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matlab中Forward = ~Forward是什么意思

~在matlab中是取反的意思,~Forward就是把Forward看成bool类型(true或false),因此Forward = ~Forward就是改变Forward的值(由true变为false或者由false变为true)。






这个句子分开应该是这样看:The day came in the end. He was looking forward to the day. 而which he was looking forward to是定语从句,which代替了the day. 所以没有look forward to did的,只有look forward to +n/doing, 这个句子的中文是”他盼望的那天终于来了“




副词 ad. 1.向前He hurried forward to meet her. 他赶紧走上前去迎接她。 2.向将来;今后They never met from that day forward. 他们从那天以后再也未能相见。 3.提前The meeting had been put forward an hour. 会议提前一小时举行。 4.出来;(现)出He put forward a new view. 他提出了一种新见解。 形容词 a. 1.前面的[Z][B]We can see the forward part of the ship. 我们可以看见船的前部。 2.早的;提前的;早熟的The spring flowers are rather forward this year. 今年春天的花儿开得相当早。 3.鲁莽的,冒失的;放肆的She made a forward remark. 她讲了一句冒昧的话。 4.热心的,乐意的He"s always forward with help. 他总是乐于助人。 名词 n. 1.前锋及物动词 vt. 1.转交[(+to)]Would you please forward this letter to his new address? 请你把这封信转寄到他的新地址。 2.发送,递送[(+to)][O1]The goods will be forwarded to your house. 这些货将发送到你家里。 3.促进,助长He tried to forward his father"s plan. 他努力想促成父亲的计划。

go forward是什么意思

go forward 英[ɡəu ˈfɔ:wəd] 美[ɡo ˈfɔrwəd] 前进;发生;被提出 [例句]Differences over the best way to go forward so far have delayed approval of the expanded fund.迄今为止由于扩大提供资金的批准已经被推迟,错过了向前推进的最好方式。

stretching forward是什么意思

向前伸展词典结果:stretching[英]["stretʃɪŋ][美]["stretʃɪŋ]n.伸,拉伸,伸长[展],展宽; v.伸展,拉紧( stretch的现在分词 ); 延伸; 拉长; 损伤; 易混淆单词:Stretching以上结果来自金山词霸




forward英 [ˈfɔ:wəd]美 [ˈfɔ:rwərd]adv.向前; 前进地; 至将来; 提前地adj.向前方的; 迅速的; (社会、政治)进步的; 早熟的vt.促进,助长; (按新地址)转寄; 发送n.前锋反义词:backward 后退地

spring forward是什么意思

spring forward春天降临;拨快一个小时;向前进例句1.His friends spring forward to help him.他的朋友们跳起来去想要去帮他。2.Spring forward to this annual thought, emotion will came over in life, or light or dark to linger heart.思想着这一年一度的春色,人生的感慨便会油然而起,或淡或浓地萦回心头。3.But so many people like to "spring forward" that it might be hard for officials to end the tradition, even if they determined it"s wasteful.但很多人已经习惯了“钟表向前拨动”,这就对政府终结这一传统造成了困难,虽然他们都知道这是浪费。4.Stop slacking spring forward.停止松艏倒缆。5.When did my colds a forward spring remove?我的冰冷何时曾扼杀早来的春季?





go forward是什么意思

go forward前进双语对照词典结果:go forward[英][ɡəu ˈfɔ:wəd][美][ɡo ˈfɔrwəd]前进; 发生; 被提出; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Differences over the best way to go forward so far have delayed approval of the expandedfund. 迄今为止由于扩大提供资金的批准已经被推迟,错过了向前推进的最好方式。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


forward英 [ˈfɔ:wəd] 美 [ˈfɔ:rwərd] adv.向前;前进地;至将来;提前地adj.向前方的;迅速的;(社会、政治)进步的;早熟的vt.促进,助长;(按新地址)转寄;发送n.前锋第三人称单数: forwards 复数: forwards 现在分词: forwarding 过去式: forwarded 过去分词: forwarded例句He came forward with his hand out. "Mr and Mrs Selby?" he enquired 他走上前去伸出手来。“是塞尔比先生和夫人吗?”他问道。

spring forward是什么意思

spring forward春天降临;拨快一个小时;向前进例句1.His friends spring forward to help him.他的朋友们跳起来去想要去帮他。2.Spring forward to this annual thought, emotion will came over in life, or light or dark to linger heart.思想着这一年一度的春色,人生的感慨便会油然而起,或淡或浓地萦回心头。3.But so many people like to "spring forward" that it might be hard for officials to end the tradition, even if they determined it"s wasteful.但很多人已经习惯了“钟表向前拨动”,这就对政府终结这一传统造成了困难,虽然他们都知道这是浪费。4.Stop slacking spring forward.停止松艏倒缆。5.When did my colds a forward spring remove?我的冰冷何时曾扼杀早来的春季?

pay it forward是什么意思

提前支付它。1、pay英 [peɪ]  美 [peɪ]    v. 支付;赢利;受益;付出代价n. 薪资;雇用;有良好信用的人adj. 要钱的;具有开采价值的He doesn"t like that job, but the pay is good.他不喜欢那工作,但薪水很高。2、forward英 ["fɔːwəd]  美 ["fɔːrwərd]    adj. 向前的;前部的;未来的;将来的;莽撞的;热心的;早熟的adv. 向前地v. 促进;转交;发送n. [体]前锋Police have appealed for witnesses to come forward.警方呼吁目击者挺身而出。扩展资料forward用法:1、forward的基本意思是“向前,前进”,指在运动的过程中呈现出向前的趋势,多用来修饰动态动词。2、forward在英式英语中有时也可写成forwards,二者并无意义上的差别,只是后者只能用于副词,而前者则还可用于形容词和动词。3、forward可用于look forward to结构, to用作介词,其后只能接名词或动名词,不可接动词原形。



副词 ad. 1.向前He hurried forward to meet her. 他赶紧走上前去迎接她。 2.向将来;今后They never met from that day forward. 他们从那天以后再也未能相见。 3.提前The meeting had been put forward an hour. 会议提前一小时举行。 4.出来;(现)出He put forward a new view. 他提出了一种新见解。 形容词 a. 1.前面的[Z][B]We can see the forward part of the ship. 我们可以看见船的前部。 2.早的;提前的;早熟的The spring flowers are rather forward this year. 今年春天的花儿开得相当早。 3.鲁莽的,冒失的;放肆的She made a forward remark. 她讲了一句冒昧的话。 4.热心的,乐意的He"s always forward with help. 他总是乐于助人。 名词 n. 1.前锋及物动词 vt. 1.转交[(+to)]Would you please forward this letter to his new address? 请你把这封信转寄到他的新地址。 2.发送,递送[(+to)][O1]The goods will be forwarded to your house. 这些货将发送到你家里。 3.促进,助长He tried to forward his father"s plan. 他努力想促成父亲的计划。

计算机网络 forward是什么意思?

在计算机专业中,forward 的意思是转发。即:比如说两个电脑 A、B 之间的信息包发送,电脑 A 需要将某个信息包发送给电脑 B,并不是直接发送给电脑 B 的,而是首先将该信息包发送到另外一台中间设备上,然后再由该中间设备最终将该信息包发送给电脑 B。

计算机网络 forward是什么意思?


bring forward是什么意思




go forward是什么意思

go forward[英][ɡəu ˈfɔ:wəd][美][ɡo ˈfɔrwəd]前进; 发生; 被提出; 例句:1.Differences over the best way to go forward so far have delayed approval of the expandedfund. 迄今为止由于扩大提供资金的批准已经被推迟,错过了向前推进的最好方式。2.The execution will go forward. 死刑仍然要继续进行

Spring Forward是什么意思

Spring Forward[电影]秋季前行

shoulder seam forward是什么意思

shoulder seam forward的中文翻译shoulder seam forward肩缝

move forward是什么意思


brought forward是什么意思

brought forward英[brɔ:t ˈfɔ:wəd]美[brɔt ˈfɔrwəd]词典承前期网络提出; 承前; 提出了双语例句 The detective changed his holiday dates when his flight was brought forward and it now clashed with the trial.由于航班提前,侦探更改了度假日期,但是这样一来就和审判冲突了。