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he is an old acquaintance of mine是什么意思?

2023-05-19 15:52:03

应该不等同于OLD FRIEND吧?









acquaint是使熟悉;使了解。quaint 少见的,古色古香的,acquaint 使熟悉(ac看为前缀,有强调的意思,强调少见的,就是使他们不少见,就是使熟悉),联想到一起即acquaintance 熟悉的人 (后缀加上ance,变为名词,熟悉的人)acquaint 有 使了解、熟悉 的意思 当然在介绍人或物的时候 和introduce是一样的 至于区别 Let me acquaint you with the facts. 让我把事实告诉你。My mother acquainted her with my intention. 我母亲把我的意图告诉了她。I am already acquainted with him. 我已经和他相熟。You must acquaint yourself with your new duties. 你必须熟悉你的新任务。 
2023-01-02 16:10:331


相识 acquaintance 或 acquaintanceship相知 bosom friend 或 know each other well相爱 love each other 相惜 cherish each other
2023-01-02 16:10:496


acquaint为什么有个a,外国人造字规定要有个a。翻译为熟悉、认识。acquaint是一个英语单词,词性为及物动词(transitive verb),作动词时意为“使熟悉;使认识”,一般用法较为正式。短语搭配acquaint sb./yourself with sth. 熟悉 ; 使认识 ; 认识 ; 了解acquaint entirely 完全了解acquaint- 使认识acquaint ac 表示一再acquaint really 真正了解acquaint fully 十分熟悉acquaint vt 使认识acquaint afreshst 举报acquaint alternating 发布[1]双语举例You must acquaint with your new duties.你必须熟悉你的新职责。to acquaint the mayor with our plan使市长了解我们的计划to acquaint the manager with one"s findings把自己的研究结果告诉经理He acquainted his son with good music.他使儿子熟悉美好的音乐。I"m not acquainted with the facts of the case.我不了解这案件的实际情况。[主美国英语]使认识,使相识,介绍(with):Are you acquainted with my elder sister?你跟我姐姐熟吗?He acquainted his classmate with my younger brother.他把我的弟弟介绍给他的同班同学。
2023-01-02 16:11:271


I have to inform you about that.
2023-01-02 16:11:323


acquaint是及物动词,后面接的是名词人、物或代词,所以acquaint sb with sth是固定用法,就如把它给我give it to me中give也是做及物动词用的,而不是你说的acquaint接了with而造成及物动词接介词的矛盾.只不过是将它被动化后with就紧跟在后面了。
2023-01-02 16:11:523


“告诉某人某事”英语表达方式:1、tell sb sth2、inform sb of sthinform读音:英 [ɪn"fɔːm],美 [ɪn"fɔːrm]释义:v. 通知;告诉;使熟悉;告发;赋特征于词汇搭配:inform police 通知警察inform authoritatively 官方通知inform about 告诉…扩展资料近义词acquaint读音:英 [ə"kweɪnt],美 [ə"kweɪnt]释义:vt. 使了解;使熟知;告知词汇搭配:acquaint information about sth 介绍; 使认识; 使了解acquaint sb with 使某人熟悉,把…告知某人acquaint fully 十分熟悉
2023-01-02 16:12:031


acquainted美 [ə"kweɪntəd]英 [ə"kweɪntɪd]adj.熟悉;了解;(与某人)相识v.“acquaint”的过去分词和过去式 知晓的;熟悉的;对某事物熟悉的 例句筛选1.It"s acquainted me with many new methods of working.这使我学到了许多新的工作方法。2.It was difficult enough getting acquainted with her and her mother.结交她和她母亲非常困难。
2023-01-02 16:12:123


2023-01-02 16:12:241

acquaint with or acquaint to

acquaint with 1. 告诉,告知,通知;使知道,使认识,使了解:to acquaint oneself with the facts 使自己了解实情2. 使熟悉;使相识,与…结识,介绍:例: Are you acquainted with my brother? 你跟我兄弟熟吗?I"ll acquaint you with my daughter when she arrives. 我女儿来后我将介绍你们认识。
2023-01-02 16:12:306

acquaint 搭配用法 1。用反身代词oneself做宾语;2用被动形式 给能帮我解释下哇?

acquaint 使了解(to make famliar)释义: 1.acquaint是正式用词,基本意思是“让某人获知”,指向某人介绍某事的经过或传递有关全过程的信息,使其知晓。 2 .acquaint是及物动词,以“告知”的对象为间接宾语(名词、人称代词或反身代词),而直接宾语即告知的内容则由with引起的介词短语或名词性从句充当。 3.acquaint的过去分词acquainted常用作形容词,用于系表结构中,强调熟悉或知晓的状态。回答你的问题: 1. acquaint onself with sth 使某人了解某事 You must acquaint yourself with your new job. 你必须熟悉你的新工作。 He acquaints himself with the training of the units.他经常了解部队的训练情况。2. 此词用于被动语态中, 过去分词acquainted已经失去动作意义, 相当于一个形容词。 例如: “我是去年认识他的。”不能译作: I acquainted him last year. 或 I was acquainted with him last year. 第一句是语态错误, 第二句混淆了“状态”和“动作”, 只能译成: I got [became] acquainted with him last year. 或 I made his acquaintance last year.
2023-01-02 16:12:561

acquaint作为及物动词后面为什么一定要加with?求解。be aquainted with.....

2023-01-02 16:13:021

acquaint和introduce 区别

acquaint 有 使了解、熟悉 的意思 当然在介绍人或物的时候 和introduce是一样的 至于区别 Let me acquaint you with the facts. 让我把事实告诉你。 My mother acquainted her with my intention. 我母亲把我的意图告诉了她。 I am already acquainted with him. 我已经和他相熟。 You must acquaint yourself with your new duties. 你必须熟悉你的新任务。 看了这几个句子你应该懂了
2023-01-02 16:13:161


acquaint with 1. 告诉,告知,通知;使知道,使认识,使了解:to acquaint oneself with the facts 使自己了解实情2. 使熟悉;使相识,与…结识,介绍:例: Are you acquainted with my brother? 你跟我兄弟熟吗?I"ll acquaint you with my daughter when she arrives. 我女儿来后我将介绍你们认识。
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2023-01-02 16:13:306


单词拼写有误,应是:acquaintance.acquaintance英式发音:[ə"kweɪnt(ə)ns]  美式发音:[ə"kwentəns] 中文谐音:呃奎特恩丝n. 熟人;相识;了解;知道双语例句:One of the escaped, Luo Guangbing, was an acquaintance of my parents. 逃生的人里面有一个叫罗广斌的是我父母的熟人。
2023-01-02 16:13:552


2023-01-02 16:14:172

不认识 英文怎么说

don"t know…
2023-01-02 16:14:309


通晓 acquaintvt.告知, 通知使熟悉, 使了解, 使通晓(with), 介绍be directly acquainted with 直接了解Let me acquaint you with the facts. 让我把事实告诉你。My mother acquainted her with my intention. 我母亲把我的意图告诉了她。I am already acquainted with him. 我已经和他相熟。You must acquaint yourself with your new duties. 你必须熟悉你的新任务。【说明】此词用于被动语态中, 过去分词acquainted已经失去动作意义, 相当于一个形容词。例如: “我是去年认识他的。”不能译作: I acquainted him last year. 或 I was acquainted with him last year. 第一句是语态错误, 第二句混淆了“状态”和“动作”, 只能译成: I got [became] acquainted with him last year. 或 I made his acquaintance last year.习惯用语acquaint oneself with 熟悉, 通晓, 摸清acquaint sb. with 把...通知[告诉]某人acquaint sb. of 把...通知[告诉]某人be [get] acquainted with 认识(某人); 熟悉(某事)用它的名字用法 就是 你这个单词
2023-01-02 16:15:077


In order to acquaint you understand the textiles we handle, we are pleased to invite you望采纳谢谢
2023-01-02 16:15:331


2023-01-02 16:15:401


一、详细释义: , v. , 劝告,忠告 [I,T] , 例句: ,It"s incumbent on you to advise your son before he leaves home.,在你儿子离家前给他忠告是你义不容辞的事。, 例句: ,I advised against their doing it.,我劝他们不要做这件事。, 当顾问 [I,T] , 例句: ,They should learn how to advise without being too involved personally in work.,顾问要会当,要超脱。, 通知,告知 [T] , 例句: ,It will be greatly appreciated if you will examine my file and advise me when the document was mailed.,如你能检查一下我的材料并告诉我文件何时寄出的,我将十分感谢。, 例句: ,Please advise us whether the goods should be dispatched at once.,请通知我们是否立即交货。, 建议;建议采取 [I,T] , 例句: ,I advise waiting till the proper time.,我建议等到适当的时候。, 例句: ,Can you advise me what I should do next?,你能建议我下一步该做什么吗?, 商量 [I] , 例句: ,He advised with his partners before making the decision.,他在作出决定前曾与合伙人商量过, 二、词义辨析: , inform,acquaint,notify,advise ,这些动词都有“通知、告知”之意。inform普通用词,指传达事实或信息,或指经过研究或调查而获得的事实或信息。acquaint指提供有关信息或情况使某人熟悉某些过程或复杂的情况。notify指正式通知需要注意的事情。advise指正式通知某件重要事,所通知的事情与被通知的人有关。, 三、词义辨析: , advise,caution,warn,admonish,counsel ,这些动词均有“劝告、忠告、警告”之意。advise普通用词,泛指劝告,不涉及对方是否听从劝告。caution主要指针对有潜在危险而提出的警告,含小心从事的意味。warn含义与caution相同,但语气较重,尤指重后果。admonish一般指年长者或领导对已犯错误的或有过失的人提出的忠告或警告以避免类似错误。counsel正式用词,语气比advise强一些,侧重指对重要问题提出的劝告、建议或咨询。, 四、参考例句: ,They advise children to acquire hygienic habits.,他们建议孩子们养成良好的卫生习惯。,I advise you to take the chance.,我建议你抓住机会。,I advise you to be cautious.,我劝你要小心谨慎。,I advise waiting till the proper time.,我建议等到适当的时候。,I"d advise taking a different approach.,我建议采取不同方法。,I advise you to consult a dermatologist about your acne.,关于你的痤疮,我建议你去请教皮肤病学家。,I"d advise you to creep up her sleeve again.,我劝你再讨好一番。,Please advise us when the goods are dispatched.,货物发出时请通知我们。,Can you advise me what I should do next?,你能建议我下一步该做什么吗?,Doctors advise to use the cream very sparingly.,医生建议尽可能少用这种护肤霜。
2023-01-02 16:15:461


We have acquainted the local customsThe local custom have been acquainted by us.We are /have been acquainted with the local customs.The local customs have been acquainted with by us.(with不能省)
2023-01-02 16:15:522


2023-01-02 16:16:012

英语 “通知”各个词语的区别

2023-01-02 16:16:153

acquaint oneself with是什么意思

  acquaint oneself with  英 [əˈkweint wʌnˈself wið]  美 [əˈkwent wʌnˈsɛlf wɪð]  v.开始知道;  [网络]熟悉; 了解;  [例句]It takes time to acquaint oneself with a new place.  认识一个新的环境需要时间。
2023-01-02 16:16:312


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2023-01-02 16:17:472

I want to acquaint myself with your XXX外国人真的会这么说吗

我觉得myself这里起一个强调作用,说明"我"是让自己acquaint,而不是让张三李四或者其他人。 外国人说的时候并不会考虑那么多,自然而然觉得怎样最能表达思想就会怎样说话,就像咱们说中文也会有很多不合语法逻辑经不起仔细推敲的句子一样。Best wishes!
2023-01-02 16:17:562


通过以下官方网站均能查询到自己的四六级准考证号查询成绩:中国教育考试网,中国高等教育学生信息网,99宿舍网。同时四川教育发布的官方微博和微信号上查询自己的成绩。1、通过99宿舍网找回准考证号。2、推算法推出英语四级准考证号。前5位是学校代码,第6位是学校的校区代码。3、可以通过进入自己的学校网站。一般院校都会有自己的官网,可以通过进入自己的学校网站,来查询自己的成绩,学校会核对成绩,将成绩输入到自己的官网,你可以在那里寻找自己的成绩。英语四六级常考单词acquaint,词性为vt,意思是使认识,使了解。1、You must acquaint with your new duties.你必须熟悉你的新职责。2、Each of the next four sections will acquaint you with one of our classes, as well as the RDBMS feature onto which it maps.下面的四节中,每一节都会帮助您熟悉我们的一个类,还有这些类映射到的 RDBMS 功能。3、In this section, we will acquaint ourselves with the practical details of the platform through development of a real-world application on a phone interface.在这一部分中,我们将通过开发一个现实的电话界面应用程序来熟悉这个平台的实践细节。4、Additionally, the lodge offers enlightening experiences outside the lodge to help acquaint travelers with the local culture.5、It should be a consideration if you choose to invest in mutual funds and may be wise to consult a tax advisor to fully acquaint with these ramifications.
2023-01-02 16:18:051


相信各位在英语遇到过inform这个单词,那么你对inform的相关知识了解多少呢?知道inform的意思和用法是什么吗?下面是我给大家带来的inform的用法意思是什么_inform的用法及例句,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ 目 录 ▼ ★ inform的意思 ★ ★ inform相关词汇辨析 ★ ★ inform的用法 ★ ★ inform的 短语 ★ ★ inform的用法例句 ★ ▼ inform的意思是什么 v.告诉;通知;向… 报告 ;赋予…基本特征;用…原则充实;告发;告密 ▼ inform相关词汇辨析 inform,acquaint,notify,advise 这些动词都有“通知、告知”之意。 inform 普通用词,指传达事实或信息,或指经过研究或调查而获得的事实或信息。 acquaint 指提供有关信息或情况使某人熟悉某些过程或复杂的情况。 notify 指正式通知需要注意的事情。 advise 指正式通知某件重要事,所通知的事情与被通知的人有关。 <<< ▼ inform的用法 inform的用法1:inform后面不跟双宾语, He has informed me his new address. 这个 句子 是错误的,应在his前加介词of。 inform的用法2:inform后可加宾语再接that引导从句,但不能直接跟that引导从句。 I have to inform that I have removed to the above given address. 应在inform后加宾语you。 inform的用法3:inform可表示“告诉”,但是用tell会比较普通; inform的用法4:inform表示“向某人报告”,而不是“报告”,因此后面不可直接加事件的详情。 <<< ▼ inform的短语 inform of 通知;告知;通报 inform about 告知;通报;将…告知 inform public 公布;通告 inform client 通知客户 inform someone of 通知某人 inform user 通知用户 inform woman 通知妇女 <<< ▼ inform的用法例句 1. Teachers inform me that Tracey"s behaviour has improved no end. 老师们告诉我特雷西的行为大有改善。 2. The concept of the Rose continued to inform the poet"s work. 玫瑰的概念持续贯穿于诗人的作品中。 3. We simply want to inform people objectively about events. 我们只是想如实地向人们通报事件情况。 4. Nobody had the decency to inform me of what was planned. 竟然没有一个人最起码地通知我一声计划了些什么。 5. We regret to inform you that you are being furloughed indefinitely. 我们遗憾地通知您,您将要无限期地在家待岗。 6. to inform the embassy of the situation 向大使馆报告形势 7. Please inform us of any changes of address. 地址若有变动请随时通知我们。 8. It was remiss of them not to inform us of these changes sooner. 他们粗心大意,没有早一些通知我们这些变化。 9. I"m happy to inform you that you have been promoted to captain. 我很高兴地告诉你,你已被提升为上尉了. 10. Please inform us of your decision and we will act accordingly. 请把你们的决定通知我们,我们会照着去办的. 11. The smuggler was finally obliged to inform against his boss. 那个走私犯最后不得不告发他的首领. 12. Can you inform me when to begin our final examination? 你能告诉我们什么时候期终考试吗 ? 13. We shall inform you of the date of the delegation"s arrival. 我们将把代表团到达的日期通知你. 14. Please inform me of your arrival time beforehand. 请事先通知我你抵达的时间. 15. I am not going to inform of anyone. 我不打算告发任何人. <<< inform的用法意思相关 文章 : ★ inform的用法意思是什么 ★ inform的用法意思是什么 ★ inform的过去式和用法例句 ★ inform的第三人称单数 ★ 商务打电话礼仪英文 ★ instead的用法大全 ★ inform的过去式是什么 ★ 英语打电话礼仪 ★ 最基本的英文五个时态 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
2023-01-02 16:18:151


know 知道acquaintance [E5kweintEns] n. 相识, 熟人 acquaintance [E5kweIntEns] n. 熟悉;熟知 I have some acquaintance with the Russian. 我懂一点儿俄语。 The guide has some acquaintance with Italian. 导游懂得一点意大利语。 相识的人,熟人 acquaintance AHD:[…-kw³n“t…ns] D.J.:[*6kweint*ns] K.K.:[*6kwent*ns] n. Knowledge of a person acquired by a relationship less intimate than friendship. 认识,相识,了解对一个不象朋友那样亲密的人的了解 A person whom one knows. 熟人所认识、了解的人 Knowledge or information about something or someone. 认识,了解关于某人或某事的情况和了解 acquain“tanceship” n acquaintance [E5kweintEns] n. 熟悉, 认识 熟人, 相识 知识, 心得, 感性认识 a speaking acquaintance 泛泛之交 I have no acquaintance with this book. 我不熟悉这本书。 I have some acquaintance with English, but I do not know it well. 我稍懂些英语, 但并不精通。 He has a large circle of acquaintances. 他有很多相识的熟人。 acquaintanceship [E5kweIntEnsFIp] n. a passing acquaintance with 对...的浮浅的了解 drop [cut] sb."s acquaintance (=cut an acquaintance with sb.) 和某人绝交 have a nodding acquaintance with sb. 与某人有点头之交; (对某学科)略知一二 have a bowing acquaintance with sb. 与某人有点头之交; (对某学科)略知一二 have no acquaintance with 不熟悉, 不了解 make the acquaintance of sb. 结识某人 make sb."s acquaintance 结识某人 pick acquaintance with 偶然结识[认识] scrape up an acquaintance (没有人介绍的情况下)设法结识(某人); 极力(同某人)结交 scrape up an acquaintance with sb. (没有人介绍的情况下)设法结识(某人); 极力(同某人)结交 strike up an acquaintance 偶然认识某人 strike up an acquaintance with sb. 偶然认识某人 upon (further) acquaintance 经过一段(较长)时期的熟悉[了解]
2023-01-02 16:18:212

“你的邮件我已经看到”“如有任何进展我会及时通知你” 请帮忙翻译成英文???

2023-01-02 16:18:408


Accept—acceptance Accord—accordance Acquaint—acquaintance Attend—attendance Allow—allowance Annoy—annoyance Appear—appearance Assist—assistance Convey—conveyanceDisappear—disappearance Disturb—disturbance Guide—guidancePerform—performance Utter—utterance 双写加ance Remit—remittance Persevere—perseverancePursue—pursuance Assure—assurance Ally—alliance Apply—appliance
2023-01-02 16:19:261

没有提前通知您我很抱歉 英语怎么说

I "m sorry i didn"t tell you in advance.
2023-01-02 16:19:324


acquaint [ə"kweint] vt. 1. 使了解,使知道;使熟悉;使精通;告知,通知,告诉(with,of): You must acquaint with your new duties.你必须熟悉你的新职责。to acquaint the mayor with our plan使市长了解我们的计划2. [主美国英语]使认识,使相识,介绍(with): Are you acquainted with my elder sister?你跟我姐姐熟吗?He acquainted his classmate with my younger brother.他把我的弟弟介绍给他的同班同学。It takes time to acquaint yourself with a new job.要使你自己熟悉一项新的工作是需要时间的。en.bab.laLet us acquaint ourselves with the concept behind the origin of meditation.让我们先来熟悉一下冥想的起源和有关冥想的一些概念。en.bab.laAdversity is the state in which a man most easily becomes acquaint with himself, is especially free from admirer then .逆境,是使人最容易亲近自己的状态,因为当其时不会受到爱慕者的拘束。
2023-01-02 16:20:001


an expected duty
2023-01-02 16:20:079

acquaint 这单词要怎么记忆啊? 如何通过特殊方法记忆? 求大神帮忙 比如: 词根记忆:ex

quaint 少见的,古色古香的,acquaint 使熟悉(ac看为前缀,有强调的意思,强调少见的,就是使他们不少见,就是使熟悉),联想到一起即acquaintance 熟悉的人 (后缀加上ance,变为名词,熟悉的人)。
2023-01-02 16:20:512


可以通过下面办法记忆:首先记住quaint 少见的,古色古香的,acquaint 使熟悉(ac看为前缀,否定的意思,就是使他们不少见,就是使熟悉),联想到一起即acquaintance 熟悉的人 (后缀加上ance,变为名词,熟悉的人)。科学好记,而且一下记3个单词。1.联想记忆法:利用事物间的联系通过联想进行记忆的方法。联想是由当前感知或思考的事物想起有关的另一事物,或者由头脑中想起的一件事物,又引起想到另一件事物。由于客观事物是相互联系的,各种知识也是相互联系的,因而在思维中,联想是一种基本的思维形式,是记忆的一种方法。2.注意要点:(1)要选择好联想的中介物(即选择好联想的通道)。因为这是记忆的关键,选择得好,会“豁然开朗”,一下子联想到某种材料或解题的方法,问题就得到解决;选择得不好,有时十分简单的也会“卡壳”,久思不得其解。(2)要注意知识的积累。因为联想是新旧知识建立联系的产物,先学的知识应成为后学的知识的基础,旧知识积累得越多,新知识联系得越广泛,就越容易产生联想,也就越容易理解和记忆新知识。
2023-01-02 16:21:001


“告诉某人某事”英语表达方式:1、tell sb sth2、inform sb of sthinform读音:英 [ɪn"fɔːm],美 [ɪn"fɔːrm]释义:v. 通知;告诉;使熟悉;告发;赋特征于词汇搭配:inform police 通知警察inform authoritatively 官方通知inform about 告诉…扩展资料近义词acquaint读音:英 [ə"kweɪnt],美 [ə"kweɪnt]释义:vt. 使了解;使熟知;告知词汇搭配:acquaint information about sth 介绍; 使认识; 使了解acquaint sb with 使某人熟悉,把…告知某人acquaint fully 十分熟悉
2023-01-02 16:21:111


2023-01-02 16:21:202

acquaint oneself with怎么造句

It takes time to acquaint oneself with a new place. 认识一个新的环境需要时间。 acquaint oneself with开始知道
2023-01-02 16:21:291


“告诉某人某事”英语表达方式:1、tell sb sth2、inform sb of sthinform读音:英 [ɪn"fɔːm],美 [ɪn"fɔːrm]释义:v. 通知;告诉;使熟悉;告发;赋特征于词汇搭配:inform police 通知警察inform authoritatively 官方通知inform about 告诉…扩展资料近义词acquaint读音:英 [ə"kweɪnt],美 [ə"kweɪnt]释义:vt. 使了解;使熟知;告知词汇搭配:acquaint information about sth 介绍; 使认识; 使了解acquaint sb with 使某人熟悉,把…告知某人acquaint fully 十分熟悉
2023-01-02 16:21:341


没有用过这个advise ,不知道具体应该怎么使用啊
2023-01-02 16:21:436


一、详细释义:v.通知,告知;报告 [T]例句:We regret to inform you of the cancellation of the tour.我们遗憾地通知您,此次旅行取消了。例句:If you see anything suspicious, inform the police at once.你要是看到什么可疑的东西就马上通知警察。告发,检举 [I]例句:They decided to inform against him. 他们决定告发他。例句:He informed against the drugpusher. 他告发了那个毒品贩。二、词义辨析:inform,acquaint,notify,advise这些动词都有“通知、告知”之意。inform普通用词,指传达事实或信息,或指经过研究或调查而获得的事实或信息。acquaint指提供有关信息或情况使某人熟悉某些过程或复杂的情况。notify指正式通知需要注意的事情。advise指正式通知某件重要事,所通知的事情与被通知的人有关。三、参考例句:He will inform against you. 他会去告你的。 They shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof.他们应当立即就有关情况通知欧委会。They decided to inform the police.They decided to inform against him. 他们决定告发他。We"ll inform you in time.我们会及时通知你的。Please inform me of your arrival time beforehand.请事先通知我你抵达的时间。If you see something suspicious, inform the police at once.你要是看到什么可疑的东西就马上通知警察。If you see anything suspicious, inform the police at once.你要是看到什么可疑的东西就马上通知警察。Please inform me by letter of your plans.请来信把你的计划告诉我。Can you inform me when to begin our final examination?你能告诉我们什么时候期终考试吗?
2023-01-02 16:22:181


下面翻译比较口语化,单词难度适中,短语简单易懂。1.We can make more friends with foreigners by learning English.(短语:make friends with sb.)2.Because English is spoken all over the world, It will be very helpful for us to communicate with others if we learn English well.(句型:It is+形容词+for sb. to do sth)提醒:第二句翻译时使用it will be +adj.+for sb. to do sth(主句:使用一般将来时) if ...learn...(从句:使用一般现在时),因为if从句要使用的语法就是:主将从现。
2023-01-02 16:22:277


Understand 安得斯但得
2023-01-02 16:22:538


1: The order form carries on the contract appraisal to the customerinstitute under, mainly from the technology, the project, theproductivity, aspect and so on material supply ability appraisedwhether can satisfy the customer order form request; 2: To order form of through the contract appraisal according to theorder form 交期, the material anticipated condition, the productioncondition carries on the thick ability productive plan arrangement,takes the material order arrangement, basis of the productionarrangement; 3: According to the productive plan, the material detailed list, thestock situation, has not completed the order form quantity, has notdelivered the situation, the purchase cycle and so on signs and issuesthe purchase application; 4: Follows up the material arrival of shipment condition, the qualitycondition, promptly with the supplier, this department research anddevelopment department, the engineering dept, the productiondepartment, the material quality question which the quality departmentsolution appears, guarantees the production smoothly to carry on; 5: The arrangement, supervises and follows up to produce the progress,guarantees produces can meet the anticipated requirements. * Familiar material department (PMC) overall operation, ripe MPR/ERPsystem, eight years material department manager work experience. * Is responsible for the ship service/plan/thing to control/thepurchase/goods warehouse/declaration supervisory work * The goal guides humanist * Is good at the staff driving that, takes staff training andthe development * Good achievements management ability Many years large-scale foreign capital enterprise workexperience, once (3,000) above the person held the post of materialdepartment manager in the large-scale foreign capital enterprise abovethe duty eight years, the familiar material department overalloperated, the ripe MPR/ERP system, familiar customs orderliness andthe policy, had the stronger policy-making strength regarding thematerial system establishment. Is responsible for the shipservice/plan/thing to control/the purchase/goods warehouse/declarationsupervisory work, the goal guides humanist, the organizationcoordinates the analysis ability to be stronger, is good at the staffdriving, takes staff"s training and the development. Individual reason, seeks the development!
2023-01-02 16:23:204

advise是什么意思及用法 翻译advise的意思

英音 [əd"vaiz] ;,美音 [əd"vaiz] ;,动词 1.[I,T][~ ( *** ) against sth/doing sth ~ *** (on sth)]劝告,忠告,建议 2. 及物动词: [~ *** (of sth)] 通知或告知某人,时态 advised,advising,advises,这些动词均有“劝告、忠告、警告”之意。 advise普通用词,泛指劝告,不涉及对方是否听从劝告。 caution主要指针对有潜在危险而提出的警告,含小心从事的意味。 warn含义与caution相同,但语气较重,尤指重后果。 admonish一般指年长者或领导对已犯错误的或有过失的人提出的忠告或警告以避免类似错误。 counsel正式用词,语气比advise强一些,侧重指对重要问题提出的劝告、建议或咨询。,这些动词都有“通知、告知”之意。 inform普通用词,指传达事实或信息,或指经过研究或调查而获得的事实或信息。 acquaint指提供有关信息或情况使某人熟悉某些过程或复杂的情况。 notify指正式通知需要注意的事情。 advise指正式通知某件重要事,所通知的事情与被通知的人有关。,give advice to,inform (somebody) of something,make a proposal, declare a plan for something,advise on 就…对某人提出劝告 ,advise fate 【经】 "命运通知", 支票足额通知 ,advise on sth 商量 ,advise about 就…对某人提出劝告 ,to advise that... 建议(做)... ,advise and pay 通知并付款简称A/P,为电汇(*T.T.)付款方式的一种,即被委托付款的银行于收到电汇电报后,通知受款人,请其前来领款者,称为通知并付款。与此相对的方式称为请求时付款(*pay on applic ,please advise 请指导 ,to advise doing 建议(做)... ,to advise *** that... 把(某事)通知(某人) ,advise against 劝告不要… ,advise v. 1.[I,T][~ ( *** ) against sth/doing sth; ~ *** (on sth)]劝告,忠告,建议2.[T][~ *** (of sth)] 通知或告知某人
2023-01-02 16:23:371


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