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motion 英["mu0259u028au0283n] 美[u02c8mou0283u0259n] n. 运动;手势;动机,意向;请求 vt. 打手势;向某人点头或摇头示意;打手势要求[指示] vi. 运动;打手势







final cut pro、motion、compressor都是做视频的吧》?有什么区别啊?

final cut pro 这个软件是编辑视频的,做一些镜头调整以及简单的特技。motion 这个是一个效果软件,类似 Adobe AfterEffects 软件。compressor 这个软件类似 Canopus 以前的 Procoder 、 是一个压缩的软件, FinalCutPro 软件制作完成后,可以导出到这个软件进行压缩你想要的 网络媒体或者DVD 视频格式的一个软件。



怎样使用SolidWorks Motion

启用SolidWorks Motion插件1点击“Motion Study1”图标,点击“算例类型”,查看里面是否有“Motion分析”选项,如果有则说明插件已启用,如果没有则进行下一步,去启用该插件。2点击“工具”,在下拉菜单中找到并点击“插件”选项,如下图所示:3在“插件”窗口中,勾选SolidWorks Motion,并点击“确定”,则SolidWorks Motion插件就启用了。如果想关闭该插件,取消SolidWorks Motion前面的勾选即可。END对装配体进行Motion分析1点击“Motion Study1”图标,点击“算例类型”,选择“Motion分析”,如下图所示:2为装配体设置分析条件,比如弹簧、力、阻尼、接触和引力等,这里为装配体设置一个旋转马达,做一个简单的分析。分析条件设置好后点击“计算”即可。END获取计算结果点击“结果和图解”图标,在弹出的选项框中筛选出想要输出的结果,在“图解结果”一栏点选“生成新图解”即可得到以图解形式给出的分析结果。下图是所选杆件1的速度曲线:下图是所选杆件2的角加速度曲线:


—— 英文:Temotion 情绪激动。 motion 运动。



我的世界Motion指令怎么用 新手攻略

我的世界不存在"Motion"这种命令,但存在"Motion"这种NBT标签。Motion和direction类似,分辨大部分实体的面向(除了火球、小火球和凋灵之首)。 必须是以double的格式输入(数值后方要有d/必须有小数点),比如{Motion:[0.0,1.0,0.0]} 或 {Motion:[0d,1d,0d]}生成一个向上移动的实体(速度为1)。用法:Motion:[X,Y,Z]详情请参见我的世界百科:教程/NBT标签 - MC Wiki


在Premiere 5.1的ClipVideo菜单下,有一个Motion命令.这个Motion命令可以使一个视频片段越过画面移动.你可以通过创建一个运动路径的方法来使一个片段越过由视频程序限定的可见区域(Visible Area).你可以指定完全处于可见区域内的运动路径,也可以指定超出可见范围的路径以便使运动的片段从可见范围的边界进入和退出.需要明确的是,你只能为片段自身增加运动路径,对于片段内部的对象或元素,你是无法为它们增加运动路径的.


【动画】在核心 SolidWorks 内使用。可使用【动画】来表达和显示装配体的运动:通过添加马达来驱动装配体中一个或多个零件的运动。通过设定键码点在不同时间规定装配体零部件的位置。动画使用插值来定义键码点之间零部件的运动。【基本运动】在核心 SolidWorks 内使用。可使用【基本运动】在装配体上模仿马达、弹簧、碰撞和引力。【基本运动】在计算运动时考虑到质量。【基本运动】计算相当快,所以可将其用来生成使用基于物理模拟的演示性动画。【Motion分析】在 SolidWorks Premium 的 SolidWorks Motion 插件中使用。可利用【Motion分析】功能对装配体进行精确模拟和运动单元的分析(包括力、弹簧、阻尼和摩擦)。【Motion分析】使用计算能力强大的动力学求解器,在计算中考虑到了材料属性和质量及惯性。还可使用【Motion分析】来标绘模拟结果供进一步分析。用户可根据自己的需要决定使用三种算例类型中的哪一种:【动画】:可生成不考虑质量或引力的演示性动画。【基本运动】:可以生成考虑质量、碰撞或引力且近似实际的演示性模拟动画。【Motion分析】:考虑到装配体物理特性,该算例是以上三种类型中计算能力最强的。用户对所需运动的物理特性理解的越深,则计算结果越佳。






motion分析接触在SolidWorks的motion分析在运动算例中。运动算例的左上角动画的下拉表中,默认的只有动画和基本运动2个选项。单击SolidWorks插件面板中的SolidWorks Motion,再回到动画下拉列表就可以看到motion分析了。可使用运动分析在装配体上精确模拟和分析运动单元的效果(包括力、弹簧、阻尼以及摩擦)。运动分析使用计算能力强大的动力求解器,在计算中【考虑到材料属性和质量及惯性】。 您还可使用运动分析来【标绘模拟结果】供进一步分析。Motion拥有诸多编辑功能:利用可调整的动态模板制作特效、字幕、转场效果和生成器,为你的 Final Cut Pro 剪辑工作节省时间,更让你享受创意的灵活。你可使用独立参数和装备的任意组合来制作 Smart Motion Templates,它可让你通过一个简单的滑块、弹出式菜单或复选框对一组参数进行控制。如果你利用多个宽高比值来设置模板,Final Cut Pro 会根据你的脚本素材自动采用适当的布局。实时的设计引擎Motion 的互动性能体现在方方面面,它可让你在实时播放中进行调整,并立即查看结果。当你在画布上移动物体时,可将你的动作实时记录下来。




Motion融入了诸多特性。 Motion 可让你通过几步操作来创建滚动名单,即使是超长的制作人员名单也不在话下。只须导入文本文件,如果你愿意,也可以手动输入名单。Scroll 行为会根据渐进式或交错式输出来优化速度。要详细查看文字,通过点击预览便可直接访问滚动名单的任何位置。 只要点击几下,共享功能即可将内容自动导出并传送到 iPod 和 Apple TV 等装置上,也可传送到某些网络服务。  导出为 ProRes、H.264、MPEG-4 及其它支持 QuickTime 的编解码格式。  导出为影片或影像序列  导出为 OpenEXR 格式  支持渐进式和基于域的渲染 利用可自定义的快门为动态模糊效果提速  保存自定义的输出设置以便于选择  在 Compressor 中创建的设置,可直接通过 Motion 5 和 Final Cut Pro X 的共享功能进行访问。  将整个项目发送到 Compressor,以满足高级别的编码需求。  Export Selection 可以渲染出特定的对象


1首先,看看这两个例句:1)The teacher motioned his students to be silent. (motion 作及物动词时 vt)The teacher motioned "to" his students to be silent. (motion 作不及物动词时 vi)2)He motioned me to be silent. He motioned” to “me to be silent. 2.楼主能够看出其中的区别吧。及物动词后可以直接接代词(主要是名词),而不及物动词则必须加介词(比如to,for等等)后才可接代词,比如说listen,它是不及物动词,”听我说“要翻译成”Listen to me"而不是“Listen me".3.至于motion这个词,既是及物,也是不及物动词。我们用的时候,把它看成及物的话,后面就不用接to,把它看成不及物动词的话,后面就必须接to。至于什么时候作为及物动词,什么时候用不及物,就随楼主的便了。

怎样使用SolidWorks Motion

点击“Motion Study1”图标,点击“算例类型”,查看里面是否有“Motion分析”选项,如果有则说明插件已启用,如果没有则进行下一步,去启用该插件。2点击“工具”,在下拉菜单中找到并点击“插件”选项,如下图所示:3在“插件”窗口中,勾选SolidWorks Motion,并点击“确定”,则SolidWorks Motion插件就启用了。如果想关闭该插件,取消SolidWorks Motion前面的勾选即可。END对装配体进行Motion分析1点击“Motion Study1”图标,点击“算例类型”,选择“Motion分析”,如下图所示:2为装配体设置分析条件,比如弹簧、力、阻尼、接触和引力等,这里为装配体设置一个旋转马达,做一个简单的分析。分析条件设置好后点击“计算”即可。END获取计算结果点击“结果和图解”图标,在弹出的选项框中筛选出想要输出的结果,在“图解结果”一栏点选“生成新图解”即可得到以图解形式给出的分析结果。下图是所选杆件1的速度曲线:下图是所选杆件2的角加速度曲线:













Motion什么意思 Motion的意思

1、motion是一个英文单词,名词译为运动,手势,动机,意向,请求,动词译为打手势,向某人点头或摇头示意,打手势要求[指示]。 2、motion的读音:英[u02c8mu0259u028au0283n],美[u02c8mou028au0283n]。 3、例句:One group of muscles sets the next group in motion.一组肌肉带动下一组肌肉运动。


motion的意思是:运动。motion是一个英文单词,名词译为运动, 手势, 动机,意向,请求,动词译为打手势,向某人点头或摇头示意,打手势要求指示。词语用例:constant motion不断运动、full motion全动、perpetual motion永恒运动、circular motion圆周运动、smooth motion平滑运动、quick motion快动作。双语例句1、One group of muscles sets the next group in motion.一组肌肉带动下一组肌肉运动。2、He panned the camera, giving a sense of motion.他用摄像机移动拍摄,营造一种运动的效果。3、The wheels of change have been set in motion.变革的车轮已经开始运转。4、At a single motion of his hand, the room fell silent.他手一挥,屋子里便安静了下来。5、They set the machinery in motion.他们将机器开动起来。6、We"re all in a state of perpetual motion in this office.我们这个办公室里大家总是忙得团团转。


motion 英[ˈməʊʃn] 美[ˈmoʊʃn] n. 运动; 手势; 动机,意向; 请求; vt. 打手势; 向某人点头或摇头示意; 打手势要求[指示]; vi. 运动; 打手势; One group of muscles sets the next group in motion一组肌肉带动下一组肌肉运动。


motion/ ‘mu0259uu0283u0259n/ n.运动;手势;提议


motion[英]["mu0259u028au0283n] [美][u02c8mou0283u0259n] 生词本简明释义n.运动;手势;动机,意向;请求vt.打手势;向某人点头或摇头示意;打手势要求[指示]vi.运动;打手势复数:motions第三人称单数:motions过去式:motioned过去分词:motioned现在分词:motioning易混淆的单词:Motion以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.N-UNCOUNT运动;移动Motion is the activity or process of continually changing position or moving from one place to another.



分析下面句子的语法构成并翻译: But just as fascinating was his high level of emotion


motion movie是什么意思?


mac motion2 ae插件怎么安装

我个人把PR的插件分为四类(1)转场的插件:比如好莱坞,spice master(2)特效插件:比如FE,Panopticum公司的插件系列,一些为AE开发并能用在PR中的基本也属于这一类(3)字幕插件:比如TitleExpress,TM,小灰熊卡拉OK,小精灵字幕等(4)扩展功能插件:比如videoserver,CCE,CanonpusProcder等这个分类是个人为了方便管理而分的,所以不是很严格。比如有的插件在安装后会为PR同时添加转场和特效。下面我把自己用过的插件,并且觉得非常好的插件作一简单介绍。(1)视频特效:Final Effects是MetaTools公司开发的Premiere的插件。MetaTools公司在图像界久享盛誉,著名的PhotoShop滤镜--- KPT就是该公司的旗舰产品。如果你的Final Effects版本较低,不能直接支持Premiere的话,那你在它安装好之后,把Plugins目录下的prm文...

l lost my mind 当你走进我视线 就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motion 是EXO-M哪首歌的歌词啊

中文版由M队LU HAN鹿晗和CHEN金钟大演唱,韩文版由K队D.O.度庆洙和BAEK HYUN卞白贤演唱中文版歌词Girl, I can"t explain what I feel.C:Oh baby my baby, baby, baby, baby.. yeah.L:漫长的一天 仿佛就像短暂一秒的感觉每天都像是为你写下的情节C:这一幕浪漫爱情片 下一幕动作片男主角我扮演你心中唯一英雄(你如此完美)突然我期待 陪你走向的未来L:别把爱藏起来 抓住幸福 只要你能坦白oh babyC&L:I lost my mind 当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motionL:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱C&L:爱无所不在 会让我忘记伤害 分担悲哀 学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱C&L:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱C:当我牵你手 全世界羡慕不已当你吻我 才懂这感觉不会更改L:他们说得天长地久 也许已不在但你可信赖 我是不顾一切去爱你的人 你将会慢慢明白C:I don"t know why 这感觉无可取代爱是突如其来的意外 你让我变成最佳男人只要在你身边 生命变得光彩C&L:I lost my mind 当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motionL:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱C&L:爱无所不在 会让我忘记伤害 分担悲哀 学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱C&L:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱L:今夜我想起你拉开窗帘 对着星空许下一个心愿像童话故事里幸福结局 happily ever afterC:从今以后 为你付出 为你心疼 为你等待 我绝不离开只想给你我一生的爱C&L:I lost my mind 当你走进我视线就在你周围 整个世界 get in slow motionL:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱C&L:爱无所不在 会让我忘记伤害 分担悲哀 学习关怀吵过 哭过 还能拥抱C&L:请你告诉我 如果这样就是爱C&L:当我牵你手 全世界羡慕不已当你吻我 才懂这感觉不会更改L:My babe, baby babe, baby. baby-我无法不想你 是否这样就是爱C&L:只想让你笑得像个纯真小孩只想给你安慰像个朋友般的依赖C:My babe, baby babe, baby. baby-告诉我 到底 what is love

谁能给歌词Slow Motion_Karina的歌词翻译下

i know that you been callin" me我知道你一直在呼唤我and i"m happy that we met我很高兴,我们遇见了don"t think that i"m not interested不是我不感兴趣i"m just playin" hard to get我只是很难得到什么so much about this crazy game they call love从这个被叫做爱的疯狂游戏中that i"m trying to understand我试图理解you could you be my bestfriend你可以成为我最好的朋友before you call yourself my man在你认为你是我的之前why can"t i love you in slow motion为什么我不能用慢动作爱你take my time消磨时间take away the pressure带走压力on my mind在我脑海really get to know you真正了解你per rewind每次倒带wanna love you in slow motion都想要用慢动作爱你why can"t i为什么我不能you seem to know just what you want你似乎知道你想要的and i like your confidence我喜欢你的信心some things a girl should never rush有些事情女孩永远不应该忽略cuz if you do you hurt yourself因为如果你被伤害so much about this crazy game they call love在这个被叫做爱的疯狂游戏中i"m still trying to understand我仍然试图理解so would you be my best friend所以你会成为我最好的朋友before you call yourself my man在你认为你是我的之前why can"t i love you in slow motion为什么我不能用慢动作爱你take my time消磨时间take away the pressure带走压力on my mind在我脑海really get to know you真正了解你per rewind每次倒带wanna love you in slow motion都想要用慢动作爱你why can"t i为什么我不能i"m too young我太年轻for teasing the night夜晚的取笑and it"s too soon而且还为时过早for this to be right这是正确的don"t wanna mess with your pride不想惹你骄傲the questions not when的问题时but why can"t i love you in slow motion但为什么我不能用慢动作爱你 take my time消磨我的时间take away the pressure on my mind带走了我的脑海压力really get to know you真正了解你per rewind每次倒带i wanna love you in slow motion我都想用慢动作爱你why can"t i 为什么我不能

motion templates是什么意思

  motion templates的中文翻译  运动模板  双语例句  1  It divides the current block as a quasi-stationary, slow motion, or fast motion block. According to the different motion block types, different search templates and strategies are employed.  将当前块划分为准静止块、小运动块和大运动块,根据运动块的类型选择相应搜索模板和搜索策略。  2  Based on image motion parameters, two different appearance change models of hand gestures are created. Template Based classification technique is then employed to perform hand gesture recognition in which reference templates are created with a mini max type of optimization.  基于图像运动参数,构造了两种表观变化模型分别作为手势的表观特征,利用最大最小优化算法来创建手势参考模板,并利用基于模板的分类技术进行识别.

really slow motion 音乐怎么购买版权


谁有李敏镐的《Love motion》那首歌,要带中文字幕的mp3格式的?多谢

i know that you been callin" me我知道你一直在呼唤我and i"m happy that we met我很高兴,我们遇见了don"t think that i"m not interested不是我不感兴趣i"m just playin" hard to get我只是很难得到什么so much about this crazy game they call love从这个被叫做爱的疯狂游戏中that i"m trying to understand我试图理解you could you be my bestfriend你可以成为我最好的朋友before you call yourself my man在你认为你是我的之前why can"t i love you in slow motion为什么我不能用慢动作爱你take my time消磨时间take away the pressure带走压力on my mind在我脑海really get to know you真正了解你per rewind每次倒带wanna love you in slow motion都想要用慢动作爱你why can"t i为什么我不能you seem to know just what you want你似乎知道你想要的and i like your confidence我喜欢你的信心some things a girl should never rush有些事情女孩永远不应该忽略cuz if you do you hurt yourself因为如果你被伤害so much about this crazy game they call love在这个被叫做爱的疯狂游戏中i"m still trying to understand我仍然试图理解so would you be my best friend所以你会成为我最好的朋友before you call yourself my man在你认为你是我的之前why can"t i love you in slow motion为什么我不能用慢动作爱你take my time消磨时间take away the pressure带走压力on my mind在我脑海really get to know you真正了解你per rewind每次倒带wanna love you in slow motion都想要用慢动作爱你why can"t i为什么我不能i"m too young我太年轻for teasing the night夜晚的取笑and it"s too soon而且还为时过早for this to be right这是正确的don"t wanna mess with your pride不想惹你骄傲the questions not when的问题时but why can"t i love you in slow motion但为什么我不能用慢动作爱你 take my time消磨我的时间take away the pressure on my mind带走了我的脑海压力really get to know you真正了解你per rewind每次倒带i wanna love you in slow motion我都想用慢动作爱你why can"t i 为什么我不能

dramatic slow motion 歌词音译

dramatic slow motion i know that you been callin" me我知道你一直在呼唤我and i"m happy that we met我很高兴,我们遇见了don"t think that i"m not interested不是我不感兴趣i"m just playin" hard to get我只是很难得到什么so much about this crazy game they call love从这个被叫做爱的疯狂游戏中that i"m trying to understand我试图理解you could you be my bestfriend你可以成为我最好的朋友before you call yourself my man在你认为你是我的之前why can"t i love you in slow motion为什么我不能用慢动作爱你take my time消磨时间take away the pressure带走压力on my mind在我脑海really get to know you真正了解你per rewind每次倒带wanna love you in slow motion都想要用慢动作爱你why can"t i为什么我不能you seem to know just what you want你似乎知道你想要的and i like your confidence我喜欢你的信心some things a girl should never rush有些事情女孩永远不应该忽略cuz if you do you hurt yourself因为如果你被伤害so much about this crazy game they call love在这个被叫做爱的疯狂游戏中i"m still trying to understand我仍然试图理解so would you be my best friend所以你会成为我最好的朋友before you call yourself my man在你认为你是我的之前why can"t i love you in slow motion为什么我不能用慢动作爱你take my time消磨时间take away the pressure带走压力on my mind在我脑海really get to know you真正了解你per rewind每次倒带wanna love you in slow motion都想要用慢动作爱你why can"t i为什么我不能i"m too young我太年轻for teasing the night夜晚的取笑and it"s too soon而且还为时过早for this to be right这是正确的don"t wanna mess with your pride不想惹你骄傲the questions not when的问题时but why can"t i love you in slow motion但为什么我不能用慢动作爱你 take my time消磨我的时间take away the pressure on my mind带走了我的脑海压力really get to know you真正了解你per rewind每次倒带i wanna love you in slow motion我都想用慢动作爱你why can"t i 为什么我不能

谁能给歌词Slow Motion_Karina的歌词翻译下

i know that you been callin" me我知道你一直在呼唤我and i"m happy that we met我很高兴,我们遇见了don"t think that i"m not interested不是我不感兴趣i"m just playin" hard to get我只是很难得到什么so much about this crazy game they call love从这个被叫做爱的疯狂游戏中that i"m trying to understand我试图理解you could you be my bestfriend你可以成为我最好的朋友before you call yourself my man在你认为你是我的之前why can"t i love you in slow motion为什么我不能用慢动作爱你take my time消磨时间take away the pressure带走压力on my mind在我脑海really get to know you真正了解你per rewind每次倒带wanna love you in slow motion都想要用慢动作爱你why can"t i为什么我不能you seem to know just what you want你似乎知道你想要的and i like your confidence我喜欢你的信心some things a girl should never rush有些事情女孩永远不应该忽略cuz if you do you hurt yourself因为如果你被伤害so much about this crazy game they call love在这个被叫做爱的疯狂游戏中i"m still trying to understand我仍然试图理解so would you be my best friend所以你会成为我最好的朋友before you call yourself my man在你认为你是我的之前why can"t i love you in slow motion为什么我不能用慢动作爱你take my time消磨时间take away the pressure带走压力on my mind在我脑海really get to know you真正了解你per rewind每次倒带wanna love you in slow motion都想要用慢动作爱你why can"t i为什么我不能i"m too young我太年轻for teasing the night夜晚的取笑and it"s too soon而且还为时过早for this to be right这是正确的don"t wanna mess with your pride不想惹你骄傲the questions not when的问题时but why can"t i love you in slow motion但为什么我不能用慢动作爱你 take my time消磨我的时间take away the pressure on my mind带走了我的脑海压力really get to know you真正了解你per rewind每次倒带i wanna love you in slow motion我都想用慢动作爱你why can"t i 为什么我不能

Karina Pasian的Slow Motion 中文翻译歌词??


karina的slow motion歌词及歌词大意

i know that you been callin" me我知道你一直在呼唤我and i"m happy that we met我很高兴,我们遇见了don"t think that i"m not interested不是我不感兴趣i"m just playin" hard to get我只是很难得到什么so much about this crazy game they call love从这个被叫做爱的疯狂游戏中that i"m trying to understand我试图理解you could you be my bestfriend你可以成为我最好的朋友before you call yourself my man在你认为你是我的之前why can"t i love you in slow motion为什么我不能用慢动作爱你take my time消磨时间take away the pressure带走压力on my mind在我脑海really get to know you真正了解你per rewind每次倒带wanna love you in slow motion都想要用慢动作爱你why can"t i为什么我不能you seem to know just what you want你似乎知道你想要的and i like your confidence我喜欢你的信心some things a girl should never rush有些事情女孩永远不应该忽略cuz if you do you hurt yourself因为如果你被伤害so much about this crazy game they call love在这个被叫做爱的疯狂游戏中i"m still trying to understand我仍然试图理解so would you be my best friend所以你会成为我最好的朋友before you call yourself my man在你认为你是我的之前why can"t i love you in slow motion为什么我不能用慢动作爱你take my time消磨时间take away the pressure带走压力on my mind在我脑海really get to know you真正了解你per rewind每次倒带wanna love you in slow motion都想要用慢动作爱你why can"t i为什么我不能i"m too young我太年轻for teasing the night夜晚的取笑and it"s too soon而且还为时过早for this to be right这是正确的don"t wanna mess with your pride不想惹你骄傲the questions not when的问题时but why can"t i love you in slow motion但为什么我不能用慢动作爱你 take my time消磨我的时间take away the pressure on my mind带走了我的脑海压力really get to know you真正了解你per rewind每次倒带i wanna love you in slow motion我都想用慢动作爱你why can"t i 为什么我不能

Slow Motion (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Slow Motion (Live)歌手:Blondie专辑:Live - Philadelphia 1978/Dallas 1980David Gray - -Slow MotionWhile I was watching you did a slow dissolveWhile I was watching you did a slow dissolveWhile I was watching you did a slow dissolveDid I imagine or do the walls have eyesDid I imagine they held us hypnotizedDid I imagine or do the walls have eyesLife in slow motion somehow it don"t feel realLife in slow motion somehow it don"t feel realLife in slow motion somehow it don"t feel realSnowflakes are falling I"ll catch them in my handsSnowflakes are falling I"ll catch them in my handsSnowflakes are falling now you"re my long lost friend"wayne coffee 加工"

Slow Motion 歌词

歌曲名:Slow Motion歌手:KSM专辑:Read Between the Lines (Bonus Track Version)KSM - Slow MotionText up my friendsGot to get the day plannedGet up on my feetPlaces to go, people to seeKick it at the mallGet to rehearsalJam some new tunesI gotta run, so much to doI like my world just spinning a little too fastBut now I"m in a classroomTwirling my hair, just waiting for the time to passI"m stuck in slow motionWatching time go byMinutes feel like hoursNo end in sightSlow motionTaking over meI don"t wanna chillHow can i sit stillWhen i know the world is waitingHeyEleven missed callsAnother shade of lip glossRecord a new songColor my hairAnswer the phoneHe"s asking me out, I gotta think about itNow I"m running late to (to you)I gotta rush, no time to wasteI like my world spinning just a little too fastBut now I"m on a freeway doing fifteenIn the middle of a traffic jamI"m stuck in slow motionWatching time go byMinutes feel like hoursNo end in sightSlow motionTaking over meI don"t wanna chillHow can i sit stillWhen i know the world is waitingLook ahead cause that"s where you"ll find meYou know i get bored easilyToo much to do to do nothingI"m always in a rush to do somethingWe get all dressed up,Show up at the clubThe line"s around the blockAnd we"re stuck inSlow motionWatching time go byMinutes feel like hoursNo end in sightSlow motionTaking over meI don"t wanna chillHow can i sit stillWhen i know the world is waitingSlow motionWatching time go byMinutes feel like hoursNo end in sightSlow motionTaking over meI don"t wanna chillHow can i sit stillWhen i know the world is waitingHow can i slow downI don"t even know howWhen i know the world is waiting

Slow Motion 歌词

歌曲名:Slow Motion歌手:Alfonzo Hunter专辑:Blacka Da BerryKSM - Slow MotionText up my friendsGot to get the day plannedGet up on my feetPlaces to go, people to seeKick it at the mallGet to rehearsalJam some new tunesI gotta run, so much to doI like my world just spinning a little too fastBut now I"m in a classroomTwirling my hair, just waiting for the time to passI"m stuck in slow motionWatching time go byMinutes feel like hoursNo end in sightSlow motionTaking over meI don"t wanna chillHow can i sit stillWhen i know the world is waitingHeyEleven missed callsAnother shade of lip glossRecord a new songColor my hairAnswer the phoneHe"s asking me out, I gotta think about itNow I"m running late to (to you)I gotta rush, no time to wasteI like my world spinning just a little too fastBut now I"m on a freeway doing fifteenIn the middle of a traffic jamI"m stuck in slow motionWatching time go byMinutes feel like hoursNo end in sightSlow motionTaking over meI don"t wanna chillHow can i sit stillWhen i know the world is waitingLook ahead cause that"s where you"ll find meYou know i get bored easilyToo much to do to do nothingI"m always in a rush to do somethingWe get all dressed up,Show up at the clubThe line"s around the blockAnd we"re stuck inSlow motionWatching time go byMinutes feel like hoursNo end in sightSlow motionTaking over meI don"t wanna chillHow can i sit stillWhen i know the world is waitingSlow motionWatching time go byMinutes feel like hoursNo end in sightSlow motionTaking over meI don"t wanna chillHow can i sit stillWhen i know the world is waitingHow can i slow downI don"t even know howWhen i know the world is waiting

Slow Motion 歌词

歌曲名:Slow Motion歌手:KSM专辑:Read Between the LinesKSM - Slow MotionText up my friendsGot to get the day plannedGet up on my feetPlaces to go, people to seeKick it at the mallGet to rehearsalJam some new tunesI gotta run, so much to doI like my world just spinning a little too fastBut now I"m in a classroomTwirling my hair, just waiting for the time to passI"m stuck in slow motionWatching time go byMinutes feel like hoursNo end in sightSlow motionTaking over meI don"t wanna chillHow can i sit stillWhen i know the world is waitingHeyEleven missed callsAnother shade of lip glossRecord a new songColor my hairAnswer the phoneHe"s asking me out, I gotta think about itNow I"m running late to (to you)I gotta rush, no time to wasteI like my world spinning just a little too fastBut now I"m on a freeway doing fifteenIn the middle of a traffic jamI"m stuck in slow motionWatching time go byMinutes feel like hoursNo end in sightSlow motionTaking over meI don"t wanna chillHow can i sit stillWhen i know the world is waitingLook ahead cause that"s where you"ll find meYou know i get bored easilyToo much to do to do nothingI"m always in a rush to do somethingWe get all dressed up,Show up at the clubThe line"s around the blockAnd we"re stuck inSlow motionWatching time go byMinutes feel like hoursNo end in sightSlow motionTaking over meI don"t wanna chillHow can i sit stillWhen i know the world is waitingSlow motionWatching time go byMinutes feel like hoursNo end in sightSlow motionTaking over meI don"t wanna chillHow can i sit stillWhen i know the world is waitingHow can i slow downI don"t even know howWhen i know the world is waiting

slow motion歌曲里的中文歌名是什么?

歌曲:Slow Motion歌手:Karina填词:Various Artists谱曲:Various Artists歌词i know that you"ve been calling me我知道你曾一直呼唤我and i"m happy that we met我也很高兴我们能相遇don"t think that i"m not interested并不是我不感兴趣i"m just playing hard to get我只是让人难以接近so much about this crazy game they call love他们将这疯狂的游戏称之为爱that i"m trying to understand我试着去了解so could you be my best friend所以你可以做我最好的朋友吗before you call yourself my man在你成为我的他之前why can"t i love you in slow motion为何我不能以慢动作爱你take my time take away the pressure on my mind把握住我的时间,带走我脑海中的压力really get to know you but rewind让我真正去了解你,去重新开始wanna love you in slow motion why can"t i想要以慢动作爱你,为何我不能you seem to know just what you want似乎你知道你想要什么and i like your confidence我也欣赏你的自信some things a girl should never rush有些事情女孩子永远不应忽略cause if you do you hurt yourself因为若是你忽略,便会伤害到自己so much about this crazy game they call love他们将这疯狂的游戏称之为爱i"m still trying to understand我仍试着去了解so could you be my best friend所以你可以做我最好的朋友吗before you call yourself my man在你成为我的他之前why can"t i love you in slow motion为何我不能以慢动作爱你take my time take away the pressure on my mind把握住我的时间,带走我脑海中的压力really get to know you but rewind让我真正去了解你,去重新开始wanna love you in slow motion why can"t i想要以慢动作爱你,为何我不能i"m too young for tears in the night我太年轻,不想深夜暗自落泪and it"s to soon for this to be right为时过早但却很对don"t wanna mess with your pride不想伤害你的自尊the questions not when but why问题不是何时而是为何why can"t i love you in slow motion为何我不能以慢动作爱你take my time take away the pressure on my mind把握住我的时间,带走我脑海中的压力really get to know you but rewind让我真正去了解你,去重新开始i wanna love you in slow motion我想要以慢动作爱你why can"t i为何我不能扩展资料《Slow Motion》,该歌曲收录在专辑《First Love》中,由环球唱片公司发行于2008-01-01,该张专辑包含了11首歌曲。该歌曲其他版本1、Trey Songz演唱的《Slow Motion》,该歌曲收录在专辑《Slow Motion》中,由Atlantic Records公司发行于2015-01-20,该张专辑包含了1首歌曲。2、Pray 4 Us演唱的《Slow Motion》,该歌曲收录在专辑《Anthem for the Brokenhearted》中,由Pray 4 Us公司发行于2017-01-01,该张专辑包含了10首歌曲。



Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion.请分析一下句子结构;seemed to be 后为


求 chelo-Slow Motion的歌词,最好是中英文对照翻译的

Artist:cheloSongs Title:slow motionC-H-E-L-OMamiImma make you a starGirlEver been to the moon beforeCause you"re about to knowLet me direct you babyImma make you a starCause I want you to shine, shine for meListenNow shawty looking like at"chaKnow you got potential babyTo be a star in the moviesWon"t you let me make itDirect your propeGirl the angles I see youYou know, you know, you knowI"m "bout to put youAnd yollin up and lightsThat don"t have to be complicatedMy house is huge and neighborsCan"t see nothing know it"s gatedSo come on overCrystal on the floorLet me get you nakedAs we hit the dowerOh, oh, oh girl gonna get you onAnd you know know girlIt"s automaticImma have it all all girlYou can be my starOn the West coastYou knowIt"s slow motionOh, oh, oh girlLet me me see them panties hit the floor girlWanna see you do it on the cameraOh, oh, oh girl tell your body hold upLet the freak come out, come out, and slow motionI see someone by the poolYou and me babeYou ain"t wear nothingDoing something with your hips so sexyAs I approach put that back up in the airAnd then pauseShould we take it up a notchHuh, huhOh that slow motion mamiYou know on your kneesGot yo back like youMight be ready for your close upImma ask you what"s your name girlYou turn back like oh, oh, girlOh, oh, oh girl gonna get you onAnd you know know girlIt"s automaticImma have it all all girlYou can be my starOn the West coastYou knowIt"s slow motionOh, oh, oh girlLet me me see them panties hit the floor girlWanna see you do it on the cameraOh, oh, oh girl tell your body hold upLet the freak come out, come out, and slow motionHuh, huh, huh, huhThat"s right, that"s rightHuh, huh, huh, huhDo that girl uh-huhHuh, huh, huh, huhLet"s take it down yoHuh, huh, huh, huhSlow motionHuh, huh, huh, huhDo that girl uh-huhHuh, huh, huh, huhDo it just like thatHuh, huh, huh, huhAnd slow it downHuh, huh, huh, huh (Uh-huh)Oh, ohOh, oh, oh girl gonna get you onAnd you know know girlIt"s automaticImma have it all all girlYou can be my starOn the West coastYou knowIt"s slow motionOh, oh, oh girlLet me me see them panties hit the floor girlWanna see you do it on the cameraOh, oh, oh girl tell your body hold upLet the freak come out, come out, and slow motionYeah asi me gusta mamiLet the freak come outSuavesitoPero tan sexiSlow motion baby


motoras慢动作(旁路) 洛根世界卫生组织关闭大门洛根洛根收藏点安装,安装洛根收藏点

juvenile的slow motion 歌词中文翻译

I just wanna see you dance in slow motion我只想看到你用慢动作舞蹈We can take, we can take, we can take our time, baby不用急 慢慢来 我们有的是时间宝贝In slow motion用慢动作We can take, we can take, we can take our time, stay here不用急 慢慢来 我们有的是时间 挺住In slow motion用慢动作I know you got all dressed up for the club我知道你已为夜店而盛装打扮一番美国30岁著名黑人R&B男歌手Trey Songz预计于6月23日发行的改版专辑《Trigga Reloaded》的主打歌曲,目前Billboard单曲榜最高排名#38,这也是他个人第九首Top40单曲。Waiting on them to come pick you upBaby, when I saw ya walking out the doorI just knew ya needed something moreNow whip it straight back to the cribFinna give you something that you won"t forgetBaby, I just wanna get you out them clothesI just wanna see you dance inSlow motionWe can take, we can take, we can take our time, babyIn slow motionWe can take, we can take, we can take our time, stay hereIn slow motionSo shawty let your hair down, take a sipGo and put this joint between your lipsBaby, why don"t you make yourself comfortableWhile I go and put this tongue on youSo tell me when you readyI"ma speed it up for you just for a secondJust for a secondThen I"ma slow it back down and keep it steadyNow that you are out them clothesI just wanna see you dance in slowSlow motionWe can take, we can take, we can take our time, babyIn slow motionWe can take, we can take, we can take our time, stay hereIn slow motionOh darling, I just wanna get you out them clothesI just wanna see you dance inSlow motionWe can take, we can take, we can take our time, babyIn slow motionWe can take, we can take, we can take our time, stay hereIn slow motionWe can take, we can take, we can take our time babyIn slow motionWe can take, we can take, we can take our time, stay here

求歌词:karina pasian 的 《slow motion》中文歌词

我知道你一直在呼唤我我很高兴,我们遇见了不是我不感兴趣我只是很难得到什么从这个被叫做爱的疯狂游戏中我试图理解你可以成为我最好的朋友在你认为你是我的之前为什么我不能用慢动作爱你消磨时间带走压力在我脑海真正了解你每次倒带都想要用慢动作爱你为什么我不能你似乎知道你想要的我喜欢你的信心有些事情女孩永远不应该忽略因为如果你被伤害在这个被叫做爱的疯狂游戏中我仍然试图理解所以你会成为我最好的朋友在你认为你是我的之前为什么我不能用慢动作爱你消磨时间带走压力在我脑海真正了解你每次倒带都想要用慢动作爱你为什么我不能我太年轻夜晚的取笑而且还为时过早这是正确的不想惹你骄傲的问题时但为什么我不能用慢动作爱你 消磨我的时间带走了我的脑海压力真正了解你每次倒带我都想用慢动作爱你为什么我不能


i know that you been callin" me我知道你一直在呼唤我and i"m happy that we met我很高兴,我们遇见了don"t think that i"m not interested不是我不感兴趣i"m just playin" hard to get我只是很难得到什么so much about this crazy game they call love从这个被叫做爱的疯狂游戏中that i"m trying to understand我试图理解you could you be my bestfriend你可以成为我最好的朋友before you call yourself my man在你认为你是我的之前why can"t i love you in slow motion为什么我不能用慢动作爱你take my time消磨时间take away the pressure带走压力on my mind在我脑海really get to know you真正了解你per rewind每次倒带wanna love you in slow motion都想要用慢动作爱你why can"t i为什么我不能you seem to know just what you want你似乎知道你想要的and i like your confidence我喜欢你的信心some things a girl should never rush有些事情女孩永远不应该忽略cuz if you do you hurt yourself因为如果你被伤害so much about this crazy game they call love在这个被叫做爱的疯狂游戏中i"m still trying to understand我仍然试图理解so would you be my best friend所以你会成为我最好的朋友before you call yourself my man在你认为你是我的之前why can"t i love you in slow motion为什么我不能用慢动作爱你take my time消磨时间take away the pressure带走压力on my mind在我脑海really get to know you真正了解你per rewind每次倒带wanna love you in slow motion都想要用慢动作爱你why can"t i为什么我不能i"m too young我太年轻for teasing the night夜晚的取笑and it"s too soon而且还为时过早for this to be right这是正确的don"t wanna mess with your pride不想惹你骄傲the questions not when的问题时but why can"t i love you in slow motion但为什么我不能用慢动作爱你 take my time消磨我的时间take away the pressure on my mind带走了我的脑海压力really get to know you真正了解你per rewind每次倒带i wanna love you in slow motion我都想用慢动作爱你why can"t i 为什么我不能

你看白云慢慢的慢慢的走是什么歌,慢慢(Slow Motion)的歌曲介绍

最近鹿晗的新歌在抖音上非常的火,我也是喜欢的不得了,其中热门歌词是:你看白云慢慢的,慢慢的走,河水慢慢游”,鹿晗的声音如此的特别,听起来也是超级温柔的,那么这首歌是什么歌呢?我们一起跟着我继续往下看吧。 这首歌的歌名叫做《慢慢(Slow Motion)》,是由Desmond " DCope" Copeland/Gerrell "Rellevant" King/Jordan James Reyes/Shana Montanez作曲,董乐作词,鹿晗演唱的一首歌曲,歌曲发行于2020年5月27日,并收录在专辑《u03c0-volume.3》中。歌曲中偶尔的吉他泛音,舒缓的吟唱方式,一切都是慢慢的”年纪,有些事物终会随着时间的沉淀,感受美好,些许底噪的点缀将这首歌所传达的复古感展现得淋漓尽致。 慢慢(Slow Motion)歌词: 把车停在路边 空气变新鲜 你靠在我的肩 现在才发现 生活给的甜 好多来不及体验 我忘了时间 想要安静一点 关掉了朋友圈 就 轻松的呼吸 两个人这样 慢慢过一天 沮丧颓废压力疲惫通通都赶走 好心情翻倍 带你拥抱 我们的地球 你看白云 慢慢的 慢慢的 走 河水慢慢游 追着微风 慢慢的 慢慢的 走 风筝慢慢游 跟着太阳 慢慢的 慢慢的 走 影子慢慢游 我们两个 慢慢的 慢慢的 整个世界 慢慢的 没有烦忧 牵你手 让我牵着你手 我们慢慢慢慢走 牵你手 让我牵着你手 我们慢慢慢慢走 你觉得热就绑了丸子头 在我身后踩着我的影子走 大自然像支乐队在演奏 心跳充当一个天才鼓手 yeah 闭上双眼好好感受 填补过去那些缺口 阳光是强有力的拳头 把一记快乐送给了我 沮丧颓废压力疲惫通通都赶走 好心情翻倍 好像走到 另一个地球 你看白云 慢慢的 慢慢的 走 河水慢慢游 追着微风 慢慢的 慢慢的 走 风筝慢慢游 跟着太阳 慢慢的 慢慢的 走 影子慢慢游 我们两个 慢慢的 慢慢的 整个世界 慢慢的 没有烦忧 牵你手 让我牵着你手 我们慢慢慢慢走 牵你手 让我牵着你手 我们慢慢慢慢走 牵你手 让我牵着你手 我们慢慢慢慢走 牵你手 让我牵着你手 我们慢慢慢慢走


Slowmotion就是慢动作教学,意思就是街舞慢动作教学。街舞是体育与街头表演相结合的舞蹈,它以身体动作舞蹈为基本内容,配合街舞风格的音乐,单人或集体配合,是既有娱乐健身作用,又有表演性的体育运动。20世纪60年代末,街舞(Hip-Hop)出现于美国东海岸的纽约城和西海岸的加利福尼亚州,是美国黑人城市贫民的舞蹈。20世纪的80年代中期,街舞传入中国。1990年,德国举办了第一届“Battle of the Year”街舞比赛,是全世界最重要的年度上的街舞赛事之一。2020年12月7日,国际奥委会同意将霹雳舞列为2024年巴黎奥运会正式比赛项目。

slow motion是什么意思?

slow motion[英][sləu ˈməuʃən][美][slo ˈmoʃən]n.慢动作;

slow motion 中英文对照歌词!! 谢谢!!

i know that you been callin" me我知道你一直在呼唤我and i"m happy that we met我很高兴,我们遇见了don"t think that i"m not interested不是我不感兴趣i"m just playin" hard to get我只是很难得到什么so much about this crazy game they call love从这个被叫做爱的疯狂游戏中that i"m trying to understand我试图理解you could you be my bestfriend你可以成为我最好的朋友before you call yourself my man在你认为你是我的之前why can"t i love you in slow motion为什么我不能用慢动作爱你take my time消磨时间take away the pressure带走压力on my mind在我脑海really get to know you真正了解你per rewind每次倒带wanna love you in slow motion都想要用慢动作爱你why can"t i为什么我不能you seem to know just what you want你似乎知道你想要的and i like your confidence我喜欢你的信心some things a girl should never rush有些事情女孩永远不应该忽略cuz if you do you hurt yourself因为如果你被伤害so much about this crazy game they call love在这个被叫做爱的疯狂游戏中i"m still trying to understand我仍然试图理解so would you be my best friend所以你会成为我最好的朋友before you call yourself my man在你认为你是我的之前why can"t i love you in slow motion为什么我不能用慢动作爱你take my time消磨时间take away the pressure带走压力on my mind在我脑海really get to know you真正了解你per rewind每次倒带wanna love you in slow motion都想要用慢动作爱你why can"t i为什么我不能i"m too young我太年轻for teasing the night夜晚的取笑and it"s too soon而且还为时过早for this to be right这是正确的don"t wanna mess with your pride不想惹你骄傲the questions not when的问题时but why can"t i love you in slow motion但为什么我不能用慢动作爱你 take my time消磨我的时间take away the pressure on my mind带走了我的脑海压力really get to know you真正了解你per rewind每次倒带i wanna love you in slow motion我都想用慢动作爱你why can"t i 为什么我不能整理了1下 稍作修改暄霁 敬上

Elegance is the balance between proportion , emotion & surprise是什么意思

Elegance is the balance between proportion , emotion & surprise 意思是:高贵雅致是相称成比、激动情绪和惊喜的事之间的调和制衡。句子里的:“Elegance is”意思是:高贵雅致是 ;“the balance between”意思是:之间的调和制衡 ;“proportion”意思是:相称成比 ;“emotion”意思是:激动情绪 ;“&”意思是:和 ;“surprise”意思是:惊喜的事。



overcome by/with emotion是什么意思

overcome by/with emotion百感交集被情绪所左右被情感所压倒双语对照例句:1.I paused there, overcome by emotion. 我在此停下脚步,被强烈的情感所压倒。 2.The subconscious is motivated by emotion, right? Not reason. 潜意识是被情绪控制的,而不是理性,对吗? 3.All three are overcome with emotion. 他们一家三口这时是百感交集



有一首男声英文歌其中一句歌词是 in the motion(or ocean),我是在娄山关路的一家美发造型室听到的。

歌曲名:Into The Ocean 歌手:Susan Aglukark专辑:Big Feeling


和feeling,feelings的区别同理。 emotions 表示情感,比较抽象,为集合名词。 emotion 表示感情或情绪,为一瞬间的情感,较为感性的一个词,用法同feeling。e.g. Express your feelings When under stress,our emotions and feelings are affected. 表达自己的情感在压力下,我们的情绪和情感都会受到影响。

motion 和after effect的区别是什么


Main Title [Bodies, Rest & Motion] (2006 Remastered Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Main Title [Bodies, Rest & Motion] (2006 Remastered Lp Version)歌手:Michael Convertino专辑:Bodies, Rest & Motion [Original Score]Main Title Voice: Freddie Highmore《August Rush》Sometimes the worldtries to knock it out of youBut I believe in musicthe way that some peoplebelieve in fairy tales.I like to imagine that what I hearcame from my mother and father.Maybe the notes I hear...are the same ones they heardthe night they met.Maybe that"s how they found each other.Maybe that"s how they"ll find me.I believe that, once upon a timelong agothey heard the music and followed it.


  1、bill是法案,即:递交立法机构批准的法律草案A draft of a proposed law presented for approval to a legislative body.  2、motion才是议案,即:一种在议会程序下进行的向投票席做出的 正式议案A formal proposal put to the vote under parliamentary procedures.  3、意思是不是很不同。其实,一个motion是要在立法机构/议会成为bill后,才可以提交立法机构/议会批准的法律草案。

bigbang 《emotion》歌词 罗马音

bigbang 《emotion》罗马拼音:anata no kake wa hohoemi utsu shite namida no shizuku sono mama kaku shi teru daiji no kibou mimamo no atashi wo ie nai koto no kodoku sashi iteru hashiri dashi nagara Be My One sono kotae ageru to bi ra Emotion kimi to kono sora ha yume no kadachi tokimeku konohodo wo hibi iteru Emotion sotto kasane tari anata no yume shizukani me wo tojite daki shimeru chiisana himitu mizumini takashite anata ni okuru hontou no merodi- wo shizukana yoru ni ka ga mite utsuseba kanashii gurai watashi wa anata furi kaere nakute kinou tada hitori yureru omoi kimi to mamoru kara ima mo kakete hikari to kage dakara dekiru koto Illution motto tsutae tai kono kimochi wo sunao ni umare kuru kotoba dake Enlation soko ni arawarete shinjitsu dake kawarazu kagayaite kiite hoshii Emotion kimi to kono sora ha yume no kadachi tokimeku konohodo wo hibi iteru Emotion sotto kasane tari anata no yume shizukani me wo tojite daki shimeru 日文歌词:贵方の挂けは 微笑み移して 涙のしずくそのまま 隠してる 大事の希望を 见守のあたしも 言えない事の 孤独さしいてる 走り出しながら Be my ONE その答え上げる扉 Emotion 君と この空は 梦の形 ときめく このほどを 响いてる Emotion そっと 重ねたり 贵方の梦 静かに 目を闭じて 抱きしめる 小さなひみつ 水身に焚(た)かして 贵方に赠る 本当のメロディーを 静かな夜に 华が见て移せば 悲しいぐらい 私は贵方 振り返れなくて 昨日 ただ一人 揺れる思い Emotion 君と 守るから 今も挂けて 光と 影がから できること Illution もっと 伝えたい この気持ちを 素直に 生まれ来る 言叶だけ Enlation そこに 表れて 真実だけ 変わらず 辉いて 闻いてほしい Emotion 君と この空は 梦の形 ときめく このほどを 响いてる Emotion そっと 重ねたり 贵方の梦 静かに 目を闭じて 抱きしめる

Poetry In Motion 歌词

歌曲名:Poetry In Motion歌手:Bobby Vee专辑:Very Best OfThere"s a whole lot of love in the world today,going around, it"ll come your way.the sun is back and it"s gonna stay,everybody wants some love sometimes.(poetry in motion)there"s the sound He feeling everywhere,reach out and fing love is in the air.the heart of the song is the life I swear,everybody needs some love sometimes.(poetry in motion)Ain"t it good to feel this way, ain"t it good to know,love is back and it"s gonna stay, love will bring a toll.Oo-oo-oooo poetry in motion (poetry in motion)Oo-oo-oooo poerry in motion (poetry in motion)The a valley of light from the mountain top,a message o love that?ll never have not to hold is the love you"ve got,everybody wants some love sometimes.(poetry in motion)Ain"t it good to feel this way, ain"t it good to know,love is back and it"s gonna stay, love will bring a toll.Oo-oo-oooo poetry in motion (poetry in motion)Oo-oo-oooo poerry in motion (poetry in motion)(poetry in motion)(poetry in motion)(poetry in motion)Ain"t it good to feel this way, ain"t it good to know,love is back and it"s gonna stay, love will bring a toll.Oo-oo-oooo poetry in motion (poetry in motion)Oo-oo-oooo poerry in motion (poetry in motion)(poetry in motion)(poetry in motion)(poetry in motion)(poetry in motion)(poetry in motion)(poetry in motion)




[00:01.90]时间轴by 公主vip[00:05.33][00:09.41]Bigbang My Heaven - Emotion[00:13.27][00:17.98]【Y】明知是危险速度 I cannot stop[00:21.95]扰乱你的规则 Fool Burning love Higer[00:25.91]心中无言的SHOUT 流露在眼中[00:29.83]I wanna touch I wanna kiss[00:31.91]I wish with you[00:33.53]【S】Oh Oh Oh 想要掠夺走 Just you Just now[00:39.38]【T】Come baby Come baby Come[00:41.54]【D】Oh Oh Oh 就是此刻 Ride here Ride now[00:47.25][00:48.60]【S】It"s all ready in motion[00:50.82]我们确已经坠入爱情中[00:56.69]【D】It"s in motion It"s emotion[01:00.89]拥抱感觉 It"s in motion[01:06.42][01:14.14]【S】时间已经 Already Many 过于充分[01:17.90]Look at my eyes 那里只有你[01:21.90]理想与Lie 所谓爱Why? 我被诱惑[01:25.93]与Faker的Guys不同[01:28.16]I"m your Destiny[01:29.51]【Y】Oh Oh Oh 不要犹豫 Choose me Just now[01:35.36]【G】Come baby Come baby Come[01:37.68]【Y】Oh Oh Oh 现在立刻 Kiss me Ride now[01:43.00][01:44.74]【S】It"s all ready in motion[01:47.06]我们确已经坠入爱情中[01:52.79]【D】It"s in motion It"s emotion[01:56.78]确认了 爱的大门 It"s in motion[02:00.85][02:01.49]【T】Ya that"s the way you make me say[02:03.73]girl its you that I want[02:05.96]Everyday we no delay[02:07.06]gotta have you in my arms[02:09.77]【G】I just cant hold back and see[02:11.42]what you be doing be killing me[02:13.46]Bringing inside and need you[02:15.85]like the air I breathe[02:17.39]【Y】不禁怀疑 Nothing know me 这份爱[02:21.24]Take my hands Follow me[02:22.95]让我们来确认一下[02:24.50][02:25.00]【S】It"s all ready in motion[02:26.89]我们确已经坠入爱情中[02:32.00]【D】It"s in motion It"s emotion[02:36.92]拥抱感觉[02:40.81]【S】你也已经 看吧 想要了[02:48.69]【D】It"s in motion It"s emotion[02:53.07]确认了 爱的大门 It"s in motion[02:58.65][03:01.66][03:12.70]It"s in motion[03:14.97][03:15.93][03:16.79]Bigbang My Heaven - Emotion


你是一个痴迷,我不能睡我是你的藏在你的脚下没有平衡没有平等成为我依然不会接受失败我会拥有你,我会让你,我会找到一种方法我会像蝴蝶一只野生的蝴蝶,我会收集和捕捉你你是一个迷恋你是我的迷恋你要我成为谁才能陪我一起入睡你是一个迷恋你是我的迷恋你要我成为谁才能陪我一起入睡我给予你食物与水我的白天我的晚上我需要你,我需要你通过太阳或烛光你抗议你要离开住仍旧噢 根本没有别的选择你的脸再次出现我看到的美丽,但是我也看到了危险陌生人的裸甲在你的梦想你的感情并不像你现在这样你是一个迷恋你是我的迷恋你要我成为谁才能陪我一起入睡你是一个迷恋你是我的迷恋你要我成为谁才能陪我一起入睡我的幻想已经转向疯狂和我所有的善良已经转向邪恶我必须拥有你我的灵魂消耗殆尽,我的生活陷入危机我无法控制我会拥有你,我会让你,我会找到一种方法我会像蝴蝶一只野生的蝴蝶,我会收集和捕捉你你是一个迷恋你是我的迷恋你要我成为谁才能陪我一起入睡你是一个迷恋你是我的迷恋你要我成为谁才能陪我一起入睡楼主 你看这样翻译行不 我已经很尽力了 诚心至上

negative emotions是什么意思

negative emotions负面情绪双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 负面情绪2. 负性情绪例句:1.This involves considering all the likely causes of negative emotions. 其中包括考虑所有负面情绪的可能的原因。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

哥 也帮我写有关 How To Control Our Emotions 的作文把 只要400字的 写两篇

As you may know,I"m so helpless when doing the Nortel de-branding project,but you may not know how can I controlthe negative emotions successfully.Do you want to know about the secret?How many of you ...

The Emotions的《Me For You》 歌词

歌曲名:Me For You歌手:The Emotions专辑:The Best Of The Emotions: Best Of My LoveUnknown - Me For Youi"ve got a man with a heart of a giantand i couldn"t ask for morehe makes me feel like a beautiful womanso that he"s minei"ll never let him goi spend my days tryna hold things togetheri pay the bills on timeand i gave my all cuz i kno she deserves itshe couldn"t be better for meif she triedeven if we didn"t have no moneyor the world went upside downwhat if we were millionaireswould we carewould we changeno noits always gonna be mefor u, for meits always gonna be mefor u, for mei luv wakin up to his face every morningand hold him when we fall asleepand she looks best in the dress that i give hershe wears it just for meno need to worry when i got usky is the limitour love shines throughyeah, no matter the seasonwe dont need a reasoncuz we kno

Mixed Emotions 歌词

歌曲名:Mixed Emotions歌手:The Rolling Stones专辑:The Rolling Stones Singles Box Set (1971-2006)Rolling Stones - Mixed Emotions(Jagger/Richards)Button your lip babyButton your coatLet"s go out daancingGo for the throatLet"s bury the hatchetWipe out the pastMake love togetherStay on the pathYou"re not the only oneWith mixed emotionsYou"re not the only shipAdrift on this oceanThis coming and goingIs driving me nutsThis to-ing and fro-ingIs hurting my gutsSo get off the fenceIt"s creasing your buttLife is a partyLet"s get out and strutYou"re not the only oneWith mixed emotionsYou"re not the only shipAdrift on this oceanYou"re not the only oneThat"s feeling lonesomeYou"re not the only oneWith mixed emotionsYou"re not the only oneYou"re not the only oneLet"s grab the worldBy the scruff of the neckAnd drink it down deeplyLet"s love it to deathSo button your lipAnd button your coatLet"s go out and dancingLet"s rock and roll

Mixed Emotions 歌词

歌曲名:Mixed Emotions歌手:The Rolling Stones专辑:Live At The Tokyo DomeButton your lip babyButton your coatLet"s go out dancingGo for the throatLet"s bury the hatchetWipe out the pastMae love togetherStay on the pathYou"re not the only oneWith mixed emotionsYou"re not the only shipAdrift on this oceanThis coming and goingIs driving me nutsThis to-ing and fro-ingIs hurting my gutsSo get off the fenceIt"s creasing your buttLife is a partyLet"s get out and strutYou"re not the only oneThat"s feeling lonesomeYou"re not the only oneWith mixed emotionsYou"re not the only oneYou"re not the only oneYou"re not the only oneYou"re not the only oneLet"s grab the worldBy the scruff of the neckAnd drink it down deeplyLet"s love it to deathSo button your lipAnd button your coatLet"s go out dancingLet"s rock "n" rollYou"re not the only oneWith mixed emotionsYou"re not the only shipAdrift on this oceanYou"re not the only oneThat"s feeling lonesomeYou"re not the only oneWith mixed emotions

The Emotions的《Echo》 歌词

歌曲名:Echo歌手:The Emotions专辑:Rock N RollEcho-menudo【译特】Oh man, feels like I"m losing controlForgot what it"s like to rule my worldShe got me and she got me goodI don"t even wanna hang around my boysI used to say I"m not that kinda guyI don"t do love, don"t waste my timeBut lately all that"s on my mindIs when I"m back with herWith her, with herAnd everywhere I hear her wordsEvery corner I seem to turnI can"t hide from this loveOh oh, oh oh, keep taunting me wherever I goOh oh, oh oh, filling up my heart and I can feel itOh oh, oh oh, going round and round like an echoEcho, echo, echo, echo, echoSomehow, I keep lying to myselfI say I can manage just right alongMatter fact I am so damn scaredCause I think about were I belongI never had this kind of feeling beforeI think I"m falling in loveCause lately all that"s on my mindIs when I"m back with herWith her, with herAnd everywhere I hear her wordsEvery corner I seem to turnI can"t hide from this loveOh oh, oh oh, keep taunting me wherever I goOh oh, oh oh, filling up my heart and I can feel itOh oh, oh oh, going round and round like an echoEcho, echo, echo, echo, echoRound and round, everywhere, in my head, in the airEchooo, echoooRound and round, everywhere, in my head, in the airEchooo, echooo(Menudo, echoo)Can"t hide from this loveOh oh, oh oh, keep taunting me wherever I goOh oh, oh oh, filling up my heart and I can feel itOh oh, oh oh, going round and round like an echoEcho, echo, echo, echo, echoI can"t hide from this loveOh oh, oh oh, keep taunting me wherever I goOh oh, oh oh, filling up my heart and I can feel itOh oh, oh oh, going round and round like an echoEcho, echo, echo, echo, echo

negative emotions是什么意思

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