后;其次;其次的。重点词汇解释:Nextadj. 紧接在后的;贴近的;其次的adv. 然后;下次;其次n. 下一个人或事件prep. 靠近;居于…之后det. 下次;紧接在后的;另一个双语例句:You can sit next to me. 你可以坐在我的旁边。next的用法:next与week,month,year,term,Monday等表示时间的名词连用时,由于本身已具有副词性质,在句中用作状语时,其前无需用介词。next用于 the next time短语时,可用作连词,引导时间状语从句,意为下一次,其中的冠词可以省略。next用作形容词可指位置,时间顺序上紧挨着。用于时间时,表示的是以现在为标准,则其前不加the,意思是下(年,月,日)等。如果与特定时间有联系,其前要加the。


next的意思:下一个。读音:英[nekst]、美[nekst]。释义:adj. 紧接在后的;贴近的;其次的;下一个的。adv. 然后;下次;其次。n. 下一个人或事件。prep. 靠近;居于…之后。det. 下次;紧接在后的;另一个。next造句如下:1、The company will announce an important news next week.下周公司会宣布一个重要消息。2、Next, you need to add water to the pot.接下来,你需要把水加入锅里。3、The next is said to have won many awards.下一个人据说获得过很多奖项。4、The outbreak of the pandemic caused the company "s profit to decrease by a next twenty percent.这场全球的爆发让公司的利润又下降了百分之二十。5、Who do you think will be the next president?你认为谁将出任下一任总裁。


adj. 紧接在后的;贴近的;其次的adv. 然后;下次;其次n. 下一个人或事件prep. 靠近;居于…之后det. 下次;紧接在后的;另一个[网络] 下一步;下一个;近端串扰




next意思是:紧接在后的;贴近的。英 [nekst]释义:adj 紧接在后的;贴近的;其次的adv 然后;下次;其次n 下一个人或事件prep 靠近;居于…之后det 下次;紧接在后的;另一个短语:Next door [建] 隔壁 ; 在隔壁 ; 隔邻的 ; 邻居重点词汇用法:Nextadj (形容词)next用作形容词可指位置、时间顺序上紧挨着。用于时间时,表示的是以现在为标准,则其前不加the,意思是“下(年、月、日)等”; 如果与特定时间有联系,其前要加the。表示顺序时,意为“下一个,紧接着的”,其前一定要加the。词源解说:直接源自古英语的niehsta,意为最近的。

kite Next egg中的e都发什么音?

kite 不同,e 不发音next ,egg 读[e]

next level是什么意思

next level 下一级;下一阶段例句:1、The next level is daily in which you set your goals for the day.下个层面就是每天的,你要为这一天设定目标。2、Dimitriov wants to know if I want to take it to the next level.定崔诺夫想知道我是不是要进入下一阶段。3、Confidence and a good elevator speech can take any pitch to the next level.自信和出色的电梯演说可以提高推销的水平。4、White box elements within them are only considered at the next level of decomposition.它们其中的白盒元素只有在下一个分解层级中才会被考虑。5、Some times we are thrown out into the world or to the next level.有时我们被抛进世界或下一个阶段。

跪求The girl next door-agutan的英文歌词(即任贤齐的对面的女孩看过来的英文版)


what is the next item on the (agenda)?句子结构解析,及为什么

on the agenda固定搭配日程上这是一个一般疑问句What疑问词谓语ison the agenda定语整句意思:日程上的下一个项目是什么?

英语作文 用first, then,next ,afterwards ,finally 来描述你今

种花: First,plant the seeds in the soil. Then put the pot in the sun. Next water often. Aafterward wait for a sprout. Finally wait a flower to grow.


顺序是 first (首先),next(接着),then(然后),afterwards(之后),finally (最后) 不过,第二第三个区别不大,有的会倒过来.


顺序是first (首先),next(接着),then(然后),afterwards(之后),finally (最后)不过,第二第三个区别不大,有的会倒过来。

英语表示顺序的步骤的词语除了first,then,next,afterward,finally还有哪些? 如题

firstly,secondly, the end to begin/start with,first of all


firstly,secondly,...last. in the endto begin/start with, first of all


答案D promote意为“提高,促进”,常与to连用意为“提升,使升级”.

tonight,tomorrow,next week。中文意思分别有是什么意思?

tonight 今晚tomorrow 明天next week 下周

eclipse中合并代码时选择merge a range of revisions点击next没反应

merge a range of revisions没有反应,有时候是插件问题,重启一下试试。建议合并代码不要一键merge 虽然比较方便 但是对于新手来说 不建议使用,建议使用Beyond Compare对比工具来合并代码,不解释为什么,就算是老手也非常喜欢用对比工具,有点只有用过的才懂,建议试试吧!!



I hoped Tina---- to my birthbady party next Thursday. A; to come B; is coming C; will come D; was

答案是C因为next Thursday是下个星期四是未来式

求路由器上的英文意思:show Categories,Detail mode,Inline Comments,Find Ctrl+F,Find Next ctrl+g


1.begin arguing away 3.hurry aboard 4.take the next ferry什么意思


take the next ferry是什么意思


AKB0048 Next Stage的人物简介

研究生  人物图片人物介绍 园智惠理(Center Nova)配音演员:渡边麻友[AKB48Team A]●年龄:14岁●生年月日:星暦34年12月8日(射手座)●身长:161cm●个人介绍:出生于射手座星。个性看似冷酷,但是内心非常善良。有时会对其他人讲些尖酸刻薄的话,但都是出于好意,帮助伙伴时毫不含糊。与本宫凪沙关系很好,是大财阀ZODIAC的千金小姐。小时候和凪沙她们一起看了00的表演。从小就对AKB0048的事特别热心,怀抱着很大的梦想。77期研究生选拔时逃出财团,化装成少年登上载有研究生的飞船。然而,她经过一番刻苦努力,成为了实力强劲的选拔成员(第六名)。在第二季最后一集(26集)用歌声感动了DES,展现出了耀眼的光芒,成为第一个以研究生的身份成为Center Nova,女主角之一。●catch-phrase:将梦想化为实体、光芒转换为歌声 东云彼方配音演员:石田晴香●年龄:16岁●生年月日:星历32年10月17日 (天秤座)●身长:157cm●喜欢的食物:像芹菜可以大口咬的食物。文字烧。●个人介绍:出生于沙原星。75期研究生拼命努力、个性有点强硬。和美森是同期的朋友、对她可以坦诚相见。身为楚方的姐姐基本上觉得妹妹很聒噪。两姐妹常争执的非常激烈。一直很崇敬现任高桥南。现任研究生队长。有过可以袭名的机会,袭名的灵魂就是高桥南,但因当时的高桥南未毕业而无法袭名,此后因为各种事件的发生,高桥南的灵魂再次选择了现任takamina。●catch-phrase:冷静的、正确的、而且大胆的。 东云楚方配音演员:矢神久美●年龄:11岁●生年月日:星历37年7月7日 (巨蟹座)●身长:143cm●喜欢的食物:肉丸、肉酱意粉,每天亦会喝两升豆奶!●个人介绍:出生于沙原星,77期研究生的研究生、身高也最矮但是运动能力很高…带点野性的天然儿童。虽然很喜欢帮人取奇怪的绰号、但是最后大概都不被采用。身为彼方的妹妹、最喜欢姐姐。●catch-phrase:和大家一起冲上顶端!喔! 蓝田织音配音演员:仲谷明香●年龄:14岁●生年月日:星历34年9月21日 (处女座)●身长:153cm●喜欢的食物:汤豆腐、扇贝●个人介绍:出生于蓝花星,77期研究生个性随和,常常跟在凪沙和友歌后面。很喜欢也很擅长操作机械。因为稍微有点脸红病所以一慌张动作就会很夸张。●catch-phrase:如果可以的话,可以跟人家○○吗? 一条友歌配音演员:佐藤亚美菜●年龄:14岁●生年月日:星历34年4月7日 (白羊座)●身长:147.5cm●喜欢的食物:炸紫菜卷、甜不辣和鱼板●个人介绍:出生于蓝花星,77期研究生细然说因为心直口快而显得有点没有耐性,但是也有温柔的一面。一直都背著一个很大的包包,什麼东西都拿得出来。和织音及凪沙是青梅竹马。喜欢阿守。●catch-phrase:大家的HAPPY応援队长! 神崎铃子配音演员:秦佐和子●年龄:15岁●生年月日:星历33年8月6日 (狮子座)●身长:157cm●憧憬的成员:AKB全部●喜欢的食物:薯片(用筷子吃)●个人介绍:出生于欧洲星,77期研究生细然外观是个文静的眼镜娘,但其实是个详知0048的知识和历史,常常对其进行解说的偶像宅。非常珍惜楚方给的签名。●catch-phrase:对AKB的爱绝对不会输给任何人。 横沟真琴配音演员:三田麻央●年龄:17岁●生年月日:星历31年6月30日 (巨蟹座)●身长:155cm●喜欢的食物:汉堡排、蛋糕、虾●个人介绍:出生于奈仁波星,77期研究生漰弱胆小。会担心搭飞机会不会摔下来…而感到不安的类型。虽说很喜欢0048、但对於自己成为其中一员这件事感到害怕。在意身材不太好这点、很希望自己身为女性该发育的地方能好好发育。是个平胸。●catch-phrase:负面冲刺!!让你见识一下真琴的真心! 鳄渊惠配音演员:木下百花个人介绍:76期研究生。在第7话中,因才能优异被选作柏木由纪〔Yukirin〕的Under。曾因其他同其成员无法与自己一起表演和无法与阳子一起而感到苦恼与10代宫泽佐江(原名朝宫阳子)同期的死党,希望能与阳子同台演出。自称“仆(ぼく) 柳川叶月配音演员:竹内美宥个人介绍:AKB0048的76期研究生。 市冈姬子配音演员:石原夏织个人介绍:AKB0048的76期研究生。 白井瑞穗配音演员:高森奈津美 个人介绍:AKB0048的76期研究生。 堂岛宇美个人介绍:AKB0048的76期研究生。 莲见李英个人介绍:AKB0048的76期研究生。 志良堂晶个人介绍:AKB0048的76期研究生。 袭名成员人物图片人物介绍 13代目前田敦子配音演员:泽城美雪●个人介绍:星历0029年10月4日出生。最初非常不被器用,成为center之后在偶像之路上获得了重生的历练。自我中心的性格,不管何时都可能出现让旁人看不懂的情形。拥有前所未有的高人气和舞台能力,能够让发光生命体Kirara发出最耀眼的光芒,与7代目篠田麻里子在作为AKB0048的成员消失前是关系要好的队友。是历史上最闪耀的Center Nova。于第13集以声音出现,指领00的各位走向演艺的道路,让大家重新回到蓝花星演出。 9代目大岛优子配音演员:神田朱未 ●个人介绍:星历0029年12月12日出生于日光星,身高155cm,18岁。72期研究生,本名为君岛光。夸张的舞姿是她的特征。战斗中把握时机的能力,像仓鼠一般灵敏。想以9代目大岛优子的身份成CENTER NOVA,十分崇敬13代目前田敦子。后在21集为了守护与13代目前田敦子的诺言(守护秋叶星的光芒),以center nova现象消失 。在26集里前田敦子的引导下从异空间再度现身,回到了AKB0048。看到了智惠理和凪沙在台下做出的决心,发出了光芒,而不知道到底是智惠理和凪沙谁是啊酱。   5代目高桥南配音演员:白石凉子●个人介绍:本名有沢栞。星历0026年1月8日生于宿务星。21岁。身高148.5㎝。AKB0048的总长。一直是彼方最喜欢的前辈。Live和作战时发号施令的绝对leader成员们都愿意跟随比任何人都要努力的她。但是,平时有些无厘头说话容易冷场,时常扮演受欺负的角色。曾不被袭名kirara认可而十分苦恼,最后凭借对于成员们真实的爱再次沿袭了“高桥南”的称号。认为彼方是新任高桥南,非常看好彼方。 3型目渡边麻友配音演员:田村由加莉●个人介绍:本名渡辺麻友=android MAYUYU code-CG-3(わたなべまゆ=アンドロイド MAYUYU コードCG-3)。星历0030年10月20日制造于秋叶星.在饭和摄像机前,总会展露灿烂笑容,但平时在宿舍或和成员在一起时总是板着脸,有三无属性。说话时常会突然说些深奥的话 让人一头雾水。麻友和其她成员不同,她是一个机器人,被制造出的伪真人。从第一集可看出饭量很大。 小嶋阳菜8代目(haruna kojima 8th)配音演员:能登麻美子●个人介绍:本名桜木千春。星历0027年2月2日生于乌拉瓦星,20岁。身长163cm。专注打扮和护肤,是袭名成员中最软的。带有天然属性,但到了关键时刻还是很可靠。一般比较内敛,也就是很有女孩味的女孩子。对于荷尔蒙之类的东西很了解,在第5即可看出,荷尔蒙很多(还帮助了彼方和真琴让荷尔蒙出来)。 11代目板野友美配音演员:植田佳奈●个人介绍:本名板野友世。星历0030年6月3日生于秋叶星。17岁,身长154cm身材娇小的可爱女孩。私服的品位NO.1!家里代代袭名板野优美,有“板野优美之书”。遗传了上几代的长相基因。女孩子们的憧憬对象,人气老少通吃。虽然不常说话显得比较酷,但其实为人亲切与后辈们关系也很好。21话一集显露了略微的战士性格。 6代目柏木由纪配音演员:堀江由衣●个人介绍:以“一生的偶像”为目标。超级喜欢“偶像”饭的绝对钓神。本名黑木绫子,星历0028年2月27日出生于佐津间星,19岁,身高163cm。原本性格内向又有些自我中心,但在成员中担当大姐姐角色后变得温和起来。 10代目秋元才加配音演员:川澄绫子●个人介绍:本名五十岚晶,星历0026年8月23日生于実芭蕉星。21岁,身长171cm。大美人,但不像女性不过也没有太粗矿。明明是偶像,但像竞技选手一样有腹肌。自己锻炼一下也就算了还喜欢锻炼其他成员,适合抡起拳头摆出给力的姿势。 10代目宫泽佐江配音演员:中原麻衣●个人介绍:本名朝宫阳子。星历0031年12月20日生于尾久玉星。16岁。身长166.5cm。体育型女生。时常和才加混在一起。经常参加战斗,比起歌手更接近战士。短发帅气的形象在女饭中大有人气。喜欢照顾人,也是研究生仰慕的对象。 14代目前田敦子配音演员:岩田华怜●年龄:14岁●生年月日:星历34年1月24日(水瓶座)●身长:156cm●个人介绍:原名本宫凪沙,自从听智惠理讲了00的故事,看了AKB的演出之后,就很憧憬akb0048。和智惠理是最亲密的好朋友,时常因为太过悠哉而惹一条友歌生气。虽然唱歌和舞蹈起初不是很好,但成为研究生后稍有进步,并没有成为选拔成员,但她没有放弃,在一次次的演出中使自己渐渐变得坚强起来。在最后一集让大家发自内心地喊出“啊酱”,袭名了14代目前田敦子,虽然没有成为Center Nova,但以Center Nova为目标奋斗着。是本作女主角之一●catch-phrase:就算跌倒,也要传递幸福,继续歌唱! 8代目篠田麻里子配音演员:佐藤堇●年龄:17岁●生年月日:星历31年1月2日●身长:162cm●喜欢的食物:非日本本地出产的樱桃。生牛第三胃●个人介绍:原名岸田美森,与东云彼方同为75期研究生,现AKB0048选拔成员。天生有一种性感的气质(荷尔蒙),背地里很努力,对fans非常看重,每一封给fans的信都用手写。讲话都会有像「のぉ~」「だからぁ~」之类的语尾。第二季第七集袭名第8代目篠田麻里子●catch-phrase:费洛蒙、满出来了吗?? 7代目指原莉乃第一季第六集中的假面少年是她的粉丝,因蓝田织音希望袭名指原莉乃而反织音,投寄恐吓信。后被织音感动,也成为了她的粉丝。同时也是酱油角色之一。 5代目峯岸南配音演员:小岛幸子●生年月日:星历25年9月20日本名南野美果子(みなみの まはこ),13代目前田敦子成为center nova前的center nova,但由于对于center nova的恐惧感并没有成为真正的center nova而没有像前田敦子一样消失。毕业后从事摄影工作。第二季蓝色背叛一话打算单机阻挡DSE的追击并且完成自己的毕业公演,虽然击坠了大部分敌机,不过因为弹药告罄险些被击坠。由takamina救回了飞船,之后自称研究生南野美果子。 7代目篠田麻里子配音演员:嘉数由美●生年月日:星历25年10月23日本名片桐翼(ツバサ tsubasa),也有译为高羽翼的称法。AKB0048剧场的现任支配人兼制作人。被成员们称作“麻里子大人”。在还是袭名成员时,与第十三代前田敦子十分要好。亲眼目睹了第十三代前田敦子的消失,为了调查前田消失的原因,而决定成为运营方。在13代目前田敦子之前的总选中获得过center的位置。虽然已经毕业,但是仍然可以呼唤出kirara,只是呼唤出来的并无固定形态。 7.5代目横山由依二季酱油人物之一,与8代目岛崎遥香要好。 8代目岛崎遥香二季酱油人物之一,与7.5代目横山由依要好。 7代目梅田彩佳二季酱油人物之一。 9代目北原里英二季酱油人物之一,0048年度总选速报第十位。 10代目高城亚树二季酱油人物之一。 9代目仓持明日香二季酱油人物之一。 人物名称 配音演员 简介 先圣先生(先圣センセイ) 渡边克己 决定AKB0048一切事务的决策者,其本体为kirara和巨大双晶素的结合体 牛山 小野大辅 AKB0048御用舞蹈老师,看起来像女的(小编就一样分不清了)[补充:在和片桐翼在某个小摊吃东西时被提到过是男的。] PAPA大厨(パパコック) 山本格 食堂的厨师 凪沙父亲(凪沙の父) 大川透 本宫凪沙的父亲,蓝花星艺能管理课的课长,反对女儿加入AKB0048,但是并不反对女儿选择自己的生存之路。 凪沙母亲(凪沙の母) 井上喜久子 本宫凪沙的母亲,支持女儿的想法 护(阿守) 石田晴香 与友歌投契的少年,因友歌有意加入AKB0048而分离。喜欢友歌(其已向她告白)。自称是铃子的粉丝,但实际上默默应援友歌 高圆寺葵 古川爱李 蓝花星WOTA支部的女性成员。友歌的粉丝。与护关系友好 智惠理之父(智恵理の父) 速水奖 园智惠理的父亲,ZODIAC社长,被DES谋杀 假面少年(覆面の少年) 小林优 7代目指原莉乃的粉丝。因织音希望袭名指原莉乃而反织音,投寄恐吓信。 维拉(ヴェーラ) 东山奈央 冻土星四名小孩,憧憬AKB0048 吉娜(ジーナ) 前田玲奈 妮卡(ニーカ) 赤崎千夏 阿伦娜(アリョーナ) 村重杏奈 WOTA队长(WOTA リーダー) 保村真 WOTA蓝花星分部的队长。彼方的粉丝,与彼方的爸爸相识。 东野二等兵(ヒガシノ二等兵) 武虎 DES军的士兵。实际上是真琴的粉丝,与真琴一样是奈仁波星出身

we will launch 1st wave of 2011 internal sales training session in next week.中的 wave 是什么意思?

直接翻译是 波 也可以译为 轮

The next family is 是什么意思?

The most influential group in country music history, the Carter Family switched the emphasis from hillbilly instrumentals to vocals, made scores of their songs part of the standard country music canon, and made a style of guitar playing, "Carter picking," the dominant technique for decades. Along with Jimmie Rodgers, the Carter Family were among the first country music stars. Comprised of a gaunt, shy gospel quartet member named Alvin P. Carter and two reserved country girls -- his wife, Sara, and their sister-in-law, Maybelle -- the Carter Family sang a pure, simple harmony that influenced not only the numerous other family groups of the "30s and the "40s, but folk, bluegrass, and rock musicians like Woody Guthrie, Bill Monroe, the Kingston Trio, Doc Watson, Bob Dylan, and Emmylou Harris, to mention just a few.It"s unlikely that bluegrass music would have existed without the Carter Family. A.P., the family patriarch, collected hundreds of British/Appalachian folk songs and, in arranging these for recording, enhanced the pure beauty of these "facts-of-life tunes" and at the same time saved them for future generations. Those hundreds of songs the trio members found around their Virginia and Tennessee homes, after being sung by A.P., Sara, and Maybelle, became Carter songs, even though these were folk songs and in the public domain. Among the more than 300 sides they recorded are "Worried Man Blues," "Wabash Cannonball," "Will the Circle Be Unbroken," "Wildwood Flower," and "Keep on the Sunny Side."The Carter Family"s instrumental backup, like their vocals, was unique. On her Gibson L-5 guitar, Maybelle played a bass-strings lead (the guitar being tuned down from the standard pitch) that is the mainstay of bluegrass guitarists to the present. Sara accompanied her on the autoharp or on a second guitar, while A.P. devoted his talent to singing in a haunting though idiosyncratic bass or baritone. Although the original Carter Family disbanded in 1943, enough of their recordings remained in the vaults to keep the group current through the "40s. Furthermore, their influence was evident through further generations of musicians, in all forms of popular music, through the end of the century.Initially, the Carter Family consisted of just A.P. and Sara. Born and raised in the Clinch Mountains of Virginia, A.P. (b. Alvin Pleasant Delaney Carter, April 15, 1891; d. November 7, 1960) learned to play fiddle as a child, with his mother teaching him several traditional and old-time songs; his father had played violin as a young man, but abandoned the instrument once he married. Once he became an adult, he began singing with two uncles and his older sister in a gospel quartet, but he became restless and soon moved to Indiana, where he worked on the railroad. By 1911, he had returned to Virginia, where he sold fruit trees and wrote songs in his spare time.While he was traveling and selling trees, he met Sara (b. Sara Dougherty, July 21, 1898; d. January 8, 1979). According to legend, she was on her porch playing the autoharp and singing "Engine 143" when he met her. Like A.P., Sara learned how to sing and play through her family. As a child, she learned a variety of instruments, including autoharp, guitar, and banjo, and she played with her friends and cousins.A.P. and Sara fell in love and married on June 18, 1915, settling in Maces Springs, where he worked various jobs while the two of them sang at local parties, socials, and gatherings. For the next 11 years, they played locally. During that time, the duo auditioned for Brunswick Records, but the label was only willing to sign A.P. and only if he recorded fiddle dance songs under the name Fiddlin" Doc; he rejected their offer, believing that it was against his parents" religious beliefs.Eventually, Maybelle Carter (b. Maybelle Addington, May 10, 1909; d. October 23, 1978) -- who had married A.P."s brother Ezra -- began singing and playing guitar with Sara and A.P. Following Maybelle"s addition to the Carter Family in 1926, the group began auditioning at labels in earnest. In 1927, the group auditioned for Ralph Peer, a New York-based A&R man for Victor Records who was scouting for local talent in Bristol, TN. The Carters recorded six tracks, including "The Wandering Boy" and "Single Girl, Married Girl." Victor released several of the songs as singles, and when the records sold well, the label offered the group a long-range contract.The Carter Family signed with Victor in 1928, and over the next seven years the group recorded most of its most famous songs, including "Wabash Cannonball," "I"m Thinking Tonight of My Blue Eyes," "John Hardy Was a Desperate Little Man," "Wildwood Flower," and "Keep on the Sunny Side," which became the Carters" signature song. By the end of the "20s, the group had become a well-known national act, but its income was hurt considerably by the Great Depression. Because of the financial crisis, the Carters were unable to play concerts in cities across the U.S. and were stuck playing schoolhouses in Virginia. Eventually, all of the members became so strapped for cash they had to move away from home to find work. In 1929, A.P. moved to Detroit temporarily while Maybelle and her husband relocated to Washington, D.C.In addition to the stress of the Great Depression, A.P. and Sara"s marriage began to fray, and the couple separated in 1932. For the next few years, the Carters only saw each other at recording sessions, partially because the Depression had cut into the country audience and partially because the women were raising their families. In 1935, the Carters left Victor for ARC, where they re-recorded their most famous songs. The following year, they signed to Decca.Eventually, the group signed a lucrative radio contract with XERF in Del Rio, TX, which led to contracts at a few other stations along the Mexican and Texas border. Because of their locations, these stations could broadcast at levels that were far stronger than other American radio stations, so the Carters" radio performances could be heard throughout the nation, either in their live form or as radio transcriptions. As a result, the band"s popularity increased dramatically, and their Decca records became extremely popular.Just as their career was back in full swing, Sara and A.P."s marriage fell apart, with the couple divorcing in 1939. Nevertheless, the Carter Family continued to perform, remaining in Texas until 1941, when they moved to a radio station in Charlotte, NC. During the early "40s, the band briefly recorded for Columbia before re-signing with Victor in 1941. Two years later, Sara decided to retire and move out to California with her new husband, Coy Bayes (who was A.P."s cousin), while A.P. moved back to Virginia, where he ran a country store. Maybelle Carter began recording and touring with her daughters, Helen, June, and Anita.A.P. and Sara re-formed the Carter Family with their grown children in 1952, performing a concert in Maces Spring. Following the successful concert, the Kentucky-based Acme signed A.P., Sara, and their daughter Janette to a contract, and over the next four years they recorded nearly 100 songs that didn"t gain much attention at the time. In 1956, the Carter Family disbanded for the second time. Four years later, A.P. died at his Maces Spring home. Following his death, the Carter Family"s original recordings began to be reissued. In 1966, Maybelle persuaded Sara to reunite to play a number of folk festivals and record an album for Columbia. In 1970, the Carter Family became the first group to be elected into the Country Music Hall of Fame, which is a fitting tribute to their immense influence and legacy. ~ David Vinopal, Rovi

2018-01-05英语新闻一则The next frontier Using thought to control machines

Brain-computer interfaces may change what it means to be human TECHNOLOGIES are often billed as transformative. For William Kochevar, the term is justified. Mr Kochevar is paralysed below the shoulders after a cycling accident, yet has managed to feed himself by his own hand. This remarkable feat is partly thanks to electrodes, implanted in his right arm, which stimulate muscles. But the real magic lies higher up. Mr Kochevar can control his arm using the power of thought. His intention to move is reflected in neural activity in his motor cortex; these signals are detected by implants in his brain and processed into commands to activate the electrodes in his arms. An ability to decode thought in this way may sound like science fiction. But brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) like the BrainGate system used by Mr Kochevar provide evidence that mind-control can work. Researchers are able to tell what words and images people have heard and seen from neural activity alone. Information can also be encoded and used to stimulate the brain. Over 300,000 people have cochlear implants, which help them to hear by converting sound into electrical signals and sending them into the brain. Scientists have “injected” data into monkeys" heads, instructing them to perform actions via electrical pulses. As our  Technology Quarterly  in this issue explains, the pace of research into BCIs and the scale of its ambition are increasing. Both America"s armed forces and Silicon Valley are starting to focus on the brain. Facebook dreams of thought-to-text typing. Kernel, a startup, has $100m to spend on neurotechnology. Elon Musk has formed a firm called Neuralink; he thinks that, if humanity is to survive the advent of artificial intelligence, it needs an upgrade. Entrepreneurs envisage a world in which people can communicate telepathically, with each other and with machines, or acquire superhuman abilities, such as hearing at very high frequencies. These powers, if they ever materialise, are decades away. But well before then, BCIs could open the door to remarkable new applications. Imagine stimulating the visual cortex to help the blind, forging new neural connections in stroke victims or monitoring the brain for signs of depression. By turning the firing of neurons into a resource to be harnessed, BCIs may change the idea of what it means to be human. That thinking feeling Sceptics scoff. Taking medical BCIs out of the lab into clinical practice has proved very difficult. The BrainGate system used by Mr Kochevar was developed more than ten years ago, but only a handful of people have tried it out. Turning implants into consumer products is even harder to imagine. The path to the mainstream is blocked by three formidable barriers—technological, scientific and commercial. Start with technology. Non-invasive techniques like an electroencephalogram (EEG) struggle to pick up high-resolution brain signals through intervening layers of skin, bone and membrane. Some advances are being made—on EEG caps that can be used to play virtual-reality games or control industrial robots using thought alone. But for the time being at least, the most ambitious applications require implants that can interact directly with neurons. And existing devices have lots of drawbacks. They involve wires that pass through the skull; they provoke immune responses; they communicate with only a few hundred of the 85bn neurons in the human brain. But that could soon change. Helped by advances in miniaturisation and increased computing power, efforts are under way to make safe, wireless implants that can communicate with hundreds of thousands of neurons. Some of these interpret the brain"s electrical signals; others experiment with light, magnetism and ultrasound. Clear the technological barrier, and another one looms. The brain is still a foreign country. Scientists know little about how exactly it works, especially when it comes to complex functions like memory formation. Research is more advanced in animals, but experiments on humans are hard. Yet, even today, some parts of the brain, like the motor cortex, are better understood. Nor is complete knowledge always needed. Machine learning can recognise patterns of neural activity; the brain itself gets the hang of controlling BCIS with extraordinary ease. And neurotechnology will reveal more of the brain"s secrets. Like a hole in the head The third obstacle comprises the practical barriers to commercialisation. It takes time, money and expertise to get medical devices approved. And consumer applications will take off only if they perform a function people find useful. Some of the applications for brain-computer interfaces are unnecessary—a good voice-assistant is a simpler way to type without fingers than a brain implant, for example. The idea of consumers clamouring for craniotomies also seems far-fetched. Yet brain implants are already an established treatment for some conditions. Around 150,000 people receive deep-brain stimulation via electrodes to help them control Parkinson"s disease. Elective surgery can become routine, as laser-eye procedures show. All of which suggests that a route to the future imagined by the neurotech pioneers is arduous but achievable. When human ingenuity is applied to a problem, however hard, it is unwise to bet against it. Within a few years, improved technologies may be opening up new channels of communications with the brain. Many of the first applications hold out unambiguous promise—of movement and senses restored. But as uses move to the augmentation of abilities, whether for military purposes or among consumers, a host of concerns will arise. Privacy is an obvious one: the refuge of an inner voice may disappear. Security is another: if a brain can be reached on the internet, it can also be hacked. Inequality is a third: access to superhuman cognitive abilities could be beyond all except a self-perpetuating elite. Ethicists are already starting to grapple with questions of identity and agency that arise when a machine is in the neural loop. These questions are not urgent. But the bigger story is that neither are they the realm of pure fantasy. Technology changes the way people live. Beneath the skull lies the next frontier.

英语翻译The meeting will be adjourned till next wednesday.

前者。是说会议暂停,下星期三继续举行。要表达后一种意思应该是:The meeting will not be adjourned till next Wednesday.因为adjourn是瞬间动词。 补充:adjourn除了延迟,延期的意思(这时相当于delay,postpone)外,还有“休会,休庭”的意思,这时就相当于close.The meeting will not be adjourned till next Wednesday意思是会议要到下周三才告一段落。你一定要表达结束这个意思,那就用The meeting will not be closed till next Wednesday. 会议不会延迟到下周三才开始翻译应为The meeting will begin before next Wednesday. till/untill这样的词在肯定句中只能和延续动词使用,在否定句中只能和表示瞬间的动词使用。又:一定要体现“延迟”这个词第一句只能翻译成The meeting will not be adjourned to begin till next wednesday.第二句“会议不会延迟到下周三结束”:The meeting will not be adjourned to end till next wednesday. 很多情况下没必要这么拘泥于字句,The meeting will begin before next Wednesday.大家都明白会议肯定不会延迟到下周三才开始,这个意思就已经表达了,一定要那样逐字翻译反而不那么地道。 再说了,象adjourn这样的多义词还是要结合具体语境来理解,在不同的语境中意思是不一样的。

英语翻译The meeting will be adjourned till next wednesday.


next to什么意思

靠近 在.....旁边


next   [nekst]adj.1.紧接在后的,接下去的2.居后的,次于的3.邻近的,贴近的4.(血缘关系上)最亲近的adv.1.紧接在后,接下去;然后2.下次,接着的另一次3.居后的,次于prep.1.靠近,贴近,紧靠…的旁边:next the window紧靠窗子的旁边2.次于,居于…之后:the thing next the bribe几乎就是贿赂的礼物短语 next to (或 on) [美国俚语]熟悉,了解2.come next 紧接在后,再下去3.get next to (或 on)[美国俚语]开始熟悉,开始了解知道(或了解)某事擅用;随手拿去4.get next (to oneself) [美国俚语]认识到自己不行;明白过来5.get next to someone [美国俚语]博得某人欢心;(尤指在性关系上)与某人相契,熟识某人 but one 相邻第二个,隔一个 door to在…的隔壁,与…相邻几乎,差不多,接近于 off [口语]接着,下一步;正在那时9.Next (please)! 下一位!下个问题! to贴近,靠近,最接近次于,居于…之后[口语]几乎,差不多,简直 to nothing (或none) 很少,几乎没有12.put someone next to (或on)[美国俚语]使某人了解(或结交)使某人心中有数13.the next best (thing) 几乎是最好的(事物)14.the next man (或 one, person, woman)下一位一般人,常人15.the next world 见 world16.There"s always (a) next time. 见 time17.What next [表示惊异或吃惊等]下一步怎么样;还会有什么样的荒唐事

adjacent to 和next to

adjacent 是邻近 毗邻,指2个东西地理位置上接近。next to 可以表示2个东西有一定的排名。谁先谁后,谁next to 谁。 2者都有接近 的意思,

adjacent to 和next to的区别

adjacent to只是指地理位置上的邻近,毗邻next to既可指位置上的,也可以指逻辑上的相邻

ADDIS安装时出现NEXT 然后安装不了了。怎么办


A series of debates tetween the lectures was scheduled for the next week


Hopefully next year today are not alone是什么意思?



hope fully next time wecome back,it will be sunny 全部释义和例句>> 希望下次我们回来了,它将是晴朗的fully 英[ˈfʊli] 美[ˈfʊli] adv. 充分地; 完全地; 足足; 彻底地; [网络] 完全地,彻底地; 十分; 十分,完全; [例句]Most people think that power and authority are what make a boss fully effective.大多数人认为,老板充分行使职权的根本在于权力和威望。



英语选择题it has been proposed that we —— our decision until the next morning.


65. It was proposed that the matter ________ discussed at the next meeting.


用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. She__(come) buch nexteer. 2. What uveyou going to__(do) hextweek?



<jsp:useBean id="sqlbean" class="test.sql" scope="session"/> 中出错javabean应该是java类,而你的class="test.sql"写成了sql,当然会出错了test.sql不会执行javabean的功能你察看一下是不是这个原因。

following 和next有什么区别?


《小鬼当街Baby"s Day Out(1994)》、《邻家特工The Spy Next Door(2010)》和《楼上的外星人 Aliens in the


Can we do this finsh in next moulds是什么意思?


in the next its fleet中in its fleet什么意思?


slept next什么意思

slept next睡下双语对照例句:1.Every evening chuang slept next to large wooden crates covered in canvas and tied downwith ropes. 每天晚上庄灵都睡在覆盖着帆布并用绳子捆紧的大木箱旁边。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【满意】按钮

为什么chicken前要用the,在“Next,put some lettuce and the chicken slices on the bread."

那些chicken slices 之前的步骤中肯定提到过了,而在这烹饪过程中,始终用的都是那些chicken slices ,具有特指性,所以用定冠词the.

怎么求串 ‘ababaaababaa" 的next数组?

(1)当模式串第一个字符与主串某字符比较不等时,next[1]=0,主串当前指针应后移至下一字符,再和模式串中第一字符进行比较。(2)当主串第i个字符与模式串中第j个字符失配时,则假定模式串第k个字符与主串第i个字符比较,k值满足 ‘t1…tk-1"=‘tj-k+1…tj-1",即k为模式串向后移动的距离,k值有多个,为了不使向右移动丢失可能的匹配,k要取大,max{k}表示移动的最大距离,k的最大值为j-1。(3)在上面情况外,发生失配时,主串指针i不回溯,最坏情况下,模式串从第1个字符开始与主串第i个字符比较,以便不丢失可能的匹配。所以这个的答案应该是011234223456,给好评吧

串"ababaaababaa"的next数组为( ). 求解释,本题选C

计算字符串的next函数值,可以参考"KMP模式匹配算法".计算过程:下标j   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12字符串  a  b  a  b  a  a  a  b  a   b   a   anext[j] 0  1  1  2  3  4  2  2  3   4   5   6    1) 当j=1时,固定就是next[1]=0;2) 当j=2时,由1到j-1的字符串是"a",属于其他情况,固定就是next[2]=1;3) 当j=3时,由1到j-1的字符串是"ab",前缀字符"a"与后缀字符"b"不相等,   属于其他情况,所以,next[3]=1;4) 当j=4时,由1到j-1的字符串是"aba",前缀字符"a"与后缀字符"a"相等,   也就是有1个字符相等,所以,next[4]=1+1=2;5) 当j=5时,由1到j-1的字符串是"abab",前缀字符"ab"与后缀字符"ab"相等,   也就是有2个字符相等,所以,next[5]=2+1=3;6) 当j=6时,由1到j-1的字符串是"ababa",前缀字符"aba"与后缀字符"aba"相等,   也就是有3个字符相等,所以,next[6]=3+1=4;7) 当j=7时,由1到j-1的字符串是"ababaa",前缀字符"a"与后缀字符"a"相等,   也就是有1个字符相等,所以,next[7]=1+1=2;8) 当j=8时,由1到j-1的字符串是"ababaaa",前缀字符"a"与后缀字符"a"相等,   也就是有1个字符相等,所以,next[8]=1+1=2;9) 当j=9时,由1到j-1的字符串是"ababaaab",前缀字符"ab"与后缀字符"ab"相等,   也就是有2个字符相等,所以,next[9]=2+1=3;10)当j=10时,由1到j-1的字符串是"ababaaaba",前缀字符"aba"与后缀字符"aba"相等,   也就是有3个字符相等,所以,next[10]=3+1=4;11)当j=11时,由1到j-1的字符串是"ababaaabab",前缀字符"abab"与后缀字符"abab"相等,   也就是有4个字符相等,所以,next[11]=4+1=5;12)当j=12时,由1到j-1的字符串是"ababaaababa",前缀字符"ababa"与后缀字符"ababa"相等,   也就是有5个字符相等,所以,next[12]=5+1=6;所以,答案选 C.011234223456

是next door neighborhood,还是next door neighbor?什么区别?

next door neighbourneighbour指的是邻居,邻人neighbourhood侧重于临近的地区,地域或是邻里关系。

near,next to,和neighborhood的区别

near比next to“远”
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