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newspaper的重音在new.英语音标:[_nju_zpe_p_; _nju_s-]美语音标:[_nuzpep_]转载需注明“转自音标网”,违者必究中文翻译n.报纸;新闻纸单词例句用作名词 (n.)He unfurled the newspaper and began to read. 他展开报纸开始阅读。I learned this news from the newspaper. 我从报纸上得知这个消息。Only when he read the newspaper did he know the story. 他看了报纸后才知道那则报导。His name leapt out at me from the newspaper. 报纸上他的名字一下子跳入我的眼帘。We have subscribed to an evening newspaper. 我们已经订阅了一份晚报。语法用法n.(名词)newspaper的基本意思是“报道性读物”,侧重指每日、每周出版的载有新闻的出版物。作“一种报纸”解时,是可数名词,在口语中常略作paper。newspaper用作不可数名词,可指“废旧报纸”,还可作“报社”解。news, newsboy等的news都读 [nju_z] ,但newspaper的s不浊化,大多读作 ["nju_s_peip_] ,这是由于受后面清辅音 [p] 的同化。


newspaper,英语单词,名词,意为“报纸,报社,旧报纸”短语online newspaper网络报纸 ; 网上报纸 ; 报纸网络版 ; 在线报刊newspaper boy报童newspaper agency报纸代售处newspaper rack[家具]报架 ; 书报架 ;[家具]报纸架 ; 座椅newspaper clipping剪报 ; 报纸剪辑 ; 历年活动剪报例句Yes, I read about that in the newspaper.是的,我在报纸上读过这条消息。Which newspaper do you like best of the three?这批发三种报纸中,你最喜欢哪一种?。Keep some newspaper in your garage or workshop.保留一些报纸在你的车库或工作室。


newspaper[英][u02c8nju:zpeu026apu0259(r)] [美][ u02c8nuzu02ccpepu025a, u02c8njuz-] 生词本简明释义n.报纸,报;旧报纸;新闻纸复数:newspapers以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 同反义词1.N-COUNT报纸;报A newspaper is a publication consisting of a number of large sheets of folded paper, on which news, advertisements, and other information is printed.He was carrying a newspaper...他拿着一份报纸。They read their daughter"s allegations in the newspaper.他们从报纸上看到了女儿的说法。


既是可数名词又是不可数名词。newspaper的基本意思是“报道性读物”,侧重指每日、du每周出版的载有新闻的出版物。作“一种报纸”解时,是可数名词,在口语中常略作paper。newspaper用作不可数名词,可指“废旧报纸”,还可作“报社”解。 扩展资料   Give us the newspaper, will you?   把报纸给我好吗?   The newspaper story is based on hard facts.   报纸的这篇报道有可靠的`事实根据。   Our newspaper aims to reflect the views of the local community.   我们的报纸旨在表达当地人民的心声。




news的意思是新闻,这是一个不可数名词; paper翻译为纸时不可数,paper翻译为报纸、论文、试卷时可数。 newspaper的基本意思是“报道性读物”,侧重指每日每周出版的载有新闻的出版物。作“一种报纸”解时,是可数名词。newspaper用作不可数名词时可指“废旧报纸”。 扩展资料   例句:   Which newspaper do you get?   你订阅什么报纸?   Are these newspaper reports true?   报纸上这些报道属实吗?   I read about it in the newspaper.   我在报上看到了这件事。   Can I read your newspaper?   我可以看一下你的报纸吗?   The floor was laid with newspaper.   地板上铺了报纸。


既是可数名词又是不可数名词。newspaper的基本意思是“报道性读物”,侧重指每日、du每周出版的载有新闻的出版物。作“一种报纸”解时,是可数名词,在口语中常略作paper。newspaper用作不可数名词,可指“废旧报纸”,还可作“报社”解。 扩展资料   Yes, I read about that in the newspaper.   是的,我在报纸上读过这条消息。   Which newspaper do you like best of the three?   这批发三种报纸中,你最喜欢哪一种?。   Keep some newspaper in your garage or workshop.   保留一些报纸在你的车库或工作室。


newspaper既可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词。当newspaper是“报纸,报,报社”的意思时,其为可数名词,其复数形式为newspapers。当其含义为“ (尤指用作他途的)旧报纸”时,其为不可数名词。news虽以s结尾,但具有单数意义;作主语时,谓语动词须用单数形式。表示“条”、“则”时不可直接用不定冠词或数词修饰。“一则消息”可说a piece(bit,scrap)of news,“几条消息”可说pieces ofnews;报刊上刊登的“一则新闻”可以说an item of news或a news item,“多则新闻”则是items of news或news items。造句:1.According to the latest news, the government is investing millions of dollars to improve the city"s transportation infrastructure.2.Today"s newspaper reported a shocking news: the company has decided to make massive layoffs to cope with the economic crisis.3.This famous actor revealed that he will be working with a rising director in his next movie.4.Last night"s TV news told us that many airlines have reduced their international flights due to the impact of the pandemic.5.Recent reports suggest that the city"s subway construction project has been put on hold due to lack of funding.6.A recent survey found that more and more young people are choosing to start their own businesses rather than working in traditional industries.7.Due to heavy rain, many roads are flooded in the area, causing severe traffic disruptions.8.An ongoing study shows that prolonged work in front of screens may have negative effects on eye health.9.The latest trend on social media is taking pictures while strolling outdoors, with many people sharing photos of themselves walking outside.10.Elementary students cheerfully receive the STEM courses that their school recently introduced.


newspaper的意思:意为“报纸,报社,旧报纸”。短语搭配:online newspaper网络报纸 ; 网上报纸 ; 报纸网络版 ; 在线报刊。newspaper boy报童。newspaper agency报纸代售处。双语例句:1、Yes, I read about that in the newspaper.是的,我在报纸上读过这条消息。2、Which newspaper do you like best of the three?这批发三种报纸中,你最喜欢哪一种?3、Keep some newspaper in your garage or workshop.保留一些报纸在你的车库或工作室。


可数newspaper英 [u02c8nju:zpeu026apu0259(r)] 美 [u02c8nu:zpeu026apu0259(r)]n.报纸,报;旧报纸;新闻纸词汇难度:高考 / CET4 / 考研复数: newspapers


newspaper英语读音是:英 [u02c8njuu02d0zpeu026apu0259(r)] 美 [u02c8nuu02d0zpeu026apu0259r]


newspaper的意思是报纸,报社。n.报纸,报;报社;(尤指用作他途的)旧报纸短语1、daily newspaper日报 ; 每日报纸 ; 每天看报2、newspaper office报社 ; 报馆 ; 旧称报社3、student newspaper校刊例句1、May I borrow your newspaper?把你的报纸借我看行吗?2、Give us the newspaper, will you?把报纸给我好吗?3、He was carrying a newspaper.他正拿着一份报纸。








不是 是一个单词 报纸

newspaper 和newspapers 的区别在哪里?





单词"newspaper"是可数名词和不可数名词,具体使用时要看上下文语境。如果指的是一份报纸,则为可数名词,例如:- I bought three newspapers this morning.- Can you pass me the newspaper, please?如果指的是报纸这种媒介的总体,表示不可数名词,例如:- He works for a newspaper.- I read the newspaper every day.扩展一些相关的名词用法:1. Magazine(杂志)也是可数名词和不可数名词,用法与newspaper类似。2. Media(媒体)是不可数名词,表示一种通信媒介或传播手段,包括报纸、杂志、广播、电视、互联网等。3. Periodical(期刊)是可数名词,指定期出版的杂志或报纸。4. Press(新闻界)也是不可数名词,表示新闻出版业或新闻工作者的总称,例如:- The press has a responsibility to report the news accurately.- She works in the press.总之,名词的可数与不可数要根据具体的语境来确定,理解名词的用法可以帮助我们更加流利地表达自己的意思。

newspaper 到底可数不可数啊?可以说 a newspaper 吗?希望非常确定的高人回答。

牛津高阶英语词典 newspaper noun1.[C] a set of large printed sheets of paper containing news, articles, advertisements, etc. and published every day or every week: 报纸 (通常意义上的) 例: a daily / weekly newspaper ◆ a local / national newspaper ◆ a newspaper article ◆ I read about it in the newspaper. ◆ a newspaper cutting ◆ She works for the local newspaper (= the company that produces it).2. [U] paper on which newspapers are printed : 报纸(不当获取新闻的东西,当做一种材料,即纸张)例:a parcel wrapped in newspaper 用报纸裹著的小包


追问: 你可不可以举一些例子 回答: newspaper可数吗?tear可数吗?请看看下面这道题,你不会出错吧:I found her sitting in the corner, reading _____ newspaper, with _____ in her eyes.A. a, tear B. a piece of, tearsC. a, tears D. a piece of, tear【陷阱】误选D,许多学生错误地认为,既然news(消息)和 paper(纸)均为不可数名词,那么newspaper(报纸)也应是不可数的;同时认为“眼泪”即“泪水”,“水”不可数,“泪水”和“眼泪”也应该不可数。Her eyes filled with tears. 她热泪盈眶。She dried her tears with a handkerchief. 她用手帕擦干了眼泪。The newspapers were full of lies. 报纸上一片谎言。

英语作文 newspaper

Newspaper  Newspapers contain many information topics such as sports, current events, business and entertainment. I like to read the sports topics most. I have great interest in sports, especially in football. Every weekend, I will buy two kinds of newspapers. They are Weekend of Sports and News of Soccer. In weekdays, when I open the daily newspapers, the first topics I look for are of course sports events.  You can see a live tournament on TV, and you can get the information of current events, business and entertainment on TV. But there is a unique topic you can only read from the sports line in newspaper, that is the comments of an exciting game. After you watched and shouted in front of the TV set and got the result of the game, you can sit in a comfortable chair, hold the newspaper and read what the coach said, what the famous specialist said and what the players felt when they won or lost in the competition.  On the other hand, the sports columns of newspapers often serve as a guidance to the sports lovers. It introduces some sports that are not familiar to us, and forecasts some important events that will happen in some countries in the future, etc.  Now, the 3rd World Cup of Women"s Soccer is holding in the U.S. A…… What a pleasure to watch the live game at night, to sleep in the morning and to read the comments of the newspaper in the afternoon. I always read the sports topics in the newspaper.




"newspaper"是一个英文单词,读音为 /u02c8njuu02d0zu02ccpeu026apu0259r/。其中,/n/是一个辅音音素,发音时需要将舌尖紧贴上齿龈,让气流通过鼻腔形成鼻音;/juu02d0/是一个长元音,发音时需要先发出元音/i/,然后将嘴巴形状向/u/的形状移动,同时发出一个长音;/z/是一个辅音音素,发音时需要将舌尖紧贴上齿龈,然后让气流通过口腔形成摩擦声;/peu026a/是一个双元音,发音时需要先发出元音/e/,然后将嘴巴形状向/u026a/的形状移动,同时发出一个长音;最后,/pu0259r/是一个辅音音素,发音时需要将双唇紧闭,然后突然松开,让气流通过声带形成一个爆破音。将这些音素组合在一起,就能准确地发出"newspaper"这个单词的发音。在发音时需要注意将"z"发成清晰的音,不要发成/s/或/d/的音。练习这个单词的发音可以帮助提高口语表达的准确性,从而更好地理解和交流英语。

on newspaper / on the newspaper in newspaper / in the newspaper 他们哪个是对的,分别意思是什么?

关于冠词做为读阅性的报纸newspaper是可数,加the和a要看具体情况.a是泛指,the是特指.旧报纸做为其它用途的时候,比如说包东西,擦玻璃的.为不可数.关于介词如果说是报纸上的内容则为in the newspaper 如果说某件东西在报纸上则为on the newspaper希望能帮到你求好评~望采纳~~


表示“报纸”,可视为news(消息)和paper(纸)组合而成,但两者均为不可数名词,而newspaper作为供人阅读或传递信息的一种东西——报纸,它是可数的。 newspaper双语例句 1.I read every last article in the newspaper. 报纸上的每一篇文章我都读。 2.When I get home from work I like to relax with the newspaper. 我下班回到家里,喜欢看看报纸,放松一下。 3.Give us the newspaper, will you? 把报纸给我好吗? 4.The newspaper story is based on hard facts. 报纸的这篇报道有可靠的事实根据。 5.Our newspaper aims to reflect the views of the local community. 我们的报纸旨在表达当地人民的心声。


意思上没区别,取决于说话人的习惯。在说很多报纸的时候,一般都看作不可数名字,用newspaper也有人说newspapers,强调一大堆报纸的时候但是在任何情况下都不能用 three newspapers 这样的“数词+newspaper”的用法,因为通常这种情况下就是看作不可数名词。只能加量词,如two copies(pieces)of newspaper。






1.newspaper 当做不可数名词时,译为报纸,指报纸的统称 2.different kinds of newspapers ,这时加s了,指报纸的种类,这时就有像它的复数形式了,但注意是两码事哦 要注意: 英语中的专有名词、物质名词和抽象名词一般为不可数名词,但有时它们却可用作复数形式.此时它们往往又有了新的含义.就如newspaper一般为不可数,但加s后含义就变了 看下这个归纳吧: 一、专有名词的复救形式的含义 1.表示一家人或夫妻.例如: Are the Smiths coming to our party tomorrow night? 史密斯一家明晚会来参加我们的聚会吗? 2.表示同名或同姓的若干人.例如: There are two Marys and three Roberts in his class. 他班上有两个玛丽和三个罗伯特.Did the Mr.Blakes come this morning? 那几位布莱克先生今天上午来了吗? 二、物质名词的复数形式的含义 1.表示不同的种类,如food,wine,metal,wheat,rice等.例如: The wines of France are among the best in the world. 法国的葡萄酒是世界上最好的, First of all,he wrote out a long list of all the foods which were forbidden. 首先他列出了一长串禁用的食品. 2.表示量很大,远远超过该词原来表示的程度或次数.这一类词常见的有:sands(沙滩,沙漠),waters(水域),rains(大阵雨、雨季),winds(大风),times(时代),woods(森林),ruins(废墟),rags(碎片、破衣服),ashes(灰烬、骨灰).例如: The rising waters did a lot of harm to the crops. 上涨的河水给庄稼造成了很大的损害. These caves collapse easily in heavy rains. 下大雨时这些洞穴容易倒塌. The children are playing on the sands. 孩子们在沙滩上玩. 3.某些表示饮料名称的物质名词往往以复数形式代替单位词.这类词有coffees,teas等.例如: The waitress has served twenty teas since four o"clock. 从四点起,这位女服务员已上了二十份午茶. Send two coffees and three lemonades to the room. 请将两杯咖啡和三杯柠檬汁送到这个房间. 4.某些物质名词又是个体名词,它们的复数形式表示与原来个体完全不同的东西.这类词有 glasses(眼镜、玻璃杯),irons(熨斗),coppers(铜币),papers(文章, 证件)等.例如: She is always wearing glasses. 她总是戴着眼镜. He wrote many papers for the newspaper. 他为这份报纸写过许多文章. 三、抽象名词的复效形式的含义 1.congratulations,regards,respects,thanks,wishes,apologies等复数形式用来 表示祝愿、礼貌和客气.例如: It"s your birthday today.Congratulations! 今天是你的生日,恭喜你! You"ve given me so much help.Thanks a lot. 你给了我很多帮助, 2.smiles,pities,fears,hopes,kindnesses复数形式表示强调.例如: He was all smiles. 他满脸笑容. It is a thousand pities. 非常遗憾. I have received many kindnesses from him. 他对我非常好. Great fears are felt for the safety of the missing climbers. 人们对失踪的登山者的安全权为担忧. 3.抽象名词具体化.有些抽象名词的复数形式表示具体的事物,如cares(烦人的事),anxieties(令人着急的事),worries(使人发愁的事),difficulties(难题),joys(使人高兴的事),failures(失败的事,失败的人),friendships(表示友谊的事例)等.例如: After listening to his advice,she had no more anxieties. 听了他的建议,她不再有发愁的事了. His friendships never last very long. 他与别人的交情从来都不长久. After many failures,they finally succeeded. 经过多次失败之后,他们最后成功了. 4.某些抽象名词在某种场合是个体名词,它们的复数形式表示与该个体名词不同的意义,如youths(男青年、小伙子),relations(亲属),beauties(美人), necessities(必需品)等.例如: Twenty youths attended the meeting yesterday. 二十个男青年出席了昨天的会议. All his poor relations came to spend their holidays at his home. 他所有的穷亲戚都在他家过节. 还有问题的很乐意帮忙,没有的话选我哦,


当newspaper是指平常的报纸时可数,如果是废报纸不可数”.是对的.作为废报纸,就和paper一样的性质(解释如下)newspaper为可数名词,它们不仅可以连用不定冠词、可以用复数,而且还可以连用数词.The newspapers were full of lies.报纸上一片谎言.A newspaper is a publication.报纸是一种出版物.顺便说一句,若不是将 newspaper 当作是供阅读或传递信息的一种东西,而只是把它当成一种“纸”来看待,也可用作不可数名词,如Wrap it in (a sheet of) newspaper.把它用张报纸包起来.


既是可数名词又是不可数名词。newspaper的基本意思是“报道性读物”,侧重指每日、du每周出版的载有新闻的出版物。作“一种报纸”解时,是可数名词,在口语中常略作paper。newspaper用作不可数名词,可指“废旧报纸”,还可作“报社”解。 news用法 news用作名词,基本含义是“新闻,消息”,指最近发生的公众感兴趣的事情或最近变化了的情况;后可接that引起的同位语从句。 1.news的基本意思是“新闻,消息”,指最近发生的公众感兴趣的事情或最近变化了的情况;也可指电视、广播或报纸上对最近事情的报道;还可指当作新闻内容的人、物、事。 2.news是个不可数名词,虽以-s结尾,但具有单数意义;作主语时,谓语动词须用单数形式。表示“条”“则”时不可直接用不定冠词或数词修饰。“一则消息”可说a piece〔bit,scrap〕of news,“几条消息”可说pieces of news;报刊上刊登的“一则新闻”可以说an item of news或a news item ,“多则新闻”则是items of news或news items。 3.news之前有形容词修饰时,可加不定冠词。 4.news后可接that引起的同位语从句,that仅起连接作用,在从句中不充当句子成分。




newspaper 音标:["nju:speɪpə(r)]报纸 newspaper英[ˈnjuːzpeɪpə(r)]美[ˈnuːzpeɪpər]词典newspaperjournalnewsprint例句这家报纸的主编被指责为不够正直。The editor of the newspaper was condemned as lacking integrity.


newspaper的读音是:英["nju?zpe?p?(r)]。newspaper的读音是:英["nju?zpe?p?(r)]。newspaper的详尽释义是n.(名词)报纸报社白报纸新闻纸新闻用纸报馆报界旧报纸。newspaper的例句是用作名词(n.)He unfurled the newspaper and began to read.他展开报纸开始阅读。一、详尽释义点此查看newspaper的详细内容n.(名词)报纸报社白报纸新闻纸新闻用纸报馆报界旧报纸v.(动词)从事报业从事新闻工作二、英英释义Noun:a daily or weekly publication on folded sheets; contains news and articles and advertisements;"he read his newspaper at breakfast"a business firm that publishes newspapers;"Murdoch owns many newspapers"the physical object that is the product of a newspaper publisher;"when it began to rain he covered his head with a newspaper"cheap paper made from wood pulp and used for printing newspapers;"they used bales of newspaper every day"三、词典解释1.报纸;报Anewspaper is a publication consisting of a number of large sheets of folded paper, on which news, advertisements, and other information is printed.newspapere.g. He was carrying anewspaper...他拿着一份报纸。e.g. They read their daughter"s allegations in thenewspaper.他们从报纸上看到了女儿的说法。2.报馆;报社Anewspaper is an organization that produces a newspaper.e.g. It is Britain"s fastest growing national dailynewspaper...这是英国发展最快的全国性日报社。e.g. Alexander Lazarus is a food critic for thenewspaper.亚历山大·拉扎勒斯是为该报撰稿的饮食评论家。3.(尤指用作他途的)旧报纸Newspaper consists of pieces of old newspapers, especially when they are being used for another purpose such as wrapping things up.newspaper在线翻译e.g. He found two pots, each wrapped innewspaper.他发现了两个分别用报纸包着的罐子。四、例句He unfurled the newspaper and began to read.他展开报纸开始阅读。I learned this news from the newspaper.我从报纸上得知这个消息。Only when he read the newspaper did he know the story.他看了报纸后才知道那则报导。His name leapt out at me from the newspaper.报纸上他的名字一下子跳入我的眼帘。We have subscribed to an evening newspaper.我们已经订阅了一份晚报。The associated press reported that as a result of glossy paper costs higher than the average newsprint, not to advertisements, the newspaper is not possible for a new look.美联社报道,由于光面纸成本比普通新闻纸高,没有拉到广告,这家报纸不可能改版。五、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~appear in the newspaper见报buy a newspaper买报纸circulate newspaper发行报纸close a newspaper查封报纸deliver a newspaper送报纸edit a newspaper编辑报纸go for a newspaper去买张报纸keep newspapers保存报纸make the newspapers登在报上print a newspaper印刷报纸publish a newspaper出版报纸read the newspaper看报register newspaper注册报纸run a newspaper办报scan a newspaper浏览报纸start a newspaper创办一家报纸turn the newspaper to the next page把报纸翻到下一页unfold a newspaper打开报纸形容词+~cheap newspaper没有多少价值的报纸,廉价的报纸daily newspaper日报fat newspaper厚报纸financial newspaper金融报influential newspaper有影响的报纸leading newspaper主要报刊local newspaper地方报刊national newspaper全国性报刊popular newspaper受欢迎的报纸,流行的报纸rolled-up newspaper卷起来的报纸serious newspaper严肃的报纸,重要的报纸student-run newspaper学生办的报纸weekly newspaper周报名词+~blackboard newspaper黑板报college newspaper大学学报evening newspaper晚报morning newspaper晨报Sunday newspaper星期日版报纸wall newspaper墙报~+名词newspaper holder报夹newspaper man新闻记者newspaper office报社newspaper report新闻报道newspaper world报界介词+~report for a newspaper报纸通讯报道clip articles from newspapers从报纸上剪下文章in the newspaper在报上the headlines in the newspaper报纸的标题start a new column in a newspaper在报纸上开辟新专栏file of newspapers报纸的合订本columns of a newspaper报纸的专栏inside pages of a newspaper报纸的里页leak the story to the newspapers把情况透露给报界六、情景对话Living an Independent Life-(独立生活)A:Mom, I want to move out.妈妈,我想搬出去住。B:Hey, sounds great to me, kid. What kind of job did you find?嘿,听起来到很不错,孩子,你找到了什么工作?A:Job?什么工作?B:Yes, job. If you"re going to live on your own, you have to pay for rent and everything else.是呀,工作。如果你想一个人住,你必须自己付房租,还有所有的一切。A:I thought I could just get you and Dad to pay for an apartment. I found a cheap one.我想让你和爸爸来付房租,我就找间便宜点的。B:When you move out, your father and I aren"t paying your rent, young man. Get a job.你搬走的话,年轻人,你爸爸和我是不会给你付房租的,找一个工作吧。A:You"re right. If I"m going to live on my own, I have to be independent.没错。如果要一个人住的话,我要学会独立。B:Well, thenewspaper is over there. Look in the want ads, but I don"t know what you"re going to find without a college degree.哦,那边有报纸。看看招聘专栏,但是我不知道没有大学文凭你可以找到什么工作。Advertising-(广告)A:We want to use the right marketing mix to reach our target market.我们想要使用正确的行销媒体来达到市场目标。B:Certainly. We"ve done some tactical planning already. We think we"ve come up with a good plan.当然。我们已经完成一些战略计划。我们认为我们已经提出一项不错的计划。A:What media do you plan to use?你们准备使用何种媒体?B:Well, taking into account the image you want to project, we"ve asked our copywriters to prepare copy for computer magazines and the internet first.考虑到你们想要表现的形象,我们已要求撰写文案的同事准备好计算机杂志稿及网际网络用稿。A:So that way, our advertising dollars would be focused on people we know are computer users.这样一来,我们的广告花费就会针对在,如我们所知,计算机使用者身上。newspaper是什么意思B:Yes. We"ll also run billboard andnewspaper ads to help create broad brand recognition.是的。我们还同时刊登广告看板及报纸广告来帮助创立明显的品牌识别。A:Will there be any direct mail?会有任何广告邮件吗?B:No. That would not be correct for a manufacturer like you. Leave that to the retailers.没有。对像你们这样的制造商来说,那并不是正确的作法。把这种方式留给零售商吧。A:Good point. Please prepare a more detailed proposal, and then I"ll pitch it to the higher-ups.说得没错。请准备一份更详细的提案,然后我会把它推销给高阶主管。B:Great. We"ll get started right away.太好了。我们马上准备。七、常见错误n.(名词)我从昨天的报纸上读到这条消息。误 I read about the news from yesterday"s newspaper.正 I read about the news in yesterday"s newspaper.我很有兴趣研究在报纸上刊登的地图。误 I took a keen interest in studying maps that appeared on the newspapers.正 I took a keen interest in studying maps that appeared in the newspapers.析 英语中习惯用in the newspaper表示“在报纸上的内容”,而不用其他介词。她每天看报纸。误 She saw the newspaper every day.正 She read the newspaper every day.析 本句中看的意思是“阅读”。今天的报纸上刊载了我的文章。误 My article is published by today"s newspaper.正 My article appears in today"s newspaper.析 publish的动作主体不是newspaper,而应该是报社。newspaper的相关临近词newt、newsletter、newspapers、newspaperly、newspaperman、newspapering、newspaperdom、newspaper boy、newspaper man、newspaper word、newspaper room、newspaper file点此查看更多关于newspaper的详细信息




newspaper英 ["njuu02d0zpeu026apu0259; "njuu02d0s-]美 ["nuzpepu025a]n. 报纸报社旧报纸[网络短语]Newspaper 报纸,本报,看报纸newspaper campaign 新闻战,报纸战NEWSPAPER ZOMBIE 读报僵尸,报纸僵尸,读报僵硬的尸体例句:He rakes the newspaper before breakfast every day. 他每天早饭前浏览一下报纸。If you polish the article, we will print it in the newspaper. 如果你把这篇文章润色一下,我们就在报纸上发表它。This newspaper circulates mostly in the commercial districts. 这份报纸大部分在商业区内销售。希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢!


扭死配婆儿英[u02c8nju:zpeu026apu0259(r)] 美[ u02c8nuzu02ccpepu025a, u02c8njuz-]


newspaper[英][u02c8nju:zpeu026apu0259(r)][美][u02c8nu:zpeu026apu0259(r)]n.报纸,报; 旧报纸; 新闻纸; 复数:newspapers例句:1.You can depend on this newspaper. 你可以依赖这家报纸。


把newspaper当作一种供阅读或传递信息的东西时,它是可数的,可以连用不定冠词,也可以使用复数形式。如:Newspapers littered the floor. 报纸扔了一地。Newspapers are a medium for advertising. 报纸是广告的媒介。扩展资料:可数名词一般指可以分为个体,且可直接用数目进行计数的名词,如课桌、椅子、男孩、女孩、房间、学校等。因为可数名词可以用数目进行计数,所以可数名词又可分为:单数可数名词和复数可数名词。1)单数可数名词:单词前加a/an,如a apple,a beautiful girl,a class,a cup等等。2)复数可数名词:单词结尾变化。

韩国歌曲开头是呐呐 呐 呐呐 呐 呐呐呐,中间有类似ice cream news cream 的发音,是女的唱的

应该是red velvet的ice cream cake求采纳


HIP-HOP DANCE的演变 而OLDSCHOOL演变至NEWSCHOOL的关键,这可追溯至早期OLDSCHOOL的音乐,其具有非常快的节拍来匹配这些BREAKING的动作,而后随着HIP-HOP音乐的演进,人们开始了解BREAKING并不适合这些NEWSCHOOL、HIP-HOP的音乐(因为所谓NEWSCHOOL的音乐比较慢,如果在这种慢板的HIP-HOP音乐中做出“风车”或“排腿”(footwork)之类的动作,就会觉得一点爆发力都没有,甚至失去舞感。此时OLDSCHOOL与NEWSCHOOL的舞蹈就开始分家了,那是在1986年左右,早期NEWSCHOOL的舞步非常简单,如耳熟能详的“滑步”(runningman)这在以前MCHAMMER及巴比布朗的VIDEO的中均可见到,或许可以称当时这种“劲爆”的HIP-HOP舞蹈为FUNKINGDANCE。 NEWSCHOOL HIP-HOP的出现 然而以现在的眼光来看这些MCHAMMER及巴比布朗时期所流行的街舞,也渐渐变成了OLDSCHOOL。因为在92年初期时,出现了一个叫做MOPTOP(ELITEFORCE)的黑人舞蹈团体(由HENRYLINK、LOOSEJOINT、BUDDHASTRETCH组成),他们发展出一种新风格的HIP-HOP,称之为“原地性HIP-HOP”,它不像MCHAMMER及巴比布朗时期的大动作、劲爆、大范围式的移动,更没有霹雳舞中那些在地板上类似体操的动作。它独有风格在于注重身体的协调性(即律动),重视身体上半身的律动,增加了许多手部动作。 或许HENRY刚开始时只是一位默默无名的街头舞者,但是当麦克·杰克逊的一首“Remabethetime”MTV出现时,大家首次看到这种所谓的原地性舞蹈。这种新风格的舞蹈在这位世界流行音乐之王的MTV中一经出现,马上就掀起了一股风潮。 我们不敢说是甚么原因使这位HENRY先生一炮而红,但是这首“Remabethetime”中的舞蹈正是他的杰作。后来在马丽亚·凯利的“Dreamlover”MTV中,我们看到了一片草原上有一群只穿者裤子的黑人跳着奇怪风格的舞蹈。这些舞蹈中夹杂着HIP-HOP、LOCKING(锁舞)、POPING(机器舞)、WAVE(电流)这些东西,却配合着“Dreamlover”这种RAP式曲风的HIP-HOP音乐,当时我们很难断定这是何种舞蹈,但却是NEWSCHOOLHIP-HOP发展史上很重要的一节,它是全世界开始流行NEWSCHOOL的起源也是“罪魁祸首”。 NEW SCHOOL HIP-HOP的成熟阶段 所谓的NEW SCHOOL HIP-HOP,我给他一个定义就是将各种不一样类型的舞蹈串联在一起,以一首轻快慢板的HIP-HOP或R&B表现出来。(这也是NEWSCHOOL初期的一种型态) 我们看到这首“Dreamlover”中这群由Henry带领的黑人舞群,做出了令人难以理解的舞蹈动作,他们把以往只能搭配快节奏的LOCKING(锁舞)在R&B的慢式舞曲节奏中以一种新的感觉去表现它,他们不再做这种一定要类似双节棍般甩手挽般的动作去表现LOCKING(锁舞),他们简化了许多LOCKING(锁舞)的动作。并且以标准的HIP-HOP左右式律动去表现POPING(机器舞)和LOCKING(锁舞),也不时的在舞蹈中加上WAVE(电流)的东西。简单的说,就是用新的感觉去诠释这些旧的舞步。 马上,日本的知名街舞团体兼歌手ZOO所发行的新单曲“叮当叮当”中,也用了这种NEWSCHOOLHIP-HOP来表现MTV中的舞蹈。一不注意……这种新风格的街舞已经在全世界流行开来了。后来慢慢的,这位HENRY在马丽亚·凯利的歌曲“Fantasy”以及近期的“Honey”中担任了编舞的工作,其次像之前红及一时以解散的女子HIP-HOP团体TLC的歌曲“Creep”及电影《MIB》的MTV。我们慢慢发现这种HIP-HOP已经开始成熟。(当然的,这些MTV中大家也可以看到HENRY的踪影。) 前些时期最著名的的就是TLC的“Waterfalls”这支MTV,MTV中的“神奇抖肩膀”这个动作使NEWSCHOOLHIP-HOP又进入了另一个新的阶段。 现在的NEW SCHOOL HIP-HOP DANCE 不得不佩服日本人的头脑,当这种NEWSCHOOLHIP-HOP在日本开始流行时,日本人发展出它们自己的另一套舞风,同样的这也是另大家难以理解的事情。这些日本的HIP-HOP舞者开始用OLDSCHOOL的音乐跳NEWSCHOOL的HIP-HOP了。NEWSCHOOL的发源在以新的音乐风格表现旧的舞蹈。现在却变成以旧的音乐风格来诠释新的舞蹈。真的是很奇怪的一件事。 在动作上,近期的NEWSCHOOLHIP-HOP变化更多,尤其是在加上WAVE(电流)的东西时,它变得更没有规律。如果以观众的眼光来看,似乎跳这些NEWSCHOOL的舞者都是“小儿麻痹”患者,因为身体的扭曲更加厉害,越来越没有在舞蹈中所谓的规律性。 HIP-HOPDANCE的也有地区性 我们可以分成NEWYORKSTYLE与L.A.STYLE两种。这个两个地区的东西呈现两极化的风格。 例如NEWYORKSTYLE它就是我们一般所看到的身体扭曲变形、各种街舞大串联的风格。或许NEWYORK是HENRY的大本营,所以自然而然的这个地区的HIP-HOP风格也较偏向HENRY的风格,原地性的舞蹈加上身体奇怪的扭曲与LOCKING(锁舞)、POPING(机器舞)、WAVE(电流)这些东西的大会串,我们不难想象它正是一种黑人的随性作风。 而L.A.STYLE的HIP-HOP,它承袭延续了MCHAMMER及巴比布朗时期所流行的街舞。大动作及脚步的变化性,也保有了其劲爆的特性,只是在动作的变化上增加了许多新的花样。 也因为HIP-HOP分成了这两大派系,所以许多舞者或杂志媒体上就不再统称他们为HIP-HOPDANCE:他们称NEWYORKSTYLE的HIP-HOP为NEWSCHOOL。而称L。ASTYLE的HIP-HOP为STREETDANCE。 到底NEWSCHOOLHIP-HOP是甚么? 总而言之,NEWSCHOOL的HIP-HOP它包含者各种类型的街舞,包括LOCKING(锁舞)、POPING(机器舞)、WAVE(电流)以及MCHAMMER及巴比布朗时期的律动。只是在NEWSCHOOLHIP-HOP中看不到BREAKINGDANCE(霹雳舞)的影子。就像前面提到的,它融合了各式的街舞型态,或许我们可以说它是一种集大成的舞蹈。然而现在的NEWSCHOOLDANCE包含的范畴又更广了:不仅加入许多种舞蹈融合其中,如POPIN",BOOGIE(布吉),取材范围也更广了! 国外有些人认为NEWSCHOOL的动作跟90年代的风车、HEADSPIN来比较的话,显而简单许多。但NEWSCHOOL的动作也是需要技巧的,这就跟霹雳舞中的排腿“footwork”是相近的观念,虽然随性,但却也包含颇多技巧在其中的道理是一样的。 然而OLDSCHOOL与NEWSCHOOL孰优?我们无法去真正的作个区分或比较。但是不知什么时候又会有更新风格的街舞出现,到时……我们现在所流行的NEWSCHOOL,又要变成历史,又要变成另一种的OLDSCHOOL了。



"news clip"是什么意思?


journalish / news 有什么区别

是想区分ournalism/ news 吧?

journal 和newsletter的区别

意思不同啊。journal 英[u02c8du0292u025c:nl] 美[u02c8du0292u025c:rnl] n. 日报,日志,日记; 定期刊物,期刊,杂志; [会计] 分类账; newsletter 英[u02c8nju:zletu0259(r)] 美[u02c8nu:zletu0259(r)] n. 时事通讯; (给特定读者定期寄发的) 通讯; 业务通讯;

英语publishing newsletters怎么翻译?


Newsboys的《Miracles》 歌词

歌曲名:Miracles歌手:Newsboys专辑:Born Again (Deluxe Edition)Newsboys - MiraclesYou ever seen a brother or sister who could cure a disease?I hadn"t but I wanted to show the world that nothing"s impossible if they can believeThey"re gonna see a miracleI didn"t know what to do so I went running to You to find that cureNow I know for sureI"m done looking around, I finally figured it outIt"s more than metaphysicalYou got me up from down, faith has shattered my doubtsI believe in miraclesI knew what I wanted to do but just like gravity"s pullI always did the oppositeLife was a meaningless party, I started to fall into a bottomless holeBut then I got a miracleSome people don"t have a clue if all of this could be trueBut take a look at meI was blind but now I seeI"m done looking around, I finally figured it outIt"s more than metaphysicalYou got me up from down, faith has shattered my doubtsI believe in miraclesThere"s something that"s missingIf we can"t recognize that our own existenceIs the miracle before our eyesI"m done looking around, I finally figured it outIt"s more than metaphysicalYou got me up from down, faith has shattered my doubtsI believe in miraclesI"m done looking around, I finally figured it outIt"s more than metaphysicalYou got me up from down, faith has shattered my doubtsI believe in miraclesIt"s more than metaphysical

a piece of news是什么意思


that is really good news.句子为什么成立

这句子其实就是 that is news ,是什么样的news呢,good news,想表达有多么的good呢,really good

GEO NEWS 20 marks

更新1: English please Feb 16 2007] 地球科学:小心!月亮会放电 编辑 JR 报导 科学家认为月球表面在特殊的太空天气下,会带有数千伏特的电压。月球表面的带电与放电现象将成为未来月球探勘活动的挑战。 地球的强大磁场与大气,可将来自太阳风的高能粒子与宇宙射线偏折,而月球极为稀薄的大气、及分布在局部区域的微弱地壳磁场,则很难阻隔外来的带电粒子入侵,而使其表面容易带电。美国加州大学柏克莱分校科学家J. S. Halekas的研究团队检视月球探勘者(Lunar Prospector)在1998~99年绕行月球时收集的数据后发现:月球表面的确在特殊的太空天气下会带有静电,电压可以高达4千五百伏特。此研究论文已刊登在Geophysical Research Letters期刊上。 除了太阳风的吹拂之外,当月球进入地球磁层尾(magotail)区域、穿过高温的电浆离子时,也能让月球表面带有异常的高电位。先前的太空任务已经证实,表面的带电与放电、容易造成人造仪器的异常或失联,这样的现象势必也会发生在未来月球的基地上。 科学家认为,月球探勘任务中最头痛的问题应该是月球尘埃。阿波罗任务的太空人发现,月球尘埃太细,一旦沾黏到就很难清干净,不论是皮肤、衣服、金属表面,甚至还会卡住用来清理太空舱的吸尘器、减损仪器设备的使用年限。而月球表面带电,则会使前述状况恶化,带电的尘埃更易附着在物体上,尘埃并将因静电相斥而扬起飘浮,影响太空船登陆或探勘的能见度。 参考论文 Halekas et al. Extreme lunar surface charging during solar energetic particle events Geophys. Res. Lett. 34 L02111 2007 Halekas et al. Large lunar surface potentials in sunlight and shadow Geophys. Res. Lett. 32 L09102 2005 参考来源: nature: Moon too static for astronauts? 相关连结: Impact of dust on lunar exploration 磁层简介 月亮会放电 ?真系第一次听!



求翻译,Hard news 是什么意思

Hard news 是指有关当前话题的硬新闻,即具有一定时效性的热门新闻。


1、使用FileStream读写文件文件头:复制代码代码如下:using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;using System.IO;读文件核心代码:复制代码代码如下:byte[] byData = new byte[100];char[] charData = new char[1000];try{FileStream sFile = new FileStream("文件路径",FileMode.Open);sFile.Seek(55, SeekOrigin.Begin);sFile.Read(byData, 0, 100); //第一个参数是被传进来的字节数组,用以接受FileStream对象中的数据,第2个参数是字节数组中开始写入数据的位置,它通常是0,表示从数组的开端文件中向数组写数据,最后一个参数规定从文件读多少字符.}catch (IOException e){Console.WriteLine("An IO exception has been thrown!");Console.WriteLine(e.ToString());Console.ReadLine();return;}Decoder d = Encoding.UTF8.GetDecoder();d.GetChars(byData, 0, byData.Length, charData, 0);Console.WriteLine(charData);Console.ReadLine();写文件核心代码:复制代码代码如下:FileStream fs = new FileStream(文件路径,FileMode.Create);//获得字节数组byte [] data =new UTF8Encoding().GetBytes(String);//开始写入fs.Write(data,0,data.Length);//清空缓冲区、关闭流fs.Flush();fs.Close();2、使用StreamReader和StreamWriter文件头:复制代码代码如下:using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;using System.IO;StreamReader读取文件:复制代码代码如下:StreamReader objReader = new StreamReader(文件路径);string sLine="";ArrayList LineList = new ArrayList(); while (sLine != null){sLine = objReader.ReadLine();if (sLine != null&&!sLine.Equals(""))LineList.Add(sLine);}objReader.Close();return LineList;StreamWriter写文件:复制代码代码如下:FileStream fs = new FileStream(文件路径, FileMode.Create);StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs);//开始写入sw.Write(String);//清空缓冲区sw.Flush();//关闭流sw.Close();fs.Close();方式一:用FileStream复制代码代码如下://实例化一个保存文件对话框SaveFileDialog sf = new SaveFileDialog();//设置文件保存类型sf.Filter = "txt文件|*.txt|所有文件|*.*";//如果用户没有输入扩展名,自动追加后缀sf.AddExtension = true;//设置标题sf.Title = "写文件";//如果用户点击了保存按钮if(sf.ShowDialog()==DialogResult.OK){//实例化一个文件流--->与写入文件相关联FileStream fs = new FileStream(sf.FileName,FileMode.Create);//获得字节数组byte [] data =new UTF8Encoding().GetBytes(this.textBox1.Text);//开始写入fs.Write(data,0,data.Length);//清空缓冲区、关闭流fs.Flush();fs.Close();}方式二:用StreamWriter复制代码代码如下://实例化一个保存文件对话框SaveFileDialog sf = new SaveFileDialog();//设置文件保存类型sf.Filter = "txt文件|*.txt|所有文件|*.*";//如果用户没有输入扩展名,自动追加后缀sf.AddExtension = true;//设置标题sf.Title = "写文件";//如果用户点击了保存按钮if (sf.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK){//实例化一个文件流--->与写入文件相关联FileStream fs = new FileStream(sf.FileName, FileMode.Create);//实例化一个StreamWriter-->与fs相关联StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs);//开始写入sw.Write(this.textBox1.Text);//清空缓冲区sw.Flush();//关闭流sw.Close();fs.Close();}string FileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".txt"; //GUID生成唯一文件名StringBuilder ckpw = new StringBuilder(""凭证输出", "V800", "001", "东风随州专用汽车有限公司"," + ""F89自由项16", "F90审核日期:"");if (!FileIO.IsFolderExists(Server.MapPath("pzsc")))FileIO.CreaterFolder(Server.MapPath(""), "file://pzsc/");string filePath = Server.MapPath("pzsc") + "\" + FileName;System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(filePath, false, Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312"));//创建的时候需要指定编码格式,默认是UTF-8,中文显示乱码sw.WriteLine(ckpw.ToString());sw.Close();方式三:用BinaryWriter复制代码代码如下://实例化一个保存文件对话框SaveFileDialog sf = new SaveFileDialog();//设置文件保存类型sf.Filter = "txt文件|*.txt|所有文件|*.*";//如果用户没有输入扩展名,自动追加后缀sf.AddExtension = true;//设置标题sf.Title = "写文件";//如果用户点击了保存按钮if (sf.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK){//实例化一个文件流--->与写入文件相关联FileStream fs = new FileStream(sf.FileName, FileMode.Create);//实例化BinaryWriterBinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs);bw.Write(this.textBox1.Text);//清空缓冲区bw.Flush();//关闭流bw.Close();fs.Close();}C#缓存流示例------>用缓存流复制文件C#文件处理操作必须先导入命名空间:using System.IO;背景:使用VS2005、一个按钮、一个窗体、C#缓存流、把D:KuGoo爱得太多.wma复制到D:并更名为love.wma,即:D:love.wma在按钮的Click事件中添加如下代码:复制代码代码如下:private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){//创建两个文件流 一个是源文件相关,另一个是要写入的文件FileStream fs = new FileStream(@"D:KuGoo爱得太多.wma",FileMode.Open);FileStream fs2 = new FileStream(@"D:love.wma",FileMode.Create);//创建一个字节数组,作为两者之间的媒介//好比两个人拿苹果,这个字节数组就好比一个篮子,一个人作死的把苹果送到篮子里面,//而我就可以作死得拿苹果,通过这个媒介我们互不干扰,//不需要互相等待【她往篮子里面放了苹果我才可以去拿】,提高了效率byte[] data = new byte[1024];//创建两个缓冲流,与两个文件流相关联BufferedStream bs = new BufferedStream(fs);BufferedStream bs2= new BufferedStream(fs2);//fs作死的读,fs2作死的写,直到fs没有字节可读fs2就不写了//好比,一个人作死的往篮子里面丢苹果,另一个人作死得往篮子里面拿苹果,直到篮子里面没有苹果拿了为止//即-->那个人没有苹果往篮子里面放了while(fs.Read(data,0,data.Length)>0){fs2.Write(data,0,data.Length);fs2.Flush();}//关闭流,好比两个人累了,都要休息 呵呵o(∩_∩)o...fs.Close();fs2.Close();}C#内存流示例----->用内存流来读取图片C#文件处理操作必须先导入命名空间:using System.IO;背景:一个窗体、一个pictureBox、一个lable[没有选择图片,lable的text为"图片未选择"],在pictureBox1的Click事件中添加如下代码:复制代码代码如下:private void pictureBox1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){//实例化一个打开文件对话框OpenFileDialog op = new OpenFileDialog();//设置文件的类型op.Filter = "JPG图片|*.jpg|GIF图片|*.gif";//如果用户点击了打开按钮、选择了正确的图片路径则进行如下操作:if(op.ShowDialog()==DialogResult.OK){//清空文本this.label1.Text = "";//实例化一个文件流FileStream fs = new FileStream(op.FileName, FileMode.Open);//把文件读取到字节数组byte[] data = new byte[fs.Length];fs.Read(data, 0, data.Length);fs.Close();//实例化一个内存流--->把从文件流中读取的内容[字节数组]放到内存流中去MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(data);//设置图片框 pictureBox1中的图片this.pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(ms);}}



Muddy Waters的《Good News》 歌词

歌曲名:Good News歌手:Muddy Waters专辑:The Chess BoxI am here, I am clearIn the moment Back with a better viewNot a clue where I"m goingBut going all out for youTomorrow"s not promisedwhat the wise man used to saySo let"s seize each dayNo ties - we"re just happy-go-luckydon"t blow the surprise, yeahSo nice - like I told you, when I hold youIt"s like falling in love for the first timeLike waking up fresh in the sunshineLike having nothing to loseBaby you"re good news, good newsLike dancing all night "til the light"s goneLike singing along to your favourite songIt never gets old with you -Baby you"re good news, good news yeah…Oh, you can come as you likeAs you want to Love"s a revolving doorLet it spin, let me want youWant to come back for moreNow easily we could be madly in lust for lifeOh baby, why ask why?No ties - we"re just happy-go-lucky don"t blow the surprise, yeahAnd no lies - like I told you, when I hold you it"s likeIt"s like falling in love for the first timeLike waking up fresh in the sunshineLike having nothing to loseBaby you"re good news, good newsLike dancing all night "til the light"s goneLike singing along to your favourite songIt never gets old with youYou"re good news, good newsOhhh - if you love something you"ve got to let it goIf it comes back it"s yoursAnd it means that much moreMmm, give me sunshine…It"s like falling in love for the first timeLike waking up fresh in the sunshineLike having nothing to loseBaby you"re good news, good newsLike dancing all night "til the light"s goneLike singing along to your favourite songIt never gets old with you -Baby you"re good news, good news yeah…ooh..Like having to loose, baby you"re good good newsLike dancing all night ‘till the light is goneLike singing along to your favourite songIt never gets old with you -Baby you"re good news, good news yeah…

information,news及 message的区别 详细

information作“信息”解,通常指在阅读、观察、谈话或书信往来中特别关注的消息、情报、资料等.它侧重内容,是不可数名词.例如: They must find out some information about planes to Yunnan as quickly as possible. 他们必须尽快找到有关去往云南班机的资料. The students went to the National Library to look up the information they needed. 学生们去国家图书馆找他们所需要的资料. news作“新闻”解,一般指通过广播、电视、报纸等新闻媒体向大众发布的社会各方面的最新消息,它侧重一个“新”字,是不可数名词.  例如:There"s a piece of interesting news in today"s newspaper. 在今天的报纸上有一条有趣的消息. No news is good news. 没消息就是好消息. message作“音信”解,一般指口头传递的或书写的“消息”,是可数名词.

Newsboys的《One Shot》 歌词

歌曲名:One Shot歌手:Newsboys专辑:Born AgainNewsboys - One ShotAll around the worldEvery boy, every girl"s got one shotBelievers let me hear you shoutHey!Hey!You could find meLiving in the city of DCFound my freedom in the rhythm of the backbeatGot place to love inside that I could not controlBeside me, had a brother saying I could sing like Nat KingBut all I wanted was to do the rock thingTo roll through every town and spread His love aroundJust a little while then I foundAll around the worldEvery boy, every girl"s got one shotTo prove what they"re all aboutI"m gonna sing about my GodAnd it doesn"t matter what"s hotBelievers let me hear you shoutWe say there"s one wayWhen push comes to shoveWe"re gonna sing of His loveThings changeJust like the Twitter that you updateOr your Facebook status on your front pageBut there"s no comment you can leave to change my mindMaybe you"re a student at the college of the ivyOr filling up a pop machine with Hi-CAnywhere you might beYou can help the world seeWhat His love"s aboutBelievers let me hear you shoutAll around the worldEvery boy, every girl"s got one shotTo prove what they"re all aboutI"m gonna sing about my GodAnd it doesn"t matter what"s hotBelievers let me hear you shoutWe say there"s one wayWhen push comes to shoveWe"re gonna sing of His loveAre we scared to stand out from the crowd?Make a difference in our own town?If we stay silent with our voices nowThe rocks will cry outBelievers let me hear you shoutAll around the worldEvery boy, every girl"s got one shotTo prove what they"re all aboutI"m gonna sing about my GodAnd it doesn"t matter what"s hotBelievers let me hear you shoutWe say there"s one wayWhen push comes to shoveWe"re gonna sing of His loveAll around the worldEvery boy and girlAll around the worldEvery boy and girlAll around the world...

求hey!say!jump! NEWS,KT,ARASHI的所有演唱会名称!


有人知道 inews.gtimg.com这个是 TX 的哪个图床吗?


求助:雅思口语Part 1:Newspapers & Magazines 好的有奖励

①Do you like reading newspapers?YES,i am into it and i always read some economy news becuase i like it.②What kinds of newspapers do you like reading?i prefer economy news,besides that,gossip news also my favourite.i prefer to take it for relax.③Which ones do you prefer, international newspapers or local newspapers?i dont care much about local news or international news,actually i am fond of china daily which contained with local and international news.i can get a lot for it.④Do you think newspapers will be replaced by computers someday?no,it is impossible in my mind.newspaper is convinent and cheap especially for some people who can not own a computer.⑤How do you feel about the color pictures in the newspapers?it provides more info and more interesting in some aspects,but waste more resources and cause environment problems.⑥What do you think a highly qualified journalist would be like?i believe a highly qualified journalist should be responsible and subjective which are two basic elements of this profession.⑦What are the differences between newspapers and magazines?the diffences between these two kinds of mass media are time during and,....⑧Do you love reading magazines?答案同上面报纸的。⑨What kinds of magazines do you love reading?也是···希望自己先斟酌再拿上来让别人修改会好点··

envelope,writing paper,newspaper,magazine哪一个不同类?

应该是两类吧?envelope(信封)和writing paper(信纸)是一类。newspaper(报纸),magazine(杂志)是另一类。




the news后谓语动词用单数The new today is boring.The news is at eight.新闻节目在八点播出。

ucsd usnews排名

ucsd大学usnews排名2023位列世界34。ucsd一般指加利福尼亚大学圣迭戈分校。 常译为加州大学圣地亚哥分校、圣迭戈加州大学,位于美国圣迭戈的海滨城镇拉荷亚(La Jolla),一所研究型大学,环太平洋大学联盟、国际公立大学论坛和美国大学协会成员,入选英国政府“高潜力人才签证计划”。截至2020年,UCSD的校友中共有27位诺贝尔奖得主、3位菲尔兹奖得主、8位美国国家科学奖章得主、8位麦克阿瑟奖得主和2位普利策奖得主,现任教职员中有美国四院院士254位。学校设有7个本科通识学院、5个学术型研究学院和5个专业型研究学院,同时管理斯克里普斯海洋研究所、高通研究所、圣地亚哥超级计算机中心等19个研究中心。加利福尼亚大学圣迭戈分校位于南加州圣迭戈市的拉荷亚(La Jolla)社区,坐落在海滩边的校园占地约866公顷(约12990亩),环境优美,气候宜人,气温终年保持在16到26摄氏度之间,坐拥绝妙的海岸风景。文化传统校徽:除了配色的细微区别和底部校区字样,加州大学各个校区的校徽(seal)基本一致,以发光的星星、翻开的书本和“LET THERE BE LIGHT”的校徽为主体图形,加州大学圣迭戈分校的徽标采用海军蓝和金黄配色。2017年12月,加州大学圣迭戈分校更换了更简洁的新校徽,新校徽是字型校徽,由其英文名称的简称组成。


一般不用news 也不用 report。news强调新闻,report则是强调报告,比如实验报告和政府工作报告等等通告一般翻译为“announcement”或者“notification”

The news _____be true . I know everything about it.

I know everything about it.我对它了如指掌 所以我可以肯定的说 那个消息不是真的B.musn"t 没有这个用法 C.needn"t意为不需要是真的 不合题意 D.may not 意为可能不是真的 也不合题意所以选A 意为不可能是真的

can the news be true

这句应该选择B, may 的否定回答不是may not 而是can"t 是根据语气转移而来 这里问这则新闻是真的吗? 不能用肯定语气must提问,can 有点生硬,所以用may,比较不生硬的语气 希望对你有帮助哦~



He was overcome with grief when he heard the bad news about his sister. 其中overcome


how did you know the news翻译怎么说

选A hear from的意思是 收到...的来信 此处明显不是,故排除B

The news he told us ___,do you think so?


任务形阅读:hundreds of years ago , news was

Hundreds of years ago, news was carried from place to place by people on foot or by horse. It took days, weeks and sometimes months for people to receive news. Now it is possible to send words and pictures around the world in seconds. Billions of people learn about news stories of their own country and all over the world every day, either by watching TV or reading newspapers. Newspapers have been an important part of everyday life since (自从) the 18th century (世纪). Many countries have hundreds of different newspapers. How do newspaper editors decide which news stories to print? Why do they print some stories and not others? What makes a good newspaper story? Firstly, it is important to report new stories. TV stations can report news much faster than newspapers. Yet, newspapers give more about the same story. They may also look at the story in another way, or they may print completely (完全地) different stories to those on TV. Secondly, a news story has to be interesting and unusual. People don"t want to read stories about everyday life As a result (结果), many stories are about some kind of danger and seem(似乎) to be "bad" news. For example, newspapers never print stories about planes landing safely, instead they print stories about plane accidents (事故). Another factor (因素) is also very important in many news stories. Many people are interested in newsin foreign countries, but more prefer(更喜欢) to read stories about people, places and events (事件) in their own country. So the stories on the front page in Chinese newspapers are usually very different from the ones in British, French and American newspapers. 1. According (根据) the passage, how do people learn about news stories in the world now?A. They carry news stories and tell others from place to place oh foot or by horse. B. They tell each other what they have seen with their eyes. C. They watch TV or read newspapers. D. They listen to the radio every day. 2. The difference (区别) between newspaper stories and TV news reports is that _____. A. people can learn more about the same news story from a newspaperB. people can read the news story more quickly in a newspaperC. people can read news stories in other countries D. people can read news stories about their own country3. To make a good newspaper story, how many factors does the passage talk about?A. Two. B. Three. C. Five. D. Six. 4. According to the passage, which of the following can you most possibly watch on TV?A. You often play football with your friends after school. B. Your teacher has got a cold. C. A tiger in the city zoo has run out and hasn"t been caught. D. The bike in the front of your house is lost. 5. Which of the following is Not True of this passage?A. News stories on the front page of every country are always the same. B. People like to read interesting and unusual news. C. Not only TV but also newspapers can help people to learn what is happening around the world. D. Newspapers have been an important part of everyday life for more than three hundred years.CABCA


91.D92.B93.A94.B95.D 仅供参考

The news greatly( surprise )us just now.对,错?

The news greatly( surprise )us just nowsurprises 或者 surprised d都可以,just now表示刚才

keep up with the news


keep up with the news

错误 He didn"t bother to keep up with the news,His only concern was study.去掉to keep up with [简明英汉词典] v.跟上

Times Newsweek BusinessWeek Economist哪个更好


美国电影玩命直播news 结尾的时候,两个 主人公接吻的时候, 背景音乐是什么????就是叮咚叮咚叮咚的

<div id="news_t" "="" style="text-align: center; overflow: hidden; margin-top: 7px; margin-bottom: 3px; font-family: "Microsoft YaHei", sans-serif, ff-tisa-web-pro-2, "Lucida Grande", "Hiragino Sans GB", "Hiragino Sans GB W3"; font-size: 14px; white-space: normal;">玩命直播里插曲背景音乐盘点 电影玩命直播歌曲大全(2)时间:17-01-05 12:13 责任编辑:xiaoyuan 来源:未知 电影玩命直播所有插曲——歌曲名单1  Can"t Get Enough (开头插曲)2  Soap3  Lucky I Got What I Want4  Crime Cutz5  Give Me More6  You Got It7  Ride8  Down Low9  C.R.E.A.M.10  Hurricane (Arty Remix)11  Electric Love12  Kamikaze13. Game On14. Player15. New York F***ing City16. Get Down17. The Sun"s Gone Dim And The Sky"s Turned Black18. Bassically
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