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求Kanye West Lil Wayne Eminem唱的forever歌词

There they go,back in stadiums,it"s shady"s b(i)(t)ches flow,他们来了 包围了运动场 痞子有着高超的饶舌节奏nuts they go,macadamia they go so ballistic woah,人群沸腾了 他们如此激动 大声喊着WOWwe can make them look like boso"s我们让他们看上去都像低能的狗he"s wondering if he should spit this slow,他自己都觉得自己饶舌功力还不够f(u)(c)k no go for borke,his cup just wanna throw over,oh no,哦不 操(你)(妈) 他虽耍出浑劲 但他的实力是明显不够的he ain"t had a buzz like this since the last time the overdosed,自从上次嗑药过量之后他还没有这样出过丑they"ve been waiting patiently for Pinnochio to poke his nose,他们在耐心等待Pinnochio的鼻子变长因为他在吹牛back into the game and they know,rap will never be the same as before,回到游戏中来 他们知道饶舌乐将空前绝后bashing in the brains of these hoes,and establishing a name as he goes,把那些(贱)人的头打爆 然后重新为他封号the passion and the flame is ignited,you can"t put it out once we light it,激情火焰已被点燃 一旦烧起来你便无法熄灭它this s(h)(i)t is exactly what the f-ck that i"m talking about when we write it,我(他)(妈)的说的是 当我们暴乱时写的那些you dealing with a mutual villain,so stay inside of the boots you spillin你面对一群真正的暴徒 你拿起室内的靴子向他们扔去so spit true feelings,til true feelings come flying up out of our mouths说出真实 吐露出真正的感情 直到牙齿一颗颗飞出去no rewind it,payback mo(t)her(f)uc(k)er foe the way you how"s it taste再来一遍 现在该来报复你们这些狗(杂)(种) 让你们尝尝滋味when i slap the taste out your mouth with the bss so loud that it shakes the place,当我给你们嘴巴尝味道的时候 贝斯的声响已经把房间给震碎i"m Hannibal lecters son just in case your thinking of saving face,我就是Hannibal博士 你认为不会对你的脸动手you aint gonna have no face to save by the time Im through with this place,so Drake但等我把这里全部搞定后 你的脸也会被我摧毁 Drake到你了






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ahava mineral botanic rich body butterAHAVAR丰富的矿物植物身体黄油butter[英][ˈbʌtə(r)][美][ˈbʌtɚ]n.黄油; 黄油状的食品; 奉承话; 焊膏; vt.抹黄油于…上; 用黄油煎食物; 讨好; 第三人称单数:butters过去分词:buttered现在进行时:buttering过去式:buttered.-————————————————很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

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famous; celebrated; eminent 三个词有什么区别呢?

famous和celebrated比较接近,都是著名的,famous更口语化eminent更强调在品行、学识方面有名望,成绩卓越,如:Eminent monk(高僧)

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如何解释Diogenes所说的Unexamined life is not worth living





  EMINEM,原名b. Marshall Bruce Mathers III,生于1973年10月17日密苏里州的堪萨斯城。1999年这位白人说唱歌手带着他极有冲击力但是同样富有争议的音乐横扫美国排行榜。Eminem的童年是在颠簸中度过的,他跟着他的母亲在几个不同的州居住过,最后他们定居在底特律,那时候他12岁。在他从学校9年级退学之前他就开始从事说唱乐,并且加入了几支乐队Basement Productions, the New Jacks,还有D12。后来他把他的名字改成Eminem,并且在1997年在独立厂牌FBT旗下出版了一张粗糙的处女专辑。  他赢得Wake Up Show的年度Freestyle表演奖、洛杉矶的年度说唱奥林匹克大赛上获得亚军。随后Eminem与Dr. Dre创办的Aftermath唱片公司签约,Dr.Dre把他收为徒弟,并且帮助他制作了他的首张完整长度的专辑。这张专辑充斥着暴力煽动,扭曲的歌词,同时也反映了Eminem那些道德思想的阴暗面。这张专辑取得了商业上的巨大成功。  接着Eminem在Rawkus唱片公司的合集Soundbombing Volume 2和Missy "Misdemeanor" Elliott的专辑Da Real World频频亮相。2000年3月出版的专辑The Marshall Mathers刚出版就上了美国专辑榜的第一位,这也证明了他是自从90年代中期的2Pac和SnoopDoggy Dogg以来最成功的说唱艺人。  尽管受到男同性恋权利组织的批评,Eminem还是得到了3座格来美大奖,他也重新组建了D12乐队,并录制一张名为“Devil”的专辑。  2002年,Eminem发行了最新专辑The Eminem Show,这张专辑取得了惊人的成绩,首先是2002年全美最畅销专辑,然后专辑中的Without Me,Cleanin" Out My Closet,Sing For the Moment都在Billboard上位居前列,而下半年推出的Eminem自编自导自演的自传体电影8 Mile八英里不仅在电影票房方面成绩非凡,而且这部电影的原声大碟里的单曲Lose Yourself更是当上了英美两地排行榜的冠军!在今年的格莱美颁奖典礼上,获得5项提名的阿姆最终拿走了最佳说唱专辑(The Eminem Show)的大奖.  档案:  姓名:Marshall Bruce Mathers III  艺名:Eminem  生日:1973.10.17(星期二)  身高:177cm  体重:76kg  星座:天秤座  家庭:Debbie R. Mathers-Briggs(妈妈)  女儿:Hailie Jade,生于1995.12.25  教育:Lincoln High School,Warren,Michigan  刺青图像:左肩膀:念已故Uncle Ronnie(阿姆指出Ronnie是家庭中惟一关心他的人)  手前臂:“D”和“12”意味“Dirty Dozen”在底特律组成乐队团  左腕关节:部落图腾  较低的左前臂:“Hailie Jade”女儿名字  腹部:“Rot in Pieces”  右腕关节:“Slit here”  右肩膀:女儿Hailie的脸  专辑  The 1st Album:The Slim Shady LP(1997)  My name isStill don"t give a fuckPaulrock bottomrole modelSoapKen KaniffLoungeFaultCome on everybodyGuilty ConscienceI"m shadyIf I hadAs the world turnsBad meets evilBitchBrian DamageJust don"t give me a fuck97"Bonnie&Clyde  The 2nd Album:The Marshall Mathers LP(2000)  《Just Don t Give A Fack (Maxi Single)》  歌手:Eminem  语种:英文  发行公司:Aftermath Records  发行:2002-04-01  《Platinum Collection 2001》  歌手:Eminem  语种:英语  发行公司:不祥  发行:2001-04-01  The 3rd Album:The Eminem Show(2002)  《The Eminem Show》  歌手:Eminem  语种:英语  发行公司:SONY唱片  发行:2002-05-01  《The Marshall Mathers Lp》  歌手:Eminem  语种:英语  发行公司:UNIVERSAL  《Live in London》  歌手:Eminem Feat Dr Dre  语种:Hip-Hop 192 kbit/s  发行公司:  发行:2004-01-23



一道初中二年级的英语题look over examine check都意为“检查”,但它们在用法有什么区别呢?

look over 是做好试卷后检查examine是对某种物品的检测,检验它是否达到标准check是检查事情有没有做好,范围较广:比如检查与医生的预约、试卷等

mineral deposits是什么意思


求扫雷达人告诉我 minesweeper arbiter的计数里每行都是统计的什么!!!


ask序数词 no同音词 my对应词 she复数形式 mine复数形式 writ同音词 first反义词


look determined to be affable


determine govern rule regulate的区别

determine、 govern、 rule、 regulate的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、determine:决定。2、govern:统治。3、rule:规则。4、regulate:规定。二、语法不同1、determine:determine的基本意思是确定事物的界限或范围,指经调查或认真思考后明确地判断事物的真伪、是非,或确定问题所涉及的范围、性质、内容等,即“作出决定”或“使…决定”。2、govern:govern可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。3、rule:rule的基本意思是“规则,规章,规定,条例”,可指指导、控制行为或行动的条规和惯例,也可指一组织强制其内部人员必须做什么或绝不能做什么的规定,是可数名词。4、regulate:15世纪初期进入英语,直接源自晚期拉丁语的regulatus,意为法治;最初源自拉丁语的regula。三、侧重点不同1、determine:determine指经过深思熟虑,决心去做某事并坚持施行。2、govern:govern侧重指运用任何控制的权力来统治或管理一个国家、一个社会或一个部门,暗含能力和知识的运用。3、rule:rule通常指机关、团体的规章、条例或比赛规则;也指对人行为、方法等所作的规定,还可指习俗所承认的规定。4、regulate:侧重行使领导或指导权。

predetermined aesthetic theory 是什么意思啊?


He says thatthat that that that that determines i

He says thatthat that that that that determines is the subject of the他说那个那决定的是那个的主题

问一个很二的英语语法问题。you are determined to be jolly ,后面的t


翻译Climate, more than any other single factor, determines the distribution of life on Earth.


Your attitude determines your altitude ,to alter


"Your attitude determines my attitude"什么意思?能解释一下吗


Language shapes the way we think ,and determines what we can think about

语言塑造我们的思考方式,并且决定着我们所能思考的Language:n.1. 语言;语言文字[U]Language is an instrument for communication.语言是交际的工具。2. (国家、民族等的)语言文字[C]He can speak several languages.他会讲好几种语言。3. (使用文字以外的)表达方式;(动物的)表意方式[C][U]The deaf and mute communicate by sign language.聋哑人用手势交际。4. 语言风格[U]His prose is written in elegant language.他的散文写得十分优雅。5. 强烈的言词,骂人的话[U]You shouldn"t use such strong language.你不应该使用这样强硬的措词。way:n.1. 路,通路,道路[C]Can you show me the way to the Post Office?你能否告诉我去邮局的路?2. 方向[C]3. 路程,距离[the S]It"s a long way to the railroad station.到火车站路程很远。4. 方法,方式[C][(+to-v)]Scientists are trying to find ways to prevent disease.科学家们正试图找到防止疾病的方法。5. 风俗,习惯;风度;作风[C]I did not like the way he talked to me.我不喜欢他跟我讲话的方式。6. 方面,点[C]Their plan is recommendable in many ways.他们的计划在许多方面都是可取的。7. 路途,路线[S]Do you know the way to the post office?你知道去邮局怎么走吗?8. 供通过的地方;活动范围;余地[the S]9. 愿望,意愿[U]If I had my way, I"d go to the movies tonight.假如我做得到的话,我今晚会去看电影。10. 前进,进行[U]11. 状况;健康状况[S]I"m afraid she"s in a bad way.我想她是生病了。12. 规模,程度[S]13. 【律】通行权14. 生意,职业[C]shape:n.1. 形状;样子,外形[C][U]The sculptor worked the clay into the shape of a woman.雕刻家将泥土捏成一个妇女的形状。2. (表现)形式;体现,具体化[U][C]The writer"s dreams find a shape in his novel.作者的理想在他的小说中得到体现。3. 【口】情况,状态[U]Athletes must stay in shape.运动员一定要保持身体健康。4. 模糊的人影;幽灵[C]In the darkness, I saw a shape tiptoeing out.在黑暗中,我看见有个身影悄悄走出去。5. 种类[S]6. 模型,模子[C]vt.1. 使成形;塑造,制作[(+into/from/out of)]The potter shaped the clay into a vase.陶工将泥土塑成花瓶。2. 形成Childhood experiences often play a big part in shaping one"s character.童年经历在形成一个人的性格方面往往起重要作用。3. 使符合;使适合[(+to)]4. 使合身[H][(+to)]The dress was shaped to her figure.这件连衣裙做得很适合她的身材。5. 计划;设计;想出;使具体化6. 引导vi.1. 【口】成形;成型;形成[(+up/into)]2. 成长,发展Our vacation plans are shaping well.我们的假期计划进展顺利。3. 【罕】发生determines:vt.1. 决定[+to-v][+(that)]She determined to go that very afternoon.她决定就在那天下午走。2. 使决定,使下决心[H][O2]My mom"s encouragement determined me to go on with my study.我母亲的鼓励使我决心继续学业。He was determined to win the game.他决心要赢得那场比赛。3. 判决,裁定[Y][+(that)]The court determined that the man was guilty of drunken driving.法官判决那个人酒醉开车有罪。4. 确定;测定[+wh-]They have determined where the new school will be built.他们已确定这所新的学校将建造在什么地方。5. 是...的决定因素;形成;影响Demand determines supply.需求决定供给。vi.1. 决定[(+on)]2. 【律】终止;判决think about是思考的意思。

"Personality determines fate " what do you think of it


What determines a good meal varies from country to country


He says that that that that that that determines i

嘿嘿,有怎么多的 that吗?!句子的结构是主语He谓语says和宾语(由that引导的宾语从句,一直到句子的末尾)。在宾语从句中,怎么多的that和determines是从句的主语,is是表语,the subject of the sentence是表语。中文意思是,他说,起决定作用的那个部分是句子的主语。个人认为,that好像是多了。He says that what that determins is the subject of the sentence就可以了。希望帮助到了你。天天快乐

fate determines who enters your life,your actions decide who stays什么意思

命运决定谁进入你的生命,你的行动决定谁留下fate determines who enters your life,your actions decide who stays


decide和determine都作“决定”解,但是determine to do比decide to do的语气更强,具有“决心做某事”的含义。例如:He determined to learn Greek. 他决定学希腊语。He determined to get there first. 他决定先到那里去。be determined to do也能表示大致相同的意义(语气比decide强,而且表示心理状态)。例如:I was determined not to follow their advice. 我决定不听他们的劝告。We are determined to defend our motherland at all costs. 我们决心不惜任何牺牲保卫祖国。此外,determine还有“确定;测定;规定”等含义。这是decide所没有的。例如:determine the cause of the accident 确定事故的原因Content determines form. 内容决定形式。

tHe says that that that that that that determines is the subject of the sentense. 帮我解释下



determined英[di"tə:mind] 美[di"tə:mind] a.1.已下决心的2.果断的,决然的,坚定的a. 1.已下决心的 2.果断的,决然的,坚定的时 态:determined,determining,determines点击查看……同反义词同: [a.] compulsive, dictated, driven, set反: [a.] undetermined点击查看……参考例句They determined on a different course. 他们决定采用别的方法。收藏I"m determined to do it better this time. 我决心这次要做得更好。收藏I am determined to wreak vengeance on John. 我决心向约翰报仇。收藏Price does not determine fashion acceptance. 价格不会影响时装的推广收藏He determined to learn Greek. 他决心学习希腊语。收藏    more...点击查看……

determine 和 decide 区别


attitude determines everything中determine的词性

动词 意为决定的意思


He determines to give up smoking。

___ determines a good meal varies from country to country.


it should be the reality that determines whether c





不存在的生物:cave pigman(洞穴猪人?原版哪有这种东西?)1.spider jockey(蜘蛛骑士,特指骑着蜘蛛的骷髅射手,小几率刷出)2.cave pigman(原版不存在)3.charged creeper(高压苦力怕,被闪电击中后的苦力怕,爆炸伤害上升)4.wither skeleton(凋零骷髅,在地狱堡垒才会刷新的特殊骷髅,伤害较高)

生源胺(biogenic amine)是指人体中担负神经冲动传导作用的胺类化合物,包括肾上腺素(adrenaline)、多

⑴ 儿茶酚: , A:   B:  (6分,各2分)⑵    (2分)⑶ 具有酚类结构,易被空气中的氧气氧化   (1分) ⑴A在NaOI的作用下,发生碘仿反应生成3,4-二羟基苯甲酸,说明A中存在 ,或取代的 ,从A的生成过程,以及A的化学式,A的结构为: 因此儿茶酚与ClCH 2 COCl的反应为苯的酰基化反应,所以儿茶酚的结构式为: A所甲胺的反应是胺的烃基化,即 B催化氢化后,不饱和度增加一个,因此羰基被还原为-OH,所以外消旋肾上腺素的结构为: 拆分出来R构型的异构体,其结构如下如示: 该结构中,具有酚类结构,因此易被空气中的氧气氧化变成红色。

He left school early, and as an adolescent, determined ______ in South American, set off ...

D 试题分析:考查固定搭配。固定搭配be determined to do sth下定决心做某事;make one"s fortune发财;句意:他很早就离开了学校,在年轻的时候就决心在南美去发财,就离开了家。故D正确、点评:固定短语的考查是高考中的重点内容,在高中的学习中平时要多积累固定搭配的用法,考试时只能凭借记忆力来答题,尤其是单项选择很难推出某个搭配的意思,所以平时的积累记忆是尤其重要的。学生可以将常考的全部积累在一起,通过反复的复习,从而达到永久的记忆下来。


lumin+escence~luminescence 发音如下(为保证学习效果,强烈建议先去手机电子词典听单词发音。发音正确熟练,不仅可以促进拼写记忆,也有利于储存口语的输入材料): 发音拼写记忆:lu mi ne scen ce ——这个拆分大致可以按音节单位划分。 (之前没提过这一点,是默认大家都在用的方法,学英语这么多年,对于字母组合或单个字母对应的发音应该相当熟悉了,在记单词时会不由自主地用上。比如这里:ce发音为/s/,scen发音/sn/) lumin词根表示“light,光” escence是名词后缀 ,像这种固定的长字母组合最好识记一下,以后再碰到有该后缀的单词可大大提高记忆效率。 luminescence是化学物理方面的词汇,意思是“冷发光,发冷光,荧光”。 图片记忆: 这个名词性具体意义的单词用图片识记即可,不再造句说明。 lumin同词根单词拓展 : lumin+ous(形容词后缀)~ luminous 表示:发光的,明亮的,清楚的; 例:You look at a star for two reasons, because it is luminous, and because it is impenetrable.你望一颗星,有两个动机,因为它是 发光的 ,又因为它是望不透的。 (“impenetrable”来源于单词“penetrate”的变形。它貌似没什么好用的词根词缀可记忆,表示“透过,穿透”,这里的单词就简单理解了:im这里当否定前缀,再去掉“e”加上表示“能够/可以……的”意思的“able”后缀,直译可理解为“不能够被透过的”) lumin+ance(名词后缀)~ luminance 表示:亮度,发光性,光明。 与“lumin”一样,也表示“light,光”的词根有“luc”和“lust” luc同词根单词拓展: luc+id(一般做形容词后缀)~ lucid 表示:透明的;清晰易懂的; luc+ency(名词后缀)~ lucency 表示:透明;光亮。 lust+er~luster/ lustre 表示:光泽,光彩; 将“luster/lustre”改造变形为形容词为“ lustrous ”,即去掉末尾无意义的“e”,再加上“ous”,它表示“有光泽的”。 例:Her hair was beautifully dark and lustrous. 她的秀发乌黑光亮。 escence: 可以联系单词adolescence来记忆。很容易想到“ escent ”是这个名词后缀对应的形容词后缀。因为也有:adolescent(adol表示“adult”)。 两者具体意思如下: A.adolescence 名词,青春期; B.adolescent 做形容词和名词,分别表示:青春期的,未成熟的‖ 青少年。 想想以前记过的很多单词,它们在做词性变化的时候,ce是会变成t的。比如difference与different就分别是名词与形容词。 结: 今天记忆以下两个知识点即可 lumin/luc/lust=light escence名词后缀

翻译一下Eminem的未消音版的not afraid

I"m not afraid to take a stand我从不畏惧表达我的立场Everybody come take my hand大家来握住我的手We"ll walk this road together, through the storm我们会一起走完这条路,即使暴风骤雨Whatever weather, cold or warm随他是什么,严寒或酷暑Just let you know that, you"re not alone只想你知道,你不孤独Hola if you feel that you"ve been down the same road如果你踏上了和我同一条路,我会和你问好(Intro)Yeah, It"s been a ride...恩,就像在驰骋I guess i had to go to that place to get to this one我想我需要找到那条路Now some of you might still be in that place现在也许你还在原地If you"re trying to get out, just follow me假如你想逃出去,跟我来I"ll get you there我会带你去(Verse 1)You can try and read my lyrics off of this paper before I lay "em在我还没有写下这些时,你可以试着读出我的歌词But you won"t take this thing out these words before I say "em但直到我“说”出来,你才能够了解这真正的含义Cause ain"t no way I"m let you stop me from causing mayhem阻止我惹事是不可能的When I say "em or do something I do it, I don"t give a damn我说我想说的,做我想做的,你们爱谁谁What you think, I"m doing this for me, so f¥ck the world随你怎么想,我是为了我自己,so,干这个世界Feed it beans, it"s gassed up, if a thing"s stopping meI"mma be what I set out to be, without a doubt undoubtedly别想阻止我的,我仍会坚持我自己的路,毫无怀疑的坚持And all those who look down on me I"m tearing down your balcony那些tm的看不起我的,我会连同他和他的房子一起毁掉No if ands or buts don"t try to ask him why or how can he没有那些 “还有”“但是”也不用问为什么From Infinite down to the last Relapse album he"s still shit and从infinite(第一张专辑)到上一张的relapse,他还是那样垃圾(这里他指他自己)Whether he"s on salary, paid hourly即使他是数钱数到手疼Until he bows out or he shit"s his bowels out of him记得他送前妻滚出房间还是他遭受穿肠痛苦Whichever comes first, for better or worse到来的哪一个,好的或者糟糕的He"s married to the game, like a fuck you for christmas他的婚姻就像儿戏,就像圣诞节的诅咒His gift is a curse, forget the earth he"s got the urge他的礼物就是诅咒,失去了世界,他却受到了启发To pull his dick from the dirt and fuck the universe从土地中插入他的老二,他草了整个宇宙(Hook)I"m not afraid to take a standEverybody come take my handWe"ll walk this road together, through the stormWhatever weather, cold or warmJust let you know that, you"re not aloneHolla if you feel that you"ve been down the same road(Verse 2)Ok quit playin" with the scissors and shit, and cut the crapok停止疯狂的发疯I shouldn"t have to rhyme these words in the rhythm for you to know it"s a rap我其实不应该给这些文字节奏,这tm的是rapYou said you was king, you lied through your teeth你说你是国王,你嘴上还淌粪呢For that fuck your feelings, instead of getting crowned you"re getting capped去你m的那些灵感,没有歌迷,你tm 的只有摆范儿And to the fans, I"ll never let you down again, I"m back歌迷们,我回来了,我照着你们!I promise to never go back on that promise, in fact我对天发誓,不再回到那个承诺Let"s be honest, that last Relapse CD was "ehhhh"说实话,上张专辑只是开胃Perhaps I ran them accents into the ground也许我的发音很土Relax, I ain"t going back to that now放松我现在可不是了All I"m tryna say is get back, click-clack BLAOW我创造新的回归,click-clack blaow(给枪上膛,开枪的声音,蓄势待发一鸣惊人)Cause I ain"t playin" around因为我玩够了There"s a game called circle and I don"t know how有个游戏叫轮回,我还没搞懂I"m way too up to back down上过天堂下过地狱But I think I"m still tryna figure this crap out但是这次我还是想真的释放一次Thought I had it mapped out but I guess I didn"t曾经我以为我找到了目标,但是现在我想还没有This fucking black cloud"s still follow"s me around这tm的乌云还在笼罩着我But it"s time to exercise these demons但 是该和这些魔鬼玩玩的时候了These motherfuckers are doing jumping jacks now!现在这些go娘养的就像小丑一样(Hook)I"m not afraid to take a standEverybody come take my handWe"ll walk this road together, through the stormWhatever weather, cold or warmJust let you know that, you"re not aloneHolla if you feel that you"ve been down the same road(Bridge)And I just can"t keep living this way这样的方式我无法接受So starting today, I"m breaking out of this cage如今我苏醒,即将挣脱牢笼I"m standing up, Imma face my demons我俯视那些小鬼I"m manning up, Imma hold my ground爷是真正的爷们,我决不让步I"ve had enough, now I"m so fed up我吃饱喝足了Time to put my life back together right now现在该是我回到舞台的时候了(Verse 3)It was my decision to get clean, I did it for me我的决定很明确,为我自己Admittedly i probably did it subliminally for you其实下意识的我可能是为了你们So I could come back a brand new me, you helped see me through所以我可以回归到一个全新的我,你们只要见证这一切就好And don"t even realise what you did, believe me you甚至你们不需知道你们做了什么,你们要相信我I been through the ringer, but they can do little to the middle finger我挣脱了圈套,他们对于我 的中指无能为力I think I got a tear in my eye, I feel like the king ofMy world, haters can make like bees with no stingers, and drop dead我想我的眼睛湿润了,我感觉就像自己是主宰自己世界的王者!憎恨wo我的人就像没有翅膀的蜜蜂,一下就摔死No more beef flingers, no more drama from now on, I promise我保证,现在开始不会再被人怀疑,也不会有任何虚假To focus soley on handling my responsibility"s as a father现在我只关注我的掌上明珠,付出父亲的责任So I solemnly swear to always treat this roof like my daughters and raise it我庄严的发誓,我将成为我女儿们的靠山,并且养育他们You couldn"t lift a single shingle lonely你不可能一个人举起一片房顶Cause the way I feel, I"m strong enough to go to the clubPut a corner pub and lift the whole liquor counter up我足以强大的去酒吧喝光吧台的烈酒Cause I"m raising the bar,因为那酒吧是我的I shoot for the moonBut I"m too busy gazing at stars, I feel amazing and我奔向月球,但此时我却忙着欣赏繁星,感觉那么美好而且。。。。。。。。

求Eminem的Not Afraid歌词与中文翻译,谢了!


eminem的 not afraid的歌词

To pull his dick from the dirt and fuck the whole universe



Venom By Eminem Lyric(毒液埃米纳姆正确歌词英文版)

不知道其他地方哪里来的歌词,都是同一个版本的,听译的还很粗糙,这个是国外版本,我听了一下很正确!! I got a song filled with shit for the strong-willed When the world gives you a raw deal Sets you off "til you scream, “Piss off! Screw you!” When it talks to you like you don"t belong Or tells you you"re in the wrong field When"s something"s in your mitochondrial ‘Cause it latched on to you, like— Knock knock, let the devil in Malevolent as I"ve ever been, head is spinnin" This medicine"s screamin", “L-l-l-let us in!” L-l-lick like a salad bowl, Edgar Allan Poe Bedridden, shoulda been dead a long time ago Liquid Tylenol, gelatins, think my skeleton"s meltin" Wicked, I get all high when I think I"ve smelled the scent Of elephant manure—hell, I meant Kahlúa Screw it, to hell with it, I went through hell with accelerants And blew up my-my-myself again Volkswagen, tailspin, bucket matches my pale skin Medal win, went from Hellmann"s and being rail thin Filet-o-Fish, to Scribble Jam and Rap Olympics "97 Freaknik How can I be down? Me and Bizarre in Florida Proof"s room slept on floor of the motel then Dr. Dre said “hell yeah!” And I got his stamp like a postcard, word to Mel-Man And I know they"re gonna hate But I don"t care, I barely could wait To hit them with the snare and the bass Square in the face, this fuckin" world better prepare to get laced Because they"re gonna taste my— Venom, (I got that) adrenaline momentum Venom, not knowin" when I"m Ever gonna slow up and I"m Ready to snap any moment I"m Thinkin" it"s time to go get "em They ain"t gonna know what hit "em (W-w-when they get bitten with the—) Venom, (I got that) adrenaline momentum Venom, not knowin" when I"m Ever gonna slow up and I"m Ready to snap any moment-I"m Thinkin" it"s time to go get "em They ain"t gonna know what hit "em (W-w-when they get bit with the—) I said knock knock, let the devil in Shotgun p-p-pellets in the felt pen Cocked, fuck around and catch a hot one I-i-it"s evident I"m not done V-venomous, the thought spun Like your web and you just caught in "em Held against your will like a hubcap or a mud flap Be strangled or attacked So this ain"t gonna feel like a love tap Eat painkiller pills, fuck a blood track Like, what"s her name"s at the wheel? Danica Patrick Threw the car into reverse at the Indy, end up crashin" Into ya, the back of it is just mangled steel My Mustang and your Jeep Wrangler grill With the front smashed in, much as my rear fender, assassin Slim be a combination of an actual kamikaze and Gandhi Translation, I will probably kill us both When I end up back in India You ain"t gonna be able to tell what the fuck"s happenin" to you When you"re bit with the— Venom, adrenaline momentum Venom, not knowin" when I"m Ever gonna slow up and I"m Ready to snap any moment I"m Thinkin" it"s time to go get "em They ain"t gonna know what hit "em (W-w-when they get bitten with the—) Venom, (I got that) adrenaline momentum Venom, not knowin" when I"m Ever gonna slow up and I"m Ready to snap any moment-I"m Thinkin" it"s time to go get "em They ain"t gonna know what hit "em (W-w-when they get bit with the—) I said knock knock, let the devil in Alien, E-E-Elliot phone home Ain"t no telling when this chokehold On this game will end, I"m loco Became a Symbiote, so My fangs are in your throat, ho" You"re snake bitten with my—venom With the ballpoint pen I"m Gun cock, bump stock, devil eye, buckshot Tied for the uppercut, tie a couple knots Fired up a Glock, fire, juggernaut Punk rock, bitches goin" down like Yung Joc ‘Cause the Doc put me on like sunblock Why the fuck not? You only get one shot Ate shit "til I can"t taste it Chased it with straight liquor Then paint thinner, then drank "til I faint And I wake with a headache And I take anything in rectangular shape Then I wait to face the demons I"m bonded to ‘Cause they"re chasin" me but I"m part of you So escapin" me is impossible I latch onto you like a—parasite And I probably ruined your parents" life And your childhood too ‘Cause if I"m the music that y"all grew up on I"m responsible for you retarded fools I"m the super villain Dad and Mom was losin" their marbles to You marvel that? Eddie Brock is you And I"m the suit, so call me— Venom, (I got that) adrenaline momentum Venom, not knowin" when I"m Ever gonna slow up and I"m Ready to snap any moment I"m Thinkin" it"s time to go get "em They ain"t gonna know what hit "em (W-w-when they get bitten with the—) Venom, (I got that) adrenaline momentum Venom, not knowin" when I"m Ever gonna slow up and I"m Ready to snap any moment-I"m Thinkin" it"s time to go get "em They ain"t gonna know what hit "em (W-w-when they get bit with the—)



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英语中表坚决的determined; stern; firm; resolute有什么区别?

英语中表坚决的determined; stern; firm; resolute的区别:含义不同:1、determinedadj. 决定了的;坚决的v. 决定;断定(determine的过去分词)2、sternadj. 严厉的;坚定的;严峻的;认真的3、firmadj. 坚定的;牢固的;严格的;结实的;坚决的;牢牢控制的;坚挺的adv. 坚信;坚持;稳固地v. 使坚定;使牢固4、resoluteadj. 坚决的;果断的用法不同:resolute 和 determined 两个单词词性不同,resolute 是形容词, determined 是分词型兼含形容词性质,因此用法不同。firm使用时更加侧重于坚固的意思,stern则是严厉的意思。扩展资料:近义词:resolved音标:英 [rɪ"zɒlvd] 美 [rɪ"zɑːlvd]    释义:adj. 下定决心的;断然的用法:动词resolve的过去式和过去分词形式。例句:The discussion resolved itself into a pleasant chat.讨论变成了愉快的闲聊。

minecraft RF能量是什么?

minecraft RF能量是指我的世界里面的红石电路,可以用来完成各种自动化工作。红石电路功能:红石电路(Redstone circuits)是沙盒游戏Minecraft中用于控制或激活其他机械的结构 。电路本身既可以被设计为用于响应玩家的手动激活,也可以让其自动工作--或是反复输出信号,或是响应非玩家引发的变化,例如生物移动、物品掉落、植物生长、日夜更替等等。Minecraft中能够被红石控制的机械类别几乎覆盖了你能够想象到的极限,小到最简单的机械(如自动门与关开关),大到占地巨大的电梯、自动农场、小游戏平台,甚至游戏内建的计算机。如何制作与有红石的东西:1红石电路:只要把红石点在地面上就可以,只不过不通电是没用的,但是,红石不可以供很远的电,只能供15个方块那么长(我也不确定,你去试一下),注意:红石不可以附着在墙上,如果有方块在红石向上连接时当上了,则红石不能供电。2红石火把:可以激活红石,也就是电池的功效,不过如果你造个方块,把红石火把放上去,把链接红石火把的红石绕个圈再连回那个方块,红石会熄灭,也就是不供电,但由于红石火把没有电,红石也会没有电,所有没有电刺激的红石火把会再亮然后再熄灭,再次点亮……,这就形成了一个无线循环电路(红石连闪器)。3红石中继器:它可以减缓红石通电的速度,也可以重新供电。4,红石比较器:它可以发出电力很小的电,只要让他一段冲着正在燃烧着的熔炉就可以发电。

Eminem和一个女的合唱的一首歌,里面有句歌词Doctor ordered .go Fuck

I need a doctor

求eminem Deja Vu 中英文对照歌词 80分

留邮箱,把整个台版的中文翻译歌词附上不过……台湾人翻译得很雷人,deja vu=鬼打墙

Minecraft win10版 怎么加入Addons?


eminem的Cold Wind Blows 中文意思

发辫不上去 有写东西被屏蔽 给你网址自己看吧http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=795464356

Jasmine的《Addiction》 歌词

歌曲名:Addiction歌手:Jasmine专辑:ONLY YOUAttention wait a minuteAddiction wait a minute, wait a minute!「Addiction」作词∶JASMINE作曲∶JASMINE/T-SK歌∶JASMINE知れば知るほどハマってく きみに心おかされてくI want I want I… I want I want Iあたし丸ごとさらってく 帰り道すら忘れてくI want I want I… I want I want I息を押し杀して そのくちびるにすきまなく忍び込んで ha ha ha ha haきみに触れるたび 気持ちうばわれてくすぐにでも连れさらって babyアーイ!!!! 今 はげしく つよく 叫ばせてアーイ!!!! 壊れるまで yeah yeah yeah yeah1度2度じゃ足りない もっと深く知ってみたいAre you ready? 3 2 1あれもこれもしなきゃいけない 君にうつつ抜かしてらんないI don"t I don"t I… I don"t I don"t Iどこにいてもなにをしても 思い出してばかりで だってI want I want I… I want I want I时计みれないほど梦中にさせたでしょGive me more love,give me more love, ha ha ha ha haきみを探すあたし鼓动速くなってくこんなんにさせて ただじゃおかないよアーイ!!!! 今 はげしく つよく 叫ばせてアーイ!!!! 壊れるまで yeah yeah yeah yeah1度2度じゃ足りない もっと深く知ってみたいAre you ready? 3 2 1You got me so addictedBoy I don"t know what to doYou got me so addictedCan"t stop thinking about youBaby I"m on my kneesYou got me begging pleaseI"m feeling thirsty, thirsty, thirsty, thirsty…このまま落ちてもっと o-e-oもういいやいっそのこと o-e-oAttention wait a minuteAddiction wait a minute, wait a minute!息を押し杀して そのくちびるにすきまなく忍び込んで ha ha ha ha haきみに触れるたび 気持ち夺われてくすぐにでも连れさらって babyアーイ!!!! 今 はげしく つよく 叫ばせてアーイ!!!! 壊れるまで yeah yeah yeah yeah1度2度じゃ足りない もっと深く知ってみたいAre you ready? 3 2 1アーイ!!!! 今 はげしく つよく 叫ばせてアーイ!!!! 壊れるまで yeah yeah yeah yeah1度2度じゃ足りない もっと深く知ってみたいAre you ready? 3 2 1【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/18599794

Determine whether the equation defines y as a function of x 这个是什么意思?

是不是以X为变量的Y的方程。。用X去DEFINE Y这个意思。

eminem的《bad meets evil》歌词

Bad Meets Evil lyrics(feat. Royce Da Five-Nine)[intro][Cowboy]I reckon you ain"t familiar with these here partsYou know, there"s a story behind that there saloonTwenty years ago, two outlaws took this whole town overSheriffs couldn"t stop emQuickest damn gun slingers I"ve ever seenGot murdered in cold bloodThat ol" saloon there was their lil" home away from homeThey say the ghosts of Bad and Evil still live in that tavernAnd on a quiet nightYou can still hear the footsteps of Slim Shady and Royce Da Five-Nine[Eminem]I don"t speak, I float in the air wrapped in a sheetI"m not a real person, I"m a ghost trapped in a beatI translate when my voice is read through a sismographAnd a noise is bred, picked up and transmitted through Royce"s head (AAHHH)Trapped him in his room, possessed him and hoist his bedTill the evilness flows through his blood like poisonous leadTold him each one of his boys is deadI asked him to come to the dark side, he made a choice and said[Royce]Who hard? yo I done heard worseWe can get in two cars and accelerate at each otherTo see which one"ll swerve firstTwo blind bandits panic, whose mental capacity holdsThat of a globe on top of nine other planetsKissed the cheek of the devilIntelligence level is hell-ier than treble peakin on speakers in the ghettoDismissal, I"m not a fair man, disgraced the race of a atheistIntercepting missles wit my bare hands like a patriotOne track sliced without swords, I buried the Christ corpseIn my past life when the Black Knight mounted the white horseAnd stay over-worked, its like the Nazis in the nationsCollaborating, attemptin to take over the earth[Eminem]Cuz this is what happens when Bad Meets EvilWe hit the trees till we look like Vietnamese peopleHe"s Evil, and I"m Bad like Steve SegalAbove the Law cuz I don"t agree wit police either (shit, me neither)We ain"t eager to be legalSo please leave me wit the keys to your Jeep EagleI breathe ether in three amountsWhen I stab myself in the knee with a diseased needleReleasin rage on anybody in squeezing rangeCold enough to make the seasons change into freezing rain(He"s insane) No I"m not, I just want to shoot up and I"m pissed offCuz I can"t find a decent vain[Royce]The disaster wit dredsI"m Bad enough to commit suicide and survive long enoughTo kill my soul after I"m deadWhen in danger it"s funny actually my flavor"s similar to a waiterCuz I serve any stranger wit moneyI spray a hundred, man until they joint chainsWhile slippin bullets at point blank range like they was punchesPiss on a flag and burn it, murder you then come to your funeralServe this lobbyist, strangle your body then confirm youWhippin human ass, throwin blows crackin jaws Wit my fists wrapped in gause, dipped in glue and glassI"m blazin MC"s, at the same time amazin MC"sSomehow MC"s ain"t that eye-brow raisin to me>From all of angles of us, flash a mack loud enough to cast a avalancheAnd bust till volcanoes errupt[interlude]*phone rings*Hello? (Billy) Aiyyo what"s up (we"re comin to get you)STOP, THEY KNOW IT"S US!![Eminem]I used to be a loudmouth, remember me? (uh-ah)I"m the one who burned your house down (oh)Well I"m out now (shit), and this time I"m comin back to blow your house upAnd I ain"t gon leave you a window to jump out ofGive me two fat tabs and three shroomsAnd you won"t see me like fat people in steam roomsAnd when I go to hell and I"m gettin ready to leaveI"ma put air in a bag and charge people to breathe[Royce + (Eminem)]Cuz this is what happens when Bad Meets EvilAnd we hit the trees till we look like Vietnamese peopleHe"s Evil, and I"m Bad like Steve SegalAgainst peaceful, see you in hell for the sequel(We"ll be waitin) See you in hellWall Street, Royce Da Five-Nine, Slim ShadySee you in hell for the sequel (bye bye)Bad Meets Evil, what? (till next time)[Cowboy]And so that"s the story when Bad Meets EvilTwo of the most wanted individuals in the countyMade Jesse James and Billy the Kid look like law-abiding citizensIt"s too bad they had to go out the way they didGot shot in the back comin out of that ol" saloonBut their spirits still live on till this dayShhh...[spits] wait, did y"all hear that?[Footsteps and windblowing]

minecraft我的世界视频《a creeper like you》歌词

A creeper like youI heard that you just respawnedThat you"ve built a houseAnd a brand new farmI came wanting to be friendsNever thought our unionWould so quickly endOh SteveWhy not forgive and forgetYou"re the only entityI"ve come close to as of yetI know I blew upAnd you respawned in a hurry I justCouldn"t leave it thereNot saying sorry and IKnow you must be crossAnd probably very waryAt the sightOf meApproachingNever will I kill you again SteveI"ve got no one in this worldI"m so lonelyIt"s not my fault im crammedFull of sulphur and sandCrammed to the brim of my oldWorthless hated bodyCrammed to the brim of my beingOf blocks of tntYou knowHow the sun setsAnd the stars come outAnd darkness setsWell that"s when I spawnWhen the light gets lowAnd my heart is filledWith the need to killI know I blew upAnd you respawned in a hurry I justCouldn"t leave it thereNot saying sorry and IKnow you must be crossAnd probably very waryAt the sightOf meApproachingNever will I kill you again SteveI"ve got no one in this worldI"m so lonelyIt"s not my fault im crammedFull of sulphur and sandCrammed to the brim of my oldWorthless hated bodyI"m only here to explain myselfIt"s like I moved your feelings to the shelfDidn"t think of howBlowing you upWould lower your healthNever will I kill you again SteveI"ve got no one in this worldI"m so lonelyIt"s not my fault im crammedFull of sulphur and sandCrammed to the brim of my oldWorthless hated bodyNever will I kill you again SteveI"ve got no one in this worldI"m so lonelyIt"s not my fault im crammedFull of sulphur and sandCrammed to the brim of my oldWorthless hated bodyCrammed to the brim of my beingOf blocks of tnt

eminem的i remember是写给谁的

看歌词第2句,Aiyo, this next song is dedicated to the memory of Erik Shrody。写给Erik Shrody的。说写给女儿的那位,没听过这歌吧,这歌的旋律会是给女儿的?

求《I remember》eminem的中文歌词

你知道我还好吗 有您想要说是的事 想起了你日夜 你会跳回来停留 我记得你告诉我的 我会没事的 别担心 我设法和设法瞭解 所有这是哀伤再见吗 想起了

把以下每句变复数 Is this your cap ,jane? No.it"s not mine .Whose cap is it, then? It"sSally;s

Are these your caps, Jane? No, they"re not mine. Whose caps are they, then? They are Sally"s

Sky Is Mine 歌词

歌曲名:Sky Is Mine歌手:Amorphis专辑:SkyforgerAmorphis - Sky Is MineFrom my world the sun fadedAnd the moon from my sky was gone with starsI came home to a bleak room of sorrowForsaken house, place of grief, in solitudeI listened to my heart beatingThe faint rush of my bloodI listened to my heart beatingThe echoes from spaceSomething moving in the emptinessSomething drew me nearSomeone told me of my future deedsWhispered them in my earThe sky stirredThe lights of space flaredBeneath my feetThe living earth started to breatheI listened to my heart beatingThe faint rush of my bloodI listened to my heart beatingThe echoes from spaceSomething moving in the emptinessSomething drew me nearSomeone told me of my future deedsWhispered them in my earI listened to my heart beatingThe faint rush of my bloodI listened to my heart beatingThe echoes from spaceSomething moving in the emptinessSomething drew me nearSomeone told me of my future deedsWhispered them in my earThis sky is mine, This sword is mineThis fate is mine, This miracle, mineThis sky is mine, This sword is mineThis fate is mine, This miracle, mineFrom steel I made the master"s swordCleaves stone, cliff, a mountainFrom darkness I steppedOnto the path of starshttp://music.baidu.com/song/51809370

he is an old acquaintance of mine是什么意思?


谁能帮忙翻译下 Eminem;Lloyd Banks 的 Where Im At

Eminem Intro]Yeah you got me,你也看到了I"m up now, it"s your loss我现在又回到了巅峰,这是你的损失suffered to you忍受着你给予我的痛苦History is like a the past历史就如同过去keeps repeating itself, what else can I say不停的重蹈覆辙,我还能够说什么you wondering why I act this way你大概纳闷为什么我会这样做never should have gave you the time of day早知道当初就不应该对你一心一意I guess you know what time it is now ay我想你应该明白现在我的意思了吧[Eminem]There must have been a gust of wind那股头脑风暴似乎永远在萦绕cause you change your mind everytime it blows让你改变想法,就如那墙头草and you just changed it a motherf-ckin again你丅他妈又变成了另外一个人you just said you just wanted some dick ‘fore i stuck it in你说过你被丅操之前只想嘴里含着我的大J8I would not had been such a prick to you我当时永远都不会亏待你的f-ckin men you say you dont trust em操丅,我说过我不会相信他们why do I hear the sound of toilets flushing艾,我怎么听见了冲马桶的声音some sh-t is goin down有一些狗屎被冲进了下水道you must"ve just not of been truthful from the start你一开始就没有真心地对待我see for me it"d be nothing to say you never had my heart在我的视角看来,你从来就不配得到我的临幸but I"d be lyin是的,我是在说谎f-ckin see why they call thi? bullsh-t a relationship*, ships sink为什么他们把谈恋爱叫做“坠入爱河”,我们的小船已经沉没了。*:英语中relationship的后缀ship是指xx的关系、社会联系,这里eminem使用了ship的另一本意,小船,把俩人的关系玩完了比喻成就如小舟倾覆一样。and you know its love as soon as you fall in it cause shit stinks你掉入这个火坑之后,你就明白了爱情的真正含义and it feels like everytime i f-ckin do i get jinxed每一次我他妈都被这爱欲所纠缠cupid must"ve put a curse on me丘比特似乎给我下了爱情的诅咒6 weeks have went buy and we only spoke twice过去的6个星期我们只谈了两次话I"m sittin in your driveway callin" you from the car我坐在车里,在你家楼下给你打电话suffice I think its safe to say you"re not at home你如果说你没有在家似乎还是合理的I"m callin your cell phone you answer我给你的手机打电话,你接了起来but I can tell though that your not alone但是我能够感觉到你正跟别的男人在一起how was I to know it should of been time to go a long time ago我怎么才能辨别以前和现在的区别I kept holdin on我一直痴痴地不肯放手its comical when I think back now现在回想起来,真是无比矫情why I couldnт get the hint我当时怎么就不明白你的暗示呢??.you feel the draft you were throwin I wasn"t catchin" your drift我将你扔弃的垃圾视若珍宝but theres a cold breeze blowin over me一股冷风穿透了我的身躯Im over you, success is the best revenge to pay you back我已经不再想你了,成功是赐予你最好的复仇and that payment is overdo但是我做的的确有些过火I overcame odds to get even我翻手为云、覆手为雨the sober me is shittin on the unsober you我自以为是的冷静曾经让你疯狂sickness in my stomach,我感到一阵反胃的恶心told you I was gonna be splitting, you don"t think I mean it我说过会跟你分手的,你当时还不相信呢meant it, everything I got, f-ck you我是认真的,操丅你妈,ain"t no secret no apologies you keep it你明白我不会对你有任何隐瞒和谎言now that I"m doing my thing and you peep it现在我在努力于自己的事业,你却横加阻拦the badder times all outweigh the recent我以前经历过的困境比现在要糟糕一千倍your energy who needs it你的精力没有用到正地方every rumour you hear you go believe it你会听信所有的流言point out the times you"ve seen it指出你所目睹的一切you stabbed me should linked it我早该预料到你的背叛的revenge i? mine, i need it, need a way out我的复仇需要一个方式发泄出来it"s my f-cking life, let her find a way to stay out这就是我的生活,让那个婊子滚出去bet you thought I"d break, aint that easy你以为我会被击倒的吧,才没那么容易呢bet you thought I need you a million time? before you need me在你需要我之前我曾经多么想念你的一切leave me everything that I gave to you你留下了我给予你的所有aint no freebies get your coat and go穿好你的衣服,滚出去the female pinnochio, money hungry, hopeless hoe你就是个女性匹诺曹,一个急需金钱无可救药的臭婊子。you f-cking with my focus so不要再试图引起我的注意go back to that trunk that played the role before滚回到你应该处在的位置上去吧love is like a cancer when you don"t leт go (go)如果你不放手的话,爱情会变成反噬你的癌细胞(放手)I"mma blow fo ‘sho我一定会雄起的unnecessary weight makes the boaт go slow这个小船上不必要的重量太过沉重I don"t need you sinking us我不想让你把大家都拖下水I hope you float, lying through my teeth I hope you don"t我希望你能够沉浮起来,不要像我一样满嘴谎言(drown, drown)(下沉,下沉)now the sound of every dope每个傻丅逼的闲言碎语bottles pop out while he smoke他吸烟的时候打开的啤酒瓶hit me pride that we broke我们分手的时候被深深刺伤的我的自尊let them girls crowding me go让那些姑娘们崇拜我吧if they got something to show如果她们的技术很好的话let em show me how I love, I"m never lonely让他们看看我的能力,我永远都不会孤单never even left a scar这些过往连一个伤疤也不会留下you fell hard, I"m laughing吃不消了吧,我却在放声大笑ha ha ha ha ha哈哈哈哈哈tyre smoke fancy car大丅麻,名车宝马nothing is what we are这并不是我们的全部no beginning no tomorrow彻夜狂欢到明晚[Eminem - Chorus]Cause I"m moving on, don"t worry about me我已经不在乎了,不要为我担心cause I"m gon be just fine without you, you"ll see你会明白的,没有你我也会生活的很好there aint no-one on this Earth right now I"d much rather be我不想成为这个世界上的任何一个人cause God-damn it I"m glad that I"m me操丅,我很幸运能够做回我自己I said if you could be where I"m at (bye bye)我说过如果你来到我的身边的话(再见)you"d wanna be you too你也会想要成为你自己的(I"m living without you)(没有你我也会生活的很好)If you felt the way I feel如果你能深切理解我I bet you"d be in as good a mood as I am我猜你和我一样心情愉悦but you don"t "cause you just feel like you但是你没有,因为你只是你。I said if you could be where I"m at (bye bye)我说过如果你来到我的身边的话(再见)you"d wanna be you too你也会想要成为你自己的(I"m living without you)(没有你我也会生活的很好)If you felt the way I feel如果你能深切理解我I bet you"d be in as good a mood as I am我猜你和我一样心情愉悦but you don"t "cause you just feel like you但是你没有,因为你只是你。

求Eminem《my band》歌词


compared with your achoeve,mine is nothing

第一题是遵循前后一致的原则的问题.compare with后面接的应该是宾语.又如:“The population of Shanghai is larger than that of Beijing.”理解一下. 第二题就是as...as的固定搭配的问题了.as...as表示“像...一样”,由于后面有一个as,如果按你的写法,那后面的as不就没意义了?如果后面没有as,大多数人恐怕和你的写法是一样的.

Eenie meenie miney moe是个什么游戏?

跟咱们小时候玩的 石头剪刀布 、黑白配什么的差不多 以下是英文解释 "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe", which can be spelled a number of ways, is a children"s counting rhyme(Counting-out game A counting-out game is a simple game intended to select a person to be "it", often for the purpose of playing another game. Some counting-out games areRock, Paper, ScissorsOdd or EvenCoin flippingDrawing straws - player with the shortest straw loses.Buzz)used to select a person to be "it" for games and similar purposes such as counting out a child that has to be stood down from a group of children as part of a playground game. It is one of a large group of similar "Counting-out rhymes" where the child pointed-to by the chanter on the last syllable is "counted out". The rhyme has existed in various forms since well before 1820 [1], and is common in many languages including German forms, with similar-sounding nonsense syllables.Since many similar counting rhymes existed earlier, it is difficult to ascertain this rhyme"s exact origin.

有人知道Eeny meeny miney moe是什么意思吗?

是一种儿歌的句式啦就像中国的"12345,上山打老虎"或者"你拍一,我拍一,一只小猫坐飞机"什么的~句子本身没什么意义的~比如`英国版本的是Eeny, meeny, miny, moe Catch a baby by the toe If it squeals let it go, Eeny, meeny, miny, moe. 而美国版本的是Eeny, meeny, miny, moe Catch a tiger by the toe If he hollers let him go, Eeny, meeny, miny, moe. 呵呵


mine的意思:pron. 我的;<英,非正式>我的家n. 矿,矿井;地雷,水雷;宝库,源泉;<史>炸药坑道v. 采(煤等矿物);布雷,用雷炸毁(车辆)短语salt mine [矿业] 盐矿 ; 岩盐矿 ; 盐矿场land mine [军] 地雷同根词词根: mineadj.mineral 矿物的;矿质的mineralized 矿藏丰富的miny 如矿坑的n.mineral 矿物;(英)矿泉水;无机物;苏打水(常用复数表示)mining 矿业;采矿miner 矿工;开矿机mined 开采minelayer 布雷舰(或飞机)


mine的意思:我的。mine,英 [maɪn],美 [maɪn]    pron. 我的n. 矿;地雷;矿藏v. 采矿;用地雷炸过去式: mined 过去分词: mined 现在分词: mining 第三人称单数: minesmine用作代词是第一人称单数名词性物主代词,意思是“我的(东西)”,在句中不可作定语,只可用作主语、宾语或表语。mine常用于of mine结构,并常与a, some, this, that等连用,作定语。mine有时可表示“我家的人”。例句1、He is a distant cousin of mine.他是我的一位远房表亲。2、The mine was closed owing to exhaustion.这个煤矿因矿源枯竭而被关闭。3、The ship"s bow was blown off by a mine.船头给一枚水雷炸掉了。4、A good encyclopaedia is a mine of information.一部好的百科全书是一座知识宝库。5、Peopel still mine for coal in this area.人们还在这个地区开采煤矿。

求eminem在8 mile中最后一段battle的原版歌词

歌名:8 Mile歌手:Eminem作词:Eminem作曲:EminemIt"s okay, it"s okay. I"m gonna make it anyway没事的,无论如何我会办到的Sometimes I just feel like, quitting I still might有时我甚至想要,放弃我仍有能力做的Why do I put up this fight, why do I still write为什么我要(与命运)英勇搏斗,为什么我仍固执的在创作?Sometimes it"s hard enough just dealing with real life有时应付现实生活就足够艰难了Sometimes I wanna jump on stage and just kill mics有时我只想跳上舞台,去吼爆麦克风And show these people what my level of skill"s like并向这群观众展示我说唱的水平到底如何But I"m still white, sometimes I just hate life但我仍是个白鬼, 有时我会憎恨生活Something ain"t right, hit the brake lights有时这些不切实际,(他说他能)吸引那些聚光灯Case of the stage fright, drawing a blank like事实上他会怯场,甚至害怕那些聚光灯Da-duh-duh-da-da, it ain"t my faultDa-duh-duh-da-da,这并不是我的错Great big eye*****, my insides crawl惊恐的睁大了眼睛,我的内心在挣扎And I clam up I just slam shut我拒不开口,紧闭我的嘴I just can"t do it, my whole manhood"s我只是不能够做到,我整个人格Just been stripped, I have just been vicked都被剥去,我整个人都被撕开So I must then get, off the bus then split所以我只能下车,然后离开Man ***** this *****t; yo, I"m going the ***** home这该死的人生,我还要回那个凌乱的家World on my shoulders as I run back to this 8 Mile Road当我逃回八英里路,仿佛整个世界都在我肩膀上I"m a man, I"mma make a new plan我是个爷们,我已经制定了个新计划Time for me to just stand up, and travel new land是我站起来,去新环境去闯荡的时候了Time to really just take matters into my own hands是我用自己的手得到我想要的东西的时候了Once I"m over these tracks man I"mma never look back(8 Mile Road)我曾经超越过那些路上(碌碌无为)的人,我一定不能回头看And I"m gone, I know right where I"m going我要走了,我已经知道哪里才是我要去的地方了Sorry momma I"m grown, I must travel alone对不起妈妈,我长大了,我必须独自去探索Ain"t gonna follow the footsteps I"m making my own再也不会沿着(别人)脚印走了,我要做我自己Only way that I know how to escape from this 8 Mile Road我知道的唯一的方法就是逃离八英里路I"m walking these train tracks, trying to regain back重走这些火车轨道,试着找回我曾经的斗志The spirit I had fore I go back to the same crap在我回到这个同样的滥地方之前To the same plant, in the same pants穿着同样的裤子,回到原来的工厂Trying to chase rap, gotta move ASAP尽力赶上节拍,尽快动身And get a new plan, momma"s got a new man我有了新的计划,妈妈有了新男人Poor little baby sister, she don"t understand但可怜的小妹她不懂Sits in front of the TV, buries her nose in the pad坐在电视前,把她的鼻子埋在垫子里And just colors until the crayon gets dull in her hand不停的画,直到蜡笔在她的手里变得同样的沉闷While she colors her big brother and mother and dad当她画她的哥哥,妈妈,爸爸时Ain"t no telling what really goes on in her little head没人知道她小脑袋里到底在想些什么Wish I could be the daddy that neither one of us had希望我能成为超越我们父辈的那种父亲But I keep running from something I never wanted so bad!但是我一直在试着逃离那些我不曾预料的糟糕事情Sometimes I get upset, cause I ain"t blew up yet有的时候我变得沮丧,那是因为我还没有爆发It"s like I grew up, but I ain"t grow me two nuts yet就好像我长大了,但仍不是真男人一样Don"t gotta rep my step, don"t got enough pep别斥责我的脚步慢,(我只是)没攒够劲头The pressure"s too much man, I"m just trying to do what"s best男人压力太大了,我只是想尽力做到最好And I try, sit alone and I cry我(不断)孤独地尝试,(尽管)噙着泪花Yo I won"t tell no lie, not a moment goes by我不会说谎,我生命中的每一刻都不会That I don"t pray to the sky, please I"m begging you God我不会对天祈祷,但上帝我现在要祈求你Please don"t let me be pigeonholed in no regular job别让我像个没有固定工作的妓女一样可怜Yo I hope you can hear me homey wherever you are我期望你无论你是否在我身边都像家人般注视着我Yo I"m telling you dawg I"m bailing this trailer tomorrow我现在只想告诉狗一般的你,我只想在明天逃离这个该死的拖车Tell my mother I love her, kiss baby sister goodbye告诉妈妈我爱她,临别前吻下小妹Say whenever you need me baby, I"m never too far告诉他们,无论何时她们需要我,我都不会离她们太远But yo I gotta get out there, the only way I know但是我现在要离开这儿,这是我唯一知道的And I"mma be back for you, the second that I blow在我席卷乐坛的一刻,我将归来On everything I own, I"ll make it on my own我会走自己的路,去赢得(渴望)一切Off to work I go, back to this 8 Mile Road一下班我就走,回到八英里路I"m a man, gotta make a new plan我是个爷们,我已经制定了个新计划Time for me to just stand up, and travel new land是我站起来,去新环境去闯荡的时候了Time to really just take matters into my own hands是我用自己的手得到我想要的东西的时候了Once I"m over these tracks man I"mma never look back (8 Mile Road)我曾经超越过那些路上(碌碌无为)的人,我一定不能回头看And I"m gone, I know right where I"m going我要走了,我已经知道哪里才是我要去的地方了Sorry momma I"m grown, I must travel alone对不起妈妈,我长大了,我必须独自去探索Ain"t gonna follow the footsteps I"m making my own再也不会沿着(别人)脚印走了,我要做我自己Only way that I know how to escape from this 8 Mile Road我知道的唯一的方法就是逃离八英里路You gotta live it to feel it, you didn"t you wouldn"t get it你会为了体验它而生存,如果你不那么做你是不会得到你想要的Or see what the big deal is, why it was and it still is你会看到什么是我们一直想得到的大生意,为什么它以前不是,可它现在却是了To be walking this borderline of Detroit city limits穿梭于底特律城市的边缘线It"s different, it"s a certain significance, a certificate感觉非常与众不同,这个正是重要的、确凿的、可靠的证明Of authenticity, you"d never even see你也许绝不会明白But it"s everything to me, it"s my credibility但是这对我来说是一切,这是我的信誉You never seen heard smelled or met a real MC你绝不会听见、闻见、或遇见个真实的MCWho"s incredible upon the same pedestal as me谁都会难以致信,像我这样被人狂热崇拜的人But yet I"m still unsigned, having a rough time也曾没有厂牌来签我,(也)会有一段艰苦的岁月Sit on the porch with all my friends and kick dumb rhymes坐在货物上和我朋友玩弄着愚蠢的韵律Go to work and serve MCs in the lunch line并一起工作,然后排队吃工厂提供的免费午餐But when it comes crunch time, where do my punchlines go?但是当吃饭的时间来临的时候,我却想不出的那些精妙的押韵唱给谁听Who must I show, to bust my flow?我一定要爆发自己的潜能给谁看Where must I go? Who must I know?我该去哪儿,又该认识谁Or am I just another crab in the bucket?或许我只是被困在桶里的另外一只螃蟹Cause I ain"t having no luck with this little Rabbit so ***** it我甚至没有TMD《八英里》的里面的Rabbit幸运Maybe I need a new outlet, I"m starting to doubt *****t也许我需要一个新发泄途径,我开始有点怀疑,I"m feeling a little skeptical who I hang out with怀疑我是否应该坚持下去I look like a bum, yo my clothes ain"t about *****t我看上去衣衫褴褛、像个乞丐At the Salvation Army trying to salvage an outfit我想像救世军一样去尝试解放芸芸众生And it"s cold, trying to travel this road不过独自走这条路太艰难了Plus I feel like I"m on stuck in this battling mode另外我觉得我有点陷入战斗模式中了,My defenses are so up, but one thing I don"t want我的防御是那么高, 某些事(只是)我不想做(并不是不能做)Is pity from no one, the city is no fun我没有遗憾, 这个城市也毫无乐趣There is no sun, and it"s so dark这里没有阳光,暗淡又阴冷Sometimes I feel like I"m just being pulled apart有时我觉得我要被撕碎了From each one of my limbs, by each one of my friends被每个朋友簇拥着,他们拉着我手脚般围在我的身旁It"s enough to just make me wanna jump out of my skin我受够了,这让我TMD想跳出这副皮囊Sometimes I feel like a robot, sometimes I just know not有时我觉得我像个机器人. 有时我都不知道我在做什么What I"m doing I just blow, my head is a stove top我只是在冒气,我的头像个已烧开水的壶盖I just explode, the kettle gets so hot困扰我的太多了, 我的头都快爆炸了Sometimes my mouth just overloads the ass that I don"t got有时我的嘴确实说了些我未曾体验到的的酸楚But I"ve learned, it"s time for me to U-turn但是我已经想通了, 是到我人生掉头的时刻了Yo it only takes one time for me to get burned这只是我的一次受伤, 而不是堕落Ain"t no falling no next time I meet a new girl不会有下次了, 我会邂逅一个新的女孩I can no longer play stupid or be immature我将再也不会那么蠢, 也不会那么嫩了I got every ingredient, all I need is the courage我有一切必要的品格, 我现在只是需要勇气Like I already got the beat, all I need is the words我已经准备去战斗了, 所需要的就只是一些话来鞭策Got the urge, suddenly it"s a surge有了这种强烈愿望,突然间(内心)就会像浪潮般奔腾汹涌Suddenly a new burst of energy has occurred于是突然一种新的力量在我身体中迸发了Time to show these free world leaders the 3 and a third是到了让那些free world的SB看看时间的时侯了I am no longer scared now, I"m free as a bird我再也不会恐惧了,我像鸟一样的自由Then I turn and cross over the median curb于是我转身跃过了人群中的极限Hit the "burbs and all you see is a blur from 8 Mile Road猛烈回击(质疑我的言论),(因为)你所见的(我的过去)只不过是八英里路上(那些毫不足道的)污点而已I"m a man, gotta make a new plan我是个爷们,我已经制定了个新计划Time for me to just stand up, and travel new land是我站起来,去新环境去闯荡的时候了Time to really just take matters into my own hands是我用自己的手得到我想要的东西的时候了Once I"m over these tracks man I"mma never look back (8 Mile Road)我曾经超越过那些路上(碌碌无为)的人,我一定不能回头看And I"m gone, I know right where I"m going我要走了,我已经知道哪里才是我要去的地方了Sorry momma I"m grown, I must travel alone对不起妈妈,我长大了,我必须独自去探索Ain"t gonna follow the footsteps I"m making my own再也不会沿着(别人)脚印走了,我要做我自己Only way that I know how to escape from this 8 Mile Road我知道的唯一的方法就是逃离八英里路扩展资料:歌手Eminem演唱的这首歌曲《8 Mile》的歌曲总时长为6分钟,歌手发行的《8 Mile》专辑之中收纳了这首歌曲,专辑于2002年1月1日开始发行,专辑包含了16首歌曲。这首歌曲也是该专辑的主打歌曲。《8 Mile》这首歌曲也是歌手的众多优秀作品之一,这首歌曲发行之后,深受歌迷的追捧。歌手Joey Mizers / Papa Doc演唱这首歌曲,收纳于其专辑《NOTHIN"BUT !LLUSION》之中,专辑收纳了9首歌曲。专辑于2016奶奶11月15日开始发行。

eminem 《8 Mile》歌词 带翻译

歌名:8 Mile歌手:Eminem作词:Eminem作曲:EminemIt"s okay, it"s okay. I"m gonna make it anyway没事的,无论如何我会办到的Sometimes I just feel like, quitting I still might有时我甚至想要,放弃我仍有能力做的Why do I put up this fight, why do I still write为什么我要(与命运)英勇搏斗,为什么我仍固执的在创作?Sometimes it"s hard enough just dealing with real life有时应付现实生活就足够艰难了Sometimes I wanna jump on stage and just kill mics有时我只想跳上舞台,去吼爆麦克风And show these people what my level of skill"s like并向这群观众展示我说唱的水平到底如何But I"m still white, sometimes I just hate life但我仍是个白鬼, 有时我会憎恨生活Something ain"t right, hit the brake lights有时这些不切实际,(他说他能)吸引那些聚光灯Case of the stage fright, drawing a blank like事实上他会怯场,甚至害怕那些聚光灯Da-duh-duh-da-da, it ain"t my faultDa-duh-duh-da-da,这并不是我的错Great big eye*****, my insides crawl惊恐的睁大了眼睛,我的内心在挣扎And I clam up I just slam shut我拒不开口,紧闭我的嘴I just can"t do it, my whole manhood"s我只是不能够做到,我整个人格Just been stripped, I have just been vicked都被剥去,我整个人都被撕开So I must then get, off the bus then split所以我只能下车,然后离开Man ***** this *****t; yo, I"m going the ***** home这该死的人生,我还要回那个凌乱的家World on my shoulders as I run back to this 8 Mile Road当我逃回八英里路,仿佛整个世界都在我肩膀上I"m a man, I"mma make a new plan我是个爷们,我已经制定了个新计划Time for me to just stand up, and travel new land是我站起来,去新环境去闯荡的时候了Time to really just take matters into my own hands是我用自己的手得到我想要的东西的时候了Once I"m over these tracks man I"mma never look back(8 Mile Road)我曾经超越过那些路上(碌碌无为)的人,我一定不能回头看And I"m gone, I know right where I"m going我要走了,我已经知道哪里才是我要去的地方了Sorry momma I"m grown, I must travel alone对不起妈妈,我长大了,我必须独自去探索Ain"t gonna follow the footsteps I"m making my own再也不会沿着(别人)脚印走了,我要做我自己Only way that I know how to escape from this 8 Mile Road我知道的唯一的方法就是逃离八英里路I"m walking these train tracks, trying to regain back重走这些火车轨道,试着找回我曾经的斗志The spirit I had fore I go back to the same crap在我回到这个同样的滥地方之前To the same plant, in the same pants穿着同样的裤子,回到原来的工厂Trying to chase rap, gotta move ASAP尽力赶上节拍,尽快动身And get a new plan, momma"s got a new man我有了新的计划,妈妈有了新男人Poor little baby sister, she don"t understand但可怜的小妹她不懂Sits in front of the TV, buries her nose in the pad坐在电视前,把她的鼻子埋在垫子里And just colors until the crayon gets dull in her hand不停的画,直到蜡笔在她的手里变得同样的沉闷While she colors her big brother and mother and dad当她画她的哥哥,妈妈,爸爸时Ain"t no telling what really goes on in her little head没人知道她小脑袋里到底在想些什么Wish I could be the daddy that neither one of us had希望我能成为超越我们父辈的那种父亲But I keep running from something I never wanted so bad!但是我一直在试着逃离那些我不曾预料的糟糕事情Sometimes I get upset, cause I ain"t blew up yet有的时候我变得沮丧,那是因为我还没有爆发It"s like I grew up, but I ain"t grow me two nuts yet就好像我长大了,但仍不是真男人一样Don"t gotta rep my step, don"t got enough pep别斥责我的脚步慢,(我只是)没攒够劲头The pressure"s too much man, I"m just trying to do what"s best男人压力太大了,我只是想尽力做到最好And I try, sit alone and I cry我(不断)孤独地尝试,(尽管)噙着泪花Yo I won"t tell no lie, not a moment goes by我不会说谎,我生命中的每一刻都不会That I don"t pray to the sky, please I"m begging you God我不会对天祈祷,但上帝我现在要祈求你Please don"t let me be pigeonholed in no regular job别让我像个没有固定工作的妓女一样可怜Yo I hope you can hear me homey wherever you are我期望你无论你是否在我身边都像家人般注视着我Yo I"m telling you dawg I"m bailing this trailer tomorrow我现在只想告诉狗一般的你,我只想在明天逃离这个该死的拖车Tell my mother I love her, kiss baby sister goodbye告诉妈妈我爱她,临别前吻下小妹Say whenever you need me baby, I"m never too far告诉他们,无论何时她们需要我,我都不会离她们太远But yo I gotta get out there, the only way I know但是我现在要离开这儿,这是我唯一知道的And I"mma be back for you, the second that I blow在我席卷乐坛的一刻,我将归来On everything I own, I"ll make it on my own我会走自己的路,去赢得(渴望)一切Off to work I go, back to this 8 Mile Road一下班我就走,回到八英里路I"m a man, gotta make a new plan我是个爷们,我已经制定了个新计划Time for me to just stand up, and travel new land是我站起来,去新环境去闯荡的时候了Time to really just take matters into my own hands是我用自己的手得到我想要的东西的时候了Once I"m over these tracks man I"mma never look back (8 Mile Road)我曾经超越过那些路上(碌碌无为)的人,我一定不能回头看And I"m gone, I know right where I"m going我要走了,我已经知道哪里才是我要去的地方了Sorry momma I"m grown, I must travel alone对不起妈妈,我长大了,我必须独自去探索Ain"t gonna follow the footsteps I"m making my own再也不会沿着(别人)脚印走了,我要做我自己Only way that I know how to escape from this 8 Mile Road我知道的唯一的方法就是逃离八英里路You gotta live it to feel it, you didn"t you wouldn"t get it你会为了体验它而生存,如果你不那么做你是不会得到你想要的Or see what the big deal is, why it was and it still is你会看到什么是我们一直想得到的大生意,为什么它以前不是,可它现在却是了To be walking this borderline of Detroit city limits穿梭于底特律城市的边缘线It"s different, it"s a certain significance, a certificate感觉非常与众不同,这个正是重要的、确凿的、可靠的证明Of authenticity, you"d never even see你也许绝不会明白But it"s everything to me, it"s my credibility但是这对我来说是一切,这是我的信誉You never seen heard smelled or met a real MC你绝不会听见、闻见、或遇见个真实的MCWho"s incredible upon the same pedestal as me谁都会难以致信,像我这样被人狂热崇拜的人But yet I"m still unsigned, having a rough time也曾没有厂牌来签我,(也)会有一段艰苦的岁月Sit on the porch with all my friends and kick dumb rhymes坐在货物上和我朋友玩弄着愚蠢的韵律Go to work and serve MCs in the lunch line并一起工作,然后排队吃工厂提供的免费午餐But when it comes crunch time, where do my punchlines go?但是当吃饭的时间来临的时候,我却想不出的那些精妙的押韵唱给谁听Who must I show, to bust my flow?我一定要爆发自己的潜能给谁看Where must I go? Who must I know?我该去哪儿,又该认识谁Or am I just another crab in the bucket?或许我只是被困在桶里的另外一只螃蟹Cause I ain"t having no luck with this little Rabbit so ***** it我甚至没有TMD《八英里》的里面的Rabbit幸运Maybe I need a new outlet, I"m starting to doubt *****t也许我需要一个新发泄途径,我开始有点怀疑,I"m feeling a little skeptical who I hang out with怀疑我是否应该坚持下去I look like a bum, yo my clothes ain"t about *****t我看上去衣衫褴褛、像个乞丐At the Salvation Army trying to salvage an outfit我想像救世军一样去尝试解放芸芸众生And it"s cold, trying to travel this road不过独自走这条路太艰难了Plus I feel like I"m on stuck in this battling mode另外我觉得我有点陷入战斗模式中了,My defenses are so up, but one thing I don"t want我的防御是那么高, 某些事(只是)我不想做(并不是不能做)Is pity from no one, the city is no fun我没有遗憾, 这个城市也毫无乐趣There is no sun, and it"s so dark这里没有阳光,暗淡又阴冷Sometimes I feel like I"m just being pulled apart有时我觉得我要被撕碎了From each one of my limbs, by each one of my friends被每个朋友簇拥着,他们拉着我手脚般围在我的身旁It"s enough to just make me wanna jump out of my skin我受够了,这让我TMD想跳出这副皮囊Sometimes I feel like a robot, sometimes I just know not有时我觉得我像个机器人. 有时我都不知道我在做什么What I"m doing I just blow, my head is a stove top我只是在冒气,我的头像个已烧开水的壶盖I just explode, the kettle gets so hot困扰我的太多了, 我的头都快爆炸了Sometimes my mouth just overloads the ass that I don"t got有时我的嘴确实说了些我未曾体验到的的酸楚But I"ve learned, it"s time for me to U-turn但是我已经想通了, 是到我人生掉头的时刻了Yo it only takes one time for me to get burned这只是我的一次受伤, 而不是堕落Ain"t no falling no next time I meet a new girl不会有下次了, 我会邂逅一个新的女孩I can no longer play stupid or be immature我将再也不会那么蠢, 也不会那么嫩了I got every ingredient, all I need is the courage我有一切必要的品格, 我现在只是需要勇气Like I already got the beat, all I need is the words我已经准备去战斗了, 所需要的就只是一些话来鞭策Got the urge, suddenly it"s a surge有了这种强烈愿望,突然间(内心)就会像浪潮般奔腾汹涌Suddenly a new burst of energy has occurred于是突然一种新的力量在我身体中迸发了Time to show these free world leaders the 3 and a third是到了让那些free world的SB看看时间的时侯了I am no longer scared now, I"m free as a bird我再也不会恐惧了,我像鸟一样的自由Then I turn and cross over the median curb于是我转身跃过了人群中的极限Hit the "burbs and all you see is a blur from 8 Mile Road猛烈回击(质疑我的言论),(因为)你所见的(我的过去)只不过是八英里路上(那些毫不足道的)污点而已I"m a man, gotta make a new plan我是个爷们,我已经制定了个新计划Time for me to just stand up, and travel new land是我站起来,去新环境去闯荡的时候了Time to really just take matters into my own hands是我用自己的手得到我想要的东西的时候了Once I"m over these tracks man I"mma never look back (8 Mile Road)我曾经超越过那些路上(碌碌无为)的人,我一定不能回头看And I"m gone, I know right where I"m going我要走了,我已经知道哪里才是我要去的地方了Sorry momma I"m grown, I must travel alone对不起妈妈,我长大了,我必须独自去探索Ain"t gonna follow the footsteps I"m making my own再也不会沿着(别人)脚印走了,我要做我自己Only way that I know how to escape from this 8 Mile Road我知道的唯一的方法就是逃离八英里路扩展资料:歌手Eminem演唱的这首歌曲《8 Mile》的歌曲总时长为6分钟,歌手发行的《8 Mile》专辑之中收纳了这首歌曲,专辑于2002年1月1日开始发行,专辑包含了16首歌曲。这首歌曲也是该专辑的主打歌曲。《8 Mile》这首歌曲也是歌手的众多优秀作品之一,这首歌曲发行之后,深受歌迷的追捧。歌手Joey Mizers / Papa Doc演唱这首歌曲,收纳于其专辑《NOTHIN"BUT !LLUSION》之中,专辑收纳了9首歌曲。专辑于2016奶奶11月15日开始发行。


plotme add ID

say what you say eminem歌词

say what you say 歌手:eminem 专辑:the eminem show Thanks to nyr356@optonline.net for these lyrics.(feat. Dr. Dre & Timberland)[Dr. Dre]Huh, so I"m out the game huh?[Eminem]Yo Dre, we ridin?[Dr. Dre]Whatever[Eminem]Well I"m witchu homie[Dr. Dre]Ok, Let"s handle this small shit [Eminem]I was born to brew up storms "n stir up shitKick up dust, cuss til I slur up spitGrew up too quickly been through too much shitCorrupt and now they pour it on like syrup, bitchThick in gritz, sick and twisted Mr. ButtersworthDre tole me to milk this shit for what it"s worthTill the cow just tilts and tips "n stumbles to earthAnd if I fumble the verse, keep goingFirst take, I make mistakes, just keep itNo punches, pull no punches, that"s weak shitFake shit if I ever take shit, I eat shitWas it for him? Wouldn"t be shit [Dr. Dre]Creep wit me, as we take a little trip down Memory LaneBeen in longer than anyone in the gameAnd I ain"t got to lie about my age [Eminem]But what about Jermaine? [Dr. Dre]Fuck Jermaine, he don"t belong speakin mine or Timbaland"s nameAnd don"t think I don"t read your little interviews and see what your sayinI"ma giant, and I ain"t gotta move till I"m revokedWhen I see you, I"ma step on you and not even know itYa midget, Mini-Me, with a buncha little Mini-You"sRunnin around your backyard swimming poolsOver 80 million records soldAnd I ain"t had to do it with 10 or 11 year olds [Chorus:]Cuz what you say is what you saySay what you say how you say it whenever you sayin itEminemJust remember how you said it when you was sprayin itSo who you playin with huh huh huh huh? Cuz what you say is what you saySay what you say how you say it whenever you sayin itJust remember how you said it when you was sprayin itSo who you playin with huh huh huh huh? [Eminem]Second verse, it gets worstIt gets no better than thisAmatuers drink veteran pissFrom a Dixie cup, if you ever mix me upOr confuse me with a Canibus or Dre with a DupriWill rub it in, every club your in, we"ll have youBlackballed and make sure you never rap a fucken againDre ain"t havin it as long as Im here, play Devil"s Advocate [Dr. Dre]If there was some magic shit I could waveOver the indusrty that could save it when I"m goneAnd bury to make sure the tradition carries onI would [Eminem]If I could only use this power for goodI wouldn"t, not even if I could [Dr. Dre]From the hood and I"m a hornetAnd I"ma only sting when I"m cornered [Eminem]And I"ma only sucker punch or swing without warninAnd swing to knock somebody"s fuckin head offCuz I know, when they get up, I won"t get a chance to let offAnother punch, I"m punk-rock, no one"s punkDon"t give a fuck, white pop, so much spunkWhen I was little I knew I would blow upAnd sell a mil or grow up to be a tillerGo nuts and be a killer [Dr. Dre]And I"m somethin of a phenomOne puff of the chronI"m unstoppable, I"m alive, I"m on top againThere"s no obstacle that I can"t conquerSo come along with us (Come On) [Chorus:]Cuz what you say is what you saySay what you say how you say it whenever you sayin itJust remember how you said it when you was sprayin itSo who you playin with huh huh huh huh? Cuz what you say is what you saySay what you say how you say it whenever you sayin itSo who you playin with huh huh huh huh? [Dr. Dre]Now anybody who knows DreKnows I"m about fast cars and alize, partyin all dayBut I handle my business cuz it"s work before playDon"t look for trouble but I serve you gourmetHowever you want it, you could have it your wayYou fuck my night up, I"ma fuck up your dayBullet with your name, sendin it your wayThat goes for anyone who walks thru that doorwayCuz this is my space, you invade itLive to regret it and you die tryin to violate itFuck around and you"ll get anahilatedEyes diliated [Eminem]Ha, like my old ladyCuz what you say is what you saySometimes what you mean is 2 different thingsDepending on your mood, if it swings, think too many thingsLittle hit of Dre"s weed, I can do anythingCatch a contact, then I"m gone and I"m backI speed write and my loose leaves my lanch pad [Dr. Dre]And I can pull any stringDon"t have to prove anythingCatch a contract on your headYou headed West, talk shit about Dre?You better get a vest, then invest in somethingTo protect your head and neck [Eminem]And it"s back and forth all day like Red and MethI joke when I say I"m the best in the boothBut a lot of truth is said injestAnd if I ever do live to be a legendI"ma die a sudden death, 5 mics in The SourceAin"t holdin" my fuckin breathBut I suffocate for the respectFore I breath the collect the fuckin check [Chorus:]Cuz what you say is what you saySay what you say how you say it whenever you sayin itJust remember how you said it when you was sprayin itSo who you playin with huh huh huh huh? Cuz what you say is what you saySay what you say how you say it whenever you sayin itJust remember how you said it when you was sprayin itSo who you playin with huh huh huh huh? [Dr. Dre]Watch your fuckin" mouth [Timbaland]Yo this Timbaland, tell him I said suck [tchka] my dick

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eminem的my name is歌词

Chorus: repeat 2XHi! My name is.. (what?) My name is.. (who?)My name is.. {scratches} Slim ShadyHi! My name is.. (huh?) My name is.. (what?)My name is.. {scratches} Slim ShadyAhem.. excuse me!Can I have the attention of the class for one second?[Eminem]Hi kids! Do you like violence? (Yeah yeah yeah!)Wanna see me stick Nine Inch Nails through each one of my eyelids? (Uh-huh!)Wanna copy me and do exactly like I did? (Yeah yeah!)Try "cid and get fucked up worse that my life is? (Huh?)My brain"s dead weight, I"m tryin to get my head straightbut I can"t figure out which Spice Girl I want to impregnate (Ummmm..)And Dr. Dre said, "Slim Shady you a basehead!"Uh-uhhh! "So why"s your face red? Man you wasted!"Well since age twelve, I"ve felt like I"m someone elseCause I hung my original self from the top bunk with a beltGot pissed off and ripped Pamela Lee"s tits offAnd smacked her so hard I knocked her clothes backwards like Kris KrossI smoke a fat pound of grass and fall on my assfaster than a fat bitch who sat down too fastC"mere slut! (Shady, wait a minute, that"s my girl dog!)I don"t give a fuck, God sent me to piss the world off!Chorus[Eminem]My English teacher wanted to flunk me in junior highThanks a lot, next semester I"ll be thirty-fiveI smacked him in his face with an eraser, chased him with a staplerand stapled his nuts to a stack of papers (Owwwwwwww!)Walked in the strip club, had my jacket zipped upFlashed the bartender, then stuck my dick in the tip cupExtraterrestrial, runnin over pedestriansin a spaceship while they screamin at me: "LET"S JUST BE FRIENDS!"Ninety-nine percent of my life I was lied toI just found out my mom does more dope than I do (Damn!)I told her I"d grow up to be a famous rapperMake a record about doin drugs and name it after her (Oh thank you!)You know you blew up when the women rush your standsand try to touch your hands like some screamin Usher fans (Aaahhhhhh!)This guy at White Castle asked for my autograph(Dude, can I get your autograph?)So I signed it: "Dear Dave, thanks for the support, ASSHOLE!"Chorus[Eminem]Stop the tape! This kid needs to be locked away! (Get him!)Dr. Dre, don"t just stand there, OPERATE!I"m not ready to leave, it"s too scary to die (Fuck that!)I"ll have to be carried inside the cemetery and buried alive(Huh yup!) Am I comin or goin? I can barely decideI just drank a fifth of vodka -- dare me to drive? (Go ahead)All my life I was very deprivedI ain"t had a woman in years, and my palms are too hairy to hide(Whoops!) Clothes ripped like the Incredible Hulk (hachhh-too)I spit when I talk, I"ll fuck anything that walks (C"mere)When I was little I used to get so hungry I would throw fitsHOW YOU GONNA BREAST FEED ME MOM? (WAH!)YOU AIN"T GOT NO TITS! (WAHHH!)I lay awake and strap myself in the bed Put a bulleproof vest on and shoot myself in the head (BANG!)I"m steamin mad (Arrrggghhh!) And by the way when you see my dad? (Yeah?)Tell him that I slit his throat, in this dream I hadChorus

eminem without me 歌词。

Without MeEminemTwo trailer park girls go round the outsideround the outside round the outsideTwo trailer park girls go round the outsideround the outside round the outsideGuess who"s backBack againShady"s backTell a friendGuess who"s back, guess who"s backguess who"s back, guess who"s backguess who"s back, guess who"s backguess who"s back,I"ve created a monstercause nobody wants to see Marshall no moreThey want Shady, I"m chopped liver (huh)Well if you want Shady,this is what I"ll give yaA little bit of weed mixed with some hard liquorSome vodka that"ll jump start my heart quickerthan a shock when I get shocked at the hospitalby the doctor when I"m not co-operatingWhen I"m rockin the tablewhile he"s operatin (hey)You waited this long, now stop debatingCause I"m back, I"m on the rag and ovu-latingI know that you got a job Ms. Cheneybut your husband"s heart problem"s complicatingSo the FCC won"t let me beor let me be me so let me seeThey try to shut me down on MTVBut it feels so empty without meSo come on and dip rum on your lipsFuck that cum on your lipsand some on your titsAnd get readycause this shit"s about to get heavyI just settled all my lawsuitsFUCK YOU DEBBIENow this looks like a job for meSo everybody just follow meCause we need a little, controversyCause it feels so empty, without meI said this looks like a job for meSo everybody, just follow meCause we need a little, controversyCause it feels so empty without meLittle Hellions, kids feelin rebelliousEmbarrassed their parentsstill listen to ElvisThey start feelin like prisoners helpless"til someone comes along on a missionand yells BITCHA visionary vision of scaryCould start a revolutionpollutin the airwavesA rebel so just let me revel and baskin the fact that I got everyoneAnd it"s a disaster, such a castastrophefor you to see so damn much of my ass;you asked for me?Well I"m back na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-naand then I"m gonnaenter in, in the front of your skinlike a splinterThe center of attention, back for the winterI"m interesting, the best thing since wrestlingInvesting in your kid"s ears and nestingFeel the tension, soon as someone mentions meHere"s my ten cents, my two cents is freeA nuisance who sent You sent for meNow this looks like a job for meSo everybody just follow meCause we need a little, controversyCause it feels so empty without meI said this looks like a job for meSo everybody, just follow meCause we need a little, controversyCause it feels so empty, without meA-tisket a-tasket, I go tit for tat withanybody who"s talkin this shit that shitChris Kirkpatrickyou can get your ass kickedworse than them little Limp Bizket bastardsAnd Moby You can get stomped by ObieYou thirty-six year old baldheaded fagblow meYou don"t know me, you"re too old let goIt"s over nobody listen to technoNow let"s go, just gimme the signalI"ll be therewith a whole list full of new insultsI been dope, suspenseful with a pencilever since Prince turned himselfBut sometimes the shit just seemseverybody only wants to discuss meSo this must mean I"m dis-gus-tingBut it"s just me, I"m just obsceneNo I"m not the first king of controversyI am the worst thing since Elvis Presleyto do black music so selfishlyand used it to get myself wealthy(Hey) There"s a concept that worksTwenty million other white rappers emergeBut no matter how many fish in the seaIt"ll be so empty, without meNow this looks like a job for meSo everybody just follow meCause we need a little controversyCause it feels so empty without meI said this looks like a job for meSo everybody just follow meCause we need a little, controversyCause it feels so empty without meChem-hie-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-laLa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-laChem-hie-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-laLa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-laKids!
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