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"We cannot emphasize the important of protecting our eyes too much"为什么不能翻译成“我们不

We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much

much healthier的意思

不能,这里much的功能是修饰比较级healthier ,意思是“..健康得多”,是程度副词 而more healthy只是一个比较级而已,表示“更健康”

more healthier 还是much healthier

不过healthy有两种比较级,应该两种都可以用的,书面上用much healthier 好一点, more healthy 比较口语化 (所以信我不就好了)


much 是修饰词



they haven‘t got ---stationery..处填much,还是many,xiexie



stationery 文具不可数。 much修饰不可数。


stationery 文具不可数。 much修饰不可数。

英文文法问题: how many stationery(文具)? 还是 how much stationery? 为什麼?解释一下.谢谢

how much stationery? 不可数n用how much

The village lies at the foot of the mountain, _______ the villagers draw much profit.

where强调的是地理位置,=at the foot of the mountain,这里强调村民获利并非来自山的本身,而是由于住在山脚下这个优越的地理位置which只是指代the mountain,只能是说获取山里的资源举个例子,如果此山是旅游胜地,那么住在山脚的村民可以开店等等从旅客身上获利,并非获利与山本山,只是借用这个优越的位置获利

_______terrorism, the world would be much more peaceful.

【答案】:D本题考查虚拟语气D选项,句意为“如果没有恐怖主义,世界就可以更加和平”。if引导的非真实条件句,如果对现在虚拟,从句用一般过去时,但谓语若为be动词,则用were,故A不对;这里without“如果没有”,相当于if从句部分。综上,D选项正确。A选项,与题干不符,故排除。B选项,表达错误,故排除。C选项,没有这样的用法,故排除。故正确答案为 D项。

表程度的英语短语,除a little ,very much外,还有什么主要的典型的?

really too so

哪里有人民教育出版社的英语必修三、四、五课本录音和单词朗读的MP3下载?Thank you very much


英语中有How much weight do you have? 这样问体重的方式吗?

weight 英[weu026at] 美[wet] n. 重量,体重; 重担,重任; 重要; [统] 权,加重值,权重; vt. 加重于,使变重; 使负重,使负担或压迫; [统] 使加权,附加加重值于; [例句]What is your height and weight?你的身高和体重是多少?[其他] 第三人称单数:weights 复数:weights 现在分词:weighting过去式:weighted 形近词: weighs wright height

too many和too much的区别是什么

1、too many[tu: "menu026a:]: 太多。中心词是many,用法与many相同,用来修饰复数可数名词。2、too much[]tu: mu028ctu0283:]:过多。中心词是much,用法与much相同,用来修饰不可数名词。例句:1、too much。(1)You"re walking much too fast. Slow down.你走得太快了,慢点。 (2)I"m afraid that this cap is much too big for me.这顶帽子我戴恐怕太大了。 (3)You"ve given me too much.你给我的太多了。 (4)He talked too much at the meet- ing,didn"t he?他在会上讲得太多了,是吗? (5)Far too mpretty much any。太过分了。2、too many。(1)I have too many irons in the fire.我同时还有几件事要办。(2)She has too many irons in the fire.她手头上揽的事情太多了。(3)Versatility is another of your strong points, but don"t overdo it by having too many irons in the fire.你还有一个长处是多才多艺, 但不要揽事太多而太露锋芒。(4)The electrical system in your house would be overloaded if you used too many electric home appliances at once.如果你同时使用许多家用电器的话,你家里的电力系统就会超载。(5)And if too many of us do that, soon there won"t be enough mathematicians to keep everything working.如果我们许多人也这样做,很快就不会有足够的数学家,以确保顺利工作。

____ I like economics, I like sociology much better.


much less用法


Today the public is much concerned about the way____


so和such 的区别?many,few,much,littte用so还是such?


such much that

so 后面可以加many ,much,few,little等表示数量多少的限定词 such是形容词,它所修饰的名词可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词;名词前面可以带形容词,也可以不带.如果其后是单数可数名词,前面需加不定冠词a或an.因此,such…that…的句型结构可分为以下三种: such+a(n)(+adj.)+单数可数名词+that从句 such(+adj.)+复数可数名词+that从句 such(adj.)+不可数名词+that从句 so是副词,与形容词或副词连用,其结构是:so+adj.(adv.)+that从句. 注意:①当名词前面有many,much,few,little等表示数量多少的限定词时,应该用so,而不能用such. ②当单数名词前有形容词时,既可用so,也可用such,但不定冠词的位置却有所不同. This is such an important meeting that you should attend it.(=This is so important a meeting that you should attend it.)这是一次很重要的会议,你一定要参加.

be knowledgeable of=have much knowledge in 这两个短语的介词of和in搭配的对不对??



vitamins用many。解析:在英语句子中,many一词,常用来修饰可数名词;而much一词,常用来修饰不可数名词。vitamins是vitamin的复数形式,是可数名词,所以用many。一、vitamins1、含义:n. 维生素。名词vitamin的复数形式。二、用法:vitamin,英语单词,主要用作为名词,作名词时意为“ [生化] 维生素;[生化] 维他命”。Most breakfast cereals are enriched with vitamins.多数谷类早餐食物都加添了维生素。二、many1、含义:adj. 许多的。2、用法:many用作形容词时后接复数名词,表示许多同样的人或物(但数目不明确),用作主语时,其谓语动词要用复数形式。常用于否定句中。many可用来强调more,可用too,so,how等修饰。Many of these substances are innocuous.这里的许多物质都无害。many反义词:few一、含义:adj. 很少的;少数的;几个。pron. 少数。n. 少量。二、用法:few用作代词时,意思是“很少,几个”,作主语时谓语动词须用复数形式。only few,so few相当于few,表示否定;some few相当于some,表示肯定。We saw few students there.我们在那儿几乎没看见学生。

希望日后得到你的大力支持,如果英文表示, thank you very much

It will be appreciate that can receive your strong support in the future.

how much和what is the price of 提问复数的名词时怎问啊

how much are the shirts?whay os the price of the shirts?

The doctor doesn’t ______ that he will live much longer. A. manifest B. articulate C. anticipate D


looksomuchfruit 怎么读



不一样 ……,,,,


much news news 是不可数名词 许多新闻还可以说 a budget of news, lots of news ...有时候会看见news前有many 例如:many news shows 这里many 修饰的是shows 意思为许多新闻节目……


many fish:很多鱼(指鱼个体的数量或者指鱼的种类多)much fish :很多鱼肉补充:fish :鱼,鱼肉;1、当fish 指鱼肉时,不可数,用much修饰2、当fish指鱼时,可数且单复同行,用many修饰。例句:There are many fish。这里有很多鱼。He wants to eat much fish。他想吃一些鱼肉。

march和much的读音相同吗? 英式的

你好!已经有人标出音标,本人不再重写,我只说一下发音要领如下,供你参考: 1,march由于r的介入,所以要发长音 “啊” 蚂啊吃。 2,much是重读闭音节,所以u要发成短音“啊”:蚂吃。 写音标是理论,而这种讲解可能更实际一些。麻烦采纳,谢谢!

The conveniences that Americans desire ___not so much a leisurely lifestyle as a busy lifestyle in

11.美国人所需要的便利反映了一种生活方式:它并不是悠闲的,而是一种分秒11.The conveniences that Americans desire reflect not so much a leisurely

英语加减乘除。什么时候用how muchwhat is提问?

加减乘除时,用what is

用英语怎么提问加减乘除,用“how much”还是“how many”?


英语加减乘除。提问用how much还是how many?



英语加减乘除提问用how much。 how much与how many的区别是:how many后接可数名词复数形式,how much后接不可数名词。 how much是一个常见的特殊疑问词组,意思为多少,表示数量,其后面接不可数名词,也可单独使用,用法主要有: 1.用来询问事物的数量,后接不可数名词。2.用来询问事物的重量。 3.用来询问数字计算的结果,相当于what。 much意为多少钱时,可单独使用,也可构成词组how much money,但英语中常省略money,用来询问某物的价钱,价格。 注意事项: much后接be动词时,be是单数或复数取决于be之后的名词。 much询问价格时,回答若是中国的货币单位则采用汉语拼音来表示,几角常采用几十分来表示,字母用小写,且不用复数。

very much. 怎么读出来

very much 英[u02c8veri mu028ctu0283] 美[u02c8vu025bri mu028ctu0283]

英语问题very much和so much两者有啥区别


very much 和 so much的用法

在句子中表示谓语的程度时,两短语无区别,但so much可以修饰不可数名词,意为如此多的,而very much不可以。 扩展资料   例句:   I enjoy reading very much.   我非常喜欢阅读。   Your help was very much appreciated.   非常感谢您的帮助。   I grudge having to pay so much tax.   得付这么多的税我很不情愿。   It"s a crime to waste so much money.   挥霍这么多钱是一种罪过。

very much是宾语补足语?

词、形容词、从句等充当。如:I heard him singing in the next room. We made him our monitor.

very much 和 best的区别



不一样。前者形容程度如thank you very much ,后者给事物或行为作评价之用。It is very well 很不错。

very much是副词吗?

修饰动词。very much是副词

very,much与very much的用法区别

区别1:very 主要修饰形容词或副词:   The woman is very beautiful. 那个女人很美。   He did it very carefully. 这事他做得很仔细。   【注】修饰副词 too(太),要用 much,不能用very:   He is much too busy to see you. 他太忙不能见你。   区别2:much 主要修饰动词,而且除非其前有very, too, so 等修饰语,它只用于否定句和疑问句:   She doesn"t like him much. 她不太喜欢他。   Does she much like him? / Does she like him much? 她很喜欢他吗?   She likes him very much. 她很喜欢他。   【注】不带修饰语的much有时也可能在肯定句中修饰动词,但这只限于 regret, admire, prefer,等少数动词,且此时的 much 应置于句中,而不是句末:   I much regret what I said. 我非常后悔我说过的话。   区别3:much 除修饰动词外,还可修饰比较级和级等:   It is much colder today. 今天冷多了。   This book is much the most interesting. 这本书是最最有趣的。   【注】very 有时也可修饰级 (注意要放在冠词之后):   This is the very cheapest one. 这是最的。

very much 可否和否定句,疑问句连用


very much,very well,very nice,very good的区别

very nice=very good,都是表示“非常好!”用来修饰名词.例如:The weather is very nice/good.very much表示“非常,”是副词短语,用来修饰动词和形容词.例如:Thank you very much.very well表示“非常好”,它有两个...

()the cases of blindness, the doctors did as much as they could.请问此处填啥啊?

问题补充: Curing____ (cure)the cases of blindness, the doctors did as much as they could.请问此处填啥啊?上面的题目打错了,少了个cure,这个才正确cure [ kjuu0259 ] vt. 治疗;治愈;使硫化;加工处理 vi. 治病;痊愈;受治疗;被硫化;被加工处理 n. 治疗;治愈;疗法 [过去式cured 过去分词cured 现在分词curing ] in in the case of 至于,在…的情况下

—There is not much difference between the two watches. I don’t know ______. Do you have any sug.

D 试题分析:句意:-两块表之间没有什么区别,我不知道应该选择哪一个,你有什么建议吗?-我也不知道。由句意可知,句中已经给出了选择的范围,即从两块表中来选,故宾语从句的引导词应该用which,并且宾语从句中应该用陈述语序。第二空的either,也,常用在否定句中。故选D。

我希望大家能帮我起三个完整且规范的英文名,发音比较贴切。 翁清宇 、翁昕睿、 翁容玉 。3Q very much !

Vicky胜利 Daicy像雏菊一样清纯 Nancy高雅

Stank you so much什么意思


This one is _____ of the two. A the best B better c the better D much better

This one is _____ of the two. A the best B better c the better D much better 仔细分析,该句不难理解“这个是这两者中更好的那一个。”该句由于涉及两者的比较,只能使用比较级(三者或以上的比较才能用最高级),所以排除A the best ;结合语境又由于表语是特指意义,所以又排除 B better和D much better。 所以选C the better。


Very much是一个副词短语,主要用来修饰动词,但并不能决定前面的动词采取哪种变化形式。

very much为什么放在句末

I very much like English.是不对的 因为very much必须放在动词之后 As a Chinese,I want very much to do what I can to help with the 2008 Olymics.则是对的 因为want是这句话的动词,to do则是宾语,后面的从句做宾补 所以:very much不一定要放在句末,但必须放在动词之后



very much,是一个单词还是两个单词?


a lot和very much的区别

a lot是形容词词性,表示很多的,修饰名词或具有名词词性的词very much 是副词词性,修饰动词和形容词等比如很常见的:Thanks a lot.---非常感谢。这里a lot是修饰thanks(名词)的Thank you very much.这里very much是修饰动词thank的。经常见到有些朋友用:Thanks very much.严格说来这其实是一个错误的语法。在老外看来,是属于bad English.又比如:we enjoyed ourselves very much.----very much修饰动词enjoyedshe was very much interested"----very much修饰形容词interested如果觉得有帮助,请按采纳键。

very much能修饰形容词吗?

不行的much是副词very修饰much 整体副词只能修饰动词 望采纳新人谢谢


1.very 的用法 very主要修饰形容词或副词: The dictionary is very useful.这本词典很有用. He drove very fast.他的车开得很快. 注:修饰副词 too(太),要用 much.如: It is much too expensive.这太贵了. 2.much 的用法 much主要修饰动词,而且除非其前有very,too,so 等修饰语,它只用于否定句和疑问句: She doesn"t like him much.她不太喜欢他. Does she much like him?/ Does she like him much?她很喜欢他吗? She likes him very much.他很喜欢他. 注意: (1)不带修饰语的much有时也可能在肯定句修饰动词,但这只限于 regret,admire,prefer,appreciate 等少数动词,且此时的 much 应置于句中,而不是句末: We much appreciate your invitation.我们非常感激你的邀请. (2) much 除修饰动词外,还可修饰比较级和最高级以及介词短语等: He is much better today.他今天好多了. This is much the most difficult.这是最最困难的. Much to my surprise,he was a thief.使我大为吃惊的是,他是个贼. 注:very 有时也可修饰最高级 (注意在句中的位置).如: This is the very lowest price.这是最低最低的价格. (3) 修饰过去分词,通常用 much,不用 very.但修饰已经转化成形容词的过去分词,或形容词性质较强的过去分词 (如过去分词作定语时),则可用 very.如: I was much surprised at the news.听到这个消息我非常吃惊. Her face wore a very surprised expression.她脸上露出很吃惊的表情.

英语问题哦 very.much在句中的位置是什么?修饰什么?

副词短语 一般放在句子最后,修饰句子里的动词 i like it very much. 这里就是修饰LIKE.表示非常喜欢.

very much能不能修饰比较级


very和very much有什么区别

very 修饰形容词或副词very much 修饰动词如He is very happy.我很开心。He likes playing basketball very much.他非常喜欢打篮球。

Thank you very much,是什么意思


much too 和 very much的区别? 如题 两者不都是 非常、很的意思吗

too much 是形容词,修饰不可数名词,比如 I ate too much food. too much 修饰food,表示太多. very much是程度副词,修饰动词、形容词,比如Thank you very much. very much修饰谢谢,表示非常. 望加以区分,希望帮助到你!



very much高级替换

Very much,副词,修饰形容词、副词或者动词,表示"非常",可以替换的高级词汇, 举例如下: 1.Highly 一般和表示积极意义的形容词搭配。 It is highly unlikely that I will finish my work on time. 2. Absolutely 一般和形容词搭配。 It was absolutely stupid comment to make. 3. Deeply+表达情感的词 strongly+动词,表明某种观点 I strongly suggest you have a try. 4. A lot, A great deal 表示程度 Thanks a lot. Very,副词,表示"非常", 可用quite, Rather,替换。 He was crazy about pandas quite well.

分不清楚:very much、so much、very、too much各自的用法~

very much 状语,非常,一般用在句末 so much + 不可数名词,表示“如此多的.” 如:so much water very + 形容词原级 表示“非常.” 如:very nice 非常漂亮 too much + 形容词比较级,表示“.得多” 如:too much better 好得多

very much 的几种用法?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 求very much 的几种用法! 听说very much 后面可以跟名词 跟什么名词? 最好有例句3Q 解析: very much就是一个副词+一个形容词的基本结构 没有规定一定要放在什么地方的 就比如说大量牛奶MUCH MILK在这个名词性词组前面当然可以加一个副词来修饰 就变成了VERY MUCH MILK这里的VERY是修饰MUCH的,MUCH是修饰MILK的 就是这样一个规律

英语语法:very, much 与 very much的用法区别

【 #英语资源# 导语】very, much 与 very much三者均可表示“很”、“非常”,但是各自修饰有一定的区别,那么有哪些区别呢? !   1. very 主要修饰形容词或副词。如:   The dictionary is very useful. 这本词典很有用。   He drove very fast. 他的车开得很快。   注:修饰副词 too,要用 much。如:   It is much too expensive. 这太贵了。   2. much 主要修饰动词。如:   She doesn"t like him much. 她不太喜欢他。   Does she much like him? / Does she like him much? 她很喜欢他吗?   注意:much 修饰动词时,通常只用于否定句或疑问句 (见上例),而不能用于肯定陈述句,除非其前有 very, too, so 等之类的修饰语。如:   误:He likes the film much.   正:He likes the film very much. 他很喜欢这部电影。   单个的 much (即没有修饰语)有时也可能在肯定句修饰动词,但这只限于 regret, admire, prefer, appreciate 等少数动词,且此时的 much 应置于句中,而不是句末。如:   We much appreciate your invitation. 我们非常感激你的邀请。   3. much 除修饰动词外,还可修饰比较级和级以及介词短语等。如:   He is much better today. 他今天好多了。   This is much the most difficult. 这是最最困难的。   Much to my surprise, he was a thief. 使我大为吃惊的是,他是个贼。   注:very 有时也可修饰级 (注意在句中的位置)。如:   This is the very lowest price. 这是最低最低的价格。   4. 修饰过去分词,通常用 much,不用 very。但修饰已经转化成形容词的过去分词,或形容词性质较强的过去分词 (如过去分词作定语时),则可用 very。如:   I was mcuh surprised at the news. 听到这个消息我非常吃惊。   Her face wore a very surprised expression. 她脸上露出很吃惊的表情。   5. very much 是 much 的强调说法,从理论上说,可用 much 的地方,原则上也可 very much。


very much 副词作状语I like English very much.

very much的同意短语

准确答案是:very much = a lot 如:Thank you very much. = Thank you a lot. I love you very much. = I love you a lot.

英语very和very much用法?

有些是固定短语.very是很,非常的意思very是副词,后面加形容词;"very much‘"用于不可数名词.My ideal room is very nice中,nice是形容词,故用very;Thank you very much是固定短语,2,very much修饰动词very修饰形容词,0,英语very和very much用法 列位~我想知道在英语中,什么时候该用"very" 而什么时候该用 "very much"?有没有什么固定的形式?如:为什么在"My ideal room is very nice." 中该用"very" 而为什么在"Thank you very much." 中该用"very much"?

very much 的 具体用法

看楼主的年龄应该学过英语吧 可能对句子成分不太理解 very much是副词 副词一般用来作状语修饰动词 形容词甚至整个句子 very much比较特殊 属于口语里固定的 常用的 一般用它来修饰动词 表示动作的程度(外国人很善于表达感情的) 比如 Thank you very much I love you very much 修饰love

英语very和very much用法


高考英语词汇: very,much与very much的区别

高考英语词汇:very,much与very much的区别   1、very 的用法   very主要修饰形容词或副词:   The dictionary is very useful. 这本词典很有用。   He drove very fast. 他的车开得很快。   注:修饰副词 too(太),要用 much。如:   It is much too expensive. 这太贵了。   2、much 的用法   much主要修饰动词,而且除非其前有very, too, so 等修饰语,它只用于否定句和疑问句:   She doesn"t like him much. 她不太喜欢他。   Does she much like him? / Does she like him much? 她很喜欢他吗?   She likes him very much. 他很喜欢他。   注意:   (1)不带修饰语的much有时也可能在肯定句修饰动词,但这只限于 regret, admire, prefer, appreciate 等少数动词,且此时的 much 应置 于句中,而不是句末:   We much appreciate your invitation. 我们非常感激你的邀请。   (2) much 除修饰动词外,还可修饰比较级和级以及介词短语等:   He is much better today. 他今天好多了。   This is much the most difficult. 这是最最困难的。   Much to my surprise, he was a thief. 使我大为吃惊的是,他是个贼。   注:very 有时也可修饰级 (注意在句中的位置)。如:   This is the very lowest price. 这是最低最低的价格。   (3) 修饰过去分词,通常用 much,不用 very。但修饰已经转化成形容词的过去分词,或形容词性质较强的过去分词 (如过去分词作定语时),则可用 very。如:   I was much surprised at the news. 听到这个消息我非常吃惊。   Her face wore a very surprised expression. 她脸上露出很吃惊的表情。   3. very much 的用法   very much是 much 的强调说法,从理论上说,可用 much 的地方,原则上也可 very much。

very much 和very vell的区别

very和very much都是程度副词,意为“很,十分”,但是,它们修饰的对象是不同的。一般来说,very主要修饰形容词或副词,不修饰动词,例如:  This dictionary is very useful to my English study. 这本词典对我的英语学习很有用。  He was driving very fast then. 当时他车开得很快。  而very much可以修饰这类动词,它们是like(喜欢), love(喜爱), prefer(更喜欢), hope(希望), wish(很想), expect(盼望), want(想要), intend(意欲), hate(痛恨), regret(后悔), admire(羡慕), thank(感谢), appreciate(赞赏), miss(想念), think of(想念), would like(想要), feel like doing(想要)等词(组)。这些词有一个共同特点,就是表达人的“欲想,好恶”等概念。又如:  I hope to go to Beijing University very much. 我很希望上北京大学。  She would like to join your club very much. 她很想参加你们的俱乐部。  Thank you very much. 十分感谢!  We appreciate your invitation very much. 我们非常感激您的邀请。  I was very much surprised at the news. 我对这个消息感到十分惊讶。(偶尔也修饰过去分词变来的形容词)  very much多用于句末,有时也可提到动词之前,如:I very much regret what I"ve done now. 我现在非常后悔做过的事情。没有much very的说法

very much修饰动词

very much修饰动词,一般只放在句尾,也可以放在动词前,但是一些固定用法,例如:Thank you very much.则只能放在后面。1. very 的用法very主要修饰形容词或副词:The dictionary is very useful. 这本词典很有用。He drove very fast. 他的车开得很快。注:修饰副词 too(太),要用 much。如: It is much too expensive. 这太贵了。2. much 的用法much主要修饰动词,而且除非其前有very, too, so 等修饰语,它只用于否定句和疑问句:She doesn"t like him much. 她不太喜欢他。Does she much like him? / Does she like him much? 她很喜欢他吗?She likes him very much. 他很喜欢他。注意:(1)不带修饰语的much有时也可能在肯定句修饰动词,但这只限于 regret, admire, prefer, appreciate 等少数动词,且此时的 much 应置于句中,而不是句末:We much appreciate your invitation. 我们非常感激你的邀请。: blue; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman"">(2) much 除修饰动词外,还可修饰比较级和最高级以及介词短语等:He is much better today. 他今天好多了。This is much the most difficult. 这是最最困难的。Much to my surprise, he was a thief. 使我大Much to my surprise, he was a为吃惊的是,他是个贼。注:very 有时也可修饰最高级 (注意在句中的位置)。如:This is the very lowest price. 这是最低最低的价格(3) 修饰过去分词,通常用 much,不用 very。但修饰已经转化成形容词的过去分词,或形容词性质较强的过去分词 (如过去分词作定语时),则可用) very。如:I was much surprised at the news. 听到这个消息我非常吃惊。Her face wore a very surprised expression. 她脸上露出很吃惊的表情。3. very much的用法very much是 much 的强调说法,从理论上说,可用 much 的地方,原则上也可 very much。


哎~简单地说:very是很的意思much是很多的意思发现区别了吗? 呵呵。

very和much分别修饰什么词?它们的区别是什么啊?very much呢?

1.very 的用法 very主要修饰形容词或副词: The dictionary is very useful.这本词典很有用. He drove very fast.他的车开得很快. 注:修饰副词 too(太),要用 much.如: It is much too expensive.这太贵了. 2.much 的用法 much主要修饰动词,而且除非其前有very,too,so 等修饰语,它只用于否定句和疑问句: She doesn"t like him much.她不太喜欢他. She likes him very much.他很喜欢他. 注意:(1)不带修饰语的much有时也可能在肯定句修饰动词,但这只限于 regret,admire,prefer,appreciate 等少数动词,且此时的 much 应置于句中,而不是句末: We much appreciate your invitation.我们非常感激你的邀请. (2) much 除修饰动词外,还可修饰比较级和最高级以及介词短语等: He is much better today.他今天好多了. This is much the most difficult.这是最最困难的. Much to my surprise,he was a thief.使我大为吃惊的是,他是个贼. 注:very 有时也可修饰最高级 (注意在句中的位置).如: This is the very lowest price.这是最低最低的价格. (3) 修饰过去分词,通常用 much,不用 very.但修饰已经转化成形容词的过去分词,或形容词性质较强的过去分词 (如过去分词作定语时),则可用 very.如: I was much surprised at the news.听到这个消息我非常吃惊. Her face wore a very surprised expression.她脸上露出很吃惊的表情. 3.very much 的用法 very much是 much 的强调说法,从理论上说,可用 much 的地方,原则上也可 very much.

very和much分别修饰什么词?它们的区别是什么啊?very much呢?


so much 和 very 区别


very much放在句尾

very much是副词,副词一般用来作状语修饰动词,一般用它来修饰动词,表示动作的程度,(外国人很善于表达感情的)比如:Thank you very much 修饰感谢;I love you very much 修饰love。
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