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She nervously fidgeted with her hair during the job interview. (她在面试期间紧张地摆弄着自己的头发。)He nervously glanced at his watch, worried that he would be late for the meeting. (他紧张地看了看手表,担心会迟到会议。)The student nervously tapped his pencil on the desk during the exam. (这名学生在考试期间紧张地在桌子上敲打着铅笔。)The actress smiled nervously as she walked onto the stage to accept her award. (女演员在走上舞台领奖时紧张地微笑着。)


nervously 神经质地;焦急地;提心吊胆地;它只是一个副词,不会影响动词的时态,只是修饰这个动词而已。


"nervously" 和 "nervily" 都是以 "nervy" 这个形容词为基础衍生出来的副词,表示 "紧张地" 或 "神经质地"。一般来说,"nervously" 更常用,表示情感上的紧张或焦虑,而 "nervily" 则更多地用于描述行为或举止上的神经质,有时会带有一些贬义。例如:She waited nervously for her turn to speak.(她紧张地等待着轮到她讲话。)He nervily tapped his fingers on the desk during the meeting.(他在会议期间神经质地敲着桌子上的手指。)总的来说,虽然这两个词都有 "紧张的" 意思,但 "nervously" 更常见,更自然,并且更能够用于各种情境中。