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we saw a monkey jumping last week 为什么jumping要加ing?

要点如下:1. 感官动词see,可以+doing,也就是现在分词,作宾补,表示看见某人做什么。句子意思是,上周,我们看见一只猴子跳跃。2.感官动词还可以跟省略to的不定式。比如I saw him buy apples in the shop. 我看见他在店里买苹果。

li ping is jumping like a monkey,为什么jump要加ing形式?


Monkey Magic 歌词

歌曲名:Monkey Magic歌手:aa专辑:Ccc -Challenge Cover Collection-发行时间:1970-01-01 流派:流行Born from an egg on a mountain topThe punkiest monkey that ever poppedHe knew every magic trick under the sunTo tease the Gods and everyone and have some funMonkey magic monkey magicMonkey magic monkey magicMonkey magic monkey magicMonkey magic monkey magicWhat a cocky saucy monkey this one isAll the Gods were angered And they punished himUntil he was saved by a kindly priestAnd that was the start Of their pilgrimage westMonkey magic monkey magicMonkey magic monkey magicMonkey magic monkey magicMonkey magic monkey magicWith a little bit of monkey magicThere"ll be fireworks tonightWith a little bit of monkey magicEverything will be all rightBorn from an egg on a mountain topThe punkiest monkey that ever poppedHe knew every magic trick under the sunTo tease the Gods and everyone and have some funMonkey magic monkey magicMonkey magic monkey magicMonkey magic monkey magicMonkey magic monkey magicMonkey magic monkey magicMonkey magic monkey magicMonkey magic monkey magicMonkey magic monkey magicMonkey magic monkey magic

为什么花生叫monkey -nut




The smll one isa monkey.The big one is a gorilla.


找出画线部分读音不同的单词 A.they B.hey C.monkey D.obey?


dance like a monkey歌词


a.black horse,a shy fish,a lucky dog,a bear,a cat,a monkey是什么意思

应该是a black sheep吧?

donkey ; towel ; tower ; warn这英语用谐音怎么读?



lead married monkeys made silk wear plan to e was ate,10,用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 e,be,silk,eat,lead,monkey,marry,make,wear,plan 1.The dog _________ the old man to the police station. 2.The Millers got ________in October. 3.Lots of ________ are in the zoo. 4.I like the watch _______ in China. 5.The _______ feels very soft. 6.Now most students ________ glasses. 7.We should ________ for the new year. 8.The chickens want _______ out of the box. 9.He said he ________ very hard-working. 10.Tim ________ noodles for breakfast yesterday.






在英国,只要一提起温布尔登队(足球俱乐部,不是网球公开赛),人们就想起野蛮的犯规,毫无美感的长传冲吊,以及杂乱无章的配合,总之他们给别人的印象并不好。事实上,温布尔登也曾经在英格兰足坛称雄过一段时间,而这样一支“臭名昭著”的球队竟在1964年才开始参加职业联赛。2004-2005赛季开始改名为Milton Keynes Dons FC。

Yuke Yuke Monkey中文歌词





词典上对hokey pokey有一些解释,比如“戏法”等,但都不是你这个视频的意思. 这是英语语言国家孩子的一个要求身体动作的律动早操. 这首歌20世纪50年代在美国开始风靡,名字就是Hokey Pokey. 但在英国通常叫做Hokey Cokey或者Okey Cokey,风靡的时间是20世纪40年代中叶. 通常是集体做的一项活动.国内幼儿英语歌曲比赛,这也是常用歌曲之一. 相关内容,请阅读: Dance moves Participants stand in the shape of a big ring formation during the dance.The dance follows the instructions given in the lyrics of the song,which may be prompted by a bandleader or another danceleader. Specific body parts are named,and these are then sequentially put into the ring,taken out of the ring,and finally wiggled around maniacally inside the ring. After this is done one raises one"s hands up to the side of the head,wiggles them,and turns around in place until the next sequence begins,with a new named body part. A sample instruction set would be: You put your left leg in You put your left leg out You put your left leg in And you shake it all about. You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around That"s (clap) what (clap) it"s (lift leg and clap under the knee) all (clap behind back) about (clap and raise right hand)...



英语单词的押韵是怎么回事? eg:use(v.)与choose,monkey与donkey,been与seen?Does they rhyme?why?


丅he monkey什么意思

The Monkey 猴子例句:The monkey is beating up and down. 那只猴子到处乱窜。

作文my favoriet cartoon -monkeyking


---- Have you heard of the story Monkey King? It ____ like this: There was a monkey who….----Oh..

C 试题分析:句意:你听说过《西游记》吗?故事是这样的:有一个猴子……。哦,听起来很有趣。say后接说的内容,tell译为“告诉”,look“看起来”;sound“听起来”,因此第一个空选择go“进行”;故选C。

The monkey king is not just any normal monkey翻译中文 monkey


The Monkey King is not just any normal monkey.not just any 的用法是什么,可以只用not吗?

not just any 。。。并不仅仅是。。。强调作用

the monkey king has excited

has excited 是现在完成时,因为主语是The Monkey King (美猴王) 单数 如果主语时复数,可以用have+ 过去分词 如: The wonderful films have excited the children

英语翻译 monkey king保护唐僧使他免遭伤害 英语翻译

Monkey King protected Monk Tang from being hurt

Monkey king is a f____记录 cartoon填写什么?

Monkey king is a f**k记录 cartoon请注意,"f**k" 是一个脏话,不适合在正式场合使用。如果你需要表达类似的意思,可以使用 "Monkey king is a freaking awesome/cool/amazing/great/awesome" 等类似的词语来代替。

英语作文 描述这部电视剧Monkey king(美猴王)的40字短文

The monkey king "is a very interesting.it is about the monkey king sun wukong and his master and two friar overcome difficulties,and thus story.the tv play the plot that"s worth seeing.The characters ...

帮忙写篇英语作文《The Monkey King》

Monkey King (or Sunwukong) was born from a stone. He wanted to be like the immortals and be free from death. He was extremely smart and capable, and learned all the magic tricks from a master Taoist. He could transform himself into seventy-two different images such as a tree, a bird, a beast of prey, or a bug as small as a mosquito so as to sneak into an enemy"s belly to fight him or her inside out. Using clouds as a vehicle, he can travel 180,000 miles a single somersault.He claimed to be king in defiance of the Great Emperor of Jade—the only authority over heaven, the seas, the earth, and the subterranean world. That act of high treason invited the relentless scourge of the Heavenly army. After many showdowns, the dove faction of the heavenly court persuaded the emperor to offer the monkey an official title to appease him. The monkey accepted this offer on a trial basis. However, he learned a few days later that he was cheated and being jeered all over the heavenly court: the position he held was nothing but a stable keeper. Enraged, he revolted, fighting his way back to earth to resume his own claim as a king.Eventually, the heavenly army subdued him, only after many a battle, with the help of all the god warriors. However, all methods of execution failed. One attempt to kill him actually gave him a pair of fiery golden crystal eyes that can see through what people normally cannot.At last, the emperor asked Buddha for help. The Buddha moved a great mountain known as the Mount of Five Fingers to fall upon him. Still, the tenacious monkey survived the enormous weight and pressure, except he could not move! Five hundred years later, there came to his rescue the monk Tang. Buddha had arranged for the Monkey King to become Tang"s disciple and escort him, along with two other disciples they later came across. There the four started their stormy journey west which was packed with actions and adventures.(满了,汉语你自己动动脑子吧)

the monkey king是什么意思

猴王双语对照词典结果:The Monkey King[电影]大闹天宫; 以上结果来自金山词霸展开更多词典例句:1.I wish I could fly like the monkey king. 我希望我能像美猴王那样飞起来。如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!


monkey king前面需要加冠词the。Monkey King:美猴王,是一个特指的词,因此需要用定冠词the。

monkey king什么意思?

Monkey,Monkey King is one of the roles that Chinese Ming Dynasty novelistWu Cheng"s book Journey to theWest"in.Monkey Qunhou lead into the shuiliandong become the king of Zhonghou,since then, the high throne, the"stone"hidden word child, and then calledthe Monkey King. When I visited theMonkey King huaguoshan hero, the acquaintance of other six cattle devil deviL,seven sworn brothers, therefore becoming one of the seven holy monkey,rankedseventh position.AfterMonkeyMonkey King, claiming"Monkey.Monkey naturally smart, lively, brave,oyal,vengeful,in Chinese culture hasbecome a resourceful and brave incarnation,so it"s easy to become Monkeyboy idolized.美猴王,即孙悟空是中国明代小说家吴承恩的著作《西游记》中的角色之一。孙悟空带领群猴进入水帘洞后成为众猴之王,自此,高登王位,将石"字儿隐了,遂称美猴王。孙悟空在花果山遍访英豪之时,结识了牛魔王等六大魔王七人结拜为兄弟,因此孙悟空成为七大圣之一,位排第七。之后孙悟空大闹天宫,自称齐天大圣"。孙悟空生性聪明、活泼、勇敢、忠诚、嫉恶如仇,在中华文化中已经成为机智与勇敢的化身,所以孙悟空很容易就会成为小男孩崇拜的偶像。


MonkeyKing的读音是:。MonkeyKing的读音是:。MonkeyKing的例句是TheMonkeyKingisnotjustanynormalmonkey.美猴王不是普通的猴子。Fouryearslater,hebegantolearntoperformtheMonkeyKing,atraditionalcharacterfromtheChineseclassicstoryJourneytotheWest.四年后,他开始学习表演中国经典故事《西游记》中的传统角色美猴王。TheMonkeyKinghasamagicstick.齐天大圣有一根魔杖。MonkeyKing的意思是n.美猴王(指孙悟空)。一、网络释义点此查看MonkeyKing的详细内容 孙悟空孙悟空(MonkeyKing):斗克服佛;猪八戒(Pig):净坛使臣; 美猴王美猴王(MonkeyKing):JasperNationalPark,Canada 西游记更多相关信息在百度搜西游记-孙敬修播讲(MonkeyKing)的信息在谷歌搜西游记-孙敬修播讲(MonkeyKing)的信息在雅虎搜西游记-孙敬修播讲(MonkeyKing)的信息在搜狗搜西游记... 猴王这节目讲的是猴王(MonkeyKing)的故事。。二、例句TheMonkeyKingisnotjustanynormalmonkey.美猴王不是普通的猴子。Fouryearslater,hebegantolearntoperformtheMonkeyKing,atraditionalcharacterfromtheChineseclassicstoryJourneytotheWest.四年后,他开始学习表演中国经典故事《西游记》中的传统角色美猴王。TheMonkeyKinghasamagicstick.齐天大圣有一根魔杖。MonkeyKing的相关临近词monkey、monkeypod点此查看更多关于MonkeyKing的详细信息

Monkey king is a f____ cartoon填写什么?


Stories about the monkey king的意思?




the MONKEY king2是什么电影


i like stories of the monkey king哪错了?

i like stories of the monkey king.这个句子错在stories前少一个定冠词the。因为of the monkey king已经限制了stories的内容,stories为特指,所以必须加the。I like the stories of the monkey king.我喜欢猴王的故事。

monkey king在句子中是大写还是小写?




如何评价王瑞林的雕塑《Monkey King》?


Monkey King和theMonkey King有什么区别


why do you like monkey king 是什么意思



MonkeyKing的例句是:TheMonkeyKingisnotjustanynormalmonkey.美猴王不是普通的猴子。Fouryearslater,hebegantolearntoperformtheMonkeyKing,atraditionalcharacterfromtheChineseclassicstoryJourneytotheWest.四年后,他开始学习表演中国经典故事《西游记》中的传统角色美猴王。TheMonkeyKinghasamagicstick.齐天大圣有一根魔杖。MonkeyKing的例句是:TheMonkeyKingisnotjustanynormalmonkey.美猴王不是普通的猴子。Fouryearslater,hebegantolearntoperformtheMonkeyKing,atraditionalcharacterfromtheChineseclassicstoryJourneytotheWest.四年后,他开始学习表演中国经典故事《西游记》中的传统角色美猴王。TheMonkeyKinghasamagicstick.齐天大圣有一根魔杖。MonkeyKing的意思是n.美猴王(指孙悟空)。一、网络释义点此查看MonkeyKing的详细内容 孙悟空孙悟空(MonkeyKing):斗克服佛;猪八戒(Pig):净坛使臣; 美猴王美猴王(MonkeyKing):JasperNationalPark,Canada 西游记更多相关信息在百度搜西游记-孙敬修播讲(MonkeyKing)的信息在谷歌搜西游记-孙敬修播讲(MonkeyKing)的信息在雅虎搜西游记-孙敬修播讲(MonkeyKing)的信息在搜狗搜西游记... 猴王这节目讲的是猴王(MonkeyKing)的故事。。二、例句TheMonkeyKingisnotjustanynormalmonkey.美猴王不是普通的猴子。Fouryearslater,hebegantolearntoperformtheMonkeyKing,atraditionalcharacterfromtheChineseclassicstoryJourneytotheWest.四年后,他开始学习表演中国经典故事《西游记》中的传统角色美猴王。TheMonkeyKinghasamagicstick.齐天大圣有一根魔杖。MonkeyKing的相关临近词monkey、monkeypod点此查看更多关于MonkeyKing的详细信息

monkey king是什么意思

monkey king:孙悟空;美猴王;西游记; 例: He acted the part of the Monkey King very well. 他扮演猴王这个角色很出色。 扩展资料   I wish I could fly like the monkey king.   我希望我能像美猴王那样飞起来。   Thoughts THOUGHT The Meaning and Enlightenment of the Image of Monkey King.   孙悟空形象的思想内蕴和启示。   In the end, the Monkey King got the heaven.   最终猴王到达天堂般神圣的地方。

monkey king什么意思

曾经以不同形式被拍成电影及电视剧集的中国古代四大名著之一的《西游记》,被美国NBC电视台破天荒地改编并取名为《The Monkey King》(猴王)。monkey king就是齐天大圣孙悟空。。

Spank the Monkey的《L.O.L》 歌词

歌曲名:L.O.L歌手:Spank the Monkey专辑:White Trash LullabiesTrey Songz - LOL :-)(Feat. Gucci Mane & Soulja Boy)I love fisherprice.804335005,LOL smiley face, LOL smiley face(Soulja Boy Tell em)804335005,LOL smiley face, LOL smiley face(Gucci)(Chrous)Shorty just text me, says she want to sex meLOL smiley face, LOL smiley faceShorty sent a twitpic saying come and get this,LOL smiley face, LOL smiley faceShorty called my phone, i was busy (i was busy)cruisin in that benz round the city (round the city)then i felt my phone buzz, i know that she like us,im a bad boy like diddy,then she sent a text, that read, baby im at home,then she sent another one that says she all aloneso i text her smiley face and said lets get a room,she said lol, boy you crazy, come onthen she said actually, you aint gotta ask mesent the lil face with the tongue cos im nastyim on my way, girl make way, twitter me a picturelet me see that ok,(Chrous)Shorty just text me, says she want to sex meLOL smiley face, LOL smiley faceShorty sent a twitpic saying come and get this,LOL smiley face, LOL smiley facepull up my page and follow and if you got a body like a model.Shorty sent a twitpic saying come and get thisLOL smiley face, LOL smiley face(Gucci Mane)sent your boy a smily face,Gucci Mane x-rated we could make a sex tape.Pics on iphone,gucci on her ipod, when she turn around,make her say oh god,. Mommy real beautiful,manicured cuticles, office job, student girl,holdin down her cubicle,and she got my number tell her man thats like a miracle,said she like my swag, 6 on my vehicle, GA to VA, cali girls love me,Broklyn girls hug me, miami girls sexy,jean paul flexin, first date sexing.(Chorus)Shorty just text me, says she want to sex meLOL smiley face, LOL smiley faceShorty sent a twitpic saying come and get this,LOL smiley face, LOL smiley facepull up my page and follow and if you got a body like a model.Shorty sent a twitpic saying come and get this,LOL smiley face, LOL smiley face(Soulja Boy)lol smiley face, lol smiley face,souljah boy tellem, lol smiley face,babygirl sent da picture to my blackberry,she fine and she thick just like hallie berry,kiss me through the phone,LOL smiley face we can go and kick it later on at my place,she message me on myspace told me she loved me,she txting my phone 4.30 in da morning, baby i horny,i wanna kiss you, i can put it on you, thats not an issue,she scratching my back, screaming out im hers,she text my phone say I need your love,i met her monday last week in da club,one week later now she telling me that she in love,(Chorus)Shorty just text me, says she want to sex meLOL smiley face, LOL smiley faceShorty sent a twitpic saying come and get this,LOL smiley face, LOL smiley facepull up my page and follow and if you got a body like a model.Shorty sent a twitpic saying come and get this,LOL smiley face, LOL smiley facehttp://music.baidu.com/song/15088156



jsp onblur调用过以后 onkeydown为什么失效 急!!在线等!!

方法贴出来 这样谁知道你问题出在哪?



安卓应用跑monkey,如何让monkey固定跑一个应用包里的一个activity, monk

Monkey的基本用法:基本语法如下:$ adb shell monkey [options]如果不指定options,Monkey将以无反馈模式启动,并把事件任意发送到安装在目标环境中的全部包。下面是一个更为典型的命令行示例,它启动指定的应用程序,并向其发送500个伪随机事件:$ adb shell monkey -p your.package.name -v 500Monkey的测试步骤:1、通过eclipse启动一个Android的emulator2、在cmd命令行中输入:adb devices查看设备连接情况3、在有设备连接的前提下,在命令行中输入:adb shell进入shell界面4、查看data/data(输入ls data/data)文件夹下的应用程序包。注:我们能测试的应用程序包都在这个目录下面5、如以com.android.calculator2作为对象进行MonkeyTest则命令行输入:#monkey-p com.android.calculator2 -v 500


what does Patty think of donkeys at last?Patty最后对驴是怎么想的

Patty plays a donkey教给我们什么


act什么意思?怎么读?act like a monkey.什么意思?



act 读【akt】哎科特 及物动词 vt. 1.扮演 2.装出;举动像 不及物动词 vi. 1.行动[(+on/for)] 2.起作用,见效[(+on/upon)] 3.假装;演戏,表演 4.扮演,充当[(+as)] 5.举止,表现 act like a monkey 行为像猴子

act什么意思?怎么读?act like a monkey.什么意思?

act 读【akt】哎科特及物动词 vt. 1. 扮演 2. 装出;举动像不及物动词 vi. 1. 行动[(+on/for)] 2. 起作用,见效[(+on/upon)] 3. 假装;演戏,表演4. 扮演,充当[(+as)] 5. 举止,表现 act like a monkey 行为像猴子


act 读【akt】哎科特 及物动词 vt. 1.扮演 2.装出;举动像 不及物动词 vi. 1.行动[(+on/for)] 2.起作用,见效[(+on/upon)] 3.假装;演戏,表演 4.扮演,充当[(+as)] 5.举止,表现 act like a monkey 行为像猴子

什么是delphi FireMonkey

Firemonkey是一个基于CPU/GPU混合架构的业务应用平台,能够帮助开发人员设计出Windows、Android、Mac和iOS设备上的视觉绚丽的本地应用程序。Firemonkey允许开发人员创建具有快速的本地性能、动画和图像效果、企业级的数据连接以及交互式数据可视化的富HD和3D的图形应用程序,并且可以使用亚马逊和Azure云服务。Embarcadero公司认为,目前,丰富的用户体验已经在网络娱乐、广告和媒体中占有重要地位。它宣称,Firemonkey是第一款“能够在所有主要平台和设备上创建下一代的、可以满足商业软件的性能、连接及平台要求的富用户体验”的业务平台。使用Firemonkey,开发人员可以为Windows、Android、MAC OS X和iOS操作系统编写应用程序,这些应用程序可以在本地进行编译,节省了大量时间和资源。此外,Embarcadero称,通过其GPU构建的HD可缩放矢量和3D用户界面、动画和特效,使用Firemonkey创建数据和硬件密集型的应用程序,如科学、金融、医疗、地理信息系统、通信和机械制造方面的,可以带来更快、更直观的用户体验。Firemonkey的Livebindings还允许用户把任何类型的数据或信息连接到任意Firemonkey用户界面(UI)或图形对象上。用户还可以将实时数据绑定到标准的UI控件或者高清3D图形,通过这种方法使得任何的数据类型都可见。同时,已连接的应用程序,很容易利用Firemonkey组件在数据库、云或Web服务上创建和扩展。Firemonkey包括Delphi XE5、C++ Builder XE5,以及RAD Studio XE5工具套件,后者中包含了RadPHP和Embarcadero的Prism。



wow monkey munchy用汉字表示出来怎么读

魔兽小猴 munchy这个词没有实际意义只是为了读取来更萌(可以理解为读两遍monkey)

wow monkey munchy用汉字表示出来怎么读


Shane McConkey的故事

雪山,悬崖,滑雪者纵身一跃,后空翻两周,一道美妙的弧线滑过天际,却像一块西瓜一样砸向雪地,七零八落,四分五裂,斜坡上溅起了雪花,雪具四散奔逃开去。 人哪儿去了? 摄像机后面的朋友们惊叫起来,“Shane,你没事吧,哥们儿?”一片安静。过了一会儿,雪面上伸出一只大拇哥,“没事!妈的,我要再试一次!”朋友们捂脸摇头,心想,“老兄,这荒郊野外的,你是要摔个半残回去么?”大家忐忑而又无奈,摄像师把镜头再次对准了山崖,等着那个玩命的身影。 身影如约而至——脚蹬雪橇手持雪仗,却全身赤裸,一丝不挂。这次他并没有空翻,而是轻轻一跃,在雪地里砸出了个“大”字。朋友们如释重负,哈哈大笑起来,并纷纷谴责他故意让人担惊受怕的“无耻”行为。 Shane McConkey在朋友面前永远是个逗比的形象,而在极限运动界,他可是位响当当的人物。这部名为《McConkey》的纪录片,讲述了这位滑雪家短暂的一生。镜头中,他天真无邪,搞怪无比。在朋友眼中,他是恶作剧专家,发明家,极限运动先锋,更是大家的精神领袖。McConkey给人们带来的不止是欢乐,更是希望,梦想,和追随内心的勇气和能量。他影响了无数看过此片的观众,包括我。 不得不说,《McConkey》是我看过最好的滑雪纪录片,它没有过多的旁白和灌输,更多只是把McConkey生前录制的生活点滴串在一起,加上亲朋好友的口述,就这样还原了这位“胸无大志”的二逼青年的一生。 从小励志进入美国国家高山速降队的他,最终却没能如愿以偿。McConkey对滑雪是痴狂的,冥冥中注定他的一生只属于这片高山峡谷。迷茫却不甘于沉沦,他开始另辟蹊径,铤而走险,不断尝试新的挑战——猫跳滑雪,极限滑雪,定点跳伞,背着伞包滑雪,以及最后夺取他性命的飞鼠装跳伞滑雪。你可以说他疯狂,却不能责怪他鲁莽。就像飞蛾注定在烈火中重生一样,McConkey的归宿就是雪山之巅,松林之间。在有限的生命中,他问心无愧。 当然,无畏的冒险不值得鼓励,但我也并不想横加指责,妄下断言。当McConkey在镜头前眉飞色舞地讲解他下一个高难度动作时,我看到那双眼里迸发出的火焰,我也不再怀疑他的执念和选择。正如朋友回忆所说,“Shane might regret the way he died, but he will never regret how he lived”。 海德格尔说过,当你无限接近死亡,才能体会生的意义,这也就是向死而生的含义吧。McConkey不可能不知道危险的存在,他也失去过最好的朋友,但是,要他放弃热爱的事业去朝九晚五,对他来说跟死去毫无区别。 太太Sherry在接受采访时潸然泪下,她说,“就算一切可以重来,我也不会阻止Shane去从事他的事业,那无异于‘把一只雄鹰栓在笼中",我只有心存感激,感激这位可爱的大男孩给我和朋友们带来的快乐。” McConkey的故事并不励志,他的死亡一跳甚至有些黑色幽默,但他的真实和单纯让人感动。他简单得像一潭清澈的湖水,随着四季轮回冰封与消融,不羡慕雪山的高耸,不向往河流的湍急,饮水的小鹿为它带来快乐,游弋的鱼群让它看到希望,它只属于这里,属于池塘边的每一位成员。 在此推荐这部纪录片( 红牛官网上可以免费观看英文版 ),相信看了的朋友一定不会失望。

designed by shady monkey是什么意思

由shady monkey设计1. A new insulating laminate has just been designed by Attwater and Sons. 一种新的绝缘层压材料刚由阿特沃特父子公司设计推出。2. Computer security systems will be designed by independent technicians. 计算机安全系统将由独立的技师来设计。3. The car was designed by computer. 这款车是由电脑设计的。4. We"ve got cards which are drawn and printed and designed by someone locally. 我们买了一些当地人绘画、印制和设计的明信片。shady英 [u02c8u0283eu026adi] 美 [u02c8u0283edi]adj.背阴的; 隐蔽的; 名声不好的; 可疑的成荫的;阴凉的;遮荫的;可疑的比较级: shadier 最高级: shadiest派生词:shadily shadiness

The story of monkey king的英语作文谢谢了答得好给追分

"Monkey King",or known to the Chinese as "Journey to West",written by Wu Ch"eng-en(1500?-1582),a scholar-official, is one of the renowned classical Chinese novels about an allegorical rendition of the journey, mingled with Chinese fables, fairy tables, legends,superstitions, popuar beliefs, monster stories as well as whatever the author could find in the Taoist and Buddhist religions. It was based on a true story of a famous Chinese monk, Xuan Zang (602-664). After years of trials and tribulations, he travelled on foot to what is today India, the birthplace of Buddhism, to seek for the Sutra, the Buddhist holy book. When he returned to China ,or the Great Tang as was called that time, he started to translate the sutras into Chinese, thus making a great contribution to the development of Buddhism in China. Monkey King is an indeed rebellious extraordinary being, born out of a rock, fertilized by the grace of Heaven, Being extremely smart and capable, he learned all the magic tricks and gongfu from a master Taoist,being able to transform himself into seventy-two different images such as a tree, a bird, a beast of prey or a bug as small as a mosquito so as to sneak into an enemy"s belly to fight him inside or out. Using clouds as a vehicle he can travel 180,000 miles a single somersault and a huge iron bar that supposedly serves as ballast of the seas and can expand or shrink at its owner"s command as his favorite weapon in his later feats. He claims to be the king in defiance of the only authority over heaven, the seas, the earth and the subterranean world -- Yu Huang Da Di, or the "Great Emperor of Jade" in Chinese. That act of high treason, coupled with complaints from the masters of the four seas and the hell, invites the relentless scourge of the Heavenly army.After many showdowns,the emperor had to offer the monkey an official title to appease him. Enraged he revolted, fighting all his way back earth to resume his own claim as a king after learning that the position he held was nothing but a stable keeper.Eventually, the heavenly army subdued him, only after many a battle, with the help of all the god warriors. However,Having a bronze head and iron shoulders, all methods of execution failed and the monkey dulled many a sword inflicted upon him. As a last resort, the emperor commanded that he be burned in the furnace where his Taoist minister Tai Shang Lao Jun refines his pills of immortality. Instead of killing him, the fire and smoke added to the monkey a pair of firy golden crystal eyes that can see through what people normally can not. He fought his way down again. Finally, under Buddha"s help,the monkey was suppressed under a great mountain known as the Mount of Five Fingers and he could not move. Only five hundred years later, there came to his rescuer ,the Tang Monk, Xuan Zang, whom we mentioned at the beginning of the story. The Monkey King become the desciple of the monk and escort him with Buddha"s arrange to insure that he could make for the West to get the sutras, along with two other desciples they later came across, (actually also arranged by the Buddha). One is the humorous and not uncourageous pig transgressed from a heavenly general for his crime of assaulting a fairy, and the other a used-to-be sea monster. There started the four"s stormy journey west which was packed with actions and adventures that brought into full play the puissance of the monks" disciples, the Monkey King in particular. The story of Journey to the West is divided into three parts: (1) an early history of the Monkey spirit; (2) pseudo-historical account of Tripitaka"s family and life before his trip to fetch the sutras in the Western Heaven; (3)the main story, consisting of 81 dangers and calamities encountered by Tripitaka and his three animal spirit disciples - Monkey, Pigsy, and Sandy .The average readers are facsinated with the Monkey King,all prowess and wisdom, while many critics agree that the protagonist embodies what the author tried to convey to his readers: a rebellious spirit against the then untouchable feudal rulers.Anyway,with its attracted story and its special feature of language,the novel will certainly stay.

以撒的结合重生游戏猴爪Monkey Paw有什么用

猴爪(Monkey Paw):当玩家血量减少到半颗红心的时候会给予1颗黑心。当总共触发3次时,猴爪消失。可以在同一房间内连续触发。

onkeyup 包含两个事件

<html><body><input type="button" id="button_test" value="测试" /><script type="text/javascript">function addEventHandler(target, type, func) { if (target.addEventListener) target.addEventListener(type, func, false); else if (target.attachEvent) target.attachEvent("on" + type, func); else target["on" + type] = func;}addEventHandler(document.getElementById("button_test"), "click", function () { alert(1); });addEventHandler(document.getElementById("button_test"), "click", function () { alert(2); });</script></body></html>

do you have monkeys?回答yes,i have.和yes,i do哪个对?


michael monkey英语怎么读

Michael:["mau026aku0259l] (人名,首字母大写)monkey:[u02c8mu028cu014bki]

FUNKY MONKEY BABYS 的新歌 ランウェイ☆ビート 歌词 中文意思

Funky Monkey Babys - ランウェイ☆ビート作词:FUNKY MONKEY BABYS 作曲:FUNKY MONKEY BABYSu30fb田中隼人新しい何かが また始まる予感atarashi i nanika ga mata hajima ru yokan目の前の高い壁 何度も 见上げたmenomae no takai kabe nando mo miage ta今、自分の立っている场所がima , jibun no tatte iru basho gaそして歩いてく道がsoshite arui teku michi ga仆らの描いた未来へつながっているのかな?bokura no egai ta mirai hetsunagatteirunokana ?梦は追いかけるほどにyume ha oi kakeruhodoni大きく见えてきてooki ku mie tekiteいつかつかめる日が来るのか?itsukatsukameru nichi ga kuru noka ?小さなこの手でchiisa nakono tede流してきた涙の分 幸せになるの?nagashi tekita namida no fun shiawase ninaruno ?本当ならもう少し 信じてみようhontou naramou sukoshi shinji temiyou冷たい雨に负けていない この胸のぬくもりはtsumeta i ame ni make teinai kono mune nonukumoriha今 世界の端っこで 生きてる证ima sekai no haji kkode iki teru shou仆らの运命はいつだって 悲しみの先にあってbokura no unmei haitsudatte kanashimi no sakini atteその答を探して 今日も歩いていくsono kotae wo sagashi te kyou mo arui teiku世界の 真ん中をsekai no mannaka woまるで何か忘れたかのようにmarude nanika wasure takanoyouni同じ毎日缲り返してonaji mainichi kurikaeshi te探してたものが何なのかさえsagashi tetamonoga nani nanokasae分からなくなってたwaka ranakunattetaでもこんなとこで终われるかってdemokonnatokode owa rerukatte逃げそうな自分と戦ってnige souna jibun to tatakatte手探りもがいていれば何かtesaguri mogaiteireba nanika変わるはずだと信じてkawa ruhazudato shinji teこの迷いを乗り越えて 辿りつけるかなkono mayoi wo norikoe te tadori tsukerukana大丈夫さここまで 来れたんだからdaijoubu sakokomade kore tandakara冷たい雨に负けていない この胸のぬくもりはtsumeta i ame ni make teinai kono mune nonukumoriha今 世界の端っこで 生きてる证ima sekai no haji kkode iki teru shou仆らの情热はどうしたって 悔しさから生まれるんだbokura no jounetsu hadoushitatte kuyashi sakara umare runda见失いそうなキセキ リアルに変えていく力をmiushinai souna kiseki riaru ni kae teiku chikara wo谛めの悪いほど 身の丈を知らないほどakirame no warui hodo mino take wo shira naihodoうそみたいなチャンスが 舞い降りてくるんだusomitaina chansu ga mai ori tekurundaきれいごとと言われて 梦见がちと呼ばれてkireigototo iwa rete yumemi gachito yoba reteそれでも仆らは 空を见上げたsoredemo bokura ha sora wo miage ta冷たい雨に负けていない この胸のぬくもりはtsumeta i ame ni make teinai kono mune nonukumoriha今 世界の端っこで 生きてる证ima sekai no haji kkode iki teru shou仆らの运命はいつだって 悲しみの先にあってbokura no unmei haitsudatte kanashimi no sakini atteその答を探して 今日も歩いていくsono kotae wo sagashi te kyou mo arui teiku世界の 真ん中をsekai no mannaka wo新しい何かが また始まる予感atarashi i nanika ga mata hajima ru yokan中文:一开始感觉新的东西在很多时候看着前面的高墙现在,他们站在请走的道路,也许未来有导致吸引我们?足够的追逐梦想菊宏来进入视野总有一天总有一天你的想法?小手将有眼泪流下了幸福的一刻?让我们真的有点信心我的心温暖也不甘示弱,在冷雨我住在世界边缘的证明我们的命运是永远存在提前悲哀今天步行寻找答案世界的中心正如如果你忘了什么东西一样同一天重复#甚至什么我一直在寻找的东西我很困惑我可以任意一端在这样的情况可能逃脱他们的战争与如果自己是不是太摸索认为应改变我们有能力克服犹豫,这辿日我得到这个远离所有权利我的心温暖也不甘示弱,在冷雨我住在世界边缘的证明我们的热情来了,我是错的挫折部队很可能会失去一个奇迹真正的变化一样高,明知不好辞职顺流而下,像一个机会去撒谎所谓梦想,据说是由一个位清洁工但是,我们抬头仰望天空我的心温暖也不甘示弱,在冷雨我住在世界边缘的证明我们的命运是永远存在提前悲哀今天步行寻找答案世界的中心一开始感觉新的东西


Monkey和Munchy有以下几点不同:1,含义不同Monkey,意思:猴子,嘲弄,模仿Munchy,意思:贪吃的,饥饿2,词性不同Monkey 可作名词,表示猴子;也可作动词,表示嘲弄,模仿Munchy 可作名词,表示饥饿;可作形容词,表示有嚼劲的;也可以作动词,表示咀嚼3,使用场景不同Monkey:例:Monkeys in the zoo are very funny译:动物园里的猴子非常有趣例:Monkey around on the road is dangerous译:在马路上打闹嬉戏是很危险的Munchy:例:Suffering from the munchies译:饿得受不了了例:The popcorn is very munchy译:这个爆米花很有嚼劲参考资料来源:有道词典-Monkey参考资料来源:有道词典-Munchy

The Monkees的《Oh My My》 歌词

歌曲名:Oh My My歌手:The Monkees专辑:ChangesOh My MyMy my oh my ooooooWhen I look into your eyes, I know that your the real dealEverything about you is so fly, I wanna know how you feelAnd how your body makes my body move from side to sideHands on my thighs makn me say oh my my myI love the way you make me feelEverything about yous, so damn realI love the way, you make me feelEverything about you is so damn realCmon baby make this happen, crackn for me anytimeReally feeln what your telln me, it"s goin through ooo my mindAnd how your gonna make my fantasies come true, with you bein my booOh myCmon baby make this happen, crackn for me anytimeReally feeln what your telln me, it"s goin through ooo my mindAnd how your gonna make my fantasies come true, with you bein my booOh myDreaming of the day when you take my handRolling around up in the sandFalling in love in a different landThats how I feelEmbrassing eachother will make us oneLying up under the distant sun, found my love now I am doneMy soul is healedI love the way you make me feelEverything about yous, so damn realI love the way, you make me feelEverything about you is so damn realCmon baby make this happen, crackn for me anytimeReally feeln what your telln me, it"s goin through ooo my mindAnd how your gonna make my fantasies come true, with you bein my booOh myCmon baby make this happen, crackn for me anytimeReally feeln what your telln me, it"s goin through ooo my mindAnd how your gonna make my fantasies come true, with you bein my booOh myooooo there"s not another man like youHope you feel the same way too, bout me as your girlUs against the worldOh my, oh my, oh my, oh my, oh my, oh my, my, my---- Preemo Rap--------Sophia Maria-OH MY MY-------Rap-------end----------Cmon baby make this happen, crackn for me anytimeReally feeln what your telln me, it"s goin through ooo my mindAnd how your gonna make my fantasies come true, with you bein my booOh myCmon baby make this happen, crackn for me anytimeReally feeln what your telln me, it"s goin through ooo my mindAnd how your gonna make my fantasies come true, with you bein my booOh myCmon baby make this happen, crackn for me anytimeReally feeln what your telln me, it"s goin through ooo my mindAnd how your gonna make my fantasies come true, with you bein my booOh myOh you make me say my myOr you look someone insteadMy oh my myhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15196464


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donkey punch是什么意思?




Yoko Ono & Shitake Monkey的《O Oh》 歌词

歌曲名:O Oh歌手:Yoko Ono & Shitake Monkey专辑:Yes, I M A Witch<Ooh>By Scissor sisterSome people say such awful thingsI don"t understand why they"re so hatefulWe don"t need those diamond ringsEven though they look tastefulChichi partiesSo importantSink a fortuneHigh-class apartmentOne or two ooh-oohsMake you feel so goodIt"s not a threat to nobodyIn fact the people shouldOoohDon"t you give me them bluesI got magic in my dancing shoesLet me hear you say oooohOoohDon"t you give me them bluesI got magic in my dancing shoesLet me hear you say oooohWhen you talk sweet things in my earI get so hot inside I"m burning my clothesMeasure distances with tearsThe tracks"ll run for miles when I feel thoseMixed emotionsIn your heartGuilty feelingsYou fall apartOne or two ooooh"sNothing left to loseI"m not a threat to nobodyDon"t try and give me them bluesOoohDon"t you give me them bluesI got magic in my dancing shoesLet me hear you say oooohOoohDon"t you give me them bluesI got magic in my dancing shoesLet me hear you say oooohSay honey baby don"t you knowAin"t got any money left to blowCan"t buy you no snow coneEven when it"s hot outsideWanna make love show you what I can doPocket that rug and ride the grooveJust lemme go dance and give me no blues tonightOoohDon"t you give me them bluesI got magic in my dancing shoesLet me hear you say oooohOoohDon"t you give me them bluesI got magic in my dancing shoesLet me hear you say oooohhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2670352



donkey punch是什么意思

The Donkey Punch is like the Highlander. There can be only one. Prepare to be educated.The Donkey Punch is a sexual move like the missionary position or the threesome; and like most sexual moves, you can actually do it.Hereu2019s a list of things that the Donkey Punch is not is.

《海贼王》Monkey D Luffy 中的D字 是什么意思?

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