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关于创建Mac OS X Mountain Lion u盘时的一些问题


苹果发布下一代操作系统Mountain Lion预览版 用什么上的


2011年中买的13.3寸MacBook Air用U盘安装苹果系统OS X Mountain Lion10.8需要MacBook Air 专用版吗?


win7 32位装了Mountain Lion Skin后重启,启动不了进不了系统


VMware9虚拟机安装MAC OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.2出现问题,是按教程来的,是处理器不支持吗


2014年中 macbook 如何安装mountain lion


我在VirtualBox虚拟机里安装OS X Mountain Lion出现了如图的提示,请问这是什么意思,该怎么做


Mac系统升级到OS X Mountain Lion会不会删除我的文件,还有重装系统会不会呢?

升级是保留文件程序的,只会重置偏好设置里面的设置选项。重装系统的话,应该和lion是一样的,开机按住option会有recovery hd。

os x mountain lion怎么跳过apple id 登陆安装


mac登陆appstore下载lion mountain完成后安装不了而且还要求登陆他人的appleID?相当奇怪

打开Application->Utilities->Disk Utilities,如果有左侧列表里有Mountain Lion的安装程序,右键单击它,然后remove就好了。

thinkpad t430s 有完美黑苹果OS X Mountain Lion的朋友吗


MAC OS X Mountain lion 10.8.2 2块SSD 组raid0 安装时遇到 “不能下载安装OS X 所需要的附加组件”??

更新下系统版本 试试 10.8.3

字体排印,OS X Mountain Lion 和 iOS 6 的自带字体有何变化

安装了 Mountain Lion DP4(WWDC 2012 上发布的版本),以下是目前观察到的主要字体变化(2012 年 7 月 28 日更新:DP4 之后又新增了行楷-简的细体):一、新增了超级齐全的 Avenir 系列字体:Avenir、Avenir Next、Avenir Next Condensed 三个字体族各 12 个字重,一共 36 个 style 。Avenir 是非常著名的专业字体系列。苹果会因此而影响业余平面设计者的作品风格。二、最幸福的是韩语圈:我们知道,iOS 从 5 开始已经自带了由韩国 Sandoll 设计的 Apple SD Gothic Neo(一款韩文黑体)的两个字重(Medium 和 Bold)。iOS 6 截至 WWDC 2012 上发布的 6.0 (10A5316k) 在这个字体族上没有变化。但,在 OS X Mountain Lion 上,现在自带了 Apple SD Gothic Neo 的 9 个字重:Thin、UltraLight、Light、Regular、Medium、SemiBold、Bold、ExtraBold、Heavy。虽然只是黑体,但如此齐全的字重,加上从 Lion 就开始自带的 Nanum 系列字体,确实让韩语圈的 OS X 自带字体储备水平和日语圈的 Hiragino 系列一样美好了。Apple SD Gothic Neo 的 Regular 和 Bold 位于 /System/Library/Fonts/,用作系统介面字体。把原来那个丑陋的韩文默认字体 Apple Gothic 挤到 /Library/Fonts/ 去了。三、新增的中文字体其实不只 8 款:有 3 个默认安装的新字体族(位于 /Library/Fonts/):楷体-简:来自华文。这是对 OS X 一直都自带的华文楷体的扩展。现在以原来的华文楷体为常规体(Regular),新增粗体(Bold)和黑体(Black),一共 3 个字重。原来华文楷体独立的文件移除了(但仍是独立的字体),并入楷体-简,成为 楷体.ttc。宋体-简:来自华文。这是对华文宋体的扩展。以原来的华文宋体为细体(Light),新增常规体(Regular)、粗体(Bold,就是 Windows/Office 用户很熟悉的华文中宋)和黑体(Black),一共 4 个字重。原来华文宋体独立的文件移除了(但仍是独立的字体),并入宋体-简,成为 宋体.ttc。雅痞-简、雅痞-繁:来自蒙纳。实际上就是蒙纳提供的免费字体 MYuppy。Linux 社区可能对这款字体会比较熟悉。另外有 7 个新字体族不默认安装(位于 /Applications/Font。这些字体族在系统初始时是停用状态,自身的字体文件也不完整,只是存在 字体册.app 里的 stub,需要手动启用来下载安装:这样不默认安装的字体族包括:报隶-简:来自华文。兰亭黑-简、兰亭黑-繁:来自方正。简繁各有三个字重:纤黑(Extralight)、中黑(Demibold)、特黑(Heavy)。和商业版方正兰亭黑的字重关系参见:隶变-简:来自华文。娃娃体-简:来自华康。魏碑-简、魏碑-繁:来自文鼎。行楷-简:来自华文。有两个字重:细体(Light)、粗体(Bold)。圆体-简:来自华文。有三个字重:细体(Light)、常规体(Regular)、粗体(Bold)。四、其他一些问题:Web 设计师与前端工程师注意:Safari 6.0 里没有默认字体设置了。于是网页如果没有制定具体的字体 font-family,就直接根据 lang 属性和 generic-family 去 fallback 至系统默认字体。所以中文维基百科这样的站点会很难看(因为用了 font-family: sans-serif; 而黑体-简的西文是灾难)。DefaultFontFallbacks.plist的结构和内容稍有变化(包括上文介绍的韩文默认字体变化)。对比:冬青黑体简体中文(Hiragino Sans GB)还是没能成为简体中文默认字体。Snow Leopard 发布之前就夭折的 Hiragino Sans CNS 也还是没有踪影。

OS X Mountain Lion 和 iOS 6 的自带字体有何变化

  亲自安装了 Mountain Lion DP4(WWDC 2012 上发布的版本),以下是目前观察到的主要字体变化(2012 年 7 月 28 日更新:DP4 之后又新增了行楷-简的细体):一、新增了超级齐全的 Avenir 系列字体:Avenir、Avenir Next、Avenir Next Condensed 三个字体族各 12 个字重,一共 36 个 style [1]。太震撼了。Avenir 是非常著名的专业字体系列。苹果会因此而影响业余平面设计者的作品风格。  二、最幸福的是韩语圈:我们知道,iOS 从 5 开始已经自带了由韩国 Sandoll 设计的 Apple SD Gothic Neo(一款韩文黑体)的两个字重(Medium 和 Bold)。iOS 6 截至 WWDC 2012 上发布的 6.0 (10A5316k) 在这个字体族上没有变化。  但,在 OS X Mountain Lion 上,现在自带了 Apple SD Gothic Neo 的 9 个字重:Thin、UltraLight、Light、Regular、Medium、SemiBold、Bold、ExtraBold、Heavy。这个,我也只能说——太震撼了。虽然只是黑体,但如此齐全的字重,加上从 Lion 就开始自带的 Nanum 系列字体,确实让韩语圈的 OS X 自带字体储备水平和日语圈的 Hiragino 系列一样美好了。Apple SD Gothic Neo 的 Regular 和 Bold 位于 /System/Library/Fonts/,用作系统介面字体。把原来那个丑陋的韩文默认字体 Apple Gothic 挤到 /Library/Fonts/ 去了。  三、新增的中文字体其实不只 8 款:有 3 个默认安装的新字体族(位于 /Library/Fonts/):  楷体-简:来自华文。这是对 OS X 一直都自带的华文楷体的扩展。现在以原来的华文楷体为常规体(Regular),新增粗体(Bold)和黑体(Black),一共 3 个字重。原来华文楷体独立的文件移除了(但仍是独立的字体),并入楷体-简,成为 楷体.ttc。  宋体-简:来自华文。这是对华文宋体的扩展。以原来的华文宋体为细体(Light),新增常规体(Regular)、粗体(Bold,就是 Windows/Office 用户很熟悉的华文中宋)和黑体(Black),一共 4 个字重。原来华文宋体独立的文件移除了(但仍是独立的字体),并入宋体-简,成为 宋体.ttc。  雅痞-简、雅痞-繁:来自蒙纳。实际上就是蒙纳提供的免费字体 MYuppy。Linux 社区可能对这款字体会比较熟悉。  示例(省去了雅痞-繁):另外有 7 个新字体族不默认安装(位于 /Applications/Font。这些字体族在系统初始时是停用状态,自身的字体文件也不完整,只是存在 字体册.app 里的 stub,需要手动启用来下载安装:这样不默认安装的字体族包括:  报隶-简:来自华文。  兰亭黑-简、兰亭黑-繁:来自方正。简繁各有三个字重:纤黑(Extralight)、中黑(Demibold)、特黑(Heavy)。和商业版方正兰亭黑的字重关系参见:  隶变-简:来自华文。  娃娃体-简:来自华康。  魏碑-简、魏碑-繁:来自文鼎。  行楷-简:来自华文。有两个字重:细体(Light)、粗体(Bold)。  圆体-简:来自华文。有三个字重:细体(Light)、常规体(Regular)、粗体(Bold)。  示例(省去了繁体版本,没有包含 DP4 之后新增的行楷-简细体):四、其他一些问题:  Web 设计师与前端工程师注意:Safari 6.0 里(经 @杨奇超 确认,从 Safari 5.2 开始就这样了)没有默认字体设置了。于是网页如果没有制定具体的字体 font-family,就直接根据 lang 属性和 generic-family 去 fallback 至系统默认字体。所以中文维基百科这样的站点会很难看(因为用了 font-family: sans-serif; 而黑体-简的西文是灾难)。  DefaultFontFallbacks.plist 的结构和内容稍有变化(包括上文介绍的韩文默认字体变化)。对比:  冬青黑体简体中文(Hiragino Sans GB)还是没能成为简体中文默认字体。Snow Leopard 发布之前就夭折的 Hiragino Sans CNS 也还是没有踪影。* * *我也在第三代 iPad 上安装了 WWDC 2012 上发布的 iOS 6.0 (10A5316k):  同样包含 Avenir、Avenir Next、Avenir Next Condensed 三个字体族各 12 个字重。  简体和繁体中文字体(黑体-简和黑体-繁)没什么明显变化,OS X 里新增的那些字体都没出现。但之前和它们一起提供的 Heiti J(日文字形)和 Heit K(韩文字形)移除了。毕竟日文有 Hiragino Kaku Gothic,而韩文有 Apple SD Gothic Neo。  转载

如何安装mac os x mountain lion

制作U盘恢复区通过 App Store 下载最新的 OS X 10.9(或者下一个别人从MAS下载的,注意验证MD5)在“应用程序”目录找到下载的 OS X 10.9 安装文件,选中并鼠标右键,菜单中选择“显示包内容”弹出的 Finder 中进入 Contents/Resources 目录在 Resources 目录下面有一个执行文件“createinstallmedia”,把它拷贝到桌面在应用程序中打开“终端”,执行“sudo -s”(不含引号,下同),按照提示输入密码(输入的密码在终端里面是不显示的),输入完成以后,你看见最后一行显示“bash-3.2#”接着准备一个 8GB 的 USB盘,用“磁盘工具”进行格式化,记住选择“Mac OS扩展(日志式)”格式,名称输入“Mavericks”前面的步骤的准备好以后,在终端执行下面这条命令:(注意,"username"要替换为你的用户名,"--applicationpath"后面的路径可以指定到你保存10.9安装文件的位置) Users/yangshuo/Desktop/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/Mavericks --applicationpath /Applications/"Install OS X" [--force] 然后,终端就会出现下面一段内容: Ready to start.To continue we need to erase the disk at /Volumes/Mavericks.If you wish to continue type (Y) then press return: yErasing Disk: 0%... 10%... 20%...100%...Copying installer files to disk...Copy complete.Making disk bootable…Copying boot files…Copy complete.Done.bash-3.2# 整个过程完成以后,重启MAC就可以抹盘全新安装 OS X 10.9了。 很多封釉失败最终的原因无非这几个: 1、固件名称不是MAS下载的Install OS X Mavericks.app或者固件MD5不对2、固件没有放在应用程序里面(或者比如放在桌面了,但是代码里面没有修改代码的位置)3、代码输入错误(比如没有把username替换成自己电脑的用户名或者固件的路径输入错误)4、Resources 目录下的“createinstallmedia”,是要把它拷贝到桌面,有些人把它直接拖出来了,不一样的啊!

如何安装os x mountain lion

参照本文操作的话需要你已经下载了 Mountain Lion的DMG安装程序。本文不讲述如何购买和下载这个DMG的步骤。Mac App Store下载完毕之后,在Launchpad面板上或应用程序下找到并启动“安装OS X Mountain Lion ”图标双击启动它,然后就开始安装了:如何安装OS X Mountain Lion双击操作系统的安装程序图标后出现熟悉的狮子头启动画面:如何安装OS X Mountain Lion直接点击“继续(Continue)”按钮,接着再两次单击“同意(Agree)”按钮,同意苹果的软件授权后继续:如何安装OS X Mountain Lion安装程序会自动找到现在的启动盘“Macintosh HD”,直接点击“安装Install”按钮即可:如何安装OS X Mountain Lion如果想装到其它地方,则单击“显示所有分区”按钮选择其它区。此处我们直接安装,如上图;接下来进入到正式的安装阶段,完成第一步后电脑会自动重启:如何安装OS X Mountain Lion也可以单击“重启”按钮手动重启。系统重启后,自动进入安装过程,在此期间我们只需等待即可。进度会显示时间,比较精确:如何安装OS X Mountain Lion9系统安装完后和其它版本一样会有第二次重启:如何安装OS X Mountain Lion10待本次重启完成后,苹果最新操作系统即安装完成。

求 Mighty Mouth(Feat Soya)《Tok Tok》mp3


为什么会出现这种情况???————磁盘“Macintosh HD”不支持 OS X Mountain Lion 的某些功能

无法建立recovery HD

我的macbook pro用U盘安装os提示我们未完成您的购买 os x mountain lion与这台机器不兼容


mac os新的mountain lion系统的默认壁纸是什么星系呢?

这应该是狮子座中的漩涡星系NGC 3190,距离地球大约8000万光年。这个星系最明显的特征就是,它拥有明显的尘埃带,而且左右并不对称,而且星系盘也有一些扭曲变形——这应该是不久以前(天文学上的不久以前……)它跟其他星系近距离接触时受到引力潮汐力影响的结果。还是上个图对比一下好了,是不是一目了然了?

国外买回来的苹果电脑OS X Mountain Lion系统能更换成 中文吗

可以的,mac机本来就预置多国语言,其中就包含中文,你进入System Preferences,然后点选Language & Text,把“简体中文”和“繁体中文”拉到顶端最上面,再注销后登陆或重启一次就ok了。如果还不懂可以随时私信联系我。本来截图了,可惜上传不到,你尝试下,不懂再问我。

OS X Mountain Lion安装失败


mark twain,the famous american writer,liked to play jokes是什么意思

mark twain,the famous american writer,liked to play jokes 马克吐温,著名的美国作家,喜欢开玩笑

翻译短文Mark Twain,the famous American writer


mark twain, the famous american是哪篇英语文章里的

马克吐温的很多介绍里都有啊。A Famous Story of Mark Twain里有。原文如下: Mark Twain was a famous American writer. He wrote many stories and many of them were funny stories. These stories are still read by many people all over the world. Besides writing, he also liked hunting and fishing very much, so one year he went to Maine for a holiday and spent three very pleasant weeks in the woods there. When he had to go back home, he drove to the station with his baggage. There he asked a porter to put it into the train. Then he got into the smoking car and sat down in one of the comfortable seats there. The car was empty when he got in, but a few minutes later, another man got in and sat down on the seat opposite his. Mark Twain looked at the man and thought that this man looked quite unpleasant. However, it would be impolite to say nothing in that situation, so he said good morning to the man, and they began to talk. First they talked about the weather and then they talked about Maine. The stranger said, "We have some beautiful woods in Maine. It would be a pity to come to Maine without spending some time there. I suppose you have been in our woods, haven"t you?" "Yes, I have," answered Mark Twain. "I"ve just spent three weeks there and I had a very good time, too. And let me tell you something. Although fishing isn"t allowed in Maine at this season, I"ve got two hundred pounds of beautiful fish with my baggage in this train. I like to eat fish, so I packed it in ice to take it home with me. May I ask who you are, sir?" The stranger looked at Mark Twain for several seconds and then answered, "I"m a police officer. My job is to catch people who hunt and fish during the wrong seasons. And who are you?" Mark Twain was surprised and frightened when he heard this. He thought quickly and then answered, "Well, I"ll tell you, sir. I"m the man who tells the biggest lies in America."


Goldilocks and the Three Bears Papa Bear,Mama Bear,and Baby Bear lived in the forest. “Ring,”went the telephone.”Come to my house for lunch,” said Auntie Bear. “Yes,we will come,”said Mama Bear. She set out bowls of stew to cool for supper. Then,the Bears went to Auntie Bear"s house. A little girl named Goldilocks lived in the village. She discovered the Bears" house and went inside Without asking.She sat in a chair. “This chair is too hard!”she complained. The next chair was smaller,but too soft. The third chair was just right. She sat down with a flop,and the chair legs gave way. Goldilocks saw the three bowls of stew. The big bowl was much too hot! “Maybe this bowl will be cooler,”she said. Goldilocks was right,but it was too cold. She grabbed the third bowl and gobbled it down. It was just right. Then with a yawn,she headed upstairs to the bedroom. Goldilocks tried the first bed,but it was too hard. The next was too soft. Goldilocks sighed and fell asleep as she was lying in the third bed. When the Bears arrived home,Papa Bear shouted, “Somebody"s been sitting on my chair!”Mama Bear cried, “Somebody"s been sitting on my chair!”Then Baby Bear cried, “Somebody"s been sitting on my chair and now it"s all broken!” In the kitchen,Papa Bear looked into his bowl of stew.He said, “Somebody"s been eating my stew!”Mama Bear cried, “Somebody"s been eating my stew!”Baby Bear cried, “Somebody"s been eating my stew,and they ate it all up!” The three bears growled as they climbed the bedroom stairs. Papa Bear growled,”Somebody"s been sleeping in my bed!” Mama Bear growled,”Somebody"s been sleeping in my bed!” Baby Bear cried,”Somebody"s been sleeping in my bed, and there she is!” Goldilocks woke up and wanted to run away, but no one could move.They all froze in their tracks. “Please,forgive me,”Goldilocks cried. The Bears forgave her. Goldilocks quit sneaking into people"s homes. 金凤花姑娘和三只熊 熊爸爸,熊**和熊宝宝居住在森林里面。 “铃,”电话来了。“来我的住处吃午餐,” 熊姑姑说。 “好的,我们会来的,”熊**说。 她把炖菜的碗摆好凉上准备当晚饭。 然后,熊一家三口去熊姑姑的住处。 一个叫金凤花的小女孩住在村子里面。 她发现了熊的房子,并且没有问一下就 走了进去。她坐在一张椅子上。 “这张椅子太硬了!”她抱怨。 旁边的椅子更小,但是太软了。 第三张椅子正合适。 她坐下时发出啪的一声响,椅子腿断了。 金凤花看到了三碗炖菜。 大碗是太烫了! “大概这碗会更凉,”她说。 金凤花是正确的,但是它是太凉了。 她抓着第三个碗,狼吞虎咽的吃了下去。 正合适。 然后打了个哈欠,她上楼来到了卧室。 金凤花试了第一张床,但是太硬了。 下一张太软。 金凤花叹了口气,躺下睡着了,这时候她 躺在第三张床上。 当熊一家到达家里的时候,熊爸爸叫喊道, “有人坐过我的椅子!”熊**喊道, “有人坐过我的椅子!”然后熊宝宝哭道, “有人坐过我的椅子,现在它全坏了!” 在厨房里,熊爸爸看了看他的炖菜的碗。他说, “有人吃过我的炖菜!”熊**喊道, “有人吃过我的炖菜!”熊宝宝哭到, “有人吃过我的炖菜,现在他们把它吃完了!” 当他们爬上卧室的楼梯,这三只熊咆哮了。 熊爸爸咆哮道,“有人睡过我的床!” 熊**咆哮道,“有人睡过我的床!” 熊宝宝哭喊道,“有人睡过我的床,她在这里!” 金凤花醒了,想要逃跑, 但是(身体)没有任何一个地方能动,它们都冻在了 它们的位置上。 “请原谅我,”金凤花哭着说。 熊一家原谅了她。 金凤花再也不偷偷溜进别人的家了。

电脑老出现pc doctor moudle 已经停止工作,是什么意思啊,该怎么解决啊?

是不是THINKPAD电脑?这个是电脑医生组件停止工作 PC-Doctor是ThinkPad的预装软件之一,它提供了一种完善的计算机诊断解决方案。它可以检测并收集有关信息,测试从处理器到音频在内的所有计算机组件,并可以解决硬件问题并确保系统正常工作。该工具目前提供自动测试和交互式测试两种类型的完全测试。其中交互式测试要求用户输入信息。比如:交互式键盘测试要求按所有键。在您指出测试通过或失败之后,才会报告测试结果。自动测试则无须用户参与。

thinkpd电脑老出现pc doctor moudle 已经停止工作,是什么意思啊?是什么原因引起的,对电脑有什么影响


There are many hills in the mountain.这是个正确的句子吗?


mountain orhills

5. range

英语辩论:Which is better to be a common people or to be a famous people?当普通人好还是当名人好?

To be famous or not to be famous, that is a good question. Maybe your dream is to be famous, maybe not. Most young people dream of becoming famous----a famous actor, a famous singer, or maybe even a famous athlete. But is being famous really such a good thing? Will it really make you happy? perhaps you are a talented young musician. If you want to become professional, you"ll have to practice very hard. But if you spend all your time practicing, you"ll find it difficult to continue your schooling. You"ll also have no time for your friends. But one day, when you become famous, youl"" see your face in the papers and magazines. Suddenly everybody knows your name, and your life will no longer be the same. So how will your life change? If you"re famous, you"ll have enough money to spend as you wish. But you won"t be able to go shopping like a normal person. You"ll be tired, but will you be happy? Of course, if you"re a criminal, people might know your name because you did something bad. But that is not being famous, it"s infamous! In that case, you"ll definitely not be rich, and your life will really change because you"ll have to live in prison!

有一首歌 其中有一句是mountain mama

这首歌叫mountain mama

portsmouth new hampshire 离纽约多远

He will sail from portsmouth.He is__portsmouths now


he will sail from Portsmouth He is _ Portsmouth now


he is (at)portsmouth now.为什么不用from

He is at portsmouth now. 他现在在朴次茅斯. 如果是用from的话,不用now,直接He is from portsmouth.他来自朴次茅斯

英国朴茨茅斯大学University of Portsmouth学历认证没毕业如何办理?

英国朴茨茅斯大学University of Portsmouth学历认证没毕业如何办理?从英国的大学毕业后,不少中国留学生希望回国发展,那么在国内就业的时候,对于去国外留学的人们而言,就要进行学历认证,但是没毕业想要正常认证是不可能。申请人可以从下面的几个确认原则出发:  1.确认认证合法范围:也就是说一是要颁发机构的合法性,二是颁发的文凭形式是否被认可。假如只是什么技能培训或者短期语言培训,以及交流生这种。那就不属于认证的范围。  2.连续性和衔接性:这一点也十分重要,教育部的承认的教育模式是结合中国国情来弄的,普通的模式就是高中-(专科)-本科-研究生-博士。如果中间缺了一环都不行,比如读完专科就去读研究生,肯定就不行了,不过这个也分具体情况,不同的国别和学校有不同的标准。  3.学习方式:这个就要求是全日制的学习方式,一定要呆在国外进行学习,有护照有出入境记录。如果申请人是远程教育,则基本不受认可,如果是联合办学,则是部分认可的。  4.学习时间:在规定的时间是否在国外进行就读,如果在学习时间,申请人护照却显示在就学国外,那肯定就不好认证了。  如果申请人的认证的国外大学在认证范围或者认证的学习方式在认证范围,以及连续性,衔接性;最后还有学习时间(这个可以在护照问题上进行体现)上都没问题,那么就可以放心准备材料吧。总之,只有通过了国外学历认证之后,申请人在国外留学时光才能够在国内得到认可。

portsmouth 和polymouth 这两间英国大学呢间学术好呀?


portsmouth前用in 还是at

at 也可以表达在某地,to指隔海相望,on是接壤






Portsmouth[英][u02c8pu0254:tsmu0259θ][美][u02c8pu0254rtsmu0259θ, u02c8port-]朴茨茅斯(英国港市)。He won only one of his14 league games, ironically against Redknapp"s Portsmouth.威格利本赛季率领南安普敦队一共打了14场联赛,但仅仅赢了1场比赛。具有讽刺意味的是,威格利赢的恰恰是雷德克纳普当时所指挥的朴次茅斯队。He played in a variety of positions and ended up at right-back with Portsmouth.能打多个位置,最后在朴茨茅斯是打右后卫的。



a taste of english humour什么意思


flash 问题:找不到类型,或者它不是编译时常数:MouseEvent

var f_btn:Sprite=new Sprite();??这行代码是干什么用的?

injection moulding是什么意思

injection moulding[英][inu02c8du0292eku0283u0259n u02c8mu0259uldiu014b][美][u026anu02c8du0292u025bku0283u0259n u02c8moldu026au014b]注射成型法; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Geekay is based in a small workshop crammed with injection moulding machines. geekay设在一个小车间里,车间内满是注塑机器。

Wayne Wonder的《Rumours》 歌词

歌曲名:Rumours歌手:Wayne Wonder专辑:Collectors Series关淑怡Rumour曲: Lauren Christy 词: 陈少琪 编: Tony A.无谓又费心赶快披露谁在盛赞他很有风度不必多哄骗我你看到听到某段事实已暴露!无谓像探测天气风暴谁为猎到他刻意改造不必早晚报告再对我劝告放弃自视过高!*谁愿付这代价 Rumour结局会被破坏吗? Rumour说话永远有偏差 Rumour我绝对永远信任爱他直至我发觉再也爱不到他!无谓又说他早已表露常扮做友好假戏真做不必多哄骗我你看到听到某段事实已暴露?谁愿付这代价 Rumour结局会被破坏吗? Rumour说话永远有偏差 Rumour我绝对永远信任爱他直至我发觉再也爱不到他!谁愿付这代价 Rumour结局会被破坏吗? Rumour说话永远有偏差 Rumour我绝对永远信任爱他谁愿付这代价 Rumour结局会被破坏吗? Rumour说话永远有偏差 Rumour我绝对永远信任爱他直至我发觉再也爱不到他!It"s your lies! Did he hear the rumour?It"s your lies! Did he hear the rumour?

Rumours (Ko 7 Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:Rumours (Ko 7 Mix)歌手:Damage专辑:Rumours关淑怡Rumour曲: Lauren Christy 词: 陈少琪 编: Tony A.无谓又费心赶快披露谁在盛赞他很有风度不必多哄骗我你看到听到某段事实已暴露!无谓像探测天气风暴谁为猎到他刻意改造不必早晚报告再对我劝告放弃自视过高!*谁愿付这代价 Rumour结局会被破坏吗? Rumour说话永远有偏差 Rumour我绝对永远信任爱他直至我发觉再也爱不到他!无谓又说他早已表露常扮做友好假戏真做不必多哄骗我你看到听到某段事实已暴露?谁愿付这代价 Rumour结局会被破坏吗? Rumour说话永远有偏差 Rumour我绝对永远信任爱他直至我发觉再也爱不到他!谁愿付这代价 Rumour结局会被破坏吗? Rumour说话永远有偏差 Rumour我绝对永远信任爱他谁愿付这代价 Rumour结局会被破坏吗? Rumour说话永远有偏差 Rumour我绝对永远信任爱他直至我发觉再也爱不到他!It"s your lies! Did he hear the rumour?It"s your lies! Did he hear the rumour?

英语散文who owns the mountains

outh is not a time of life; it is a state of mind

Blasphemous Rumours 歌词

歌曲名:Blasphemous Rumours歌手:gregorian专辑:Masters of Chant Chapter IIIBlasphemous RumoursGregorianMaster of Chant IIIGirl of sixteenWhole life ahead of herSlashed her wristsBored with lifeDidn"t succeedThank the LordFor small merciesFighting back the tearsMother reads the note againSixteen candles burning in her mindShe takes the blameIt"s always the sameShe goes down to her knees and praysI don"t want to startAny blasphemous rumoursBut I think that God"sGot a sick sense of humourAnd when I dieI expect to find Him laughingLaughing...Girl of eighteenFell in love with everythingFound new life in Jesus ChristHit by a carEnded upOn a life support machineSummer"s dayAs she passed awayBirds were singingIn the summer"s skyThen came the rainAnd once againA tear fellFrom her mother"s eyeI don"t want to startAny blasphemous rumoursBut I think that God"sGot a sick sense of humourAnd when I dieI expect to find Him laughingI don"t want to startAny blasphemous rumoursBut I think that God"sGot a sick sense of humourAnd when I dieI expect to find Him laughingI don"t want to startAny blasphemous rumoursBut I think that God"sGot a sick sense of humourAnd when I dieI expect to find Him laughingAaah...


RUMOURS牌子有手机(roumors plug),但手表没听说过. RUMOURS英文是谣言、传闻之意。QUARTZ是英文“石英”,表示是石英表。在淘宝上没有找到相关品牌的手表信息,同样京东商城上,也没有找到关于此手表的任何商品链接,所以估计是杂牌的石英表(整个网页也没有搜到RUMOURS手表信息),该商品的商业价值应该不会太高,不然也不会在网络上找不到相关信息。

Smash Mouth的《All Star》 歌词

歌曲名:All Star歌手:Smash Mouth专辑:Now That"s What I Call Music! 3Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll yaI ain"t the sharpest tool in the shedShe was lookin kinda dumb with her finger and her thumbIn the shape of an "L" on her foreheadWell, the hits start coming and they don"t stop comingHead to the rules and ya hit the ground runningDidn"t make sense just to live for fun,You"re brain gets smart but your head gets dumbSo much to do so much to seeSo what"s wrong with takin the backstreetsYou"ll never know if you don"t goYou"ll never shine if you don"t glowHey now, you"re an All Star, get your game on, go playHey now, you"re a Rock Star, get the show on, get paid,And all that glitters is goldOnly shootin stars break the moldIt"s a cool place, and they say it gets colderYou"re bundled up now, wait till ya get older.But the media men beg to differJudgin by the hole in the satellite pictureThe ice we skate is gettin pretty thinThe water"s gettin warm so you might as well swimMy world"s on fire, how about yours?Cuz that"s the way i like it and i never get boredHey now, you"re an All Star, get your game on, go playHey now, you"re a Rock Star, get the show on, get paid,And all that glitters is goldOnly shootin stars break the moldHey now, you"re an All Star, get your game on, go playHey now, you"re a Rock Star, get the show on, get paid,And all that glitters is goldOnly shootin starsSomebody once asked could I spare some change for gasI need to get myself away from this placeI said yep, what a concept, I could use a little fuel myselfAnd we could all use a little changeWell, the hits start coming and they don"t stop comingHead to the rules and I hit the ground runningDidn"t make sense just to live for fun,Didn"t make sense just to live for fun,You"re brain gets smart but the head gets dumbSo much to do so much to seeSo what"s wrong with takin the backstreetsYou"ll never know if you don"t goYou"ll never shine if you don"t glowHey now, you"re an All Star, get your game on, go playHey now, you"re a Rock Star, get the show on, get paid,And all that glitters is goldOnly shootin stars break the moldAnd all that glitters is goldOnly shootin stars break the mold

谁有《The Way to Rainy Mountain》的中文翻译

《The Way to Rainy Mountain》的中文翻译



求一首英文歌名 貌似是两个单词 叫 什么什么mountain 女声 很细声音很低 很忧伤

是moonlight shadow 吗?

曼森的Use your fist and not your mouth的中文歌词

Manson歌词翻译:Use your fist and not your mouth--暴力行事2007年05月05日 星期六 下午 07:17我公开宣扬它 当上帝认为我已消失时 它悄然打乱了一切 善意的纠正或许是明智的 但我却活跃于憎恨美国的潮流中 这是一首充满愤怒的歌 举起你的中指一起唱吧以暴力行事 (来吧 继续)我与痛苦斗争 当我做出决定后 我会剥去你纯洁的外表 抹去你的笑容这是一首充满愤怒的歌 举起你的中指一起唱吧 以暴力行事 (来吧 继续) 这是一首充满愤怒的歌举起你的中指一起唱吧 以暴力行事 (来吧 继续)我今日苏醒 但愿明天依然如故我今日苏醒 甚至希望明天我不再是我我说 不 这不是你的歌 我们无法融洽相处 当你仍握紧拳头时 我们无法合好 我无法停止对流行的痛恨 我很庆幸我们是TMD不同的这是我憎恨美国的方式 抨击讽刺 无需劝阻 无需告发 就用暴力来解决吧 这是一首充满愤怒的歌 举起你的中指一起唱吧 以暴力行事 (来吧 继续)这是一首充满愤怒的歌 举起你的中指一起唱吧 以暴力行事 (来吧 继续) 我今日苏醒 但愿明天依然如故 我今日苏醒 甚至希望明天我不再是我 Come on, come on! Come on, come on! I am overground and outselling ITSince God thinks I don"t exist The beatings happen Per Minute This is not blue-collar-white-corrective politics I"m on a HATE AMERICAN STYLE kick This is the black collar song Put it in your middle finger and sing along Use your fist and not your mouth (Come on, come on! Come on, come on!) This is the black collar song Put it in your middle finger and sing along Use your fist and not your mouth (come on, come on! Come on, come on!) I"m on a campaign for pain And when I get elected I"ll wipe the white off your house The smile off your face This is the black collar song Put it in your middle finger and sing along Use your fist and not your mouth (Come on, come on! Come on, come on!) This is the black collar song Put it in your middle finger and sing along Use your fist and not your mouth (come on, come on! Come on, come on!) I woke up today and wished for tomorrow I don"t want to be like anyone else I woke up today and wished for tomorrow I don"t want to even be myself I said no, this isn"t your song We can"t all get along It"s too hard to hold hands when your hand"s a fist My hate-pop won"t ever stop I"m fucking glad we"re different This is my HATE AMERICAN STYLE. HitDon"t bring itDon"t sing it Use your fist and not your mouth This is the black collar song Put it in your middle finger and sing along Use your fist and not your mouth (Come on, come on! Come on, come on!) This is the black collar song Put it in your middle finger and sing along Use your fist and not your mouth (come on, come on! Come on, come on!) This is the black collar song Put it in your middle finger and sing along Use your fist and not your mouth (Come on, come on! Come on, come on!) This is the black collar song Put it in your middle finger and sing along Use your fist and not your mouth (come on, come on! Come on, come on!) I woke up today and wished for tomorrow I don"t want to be like anyone else I woke up today and wished for tomorrow I don"t want even be myself

James Brown & The Famous Flames的《Mona Lisa》 歌词

歌曲名:Mona Lisa歌手:James Brown & The Famous Flames专辑:James Brown The Singles Volume 4: 1966-1967Nat King Cole - Mona LisaMona Lisa, Mona Lisa, men have named youYou"re so like the lady with the mystic smileIs it only cause youre lonely they have blamed you?For that Mona Lisa strangeness in your smile?Do you smile to tempt a lover, Mona Lisa?Or is this your way to hide a broken heart?Many dreams have been brought to your doorstepThey just lie there and they die thereAre you warm, are you real, Mona Lisa?Or just a cold and lonely lovely work of art?instrumental interludeDo you smile to tempt a lover, Mona Lisa?Or is this your way to hide a broken heart?Many dreams have been brought to your doorstepThey just lie there and they die thereAre you warm, are you real, Mona Lisa?Or just a cold and lonely lovely work of art?Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa

I CIIMb EVERy mountain 歌名的意思

I CIIMb EVERy mountain我爬每一座山



求blue mountain river 的歌词


moumoon的good night歌词求标注假名。

Why don"t you smilea little bit more happily tonight?今(いま)が不安(ふあん)の绝顶期(ぜっちょうき)?うつむいてても 君(きみ)はキミ人(ひと)それぞれに flowers grow运(うん)が尽(つ)きたんだとか ネガティヴはもうやめて巻(ま)き返(かえ)すチャンスなら いくらでもあるからSmileNo, cry!TryBut why?All the lights will lead you there,Then you"ll see where you goThe dream makes you forget all tears!涙(なみだ)枯(か)れるまで 泣(な)いてもいい yeah今(いま)が全(すべ)てじゃないから気(き)づけば知(し)らずに笑(わら)ってたりするきょうはおやすみ Nanana...Good nightWhy don"t you smilea little bit more happily tonight?いちかばちかの等身大(とうしんだい)今日(きょう)がダメでも 明日(あした)なら空(そら)に现(あらわ)る double rainbow凪(なぎ)いだ海(うみ)にもいつか いい波(なみ)は访(おとず)れる追(お)い风(かぜ)が吹(ふ)いたなら チャンス手(て)に舞(ま)い降(お)りるSmile!No, cry!!Try!!!Noway!!!!All the lights will lead you there,Then you"ll see what you doThe dream makes you forget all fears!缲(く)り返(かえ)しめぐる 感伤(かんしょう)の中(なか) yeahそんな时(とき)もあるから波(なみ)乗(の)りするように 漂(ただよ)うのもいいきょうはおやすみ Nanana...Good nightWhy don"t you smilea little bit more happily tonight?今(いま)は语(かた)れる経験谈(けいけんだん)泣(な)いちゃう时(とき)もあったけど満(み)ちては欠(か)けるmoumoon grow今日(きょう)というこの日(ひ)まで回(まわ)り道(みち)したけれどささやかでも胸(むね)に幸(しあわ)せを感(かん)じてるSmile!Just cry...Try!!Yes...smileAll the lights will lead you there,Then you"ll see who you areThe dream makes you forget all fears!気(き)まぐれに変(か)わる 感情(かんじょう)の中(なか) yeah気楽(きらく)に行(い)けばいいから波(なみ)乗(の)りするように うまく楽(たの)しんできょうはおやすみ Nanana...涙(なみだ)枯(か)れるまで 泣(な)いてもいい yeah今(いま)が全(すべ)てじゃないから気(き)づけば知(し)らずに笑(わら)ってたりするきょうはおやすみ Nanana...已标注,确认无误后请及时采纳哦,谢谢~~





有一首英文歌里面有一句for the mountain for the lover 女的唱的

Groove Coverage - Moonlight ShadowThe last that ever she saw him,carried away by a moonlight shadow.He passed on worried and warning,carried away by a moonlight shadow.Lost in the riddle last Saturday night,far away on the other side,he was caught in the middle of a desperate fightand she couldn"t find how to push through.The trees that whisper in the evening,carried away by a moonlight shadow.Sing the song of sorrow and grievingcarried away by a moonlight shadow.All she saw was a silhouette of a gun,far away on the other side,he was shot six times by a man on the run,and she couldn"t find how to push through.I stayI prayI see you in heaven far away,I stayI prayI see you in heaven one dayFour a.m. in the morning,carried away by a moonlight shadow.I watched your vision forming,carried away by a moonlight shadow.Star was glowin" in a slivery night,far away on the other side,will you come to talk to me this nightbut she couldn"t find how to push through.I stayI prayI see you in heaven far away,I stayI prayI see you in heaven one day.Caught in the middle of a hundred and fiveThe night was heavy and the air was aliveBut she couldn"t find how to push throughFar away on the other sideThe night was heavy and the air was aliveBut she couldn"t find how to push throughshe couldn"t find how to push through~ Thanks the appreciation ~

求《通向阴雨山的道路》(the way to rainy mountain)的英文原版,pdf最佳,邮箱

The Way to Rainy Mountain A single Knoll rises out of the plain in Oklahoma, north and west o the WIchita Range. For my people , the Kiowas ,it is an old landmark,and they gave it the name Rainy Mountain. The hardest weather in the world is there . Winter brings blizzards, hot tornadic winds arise in the spring,and in summer the prairie is an anvil"s edge. The grass turns brittle and brown,and it cracks beneath your feet. There are green belts along the rivers and crees, linear groves of hickory and pecan, wilow and witch hazel. At a distance in July or August the steaming foliage seems almost to writhe in fire. Great green-and-yellow grasshoppers are everywhere in the tall grass, popping up like corn to sting the flesh,and tortoises crawl about on the red earth, going nowhere in the plenty of time. Loneliness is an aspect of the land. All things in the plain are isolate; ther is no confusion of objects in the eye, but one hill or one tree or one man. To look upon that landsdcape in the early morning , with the sun at your back,is to lose the sense of proportion. Your imagination comes to life,and this , you think , is where Creatiion was begun. I retuned to Rainy Mountain in July. My grandmother had died in the spring, and I wanted to be at her grave. She had lived to be very old and at last infirm. Her only lliving daughter was with her when she died, and I was told that in death her face was that of a child. I like to think of her as a child . When she was born, the Kiowas were living that last great moment of their history. For more than a hunderd years they had cntrolled the openrangefrom the Smoky Hill River to the Red , from the headwaters o fthe

synonymous sentences是什么意思


we also went to some famous parks in beijing

We主 also went谓 to some famous parks状 in Beijing定.英文句的排序与汉语句的排序基本相同。有所不同的是疑问句等。译:我们还去了北京的一些著名的公园。

求J adore的anonymous的歌词~~~

For a minute it was looking likeI"d end up one of those guys,spendin my whole lifelooking for a special lady who"d save memaybe i"ll never be satisfiedhad a couple ? and a couple dimes.(Now I"m looking for you,) why are you so hard to findI thought I took one step, I took two backI"m not even close this time and that"s a factAll I know is that we"d be the perfect matchSo where you at love?I just gotta find you here.Why you gotta be anonymous?Why you gotta be anonymous?Baby I want you so muchWanna hold wanna feel your touchGo fast girl i"m in a rushWhy you gotta be anonymous?Why you gotta be anonymous?What"s your name? (Anonymous)Where you at? (Anonymous)Think about you I getta a rushI wanna meet my miss Anonymous.Then I see you when I close my eyes we all on both times with the delay to sunlight.Everything I tried to tell you I fell to maybe I"ll tell you another time.How you keeping me so free I get tied.Gotta strung all on me and aim me, oh nevermind.I thought I took one step, I took two backI"m not even close this time and that"s a factAll I know is that we"d be the perfect matchSo where you at love?I just gotta find you here.Why you gotta be anonymous?Why you gotta be anonymous?Baby I want you so muchWanna hold wanna feel your touchGo fast girl i"m in a rushWhy you gotta be anonymous?Why you gotta be anonymous?What"s your name? (Anonymous)Where you at? (Anonymous)Think about you I getta a rushWhat"s your name? (Anonymous)Where you at? (Anonymous)Think about you I getta a rushIs your name Mary Anneor Cathy LeeWanna hold my hand? come get with meWhich dime wanna rideeverything on megirl you aint gotta lieTell me what its gone beWhy you gotta be anonymous?Why you gotta be anonymous?Baby I want you so muchWanna hold wanna feel your touchGo fast girl i"m in a rushWhy you gotta be anonymous?I wanna know, I wanna know your name (your name 2x)Why you gotta be anonymous?What"s your name? (Anonymous)Where you at? (Anonymous)Think about you I getta a rushWhat"s your name? (Anonymous)Where you at? (Anonymous)Think about you I getta a rush






丘hill 山mountain 這會不會容易一些理解 ??


名词前面加介词,形成介名短语。如on mountains(强调在山上)in mountains(强调在群山中),between mountains(在两山峪间)等。

mountains lucy spraggan 歌词中文翻译

子有很多窗户的当我们有孩子,我们就告诉他们来提醒我们我们是多么的所以我们从不偷懒。你们啊,我们就爬山一起爬山!你们啊,我们就爬山一起爬山!我从不工作这些小时如果我并不爱你我的手总是红和阳光,我睡如果你说我们是要搬到另一个地方与邻居那么疯狂你知道我去到那里,因为我相信我的宝贝。你们啊,我们就爬山一起爬山!你们啊,我们就爬山一起爬山!我把我的手指交叉,我们是会我摸着木为运气,我们破表我知道,那我们的心,“年代去拯救我们如果我们从未回来他们怎么能怪我们吗?你们啊,我们就爬山一起爬山!你们啊,我们就爬山一起爬山!你们啊,我们就爬山爬山一起你们啊,我们就爬山一起爬山!Emeli Sande -山他说我要有一个床有很多枕头而且我们是打算建造一个房


hills和mountains区别两个单词都是山,hills是小山, 山岗mountains 是山脉,大山

climb mountains是什么意思

climb mountains v. 爬山;


是 山 的复数形式 山岳山脉总之就是好多的山

mountains是什么意思 mountains解释

1、mountains中文释义:高山、山岳、许多、大量、大堆,复数形式为mountain。 2、Vegetation becomes sparse higher up the mountains. 山上越高的地方植物越稀少。 3、There are mountains to the north. 北面有山。

Mountains (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Mountains (Lp Version)歌手:Prince专辑:Parade - Music From The Motion Picture Under The Cherry MoonBiffy Clyro - MountainsI took a bite out of a mountain range,thought my teeth would break the mountain down.Let"s go, I want to go all the way to the horizon.I took a drink out of the ocean andI"m treading water there before I drown.Let"s dive, I want to dive to the bottom of the ocean.I took a ride, I took a ride,I wouldn"t go there without you.Let"s take a ride, we"ll take a ride.I wouldn"t leave here without you.I am a mountain, I am the sea,you can"t take that away from me.I am a mountain, I am the sea,you can"t take that away from me.‘Cause you tear us apart,with all the things you don"t like.You can"t understandthat I won"t leave "til we"re finished here,and then you"ll find out where it all went wrong.I wrote a note to the jungle andit wrote me back that I was never crownedking of the jungle soThere"s and end to my horizon.I took a ride, I took a ride.I wouldn"t go there without you.Let"s take a ride, we"ll take a ride.I wouldn"t leave here without you.I am a mountain, I am the sea,you can"t take that away from me.I am a mountain, I am the sea.‘Cause you tear us apart,with all the things you don"t like.You can"t understandthat I won"t leave "til we"re finished here,and then you"ll find out where it all went wrong.Nothing lasts forever, except you and me.(You are my mountain, you are my sea)Love will last forever, between you and me.(You are my mountain, you are my sea)I am a mountain, I am the sea,you can"t take that away from me.I am a mountain, I am the sea.I am a mountain, I am the sea.

杰森 迈尔斯的《Mountains》 歌词

歌曲名:Mountains歌手:杰森 迈尔斯专辑:梦幻轨道Michael Johns - MountainsSun comes up as I lay downSpent the night just running aroundChasing on you with all of your movesYou play so cheaply and I was your foolAnd now I"m never never neverNever never gonna be the sameYou know I"m never never nevernever never gonna be the same"Cuz I got high in your mountainsI was lost in your valleyI was washed into your oceanAs the tide roll up,I feel my heart start beating againYou treat me bad,You treat me kind.I wanna do whatever"s on your mind.You told me easy, you told me slow,You told me every which way but noAnd now I"m never never nevernever never gonna be the sameYou know I"m never never nevernever never gonna be the same"Cause I got high in your mountainsI was lost in your valleyI was washed up into your oceansAs the tide roll up,I feel my heart start beating againI said I"m never never nevernever never gonna be the sameI said I"m never never nevernever never gonna be the sameI got high in your mountainsI was lost in your valleyI was washed into your oceanAs the tide roll up,I feel my heart start beatingHigh in your mountainsI was lost in your valleyI was washed into your oceansAs the tide roll up,I feel my heart start beating again


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